Clinical Chemistry 46:12 1883–1893 (2000) Review

The Role of the Clinical Laboratory in Managing Chemical or Biological Terrorism

Saeed A. Jortani,1 James W. Snyder,1 and Roland Valdes, Jr.1,2*

Background: Domestic and international acts of terror- to respond to such attacks. Accurate assessment of ism using chemicals and pathogens as weapons have resources in clinical laboratories is important because it recently attracted much attention because of several will provide local authorities with an alternative re- hoaxes and real incidents. Clinical laboratories, espe- source for immediate diagnostic analysis. It is, therefore, cially those affiliated with major trauma centers, should recommended that clinical laboratories identify their be prepared to respond rapidly by providing diagnostic current resources and the extent of support they can tests for the detection and identification of specific provide, and inform the authorities of their state of agents, so that specific therapy and victim management readiness. can be initiated in a timely manner. As first-line re- © 2000 American Association for Clinical Chemistry sponders, clinical laboratory personnel should become familiar with the various chemical or biological agents Release of chemical and biological warfare agents threat- and be active participants in their local defense pro- ens civilian populations throughout the world. Potential grams. sources of exposure include accidental release from mili- Approach: We review the selected agents previously tary factories and stockpiles, direct military attacks, in- considered or used in chemical and biological warfare, dustrial accidents, and intentional release as an act of outline their poisonous and pathogenic effects, describe terrorism (1). Chemical warfare has been used by the techniques used in their identification, address some of military, such as the mustard gas attack by the Iraqi the logistical and technical difficulties in maintaining government on civilians in Iraq and Iran in 1986 (2), and such tests in clinical laboratories, and comment on some by terrorist organizations, such as the release of sarin by of the analytical issues, such as specimen handling and the Aum Shinrikyo cult in Matsumoto City (Japan) in 1994 personal protective equipment. (3). Both of these incidents caused high morbidity and Content: The chemical agents discussed include nerve, mortality. The use of biological agents as weapons has blistering, and pulmonary agents and cyanides. Biolog- been limited. Major incidents have included the acciden- ical agents, including anthrax and smallpox, are also tal release of anthrax from a military testing facility in the discussed as examples for organisms with potential use former Soviet Union in 1979 (4) and the intentional in bioterrorism. Available therapies for each agent are contamination of restaurant salad bars with Salmonella by outlined to assist clinical laboratory personnel in mak- a religious cult in Oregon in 1984 (5). ing intelligent decisions regarding implementation of Many of the attacks involving disease-producing or- diagnostic tests as a part of a comprehensive defense ganisms, or in some cases chemical agents, are first program. identified by local medical institutions. Rapid response to Summary: As the civilian medical community prepares such attacks involves the timely administration of anti- for biological and chemical terrorist attacks, improve- dotes, especially for cyanides and nerve agents, or vac- ment in the capabilities of clinical laboratories is essen- cines and antibiotics for smallpox and anthrax, respec- tial in supporting counterterrorism programs designed tively. Therefore, there might not be sufficient time for advanced analytical procedures to be performed in highly equipped government or military laboratories. The local

Departments of 1 Pathology and Laboratory Medicine and 2 Biochemistry laboratory will play an important role in providing rapid and Molecular Biology, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, identification of the agent involved, which will influence KY 40292. the administration of an antidote or vaccine to the affected *Address correspondence to this author at: Department of Pathology and victims. Laboratory Medicine, University of Louisville School of Medicine, Louisville, KY 40292. Fax 502-852-1771; e-mail [email protected]. We will review selected agents that have previously Received March 16, 2000; accepted September 25, 2000. been considered or used in chemical and biological war-

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fare, discuss the mechanisms by which these agents act, programs before the 1970s were Francisella tularensis, and outline the techniques used for their identification. staphylococcal enterotoxin B, Brucella suis, and Coxiella We will also discuss current antidotal, antimicrobial, and burnetii. The Soviet Union had focused on smallpox, vaccination treatment strategies and address specific an- plague, Q-fever, Marburg hemorrhagic fever, melioidosis, alytical issues, such as specimen handling and the use of and typhus (4). Table 2 lists the various bacteria and laboratory testing for the diagnosis and management of viruses that should be considered as possible agents in a victims exposed to chemical or biological agents. Labora- bioterrorism attack. Because of their lethality and propen- tory personnel should obtain funding from local author- sity for mass destruction, anthrax and smallpox will be ities to defray the costs of specialized equipment, re- highlighted in this review. agents, and personnel (6). Regardless of the type of agent used in an attack (i.e., Chemical Agents chemical or biological), it is important to provide suffi- Measurement of various chemical warfare agents, and cient protection for laboratory personnel who will analyze perhaps their degradation products, in victims can be suspicious environmental materials, air samples, and useful for triaging patients, confirming exposure, and specimens collected from humans. Most hazardous-mate- identifying the particular substances involved and the