Network News Newsletter of the Long Term Ecological Research Network Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 Another successful All Scientists Meeting owever, the most important as- pects of the meeting were the discussionsH of research and planning for activities. These took place in over 75 working group meetings in seven work- ing group sessions, producing a variety of products and 29 requests for follow-on activities. Adding to the working group sessions were over 400 poster presentations held during four evening mixers in a large new meeting hall at the YMCA. J. Megan Waltz (KBS) won first prize in the student poster contest, with honorable mention going to Rebecca Hewitt (BNZ), Julia La Roche (ARC), Ashley Keiser (CWT), Robert Stew- art (PIE), and Marko Spasojevic (NWT). Wade Sheldon (GCE), won the photo con- test for both the “Elk” and “non-Elk” cat- egories while Mike Stukel (CCE), John Bain (VCR), Brian Voigt (BES), won the respec- A section of the audience in the plenary hall during the 2009 All Scientists Meeting at tive “LTER Scientists”, “Scenery”, “Silly” Estes Park, CO. Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas photo categories. Don Henshaw (AND)

he 2009 LTER All Scientists Logistics for the meeting were handled See “ASM”, p. 3 Meeting held at the YMCA by the LNO in collaboration with The Tof the Rockies in Estes Schneider Group, a company specializ- ing in meeting organization. There were In This Issue Park, Colorado from September pre-ASM meetings for information man- 13-17, 2009 was, by all accounts, a agers, graduate students, education repre- Network News...... Page 1 very successful meeting following sentatives, international attendees, and the previous meetings held there in LTER Executive Board. Editorial...... Page 2 1990, 1993 and 2006. The Program Six plenary presentations on LTER sci- NSF News...... Page 7 Committee, working with ence and research were given by Phil Rob- the LTER Network Office ertson, Jim Collins, Dave Schimel, Bill Site News...... Page 8 Clark, Laura Ogden, and Carol Brewer, as (LNO), created a program that well as evening presentations on the pre- Education News...... Page 14 clearly resulted in an exciting and history and future of LTER (Dave Cole- Informatics Bits & Bytes..... Page 17 productive meeting. man and Henry Gholz). LTER site acronyms: AND=H.J. Andrews ; ARC=Arctic; BES=Baltimore Ecosystem Study; BNZ=Bonanza ASM Reports...... Page 18 Creek; CAP=Central Arizona–Phoenix; CCE=California Current Ecosystem; CDR=Cedar Creek; CWT=Coweeta; FCE=Florida Coastal Everglades; GCE=Georgia Coastal Ecosystem; HFR=Harvard For- International News...... Page 22 est; HBR=Hubbard Brook; JRN=Jornada Basin; KBS=Kellogg Biological Station; KNZ=Konza Prairie; LNO=LTER Network Office; LUQ=Luquillo; MCM=McMurdo Dry Valleys; MCR=Moorea Coral Reef; Calendar...... Page 24 NWT=Niwot Ridge; NTL=North Temperate Lakes; PAL=Palmer Station; PIE=Plum Island Ecosystem; SBC=Santa Barbara Coastal; SEV=Sevilleta; SGS=Shortgrass Steppe; VCR=Virginia Coast Reserve. Editorial The etwork View from the Chair ews Thanks to all who made the 2009 N Vol 22 No 2 Fall 2009 All Scientist Meeting such a rous- ing success – once again we had a chance to see collectively The Network News what makes the Network shine: is produced each outstanding ecological science spring and fall at the that transcends the boundaries LTER Network Office of individual sites. Much of the through a cooperative agreement historical strength we display as between the a network comes from a founda- National Science Foundation tion of solid site-based science – Stock clipart questions asked and addressed and the at individual sites that require a long-term context to be answered well. University of New Mexico But more and more our visibility arises from cross-site work that places local patterns and processes in a wider geographic context. Connecting the dots at these larger scales requires exactly the sort of network we’ve become; in fact it’s fair to say that we’ve been one of the strongest forces in continental-scale connectivity science (see, for example, the June 2008 issue of Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment).

he Network’s synthesis initiatives, structure sufficient to the task. This is first described in our Decadal Plan, why one of our highest network priorities Tembody this perspective and the is to complete the design and implemen- further recognition that socioecological tation of the LTER Network Information questions are among the most important System (NIS), including the revision and and recalcitrant issues that face us today. documentation of site data. The NIS A meaningful approach to understanding is designed to facilitate the automated climate change impacts, mitigation, and discovery and retrieval of site-based data adaptation, for example, cannot divorce in such a way that it becomes easily ac- The University of New Mexico the biophysical from the social, and our cessible by a variety of users, especially emphasis on interdisciplinary science those attempting to address fundamental Please contact the positions the network well to address ex- large-scale synthetic questions. Early LTER Network Office actly these sorts of challenges. All of our efforts such as ClimDB, and more re- with your questions, comments, new initiatives take this approach and will cent efforts like EcoTrends, illustrate the ideas, and requests for copies: be well positioned for pushing frontiers in potential power of such systems. Funding LTER Network Office their respective areas: Cryosphere Disap- for the centralized piece of this is now in University of New Mexico pearance, Coastal Zone Vulnerabilities, place, with the National Science Founda- 505.277.2534 Inland Climate Change, and Future Sce- tion’s generous support through stimulus narios of Land Use and Climate Change dollars. We are now working on secur- (for full descriptions see ing funding for the site-based piece, and This issue of the decadalplan/. looking forward to having a truly func- LTER Network Newsletter Recognition of the Network’s tional NIS in place in the coming years. was edited, designed, and produced by achievements comes in many forms, and The Network is currently in a great McOwiti O. Thomas one of the more unique and memorable place. We are well-positioned to address ([email protected]) will be the American Institute of Bio- some of the nation’s most important and logical Sciences Distinguished Scientist basic socioecological and environmental Proofreading by James Brunt Award, to be bestowed on the Network in science questions. And we are the char- ([email protected]) May 2010 in honor of our 30th anniver- ter member of an emerging constella- sary. This is a tremendous honor and tion of environmental observatories that Printed on recycled paper with soy-based inks at Starline Printing. reflects splendidly on all of us and our jointly will address the critical environ- collective accomplishments as a network. mental challenges of the future. What a In some cases articles are abridged to fit It’s great to be so recognized. great place to be! in the printed version of the Newsletter. A One of our biggest challenges as we By Phil Robertson, LTER Chair, KBS complete, color version is available on the tackle large-scale questions of national LTER World Wide Web site: import is to have in place a data infra- The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 2 Network News ASM (continued from p. 1)

