Report of Proceedings of House of Keys
REPORT OF PROCEEDINGS OF HOUSE OF KEYS Douglas, Tuesday, March '7, 1967 Present: The Speaker (Mr H. C. as the hon. member for Peel. When Kerruish, C.R), Messrs R. J. G. this House erected him to the Anderson, H. D. C. MacLeod, E, N. Legislative Council it was in every way Crowe, R. F. S. KerrUish, P. Radcliffe, an admirable choice. Mr Gale took his Miss J. C. C. Thornton-Duesbery, full share of all the responsible admini- Messrs P. A. S.pittall, W. E. Quayle, strative work which falls on the T. C. Faragher, A. H. Simcocks, G. T. shoulders of members of Tynwald, and Crellin, C. L. P. Vereker, J. A. Moore, at all times maintained that sunny and T. A. Corkish, E. C. Irving, C. E. Burke, cheerful disposition which we all G. V. H. Kneele, G. A. Devereau, R. MacDonald, A. S. Kelly, Sir Henry remember so well. A man of his Sugden, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., with Mr temperament is invaluable to any T. E. Kerineen, Secretary to the House. legislative assembly, and those of us who worked with him found that our tasks, however onerous, were lightened by his good natured participation in RETURN OF THE SECRETARY debate and deliberation. To his family we offer our sincere sympathy which AFTER mraNEss we hope to show by our attendance at The Speaker: Hon. members, I am his funeral this afternoon. Members sure I express this morning the pleasure will be aware that I propose to adjourn we all feel at seeing our secretary back the House at 12.15 to enable members in his accustomed place.
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