rial-response teams are currently equipped with level A possible treatments available, including antidotal therapy. personnel protective equipment (1). It is intuitive that The role of the clinical laboratory is to provide rapid local laboratory personnel who will be dealing with these analysis of biological samples in situations for which attacks in support of the defense structure should be timely results can affect patient treatment. Clinical labo- equipped with appropriate personnel protective equip- ratories should also collect, handle, and ship specimens in ment to prevent exposure to chemicals or organisms. a manner appropriate for government and reference lab- Chemical weapons are classified into four major cate- oratories to conduct further analysis and confirmatory gories based on their mode of action: nerve agents, testing. Providing information on each chemical agent to blistering (vesicant) agents, pulmonary agents, and cya- the physicians treating potentially exposed individuals is nides. We will review representative agents from each also an important role for the clinical laboratory. class of these chemicals (Table 1). The use of poisons as weapons dates back to 431 BC, With regard to biological agents, the biological warfare when sulfur was burned beneath the walls of the cities of programs of both the United States and the former Soviet Plataea and Belium in the Athenian and Spartan Wars (7). Union had Bacillus anthracis (anthrax), botulinus toxin, Other notable incidents before the 20th century include and Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus in their the use of picric acid and sulfur by the British during the respective biological weapons arsenals. Additional agents Boer and Crimean Wars. The most extensive use of used by the United States for biological weapons research chemical warfare occurred during World War I, when the

Table 1. Chemical warfare agents. Name Code Chemical name Site of action Nerve agents Tabun GA Ethyl-N-dimethylphosphoroamidocyanidate AchE Sarin GB Isopropylmethylphosphonofluoridate AchE Soman GD Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate AchE VX VX O-Ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl] AchE methylphosphonothiate Vesicants Sulfur mustard HD 2,2Ј-Dichlorodiethyl sulfide Blistering agent; strong alkylating properties, affecting eyes, skin, and lungs Nitrogen mustard HN-1 2,2Ј-Dichloro-N-methyldiethylamine Blistering agent; strong alkylating properties, causing systemic toxicity I L1 Dichloro(2-chlorovinyl)arsine Blistering agent, irritating to eyes and lungs Pulmonary agents Phosgene CG Lung Chlorine CL Lung Cyanides HCN AC Hydrogen cyanide Cytochrome oxidase CK CK Cyanogen chloride Cytochrome oxidase Clinical Chemistry 46, No. 12, 2000 1885

Table 2. Biological warfare agents.a Acute toxic manifestations of cholinergic crisis caused by nerve agents are similar to those caused by organophos- Disease caused or common Biothreatb Organism/Agent name level phates, which include increased sweating and bronchial, Variola major Small pox A salivary, ocular, and intestinal secretions; “pinpoint” pu- B. anthracis Anthrax A pils (miosis); intestinal hypermotility; bronchospasms; Yersinia pestis Plague A and bradycardia (11–13). Muscular fasciculation, weak- Clostridium botulinum Botulism A ness, and paralysis also can be observed because of toxin nicotinic effects on the synapse. Other health effects from F. tularensis Tularemia A exposure to organophosphates, including nerve agents Ebola filovirus Ebola hemorrhagic fever A and insecticides, are organophosphate-induced delayed Marburg filovirus Marburg hemorrhagic fever A neuropathy, subtle long-term effects on the nervous sys- Lassa arenavirus Lassa fever A tem (physiological and psychological), and intermediate Junin arenavirus Argentine hemorrhagic fever A syndrome (i.e., reversible muscular weakness) (14). C. burnetii Q-Fever B The “G” agents [GA (tabun), GB (sarin), and GD Brucella species Brucellosis B (soman)] have a greater ability than VX to activate the Burkholderia mallei Glanders B nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ion channels (11). The Alphaviruses Venezuelan B encephalomyelitis or bonds formed between nerve agents and AchE can be equine encephalomyelitis rapidly hydrolyzed by oximes (RCHANOH) such as Ricinus communis Ricin toxin B obidoxime chloride or pralidoxime, which provides the (castor beans) rationale for the use of these drugs as antidotes (13). Clostridium perfringens Epsilon toxin B Other approaches, such as immunotherapy (i.e., the ad- Nipah virus C ministration of antibodies against poisons such as soman Hantaviruses C to reduce their toxicity), have been reported (15).An Tick-borne viruses Hemorrhagic fever and/or C encephalitis indication of exposure to nerve agents and organophos- phate pesticides is a rapid reduction in serum cholinest- a Adapted from Khan et al. (83). b Category A agents pose the greatest threat because of their relative ease of erase activity (pseudocholinesterase). Automated instru- transmission and high rate of mortality. Category B agents have moderate ease ments, such as the Vitros (Ortho Clinical Diagnostics) and of transmission and morbidity with low rate of mortality. Category C agents refers the aca® STARTM (Dade-Behring), have assays available to emerging pathogens and potential risks for the future. for measuring cholinesterase activity. Ratnaike et al. (16) also have described a method for measuring plasma Germans released chlorine gas against the Russians. Mus- cholinesterase with the COBAS-Bio centrifugal analyzer. tard gas was also introduced by the Germans during this Recovery of cholinesterase activity has been reported to period and was used by both armies, causing 1.2 million range from 30 to 40 days for plasma and 90 to 100 days for casualties (7). The Germans introduced nerve agents in erythrocytes (17). Therefore, serum cholinesterase activity 1943 and used them to kill millions of people incarcerated can be measured for assessment of acute exposure and in concentration camps. Although the use of chemical erythrocyte enzymatic activity for evaluation of chronic agents in warfare violated the Geneva Convention of exposure. 