was the winner of the ASM trivia contest. In addition to the many posi- The plenary speakers L to R: William Clark (Kennedy School of Government, Harvard), David Coleman (University of Georgia), Jenna Jadin (AIBS Public Policy tive comments by Office), John Magnuson (NTL), Jim Collins (NSF), and Carol Brewer (University of meeting attendees, Montana) . (Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas). very useful infor- mation came from Although a number of people didn’t like ad hoc discussions, or time to enjoy local the post-ASM sur- the YMCA food, they did like the beer attractions in the area and perhaps get into Megan (KBS) vey. Eighty-four selected by the LNO for the mixers! town for a good meal. “waltzed” away with percent of the any factors were rated in impor- The mixer and poster sessions could the Best Student attendees thought tance with respect to participants’ go later in the evening even if the refresh- Poster prize. (Photo: the meeting was M McOwiti O. Thomas). decision to attend the meeting. Workshop ments and snacks have to be cleaned up either excellent or content (51%), networking opportunities earlier since participants did not seem to very good while (82%), availability of LNO support to at- like the earlier closing time of the poster nobody thought it was “poor”. Nobody tend ASM (42%), and meeting with peers session in the 2009 meeting. indicated they were dissatisfied with LNO of similar expertise (75%) were rated ex- The YMCA seems to know how to make responses to requests. tremely important factors in the decision good pizza, as noted by people at the open- Network- to attend, while the poster sessions (58%), ing mixer, so perhaps some improvements ing oppor- social activities (52%), and ASM location in the food can be made. tunities are a (53%) rated important. critical com- Not important in the de- ponent to cision to attend the ASM the success were the local attractions of the ASM. (48%). Finally, 51% of To that end, the respondents said they respondents would like to see the ASM were asked return to the YMCA of to respond to the Rockies (in 2012, various activ- while 60% would prefer ities designed the month of September to enhance for the meeting. the network- Looking forward to the Michell Thomey (SEV) in ing experi- next ASM, some modifi- Education Committee meeting. (Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas). the dining hall. (Photo: ence. At- cations in the meeting orga- McOwiti O. Thomas). tendees were nization will be considered to satisfied with improve on the future ASM experience. Since it is difficult for the LNO to pre- the opening The post-ASM survey showed that pare and assist with meetings held prior mixer (84%), poster session space (88%), people prefer the meeting in September, to the ASM while also preparing the main local attractions (84%), and poster ses- although one week later would help with event, additional meetings held in con- sion length (84%), while slightly less were students and scientists just starting a se- junction with the ASM could be held as satisfied with the main plenary speakers mester. “follow-on” meetings rather than the (70%) and the mixer entertainment (52%). The plenary presentations “pre-meeting” events. could be shortened to permit Although the YMCA in Estes Park more time for working group seems to be a preferred venue for ASM, meetings and free time. all of these plans will be considered within There could be at least one recommendations coming from the LTER free afternoon or time before Science Council and Executive Board as dinner for a break to permit planning for the 2012 meeting continues. By John Vande Castle and Marjorie McConnell, LTER Network Office It wasn't all work and no play at ASM; these folks went for a fun horse ride in the park. (Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas).

3 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 Network News Barbara Benson retires Colleagues pay tribute to a stalwart of LTER Information Management and Science Barbara J. Benson, information Starting as a math major, Barbara earned manager and scientist at the her Ph.D. in Botany at the University of North Temperate Lakes (NTL) Wisconsin-Madison. Her interests, skills, and persistence led to her being hired to de- LTER for 26 years as and former velop and manage NTL’s data and informa- chair of the LTER Network In- tion management system, which has signifi- formation Management Commit- cantly helped researchers analyze the rich tee, has retired. Barbara retired in sets of dynamics seen in the north temper- October 2009, but will continue ate lakes and their surrounding landscapes. several aspects of her research In addition to developing the excellent Barbara Benson receives an award from and utilize her information man- information management system at NTL, former LTER Chair, John Magnuson, Barbara provided leadership at the LTER during the 2009 ASM at Estes Park, agement talents as an emeritus Network level. In 2003, she succeeded CO.(Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas). member of the Center for Lim- Susan Stafford as chair of the Network’s nology and the NTL LTER team. Information Management Committee, highly qualified professional scientist as our arbara’s career exemplifies how im- serving until 2006. She also served on the information manager. Our logic was that portant individual contributions can Network Information System Advisory an information manager who was also a re- Bbe in shaping the evolution of the Committee, most recently as Co-Principal searcher and publishing scientist would de- LTER program. Former colleagues say that Investigator on the LTER Network Plan- sign and implement a system that scientists her attention and leadership in information ning Grant, and as a member of the team could use effectively. This model has been management has helped LTER achieve and for cyberinfrastructure (CI) planning. healthy for NTL and the LTER Network maintain leadership in the field. Those who know and have worked with during our first 25 plus years, and Barbara Barbara appreciate her quiet leadership filled it exceptionally well. These multiple style, her pleasant assertive- roles placed considerable stresses but also ness, and her ability to grasp opportunities on Barbara, all of which she the big picture in the midst of took in stride and performed with consci- details. entious grace. arbara is also a prac- Barbara has been important to LTER. ticing ecologist who The network and the individual programs, enjoysB working with complex especially NTL, have been enriched and problems. The diversity of her empowered through her unique combina- contributions is apparent in the tion of skills and personal attributes. NTL’s 2006 Oxford Synthesis Barbara, we hope that your retirement volume1, in which she is lead is designed with the same care you have author or coauthor on six of shown to LTER and its research endeavor. the 15 chapters. At the most We also hope that you save a small part of recent All Scientists Meeting in yourself to continue interacting with LTER Estes Park, CO, in September and your former colleagues and friends. 2009, Barbara presented a pa- By John J. Magnuson, Tim Kratz, per on a CI-Team project, and & Dave Balsiger, NTL a poster on trends, variability, References and extreme events in lake ice.. Magnuson, J. J., T. K. Kratz, and B. J. At NTL, our approach to Benson (eds.). 2006. Long-term dynamics data and information manage- of lakes in the landscape: long-term eco- ment has always been to iden- logical research on north temperate lakes. tify and recruit a strong and Oxford University Press.

Barbara Benson explains details of her poster to an upcoming scientist, showing that she has not forgotten her mentoring ways. (Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas).

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 4 Network News In Memoriam: Stanley Dodson

Stanley Dodson holding up a jar of Daphnia from Lake Mendota. (Photo: Bill Feeny).

e are saddened to report that ecotoxicology and bioassessment. His re- about a beautiful lake or stream.” Stanley’s Stanley Dodson passed away cent NTL research addressed the effects last seminar in the department was entitled WSunday, August 23, 2009 after a of land use on zooplankton communities “Widening Ripples,” his way of nudging tragic bicycle accident in Colorado. Stan- and productivity-diversity relationships in us all to think about the ripples that radiate ley had been a North Temperate Lakes lakes. His broad interests in ecology and away from our own lives to others and the (NTL) PI since 1996. teaching led to publication of a multi-au- world around us. The “ripples” of Stan- Professor Dodson received his PhD thored text (Dodson 1998) and an assem- ley’s life have left a lasting legacy. He will from the Zoology Department of the blage of key readings in ecology (Dodson be sorely missed. University of Washington in 1970, hav- 1999). His interests in freshwater ecosys- By Jeff Hardin, Jim Kitcell, & Emily Stanley, ing focused on size-selective predator-prey tems led to the publication of a textbook University of Wisconsin interactions and zooplankton community on Limnology (Dodson 2005). One of his structure. His graduate work built on the important contributions at Wisconsin was Citations landmark paper by Brooks and Dodson a course that guided undergraduates into Brooks, J.L. and S.I. Dodson, 1965. Pre- (1965), done while Stanley was an under- ecology internships. dation, body size, and composition of graduate at Yale. He joined the Depart- Stanley had an exceptional joie de vivre. He plankton. Science 150 (3692): 28-35. ment of Zoology at University of Wis- relished his role as an advisor and teacher, Dodson, S. I (ed.). 1998. Ecology. Ox- consin in 1970, and retired earlier this year often taking unconventional and memo- ford Univ. Press, New York after a long and productive career. rable approaches to engaging students Dodson, S. I. (ed.). 1999. Readings in Stanley’s research covered a breadth of and getting them to appreciate the natural Ecology. Oxford Univ. Press, New York. topics, including population ecology of world. As he wrote in the introduction to Daphnia, zooplankton community dy- his Limnology text book, “There is even Dodson, S.I. 2005. Introduction to Lim- namics, kairomones in planktonic species, room for the occasional poem or story nology, McGraw-Hill, New York.

