History Long Term Plan

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History Long Term Plan St Mary’s Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy Long Term Plan for History 2021 - 2022 Autumn Spring Summer Reception • Timetables in school, learning • Butterfly life cycles and changes over • Recounts (Literacy) school/class routines – school walk time. • Sequencing personal events e.g. around • Daily change of daffodils from bud to Trips/School year • “Once There Were Giants” by Martin deadhead- Children observe and • Observe passing of time through Waddell the passing of the passage of discuss changes over time – take a clocks/sand timers time: sitting-up, walking, talking, photo of each day then watch as a • Sequencing school day/week (links to running, starting school. time laps video. Literacy/Maths) • Myself – as a baby/now – how have • Farms / equipment – then and now, • Ordering stories into chronological we changed? Can you guess who is Visit to Thornton Hall Farm. order who? • Technology – looking at how it has • Seasons – observe how the local area • Sequencing – the days of the weeks changed over time i.e. light was from around us has changed on our trip to and the passing of months over the the sun& stars, then candles, now light Horsforth park. school year (Continues). bulbs and electricity. • Seasons - Autumn walk • Planting & growing and how these Local Area Links change over time. Horsforth Park • Seasons - Spring walk Local Area Links Thornton Hall Farm Year 1 Local Area- Horsforth Toys old and new Kings and Queens Would you rather go to school now or in the Have toys changed over time? What is a Monarch? past? National Curriculum National Curriculum National Curriculum Changes within and beyond living Lives of significant individuals in the past Significant historical events, people and memory- to reveal aspects of change in who have contributed to national and places in their own locality. national life. international achievements. Some should be used to compare aspects of life in Local Area Links different periods. Local Area Links Kirkstall Abbey Museum Walk through Horsfoth – digi maps to look at https://www.mylearning.org/stories/toys- Diversity Links arial satelite/maps of St Marys now and in the through-time/183? Men and Women in monarchy past Sarah Forbes Bonetta St Mary’s Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy Long Term Plan for History 2021 - 2022 Diversity Links Diversity Links Girls and boys treated differently in the past Girls and boys treated differently in the past School Day Experience Planning Links https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons /how-have-toys-changed-part-1-71h62c https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons /how-have-toys-changed-part-2-6cuk4c Year 2 Great fire of London Florence Nightingale/Mary Mary Anning Why was the Great Fire of London a Seacole/Edith Cavell What was Mary Anning famous for? significant event in History? How did Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole make a difference to nursing? National Curriculum Lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and National Curriculum National Curriculum international achievements. Some should Events beyond living memory that are Lives of significant individuals in the past be used to compare aspects of life in significant nationally or globally. who have contributed to national and different periods. international achievements. Some should Changes within living memory. Planning Links be used to compare aspects of life in https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/th different periods. Diversity Links e-great-fire-of-london-7a50 How Mary Anning was not valued for her Local Area Links research because she was a woman in a male Florence Nightingale is one of history’s most dominated occupation. famous nurses. She was also part of a large family, which included her second cousin and Planning Links goddaughter Gwendolen Gascoigne who was https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zd8fv9q/ the lady of the house at Lotherton Hall in articles/zf6vb82 Leeds. https://www.mylearning.org/stories/florence- Local Area Links nightingale/1059? When Hippos Roamed the Streets of Leeds! • Lotherton Hall – Meet Florence Nightingale trip Prehistoric Leeds • MyLearning Nellie Spindler Fossils found on Yorkshire Coast Diversity Links St Mary’s Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy Long Term Plan for History 2021 - 2022 How Mary Seacole was treated differently because of her skin colour in comparison to Florence Nightingale Planning Links https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zns9nrd/a rticles/zjsxcqt Edith Cavell - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/z8dqmp3 Year 3 Stone Age Bronze Age/Iron Age Ancient Egypt What was life like living as a Stone Age boy or What was life like in the Bronze & Iron Age and What was it like to live like an Egyptian? girl? how do we know? National Curriculum National Curriculum National Curriculum The achievements of the