1925, the Italian army used mustard gas against Ethiopia Meuling et al. (18) have reported an automated in 1935, Japan conducted chemical attacks on the Chinese method for the determination of both acetyl- and pseudo- in 1937, and the Iraqi government carried out poison cholinesterase activity in hemolyzed whole blood. In this ␤ attacks on civilians in both Iraq and Iran in 1986 and on technique, butyrylthiocholine and acetyl- -(methyl)thio- Ͼ the Kurdish population in northern Iraq in 1988 (2, 7, 8). choline are used as substrates, each of which has 97% The United States Congress ordered the destruction of the specificity for its intended enzyme. With regard to mea- chemical weapon stockpile of the United States in 1986 suring the concentration of a particular nerve agent, gas (9). chromatographs equipped with different detection modes (e.g., thermospray ionization detection, flame ionization nerve agents detection, and nitrogen-phosphorous detection) can be Nerve agents (Table 1) are organic esters of phosphoric used (19). With gas chromatography (GC), the Kovats acid derivatives (similar to the organophosphate pesti- retention time index can be used to reliably screen sam- cides) and elicit their toxic effects through inactivation of ples for the presence of chemical warfare agents, includ- acetylcholinesterase (AchE)3 (10). The worldwide stock- ing the nerve agents. The Kovats index relates the loga- pile of nerve agents is estimated to be ϳ200 000 metric rithm of the retention time of a substance, regardless of its tons (11). chemical nature, to n-paraffins eluting before and after the peak of interest (20). To increase the sensitivity of detec- tion, various approaches, such as injection of large vol- 3 Nonstandard abbreviations: AchE, acetylcholinesterase; GC, gas chroma- umes of sample on the column, atomic emission detection, tography; MS, mass spectrometry; MS-MS, tandem MS; and BT, biothreat. and GC coupled with ion mobility spectrometry, have 1886 Jortani et al.: Managing Chemical or Biological Terrorism

been taken (19). The most preferred method of detection respiratory tract (29). Reporting on the treatment of 535 and confirmation of nerve agents is GC coupled with patients exposed to mustard gas in the Iraq-Iran War, mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Both chemical and electron- Momeni et al. (31) observed erythema in 76%, bulla in impact ionization followed by tandem MS (MS-MS) have 55%, and purpura in 1.1% of individuals. The authors been used for identification of nerve agents (21). Methods considered lymphopenia the most serious clinical defi- such as this have been touted as indispensable for the ciency, which appeared in 7% of patients. Subepidermal analysis of chemical warfare agents, but the complexity of bullae with mild dermal and epidermal necrosis were the the procedures and the time-consuming derivatization primary pathological findings on the biopsy samples of reactions are considered disadvantages (19). Therefore, at the lesions (31). Although it has generally been believed present the conformation of a particular nerve agent must that there is no effective antidote for sulfur mustard, be determined in highly specialized laboratories, such as Sawyer et al. (33) recently reported that 1-thiocitrulline those managed by the military or other government provides a high degree of protection against this agent. agencies. This protection evidently occurs through inhibition of Nerve agents and the organophosphate pesticides have nitric oxide synthase by arginine analogs such as 1-thio- been measured using biosensor technology (22), which citrulline. includes a biological element (e.g., an enzyme or an It is generally accepted that Lewisite poisoning can be antibody) and a detection element. The biological element effectively treated by British Anti-Lewisite (2,3-dimercap- of the biosensor can be AchE itself, which is commercially topropanol). This antidote also has been used against available in purified form. Various detection modes for other poisons containing heavy metals (e.g., mercury, enzymatic activity have been reported, including the use , lead, copper, and gold) (30). The Allies first of electrodes to monitor changes in pH (23), a light synthesized Lewisite during World War I. Despite the fact “addressable” potentiometric sensor (24), ion-sensitive that it was not used in the war, it was considered the best field-effect transistors (25), and amperometric measure- arsenical war gas (30). Lewisite is a racemic mixture of the ment of sequential enzymatic reactions catalyzed by AchE cis and trans isomers, which are highly reactive because of (26). Recently, the degradation products of nerve agents the presence of various reactive groups (e.g., chlorine, have been successfully separated by reversed osmotic trivalent arsenic, and multiple bonds). After contact with flow capillary electrophoresis (27). This method was the human body, Lewisite is rapidly converted to the developed for environmental monitoring and is highly 2-chlorovinyl arsonous form, which produces severe irri- sensitive (detection limit, 75 ␮g/L in conductivity detec- tation of the skin, eyes, and lungs (30). Lewisite can be tion mode and 100 ␮g/L in ultraviolet detection mode) toxic to the liver and kidneys and may lead to permanent (27). Anti-VX monoclonal antibodies have been used to blindness if not decontaminated immediately (34). measure low VX concentrations (ϳ4 ␮g/L) (28). Because of the use of blistering agents during the Iran-Iraq War, various methods were developed to detect vesicants sulfur mustard in water and soil and in biological fluids Vesicants are also known as blistering agents because collected from victims (19). Both solid- and liquid-phase they irritate the skin, eyes, and lungs and may further extraction procedures have been described for the isola- affect other organs if absorbed into the body. This group tion of sulfur mustard from environmental and biological of chemical warfare agents includes