5 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 Network News Digging in the dirt: trans-Atlantic studies on across-boundary systems It has been ten years since I first saw the coffee bean snail (Melampus bidentatus)--on the Georgia coastal ecosystems – as a visit- decomposition of low-quality detrital subsidies ing scientist at the University of Geor- from coastal forests into the upper saltmarsh. The captivating results suggest a positive joint effect gia Marine Institute (UGAMI), Sapelo of omnivorous crabs and detritivorous snails on Island. Two years earlier, I had met my the decomposition of, and nutrient release from, host, Steve Pennings, at the Bamfield low-quality detritus (Ewers et al., in rev.). Marine Station (now Bamfield Ma- his particular project influenced my rine Sciences Centre). During my current research within GCE-LTER, two months’ stay at Sapelo, we whichT focuses on the wharf crab, Armases worked together on the decomposi- cinereum. My diploma student Lena Hübner tion of saltmarsh detritus of different Malte Mews (left) and Sebastian Fraune spent her summer 2009 at UGAMI on Sapelo (right) are slightly dirty after having set-up Island to re-assess the feeding ecology of this so- origin through the action of different ring-shaped field mesocosms in the Sapelo saltmarsh. (Photo: S. Fraune, self timer). called saltmarsh crab in detail. She did this both in saltmarsh detritivores, finally confirm- the field through a capture/re-capture approach ing interspecific differences in the con- and occasional behavioural observations and in tributions of various detritivore species student of mine: photo “slightly dirty”) in June the lab through the comparative analysis of the to the decomposition of various com- and terminated in September 2006. The major morphology of feeding appendages, feeding mon species of detritus in saltmarshes outcome of that particular study was a surprise preferences, the activity of various digestive to us (and contradicted previous findings both (Zimmer et al., 2002, 2004). enzymes, the composition of gut microbiota, the from other habitat types and from Sapelo stable isotope signatures of crabs, and potential ne of our most fascinating results (at Island): deritivores other than the periwinkle, food sources. Already, we can show that the least to me) was our discovery that the Littoraria irrorata, had little influence on woods rather than the saltmarsh are home to this Osaltmarsh crab, Armases cinereum, decomposition processes in the upper saltmarsh important key player in saltmarsh decomposition was an omnivore that fed not only on detritus (Mews & Zimmer, in prep.). processes and nutrient fluxes. but also on detritivores (Buck et al. 2003). More recently, in 2007, I gathered five Consequently, we suggested that this crab acted In the European saltmarshes, my diploma students to spend two months on Sapelo as a vector of saltmarsh-derived nutrients to the student Philipp Eereveld and my Master of Island to study the detritivorous soil fauna and coastal forests (and vice versa) (Zimmer et al., Science student Lena Kempener are currently their contribution to decomposition processes 2004), but were unable at the time to provide working on the effects of the detritivorous along a habitat gradient, from the aquatic to the strong evidence for this hypothesis. fauna on the decomposition of a formerly wide- terrestrial environment. Their stay on Sapelo spread saltmarsh cord grass (Spartina anglica) The experience of being introduced into this resulted from my association since 2005 with and the currently spreading couch grass Elytrigia fascinating marine-terrestrial ecotone by Steve GCE-LTER, and was supervised by Steve atherica. They are also investigating how these Pennings, Tracy Buck, and Steve Newell was my Pennings. interactions are affected by saltmarsh predators, inauguration into saltmarsh ecology. Since then, In 2008 one of the students, Franziska Seer, particularly lycosid spiders, through both field I have been intrigued by the very special beauty who had worked with Gregor Putze and Yuri and lab decomposition studies in combination and atmosphere of the Georgia saltmarshes, Zablotski on Sapelo in 2007, came back to particularly compared to European saltmarshes collect a second set of samples from a long-term that are way more diverse in terms of vegetation, (24 months) decomposition study. We are still but less species-rich in terms of the potentially analyzing the corresponding data, but our results detritivorous maro-fauna. Looking back, I already show that detritus-specific differences can say that I spent two precious months at a in decomposition rates are, in the long run, wonderful place, getting to know many nice and overruled by habitat-specific processes (Seer & helpful people. Zimmer, in prep.); and that at no time during Back in Kiel, it took me some time to the long-term process do macro-detritivores establish a saltmarsh team of my own, but significantly affect decomposition. I finally managed to transfer my fascination The last set of litter bags of this long-term to some of my students. The first was Malte field study are currently being recovered from Mews , who studied the role of detritivore and the field by Christine Ewers. Christine had detritus diversity in decomposition processes been working with Anika Beiersdorf and Kazik Malte Mews, the Lord of the Rings, at the in ring-shaped field mesocosms in a variety of Marine Institute on Sapelo Island. Mews Wieski since 2007 on the effects of predator/ habitats. On Sapelo Island, he carried out a long- is ‘shielded’ by the ring-shaped meso- prey-interactions--the previously mentioned crab term decomposition study in situ that he set cosms he used in his field study. (Photo: S. (Armases), the periwinkle (Littoraria), and the up together with Sebastian Fraune (a Diploma Fraune). The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 6 View from DC with PCR and stable isotope-based analyses of predator/prey interactions. Another major aspect of saltmarsh ecology is currently covered by my LTER at 30 PhD student, Ulf Evert: how will the predicted increase in frequency and severity of storm events, This is a busy period for LTER, network, as a whole, to make a major leap in combination with increased plant biomass both within the community and forward in the level of its future science as a result of eutrophication of coastal waters, at the National Science Founda- and education. It will be particularly im- translate into the thickness of detrital mats (photo: tion (NSF). There were nine site portant to mobilize the LTER Informa- tion Managers and their counterparts “Spartina wrack at Sapelo”)? To-date, we have reviews in 2009 and there are 12 strong evidence of a reduction of dicotyledonous outside LTER for this effort, so that the plants in favour of monocots upon addition of projects with renewal proposals results meet functional expectations at the increasing detrital mass. However, even grasses are due in February for review by a site level, multi-site, and full network levels inhibited by the detritus and its leachates; it seems panel next spring. In addition, and beyond. that the physical effect of covering and shading the NSF is in the process of commis- At the same time, NEON has now suc- soil promotes growth of the saltmarsh grasses. sioning the third decadal, exter- cessfully completed the Final Design Re- Although the corresponding studies have thus nal review of the LTER program. view and OOI has entered the construc- far been based in German saltmarshes, we have a tion phase--two national observational ut of more immediate importance strong link with GCE-LTER that will, hopefully, programs that will complement the LTER is the new, one-time, 5-year award result in continuing collaboration between our research program and lead to synergis- Bmade recently to the LTER Net- tic results. Also, NSF/BIO now funds group and people from Sapelo Island. We hope work Office using American Recovery to become involved in the recently implemented four different centers for the support of and Reinvestment Act (“stimulus”) fund- continental-scale network for studying the effects synthesis. As NCEAS moves into the fi- ing. Although made to the LNO, this of windstorms on coastal ecosystems (Hopkinson nal two years of its highly productive and award provides a unique opportunity for et al., 2008. Front. Ecol. Environ. 6(5): 255- sustained run, NSF is working to define the entire community to move LTER to- 263), and to spend time and conduct research a new competition to meet the ever ex- ward becoming the type of integrated on Sapelo. Ultimately, we hope this so far one- panding and clear need for synthesis in the network envisioned by ISSE. Arguably the sided collaboration–not counting a visit by Steve ecological sciences, while also recognizing most critical part is the support provided Pennings and, later, his group to my lab—will the very different state of science and en- to move the LTER Network Information expand to become a true exchange program with vironmental issues facing society today as System to a new structural and functional funding opportunities for student research. compared with 1995, when NCEAS was level – essentially to completion. This is an established. References opportunity for LTER to make major ad- This changing landscape also requires Buck TL, Breed GA, Pennings SC, Chase ME, Zimmer M, Care- vances in its scientific capabilities through increasing involvement of NSF in LTER foot TH. 2003. Diet choice in an omnivorous salt marsh crab: advances in its capacity to handle (collect, management. In particular, Dave Garri- different food types, body size and habitat complexity. J Exp store, communicate, and use) large, com- son from the Bio-Oceanography program Mar Biol Ecol 292: 103-116. plex datasets—not just from across the in the Geosciences Directorate is now Ewers C, Beiersdorf A, Wieski K, Pennings SC, Zimmer M. in LTER network, but beyond—through ef- leading mid-term reviews of most of the review. Intra-guild predator/prey-interactions promote decom- fective linkages with the emerging observa- coastal and marine projects. The Social, position of low-quality detritus. tory platforms such as the National Eco- Behavioral and Economic Sciences Direc- Hopkinson CS, Lugo AE, Alber M, Covich A, van Bloem S. 2008. logical Observatory Network (NEON) torship has also increased its involvement, Understanding and forecasting the effects of sea level rise and and Ocean Observatory Initiative (OOI), making available substantial supplement intense windstorms on coastal and upland ecosystems: the need the International LTER (ILTER), the new support for further integration of social for a continental-scale network of observatories. Frontiers in network of urban science seeded by the sciences and LTER (Rita Teutonico and Ecology and Environment 6:255-263. ULTRA-Ex (Urban Long-Term Research Deborah Winslow joined Tom Baerwald Seer F, Zimmer M. in prep. Habitat-specific decomposition rates of Areas: Exploratory Research Projects) at the recent LTER All Scientists Meeting terrestrial detritus along a marine-terrestrial gradient. competition, and through more complete in Estes Park, CO). Also at the meeting Treplin M, Zimmer M. in prep. Detrital origin, but not detritivore participation of the social sciences and were DeAndra Beck, who represented the action, controls decomposition of angiosperm detritus in the other non-traditional LTER disciplines, Office of International Science and Engi- upper saltmarsh. sites, and scientists. neering and attended a very exciting two Zimmer M, Pennings SC, Buck TL, Carefoot TH. 2002. Species- As the LNO works to complete the op- day ILTER workshop on ecosystem ser- specific patterns of litter processing by terrestrial isopods erational plan for the use of the stimulus vices; Todd Crowl, who will replace me as (Isopoda: Oniscidea) in high intertidal salt marshes and coastal funds, it is essential that the whole LTER the LTER Program Director for the year; forests. Funct Ecol 16: 596-607. community come together to support one and Matt Kane, who will back Todd up. Zimmer M, Pennings SC, Buck TL, Carefoot TH. 2004. Salt marsh direction for NIS development. These are litter and detritivores: a closer look at redundancy. Estuaries 27: By Henry Gholz, Program Director, not research moneys in the usual sense, NSF/BIO/DEB 753-769. provided for experimentation, or leading By Martin Zimmer, Christian-Albrechts- to several different products. Rather, they Universität zu Kiel, Germany. were provided for the development of one truly functional NIS to enable the LTER

