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New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

3-5-1920 New Mexico State Record, 03-05-1920 State Publishing Company

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SANTA FE AND RUSH FOR OIL LAND .KNIGHTS OF ALBUQUERQUE PYTHIAS COLFAX DONA ANA flour spar properties north of the EACH GET CONVENTION ; REMINDER OF OLD DAYS j AFTER BIG SANITARIUM NEW MEXICO A (city, has been visiting his daughter, ' I . , . . i. e c . ! . . U.. o. mis weeK. The Republican state central com--! Henry J. Coort, Jr.. of Albuquer- - HuIi II. Williams, chairman of the ine rneips-Uode- e company is de- - Amnnmcnii irr nn umter ... cvaipiif. jpann 7T It mittee which met at the Capitol que and a number of associates have state corporation commission, and . Elding ?f a county fair in "short' Z iSEJfff"?-- OI :a- - ' 'X " building last Saturday disposed of returned from the Seven Lakes oil now serving his third four year term - lnr uc" scnooi Las cruces in IVOl, and a petition n w;. 'jk,.... it..... considerable business with dispatch fields in McKinley county where as supreme representative for New icilities for the employes. A recent for same has been filed with the com-- j and took in the big race to Mexico, in the of the report from the county superintend- - missioners. unanimity. jthey part Supreme Lodge of The time and place for the first stake claims as soon as the informs- - Knights of Pythias is not leaving a BERNALILLO jent schools shows Dawson to be LUNA convention which will select delega- - tion was received that the president stone unturned in his efforts to in-t- making great progress education.-dl- Some nf the (mil tr... in th;. the convention had oil bill. duce that and - 'The schools have an enrollment of in bloom to national is signed the leasing great patriotic chant- It is announced H. F. Robin- - cinity Last Saturday night George Hicks March 26, at Santa Fe. to Mr. Coors this able to raise a fund of by 900. with a corps of 25 t eachi'rs P.p- - According big organization son. of irrifration Indian - i i . ' id his wife (colored) were arretted 7 r the- tprv. aiucs k tuui - vcar nitfn iv '.V;;hVZ":Mia Re- - The apportionment of delegates for rush was second only to the big race approximately two million dollars for snmni muni late frost.' Las Cruces by representatives from the sheriff's this first looV when Oklahoma was of convention is: inn opened the purpose erectm 'OCl,ed will city police and de- - snriitni-mr- l AlbuMr1e adults in the common -' otlice, department lieruh!!o, 21: Chaves, 5: Colfax, to settlement, the principal ditter- aig a for the members 'hlJ00' branches, Span- of on a of receive an appropriation of mini - partment justice, charge 14 Do ence us jsh, vocation.,! ,;; ii .i ., J)e Baca, Ana beirg the (h..t or. - Coll a h, ,,i,rs $IJ,W0,y'r according i a bit! pa.-,i.i- EDDY ig l :!y Grant, G t i:: teal of the liiirs ' l.,rter nor cr.'l . by Fei.r.iarv part 7 ; . I Li-:- congress ii. lii.s ii. , ...a. In most cases cl.Y losii. Jrt1 ; 'i t. t. e f- in 1'. 'is ?V,UD more an a -'' ; L.:n... biii - ii . Ivtng before the '..las..a uaY-- i tion - oi list year. The imica'c was ti 1.- !f. 0- in many i'ljtruices '! '.- thought needed on ac-miii- oi' tilt (coi,.. j P rties found their '" ii'Yu:, a!..., m n:at-n;;l- s- r . io ' cost of ' r luph . n ; 3, pYg onto others. V ,;t so c,.,i hip , 4S 4l. o- n ; i. .. ' .1 - . ,..t j of" of o.'.i - S.. ; jr- Various trttarts of tlii; ' Eleven hundred unci thirty-fiv- e 1) uir p- re m c 13. the information t'.'-i- f ' f i J an-- Mil) an ; " LYiors, 10; Valtnei.:, hooks th.e "t of pro.; tution 4 1 have been rec wni hy tilf. .1 i " I!.. ...ttUuii will be. the f.. .ii ha bten received n n.bers. :.:;! r v ataie university oi New Mexico trum .: f..r- - il.e hi.. ry of the state to seat rushes in automobile Tl e Ivvo int. lion dollir sanitarium ...ii.i.l Ml ihe i Library i.l.e. h.,aj( as dc!ccates. At the sueises- - suited in the cars becomim: mi in fund ti oi.o .ed bv Mr. Williams does ! . , . ' lntr lhl:ly or cxaniinaii. t!:an ihe have bce i ior C)w- - ej . i i l"! . use &uspein!ed durn uood behavior. ,.e I 1 i . , wmtii iiius rciuininu. lor mere intr I tinti nf H Rnrttm it ilo. which rasf Knmp tf t' p niTninn flftr nnk larffp unn nn tttfins tn , P ... to the abundance of grass last S."0 uic A- Ritls were also fined eacli and across afoot in consider 75O.00O Ceo- - - of the fall Hie of winter found cided to admit women on the same started country hope that there are now !!!!,", 'j A,ri nl ,w, J, Rnilcy. formerly beginning given a suspended jail sentence. basis as men even is doubt- - of on of in ,j" ?f Phil- - the cattle in excellent condition, and though it being first their locations. Knights Pythias this country !hav seenY iVrViea araicallv ll v 5ra"lp,0'' N. Chavez, a jitney driver who is ful Jf the Susan B. Anthony amend- - Others were on the ground with and that the endowment sought r . . ' "t "is cny, is now noiniiig tne :c iiiiiiiness oi ine winter nas said to be a of the tne world. position of cashier nf the First Na- - them with frequenter place, ment will be ratified in the nation stakes and description of the land amounts to less than $3 per member, brought through scarcely U3f t.'lLt ftlfrt fllutn.Kr' A I. in time for them to exercise the while friends on hill sig- - and still when the fact that ts . ttonal Bank of Cimarron, Mr. Vasty loss in flesh or weight. The , . 7 ready tops many r. r.c neanna,i.f rcany a"y .iLJ Z. l. i.j right of franchise in 1930. nailed the news that the time for very rich men are among its active operaior having resigned. ;s,ockme are .ooking forward to , seaT oT He wl In members and OI. iseason of unusual "the hi, jitney. The place for the convention to operations had arrived. other that they are class the Grant ?. prosperity. arraigned before Judge H. Y. Mc- - nominate a state ticket and cases, due no doubt to the excite- - which is embued with and Albuquerque building, The citv .unerint. r . adopt generosity sitnated on the northwest C orner of .M,t. Keyesand bound over to the federal meft,. ana ot ThP nasu,. koeen warm ; a platform is Albuquerque. ment, parties staked one claim but patriotism. . i thC ,,,. arrest iria twoi wcaincr, very lhe SUm The time of the nominating con- - filed the description of an entirely) In reporting the recent celebration rrL. ZL "lj?.n tf o,rVnU,:, Pare,,,. in Ra, for,j "'"ng to com- - n.l springlike. While this was very,CUrt .150- ifi different of - BI.HIHJI ai- - vrntinn tn h spt hv niece of land. the 56th anlversarv of the order...... f ....c ..en ii WIRam . ...u. . , ' J r-- I I I . . Tl. . , ,:... I i... t"j I ...... I...... 1 ...... y ...... -- .. . . .n.iu . lontrirtnr . I - IV... I.l r. f - f mo. . j j ,um IJU, tVlMinri. u,.im,,I, ...... - ...v i.n- - f,..r lee OI ueorge K. .wiiicn sinia re uunc neia two-Stor- y r '. " weie ..ui uvcj ,u i,asi 0f biiildinir nf ex- - composed-- . r. uraig, - t: l : ,f Sill n nm cnare, tn, tne ...... hiwi n .u. ..:.u Dr.. .L:.'witn Splendid building, f.n.H v ft.. c Tl.:. - r i.r ikon u,a,,U K. .nf. jiaic enairiinn;e.; n.ti oiirsum, na- - cuidtpct i vr titnv inc om wuini in tnii ffround floor of which it now in ine jiiMiec uiri. .m, vamui man wumii lie s.uc. i iension to (he Nordhaus stores j. jvn a, 'u'tiL - -- i u ... tional committeeman ; Tom Hughes, r c".r "r. vniiiiami ran over ine long ,v naHu,a Ivmth.r. ft,. . ." lia.e.nj ,"- " cn,n ... wnrlc i, . Albuaueroue : Secundino Romero. roil n..:,H M IaX '" Xh" raIv speakers A T, V . . V "I?.1. " hnk from build . . 1 r 1 .. . . n vvhitney. Hardware company and connecting the T.. . , r... n. i u- Tti.- - nrl.a. . t.rm. (i .nni.lhln r, n( v.v...nK . fh...... I.I.fl, - I. - vft.j., M. i.u. ( other concerns ing tnat is occupied v,u, in Santa Fe came...j to an which each selected or was ..."j" ZpT. W'" ' is. jury county assigned.! RM,:- - '.T.'"?. 'ey ntpartment to biding oeeM The of for end when the in The of this event was in sub- - ,uir. n.a.c .i ine oiiuirr u- - hi,11"" i'- veil, a it. .1.. apportionment delegates grand jury the report one-stor- y frame at Al- - u..,v..K "LZ''Zt.'t",4 i,v liarHui',r.' ,... Tk. 1 building ..."v. .nc auuuiu'i ne nom marcn worn ues-- . as : i r.-- dltori,im was declared closed at srv natintr convention it: icrm conciuaca its stances ioiiows ...... v.v.u i... ,i. . . 'will be three s'ories high, of brick Rornalilt.T 104 T 7fl dav hivinir in "On the 19th of Santa Fe ? v, V.'..... l" ty evening and the Recent shipments from the local . Ph. v.. rlfav afternoon, affer he.n Fehruarv Tuesday . . . . . ,VT ...mi 1.. .anna, as representative" for ,, rr.,.r... UdltlllClll1,... Will UC Curry 14, De Baca 8, Dona Ana 5s session less than two full Lodge No. 2 had the best celebration Lait'iori council Proceeded to look over Ihe stockpens were two carloads of Koats used for a . ca r-- days. : . Smecelbere of'New York to storehouse and heating 11 i i.i 7a 11: - n . nn rL.. v.,t .1,...... i i .,.r f f Ki.., m. ;,. nurierotis olfers lucre were twelve property oi ueni, vvnicn t.uujf uiani in- rh,ri..w.....v .....v., mt lanu ...,uj. . " " and ti. Tot. eons de- - .:...... , . . i.7 ti. .. . plant, the second I loir for the furni- - 1 ji, vjuau.'uijc jt, iit "'""i"' iirotherj Ihe i .i. . dal.oro 4, I.ea Uncoln 33, Luna 18. ottice, was the foreman. There were was Keld at the Scottish Kite Lathe- - ...: (.in The nron."rt h w"n WJ!U' range nt amounts Mippeo to uaiiagan. Missouri, ture noor wa, t,i V- (U.parnen, tie mirai.- Mora CO. 16 cases of dral and a fine was 1 ' offeredi Vaeger. the on the 19th. Two cars of cattle were ...;u i... i V..a, . McKinley 2. Okro 22, Quay investigated, out which dinner prepared " fro m Kir.t , tree T "ff present " .t. 1Q Rio Arriha 74 f. there were 12 and 7 "nr. bv the Ladies Aid of the . ; 7??r J manager of the Auditorium, makinr.' shipped to Fort Worth the iOth ins- - ". "L Rnnc.u.lf Sa. indictment, Society .... a i i "".'"S - taut the KIVC UIC Aoru- doval 31, San Juan 10, San Miguel true bills" returned. Witnesses ex- - Methodist church, your ritual, used. JJ ,"le Highest bid, was awarded the cattle belonging to Vance llalj ,lle lnr..t rioor 129, Fe 72, 17. arnined numbered 26. ' the celebration f?r the Polk and company. 5,re, Santa Sierra Socorro at Minneapolis, The Jlldianl contribut- - ",e . . ytars.' V,r- Lf store in the citv. jat - ,sleU jlave TSnA0a any nrrZtl , iaos lorrance L'mon 5.'. Juuge eea noiioman, presiding, was usea in pan, me nag ana pa- ed S1.00U of H. ZJ, ' YT the nar. ttMl .1.,. h., CO r... . approximately worth labor ylar "r tune new . . . t..t Valencia 63. had a regular spring; cleaning when triotic portions at opening and clos- - , ,'h, ,T,u. ,n? higher than any of the building ot the J obe D he ,n,v er ncw Icase 18 ann which " The sentiment of the committee cleared 46 cases from the civil ing. nood Drotection oroiects on the river "";s- - V,'e effec" flas,cr "'"ing company, 1 for General Leonard Wood docket afternoon. Some "1 acted as toastmaster and called to replace the one destroyed by Major Tuesday iouth Aib H 4 The Litt,e Hatchet Minml. fom as republican nominee for president of these were disposed of 'through first on Col. G. W. Pritchard, who to that the formality of signing the f,re. ,s ';" hurried, a large force 'pany haj rcmoveJ itJ nujn" was almost it was in- - judgments, others were dismissed, .was the father of Pythianism in this Pa')e" wl" be over-Ra- ton Report- - of men being engaged on the s , unanimous, t)r E L Mitchell and Robert Mc I job.!flom Rj( 1actl;ta in a The civil in er- - he frame work is about completed accord dicated poll that was taken . remaining cases are 10, instituted the first Clughan ha'v Tpurchased five lots at ldopment wi be Sjleeded up - and the will be ship-mKl- y before Instead of m heard and disposed of lodge, then assisted in the institu- - . ; corriiuated iron Tlle lna!n workillr just adjournment. rapidly, Albuquerque and have started cons- 1 5laf e new - in from hi aso to be ap-,rl- v passim? a resolution Gen-- 1 The short term is said to be tion of the Grand Lodge, and later resi- - . . mo.',ern equipment pur- pen ready endorsing jury truc,ion 1 one of two modern bein(. timbered to the eral Wood, the committee left the our to the fact that prohibition has on in years was given the honor of Arnrr. The.e home, will he modem V"ase(' om' "me K M"nger ,"'r- "eri sas everytning)exi., an , successive lift ,, vv ...... ------convention uniiaiii iciru, uui Kluicn ,uri 1.1 ancjii lu v,,...g . ..v .amcu r.,m hrirfc reidFnet. one ol . . .' . . " . 7 . r jii icei crosscuts wit he Carrierl out he oninion of the rnmmittee mem. minimum and the costs of a term nf for twentv minutes on "Patriotism u ..""it",vw UIK dllu - .- - ' w:..i.h .. a ,..,, to the ore. Work will also be started bers a of those court in this have thus been and then Judge K. M. ...;n ia expected to arrive in a few days through poll nre.ent. county Pythianism": ...:.i ' ti,. s.i.. within a few days on the Dantet On the roll call reduced from $4,000 $5,000, less Hanna, former of the Su- - In the fire fighting line will there were j votes to to justice be go,j Springer GRANT shaft. Assays from the veiu now id for General Wood and four scatter- - than $1,000. .preme Court of New Mexico, spoke nr Mitchell huildinir a modern .soon be. " wel1 fn'"ipped n the! in the bottom of the shaft are The latter included one for Ed on Amcricanismi tne urner : ... , largest cities. ing. oi .. V V. II .1.. i, I .u. said to show values of better thaa IIUI, HLIllUIIV iui J ilia - wi wuimiicu nave uccn en- - c wards, democrat, of New lersev. The OLD FONDA SITE Reed Holloman Judge of the Dis- - .i. h Kl,8 Comfortable cjrclel.. jn Lunt which "" r in quarters a'e FOR Court a . '. u 1. E Shahan who sold .ome dayj transforming '.'"T' member laughingly explained that he; NEW HOTEL trict and member of this s .1,1. recently hi. now m r vv "viuj iius, t...... uaa nutlilintr construction for the ine - ,.,j.:-u-vu .i uvuukii yvi t uiiiit the.T ffvninB.uun V al nn-- was O! ,.u:-- IO . " i voting for Edwards on account . lect was -j u wesi oi inc citv r.. W. ?J ' n ..'r.vrt-- a fallows m. . . .. , ... . ' . IilCU, tu;.IUI. l! liltl. IIIIIUj ifmse Dr, iiitn i . .... hK rWirmal Vrlnw.l tnlA a Imwu' rl.r." - fram; ard nf F.dwirds "wet Board of directors on ... tr.e tranK W. Chief Va"cvi nas uotignt tne i.ittrell " " ermine-hous- e M platform. ine Monday urder"; Mitchell has built and sold in this tnjan - are beini built selected the Justice of .V. V..".," Place on the a few miles !,",.?rv additional accomodation is f- The delegation for the Santa Fe "Old Fonda" site for the Supreme Court, spoke " Vermejo, Yt...mhl i i. too ...... Kant. IT.i. r ,,. . ,t.- - . ""J . "1? southeast nf Daw.nn "adly needed. Ihe upstairs portion! k.v.j t,,.i ifi.,,.. cf tl,e is divided in maiority thereof, cast for the repnb- - This is to mdst of the tingmshed guest, who visited our city ' ""a "l Ih . 'rt'e farm consists of 525 l,'llliK being satisfactory rooms making accomodations for 24 MORA lican candidate for governor in the contributors and people of the city at that time, the to China, extensive ,7f ? of Paris acrcs' '"res under irrigation, a and cotton producer ,arKe six room students. 1 fast general election. The total of unquestionably a fine location, who spent about twenty years in Texas have aUo purchased two blocks orchard, good house, thee vote, was 23.752. The lot is almost 300 feet the Orient and the extreme de- - balin anJ commodious outbuildings. square East, at Albuciuerqne It is planned to The first carload of sail purcha.e.l' 1 F: Y.m""5' 01 Nvinville. low., The apportionment for the big pop- - facing three streets and corners on E. R. I'ulkerson, spoke on "ilrother- - it! "e ' '',e ue,t '"'Proved farms t.iiii a his lr veOI, ,hjs property the building Colfax uy uie uraiu l arui and Live arriuii c.r of v.t(,, ,,,4 nlar convention in the fall is about the hood"; C. Roberts. Justice of the , county. Mr Shahan does louiuy p!a,a. J. pf nmnbrr ,,, ;,cc ,i,e Stock llnrcau for of the rotten, ikl goods l,,..t week to find one for 20 Rennbli- - Brothers have been directed talked on um mtind to occi-i.- it, but will con- - uc r.iuclieis delegate every Kapp Supreme Court, ;.,,!,.. ( I,., ' that the Nutter were ill to ...!, ti,. to make in the White Signal and Whitewater l.imily and can voters, so there is no reason draw several ets of plans and nalism along with the work of the finite Springer his home tinahle to gi.-- ion who a i,s..e of the farm why at least 0 per cent of all the submit same to the hoard for sclec- - Enisropal Church"; Rev. Ttowhridj-e- , which he says is pood en for districts, ,,nneil pool (or this he fiotii PMAUF? st.i-im- n p'n.h.Mil :hem fall, lie precincts in the state should not be as quickly as of the on him- .- ipringer Stockman. purpose, arrived at Whitewater tin possible. Episcopal Church, spoke rented he Ktv. Pev.e! at .i The ( i I tf - this wo k and will be on pbre represented. New v..ic S,,nta Fe ar- Church Work in Line with placed Sic.i. and ir. e l in - Malone of the llic there chitecture has been decided upon, nalism"; Rev. Marble of the Method- Earnest Malone range according' to agreement. His arrived Einht Hardware Co., has the CURRY A was elfected family Sunday RAILWAY MAIL CAR business rooms on the first in Church, whoe subject wis the purchased splendid saving by and will his Mrs. C. A. Guallicur block. , buying, the in a lot fur- - sistv. RORRFD AT r.At 1 IIP ''oor have been directed and an ord- - "State as a Newly Elected Page":: This building was .. , . salt car and Gail- - " wa. 0 he j H al ,m ,r "crn porar, er for 300.000 hollow tile brick has Grand Louis Gal- - property of Madam Sophie A ,,",e' ther be secured through ;."aw"' . Deputy Chancellor, - ""j e". i . . . i t . , ., it;,..- r,( t..,, ...... Monday ng" h a i . uccii uiaccuj wim ine luneriniennnr ics. sdokc on ine drow n ni ine v" fcwn- irtn.i n mum the ""e Uv re ,e "r'oVs " ,r.a.,n M. rnor'"n wh" commenced ex- - ed. in 'I A'"'c'n. r"l? of the -oenitentiarv.- Order in the State": Lieutenant C.oU. hue Charles dc Bremond Mr. t" Half a car the shipment . n"'r'l"??was cntcren at uanitu Monrlav .. . . ;. . . n. i . .i. .e. i . . t . cavation on the basement. The build- - wa. i..,ip,i a, s.,1!lr s.t.; ..! mrz STATE CAPITOL AND OTHER LoT&. . "-- pHs.. ..ion i.rcii. n.ipn oiiinn. ucirs :. i . TTX. v .r fh. offie...... ,1 ,.,;:i . """'ci. me uiiiiiiing win ne postoffice?Zr!!inspector withS:,,iheaduuart nmriii diti fi. D- ers is Pythias"; Lucius Dills, Past Chancel- - I" extensively remodeled and made dfVf"ent 'dnartme'ntrnf 'S,i,l "'' A r5"ny s,ore " lo be ODfn-- i - C. Sutton now has six at Denver, working on the A modern."773,M ? A. Sedill , wa, lor of Lincoln No. 7, and a - Hugh Huff, the jeweler. Ve lst" ,h San m we," ease appointed legal thirty- t "or 'VHJ"" ". Apriv. . Andre., Talc av,5r IO ,a,t .Sa,ur- - n'.ra UeKr Mason spoke on "The punnascu ,. .os,a "umotT lularosa at work and several The robbery took nlace while the ,ne. n oUkcs pn (h(i . ?' car. fv.rn"r I fit i ii 1 ii v n rv . - arartIt. nu it. rn ii , u . . r fwo mail were succeed l enx Baca wlio re- - intmence of the Urder hroughout i lrwr snit.c wi uriir linn nst riHt j railway at and "The Moded." E. VVil- - f, Dreakfa .t lTn t.,;.,V .1.. .T.i7. ,'8ne' December to take effect the Country during the Reconstrtic store J. J.h"..!" k! o,hershave been in.WT,,,.' A company in El Paso s clotlun-- r Zrr' ' ' auueu are n w 2V7 i ' ,ne Pleas"re of the governor. Mr. tion Period"; and closed the llan' n'r" store. The until tticre of these has locked the car and i. fl,. h.u.f meeting ,0 lhe Cmmer- - Ve ? Sedillo resigned as a member of the with a talk hv Assistant Attnrnev prices paid for these tw, buildings i."l.T..e..a.,,d' l'.V "ores locate, in 29 Mates. smaller l,,.mTf 1. i of the officers .... on case i.. ;. l"" oi tne city. u c i!llrn . ... " tJj? "ha or legislature last week and qualified General H. S. Bowman, Master of "ave not been r """""' ,hn r.. Zti -- i-- lered dfd ,dvl,or " Monday- - Monternma No. 1. on 'Felici- - understood they were larg,e, c ii na, arrivea is said to De ot w Sy of 2postai " Lodge w;.. dl5t,"C- - ",yei iurc, the best grade found t Ie.?d. Cf" .h5. im- - me, "- - F,!.y'. ""ompanied by hi, family, and anywhere in the United State and kev. ihere is no record of sucn a a . .. . - ...... a - i t. u mc i cm- - m-- .i. -- i. , nurse nas oeen se- - ". utuiK. . . im wninaii. wur kev beini lost or stolen in thi. .ee. . 'Pe?.a'n montn ot leb. "All tne addresses were timely and co.mnuiuiy .f ... s...j it."'c Rerting is used lor making chalk talcum - Koswell. name Miss ,,,c tor - tion of the connfrv althonol, if . corr,"or of the east wing oi fitting on Pythian knighthood. Py- VJlr.,(1 'r tier is fh. nffirili ".Zee , 2 "ull"m8 rcaay occupancy. powder, etc. Alamogordo Cloud- would be nossihle tn ,ne aP''. the drafting section of thianism and Patriotism, 'dealing with ' rickson, a graduate Ked Cross nurse ,'u- Y crotter. of New with a war service "5 ' anywhere m he Postal servle department ha, moved the order, its influence, history and York, rec ;ffcf nVh.V GUADALUPE I1",11""he Th- - in - ord to her credit. She will arrive B" F- - Cil!is are '",0 scna,e development the state and through- ( ,d:.nK ' KffV and f;imi,v nved sev ey aH W '''"'". ' , l"ck of Koswell If. ?, . , !" would ",.L. -- ."r.Inale space to conduct the out the Supreme Domain, together ' directly from the east , ...... "al weeks , from Etectra. Tex;.s any door. a ' r v D'lstness has become so that with Americanism and the "' ,rw 'a'- Miss hrickion comes X . " l,r""1'1 Wl!'' them a rar load 1 he number of of mail tak- - - r . . pressing . . . loyalty i ..... ii- i ... . . ,.,ion h,v, '.;.uu ui ni .i .e we, i. n u pieces ii-.- ,.r... oyiionon. mivs itic nisi - of "ew Huaricr, ior twj or tnree more oi tne Urder. vimcr .i. siaic puiiiic neaiin i arn ....i .. . , t- household and ranch poods. .,".. rrTni wi to be rented I think thai the foregoing will The local community nurse board w Harrison"" " ll'c"'"rar'- - Mr. Ciili has purih.ivel the .'. 5'Pr,m" h"-K- c . - Alamo-- g "n " 11 'th 1 ranch on;!ie st of ?H R"'d- nonnced H,eos?,7oMh k The has ,.,k- - IhetmutZubr'tnera' Zm ANI 1 biggest tha, .rdo and 'nnk of that A ,1ad ,,,e i, en in co-- p'isscsion t'te pre- wa. taken. number of sacks I WAtV"P ADVP" e- rcache'' n,il,ion rtoI!ar '"ark. place f.,r I of the chief TnaeWV 7 7 ,?1H tn the f ,,,r.e Tnme n Guadalupe mises on l i 'irti.irv t Mr. Ilennrtt and fan ily have moved to their j ' -- on Mew York avenue. ,! aKTixirt: S?? ? waft r2? fsSMiKS. , M r 'Ihe Ci'tis famtly have come to "--c-- o-- "- "" ""' -. C ": .T" !i;;:wThf, VI2 i1.'..'-"- t ...kin, ,h, , Y.h;.'::". r" - . - 4 was KSSSi E a .? ."oEinmm i. u. vommis- matter of over tne "!"!"";ot the ' V r"'""5 ini.i'iv ral' oi I ....ivii i,ri,j,i-i- - . . the uplift. custody two' amonri . to explain now the car t u , .". Uavis i.Y.j. t0 beg"- 7 . .,. i, The of are - children, llarel May and Pauline J. W. Mordecai was awarded the , . - money in the o.I r. without the robber, be- - ui Knishts Pythias rapid- l, . rancni. Bl once. r',of,!f"'? b....v .1 ..iv.... 7" '" Unitid e,h7'!,a Ir in number Wallace, wh had been adopted by contract for the erection of Clovis' isa Alamogr rdo News. Statein increasing, throughout? '. VOICC.,. train neiniTworlfeH hi t't?-- of Nw Mex'-- '" the matter of the country and it is one of the 'he Blanchards. I'nder habeas cor- - new school building and Barry Hard- - ii 7 school sections in ware - . ", that citv. There irreateit force, in the rnnnirv tnr- pus procee lines lames Dav- Wallace Company wa,- given the plumb- nun ana any one seen enter-- , t ...... : i i t- i .... L With 10,000 believe! QUAY lurcc, ' OI scnooi lands in ,ne ot k hmuhk. .xnooi win toen ...neid cigarettes, to' ing or leaving the mail car when ,uu.,cc"?,,, good lellowship, patriotism and latner, enstooy tiavr hoen stolen, in their poseision. were K " . the clerks known to be at ""1 ...VI." .C. .. " . .L. V.. '."."". ..""V."""."" Ik .1 JVj ...r' TV'"'' two bovs. who cave their nam.-- a. JiuU'e S. M. Madden of the Glen-- : .... arre-te- d breakfast, would have aroused sus were at to be coal at the time the and about 1500 members. In Santa pealed to the supreme court. Under menced this week down the .' San'a Fr.a. io Oil Co. had men working on his picion. bearing tearing are aired I! and 1.1 vea-- s grant was made. The state holdi Fe the local Wire i crowinir n the Hrrivion of the supreme court old structure and preparing to erect 11 ?y. new oil well to be sunk on the Odeii fat i ney nan several otner t.e- - i e is new school which will article, tanth four miItJ east of ,.,wn r.,,,,, tmt ,n"e 'ectnns weie that its membership promises to 'he distrirt court reversed, with "e building, I STTmMev s heved to have been ohtamed s 1 ' known to be underlaid with coal, double this and a new in'rt-citou- to et its judgment be complete! in time for this fall', houses have been erected, the nece- - DISMISSAL BLANCETTfl APPEAL '"" year meeting j,He Judge David I.eahv aid - pUce j, becoming cssenmt. nd restore the children t i he ens- - term of school. tl;rft. J. .arv crcava'i..n pcrforintd and car- I District public todv of the Filnnrhard.. The Attorney Ward expert to enraced in a modern Notary commiions ha'e it . ,,fnters erecting sir-ne- d rut M v nta Ro..o-- a:td the .vs The attorney generals office is pre- - been by Governor Larraol) SEVERAL NEW COMPANIES W1 "npealed Cliaves rn.-i- tv iss Addie Chenworth so'd her i r,l!e to ,h. orth of the railroad, ! will have a which dismissal of and filed with of P'arcl-ard- s e 1 in- - residence on North Mitch;-- his hearing. Thev rcttw to ,k.,.. .!,.. K. tl.. .,, paring papers by the Sectetary Siate "h of St. -- INCORPORATE DURING WEEK re;dent, - . e account of Ives 1 the the Court as follows: ; V. Cmrh-ir- is n seer'- Sft'iva-i- who is pr any then kind. appeal to Supreme coin coun'v. E. (' I. movirt". it ir - tt-- rot kt where th r of t'ie I'ni'ed States, in the case- William I. Ashcraft. O'nv rountv: tu. ir a t-- t- member of hnne of the fonr-- to CI )vis from Wichita Falls. Te ,n pa:et et s reside. ot Albert H'ancett. conve'rd of the Tattime Kinscll. ( haves : M?-irir- A. Ceneril merchandise business '"Ti-latur- The ."oreme coerf - ""I he "d aoct-v- are r"-tin- J. E. Murray has Lcen active m rarj hnMi-iir- s ' murder of Qyde D. i5 ask- - Onv. Do-- i Ana: R. MrD 'well. ' bv J"-''- rr Oo-- f Jus- - down a deep test well on l, tying and litis erain from Armnsr, Ja"ie. Capital stock J.0000 Incorp ' "in Rhrr.. V'er- r-- ' - irators in HIDALGO I ed. Currv: Charles F. Wills. Currv: - u j f".' n r- i i tire Parker and Revnnld. em- - the Taiban country. The Glenrio, but andicapprd reren'ly X. B. rcenenan nr non r i mngston and ia- - H rvosweii and furniture sold for $11.0X). C. W. throtich of The mirket T. .. X .. ynion;I AdIcr. Mlx Karlsroher, J g cnrnni;. t. cir. Blancett. ....ha. k...... t .. .1... .1 ...... !. . I I'.ryan of the real estate ".r--- v h i.v. nu.c S nII TwninriH - , . department ... I rl irne i'f i'. re'a'd ef wi-- ni.ivi nvrr, I'""". fnrfmanI'U'JIIIalll, n(fl IUI.Ulllt.Stl, .iw... ,,v i.i. ii. "Hill court, and this be attacked east ol tne i nion boos-e- r Drmi-i- e .btisine's. The .tree's at times have I The Company, of ' ,7r ' 'arm aiortgage company rea estate at ard Plaa - 'T nr !n- mn-ni- ... by the states motnn which is beintr The Farmers and Barkers Life - r r- t c Fmdav the deal. Clovis News. . t i t been lined with two. four and tx tl- .. men nan u.-- . Row!l drstroved making ...... i..,r . Assistant Gen- - - i -' : TrSdi, uniti.i.. 1. - la-- e ,,..:., -- prepared by Attornev suianre companr of Wichita. Kin- tmnn i a thre.hino- machine .1,' larriTOTo. arcomranied his bro- - "" '. .x.." " ' - ,i by ers! S. - diT- r- The . Mr. Harry Bowman. and the Southland Life Irsur- .".'. tlt. i -j r. onantitT of feed O. H. Hickman. hauling of lumber for the new th.. :c. ; .u. .:. shipped by Murray, n..'..j e The Renehan brief - b- - school house ni-h- handled twenty-thre- bases the .p- aire company of Dallas. Texas, have Schoeny C E Israel, all' of Las manaeer. estimates the loss to at Ranchvale began last Mondav t en route to Globe havint cars of peal on four grounds, alleging that notified the state insurance depart- - $(m. The fire .farted from an oi! Monday. Arizona Ther are at ma'7e. and three of com, and m"re o E. C. Vegas present very' '"How of both. hauled Judge Abbott, before whomjr.ent that they will not ask for burner used in the hay press and extensive handlers of land scrip Fanners their re,i 'n-e-- d tn 20 25 Blancett was tried, was not legally newals of their in this Hate, to the bay and machinery. HF RATA t - - from to miles, in order to a I ludge he was tn military seri All Aivrrt COMING EVENTS before it could be stopped. T . V. Bennett of HarHta and Wal- - Prticipate in the attractise freijht s . i r ,t,(.,t .,,. is 3TtXW GienrK inr inrici tnat manceu aian I -, The Slaughter farm having Bret McMillen, the Ricardrt mer-- ter Chester of are now rat" enjoys. Attractive water from Cot- - this citr" . . have fair trial ae,non-j(0nwo- oj - of creek in Eddr eonntr was Kesbliea Casvcmtioa poind, of oatss cleaned at the Ros- chant, is erecting a fine atnne tnr. nwn... r.t th. r:.n:. tTiirrit rates and pure water are made - trations by spectators; Snt March 26 well Seed companr preparatory to building in that town. between and t- 85- 'onT . orawmg nn.mess one of the was thatjjto state Engineer Gillett last Lordsbnrg ,nf jurors permitted - K r r i Tnimg acres ot oats tnis ve'r., , mine. While here last week Mr Ren- - ? ul!.IlK" lnn separate from the others and hold Arthur. .h.uj WoI Crawm AiMcutisa Th;, ply one of the many aetivi- - W. H. Long, the noted stockman, nett purchased the latest model For i Nrw M exsco. Glenno Tribune. conversation with another person; jvoswcu marcn o, r ties oi tnis I arm carried on on a ana one ot tne metres! land owners at the Tt i. the -. large sntt r,r,.. nd that there were only ten jurors. The Franklin Fire Insurance com- icle Larre acreages of wheat and in the rountv. ha. Keen Innkinir aft. r th. a u ROOSEVELT In regard to the last-nam- ed ground MBr. application for . license to do Mimic GraaJ Bndiea Karlev wiTI also he nla nted ffita anrintr er matter, rvfi tit. fine irr-irr- t A 1 1 n. nn. . . it was said that the coort record by j business in New Mexico was approv- - Albuquerque March 15, 20 The oat heme cleaned was raised near Fort Snmner. Mr. Long wa. ! C. - rrof at tint sbould only tea jurors lea Wednesday by the superintendent on the Slauntiter farm last year, and moch pleased with the looks of 9(10 T. H Csnthen of I.amr Texa- - W. Hart of Delpbos has ptir- emnaneled. but were I insurance. Kite -- chased another hundred bead of cat-- that there of The company', home! Scottish Rcwmb is beinr hauled to town for cleaning earhr inrinc? lamb. rn the V.tlem. !.. :. f .u. .'. v. twelve. -- - j Fe 25 -- " " i:'"",M really lir; oi.l.j.i.1.:. Santa .March 22, and then back to the farm. farm. fining Company, owning valuable' (Con tinned on supplement.) ROSE IN COFFIN MIDWEST OFFICES WANT LOAN FROM U.S. SEEDS FOR EUROPE'S REFORESTATION FUELADMINISTRA-TIO- N TO REBUKE REVEl LATE ROBBED OF BONDS BOLSHEVIKI WILLING TO ACCEPT CONTINUED MARKET DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT J Swedish "Corpse" Awoke as Friends QUOTATIONS MIDWEST REFINING COMPANY Feasted Twenty WILL WITHDRAW DECREE AN WILSON APPOINTS NEW COMMIS- LOST LIBERTY BONOS IN NULLING RUSSIA'S FOREIGN Witnesses. Wutera Nsvspsptr Union News Sarvlc. SION ON FUEL WITH HlUES DENVER MARKETS. DARING THIEFT. DEBT, IS REPORT. RL AT HEAD. Stockholm. Jeiins .lonssen. a farm- Cattle. Beef steers, ch. to 16 er, at Fa men, died there af prime. .J1.00tl11) residing Beef staera, good tu choice 10.00 76 Western Ncwupupf-- r I fiiim .Wii Service. ter a week's Illness. beef steers, fair tu good... t.Ott j).T Keh. U7. III a new The been placed In Helfera. prime " J? BIG SECURITIES GONE Washington, corpse, having Cow, fat, good to choice.. .00w .! peace proposal lo Hie treat powers, TO DISTRIBUTE COAL a coffin, was kept for three days In Cows, fair lo good 7.75W .5i came to Cutters and fender cows... B.SOw .5n reported ill official dispatches re the house, where neighbors Cannera S. ceived, soviet Kussia pledges t pay their last respects and to partake Bulla T.0O 8 26 15.0017 2 TAKEN FROM STRONG BOX IN of democratic in of the usual refreshment served on Veal civ.. principles NECESSARY ON ACCOUNT aood to choice .... 1.60 W Itussiu and the of a coiislilu ACTION those occasions. The waa Feeder, to D.00W OFFICE WITHOUT LEAVING calling company Feeder., fair good cut It further to OF INADEQUATE FUEL uluniied when nn the evening blocker., sood to choice... 1.60 w asseinhly. promises greatly Stocker. fair to good 7.60 " CLEW. withdraw the decree annulling Has SUPPLY. of the fourth day the "dead man' Blockers, plain 6.00 li.Dv sia s (HI foreign debt, restoring per lias- - ' cent of the liahi'lly, and also to pay Good 11J.753H.0J i n i v I, Newspaper tliliTi Nrt f e hog in reins of interest, :iiht; as a Kiiar-aiile- Weslei n X wimper riiimi Nw Krvlc. March ne of ihe most for the fulfillment of its ohlif.'a Skerp. Ieiiver, Washington, .March 1. Coincident Ijniibn. fat, good to ch l 10 Btorttitij; robberies rn I In lions coiisidi'rahle luiuin' concessions fair to IS 75i; rpft with Hie signing of the railroad bill, Lamb., fsl. good... enacted in I lie tin1 of and silver lo an An'lo feeder. ",1Ut.?. yeur.v, heurl of platinum or- l.mb.. 16.0U17.U i Presidenl Wilson issued executive Denver f insi iit-- :i dislrirl, ;i x t f xl t American syndicate. yearling. to choice. .U.VSWli-o- of the Ewes, fat, good Hie police Mlii'li otThuils oT ilic Mid- la return and in addition lo the ders providing for continuation ICcfiniDK illi formal the soviet of the Fuel Administration, Urrssra Poultrr. west 'nuipnnv, offices peace treaties, powers The on drewed poul- riirec;-lu- r following price, nil I lie I'iKlilli unci t j i floors i.f the would (ileal Itrilain hut dividing them between llie try are net. i-- O. li. Uenver: First N:i tii mill Hunk Imililiiii.'. mill other countries to ahaiidon all in general of railroads and u com- Turkey.. No. 1. 3 f'S Turkey., old torn. the hiss r ls.:(.Vl in lervenllon in Itussiaii alfairs. mission of four. Director lieueral Hens, ib Liberty & " bonds, which frniii ihe of- It also proposes Hint the I'niu J Illnes will retain Jurisdiction over do- Duck, young 29 H disappeared ""'""Yiinwwt- - -- Oeese 26 ifil fice nf Henry A. Jones, I re;i su rer of Slales allow a cieilit lo ltussia, l mestic ilislrihulloii while the commis- liuu.ter. m W the some lime hot u ecu 'J :'MI upon ciuisiilcrahle colic. 'ssinus sion will handle hunker und export foiupimy, Live o elm L .Sal iiflcrnooii ami X::tO III that Charles Ijilhrop Pack, president of the Amerleun association coal mutters. I'uullry. unlay counlry. forestry Turkey.. 10 lb., or uver JJ yesterihiy moniin. A dispatch from London quoting a (right with flag in hand) displaying posters showing itemized list of The commission will be composed ol Hens. Ib Moscow said seed sent that to France and Great Hrllain 1 V'lf Appcarum is indicate lull the theft wireless message, the helng hy organization Belgium A. W. Howe, Iteuihrandt Peale, F. M. Uuckling. - soviet had new I'he seed are shown on Boston common Oo.ling. 1lf was what the police ti'i'in "an inside Kovcriiinent made peace piled awaiting shipment. Whit laker and .1. F. Fisher. It will broilers overtures lo the I nlled Cocks '3 J !" li work of someone I'amiliar Stales, Japan function through the Tidewater Coal US WJ0 Ituuiaii'a. No such .Spring with (lid off suiiiianilinus. anil proposal has Kxchuuge, which is restored for that l' renched Hie Slate I and be- 'I'lu- - Imnil tin rv a icpurliuciit APPOINTMENTSURPRISE purpose, having lieen suspended i;uii. rv;lii affords paral- officials uere luiahle to whether PLANE FALLS Esirs, strictly fremi. case In hiiml Hu ill say fore tiie resignation of Dr. Ourfield as count 12.59 2.75 lel siniihil' Liberty lls the xiiiC'cstiou coiilniiied in Hie I - peace fuel administrator. lie New York linuiiciul district rc- other official advices as outlined llullrr. all WILSON NAMES BAINBRIDGE The order the commission 15 cully which caused police (Hit iihove were those referred lo in the FIVE MILES creating Creameries, 1st grade, lb.... Hie lulled Slales concern. Willi ab- COLBY TO SUCCEED LANSING. is effective until April .'HI, next. Cleaillerte., 2d giaue 5 Moscow H'1Ioki-iiiii. l'roce.. butler 45 no llie iiuihor-- I 47 solutely tangible ciew, The suciiestioii that the I'liited The order said the action was taken Packing .lock - Hex have begun nn iiucMipitinn, Slales had hcen with ."because of Ihe present emergency Uulter Fat. coupled Japan UN- FORMERLY PROGRESSIVE LEAD- lerlive IJeorge Sunders beih;: assigned in new MAJ. SCHROEDER BECOMES and iu order to insure an udeiiiiHte Direct and Rumania a peace offer ER AMONG FOLLOWERS OF malioo t to Hie case. AT GREAT HEIGHT mid t'uuilnhle distribution, anil was received with some surprise. CONSCIOUS ROOSEVELT. supply There is lint Hie slightest e idenco It was the lo facilitate Ihe movement, und to pre- Krult. assumed, however, that FOR LACK OF OXYGEN. box $1. u I a sneiik mi fit li in wilh I lie vent or of Apples, Colo., Ihief new offer was In line with the con- locally generiiliy, scarcity Sham on You All!" Pears. Colo., crale 3.UUWJ.75 rnlllil Hie that the off ire liave rnhheil Ilea sistent policy of the soviet govern- WeHtfrll I'ni.m Npwi Serv eoiil." It directs specifically tier's which liail l. order Issued by the I'nlted States Fuel arose In bis coffin to an posi- Veaelables. desk, apparently ment to attempt separate netful hit inns Teh. 'Jti. upright 1.609 M Washington, Huliihrldge U, Dean, navy, rwl lieen wilh a Administration, Nov. 1!H7, "relative tion and addressed the . 111)4 H i 4 opened key. with the allied and associate powers. FEET ill following lleana, pinlu, cwl PILOT UP Colhy, who is nil Independent pill- at i'-- 25 Inside Hie desk an initi strong box The Supreme Council at l.omlou lias 36,020 to tidewater transshipment of coal words tu his family and friends: Bean., lima. Ib ules, Willi lH'tnocrnlic leiiniugR, lias Philadel- "You me I have Kean, Ten. Ib iV which held the hnmls was fniinil wilh announced that il would not iicn iliatc Hampton toads, lUiltlmore, thought dead. may Bean., wax, Ib SO'i ..14 il lid und heen appointed secretary of atute hy and New York, and for the em- been, but the of new, cwl I.0O(i 4 Oil pried open the contents, Willi the soviet, for the present at phia your revelry Beet., 7 HAVE President Wilson to ktieeeed Itohert of und with the awoke me. Shame on all fur Cabbaae, new, Colo., cwl. 6.60 'i SIS.00O In Liberty bonds of all least. This action does not hind the TEMPERATURE SAID TO ployment cooperation you Carrots, new. 3.60 V se- Ameri-en- u coal us a common in cl IS ami Jf!Wi of personal I'liited States, linwew'r, as the 67 BELOW Lansing. The iippoininieut cuine as tidewater exchange, spending my money feasting! I Cauliflower, lb BEEN DEGREES Celery. Colu l.OOy 1!.0U curities, iiilNsin. is not in lu officials agency, to facilitate transshipment have done with you, and prefer Ihe 4.f0 government represented ZERO UP SEVEN MILES. great surprise Wusliinglon Cucumber., h. h.. dm ... Treasurer Jones he rule tin' council. who the ami to reduce delays in the use of next world to society," Leaf lettuce, h. h., doz.. .76 ia reported and politicians had expected jour 2.00 3. Oil In- coul curs and vessels," The tiititi .auk back In lettuce, head, dos J liery lo the police Immediately after In Hie iiliseme of any official President to name u strong Democrat thereupon Union., Colo., cwl t.OOy) 7.2s'. lie had the desk and noted the timation as lo Hie course of suspended by Dr. tiarfleld Feb. 0, his coltin und died in reality this new, Colo i.2b(U 6.25 opened prohahle N Hn ler. to the of caliinet officer. I'ntatuc., I'nlun NVi post ranking be reinstated. time. He was burled the Kadishe., round, li. li 35iS 4" loss, lie declared to the police Hint the I'liited Slates should a peace of l'.llll, following II. h i -- was one of a of nine lladielie.. Ion. 46y lie had left the box inside his desk. ler come from the soviet Ohio, I eh. 'JS. Aii airplane Colhy group The commissioners named are au- day, the whole village turning out to new, cwt 4.00 4.a0 officially layloii, who ill l'.Ht! insisted on Turnip., ecu rely locked, Saturday a Id uovernineiil, 11 was recalled that the carrying Maj. It. W. Schroeder, chief Progressives thorized to "exercise the powers re- attend the funeral. over Hie nomination of Colonel Theodore IIAV AMD UIIAI11. As lie left the offices on tin' ninth American government was Hie first lest pilot at McCook field, fell served by (be I'nlted Slates fuel ad- The Svensku Daghlad, which prints Itoosevelt hy the Progressives. After tinala. flour of the hank he he lo the Itolsheviki as iuleruii-lloua- l nn, miles iil'ier reachiiii' an altitude suld order of Nov. C, this story, appends the signature of I bulk f. o. b. building, said, proclaim I lto- - ministrator, by tUuying price carload., feet H"' tioii.l mi i.n of llughea hy the LHJ noticed several clerks perusing the outlaws. In some It of MliJUU feet, said to he MCO 1!17, und urn further, from aud witnesses who testify to it truth. Denver.) quarters ans, vviicii llie they Corn. No. 3 yellow 13.71 and Satur was said Hint In view of this il ap- higher Hutu llie worlds record. puoiii ji.Hsevi'ii uir o'clock a. m. on March 1, No. S ledgers iiccoiinis, working convention that Hit after 1:01 Corn. mixed which a hull' that the I'liited Is shuck gresslve urging with Oats, per cwt day uflernooii, is half peared prohahle Slates The major suffering from In l'.r.'O, vested the authority former Court be rall-roud- per cwl In catch up. would not consider peace and I. Mildness. Supreme justice in the director of s Barley, day. government temporary partial dorsed. A resolution to this effect general Fails to Save lay. The honds were held hy the unless democratic on tin' machine indicate relative to the of coul 1. missing proffers principles was Introduced In the convention. export Timothy. No. ton !.o treasurer for dlst rihul ion amoiiK em actually hud heeu applied to the lius that II fell uiore than five miles in from the I'liited Stales." Burglar From Prison. Timothy, No. 3. ton 4.M Colhy fought It vigorously, still de- South Park. Ion 25.0H plojex us they iniiile filial Inn government. I wo minutes. W hile si ill J.uiO feet Mr. piiyuieiils manding the nomination of Itoosevelt. The second order, Investing Alfalfa, ton for them hy u time suhscription ar ahove the the airplane right- admin- I.n Angeles, Whfn Fred Second Bottom No. 1, Ion 32.51 ground When the 'convention voted against Hlnes with the powers of fuel 0" raniteinent. The police that Hie Oil Bill ed Itself and lo a graceful Wyatt before Straw say Leating Signed. glided liiii) lie refused lo and istrator, so far as domestic distribu- apiieared 4udge bonds lire not ami thus are When Hie settled accept llughea Frank heen sen- MIOP.S A SO PELTS, registered, Washlliglon. I'lesidetil Wilsiin landing. plane Joined the Democrats in of tion is concerned, said doubt had Willis, having who rushed loward It found support tenced for three dif- Ueaver Price Mat. readily negotiable. signed the oil leasing hill which opens Wilson. arisen us to whether he could con- burglary That I he is the work of a erect In the ferent times he dis- Dry Flint Hide. rolihcry for millions of acres Major Schroeder silling tinue to exercise those uwera ufter previously, 40e Mr. up development a Tim first hint nf Colhy's appoint- a nn rtutchar, II lb, and up person familiar with Jones' office of In the West. The hill was machine apparently lifeless, r'or the return of the railroads to private played little lump bis head under Ib. land ment a few minutes before tiie Butcher, .11c la erlilcneed hy the fact, the police hrlef time residents of Dayton were A new order was therefore and said lie knew lie bad a brain Fallen, all welaht. passed hy Congress II und was announcement control. Bulla ? that the entered office sure a meteor had in the formal by Secretary au- that caused hi diff- and taa. say, burglar the lust of I he time Presi- appeared executed, extending Mr. Hlnes' depression Cull. signed day The report that lie c lc number 8)."i, that of the treasurer, . sky. They had mistaken the trail of Tumulty. eurly dale of the return. iculties. He asked for an ray Dry .alt hide.. per id. le... dent Wilson was allowed In which would the were not thority beyond the without molesting any of the dnxeiis vapor escaping from the machine us get place gener- examination nf his lira In. On or- Dry FMat rell. take act inn. The oil laud tensing Mil 40c of other but il for a "si in ally credited. Following the announce der of Willi un was Wool Delta private offices. Nothing sped downward ranger Judge - will open for development uhoiil meiil the ap- U. Will 8eek Canadian Short wool pelt. U'- the strong hox within Hie desk was the lienvetiH." of itppulntinciit Colhy t. Paptr. taken at the county hospital llutcber .nearmas acres of pllhlie land ill ilie m the While House and waa 12c'c lamiered with, the rohher going di Schroeder lost consciousness peared Washington. The Semite passed and later returned tu Judge No. t murrain shrarinaa Western stales. It seclfies a minimum Major taken to see President Buck, saddles and piece, of rectly lo the hox ami making away had reached a Wilson, and sent to the House the L'nderwood WMlls. His bruin was reported and allows the leasing, hut not when his uiuchlne pell l' with Ma loot ulckly ami iiuieily. royalty us Colhy is a lawyer. His home la in Joint resolution creating a commission normal. Green Malted Hides, felte. the of federal land for the pm height recorded hy instruments sale, than the New York, lie was born in St. Uiuis to treat with Cunudii for abrogation of "There' something there that Cured hide., 16 lb., up. No. 1... IS'' I net ion of Wl.trjU, or'O feel hlgl ZS No. 17r oil, coal, gas, phosphate, in ISO!). on of makes me de- Cured hide., lb., up, 3... world's record estuhlished hy Kolaud the restriction the export pulp steal," said the Bulla. No. 1 I'" Attempted $1,000,000 Robbery. sodium and oil from shale. U Is to wood and new Senator fendant when shown the Na. Mc Itolphe last summer. Colby's appointment believed print paper. 