sulfur mustard, specimens (35, 36). The major hydrolysis product of sul- Lewisite [dichloro(2-chlorovinyl)arsine], and nitrogen fur mustard is thiodiglycol (29, 37). Other metabolites of mustards. Nitrogen mustards have not been produced in sulfur mustard that can be detected in the urine have been substantial quantities, and they have some medicinal use reported (38). Analysis of sulfur mustard and its degra- as anticonvulsant agents (29). Toxic manifestations of dation products has been performed using capillary GC sulfur mustard poisoning appear several hours after ex- (35), GC-MS (36), and GC-MS-MS (39). The GC-MS-MS posure (9), whereas Lewisite readily irritates the skin on method has been reported to be highly sensitive, with a contact (30). Sulfur mustard (Table 1) was first synthe- detection limit of 0.1 ␮g/L compared with the GC-MS or sized in 1854 and was used during World War I by the capillary GC methods, which have detection limits of 2–5 German army (31). In the 1980s, sulfur mustard and, to a and 45 ␮g/L, respectively (35, 39). Hooijschuur et al. (37) lesser extent, Lewisite were used by the Iraqi government recently reported the online coupling of reversed-phase against the Kurdish and Iranian populations and by the microcolumn liquid chromatography and sulfur-selective Soviet Union against the Afghani population. Mustard flame photometric detection to measure sulfur mustard gas, named because of its distinctive odor, appears as “a and thiodiglycol in aqueous samples. In addition to poisonous cloud” in aerosol form. It is a strong alkylating measuring sulfur mustard and its degradation products, agent with the ability to undergo nucleophilic substitu- adducts formed by alkylation of hemoglobin (40), serum tion and hydrolytic reaction with other molecules, such as albumin (41), and DNA (42) have been identified and proteins (32). considered as potential biomarkers for exposure to this Sulfur mustard is considered a vesicant because of its vesicant. The hemoglobin adducts were measured by blistering properties, which affect the skin, eyes, and electrospray ionization liquid chromatography-MS-MS, Clinical Chemistry 46, No. 12, 2000 1887

whereas analysis of the alkylated products of serum be produced by the combination of carbon monoxide, albumin involved the binding of 14C-labeled sulfur mus- chlorine, and activated charcoal and appears as a colorless tard to the protein and MS analysis of the cysteine gas with the smell of fresh-cut grass (49). Phosgene was adducts (40, 41). The detection of DNA-sulfur mustard used against the Allies in World War I and was respon- adducts by ELISA using an antiserum produced in rabbits sible for Ͼ80% of the chemical agent-related deaths (34). has been shown to have a detection limit comparable to It currently has extensive use in various industries, e.g., in that of an ELISA method that uses monoclonal antibodies the production of dyes, plastics, polyurethanes, pesti- (42). cides, and pharmaceuticals (50). A choking sensation, , nausea, and headache are usually present Ͻ2h pulmonary agents after exposure to phosgene, which is considered the initial Pulmonary agents primarily affect the lungs and the period of exposure (34). In the latent period, which can be ability to breathe. These agents are also referred to as up to 48 h after exposure, the victim may be free of any choking agents and include chlorine gas, phosgene, symptoms of poisoning. Usually during the first 24 h after diphosgene, and chloropicrin (34). Of these, chlorine gas the latent period, severe pulmonary damage and edema and phosgene exhibit their toxicity in the form of acute occur, accompanied by hypoxemia and reduced plasma accompanied by irritation of the nose, volume (49). Some of the symptoms of phosgene poison- larynx, pharynx, trachea, and bronchi (34). Chlorine is a ing appearing at this point include rapid respiration, greenish-yellow gas first used as a chemical warfare agent painful cough, and cyanosis (34). Death occurs as a result in World War I, and it is present in various industrial and of hypoxemia, , and . One household cleaning products. The interaction of chlorine proposed mechanism for the toxicity of phosgene is its gas with water produces (HCl) and hydrolysis to HCl and CO2, leading to local irritation and hypochlorous acid (HOCl), which can damage tissues severe reflex vasoconstriction, both of which contribute to (43). Because of its intermediate water solubility, chlorine pulmonary edema. Death occurs as the result of subse- affects both the upper and peripheral airways, causing quent events, mainly loss of plasma volume, hypoxia, immediate mucus membrane irritation, cough, hemopty- shock, and cardiac failure (49). sis, chest tightness, and (43, 44). Toxic An alternative mechanism for phosgene-induced acute pulmonary edema is the main consequence of chlorine lung injury involves the direct changes made on the exposure, and treatment is mainly symptomatic with erythrocyte membranes by exposure to the gas (50). supplemental oxygen by mask, antitussives, and broncho- Nevertheless, phosgene-induced neutrophil migration dilators (45, 46). In a worker who had been briefly ex- has been associated with extent of lung injury and mor- posed to chlorine gas in Australia, irritating cough was tality. Inhibitors of neutrophil influx, such as colchicine, the main symptom observed. Interestingly, exposure to may have potential antidotal value (51). Another anti- the chlorine gas had changed the color of the worker’s dotal approach has been the use of hexamethylenetetra- underwear from blue to pink. This was attributed to the mine, whose efficacy has been controversial (52). How- production of hydrochloric acid on the moist surface of ever, prophylactic administration of this agent has been his clothing, which was comparable to the surface of shown to provide substantial protection against the ad- litmus pH paper indicating acid formation (47). verse effects of phosgene (52, 53). Postexposure aminoph- Exposure to chlorine gas can be measured by auto- ylline therapy (54) and intratracheal administration of mated portable