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SKT 1(2) C 01 BA. DEGREE PROGRAMME SANSKRIT (CBCSS-U.G) SEMESTER-1/2 COMPLEMENTARY COURSE (HISTORY of SANSKRIT LITERATURE) (2019 Admission Onwards) SKT 1(2) C 01 BA. DEGREE PROGRAMME SANSKRIT (CBCSS-U.G) SEMESTER-1/2 COMPLEMENTARY COURSE (HISTORY OF SANSKRIT LITERATURE) (2019 admission onwards) 1. Which is the ancient Veda? A. Atharvaveda B. Samaveda C. Yajurveda D. Rgveda 2. The number of mandalas in Rgveda are…… A. 8 B. 10 C. 64 D. 1028 3. The number of branches in Yajurveda are….. A. 21 B. 85 C. 1011 D. 1000 4. Deity of Yajurveda are…… A. Agni B. Prajapathi C. Vayu D. Indra 5. The number of branches in Samaveda are….. A. 10 B. 1000 C. 100 D. 21 6. Rtwik in Samaveda…… A. Brahma B. Utgata C. Hota D. Adwaryu 7. Which is the branch of Samaveda? A. Jaimineeya B. Manduka C. Kanva D. Saunaka 8. Acharya of Yajurveda are….. A. Jaimini B. Paila C. Viswamitra D. Vaisambayana 9. Which is the branch of Atharvaveda? A. Stauta B. Thaithareeya C. Kata D. Sankayana 10.The number of branches in Atharvaveda are….. A. 03 B. 06 C. 09 D. 12 11. The number of Vedas are….. A. 02 B. 03 C. 04 D. 05 12. Which is not Vedanga…. A. Siksha B. Kalpa C. jyotisha D. Alankara 13. The Eye of VedaPurusha is called….. A. Vyakarana B. Kalpa C. Siksha D. jyotisha 14. The Ear of VedaPurusha is called…… A. Vyakarana B. Nirukta C. Siksha D. Kalpa 15. Who opined the period of Rgveda is 3000BC.? A. Tilak B. Yaska C. MaxMuller D. Veber 16. Who is the author of Ramayana? A. Vyasa B. Valmiki C. Reghu D. Rama 17.Who is the AdiKavi? A. Valmiki B. Kalidasa C. Vyasa D. Krishna 18. The number of Kandas in Ramayana are…… A. 8 B. 9 C. 7 D. 10 19. The number of slokas in Ramayana are….. A. 23,000 B. 24,000 C. 25,000 D. 26,000 20. Which is the Arshakavya? A. Mahabharatha B. Gita C. Ramayana D. Upanishad 21. The number of Sargas in Ramayana are…. A. 400 B. 500 C. 600 D. 700 22. The number of Slokas in Mahabharata are…. A. 1000 B. 100 C. 10,000 D. 10,0000 23. …….. is the fifth Veda A. Ramayana B. Mahabharata C. Gita D. Upanishad 24. Vishnu Sahasranama……. A. Ramayana B. Mahabharata C. Upanishad D. Gita 25. The number of Puranas are…… A. 15 B. 16 C. 17 D. 18 26. The number of Slokas in Bhagavad Gita are……. A. 600 B. 700 C. 800 D. 900 27. The author of Puranas are…… A. Valmiki B. Vyasa C. Kalidasa D. Indra 28. The BhaghavadGita is included in ……. Parva of Mahabharata? A. Santiparva B. Bhishmaparva C. Adiparva D. Vanaparva 29. The text which is written on the basis of Mahabharata? A. Gita B. Ramayana C. Sakuntalam D. Manusmrti 30. What is the Guna of Vishnu Puran? A. Rajasa B. Thamasa C. Satvika 31. The number of Parva in Mahabharata are …… A. 17 B. 18 C. 19 D. 20 32. What is the Guna of Purana which is written on the basis of the subject of Siva? A. Thama B. Rajasa C. Satvika 33. What is the Guna of Purana which is written on the basis of the subject of Brahma? A. Thamas B. Satvika C. Rajasa 34. Which is not the branch of AtharvaVeda? A. Jaajala B. Jalada C. Maitrayani D. Devadarsa 35. Which part of Vedic philosophy is termed as Vedanta? A. Brahmanas B. Upanishads C. Samhitas