10c Yallelo, Calif. An unsuccessful at ac- Glue, hide, aad skin. have been decided very l.'iiderwiKid told the Semite some plute. 1 was inude to roh Hie hank of Gives 12.000.000 Endowment. " senses nuiuneii a us upon recenlly. Kip, No. tempt ejes who with him in New tion wa us the "I wish we could take an Klu. No. it 3" -.- to Friends talked Imperative, newpuer SlilHIlll It lieeu 1 '" l'Taltire said 1 at that city. lias learned. Detroit, Micl,.- -A Otn),ooo endow-- r,"z'" lie no In- in the that would show the men- Calf. No. 4c l" ""' York recently declared bail publishing industry Fulled Calf, No. 2 jn.' la the hank ill Solano un-n- l I Tbl( biggest to the nlv ersi.y of Michigan, to . timation of his appointment hi thai State "nlinost fait'U extinction" be- tal iiecullnritle. of people that Branded Kip ana can, itu. i.... ii: county. Itulihcrs who hud drilled three he used ill the education of women of make do we Branded kip and calf No. 2 17c when the earth liuie. cause of llie dwindling newsprint sup- thein wrong, but cures id. In the main vault liy means of lioss l',(Nlll feet ahove Part niae., ic per our holes the far Lust, has heeu announced here can't," remarked a - In lime to his machine and pre Since Lansilig' resignation, which ply. Judge Willi, cured- . ,t . acetylene torches, apparently were us the of Levi II. Itarhour, Ivtroit right he sentenced to Sun tlreen hide., ic, per id, ie. man gift tent it from crushing to Hie ground was aunoiiiiced Hie night of Feb. 11, Wyatt cured. frightened away. In the vault, It is niuiiiifacliirer. The fund is to come to for from one to Ave out conl nil. I'nilersecrctary Frank L. Polk bus Withdraw Treaty from Senato. Qilentln tirera Mailed lloraehlde. officially reported, was close to the from rentals tu lie de- of Might a sentence university heeu acting lis secretary. He bundled In year, with previous no. i cur- e Schroeder was temporarily President Wilson 7.00 . in hnmls, gold, silver and rived over a period of ninety-nin- Major Washington. of ten year for other offenses No. t nrllr blinded mid hi limbs were niiiiih, de the sending of Wilson's last note to hi to the British and French Head es. 60c less. rency. years from a piece of which . reply added lo it. lu properly 111 fMipieuie in niniimiuu ad- Ponies and Ii.,095.01 was Mr. Barbour's home. M,ilo tl leciricully healed suit premiers on the Adriatic question formerly - Willi nn v li he was eiicused. lie was suf- llli' auiiiiiic oispuir. il here to his decision that un- Send German to Pen. that Polk wus consid- previous tering from the effects of a luck of known being less the term of settlement are re- MKT AL MAIIKKTX. The Court U.e W.rele.. Phon 1,500 Mile. ,. ered for the ns Washington. Supreme ,. m.Hr,v lilw appointment secretary. turned lo the provisions of the agree- GIVES LIFE TO SAVE DOG Colorado prices: pent tu for violation of Hie es- New York -- Wireless j , he- - prison telephone lh(1 ,.,.,!, lis OIygen tanks The circumstances, of ment of In'c. 11, he "must take under Bar .liver. S1.2H. act three uietnhers of the vsrsatlons have heen carried on he- - been pound. 19d)20c. pionage exhiiusied, und it was this resignation are believed to have serious consideration the withdrawal Iowa Is Drowned While Copper, Tnge-blat- t Boy Attempt- Lewd. 11.71. staff of the former I'hlhidelphiH tween N. Y.. and H.iiil H President Ussining, rnhhed him of .ons. lousness. discussed by Colhy and the of the of Versailles and the to Reeeu Pet From 11.72. and Two inemhers mid a treaty ing Hpelter. Kontagsblalf. North Dakota Kansas, litnnce lKih rHn at u long at which time French alliance from the Senate." Waters. Tuns.ten, per unit, SC. 60 It 00. were n uus .(, sec- Icy of the staff freed. The rami up- or approximately i,:hki miles, The Instruments on his machine re- Wilson went over with the new held Hie conviction of Martin Maik-o- anuoiinceil Hidiert K. tiovven, eXM-ct- s to CHICAOO. leen hy corded the best story of the eerl- - retary the Millcy be him IH' Moines. lo. 1CKler Wilson, CASH ttRAIff IN and Louis Werner, sentenced for engineer of the IVKoresl liiidlo Tele il was learned. It wan sug- Exiling Radicals. Chicago. Cora No. I mixed. II...... f il,., in his fliirl.t In pursue, son of Hurry Wilson of Vat No. t, five years, and Herman one I ''Vlegrapb Company...... that a be The de- I yellow. 1.4w1.50i. gested "housecleaiilng" may Washington. government's ley Junction, gave up hi life in an ef Oata No. i while. l7tIH.c; No. I ear, hut set aside the convictions of I in In the atnte department, machinery is working at full white. MS (flic. bring first ors to ihe air forces of prosKMt portation fort to save Ida pet dog. The dog No. t. I B e 1.10. Paul and I'eler sen- Want. Dry. which will Amer- sMH-- reds are be- Rye Vngel Scliacfcr, Philippine. .(it(. rmy Th l(.r. put the handling of but quietly. 'Many went through the Ice over Csn Itiver. Barley II IS 1. 10. tenced for one year. The government Mai.ila, P. (ieneinl a' ica's foreigu affair lu the bund of exiled, hut with as little advertis- Timothy Heed 1 12.00 9 14.10. registered teui'rutiiie of ing Lester wa drowwd In an effort to Seed $46.00 1 .00. indicted the s a nil,.,.r- new as a re- it baa been learned. Clever 0 (iermaii newspaper Harrison, in special message to Ilie;r- ,e,.,.WK .w Xero centigrade, or an entirely croup of men, ing a Misslhle, save him, Pork Nominal. on counts. the - clash with The Is III.M. nine Summarized, extra session of the Legislature heiv. r- ero Fulirenheil. sult of the The dispatch of another "soviet ark" Lester anil two other boy were Ijird were re- ef- - ltibs I17.6001l.t0. convictions for priming false urged the passage of an act making Altitude figures from Ihe barograph present Stale iJepiirtineut staff opposed by Secretary of Ijihor Wilson down the bank Vf the river. al- I Interna-liomi- l coasting alamt successes and holi.-ulc- with in the It reds 1.1 ports (ieriiiaii fecllve prohibition in Ihe Philippine, reM, tllll, a height of :;7,000 oeiaieil ji using because llie notoriety give the The other txvy broke through the Ice ICASTKR5 VB STOCK. lied America's lo wbleli Hie President I defeats, calling nlraiice ratification of woman suffrage and a HU, vviicii calibrated by Capl. dealings enable hem lo hisc as martyr and and lister's dog Juuiied In after them. At Ckleaco. f., iM 15 14 M into the war a "Yankee hluff," jointly bill perinitliug clean boxing exliihiiious Harrison W. showed an of- is lievcd to have objected. result In agitation against deporta- The scrambled but Chicago. Hoc Bulk. 114 9 I'lickinger boy nut, the dog top. 116.00: heavy, 111.16a 14.6: nr-dlu- bsl meting recruiting and altcuiptliiK li the territory. ficial altitude of IWt.O'JO feet, a new tion. could not get a foothold. 14 40ei..0. Ilaht. I1.7I1I0: hy various articles to hinder Hie gov- world s and a vHiintioii of les. Head of Girl' School. The Wilson reached out to llarht ileht. 14.6OI4.St: heavy pack-in- s Murder. boy grab snoolh, 111.16911.40: paok-in- s ernment in of Hie war. fei-l- . sow, the prosecution Soviet. Have Executed 9,(41. than Miss an Mandatories. III pet and losing hi balance plunged aow. rouch, 112.21911.10: ptg. Ijis Angeles, Calif. Florence Adopts Change lJ.50wl4.5. Paris. A Warsaw dispatch say the ."St of Ihe The reser- headlong into the river under the Canada' llnusel, year old, proprietor Washington. Republican Cattle Beef steers, medium and Population Growing. report of llie Itussiaii soviet Aviator Get. Priie Money, Huntington Hall School for tiirls at vation regarding mandatories, at- lee. heavy welaht. choice and prima, lll.M plio-e- at Ice medio and 15 Canada's imputation is tee "of Hie struggle against tinnier. MellMiiinie.--Ca- pt. Itoss was murdered In her last No- Tls dog dived beneath the when 1I.00; good. Ill Smith, South Pasadena, tached to the eee treaty 14.00: comtnoa. IIMlt.2l: 8.83,,100 in ilie the tu-ee- e he saw hi master but was figures ompiled hy .ifflcially annoiin.t wr f ,,. .tMiiiiHinweallli prire of I mmI by an assassin who tried lo vember over Ihe of thirty-thre- disappear, wetaht. go and choice, U. 7516 li: census branch of the Isimiuinn lie-par- t iers.iis arrested tb"i optltion out the other Iki.v. roitini! and medium, IS SO 1 1 7 1 : during for wlr,Hm. nigln fit.m Kng his rime setting fire to Ihe PenHKTStie senators, was pulled by S 12.71: t by butcher cattle, helfera. I( men of Trade and Coninierce. IL'R.tsN). The rum-- , ti-- 1 lust three years as , tl AllMriliH, a building. II. W. Brown, ."VS. the mat. by a vote of to 4 in the cow., K 2SS. 1.60; caaners and cutler.. The (Mipulatiuii nf British Culiiinliia or me ,s 4.600).26: veal calve. I1S.25S) tl.SO: ter stiof, aays sum at Ihe Parliament susM-te- of murdering Miss Ifousel Senate after administration leaders SEEK LUSITANIA TREASURE Is estimated to be TlSJ'SKi. ,.,.k fr ,iat feeder steer.. I7.S00J; stocker as !,4I. committed suicide. bad withdrawn tbeir opposition lo IL .leer. ft.76lt.26. !,, Will ffheep tamba. It pounds down. Engineers and Divers Try ta 117 S0d culls aad ewcamoa, French Rail Strike Settled. Says Suffrage Unconstitutional. Bandits Kill Storekeeper. lt.ll: 14.0 U. S. to Sell Land. Last U. ft. Troop Leave Siberia. Recover Valuables From the 17.21; ewes, medium, and Fori. The strike on llie French Washington. Formal notice ha been Aris. Alexander Liner. choice. Ill It to MM; culls pslaad cosx-nro- a. Washington. Public sale of 16.VUHH Xogale, Krasier, Arrival at Vladivostok Sunken railroad is ended. An understanding served upon the secretary of state that American and en- Washington. l.tlt.7l. acres of laud in the former storekeeper mining de- waa readied Ispfween directors of Ihe the state nf Maryland, which already tlieyenne is and his J. A. for embarkation of the last army Kfforts to raise Declaration that the "time had com. and Hock Indian reser- gineer, dead, brother, tendon, Knglsnd. railway and the railroad men. and the lias sent a delegation of legislators to river Standing is in a critical tnditio aa a tachments in Siberia was indicated is some of the treasure from the when the medical profession of the in North Frasier, national federation immediately or- West Virginia lo work against ratifica- vation and South Ihikot result of a battle with two Mexican a message from Major General Graves, Lusltania will lie made soon. United Ststes was forced to nnioolce I.ane. whb-f- dered the resumption of work. Hail tion of the federal suffrage amend- ha lieen ordered by Secretary bandit who raided a general store commanding, said the last de- Kugineers and divers who have been lo protect Its own Interests and those rood federation delegates met railway ment, "denies the lawful right of kw-er- " Ijinds in the liniooii, S. 1 ., land din-Irii- owned by the Krasier Brothers at Mon- tachment of Ihe Twenty-sevent- h infan- prospecting about the sunken liner be- of the public," was made at Loa director on the Initiative of Ihe fed- of Congress to propose such amend- will he offered at May tana Camp, thirty miles from here. J. try had reached that port, en route to lieve thst they ran get at least thou- by Dr. Charles U Reed ef Cin- eration and an agreement was reached ment, or the validity of such an amend- 27, and those in Ihe Timber Ijike. S. A. Frasier, who was shot through Ihe tiie Philippines. The regiment has been sands of pounds' worth of valuables, cinnati, formerly president of the oti most point of the federation's pro- ment a part of the federal D laud distrM, at Timber I jke, Jan. head, I said to have identified one of on duty since the summer of 1918 but that It will he impossible to raise American Medical Association and of gram, which really wa not in dispute. even if ratified by three-fourth- s 1. Appraised prices of the lands are hi assailant a a member of a band guarding Ihe transsiberiaa railway and Ihe steamer r much of Ihe cargo, ow- the n Medical Congress, Some difficulty arose over of the state. I'he delegation is led fin ents lo ! an acre, and none will of outlaw which ha terrorized the assisting in the withdrawal of Czevho ing to Ihe great depth of the water la in aa address before tbe Los Angeles bat this was quickly settled. by Mr. Itnfu fiibbs. he sold at less than appraised value. bottler for many year. Slovak force. which it is lying. County Medical Association. She Baked Pica. A wire from Helsingfors says the Oil Land. Bids for Many Execute Twenty-nin- e Bandit. Guarding Big Cut in Army Officers. Orders Protection of Americana. Reject Ships. Philadelphia. Susan Lisby, head Russian papers rompiaia that the Rus- e Holder Mor-guia- Bids on the steamers col- sian have lost Hermosillo, Mexico. Twenty-nin- Casper, Wyo. of priority Washington. Eight thousand fewer I redo, Texas. Gea. Francisco , Washington. rook of the Pennsylvania Military workingmea entirely oil Harvard were by taste for work. Tbe member of the band of brigands who right on undeveloped lands within army officer than asked for by the j of federal forces in Tale and rejected lege, Chester, during the last six years tbeir papers withdrawn area the Salt War are the the Department as too low. The ha baked 23.000 For ten think this evil must be eradicated by raided the Canipo Los Torre mine the of Creek provided by the state of Tamanlipas, has ordered Navy pies. yeart the richest oil of the House vessels, which were operated In the at Swarthmore she severe means and workingaae net teat week and abducted seventeen field, region army reorganization bill, pre- hi troops "to exercise strict vigilance previous college Rocky Mountain regkxn, are not plac- sented by Chairman Kahn of the mil- English rhsnnel transport service dar- baked seventy-liv- e pica per week, or a willing to work would be treated like wives of Mexican miners, were sum in the oil fields between Tuxpam and ing dependence entirely In old titles, itary affairs committee. Reductions In ing the war, were purchased by the total of Sn.OtHl. So In the last sixteen deserters. cap-tar- e ia to aoarily executed following their kcat ion and assessment work done the number of officer were made In Tampien, order prevent farther navy at aa appraisal of approximately years C2.000 pies have come from Su- Thirteen persons were killed and a Americans. The hy Carranza troops. Fifteen of in the past, a a result of the leasing every branch of service, hut the sharp- asssssiaations of $2,000,000 for both. The present ap- san's oven. If placed one yard apart, score lajared, according ta tbe Mexico the kidnaped women were rescoed. law. Realizing that "possess! oa is est cot wa for the aviation servh-e- , paper Excelsior of Mexico City say. praisal m ll.T'iO.OOO, against which the thla collection of pastry would stretch City newspaper Excelsior, wheat a pa Two died as the resalt of brutal treat-aaea- t Bute-tent- of law," armed guards and which received only 1.M4 of Hie 4,;jO" General Morgnla, la a report to Presi- highest bid received was 11,590,000, from city hall ta the public library seager train en route from Jalapa to A man one Cm raa they received. Twenty-eigh- t of real dent lookout are scouting tbeir asked for. la all the department dent Carranza, given a detailed ac submitted by a to Aagelea rmapaay. at Doyletowa. consuming era lata tbe rear of so ta bandits were shot aad tbeir leader aeavertlf as a precaution against at- ought 28,179. officer and the House count of "energetic neasnrea" be has A sew bid win be Invited ia the near pie per day would bare to eat for 107 other train preceding it. sear Ma was bilged t a tree. tempted rltisj Jumping. committee granted 17.830. adopt with thie ewd ia view. fatare. years to level the pie mountain. eon da. t

pigs that came yesterday!" Bibl be dren to work or starve. As these taken by the men who frame the taws gan a new conversation. PROBLEMS FACING men grew older their families grew in OIL LEASE BILL in the construction program proposed CLEARS UP AN "No; how many" ' . size and demand, while their ability by the navy department Ao Inquiry BelgiumSketches "Five." to earn decreased. The tragedy reg Into the situation that exists In con "I wish they'd send more goats." STRICKEN WORLD istered In their pay envelopes. They gress with respect to military and OLD MYSTERY moaned Siska miserably. "I'm lone were being ground between growing PASSED AT LAST naval legislation shows that most of ly. There's no society at all. It's hard needs and diminishing wages. The the congressmen have got an impres i on a well-bor- n goat." grinding not only hurt their bodies, it sion that there is a distinct reaction In Government "Well, I like that!" Mina's stripes Shall Chaos or Reconstruction furrowed their brain. throughout the country against mil- Pennsylvanian, Believed Slain stood out. "I'll tell you. I'm not used lived in or naval and for this in Europe Follow the Great They dread of poverty. It NATIONAL RESOURCES ON GOV itary legislation When a Boy, Returns Service to associating with goats. I hope the had been their nurse, feared It reason, and this reason alone, they they ERNMENT LAND WILL NOW BE nest obus you nibble is loaded. Cer World War? would be their are disinclined to support any great Home. " pallbearer. Poverty tainly had taken its revenge, upon them. DEVELOPED RAPIDLY. forward step of a military or naval By Katharine Egglettan Robert "Now. Mina. you know I didn't mean They were resolving that If. they could nature. that. I'm really fond of you and Bibl DANGER IN GENERAL UNREST help It it would not put Its lash upon Nc sooner was the senate bill with but a goat's different, that's all. There their children. knew COAL IS ITS CHIEF FEATURE its universal out MEETS HIS MOTHER Capyrlsat. 1IM, Wmni Nawapapu Uulan) ' They poverty training provision are certain things peculiar to a goat Intimately. It wasn't a word, a name, in the open than the members of the The cat sat on a broken "Thank It striped heaven, yes," interrupted Universal of Dis was a living hateful, cruel compan- house, regardless of political aflilia Made Insane Because of stone In an old Flanders battlefield. Mina. Practically Feeling Stepfather, content Will Grow Unless ion. It was the devil that recruited Condition! Under Which This Fuel tions, began to let It be known that w the Accusations of Having Murdered She fluffed her tail and glared across "Oil, let Siska finish hat she's say the Mngda-len- s were ( Causes Which Gave It Birth Marys of Scarlet Hall, the and Oil May Bs Prospected For they opposed to universal train her whiskers at Bibl, the pup. "Every- Ing." of the in form. On the Boys, Confesses to Are Removed. slums, and always the and Taken From the Public Do Ing any Republican body's always talking about a 'doe's "Well, as I was saying, I have Ideas was Mon the Crime. army mobilized from the shanties main, side the leader, Representative life,' as though It were the hardest and desires with which you have no of the poor. Children who had been deli of Wyoming, cume out flatfooted In the world. Huh I how hold Article VII. Sharon. Ta. to a I wonder sympathy, because those things robbed of their youth, who had never against the training feature of the Yielding longing; like to be a no By JAMES P. HORNADAY. to visit the scenes of his they'd government cat out Interest for you. No,w another owned a flower, poorly fed and mis- senate bill and his position was sup boyhood days, In Washington. Burrows Keaster returned a here this devastated coantry. The goat would understand my attitude By FRANK COMERFORD. erably clad, out of bed After some years of ported by the members of the house George dragged by few to rural of rent of you animals don't have any- toward those red flags that mark the A specter hauuts Europe. It Is the alarm clocks, the call to parleying congress has Anally agreed committee on order of business. The days ago the district sounding toil, on me Clarion Just over the Mercer thing to do except sit around." ammunition piles. There's an irresistl ghost of unrest. When I started out when they should have been answer- coiiuitlons under which the gov effect of this was to discourage the county. ble fascination In them " I eminent will county line, and in so clenred uu The gloomy dog didn't attempt to to interview unrest in Europe did ing the school bell, children physical- penult the milling of bouse committee on military affairs doing "I the the coal, oil, gns, a mystery of many stundlng. aiiKwer. His drooping eyes stared heard captain of camp not give my ear to the Idle theorist ly unfit for the breadwinner's strug- phosphate and sodium from going abend with the Idea that years' down over mere - on the In the William Keas- the street of newly built huts. say that the next time you who always knows- all about every gle, children without the en- public domain. The bill It should a bill for early eighties moral to Is report providing a farmer on the "Oh, stop It, Mina;. you're always ate one, and left the explosives un thing, but never from direct experi- durance for the were commonly known as the oil leas- universal The Democrats ter, residing highway necessary fight, bill. Is training. between Know and mar- fussing." Siska, the goat, wrinkled marked, he was going to feed you a ence with It, nor did I go to the agita- driven into No Woman's ing It the expectation of con- of the house, with the notion that Colensburg, land, the they ried a widow with two sons, ten ami her nose In disgust. "Why do you grenade," Bibi warned. tor who preaches unrest In red words rotten scum under world. gress that under the legislation the could some the gain political advantage twelve. the suppose the government gives all of "That's Just it no one understands Neither did I seek out the type of fa natural resources to which it relates by a stand ns a unit Shortly after marriage; Light in Education. will be tuking against the and a search us animals to these people who've a goat. I'm homesick." Siska bowed natical labor leuder, who Is euger for developed rapidly. The at universal cuueussed and at' boys disappeared Before training, failed to reveal whereabouts. come back to rebuild Dlxiniidc and her head. trouble, who Is trying to mobilize un the war men were brooding tempt to fix conditions tinder which most voted to their on these the unanimously oppose The circulation of a that Keas- other places if we aren't good for "Poor old Siska; so am I," Bibl con rest and marshal it under the banner things, papers, books, maga- government would nermlt the Ink this training. This action was tuken story zines Ing of ter had murdered the boys resulted In something?" fessed, the tears running down his of Kevoiutlon. I passed by the place-huntin- mirroring life, pictured these coal, oil, gns. etc.. from lands after President Wilson had written horrors. were the home. The accusatlou "It's all very well for you to talk, long brown nose. time-servin- politician. I was They the subject of owned by It was started away back the caucus a letter it not to breaking up discussion and debate. Men re- In the asking so on his mind that Keaster be. Siska. There's no effort In merely "Oh. well, I guess that's I'm not Interested in platitudes and prom public Roosevelt administration. In take a stand universal train preyed why turning from a hard work talked against ciiine Insane and wus committed to a giving milk; and as for Bibl, all he grouchy. I simply can't forget my Ises. day's every congress since that time the sub- Ing. these things over with their wives aft-e- r has state hospital, where he died. docs Is bark If he hears a stranger home, and be content." Mina blinked. I sought knowledge of unrest from ject been up. A pending piece of War Department Will Suffer. the children had gone to bed, and Confesses Murder. coming at night" "I heard Jan that's those who knew It from contuct with It, legislation relates to the development The upshot of it nil Is that the lead Struyf say why many a man left his supper table to oi On the date of his commitment he Bibl got up and turned around a few he came back here. It's where he those who were purt and parcel of It. wuterpovver on the public domain. ers have decided not to try to gel peek through the half-close- door Into It seems told the warden tluit he had murdered times and dropped down on another used to live. Ills home was down I went to the man in the street, the likely that this legislation through universal the room where his kiddles were will training legislation the eldest and had been forced to spot. He was tired of being respon- there where the old tauk average man. 1 tulked with the sleep- also be perfected at tills session. lit this session. believe the main boy stands." ing, to look luto They act "Uh-huh- tiptoeing back, only most repeut his to prevent the youngest sible for everyone's safety, but he didu't , I know, lie's up sweaty, dirty coal miner at the mouth Perhaps Interest in the legisla- features of the Wudsworth bill will clearing the eyes of a mother, and see reflected tion has from accusing him. He said that the feel like arguing about it. the place to build again. Imagine be of the shaft He hnd Just come from that Just been completed cen- eventually be accepted by the coun- there the feara he felt ters in the bodies of the boys were buried In the "When I was drafted," continued ing homesick for tills scrambled land !" his day lu the darkness deep In the conditions under which try und by congress, but they realize, The Invention of the ma- coal Is to garden near his home. A search of Mina after a pause, mother said : Siska her beard from side to ground. I visited the innn who works typesetting be taken from the public so they say, that uothlng, perhaps, "my wagged chine, the manufacture of paper, domain. the failed to reveal them. 'Minn, It's a One thing to serve your side. In the milli. I listened to the rough cheap All the arrangements for could be gained that bill premises the of school systems, by putting Several there In country, but I hate to see you "Still all alike," liil.l went speech of the teamster. I went to fac- growth public tuking coul ns well as the other de- through the senate at this session and days ago appeared going they're and libraries, brought to the of the old Keaster home to live In those awful Even on. work from dawn till tories and talked with men between public light posits covered by the legislation will sending It to the house to bo slaugh locality places.' "They night, the dark minds of the workmen. In a who claimed to be the elder then she thought I'd get a little milk und we reconstruction animals were the two whistles which mark the time have to be made with tho secretary tered. stranger that light saw more cleurly their of of once in a while. But no I No!" Mina' sent here to I we of the noon uenl. munched at they the Interior. The first step toward The In the boys. help. suppose They needs and more realized uprising congress against The wanderlust called the to block bread. Me cheese or sausage, completely the development of the government-owne- d leaves the wur de- boys their rights. It Is the natural ambition military legislation the out of left tea, coffee or cheap, diluted red conl land will be to subdivide partment in a most unsatisfactory West; they crept bed, gulped of man to climb. He wants to get on the bouse, hoarded a truln and wine. I spent time with the bile, the this land Into leasing tracts of 40 condition. It hnd counted on legis freight and up. Ignorance had kept hi iu from acres reached the state of Washing- - Idle choice as well as those without earh or multiples thereof. In no lation by the end of the fiscal year finally by climbing. Ignorance Is darkness. Men work no fault of their own. case will anyone leasing tract contain for the es- through stumble when try to go forward providing peace military most of they more than i.aiO acres. Lenses nre to tablishment. Now it will have to Only yesterday many, ye?, In the (lark. Education Is the light In go these men were In kluikl ; now, back be awarded by In a con- the U make competitive bidding. along makeshift way until were road. They sought haste, There are some or on the Job in overalls, they think to make for the lost time. Education provisos exceptions gress nets. Meantime nearly all the Dis- up written Into the In- Ing. Their speech was troubled. them to want for them- legislation. For new hnyiches of the service that were I taught things stance, where or content looked out from their eyes. selves and their families that their prospecting explor- built up during the war, like aviation, could It. talked never atory work is to determine feel They It, but fathers and mothers never thought of necessary motor corps, gas and flame, etc., are as the existence or of coal for luck of unrest, always protest. wanting. The homes which satisfied workability rapidly deteriorating deposits, tho secretary of the interior funds. Ilelueen now the end of Unrest Must Be Quieted. their parents depressed and Irritated nnd may Issue n prospecting permit for a the fiscal year, June 30, the regulur Their state of mind Is the problem, them. The bathtub and tooth brush are term of two It to years for not exceeding army appropriation bill will be Unrest is epidemic; is militant. habits. The desire straight- 2,.-(- 1 acquired ucres; and If within that und it There Is little of pacifism In It. It Is en the back that has been bent in toll period passed is the thought of the 1 the permittee shows to the secretary men in congress who are ileiillng with real. It is not without To get ton long, Is put there by education. that the land contains coal In commer- In V close, to the cause of this which One stood In the way It ob tint situation to make provision thing cial ho Is to be entitled to threutens revolution, one must know structed the upward to decent quantities, Unit bill for tiding the department path a lease. over until a shull J and understand what I" going on In living. They saw the barrier clearly permanent policy on liuve been on. the minds of the men we are looking and distinctly poverty. They saw this Restrictions Railroads. decided No lense of is ap- Women Seek to and depending upon to do the Impassable ohstucle was made out of coal land to be Equal Chances. world's work. It doesn't take a poor wages. They saw more. They saw proved or Issued until after a notice Women, through the woman's bu- of has been in n reau of the of prophet to understand that If heed Is thnt poor wages built the poorhouses thirty days given department labor, of In are to not given to the things irritating them and filled them, organized the bread newspaper general circulation moving ohtulL equali- the In de- of in and a remedy Is not found for the Irrl- - lines. Introduced the soup house. Out county which the lands or ty opportunity the government 1 serious trouble will follow. of their thoughts. In thsjir experience, posits are situated. There Is also a service. I.ust fall this bureau ar- tntinn, to While war is hell. It has at least they carved a truth, "As long as some provision thnt no railroad shall be per- ranged make a study of positions Coats Heconstructlon Animals Rsad y for Great Task. In ex- the restraint of discipline. A revolu- people have more than they can pos- mitted to hold n lease to mine coal on the government service open by no the public domain for Its own amination to women ns grew oratorical. "Siska all her shouldn't fuss. Wasn't It some old tion growing out of unrest would mean sibly use, while others through except compared gives use; and no railroad cun re- with those closed to women. The milk to the There's none for Greek who Is mob madness, terrorism, fanatical. fault of their own have less than they company people. said, 'The world ouly my ceive more one or was In On Hard-workin- Once need', Is wrong," than permit lease stuily begun September. a poor, g cat. g Idea.' If that's the cuse " brutal, cruel and merciless. absolutely something like wildfire. and when the call to arms came these for each 3)0 miles of lis railroad line November S, ten duys after receiving that's it! I'm overworked. "He's ; started. It would spread lo getting philosophical I'm go were In the mass mind within the statu in which the conl land a partial report from the bureau, the they expect me to catch all the rats to leave." Mina The world would be swept from Its thoughts living ing stretched her long, world. not concerned with is situated. civil service commission a rul- and mice In Belgium? These shell slim senses. The fire would run its course of the Many passed body. seven-eighth- The most of 'in all to both holes are full of them. Talk about until stopped because there was noth the problem of the other the delny getting ing 0nlng examinations "Oh, look!" The Joy of living women It to dis- their tunnels. I don't Ing left to hum. Who dares picture the knowing nothing what was happen through this legislation was duo to and men, leaving the underground to Slska'i eyes. She flirted her men cretion of the officers to know which has made the most of state In which it would leave the ing In the minds of the and the Inability to agree on the compen appointing short tall and ran. "It's a nice new the sex when the rats or the Germans. And world? In this day, when the nerves women of toil, and caring less, they sation which the government should specify desired request- them, red flag!" were As the homes made In those dead of the world are on edge, when cold did not know that these men exact. finally agreed on the bill ing ccrtiflriitinn of ellglhles. They Crept Out of Bed and Left they've "Do you know," observed Mina to to tear down the when the On November 19 a bill was Intro- trees! I mean the rats. I tell you and hunger Irritate, one shudders when uniting and planning provides that government the House. the pup, "sometimes I think that Sis decides to lease a tract of coal bind. duced In the senate Senator Mc- I'm Just worn out, working night and he thinks of the fate of civilization wall of poverty. by ka must be Ilusslan." WcMara It shall announce In advance of the Lean of the ton. They obtained In day." If unrevt Is not checked before It ex (Coprrtf ht, ltzt. Ntwipaptr Unloa) Connecticut, amending employment and wrath. offering of the leases the royalty that statute now In force which dates back the woods, where the younger was "Well, at least you can eat them. plodes In passion GRAVE before the war. It was Contradiction In Berlin. will be charged. This royalty Is not to INTO and provides that, at the dis killed five years after his departure Too don't have to live on what little HUNTERS STILL BUSY Unrest existed home. Be- milk for babies to he less than 5 cents a ton, payable cretion of the head of any department, from food people can give you, as we do," an acorn then, It Is an oak now. Fats, oils, clothes, nd other necessities are scarce In at the end of each third month suc- women may be appointed to any clerk- Since that time the eldest brother Bibl finally spoke. "You're not always Gangs of Searchers Wander About in fore the war men were complaining. blgh-price- that of the extraction of the In the service. The has wandered over the Pacific roast. of Overlooked and Justly complaining, about their lot. Berlin, and ao that the ceeding ship government hungry." Quest Bodies of coal from the mine and an annual amendment that In He never wrote home and never re Fallen Heroes. The difference now is that four years poorer people can hardly afford them provides request "Eat them!" Mina snarled. "They the windows rental payable at the dnte of the lease ing a register of ellglhles for appoint ceived any word from relatives. Short- all to eat. I'm sick and tired In the trenches have caused them to at all; yet shop along are I get den Linden are full of beautiful and annually thereafter on the lands ment the nominating and appointing ly after his arrival. In Clarion county of mice and such too. Yprps Is today as she was In ims. top complaining and act Soldiering Unter poor quality, roods. or coal deposits covered by the lease at officials shall not specify sex unless he located his mother, Mrs. Anna I You've no To the east, south and north stretches taught them much. They learned of Ugh Idea." conditions the such rate as may be fixed by the sec- sex Is n physical barrier to the prop- rlurrows Keaster, and a happy reunion an ugly, d lifeless terrain the greatness of force. Housing pinch despite "Yes, yes, I know. It's the same and other cities have retary of the Interior to offer- er performance of the duties to be followed. where gangs of "body snatchers" (the Back of their present tendency to fact that Berlin prior with what little grass I find. It's rank less nonulation than before the war, ing the lease. This rental Is not to fulfilled. Thus one of the ends de- kind on Tommys' name for grave hunters) are act la the grown grievance and the and weedy. The best grows com- Everv candv store window In Berlin be less than S3 cents an acre for the sired has already been almost com even still wandering. Now and then. In war lesson. Before the wsr they WOMAN, 72, NOW HAS TWINS the edge of the shell pits, but a In- first not less than SO cents an out-o- the-ws- d demand. It Is has a crowd before it all day long year, pletely accomplished. some f grass-sniffe- plained; today they In well stand and acre for the sevond, third, fourth and The largest of labor In crater still find a weather-soake- d to examine Unrest the Adults, ss as children, employer Mrs. Dora McCanta of Al. they teresting fifth and not less than an and of the California, or with a human complaint stage, as these men knew It tare at the displays of sweets. years, fl the country the employer the Mother of 2$ uniform, gray khaki, acre each ready skeleton Inside It. the before 1914. Movies most of them Immoral are for year thereafter during greatest variety of luhor, the United Children. They gather new the cnntlnunnce of the lease. Suites has as Its bones together In a sack and carry These plain, ordinary average men Iwavs crowded. Twelve moving government, employ- be erected. The Coal Leases Indeterminate. ment the civil service commis- them back to headquarters. have always been Intensely human. picture houses are to agent San Francisco. Friends of Mrs. most Arms are those "on tne Lenses are to be for Indeterminate sion. This commission Is responsible Or, they find a forgotten grave, prob- They loved their wive and children. popular Dora M'nnts of Shnstn. Cnl., are treed edee. periods on condition of diligent devel- for securing the proper person for al- ably marked a little d they lived for their homes, they felt congratulating her and she l by and so la the nnd continued of the most In the govern- saying wooden cross. The battle area Is dot- keenly their responsibility for the hap- Theaters are crowded, opment operation every position the most remarkable woman as a mine, except when operation shall be ment service except those of unskilled perhaps ted with these crosses the epi- piness ofthelr loved ones. They have opera, rule. In the United States. She is the only by strikes. At the end of labor in some and those filled taph, on some being s rusty trench hel- but one thing to give. Before the war Interrupted states, mother of 27 children, and sends suf- esch period the secretnry of The met The "body snatchers' " Job Is to they gave It unsparingly It was their Old Timers" en Rhine Again. by presidential appointment ficient of h'T pn.geny to the dlstrb-- t the interior may a readjust- of women to any govern- the bodies, them In labor. Their one source of Income was a number of regular "old tim require school to It ten. It wen" not dig up put sacks, Quite ment of terms and conditions. ment Is still a keep If ton, and bring them away for rehurial. the pay envelope. With their wages ers" who marched to the Rhine with position regulated by for the Mrt'ants there would As to the oil and gas, the legislation statute written In 1870, which de- family Wrecked tanks, wagons, trucks, am- they had to buy shoes, clothes; food. the American army of occupation Id be no school In Shasta. the lives provides that the secretary of the In-- clared that women may In the discre- munition dumps, pill boxes are scat- and provide shelter for they December, 1918. and who have been Mrs. Mc'ants Is seventy-tw- ycnr and terlor mny grant to any qualified ap- tion of the head of any department tered up to the iiorizon. Four miles brought Into the world, for the to the United States and discharged old. and birth to Septem- the exclusive right for a pe- be apptdnted to any of the clerkships tins down the Menin road from Ypres many women they bad chosen to be the moth and enlisted again, go to make up the plicant ber 21. McCants. her husband, riod not exceeding two years to pros- therein authorized by law. From this Jerry British tanks lie in one called the ers of those children. ' Fifth and Fiftieth Infantry regiments Is thirty-nin- obi. field, for oil and not to exceed has the custom of years "tauk "Home" Before All. which arrived recently In the vicinity pect gas upon statute sprung cemetery." acres of land. On examinations to both sexes Sweet Home" Is the' Inter of Coblens to await possible dispatch 2,.flrt government oieiilng "Home, to the satisfaction of the or them to cither sex at tl e Banishes Robber With Spoon. national anthem. It Is the heart In the near future to I'picr Silesia to establishing closing Where He Used te Live. of American Leather. song Interior that he has locat- discretion of the head of any tJrent Falls. Mont. With the aid Shortage of the man. The club supervise the plebiscite- - department depar- There Is much on average plays ed valuable of oil or the tment of the fact that ne- of a silver stoon which he secured complaint the part no In his life. From his home be Some of them saw ten and twelve deposits gas regardless roat has trouble from slip- part Is to be entitled to a lease rule nor law covers the examina- while behind thnt to keep of Belgian shoe manufacturers because months' service In France and Bel-glu- permittee ither dropping quickly goes to work, and from work he goes sof'-drin- k over the brink into the water. of the recent from for h of the land embraced tion ilself. far of a saloon, Oeorge ping heavy purchases home. Shanties and tenements are before the armistice. The ground is so loose around here, be wd. At the twine time local manu- In his prospecting permit. The lease P.nrring women or men from any the bartender, saved Ms em- not homes. These men have always t wish they would raise some vegeta- facturers are greatly handicapped be- Is to be for a terra of 20 years upon exn mina lion, however, bars them not ployers from being rohlted l.y a man the ugly shacks In Ruse Losses 35,000,000. e bles, but with all this iron cluttering cause of a shortage of all materials, protested against a royalty of 5 cent of the value only from the special occupation for who entered the plgi-- from the rear which they were compelled to house The Polish A. A. Ossen pe' the earth, I guess it's Impossible. How particularly of American leather. With professor, of the production nnd the annual pay- which the examination Is given hut inl covered LMmond with a gnn. their loved ones. They bit their chief of the de- I would love a good cabbage! As for a view of ameliorating the situation lips doffsky, Intelligence ment in advance of a rental of $1 an from all kindred occupations. All The silver poon So resembled a re- In Jobleea days when their children of the govern- d work yon talk about working! tton't the Syndh-st- of Shoe Manufacturers partment acre, the rental paid for any one year other bureaus which may require volver fntra the mnr of the went to bed hungry. Itesentment estlmatea that the world war, yon know I'm supposed to help clean of Belgium hss taken up with the gov- ment to be credited against the royalties as services of the some or like quality bar that the highwayman turned and grew In their hearts when they saw bolshevlsm. Civil war, starvation and fled. np the place, as well as give milk? ernment the question of producing a they agree for that year. as those specified In the examination how dressed their wives and disease has cost Russia a total of 35.- - Back home I need to be awfully fond national standard shoe at a standard poorly Ne Big Military Legislation Likely. are confined to a register made up ex- children were. muttered corses 000 lives. He the cost bol- of shirts and shoes, but I simply can't It Is thought that in this way They places of It looks now as if the United clusively of one sex when the oppo- Like price. when children were forced to 12430.000 lives. Professor Chicago People "Living Pigs." make myself swallow those I find out the home manufacturer may be able their go shevlsm at States would continue to drift so site sex may be as acceptable or pref- to work. wsnted to Chicaeo. Iiccsde housing facilities here." to an article to sell at not They give their Ossendoffsky says that formerly the as for fir they must ask for a spe- produce children a better education than Rnssian Increased fsr prepardedness possible erable; are Inadequate, ," persons in Chi- "Now don't go morbid. Toa more than 50 francs, thus fulfilling an they population at the war is concerned. The immediate en- cial examination In which no sex line getting had a better chance In and rate of four a minute. cago "are living like pigs in the slum always get morbid. As if things aren't urgent public demand and at the same bad. life, persons Today actment of military legislation of Im- is diswn; or they muit seek the wom- at laws child It Is at the rate of twelve districts. according to a statement hsd enough without talking about then time stimulating and protecting the na- they laughed prohibiting decreasing Is not probable. At the pres- an or man desired among those al- head labor, while conditions chil to thirteen a minute. portance by the of the Chicago Housing; all the time. Have you seen the new tional Industry. compelled ent time not much interest Is being ready In the government service. association.

