Lyman Continuum Leaking Galaxies. Search Strategies and Local Candidates?
A&A 554, A38 (2013) Astronomy DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/201118433 & c ESO 2013 Astrophysics Lyman continuum leaking galaxies. Search strategies and local candidates? N. Bergvall1, E. Leitet1, E. Zackrisson2, and T. Marquart1 1 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 515, 751 20 Uppsala, Sweden e-mail: [nils.bergvall;elisabet.leitet;thomas.marquart] 2 Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, Oscar Klein Center, AlbaNova, 106 91 Stockholm, Sweden e-mail: Received 10 November 2011 / Accepted 26 February 2013 ABSTRACT Context. Star-forming dwarf galaxies may have played an important role in the reionization of the Universe, provided that some fraction of their ionizing radiation were able to escape into the intergalactic medium. Local galaxies exhibiting such Lyman-continuum (LyC) leakage could potentially shed light on the escape mechanisms involved, but only two low-redshift cases of LyC leakage have been identified so far. Here, we argue that this meager harvest may be caused by unsuitable selection criteria. Candidates for LyC leakage are normally selected by indicators of starburst activity, one of which is a high equivalent width in Hα. Such a criterion will guarantee a high production of LyC photons but will also bias the selection in favour of a high column density in the neutral gas, effectively ruling out LyC escape. Aims. In this work we want to investigate whether the lack of local LyC emitters can be caused in part by biased selection criteria, and we present a novel method of selecting targets with high escape fractions. By applying these criteria, we assemble a sample of observation targets to study their basic properties.
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