7 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 Site News I eat my words; but ’t waste the new research opportunity

In June 2009 I was meet- ing with biologist Jon Erz at the Sevilleta Na- tional Wildlife Refuge when I learned about their plans to conduct a 1600 hectare manage- ment burn in summer 2010 on the northern half of McKenzie Flats. This was an area of desert grassland that has not burned for decades. The southern bound- ary of this manage- ment burn would be just north of several of our long-term monitoring and experimental sites. t the time I reiterated our desire to keep that part of the Refuge free Afrom prescribed fires because we needed large areas of unburned grassland for reference sites. And besides, I said, it is nice to have a section of grassland avail- able for natural, lightning caused fires since they are often quite patchy and generally burn fairly small areas, unlike the relatively large fire planned for 2010. On 4-5 August 2009, while attending the Ecological Society of America meeting in Albuquerque, I was informed that mul- Above: Damage to the nighttime warming experiment at the Sevilleta LTER the day after a wildfire burned through the area in August 2009.Inset : Fire damage to a solar panel, tiple dry lightning strikes, high winds, and sensor cables and battery box at the Deep Well meteorological station on the Sevilleta hot temperatures had combined to start a following a wildfire. Below: Lee Vierling checks on the function of the tower based NDVI wildfire that ultimately burned about 3200 sensor at the grassland eddy flux tower after the fire, assisted by fellow SEV researchers hectares, including the proposed 2010 Marcy Litvak and Don Natvig. (Photos: Renee Brown). management burn area. The fire started near the southern portion of McKenzie aged to burn through more of Michell’s dynamics and microbial-plant-consum- Flats and quickly burned through gradu- rainout shelters, partially through the er linkages under experimental climate ate student Michell Thomey’s rainout shel- warming experiment, and much of our change in this recently burned desert ters, the monsoon rainfall manipulation NutNet experiment. It seems that the only grassland. We are also discussing cross-site experiment, the grassland drought plots, places that didn’t burn were a 15x15 meter collaborations with the Arctic (ARC) and and the small mammal exclosure experi- area around the grassland flux tower, spar- Santa Barbara Coastal (SBC) LTER sites ment. Some of our small mammal trap- ing all instrumentation and solar panels, that have also recently experienced wild- ping webs and net primary productivity and the fire seasonality experiment. fires, and the Konza Prairie (KNZ) LTER (NPP) plots were toasted, as well. As Rahm Emanuel once (reportedly) site, which has a regularly imposed experi- mental burning regime. The fire eventually burned north all the said, never let a good crisis go to waste. In way to Black Butte and then east to the response to the unexpected fire, we plan By Scott Collins, SEV main access road. In the process it man- to test a set of hypotheses on recovery

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 8 Site News ENDURANCE excites MCM lake scientists