NO SHOES FOR TRAVELING. SHALLOWNESS. AIR POWER. SCOTTISH SUPERSTITION. KEEP UP YOUR CONFINDENCE. REFLECTION. Widow Filla His Pulpit. ITsretton. Ps. Mrs. Anna Kindt, A few of my friends and I went to Shallow waters show a very clear Aa Italian Inventor has produced a A death In the family. It Is believed The majority of failures began to All the world nsed her III, mid this secretary of the Vonng Men's Chris- station nearby to camp and pick bottom and bat little Intensity of light scheme by which vehicles of wheels la many parts of Scotland. Is sure to deteriorate by doubting or depreciat young permn, and we may be pretty tian aMociatinn. Is filling the pulpit blaeberries. On the first day. while Is needed In order to the peb- and carriages and springs are te be follow if a flowering hawthorn Is display themselves or losing confidence certain that persons whom all the of Salem Evangelical church through some swamp land bles and clear sand. That most be a ing by during propelled by. air. According te the brought Into the bonne. Among the traveling own The moment world treats III deserve the treatment the month of November, she ear became wet. That night 1 serene" of In their ability. having scheme la to have "sea-goin- of Scotland fed "purest ray pencil and lose The world Is a before. Her husband wae accounts, the huge mperstltions Are and you harbor doubt begin to tbey get looking glass preached built n and placed my shoes strongest light which discloses the man re- tanka bjr the wayside holding vast are those which prevent a Scotch wreck-strew- to the and gives back to every the of this congregation nntil ht socks on a near the Are, Intending black, rich, n For faith in yourself you capitulate pastor quantities of compressed air. Loco- sailor frots speaking of any four footed log depths. time flection of his own face. Frown at It. death In the summer. Mrs. Kindt was to watch then an til dried. I fell the clearness of depth Is very different enemy. Every yon acknowledge motives and automobiles and tractors animal while on the sea, lest he come they or lack of abil and It will In tarn look sourly opon asked te take the vscancy nntil the s and nay footwear burned. The from the clearness of shallowness. The weakness. Inefficiency and motorcycles can run alongside sad Into bad fortone, and the notion that sleep weaken laagh at It and with and It meeting of the conference next Febru- next I went home on the train former Is positive quality. The latter ity you your yon; It connect their tanks to the mother the fish will be frightened away if a day la to undermine the very Is a Jolly, kind companion; and so let , bnt did not feel able te arefooted. te the amusement of all Is negative. Charles Warren and that ary accept. lot of an nsbermaa skoal d a bare-foote- d choice. had since been made tank, get compressed air pass Tribune. foundation of all achievement Orison all young persons take their She secretary ( to U.-lln-g the passengers. Chicago a board and roa the nest atop. woman before his ship. Rwett M(-d- In Chicago Daily News. Xhackeray. the Young Men's Christian asuociatiea. - jlVt.94 and a oo --eighth royalty ot ail oil MEXICO gas recovered and saved and aatcli mourn NEW STATE RECORD ooaaidcraboain aanD be sieraard lo incfuas and cover (be first eaia rental for aartt FRANK SXAPLIN, EDITOR NEW MEXICO STATE LAND NEW MEXICO OIL l.mj. fso person or corporation anil SALES LEASE SALES permitted to bid at such s.le except be hat not leas tban ten days prior to tbe day I set for soch sale, deposited with ihe Con, Published Every Fr'day it Santa Fe, the Stale Capital by the i. - - 4 : ) laniseioner of Public Lands rash, or ccrta 4r4 i fica encbantrc, to the amonnt of the above STATE OF NEW MEXICO to valid existing rifrhta. rasemerits, rights STATE OF NLW MEXICO iSWti, Sec. 4, T.p M N., Kge. 29 F.; Lot minimum cash bid. Depos is of all unsuc STATE PUBLISHING COMPANY of war and reaervations. ' ' '2, Sec 5, Twp. 10 N. 8kc. tC; HEM ccssful bidders will be returm-d- The .1. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION SESa. Sec. 6; Twp. 10 N., kge. E: N'4 posit of the successful bidder will h- - h. lii Frank Staplin, Receiver AO mineral rights in the shove ducrilnd SL, SW'iSKK. Sec. 11. Twp. V) N., Kge. hy the Commission, r of Publ'r Lands ana1 TIMBT.R SALE lands are reserved to the State. OIL AJVD CAS LEASE OF PUBLIC LANDS w E; NSEtf, SWKSEH. Sec 12. Twp. .by him apidied to the payment ..f such ,l(r,N., kKe. E; SKKSWj4. See. IS, Twp. ibid, bail if the auces-fu- l b.!o -- r shall (ait RIO ARRIBA COUNTY The Commissioner of Public Lands or his MCKINLEY COUNTY 10 N., Kge. 2" E; SWJ4, Sec. 19; l I Itu en p'-- n- his purchase by ihrn .a., I ih'r. Entered as set on niutur at the office at Santa l;e. .p. - ! post agent holding auch sale reserves the rit;ht N., Rge. 29 E; SWJj, Sec. 21, Twp. 10 paying any balance .in unit r purchase. of ihe n'-- r of o! N New Mexico, uxk: the Act of March .1, 1879. rjfli.c ("ornmissi I'ulli tn rcjfci aluj a hida offered at said Office the Commissioner PW Rte. 2S E; NES4, SW;, Sec. 28, Twp. including the cost of advrrlisiue and the,ts, aale ,y Landa, Jit N., Ri;e. 2? E; Sec Sv. Twp. expenses imi.'cnt ther-to- . then and in aueh Saul I e, New Mexico. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 10 N., Hire. 29 E; SEJSKJ, Sec. 3. Two. event such dep., sit shall be forfeited to the is Posacaaion under contracts of aale for the Notice is hereby given tint i.ur.jai l N Rge. 33 E; SjiNEltj, Sec. 17, Twp. .State of New Mexico as l d damages Noiiecr htrdjy imcn lliii - Subscription per year .v.- r.lieii will lx iriven on or " lne 01 an net oi i um:n hi is., Kge. SV 'A. Me. 1.1 I tie ommissioner ol ruhlir t an reser- . isions ot ail Act ol - uritr al. trar' provisions u t; hi. 's put Twp. 11 N., Rge. X K; Uts 1. 2. SENEtf. vca the right to rei.ct any and :dl bids 11 :.n Mexi.-o- re- - Sec. 1, Twp. ., Kjje. Lot 3. Sec. .idl !. made sithstaiiiial and rill..-- and ... . , . . , ,., , a t; I" '' S'" me , - ,.,. - ,',. ...i hi,,.,. o 4. Twp. 11 N., Rue. ) E; 2. with form of oil and gas lease No. .Male Land O th.- witness my nana ana uniciai aeai ot n lot SKN'Vji ' SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY MARCH 1920 lie ne, ..I I ublic Lands oft.. 11 N 29 S. 33 nn f;l- - in the of th'- f :oe, 5, '..mtoo.siom-- of Public will old . t'ie S'tale Land IM,rf of the Stat,- of N. w Sec. 6, Twp. , Rge. E; Let 1, i office i"ini L;,ds for lease for 7. 11 EKSF-jsS- of to th- - btdd.-- at M.xi... this fourth of the exploration, deiclo;,,,.- Twp. N., Rge. 29 E; SV. ',i Public Lands, copy of whiih will be s.le,. da, February, O.I lo,!- ... 'l.e-k- . A. on lW). and ptoduetion of and gas. at SEJ, Fee. 9, Twp. 11 N, Rge. A E; N; furnished on application. V. Aprtl the a. n n. ( 10. 11 '. Ihe town ot Ticrra A N. A. FIELD. auction to h.ghesl bidder, NEi. NFKNWK, Sc. Twp. N., Rge Witness my hand and she official aeal oi A NOBLE EFFORT WILSONS MAD ACT ',h, iisnlia, A M on lah 29 Sec. The ofntnosioner of ?'.it-.l.- f ... 'l K.o A. ol a, Stale ol , w M.x Commissioner of Public I.snds, odack Saturday. April E; ESVVK, SYVKSEM. 11, Twp f Town of llup. ... il N., Ree. NW'M St.te of Kew Mexico, this l.ii26'h of tec-- .. ft .1 .he court hoi st SUte of New Mexico. . '"e Count, js E; N'aNEK, SWtfKEtf, day tr..,... 11 A D. 1920. Coin-tuerc- Aii'-flc- ..i..-iii- MVK. Sec. U, Twp. Kge. 29 E tumirtry. Tin l c ( Iratnher f s (Cal.) Times) ne orsviior-- iimuri. . i .1. . . - .. rv.nt.i First Publication 27, 1920. .... x...... - e. ?4 rscc. 1 (SEAL) I February ji .,.'.,,... r JS, wp. u is.. i;?, is to wit : 11 N is seeking to iir.p'ove Secretary atLsinp's retirement Sale No. 137i All of the m. rthaul aid.. ''"bhcatlOD may 7. 'following described lands, Rro. 29 E; SE'iSV4, Sec 18, Twp. N. A. F1ET.D, 11 of I nicinht ;iml mi rove ii finances .. severe blow t.j the of the .imlnr and d wn a 'ti- - '" Rge. 29 E; SVVtf, Sec. 24, Twp N., Commisaioner PnMe nnds. rlii) iiati!iiig having Sale No. L 2 All of Sees. 16, 3;, 36; Twp N of w Mexico l W t! amt-te- oi not Jess than V J fee Rgc. Ji) E; Sec. Twp. II Rge. State rrnl.''li!v tio tewn luidcr ie snn ilsoti atinmi'sl r;i tutn. Of ah tmurs, 14 10 All of NE, !, 11 .30 t N., Rge W; Sees 2, It., 'J. K. Sec. ST. Twp. N Re- First Publication .fanunrv l' ., i . I , h lie nun, or ot NEW MEXICO 11 SW'jNEU, L 'I,.., .,f ,n..r... i nnini-uj- , Wile..,, in growing, STATE OF 14 Alt of S. , 11 Last 1920. ...vv...... ,-- v.,,, ,... ,.,., .1... ,,v wjc !,. on Hit Set. 32. in; Twp. N., Kge. W; E. Sec. , Twp. N., Rge. 2" Publication April 9, mar Ni,'SWki NfSEM, 11 . SWf4SE. 2. 16. 15 , V; All , luatl i c, um iiic a auu ii.ui c a 32 N., H 1 I'.., N. M. P. M.. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION i.; Twp. Rge. E. S'jNF-li- SEJNV.'M, E'SK. Rcc. 29 oal.. soiomiicsj pu;:.iLUll s.a.r.iii., r Sees. 16, 36; .15 N , Rge. 9 W; A'! 29 a '1 t n Wd- u all to 9r.uul board measure Twp. TAp n v., R.e. E; EPKi, Sec. W 'i l,i. tinr f'i; it Purin the weeks of LAND SALE 16 11 StiNF-H- er.ina PUBLIC of Sec. 32; Twp N.. Rgc. W; NV'1'. Twp. 11 N, Rge. 29 E; , NHSE STATE OF NEW MEXICO n tin- f w a N , 11 V : ' and atlvaniaftv ff a son's itlseis, Mr. Lansing filled tlif said timle-- sale will be ou th. SWt Sec. 3t.; Twp. Id Hw. Sec. 57. Twp, II N.. Rev E; See. 33. p;rt Tie COUNTY 16 " uu ti v.Thne inurt st in tiie town iii jh and dclicau .'0sition with til terms and conditions: t LEA All of Sec 33; Twp N., Rk. Twp. UN . Jin. E;'KWvJNE, Sec. Twu. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 2. 3, A. Sec. 16; 15 N.. Rk- 3, No bid will be ior lens th:;n ' . 'Uts 1, Twp n N Rgc. 20 E; SYYJaSWK. Sec. 5, Twn so i, riat tiiat they should lie i,ou nirable .skill and poive. His cttr! tl.s accepted Commissioner of Pulli. 6 of Sees. 2. 16, 36; 15 N OIL AND CAS TWO UttLLARS (S2.UD ihousand feci, tbe W., All Twp n K x F. 4 Soc T LEASE OF PUBLIC LANDS d will of per ""if 7 All of 16, Two 1! srj, suth i,etuness lias the missal come lo the people tht -- h.rh is ti... ,,...r.,.s. ,1 Lands, Rac. W; Sets. 3d; n in ir. MF.USWU.j,, Sec m Twn .aor - r. -- . - ROOSEVELT COUNTY work of the tht as an shock and no will be 5- . ngc II M.. ;.;e. 30 E: KEWSEta. Sec. 35. Two orjantzation in past nation irritating person pernTitoli .. ' " . o.?r- c. it 1 b,d at said sale until he shall notice .ll nercoy given ma. .o n " Kge. Ail a in ,wp K Rff. 32 Et VVJ4NEJ.. SEjiNW'i. See and made difficult. he No adtniniflratiotl anywhere ill .... fim, - U. f aw; 1. ? .1. 4. 5. t.. Office of the Commissioner uf Public snrcesi ... th nrnviiinn. ol at. Act of tli- X. Vni. l.nis 3. Twp. 12 Rge. 32 E; NEs4. Sec. 4. a SO et- - Sec. JV. N, managers are making modern times has thoroughly I nia amhor,",',i "g. t. Proved June 20th. 1910, the laws of In.: NW'4. W"SW'4, 12 N , 32 SEMSEVf. 2(1 Lands, piesent Hul.lic Land, or duly NE;, Tup. Rge. E; See Santa Fe, New Mexico. rnihie frnrt to put hie and ered out as has that of I'resi ltnt nolding such sale, a sum in cash or err ' Nr" IwpT 16 s,6 W,; oj" Twp. 13 N., Rce. 32 E: NWlsNWH. Sfi. efiicurcy M'b "" i"' f. 13 Notice is hereby that to- J ... ,v an ' Sec 2ft, Twp. N.. Rgc. 32 E; Sy.SKV, given pursuant into it and if not bandit. Wilson. is lust mail act removes i ....n... w,Un, " .u.,.. ",! 16 N K x to the Act of apped Lands -i- otter at 16. 32. 36: Rge W: provisions of an of ,he amount of the mi.s.oner of Public ll Twp. P';SEK, Sec. Twp. 13 N.. Rge. 12 ! . Congress tno.--t ionc.fif.h appraise.! 9 of 18 June 20, 1910, the laws of iiiucb by those who jjet the chances there miw ht have been h- Public sale to the bidder at Stcs 36, 16; Twp V. Sec. 33. 13 W . 32 : approved lbs any lue. The successlul bidder will - re highest NW'4 Rae. E ruh-- J- -; I c n , s r Tp. atate ol New Mexico, and the benefits, they will succeed. of the Democrats achieving: a victory auirerl to pay in cash on the day ol sal. o'clock A. St., on weoncsuay, may aoin. jvjsi, ah ot jacs. 10, wp, rge Nf.j,, VW'.i. WHIW'S, NVYJa.'-Wys- See. 34 ';..i .". . .u. . T c,7 .Z ol All ot .Nee. 16; 1 s 13 ' .1? i. j Ill.vt November. ,or rot l;ss than itlS.ntlO feet, hoard in the town of Lovington, lajumy jwp. Kge t; jo Twn Rge E; 2 See 4 V".,"? , the offered and o": State of New Mexico, in front of the court of S.c. 2; Twp. S S.. Rge. 6 E; All 14 ; M K- - SEti. lie. IS "' at price interest the Twt. " es. .v.; T 17 5 : s,-- ' c ano A NATIONAL SCANDAL 7li5,OtJO fee; for one at f,.,i, housethereinthefo lowingdescribedtractsS.... 16, wp JV, km n , R ., jr. f.;v;, """'?'' "pmcu. remaining year .. . . . j c - T is V lt.. t. vt' ';.; '.. t. . ,4v . A.Z:. . : Dtuilucttnn uf oil "!""""and sas. at Dulihc auctttin o WHEN A FELLER NEEDS A per cent, lne tuccesMui binder ' A. be to the All K Prip'cip. MWiihan' U hii'l.esl hulder, al 9ga'cl.H.k T t Wilson's dis:i, reomred pay advert ismg tr.s, ...-u- .Kr,, ySW'7H & "tYtp April 24th. ix the tows ol 1'reMdti brutal FRIEND. inn eosts of the sale. I.,.,.. Sstur.lay, f ... . . c . 24: M I..M K w' -- Ol Mate Ot t Kl, Krc fe,e sr.". sr. ii..jwic-.- Koosevclt, .it M State Lansiuf.' is not y al o. sale. KSvVl ,.,;tl .'il ij r.O,l1:. "nty i.rtt.iry w.tlan day. .r date SEti . iT' w '' V . J 1ew Mewcc, at.. the doo, of th. .1 it is a nat'ohri! niLt-tep-- a New oe t "j., : . ,. Nee ii a", 'n viij,; Sc. ... Tii.iittr. Tht Santa Fe Mexican pub- the suciisstui Diauer win re.u.rrn l'c . "'".r"' , Z e.' ' Ml.. me p.irty 27? SV,. Sec 28: NEiaSWW. SEX. " a 34 14 Tv 1 . .""u tnere.n, dta See. Stt r.:i7, e.;..,', ... u i'VV" i.atiotia! siatuial. i' a enter iuto a conirnct with the Cornmis ; .h. .,.. Tn f. t., cribed lands, lished brotherly editorial tht other 29; Stf, Sec. 31; NJ4, NfchfcJ, or and ro person will lj Twp. 16 N., Rg-- 3J E; NE't. S It .idi r r ss WKhA,See. AH of a,l, S!4, and newspapers .rtlU lay asking all weekly editors to !.c payuuni'of the remaining See. 32; SE:, Se. 33; Y.'A, JS; permitted to bid at such II, Twp. M N., Rge. V E: Nt'NFv: No. L M EVJ, SWX, ENVV'M. ,ht 36: T. R. 35 Lots 1, 2, .14 16 Sec. of iinanit'ioiis'.y i tine urri red1.! tor ne I'OS.ODO (,fret in equal ini.tplliii:'nts wiihn Sec U S, E. ha,, to ,he hour set for tuck tub Twp N.. Rge 3t E. SWtJNPt. swtf SVViN V'M, 13; Sti, WjiNWM. ob)s party, t'e proi'cr NW!4, Sec. 3; YM, See. 4; with the rotnmissioner of Put. Sir. 20, 13 V 32 Sec 14; KM, SWX, Sec. IS; E am! id M'. Mvx-'- 2 ",d ,m. rcsp nively, from th SWj. SENWii, deposited SE. Twp. N, ie. E; t'it NW4, tl.i l'reidtnt tipht arti.lcs from the New See. 1U; 7 R- --. Sec. 1 clipped , ... . of sale, and interest on Hie s' E!.SW4. SV.'A, Sec. 5; Ny5, SYVti, ijc l ands, or with the off:cer in eharg. o ,4, NEJ. NWSKX See. 4. Twp. ., Sec. 23; All ol 24; NEK. Sec. I.Htsin. t.e New York World, the nan So we tue .Santa e. m i n..., Sec. T 14 S., R. 35 E . cash or certified rxrham.-- "6 E; H fee. 5 7 V ' T. I S., R. 35 SEMSWM, le daily ' ., h, NW, Jl; containing sale, S'N',4. ESf Twp E., S4E),, ,.,itm,., (,., l ,ch d Sec. ncja I'? esi. h ot's t'li.vt artient atul f.i.'sis-te- first-lin- e credit for an article we Used at the nut the tit at uistal'.n. nt slmP 5,518.25 acre. The improvements consist the amount of the above minimum bid R,re E; NWM. F'SE'. Sr. Tw,. SEX, 15; S4, SNy,. Sec 17; At! du- value a2.2ft0.00. Periosit. of all unsutcessfnl bid. I. rs 7 26 E- 17 l Hrr, All ol ."sec IV; All ol Sec detetider. s.t s the :.U iit- - the next dnv found one of ollrl,'com, fencing, K. Rge NFii. Sc. Ten ;Ot la; X. unpeci jt.'l Vmh be returned. The deposit of the success rs.. tore. jr p.: N" fovit l T..o ins o. acc. j; jssa. ed of the i.;de:it ,V"" Sec. T 16 . k- -r Sec. 27: All conduit i'rt net' Isl.' wr. humble little items printed with ,ton"a('l '"','.VI"' Sal No. 1US KttKE'4. S; ful bidder will be held by the Comm." n jr. E: S'Nf F.'INWU KSWii Sec 2: Syi of Sec. K)4 , miv be anv C - sn.2; es'-l.'- , if S.. R. 37 SO 00 acres. The of and hv him Sec 29 g R'. 26 L'lUUlii C. Uiy.TO I'ew ar.v frt ti he rieatlimes on :ne arw Mexican um to the of two y E. containing ;,.iirr Public Lands tin Twp N., ?e, F ; punt rxp.rauun aau.t... 11 Sfl. 8 Sec. 34. l of a r in.provemee.ta eonaiat 01 va.ur pntsi in payment 01 sn.n diu nut TP. N.. Pre i'6 E: RKRWu. S. 31; Nj, NyiSKi, SESEX, Sec of Cot b.tve tht temerit mi nt it had a date lin al. trom rijir sale, .1,. reus,n tilth, yo R.s- -. j L'e' pane 35, Twn. 8 N. R; ajrimn-t- cr All of Src. 35; SVs, Sec 11; Syi, SVc. 13. i fend tiie I'residt lit. In a - ; -- ! 1 All 13; All of S.C. jr.. atu every tlu.o. ,u.t i.i.e of the omhir ! p,v Twp. N. p,.c 25 F: P...MFt4. ol S.C 14; R', Wt. teu.phtc . Ftf' fW:?" ,hy ,hJ" r1 '"; 12 NWX. Sec. sentitnt'iit thruuK-ui- the s"Ut' to the New Mexican inlcmuniadvance ol r- SX. i Vn,lL rrh"lnrc purchase Twn. N. Re F: I.e.. 1. NV SEXNWX. 23; Syi. N'.NVi. See r rtuurt Mebbeib, paym.nt thc- i i6; AL"' Vi- S..-- lari-el- perOlid S . SWX. See. 78. 1? .V. let M; Nw. See. 27; A'VsNV. M. iins' the IVes'dent. .ti- - fort-ot- , n lor ..rchaser .ball also a bond A t-- Twp. Rre. v.; Ji; Nyj, a; To cuter to tell the in; gi,.- 13 .30. N suin Sec 2; T. WK. J wyi. t?,J;l"VTJ7 tn tiich net' SEX. lot 1, Sec. Tien K . Rue N.jSVj4, SWXSWX. isec 29; SWX. r, 't 1 eondeitinatHin ha hed the , ,1,,- T-- Stf- 36 reat airon wi'l, the scsso.s abcut the article he Ipprnved bv ,l" r"J S.c 6; Sec. All ol See. ; WKNEsj. ,.cbde,,osH ,b.,n be forfeited M.;t. F; WNF. Sec. .31, p. V K RVr SEX, 33; T. S., B. E., Wi, Wx - ijk SVS, S.C. All 17; All of the seas. l.onil,n arid I'aris dentun- 'if :i'k - fj,,as a of tanliful ob NWX, SyiSWll, Sec. 17; Sec. of New Mexico as liquidated damages E; rJKXKWj,. See. 71. Two. I? N . R... Kyi, 15; ol Sec Set wrote, (Jllien A!ajnnotdo, guarantee - Tl sitt-nt- !,' NfeSWif,, See. WJ4, Sec i VVJl, lass- will he made in sohstantial contsr F: Sec. 9, 14 N.. Roe. 18; All of Sec 19; All of Sec 20; NS4 ce 1st. vane.- and of the ol KMSKsj. SE. r or ridicule tht i'rt O performance terms 1; .11 Tp. EviSI-.K- 'tltr.f'er Sec. 29; SKjSEX, Sic ; T. 14 mitv with form of oil and gas lease E: See 11. Twp. 14 N. e. .31 F See. 21; Wyjiyj, Sec. tl. t of a I'tt-i- I,, contract. EyaNEM, SWXSE'j. Wy Never before has an at .,,,1,, , ,,.:r, .,( o v.i.1. ;c S . R. 36 E.. cuutaining ti.051.05 acres. The on tile in the Office of the t omniission NWKNWX, See It. T'n 1" N t.... 31 F WEVi. Sec. 27; SK, NWX, Ey.NEX, Sec 31 : All of All of As- dent ot the I'nited States causctl such j the It'K.slatlirt wis J'l liically reserved. improvements coriust ot r.use, three wells ol Lands, copy M whicn sill VWX, See. 15. Twp. V., Pg, f 28; Sec 29; jO; only; . ,, .'. 4 fW. 18 Twn. 14 Ri.e 31 F f..V. ..f See. 31; All of Sec 33; WCKX. WK wide-sprea- and ;huoM a k ;itut ii v ..r tf:e t i"- - :. wunesh tne lian.t ann onifial seal ol a.oi wi.ioin.os, i.r ... v..,. ,a,., N., tin :i'i af.d official ; e .9 14 3) F. Sec. T. I R. J7 F. SWXNKX. Sec hi nii r ol I ii oil c l..m: n th corrals, and fencing, value fS.Otltj.Ot. Witness sir band the StVJt. Twp V. Pi.e SWU 34;. S., it of an avala"! don" more work In that wee! tb.- 32: T. 2 R 29 E , NEU. criticism, partake Stat. ..f v. M :hi ..I the ite nffiee of Slat.- KWX. NWMSWa See. Twn. W N.. R"e N., SWX, Sy tun I'll, Se.-- . ?, KWU. NFWNWU. S,-- che would overwhelm ; lt'mst th n s toil Ktw 1920. Sale Ne.. 1W7 Lots 1, 2, 7, 8. See, 1. IV- e- V.xice. this 20th of Jatm.t tt .'1. 1' V. Re SWMSF'J t wltuh any other tr ho ly it, '.itio .rv. dy F; V'3VM. R S!-- J I n s--e I '1 S . 31 K., All of 16. T 1 S M c . m N. A. FTEt T NKNEX, 8F.MNFM. NESK'4. See. 11; t: W"'Vtf. r. Twr.. N.. any President not obsisstd with an ito tv t done the same N. A 1 c..r i P F R. il E Nv. t. ( oinmi ssioni r ol P d NV.SWia, SESVVW, SEV, Sec. 12; PIEI.T).' PFK o s;. " " SW;,, VViishyi. t wheit-- I i s 1 NEj, t., ! . aletl "two" and ovt of rune. The in i nr. a N- -- nf S- -. l F- T H. .'3 E.. S. 16 exakret ".irnor State of Sec. 1.3; T. 16 S, K. 36 Lots rommnstfin.r Pidlic ts. r'WK. is. T.o . Si. tl .: IS r NtJNE, M- - 10 T-- 14 I R U K.. NWtf! with jersonal e. No I'reM .short st s itui and t.t .,i',l.r:iti..ri ' p.. 4, 5, Sec. 3; Lott 1, 2, 3, 1 5. 7. Id, State of Sew S. i, N '' T S, EA. NvlSWia iinpirtatu vtty ws rtt.; ' S.-- ' ;' T ' - .Nee. 36. ; K. J5 p 'a-- l 26. l'T!) II. 12, 13, 14, 15, SX. 1, 2. 6 r"' ,:' " " I0"'' ,e sj ,. p. NM .sr.K.swjt, I. f.., Mi dint save the of m .is he did, Pi.t.l.r.,0 r'" c.f . j I present o.cup.ut tV ., 2. 1930. 15 K K- S Sec. 32, T. S , R. 37 E., 'pi". , ;i .i i ; It, bee l.ast Piddif ..lion Apiil SWX. 1, Twp. V e. f V'o W4, Wy.SV - -, Sec. 1 R. 32 Ii . the White House, cotthl survive the sition to the .special session. Sptiiiy. 1, S, 6, 7, 8, 9,' 10, 11, 15. F.v.SFM See. i?, T.ep. tl V, R,- V f INKXSEM- 36; T. S., WM - 5; Lots I. I, I'llrf t 37 I T. 2 S., R. 34 KK'i. rebuke of November the rebuke Sttv: km an 16, Src. T. 16 S., R. E., . S.Kts. S,r It Two I' V. R.t St. E, N'SEX (Petti.) 6; containing T'NP'. . 2 35 I STATE OF NEW MEXICO 41 of STATE OF NEW MEXICO vwwsivu c.r xi 15 N Rire 36, T. S., R. E., NWX, S.v. in ami before the bar of 3,216 acres. Tbe improv. ments consist R- s-- the Senate r.'- td ? s. k.. k., 2 s. re- - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION well, windmill, tank, ar.d feneing. value $1, n SEvjW-- ffm k is snrm, t. public opinion, and the present Daniels says Admiial Sims violated jouci NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Pee. 33 F: KW'4. S . S r. to7 T,--n n'tt R. 3? S'NWX. NWXNWX. Sec. 16. j 3 R 32 bake of the worhl arising from the the confidence of his superiors Hut PUBLIC LAND SALE V. TVr 33 E. viViSf'..S 1 T--o rlT. S, E.. SWX, SvjSKX, Sec. IV No I...1 on .lie .t.,.v. .'. scr.h. d OIL AND CAS LEASE OF PUBLIC LANDS N R e. !W F: JtRU. Sec 11. Two IS M. IX- " R. 34 E., All of Sec. .36. T. most recent political scandal. the did not violate the confidence the IraM. V. y. F... SWX. SWXSF.K. IS.Se. SOCORRO COUNTY ol land wilt be areem.d lor le.s than e. Ft NWtf SEti Sec. 1?. Twr. 1 Yet interests of tbe nati n are 'people of the United States had S3 e. 36; T. 3 K. 35 SEX. Sec. T. the IJtlLLAKS ,t.tsi) per which VALENCIA COUNTY N , Hr. Rt VWM SE'C 14. T.. S, E., ,; HVk acre, N R. 36 E., AU ot Rcc. 16; T. 4 R., R far more important than the welfart placed in htm Ollice of the Commissioner ot Publu U,c appraised value tb.rcof. and in ad . 1? W " Lands, the Commissioner of Public T n. 15 N., Res.. E: VFt y Two 30 k. All of See. 16; T. 4 S R J F. of any Hence the puhln dition thereto the twco'lul bidder must "'"f All of 16, 4 33 F... AH Santa New .... r.,r . -- .h ...... ,. Lands. 15 N.. Rge. S3 E: NFW. SH'MWit Sec, T. S., R. of See. ' Ft, Mrxjco ''i,'''- sc ' 34 P. I: ,h. ,,. 4 R. concern as to the attitude in whicl i T. S.. , All of Sec 36; T. 4 S., R. 1' MAIL HILnWAY IMPROVE. Notice IS given that putsuant to ihe land. nan. a rr, uts niesieo. . e r .r... .Nee sp' ' Se.-- E., E'j, NWX, E54SWX. NWXSWX. See the I'resident has placed the I'nited Notice ii hereby given that oursusr.t " "r'" . at C T C" i MENTS IN MANY COUNTIES 1 1. MltF.j. tT.eiiirn States before his an V?. Z Each o, the .W.c w.ll to the proviaions of an Act of Congress " Bee c. f countrymen Mexico, and reru i..,bed tune 20. 1910. Laws of Twp. 16 N..''K r . r NWViSWM Src. .V,; All of Sec W;T S S., R. ? rules and be for annroved the the ''.. the of who have olfcrtd salt separately. V QUW' e e... . a . as people Europe hem new Ifctl r 01 niaie mr State .of New Mexico, and (he rulea and TVn , R sono V.r me. o, a., a... cjsj, norr.epowt p"jriuidi in. uiuo, f sv .sn: 9 J- caterpillar I. it.-- .,- ... ,ser. j n. tanyht by President Wilson to view tisetl nuasioner nt ruh a Canilfi wi o f u. Tk. ..t .4 I. .4 ...1...... I..... reoiilatann. of (h. Kt.t. 4ss Office, .he ''.' v.. Kss vi.isr.. IP n, tractor, the larpt't ever on sale to the bid.lei at 9 Landa will offer 1"'' N.. R- -e 29 F t , t c,,.. rt Two e... en. of nix. jo; i. ? it. jo c., sv. America s a model c" or public highest to the following terms and vis: Commissioner ol Public T" N 36- "Rtpuhl conditions, -e EX. S''iNWX. See. T. " road work in Mew Mexiio, and a oriork A. M . on Tuesday. Mav Ifcih. I'l2(l. for leaae. for Ibe axolnralion. develonment " . 30 F: VFu; .,. T.e, 1' NEXNWU. f F- T- S., R. 32 E , Alt ot IS, T. 6 S., R "Oemocracy t we!.e-fot.- t will be U1 to in tin town of Socorro, County of SeMoitn, The anrceaatul bidder must to Ihe nd production ol oil and gaa, at puhl.r V.. Re, II t'V3'i ee,- i - J Se. grat'el. pay " 33 E., All of Sec 36: T, 6 S , R 31 E The letters oj the rrtsiil.nt are wo-- k ' N' '" Ce,,n,r oi Public Unds or Ins ""ion to the highest bidder, at two V) " " on the ?!"","!) agent T," R.-- containintr aerea. not Tht immetltely h.uhway houast therein d.KC.ih.d tracts such one d o'clock P. M., on Monday. April l"th, YW, JJ Rt F5. W T.-- V. "open covenants real tatt't . holding aale, the price f. r bid sviU be KuUillLt lrorn 'it.UMlt to land. n. rrH l.w h.m . (.. . in the Town ot Ida Lunas. of V..- So accepted fur less thar of tbe different". has not l.t re ttpie vi: ,i, iaa e.. County which snail in . r - r. f l of lencia. State of New Mexico, at the front Mexico Prineipnt Meetdi It tils p.. acre, br Canyon in a .van.e t the alaH.t such a. . mcd treated As the tint? Wil'in 13.1 - ll ol Seeti-n- 1, I.!, .ne nouse .ne ...I No bid will be for less to inelu It and cover the firat yeor'a yt,t. Mate 'it " pur. base price, fees for advertising and ap "oor oi cjaun oierein. accepted thau for said and no Oracle : "The entitled hitliway protect T w 1,253 24 actcs lowing described landa, to wit: Five Centa ner acre, which sh .ll he d. If.ntal land, p. ..on wit ys people are nas neen containing praisement and all costa incidental to tne Permitted to bid at such sale ' to " t';.temeni mi. apuiov.'i Tin inip Vt (IU tit ol value s.ite n re ... h and all of caul amounts . tn include and cover the lirst year's r. nt J" execp. the truth M 2' al said no h"' the boor set for such by the of aKr'etilture Th lllil must br deposited in cash or certified ex S,VNo- -- NhH' SJf- oS lor land, and person will b. "'r..', t". srerctiry 4 " 2iV' M U',P"'"I with the Commissioner involves M null', ot in .. Ihe On., of ..le .ml wlneh .t.,1 R.T. E; NEX, 36, Twp. S., ge. permitted to b.,1 at such sale except br ,?, toad l.una Sal. No. 1J77 - All of See 13. T. S. , 4 E: NWX. Sec. 36, Twp. 1 S., Rgc. 4 K: haa, prior to tbe hour set for such ..! nr w'th "" 'T. DEMOCRATIC INDEPENDENCE II'KK) It i a lniol,nI. ,, ,, o( tiun '"l. or rlifi d '',"" co.ritv to cost ton R 9 W. toiitaitiiiiir MOW an. a. 111...... , lv.,n ,u,jct,ut.e.. .1 SEX. Sec. 36. Twn. 3 .. Rge. 4 E: SVVM. d.posu.d with the 4'ommisaioner of Pol. V ,h. exchange . l.,r(,.,.., !' me e . smount ol th ahove minimum bid til.u.:tif.M e.i'tward of pr oi t No 1,J prov. merits n.n.-.- of InicnK. value ioinnm, (he auccesnful bidder does not execute s . Twp. 3 S., Rge. 4 E; NEX. Sec lie Lands, or with the in crui.-- J? For months blind followers such sale, cash or c. rlilie.l .. o all. unauccesslul bidders wil many and is a section of the llo. dor'.i ml contrail vnhin alter it has 'Tw e?B iC' ..rh.n, :.J'P'ts ileDOR-- 1371 All thirty days ' 3.' Sec. 2J"', the lie turne.l. Ihe oi the success Sale No. ol Stctions In, , Ol- S.f Rge. SF.X, 1'36, atnunnl of the above minimum b. of President Wdseut have been un- '.lilt'.' hcfo mailed to him I.y Ibe Slate Land E; Twp. fill bidder ill be held bv the Cor.imi- W , So. SKA See ",l . ,h,', Kge 1 E; All ol Sec. 16, Twp. 4 N., Rge of all un.sueees.ini lit.idt rs wil able !.. r:se to a hir.itit.n of in .,,, ,;,! ,i ..,. " ' "dr, Tht: :on 5;' Ad' ol N ? All of Sec. Its 4 be re.urn.d. The of "Tn. h"! letore Construct i chas.r - at hia .noon make W., Twp. N. Rge depos.t th. ' .n;.Jb)! n.-.- i ... . . I 7 I ' s: o 1 b.sW., . mil paviiirtils ? 7 ! 1 P1'"' ln Pafnient of but if the denen.l.'tice." Thty have l."i I t. I.. f .. no V r '.',. ,, ot not less than ot W N'Z Two 4 He,- W (ul holder will l,e h.l.l I,, .h.. 1.,,.! V 1 ttt.1 a- - re- - ninety ' voi. : th.-i- r. el. roar , I ,1 . ... laming J et. uj ae ot n.eti ,ve cent of at W- J r oi liirilic ami ny him ap the ol "'-- ...' ,i... pre the purchase Price any ' - .h." h. . ... " '" " ' " i ihe ol Sees. .16, I 7 !"W , in ol n bid tf f- (K. T , ,, ' "' "' wie ..l.til ii, Suit., ic and t.iani and .trior to the ex 16, 2, p fx., Kge. plieil pnynient sit. hut ibe i,"' " i . i ."" 8, I'ljt), rnaiVs the He '1- - on No AM of 2, w,, 36 5 N , I.Uler fail to ""'ludin, " n id f.df.i! aid ".,iect l...,n.y Kl,..a-- und T p".,,on tl'rt, .1 See,. Twp R.e sueees.,,,1 shall complete ho Vl'"'' 7 volt The .'. rt Trcsidi til V.'I the no.-- from Ai te,,ng, valu. $ll.5, "n,,0,,. "n.f ,c. S .1 e' pai " Twp. 6 N., Rge. tittrchaae lr then there paying an. Jfj. tool ,',er,r,t .,. T L, i. Hue ;nd fXi&jXhX'Xu ; uttorr 'tielu. n domination. Tbe oitasion was the ,, , ,, rt ... ,,:, , ...... , men! of u.iy unoaid balance at the exi.ira il.ire purchase to the State - the cost of the I . . , "' S" vea.a from Ihe date ol All New Meaito Pr.m ipal Meridian. espens.. MeiiVi, liqui.lllVe party caucus tleii.inn not t follow ' . "..VJ r. "'illy th, ' .7 btmages .Z " "V 1"" SV,XS'L, " e..nt.'" a. I with reat .. deferred payment. No bid will be lor "iH hTma witf the rtesidetit'l atlvue. st:'"e stio or , S Se,. .93. All ol Sees accepted l.s.'th.n ,Z ,,do"'Che St'., itomit,file ,,r,r ,,,e,,l,. ,s .,: M.4 at lb, ral. ol four ne. ..nt anmim R.w Cst. --ere. which shall be atccmcd J NirJ Mealrli 010;uiid.Il aLJLI ,nrn' ' 0,1 "'3 on i. was it .id . ;: I. e.'tn- - 'v " ' ... p, - an ..Tie. ' m advance on ,l,e , rent- """ ' i:tly ceicrcic ro ,.) to he Liitlt ,n the J1.1 . anniversary ..elude and cover ihe first year", ' ,hl r ol Publi...... sol Pr'''ihe dale of the b f,JSm S m, '"1 ' e of which Ill ".I'd ' ., ''.'''.'.'"'' contract. p.i,al , ,ai.l l.nd. and no person will mM1i.te!a- - nda. will be furn.shed Tin d, bi ,,l fencing, y.M.m , , , , I .".1' I e . ... st.e l,.o',,v prt,.ieti, ,..0, ,.,,,,, ,,. b,a' ,ach aale except m.",);,"'.,n' I .hi " application. he e se i. to ""- - mi,d ,m0L. W "' ibnt"t '..if mt rts to the . .late .,( the ei.ntnut nest t..ll..wi.,g Hi, .... , , .; t for suet, TlaV ' f l! L .tne.s mv band and the (;. i, ,.1 , , -- : I Jen: ic r a t :iave l.t c tl I rt ' ., , . ,. ,,. ., ,s o( ,,i .1. ,,, ,,r. ,lwr.n u,. in,,, j poaitcd furnished on application T"'"': Wti-o- p I Mexico 1' JO. dent is 4,-- , :ie l..iniN, with the offie. r in this 31st of J.muarv. ."lit; d':.fii I.y f Is II ilea on All ol 7. See N W ,r cbatge W'tness my hand and the official s.a. day r.,.d'. r.'i Si'.er 6, S.e. NWX, Ii; s, The sIs'VC sal. ot land will li. suliject .11, h cash or crrtiftid evehaar'e .. N. A I JO, ,t ncVioos" t1 f , :. - '1 salt, of the of It dnce obseiiuions and I' v. t.t,,..-- .., r,,:,,l N., 4X . 18: T. i S.. St. 1 W.. Svi. S.e 4: Ml of 1. ' Siale Land Ofliee the Sour oil of Public to valid eaisting rights, ras ments liclit he r'liiriiu. llie ah.r m'n.n.uiu New 27ih of Commissioner l...nds. See. 1.1; EX. Sec T. 5 R 10 W , M.aieo this day iparly leadets l.a.e'd to j ;o .. ,, 23; S., of ay and r. aet vaiiona. 11. of all un-- ei sstul b.dd.-r- w.P January S'ate of New Vtesico. roin VisUx, Lot 5. Sec .10; T 6 R K cent... posits ISWl take matters into thtir own hau ls d'l : mi'.-- V.i S, W. ne uitki.i. 01 lie sureess ...... n First Publication February 6, 1920 ah .in Ir.itn 3,127.34 aces '1 In nt. nt s em 1920, It seri-ui- ing iinii.,v. '' ''!. omm s. c l l ast Publication April 16, idV' to a .' t v K 01 vain.- M,.'5.iln 1.d". h'. h',"1 b", Commissioner of Pub and, soM'h in U"lt Not s.l leo.g, HTl".:"''. of P.i?lic I him ".ti M - i,hli.V ttcmrt ly ltlt ( v.., M, 3p!it The I'lesi.;. ft t!. f.eti r... alMi been tin! th- - 't'l S--l. No U.I .ThVIZ-- to'complel'e itors and r, t lilt . - SWXNfX, Th. Gimm.a.ioner of Public .and, ,.r b XlnZ,t V STATE OF NEW MEXICO omy to, of . 1. ,.t pr, .1,1 ApTS frot ' but ;1. i!W9S';,4'!S"rr, MSIXSv. agent holding auch sale .,,. the rtgh, nt,.. hate then and there paying .., pP,tT t'h tro t NSt!' h, . the , , eo. ., 10 9.010 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' prici hi: t"o .vaji t, rrieel any ami all o'ler.,! at sai lml..nee doe un.lrr his ine n.lmj The Vv.O-- It iea !t si - I ;. tiir(rnc :p .Iter. s ner tht N. sale ibe cost oi aiUetrtstng and the STATE OF NEW MEXICO ....; SEX. S.c P4; T 1.3 R. 2 t Hiss. AND GAS ts !v .. ti r.f: ( S, F, NWX, in.i.'.nl hen in h event OIL LEASE OF PUBLIC LAND r, naruit S.C. 13. NW .SW!i. SK'aSSW.i. Se I' IV... . - ...... s, c 1,1 . I :it J .k.t. t.. i..i..,..i .h. cial (, of ,s .'D. ;.: 14 R I trl NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No. e miles in Line ..hi S, E, containing 79.' acres, of alMVe d. arribrd tracts will be on 01 ol New Means, as liquid it- d damsrr. OE BACA COUNTY 1. ih ,t "l ..'id in which 4J24H we.e selectid I... llie gisin I ph i..r,. inin,' No . '. al r ' fen tin aetes uloo Ociobe. 1st, I20 esse will be made in substantial ...nior AND CAS - ' S n a ar-- ..tan. t Ra.lroad Bond foe. ol ...I .,,,1 .. lease "'U LEASE OF PUBU. UND- ( of the Commisaioner ol Public and body" r'l Iron, e. 1. .id h ,,n.y m.t. ,.h li of rortt from All The a 2 V. b- - '..inmi-so.n- . Fund. metil consist ol o s band ami ..'final n of on file in the Olfoe of tie Cor .0 r ' inipro. tey CUADALUPE COUNTY w i;:i. houses, bains, corrals, I wells, windmills, Ibe Slate Land ti.fiie ol 01, Siso ot New ol Public land-- . of aVc), will uo. : ripir. oiy Notice ia Rrrp on tanii and i.mi(-!is- suilri.e ..n.. (his a..v .1 betou-.r- on anntit hereby that pursuant tans, twenty sool lb .item (llti.e of the f omm'ssiotie. 01 I'ubb, , given tie fencing, vstitr $11,150(10 I'.J' 1'.t.,rss my band sr.! 'be otto-i- .h, provisions of an Act of longress N A FIELD. Olfiee ol the e approved June 20, 1910, the law a ot th. "' .be Si.l. lj.,,,1 Pate c"'. fe. w Sale No. VC - NWX, S. . 21. r ol Public I. New Mevito ol Mnw SlM of New Mexico, and the rulea and ' 1. CLASSIFIED CmmisiHon, rods. tin, die :'.e.let' her-b- deal H i'fltm .th olice is is.n that the Com of the State Land Ollice, the 4 S-- S., E. containing acres State nf New P'30 regulations es0-- V. no A. mi.ioner of I'.ibt.c Lnn.ts, d, th. ( ommissioner of Public Lands will offc. lie:, Sr. i.nfifo sem, nts First Publication 77, 1920 rt IIKI.IJ, iming BliSlM s February C .rr m. of P'tlsie Land' same 10 bt ior ;he best interests ot the fu. lease, for the explural.on, oe v. iopment and wn OPpiltlU.Nl (tl l.aM Publication May 1, 1920. sstoner and nf Sale No J.' J SV4 S,, Stat, of N- e- Mesic S.nle the u...t. r law ol production oil and gas, at put.'ic au, t'. n 10 T" in. i. s t . n! 3fl. VM Ibe proceed, p, arise th.r, will, und'r the highest bidder, at 9 o'clock A. M.t or. ainiloi tir.t Pirhtas'ior .January d I tbe of oatr.-s- app-o.e- !' lb. 01 tub- -- il - s. Ie, el ,1, Ie an. IJrant I' atn.n An'-- 16. 1" JO. acts June 20, Fr.asy April 23rd, J9J0, m th. town I'M iil ILVrUltKY.-- We cat. t'ounty JN RU T RT M.lH 1 i lR.Vi las. sn-- e Laws of New Railroad Hotel 11ml lAiulsj .il lit It, .d the Stale M.x , Sumner. Luunty of Ue Raca, State with i of P.abv H' and Ih. R.ilea of 1 o of New supply jo.i any lan'ily consist nrla.e tank, vain, $1MH1 lilSTkllT THE STAlE ic, and Rgntaiiona at the front door of the ' In 14 inclu.l-iti- JtlIll'l. Sta.e lain. I .dfre .0 lease thi Court House the d. s no' ;.sr fep ( hi. s. We baic varieties UK XI W ML VH tl, MI UNO IN A.SIJ STATE OF NEW MEXICO, lo therein, following , t t al- - , ,1, highest and best qualified hiddee, al public crilKd lan.ta, lim ..!. bt about reliii. all leadn g llie. ds delivtrv .rub- I OR THE I'!" EE. ' !.ie I I. liil'MV S.WTA PUBLICATION a.ieoon at y o clock A. wt., April J2nd. tint: a 1 .. a ie. s. NOTICE FOR Sale Ne. L 33 All of Sec 4, SW inteed by I'arcel Post or Express IK - Alibon 1920, at the front door of the Court Houe, K;i, puar Till' 'I IV I"; nr aire Hsymes. NV.Si-.M- Src S; All of Sec. ; .. 1, : v. ' I1 1102 '- - SKSKji, t'ct; Write for puces O. I'.t.x 1. it. In. iron,.!. ...