D. Aranyakas 36. Which is the work of Varahamihira? A. Sulbasutra B. Carakasamhita C. Pancasiddanta D. Srautasutra 37. Who wrote Aryabhateeyam? A. Varahamihira B. Aryabhata C. Vaghbhata D. Charaka 38. Who wrote Brhmasputasiddanta? A. Charaka B. Brahmagupta C. Vagbata D. Aryabhata 39. Who wrote Brhatjatakam? A. Varahamihira B. Charaka C. Susruta D. Aryabhata 40. How many divisions in Jyotisha? A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 41. Which are the part of Srautasutra? A. Sulbasutra B. Brahmasutra C. Carakasutra D. Srautasutra 42. How many chapters in Brhatsamhita? A. 108 B. 102 C. 106 D. 100 43. Who had a correct conception of eclipse? A. Arybhata B. Caraka C. Varahamihira D. Susruta 44. Which is the earliest work on Astrology? A. Carakasamhita B. Yavanajataka C. Sulbasutra D. Susrutasamhita 45. Who developed surgery in ancient India? A. Caraka B. Vagbhata C. Susruta D. Aryabhata 46. How many stanzas on Mathematics in Aryabhateeyam? A. 30 B. 31 C. 32 D. 33 47. Who is the son of Varahamihira? A. Bhatolpala B. Mahavira C. Prtuyasa D. Varahamihira 48. Palmistry began to develop in which century? A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 13 49. Who wrote Siddhanatasiromani? A. Bhaskara B. Caraka C. Mahavira D. Aryabhata 50. Which Veda is the earliest record of medical knowledge? A. Rgveda B. Yajurveda C. Atharvaveda D. Samaveda 51. In which Veda, basic eight branches of Ayurveda have been documented? A. Rgveda B. Yajurveda C. Samaveda D. Atharvaveda 52. Which is the work of Mahaviracarya? A. Horasatpancasika B. Ganitasarasangraha C. Carakasamhita D. Brahmasutra 53. Who studied the science of medicine? A. Aswins B. Atreya C. Bhrgu D. Charaka 54. Who is known as the doctor of Gods? A. Aswins B. Atreya C. Rudra D. Indra 55. Who is the master of the science of surgery? A. Dhanvantari B. Athreya C. Aswin D. Charaka 56. How many qualities of matter in Ayurveda? A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 3 57. Who lived in Thakshasila before the birth of Buddha? A. Athreya B. Caraka C. Susruta D. Panini 58. What is the earliest treatise in Ayurveda? A. Susrutasamhita B. Ashtangahrdaya C. Carakasamhita D. Grhyasutra 59. Who wrote Ashtangahrdaya? A. Charaka B. Kasyapa C. Vaghbhata D. Susruta 60. Who is the author of Yogasara? A. Kasyapa B. Nagarjuna C. Charaka D. Kapila 61. Which book deals with the use of mercury in Therapeuitics? A. Madhavanidana B. Bhavaprakasa C. Sarangadharasamhita D. Ashtangahrdaya 62. Which work with the deseases of elephants? A. Matangaleela B. Aswayurveda C. Vrkshayurveda D. Charakasamhita 63. Who wrote Bhavaprakasa? A. Susruta B. Madhava C. Bhavamisra D. Kapila 64. Which is the most popular reference book for Ayurvedic physicians ? A. Madhavanidhana B. Ashtangahrdaya C. Bhavaprakasa D. Susrutasamhita 65. Which is Bhoja’s Architecture work? A. Samaranganasutradhara B. Mayamadham C. Manasuram D. Srautasutram 66. Who is the Acarya of Toxicology? A. Kapila B. Gautama C. Charaka D. Kasyapa 67. Who is the author of Siddhayoga? A. Vrndamadhava B. Kapila C. Susruta D. Patanjali 68. Who is the author of Cikitsasarasangraha? A. Susruta