sensors, which are based on electrochem- dibutyryl cAMP (which inhibits pulmonary endothelial or Ϫ ical conversion of the gas molecule to two Cl ions. epithelial cell contraction and arachidonic acid produc- Alternatively, exposure to chlorine gas can be measured tion) have been shown to be protective against phosgene- by its absorption in 1 mol/L sodium hydroxide, followed induced pulmonary edema (50). In the treatment of by the addition of hydrogen chloride and potassium phosgene poisoning, Regan (55) has recommended early iodide, and by the titration of chlorine with 0.01 mol/L intubation and adequate blood volume monitoring fol- sodium thiosulfate (45). It has not been determined lowed by extended pulmonary function testing and chest whether exposure to chlorine gas leads to increases of x-rays (for up to 2 months). Currently, there is no method serum chloride. Currently, the main role of the clinical available for analyzing phosgene in biological fluids for laboratory in cases of chlorine gas poisoning is to provide diagnostic purposes. However, phosgene can be detected rapid blood gas analysis, which is continuously moni- in air by portable gas detectors similar to the ones tored during the supportive therapy of victims. Pulmo- described for chlorine testing. nary function tests are important and are usually admin- In preparing for a potential gas attack involving chlo- istered by other entities in the clinical setting. Pulmonary rine or phosgene, understanding the particular character- complications, mainly characterized by low residual vol- istics of each agent, such as odor and acute and delayed ume, have been reported as long-term sequelae associated effects on the patient, may be of great value. The clinical with chlorine gas poisoning (48). laboratory should be prepared to analyze blood gases The other prominent choking agent is phosgene (car- immediately on potential victims. It also has been re- bonyl chloride), which was first synthesized in 1812. It can ported that the protein concentration in bronchoalveolar 1888 Jortani et al.: Managing Chemical or Biological Terrorism

lavage is increased as a result of phosgene poisoning (56). (61), determination of cyanide concentrations in blood is Therefore, the laboratory should validate bronchoalveolar useful for biochemical confirmation and after antidotal lavage as an acceptable specimen for protein analysis and treatment and other therapeutic measures. Others have be prepared to provide this test as an indicator of the disagreed with this point based on the fact that the toxic extent of edema. burden is the amount of cyanide within the cells. Typical plasma and whole blood cyanide concentrations are 0.004 cyanides and 0.016 mg/L, respectively, in nonsmokers and 0.006 Cyanide and cyanogenic agents elicit their poisonous and 0.041 mg/L, respectively, in smokers. In cases of properties by affecting respiration and oxygen consump- suspected cyanide poisoning, blood concentrations Ͼ2.5 tion, which leads to anoxia. The sources for cyanide mg/L are associated with coma and death (51). Blood poison are diverse, ranging from fruit pits, nuts, or seeds cyanide values measured in fatalities caused by ingestion to industrial-based materials, such as those used in metal are higher than in fatalities caused by inhalation of the processing, electroplating, rubber and plastic production, drug (58). Thiocyanate concentrations in plasma have also insecticide and rodenticide production, chemical synthe- been measured in the plasma of poisoned patients; how- sis, and extraction of gold and silver ores (57). Cyanide ever, the use of these measurements in real-time manage- can also be produced at very low concentrations in vivo as ment of patients is questionable. It is noteworthy that a result of vitamin B12 metabolism or smoking. Cyanide blood concentrations of cyanide either increase or de- can be ingested in many forms, including the halogenated crease during storage, depending on the temperature (62). form, salts (i.e., potassium, sodium, or calcium), or as Measurement of cyanide in various human tissues, espe- hydrogen cyanide gas. Cyanide can also be generated in cially in blood, has been described (61). It is important to vivo as a result of the metabolism of cyanogenic plants or note that samples collected for cyanide analysis should be various pharmaceuticals such as sodium nitroprusside kept in sealed containers. This will assure that cyanide is and laetrile (57). Cyanide has been used in suicidal and not produced or lost and that results are not affected homicidal deaths as well as in judicial executions. The because of storage. Allies used cyanogen chloride (ClCN), a highly volatile Various methods, such as the of the Conway micro- liquid, and the gas form, HCN, in World War II (29).Inits diffusion dish or various aeration methods, have been gaseous form, cyanide is lethal within seconds after described previously for extraction of cyanide from sam- exposure, and it can cause death within minutes to several ples (61). A head-space gas chromatographic procedure hours after ingestion of the salt form (57). In a genetically for the isolation and analysis of cyanide has also been determined fashion, 50% of the population is able to described (63). In this method, the detection limit was recognize the almond-like odor of cyanide at concentra- 0.005 mg/L, and the method was linear at concentrations tions Ͼ1 ppm in air (58). of 0.005 mg/L to 1 g/L. Derivatization of cyanide to Cyanide has a great affinity for iron in its ferric state 1-cyano-2-benzoisoindole, using 2,3-naphthalenedialde- ϩ (Fe3 ), thereby inhibiting mitochondrial cytochrome oxi- hyde, followed by fluorometric detection (excitation dase enzyme. Inhibition of this enzyme leads to failure of wavelength, 418 nm; emission wavelength, 460 nm) was oxygen transportation and utilization by the cells, leading reported to be linear at concentrations of 0.002–1 mg/L to death from cytotoxic anoxia (59, 60). The main focus in (64). Use of the Conway microdiffusion dish followed the treatment of cyanide poisoning is to provide a large by