-- a t I'laiuoll, OIL AND CAS LEASE OF PUBLIC LANDS '".,ne 'V," j3?.1 "" "" All t Sec. All ol Sec All of Sec . No C39. dalune. State of New lor the ex 8; rotitf-- bb.rrte fi Colo 'i e sslel .. a 17; All of Sec 18; All of Sec 20; Ak - Park-r- . and production of oi 1 o. , .. s. E. A.lm.uts.iai. r ol tS QUAY COUNTY idora.irm, development of Nee, 3(1; All on the r, ( 11 or. tl.e 1). tl,,.. and and of Src. 32; All of Src. Estate ol b. H. P.,l- gas thereupon thereto. in. for a max T. 4 26 ' I getaio, 34; N., li. E.t N'H. Sec. $: NVVJ4. .. r .1 s v. 1.' ll e . .mum term of ten and aa ihere I'.e POSITIONS WANTED S c. I'Htkrr, ttisiiaiirt ot i..t- ffire of th roeniiiKinrf .f p..r.i.e yeara Src. 10; T. R. 27 E W4. ha. h ol above as 0.1 or tn sn-i- l i N., dent"' I, th. drscr.lied Itaet. w.ll Esl ale ol ".oldie bi. Pteglam. Lie- - I.antra. a.ier gas psying quantities Src. M: T. 4 .V. H E be otl.r.d fm sale ,. Si. 17. tU be pruluced Iherrfrom, together, with the . arpa.ately. , Lyons, kl nor. f!T:.aV. 7,734.52 a. In the of MAN in it.ncs Mi., rr, rtrw ar.i.v .0 own oil oilj and gas so ln1l acre ' l''l'(HIN(j hisl, twenty years The above ol will nd s il. of Vt ay right produce.! Z"" Wor. !. Ih'T ,1, S31.C ..Ie laid be Suhcc1 Notice ! rcaerw-o- ; as the State No btd will be f r 1. than rty old, w.sf es job on cattle ranch, will-- to Ihe and rrasM-.- Lyons, tliunt. U lra lams. is berrby ftvrm tht puraaMtii rfflliy ly arc pted " terms cond.t.ons. v.t to tne ot mm Act of owlet- the terms of sut h leaite f'ivc i pt-- which shall be , i...r-- split - provisions t fitjr. st c.tract. rnts atie, bankr;.p in K ti do any'.hinu A.idrt: ("lar- SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ivpttroved June Ai, ftIO, tlK ot the folk. ittisr drw filKi land., deemed to indutie and cover the firat aside ! , I Esc pt lot the land selected lor the San a vi: yrar'a ruce M lioey. No 2115 l ast I'res- - Fe Ra.lroad Bond Siatte of New iViiRa, and the rutr ami f.r nni, ,tn t n p r.n will art Cant toitn.y eun.l T.. MA iRA.stKS LVtlNS, sl nor. Ne. 5 N R 1 ' ' r. of ihe Mate Land Office, the L - T. K E.. Src he to bid at such aale St.. a ' " 1 , Md. mr nio.ier must to tl.e : ?ul&t..,n pernullrti eacepi ton suceessiu. pay 1j. nu.n'. ot Laftiis will he firr Commission.! of 1'ul.bc Land. ... bis sg-n- . ( omniiktMirocr Public iiitrr has, proir to the hu; at tutb COL'RT COSTS DECREASING ntl h, .... ,H. . itasea ice tht ni T 6 N. R H E.. Us. AM. t", il'pr.Mtr.l with tb-- i 'nmison. r ot sale. of the e tr eapl raiion, l"1 h..lamg s.h pr.. u,, , ,ltrA , IBM , , ,,a... and of oil and at 7 " - '' Public or iih the officer tn PLRS.ON w- .- .or .aoo ...... , , !,,., protiuctKina sat, J lntrlh, charge A. pe. l.ri , ,,. JU hih-t- . N K, V Sec ?. c such F.ej ' - ' .1.1 v . I'- - ,.. J,.,,, auLitoa to the b..lurr, at ( E., SKSV of sale, cash or certifirct eathanK' par' S.ait 1, o in t. r ' 11. m. A M . r f es arivettis-n- and n en bub cat Ufdnrailaf Anr.l .N'.'W. to tne ot the atovr mini mum bid purchase f..t and I I : - tatt tnd'O.f the' rorrt. are bee:; ly S..n.a e, iwai mg ibe touit ly.O, in the Town ol 4 of T R W K ?. NV-?!- S- lApotviia of all unsuccessful bidder wilr - ... YO.jWG WIDOW. Worth $30,f)l.'0. ano all costs tneid, ntsl to the ouuty rtl- a ' ' : t praiaemeal ab.t't sail is m in.. Owaiv Itwtnar that rtiitnia in aho--h tn N1..; Sft. NV Te rri'trneti. The of the sucresa :'!' .) sale neri in. ach and all ol Said amount p..Ung, fni..r i. v depott Would Matry, 35, leatiue rim ml. on s 1I1. of lan.ia T. 1" K S tn! if i ler will be held the ( the In ,r! i. mutt he I aU or rtiU- ( lli.n., ..rt...n u.a are .S;at NKSW. by oin: taspayer. d is c p -- tr.i i t, Aii t n t .Irt- -e - Tf- , . yir' Oitlio, (vl.10 cbftrit-- ! f'aikcr, Nw at tbr truni of the- mir Si ul Futflic Lantia and by him ap fe i d the limr of tmir nf Wriifh a l i .A H. t ' . isc to prevent it Kv.lf II. t the fo.iVowit a )esctJei- Uo.ii. . 9 N" R c J pYt--tri in p.iymer-- t of am h b'd hut if the 1' aiT1 tin In antJ all of tinm arr Riibirrl t, ajriii, J (t.s,,,,. tberon, f long; fere j! d WI L l.'aif, A .i f ;ht ii-;- hi lif r shall faiT to e'rri.l t hi ;iric. uf Jbf. Slam rtwin in all 4cS.o a "I'l""'')' ' ti- Itiv.'ra.., romf fe purchase by thm and th re pay m a; any tria's ..nil twn ' t I' ' r), n t f 1 iV I"e.el. S1.,'KN' Vtriht.a'c i June U r..r.-- i ii r. ..nti 'V. niri-hpt.- t'ri an t. 1 .11 . blanrt hi inrla'.inc e - r it .h pr,i, To.ethrr ,th - ul'r cortfact thirty a(rr ot .ii.y I . Mm(. .r ft V . R- -, r...".srU A S 1 rrtiar ..Ben..n: th.- tfyi c a p. of ton 'f advert ame snl tltr . trp'fi tra'l'.! to h.m tiv (h S l.m.l i r. rifrht ay, and wrvitttdrs lot rtprnaes r . I,.,: r Uiita. Tkat thr t t K . k !. t . Src eastiri'ms "T nt ih ar-- l Boc pre, Cic Mi.1 ftmnl lf krr. i. ft It hn rrtn, th'tj urb eent on1tarl to providr tlit tin ' t -- il r ; p trbplionr and nhall tie n and fh tl ..iti'-f.t-I'tfrti. 'T'Tt thr S'te. ta'F' rhsarf tnay at tn n make . r t 4 .fiku, i. 'Wif n.;i'.t l m - ... pin i ivftit t, !.. J. inn n I, N., Ha;- -. 27 1ju v i ?v. ri w MeK'ro as hio datHI dittnaftea Iaae of no m il. rtir-- ot t. n t T rf Tvi t, plant and fiatnrtt prra-l- ina. U;. than unship IS N'T'h V.rp- )1 N. M J f Kst & K; W f;t tria'" vill be irs.'e in surmtsnTteil wjfK - five fu-- r rt nt of b t' 1n N, W'i. refining an4 can as ami an cnl'.rnjty or- - of pnrrhxsr frue , mnh r or b ., Kif a VV. c tr carrying of oil and 33 on Ie rtt to .ni. liy re. 7t, N. K, s of . orni Ira" time the naif and to iho? fcli -t tirti t h,uijTie anr th - we afer prior ri a !a T. N., r.. r. U , r,f'if nf hr of PmMh to oursehes h 'j i i n v . rnration of from . 11. U,t. boarJine iwirloi-e- and any and all rTrifrji'ri, t ' r i ho thin yr;.r thr ratrtm tjr H r Kfce. 2 1. ; nh: of frhtcb wit! br fumithn P v tie I N, I; Si aiaxl ur vilt res iif m! n. in o t '' :!l': '.is ( the coo' ract ann to prov. r tlw fia P H Tp nm.ef rt n.anr hf I'i'iit f fai'i crmv'-ntt-f- '.III' rft. 3 or'h irom m n I Ltfrtj for tbe monical '"',, , fc "f H.ii-ai- tjet'ano' at t of i operation fr rt r, f " f P't'CU'.iaT ipira rrim, by Jtri .arrfcn it fc'wVH.SkJ. . t5. t. N..kve. JV !.: or h mr hnw am! H of'fcial S"hI mt '.rt ..r,wrrl, titm of thiri from ttac x' ( . , ti It. 1 1p. lan.i, alone, i.n mi k . ei I e . . ut i h Irieruar. tH, anl u V. cunfintiy i of the of rw liid p. i, ,0, r'n 1. , or and with the rie !rn' p':'lt rontract with on ierre.l .r-- m S- birmr , pxymmt ?rrT (;fjrTr tne Un t 'A. T rn, V .... his of 1V0 less ar-- i T'-- te.-- in- - oittrrtmr r fie. t t; It. f'T such to have ree tisc of oi .Ut tiay T;.nurv p. ,0 ai rate v tmi jht of the ttr c fivr-y- V. .. s,.4w.-' F .V Se, prtj"e M A I c m on s.v., and or water Iron said lanH and HELD. : , ' t or-r- of 1. , paraM1 ivawre ihe 4 ni fi. Hstrme. ihr V c 1i (as th C- for rt at' ,.'. in anniversary .'!(" f "., Re .r; t ; VK "'. T. r vb " T'-- t .e;. or mrei'taiotrPf f.f Pnblir . the fiate .f the -- . t ei'h lands, rr.-.- . sh-- par'al paym.nt j,bo nfi f.f hr ... r n .nt t Bae. K, . Vi.vf-fv,- 'mr atrf e of New II o.. We j v. J i rrart, tltviltn. . N. S'Aial-- i se the time of aaid alt ot Vraio. ,,, .eg, 1 v Ih i" ii :n:tiTt i ' r n am ill -J con 7t e 1 V.-e- . 2 lrae any proptrt Fir-i- t 5. I hi;, fr.,j wjTf.r Tsr Twp. . F; Se ct-d fih' trati on HA slave f'sr cc.nstroctive V . fl t folic e V'iNW i m nr fti pla eti or rr cm Pebrvetry cavern, isrsi a.o.4 meis. si date the ernitea. nrt mfr tbr praye-1- to V'jwt rn aatd 7f 9 Fee E ' .V--s PnhlKation 16, . ry M atp Twp. K, WHN'I, .y ht n the rirhl April l3ft. 4eevii - r r. srhoe.'. hi'.-c- rr.. date i rrrKtri bv law i fix . I tnit; .T it' ...o Hor.e Maker' re.i rich wi-- el Twp s ' to paH ail oib- tpt-r- i - . A vns are farfhev . fwt fh.f ni.M u T a n t , , . , , c catne. eacrpt rwie Ta..p.i Tit lege strt lv confidential fei rn tne eac contract ot the Mat vear. ot xr.eTi-nc- e re nn-- i sjranr sssm.y Hanrnan stoatc, rnssi srmscr , aa. rno'l re'ih'e t . -c Ivitl tr. the ahari 1. r "S sn-- 1st ats t Anrtl. A. Now ,, .tM-u-.- n. oece-i:- . .uiire. ti new se.rt'.:'-- of "The co'titi'sT.s that the bid - ' - " ,r Correct ' raceyrt eVfalt ant . Br- - . English . t H t)rrrrr S c"rl' i" nt snets La no tKf.ce the mre,'ri. r 1. saiij to;-- I'd. Vr rt!i h..x JV. la blait' ' t Fin i t. F; 5h( ,r4 St.te HOW USE ot le. .,.., c- the - The TO IT kresv 'he ae.t. is the co.intrv h.s talif.jrnia at the ,e - ,r- mr sf .'tre.. e ,t., .' W a r'i j" jf F i.1,.'.W.' JTirrr 'vrrfl rlZM. heen assured, he uay get alorar hv f. A ' E- - fc MONTHLY MAGAZINE I lo M .".iN'st s ' arr-- 9 J: ttA frrn tHr above lir :n sriow a of people IKK: r ttr. nt m. wt swrn and wil. In R .reivi. tv.M m ' Rt--r - . .( balance pvrrtiaac ''wn I wt ciu 4 r, r x 2? F F 1.4.J Uria M .k, Iwlr as .0 h rj.'h 't this, point cage besi .avgeaf ,1. trie ..o oiir .ki $2.50 THE YEAR And hv rre?n.e .. i 'top. I tat liFr" Ijl tears Thooaan .v.... . ' "P e. . sje. 9 t; ar-- t in iH-'is- :"-et- c. a anianantm . rs cral Past. Z F.: re-- tat S22 Se w'"l faP the error of Honcrabut Weal W t ess . :.V ol lira leas than a. rrKW 10 i tOT not rt'o .arme ra oh ratrresl all a aasy I s: a sn aj' - Cent SampleCopy - l.Hrtl tmrt. r we. ft : rate trf five nee mrrr Inr fees- Sjnd fBTornisfntT nej etoi-3- I'M'-.- -- T' esrta the reTyThifitr mf Early marriage, both ex Strk ' w fee. F; rear th-- aramal teieeeafler to hs TO h- - . -- : - at haf beccrme a CTrstom with Confidential ttst free The Ol ' " j r e. b. sr r t;"St m Jn. r- si., Kre f- hi the af4 am if ssa Ortnfcrv tm 1, rcaar. 1;.'st"'.'Des-- rvd itsornt Correct English Mr. Lane Stock- - ReP'ablc 1i2 If a4iaoss. aM t ock " ty ?Ve J! m . ... fcw Publishing Companj Spemgrr Club Oablafir Tntiln at si a ft CIS- laf Bat maaf taTtCt-.- a frcceitor. j ttiaai W fFtVt "ta'M St mmn (Dtm.). tCklaf. Tl eWee anle wf haawJ aril W anbirrt Um IWieetioa Wwrcb L MOl Tea lira. J E; twuwwu' tS, fkr accept esl tot teas than EVANSTON, ILL. J

M E; WXNWJ. Soc. Twp. m S.. a. Sec. S; 2$ Lot i n n; i, J. Twp. I S., Ere E; Containing 0.HUI acrea. NrV4 a.tei ia MTBacatt ol Bttch bid but ii tb aE.N. ar--i-r, sec. x:; Twp. 15 S , Rkc. bidder Uil to bi Rlf.. 18 2. S--c 1 (jccraMal (ball coanplct E; SXNWX. NXSEX, SEXNF',, Lot. L J, 4, 4; Twp. S. Sale No. L 23 - Lota I. J. 4, SXNE. SX 2 El NWK. NU'U h ttu-- n.l n. . -- . 18 AD of Sec. 25 E-- . 1 NU'U. blirrhll .....r, ,Src. Ui Twp. S.. Kge. E; Lot L 2, J, 4. Sec 2; Twp S...KV.1.. S i. stc 1; Twp S.. Rge. 27 SEX. 15; 15 27 K; Rg-- 18 t t: Sc. Twp. S., Rge. baUnor due un.ier Ina purchase iweludiwa j 16; b S, E; SXSWJ4. Sec. Rge. 2b fc; Lou 1, 2, 3, 4.Srr. 5; I S.. All of 2. 3, 4, 5. b. 7. 8, v. 11 15 NEW MEXICO OIL LEASE Tp. Twp. Sic. ll A" ol Sec. 3b; Twp S., Rue. 27 E; the coat ol and the expenae SALES Wife. 1 advertiamg Twp. 6 S., U E; SXhEX. Sec. , Kik. 2b l.ol 4, St'c. S . 12. 13, 14, IS. 17. 18. 19. 8 . I,; . E; 6; Twp I. 20; Twp S All of See. 2: Twp. 15 S. 28 E; SWv aucft Two. S.. Ree. 18 E: 4,11 of S,-- 32. Ii.,. p. 1 ? 1 s- - - R 7 F. l' xiiaii a. tu-utu- Re. thereto, itua ami in evea' j cii'n 'EX, SKXNWX. Sec. ; Twp. aurb be forfeited State I Twp. 6 S.. Raw. 18 NXNEK. NFKNWX ll R 1. 2. 3. Sec.t c.' NE).SEX. depoail ahall to the E; S. E; Iota 4, 4; 'S 1; "s. Rite, j7 E; All of 'arcs' 15 S.f Re. E; All of Sec. 5; Twp. ol New Ideaico aa t-- 1 T.p liquidated damage J7' " "t--' . '"" i ,s . 3, 4, 4J, J. 4. 25, 3b. 27. 28, 29, Jll. 31. J 15 S.. Kge. 2H K; K'.'j. FKS Vi, SFl. . il.eabe be in kulit.amial a:oaiiw v - au. - - a., .- -. bo r. , , i. i i arc. l wm. .ill " "". tr RKf J7 i'i !l E; NWK, NWMSHH. Twp. IS S.. Rjre Lot .'. SW'X. with liirru of oil and Ka MEXICO STATE MEXICO acc. " 2, 3, 4,j Sec. i 1 Sec. j. 7 M-- t; 'mnjr leae '3 STATE OF NEW OF NEW aw4." 2; Twp. S.. Rke. E; 33; Twp. US. Wile. E; Etf. SViSm. Kfc!iNE Sec 7 Two R on of r lie vv4.t,6 Rue. W AU - MS tle in the Offxe ( ommiastonei S., .itw,E; SWXSWX. Sec 5; of Sec. 32; T.p. 2 S. R.. 20 E; SWK, SiiSW),. Sec. 33- Twp K; c 5 S K I'oblic U( 19 27 t S. 'N;i. ' 8; Twp Re f.t lin,ta, cnpjr ol which will b NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION lop. S., Kge. E; SEXSEX, St. All ol Seek lb. 3b; Twp. 2 S.. Rgr. 2 E; E; All of heca. 34. 34; 8 S . K.;e 8e 15 kte' . 6 19 T:7 Twp. ' F4NK'J. H: Two S ? ttiri'!he,l on appiH-aii.u- Twp. S., Rge. E; NEXNEX. NXSWK. All ol Seea. 2. 32. Jo; Two. 2 S., Re. E; All of Sec 1; 9 S Kge. M. A, It. S b 37 E, Two my li.ini nd the official aeal AND GAS PUBLIC LANDS OIL AND CAS LEASE LANDS Sic. 7; Twp S., Hge. 19 EV4 SWS4, NWM s.c. 11. 12. 1 . BKV. ? I, i;n,sa OIL LEASE OF OF PUBLIC E; NVN. Sc E; SK. 2; iof Sec. It. Twp S , SWHNWi'' c' T.'?, li R , " Office of Si 8; Two. 6 Ree. 19 E: N'WIeNWai. 3 31 SK-4- . lie Mate Land the air a S. Sic Twp. S., Re. E: N",, All !:' f- N w a. T d. C n ... i e Sec 2; IE; S.J4.NV. E'l.NI., K; ol See JJ: I' S .Mrau-- litis Jteli of OTERO COUNTY , u. . t tf. All (II 3 S 37 N'W 32: day January UNCOLN COUNTY ' toy. 1' c; oi. in. Rc E; KF.J li. Sec. S,S1V. NVVJ,SV!,. M:j4SWW. V ..Ni.'t Sr. 34; fwp S Re" ji F- 1920 T,, 4 34 - . 'i S.. R,:e E; S e S c 9 S. R::e. !' All of .V,; 15 S. 1 T.p XV. SEJNV;M, T. S.c. Twp. ,: S. A. FIELD. f tin r of i uf Cniiiinisi-'n- wsfl, sec A.; wp. a.t Ktfr. IV IL; b S.. Rec. 34 1 :i ol 23. 25. 36. i Ir 'HliT I'.imtnt.ssr.r; Publit )ffiee t!ie r of Ptil.l.e JJ; Twp. h: l..ti in JJ. 3!t Tun li A.I .,. S, if. , 7 o h.';j bit. J. y H.,.. j I".:! Commissioner of I'uM'C Lanls, Lsndi,, i up. o., Kite, r.; . Sec. 2; T.p. b S.. Rk". 3b E; Lota J, 7 Re. 2o h: .Ml "I S.c. 2; Twp S., R;;e. All of S. 2. If.: i.p. 7 K,e. t.jh. Sec. 6 H'te. Y) All 12 . Iwp J j":; State of ew fesco New Mexico. NWX, Jl; S, E; . 9. 10. II. and SWK. SEM. 2 "'- - s, 4, h SW Sec 32; 7 Kee ' Santa Fe, t -- Tp. -. ' Iwp f I'nt.lieai ion SfitltU N. Utri.. S,c. ': o S.. Re. 20 E; Twp. I Rk- iu Sl'. S.e 3; Two 9 R Tl V '. 7 irst January 23, l'20. Tp. bis S, WKSVV,. iSKNWJb, Mtn,S.. sr. All of S.C. 3b; Twp. S. Kue l 1. 2. EWSEtf, Sec. 1 6 Kire. 3 t; 24 I ' Ail 'J ,2' ast Publication Annl 2. 1920 Ntitite is berthy iveu tit it puisuan: j 5; wp. S.. SW!i. Pec. 7; Twp. S Rite. E: of 4; Twp. S., R,.e. 27 E: NE' All ot Sec If.; Two. 7 Kve '7 F - K Sc S. . Notice in given thul the Com to the of au Act of E; t",, S; Twp. t S.. RBe. J 2: Two 1 N. SEX. See. J; Tup. v Rie. 27 K; All ..f c... i,,. T..h u e D.. u an provision Onrebs All of 10. 16; 6 S.. R NESW. St. - S, of Str. Twp. Rge. 2t 20 E: SKNKX. NtuNWU. , n v. S e. ; V 111 24 tnttsiouer Public dteminK the atipioved June 20, 1"10, t'le liws ol tli. r. - SWt. Twp. ..'ot ?c. Ih; Iwp Kl'i K: ; b , Ktrc. Ji K 1 At ll et Ree. J7 E: All of o .. . c o ... i. . Le for the f ot isew ai.u rulca X. iwp. ivp. IS, Kpe. P.; c,,.. f 7; S icivk t o i t. STATE OF NEW MEXICO ante to best interests rcale lae aii.lAn of Seca. 32, 36; S., k 2U N Rrfe. .11 iRf-e- . 27 S'. i "k. ur iinoi, Tp. E;l E: SKJ F;i NEX. SWiS! E; W Sc. 8. Tv o 9 R,'- XW'a'. S.. ii: T.'ii ID s' v irtt un !er law rttuiutiona toe .Tiaie i.ano of 2, 8 K , 27 c. the State and the beneficai euice, iiie,!! Sc. lb, 3fj; Twp ttiW'-i- N'WXKWX, Sc. It; rw;,. ... E; 8; 9 S., 27 E; .12; 10 J.. ,: L4inriiisiuner of I'uijlic Luttuk wib oil. r 14 jj uf 2 16 361 E. H'; Sc. S. lie, S'i, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION f w'll f;; ses.' 3 Twp. 2i EX. c 21; 9 27 All of Sees. 10. 15. 1'. S. T.p K W',!. the proceed to aiitu' therefrom, foe lease, for the r xn.oiat :un. d- v, loiinirn Rt. E; E'W'i. Twp T.p S. E; c. .,; Two in S. i, M N'.. Rue. 20 F ; All of Sec 24: rwp. S.. S c. 17; Tv S. c. . 25 uadcr the Acts of (Ymr,-t- approved ana ol oil anil at 13 ".. Rirj. El p T.p. II S. R..e. E; Ail .1 OIL AND CAS LEASE OF PUBLIC LANDS protluctiou gas, pull:, Rg, E; All of Sec. 3b; Tun 9 S . R Rtje. 20 E; N'A. NV4S",. Sec. TPl.' 9 Rire. rw F. v une JU. I'llu. anil ol lo ine niEiief incoer. - S, i., wc. iwp in; Iwp. IJ . Km '.t h.: '.. Sr. the the State luriion CJ. All ol 1 ; I; 9 Rc-- e ait Sec. Twp. S, Rae. 27; Two. 12 S. P. ; EDDY COUNTY Rules Re I m 17 t; 4- a if New Mrxico, and the and '.. Kill E; All of S. V. ! - 12 R,-- 2t SWX ! fg'Jr?. r.r.,A,r.,..... 5LW J.. k,. K,Kfe. Vc,,: tfoe-'- ,' V"WH- F.SW:J ' Twp. S, F; N". t. ..7 S- 1 - EX. SW off! ": I culalions of tlie S;ate Office, r i'in.',. n. Slatet'?Jof NVw MexieoT Ll 1" fi e - " Jj- S;l XSEX. Sec. I"; T.p. Sec. l; Two. S, it K: W SK'J Office of the Com missioner of Puhlii House the i.,1 ijivvl',, 20; Twp. s. NEX. Sec. 30; 12 S- - to lease lo the highest and bet qualif id door of the lUmtt therein, SWXSWxV Sec. 7 N 21 i.R fc. S'.iNEX, NW,. T.p. Lands, I UKr KW ?Sv' tr- t.-- 12 rtewcribcd t. tWx. 'u.-rri- - E; a w sex. se. 31; s New hidder. at oublie auction at 9 o'clock A loung lands, lowit: fwo. 9 S.. R V, V: All l TW. 1... ?! k' ,e. w ar . , . -- co0 . Santa Fe, Mexico. t... 'i o. ?r w. .a, Li. r.: 'ti i &' r jiii "i- i'- iian tpi v w Aurtl I2tb 1920 front door of . - .S.' 19 E; N'n. S".SW SKXKtf. See K: Two S N M F . 2.'; Twp. 9 Rue V .1 U'aV i? hereby that II. at the ...... ,. B,.Cl, . ,. t.. TI?.' ?.' NSl. S, E; VVAFX '3 i cvtx Se,. Two s"' '.,' given pucstiao See Jfil Two 2 N 11 F SWXNEX, WX. S c. 27; Twp. 9 S .' K e 23 E All' o ' Twu "" ol an Act of I toe in in iwwh o, nKe. it, r. ; r.n ot 9 19 S.c l' .proviaioti.,, ciuri iiuuw .vci. jo; iwp. s, c. 25; Tap. Rpe Sec. 16; Twp1. 1 1M., Rire 70 27 E; SWX. Sec. 9 123 U- - J "Mc M. luc Laws ot tlu nu', 10 j, iXc..t., S, E:NF.X. F.; NFX E'. 28; Twp S. kv SWX cec Two K e "W"" M. ol .Me l a . r.; nil oi i. 3; i wp. mu, SW. S. c. 25: 9 S R e V 27 Ft-;- i'V gordo. County lltcro, ol rtw xe. ri. ,;, Twp tv"4 3 . Kfc NEW F; , Sic. 29; 9 R,.- - - 4 F- - 4 .' c" ' ' f"w A', and the ruu a and ,' vt, u; iwp. 2i F; T.p. S. lot !i T,' 'p.. K'iNE'4: SWXXtX. E'i Sec. 2o; 9 S 1" o R- - - i' Mexico, for the exnl .ration, h. t;. Ej NKN4, Twp. Rp. NuSKU. SKWSF.X. 4: T. Sc. "i; S F "11 N' 16- S K Slate Land Ofnce, th. a- 2b- ii- Sn. w" " ('F-' S' ' Sec I' p. 1"kU'""," ace. o; i a., itgc. S.N1 ' See Two S - : ' T.n of Public of oil rw, iwp. a i' :J S.. 25 F E'.,SKX. S Sees. 30. 31; Twp 9 S. Rffe ?7 All of" S, rV lb 13 Two' S " Until will olfel aod and thereupon of ,,,, Twu. S , r.,. Re. F; W''.. tb. '"r.I, "'""io'T production Au 19 32 35. I' ( s,,, j.. Ej'AM f"S.T. 3,.; Twp!' 9 3 25 N,All of S c. Sc. T2; 9 J7 E- - lur 'case, tor the it or ITwp S, Rgc. E; 1', T.p S, Kr E; V", Sr. H WM Sec' 15 Twn I ' Me ealoratiun, dctelopni, in ana ironi, lor a maximum irrui oi i, la c; ivti neri. c, io. iwp. 19 F. ; All of Sees. 2. Ie, v.y. 25 oi oil and . jo; 'Kge. J Rue. E; SKSWM. See 1. v.! 3.'. Twp 9 S.. Rpr. 27 F; All ol 33; N e r':ia,ul production gas, at public oil r.; c. wp- - S Kc- -. 17 W S, Se XFXNFX S,c a V V years aad as Ions thereafter as ot "W.-a- E; NWJi, N;.S':i, - i ,t s o S. E; WX. Sec. 31: I t T.t ifcUWu' c . aucliou to bi6hest btd.l.r, at nine Two v. "K'u .p. T.p Tn l 'siAwu ,;, Kx-- .M w"l ia- --- rc., at - A. , on shall be - 'V.-- '.o ! J S t.. Be. 2 r.; 3 4, SW 13 23 E- All 0. Ihurs.lay, April lSlh, gas in paying QUiMituies proouie,' &- ,; g. A o( 2 ii. 32. 3 iii,i.IW. Si: ii t s Wt. x T.p. S.. Rue. ,.f ' I'.'M. Rgr j.,. t" .Kw?.H 5MTC .'1 P.- RK'- 77 (f,tio4l . in the Town of Carlsbad ot .1 l. ..,, .ilk lOe eie.k. II, K.. a K 19 It. All ,., K. .... I? i ,. " T. .. S . ' " O I WD Jer ii E; All ,.f See. 4; Twp 13 S. 23 F; All nf (.,.-- County H. 3 of Xcw "' WWSKt. See. 6: Twp. K T5'8-.'Wr- "!. 1 S. Sec. R.13 23 I Eddy, State Mexico, at the Iron, S S'.'fviJ.'r J" tintiall 5; Rue. oil so wud lb, 32, 3b; Twp. R(te. IS K; All ol Sec. j I D .. ? 2,fe;'-- T.p. S, F; .of door t dwa all and gas produced not S, SWXNEX. EKF.H, y.SW'x, S. ,'!2b E CIZ Ce V.. V SMb. : TO Ru.. 27 ol the ourt llouae therein, tht fid a:SFx, 11 17 S. l, 2, SEXSW'X, S'oSWX. See b: Ten. " - S"" 13; Twp. S, Rge. E; S'::SVX. SWX. Sec. ; Twp. 27 E K '.. See 8: Twn 10 R.. Bee 17 V. All B... 11 1" au ..1 c .. , . lowing d.scnbed lands, reefed V : I S..Xe. "to "e SW, See.jF.: JN, Rg. i. WX. S c. Ill; 36; 13 23 F. ; 1, ' i nc icrnis ui mm - RKe. 17 Sees! 2t! '! Twp. S., Rue. lot. IV Swle No. L 27 v., ."'"'"' Tw,. ll S.. E; All 3 Rce - S l. it I. 2, 3, b, 7 8 10 - If'- eS 4; Twp. If., B5- WX, c. 15; Tw,.. Sec. RK 21 rF SEX). vis.:- c- Kj, 2; Twp. It S. E: tollowiag described lauds, tV ?i- - . 27 J,", S"'1-- - II, 14, S lb S.. !. c S.' ' "K.J i.' r:.;. S.f 21; Twp. 4 N., Rre F; Sv. 'V ,A" ' S"- ,6; T"P : 13 Rc-- 24 E: NEKSWK.SWKSWX. 1, u, .r, 'iratl i " it. J?tc' Tl lS. Twp. S. VW'J Use. All of t T.pS r' flej T"- - 10 S- S,'c- 13 A K, lb Rge .'te toJ". 34 F ; All ait. 2;Tp. Sale No. L 1 T. 11 S R. 8 E . Sec 1.?''ctM-- - "i Twp S.. Rge. of S c !28 S., 28 E; S.c 36; Rpe. 27 F; 20; 10 11 E; SKXNEX, SKX. Sec. 11; lo a. 1 Sec. .1 fcC. lbVTwn S 16 F: S' .M , V" o'.' C ' J' Rge. S. Rue lb; Twp. S. Rile 24 E Sc. 17 T.p. i. Lois 2, 3, 4, Si A lb. 'Z.', r" r,i I - Nj.- 27 All T.p10 27 P.Te Kge. 28 SWXNW'X. SW R. S. ' S., 27 K; Sr.- 3.': T. F: ol Sec 21: Twp. S.. Two 11 ,a Ku,u wi'e,. c: .. E; X, SXXWX sec 24, SyaSVVH, Sec. .J, SWMSWX, c. 17: VV.RW V 3 E'. Rf is f. In SEX; SExNWJJ, SEXNEU. SWMNWX. tre. SU. a. I F S.c. 22; 1" K- . 12; S., 2a XWU iiJlEX, S NjSW. S. c. IS Jlie n Se. T,n W'4.'' T.:. S. Ree 27 F 21: Two 13 4 Kwit e T.p. kge. E; S J. lb 11 17 F. sU; Sec. , Ufa Twp. S, Rgt. E; SrAaSFK, kav. ; 31 Sec 27: 10 27 F. 2.1 VKX. SEX- r. S. SjNEX. SflWU; jTwp S, NWX. WXSWa F; NX. Sic 36; Twp 2 S. Rge. 31 WM, Twp S, Rge. ; All Twp. 13 S.s'.'r'Ree 34 E: All l S. SXNEK. 13; T.p. lb acc s a.. lb r.; v.: , Sec. 3J: Two S 17 -;. 2" SX-N- a, yii aec U, au; it, S)Wir., iwp. Kge. m.. ajfcXSEX. II Re, E E: WX. Sec. 3b: Two. 1 Rite. .12 ol See 10 R e. 2? F . 13 24 E; SWKNEX. NWKNW'K. 4 Sec. 16 S. T.p. S. F; ., ! Twp S, Ree. E; iV.SKX. . M. Sec. 34; 11 1' IS'-l- , 2K SEX, SWXSEX, SENK .m.9; .!. KJ4, SWX, Two. S, He. Sxc. 3b: Twn 5 S . Rve 34 iu 7... Kre LV r. ; .See r. IS; Twp. lo S.. Rge. E; All of See -- "y.arja, rv F; S'.' iwp j,. , K"e. 25 r. ; sec. 3a, an; arc. ti; j km. to r.: (..; 11 lii--. 17 12; 10 it iwp, V',, WV'I, ; Twp. lb Ree. 28 K; ac x, iP k', s0 Twp. S., c 1'.; Twn. 5 S, 35 E; S' xwx T.p. S, Ri.e. 27 E: WX, Sec. . See. 36; Twp 1.1 S Rre 25 E: S, XEKN'EK, SWK p sec. . R. 27 lo, i; XWXS'-X- e . c- ; is; ii s S 16; 1 N . 29 F ; Al' 10 Rie. E; All See. 3.1; Twn 2; 13 S NEW, NXSWK, SWXaW'x, . 12 R 13, I ;a I'J Twp. Rne T.p S, o' S,e Tv.p S. K.e. 26 F; All of c. SE( T. I E.:Sec. nil; S o,.t C3, a., nut'. r. v4 KCe. 18 rxx S.'C 21 11 . 10 27 Sec. 17; lo S, i. iiwp. elt'ti.SKll. tp T. n M. , r,;i,. ipal Veridian S, Rpe E; W:t S e .It: Twn in S 36; 13 R e 2" All ol 'SEX. Twp. s, kge. j E; SEX 19, Sec. 20, S;-- NKx. Sr NEX, Nt? NWK. Sec. 24; Twp. 5 S.. He. M S. . Hue T.p. S. E; S Sec. lb Sx; &. Syi; S. R.e. E; W',NW'(, NXSWX 43JM7 18 27 E; All ol Sec. 12, S RKe 2. 16. 11 lb; S. Rge. 2o E; NX . 5 - Centatnnig acres. Twp S., 1'; Twp S., Rire. 23 E; All of Sc.. T.p. 22, ail; Sec. 23, SEX, NEXSWX. S, lb E; 8XSS. Sec. 2b; Twi,. S. Rge. ?2; Twp 11 S , 18 E: SXSWX S. 28 E; All of S.c. V, 8 M.U. EXNWX, lot 2, Sec. 19; Twp. It by, S - Twp S, R,... ;'! Sec. 36; Twp. IIS., Rge. 241'.; S't.SWX c. 34, Sec. 25, Sec. 2b, cm;c J . E; gee. 27; Twp. S . Rge. 16 E 20; II S.. R. 19' K- Ml Se- Y.'l s Tl All all; aU; all; SXSt, Twp. .,( .,,, No bid will be Inr C; All o. - 16: T.vp 8 Ree. "I K 12; 24 S, Rge. F; of Sec. 32; lb S.. ,. 1 R,. accepted Its, tl.;i, S, Twp US, Ree K; XX. See. 13; T. T.p Sec, 28, Sec. 29, Sec. , ; KSWX. KWKSKX. St.SFK. Sec. 28; Twp. 32, .V,; Twp. S Hce. 10 P ; All of 10 p 23 EX, Sec. 3:,; lo all; all; all; - Sec per acre, which .hall be i lot 4, Sc. 5; S, Rcr 2. F It Ree. 4 All ..f Rgt. E; T. p. S., Rge Sec. 32, 33, S ' 5 Rpe. 16 SEX. See .- 3, 16. 32. .16: 2 T.p. S, E; Srr .1'; s All of 36 Sec. 31, all; all; Sc.. all; S, E; Twp. S. It E; Al' ami I. 2 3. 4, S.C.' 1; M F'-i- T.p E; Sec. lb Rge. 21 5 16 R. to include roier the first'fc let. SEKNFX. T'M. S, R;.,.. ?l F; S.c. ,1b; T. n. 14 T.p. S. All of Sees. 32. c. M, all; Sec. 35, all; See. 3n, all. Twp. S. 9ft. E; .". o fSer. 2, I,,, 32, 3t,; Twi. 7 S Rce 17 S. Rr- - 9 All S e V, E. s'X. EXSW'X. SEX. 1; U 5 for said land, aad no will t. F: of T.vp S., Ree. 2b E; All ol 2, 16, .'2, .In; T.p. Km. V E; Al! of Sees 2. It 17 See. , pers,,n Rc-e-. 28 Tip. S. E: S'. Two P.. l bit! ' 15 Rt-- S, E; XX. SUX. Sec 5 17 'l. 10 at such sal, F: W)5. Sec. 16; Twp Pi S S.. 23 F. ; All of Sec- - 16. Rje. WaSE', T. 12 S.. R. E.: Sec. 2, See 4 Rire. E; SI... See. 3 4 eaopt 18 F. T.p 3,; 1 28 F. EX; Twp S, SWXNEX NWtfSWX. b; Twp. S He. F htis. au-- h I, Ri:e. ; All of See. 7; 11 21 2; S., Rge. ; Ian 3, 5 E prior to the hour art for a., Twp S 15; S., Hie. .; SW if, See 16; Tv p. S'SWK NWK. NV'NE'a, SW NtX. NXSW'X. S, c hW!4. SEK, Sec. If; S, Rrr All ol Sica. 2, 32. 3b; Two 3 S R ..' M All ! T.p SEX.l.pSec. 4; 17 28 T.p. K deposited aith the Commissionrr of I'., "'e E; New 15 R,e. .0 F Sec .16; Twu. IS T.p. S, Rge E; Sj4 9. WXM-X- . Sec. 25. E; WSSNEX. NXSE'i. SFMSEX. Sec. I' lb All ol See.. 2. 16. 32. 3b- Tw i' 3 S Pn.eipal S, F; ., S. NX. NXSW'X. Sec. 17 NWX, SEXNEX; .v., E; lie or with the in , Meridian. Ree 26 12 SEX, 7; T.p. 5 17 K; See. m Roe. 17 Lands, officer charge E; NW'X, SX. Sc. 2; s. SXN'-a- . See. all. Twp. S, R,v. SESEX. K; SEX. F.XSWX. AU.Il 13 F. T.p Rie 28 E; SX. Sec. 17 S. K, 5 Sc. A:tle, cash or certified rxch.tnee Containing S'..,3"J acres Ree 2r, : .lb; 1! 8; T.p. 17 E; SW 14 11 T.pX 'X, SIX Sc. L'.p. 28 17 Twp. S. Kge. N'iS'v, XSW'i S., Rge. NEX. Sec t" Rge. E; All of 9; S . F; VMKW'i the anionnt nf the above minimum Ii S. Rge 26 MX. SWX. c ; Sc. Twp, Rge T. 12 R 10 E.: Sec 3, Uits 1, : Sc 21; Twp. S S. Rge. F.; Kr.SWX. 4 S.. R,.-- E: S- -. F; T.p. rf FX, 11; 17 S., i; Twp. ll NWKNWX. ol all Sale No. L tl All of See Jl- S 12 S 24 S- -c 11 Sc. S., Rge. . 5 : 4 DiM,sits unsucresslttt Intld, .M Pee. E; NEX, S''SX. t; T.p 4, 5, b. SWKXWx-Sec- SI !aSWX Sec 22; S., RVc. Twp. , Rae. 11 All of Sic .V, 26 5T., E; All ol 12, 1.1; 17 t, SXSX. NWKSWK. T.p K; ' ,lie returned. The d,NiAit of t tit snet-- Re E; NX, S.c. 30; S. P 14 Rge. 24 E; All New Mexico T.p S, Rge Sec. 32, all. F: SWXSEX. c 4 S., Ree. 11 E: All of 2 J6 T.p l.n S. 28 14 17 lo. all; I' NXSE(. Twp. See. win or nt lit tfo- E; All id S X: 13; Twp 5 R,.e E; WjiXEX, Sc. j T.p. S. Rge 23: S 17 Set 21. , 4 12 ,iu ui.iorr l,y tonitnt t. S, Principal Meridian, 28 Twp. S., Re. E: X',S'.',. Twp. S., Re. F; All ol S.c 2 2b E; Sec. 34: 5 F. E; Stc. 15; Tv o. 17 Rge 5 17 sio.n r ol Public and by l itn ti SEX, S. Hie J 67.7.1867 acres. S. T. 13 R. 7 Sec. 1, Sc. Twp. S. Rae. E; 32. 36; 4 S.. 14 F- Si T.p t'onlaintnp All ol Sec. 17 S., E.: all; SWXSF!i.lf. T.p Ree plied in ol ruch bid but if K SWX. WXSEK. SFXSEX. Sr.. 35; Twn ,.S E, 16; T.p. S, Rge. at Stc. S!iN Sec. ; 5 S I Seta. 16; 5 Kir- - V. payment 5 R.c. 17 all; Sec. 1), all: Sec. 12, al!; Ii, NWXNWX. Tw,, T.p. S.. ') All aucreFtifnl S., Rge. 2b E; All nf See. 5 S Sale M nf 1 . E; S' , .1; S., Rge 28 E 17!. 5 bidder ahall fail to cnmt.lrte - 36; Twp No. L All Sc. 16; 6 S, T.p Sec. 14, Sec. 23. all: Sec. Rse. E: NExNhX. Sec. 30; Twp. S Sees. 21, 27, 28, 32, 3.1; Twp . K Rue.. 2b n v, rc Vl. , WX. SW'XSKX, Sec. 2i; E a'l; 2, 17 " uy llien and there ,111, F; ah Tu s Rie 27 Kj XXNEX. SWX.NFX. .WV'J. X NfjSEK. T.p Sec. 35, all Ree. Lot 3, S",Sv;, 1 RX. Sec. 32; 5 R I ipurcnaae 27 S., Ree. 28 NW Sec. 25, all Sec. all; E; Sc. 3!; T.p E; S. 0 piy.iv Ri.e. E; 1m 3. 4, SXSW'K. e .12: T- -. K; Kyi; W'XNW X. XSW'K J. a T.p. balroee due und.r his ptirclia-t- 111. hi.i'n 2: Tin' SW'X, SWXW'X, XW'XSI X, S.c -. Kge. ll All of .it,: aii ot ,.eca. 2, 16, 32, 36; 5 S., R 23 Al) 7 . SEt.4SWX. S.c. 17 ., Rg- 28 E. c, . r; jj, l.p. Twp. tlte e.iAt of nr.1 the S, Rpe E; of (frat tmnal) 28 All of .V., 7 S j3, T.p. 13 K . Sec J J tv;-- 1 , . a 11 All of Sees. 2 16. aHvertitortg .S, E; Sc. T.p All of 17 T. R. Sec. 1, WX; i.; aii ntc iv(i. t.: 32, 3b; iwp,,., '; Twp Ree. 24 All of 16 27 ..I s. 8 Sea. 24, 25, T. S Rge S, j., 1" T.p .incidttit thereto, then nnd in an.-- rS, E; Sc. F; All In, S. F. Sec. 4, See.. 5, Sec 6, all Rge. E; NXSWK. Sec. 1: Twp Per. 9 E; All of Sec. .16; 1, een Two Ri e. 14 ..; T.p ; NIXNEX. SWKNEX. WX. e. 27. all; all; nil; Ni. S, T.p Mi, h d. (KiRil sht.ll be US., E; All nf See Rue. 25 All nf S . 2, It . 5 X All nf Sec. 16; T. 13 lorleitid to the fractional) E; 1. .e. 17 28 Sre. 7, WX, SEX. NXN'cW. SWKNEx S, Rp. E; P. Re. E; NWXNFX. Sc. 20; Tw. b 2; b 25 M f s-c- . 1. p. S., Rkc. E; SExSEX R.-- - -- of New Mexico d Twp S, R.e. E: Sea In Rut. 2b E; SX. .12; W'tSEX, S. . S.. 19 s"- RK- M as luitllda'i datiia.;, SXNX. MliXWX, 17 Sec. , all; Sec. 10, S c. 11. all; F; SWXSWX. '": E; Sec. Ml: Twp. b S. .w,; i t F. Sec. 28; Rge. 28 E. all; Tr SFySFX. will be made in ,1 wp Hpe. n P.; All of (fr; t:on il) Two 8 S . 26 E: '.. S, T.p. S, 8 e. It. r : . ; .. l.eae"' coin 12, Sec. 15. WxNWM. NEXNWa. t C 2; 6, S . Ree. , All nl g R 26 F- - UVUWI-- . NIX, X".NWX. SFKNWK. S".. See 31 all; 5 i 1011IV with Inrm of nil avwl le. Se Twp. E: Se. S. - SPXSVVJat aec. , ii; Twp. S., Rue i Ft Kn. 1' F; ' ,,f JJ. . t, ? lie. p.. .r r.,.. 17 S., Ree. 28 E; NX, SWX. W". NEXSKyi. Wi'-FX- JJ, fil, in Office of f '"P- aiiee. it. Pi NFXNFK, RKe '5 E: All S T.p. WTO, l. .Vc 27; Twp. 5 S Rae .19 All of Sees 5. 6. T.p the the imi mi,,,, ,n a, S, T..p. M Sec. 32; 17 28 17. 7, ' X. all: Sec. ail; See. in, all; 1, SW.(. E; f ry..-svi- tfy s, 15; Twp. Rge E; Al. I 5 U 11 T.p I'nblii Lafl4 of which W'5 Kge, Se. 4; Twn. 9 a. S, See. 3d. JaV. 31 E; SFWSEX. See. .'7; Kge. All of 36; 7 S. . crlpy .ill S- 0 W, ol S 3.1, 34. 35 30; Two. 17 S , Rue. all: S.c. 20, all; all; Iwp y, t.; Sa. Twp. ' d - r. E. All of m It , .1.1. 14 I It,. I oti ,n . 2i.T"- Sc. E; All i.l Sea. .:l. i.'. p 28 i.W- -, . SMSWX: 32, S.c J. ; R;SWX. SWXSWX. .'.'.". .' fc; X'. SXSKX. Sec. 7 ,t.,l;ra!i , It. 71 . E; 13; 18 S.. 2f NX, SF.X. Sec all; S,,NE',. 3; Tn. Wiln.A blT.I .in I lie . .. twp a.. Kee. . S. e 9 S In. M F All ..( See Tw,.. Iwp. Rge. c 5 e. 1". Nv 7 my otf..i,! 5 All id 14. 15, 18 all; Sec. 34, all; cc. 3S. WX. S:x, Twp. S., ' F; K'.,SW'X, 2: Twp. S. I. Twp. S. Rge All See V,; S.. 24 All of Sees. l. I; Sc.. 16; T.p. S. ?j NWX'-AV- I'd tie State ami Office ,11 if.- S ;ti. F; .f Twp Rge. h; 2, 16, SEX. SW'XNEX, SJiNWx, bVe E; EX. See 5 s; It- - s;. T.p .. Rge. 28 E; EX, St WNWX, 13; w Mevict) 2flth d.iv S, Rj.e n F; Lots 4. S e T. n uu.. ?( Mlti Vitvisi ,. It. c. EXXWX. SWXXWX, V. F. S.. IX '7 15 r, this ol Sec. S 13 10 : Sec. 1, l 2, J Twp E; WJ'NF'4. Rge. All oi .V: 1' -. 17; 18; 2i T. S., ots Re. I' S, E; Twp. lo.o "WX. Nt;.SFX. SWX 10 S., Kg- 25 E; All ol Twp. Re E, WX : 5 V : . ' "rr- Twp. Sc. 10, 11, Sec. 2, Lots I. 2 3, .NWX, s.c. Twn. S. Re Hire. 1. s, St , "16; ' 5 24 10 SI.X. WX. NEK, SEXXEX. S.c. 18; 4, $, I Ree. 25 1 w Twp SX; 18 . 5 ?IVW. N. A. II ! ) ,Vt T.p S. E; ,l" Iwp. S., Rge. E; All ol Sec 16; 1. 12, 3. E; All nf 32; R,;e. 18 25 I wp. Ill IJ E SVt't.-'- 5 Is S , Ree. 28 All of Sees. 1", 20. 21 5, . 7, , 9, 10, II, NXSXi Sec. S. E; W', S., Rcr. SU S- II 25 ; E; r.l-w- JK. o.... , t'canniissioner of Public I ami ' CoJr,A,;,V.;V.: r"V- - E; NX. S.. Rge. E; NX, SEX, Sre. 1. 7. . 9. 10. Sec. 10. t, S. c X, inc i a,, SWX. 5 Iwp 22. 2.1, 24. 25. 20, 27, 28, 29, 30, (aits 7, SEK; FX: M'.'pivn, tMNW'j, ti.,.. nf NWKSEK, ?; Two. S. R,-- II S., Rge. 29 E; N Sec Jl, JJ, ii ; 5 18 Sec. 10 S I Stlte New Mm Twp 18 Sec. 12, all; Sec. 14, NEXNEK. NWXNKX, iwp. Rge. P.; KEJiNKX. Sec Twp. Kge. .13 E; A oflFir., 25 E:AII of Sec. 16; Twp 5 S. Rue. .5 12 23 Sr.- 34, 35, 36; T.p. S, Rge. 28 E; Lit. 5 S. W Sec. 36:.; 10 R Publication 21, lw2(i S., Rge. E; S'NWX. NWKNWX. 1, Sec. lb, Sec. 32, Sec. all T. Rile E: All of S.C. Two. S.. L'e. It R. KlNp-- EX. Sec : 5 25 12 2, 3, 4. EXSEK. S.c. 1. all; all; lo, K Ct . 2. T.p S, Rgr E; 17; Twp. S., Rge. 27 SIX. XExMEii. T.p tT p. 5 IS FiyCPty - w. Wl CLU WIA1A ci.-ll..- PuMicition April I'll) 'I c E; 19 S . 28 Bj. ClCU'i " NF'4,ll S-- 25; 5 25 12 27 . Rge. E; SW'X, Wi.SEX, SXN'W X Twp. S. Rie. All 20; S , S 5 1 10 . I F; Sc. Twp. Rge F; R 11 "f..: Si Twp. S. E: SX. c al': Twn.- s'!b: Twn. S ..'.. u P. All ...... S . Sec. 19 20 E T. IJ c 32. Rr of Sees 12. .16; 25 12 27 (f.-t- SWXNEX, I; S., Rge. S, S"W'X I S. Rge K; A'l 29; Twp Rge. E: All ol T.p. SK-S- S.c Sec. 14 K 2- T.p S, All ol 4, 5, , 7, 9 10. 11 NEXNWX, NEXSW'X, NWXSFX. tl SWX. Twp jXEXNKX, 16; Twp Id S., Rge. S'e" - 5: TwD 5 ' E; SX, Lots I. 2. 4. Secs.2, J, 8, tA s" "Rf liou.ilj J, Sc, I; 19 28 ok.. ; c. zt.; r 31; T'u.i in STATE OF NEW MEXICO : 5 Rcc 20 T.p 12; Twp. S;. Rae. E; WX. SEX. Sec j 5 oe.j,'l, p.j, wivxir.;. Sc. wr. S., E; NFX. II S., Rge. 27 E; All ol tonal 1, S . R. Re 19 K: NJ'.NFM, r. . St'l 5 (hart 13; 19 S., 28 E; All ol Seca T. 14 S.. 5 F..: Sec. 21. SEX, F' T.p S, SE'.M'.i Kf ti inwh, wi.r-X- NLIaNEX. S S.Sec. 8; Twp. S, Ree. 26 F; All of Seis I, 2, J, 4, Sec. 2; Twp. II S., Ree T.p. Rge. ; .'.7; 5 S , 19 I SI..W. KWXNW'X. Sec. W NOTICE FOR .lots 14, IS, 17, IS, 19, 20, 21; 19 S. SWX; Sec. 23. SX; Sec. 24. Sj-J- Sec. ;. sr. Iwp. Rge. 12; Tn... S., R.. PUBLICATION l. 10, 15, 16, 17, 18 19, 20. 21, 22, 28; Twp. i7 All ol (fractional) SX, I.n's I, ' lb, T.p ' MXJ.W X. SEXXWX. S.c. 29; 5 S 14 5 E; Rge. 28 EX. SW'X Sec. 22- I all; 36, KX, EXWX; See. 28. T.p E; S!,NEX. NFxSE.X. SXSKJI. Nt;; S, kg,. 26 E; NX, SWX. Sec 27; Twp. 3, 4, Sec. J; Twp. 11 Rge. 27 E; All E; T.p. St R.;e 9 P.; All of Sec. 35; 6 K;-- P. OIL AND CAS LEASE 5 S, at ot sees. . M WXP-W-. NRXNEX; Sec. 33. WX. NWj, Twp S. SEX, XW'XNWX. SWX. Sec. 3.1; Tap OF PI'PI.IC LANDS S.. Rge. 26 E; ll of (f.actinoal) 2; ( fractional) SX. Lota I. 2. 3. 4. 4 rigc. c; ah 44, a, E, FE'4, .Set. 11: H,.- -. Ree. I Sc. 27, . 29. )2, 3b, 19 NEX. SXSRX; See. 34, S".SWX; See. 3' Tap.' S. ' S, E; W',. Sec. 32; Twp 11 S .wp 6 S. Her. 21 E; All .if Sea. 32, ft; Twp. 11 S., Rge. 2! E; AH (fractional) 30; Twp. S. Rge. I.; r ol Sec. 2; Twp .. 19 E Ill K: CHAVES A Si 1 A'. All 4 . .e ., ,.S'. E All .New M.sico Meridian. EXWX, SWXSWX Rge. Rpe. Nt.;SEX, Sec. 5; Twp U S Rg.- COUNTY ' O... , cm .1 .101111 c, are.r... Principal EXk KWX. Sec. 2.1; Twn. 7 19 ... T, ' ' ui lira. .,.s i, a, 3; iwp. 53.U31JM acrea. St Rge. E; EXSEX, IWp. 8 i."'K:e. Twp. S, R,-- 72 E; All ol 27 E; All EX, SW'X. SEjff, If. twilaimiif 15 7 9 i; , S.s (fractional) Lot. 14 R : 2. r: NX. SKX, Sec. 2; Twp. E: All of Sec, ftffiee of thr Commissi. ,n r ., . . s-c- . T. S, E Sec. all; Se, v iwp. c n., Kge. a 1.; All ol 1, J, 4, , b, b; II Kge. 27 K; 17 AU of Sec. 4: 7 S 8 f Iwp. S, Sale No. L 21 All ol Sees. 2, 16; II; Sec. 36, all. N, Kge. E; T.p. El NtXNtK, Sec. 12; Twp.. S.. R.e anda, .. lb: Twp 7 S.. Rge 21 XNEK- Sec. 11 R- -c Twp 17 3 9 E; l,ot NFXSKX, 9; T.p ... 2b 28 Rge. E; MX, SWjJ, WXSEK. Sr. E; All of Sec. lb; 8 S., Sinla New 0 HI I' lb. 20. 30: S 27 K. NWUSEU. VVl4MVS-- t Rge. E; All of (Frac) Seca 2. 7 17 T.p. Kg. Er, lion I', SXSFU. Sc. S''.SPt. Vi s, 14 R g W S.. Rge. All of b 9 Lots 1, 2, 4, Nl-- 11. 'I- A. , ' 36; Two. 36 Rge. 28 E; All ol Seca T. S, 9 P.; 32, NXNFX. T.p. Is Vc. i. E; See. 20; Twp. 8 S. Notice lur-b- R;e 't F. Alt raeeitl N K'A. Se It- Se -,. II it. v. S. 7 17 . 9 is giv.n .'..i (muk'i,. Tn u., 2, 16; 2b 29 All of NEX; Sec. 36, all. Twp S. Rge. F; NX, SXSWX. Rge. E; SEXXW'X. Sc. 21; Tv.p. 8 10 liie 21 K! All ol Sica. .12. : Two SWuSWta. FWKW Sb.U See 10- .. T.p. S, Rge. E; (Frac) 4: 7 S Rue. S, provisions ol an Act 01 u T 2b 29 A Twp. lb E: Wi. NxNEX Rge. 9 E; All of S t. 32; Twp. I Re. 2. lb, 3?, 11 2 ,SVr. 32, 36; Twp S, Rge. E: W. S, June Al, 1V1U, the .' Sc 36; S, Rge. E; NWXSW'K. Sec. Ill; Twi. 26 14 R. 10 : ?. c 7 SWXMEX, NWXSI Sec. 7; 7 S 9 El EX. Sec. 8 apptovrd 1 . 7 tl of Sea. 2, lb; JO T. S, E Sec. nil; Twp. 28; Twp. S. Rc. II) IStale w la. S. Rgi. 22 E; All ol 2; Twp II S., R,-- 27 K; All of a. 11, 2. 13. Twp. S. Rge. 1, 17 S--e ol N, Mexico, and the rolts Sc. All 2b R c. 16 Rge. E; EX. MKMW'X. RK.XNWX. E; All Sec. 2; 8 S.. Ri-- S. 21 F.; 1 nl (Frac) Sea. 32, 3b; Twp. NX, SEX, NXSWK. SEXSW'X; Twp ol the Land I Rge. Lots to 22. inel S'. 14, 15, lb, 21. 22. 23. 26. 27, 28; Two. S, 8; 7 Ree. 17 All ol S . 12 L: Nl.SWiA S.. ti. regulations State Oil,.., 30 All of Sees. 2, lb; 2b S. all; Sec. 36, all T.p. S, F; is NE',NW5. NI X. S,c b; Twp 8 S, Rge. 21 E; II Rge. 27 E; S ,, NWK, N'vNKK, E; Twp. 10. 15. 16: 7 17 E: . 11 R, Vixklwii ajuT . T,;...V V"" ".' will oil. S, Rge 31E; AH ol Set a. 32, .; S. Twp. S. Pgr. EX, " Rr. Ctj, ' 4 tor - S"- - 8 Rg, 21 F, ; SW'X NEX. Sec. 12; 11 Ri:.