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2-13-1970 The aC rroll News- Vol. 52, No. 10 John Carroll University

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Feb. 13, 1970 Volume Lll, No. 10 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO

Union Treasurer BULLETIN CAlC Heat! Greg )larlier, ('nion presi­ dential cand1date who lost in 1he primarieR in the Union Frank Chenette in Race S<'nate last Tuesday, an­ nounced toda} that he will Chris Streifender Runs continue his campaign as a For Union Presidency ''rite-in candidate. Volin~ Cor student Union For Union Executive Post By BII.I, C..\1~ E Pre!;ident and Chief Justice In his acceptance speech last Tuesda~', Frnnk Chenette, will be held next :'\londay and By RICK KAPLAR . . Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 current Student Union treal-'urcr and nominee for the onice p.m. in front of Kulas \adi­ "The restoration of student confidence in ihe Umon lS of president. proposed nn expansion and an improvement of torium. All :.tudents who the most important lask facing the next Uniou president. our present institutions. and the ha\e an J.D. card are eligible and I believe that it can best be done by a person wbo has inno\'ation of several n<'W pro· proposes u srmestcr long orienta­ tion progrnm for freshmen. Tutor­ to vote, including evening not been indoctrinated for three grnms. I ing by sludents would also he of­ school, part-time, and senior vears in the w:ws of the past." f'or the Ra.thsk('ller, Frank pro­ class students. \vith these words, Chris :\I. Sn·ei· posed nights open to Uni\'. De- fered in conjunction with this pro­ gram. fender accepted the Student Cnion For the Scheduling of concerts, presidPntial nomination at last Frank prnpo!'e!' n Union presiden­ Tuesdn~·'s meeting. tial committee. m:lCle up of four Crabill Streifender empha:;ized that :;er­ senator;: and four n1embers of the vice. rather than profit. should l:ni,·ersit\' Club. Union funds for chal'acterize the Union. Of pri­ concet1 s ~~ould then be addect, al­ mary importance, he said, is the lowing for an improve<] quality of Seeks recognition , Frank pro­ Judiciary ing. Profits should be plowed by tht> past partmf"nts, an mct·eaSf' in the va· contact with C:~rroll Student~. This Council. nalional president of Junior Ach· riety of foods offerect to include week woultl be of b!'nefit to both "Thn creation of such an intra­ ievement. pizin, more happr hours, and the in that. Clevelnnclers would be fraternit~· Council would decrease Discu.;sing student membership budgeting of pr.oftts for greater anti made aware of talent at JCU, and the size· of the Senate and force more effectiv!.' u,;e by all students. :.tudents would be made aware of on the Buar,l of Trustees he said, member' of the class boards to "A more effecth·e way to influence In tt>nns of student rt•presenta• local employment opportunities. handle mort> respon.>ibility." he ou­ lntel1l!ll cnmmunir:~til'n would t~O Jn(-r.\b:Or.. is to uring small Linn !<'rnnk prop<>sed to Rit stu­ senPd. groups of students into infonnal rl<'nts on the Bonrd of Ttust<'es, the G<'t'! such innovations :such as a Scx:ially, open dorms received the contact with the Board." Rank, Tenure and Salary Commit­ ''Dial-a-C:llendar" infonnation ser­ candidate's endorsement. "The most tee, and a rcstructurmg of the ,;ce, bi-wet>klr colft'!e hours in pt·essing concern of the l'nion is Streifcnder, cul'l'ent president of l'ni\', l>b•ciplinnry Committee. He the snack ba1· and met>tings in the not better concerts, but the ach· the Clevdand Area Tnt ercollcgiate would :mppot·t the est:.'l.blishment of dorms. n full page of Union busi­ ievemcnt of open dorms for the Council. concluded by saying. "The a student liaison between the Stu­ ness to he ad,·ertised in the Car­ resident students." plan~ r ha\'P ju~t presentNI are dent Union and the City of tini­ l'oll Xews. Academically, Streifender called those whit·h can h· rPalistically ac­ versity Heights. HI.' would further Frank also proposed a "free uni­ for reform in the grading system; complishe•l with'n the one-year support g1·enter Student Union in­ versity" offering ~·ourses on cur­ thl' incorporation of pluses an1l term of a Uni(ln p ·t•:;ident." ,·olvement in the problems of the rent isSU!'l', such as 1-ace and war, Clevelnnd area. and on any subjcd of student in­ thl' job, he \\;11 chair the sP\en By way of inno,·::~tions, Frank tert'!!'ti.