B. Vangasena C. Charaka D. Patanjali 69. ‘Ayurvedasaukkhya’ written by……. A. Raja Todarmal B. Kapila C. Patanjali D. Agastya 70. ……… is the commentary of Astangahrdaya A. Ayurvedarasayana B. Charakasamhita C. Yogasutra D. Brhmasutra 71. Sthapatyaveda is known as …….. A. Ayurveda B. Yajurveda C. Vastuvidya D. Yogsutra 72. The word vastu is derived from the root…… A.Vis B. Vas C. Vid D. Vad 73. …… the branch of Vastuvidya A. Vastuvidana B. Jjotisha C. Upanishads D. Puranas 74. Which is not related to Devalayavastu A. Temples B. Pavilions C. Halls D. House 75. Which is not related to silpins A. Sthapati B. Sutragrahi C. Vardhaki D. Panini 76. Which is the son of Viswakarma? A. Maya B. Indra C. Varuna D. Agni 77. ……… the fountain head of Vastusastra A. Rgveda B. Sthapatyaveda C. Yajurveda D. Ayurveda 78. Vastuvidya is associated with…… A. Brhatsamhita B. Brahmasutra C. Rgveda D. Ramayana 79. Eighteen architecture acharyas described in …….purana A. Vishnupurana B. Padmapurana C. Malsyapurana D. Koormapurana 80. The text which is not connected with Vastuvidya A. Tantasamuchaya B. Silparatna C. Manushyalayachandrika D. Manusmrti 81. …….. is one of the five systems of astronomy A. Saura B. Apastamba C. Baudhayana D. Katyayana 82. Who is the author of Pancasiddhantika? A. Jaimini B. Gautama C. Varahamihira D. Panini 83. Who is the propounder of Brahmasphutasiddhanta? A. Varahamihira B. Aryabhata C. Brahmagupta D. Bhaskara 84. Which is the work written by Brahmagupta? A. Pancasiddhantika B. Ganitasarasangraha C. Khandakhadyaka D. Siddhantatilaka 85. Which is the work written by Mahavira? A. Ganita-sarasangraha B. Laghubhaskariya C. Aryabhatiya D. Suryasiddhanta 86. Which is the work written by Sridhara? A.Aryabhatiya B. Laghubhaskariya C. Patiganita D. Suryasiddhanta 87. Which is the work written by Manjula? A. Laghumanasa B. Patiganita C. Aryabhatiya D. Suryasiddhanta 88. Which is the work written by Narayana? A . Siddhantarahasya B. Ganitakaumuti C. Laghumanasa D. Suryasiddhanta 89. Who is the author of Siddhantatilaka? A. Bhaskara B. Lalla C. Mahavira D. Varahamihira 90. Vedanga- Jyotisa is related with…… A. Lagadha B . Mahavira C. lalla D. Bhaskara 91.Naksatra-prakarana is associated with….. A. Vyakarana B. Nirukta C. Jyotisa D. kalpa 92. In Vedanga-Jyotisa five - year cycle is called…… A. Kalpa B. Yuga C. Manvantara D. Varsha 93. A solar year was …..days A. 364 B. 365 C. 366 D. 360 94. The number of rasi is…… A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 14 95. Jyotisa is associated with….. A. Veda B. Aranyaka C. Vedanga D. Samhita 96. Mathematics and astronomy are related with…… A. Vyakarana B. Kalpa C. Siksa D. Jyotisa 97. Jyotisa is considered as…….. A. Eyes B. Ears C. Face D. Nose 98. Vyakarana is considered as…….. A. Nose B. Eyes C. Face D. Ears 99. Siksa is considered as……. A. Eyes B. Nose C. Ears D. Face 100. Nirukta is considered as…….. A. Eyes B. Nose C. Face D. Ears Answer keys 1.D 17.A 33.C 49.A 65. A 81. A 97. A 2.B 18.C 34.C 50.C 66. D 82. C 98. C 3.B 19.B 35.B 51.D 67. A 83.C 99. B 4.C 20.C 36.C 52.B 68.
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