-.- ' 27 (I' Twp , 7 ii".' 'or. 'case, the ld J- 'i R, Twp S, .11 15 XWX. SWX. Sec 17;, developnn. All Tp. h; Kee. E; All of Sees. 2, J S.. T. St, R. 9 E.: Sec. 2. T. p. S. Ri... r EXSW'X, 'SWXSWX S ofIjf'Sec. 16: Twp 8 Rge. 21 E; NX. All ol Scs. 33, 34, 35. 3b; II S., lb; Twp. SX. WX, SEX. WXNF.iJ. c 1.1 na.: "" I""'1" S, Twp. 32 F AM ol Sees. 32. 3b. all; See. 36, all. E; KEKNFS4 Re. E: kWXN'Wh. SKumJ' 1" SWX, Sc.. 12; 8 27 All of Seca. 3. 10, Rge. ilrac) R.-e- . . kJ. ( Twp. S, Hre.sJtge. E; 2, II, ' 18: 7 17 F : c 'See. ." V" highest biddtr, at! s 14 S All of SE5i. SFXSWta. 9 . t'tn. 21 E; All of Sec. 36; 8 21 14, 12 27 T.p. RK, .r , All ol Scs. 2, T.p I9 T., 14 Twp S., Rge. F: 13, 15, 16; Twp. S. Ree E; 15 R. 10 E : 2. Se. Twp 7.S.. Rge. 17E; Allot Sec. 7: Two 7S Rre NWNEK. Sec. 5: Twi,. 9 S v- Y ..... :m Weunclay. April Hi, 32, 3b, S. 33 E T. 8., Sec. all; t: .- m ol " ,c-- 1. ; .s 'l.i. Rge. 18 E; SX. See. 5: the Roe.. II, (oiiniy of' ' "I1 " Kge. a All ol 3n; JO 2S 16, all; 32. NW'X. Sec. 36, all SXWK. fit, SWK. SW'XSFX, S. a 12 , K Si. S, Rge. 18 a, ttii, ar.. ate. 19; iwp. Kge. .7 l.p 30 t, as nge. v.; eit 6. 7, n. y, ,n, 01 mc. 7: .1 , .. . . V r.. S U 13 o.,- .7 A All ol Scs. 16, 36; Rge. 2n tn sc. ein exrepi i. .1.. .J' Nt.'l F' tl. Wv.WW.. See Mi - ' Iwp S, 7 18 10 nvyvy., "' tnr -l NmW'i.- Se T.n J". .12; 19 27 E T. 15 S R. 11 E.i Sec. 16, all. Twp. S., Kge. F; VXSFK. Sic Isi;,c;S., R;:r. E; WXN EX, XEXN W X NW ,i,. . ,i. "'rr,m' Twp. 8 Ree 22 F- SWXNW14 VWii Al of See 21- u S R n 'All ol Sec. S. Rge. - 'OW""' ' S. T. ij ' T.p in Twp. 7 Ree 18 E: NX SXSEK.' S'- - SW T.-- j : 18 25 E .wmptirmg all 57.854.99 acrca. S. Kk'i. NWXISLX. Sec 8; """: SWX, Sc. Tw, IS . V M- FX SWK SxNWK NEKN'Wk S.c ,A" T.p S. Rge. See. 7 S.. Ree. 18 F ID Sc.-- . ?o'- S,c- - 17 27 E It; Twp. P.; NWX S. Rc , 8XN EK, 3c.; I . e NEX SWXMWX Sc fwn" 8 S 12 S Rg. F oi' 7 ,A" "' "i Twp. S. Rge. I. Kr-r-. 13 - iV. 8 A1' K S.. 24 Al Togethee with all nrceAA.-ir- or TP.7 , "Itr.l". .1?.. E; XE...V X. Sc. 17; 4.,.. uWrT 1 "liV 'Z.W- Pe J K; T I. rSEKVa. NEXSV-- Twi. ttir. 2 F : U 'V " ' Twp. Kge. E; . 16 ' " US., P- 10 UR- ri'bia-o- way, easements and sr .PiMVxs SWKMi. X. Sc I as. Kge. lb K; Al of See. Twp .. 1 , a V p ,. V ', , .' Sc 31; T. 8 S, Rge 77. F- Sec 29- 12 S Ree 27 E- r See "' BS All o) ,.' 4 S'AF'i 7 18 S- -c 16 ' - S--. vitudt-a Irtet-hin- anil tel. 21; Twp. S. Rge. E; All nf Rge. E; NX. NEXSW Sec. 1.1 , ' . V- ft 3 12 NWla'Sr-- l ' '" i " . for pitie lines, . 3 a, X. , a 7 g ij it c SFMNVVK Sx, Twn S Ree' "s Rgr 27 ' 1P- 7 S V, W.: 1 SW ' N Ree' Tip 24 WXNEK WX. SEX. line., tanks, power beni,e. an Twp Rie. SW'X. SUKWX S, Rge. lb E; XSWX, S e "p ,22 E, Alt .1 Sec V T p 8 R ? 'i SW'X SW'XEX J J'-- ' l'"s t: SEKNEK. S., !Tp. 1 Ii'' ' Rge WD S- 24 NFXNV'K. Sec. 7 R . 18 lb K' ' 16 .1? 36 R.-- iT T.p - Seels J for R. Pee. V u't 27 E' and S. E; 2. F 1 12 7 alations. gasoline plants :: T.p. r.,M; T.p. NWV.Wvj. S, I ,0 4 co o'" Sc Twn'9 S Se S Ree ' 1ft I 2 12 '. a? l.V .0 lb S.. ifge. 24 Se. iStNX, SX. Sc. 31; T.n R.e 22; S., Rge. E: NX. .V, VI', tV E: All of 2,'lb 9 R F- SWXNI-'- S-- l'. ' E; EXSWK, producing, treating, refining, caring I" 7S,. T.p i IWJ'- h- '?k 1 '' Sc. r ' T.p' SFx' SWX MVK Jwp S- 'All ol Sec. .12; Twn. 7 Si. Ri-.- 1' N 3 W T.-- - KVA" ' ' 22 F. S? ' J: 16 All of &c. 3b and cairyinp un.t of so. h E; JTwp. S., Rge U E; V, Se V,; I .' Rge. ; All of lb- 10 S U S Kge A SWU' Sec" ' 1v - U" Ree! 13 . T.t ,,' r K'- and and ei.i NXSWX, SFXSM'X. Sec 3.1; T.n '4 E; Xl SEX, lS! r.i 5' T", '1 E; S 12 27 F- - sfc' " E' - tKWXj, products, housing boarding 'Sn. -. Twp NFX. SX, Se 2;' Tw;i Rg,. IJ' All ,d V Two S'"'- ' 7 S Rr- 18 All nf 7 S. IS 18 E Va.a; 21 S.Re. - S- : Ib 27 E ployees, Aad any and all ae E; Sc. 36; Twp S. Kg,. F; S. 2' ' SM' 2s". " E; SEX. Se 9; Twp 10 S R .. .1 , V S Ree 27 E- AM of Sees I 2 3 1 T.p. S. Rge. t. rights 18 T. f J' ' !fV 16 S- 7 L' Sf I K 14 ' v'S,-- ' . i hj- neeei-sary- , incident or con Rge. V.; All of Recs. 2. Ii,; S, R; 6 S., Rge. E; SEX. See. J',; . 1' 1' All of Seca. 10 1 12- R S Ree' 27 S A" T" privileges SvaV ,'u,V T, p 'lOS Twp" II NX 17 " t, l XX. Rec. 7 R . P 19 16 All f.p h 21 Ali 24 SEX 0 F: e. E; of S. c. S E c 10 V I ' Twp. S, Rge. Ei venient for the economical 1; Twp F;!s. Rg.. 3n; b Ir'4 F- K S''siliV ' WX. SFX, II s' R H II S He, 27 ' S"i."" operhtion Tff Twp .141 7 19 T.p T.p ' w V Iwp 17 S 24 All 01 aaid land, a''.ti- -, or. with nt.cti WX.MWK SEXHWK. Sc. Twp S Rge. E; SWKSEM. See. 13 7 s , A?fvi?-- 'I? Mr All Sec 10 S '21 27 F I ,, f' Twp Rge. E; conjointly ' P; nl It; Twp' Rge F S. Rg . 6 7 ' Se' i' "l R: S 13 . .p ' J-- i - . . i 17 boring lard, lor oil and gaa, with 1!:, Rw. SFXRFX,. SW'X NFX. vXWX Rc. E; All of 1; K: ,R'a' a e ' !'' SXNKX, NWK. XKSX.Sc. V- 10 7; 1 S R,e' 211 ot ', I V Twp S. Rg. WKc-FX- 35: 7 S 14 Ul4" vu o"', T.p T.p " A 17S- right for snch purpose to have ftee in-- N'WX. Sec Twp. lie, E; WX. Sec. 1; Twn.' 7 S."s.Rge. 15 F: 'f Rge. 21 E: SV5'X R.c 21- 3 L I - S--r '4 us'ivt.Re'ii T- Twp Sc It; S. Re lota ,h', oil and or Wat' r from said 11; Twp. 7 S. Rgr MPMSWK. 7 S V iV- 110 ., 21 All ,.f 25, 7. 12, Sec? s" Re- Jl) gaa SE'INEK. Sc., 4; Twp 2V' Al of . s' Rge. F: Sc,' 26, Two b. 9; - K. V V EEH and 1h richl of either fi NEK. ; S f.p"j Ill t t KC,r dur,nc - m V M P. I ... I a K .til I a. .aj, , u ii M a. c a.' . I ... a 1 i .. . a'g j hi - said sll Oil XT l: Uf M I tn ! 6; or after ihe time of lease, V.r.'i. l,iWU UI,.VI.Ia 7 .M - Twn ii 3 l.p.,.' Rt.t 15 31 7 ,.f I.l. . . 7; 18 24 E: or placed I S., Rge. E: EX. Twp : Twp R. Rgr. JO F. ; V VaXEta. SE I.l. s, Rge 21 Ml ol 2. 16, 10 J4I Mil s-c- b , Twp S. Re, S'i. Sc. k; Top proiierty imrjo.cments 7 :m , ,. E; S T.p Kge r.i 3, '1; Re l 24 18 ;n 15 All of .1": Tw ... 8 S .12; i'lvp S. Pe,. s,v,4 s, 22 111 T.p. E; Sc 9; S on the s by the, Pge. E; S. VFX. N'WXrx. Se. Twn. 9 R f; :Kee E: 17 S.. 24 E; Lot 1, 2; b K e. ' S. Rg,. SW. premis. S. Rg. !Twp J 23 Xll of I Sc. T.o Re, Sc. S.. E: 74 l.p 10 the , x Rge. 15 SW'XNWX. NIVKSFX, S. .1. II" F. ; te. E, Sis. I: 22 10 Rgr. E; WxSWX. SEXSWK. Src. rielit to pull sll ca.inet, F; - See ! G K, I"' f'(.See SW'X l.p 13 27 eluding tl, T.p n 11... ,1 I.' A.y . SFX. pi; Tup S, Rie. NEX. 12; Tw,,. S. Rgr. E; 18 24 SW I ,,. 8 S.. R e. 18 S e e. . z .- , A'...,a V S. Rge. E; X. WXSEH eept as otherwise specific in the am, Twp. F; SWX Fx. II , r.; S'C .1; i... v.; F, SPXSWK See ;n; 10 S.. Sec. 14 2') E ; T.p. " set. ',, W ! ''.M-'t-. l 7 S 71 r. Twp Kge. S'.NWX, IS; T.p. S., R.e. 18 of the Land Office ; sr.1 c Twp 8 Ree 18 F: Ii ir. il: .p Fee 21 SI.XSI-X- NEKSrX. Ve. 11; T.P. S., Rge 24 I contract Slate S. NW'XN'X VI' S, Rge F; SRXSWK. S'c 17. ivf-u-. F1 W'i.4. si E; Ex N'WX. SW'XVW'i Twp SC. .9i; 4; ,,, R F Sec 8 I I R 16 . Iwp S". s.- J T.p. NVX'sWK. Ve. 12: 18 S Ree. to the cciditintis and oltliatiops Int. NWX. 74, Twp. R, Rge. Pee. F; SEXXI-X- S. e 1C; 1.. to S.. R,.e 22 F; SEXSWK. S. e 111; sSEK. Sec. 12; i Rge. 29 Iwp -. -. Ti 21 E: All of S. 25 . 26. T.n T.p S, E; It -t forth and such as 6; Twp 9 S. Rg- 15 F: All o 12 Rg- 19 Rge. t.. .'7; Twt 10 Kg- - 22 10 a 7 E; SXNEK. WX, SFX. Vc. 4; Twp. inaft.t arise t, Sc S, E; KH"(M. Sc. 7 2.1 S, F; N(. Set. 31; S., X. Sc. .(1; Twp Kee. .1 L; I. . 9 I S. Ree, E; N'i. ffliM. W1- SW y. SI T.p S. 24 E: e. 15; 18 S. or contained in thr Rules an,.' K, Sc 36; S. Ree. F: NF' NF'i 13 Rgr. 18 27 All of e 32. 13. S.e. .12; ) S., Rgr. NJJ, N'.SX, air Ttp. Tip. S, F; HUM.', SFXVW'X. S'C 7 73 F ,Rpe, E; 34; NWX, WXWX. S, R.e. 24 of such Slate I and WX, '.SFK. 24: 15 In I s; Twp S, Rge. l'l 22 T.p 25 S l.p. 10 S.. Rge. E; N'4. SdtSW'4, SKX. Vr l gulations Oilier. NFXF'. Sc Tap. Ii:e. ' 7 S, Pee. F: Nt'NEX. WX. S' E; NWxVWX. r. 5; Kge. . l. SX " Atl of See. .1', S, R..c. e - T.p. 18 Rge 24 NX, SW'X. SXSE Rir is E. XFXNEX. WX, SWXNW'X. See. 15 .,; T.p ''j Sec. 35; 10 Ree I All ol S W X Nl". 4 , .V S. F'SWX. T.n V T.p. R, V Sr. .6 F; l.p 18 24 S- -c 9 S . SEX'-E'J- . iSW'XNWX. See 2; R. R,.- - M SE'SV(4. S.c. 18; Rer E; NX SF The successful must tn NFXSI'.X. 32; T.p Pc. I'i F: See 17 T.p. Twp. 10 S.. Rre 22 I : AO of S. r N .15, 14 JO S, pay .1 5. 7 K, WXSEK. Sc Rge. E; l.p. 18 9 11 T.p (All of Sec 4. 6, 9. Ill, lr V R- Sec 19; 24 ol New Mexico a ol n S.c. 26; T.n S.. Rge. F; R 21 E; S'vNX. c 11 Twp 11 S.. -r 21 l.p Sec. Pi; T.p. S., Rge. E; EXEX royalty JJ T.p ,18, 19, .11. 29, 10. 9 Ri. i. E; r'iNEX. N',si 'i EXSWK. W'KSEX. NEVSEK. n all oil NF'.SFX. NEX. S e. 19 SS' R e 11 Jl, T.p. S. 71 15 1.1 l.p SfXcWX. J); Twp, la I. leas thin and g. r'.NWX. SW'V.'i, E; NX H 24 Sc 12; Twp II R, Ree E; All ( s. S, Kee fc; 11. Iwp sav-- d ' 10 16 All of T. E: SW'X. Sc. .V; 9 S R..- ;'4 t 16. 12. V.- 11 N'VX, Si Rge. 24 E: NXNX. SEK Vc 21; Msrov.rr.' and from the above 2; T.p S. Rge. E: flu. I'' E: Sec T. ;, 12 T.t, I wp S, R..,. .'1 R. 15 K;i.. 18 E; SWXSWX. 17; Twp I 10 S I S'v.NEX. SXXWX. Xt SKX. X ,. j S, Si.. Ti;, S. Ree. 24 NX, SWK Src. IS S scribed or va1.' 32; S. VIS. IS All . SWi,. . 15 r. leasid Iain's the ca.t T.p. 'it I'.; X. V. on Prine 7 iJ, SEXNWK. F"SWX, SWXSWX. 2' S., Rge. E; lots 4. si ,a 7; 10 I Sec Two Ti ,a Ree .'4 fc; W'-.F- SFXREX. NfcXXWK thereof, snch in kind, nr lb. SXXWX. Sc S: S. Pre p. Veredian I; S, Rge. F: F"., t 11 Per M f 16. Sec. lb Ib royalty te! T.p. 7 V .. ' ' T.p S. a l.: See,. 32. 4; T.p. S, Kge. E; SE'jSr r. ! mon All c.f See 2. 16, .12, Ri; 10 S R.-- t a Twp. Rpr 1.; S,, 2 '. C l . .'.-li'- . . . '. SIV! 21; R, Rgi value pavable Twp ti.t nine a, res. -. T.. tl 0,. f Cl Sec .14; Ib 17 E; 10 17 S . Re- l, 24 Ail of I. 4 ' Iwp. S, Rge. M.aNE', 24 l.p the nf the and ;n 18 P: SXNF'X. S: T p. Re. F; ,n. TI' ITwp Rr.' Sec 24; 16 S Ih SV. E; N'tNWX. S'iXEW. XWXSW'X. Vi .iiion .. S V.: I ; .". V' US, cy XS" X. Sc S; T.n T.p Rge E. 18 27 Ny. it 19 7. 16, J.'. 36; ,7 I.; Si.Yl. .'; S, Rge. F: EXXEK. rheieio a miniinum r.nfal of n E. All Sees I' Vo bid will be !o. It ss :, V S. P: S 'tR'v. . 6: Two NWX. Sic 19; Ib .11 E T.p P.- T.p t1,;,e; S I II Twp. S, kg' al ,.f S , R r. 1 Tw- v ' , R,.e ;i I.. f ll NWX. SWy.NWX, Wi.swx ai .4swt kn ,n.T5. rale Sf'J'FX. t'ent, Urb shall be deem..!' T.p . y'- SEX NWK. S.c. S.. 20 R- 17 1;s F'.--, pit aire, 5. 6. 7. 8. . If. . 13 It.- Se, a .0; Iwp Kg.. I.. SEX. -r 18 77 A' cents r for the fust tin S . F: All of .sic. .', i: . n and In-- 'ii-- T.,. .,'.,.' V. r 7, V ;.. It; Twp. S, Fee 1: p aire .r.r. it T.p ir, t,.e eov, r t year', rent 7 21 5' SWKI, .'..,. Two II S. S'.vNWX, m:xnwx. Se, I In- S 17 Ian 1. 2. S. 4. 14. 21. 35, uai rental thereafter to ic, 17 F, ; NW'XNWV., r. 4: Two. R. R.e. al said Ion i. and no S. Rg, F; 0 Xi'Sr-X- 12 XW S Via. 23, 24, , 16; Twp. paid for person .ill b 11 NWX SWtRF. S., Rge a X K; WSWx. 111 I 17 13 -. 10, 12, T 24 S- SX T.p. Rge .r et 19 S amount tnd manner specified in XVXNFK. fee 5; Twp S, led ai sale t b- Rie F. 11 32 :.- 24; II 22 NWXSI-X- S, Sr sid E, lo 7 R.. I) f. T.p S. Rg, wvxw x Twp S., Rge. E; Sec. 27 Ail 2. l.p1.. 24. 2t. 17 S. c. ; Ti ttr -. ' Se. 7; All of Ree. E; ol n contract. F; RWXVKX. XW'XSP. p has, prior to the art lor au-- li al- T.p. Sr. s. e o: 11 c. 2, i 2; Twp. 15 Rge. IS E; All 01 ,,, ' 8. 9. 10; 7 i: S- -. Rr.s- . S. 16, .17. Twn 20 74 F, Set 13 17 '1 16: V I 'emmtss-nnr- R, t'C F; W"'. A'.l s... .. (Inc. Jb; S. Rg,. SX. S. Rge E; "t Sc .it with tlie of Pub T.p . , e. e. . 13 21 All of T.p .t'l.'.si 11; 7 p t . e lit.. " :t s'i ,r: Vc. J, T.p s, Rge E; Sica. IS .1.'. 10 Re. 74 I SX. Sr. No bids will lie for tb ... Rge 17 SWXSFX. "See. 17; Twp r.tb.-- S, l.p 1.1 e. ..; T.p S. accepted lra Ej lie 1.n.!it. it aitIi the r in chare- - ot T.p a XtRWK. R.c 27 If.. 32, Jo; Twp S. .2 E: Ml ; 1.1 7 Re- - 24 ; I ". X'W'2- 16; .9i Re- - 25: Net I? 89? 75, aod a l 'if Rre. 17 N' ', S., A'l '1 s". I'. r'"' C p.,. o ,y 14 - S. SW'X. roya'iy a', S. E; .och sale, east' ..r esehanee 7 .. .' ' CtVVv S',. Sc. 2; Rgr E; XWX l.n. 8 ... , I 1.1 17 W'"-- . - ' Rec 24 F; al.. la T ... . Iwp S, .'2; 20 S.. Rge. fc; Alt Vc. 2. oil sntl eas red an saved antl mj. s n. S Ree. E; ir V, XF.X. E'.' the litnimnt of e- b:.!t', T.p. S, ft.. ' '." 11 R 27'"1P.: V 14 Twp T. the ale,, . '' ip.niniitm 7 S . 24 W .'. , e . 'wp S, X. Sc. 4; Iwp S., Rge. 20 7. E All nl 2. 24. 21 consideration shall be. t RFX. See. 42. ! R. 1' SW l D. of - Rge. F; ',. i""S-- 11 F- - .' 17 ar..,4x. S. Pee Sc. money derttd T.p. all unsuccessful bidder- w,lil . Two S.. Ri.r 22 Alt ..( s S.vSWx. S11. S: 14 . . il .11: 1.1 S. 17 F peal's Rge 24 All ot Se, s. IS a Twl. her. 2. 32. 3n: Twt 70 Rr-- 27 F lot i ancltidt and cover the first y trs ren SWX. Sc. R.e .tl be r, T'i- - of ih- succrss I; 1. III R .9, S'- S 17 Sec ; l.p. 14 S. Iwp - 17 R;-- 34 7 Tvp Rg,. F, XX. SX. F; .VAEX. Twp. S., Rgr c. 17 27 F per-o- w :ll - , : 11 S R 17 1.: 't b- S. F; Sine. 18. Two S 10 5: S. Rgi VWK. See (or said land. Nil p of Two. ful bidder w'll - held , F'i. 1; v, S-- 4 17 All ; 14 K Si by tlie Forumi. T.p R. R,.e F; All of E; of Sc Twp e, l.p e n- 1.1 2 1. 2. 5. b 8 5 2; - 2 9 snttted to bid at sale excrr.1 - ! Sec. 2; S.. Rg- - 18 E: MXNI-i- . I s :R;.'e. E; Ion 1, 4. 7. 10 17 Tvp it S. Rp- F; XW'X. su.b Twp. an bv him ap R. Rg, F.'SWX. EX. EXN'WX E; SXSX. 13; Twp 14 1 - S- -c 10. 12: 7 F T.p Sc. Rgr. 18 Rg- - 2 .t 7. Twt oot Irs than ten to th- die 3: It R. 18 RWKNW in of II, Se. P. T.p R. Rge 10 17 S--c 14 Twp. S, E; Se, 4; dais prior Twp R... F; plic. pavment auch bid but if th. RWjVW'X. Sr 5; S. Per ?6 E; SXSX 14; Twp. Ree 74 Rl 1.1 S Uit I. 2. 3, 4, 5. b. H, 9, 111, 11; 1' S Rer 1 2 et lor such aale. with the Com NW'XSWX. See. 13: T.n. sitcc-s.f- iil shall fail Sc 'l of . 9 T-- p 10 F 17 F. 1 F; Xl'taXWX. Vc l(SWX. bid.'tr to comnlete hi. 7 in; lr S. Ree 26 ; S'.SX. Sec. 15, wp. U 25 -. 28 e. 24 Nf Two Ri- 1. 7. 4. S- of Public Land or Rge. 18 1, SX. X; I' S., Rer and - T.n. S, Rgr. F: E'.'. Sec 19; 17 14 S, E; laits 1, oi,sioner cash, T.p rurehsse be thrn there paymi- an. ; R- -. 34 T.p NIKNFK SX"FK. WX, Vc 11 E: All of Sec. 16: Two Ree. IS th- - 1" F ; S- - e. .l I" F 17 S., E: All ol R.e, 10 RX, ANK. Vr. 6; Twp S. Ree 79 E exchange, 10 amount of the ah... All of 16; Twi. S. Rre. bslancr dtw nn.l-- r bis ptircha- - iniliidiiti ji. Ree 26 P Alt of R,r 12' 17 E; E't.EX. SXSWK. SW XSEX. Sic. 17 1.1 18 7 24 V Sec T.p S. Twp XW (SFW 24; 16 S aninimnm cash bid. of all in S'iRX. Sec. 17; Twp S. Rve I th-- r.rst of and ihe Twp. S. Rgr F. j. 21; T.n 1ft S jy, F 14 1 S W'i',NrX. Sc. advertising 7 24 Rg,. PXNX. NW'X, SWk'xWi Twp S., Rge. E; SX. Srt 18; 28 1.1l.p d. 1.1 S Ib-- S Rg- - E; XF.X Vc. ;1; S Ree P; NvYmNW'54 Vc. awccessful ht.l.f s will he return Th SWXNEX. NVSFX. Sc. i; Twp. n ale' in sinb even' T.p SI'XSWM. Se 11. Twn 19 s' Twp 14 Rer. 17 E; WxNEx. VW ' l ' 18 c. 1": 2 S.c. 24; 7 R... S, S. 71 fc. NWKNWX. N'KSEXl.p.Se. ol lite siiecrssfi-- biddi r wil 'ie h. Rge. PXEX. Twp U S.. h 4roosit be forfeit-- d th- - Rlat- - .Rge. E; N',. T.p S. 26 T , of S. , 14. 10 14 17 E Pge deposit F; sin to . Pgr. ail 15; S N",SWX. Sr. 19; Twp S.. Rgr. 17 27 F. 1 an-- i 24 E; Jb. 7 S Rg-- . - - T.p 9; Twp R, Rge ; AH of I by ttie ommissioner o( Public Lands Ree. is E; SW.VFX. N"NW X. SE'xXWX ,f New Ve.-e- as Injiodat.-- I damaee.. Wx. Iwp Rr- V.,. Sc.. 17- Twp to R. R NWX, Vc T Sc Re-l- All of 27. Rg-2- 4 F. WJ.NEX. NfVIK. .i; 21 ?a F bv him th-- ot u n e. 20; 11 a ms-l- E; See. T S., -r 14 17 Twp S. Rg.. SVXSFX. V. a! plied tn payment SF'4FX. T.p. S, will f.r in siilstamtal center jt T.p Pi 72, 24, 25, 36, 77; Twn S., Rge. E; S' r Src 21 . S--c R- - Ill; 7 24 I. T.p 17 R Rr-- 28 E: All N. Vie Otd. but tl thr ucceaeftil bidder shall fa F: SW'XRWX. ?1: Twn IJ S. tl- - won f '.rn nit and c ts I. a ,V K; S.,. T.p. S.. Rgr 10 S. Ror 76 X". IJ- 14 R.-- 17 S 28 :; Twp - F; SWX S.. E; XWX. Vc. Prm-ir- 1ter--t,- R 13 11 - 2. f3, 4, 5. 7. 9, 10. Sr T.t T.p en to hia then It E: St, SF.X. - 22: S. P.: nn llffire nf r Iita I, 11, U; Sec l. 10 S. p.; 14 Ree. 17 All of 25: ccmiplere porebase by T.p t,t. in .be i.,mmiion-- 7 24 Pg, F'SW'X REX WXVFX S, E; Vc. T. 54 466 74 h X' EX- -- :M: Two Twp S. Rge. E; s- C.ntatning acre there paying any balance due under KExSWK. SXWM r. r, rSibbr I .n ls ropv ,.t wfiich will I Xl.XWX, SE'bMIU, SP'fXPX NWX Vr. .15; 10 S., Rgr 14 S.. Rge. 17 E; EXSrX. -c 36; T- - ad-e- rf. Rr- -. ! I SWK- - NEX. SFX See .12; 7 T.p.- including: the cost of l.t R. F: V:NFX. FXNFX NEX i on ai,i,P's-- n S'i Twp. S. F; Ri.'VW'X s:5V' PI s 14 Rgr. 17 E: All ot 32: T 14 S. purchase, r. . T.n S. Sc. p n bid will s f a the tben an NW'XSWX. ban-- ii. T.yk M - 27 rx. V 17 . serrpt l,.t ). thai and expenses incident thereto, NWK. SWKVWX. rx.!'t.,. ' try tnd t'te ini .ai:R ,.tsviV4. 'MI lis- r R' XVW'X Fl SW'X R E; WXh'-.- Vc 35; e. 1 S Sec. 33; 7 R 24 All ol V. l.t. Ftvr Cem p- -t wb.rl- - m event such sholl V 24; U S., F: W' et R. .1- - I..t 4 Twp R, f: I t Ill . r. ; T 14 S 17 1 ,rrr .ha" depnsit T.p Pgr. ,t,, ti't,er t,f ' :SFx. ,p. Kee. .7 Rgr. E; All of Src. 3t,: Twp. - oi ... ASM As,. 1.1 P.-- e 1 1 i -wS Rer. .' E : S. , P . " an,' ...r- ft., eited to the State of New ,; Twn S. V .,txt il,-- ?tlt p f ' . I1VVV-- R. 7 rv. VI S.. R. r J Vl'U S. 17 All of S--c. I 5 'nrlul. ,, irsi XX. - tanoarjr. , ; . y , T.-- . t p. Rgr. E; 2; Twp a) in. said p- -, 1- T , v. : e lni and re .on 9tndaii-- damagis XV'sjVt-- VWK Sf'jRFX 19711 p, j, ;Se. T p P" R. Rr-- 27 WX R- -r Rg- - 1" E: Xy. VW X. Vc. 4; 1 .ill 11 Tp7 Kg- -. 2; 8 P; l.n In b. 1 al .,i-- h .J. Rgr. II NWKNWX. SWXSWX v S, ; F; W'. Se 10 Pe--. S 1 S. F; .. Tap 1", T.p ?. T P; VFX F' Vil 1; Rgr E; XFx.vtX. SXNEK. tb- -- : R - 1 I pifiti.T Rge. 24 NX 10 - b' ! fo. Kltf pers-- desiring to qualify a a h r. T.P. 1' "i- . ; l i.mnnsi..r-- r nt fVt 'ie and pe,, Se .'; Ta. S. P". Se. 18; 10 S. 7 F Ri VC SW'X. S..S1VX. NW'KSEK. Vc. 5: prior o, .neb at ' f-- ,'rS I 24 .1; 8 24 Ic-,- T.p lb-- C Pot-li- sn-- h. Ml w Me E; S. Ree F; . s-- Ivp. with onmi.Aoiner of at letisr and sale in ait e. II f P; nf State of N'.i, Sc T.p c.,. to 16 27 W ; 14 S. I E: SFVSF14 i. T.-- , (rf '" t I T.p R, Rre. r.' Rgr. b; I an . , Two 1' R Ree 1 s! SS1V'lo-a'io- 21. Vi R'.XFX S'e 4; 8 Rg. 24 ,R- -. 10 14 ni hr e';,e-- 'latee o ,i maltine the above E; First fannitrv l' I.,' it: Twp .. Per 77 c R. Rer. 18 N oN EX. I,-. .': e " a All nf R - '4 F V ' -- p. Wx E; SWXNE', Si'. n. b' as t ' '1,-- n 2 1' S. 16; 10 y 'irh sjnt ibin ten days pr...r to ttie c uri I i.l P.thlii April " T.p T.p tj p,. r. r.. XWX Sc. 7; 14 S. Vg, I f rS - i. F- SEX. W' SWX 17. T.p reo,,nt d tt- sIkiv- - et tor neh lease ar.t! 1' ST1V"'X, S' SHi NFxWX. T.o iFi.ISWX .10. Tvp '0 R. Re. 77 t X" Vr 9; Two 14 Ree 18 r - mmninm SK ,..r.'i., 1.1 . ' i 8 Re- 74 l 7. .. '.SW',. S. nt wfl the o- -r of P'ablic I - Twp. S. Re-- 1' S.. - F; ots .. If F' M 10 R c. 14 Ttl'itis e.,.,. ...f.,1 Mers aleliver lo Commissi, NWXfWx" - Sc Twp. S 27 F NW'X. 14: S. K';, b- T-- is I" 1 s, I 8 R Pi-- . "I P t." ": Fv.ewx. T.p. - nf s of ihe of Vrw M. xieo a . 4" of s, r J... If f,.- P. T.p 18 X1 rrinrnrd the Try. STATE PF NF W MEXICO 1. 9 I'll V. , NEX. Vc. 15; S.. Pi, b. I.l n al 1 j 3 4. 6, 7. 1. r'- I; T.p. til' be ib b rd in the sues o VI Are Lots 8, pi u s VF' -r re 007 0 1 20. 14 a l. )., Tommis VfuVln (VV,''(. --- .. E; All nf 1. . I ar'fe;'nfm -- - : T- - 5 CFU 10. r. S s; B ?a t 't Sr. Tip .- n- ..i - ,. 4 b tow or. ;n .. ,, ! ti RW'X. , E'-.- -'! p.,' '. ay If. ci.l.n.rf,, I.,.. , '.'l. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION . Rer I P. SXNFX. WK. t I. ,, C Pr F a; " SWX. S''VWW 8 V, ,''V-- J in ol but Iw a.ard-- d si-- will w.t-- It 19 vi 5V, ."'.'T.p P r R.I- - No I ll nf S--r. 16 23: 14 Ree 16 E :" V W X W !4 S ,f th ehah lea... Tt jr. : T, T.p S. b !'. win- -' from ,f lb-- T . IJ H F. Xtvxvc-- v 1'" .btt i.n ,0 dars AND CAS LEASE OF PL'RLIC ,kr 9 R 28 F All S--c R SW'X s.. ,k "t't'o'fl -. 'mlrtf r,. e,e,i,ioei T-- 1 OIL LANn?. t, N- T-- Re. ,,l v.: Twn 9 Sc. R,.,. ,, b If,- aet-ta- l I! e : n mi .'.s'7 T.p thr leas- - 1, tef ttie.. x W ). S ', s, p su 25 t; 14 IS"'. vt x. . 27 svx. .'r r. 1. -i ., is 1 8 R. Pete 24 E: SW 1. E Ml ol Sr. a lb, 36: 10 S V. T.p s. b t."i-,:- nsp nn with a te- -l .Inlltnr . I ..I , ,1. Trp 1! DE BACA COUNTY F'i. MuMti. P. T.p Re- - If F: SX-T- S' c ' fa' s-- - R R- XFtRFx n .,,..,4. -- - r- e i Tw- ;27: - .. f sw r Ir Ml ol S-- - 1 thr cost .. nt-n- wi o' "tlir ', d rt'r t" T.p. !' Hj 16; Twp pi Rg- A.. 14 R. !' - i., abl, '. to wi(V3x ' S, T.T, Rw Vrii IT. lee- ' , .1 . I ft I.. F ' s A'.SO V, . S W X 8 2" AH .. -- . l l Mim said i At,.' w.'1 . ' in m '' VriV4 r. 'lit. e ot --d PoAli, SVkXSHX Se T.p E. Vr Jn: I., rc. er t, r. .sr.i-i- S.e 14 Kt , Ittrr.'.,. ,.1 4 ttr R.-- t.vw ! r ci-- p I W'.. NF.ta N All of Re. 1'. s, mrb SaP Sr in ffe-- be v cc",. n t I a,-- . ' 'RF'a. V. T.i. S. Pee. n F: A'' IK XW'X PXS1VX. l.p c 11 In'',;..! it.. Rtat. r'tt .r..r v. ji R P'-- , a F; nf rt ,.,. ... p w s Wja .! ' t.o. of Sec. 16; II Per 29 Ml , 14 5V. - 18 '!'! N,o a t.. ..r r ,'e ft. , Ra-- ta w V-- ... ;T.r " ' Tt E; Re- All ot SW 3J. o l.e,..,4ee ,t Fe. N, o. A' - T.p. .l p.-- r .1 11 .'P-- 6. SWXN'f X 16. 16. 1, E- I; Trssr W'tl be .tib.'3-.j- of tti;,n fi , e P " vtr.'S-r,- Ct AT" " 1j. Via Twp R. 28 !' IV .14 Ten 14 S k..r H F i,4r rii Ir. r R-- p- P V X..w-- Vi. Kee. 2 ol S 11 I If - SF.X .1 IJ Twp t S. F: t..,i ix Ib I.:, Ci 14 t. erilhii sa. ret- r trr S. Rie hir.hy etvin ''.it 'Uij..i ' f 1'. s K.r XW'X I Two S t ,a, - T.p ib- - - c u t . ' Vr to fit. In n fi- -l dr-'t-l ess. fl -T 0;1 ' ss- n 1' - 11 v. o mt nf an let of f'on.r. E, X'a. 3.1, lt.R.. Re. 28 fc. AH ed 16 12. 14 S r. stir tS no.s.n r T.. S. tr- a- T.P Vrs. 2. i . e- -- n 21 , 7. . 10. 1.. S- -r , jr. P: T.o r.,,1.1.. I v. d n'li .t -s .b-- V top, In,, tbr taw ti. F'J r. '4 Twp 13 S., Rer. 28 E; A.;! ... o ! of - .,4, n. nt t'T T., t, - w 6 S,F(. h c,f, 4 . - -- Jt- 13 .,(of and lb- - re!. 31, S Re-- saw, of 7: I.. 9 r V f. ttnst'.s-.- sr vslnsbt' T ' s .sf wl or e e Sr T.n Stale IfrxiAis, a,, Twp F: stv Se T.n Rge F 1 F Tl F: F' w - 5 res-- u 12. w S'-j- s. FiJ. XWSNFx 5.,n-s.'- .. e ... .r. r I or .t ' ipfmRee P- Wi ' VC'X luteins tSe Ir-- Offer. )i S. In F. Mt ..I s, Vc 18 Twp 11 S, Rge 28 E: XWX W SFV4S1VX SW s A.,4 s,4 ,)., d.'.. w- t'tvive T.p 2.1 - X', 'WX XAi ,( 1 -- 1.1 1, 'if Pnbl-- 2: " Ree F V."'. St- 1A. .11 me b !. T.r- P. " F fn--t ;.se ne, Lands Bp'1 T.p n Vc. Twp It R, Ree All o T-- 14 c r ,. ,. s.,,. ,r. rvc;r, ri brnii'i. t.. C, f. It -. ' I; n P; s., v V- a , . Vi a: c T-- Va- 11. VFX s 13 -r n it c. u s R tor for tbr rn dt ve'oom' Sr. IJ: T.p 9.- - See V.. Twp S. Rge. 28 E; All of S- 12 R.. '1 of Isnoary ' - vri4Tn.AM . Twp R.r. ; Vr 2 o, it,;. a, - -- a r - 1.1 R of nil a ' See. s ' 16: 13 27 VW T.p TVtr -. .t Pv 1 r- r. Trt. t ft T.n and arJ ts, pub' F. 'i, T.t r T.o S. Ree. F; X cFs4 F- fc '.. f' : 1.1 l: Rr' " Vr " Tv. R A - a- S- - fK . btci,1er. at Jl r. Nt,SW'X RWMSW X' si 27 PTW1.I1 rW rieh- to wire - ff ' E; V V5.. Sr. 1. 1' i th, h;h,t nine fsi Vc JJ; T.p S. Rgr E; All o' R. Rer 21 E: X". S--c .16: Twp P S , e . , q . T. J c o .. V on v. pTil 11th. Two. a 2? F 16: 11 S . X F. j f tesTt.n-s- - n St.e r . S. Ri, f. v T. p Ree T E: Re- -. 21 F. re. ; Two 1 t. ,,it T. ., -- V-- Jl- 21 . 7- 14 -- 1-- w M-- oe S- T9 P 11 W it R P20 ,n hi rn of REX. T.n S.. Her. f SWX. RFV4. R F ; r ., ( I . Vn Wsdr - Vc--- 2; T. .' t .'Rire " E: Twt anh, sti',t - . . R. 2' RWiiST.x. J -t ,. F ,, R e V of re s.;,t, .,1 V x, eo. at .be RFX XFuRMx of hs w,; 14 Rer 2? Vrwr w:,r, V s.a 1. s n V,. WiWX. T. S.. Twp R. F I V 23 F: ' Vrw , .. r,. . . fr-- t sr tbere-- 8 23 RV. 8 v s--c Pv.e,p , so. T-- et c Ft ,w-- !! v ... tw. .r. T . " s 7. ' ihr Cw,rt H 11"- - S. E; O S SF' 3?: Two 1' S.. Ree Vc twy It ft, in ih. ,'"' t. . Iti S, T.p :vit Mertdiall. t V 1 law.'s Ree 23 P.; Ml of . 12 H 27 P.: e. 14 - 1 ot ,,,!;,. of Re. It' P: J'.' I'. r T, ' he mr S.s i Ail rf 2: Twp . Pee !y f f'on, amine fo.r- a lie;r..n. antl etf. 4 c ,.. .. 34 . 35. R 23 R a'r fve frrrnisArd w sfrelica-i-- ' I r .1 p T"l v,; Trp Fee E: Ml of ... XWXXFX. Two. II S Re. ?8 F wit R.R. 1 5 1. i P1 . T-- c Solo 71 CWX NEX XWX 1. J. 8. Two. 9 1 S . 28 S.. Per. P; '. r s, io.L - SFX 9; R. r, p er.'.. .IT Ret,. E . SF.m No bid to - r - 10- 1 R- f .ill .bar. - T.-- W: ,rtr-- Rr-- 17 E: FX Sex- 2; Tw-- i EX VF'- SW 1 VFt WX. - T.T. 9 Rer It F . I .91 btiei-- b- ofr;-.- r. -. 1. Kge. .; 1 m l a - 1 e -- e. I wi- t ahall be dee Wtw. f A" n4 s V is. f Ail d T 71 V. ?'. 24. ?5; T- -p All Vr. II 1. It. V, 15 16 '.- T NEK RF'-.- , Two R Five o r acre. oKtrll reed ' P: y. T.o t: V; tl sf be CeimmfseisneT of PnbHc 1 an Rrw S,w J S -- . 1 E: P i. XX. SWX 9 S. 21 F: Wy, RFX V VFlS SE"f 28 R' .SWX S--e 21 14 S :,n 'm'-i'- ' 1 --.,- tV - t E. sio R"'RWX. lit F, Twp Re, fir! yea' .WCFIE FDWAROS c- -- tP-- 2P-- da-- r 36. 1 c P- -r Vc 9 R.. F 2? - MCFE .av awae 4 Rew MexWs ' r P1 T.T 1 XFt. 1. T.ep V in E; RW'XN'WX. SW'X, R'4 RFX. Ree al lor said land, and 00 .... nh 7? w 29. 12. 13. 1 R of 21 22 "3 : T-- -. ., w -- ZS -c f Ws 1'; T.p as p., p 't.p I r t: Alt of 78; Twp Tri bid a. snel. sale ewrrpt b 21 P; VF'4i. NWX. Rer. 1 c If T.p 9 S. lire. 2.1 I' 28 P.. NXNFX F4,VWX S baa. to tb- - Voor 4 for ewer ATTORNETS-AT-LA- R. F- - . - prr sab v.. H--. L ta tb, 7. T a R S Pe- - 1 fl 0' v enx RWasswx V, . S' '.XFAaJ W 7"- 14 R p as l gprAi.i a 1 T.r 22 2A -- Tn .,...a ;,. .h, ,.... oi. t ? 79. PI. Jl I tt,Rr-- 9 S : pi Or-- F . Vr 1; S. ie 1. V. Twp S. Hat F;' Srvl5w S. :a irs-H- : ai. fcc or wit II 10 rharvr 5FA(sr-x- a T.. R r. 13. S Re- - S Re- - All 17 14 .r.s. St. land, th, ofrrr A.Ftpin to F; tW. TV . F: XWX NV.i.( Two. I 1 F; of Sr. 28: Tw Twp S. P. J F; An of J i m-- ..V w .bed . OFTIC1 of PnMic Lands. AO 1 w 7 Re- - S . nsi exchange foseanenarr l T.: RvRFX. PXS"X SWXRPX. F: 1. . I". IS 9 S. 2? E. Xv. wnsv 1. Twp. 14 w jp aKos, wtmiwem h, ' ." 2.3r.; S, f ,h. ammt th, . . T 77. 77 3t 2 PI Sec 9 st W-- i. Srlate of Hew Me,-- S: S. E: 1, ! ' to. 1. Jl; Twp 32; Twp ,ReT 3 F: ,n I. SEX. Sec. 1; Two wonr-easf- Kidd-- rs Owct Santo Fe Poo R- v- T- I' TVpoaita Ofrszas SWManV-- ? 7f 1 4. -c 1 '1 V-- 7 -- S- 18 r4 A- K- . W ; Twp f S.. Per J P S. P.; 1t I, I 1 F: Tw. S - 77 : An of -r 2: Trs fc, rem-w- Tbr -ti ml - . ft- - I Re-- . 75 - P fvbfieattoai l9aR F: lasts I. 2. 7. 8, It 7 R " P lew M.mer, Rr-- 77 EX. 1 w-- r b-- Ieot I ao 11a, Rj, r4SWX rrwaRFaJ Ve Two Tw S. Pwe,p,l E Ve 12; Twp. S. lee. ;fnl bidder V ld bv tfce Comwi,. Raasa A j ! 1: Rew 11 Lore v.ri-t..- - rr W: 5aota Ft. foot ta.neaino writ 9 PXw 0. is : KFujirPX. 9: Twp W Top I S. E; f Alt ": Twp l 0. lo-- wino.i of Pw.lsr lb owtl we wis or AWFUL THRILLS PILF OF NEWSPAPERS OF MUCH ASSISTANCE OF FIRST RIDE Worked Under Wheels, They Help Motorist Out of Mud. Owner of New Car Quickly Dis- DIRT ROADS CARE IN SPRING covers He Cannot Shift Gears Method of Handling Difficult Situation Proper Drainage Is Chief Essential In Like Demonstrator. So Simple and So Uniformly Suc- Maintenance Road Drag la cessful That Every Driver Especially Useful. Should Know of It essential In TRAFFIC TANGLES PUZZLING The cardinal spring maintenance of eartli roads, especially From a motorist who lives In a sec- 1 ( those on heavy soils, is good drainage. Fl 1 tion where mud roads are common So as water can be mi Rules of tha Getting long the kept Road, Especially comes a suggestion which Its author from Into these in Often penetrating deeply 4 Policeman at Crossing, nr3 by guarantees as the best remedy for such roads they will remain nt least fairly f Get Driver's Goat Many aver- a situation short of a pair of husky passable. To accomplish this on Things Forgotten. mules, lie states that he has tried the age earth roads, however, is far from method on numerous occasions, and easy. During the early part of this When you go out with the demon- that It has never fulled to work. lie season of the year rains are often of strator in the new cur you have says : long duration nnd tend to saturate the nought, running it looks Just as easy "I ulways have stored away soma-wher- e soli. Water from melting snows is as giving candy to a child, but when In my cnr u stuck of old news- perhaps even more penetrating than you sliirt out by yourself that's dif- papers. They don't tuke up so much d ruins, while alternute ferent. room but that I can always Und a place freezing and thawing of the wet sur- About the first trouble you have is for them. When I strike a tnudhole face tends to Increase the porosity of with your gears, and while you are and the wheels begin to fly around in the soil and permit even more ready certain Hint you can shift them as thnt way which tells me access of water Into the foundation. exusperating man well us the demonstrator did, you dis- Hint I am firmly and definitely stuck, The chief attention of the road cover that you can't, and In all prob- I get out my bundle of papers. must therefore lie directed toward In and the water away I ' " """" ability you blame it on the cur. "Taking a newspaper I fold It getting keeping I f I ' from .the road. So long ns the founda- j Road Rules Bother. half horizontal across the page and the tion cun he kept dry, even a heavy Then there's Hie rules of the road, proceed to the task of working between the and the mud. freeze followed by a rapid thaw will and getting by the trafllc paper tire especially Is and is accom- do little or no real damage to the road If you ever noticed it, This a simple matter, policeman. the while the surface. A dry soil does not heave. when the officer holds up Ids hand you plished by feeding paper Rtlll be wheels are revolved. I feed the The foundation will therefore stop and kill your engine nnd hump being will be to In only a solid, and Ihe road able buck tmd forth when you go to start, paper lengthwise. Usually the without serious rut- few will have been worked In when sustain traffic and tie up other cars, und finally two On the other hand a saturated Hie tires will to and the ting. or three cars puss you nnd you can begin grip soil on and cur start forward. If a few won't expands greatly freezing, see black looks nnd hear a voice call- when it thuws out has not only lost - do the work, keep on feeding in the ing nut something that you know- isn't practically all power of sustaining the papers until good traction Is gained. complimentary. -- of traffic, but also is in an Ideal Tills method of a difficult weight When you try to hack up you are handling condition for taking up or absorbing uniform-l- y to hack Into mini her car. or situation is so simple and so more und thus likely should still wnter, forming over a or Into a pole, successful tbut every motorist still more mud. curb, telephone with and when out for the first time know It. If he Is not equipped the of the season, you're a con- During eurly part .... p want the entire street some other iipparatus for such ns as the weather Is very rainy 4S you usually R long he should have clettr when you go to puss another tingency, always or there Is melting snow on the ground roth-e- stored away UK center of SI. M;irl ill's Huce Is T I Ul.l machine, mid you feel like you'd r little pile of newspapers it will pay to have the road man go I III III In some In his cnr. now l.y mil si. el islr.l.T ;, , V' MI I If 1' II I stop than try to pnss a (street cnr. empty place over the road daily to see that the - i It be pos- .in ihi- Ini til whlrli i. Jf Then, ngaln, you've wondered what "In ninny localities might drains nnd side ditches do not become s news- tiiill.-- nnrr.v!.v. iviil.-- wns Hie matter with your new car sible for a motorist to get old clogged nnd to note the need of any but Iliin.'lii Tiiiini; In i'miTiirv ' because it wouldn't go right nnd papers from neighboring houses; necessary repairs. A few mluuteV I n- when occurs in some a se Williin hi? iiiiNsiiiLmI humped along and Hie engine heated the misliup lonely work with a shovel may prevent - who some cliiMir.- Iiclinv it ilicii- is work anil like a furnace nnd you couldn't get spot, lucky Is the man has rious wushout or damages, which. If I --""ausaual- siw B IS . l b In his machine." muke the r vvv IiiisiI.-- iiii-- Miliil masonry nil' w'"H your machine out of a alow walk. newspapers not promptly checked, might : - t 'S Ijm m IF ft TfcXJa. .Atf CMU KVf; I- ,- iiniii-nriiii- iiIiiivc III.- Imniiliiii.' .V I'osslhly you have stopped and tele- road practically Impassable. - or some other Jfjn 'Hit- Mailt Miviini of liy phoned the service man to come and The road drag similar AVOID SQUEAKS IN SPRINGS usefulnet-- s 3?&''tt ,,i"i in l""l-- s iiiiiiiry iiml see what was the mutter. He came, device finds Its greatest - silt- - season. It be used vV'Sttf iiiiimi "I. iliis mliiiinilili- which released your brake and you were all during this may Minn will he .ici iiiicil, w.irll.ily iiii-- Device Shown in Illustration Spreads to good ndvuntuge to clear the road liW . right. - l 'a on Both Side slush and snow nnd so hiiiIv hv tin- Nnr.' Exhausted. Leaves Equally way of melting l Battery iici:irniiniis It him- iiln-ml- nr.niM-i- s iidi for Greasing. prevent this water from snaking Into for iierhans. you allowed your - tl. A.. Then, imlilit- iiit.-n-s- l Iiml Sir I'liinipl or tin lights to burn till uight in the garage, are hard on Hie Iii-- kin.Hy .in'ctcil the cr;iihs Squeaky springs I or left on Ignition und iiiiii'lcl iiml "f II"' I'1111' "liiniiiry - maybe you your nerves. This device, obtainable ut most irt . exhausted Also, per :lcl:iils fur r.'liriiililcliiui s; lill your battery. accessory stores, spreads the leaves il. Lul ' lu!il il '2", you forgot ull about your llglns on and so Mm Ihiin hnvc iim-- i hy sine long lii.vcd and anxiously cxpeclcd, - haps, equully both sides enough Imir nv l'"W-ec- n l The Illustration until warned you. on ili- - miihiirlllcs in Mciiiii-i- r.clKiiiin teaclicil its haven wifely. JlU policeman (hat grease may he sprend evenly It left Sir new driver kills bis en '.o i l..'.-- It Is taken from Hie as finally The usually When once the mi ii.-- nl hr:!:ility ;is sliiii.l ns wiis clay them. adjusted i. is one of simplu on the track when he passe .in liilniinmi. Trni-- , il :is I' if H" oines hands. Tim iittitu.le gine iiimiy. culm of u cur. did yon II .mi- - wns to dignity. The features show r" front street Again, ihnl Him. llnjirmil. wi.s Is dl reeled of . Vt-- - im s ever on Hie accelerator instead iii.irt- - ilcm nilii-rs- lh- invmli-rs- ' gn.e of this clergyman diiugliler In the af- step of St. M'ir-li- n source thai sentence had heen passed over Hie curb? In - l iiii'-nl- with sleaillasini-s- tnwtirds ihe Church Hie brake und run I hi rl :i rif- iuii.iruii.-i- nl' llii- iiml spirit . conversation wllh Mr. and stilT.-ritiir- ternoon, hefore the last let rudliitor - l Hit- - ilm l l to of charily to the poor the winter, did you your if llii- rlvili.i-.- iHiiliiins nf si. prototype Vet Cnnrail, nnd that the execution would take plui' - A line realized. . v llial tlx- .if Nnit- I'lixcll uns inctcly conception has heen amply freeze? killing il of the iliirlna the ni'it." I iiimiir.-siali.i- of is nliiiosl l.y the perfection mi .irilliinry n lit surpassed Mr. Mr. Ilelavan, conn-scl.i- r - of the whole spirit of (ilhsoii. iiccoiiipiiuled hy frllltflllll.-M- w hi. Il H.llllll I. 'Mil t.) iho ililli- terminal llgure, expressive REPAIR BENT HEADLIGHT RIM l kindli- of the American legation, mid thu Spanish cniis.-- - a Immunity. serenity, ciillit-- of their rule, iiml merely The one minister to Itelglttin. went to Huron von der - - rnlk.-iihiiy- ness Mow from line and feature. iiiuji-- in tin- .iiiisi.h- .nhl. every it l.ancken's h. un.l pleaded earnestly Novel Plan Outlined for Remedying ! . .1 li- - hull' enfolds mid protects nestling a.hpinrters Ins Kiiiinm-i- Ihe i. of I rrussimi Ilicii draped tirm sentence. In Nickel Part Finish up huhe. cinhl alii.' of small stales anil downtrodden with him for delay In currying mil tlio Defect I '.illllllllllll IIM llll eftnl l "In hr.'lik till' NVill was the races. The other Is In Hie itttitutlu of The hiirnii stild that the military governor Is Not Injured. in iur." liitelliKenl mill nipalile ulihln their uplifted an from his hencillclloti. The Kpeciitllr.ed purpose of the monu- supreme authority ami tlutt uppeul iluiit. (I Iiml xelf riiiiiphic.'iit purview, h n ml Is n novel method of very ment of a mentorlnl to the devotion of our decision could only he carried to the emperor. Here repairing Leaf Spring Spreader. Cell. i tut. ' I I hlil the ill'iiutilnc NliiuiliUK. that his ink red cross The governor In a conference with the bent headlight rim, If It Is of nickel. elTe..