\ to be begun next year. member Judicial Board or the Stu­ There comes a time in lh<' histon of student govem­ dent UniAm. lnent ''hen tltat goYernment reaches an apt>'\, That time " 'J'he board's function is to :re· 1111'1\' has come for John Carroll's Student Union. f!.'llow ~tudents, view all cases brought before it On the brink (\( the 1970's, a new decade res before us. During the past ) t>ar, '"' hnve accompli,hcd much to· concerning chartet; · oolations and Facing John Carroll's Student L'nion s a challenge: to gethE-r. \\'c ,hare in the pride for our new l~alllf;kellcr, f matters of gcner:f, S1scipline. ;.tep dow11 into a course of shattered ide.alism and f~nci.e s, Gamcroom and Radio Station. We ha'e all atlt•nded the 1 Mikt> does not have a set plat- or to I>rostress into a course of respoMtveneSI;, dedtcahon man) eH'llts sponf'ored by ou1· Student l'nion. such as beer form due to the nature of the job. and c;ervice to Carroll student"' . . mixt>r~. Sunday night mo' it>'l. J)ugan'~t :\lt>n. the Tom Rush Hc indicated that the position it­ During my four years at Carroll l have been m a po:;:­ Conc<'rt, and the Dick GrPgor)· lecture. . self pr.ohlbits it. He added that he tion to observe ~our Student UU.:on at work. At the same .\s !ltudents we have as:.umed a morc re~;poll'-tble role hopes to keep "everything open- lime 1 h'l''e heen able to compare it to other student go,·- in thc administering of thh~ Unh·er~gislativc body for "The old adage that. things were Canoll'q Student t;nion has auomplished much m ~r- Hll academic policy. and two students on the Universit) l at their best when nothing came ' ice to its ~>I udents. Yet these achievements, beneficial as Council. thc highc't history, foundations of a passed responsible fo Fr. Schell ..\nd Finally, we now watt m stated. He continued saying that decade. · f t•atrer anticiJ>ation for membership on the !Ward of Trus­ "because of the way the Court. and Whnt ,..hould be the duties of your Student l!mon or tt•c:-. Judicial system is presently set up the , :md most im))('ratively for the coming year? not all the things that are actual­ \II th~·"t' thin~ ha'e ix'cn accomplishE-d because wc t You1• Student Cnion should know the needs, J>roblems, haYc work~·d to~tt•tltcr- you and I - to makt> John Car· 1 ly wrong will eYe1· come up." nnd desil'es of all Its s tudents. ~t should. eome to you. not roll n bt•llt•r place for all. Wc haw done much: but there )[ike approaches the job with onlv with an open ear, but al<;o w'lth defimte and determmed is st II morc to do. \\ltile maintaining all that we have done se\'ct-al years of e:'(perience. At the nle~ns of action. . . ,.0 far. tht• ne"\t Stud~·nt Un'on Presidcnt must also fulfill prt>sent he is on the Judicial Board Your Student Union shouM convey to the Vm:eratty the nt•t>dH anti•>< \\ l1ich a new dt>cade will bring. It and has been on a student cou1·t. admittistration the opinions and needs of students m the is a big job: and a ~car is a \Cry ~'Oillt' who say that \H' havt> accom.phslu..'e. We ha\C made mistakes­ ing his freshman and sophomore ,, hich Jlre! · ~·Nns at Carroll. that you enjoy, and at prices that are ":lthin yollr means. and our dforfH ha\1} been r('ward<'d. Their 'iMihle $i~n s Asked why he was 1-unning fo1· Your Student Union should extend 1tself to the area art> all around u,.. 'l'heSt• p~t efforts can be the steppm~t Chief Justice. "'like repliPd that of community and ch;c invohement, involvement that af· ... tone" to "ucc:e.,s if the e"\perience they pro,ide i,. U"Pd he likes to bt> in'-oh·ed. "l !eel that fects the Jiyes of your neighbors, and of ~ourselves. \\bel). . . there is more to college than ml're­ Your Student Cnion should be respons1ve to the prob­ In my mind, there is only ont> num who Ctll\ ma.mtam ly going to classes and studying. lems of you the commuter and you the dormitory. student, all that wt> have done. Then' b only one man who C'an apply The only wa~· to really be an im­ su that b~· working for both of you, all maybe fcurly com- the I.. no" ledge gained from the pa"t to adequa~ely fulfill portant part of the tinh·er:lity is JIPn need:-. Ther!.' i>< only onE' man e-.p<'rtenced and to be iDvolwd and things to 1'N·ve Your Student union should have as Pres:.dent .t. ~ ~an ~apahlt• of ml•eting the I rt'mendou~ dem.ands of hcin~ the school and the student body." ,1 ho can, and b-nows, how to achieve th,ese res~nslbth t•es. Slndcnt \'nion J>rc,ident.. \nd Cinally, there 111 onl) on~ man In his acceptance speech :\like As Editor-in-Chi('{ of The Carroll "lews I smcerely feel "ho will ,,ork P<'r~naUy with you 8!; '' e ha,·c done m tht· added that he is proud of being a that there is onl) one man who can fulfill these ~ pa<.t to meet tht• chall<'nge.-; !>laced before U!'. , member of this tiniversity. It is That man is your next President of the Student Uruon, It is for the'<' r!.'3'-Qns that 1 a:•k ~ ou to \'Ott' ror Frank because of this feeling, he con· l ~rank Chrnette. Ch<'nl'lte for Stodo.>nt Un:on President. Linued, that he wants to contribute Joseph R. Wasdovich James W. Laures something of himself int.o the mnk· Editor-in-Chief President ing of this in:;titution. The Carroll New:s Student Union This will be a sel"\·ice, said )like, (ThiR cndor~>rmen t is soley the personal opinio~ ~f :\tr. ~ (Thi:. l'ndor,emcnt iH :o.olely the JJCrsonnl op:_ni.on of thAt he CD.n be proud of both now )lr. and dors not reflect the opuuon Laure~ ncce~sarih or and after he lea\'I'S and looks bnck the Carroll ~ew... cditors or staff.) Ji the Union Senah• nor the !

