osIERn 1-1006se SOUTHEM 41S141 Division VOLUME 39 POONA, INDIA, JUNE 15, 1944 NUMBER 12 "NOW ABIDETH FAITH, HOPE, AND A. L. HAM CHARITY" There is too great a neglect of How sweet would be their children's FAITH the act of faith. Concerning our fate, If they, like them, could die for IT IS not at all strange that this times the question is asked, "When the Son of man cometh, shall He Thee! great factor, faith, so essential in Faith of our fathers! holy faith! the life of a Christian, should be find faith on the earth?" That We will be true to thee till death! mentioned in this connection and would suggest that in these days in should be such a worthy associate which we live, there would be a "Faith of our fathers! we will love lack of faith. Surely, we have seen Both friend and foe in all our of such essential graces as hope and strife; charity. and regretted this lack. There is a need for us to cry out as did the And preach Thee, too, as love knows It was my good fortune once to how, hear a sermon by a very noted ora- man who said, "Lord, I believe; By kindly words and virtuous tor, the late Honourable William help thou mine unbelief." We life. Jennings Bryan. His subject was ought to pray, "Increase our faith." Faith of our fathers! holy faith! "Faith." He very forcefully showed Faith is to abide. Thank God for We will be true to thee till death!" how it was not only essential for the that. Of all people we should have We are told that we have nothing Christian to have faith, but it must faith, strong faith that works by to fear for the future "except as we be manifested in some degree by al- love. We have the knowledge of shall forget the way the Lord has most everyone in even the common fulfilled and fulfilling prophecy. led us." Let us remember past affairs of life. We see what the Lord has wrought leadings that our faith thereby may in this great church movement. Really, about the only people be strengthened to follow provi- We have multiplied evidences of who are devoid of all faith are in- dences of the present and future. His presence with us, and all this sane. They sometimes become so should give us an abiding faith. One of the characteristics of the faithless that they live in great fear That will be a sustaining faith remnant people is that they possess every moment of their lives. which will carry us through every the "faith of Jesus." We do have To eat, to travel, and to be in crisis of life. faith in Jesus. We accept Him as contact with others, we must have Let us rejoice in the precious heri- the Son of God, the Saviour of the faith or be exceedingly miserable; tage which we possess in the faith world. We look for the fulfilment so faith is not only displayed in of our fathers. It is a firm, active of His promise to come again. We religious beliefs and practices but faith in all we profess to believe. know He saves from sins and gives in the common things of life. us the victory. Let us also like Him have such a faith in our mission as True, we think of it more espe- "Faith of our fathers! living still In spite of dungeon, fire, and He had in His. He knew it would cially as it concerns our religion. sword; triumph. He believed what He There it is held to be a very impor- 1) how our hearts beat high with joy preached, and so lived what He tant need. It is the "substance" Whene'er we hear that glorious preached. and "evidence" in the essential pos- word: session of what God has so gra- Faith of our fathers! holy faith! Let us have faith in our brethren ciously promised. Without it we We will be true to thee till death! and sisters such as He had in His cannot hope to please Him, for our "Our fathers, chained in prisons followers. Have faith in God; have love for Him, our dependence upon dark, faith in His great movement, and Him, and the receipt of all His good Were still in heart and conscience believe it will triumph. "NOW gifts depend upon our faith. free; ABIDETH FAITH." 2 EASTERN TIDINGS TO A WORLD-WIDE WORK: A Call That Wrought a Crisis in Our:History W. A. Spicer The early band of advent believers, that the Lord would call those waiting gift, came the message, which she with the clear-cut message of the for the full message of salvation for wrote out years later: judgment , the judgment hour. hour, had need of a clear "Would that every one of you could view of the work before them. The have a view that was presented to me message itself, in Revelation 14, gave Lighting the Whole World years ago. In my very girlhood the the marching orders—"to every nation, Lord saw fit to open before me the But from the very first days after and kindred, and tongue, and people." glories of heaven. I was in vision But it took a little time for the full- 1844 light was given as to a work of taken to heaven, and the angel said to world scope yet to follow. The clear- length picture to become fixed in their me, 'Look!' I looked to the world as vision. In fact, it was needful for the est of views of work for every tongue it was in dense darkness. The agony children of the pioneers to have a lit- and people was given by the Spirit of that came over me was indescribable tle time also to get the full perspective prophecy. In the early days of 1845, as I saw this darkness. Again the of the prophetic picture. only a few weeks after the call of word came, 'Look ye.' And again I Ellen G. Harmon (later Mrs. E. G. As we think of this, we remember looked intensely over the world, and White) as agent in the exercise of that that it took some time for the dis- I began to see jets of light like stars ciples and apostles in New Testament dotted all through this darkness; and days to grow into appreciation of the . then I saw another and another added plain instruction that Christ gave them' GOD OF THE MISSION FIELDS light, and so all through this moral concerning the field of their labour. darkness the starlike lights were in- "Go ye into all the world," was their God of the mission fields, surely creasing. And the angel said, 'These commission, "and preach the gospel to are they that believe on the Lord Jesus every creature." Yet ten years after Thy tender heart Christ, and are obeying the words of that the believers were astonished. Grieves with a deeper hurt than Christ. These are the light of the when Peter reported how the Gentile' ours can know, world; and if it were not for these family and retainers of Cornelius, at Watching the years speed by, hearing lights, the judgments of God would im- Cxsarea, had received the gospel, the: the long, low cry mediately fall upon the transgressors Holy Spirit witnessing to it. And: Of souls born but to die—loving of God's law.' "when they heard these things, they them so. held their peace, and glorified God, say- "I saw then these little jets of light ing, Then hath God also to the Gen- God of the mission fields, send forth growing brighter, shining forth from tiles granted repentance unto life." the east and the west, from the north more labourers and the south, and lighting the whole The longing of the believers to see Into the harvest white, ere day is world. Occasionally one of these lights the everlasting kingdom come, led done would begin to grow dim, and others them at first to envision a shorter and Probation slips away, fast close the would go out, and every time this oc- less extended work than the Lord's in: hours of day; curred there was sadness and weeping finite love and mercy had in contem-"_ Soon must the fiat say, "Earth's in heaven. And some of the lights plation. After the resurrection the dis- sands are run." would grow brighter, and their bright- ciples came to Jesus, saying, "Lord,' ness was far-reaching, and many more wilt Thou at this time restore again' God of the mission fields, why do lights were added to it. Then there the kingdom to Israel ?" Then the the people wait? was rejoicing in heaven. I saw that Lord revealed the scope of the work to the rays of light came directly from be done: "Ye shall receive power, after' When will they hear Thy call from heaven above? Jesus, to form these precious jets of that the Holy Ghost is come upon you:' light in the world."—"Gospel Workers," and ye shall be witnesses unto Me" Is it more light they need, or some 1892 ed., pp. 378, 379. both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea; more beauteous creed, and in Samaria, and unto the utter-" Or better growing seed? Nay, What a picture of a world-wide gos- most part of the earth." Acts 1:8. • 'tis more love.
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