Members of the McMurdo season we also made repeated measure- ments at a node point near the base. (MCM) LTER researching pe- The change in turbidity over the season rennially ice covered lakes are is clearly seen in the data (Figure 2). thrilled by access to a new tool ENDURANCE was designed and built which is revolutionizing our by Stone Aerospace of Austin, Texas. view of one of the lakes, West The National Aeronautics and Space Lake Bonney (WLB). The En- Administration (NASA) funded the design, construction, and science of vironmentally Non-Disturbing ENDURANCE, while the National Under-ice Robotic ANtarc- Science Foundation’s Office of Polar tic Explorer (ENDURANCE) Programs has provided considerable is an autonomous underwater logistical support in Antarctica. Two vehicle capable of generating MCM LTER Principal Investigators, Peter Doran and John Priscu (Figure 3), for the first time 3-D biogeo- Fig. 1: ENDURANCE is deployed through a large hole in the ice which is made by using heat are responsible for ENDURANCE science, chemical whole-lake datasets. to widen a smaller hole made with a mechani- and for making sure that the data collected he ENDURANCE robot is cal drill. A heated building is place over the hole are compatible and conform to LTER stan- equipped to measure a compre- to house the vehicle when it is out of the water. dards. Data analysis and synthesis is being During most operations, the vehicle never leaves aided by software tools developed by UIC’s Thensive suite of physical and bio- the underside of the ice, but instead stops at the geochemical indices in the water column. 100 m grid points and lowers the science pack- Electronic Visualization Lab. Ideally we These parameters include temperature, age to within 1 m of the bottom where it takes an conductivity, pH levels, redox, chloro- image and then returns to the vehicle. phyll-a, turbidity, dissolved organic matter, and photosynthetically active radiation, as 1. The low kinetic energy of the well as imagery of the lake bottom and the system (diffusion dominates the underside of the ice. It collects these data spatial transport of constituents) by swimming just under the ice cover and produces an ecosystem and lowering its science package through the ecosystem limits that vary water column along a 100 m x100 m hori- significantly in three dimensions. zontal grid (Figure 1). Sonar mapping of the bathymetry and lake ice thickness and 2. The whole-lake physical and imaging of the underwater glacier face of biogeochemical structure remains Taylor Glacier is also part of the suite of static from year to year. measurements. All of these efforts go to- ward testing our two main hypotheses: ENDURANCE has already completed one Fig. 2: Results from repeated measure- field season in the dry valleys, mapping out ments at the same grid point through the first season shows the evolution of more about 2/3 of WLB, turbid water with time. and first-pass mapping and imaging the face of Taylor Glacier. In would like to have ENDURANCE work our first field season, in other MCM lakes in the future, but our imaging the glacier current funding is only for WLB. face was hindered by A second field season began in October poor visibility once the 2009 and we will be operational at WLB streams started flowing. until the first week of December. Doran The changing condi- and Priscu, along with other MCM LTER tions also impacted our lakes personnel, will work closely with spatial biogeochemical the 2009 ENDURANCE team of seven mapping. To overcome engineers from Stone Aerospace and an this in year two we will undergraduate from University of Illinois arrive earlier in the field at Chicago, in addition to carrying out their Peter Doran and John Priscu (MCM) examine the science season and finish be- regular MCM research. package (sonde) on ENDURANCE. Sensors on the sonde are fore any significant melt By Peter Doran, MCM, Earth and Environ- checked and recalibrated between each run. (Photo courtesy occurs. During the first mental Sciences, University of Illinois at Chicago, of MCM LTER). Chicago, IL

9 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 Site News CAP LTER’s summer ecology Harvard Forest program for low-income children Schoolyard LTER teacher published in Summer in the city often involves more time inside than outside, par- ticularly for low-income children who cannot afford to attend sum- Biology Letters mer camps. This summer, I developed an ecology program for around 25 low-income children ages 7-14, using the kits and lesson plans de- veloped by CAP LTER’s Schoolyard program, “Ecology Explorers.” s the Programs Coor- In two separate outings, dinator for “Helping we hiked almost half a mile AHands Housing Ser- up the mountain and set ar- vices Casa de Paz Sahuaro,” thropod pitfall traps. Our my goal was to pull kids away first collection only yielded a from their televisions and few bugs, including a beetle, MP3 players and get them a bee, and a small spider, but outdoors to learn and have that did not dampen our fun. Children attending my young explorers’ enthusiasm Katie in the bog. (Photo: Aaron Ellison) summer ecology program and curiosity. s. Katie Bennett, a long-time were from families that lived We reset the traps and, participant in the Harvard For- in Casa de Paz Sahuaro, an two days later, found more apartment complex owned Mest’s Schoolyard LTER Program exciting creatures, including and a National Science Foundation (NSF) by Helping Hands Housing a medium-sized scorpion. Research Experience for Teachers (RET) Services. Helping Hands is a The kids put their findings in collaborator on ant and pitcher-plant non-profit organization whose a display case to examine them research, has published her first paper in mission is to break the cycle of more closely and to remember Biology Letters, the rapid communication poverty for low-income families the types of arthropods they journal of the Royal Society of London. In by providing permanent afford- discovered in the desert behind the paper Katie, who is a 5th-grade teacher able housing and comprehen- their apartments. sive support services. at Ashburnham’s J.R.Briggs Elementary After their discoveries on the School in northern Worcester County, While an undergraduate at ground, our kids looked to the Massachusetts, along with Harvard For- Arizona State skies and the trees est Senior Ecologist Aaron Ellison, used University, I using binoculars a creative field experiment to distinguish worked as an and guide books between competing hypotheses about how outreach intern from the bird carnivorous pitcher plants attract prey. for Ecology Ex- kit. The bilingual Their work shows clearly that prey are plorers, helping guides gave the attracted to pitcher plants by nectar, not promote and mostly Spanish- color, settling a long-standing debate about recruit teachers speaking parents mechanisms underlying prey capture by for the program a chance to par- pitcher plants. The research was support- at commu- ticipate with their ed by an NSF RET supplement award to nity events and kids. Working in Bennett, who also received a second RET conventions, pairs or as families, supplement to continue her research on and providing they observed a Children from Casa de Paz Sahuaro set pitfall traps us- pitcher plants last summer. administrative variety of birds ing Ecology Explorers protocols. (Photos: Katie Mills). Bennett also presented a poster on her support. Three that were right pitcher plant research with Dr. Aaron Elli- years later, I de- outside their son at a well-attended session during the Au- cided to partner windows and gust Ecological Society of America (ESA) again with Ecology Explorers to reach these made bird feeders to attract even more. underprivileged children at Helping Hands. annual meeting in Albuquerque, NM. Thanks to Ecology Explorers, children at By Pam Snow, HFR Casa de Paz Sahuaro is located at the base of Casa de Paz Sahuaro had an opportunity to North Mountain in Phoenix. While the children gain an appreciation of and learn about their Paper: Bennett, K. F., and A. M. Ellison. may have limited space to play inside, behind environment through hands-on science activi- 2009. Nectar, not colour, may lure insects their apartments is a whole new world for ex- ties. to their death. Biology Letters. doi:10.1098/ ploration and learning. I wanted the kids to see rsbl.2009.0161 By Katie Mills, Programs Coordinator, Helping Hands Poster: Bennet, K. F., and A. M. Ellison. the creepy crawlers and the variety of feathered Housing Services Casa de Paz Sahuaro 2009. Nectar, not color, may lure insects to friends that live right in their backyard! their death.