The Carroll News Are You Joseph R. Wasdovich, Editor-in-Chief Peter ;\linarik NewB Editor Dan B oy l t~ Businc~s Manager A G. D. I.? John l\l arcu8 AA!< •t New" Editor Ed Ki"s Sports Editor Joseph Sopko f..! Cheryl Romonko Feature Editor I was once called that for refusing to pledge a fraternity. JOHN CARROLL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO 44118 That was my first aquaintance wilh the term. I was at first sun>rised; then a bit elated. The way I had learned it to be con!tidcred "independent" was a - -- compliment. To me it always con­ Would you pick your brothers that noted ~;trellgth, competence, the way if you we1·e a member? Some­ Why Vote? ability to conduct my own alTairs how 1 suspect that a human rela­ without interference. And if some­ tion clo~;e enough to be known by one damned me for these things, ~ext :\londay and Tuesday elections fo1· ness. This past year saw the Union handle that name isn't obtained by going what was he saying about himself? through two months of table-wait· Student Union president and chief justice over $100,000 in floating capital. This sum And so that was my introduction will take place. No doubt, this question will was mostly your money. In the coming years, ing and errand-running, and what­ to that juYenil£• aspect of the Car­ ever is obtained must be a rather arise in many students minds: \Yhy vote? the Union's capital should increase signifi­ roll soda! scene-fraternities. spurious forn1. It has been almost traditional that The cantly. Thus, it is imperative that you vote Last week Greg Sick in the Open Now admittedly what we have ~ews urges Canoll students to go to the next week to continue the proper allocation Forum column vet·y neatly demol­ at Carroll is rather innocuous com­ of those funds, which are your investment. ished the fr·aternities' pledging ra­ pared to other schools for two ba­ polls each year at election time. But this tionale, probably their most vulner­ year, the first lJnion election of the seventies, sic reasons. Namely, we don't per­ In spite of the traditional descriptives of able spot. This wt.>ek I would like mit frat houses or purely social we advocate a strong voter turnout for mo1·e to discuss a few other aspects of fraternities. Howe,·er we do go to student government, we feel that it must and fraternity life starting with what than traditional reasons. will reconstruct itself to become more geared some pretty extreme lengths in Student government in the new decade we mentioned above- independ­ justifying service fraternities. to student needs. The fact that student ence. wi11 itself over-1·ide tradition. If anything govemment presently realizes this necessity The problem is there isn't too But if you're really interested evolves during the coming years, student indicates that in the coming years it will live much of it around. Let's face it, in service ask yourself how much govemment at Carro11 will be termed stu­ we at Carroll are a fairly homog­ of your energy as a frat member up to its name, a "student'" government. goe::; into "service" and how much dent pov.. ·er. Your right to vote will play a by eneous lot. We're not too intelli­ Thus, voting next week, students can do gent. There aren't many somi­ fo-r overhead -just making your part in the responsible fruition of that their own part in establishing a more ctfec­ organization fatter? And anyway, power. fmalists running around. The guys tiYe Union. occupying those underclass dorms why should a particula-r needed At last the University is realizing the tend to be pretty much alike in sen;ce be the monopoly of a single necessity of student participation in decision Lastly, we realize that the position of background and aspirations. Ad­ group? Why can't the Student student Union president and chief justice are mittedly they're somewhat eon­ Union itself do it? The way it making. The man you elect as Union presi­ stands now, if I want to ronder dent will be a member of several vital 'Cni­ tremendous responsibilities. They will 1·epre­ fused by their new college su-r­ rounding when they arrive but servi<:e to the university in certain versity committees. These committees affect sent you in the success or failure of student special capacities I must join fra­ government in the next decade. Fo1· this 1·ea­ pretty soon are acclimated to job­ your academic and social lives at Carroll. The oriented academic goals and get­ ternity X to do it. How fair is University, then, is finally becoming your son, we again u1·ge you to vote next Monduy ting the necessary grades. Cut off that? University. Voting next week will attest to and Tuesday. from home, close friends, any real I would close by pointing out that in general at coll~ges where your personal involvement in the decisions By your vote you will have a say in as­ social life, without autos or free­ dom of movement they fall easy the students are select academic­ of the future. suring a more improved, effective and suc­ prey to the fraternity pitch. ally and divers~ in thought and Student government is also a big busi- cessful student government. "We offer a social life; we make background, where the emphasis is on academic pursuits and the life you 3 somebody; we offer lhe col­ lecth·c knowledge of our senior issues of the day-at places like members in the art of getting by; the University of Chicago- fra­ we've got a test file, we have ternitit.