University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-5-1920 New Mexico State Record, 03-05-1920 State Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/nm_state_record_news Recommended Citation State Publishing Company. "New Mexico State Record, 03-05-1920." (1920). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ nm_state_record_news/191 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in New Mexico State Record, 1916-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NEW MEXICO STATE RECORD SUBSCRIPTION $1.50 SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY MARCH 5, 1920 NUMBER 283 SANTA FE AND RUSH FOR OIL LAND .KNIGHTS OF ALBUQUERQUE PYTHIAS COLFAX DONA ANA flour spar properties north of the EACH GET CONVENTION ; REMINDER OF OLD DAYS j AFTER BIG SANITARIUM NEW MEXICO A (city, has been visiting his daughter, ' I . , . i. e c . ! . U.. o. mis weeK. The Republican state central com--! Henry J. Coort, Jr.. of Albuquer- - HuIi II. Williams, chairman of the ine rneips-Uode- e company is de- - Amnnmcnii irr nn umter ... cvaipiif. jpann 7T It mittee which met at the Capitol que and a number of associates have state corporation commission, and . Elding ?f a county fair in "short' Z iSEJfff"?-- OI :a- - ' 'X " building last Saturday disposed of returned from the Seven Lakes oil now serving his third four year term - lnr uc" scnooi Las cruces in IVOl, and a petition n w;. 'jk,.... it..... considerable business with dispatch fields in McKinley county where as supreme representative for New icilities for the employes. A recent for same has been filed with the com-- j and took in the big race to Mexico, in the of the report from the county superintend- - missioners. unanimity. jthey part Supreme Lodge of The time and place for the first stake claims as soon as the informs- - Knights of Pythias is not leaving a BERNALILLO jent schools shows Dawson to be LUNA convention which will select delega- - tion was received that the president stone unturned in his efforts to in-t- making great progress education.-dl- Some nf the (mil tr... in th;. the convention had oil bill. duce that and - 'The schools have an enrollment of in bloom to national is signed the leasing great patriotic chant- It is announced H. F. Robin- - cinity Last Saturday night George Hicks March 26, at Santa Fe. to Mr. Coors this able to raise a fund of by 900. with a corps of 25 t eachi'rs P.p- - According big organization son. of irrifration Indian - i i . ' id his wife (colored) were arretted 7 r the- tprv. aiucs k tuui - vcar nitfn iv '.V;;hVZ":Mia Re- - The apportionment of delegates for rush was second only to the big race approximately two million dollars for snmni muni late frost.' Las Cruces by representatives from the sheriff's this first looV when Oklahoma was of convention is: inn opened the purpose erectm 'OCl,ed will city police and de- - snriitni-mr- l AlbuMr1e adults in the common -' otlice, department lieruh!!o, 21: Chaves, 5: Colfax, to settlement, the principal ditter- aig a for the members 'hlJ00' branches, Span- of on a of receive an appropriation of mini - partment justice, charge 14 Do ence us jsh, vocation.,! ,;; a.vi ii .i ., J)e Baca, Ana beirg the (h..t or. - Coll a h, ,,i,rs $IJ,W0,y'r according i a bit! pa.-,i.i- EDDY ig l :!y Grant, G t i:: teal of the liiirs ' l.,rter nor cr.'l . by Fei.r.iarv part 7 ; . I Li-:- congress ii. lii.s s.im ii. , ...a. In most cases cl.Y losii. Jrt1 ; 'i t. t. e f- in 1'. 'is ?V,UD more an a -'' ; L.:n... biii - ii . Ivtng before the '..las..a uaY-- i tion - oi list year. The imica'c was ti 1.- !f. 0- in many i'ljtruices '! '.- thought needed on ac-miii- oi' tilt (coi,.. j P rties found their '" ii'Yu:, a!..., m n:at-n;;l- s- r . io ' cost of ' r luph . n ; 3, pYg onto others. V ,;t so c,.,i hip , 4S 4l. o- n ; i. .. ' .1 - . ,..t j of" of o.'.i - S.. ; jr- Various trttarts of tlii; ' Eleven hundred unci thirty-fiv- e 1) uir p- re m c 13. the information t'.'