ion-specific electrode (65) has also been reported for pool of oxidized iron to compete with the cytochrome determination of blood cyanide concentrations. Determi- oxidase for binding to the poison (60). Nitrites can be nation of blood cyanide and thiocyanate by GC-MS after used as antidotes to oxidize the hemoglobin in blood to extractive derivatization has also been reported (66).A methemoglobin, which can bind to cyanide to form cya- simple, rapid, and inexpensive method for the detection nmethemoglobin. Various cobalt compounds such as co- of cyanide in blood is the Cyanotesmo test paper (avail- balt EDTA and hydroxycobaltamine can also be used as able from Gallard-Schlesinger Industries) with a detection antidotes; when hydroxycobaltamine is used, cyanide limit of 0.2 mg/L (67). vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) is formed, which can be excreted by the kidneys (60). Detoxification can also Biological Agents include administration of thiosulfate, which is incorpo- One major challenge confronting the clinical laboratory, rated into thiocyanate by rhodanese (a mitochondrial especially the microbiology laboratory, is being prepared transsulfurase enzyme) and excreted in the urine. Al- to respond to a bioterrorism event in a timely and efficient though administration of oxygen alone in cyanide intox- manner. The role to be played by the clinical microbiology ication cases is not very useful, when combined with the laboratory is no different from its current role: to detect, above-mentioned antidotes, it can be highly effective (60). recover, characterize, identify, and if possible, determine Although venous blood collected from cyanide-intoxi- the susceptibility of the agent to antimicrobial agents. cated patients has been said to appear pink or bright red Complicating the role of the laboratory is the challenge because of reduced dissociation of oxygen, this may not that confronts laboratory personnel in suspecting and always be true (59). According to Troup and Ballantyne recognizing the current targeted agents. Clinical Chemistry 46, No. 12, 2000 1889

Of the three major types of weapons of mass destruc- The frequency at which these organisms are encoun- tion, biological agents pose the greatest threat and are tered in the laboratory is extremely rare, and as a result, most likely to be used in the commission of a biocrime. most laboratory personnel, regardless of their training Biological agents possess unique properties that enhance and experience, are not familiar with the basic character- their attractiveness to individuals or groups wanting to istics and natural histories of these agents. Additionally, inflict high morbidity and mortality on the human popu- lack of familiarization with the four levels of biosafety and lation (Table 3). For example, although anthrax is not chain of custody criteria represent potential barriers to the spread from person to person, those individuals who are laboratory in responding to a bioterrorism event. Whether exposed to an aerosol containing the organism may a bioterrorism incident is announced (overt) or unan- develop illness within 72 h and up to 8 weeks after initial nounced (covert), the clinical laboratory may be requested exposure. to analyze human or environmental specimens or to The NATO Handbook on Biological Terrorism (68) forward them to a designated reference laboratory. In lists 31 biological agents that have been targeted as most either case, it is important to coordinate all activities with likely to be used in a bioterrorism attack. Of these, six the local and state health departments and the Federal have been designated as “high priority” agents: B. anthra- Bureau of Investigation. A chain of custody document cis, the agent in anthrax; Yersinia pestis, the agent in should accompany any specimen from the moment of plague; F. tularensis, the agent in tularemia; Brucella spp, collection to maintain documentation for any criminal the agents in brucellosis; botulinum toxin, produced by C. investigation. Alternatively, the hospital laboratory may botulinum; and variola major (smallpox). These agents, be consulted by physicians seeking information regarding with the exception of variola major, occur naturally in the the collection and transport of specimens suspected of environment and cause occasional episodes of infection in harboring an agent of bioterrorism. As a first responder, human and animal populations. Lower on the list of the laboratory may be the first to encounter a biological potential agents are glanders, typhus, Q fever, Venezue- agent. In these cases, the laboratory personnel should be lan equine encephalomyelitis, and the hemorrhagic vi- familiar with what steps are to be taken to assist in the ruses such as the Marburg and Ebola viruses. Thus, any diagnosis of each disease. biological agent is capable of causing human disease and To address the serious deficiencies in the current state must be considered as a potential threat. Furthermore, of laboratory preparedness and to improve response, the anyone with a basic knowledge of microbiology, includ- CDC has created the Laboratory Response Network, ing an understanding of culture methods for the detection which has been designed to provide an organized re- and recovery of these organisms, is potentially capable of sponse system for the detection and diagnosis of biolog- producing and releasing an agent in an act of bioterror- ical agents based on laboratory capacity and the degree of ism. Such an act occurred in 1984 when members of the risk. Four levels of laboratory capacity, referred to as Rajneeshi religious sect intentionally contaminated salad biothreat (BT) levels, have been identified: BT levels A, B, bars with Salmonella typhimurium in Dallas, Oregon with C, and D. Each level has designated core testing capaci- the intent of influencing local elections. Nearly 750 people ties, including specific biosafety requirements. For exam- became ill, but none died or required hospitalization (69). ple, a BT level A laboratory must have a certified biolog- Other such episodes could occur, but unlike the