LIST of PUBLICATIONS [001] Kovács, G. and Vetö, B. 1979
LIST OF PUBLICATIONS [001] Kov´acs,G. and Vet¨o,B. 1979, 'Observations of Two Low-Amplitude Delta Scuti Stars: HD 23156 and HD 73763', Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 1592. [IF = 0.00] [002] Kov´acs,G. and Szabados, L. 1979, 'BD +4◦4009 a New Bright Cepheid Variable', Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 1719. [IF = 0.00] [003] Kov´acs,G. 1980, 'Period Analysis at High Noise Level', Ap. Space Sci., 69, 485. [IF = 0.01] [004] Kov´acs,G. 1981, 'Frequency Shift in Fourier Analysis', Ap. Space Sci., 78, 175. [IF = 0.01] [005] Kov´acs,G. 1981, 'The Frequency Analysis of the Low-Amplitude Delta Scuti Star HD 73763', Acta Astr., 31, 75. [IF = 0.01] [006] Kov´acs,G. 1981, 'Photoelectric Observations and Analysis of AM CVn', Acta Astr., 31, 207. [IF = 0.01] [007] Vet¨o,B. and Kov´acs,G. 1981, 'Standstill of Gamma CrB', Information Bulletin on Variable Stars, No. 2030. [IF = 0.00] [008] Kov´acs,G. 1982, 'Photoelectric Observations and Preliminary Analysis of the Variable White Dwarf R808', Communications from the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, No. 83, 202. [IF = 0.00] [009] Kov´acs,G. 1983, 'On the Accuracy of the Frequency Determination by an Autoregressive Spectral Estimator', Solar Phys., 82, 123. [IF = 1.30] [010] Dziembowski, W. and Kov´acs,G. 1984, 'On the Role of Resonances in Double-Mode Pulsation', Month. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 206, 497. [IF = 2.21] [011] Papar´o,M. and Kov´acs,G. 1984, 'FM Com: Has this Delta Scuti Star Variable Frequency Spectra?', Ap.
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