Psj'che. The" Cocoons'' Or •· Cases" of So~Ie
January 1900.] PSJ'CHE. 7 13 ( 7) Vertex not advanced in front of the eyes ; median carina of pronotnm sc;~rcely elevated. I.f ( 15) 13ody u~ually broad between the shoulder~; Yertex narrower or equally wide with one of the eyes; second femoral carinae more o r less flexuous. or undulate, or lobate, or clype:1tc, 1·cry rarely straight. Gen. f'aratdlix Hoi. 15 (14) Vertex strongly n:trrnwed in front, the front bonier nc:~rly o tw-half the breadth of an eye, or less; body usually prolong<tte; branches of frontal costa sub-parallel, closely approximate. Gen. Tclmald!ix g .. n. n. 16 (3) Ante rior femor:t abo\'e cli~tinctly ancl broadly ~ulc:1tc: pronotum in front produceJ more or less above the head, Yery frequently hooked, ;11:cuminate, or, to a certain extent, obtusely rounded angulate; antennae sixteen to twenty two articles. Subfamily n ,\TB ACHID I :-IAE Dol. 17 ( 1 8) Body strongly tumid; do rsum of the pronotum com·ex, lightly punc tate, lateral carinae in front of the !>houlders wanting. Gen. !'axilla Dol. 1 S ( •7) Body narrower; clorsu1n o! the pronotum, bet\Yeen the carina rather conC<II'e , conspersecl with m ore or less longitudinal wrinkles, lateral carin::~e in front <1f the shoulders present. Gen. Tclligidca Scudd. THE" COCOONS'' OR •· CASES" OF SO~IE I3liRRO\\'l;'\G CA TERPlLL\RS. BY CAROLINE G. SOULE, BROOKLINE, l\1,\SS. From much watching of pupating enough to give ample room for c;15es. caterpillars, e~pecially of such sphin Into each box 1 put a lan·a ready to gids aud ceratocampids as go into the pupate, and wandel ing in ::-e;1rch of a ground to pupate, 1 gradually came to suitalJ!e place.
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