lethal ical safety cabinet, be capable of ruling out critical consequences of smallpox and anthrax, agents such as S. biological agents, and refer the agent or specimen to a typhimurium have a low virulence capacity, and outbreaks higher-level laboratory, i.e., a BT level B facility. The most resulting from these strains are unlikely to cause panic or complex diagnostic testing, including archiving, agent overwhelm the healthcare capacity of the medical com- identification and confirmation, and evaluation of un- munity. known agents for synthetic molecular chimeras would be performed in a BT level D facility, which functions at the highest biosafety level (i.e., biosafety level 4). Therefore, Table 3. Unique attributes of biological warfare agents. the complexity in diagnostic testing and handling of ● Pathogenic to humans, animals, and plants biological agents increases with the level designation. ● Environmentally stable because they are found naturally in the environment Level A laboratories have the minimum core capacity, ● Effective at low doses and the highest capacity and most advanced techniques ● Adaptable to weapon systems, including dispersal by aerosols are offered by level D laboratories. Most community, ● Cause high rates of morbidity and mortality private, university, and commercial laboratories are clas- ● Difficult to diagnose and/or treat sified as BT level A and operate at biosafety level 2. ● Relatively easy to obtain because of their natural occurrence As a first responder, the clinical laboratory will play a ● Inexpensive compared with nuclear and chemical agents pivotal role in responding to an act of bioterrorism. ● Adaptable to gene manipulation, which can lead to the creation of Several issues must be addressed before the laboratory “designer” microbes with increased virulence and/or antimicrobial can effectively play its role as a first responder: (a) resistance knowledge of the current biosafety level within the labo- ● Delayed symptoms, usually days to weeks after the attack ratory; (b) development and availability of protocols re- 1890 Jortani et al.: Managing Chemical or Biological Terrorism

lated to the chain of custody, collection, preservation, and scenario reported by Inglesby (75) outlines the course of shipment of specimens and cultures and detection and events in a possible scenario involving the release of identification of targeted agents; (c) location of the nearest anthrax during a football game in the Northeastern higher-level reference laboratory; (d) knowledge of cur- United States. Unfortunately, it is not until 3–4 days later, rent guidelines to ensure the safe handling and shipment after the deaths of several people, that the agent is of biological agents; and (e) knowledge of the basic identified as anthrax. In this hypothetical situation, the characteristics (e.g., microscopic, cultural, and biochemi- involvement of the medical community, health depart- cal) of the current targeted agents. Until additional rapid ment, and law enforcement units, the use of antibiotics, and reliable detection systems and diagnostic tests are the massive rush of people seeking help or information, available, the clinical laboratory must rely on conven- and the aftermath of such an attack are thought-provok- tional methods to obtain as much information in the least ing. amount of time to effectively provide the other members Exposure to anthrax can occur after contact with in- of the first-responder team (i.e., primary care practitio- fected animals or humans via abrasions or through inha- ners, hospital emergency room staff, infectious disease lation, ingestion, or contact with the skin (70). When practitioners, infection control practitioners, and admin- exposure is cutaneous, infection is generally curable and istrators) with information concerning the nature of the rarely fatal. Cases of gastrointestinal exposure, such as agent. Such information is vital and essential to patient eating infected meat, are extremely rare. Inhalation expo- management; institution of focused infection control and sure among slaughterhouse and textile workers is some- prevention measures; protection of healthcare personnel, what more frequent. However, this has been managed patients, and facilities; and the notification of local, re- effectively by immunization. When B. anthracis is released gional, state, and federal agencies regarding the nature in an aerosol form, the spores enter the pulmonary and type of bioterrorism event. Therefore, the major macrophages, which carry the organism to the lymph components of the clinical laboratory’s role as a first nodes and other suitable environments for its growth responder include (a) awareness through active surveil- (71). A capsule, various proteins, and toxins are produced lance, (b) detection and characterization of unusual organ- by the organism; the toxin can cause septicemia, tissue isms, (c) rapid diagnosis and identification of the etiolog- necrosis, multiorgan failure, and death. Symptoms of ical agent, (d) preparedness (e.g., training of personnel, anthrax infection include fever, malaise, cough, and respi- protocols, diagnostic testing procedures), (e) individual ratory distress; if untreated, shock and death can occur and collective safety, and (f) communication of informa- within 36 h (72). The infection can be treated by intrave- tion to local, regional, state, and federal officials. nous administration of Ciprofloxacin (400 mg every 8–12 anthrax h), doxycycline (a 200-mg loading dose with 100 mg every 8–12 h), or penicillin (2 million units every 2 h) plus Infection with B. anthracis (anthrax) can lead to septice- mia, tissue necrosis, multiple organ failure, and death. streptomycin (30 mg/kg per day intramuscularly) (72). The endospores of anthrax, a gram-positive bacillus Antibiotics alone are effective only for treatment of sus- found in the soil, are resistant to heat, drying, ultraviolet ceptible organisms; however, a combination of antibiotic and gamma radiation, and many disinfectants. Endo- and vaccine therapy is more effective (73). In fact, such a spores are