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 10 Site News Mangrove forest recovery in the Everglades following Hurricane Wilma On October 24th, 2005, Hurricane Wilma made landfall on the south tinue to track the recovery of the ecosystem western shore of the Florida peninsula. This major disturbance structure and function through the metrics of NEP and its components—namely, destroyed approximately 30 percent of the mangrove forests in the gross ecosystem production and ecosystem area. However, the damage to the ecosystem following the hurri- respiration. This study is unraveling some cane provided researchers at the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) of the mysteries behind mangrove forest LTER site with the rare opportunity to track the recovery process recovery through near real-time monitor- ing of biophysical and microclimatological of the mangroves as determined by carbon dioxide (CO2) and en- ergy exchanges, measured along daily and seasonal time scales. processes. By Daniel Sarmiento, Jordan Barr, Vic Engel, he FCE flux tower located in the of belowground organic matter. However, Jose D. Fuentes, Thomas J. Smith, Everglades National Park, which be- the magnitude of NEP following the distur- & Jay C. Zieman, FCE Tcame operational in 2004 as a means bance (800 to 850 g C m-2 yr-1) was still much to investigate mangrove forest-atmosphere greater than those values (mean±1 standard Reference exchanges of carbon, water, and energy, deviation) determined for a global dataset Luyssaert, S., et al. (2007), CO2 balance turned out to be just the right instrument of temperate terrestrial evergreen (398±42 of boreal, temperate, and tropical forests for this important study. g C m-2 yr-1) and deciduous (311±38 g C m-2 derived from a global database, Global -1 Change Biology, 13, 2509-2537. The damaged mangrove forest site pro- yr ) forests (Luyssaert et al., 2007). vided an ideal setting for studying resiliency and recovery of a forest following a major disturbance. Studies of carbon and energy flows serve as key metrics for forest recov- Fig 1. Carbon dioxide fluxes for the month of April ery as these fluxes converge to either pre- over the span of 5 years. disturbance patterns or some new steady While nighttime fluxes are state. These flows of carbon, water vapor, similar, there is a difference and measurable heat between the forest and in the daytime carbon fluxes the atmosphere, were determined with a before and after Wilma. The total carbon dioxide tower-mounted eddy covariance system. sequestrated by the eco- Following the sudden loss of biomass system in 2009 was greater and leaf area after Wilma, the net ecosys- than the amount in 2007 and 2008; however the flux tem production (NEP), which is the sum over the entire year has not of photosynthetic assimilation and respi- reached pre-disturbance ratory losses of carbon, was substantially values. reduced compared to the pre-disturbance value. Nighttime processes of respiration remained relatively constant before and im- mediately after the disturbance; therefore, the net effect of respiration processes in the ecosystem was not dramatically affected (Figure 1). This result suggests that dead biomass, which remained within the flux footprint, was decomposing slowly and not contributing much to higher ecosystem res- piration rates. Immediately after Wilma, a reduction in carbon sequestration during daytime hours (Figure 1) was attributed to the loss of man- grove biomass and leaf area. This overall reduction of NEP can be observed through Fig. 2. Monthly net ecosystem produc- several years following the hurricane (Fig- Still, this disturbed ecosystem is rapidly re- ure 2). Additionally, mortality of the man- tion (NEP) during 2004 and 2007. NEP covering as evidenced by increases in NEP is the difference between gross primary groves continued for several years after and leaf area index, and rapid growth of production through photosynthesis and Wilma while sediment surface elevations de- saplings in the forest understory. We con- ecosystem respiration, which includes all creased, probably due to the decomposition respiratory losses of CO2.

11 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 ASM Photo collage Random photos from the LTER All Scientists Meeting, September 13-16, 2009, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO.

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 12 ASM Photo collage Random photos from the LTER All Scientists Meeting, September 13-16, 2009, YMCA of the Rockies, Estes Park, CO.

13 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 Education News Graduate students hold successful symposium at ASM

A section of the student audience during the Grad Student Symposium at ASM. (Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas).

LTER graduate students gathered for their third Graduate Student Symposium (GSS) on September 13th, 2009, at Estes Park, CO, before the formal opening of the All Scientists Meeting. Based on student feedback about previous graduate student symposia, this symposium was designed to inform newer students about the general structure of the LTER network, to expose participating students to ongoing LTER social research, and to foster cross-site collaborations among students. y all accounts, the GSS was a great suc- her experience as part of a successful collabo- systems, 6) Cross-site discussions comparing cess. Over 180 people attended, rep- ration from a 2006 GSS working group. These the ecological impacts of physical changes in Bresenting all 26 sites, the International speakers did an excellent job of showing stu- the cryosphere, 7) Engineering global change LTER (ILTER), the LTER Network Office dents the variety of opportunities for collabora- experiments, and 8) Integrative understanding (LNO) and the National Science Foundation tion within the Network. and cross-site comparison of socio-ecological (NSF). After lunch, students participated in a careers research in non-urban ecosystems. The symposium began with a general intro- panel featuring former LTER graduate students ll of these working groups were well- duction of the LTER Network by several speak- representing a variety of career paths, includ- Aattended, and several groups planned ers—Amber Hardison (VCR), Chelse Prather ing academia, the private sector, and state and to continue collaborating outside of the ASM. (LUQ), Bob Waide (LNO), and Todd Crowl federal government agencies. The expert panel Indeed, many students indicated in a post-GSS and Henry Gholz (both from NSF)—who also consisted of Shawn Dalton (BES), Stuart Gran- survey that these working groups were their fa- described the graduate students’ role in the Net- dy (KBS), Dan Childers (FCE, CAP), Todd vorite part of the whole ASM. Among the stu- work. Terry Chapin (BNZ) spoke next, about Crowl (LUQ), Sherri Johnson (AND), Meredith dents who responded to the post-GSS survey, his successful integration of social and ecologi- Knauf (NWT), and John Kominoski (CWT, IL- 92% rated their overall experience positively, cal sciences in Alaska, in the process providing a TER). The panelists fielded student questions and we hope that these symposia will continue valuable introduction to this year’s ASM theme. and shared their unique perspectives on possible to bring graduate students closer together at fu- Chapin’s talk was followed by a selection of career paths after graduation. ture ASMs. current and recent graduate student research The symposium concluded with students We would specifically like to thank all of the talks highlighting collaborative research within self-selecting into eight concurrent student-led participants who made this symposium possible, the LTER: Marko Spsojevic (NWT) discussed working groups to discuss topics for potential especially the LNO and the GSS planning com- his cross-site dissertation work; Brian Voigt collaboration: 1) Potential inter-site comparisons mittee comprised of Luke Cole (VCR), Michele (BES) highlighted socio-ecological research that of carbon studies in the LTER network, 2) The Romolini (BES), Jessica Savage (CDR), and he is conducting; and Becky Ball (MCM) shared impacts of intra-annual precipitation variability Kirsten Schwarz (BES). on ecosystems, 3) Comparisons of top-down Looking forward, both Chelse and Amber controls on autotrophic will be graduating soon and rotating out of biomass in aquatic and their positions as Graduate Student Committee terrestrial ecosystems, 4) (GSC) co-chairs. Therefore, graduate students Restoration Ecology & who are interested in becoming more involved Ecosystem Restoration in LTER leadership by taking on the GSC co- – What does it mean chair role are urged to get in touch with Chelse across LTER sites or ([email protected]) and Amber (amber@vims. projects?, 5) Identifying edu) for more information. We further encour- the benefits and barri- age all grad students to take an active interest and ers to graduate student to participate in the GSC elections this fall. cross-site socio-ecolog- By Chelse Prather (LUQ) & Amber Hardison (VCR), ical research in urban Terry Chapin addresses Grad students. (Photo: McOwiti O. Thomas). GSC co-Chairs

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 14 Education News FCE student researcher gets planet named after him Felix Varela Senior High school student Christopher Sanchez has always been enthusiastic about the re- search he conducts with FCE scientists. But this year turned out to be special: in his third year working in the FCE Research Experience for Secondary Students (RESSt) program, Chris had a minor planet named in his honor after winning Second Place in “Plant Science” and a $1500 cash award at the 2009 Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (see education/300136.php and 09gao.pdf for additional information).