>s are virtuallv non-existent. On Primaries Where the opposite"' is true they BROTHERHOOD for sale." And all you have to do to join ou1· great dominate campus life - places like At last week's Student Union meeting a obvious flaw in election procedures. Yet these large state schools .And at some motion was made by members of the sopho­ bJ'<>therhood of al},habetagammamu same individuals were not as quick to realize is ... You heard about plerlging Je::;uit :>chools, Xa,·ier in Cincinnati, more class board. The motion's purpose was the implications of forcing the coming Union last issue. the~·'re banned outright. to permit p1·imary elections of Union execu­ elections into open primaries. Now in all honesty, do you xeally Someone remarked to me the tive offices to be open to the students at The senators failed to see lhat some of expect to merit a reaction called other day about a decline in pledg­ large. the supporters of the motion had just given "brotherhood" from someone ing this semester-not an alto­ you've payed to maltreat you? gcther unhealthy turn of events. A:s the Union Constitution }lresently nominating and seconding speeches. Now ------~~------reads, all primary elections for Union execu­ these same individuals were attempting to tive oflices are conducted within the Senate. change election procedures 1·cgulating those Letters The News agrees with the intentions of men for whom they had spoken. the sophomore board and other senators who These senators also ~d not see the effects supported the motion for open primaries, for of jarring the camp~ti~Jlans of the nomi­ Soph President the Union Constitution is, in this aspect nees who had already embarked on their certainly outmoded. campaign programs, not to mention the physical well-betng of the candidates which \\'e disagree, however, with the support­ ''ould be affected by an extended campaign. U rg·es Primaries ers of the open p1·imary amendment as to The motion finally was withdrawn, how­ their foresight in making such a motion at ever, and we compliment the senators who To the Editor: last week's meeting. The motion was pre­ eventually realized their hastiness. Are you rep1·esented? Do you have a say-so? It is quite sented at the Union meeting after nomina­ \Ye hope that in the future the younger questionable if you witnessed the fiasco that occured at the ting and seconding speeches had been members of the senate will look before they Feb. 3 Student Union Meeting. delivered for the Union's executive otnces. leap again, and not let thei1· emotions ovel·­ lt all began when the Sophomore . The senators were quick to respond to an come a little foresight. Board brought up the issue of hav- 15 suppol'terS wh•ch really hurts ing an "oJ>en primary" f~r the Stu- becau~e our ~card ha,s 12. So­ dent Union presidential race in-, ,,.e wtt_hdrew 1t or lets ~ay post­ /-...... - stead of a primary restricted to . poned •t. to the next m~ebng ~So the Senate alone. I maybe, JUSt maybe, w1th a little ~~l~ • •.~"'- '< '\ These so-called "Sophomore pressure from you the student­ Troublemakel·;;" (a nickname we the fut':re. rna~ see a!~ the stu­ relish) attempted to give you the dent:; P•< tts _candidates _for student a YOice which vou should Student Uruon Pres1dent- not JUSt have But the pettin~ss of the !he "Back.-R~m" politickers with· Union won again, (not enough m the Uruon · time, unfair to the candidate. An Robert A. Longo unofficial suney showing about 1 Soph. Class President Dr. Hampsh Thanks Students To the Editor: I wish to exp1·ess my appreciation to each of the many students who signed a petition in behalf of my remaining at John Carroll. In these tiines Lhe pervading at­ a tencher to be considered an as· titudes of undergroduates and fac­ set to the Univer.sity by such a ulty in American colleges seem to be either that of mutual disinter­ large number of students. est or mutual dissntisfaction. It is J am deeply gratefuL therefore especially gratifying to George H. Hampseh Feb. 13, 1970 THE CARROLL NEWS Page 3

Three Vie lor Union Vice President, Notes from Junior Coetl Seeks Secretory P.ost The Field Jh En J<:GXATIOS By JOHN }JACUS tello. ''For example, in the last as dorm pt·csident, bas eliminated Hey, brothers and sisters, awake! It's that beautiful F'jrst round nominations for year the senators haYe initiated hour11 for st>eond semester frt.!sh­ time of year again when the spm·lding snow~ of winter flood the lower administrative of­ only four bills and that'!' why the man, and is the head behind the the streets and the melodic son~rs of birdg go unheard - current open-dorm contro,·ersr. fices of the Student union administration is so po\\ erful." except when the :-:ynthetic haze ..\Irehan, the senator npt·esent­ ":'.ly interest in the vi<·e-prt•si• breaks it::: strangle-hold on canthi;: yenr be m.tde different! wt.>rr held at the l:nion meeting ing the debate society, is the pres­ dency lies in the type of work in­ last Tuesday. mother's naturl'. \\'ell. you- the student;; of John ident of the Dorm Council. ;\leehan, ,·olvecl. This work includes tl1e Yes, Fcbruan· is hert' again Cnrroll UniverSitr- hnvc seYC'l-al Nominated for vice-president ability to organize, legislative I were juniol'S 'l'om .Costello, Phil bringing with it :'.lardi Gras und students who ~tnnd hc.!ore you to knowledge, and most imporut>hind him. Thomas is vice-presi­ not only the:;e but more. In Febru- sion and e\·ery week c:lwrk it to ,;et• co-editor of the junio1· c:lass news­ ary the quiet gat'Uen-community of how mwh is ncluully done. Fur­ dent and co-founder of the pre-law letter. Andrea is a psychology sodety. JCU is transformed into a <·ross thcrmOI'e, when it comes time for "'l'he theme of my campaign," between a lhrl'e·t·ing circus nnd 11 appointPd positions, I want thos1~ Thomas, "is to increase the bea11ty ront<'st. You guessed it! IVs who l'e;lily haw th•• guts to a}>ply qualities of existing institutions on Student Union !'lcrtion time again. in droYes for thos1• positions. Then, campus (eg. Room 1, Rathskellar, You can always tell when it'll ,------. WUJC, etc.)" election time because SUllclenlr The Student Union Film Costello, in his thit·d \'ea1· in the e,• wants your opinion. The ~rries \I ill Jltl'~nt this Sun­ · Senate and now as j ~ior class first week hack this .