produced when deleterious conditions exist; combination can reduce the 60-day antibiotic regimen by they can survive for decades in the environment and are one-half, reducing antibiotic use and the potential for adaptable to being aerosolized (70, 71). Anthrax infection resistance. Laboratory diagnosis involves either an immu- is considered a rare event, but it has been implicated in nodiagnostic technique, using a direct fluorescent assay several outbreaks, including 25 cutaneous infections that detects the capsule after growth in 8 g/L sodium caused by a single cow in Paraguay in 1987 and thousands bicarbonate and CO2, or culture on 50 mL/L sheep blood of infections in Zimbabwe in the early 1980s (71). How- in agar at 35 °C for 18–24 h for detection of a gram- ever, because of its propensity to be used as a weapon of positive aerobic (nonhemolytic, nonmotile, and gam- disease and death, it has attracted much attention in maphage-sensitive) organism that produces spores (76). recent years. Anthrax is the first bacterial disease for Clear differentiation between B. anthracis and other which immunization became available, in 1881. members of the B. cereus group (i.e., B. mycoides, B. cereus, Currently, the licensed vaccine is available for subcu- and B. thuringiensis) has been considered problematic in taneous administration at 0, 2, and 4 weeks and 6, 12, and certain borderline isolates. This issue has led to reports of 18 months with yearly boosters thereafter (72). The an- some anthrax cases as B. cereus or B. anthrax similis (77).In thrax vaccine is derived from a purified culture filtrate of practice, B. anthracis is identified by isolates that are an avirulent strain of B. anthracis that has a high antigen nonmotile, sensitive to penicillin, have characteristic co- content (73). Reports of bioterrorism threats of exposure lonial morphology (on blood or nutrient agar), and are to anthrax in 1998 in Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, and able to produce capsules in blood or nutrient medium California have raised the possibility of its use as a containing 7 g/L bicarbonate after incubation in 5–20% weapon in domestic terrorism (74). In fact, a disturbing CO2 atmosphere. These isolates also have a matted ap- Clinical Chemistry 46, No. 12, 2000 1891

pearance, look fairly flat, are markedly tacky, and are program against any bioterrorist attack involving small- white or grayish-white in color (77). pox (73). Rapid identification of the virus and confirma- tion of exposure in patients can assist in timely and smallpox life-saving administration of the vaccine in potentially Similar to other poxviruses, smallpox (variola major) exposed individuals. produces cutaneous vesicular eruptions (78). Infection Although the risk of a biological attack is low, the with this virus has a high mortality rate (25–30%) and is question is no longer if such an event will occur, but accompanied by a fever. Despite the official worldwide rather when it will occur. In response to this threat, the eradication of the virus nearly two decades ago, renewed medical community must be prepared to respond to a interest in this virus is emerging because of its potential suspected or confirmed bioterrorism event quickly, effi- use in bioterrorism. An attack involving this virus is ciently, and in a safe manner, providing protection for highly technical and could materialize mainly through the healthcare personnel, patients, and those individuals who involvement of governments considering biological war- are not certain of their exposure but seek medical care fare (79). Ken Alibek, a former director of the biological because of panic and the need to receive prophylactic weapons programs in the former Soviet Union, has indi- therapy, if available. cated that smallpox was stockpiled in Novosibirsk, Russia (80). The last known cultures of smallpox are stored at the Summary CDC in Atlanta and in the Novosibirsk Vector Facility In response to chemical or biological attacks, clinical (80). laboratories, as integral components of local medical Smallpox is one of the most dangerous organisms teams, should be prepared to provide diagnostic, moni- known to humankind. It is transmitted through person- toring, and specimen-handling support. In the case of to-person contact via inhalation of air droplets or through chemical warfare, rapid identification of the specific dispersion as an aerosol (81). Transmission can also occur agents involved can be important in designing treatment through contact with contaminated articles (e.g., bedding strategies. This role becomes even more important when and clothes) (82). The incubation period of smallpox virus antidotal therapies for the suspected agents are available. is 9–10 days after exposure, during which transmission of In cases of biological terrorism, identification of the or- the virus to others can occur within minutes of contact ganisms or agents involved and proper handling of (80). Patients are most contagious late in the incubation specimens to be sent to higher BT-level facilities are major period or when the fever appears; the oropharynx of the tasks for the clinical laboratories. Providing educational infected individual is the main source of transmission material or seminars on various agents with the intent of (82). Smallpox and chickenpox are most often confused raising awareness within a given institution is also an area during the first 2–3 days of rash, except that smallpox in which laboratories should assume an active role. Be- lesions develop at a slower rate and are evenly distributed cause of the uncertainty and panic created by a suspected on the surface of the body, whereas chickenpox lesions or confirmed act of bioterrorism, the healthcare delivery develop in clusters and the rash is more intense (81). system may be overwhelmed by individuals seeking Chickenpox lesions are not found on the palms or soles medical care; any response by the medical community and are generally superficial. After 2–4 days of fever, must first deal with this problem. 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