March 2013 from Alex Havard. View it in your browser.

Dear Friend of HVLI,

There have been a number of exciting developments since our November Newsletter.

November: A presentation at the International Association of Students in Economic and Commercial Sciences, (AIESEC), St. Petersburg, event.

I gave a lecture in Saint Petersburg at the AIESEC event “You Lead 2012″ (a European Union University youth organization). This was a great opportunity to spread the Virtuous Leadership message to some 300 Russian students. The AIESEC network includes 86,000 members in 113 countries and territories. It is the largest student-run organization in the world, being present in over 2,400 universities across the globe. AIESEC is supported by over 8,000 partner organizations that look to AIESEC support in the development of talented individuals who are focused on personal growth.

December: Leadership talks to the Nikea Publishing Company, , Russia.

In December I gave a few Virtuous Leadership talks to the staff of the Nikea Company, which is the leading Orthodox Publisher in Russia. This was a Christian audience and we had a wonderful and constructive discussion about the last chapter of my book Virtuous Leadership. Nikea is located in the very heart of Moscow, right beside the Kremlin walls… Nikea is preparing a new Russian edition of both Virtuous Leadership and Created for Greatness. That will be a way to penetrate the hearts of Russian Orthodox believers.

January: Virtuous Leadership seminar for Leroy Merlin, Moscow, Russia.

I presented the first Virtuous Leadership seminar that I have given in French to the Russia-based Members of the Board of Leroy Merlin in Moscow. Founded in 1923 as an American surplus goods provider by Adolphe Leroy and Rose Merlin, Leroy Merlin today is a French home-improvement and gardening retailer serving thirteen countries, among them Russia. Leroy Merlin stores are large centers, (9000 square meters on average), providing self-service and sales assisted services.

February: A presentation to the International Graduate School of Management, (IESE), Barcelona, Spain campus event.

Another first occurred in February, when the first Virtuous Leadership seminar in Spanish was given. This event, directed to University students, was organized by the Rallies Cultural Center (Barcelona) in the premises of IESE Business School. The IESE Business School is the leading Business School in Europe and one of the top 10 business schools worldwide according to The Economist (2012). Virtuous Leadership and Created for Greatness are published in Spanish under the titles Perfil del Lider (Palabra Ediciones, 2011) and La Dieta Interior (Rialp, 2012).

March: another first.

I presented at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, which is one of Russia's most prestigious universities and regularly ranked on the first place in business press rating. This was the first time I presented at a Technical University.

Many Bauman University’s graduates are world-renowned: Sergei Korolev for putting the first satellite into space and putting the first man and woman into space; Andrey for designing the world's first supersonic passenger plane; Nikolay Dollezhal for designing the world's first civil nuclear plant; Nikolay Zhukovsky for founding Russian aerodynamic and hydrodynamic sciences; Pavel for founding the Sukhoi Aerospace Design Bureau.

Bauman University is famous for its educational system called “Russian method” which unify a broad and intensive theoretical preparation with a deep practical education closely connected with industries. Presented on Universal Exposition in 1873 in Wien and in 1876 on Universal Exposition in Philadelphia this method won a gold prize. The President of MIT professor John Daniel Runkle wrote that Russian method will be undoubtedly applied as a principal educational system in MIT and all other American technical universities.

I spend 3 hours with a nice group of some 100 students engineers and future missiles constructors who had a true passion for Virtuous Leadership, not less than students in business and management.

April: Opportunities are developing in China.

China is interested in hearing more about Virtuous Leadership, and is looking to set up a China-based HVLI organization similar to our HVLI North America organization that focuses on the United States and Canada. I will travel to Chinghai in April and hope to be able to tell you more about our Chinese developments in my next newsletter.

Some encouraging correspondence:

I received this great letter from Boston recently: “I just finished reading your tremendously inspiring, jarringly truthful, and God-filled work on Virtuous Leadership. Just wanted you to know, if you even receive this message, that your words have hit home in a big way”.

And it was good to see this moving letter from the Army War College in Carlisle, PA: “I received a copy of your latest book, Created for Greatness. I read it last night and was so impressed that I sent a note praising your work to a number of my close friends. One friend, a Marine, sent me the following: “I found a little gem ... one that specifically applies to Little League participation. One quote particularly caught my attention: It takes talent to get to first base, but character to make it to home. I am not sure if the sports allusion translates well to your Russian audience, but it nails the concepts of Humility and Magnanimity."

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I’d love to see at least five of your friends included in the mailing list for the HVLI Newsletter. Please consider talking to them about this.

I would like to close with a short message from Hank Whittier, President of HVLI North America:

Dear friends of HVLI- Our first objective is to make Alexandre Havard seminars, books, talks, essays, videos (and more) available to as many people as possible, in as many places as possible. We are doing our best to apply today’s powerful online communication tools to facilitate a meaningful social-media-driven Virtuous Leadership movement. With this effort as our first short-term priority, we are in the process of fundraising to make forty 15 minute high quality videos in which Alex will speak on various Virtuous Leadership topics. Your donation is urgently needed in order to make this possible.

Please send your checks to: HVLI North America 13784 Piedmont Vista Drive Haymarket, VA, 20169.

Best, Hank Whittier

I wish you and yours a very blessed and holy Easter Season!

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