earliest Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to Changes in Britain from the Stone Age to civilisations- an overview of where and the Iron Age. the Iron Age. when the first civilisations appeared and a depth study of Ancient Egypt. Local Area Links Local Area Links Discovery Centre https://www.mylearning.org/explore/stories/?se Local Area Links Herd Farm arch=iron+age https://www.mylearning.org/explore/stories/?se Skelton Grange arch=egypt https://www.mylearning.org/explore/stories/?s Leeds City Museum – Egyptian workshop earch=stone+age Diversity Links Roles of men and women Diversity Links Diversity Links Roles of men and women Children worked and supported family life at a Planning Links young age. Planning Links https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z82hsbk Men and women had very different roles. https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/a The Cheddar Man – ncient-egypt-ff66 https://www.nhm.ac.uk/discover/cheddar-man- https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zg87xnb mesolithic-britain-blue-eyed-boy.html Planning Links https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z82hsbk St Mary’s Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy Long Term Plan for History 2021 - 2022 Year 4 Shang Dynasty Ancient Greece Romans Did the Shang Dynasty really exist? What did the Ancient Greeks ever do for us? What was the impact of the Romans on Britain? National Curriculum National Curriculum Ancient Greece- a study of Greek life and National Curriculum The achievements of the earliest achievements and their influence on the The Roman Empire and its impact on civilisations- an overview of where and western world. Britain. when the first civilisations appeared and a depth study of the Shang Dynasty. Local Area Links Local Area Links https://www.mylearning.org/stories/ancient- York in Roman Britain Local Area Links greeks-everyday-life-beliefs-and-myths/411? https://www.mylearning.org/explore/stories/?se arch=romans Leeds City Museum – Greece Workshop with making fake or counterfeit coins in the Leeds Diversity Links artefacts area during Roman times Fu Hao (Chinese history) Leeds Discovery Centre – What have the Planning Links Romans done for us? Planning Links https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/an https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/th cient-greece-79e7 e-shang-dynasty-75f2 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z87tn39 Diversity Links https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z39j2hv BME roman emperor Ancient Rome and slavery- Roman Africans Comparisons between Egyptian, Chinese, Roman and modern civilisations Planning Links https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/ro man-britain-9a0e https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zqtf34j https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zwmpfg8 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkrkscw/ articles/zhn6cqt St Mary’s Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy Long Term Plan for History 2021 - 2022 Year 5 Anglo Saxons Benin Tudors and Elizabeth I Where did the Anglo Saxons come from and Why did British soldiers invade Benin? Why was Elizabeth 1 such a revolutionary what was life like? figure? National Curriculum National Curriculum National Curriculum Britain’s settlement by Anglo-Saxons and A non-European society that provides A study of an aspect or theme in British Scots. contrasts with British history- Benin (West history that extends pupils’ chronological Africa) AD900-1300. knowledge beyond 1066- the changing Local Area Links power of monarchs. York https://www.mylearning.org/explore/stories/?s Diversity Links Local Area Links earch=anglo+saxons Kirkstall Abbey – reformation/ Tudor workshop Temple Newsam – Anglo Saxon workshop Empire – comparison with Africa/UK Battle of the Roses – Yorkshire/Lancashire Leeds – wool industry Diversity Links Planning Links https://www.mylearning.org/explore/stories/?se invasions meant huge change in arch=tudor cultures/religions https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zpvckqt Planning Links Diversity Links https://classroom.thenational.academy/units/vi Compare the lifestyles/expectations between kings-and-anglo-saxons-vced874 men and women. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zxsbcdm The Black Tudors Planning Links https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zsgkwmn /resources/1 https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkrkscw/ articles/zkh7bdm Autumn Spring (full term) Year 6 Victorians WW2 What impact did the Industrial Revolution have How did the world change during and after WW2? on Leeds? National Curriculum National Curriculum A study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils’ chronological knowledge beyond 1066. St Mary’s Horsforth Catholic Voluntary Academy Long Term Plan for History 2021 - 2022 A study of an aspect or theme in British Local Area Links history that extends pupils’ chronological Leeds
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