hris’s project, which wowed judges at the regional, state, and interna- Ctional science fairs this year, was called “Interpreting the hydrologic history of an Everglades wetland through micro- scopic characterization of phytoliths.” In addition to the awards, he was offered an internship to work with a leading phytolith researcher at the University of Nevada. Above: FCE RESSt Chris Sanchez at IN- Chris also received Superior in the Bot- TEL ISEF with poster. any division at the 54th South Florida Re- (Photo:Nick Oehm). gional Science and Engineering Fair where Left: Sanchez pouring dispensing sulfuric acid he was awarded Best Biological project into beakers filled with and received the George Avery Award by soil or plant samples. the Florida Native Plant Society. He was (Photo: Teresa Casal). one of 12 senior high students to repre- sent Miami Dade County Public Schools th at the 54 State Science and Engineering FCE RESSt intern Erikamarie Gil was ers have worked with over 33 students on Fair of Florida, where he also got Second also recognized for outstanding achieve- an individual basis and an additional 30 in Place in the Botany division and a $40,000 ments, winning one of 30 Planet Connect small group settings. This past year an ad- scholarship to the Florida Institute of Grants from the National Environmental ditional nine students worked directly with Technology. Education Foundation. She was the only FCE researchers. Chris described his experience as “mind- Florida recipient and will use the $1000 FCE also announces a new program blowing.” He noted: “I began working in award to raise awareness about south called Datadventures! Check out our FCE (Dr. Gaiser’s) lab on what would become Florida native plants. Erikamarie is work- Files Data Movie on our Education and my science fair project, scanning through ing with FCE staff to identify plants and Outreach pages thousand year old soil for these little construct a dichotomous key, photograph- education_outreach/ Also check FCE siliceous plant deposits known as ‘phyto- ic identification guide and GIS map for LTER on Facebook and Twitter! FCE liths.’ Both Drs. Saunders and Gaiser have students and teachers to use at the habitat looks forward to hearing from you! been unbelievable mentors. They were reclamation area created as a joint venture By Susan Dailey, Associate & Nick Oehm, always around to help me out when I was between FCE and the CEMEX Florida Coordinator, Education and Outreach, FCE stumped by a question or not sure how to East Coast Quarry. proceed, and they always pointed me in he FCE Research Program for pre- the right direction. Working with the FCE college students began in 2002 with LTER has no doubt been a life changing a singleT high school student enrolled in our experience.” RESSt program. Since then FCE research-

15 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 Education News Mud, mice, maggots, and 5th-graders! Sixteen 5th graders from Cotton- he looked at the ground. We got our first! ahead and beep that south well – go on, go wood Valley Charter School (CVCS) As we approached the site, I had them on!” I pulled the teacher aside and showed in Socorro, NM and their teacher, huddle around “Something hap- her the rain gauge. In it was a decompos- ing mouse, with a mix of gooey blood, guts, Karen Gram, embarked on an adven- pened to the site since the last time you were here,” I was so excited to share this hair, a sweet mouse nose and front teeth, ture at the Sevilleta Bosque Ecosys- with them. “A mud flood!” one of the and maggots! I asked, “Do you think it’s tem Monitoring Program (BEMP) children screamed.. “How did you know?” okay to show the kids?” “Oh yeah!” She site on Monday, October 19, 2009. “Kimi told us!” (On September 17, the Rio said, smiling widely. “This is real biology!” hat does B stand for in Grande peaked at 5,000 cubic feet per sec- So I did, and that was the hit of the day! BEMP?” I asked. Silence. ond (cfs), where the mean for the past 35 They kept on asking to see it over and over, “WThen I heard, “Riparian years was 433 cfs, and deposited four to look from the side, from the top and forest” quietly spoken by a girl just to my inches of mud on our site.) from the other side. It smelled so bad right. “Yes! It’s the forest along the Rio that I was a little afraid of losing my Grande. ‘Bosque’ means ‘forest’ in Span- lunch, but the kids took it in stride. One ish.” girl wearing cowboy boots and hat said, “That’s normal for me to see!” I “E stands for ...” “Eco- didn’t know how to respond. system!” shouted the kids. “Yes! An ecosys- tem is comprised of liv- ing and nonliving things. What are some nonliving things in the bosque?” I asked. Students answered, “Water,” “soil,” “air,” and – my favorite – “dead leaves.” “What are some living things in the bosque?” again I asked. “Coyotes,” “horses,” “saltcedar”… Well, sure - that’s spe- cies-specific. Usually When the tasks were com- kids say “trees.” Oth- pleted, we shared a list of at least ers said “Siberian elm,” 16 animals or evidence of animals “Russian olive,” and “cottonwoods.” Wow! Clockwise from top: BEMP that we had seen: ants, a mouse, coy- Field Coordinator Jennifer Schuetz They really know their trees! They showed ote, horse, maggots, butterflies (hm, (back row, 3rd left) joins CVCS 5th I didn’t see any...), beetles, roly-polies, me their field notebooks with each of these graders and their teacher, Karen (back row, species listed and drawn. “I’m impressed!” right) for a group photo; discusses find- birds ... I can’t even remember them all. Karen told me that the BEMP education ings after collecting rain fall, litter fall, and Good thing they had field notebooks and coordinator, Kimi Scheerer, worked with groundwater depth data at the Sevilleta wrote them all down.. BEMP sites (Photos: McOwiti O. Thomas). them on this in the classroom recently. Well, all fun must come to an end; some students were happy to get out of that mud- “M stands for monitoring. You’re watch- e headed in and immediately had infested place. Some were hungry, some ing, collecting information, and writing it our boots swallowed by mud . Each ready to go back to school. Some were tired down. Finally, P stands for Program – you ofW our 10 litterfall tubs was filled with four after being so excited. As we turned around are part of a program that monitors 25 inches of mud. We scooped out the mud to head back, one boy showed me his tri- sites. So 24 other K-12 classes are out this with our hands. Some children molded clay angular clay pot, housing an earthworm. week, just like you are, collecting data in the pots from the mud. In some tubs, a thin, Another animal! bosque!” black layer had formed at the bottom, ad- To focus the students’ attention while we jacent to the tub. I told them this mud was For the icing on the cake, we saw tracks were on site, I asked them to create a list of anoxic and had them – smell it – “Poo!” in the mud from a porcupine while we were animals or evidence of animals they saw, was how they described the smell. leaving.... What a cool day. Man, I am tired! heard, or smelled. Our goal was to have at One rain gauge was lying on the ground. By Jennifer Schuetz, least 16 – one for every student there. “Open “Horses knocked it over,” I guessed. The BEMP Field Coordinator, SEV up your field notebook and start writing!” other rain gauge looked a little funny to me, Karen said. “Ants!” one student observed as so I checked it out. Uh oh! “Okay kids, go