>emcster. more day at i:30 Jl.m. in Kula>~ vice-president, feels that in the persons said "Hi" with their po­ Aud. tlw nick, The Birds. It past the senate J1as lx'en effective litical smiles than these same per­ sta1·s 'l'ippi llt•dren in Alfred administl·atiYely, but it has not sons did all lnst semester. l~xag­ Hitchcock'11 rl'CNif thriller. tPnded to be representative. geration, yos, but; when a guy yell~ On F<'b. 22, the Film Se­ ''The Senate is dead.'' said Cos- from 50 \'ards away and runs over ries will pr<'!ll'n( thr spy, war to say "J{i," you know he either and bomb drama Fail-Safe. wnnts to hon-ow money or he Admis,..ion i" 2:i crnts for wants your vole. Before )lardi Union fl'e-card holders and Gras there i:; some doubt. but after ;;; cents for IIH•ir dale«. that it's rerlnin which it is. In any <'nse. the Student Union in Apt·il, if thert•'s no ch11nge from elections a1·t> Ycry important to th<' the OP.W aclmini~trution (at least in future of the university. The only direction or t•mphnsis) ( I want problem is. no mattet· who wins, ~'Wrybody and lhnir gmndmother the atmosphere always return~ to to run for class office-\\;lh plat· major with a :1.2 accumulitive that of pre-election time. It's al­ form and idens in hand- and pro­ average. most as if we haYe ro ba,·e a mass ceed to nail that Senate on the If there are no nominations for orgy of energy which purges our wnll with student n('eds and prob· the office or tt·easurer at the 1<\•b. souls of any sense or \Vish for in­ IPms. With this continuous joint volvement and allows us to follow 17 Student Union meeting, the effort fo1· conslntcivt~ change in all will securely for another year. Then, presidt>nl elrct appoint the areas, we rnn truly ia)' that W<' the ne..xt year, we think of all the position. han\ a STUD~:-.;T 'CNIOK Onlv possible things that happened tht·n can we striw t.o bring about and proc!'ed righteously to con­ the full tri-pa1-tit•· community or duct the same ritual. students. fuculty, and administra­ But Jet's not be negative. How Tom Costello Phil Thomas WUJC tion. PERSONAIJ ~OTES To all the candidates: Good Luck! Top 20 Skiers Victors 1'o all of us ns students: We will Alumni Assoc. Honors Grads, get whom we deserve. I. Hrfdl!~ jh~r Trvubled \\'ato·r. ~fmon A (;arlunkd To Greg Siek: Pledging Greg?­ •!. ~#'('; In First Meet lhat's a no-no . . .. Ra•t.\h For Man of Year, Achievement 3. T 11 (lur ( llfldN-n To whom it may concern: True ' fn.teh Blu•~ John Carroll's Ski Club took brotherhood c.nn ne,·er be achie\·ed This year's alumni Mass and Awards Dinner Sunday. I . J ··I It llf~d JCofllng 'ilone' four of the first SL'( places at if it has to he "proved" fil'St, then Feb. 15, will honor John J. Navin, .Jr. '49, and Robert M. ~. Thr UAnd a recent SlOCJ bels, Gerknns. and now Hampsch ing his law degree at St. John's As~oc1ntion and. a.lumt~l :epresen­ 9. u, r l'f'ar~ al Toronto Ohio. in Brooklyn in 1951, he joined tah,·e to the l;nwers1ty !l Board l'llhlle Ont> B:~nd First place was earned by .Jun­ and Gerson :mel maybe more? I 10. lnk we can't even hold the rele\'IU1t Electric Corporation, in Paramus, Parents' Committee or JCU and 12. Artrnt Jay !~Iarshall took fifth place while N. ,J. Rerves on the Student Affairs Com­ J\rl{tnl Tim McDonald, also a senior, won ones that we have now, JCU might 13. ltl~k ~·M~oll In ('nnt~rl sixth plare. as well hang it up right now. mittel' of the President's CounciL fU~k Xl'l,on In 1961 he attained his present Last fall he was appointrd to the 11. 'll(>n•lf'r Each ~am member bad lo ~ki post as corporate secretary and SII'PI'tOIHIIf down th<' !!lopes twice averaging special gifts committee of Phase l.:S , nf Adam Hle<•fn~ senior counsel at the world head­ nan.natloo II Decade of Progres:- Program. t)amMtlon of ..\ d!lm llf~!\'\lnc his two times. The winning time quarters of I.T.T. in New York The Slifes, a family of eight, re­ 16. Chutk Trvl< ~ The 'l;'al'l lll\nt. was 29.6 SPconds. The tA>am wjth Nader Talks Here city. The Kavin family of five re­ :'\atlunal llnnk the lowest score, members of the side in Lakewood. 1'7.~C' and Roll 'lu>l< man Dan Connler, and senior pre­ Next Tues. Night Mr. Robert Slife will receive tltis chapel will p1·ecede the G: 15 p.m. I'r<"t yent·'s Achievement Award fo1· out­ reception and banquE't. in the Stu­ 19. 'J"h(~rt• 4\rt• l't"ClJ)I(" ~\. Tht'rt• A n• med major, Anti? Hruszkewycz. l'f"OJlh• Ohio t:niversity took the S(>cond The United Slates' toughest standing service to the univet'Sity dent Acti\·ities Center. 20. UrMI< lll'nlon TO<>k ll~ntnu and fourth plac<'s at the meet. customer. nalph 0: ader, will ~~~~~----~~~~ speak at CmT<,lJ Feb. 17. Appealing at the Student Union lectures S('ri<>s, sponsored br clc· Committee Seeking Acad V.P. pnrtment of fntcmal atfuirs, ~nder will ~>peak in Kulns Auditorium at S::~o p.m. ,\dmi!lsion p1·icP.S ure $1 ful' Stu­ Sets Nomination Procedures r!l"nt t:nion fc~-card holders and The committee recently appointed to recommend the new Carroll faculty nwml~rs. $1.50 for other students, and t2 for adults. Academic \·ice-President is seeking nominations of eligible This event is the SC<'Ond le<:tun1 candidates. s~'ri~ of the year held under Union Chaired by Dr. Arthur J. No~t­ 1) the name of the nominee. 2) :tuspice3. Advance tickets mar be zel. DP.nn of 'Lhe Business School, where he mnr be reached. and, 3) ohtaincd by calling the Union of­ nominations may be forwarded by reasons why the nominee is con· firP at 491--1405. any studt'llt or faculty member. sidered qualifiPd for the J>O!!ilion. ~ade1•, th" 35 yeat· old Princl'lon Students should send their recom­ ReMmtnl'lll'o-people. paz in the fall o.C 1968, and Chris­ fruition. The days of back-to-back Georgetown Forums are munes," the weekend will conclude This is not t<1 say that the play tine Mauwer, who appeared last dying a:-i fast as one can change :stations. Last semester in­ with a series of short plays does not deal with the issue of semester in The Lesson and who will appear this spring in The Un­ terviews were heard with Or. Skoeh 1------­ \'iet Nam. Though the thrust of the of our Biology Department, Dr. Douglas plans interviews with such play is anti-Viet Nrun it presents known Soldier and His Wife. Pap of out· So\'iet Institute and Dr. personages at )11-:~. Rothchild a11d the argument and laughs at the The music for Viet Rock is pl'O· )lagner or OUl' English department. .Mayor Carl Stokes. Gun Legisla- Fine Arts Gallery foibles of both sides. vided partialJy on tape, the otbel' Similar