-i- f ' f i J an-- Mil) an ; " LYiors, 10; Valtnei.:, hooks th.e "t of pro.; tution 4 1 have been rec wni hy tilf. .1 i " I!.. ...ttUuii will be. the f.. .ii ha bten received n n.bers. :.:;! r v ataie university oi New Mexico trum .: f..r- - il.e hi.. ry of the state to seat rushes in automobile Tl e Ivvo int. lion dollir sanitarium ...ii.i.l Ml ihe i Library i.l.e. h.,aj( won.cn as dc!ccates. At the sueises- - suited in the cars becomim: mi in fund ti oi.o .ed bv Mr. Williams does ! . , . ' lntr lhl:ly or cxaniinaii. t!:an ihe have bce i ior ve.rs. C)w- - ej . i i l"! . use &uspein!ed durn uood behavior. ,.e I 1 i . , wmtii iiius rciuininu. lor mere intr I tinti nf H Rnrttm it ilo. which rasf Knmp tf t' p niTninn flftr nnk larffp unn nn tttfins tn , P ... to the abundance of grass last S."0 uic A- Ritls were also fined eacli and across afoot in consider 75O.00O Ceo- - - of the fall Hie of winter found cided to admit women on the same started country hope that there are now !!!!,", 'j A,ri nl ,w, J, Rnilcy. formerly beginning given a suspended jail sentence. basis as men even is doubt- - of on of in ,j" ?f Phil- - the cattle in excellent condition, and though it being first their locations. Knights Pythias this country !hav seenY iVrViea araicallv ll v 5ra"lp,0'' Rcniley.fi: N. Chavez, a jitney driver who is ful Jf the Susan B. Anthony amend- - Others were on the ground with and that the endowment sought r . ' "t "is cny, is now noiniiig tne :c iiiiiiiness oi ine winter nas said to be a of the tne world. position of cashier nf the First Na- - them with frequenter place, ment will be ratified in the nation stakes and description of the land amounts to less than $3 per member, brought through scarcely U3f t.'lLt ftlfrt fllutn.Kr' A I. in time for them to exercise the while friends on hill sig- - and still when the fact that ts . ttonal Bank of Cimarron, Mr. Vasty loss in flesh or weight. The , . 7 ready tops many r. r.c neanna,i.f rcany a"y .iLJ Z. l. i.j right of franchise in 1930. nailed the news that the time for very rich men are among its active operaior having resigned. ;s,ockme are .ooking forward to , seaT oT He wl In members and OI. iseason of unusual "the hi, jitney. The place for the convention to operations had arrived. other that they are class the Grant ?. prosperity. arraigned before Judge H. Y. Mc- - nominate a state ticket and cases, due no doubt to the excite- - which is embued with and Albuquerque building, The citv .unerint. nH.nf r . adopt generosity sitnated on the northwest C orner of .M,t. Keyesand bound over to the federal meft,. ana ot ThP nasu,. koeen warm ; a platform is Albuquerque. ment, parties staked one claim but patriotism. i thC ,,,. arrest iria twoi wcaincr, very lhe SUm The time of the nominating con- - filed the description of an entirely) In reporting the recent celebration rrL. ZL "lj?.n tf o,rVnU,:, Pare,,,. in Ra, for,j "'"ng to com- - n.l springlike. While this was very,CUrt .150- ifi different of - BI.HIHJI ai- - vrntinn tn h spt hv niece of land. the 56th anlversarv of the order. ..... f ....c ..en ii WIRam . ...u. , ' J r-- I I I . Tl. , ,:... I i... t"j I ... ... I. .. .. ....... .1 ......y ...... -- .. .n.iu . lontrirtnr . I - IV... I.l r. f - f mo. j j ,um IJU, tVlMinri. u,.im,,I, .........- ...v i.n- - f,..r lee OI ueorge K. .wiiicn sinia re uunc neia two-Stor- y r '. " weie ..ui uvcj ,u i,asi 0f biiildinir nf ex- - composed-- . r. uraig, - t: l : ,f Sill n nm cnare, tn, tne ...... hiwi n .u. ..:.u Dr.. .L:.'witn Splendid building, f.n.H v ft.. c Tl.:. - r i.r ikon u,a,,U K. .nf. Tr.nc jiaic enairiinn;e.; n.ti oiirsum, na- - cuidtpct i vr titnv inc om wuini in tnii ffround floor of which it now in ine jiiMiec uiri. .m, vamui man wumii lie s.uc. i iension to (he Nordhaus stores j. jvn a, 'u'tiL - -- i u ... tional committeeman ; Tom Hughes, r c".r "r. vniiiiami ran over ine long ,v naHu,a Ivmth.r. ft,. ." lia.e.nj ,"- " cn,n ... wnrlc i, . Albuaueroue : Secundino Romero. roil n..:,H M IaX '" Xh" raIv otd.st.ngu.shed speakers tell.ng A T, V . V "I?.1. " hnk from build . 1 r 1 .. n vvhitney. Hardware company and connecting the T.. , r... n. i u- Tti.- - nrl.a. t.rm. (i .nni.lhln r, n( v.v...nK . fh...... ...I.I.fl, - I. - vft.j., M. i.u. ( other concerns ing tnat is occupied v,u, in Santa Fe came...j to an which each selected or was ..."j" ZpT.
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