Zootherapeutic Uses of Animals by Mech Tribe Living in Duars of West Bengal, India
Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge Vol. 13 (3), July 2014, pp. 557-563 Zootherapeutic uses of animals by Mech tribe living in Duars of West Bengal, India Ajita Sarkar1, Ritesh Biswa2 & AP Das3* 1Aravalli Biodiversity Park, Center for Environmental Management of Degraded Ecosystems (CEMDE), University of Delhi, Delhi 110007; 2Entomology Research Unit, Department of Zoology, University of North Bengal, Siliguri 734013, West Bengal, India 3Taxonomy & Environmental Biology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of North Bengal, Siliguri 734013, West Bengal, India E-mails: ajitasarkar2007@rediffmail.com; entoritesh@gmail.com; apdas.nbu@gmail.com Received 21.09.12, revised 10.02.14 Ethnobiological study in West Bengal is mostly confined to the use of plants in Ethnomedicine, however, there is a dearth of ethnozoogical works; thus, there is an urgent need to take up such studies. Recent survey among the Mech tribe living in the Duars of West Bengal, India, has recorded the uses of 20 different species of animals along with 11 species of plants in traditional medicines to cure different ailments. However, more efforts need to be exercised to explore and document the traditional ethnozoological knowledge accumulated by Mech and other tribes living in this region, so that, it can be put to the human welfare. Keywords: Traditional medicine, Zootherapy, Mech tribe, Duars, Animals, Plants IPC Int. Cl.8: A61K 36/00, A61K, AO1K, A61D 7/00, A61D Duars is situated in the Sub-Himalayan region of In Duars, Mech is the most dominant tribe4-7. West Bengal and lies in the East of the river Tista They speak in Tibeto-Burmese language and are and is located between 27° – 26°16' N latitude and regarded as the oldest settling Indo-Mongoloid tribe 89°53' – 88°4' E longitude with a total area of of North-east India and that of the Northern part of approximately 6227 sq km, stretching upto the river the state of West Bengal.
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