--tin- - nurses Is Indicated l.y the that military Maivlnir nml InrtnriiiK f wnulil he mature ddlh-erullo- n rim from the other head- o stretches iieross ttie rohe. hnron said lie hud tided only lifter Itetnove the width of the springs, single opera hrlekH in the hiiililiui: up f their lower of death babbitt Into the Is rotnhle and lion Is the snake of envy mid thnt lie considered the peiiulty light nnd pour molten tion of the lever, which un.l well iieiiuiiiely Kiirprim-.- l In discover The Krltlsh Irmnplini; In lyriuitiy, , No Imperative. hollow portion of It. Tills will not may be operated at any angle, spreads Most In i and mitli.-e- mallco nnd treuchery. long pan- Drag Useful Spring. i to lie mere mini hlocks thtit the t.irreiit of court-mar- t ltd with Ihe finish. After and locks itself In Is net lielow Hie stntne. The telling, Miss Cavell was tried liy a jure nickel removing the leaves apart unrhl-whl- e horror illssulvc.l Into hIiisIi, hrlniiij egyric was shot It In the n To III! words "Kdllh Cavell : Itrussels: others ucciised of the same offense un.l the hardened babbitt, place this position until by further pull and softening the suhgrade. .town their whole c.lihVc with it eriish. lire morn- n small hammer Is released mnlntatr. I'.H.'i." lettered on the In the of St. C.llles at 2 o'clock In the damaged rim nn.l with on the lever the spreader ruts, smooth the surface nnd of ilevoleil women who Pitwn; Octoher 12, Iloldly pilsuu un Aiuonir Ihe thotisniiils "Sneritice" nml ing hy a of soldiers. Those who saw her and light tups force the rim to assume and Immediately ready for the next the crown of the rond. the drug Is s - sides of the monument are squad cave Iheinsel vi-- to die ullevliil ion of tin- Kulfer-Iiik- k said when in the hands of I up I'ltto " "Fortitude," hefore nn.l nt the time of her execution that the shape of the babbitt. insertion. excelled of tin woiimle.l of nil millomt none wuh more at An unskilled mat For un.l Un.l tipfioprlate place. she met her death bravely. She acknowledged skilled operator. Hiiilile nml Ihiin Kdltli I'uvell. King Counlry" to more harm than Fur The monument cominemoratea a solemn epi- the trinl thnt she had helped soldiers escape, RIGHT EXHAUST PIPE PAINT may do good. Her was her fume hail on record to show the actual condition of tlx repilltltlon sode of a fcoleniti time. Any approach to the but there seems to be nothing thertnore, Kven If n uoniiin wholly lient upon work AVTOrtOlMLE rond this will depenu kprenil. nioveiiient, the drumntlc puses of the that she had been guilty of spying. of High during period of luirily williin enemy IIii.-- remlereil herself nf the Compound Capable Resisting on the knowledge of the would have heen utterly out of In view of nil the circumstances and Is ood very largely iiitlile illness to the merit decree of liur.xpie style, Degree of Heat Required-G- rond man as to when to as through pitif I ha heen avoided. The announced In Minister Whlllock'n reort to Just drag, not the .lentil hut plttie mi. ahsolutely fad, Mixture. In Ihe the nitirthil htn, Kenletice, mirely, of of restful hut Ambassador that she had nursed German Gasoline In several of the European well as his skill operation of was - us well ns wise. Such linpressiveness resisc, dignity Pnge, aleportntl.iu nileqiuil.- hut of nnd Ihe execution of Miss Cavell as much as 1.50 a gal Implement. not the un.l strong, of form perfect simple, sculpture nlttecrs soldiers, To paint the exhaust pipe requires countries costs J mis the worl.l opinion, hut (iernnin; such hits heen the aim and not only In tlreat Brit- In addition to the maintenance, pro o.-t- . expressive hut calm aroused great In.llgiiution. of a lon. tit .Ihwii on iher -, I'.H.'i, Nurse Cnvell ui attended a compound capable resisting high vision should be made for doing all achievement of the of this most excellent ain hist In neutral countries. Services Use of shot. IniHutiHtloii. Ioiik nml holllnff, now Ir. St. degree of heat. two parts or earth work as work. by many distinguished persons were held automobiles or trucks, or necessary grading forth In Nwlrllnu cloinls of mi bluck oxide of manganese, three pnrts Passenger, In as la or- Imrst iinlversully try Paul's cathedral, London. Octoher 2T, In memory iw.n. made In S2 states la this early the spring possible, Knli-nle'- "will wnr" wu utrenctli-iii'i- l of and nine of fuller's con- Me.'im. The In dead nurse and steps were taken to erect graphite parts der that It may become thoroughly to "direct Miss Kdltli Cavell, nn English woman, head of of the thoroughly mixed and added to country. of Neutral sympnlhy irrew neiirer a monument In her honor. earth, solidated before the dry weather v In Is sodium m tioti." The hitsy .lrlvltiK mills nf a training school for nurses Itrussels, Itclgltmi, under-ur- v which ten parts of silicate, summer. the work la done too Inte (eriniins, Alfred V. M. Zlmmerninnn. German tnxles in New If w.MMl.-- eolossu of lliii.leiihurc, was arrested there hy the Germans August 5 Ir. one of glucose and four pnrts of The first appeared will not be- into the nf fore en nffslrs. issued long state part steam was used the road only probably see were unllf 10 IS. reiitenced to death and executed Octoher water, until It Is the consistency that York city in and In weather hut till dp fulled to that they driving ment. October 24. Justifying the execution of Miss 18, come very dusty dry own roflli!. 12. The charge against her was that she had enables It to be npplied with a brush. as motive power. additional attention Inter In into their Cavell on the ground that sue was ai ine i.ea.i will need Itislan-Inn- . hnrlMT.-.- l Itrlllsh and French soldiers nnd -- Is a The effect In Ktmlaud was stronc nml fugitive of n well thought out. worldwide conspiracy to the fall. Where the soil heavy of age and had assisted them condition the '.his. I.Ives hy Ihe Ihonsntiils were lost. llelglaus military render the most valuable services to the enemy clay or gmnbo the of to front Itelgluin In order to join the .MotirnliiK wns spr. ttilintJ over the land. The pres- escn(H to the disadvantage of our army." FROM N. Y., TO PALM BEACH road may be very materially Improved colors. Miss Cavell was the daughler of nn Eng- LOCKPORT, from time to as ent wns rrowded with anxiety, the future wllh execution of Misa Cavell. according to hy adding sand time lish g the lute Itev. Frederick Cavell. Hie on Is worked In tl.Miiii. I!ut there wns room for tleree del mini, .. t it Mwmi a noted British Jurist, wns not hat already the rond vicar of Swtirdeston. near Norwich. She received traffic and the jinil no sacrilice of n single life did more to the most revolting of the Innumerable by the passing drag. h.-- r at perhaps, the to The hurry-m- i training the hospital. m llie curry through. outrages committed liy tne i.erninn army, uui of vents, the lux on memory tit n time of lirsin.l American minister nt P.russela. ti.iv th most callous and the most an- - PROVIDE RUNWAY FOR WATER liisiereil crisis must nol hriiii; ohlivlon of the deed mtiile strong efforts to save M:ss Cavell from Hundreds of women and young girls - thotitat've. I of tlx- nohle woiiimt. lit the hut wllh.nit avail. I.ate on the night of oltu-er- s an. death, were outraged by German anil men. many Plenty of Space Should Be Allowed . n 11. he sent a the - m, :i nililst, uratille must keep Octoher hy messenger following .rwl mlier. Iitirnt alive. But what ills- In Rebuilding Bridge or Culvert n I lie German Huron von dor i.i nil e her memory ns fallen champion of the note to governor. .i... i.i..' iii if Miss Cavell not forgetting Repair Costs Cease. I liati.l Hint wns nlive : incut mi. L'eneroiis kii'ping Luncken the singular nobility of her character from these liic spirit f .eotion to humanity. Lord I'.lini- - My dear Huron: I am ton Kick to present my obscurer tragedies la the fsct thnt. owing to the Whenever a bridge or culvert Is re I Lil the nioveiiient. nml to the hut I to minister ZJV t.aui response request melf. appeal your generosity of the vigilant and built .use some form of permanent l anil save from tiplH'.-i- for funds cninc it:k free. The rich of heart to siips.n it nnd death this of a neutral Mate, the veil has been lifted iton met Ion. seeing to It that plenty the umniin's Nistncc womnn. Have on to man's ch.'que, p.sir stamp unhappy pity her!" the whole prK-cedln- from their Inception of runway Is allowed for the water. joined to form the Ample stream. Minister Whillmk Octoher 12 to their mournful conclusion In the courtyard of the Then repair costs will virtually cease, y : had re- will Anions those who most deeply felt, most Amhassndor I'age In "Miss Cavell was prison of St. Glllen. and the worl.l has and the money now wasted begin resented the Inhuman net wns Sir lleorj:. seiit. ii.s'il yesterday and ex.s'iited at 2 o'chn-- this vealed to it In the most lurid light the sinister to show In rond that are good ii I mid so moved wns lie Hint lie mine morning despite our lx-s- t efforts, continued until ..horncter of German "Justice. lie Bays: months In the year. forwiinl with the offer of Ills imicliiutn-rat.'i- l the last moment." it la ul.l and It mar be admitted that the offer of Ihe i.. to H.rvi.ii. Of oiurse, pi tierous Hugh S. tiihson, secretary of the Amerlcun Miss Cavell was guilty of an offence ccord ng KEEP UP FARM APPEARANCE wns mid It ulptr guilefully neccplasl. legation In Itrussels. In a meinoniniliini which was military law in hartsiring British n.t iieigiana is hi work thnt now piroiiches romplction. The Mr. Whltl.H-k"- s to London ...a ..'Uilntf ewars. let the reader reflect forwarded with report their Unsightly Features May Be Unseen tll.istrntions show to what purMse m. uiih xhal and was puhllshed with other documents in the from what kind of fate It was she was seeking out rasseroy coti.l.-tnne- d by Farmers, success he has wrottcht. ,.as OctolMr 22 In Britain, and generally through- to save them. The noble wirtnan was Keen to Discern Signs. The ineiitoriHl takes tlie form of m inoiiumenf out the world, said that Herr Conrad, an official and executed on a charge of having offended assur-anc- I more - - in iiMMInr- i ittH liicli. coiniHised of silver pray granite of the German civil l.rnnch. gave positive e mHitnre law. know nothing tragi J. 1 he tnmirr i.,..Mijm,r,rT-,v- l liss 1 should look mid standing on nn Islmid In the midst f SL on the 11th that the American legation cally lroni-a- than that the power whl trade in bis farm products Martin's Place, with the church on the would be Informed of the developments in broken all laws, human anil oivine. soon in rr 4 rell to the appearance or nis piare. sroupinc fully ... t and the National Cnllery on the left. In the rase. t,.tllv the mndtmiialLHi of rlith Cavell with perhaps mK unsightly features of w w I nt While Is not conscious but front steps lead up to a space here reaths an. "Iespite these asstiraiices." said Mr. Rilison, all the pomp of a tribunal Justice. which he exist, d and sillers free, one keen to discern these .liter foiive offerinca may lie laid, "ornard from "we n.ede Inquiries that day, the last thousands of ravlshers go Mrs. IL H. Corwln of N. T h. nxowrtir Is life in ministries to The photograph shows Mr. and Lockport, and hesi l!ie plinth and train Issly of the niotiuioetit Jnt one at 6:30 p. in. Mr. Conrad tlien stated that woman who had spent ber made from to Palm signs of farm management affli.-te- outsi.le their house auto In which tbey tlie trip Lockport n slestal n which will stand the statue of Kdilh sentence had not hem pronounced and sieclfical-l- y such as were wick and Is handed erer to tates purchase at a place snowing no ouch Beach. Florida. The auto has a bed. made into dlvaa by day. electric "aell In alatuary tnarlile. ludirative nf purity. renewed his previous assurances that lie would tlH executbmer. Truly thTe has been com neglect. was released and Clirist led stove and, lights, washstand. with running water, and many other little The arrival of the ship the preat blork not fail to Inform ns as wsw as there was any trial since Barabhas laring learned from an Ihe hill of forts. The Road Bed. from Italy through the trotililed aeai wat news. At 8:30 it was outside forth to Calvary." As In all forms of road construct low. for a concrete road Is al- Costs. Milwsukee Is experiencing an the road bed was the sneeze, It Indicated Mess by anyone who beard a Trailer as the wearing sua ise, for yen!" are be- construction of buildings for the most as Important to the watchers that the danger was sneeze. This was supposed to com- When trailers of any type face Itself. "GOD BLESS YOtTS" MEANING In connection with truck serv- manufacture of automobiles. passed, that the patient would recover. bat its evil powers and prevent the ing used And "God Is be recommended ' Pit-Ru- n Solicitude That Can One of the terrible devastating A few centuries later another epi- spread of the disease. ice It to strongly GraveL of st of automobiles ranks Expression a records The production plt-ru- u De- which darkest of demic assailed but this time blevs you ! with Ita kindly fcumaa that all cost and operating no case should the use of Bo Traced Back to the the pages Europe, y In be sepa-ratel- third among the great manufacturing Athena. European history was raging in the the sneeze, being a symptom of the has come dowa through the covering the trailers kept msterial In the concrete roads be cline of those of the powered Industries of the United States, famous city. The flower of Greece, malady, was a had omen. aces. from med- o o o Greeks and Homans had their ber foremost writers and artists, the Ia tnla age of witches, goblins, rcblrte. The Somethtnf to Bo Thankful For. Should a carburetor catch fire by -- life t Gesundhelt! la founders of much of our modern cul- icine men and leeches superstitloo Imoortant Proor Long yor down. flourished. Some of most Intel- Beck fto your wife always tnsiats Carburetor Leak. ressou of backfire It ran generally la of verbotro-- But we still say ture, were ruthlessly cut The the Beports are comlDg constantly tow lectual minds of accredited oat having her wwa way. are common be extinguished by eft tht la --Sante- and "God blesa you V after dead piled high, and daily Atheniaa the time Carburetor leaks fairly turning Important progress highway courage waa taxed to the fullest But charms and soothsayers. It was there- Peck Tes; but she changes today. Ia many cases the gasoline gasolhte and racing the engine. The ent la nearly every state. so often not a bit aooa out of sol Id Hide can b to every home where lay rtetlm. the fore nothing extraordinary for the mind It's row Hours to drip after the sootor m engine wfll suck It and This expression decree the exdamattoa "God now a. Londoa Answers. little traced back to the decline of Athena. elixir of hope, tne rainbow of prom pope to otcfiped. there is very danger. round It. u cased Through opemiu mriovtD innroiN inteiiutioiui E 0 at the rear of the living room la a SUITS den, 8 by 0 feet TAILORED Ill On the opposite side of the hall la BSS THE the dining room, 12 by 13 feet. The SIINMrSOIOOL FOR SPRING WEAR AVERAG bay window adds to Its nttractiveness. E Is Sa At the rear the kitchen, 0 feet 0 1 Indies by 13 feet. A set of four win- KITCHEN dows provides plenty of light and Lesson ventilation and when the work table (Br rev. . u. t iTZWA'i'ER, d. rx. Seven-Roorr- Teacher in si! j, House Has Attrac- of English Bible the aloody and oink are set under them gives the Bible Institute of Chicago ! tive Features. housekeeper an airy and cheery place fCopvrtght, IMP, W.M.m Nfwiptpw TJnloa to work. Off the kitchen Is a good-size- d pantry;, also a washroom and LESSON FOR MARCH 7 two closets. Age Is an opportunity no less God give us more of the people who IS MOST POPULAR DESIGN in another aet about definitely anil actively to The lead to a stnnll central Than youth itself, though stairs JOHN WRITES ABOUT CHRISTIAN dress: cultivate the habit of happiness: peo- fades ple the corners of whose mouths are LOVE. And as the evening twilight away. turned clironieally up. not down; peo- Colonial Houm It Suitable for Small The sk;-- Is filled with stars. Invisible ple who are looking for Inrpiration and I I I.EPSON TEXT- 4:7-1- fortli the from all It. W. but Haa Good Exterior and I tofciv -I John by day. calling best Lot, GOLDEN TEXT-belov- ed. If God so Trine. Rooma Are Conveniently loved us, we ought also to love on an- SAVORY DISHES. other. I John 4:11. EVERY DAY HELPS. Arranged. II ADDITIONAL, MATERIAL I John. left- John, III John. Often a cupful or two of cold A of cream of tartar in By WILLIAM A. RADFORD. PRIMARY TOPlC-Lovi- ng One Another. over fish will make a most appetizing pinch fudge TUPIC-Lov- or will Mr William A. Radford wilt anawer "tot JUNIOR lng God and Our and nourishing frosting prevent sugaring and -- S"lonfl and give advice FREE OV Neighbors. dish. will make it nice aud COST oii all subjects pertaining to the INTERMEDIATE AND SENIOR TOPIC subject ni building, for the readers of thia 1 How to Show Savory Fish. creamy. On Horn cL Love lor God and His paper. account of his wide two-Inc- The whites will come as experience n I People. Cut a Editor, author and Manufacturer, he I j YOUNO off If held under la, without doubt, the PEOPLE AND ADULT TOPIC cube of suit pork oranges HO I highest authority -- en all these subjects. Addrea: all inquiries Christian Love Upon Society. in dice und cold wuier and scraped. to William A. Radford. No. 1827 I EAICOMY I try avenue. Prairie Cover eggs Chicago. III., and only enclose lJ I. The Lovs vv. 7, out. To three poached two-ce- nt of 8). stamp 'or reply. ,1 Origin of Juki a minute before Love is of for tiod Is love. Cod God, f.u add serving to give them the Is flint the lime when not d It approaching merely loves, but he Is the pork look. those thousands who will erect homes Second Floor Plan. three taliieKpoonfiiU of flour, stir un- pretty pink, glazed of love. Love of country, Wuter ferns least HiIk will gee contractors be- the love til well blended, then pour on grad- at year the hall, around which are grouped of Immunity, flliiil and parental once a week with cold coffee or gin work. Then will follow three bedrooms and the bathroom. All love, ually one tind one-hal- f ciipfuls of tea; rapidly every particle of love everywhere It will make iln-n- i de- cold Hull add one very luxuriant. the erection of the house and the of the bedrooms are much larger than has been derived from God ; his love Is milk. and cupful three-fourlh- s Add a little and sire for a "home of my own" will are usually found In a house of this Infinite, eternal und f fluked halibut or haddock, chopped ctihhage unchangeable. apple to the potato salad to soon be realized. size and are so located that there Is Since love Is of God, who of a cupful of potato cubes, ordinary everyone the give It a little unusual flavor. However, there nre many otlier an abundance of ventilation. loves is born of God and knowelh God. which liuve been cooked, pork Seu-so- u Canned cooked with thousands who Intend to erect homes It will be noted that there Is Indi- The In- scraps, n nd the yolks of two eggs. pineapple juice Christian, by his life of love. sago or and served with that have put off the selection of the cated on the first floor plan the place God to the world. It Is not and serve hot. lupioiti terprets s I tahlespmm-fill- u of tH cieain, plans from which they will build. To for the register of a plpeless furnace. enough that the world should he told Mock Crab. Melt four using garnish chopped one-liiil- f of pineapple, inukes a most des- these word of warning: Don't delay This type of heatlug plant has come that God Is good and kind, it should of butler, udd cupful dainty one-hal- sert, too long. Contractors are going to be into during the last see his nature in the life Hour, one and f teaspooiifuls great popularity expressed A it Mm t mcdium-slste- d three-fourth- s of small in of preserves stirred taxed to the limit to build the homes few year. It will heat a and love of i he disciple. Tlie Chris- of salt, tenspoonful y. into cake crumbs and flavored with that will he wunted this year; building house economically and elllclent-l- tian's life Is the world's Itihle. Where iiiUBlnrd, teiispoonful of pa- blended a drop of rose, with materials are in not such a large sup- If the single register Is prnierly love Is wanting, knowledge of God is prika. When well pour garnished It will be an mutter to located. For this house the proper lo- while stirring cniiKliintl.v whipped cream, makes another easy ply that easy wanting. gradually mid one-liul- f scalded good dessert. get them quickly. Those who have cation Is as Indicated. The heat from II. God's Manifestation Lovs one und cupful of of (vv. For' a plunned In advance and who have the central pnrt of the register rises, 10). milk. Hring to tlie boiling point ami delicious layer cake filling !, lake one made arrangements for the materials hits the ceiling and spreads through- - Rod's method of known his add one can of knrulet, one e'g light- cupful of mnplc sirup and making of stir thick with add love la through the Inrarnatlou tlie ly beaten, three leasMionfuls powdered sugar, sauce. Turn Into a nuts to the tilling and use tlie sending of his only bcgollen Son Into Worcestershire plain the world to be buttered dish, cover wllh a cupful mixture for the top. - the propitiation for r bako until One new a Is choice of a tailored suit for er. Vests tn contrasting colors and1 our sins (John :t:l(i). The coming of of buttered crumbs ami thing day the rulp for , - tlie meal conversation. Kach TUB one more concern made of silk, for which there was a K , i . Jesus Christ into the world and his brown. evening gives A most coin of than other Hem in tlie wardrobe, furore last have reappeared, Hiking on human nature makes possi- Head Lettuce With Pears. illniles something Interest, any spring, l Is to with It. but do not dominate the ble life for those who receive him. If attractive and appellzlng salad inn Ling the gathering a cheery, happy except the hut that gn they styles, .leaves event. The woman who knows how to clothe for there are coats without "t Jl a "S3 ill I . 'viSi' we would know God's love, let us look tills: Arrange the crisp heart inuiiy ' and - herself from head to too vests to be worn over the at Jesus Christ. Those who ga.e upon of lettuce on tin' salad plates When running sash window- cur- correctly, popular of for the si l. In unostentatious but lingerie waists. Itruld nnd buttons hliu lu reverent contemplation cannot till earli nest with eighths carefully tains on rods which are not smooth ni A It is are embroideries flour doubt God'j love. lieelcd pears. few strip of red al the ends, use an old glove finger elegant garb, as full of style as sparingly used, llieni as a I well, she will command admira- ish and there Is a III. The Motive of Lovs pepper placed over garnish over lie rod. quiet pronounced liking Supremo hut No one can outshine Iter. She for neat effects. Coals are shorter (v. 11). ndds to the appearance, paprika When cooking rice, save enough to tion. -- he over Ihe dress- must begin her own pe- than they were; Jacket styles have-attaine- X - . God's love Is the grand Incentive may used, sprinkled make griddle cakes for breakfast. by studying '- Is used, add her and some importance ; skirts are. prompting his children to love. ing. If French dressing Add one cupful of rice to the batter. culiarities, considering figure a bit of onion and a dash of her own Some women look best li bout shoe-to- p length, the extremely - IV. Lov the Proof That God Dwells cayenne. I'se some for slipper or luncheon style. Coffee-Dat- e Souk a box III tlie hut ure short models which Paris launched, lr With Us vv. Pudding. dlh witli meat mid tomato. plainest stills, they In (if In one-hal- f of cold rather few. finding themselves rejected thi liLQt 1. No mail hath seen God gelatin cupful When a and you have uiiMi tying above-mn- fit at any package Tlie two suits shown coffee. Add a of coffee, ad- country. time (v. )'J), hut there Is abundant pint boiling no one lo put a linger on I lie string Women of this day have it great one-hal- f ami a be tnken as types worth consid- of his one unmistak- cupful of sugar pinch to hold II, Ihe end you are vantage because the nisnls of nil fig- proof being. The be- slip tying thut one a vest of cross- if salt. Strain and cool. When will ures and all are ering; having able of his is love In the twice under ihe string; the knot styles very carefully s proof being tn thicken add one half oiind bar fantasl silk and vertical acrordcon-plult- heart of uiun. Love is not native to ginning not slip while you linish lying It. studied by professional designers. of dates and a half cupful tn coat and skirt revealing new the human heart, for the heart Is de- quartered Halves of and with They plan to conceal the angles of if walnut meals. Serve with cream. pears peaches features In the mode. ceitful above all things and desperate- chopHd mils and any liked salad women who are too slender and to for their new homes are not going to out the house. As it cools it talis to Custard. Add a cupful ly wicked (Jer. 17:0). Out of the Pineapple dressing make delicious and quickly lengthen the curves of those who are Silvered Net he those that put off the floor and Is drawn Imck to the fur of or pine- disappointed; heart proceeds murder (Matt. 15:11)). diced, augured preserved, made salads. too stout. They Incorporate new Silvered net a large part ' for their houses may Hud nace, where It Is heated agitln. to for custard plays contracting Love In the heart is proof that tiod apple, any good recipe French thinned wllh boiled nil style features and manage them young girls' evening frocks. Tlie net themselves in 111 without a home of The furnace Is located lu lite base- hake as zinc, dwells within. and usual, to make it of tlie Is adroitly, and they Introduce color or comes In all the evening col- their own next winter. ment underneath tlie register, right consistency. accepted directly 2. Love proves that God's Is a much finer while than omit It, so as lo suit every one. ors, and the Is accomplish!! These words nre not written with The basement extends under the Spirit Kama Is tlie seentleas siinfluser. paint any silvering within us (vv. The The new suits are machine In a scroll I'suul-l- y Is fruit of the With crown of gold: made of white lead, goes farther, and fprlng swinging by design. the Idea of discouraging auy of the whole of tlie house and large enough sandy I Spirit Is love (Gal. 5:2;!). God's Spirit But la the rose. has a much finer gloss. away from the fanciful styles of ihe the net Is scalloped like Isce at ho home builders. are meant to to provide for modern laundry equip friendship breathing They dwells within his children. The With sweets In every fold season and are somewhat plain edge. the fact for fruits and Wendell Holmes. past emphasise that preparedness ment; storage space .Spirit shows us Christ and Oliver la as hi a lu aud for the other We ean he what we will he hut only essential home building vegetables things makea ua believe In hliu as God's war. that are there. Kou, TIMELY TIPS FOR HOUSEWIFE. by holding ourselves lo eunslstent and ordinarily kept the Savior of the world. Those la sell esti'ulsleil thought and The tioine shown In this Issue Is of This home Is the kind thut those Sheldon whom God dwells will always make Is the most lsvett. BOUDOIR PILLOWS the colonial type of arrtilteeture. The who have not a large amount of money Of all our fond, cheese this confession. Those who deny the - colonial Is one of the most of to expend can secure. It Is good to compact and concentrated. It "on- FOOD FOR THE FAMILY. popular Deity of Christ have no fellowship no connect- homes. Its exterior it beautiful. If a look at, and provides an tiiMo-dat-e, tains ivllh God, aud those who have fellow- l.renk-fns- comfortable ami convenient for ive tissue, hone One of the liiosl wholesome ( t superlative term may lie used, while It place ship wllh God will confess Christ a liernitts a comfortable, convenient and the family of average size. or oilier iVHxte so foods and one reasonable in price Ids Divine Kou. .r- never was a that a pound of Is whole t -' r m mgFssslv J"Pfc's economical use of the Interior space. There time when home V. the Love's Relation to the cheese is without ir r a i n s This borne lias a frontage of 36 feet owning was more profitable than uow, Judgment wheat (vv. 17, 18). ""T ked soft ami la -- 1 feet It contains seven Items, especially In the cities ami waste. It is until deep. It casts out fear. A Is n tl are all out of to Jiidgmeut day highly nutritive, - a gelatinous. towns, proportion the God hnlli a 1 cost of It Is a rase of coming, lor apixiluied duy containing mice s Serve wllh top building. "pay In which he will the world in what I ask. or go without." The man judge as much food milk. This Is f.sid thai man whom who owns his home Is of righteousness by he value per pound n meat, and Is much e s p e c hilly gissl Independent hath ordulncd It will his home is (Acts 17:31). he more economical to buy. for growing chil- landlords; after paid for a terrible for those he has an asset that Is worth more to thing unprepared Cheese has been called hnrd to di- dren. to meet God ut that time, hut for It him than the It cost ; his gest, because Is'lrg rich slips down Green Soup.- Wash two of money family those who arc Indwelt the quarts has a real and he has Hie re by living with little miistlcstlon mid being In In several waters. Wash, peel home, God there will be a spinach that Is one who Joyful meeting. He hard lumps In the sloiiuicli does often and chop line three small turnips, two spcet paid every Hint dwelleth lu Gtsl aud God lu hi in owns ciiuse distress. This same compact- onions, a hunch of celery ami a sprig property. will rcullze the ierfecllon love In aw Now ts to of ness which gives us such valuable fowl of ihe vegetables the lime to build parsley. Fry gently n prrpnre boldness In the of be ,tW5rtf The first move, of course, is the selec day Judgment, in small compass, makes it harder of in four tablespisinfuls of butler. Add iilAU. WttflJl cause as he is so are we III this world tion of the for the home, digestion unless li Is eaten wllh course me fiint of water and simmer until plans for KI. 17). Tlie to rid of these must be secured Itefore it can be (vv. way get final, such as dry crackers or vege- tender. Mix two lableKHHiiifuls of flour mew AfrrY the fear of God In the Jtulg-meu- t l determined how much tlie house will meeting tables which need good inastli-a- ion. with a little milk, add It to one and is to be living with God now. cost. Itankers are to Other meat substitutes which will one-hal- f pints of milk, let hull five min- always ready VI. God's Lovs the Ground All 1 finance home as of variety to the diet are whole utes. I'm all the vegetables through a p f help builders, there Leva 1!)). is no better loans than a (v. wheat, dried beans, peas and lentils, sieve, then add Ihe hot milk and serve security for The reason we hive Is Unit our lives First Floor Plan. home and no setter borrower than the licanuls, walnuts, eggs, but- with fried bread. have come into touch with the great olive man w ho will save for a home. ter, cream, oil, milk, iniiucroid, Spanish Eggs. Cook together one ft- rooms, four on the first Soor and three fouiitaliiliead of love. The Incoming and d fruits as well as fresh of stewed tomatoes slid one -- of (roll's and nature liecome the rh. cupful .Am r.:xpffl$ on the second. Outwardly this colonial Novel Rheumatic "Cure." being are indisiieusnlile In n well balanced clove of garlic, finely minced, one house a of animating ami controlling of In gives strung impression A cure for "ins tics" principle diet. These fissls various forms onion, two sweet green pep-H-r- really quaint our lives. The one in wlmni love Is chopisfl hospitality. Its great wide porch with has been known under tlie name of the and In combinations Willi others Mill seeded and cliopHd. Cook gently Its dormer pro- not the master principle does uot the colonial columns; "whale cure." which Is said to have give a sufficient arlety. until reduced one-half- Spread on thin and Into know God. jection balcony set the front been tried in Australia. With what Children, when teething and suffer- slli-e- of buttered toast and a VII. The Child of Cod Possesses lay on the second floor; Its dining room In-e- will be on success It has not ascertained ; ing with swollen gums, great- or fried egg each slice. W el- p Units Dual Love LM). pouched SaIJJBBaaaBBBljaBBS NrUjMpar window, and Its general a (v. cimiI or - bay pitta- but at a certain seaside resort out ly refreshed by fruit Juice Boiled Fish in Court Bouillon. riTTlsisu hi T nam . " combine The proof that one loves the unseen .line w '' nce all to give the passerby there, a hotel once accommodated pa- sctaned apple. A worrying luiliy Is Mince one otcmi. one stalk of the thought that "here la a real tiod is that be hives the person visible for driiihs few tients, who would wait till a whale often suffering frequent ef three sprigs of parsley. Fry them in T IS hard to decide which of two over these colored foundations the home." ho bears the likeness and image of was caught. Tlien the "cure" began. pure, cool water. It Is well to remem- a little butler, add two tilings Is most vitally Interesting iand wnshulile are fitted. They floor show Guil. and has become a member of the The plan the sizes and The w lisle was landed.' boles dug In Its ber that young children aud animals of salt, six popsr corns, a bay leaf, to the female of Ihe species, and they s kept clean, snd they must lie. en- same through the arrangement of the rooms. Tlie body large enough to "admit" patients, family redemption cannot tell us shut they heed, ami three cloves, two quarts of boiling wa- the she wears ami the lo preserve Iheir chief charm. Bows In Christ Jesus. Iive to God and mull sre clothing trance off the porch, which Is 30 feet and Into these the "rheumy" nea often suffer liecausc of the careless- ter, one pint of vinegar. Itoil fifteen of her home. Kxecpt for of rihbcn, small clusters of silk flow- cen- la united In the one breast of the furnishing wide and 9 feet deep, leads Into a would ness of thoM who should Is res sin strain and to use In Isiil-lin- she bestows on ers heln lo furnish tlicm with Hie get. Christian. The one who hales minutes, keep the care and thought tral hall, out of which runs the stairs to the of his the fish dear w oman." For mak- According severity the to fish. Itu'i with salt and her family, nothing engrosses her as "splendor lo second floor. m the of brother while pretending hive God w clill-dic- n to the right complaint, so they would remain; but r oods hich. must lie denied lemon juice and put In the boll Ins these things do. !t Is an instinct with ing them the same sheer fabrics ami 13 13 Is a liar. l this hall Is the living room, by this "treatment" should at least make should not lie plai-ei- tempt Ingly liquor: simmer until the flesh fai women to want to lie attractively laces serve as milady nses for many Is act VIII. The Solemn Command From Imum-s- . feet 3 Inches. The fireplace one forget the rheumatics. lsfore them a strong reason for from the clothed aud tn make Iheir homes at- of her own garments; they match up room. This lo- Cod (v. 21). Into the comer of the having Ihe children eat alone. Their Maple Junket. Warm Just luke- nnd let us hope that llicse ;wllh her negligees. roots In A scientist hss suc- God commands that those who hive tractive, cation makes cheery the government food should Ih palatable and attracti- warm one quart of milk, add one dis- will remain ttpNrniost In her a omr-ttnlt-y ceeded In making the Pacific coast blia should love their brethren. (Nie-dleti- things winter, as It provides better served. Tshle manners may be solved tablet, one-thir- d of a '.n this command will vely juiiret ambition. for Biore people to gather kelp edible by pickling It. eliminate learned which will never of and inte war and content very early cup maple sugar pour A great deal of attention Is glen all relearned. w have to he sherbet ciis. Serve ith grated maple now to pillows for different parts f and raisins may he cleaned and cream, or a ssace DREAM'S SIGNIFICANCE. I felt a kick mdor the table. The min- His Currants sugar pudding Ihe house those for the living room, Greeting. rubbing them with flour, then shake made f two-third- s of a cii;: of ister was saying grace and every one "Peace on earth' the by maple the porch and the bedrooms which sang angels It off to remove all dust. sugar, two tatdcssio-',i- f flour, one make and rest- Most people know the falling dream had their heads bowed while I waa when Christ was born. "Pence lie un- they help to inviting Paris Fashicna. files. No To get the flavor of orange for tea, cupful of W;!;;g water, two ts Cretonnes and other cheerful and deMTihcd as --the dream In which yoa take aa busy awaiting more Sunday to you" was the greeting of the risen ful. What Is the calf turbnrr school sauce or for any other dish, rub a of butter and vanilla to fabrics serve for fur- plunge, maybe over a cliff or picnics for me! Chicago Trib- Bavtor la his disciples, and It is his durable porch Is nil Interesting ttw small hal. A cube of sugar over the rind tn absorb flavor. s If (he roof of a house, and fall. fall, une. and his benediction to nishings, silks, lapostrics, plusln-- and I aria model Is of hatters' plush and greeting his essseutlal oil. One will With s never the bottom, bat the orange Eecallcped Celery Cheese otlier more pretentions fahrh-- take is finished aim a scroll etrbroid'ceil fall, reaching ieople todsy. True peace l ea at the for two or three cnlies. Cook the coarse sirtions cel- with the air In One of O. Henry's Meeds. fnmish flavor rough of care of the living rooms, while liedroom titesh veil thv Is uotqiiely draped over awakening rushing end of conflict. It Is the reward of vic- of left over In- cut la until nostrila and horrible A greet many years ago I enter- Drop the yolks eggs ery, bits, tender, add lc or Isiudolr pillows avail themselves of the hat. In Paris the of the through your tory. It Is the attainment of the high cold same In novelty tained Bill not I to a cup and cover with water. a rich white layers with embroideries, silks, rib- hour is the big which of sinking la yoar Inside. This Porter, knowing that purpose for which all true battles are dainty laces, paradise bird, aa was the man who was If the yolks are unbroken they will cheese. Rake in a moderate oven until bons snd even georgette crepe snd chif- almost covers one siile of a bat or dream may usually be taken a harboring later fonght. la tlie struggle for the estsb-lishme- te he known as . 