interviews are planned tion is fat· from an outworn topic, In the end, however, the only ar· part by The Fabulations ft'Om the this seme~t!'r, including one that and Kee1in plans to make a rele­ gument which :remains truly valid Karamu Jazz Workshop. The band may s.wc the Carroll student ,·ant go of it sometime this semes­ Paintings Stolen is that life is just too valuable to itself is fine but fails to make too mo~ey, "Your Income Tax," as kr. Sometime between 5 p.m. be lived in such a way as this. much impression within the show discu~sed b~· )lr. )lcGurr of the Thursdays are novel. Ever relax Jan. 27 and 9 a.m. Feb. 3, five That despite arguments for and itself. Accounting 'Department. A~~~ do- and do homewot·k at. the same original wo1·ks of art were against war, that despite your posi­ 'fhe run e>f Viet Rock has been nation from th:mkful lis tenors \1•ill timt!? Thursday is classical night. tion on the necessity, heroism, t-xtended two additional weeks un­ be humhlr and ~TatefuU y nccepted. WU.rC watches the nssignm_enJ:s in stolen from the Fine Arts Gallery til )1arch 8. The show is uplift­ on the top floor of the former biol­ honor, duty, or patriot.ism of war, s:~id 1'um Bo,·ha.n, Educational the I~A-101 cow·ses and pertodical­ there can be no denial of the fact ing, mo.. ing and excellently donE:­ Progtirector. ly prt!Sents them to the students gy wing in the Ad. Bldg. that there is no tragedy as hor­ a fine opportunity to see what is John Carroll's 1·nriou:- depart- in the comfort of their 0'\\11 rooms. Univ. Hls. police were notified rible as the stamping out of the called living theatre, at its best. ments atul performanct!S are not Friday night is school gripe immediately and discovered that a wonderful promise or beautiful the only pools that have been night. Whatever is baid Bo~,1an, !em is the first step to sohing it. of the Unh·ersity's permanent col­ the emotions, and the senses the Barber Shop WUJC was there acting on a hunch This is F.nts. WUJC is our untapped gold was estimated at approximately mind and emotions of modern man tung at 6:00. lf child psychology n1ine ot expression, and with John $200 each. Works stolen were by but also to his inner souree of en­ Manicure • Shoe Shine is more your ticld, tunc in at 7:30. Carroll's spiraling costs, this gold t.he following artists: Agatha ergy, that primeval part that no What art• you1· opinions of .TCU mar bet.-ome our most precious Sorel, Bel'llard Cohen, Jack Coutu, per.;on can deny if he has ever 2257 WARRENSVILLE elections? \'ote1· Feedback !.<>night possession. Dos Santos, and Richard Beer. made love, burst into anger, at 6:30 will gh·e you ~our chance to air or :tt least fonn your opin- ions, said Boyhan. )fondayg are gripe nights. Turn on the ~harp tongue and electric Cl'iticism or Gt!Ol'ge Blatt hr tun­ Into the 70's with Chenette ing in at 6:00. II you heard him last Montlay che"· nwa;r n.t Unil·er­ is more than a slogan: ~ity H ~ights 's zoning Jaws, you know he's going hack for a sec­ •md helping this ~Ionday. It is experience in the Union. Wedm•sdnys at G:OO is Kcevin's Cornt~r. WU.lC's a.nswcl' to Alan PUT THE STUDENT BACK IN UNION It is active concern for the student. lllliiDltl' !llllllllll!lllllllillii!UI:f.ttmtillill!Ci.1:UIDIIlllll:;mmr:::~:treJJ It is expansion and improvement of existing union CLASSIFIED ADS projects. 30,: a line CHRIS M. STREIFENDER CALL THE CARROll NEWS It is a call to involvement for each student. at 491-4398 UNION PRESIDENT It is a realization of feasible new ideas.

C&T"''1."0 Ml\RRIF.D" For 1011', lOW •U~· cou:H Jl•ltU on ln,·tuniQn, announceroente, It is an opportunity for more student representation nnd oth•r llrms call !H:5·:!37T and responsibility. nt::CORD!'' Ol:T!-:n. l ._!!!1 W ~!ltb, Cl~•·e., (•' A _,_\ Tlllll,\\' Xnttonal t".o, nr••h ~ co lt•<' alUtlf'nte to ollspln)l UllJI~wnro 1.~ms to alm:l•·"orl

TllEl!ES -lL\l'ilTSCRil'TS 1')'!1<'11 at home by t•rof•ul<>nal 1fPISI. Rea· I'OR UNION PRESmENT •onabl• rat<'ll. CUll l!21·2l!l&. IIIIUIDIUlliUIUIIUUDUUUIIIUUIUIIliilllUllllUl-I!IDfiii!!llllllll!UU Feb. 13, 1970

- ... ,., .. " I tlual'' meet tomorrow. The matcl begin at noon ::ts the grapph stt·he to impt·o,•e their 5-:! reco Within the past two we(•ks 1 Blue ~treaks have had six ell

Carroll Quad ~e:-..1 Saturday the Blut> Streak wre:.tling team ~ill host the second annual Car­ TWO KARATE EXPERTS perfect their prectsron movements roll Quad; Participating will be Carroll, Ashland, Miami for the hopeful club to be formed here. Bob Macek, a black of Ohio and Buffalo. Further belt holder, announced that Karate organizational club meet­ details will be printed in rwxt ings will be held on Feb. 16 at 11 and 2 o'clock in Room neck's Carroll Xe\\s. 47 and on Feb. 17 at 11 and 2 o'clock in Room 258. Reserve, Thiel Follow Case Invades In PAC Cage Battle By PAUL SUKYS weary Streaks 88-78 in Carroll's 1 Carroll Houndballers Square Returning to the h.omecourt worst performance to date. with Cnse Tech's left wing count Cinderella Case Tech is another pa~t Western Reser,·e. Desp next Tuesday night, the Blue story. In the Last .1 years the then· 1-6 conferenc~ re<:ord the I Streaks prepare to enter ihe Streaks }Jave dominated the Case- Cats are a .formtdahlc foe . last leg of the }tottcst PAC basket- Carroll Cage battles, 6-2. Last co~ld br cast ln the t·ole of spom ball championship race in years. Yt'ar the Blue and Gold Round- thts season.. Not since lhe days of Don Gacey bailers handed the Rough Ridel's The ~ne bnght spot on Heserv< and George Dalton, have the fans two solid defeats 86-74 and 94-82. roster 1s freshman forward ~ been provided with more excite- This season Case has finally G~lfe!low .. G<>;?dfellow has talh ment, suspense and enthusiasm. come of age. In a bCl'ie:s of phe- 122 }Jomt~ m .1 conference gmr Since their return on January 24, nomenal battles the Rough Riders and 64 pomts m 5 non-lrague Ct the Carroll Cagers have sho\\-"ll that. dumped Washington & ,h>fferson te~ts for a ~son total of .l they possess one of the finest sa-74, Bethany 78-70, Hiram 64-59, Ipomts and an