1 was mat keep several days. the cheese Is melted. fons. and one of best Rue le warning of some Impending trouble, Henry. of the kingdom of God In the toque, the la certsis aboot It until I Al Alwrys lot the w.itrr run a minnte Most of Ihoee boudoir are I'slx milliners devinre are usually pecuniary, bat not of a very quite read earth and I are soldle-- s who pillows hers but account of In you art from that have held water over with silk in colors horsehair serious nature. Should, however, one Jennings' Porter's life. called te Its but the pipes first covered light cleverly dyed. which be described him so I upon fight battles; night or for several hours. actually arrive at the bottom la one's minutely true soldier possesses 'hat peace some misfortune could not help but recognise him there- Colored sugar may he prepared at dream, then graver which passeth understanding, and coarse the tends " misfortune from. home. Tske granulated sneer Pity Egotist. Ruching. ago. sissy upright, and does may be looked for the which the world can neither give nor The does not take to not lie down fiat a the form of In one of Porter's moods he came to (or fine If that answers the purpose egotist kindly Rucbing seems to have come In for does Ihe wider (Kit Infrequently taking take away. Hay that blessed peace be Is be criticism, yet because of his exalted ruffling. It is a even eectdeot. me with tears la bis eyes and gave me for which It to used), sprinkle It a revived attention. It Is a long lime dainty finish, it an Illness or yours. col himself is to it Is stiff. his watch as security, as be was st- over wsxed paper and drop some opinion of overresdy crltl since we have had niching the reg- rather i on It. Rub In the color until well cite. He is blind to his own mistake oarrow not the wide Swatting Flies. able to pay fwo weeks board due me. oring ulation rnchiiig. Busy Saves Us From Failure. then put In a warm snd shortcomings, stubliornly persist- Hut in Wet Curtains Mildew. I was a guest at a Sunday school I still have the watch, and. while an distributed, place ruffling of these Istter years. r, Not the object for which we In chosen courses of conduct even am went off old I value It fsr more gaining to dry. ing a velvet frock of much distinction a There Is a good chance of the cur- picnic, everything nicely have strives may not mean defeat, but Is a dish which after have cost him and down to I had then the price of the board bill. Milk toat nearly they dear at Iff little quilling of white muslin tains mildewing if folded and packed) until we sat supper. saccesa. The mists lie codfish made their has been out to seat of honor between the minister Ill ssrver forget the tbea unknowat higher heavy errbody likes; gravy folly pointed tUsi la a narrow margin arouud the away wbea they are damp. It take the the way. and faumaa sight Is de- milk Is a dish fit for the him. hie son. We hod the tables set writer's tale be tejd us of bating spent along of rich king. Beck. And in some of the new net hut a few mlnutea longer to dry these and but If we are really In the fin- and the file were thick. A twe weeks la Jail with only a diction- fective, seeking When country give good aeckwesr a narrow ruching Is the thoroughly before stowing them outside, seems as Would Be Better. ruch-ta- a ary to read. Be said that he "found It that which ta highest and country food to the city guests and Money ish at the neckline. Of course away, and the assurance of their fly never lives wheat I am around, rtetoa the An machine hut diaeoa-aected- ." pest, a clearer a our owa will he far better pleased Ibsn embroidery that fits old remem- condition la 1 stood and started te swst. Tout very Interesting horribly hey If you are enough te keeping la good worth, up oar course, hut It will save If with dishes of unusual Into a handbag is lite latest i te can cmbai laasoieat when Exchange. amy change served fancy ber Its latest Incsmatkm a few years these extra minutes. Imagine any aa from fallare. toons. wor ankimL STATE COLLEGE PRESIDENT Wmsi'i Oat VTATB OP HEW HIXMB TO BE SELECTED MARCH St Mis Russell and Mri. Wbeatley HOTICS PUBLICATION CITY IN BRIEF were hostesses at the regular meet- POB CAPITAL NEWS The board of regent! of the State SOCIETY, CLUBS, LODGES, CHURCHES ing at the Russell home Wednesday PUBUC LAND ALR College met t the College Monday afternoon. Mrs. Craven, the leader, and appointed Prof. Foster to act conducted a lesson of absorbing in- MCKINLEY COUNTY General and Personal as president until March 21 when Here and There Over the State terest upon our own capital city of Office of the Comminioatr ai they will hold another meeting at Santa Fe, the program being divided Lanits. OOCOOCOOCCCSSWSOSSCCe which they expect to select a per- - coooecooosooooaooooaopoooooooo boob uaecoaooooeceiooooec into five subjects the Sant. Vr, Ncv Mrx'ra. history, 'art. Notice l hereby iie I hit tt D s a o i the old George LonRce of the state de- iVi':"n tn tlieir , J" FRIENDSHIP n e literature, governors palace cue proviaion' ot id Act of ToarrrMHt roni original style, and, i a . and new museum. Mrs. Corbm nroicd JDrh. a. of Education visited will eond'ict a class cat- .i... ii :. . i w :.. w..-- the June 1910, the laws of the partment Gallrp high resort, the board favors - r..i lndian of New Weico. anif mlea anit the week. State Superintend- Much of the life sister and .,w? . beutiful Ste during ering to the tourist 1r?.de, and to the ent I. Whether Mr. happiness of this Vesely, niece, respectively. - lation of the S'nte r.aint OfHr. the who J. Wagner. V. IV - ' - - , . . r ' of Public will offer mt people enjoy the artistic and m ,( UUI 111 .1 II U Jll 1. 1 IC S.U II. f.nft A i t me .i Ci-- pnhlic sale ts the hiohent tiiditrr at SB number nf local Masons will at- prill it : en s ironim-n- s wagner accept psismon, kind, tokcnJ f Silver from Siberia, where CAPITAL CITY un . . ' . ..regard. r . . ... they NOTES oVlorlr A. on Fun- - tendered hitn. was not known . to K., Tnegav. lit, tend the meeting of the Grand .. wnicn are snown us oy ana scricuIi lor aniosi a year 1920. in the town of the first of this week and it is pre-!- - , , gentle, r-- witnine. rourc. students of the Santa Fe Rillnp. Toanty Lodge which at At the totiloriow n:.:!it ihe .' "f MeKirVy. of N-- Mexico in hcyin Albuquerque Armory . . I t . . Hii?h School won local in tiintixl ....(hat .... imc irinminin uac ... cj .1 the nri7 front of the eonrt hntie n. the on March 15th. IV will of 1 Santa II. S. tennis plav two many us . richest consolations, united states torces in . l. n' . ... . i, . .1 for of the mat-""soul-' ... - . .. . , .' operating i 111c i lie IIICIIIC decr;beit tracts of land, vit: isitint.' lusl.t-- l ball tt from the purpose taking ,i nauuiiiii iuiiiijii, i ii'i'f with which could not . was of an Enlistment Ci. ter up him, ...... lieneliti S-- 'n S--e. r. I'on recently pun based hucUi'Mjue. In the first tf.Tiie the ,.,. Selected. xi, n;.r. n. r .1 IT;.-.- t- . A ht No. W'. : All of See. . - ! be done last week as he was out i ne unuca laies miss T. 1 V.. R. 11 OS the shoe and notion stock of Ernest Santa l"e II. S. ,nc . Ilui'iner-Sraf- f, ,.i ... i nrniy. !: W.. contaJninr 95? plays a national W4S acres. The imnroe-m-t- is on Galistro sons H S. in the second the Santa. of the state attending lution-tor- n Rus- - Van t,S.,one. awafdel conist of well street. Her ipie . - ami value S75150n. Cha-li-- s educational in Olii Woman's intereSli,,5 h.e first was donat- hsue. and Galiicl will conduct the Ke II. S. plays the Mennal School. meeting Party Slate sia were verv Thpv w. prize, XX V he first National Bank. T estalilishnient. Both tramcs to l.e full of Artesia. N M Feh anoni ine last V.r.:;. leave .. r . ... S.le N. IStt V't. Sec. ; T. IS N., and a larce of fans will WAnl CUUIN I T Now. that suffrage is an assured Siberia, order for the " 53000 acres. There are n--. ., ... ihu party flowing ,. 17 l r""" "'l!. ZT' Iliotiias IIiiuIh-- ami II. I! lien. :...l A .I .,, r. foU t GRAND JURYfstsTHIS TIME thinor in Kew Meiicr. I K.v American trn R,H frn.. ,H company. !. . .. I . I. All...... IJ. ..l I . ... l : . . 1. r . : mir i ; .: . . . i Miss A;LIrene Lasater won the third Ko hi on - ..I th shsve triet- of ... .t, :, i ...:i i . r .ii .. ih ..vL- -. i . .. ,i. d . P"ze SJ donated by the Kaune Uro Istld w!fl he for le th-.- THRFR lii . ll J .....i ,i.llli: n... lOIIUlAHIi iluiiis ia.w ...x. iiiii ...... ui ,1IIIJ1.1. I 111 lUUIJC IU S IIIC llCUlD.j. Ul H31ICi. VIK 1 . ry lij lltuil ..1'. .,l.lli:i.l lllllieK'. ...0 M.v. rr,.,irun.:ii .J tlMl, ...k:. VUUllll, L' fnTxnw not t RS W.m) oer acre, whirh is the ap- - seven most v . Kepiiblican central coniiinttee meet- an illness of secral months riise ty has only pris 'ners, the will of the primaries. Isn t it a continued to envelop the country. ,,,., .1 . t .f praised value and in addition there- f held for minor j j to the hidd-- r ing. awav Monday inornitut at her home then offenses, good one? Cordially, The two nurses, with other Amen-- . ... D --a. -- . . ucrefiit muit nav fnr the w j u. improvet-en- ti that on (.an von road. She is survived Ju"4e uirecien mat mt RUTH SKEEN. cans, were five weeks f ronr "y l"'n Z "' Z eaiat on the land. i.yan getting . -- The Za? were II V f 1 - of a be the t.s em- - judges !. th. l,y In r husliand. bro'her in Trim- ng Kiand j:try passed at the interior the cs,et Tn. "M..y Each of the ahive tracts will I r Misses CooperrMer, Spencer and ti- - nff-r- I' ' a si;t,-- who re- - March term. Tor bark" 51 Fehr for dale ruin ,n,i ..ok I I'm!: rF.PT ' 1'' UN'D, fid "sor.Kest. r f h- 1. Innd rill - r- ch to f I' wis: it ,111 rriti';,;si n : i r.i ..... I en- - ri . t ,1. ' . ; 1. . nrl s. ii ..,-s- t: r ft.! ' - y f ' Ci , " .. thei-- -- hv h'- -i - ' ' :.ncr c . :. i ll.. rf L' .'':;. nt -- l.sti, .1 v h rri'- l'.c" 'vifch, r:e ecfi, of tl ' I'm-- ' . rust to the t; rv.1 L. : ",:t.i !e;l.d- -' in nil n( - a - 'V. .t '?:: Crr-c- Stortz and1""-- ''T or e fw. I, t ' th- - I is s. . ii L en fit , chanve at of and wliVli ''I a;t liy h i,nc it (. ( i:ii'.' v. artificial limb .ov.'t.-er- also from the ie g.jd liquet fj: amounts and ail of are ruhl-- rt in..l. four - I hv the Aiierirtn Ked them to I, nil, daughters, three sops, 'or Treasurer t'ros. D ke apli-.a'e- the audience. forfeiture to the of New if - Ste Merieo. 1 ...i.- i - v n:... A s .1....j;i .1 r..t...:...I" O c . ti...I C i...... ol !c::i.-inde- d, V'r in 'a 1'lic 10...I l amp near nncoticda MRS. FRANK II. II. KOnFi.TS, " 7r". Ihc uf the caste was corn-ol- the surrcaaftil hldder rioea pot execute a "'"era! was held from the the in its contract within thirty day af'er it haa I' s of tile Monday was cli i this week ;:tter about a Las Vegas. joined army pose, of ,he best SanU pe amateur h n Cathedral of in 1915 in malted to him hy the S'ate Land a', mj all th principal St. Francis. Interment construction on the oad be- - For Auditor great retreat order to talenl am ,hf y out Office, said contract to took in years nurse wounded fiance. carriej ,ieir provide that the aii'l ;tn air of ttve place the Kosario cemetery. tween Kinhudo and Taos. The road MISS ISABEL ECKI.ES, her .WhenroIe with t!ie usuaI efficiency yfaich purchaser may at hit option fiake nay in he died she took his ments of not leaa 'er.t k the a 1110 sphere. ('. A. Rising was charge. was and the work had Silver City. place in the rharacterized their annearanee in than of njt completed ranks with the men. She h.. ninety. five per cent of the purchase pricr it on ac- - ot Ins- - and fought events. The net time Col. Ralph K. was re to be discontinued is said fnr rublic previous proceeds at anv after the sale and prior to Mr,. T.V.Ii lime, ,!e Vifil. 50 Twitclull, of ,,,e Taos served later on the Sal mika front. arnoUnted to $280.00 the expiration of veara from tl. year, centlv state finance chair- - co,",t ,,,e. filure trnction about thirty ..!!. wife of the late Miguel Vigil. appointed commissioners to MRS. OTERO WARREN, date of the contract and to provide for man for the county cooperate: r. Fe's Grand the of at !i 'I h :m s !a v - republican national com of sergeant-majo- At one time Santa first real Opera payment any unpaid halanee the at her h' ltie on C;tn- . with the .lull, e (iltii'i'r for tli:it dis- - Santa Fe. grade Unm niittee. He is being congrat-.tlatef- - under shell fire, she was in absolute season was enjoyed Monday, Tues- - "L Ahir,r. 11 dim miv " y '.viii- - Land Commissioner :." ii l r . r 1. . 1. t'l'oii his The success suic all and at the 'ri' T... ST ti, ',! ,1 .... . appointment. tu.-en- . command of her company, other lay Wednesday night, th. k ' ' ... .1111.ul juis-io- hy iurnistiniK sut k. r p.yme...t EfiZ il wliiih has crowned Cobnel Twitch- - uunjviiuu, officers been killed or wound-- Elks theatre. For the first time:nnnm payable in advance on th . In: the KoN.irio leitttOfrv. . This is as Tucumcari. having j funds. unf lrtunate Santa P"vil-lV- "' . of the ' iV "1 ill's Torts in all war welfare, She was in the in the audience had the contract, p.r. II. ( 01 ci n y was in charge. Liberty I'e and the had ex- - For Corporation Commissione- r- wounded battle many Iii ill and other drives has demotts-tiatc- -t traveling pubic of egie and of 'eontraet a better road to Taos t.iis MKS. WALTtK L. KhOKl., Kursumlia, and taken prisoner by pleasure hearing exquisite ,Tv,rSr75 the'da," oj the n", his as a iret-ti- r. peeled selections .follow the The Santa Fe coiin. il w ill c.ill capacity money is the Bulgars. A Bulgarian surgeon a"a masterly by eminent data of tender. city year. it completion ' a T Tht-- i His friends sav he is a h U... i.e. - who lntinra for new bids for iii'.' i iin diplomat mi.nio f tn... -rtit rnmntltp hi ami i.iioWs who in Vew indefinite justice ot the Mipreme Cour- t- The ,So" '""' h' v - who's urand Upera Beautit ul , streets of t',e ci Ml of tin- l,i,. MISS GLADYS URICF., A . Company. ,IM iltinir t,. .,emer,t, ,ijhi. T. - t an.1 Sllhtli-'tei- vv i I. v-'- i . losiuines aiiu mauc way, reaervationa. re Roswell r,.. 11 - apicuuiu I Il.t ctnl APPLICATION FOR PATENT l 11, Bi' nn ,n iii.IH hi- .s i.i.. 1..11:..... 1. - .1 1.1...... ! Iiici K.llu vi me d we'e oti.jilereil too hi h lu- i! i'or,, .....j uiiinaiii ciisciiiuic uouuiy aiiirac l laeuteiiaiit lliiirnnr and Mrs No. uJXtotl Congress Mr. and Mrs. Ames, left on a de- - five. The Crand flnera .ireh-- .f ra . "'n"I the dcrrlhed hofti tlit- conn ll and numerous tax MRS. A. B. " " are reserved to the State.j,re I'. I'ankey ace in Albiifpienpie IN THE I NITKH STAT I. S I. AM) Kri'l STROUI', lightful journey to the Orient. She under the direction of Del: pr.yers vho att eiiih'i! 'he n, ci iii,;'. SANTA KE, NKW MKXIf). Ignacio a llap'isf Conference this Albuquerque. will sail from San Franciscr on the Castillo was superb. The Cnmmlistoncr of Public F.anda. or hit v.icU. Mr, i on 'he pre' v S. uch aite rieht Mi- -. I'ankey In the Sj4ttiT "f ft.r S. Shinto Marti and will make a hi!:? ti,. Vice !' i't at:d Tb.mi o1' lo- 'ri!i"- and et and all d hoard which !:as han'.'1 lor S.m .Niiucl lir.a,r. A short stonat Honolulu, then to Yoko. ..Eub'?.ne son. 9f. Mr. tt ,ar h,l. ,t It I jii'.nt Very Charming Party I' Marsl pas throi arratii-'iti- ..( luile minins 1: . OI -- amy flte openintr of the liiy claims, comlins 1 ...... - liama.. where she will ioin- Mis, Olds.. C. urmm inis city, ano;- re.-- !.. . hi io:i In' Sjn MiKUrl, Oiu a aei' uu . ,,,,,, c nil i, in u Ilap ist Collejve at I. as Veitas (lf will "do" Mjsl toicman W10 wa, o for tb- - ti I.! Mr. I'dlnirr loitea, in the San Miituel Fridav afternoonone,,,,,very Columbus, Ohio. They .arJ. ,em' ,'rr contrite, ,!e to te wiM Generals' of- - I' whit h open this romm-i- fall. Mmtni; District, Sandoval (oamr a .",:.' Southern Tanan before insr to Ma- - Surveyor TT". h' - Marshall i'lcrahle raiu'li w.aico. - '. - 'ihc is no .lotil.t lull what he wi' ::..t'.- i- nila. A visit will be made to South- - "' "l iur several years, a mal.i his winii-- h .. s.tlI. line c- - OP APPLK ATION FUR PATLr .r at -- projiert" also le one of the permanent dir. Tirt .!.. ..: em China, Canton and olher wer,e "!ar"e'J .Wf:neV my hm. ,fw-' when 'i ! a ii, at il OUice. S- f seeing . tint the nation tors or trustees cf the college a fnned Ma.e. Land -. A on f. he. fnT'u . Cvcrc.darnKh lar.e cities. the : 0,h Tie a ter trip Vangstei.: ., ., ,. ii..t...r v..- .w.niri I.. - .. . . . a'.,T..ativ . . . i 1 ncu c arc vciv ihm u in mis ik. 11.,,. inrice ncrrnj .ivcd iiiii me n 01 IIVCI ,! Mamicu anu un imc unncc ciiv v "iii-t- ' "o nreitv .iir,.ri.f "!1 have the of M,N1Mi hTbrMe To be and a Crand Canal, then to Nanking and congratulal.ons many Commlaion-- r of Public T.atida, Miss I'lla Rivera, 18 years old. Mr. and Mrs. I) II. Wakelee. 01 r nr"'" kept up . friends. State of New n 1 ana..'10 me ",,.vv an. Mrtira, 1,.. aii; a t .1 ..1 New Mexico,WWrbv R. P. Itart.e.. Attotn j delightful ritin e of merruneut and earing great iniucse First PiiMicnllon Mnrrh S, ci Miss Arties has her I fr. i.m'--i 1, r'Mrs. v interest the hours. The: arranged trip The regular business and literary ast Publication May 14, l"20 died Mon.lav ..iul.i ..f ,ia Ii.,, i.',,,. I'ank, nan r." ,?!';':';'r?,:.A;,:":::'('. throughout s "th. were all when Miss ?? ' cherry meeting of the Santa Fe Woman's of Kanrhos of the week. Mr. is 'f.,r SaaMiWl C.ri.up.of m.a present 1 father Ihoma, Rivera, past Wakelee patent lie 8Jteti c 1 ..i-- ..... u .. .1 .r. de Taos, was will, her at the time inuiaeer and a with the cmipnams in Mn aii.un ..pp,. ctnKie arrive,! ann sue was greetea """""' ,J''" 7"' .ii, t STATE OF NEW MEXICO partner gov '" W1,h - ea,on.-Ros- well Record. ,Z "7 ,' ,.,ncuu.Mrs a of h,r death. The l,..dv was shipped ert.or in his thousand acre alfalfa Sat.d'v" lmV ,l,e ,br,JaI chorus from Uhen- ithe library building. Den., KcV con- - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION to her ho,,,, town the followin-- ; dav farm near Alamosa. Additional im- - &New M.,co."J?and denynated by the field Bin as she entered, and was M F;n!er Wi Contest " Attorney W. J, Barker, - a"'1 oilicil on hie n tint ducted to the bride s a "1 gave an talk on "The hv 1. A. ivismt,. 11. .nts for th.. al- plat chair, dainty l.-.- I M interesting PUBLIC LAND SALE prow big (i Mineral Survey No. IHor. Sceii of Ltiota white ' "c contest Earned iney Social Life of China " one of finest the San 19 1 N aff,.r . nf ready the in 2. To.n.hin North. Ran. Weat. .,1,,e. ?xr, 01 the Ivane'i in 1)10" which w.. COUNTY. Meridian.-a- id auu BERNALILLO t.overnor O A. I.arraolo relumed Luis valley, were discussed while Mr. Meaioo Principal mmcrii iimc ijeruiiieii irviic paper. cot ducted 0:1 the interesting Horn- - The Woman's Union of the First from l as Crnces Friday evening Wakelee was here. A post office, " '" a'cnDM " Miepnera contriDiiieo mucti f . N Rnmlist Presbyterian church will meet with Ofiee f the Commissioner of Public .""f .. - . . . 1 Land A'here he on lias establish- - pleasure: to the alternoon lv singing ... .i- .... u ... t,.. v r t?...i. spent week aeronnt Estrella, recently been Fr tha SAN MIGUEL, igaffia. , , ...... - iiuuiiaueu ar uiutiiicritue. tor ine s. s.r c... c . o i a his is BVvinnini at Corner " "C'-rfri-,, of the illness of son who ed at the ranch for the convenience : J W." juu 1 ;,,Nrl..V rZ er ? . -- ,0 student at the State Colleee an. of the many employes and neighbors. l castner ot tile Citizens ' nas3.M'oe A Komance ot wo a eerti, liank micicsiiug program Time Mth. laws after a couih' of it his office - S hen?e the M tee. eor i.t songs, and t ,u f ,v, V'Lranced for the entertainment of the-- loin, the of the days mr;,t ' "vd contest around a 1 and rules and rem- returned ayain to las f'ruces to at spirited centering) MrS' of members and r of"', EIGHT MONTHS EXPORTS Mcaico Prinrioal Meridian on VV. oh" F'"'""' Fort Sumner,i. guests. Ration, the S.,te Land Ofdce. the Com n of bonnet, created no end tend if the revents w N . R. I E. lowly bprtnt awarded first for the best r LK'rmi"0"r' ' OF WHEAT AND FLOUR Sec. T. b ar. . prize, Mrs L. librarian ."' " IIS 1074.6 of fun. Later the tea cart, .,.,. .:.-- ...... wnson, at public .ate to the hirhett bidder t 1 the College. mm. E. fret dulant. . prettily .:..t 'tarry drg l 1.-- 111 r' ,. iii 11 simi WIT. " T OtK P.I.. OR Will. 1 ,1, .mi iv an. ui hIa ni ailU IlllLn I.. U. f. Thiirailiw 1.1 s and Pa- - 01 wauat ami i6- - in scribed S Bl bear, j, Jy : moureux - 'tlao'ii Mar: ''Apv,ris tionr, jiuy diameter, OSS,,nis, was brought n bearing a I '.,1 surprised tlieir Inemls by , ,,,D,"u"n"'- 1.1 lolo i 1...1..I. ., .. Mil, I11X1 I.UI4 . . . Mr.i. W. S. iff. Grant I. : , Slate n ' o of Y: ' ' "" ' em- - in n. " : WV .j tir.j j fror,t of - " "v i 16 dm 02 W 24.6 fret , cutting lor lite 0"n,-v- w m ."...-.,- vve.i.iesuay the court bottse the W- .'i.S.l.tliiO of J,.t:,ni; ?Tr-ni- ; second de,-rihe-d att. it the 11 "'of he Ii. pidd. iin amount to bushels wheat , ':''was nn iiiterestintr feature. V,e pne. afternoon, leaving the same evening loin trarta of land, vir: cell!:.,' v t. i .1 'n; ''ii 'vis 111 ' Mir, 1 1.1 k- - ri.tif IV in rliam' t er. urii'vl ui ..'.if- - l l, IuuIpvu fi..uiet v hur . iinr . y , f OM a snori lioncvniocill ITID. . . rate' .hp 5, M' MiH,,i 10 ' !s-r- . , J1 Nettie the we.!ui- - , , . - Ma:'"; c: ", "'r Wr V Vs. V .I,. 12 mir. E 74..1 .listf. Kcwif, eitf ... , , ,,.;,,, p n:.- . w Vrt T. 9 N.. R. 2 R.. contnlnintr VI2.1S II ... . a p;.rt of this l..n. .IS it .a ...... ,i. rt.. - ...... iii. in ii'.i.rnvTT.i.n. rnna it ot iihi Id a v' " e.ommiitea or woman s inir. value wnnn No hid ... tt,,- 1;:, it and ii.tVUIharr-I- rr. No. J, amlitone ii9 the nrnvi' of the postman woh an .!, JH-l- i ''rer'h-- d nf It b are-pt- h of flour last to I' bruarv lull of '..ack.l-e- for the bride- - American"... Man At a railed of the district' trsi for jiar . .1...... a .i.,..i,a c is, vv aim Mist Decorated mtei.nn ,h,n rvrn f RS fMStvn per ,,i. of r .nirer, ""' twenty (,.ys of w,t' lo ct.enitii; these, wis the -t I ol. pilftir Hume, ot nurse loinmiitee ot tne Santa Pc aire, which la the apnraisetl value thereol, liem,: Iron) the tnonthlv tVnce N w ilia. r. mm. W. e'O Woman's Club, held after- - in addition to ihr aueceaaful hid proialell crownitir' fei'ure of the hat.nv little Frankfort, Kv., Director of America.: Monday a- -r "i.-.- ' v- 3 a t . i .1. . mitel r .. w- - an 2lal0x()" I r . I I ...... I I s - , ,1 . ,n.- 11 ' . the iinlimi. innl - it... his ire'1.i.e,,1,,- a ot n '.. i i iv n M, Vi ii". li on n II . . ' t..l.,I ',), l J ii it, ...... e, j ii ni ro; re let in r ic , in. ill, St. III- ' m. V- - ',1' r. at of Last t Ma! . e..,nnlli,lr.r.rl I'.ik bushels wheat. ycat's in vriumil, chiseled S on SK bvr ill this shower most ncroratcil rtmenran. nuise, rminiic i.oiian.i, a, boi-- - i'mim I'e- - te 1804 juts iu, lino- in flour includes of t. ti '(..ii News lie has a different awards .f graduate ICed Cross nm se, S.le No. IJ Tt. 3. 4. Spc. 4; eports V. ' docn working' e. V. lta - tlien.-- S. 0 M f i t . , .. I P. 0. T 10 N . 3 . V lie e- lief Ailmini st r ion and Amcrii:!! t'tv tnin. tsir) ts I. I i miilnr ,i u r.t ,1., ' R. rontainin. ''!o'1 I 1 , nom ann it,,"s m von.(.., una r,,r. N.. 4. a sandstone ?SkS6" s rceoviniiion.. rrcricn,. tiauan. . i i.i i . i,.t . i :ierrs. i nere are no imornvementa. ts 1, i' the bnili'ini' .mil sMi- - ie Ii: y I'orec pei shipments. :n lie f;r,Htni. lo ruck te.l tte in n"'.:i ttip Attraction at lia kan crovernnicnts tor Ins iervtres ' """ vvenaie vieparimeiit made an v.. Ml on il,. ,h,., a....a...i ...... i - i i I at . Tin- ("lovis I Iks ;ire ninking in Ihe war and the ramp:.i-v- i air.n'" ev !!ent report. eeepte, fr baa than TURF. if aton. rhis-'e- .l S NF fan ; Front 1st r"" W.mi acre, which it the ISI4 preparations for the big minstrel, disease in the Near East. I.ieut February to March 1st, '"s Pr 'tiI C'T. No I. pi.see of beginnin,; music .1 and comedv show to lie aivcn llnnie. who is a trrmluatp of West cans were mane and over .13 fft ' For l COPPFR QUEF.N lodt about March 15 under the ' Point and It Medical patients, .10 influenza and 9 Sl N. ism See. 7; 1 personal lohns pkin pneumonia VW. N'J, Sf Hririnnititf; Nf. id.ntical with ,R: T- R- - at (Ofiier of New Vll-I- lo iked F... containing 4WW Cor No. 1 of San Mipfiifl Urde of th directions Mexico's brilliant School, was detached for Red Cross after. Other important RATE r POWER autl-o- HOUSEWORK BY ELECTRICITY I youtiK and composer, Joe service after the armistice. Dnnnr! ailments listed and daily attention rf,ht .HTc "c'rrbeH 7r.ct'"t ..'S C on SW l.tinriL ,re survey, marked Scotti rd Albuquertpic. Tiie attrac- - the war he was with the American R'ccti during the month including: he t r.. THREE Dob- - ;i h. x.Ti tn Think fit t!u 1M4 - woiiifn. runniii,r tion will be niven in two parts, the soldiers on the Italian front. A. R. "kin diseases, tuberculosis, ohstetri- - per acre, which is the ap- - with the wcavinir treadle. Ot lri-v- z 'tree tcriUd C BT. and from mhich cornet first to be an minstrel ml cases, rheumatism, infected tctt! ii"'' tjiuc lfm the a - . . hernia and colds. She also has Laeh of w .! . 'ovf scene laid on cotton plan- . a' the aWe d.aerihed trarta will the washing vitluut hrtok tireakiiijr ..,, I'.. nrara a . us min. r.. ... , . . . . nnu aniuini.i an t i".s' vai wnien was. wriitcn cs wiiii nam. -n,...... n ...... mill he auhir-.- It feet SO itet:. 26 vi' eouieuyi. . . rt.. i i; I si iiiiin ill u.iii a leiinis a I .: . iiijuicu r- .,,...... i,.j can all he done and we shall he iliitant: thenre tnin " tieei:i v tnr tne occasion tie n ni nivc . " ieii: ouir ncr .1.. were tive m , , vis- club and are to hold a ten nil naiienis inpre owina; terms and conditions, ot (jasoline (jus renters around a plannintr latalities, these in all probabilities triad indeed to it to And j tils ti'iirnament in the near future. "r-- ,n very prove you. No. 4, San Miirurl lode, chiseled atone ( New Mexico auto nut. who would not have occurred had a doctor - mu," ,n' having vJi: " r ! or i second-ban- A tinmber of the hiph school bo ""'"i mnii. inline i.anii. nis aitetll houiiht a d Ford, is spend- - and the district been called h"H.n? nch sale. one. i.en-irt- of ihe Cmic ;nn! see how lon SE thrnee 1S00 feet to Cnr. V 5 . in nure the price nt r.cesive. lace; spent Saturday pcttintf the courts onrreo n mm tor cent ct a nine mat 4 (ret lne. 4" auuare art .. I"K the balance of Ills life tO make it tne innn. tour per - near the Castle buildinpr in aond -- . 'interest in fur aurh ' lertricitv will do all .feet in the in mund of stunts, run. The cast will be en- - - j.i:,: l ir .1.. .:..t. advance the halanre of ne.irlv your houe- ground composed. almne Tne rrrminits I ,miiiivrii, .. . . .aiiiiu r.iui iiic M(.a. tuirrhaae fe fur advrrtntno- and an. a I an." a. price. of...iral and will include . V lias Writ tlistriliutinir arrihi-.-l C on NR lace; thence S dip tirely talent, rolled. A iittmber nf '"''ami ,.,,im, ami all roala incidental to the 114 f a rliorus ol yount? lailics. ,,,'..,, larpe r()th,nR f ,r tie children and has sup- - "le herein, each and all of aaid amounts pretty denoa-te- ?S ) feet Cor. No. 4, a the students expect to start playinv i.lin.l ...;il. 1...... miit lie in cash or certified m. lo pinr Srotti's next show will be put on V. msil...." :.f..i-i i e. SANTA FF WATER LIGHT COMPANY 4 feel ; 20' tl.- tn the at close chanee at the time of aale and whL h laid poat .n(, 4' square lit in at Koswell April 5 and fi under the evenings the of 'he No one can realize what herI'jvu".work 4 session and considerable inter amounts and all of them are ..,t,j.ct to (troiind in mound of T.snet, iiritu '' auspices of ttlt. Anurican Legion. means unless they could accompany to the of New Mni.o, it est has been shown aireadv in this e 1411 What this will be has her on some of her rounds. It seems ''" "cer-- doe not a tlii-ni- 0 . production contract wt r f on Nil ;r,re; V, St r ,t feature of the school's athletics. live ,, within it V. IsitO No. e not yet been announced. l.ard to without the common mailed , hlmThy state to Cor. I, of hrii l as Vesas Optic. ,f l.nj emit. and comforts of life when well; but when Wrc. contract to provide that the For thr T'ALMF.R lode: Cridg Fan Tan Party when little rnrchaaer itm at hla opiii.n make nay. - Under the L. of P. Auspices ill; children, women atld tl'-- '.r, urner n. 1 a atndsinr-x'ia7- Mrs. M. Spieer and her motbet. C About nlv in the on men arc sick and with no .,, r I i Iii' in t lie trround in mun .' Mrs. Harriet them-se- l the sttr city sullcrimi i;,, ... .u. ,....i... I proved Ilirthilav. Mondav. was adeuiia e food; no for medi- - time after th- - aale ami nrinr ta cs s icce sf ul hostesses at Washington's money " any Coal stone, i.ieled P on SE lace, wlitrs-IS- abridue 2.? cine ""iraMim of from the created bv Pyramid I.odtie No. or competent care, the district ',h' th:rty years ami f.iti tan Mi ndav - - i i of t'le contract and for Capital party given i T....1 e. M. . t v. i 'ste to provide Yardj t - v- mc. u the t. c. cor. tiMwfn Sca. I.t and Hi at the Vs. I Verde hotel. Table mark- - '" 'n.'5 rmn . ." y, money lh, p,rr,n, nf cnn,irl at (ht W'holefale n Coal Wood 1 '"ny Retail and T. I" N. R W.. N. M. P M. hear. mile, lieanrn ny KJtfl t iiorv travers- - "nw sonic ui ine our- - ot tntrty,r year rr m tne ilate of flans blended wi-- , .In. W. l.tC.Jl feet diatom, a pin n trs tiny beautifully ine; the with Kniifht dens and sorrows of the unfortunate ,n contract intrrt on d. frrred 8 5 I with other profuse decorations hon pHncitial streets, PHONE in BT N M. M. Croker the people in our is iVadlarTc,' 7hV Jiamrter. scribed P bears Washington's birthday with a sounding bugle community certainly Z' Cerrillo IS04 call. money Well Spent. niveraaryZWof the date of U.e contract, par- - Suparite Lump Lump ti R. 40 16 2 suRvrestion of and min. E. fert distant, pifim coming spring In the evening under the K. of P. The'e is a constant demand for payments to he credited on the an- - Grate I summer in uic presence oi neauiiiui childrens if eo",r,ct Sugarite Cerrillo? Epg in diameter, - P BT pears S red and white carnations. Miniature auspices, the Star theatre thrilled the clothes and persons who mw""? the und'er' c- , 'dot ;,. , i, . nrpe crown wen inai nremier oi an nuim nuiiu, urruacu, eiean Kar-- Nut E. 1191 1 -- Sugarite O'Mera Lump "Adcle. the ments would send them to the home' The hove .,le ot l.nd -i- ll be .,.hect 04 min. E !CtV',"Ur'rrl 2, ',,..,ers as venirs of Ire,.:,I' friendship movies, Nurse', . ! Mrs. rihw 24xS5" buried T' hrlr.w aurf Story." which ended in regular D. of Frank Clancy, Talace avenue. 01 2 Raton Lump Smi'thinir Coal Mrs. A. A. lllinski was a .1 . i.- given - av 01 pround in aatton road from t'uha tu '..'.1.. ... a , . i.:.. S: P. stvle. Lordshrtrg Liberal. iiitr wriinju ur uitirikE J7JJ! ""' 2 All n Yankee all size NE L: B Ro.-- I, trVht. .W. deribes, Lump Anthracite, ;iKuel mine, chiseled P on face. i - T - - - Kverlirart - I Neiailiknr'ae - "dy. , . . i ... 1X04 T," CA P.,.. j L. . m n mt carried off the second a bunch The Poval Neighbors pave a card Mary "."'Maphn. i. Coke Steam Coal hence N. 86 dee- 56 min. E. from trii. prire, The rommia.ion-- , M PuMie rands ee hii for 600 Cot. No. 3. a of red carnations. I. O. Secretary. corner to partv Wednesday evening at . . arrnt aorh pale, the C01 Sawe-r- l It1" I lie- crnt d Woorl, Wood, Native Kindling aan.istone 24x7x5" aet in trouni' delightful appointed two course F. hall, which was very well at- - i THE OISTRKT roi'RT OF THE FIRST to reject any and all bids offered at said lur.' heon an affair (. LMSTkKT THE STATf "le. chiseled P on NW fai-e-; thence N. . roni biikd that tended, and the proceeds therefrom JLDK1AL ok Montezuma FO,' ' OFFICE Avenuf was conceded by all as having been netted a mod sum for the flowei Vl'lEN( NFLND I'""'"'- ''r trtiitaftt nf ult fit tht dea 04 mm. V. 1S,iO Cor No - of'Va iaSo-- e iV-'- firt to am the most of the en- fund, vHch is maintained for the . , B L tncts ill be riven oa A. & 12 ng pleasant ',, , Near T. S. F. Depot. a tanilatune 2txlx6" art in the eruuni' wrcn .ti "r nrrore rcir.n-- r Ul. f.TT. tire winter social season. Socorro si.k. Prance.- Hreen... s...... thes. Bdi. T M. lainiiii. -- . with mound of stone, chis led - P on SW Chieftain first pH-e- and M-s- s Fouchs. c un-1- y Vi'ne4 trf hm H t, officii J ISTM An- - Mat hew Roc heater, f th fan .i 4 dcr"OPstrator, won a rut -- Vrv-cf- S. M de S W nno fee Successful Star prize Dcftxlittit. w Sei thi firnt of Tirrh. W20. face; tl,rnre min Meetings I - Tnr. No. 1, of tch woid mrVe , dvsptp- NOTICE S. A. VTEI D. to pKre of the Eastern . r . OF .SUIT . af : : Interesting meetirg, r ( r . i su r..t.t f ; The claims s'tioinind said Mia'i" r . . a . T IT nit"j PT mi'V a Tl n rOITPfr ll I h a lull a .1. l.n.lanf VIairisr lloehaatax tllll III I n IS, I yyi si. Sn Mar are hel l at nar ' mal S.,-- e of Croup of lode as stion by the of Peing tit'.r rttr f f rcfrf ,t,m.n,, i. herel.y nouded th.t . comp;a,n, h. New Me,,c fi"-a- l r'it of are aa fi.tlowa: meetings, second and fourth Mondays ben f.;e. aramai h,m .n the D.a.nct four F.r PM,c,tion March 5, USE THE BETTER KIND SAN MIGUEL Claim! of each month. An effort to obtain A.buqnerque',",. Journal. , ,ht First Di.inct of the stai. PnW'cauo. Vay l. 1J 'n ine Aortn ny t"e mer o! .1 . . I ... s. aa 01 aieaico. witnm ana tor tne amounts 1. v, la . loc 1111 11 111 ar . . , . , , . ..,, .. .) . 1 , , l . , .' . ihc i . diiij t....hi st aurii l.l mniarier:..ti irieejina: , art .u.. .1 jcu- visa RANCH FOR SALE claim nnatirreyrd; on the East by the Tori ldge in 'the state is being undertak- The Socorro Woman's cluh at a said suit it Vsiliac. by aaid plaintiff, lata It to table wi'li v oer Chief o. j looe nnsurreyed; on th en. The "Blues" and Greens." tinder recrnl and r: Cahaldcm de Rochester, .the (literal ' 30 sections m 20 mdes of pays supply your rjuaiii South the Conwr lode in'eretinT d pasture, by Queett of th.. ... - "'icct actioe to obtam f ,.: IC 1 1 1. 1 -- cf Me.dame.- .bceaft- ,f;t,bl-- beiI ... ,.,,.. n . w... . the (oraer ITl.ct : n,I' meli..s,....,, ..on,,.,...... , arrrnaa the bonds ."si.,?, ....K..w. ' 1 avr-- r esrat-usnme- food such as lone nnsurreyed and the Palmet ana sicLiugniin'"" arc mrciniK wi n mare l"r tne ot mainnony now eaistmg trrwr-- a tne said latia, J warnngi places, some limner. products, loile of this aurrey. .vr.11.nt At the tneettnc enmrsa.'crM arniiiiil fn. tmie. j..nlamtiff aai'l the aaid defendant, aa will five room oms COPPER Claiaai mrrati -- house, barn, corrals, QUEEN Xl A- ,- I . c. A al'pear by refereaere to ihe com . -- 1 1. 1 1. . . 1.. tort. ,.r. .t" f"r ;,. s,.. .k. ..k t.:.. I.. San Mieuel"'.' Rl.". . . '"' t.. V P'"1 " "- - Aed said ale rr; Chase & Sanborn' Coffee. of this survey; on the East by the Con much III majority. "'.Atter lodge a1- - on the nicht of T"esdar,"",'March 17. f. n.lant is further notified that amless $25,000. er No. 1 lode naurrryed; oa th- Coffee and were Mrs. I. a move- - hl rcsrance tn said canae on tw Also have fine white faced heifers South Ihe Chief No. II lod. joumed doughnuts Through sparks, """ 27lh ot hy Copper over 150 mem- - before the March. 1930, rode arid some rows sale. Canned unaurveyed; on the We.t hy the Copper served. The order has ment was pnt tinder way for the iB .,d ammr rendered eaaioa. for Hunts Fruits. s Chief No. as lode nnaarTeyed jbers. Qos-i- Journal. coHectiPn of a sbin-nef- tt of book" him byd.ianit. ', E. W. ALSTON, PAiM.? iS'TV , iand magazines to the Coys' Reform The name and adders of plain tiffa al Encino, New Mexico Richelieu Canned by the Copwer Cnnrt No. Delifhttnl Party at Ma(dnleaa . c lorneys is Cairon Catroa. Suite t- - Catron Vegetables. lode matirreyed; on toe East by the Coj, The A1ma Panlsen and Mil- - !.cno' l P"3e. Santa New Meaiets. Chief No 4 yfisst, ! per lode nnawreeyed ana 'a HV. aa 'Vhereot I hare bereaata taaaa UPVJLa Sea MiraeJ lode at this oa theiOred Walter, entertained several Faewlty Party 'wiy hand and affixed th seal ai aaas Jra JX rf rrreyi - SrS aaasrfar ti oalaaa) South by the Saa ViaTiel lode of- this cncsts at a driighttu party given re- -, The most rnioyable faculty party this Uth nar of Febmarr. tsua. eronn 1 lode and the Cojrper o cf.ntlv home Mr. and Mrs. ever held was AL s at the of at State College given fal 1 Wact'eea,ans-- rn!ef"r7 G. C. York Mas-c- week I Ai.rmroo i.tiryao lode 713 at Magdalena. Monday night of Ust at Hadley Coamty Orb aaid Clerk ai the District li I Kfiimi k frflOT) No. SS lode aaaaieeytat Iseicct.ons and games were tne ehtet Han. tn the form of an tndo tr car- - saaatt at aata-F- r rew Meaiea XTi x H. S. IftrnsaajV-- KAUNE & CO. ntAMCISCO DELC.ADO. features of enlertaininent. Delicioni jtiival and under the direction By A. - BERGERE. fit aaw rstarnj .( circus, Deaaata 7 aaaa j refreshments were served the of Deaa Barnes. Las Crnces Re- - First Puhlicarloa Taamnrr 1 r"T by Pirat PMicatMn Pebraary . MU Last Pabaeatsaa March 1 atm ci.arming hostesses. public Pnoucntioa Harch S, m NEW MEXICO STATE RECORD SUPPLK.MENT, MARCH K, 1J2(