a>erage of 16 poll squads in thl' Pt·c:>sid<:nts' Athletic Allc:>gheny 76-70, and Western Re- per game. Conference. S<'rve g1_75, before bowing to a A!te1· the Reserve mulch Carr Their outstanding otfensh·e play det<'rmined Bethany quintet 86-74. ~·ec~tves a one-two p~nch fr making and determined defensive By virtue of this extraordinary fhtel and -~lleghe~y. 1 he T?m' ball control has crushed each and pet·formance, Case now holds third Cag~rs spott a 4:- league ICC< ever~· opponent in the conference, pl:~ee with a 4-3 Conf~rence Record. holdtng do\\"ll . t~ud place m • save two, Washington & Jefferson Rt'Cord. PAC: rnrc. Thiel s ~op man, N and Case Tech. Tuesday the Rough Riders in- M~dJc:t, boasts an etght game .J In rears past the Presidents vade the Blue Streaks domain for pomt total and averages 19 POll have been a constant thorn in the their fh·st collision of the season. per contest; L~st season the Stret side of the Streaks anrl this sea- Should the Streaks t;Uifer a set- lost both fhlel clashes 60· 56 a son proved no different. The heart- I hack in this contest their record 82-E78· . th' h , " b kin 0 6 . . h ld d 5 3 d h . ti'tl ur1 Jer IS season 0\\'C\'Cl' ~ vv ..--. rea g 7 - 9 lo~ earlier m t e wou rop to - . an t etr e JClJ squeezed bv Thil'l 74-73 in a~ Ifans . who.... watched...... that either .Jim season "·as compounded last Sat-Ihopes would be senously damaged. . f beh. Roberts or J ark Hague probably gheny. urdav when \V & .J battered the On the fcllowing Friday the ~mazn~gtocome- rom- me1 over- would have won-if they coul~l Points are awarded according . tlme VIC ry. . to the school's standings in lengtH! On I<'eb. 24 Carroll travels to I play, with the first plare fini~ht>r Allegheny College to challenge the getting seven points. cellar dwelling Gators. Allc:>gheny PAC All Sports Last ycar'x final standings Cagers Drop Important fields a relatively small team but 1 showed only a two and one-half compensates for lack of size with FB Sc XC T point :spread hetween first. pla<'c speed, uccu1·ate shooting, and a John Carroll •; 1 5 13 John Cani)IJ and fourth plact• C:tsP pressing defense.. The Gator's top Case Tech 2 ·s •6 13 Tech. Contest to Presidents ranked man is co-captain John Bethany 5 1 3 12 With the clos,• of tht> \\'l'estling Howald a 6'3 A..ll-PAC senior. First place in the Presidents• Athletic Conference Basket­ Allegheny 5 3 2 10 and basketball S(>asons, Cnrroll Howald averaged 17.3 points per should have a clear lead, but t.hl' ball race slipped from the hands of the Blue Streaks Cagers game last season and was the Thiel 5 4 9 race will again tighten up in the last Saturday when they were stopped by Washington and Galo1·'s thil·d leaillng l'ebounder. w. neserve 2 2 1 5 Spring since Curroll does not have The Allegheny quintet will be out .Jefferson, 88-78. Wash. & Jeff 2 2 a swimming or baseball team. The loss was Carroll's second to avenge the 97-60 battering the Then Carroll forward Jim O'Brien Sh·eaks handed them earlier this league defeat of the season, drop­ hit on three straight baskets to season. ping the Streaks into second place salt the game away for the • In independent action the Blue with a 5-2 record. W &J leads the pack at 6-1. Streaks. and C'rt!ld Cagers travel to Ohio Peters again led the Sb·eaks Wesleyan toruon·ow night. A new Carroll's only other PAC Joss with 20 points "·hile Corcoran add- addition to the Canol! :>chedule was a 70-69 heartbreaker to Ute 1 C'd 16 and 1\Iullally and Dave the Ohio Conferent-e powerhouse Presidents earlier the season. in O'B1·ien scored 12 each. High man promises to be a tough and excit­ W&J, the defending PAC champs, fo•· Bethany wa!-l 19U8-69 PAC scor- ing opponent. dedicated their new gym in grancl ng rhamp Jack Kostur, an All- On Feb. 26, th~ Blue Streak style, jumping to a 46-a4 lead at PAC guard, \\"ho S<'.Or~l 16 points. Roundballers host the Golden the half. In the second half the Two weeks ago the Streaks Knights of Gannon College. The Presidents stretched their lead to dobberc voluntary points at 73-S.t, but that's as clo:;e 1 point:;. Peters added 11; Deneweth, 1 withdrawal was prompted by a as the Streaks could get. (',.orcor·an and Jim O'Brien all combination of academic and per­ Leading scorer for the game was scored 12; and sUbstitute forward sonal .reasons. W &J' guard Terry Evans who Jack Malinky scored 11. At the time of his departure clicked for 20 points. Forwal'(l Bob The Streak Cagers we:re unsuc- from the squad Summors had tal­ Lindsay and guard Rich Relich ce!':~ful in their la!!t outing, losing lied 217 J>oints in 12 gam11s for added 17 points for the Presidents to lliram in overt.ime, 71-67. un 18.1 point average. Replacing while AII-PAC center Scott Herz Hiram won the game at the free Surnmors as top man for the chipped in 16. Fon,·ard Jim Peters throw line as the Terriers sank 37 Knights is AI Chrisman who is led the Streaks with 17 points as free throws in :lG attempts. Car- currently averaging 16.3 points per :\lullally and guard Mike Corror.m .MU t•ame from behind to tie the game. oollected 14 en<'h. score at 61-61 nt the end of regu- Both in the conference ::nd out The night before the W&J game lation time on a jump :;hot by Jim the Blue Streaks have their work Carroll traveled to BeUumy Col­ O'Brien with two seconds left. cut out for them. To stay in the lege and handed the Bisons a 76- In the oYertime period the Te:r- conference race and to top the SENIOR WRESTLING co-captain Don Korb flnishes up a reverse 6-1 defeat. Carroll led at the half riers cashed in on ten charity independent schools the Streaks 40-28. wsses, six of them by guard :\fark must sustain the fine defensive and move which netted him two points in the Cleveland State The closest the Bisons got in the Farrell. High man for Carroll was offensive game control they haYe meet. Korb is riding high on • winning streak, having beaten second half was five points 58-:>3. Peter;; with 24 points. displayed thus far this seo.son. his last seven opponents. Feb. 13, 1970