SOCORRO lessees are as anxious to c .mplcte the ground and construction on the NEW MEXICO the tests and see what underlies ibis new Azar Mercantile buildingt has section, as the most optomistic re- been begun. The Montoso Sheep Company re- sident. Drilling must start by April In a short time these new buildings sold all of their in NEWS REVIEW cently holdings, and the operators are confi- will be completed and they will great- eluding real estate, water rights and dent that the rigs can be moved to ly change the appearance of Front on .1. II. I stock range, to the ong selected sites and drilling begin on street . Sheep Company, of (ireat Tall s, Mo- or before that date. tContinued from nnr.t ntana. a member of the paer J. (i. Herd Two other rigs will be in this sec- The Clayton Bakery, recently pur- tie. Mr. Hart has just lost four fine J. j. Long Company, closed the con- tion within the next sixty days and chased by Win. Kuncke and renamed cows, killed by the train at one time. tract making the transfer, and Don- when the four drills begin punctur- the Sunshine Bakery, is really con- ald Wilson will be in chaw tor the ing the bowels of old Mother Karth, sistent wi:h ils name. Mr. Kuncke Jake McCabe sold two cars of new company. The transfer is to Magdalena will be in the limelight has had the building remodeled and cows recently at per head to a take place on March 1. Magdalena right, ami the news front here will pa'ntccl white, and the fixtures d ne Mr. Hoffman, of Snyder, Texas. News. be watched in every financial center in white enamel, which has given r.hda enterprise. of the country. ti e place a piciure of cleanliness, Mr. Word was received from headquar- Kuncke is a baker, a son of a baker, Emmet Core sold 150 choice Here- ters Tuesday by Manager Argall. oi and spent several mouths during his ford cows Monday to John nuns, the Ozark Smelting Si Mining Com- TORRENCE service for his country as a baker in of Portales, at a price of $75 per pany to resume operations at once. the I'. S. navy, lie knows how to head. This is an advance of about In fact a larger force than ever be- Vicente Campos who owns the produce "ihe teal articles," and is $15 per head over the prices that fore. It will take a few weeks to place just west of the New Mex- now giving Clayton bakery goods prevailed a few weeks ago. place the mill in shape for operation. ico Central Depot has been pi. lut- second to n me. Clayton Citizen. to secure the force to resume trees and He has V. jand ing .shrubbery. A little child of Mr. and Mrs. operations, but this work will be fenced his place with heavy poultry Clayton now has a fine or- J. Taylor who live three miles out .pushed as rapidly as possible. This wire and has about fifty trees chestra . of town, found a small piece ot con will be good news to every business it ceutrated lye which put in its mouth man and property owner in Magla-len- a, and swallowed t result in a VALENCIA enough as it means many more people The New Mexico Salt Co., however, it Refining very disagreeable burn, for the town. The Ozark Stncllin:' was organized with I. C. Sanchez of is hoped that apart from the suffer- fx-- Mining Company is one of the Of the many offers presented by no serious are to Albuquerque, as Directing Manager. five or six New Mexico communities ing complications largest operators in the state and have been a lot of be They getting sal; for the establishment of expected. I'ortales News. their pay roll amounted to hundred-o- f out but to the season the Frances owing rainy Will.ud 'chnol tor the induce- thousands of dollars each year tin the lake has been covered with wat- girls, til the low price of minerals coin ments presented by Helen are great- SAN JUAN er most of the time. This company est. pelled them to shut down. I'nder is 10,000 feet of lumber on putting The chamber of Helen the present orders to resume the pav the build and will commerce of Dr. V. V. Smith and son Horace ground to ats, offers farm lands a roll will amount to at least $"i,(KKI a three inch Centriiicul irrigaled choice have closed a deal wi ll the Sun put pump of or four different in just per month and will gradually grow and 5 Horse Power ias into three tracts ta He railroad for a "f land Fngiue or town in of 10 to 20 township larger as output of the mines the lake and the salt near acreage about twenty-fiv- e miles out from pump wale, acres - and a bonus of the these when cash $5,0U) to where will in the upon bank into vats, institution to locate Gallup they engage this water will have get the there. stock business. 1. evaporates they The official board of the New T. Abrams and force from San the salt where can handle il state they Mexico W. C . T. Marcial are here this week for the and it will be cleaner than it I', alter visiting J. O. Walker, from Arboles has easily the sites in Belen, and con- of building a new st ickvards Wil-lar- d proposed hundred stands of purpose taken direct from the lake. other offers unani- purchased two at this point. The old yards will be Record. sidering voted bees down in the Jewett valley sec- dismantled and an entire new yar I mously for Helen. will to I All tion anil ship them Arboles erected. The will be enlarge all the propositions of other places, He of the hives fr yards The farmers at Silverton are such got a part in iind will cover double the amount ot over the fine as Portales, Clayton, Albuquer- Pierce. smiling crop prospects Fe, were listed Harry ground now occupied by the pens. and each is to outwork que, Santa Moriarty trying in full in a letter sent to the national Feeding pens ami a complete water- in plowing, listing, burning Tom Irvin, mounted inspector for in. im- executive officers of the W. C. T. ing plant will be put These weeds and geneial rustling around. the state sanitary board for the provements will make the yards at V. in F.vanston, III. This national counties of Sandoval and I committee will have the final word San Juan, Magdalena one of the largest an Bean C out Kio that the on all The lensoii i, shipped to as to locati m. Arriba, says grass most convenient in the stale, and will a of cars of beans say the is ami that couple during ranges getting green be appreciated by the st icknicn who the week, though it can scarce- you can get a go kI beef off tic past STATE OF NEW MEXICO load at this point. ly be saiil that beans are moving, as STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF range anyplace. Farmington Hustler. NEW MEXICO the market seems very slow. Buy-er- s W. F. C. A. McF.lrav. have not been beans, Certificate of Compariaoa Aldridge. hunting id A. C. .1. So. 50 t'llllc.l States Annrua SAN MIGUEL F. Thomas, A. Crow. II. but have paid when they )s Mem- N.-- Foster and W. W. Kverts, of roitld't conveniently dodge the deal. Stale of Mexico ) Texas, who are nffice-- s of. an I I'staucia Herald. IT IS lll.KI.IIV ( I Ki ll ll.ll. lli,-I- Construction of the Romero block phis, a Ir.ins-lli- interested in the liar aunt Aril lllil, tin- .iinl tiiiiiplftr building on the l'laza is rapidly Hear- financially en i Mine, were looking over the R. V. Fllis, from the ,,l , ill lmoriiir.iti-.i- ing completion. The work of install- geologist trtilu.l l...y initiate to ma' ing the State I'niversity at Albuquerque, to- ,.( the glass front was in pro- property preparatory IIIK S U X OTV I A l l K LOAN' COM ing plate at the mine and plac- with F. (iridihs, went over gress Friday, and with the fin:i as- improvements gether J. I'.WV of and ing it in active operati n. the country on the Mesa, southeast (Ni. HU75) sembling the heating lighting loca- , ii'l-i- s in, nt s tlii as saiin- will of M oiuitainair, ami selected a rr'in, fixtures, the edifice be complete. of aiie, ii hi. .hi. i.l .t.l Ihe which , Considerable excitement was creat- tion for the drilling Torrance tin sun,- c.i The structure is one of any M luc is thor- ed ill Magdalena morning c unity's first Oil Well. ". (irubli, IX TESTIMONY" IIKKI.i H '. tin might be proud, and Titc'day t I city arrived five assures us that a contract has been S'.er .r f it it 'ii an mission modern and in ev- when the train bearing tin- Mi li s oughly a well S:.i!c ..I New nun oil con- let for the drilling of at least .1 Ii ery detail. Flooring throughout the loads of drilling machinery r.icini llns c. rltll. an- la signed to Keoitgbau it Hurst, ex- .i.OfO feet deep, and gives ii a. the i.ii:lii.l liy Its Ch.iirniaii an. thr building is of hardwood maple, the Ii oil men, who have leases opinion of the I'niversity (icolot'ist seal uf s.ii'l ( ..I11IIHSSI..II, in ceilings are of metal design, and the perienced affix. at Itn- H y i S.iiu.i e e . oil will he found wiihin that walls have been finished in on over one hundred thou and ac that n lint 7th ilav ot I i lirn.iiy, A. in vicinitv. The outfi II. I.JO tine. The display windows arc flo d of land this depth. was fr itn a in Colorado m i, ii ii. wii.i.mms. with hardwo id. and adequate pro- shipped point C a At a meeting of the stockholders vision has been made for their i- and consists of complete, standard Atlrst : of Farmers Stockmen' y M llumination. A basement of "Star" rig, including casing and lum- the Fq A. ol( HI Si IN. generous held last Saturday, it ricrlc. area finished in cement, provides ber. F.xchangc & Hurst have been re- was decided to name the new cor- S T ATE OF IOWA room for Keougban S. , ample storage purposes in the "Motmtainair Farmers iry nl Statr. X. M. Sundt is in chnrcc of con- presented all leasing Hub's and poration I, W. 1'. KA.MSAV, S.cnt.iry of Slate A board of directors of .1 l t struction. The is hcin.j deals by F. F. Massatn. whom, we Exchange." .( tin- Stale loci, al' r lin decorating will be here in the nexl five members and officers were ch er .rate ..( itn- Stile. I' HIKE Hone under the direction of Chris understand, IIV I Y. the instru- lin-- follows: .1. A. ERTII that atlaclnl or two to oversee the unloa as Cooper, presi l Dahlgard. Las Vegas Optic. day vice ment ill wrintiK Is a trie- ami .rrn y of the rig and attend t having it dent: C. A. Noble, president; i.l llir Ann lift of Itii'.riH.rntn.n ( the to the location of the first drill- Ira C. Bruce, secretary-treasurer- ; T. Slorx t I I V' CATTLE LoAX (OMI'AXV SIERRA" taken I atmnil-ftiiiit- we X. Hollon and L. A. Williams, d- ut Si. .us Hy, Ii.wa. CRetlur with ing operations. While have been t all of rcconl in for irectors. hereto, at appear unable to learn the exact location , Stauber & at I.ake those on the inside, claim The new organization will incor- LnYlsITMONV WHItKRKOf-- I have here-tmt- Wright Valley, this drill, halnl ami affixeil of Mauda-lena- , under the laws of New Mex- set my are continuing their underground it will go out northwest porate tin- otlidal seal uf the Secre- e with a of $20.000 01. operations with a force of about at a point about thirty-fiv- miles ico, capitalization tary ut Stale of the State of 25 M unit a in air Independent . I ..-.-. men. They have recently opened from town. , was Ilnne at Des Moiti-- the up some new ore, the quantity not The second rig. which shipped SEAI. of the Ihe in .ipilal Stale, thli yet being determined. Shipments from the Oklahoma oil fields some UNION .Mil day of January. A. U. IKJI. month of December were weeks is expected to ar- W. C. RAMSAY. the two ago, of of silver ore from 1 rive within few and State. tons running the next days By J. II. MOORE, to 20 ounces. Besides this they are active operations with both rigs will The excavation work on the big Deputy. leasing to several men who are ship- begin as soon as the drills ran be warehouse of the Otto-Johnso- n Mer- ARTICLES OF tXCciRPoR ATluX iK HIE more or less ore all the time. moved to the chosen for the cantile Company is about completed SKlt'X IITV CATTLE nX COMI'AVV ping points We, (.EiiRi.E S. PARKER. F. I.. EATON a a a ut . The firm has opened store with test. The rigs are capable of point and in short time the constructi an t J. I.. .M IK II I. I.L, on In half of our-- good stock of goods of all kinds of .1500 fret or deeper and work will work will be begun. Iv a an. I on of am h other per- is sona hereafter legally become ai- - merchandise. Southwest Magazine , progress as fast as possible, as the The brick and other material on at may socialcd with us in the i m- rprUe ii rein tioti until said first annual meeting shall AMENDMENT TO ARTICLES () It OR. the saiil F. I.. Katon and S. (i. Fat'tn contemplated, do . iate mrsi Kt s to. be as Pillows: (ie.Te S. I'arkcr, Presi'lent ; PORATION OF THE s.tiil Aim tl'ltntnt to Arlii'lrs of ;is a In v crpor.ite, under ami hv I'. I., t I'resnb in ; ami J. K. SIOCX CITY ( ATTI.K I.tiAN COMPANY. ItK'orporali-- as to Ije thr virtue of i hapter dm- f in I l flu-- Mitclu 11. Secretary ami Treasurer. HE IT REM KM MKR KD: That at a special ai't an.l .!'.'. of sail! corporation ..tic Iowa, and Amendments thereto, anl A k l it l.K XII. These Articles may be meeting of the stockholders of The Si mix an-- of ih.m as Nice rresiilfiit an.l Sec- hereby assume all l If rights, power aril am. mie-- at any niet tMiw, or at any City Cattle Koan Company, duly called ami ret, try. rrspiTtivcly, pi liters conferred m or'cd !" snitial meeting, ..I the sit. ckh .biers, by a held at its office in Sioux City, Woodbury WITN'KSS my han.l and Notarial Seal tlie corporations fur pecuniary profit by said vote of not less than t hree t lis of th County, Iowa, on the 9ili day of May A. day and year last above writtt-n- t; .ii.d Ann n Ini- n; s th.reto, and l. sto. k r pn sente.l .it cillier the annual T 1. I'd1', the Articles of Incorporation of E. C. Coais, t hat t nd we 'li Inn !y ail- pt In- follow Special meet MM'. sanl company were amended by the re- Is'otary I'uhlic. jii' Articles of Incorporation I WITNKSS WMKkKuF, we have to peat of Article V thereof and t he Mihsti (SKAI.) A RTK'LE I. 'I In- name of lliis corpora- set our liainls am) cause.! these Artic- tut ion therefor of the article hereinafter STATK OI- IOWA tion shall he Till-- MmI'X II Y t I ' K les to be ex. cutt .1. staled; and (icore S. Parker as Presi- u in iinieuv oir.NTV. l. i.W ( DMl'ANV, and it principal place i.oru-- S. I'atkr. dent of said company, ami S. Kat ti I' tor reiord this l'Jtlt il.iv of lany. of hiisin. ss hall he Sioiix Cuy, Wo ..hairy I'. I.. Katr.11. as Secretary, were duly authorized to exe- A. I). I'UO at i:30 o'clock P. M. ami re- I.. sanl a mt mluu-n- so have I i onto v. State ot a. J. Mitchell. cute adopt ed, and cur. It. in book H4 .Misc. pakT S'lO. ARTICLE II. 'Mil- e.mral nature of thr State of Iuwa ) t he same recorded ami ptihh shed as pro- K. A. Rogers, bu Miir s to he t ran ic liy tins e Tp Jss vided by law, Recorder. id V. ral i 'II sll.ill he I he in of III Hie y. aiiil it W'ooill uty ( ouiity. ARTICLE Hy E. Hills, t r ail loans "The affairs of ibis shall be may lake as security any t UK IT N KM HKU KD. That .11 this corporation .1 by- a board of five CSt Hi.. 'Ir, m or l uaes up .ii live rk or ol her .1 of T. In-- rv V D. 1' I.', b f ,re me the conducted directors, STATK ill' 1IIWA ; to be chosen the e.r a sj l' r " pi pi ri y "i on r a ale ami utflersit-neil- a Public in an. f r at annual imetinx, for record in tlie office of Notary ' Secretary haul and an s c a tin et in called for that S:.-.i- . corporation Jialt luve p'.ver sanl oimtv ami State, I'er s. uiali y appear purpose. of Jan. o A. l'UJ and recorded .111. il s .i Vacancies in the board of directors shall 156. tn..riiy p'.iictia- t. rt.i.cai. Ceork-- S. Parlor, K. K. Kaloti ami .1. K. in I10..L IJ b pane Muck in ' an to be filled the di ami iln other corp .r.iii ncy M lit lu II, pi T ' tia y t me kll.ot ti In be by remaining rectors, tiidur-e- . ;. u e uih. r ihrtctor or direct' ch .sen the EMHKSK1: sill, .1,011. an. tin- nit ntual p. rs.uis who sitieil anil rs, by of all - or .l'IiL,at :oit r. board of directors or at a im et loreiun dispose li"li the tore..inn Articles of Incnrpora-t- i special i y uei. intf of the shall hold until Xi. M.ir5 (or. Rec'.l. Vol. 6 Tafe 626. ccived hy it, and s' tin 11, an cacti for himself :n'e.l stockholders, ail at nu! at.- - hawit p ov the next annual election of the stockhiM-ers- . Certified Copy of liitis; that he siericil ami execute. the same as oi lo mid - r x. haiii: I. Ins ami tb All directors shall hold until their Certificate Incorporation purchase ..lmi'aiy act el ami t.T the A of real ami personal prop, riy as nh.dl lie tin rein set forth. successors have been t lected. majority .K . purr.' of of shall TIIK SIOI X CITY CATTLE t'.r its pr in ..r si. ih WITNKSS ham am! S. al the directors this corporation l.O.W it my Notarial ..ti a of he it till. lieccssaty for the cilhcti'll 01 the .lav ami ear last b e n constitute quorum for the transaction in I Ift'ice of ( Cointnts-siot- l e r of ht s or claims ou .11 or .'. D. VANDVKK. business.' Sic orp ration w !l lie l the un- of New Mexico. lm il may iniert sted , said corpora No". c Public of I Woo.l-bti- i ITESS WHEREOF, uudcrs. it .wa in ami for til 1'JII I'. M. t e ii shall a so ha e p- nu r to h o row in in'i ( The Sioux City Cattle Loan Company ;. omit v. A. I.. ami if ue ii proimssnry lrs th tvim by its officers, ( S. Parker as Pre- MllKRISllN. - Ii (si:m and S. as have Clerk. a cure the .s.i me iti sue iiiiinui a SIA'IK (IK HiWA, WiHiDHl kV NTV sident, ii. Eaton Secretary, he advisahl.-- (((I In r .unto sinned ami at know It d the JJH to EM A. m.,v .btmel I.1..1 for this 5 .lay ... bv. A. D .lyt Cotnpar..! J ainemlmenl of the iaid AU It LE III. The ..uihoriz. cpiial I'h at .clock P. M. ami 'nc .! The Siaiv k h iil h t.. Cattle I. nan this STATE OF NEW MEXICO st. i.t this n.rpor iti..n 111 b 11. k 54 .Misc. 5J1. titv Company, Uth day pac ot A. L. VA STATE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF Tl iiinl Dollars 50.i. w hit h hall be K. I.. 11 bl. S. May, S. Parkt-r- NEW MEXICO .litnhd into sh.iits ..1 Hue iiuuir.u l Uecor l,r. Genrue ,,11 J'resident. lars each. .,i ub.c!. anili t,, STATK til- InWA ) SS Certificate of Comparison a h S. ii. Eat-.n- , .pilal Mock shall be paid in he ile.l f..r r.coril 111 the ..ffice nf Scr-tiir- Cnited Suites of America ) the filmy of tin se Arin b of Slate lebruarv A. D. V'U ami re Secretary. )ss H l Uth, New A k l.K Tins coI;. rari shall cor.b-- in lb .ok II 5 pane 5.'V (Seal) State of Mexico t Ic lm-- , M ( KK in nit tu ,i in en til 10 r..n ti . S. AI.KKN. STATE OF IOWA ) IS IIKb'lilY TI l'l EI), that the St In-- in ss on tin .la)' i.i I. l.t, r S cr. v of S )s8 anil, vol is a full, true and complete trans-tnp- i r s ( of s,,.,n thru ni. as these Arucl. are Proof nf Publication fib ,1 Mar. Jn, oo.lbury ounty. ) the lilt il in- of Mi e ot t h oi of A.MKNDM! On tint. Uth day of May A. I), l'l1), Statement I an-- li - c AT IV. ik COM-PA- M.ile it thr Stale i. .s,t, r Akll' (" before nn , .M, M. I'rit k, a no. at y puln a THE SloCX CUT ATTI.K I.OAX II PnkAIHiN" tK TDK tlln ,t!i sh.itl be receive I. Ti. 11-! in and for said and , Y air SI'M'N CITY t ATTI.K l.ttAN ( tbMPANY County Stall per- ci Tpoi ai n in .1 t ran sac t, an shall sonally appeared it urv e S. ami S. I ti.n.'.'intf Characti r of lUisiness, KNu Al.l. MK. V Parker, . ti tut tin io 1.1 Ik nn-- i'r.Ut al i tic-- inn pi nii'ii.i .j ci That at an ,nl of (i. Eaton, to personally known, who .j Agents, etc. t In r Iti r, til. , vi 111 a (A'l'S: joiiritet! meeting tin- s. (No, M7u) sinner ( ( 1c by severally duly swmu .mi , Ik- the sto. kh ibler.s of the Sanx y at whn !i .hssMhHLi.n t'.i. .t .1 that the said i. S. Parker with tlie cn lorst nictiis thereon, as same I. nan ;i Tat ai orati-- say a iilt ot Hit less than ihn e o t.iiipany, ctttp. duly President and said S. i. Katon i on file ami of record in the of- '1 limb r lb. laws of the State of Iowa, is the appears its l a a Stock in ;u t.'.ili .'.in of The Sioux Cattle Loan fice of the State Cninini ssion. hehl ill tile ofiicc ..f (tic Ml Nicntary City Corporation t l.t- im. uf t he St at s .f Jo a. (otnpatiy Sunt. the IN TESTIMONY pio ais ut. th,- I Company, corporation named in the WIIEKEoK, the U Cmv. Iowa, on 'fav of br iar A I' he all., rs ..I c Tp r.: fortoinH Amendment to Articles of Incor- Stale t ot porat ioii i .mm I. after lue ami notice tia-- lesion tn.11 shall be i.ti.!uct. by a It.i.u f of three l'l'.. that the seat affixed is tin c of the State of New Mexico ha be- II ui etl to the Stockllnl.lers t hereof Ml poration; be 111 tin- .ck ill SEAL cans- d tin be (. .iir.ctois, ile.;cl ti with - ..f rate st of sanl corporation, an that certificate to - ,11,. by he nim I i T- -, ,11 ead. conformity lis attab iiic.ip.t tlie forenoinn Ann m lint nt to Art ( feimd its Chairman ami the- n li. ..11. ibe laws of tin- at which ides by .1nmi.1l or at ..11 state, was sinned ami in se, it of haul Ci m mi it s be liiiititu. a.'iilin the r of the st- k of sanl Incorporation sealed ion, lo sp.1i.1l tu t.illeil fir lli.t s ijority of said of affixtd at the of Santa le pur.i was n the f. 111 corporation by authority in City a. am 1. s mi th.- iloanl of !nc. ,r sb.,11 corporation prcsciitcl, board of directors ami k tot kilobit rs, and on this 7th day of J'ebruary, A. a n ifi. nt .! - a nl. b v a 1111 ai be 'lit. b the t. , opt said S. ami S. h t n ni.i.inn.' uii'il'T ..i; vote of the stot k of haul cm-- the George Parker ti. t In- .lit ct or T .hn so ch sen h. .1 itilirtst the said Amendment II. ct.Ts as h b low ; acknowledged to lircai WILLIAMS, hohl until the annual .i t h tiv. ot be and mu il.cti'ii of shares f Incorporation to the voluntary act (.hairman. A of th. itiia T.'al deed of said of Aite-it- : M... kholiiers, niaj.irity cp out 511 corporation and tliein as Tali. shall cm -- t u ' a staiiilniu and A. L. tills ci.fp .i jti nuinbtr of shares of stuck President Secretary, respectively. MoKKISoN, rum t he transact ti of I.11 sines s. T.tal 1 I N ESS hand and xral derk. t life.l iit this ttieelillK 5tKJ my notarial tu AKIK l.K I. Ibe Miners .f and last above ST TK M KNT ol- ldKKMiN Cok Pt iUATH N cutie Total tittmber f shares of stock the duy year writ ten. thi.s c at inn sh.iil be a I 'r sh I. ni an M. M. Krick, KNOW ALL MEN MY THESE : pu Mi.-.- in li.-- of iiim tnlnu nt 5! Vice t, I tl.cte.l the oj A.MKNDM KNT: Seal Notary Public of iva That The Sioux Cily Cattle Loan ami a Seer, an! Ii in and for i a and exist-unde- r lirectors, tary Art it 1c III of Articles of re- oo.lbury ounty. Company corporation organized .. 1, e .r. that l he nc. s of S c Incorporation and virtue of the laws of the pt in peab- an be fnlb. Sllb-,- ult STATE OK IOWA liy y iiml be In M by tin ltl; of Iowa and to transact its r.tai Tn;iiirir may ART It KK 111. The ( anital v.tDIU RY COUNTY Slate desiring All such s amborta.l hiisittf Kg in the of New Mexico, frame p. tsoii. ollnet sii, of hit ran. shall b T o Filed for record this U day of May A State doth r .illl 11I1..1 slir make the tollnwintr statement it: ..III.. 'lie thur llutnlrt Tlintisatnl (Vmi.imn.iKi.', I), l'dy at y;5j o'clock A. M. and htnl.y ct it s are t tc.l ami lia e . l t lie l irs aceor-lauc- of ssi ;u pt. which shall be s of iti Hook Misc. pane l2i. vi'h the provisions Section i!ihh.l into sbar. "hie X. M. i odifu at um ot P'tS: ti him In Dollars lim mil e i.h. t sue IK111 K. A. R .yers. yS'i, Statutes, ts at) ilulhs of the U Tlie amount of its stock is FJdH.uu.iK) (lie p'.ui l.v .It. .I Th' sain Dollars ( MO.'f.N) mi) nf san! Ri..., r. capital In r. nil lore n an h..ll I. I. ti itstte.l is Utn. eis in. c stock I..- tl Hy K. M. Hills. tin the amount actually anil I. to aillhorie ,pita! sb..'l pan! The of the which is as ually p. rl.nn then cash la ft. re the filitiK' of this am tnlm- li. puty. character business it o, w a k ami llt. y x nt, in of New Mexico ntiii shall ,K. atil ibe balance of sail M.Mr, t n- n v. ) to transact the Slate e ami i Tin mi. Ii ut b. r lir n s .11 autbritl capi'al The of of er p k shall b. for . ami shall Iibd f..r record in the office of Sec- loaning motley, takinjj security - be rib.. b the pai.l tn ash for and sale id Pewits tnay pr. n be is Mid in tic h anioiinl ami at sin h times retary of Stale May 'l A. D. I'D ami tame, purchase personal l.avvs i.l tin l"?- and rieifotiablc also corp. .ration. as be liable the It .ai l recorded in book pan proper! y paper; power '.'.1 n. - Hi M, es h' OI .1 may ai by alu n li.'ttl. of nr. W. C. Ramsay, to b rrow iiimii y and secure its promissory sh.,11 b. I, lie. bv the II of ct.Ts. in such be dee d i.,t. Dlfnt Ts. Tin Pre lent ami of tin- Com- Secretary of S.atc. notes manner its may tin AIM It l.K II The r. Kutar aimii meet Secretary advisable also er to take on pany were .luly atnlwriziil ami .hrictnl I'rooi' of publication fib d l'J. pow mrtK.'nres my ot the si... kh.'bh rs o this e ,i r live and to foreclose the same in to in t.ti mil' k'r. Til. piibb-.l- ami (il- stuck, be st sii,'ii. A...l.D.iKM lo AkIKIKS lNit)i so shall be,l the C ml Tlf S'iaV til .lo all which law r default of the indebtedness In- tlnnus are by tiur.'.l. t. PukA'l ION OF THE a it a ot i ,11 ar. N t u e t ati The location of ils office in the I'oinpb te ami into effect the SH il CITY AT" l.K LOAN Ci i.M PAN principal nn ,1 hall b malt. t ca. It st.K-- .xecute, carry State f New Mexico is as meeting above ann tnlm. tit to the arlicbs of incor- HE IT RKMKAIIiKRKD: Thai at the rv designated at Ins last ktmu fi'ice and the atfetit whom pro-ii- ' r, p .si ai of sanl company. nular of the stockh .biers of The Santa Ke, upon li. ii..t I. ss than ti tl lll'l n T ui 'i poration nnetinn the be served ss, We S. ami S. i. Katoii, Sioux t t attic Loan i In 1.1 ,u'anist corporation may til. ;n (.'Ut bel.Ti mh annual orj:e Parker, ny oinpany, iluiy is Keese J. Kullcrtoti a natural of twenty .lays Chairman ami Seen of sanl nu t tiny il ill us in Sioux Cani- person Sin h t be .10 tary City, oo.lbury full resident in he State of mt.iiti. uni ting h. r. bv the ab..e to be a true ami J on t he Kith ot l''H, ae actually l -- h ml-- certify ty, .i, day January New ili'VMn, whose td abode is Santa joutm ffin tni.e to tune ..iiasim corn t statement of the fluids of th the Articles of of said cor- place I. tn l, ami II kli..l.!i r shall n pr..cct Incorporation N. M. ,ti ai s'.., ht.t khoMers at tie ;iloi.' ti aim. me uny. as amended were amended by re- le, to one I.T h ..f si .1 I. poration N W1I VESS WIIKREoK. the said The title ..le cat shar tilCdktiK S. PAkKKk. Chairman. t he t hree bin s ot A R I'M 'l.K v lm ll be pealing first Sioux t attic Loan i In!.) by him, may cast in p. K) S. Y w ith the " I he City oinpany s r b (SKA ti. KAI'UN, S.ntiry. thereof, cotnim ticinn words, has d it s name to be h. pi .xy. In w itll tin- above n s..lutnt ami with word canst nil t t lie Afl.nrs' concluding' the and Sp met of s! .tck hobh rs ma we. of sanl unto subscribed its corpor- itii the Presnb nt ami Secretary "plllpose," add silhsaiUlillK f.r siild clause 1. be 1. uli. b the 'r snieiit or a Hi.,jot it y 1.: .1 ate seal to be hereto affix. and o mil, have executi this 111 st rutin lit , III i t : the It .aril h on m it n lb' Tp.rat bowing, these to be executed by rectors, try ami in hereby sin.11 ami acknow h ilye the " I he a f ta irs of t his corporation shall be presents lloiice mi to the ck h .. r , its Pre suit nt and tins lays' wntMiK. for ami 111 In half of the c con-iu- d a board of u .i less l Secretary, same, t tt by ban live ,1rd of A. U. l'OV nf the tune, place ami purp-s.- lav of A. D. 1' If.. i.S' n be day Kebrunry, b,- p..rati.m. this lst April. r more than nine (' tlirt to met an. no lnivitn s shall ir.m-- Pr.-i- cttir, Sioux Cattle Loan Co. tint.', (.KoktiK S. PAkKKU, i. 11:. i host n at the annual ineeiiun ot tin- stin t'ity ti at the nit i ot In r Attest : Hy special tan; ;iah S. ti. KA'hiN, ll hit rs, or a special mectitiK called t lint tin n t ii in in sm h m t n r STATK OK lr S. C,, Eaton, A. H. Sam, "I t.. h li., an IuYA, putpoM-.- President. The ( Dir.. is Jl ,:i, ) IN WITNESS WIIKRKOF. The Si ux City Secretary. tin tl vr ea. li ear. on till' same ENDORSED: ilay CmiitV of W IbltrV ) Cattle Loan Company, by its Nice I'nsi- ami rii in f. .Mow in 1; t ot k h. .hi. r Koreinn iliaiely the UK I U KM I'M ID kKI. that on this 21st L til and ituilioried at said 'I he f Dir. ct it t Secretary, duly No. 11.176 annual tne. titiK. Hoart ilay of April, A. D. before nn-- a nn et mn to sanl Atnem line have also 't ami statt-- l'lh, execute tit, Cor. Kec'd. Vol. 6 Pane 6J6 may In.. tq. ia nnet iil's public in jtml for sanl coun'v ami Inn unto sinned and a. know bin d t he at itch lime ami h notice as th notary Statement of upon sin personally appeared flcorfCf S. Park- Anuii-linen- t the Articles tf lty-I.- of the ion SIOUX CITY CATTLE KOAN COM- corpor;it may pretr'be, er, ami S. ( .. Katon, each be in to me as Am. n.b .1 of ttie said The Sioux THE Mini s.uil Hoar. I m In r. u PANY Directors is by rsoti.illy known, who tie mm; by me lu!y Loan with the seal mi.Ii t as be pi City tattle Company, I), "ii'tiatitiff hnracter nf tlmri7'il to rnaet lawi imv sworn 'Inl say, that are the Pre. t I of san! affixed, oil tltii I'M 11 day of Business, t lie rub- they company etc. let mill xM.hiiit f..r ami tn man' ami of the Siouk A. D. l'UJ. Principal Office, Agents, rrn of Secretary respectively January Office of t'otnmil-sio- n nt thr enrp' Tat Cattle Koan ami that sanl 1". L. Tiled in Sla'e Corporation AKTICI.K .. City Company, Eaton, of New Mexico. Mil. Ibe private nistrununt wan myneil ami seab-.- in be- Vice- - President. t lie Miei ors ;Mnl si n k I) T b rs ot hi of 7, 1JU 2 P. M. Tp'Tal half of sanl corporation by authority its (SKAL) S. ii. Eaton, MOKRISOV. cri.. .ration sh.iil tit trxi nipt frm corporati stuck and that at know ledued A. L. tl. holders, they Secretary. Clerk. bt aid tn be the act STA1 K l" IOWA. s: IX. instrument voluntary Woodbury County. EM A. AklK'I.K Ibe liih.M atm.nnt ..t urn I th ed of said tin in vo- On tins .lav of A. D. I't2 Compared JJO to ilib hle.lni'Mi which this corporation, by January t) cnrT.M nti may luntarily executed. bi fore tne, K. '. Coat, a Notary Public in at uiiy time subject itsilf shall ti t t (Seal) A. V. SMITH. and for said and k County State, personally; Th of Success cie-- tun llnr.U o! its afital Si Notarv Public. K. L. Eaton and S. i i. Eaton Secret l.K X. Tin shall appeared to, Akllt have STATK OI" li'W'A WimlHII KV CttCN me personally known, who bein by me! a corporate al on which the n nut ..1 TV 1 il.d for record this 22 nf April teverattv dutv sworn did severallv av that is se- I. day Tlie secret of success not a the TnT.ition! t.c ami t'n A U. l K o'eb-c- M. I". engrave. 'lh at A. and rcrorded the Haul L. Eaton i Vice President and is new. Nor of tlie unit shall be irt senbt by th. in Hook 72 Mies. niiid S. Eat in of Tne cret. Nor it something a Tae the ti. tin Secretary lty 1. A. H'HIKKS, Sioux Cattle Loan the t is it hard to secure. To U Ttie-la- City Company, something AK1 I E M. Inti1 the rrnnl Kecorder. ion named in the forenoitin; Amend- become more successful, become tti January, 114, the affairs nf thtt STATE OK TOWA )SS ment to Article! uf Incorporation at amend- efficient. Do little rnrpnr.-itio- nhall le cornluctetl by the I iled for re t.rd in the office nf Secre- that tlie seal affixed ts the more the thinps who nhall ed; corporate will lowine persons, constitute th. tary of State April 27 A. I. I'Jlb and tieal of said corporation, and that the better. So work that you require provisional Itnard of lincttr , namtly: in bo.k V-- pare 246. Amendment to Article of Incorpora- less The least supervi- .fi.rLf .S. I'arkt r, 1'. h, K.tton an.i J. I.. VV. S. AI.KKN. supervision. tion as amended ai signed and waled in sion is needed the person who Mitchell. Serretarv of State. behalf of said corporation, by authority of by The exft utive officer! of this eorpora- Proof of Publication filed May 4 itt board of director! and stockholder, and makes the fewest mistakes.