Afro Soc. Founded By ClllP BAKO Bob Patterson is an Afro­ American student al John Carroll. Ile doesn't want a Blnck-cultut·e- ht> already has onr. Rob and somt> thirty otht>r black studN\lc; on campus want a chance at black self-dt>termination. Thev expect the newly organized Afro­ Amrrican Society to be their op­ CN Photo by Mike Miller portunity to assert their Black LYDIA KUSIAKA is crowned Mardi Gras queen at the dance Heritage. last Saturday. She represented Pacelli Hall freshmen. With A unanimous student union v.ote her is emcee Joe Hards of the Spanish Club. last week chartered the society as aunity group at Johnwhich Carroll, will "initiate and pro,ide black Ciauzman Runs as Dark Horse enlightenment and t>ducation for ~~·~aJ~~nB?::~·o~u~~:r;.~nity in the Stump for Free s·.lver Bee "Enlight!'nment," a('COrding to s I r presicei\"e their ~l.R.S. degrees at the ican culture. "The black student." truly show my degradation to the end of four years. he said "can rducate a side of our job. All these things I promise to do. white middle-clas.c; student which The JSecond thing I promise to and if elected I'll try to get them has been n<'glected.'' do is bring girls on ('ampus. Yes For John McKenzie the Afro- real gu·ls on this campus. Don't be There will be an Intra­ American Society is a g l" up fooled if )"ou think that they are 0 mural D e bate tournament "where you belong, not because y.our already on campus. This i~ one of sponsored by the Debate So­ black or whit<', but because you're my oppont>nts dirty capitalist you.' ' tricks. Take another look my fine ciety April 13-16 on the topic, feathered friend; and that':; what Resolved: tha t t he U.S. vou would have to be to Lake more should maintain only volun· than one look. tary armed forces. Four man teams, 2 men on promise to slip under your door T the negative and 2 on the af­ Coed is Queen, BTS First, at least one hundred of those in­ firmative, will debate for stant qualifying shrets. Allhough three rounds. The final round you've neve.r heard my name be­ will be broadcast on WUJC fore you will hear it plenty this in Judging and trophies will be awarded IXY, STP Place week. In fact you may get so that to the best team and speak- Upsilon's float, "Grito, Grito.'' l tall and 4 feet wide at the base. you want to get sick every time ers. Lydia Ku ~inka representing Coming in third in the float com- It covered a turn table propelled rou hear it by the end of the com­ Pacelli hall freshmen, was petition was Sigma Theta Phi by a rotissary motor which dis- ing weeks. The~e papers will also '------' tabbed a l\ queen of l\tardi Gras sorority's display, "Lobbo y Olla." played four scenes of )fexican life. how l1umble and mild done. Of course nobody is perfect last weekend. STP's third place finh:h was the Each of the scenes had a moving mannered I am and how good I but vote for me anyway, I'm more Winning the float rompetition first time in the history of Car- part which was operated by an w·ould be for the job or vice versa. perfect than those other distin­ was RPt.'\ Tau Sigma. the n1en's r.oll's float competition that a s.oror- erector set motor. The scenes in- I promise to have the Rath!lkel- guished gentlemen or creeps other­ gl..-c d ub, \\ ith lhrir <'ntl·y "Hats ity's float placed in the judging. eluded a dh·er at Acapulco. a bull- Jar se1;·e beer. lt's about time they wise known as my opponents. Oh OtT to l\l exi<'<>." 1-'loat chairman 'Mike Skowrani<' fight, a fishing Yillagt>, and a fiesta did. Along with this I intend to yes, I also promise that there will Lydia was cro'' ned as queen at of BTS explained that their float scene. petition Pap'n .Jays to ser,·e pizza. not be any mud-slinging on my th~ ~lnnli Gras Ball Saturday was a base shaped like a bongo IXY's float consisted of an an- I als.o promise to make Sag:1 part in this campaign. Remembe-r night nftf'r being polled by the drum topped by a sombrt'ro. The cient Mayan temple sut"l'ounded by • foods change its new motto which a ,·ote for Harcy Gauzman is 3 ~tudt>nt body in a general vote. bongo was made of shaped ply- characters representing various is "Hear no evil, see no evil, speak vote for taking a chicken out of Shr is a rreshmnn history major. wood and had a 2 foot base with phases of :'\lexican life. These in- no e\-il and taste no C'-"il." cvet·y Saga food pot. BTS's winning entl")' was fol­ a ·1 foot top. eluded native dancers, Indians, and I promise to stop the present low<'. The bal' icy" at John Carroll University was made vf grout-covered ply­ First Competition Friday, Feb. 20 at 4 p.m. wood and painted. The figures in Hoeler's appearance ,,.ill be the the scene were hand made dolls The Pershing Rifles will first in JCU's Economics Lecture ami lhrir costumes were also hand­ start its drill meet season at Serit>s being inaugurated this year cust.omrd. Bowling Green. Com})eting hy the Department of Economics. STP float chail·man )Inn· Thirl­ Co. M ";u compete with 20 schools Prior to coming t.o CleYeland, kel t•xplainl'd that the float repre­ fro maeross the nation on Feb. 20. lloctur St>n·ed with the Federal Re­ t:ented about 'iOO hours of work. The IDR Platoon, under 2LT Mnt set"YP Bank of Chicago. He ha!1 ll featured n dancer which mo,·ed MacLaughlin, the IDR Squad and extensive ex-perience in economic by an electric motor. Also in the the Ex Squad, both led by ISG annl~·sis, bur;iness-g.overnment rela­ srene were various hand painted Rick Schmitt will vie for top tionships, finance, monetary policy CN Photo by Mike Millu and home-made bar utensils. A honors. ami banking. HAT'S OFF TO MEXICO was the title of Beta Ta u Sigma's miniatu1·e painting painted by a Co. ~1 will be seeking the Honor The talk is open to interested winning float constf'\lcted for the ~ rd i Gras weekend. The member of the sorority hung above Co. Trophy, which designates the persons in the community. It will men's glee club placed first in competition with seven other the bar while a three-dimensional best over-all performancr, fot· be held in the Grasselli Library floats. painting depicted n window scene. the fourth conse<"uth·e yenr. lectur e room.