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 16 INFORMATICS BITS AND BYTES Keeping computing safe in the Internet age

nce a computer is con- nected to the internet, it Obecomes vulnerable to at- tacks from a variety of sources, including hackers, botnets, phish- ing, viruses, Trojan horses, etc. Attacks on computers are vari- ously motiviated. Some want to steal CPU cycles like in a botnet; others want to steal the informa- tion in the computer; while some wish to take over the computer completely and release it only if you pay money to the attack- ers. These activities are not the product of pizza-laden, twinkie suckers in dark bedrooms--in most cases they are the result of organized criminal activities. Being proactive about computer secu- of you. Email claiming to be from a pop- always scan it with your virus protections rity can be made easier by following some ular site or a site seemingly well-known to software before opening it or have a real- simple steps. you is used as a lure to gain access to per- time virus scanner enabled. sonal information and is called “Phishing.” Choose good passwords. One of the Anti-virus/Anti-spam software and fire- A popular and effective phishing attack ways attackers try to infiltrate is by sim- walls are programs that are very important claims to be an email from someone in au- ply guessing a users password. It is often in keeping the computer safe. Keep them thority at your campus computing center not even a real person doing the guessing, updated because new viruses are released and that in order to take care of something but another computer running a script or all the time. Many institutions provide important you must go and log in and program. The script enables the attacker software for free to faculty, staff, and stu- verify credentials or provide additional in- to try thousands of username/password dents. In addition, there are some free formation. The dangerous ones pretend combinations quickly. Use mixed case as on-line products that can be obtained for to be from a bank or financial institution. well as at least one numeral or special char- personal use. A recommended free anti- Note that it is a standard policy for any acter and at least 6 characters long. You virus software is AVG free which can be legitimate service provider to never ask for can get an estimate of the “strength” of found at for Microsoft and this type of information. your password by using a reputable online Linux operating systems. For a free spam password strength analyzer. For example, now the source of any download- checker, try Microsoft provides secure (HTTPS) access Ked application, document, or data. Keep in mind, that there is no way to their password checker. ( That little program may look like what to completely secure a system from com/protect/fraud/passwords/checker.aspx) you want, but unless it is from a verifiable online evil doers, short of disconnecting source it may be filled with a virus or a Do not believe email from strangers or it from the Internet, so choose your pass- botnet. Even after downloading a package corporations that ask ANY information words thoughtfully, scan everything that is downloaded before installing it, and do not click on links in emails. By follow- ing safe computing habits, your computer and the information it contains can be Don’t forget to read safeguarded from some of the internet villains of today. DataBits, the Information By Florence “Dez” Wyman, Managers’ newsletter, Systems Administrator, LNO online at

17 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 ASM Reports Hydrologic effects from ecosystem responses to climate and land use changes A report of an ASM working group, September 2009

Streams from LTER sites, like this stream at the HJ Andrews Forest, are critical sources of water supplies for aquatic ecosystems and human use. It is critical to understand climate change and land use change effects on streamflow and water quality; LTER sites are key sources of data on this topic. (Photo: Al Levno).

f all the ecosystem services, a sus- While the near-term, local hydrologic depend, and that future water supplies are tainable supply of high-quality effects of these land-use changes are rel- likely to change in ways that may be diffi- Owater may be the most important. atively well understood, ongoing and cu- cult to predict. Climate change is expected Streamflow from forests provides two- mulative climatic changes in ecosystems to increase periodic hydrologic drought, thirds of the water supply in the United will likely have widely varying effects on increase the intensity of floods, and com- States. Nationwide, high quality water sup- sustainable water supplies to downstream promise water quality. Predictions of fu- plies depend entirely on a range of natural areas. As a result, many regions face a dif- ture water supplies and water quality are ecosystem types. Climate change, drought, ficult balancing act between additional de- highly uncertain, in part, because multiple outbreaks of insects and pathogens, wild- velopment, flood protection, water supply ecosystem processes provide adaptation fire, and ecological succession are altering for urban areas and agriculture, and water and resilience to climate variability. ecosystems’ ability to provide abundant, releases for endangered species protec- redictions of future water supplies clean water from the headwaters of our tion. also depend on historical land use, water-supply systems. A group of 65 LTER scientists repre- whichP established the expected water yields Simultaneously, public land management senting 21 sites met at the All-Scientists’ used for planning, even though land-use is changing in response to wildfire and en- Meeting in September 2009 to discuss the changes continue to modify ecosystems dangered species concerns; private lands question, “How will ongoing and projected and water supplies. In addition, land-use have undergone major changes in own- changes in ecosystem conditions affect wa- change may exacerbate or mitigate adverse ership and management; and many other ter supplies?” The participants concluded climate change effects on water supply. Ex- ecosystems have declined in their capaci- that a sustainable supply of clean water is perience from LTER sites over the past 30 ties to sustain natural processes needed to one of the most important and fundamen- maintain clean water due to conversion to tal ecosystem services on which humans See “Climate Change”, p. 19 exurban development.

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 18 ASM Reports

Climate Change (cont. from p. 18) (MCM). Several sites or more years, recounted during the work- in a range of climatic ing group session, provides an initial as- settings expect, or sessment of current understanding about have detected, an in- ecosystem adaptation and resilience to cli- creased frequency of mate variability and change, and the effects extreme precipitation of these processes on water supply. events (ARC, CAP, HBR, KNZ, LUQ, However, more synthesis is clearly need- MCR). Some of ed to further develop regional perspec- these sites also report tives on this topic. Below we summarize increased drought the initial findings reported during the (LUQ, KNZ) or evi- workshop and suggest a possible follow- dence of increased up workshop to broaden and deepen the evapotranspiration Land use changes such as forest harvest, as shown in this 1988 LTER network synthesis on how ecosys- and landscape dry- photo of Watershed 1 in the Andrews Forest, have influenced tem adaptation and resilience may affect ing (ARC). Climate streamflow in a variety of ways that may interact with climate future freshwater supplies in response to at many sites is cou- change. (Photo courtesy of Andrews LTER). climate change and land use change. pled with sea surface LTER sites are detecting a wide range temperatures and of trends in streamflow. In Polar Regions, ocean-atmosphere interactions, producing experience altered seasonality of runoff river flows have increased annually (ARC), multi-year oscillations (the El Niño-South- due to snowmelt timing or reduced snow- increased in autumn (NWT), or flow vari- ern Oscillation) or decadal oscillations (the pack, compounded with increased water ability is very high (MCM). Streamflow Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North demand. has increased in one forested site (HBR) Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)) in precipi- Climate changes manifested in altered and decreased only in spring in another tation and/or temperature (AND, CAP, precipitation, temperature, and snow do (AND). In grassland sites (KNZ), stream- FCE, SEV, SGS). not produce simple effects on water sup- flow has both increased and decreased. treamflow trends also may be plies because of the adaptability and resil- Many distinctive trends in precipita- attributed to changing land-use ience of ecosystems and socio-economic tion, temperature, and snow/ice have al- trends.S LTER sites reported effects on responses to climatic changes. In fact, ready been detected at LTER sites that are water supply or water quality from land LTER sites report a variety of vegetation likely to affect future streamflow and wa- use changes, including urbanization and adaptations to climate change or climate ter supply. Polar and alpine sites report suburbanization (BES, CAP), forest cut- variability, including altered phenology, that declining ice cover and permafrost ting, replanting, and regeneration (AND, shifts in plant species composition, and melt has augmented streamflow at sea- CWT, HBR, HFR), cultivation (KNZ), tree mortality. Altered disturbance re- sonal or interannual time scales (ARC, grazing (JRN, SEV), dams (PIE), and mul- gimes, such as increased lightning storms BNZ, NWT, MCM). Forested sites with tiple concurrent changes (MCR). Land- and fires in the tundra (ARC) or tree annual snowpacks report declining dura- cover changes were seen as especially likely mortality due to hemlock woolly adelgid tion and amounts of seasonal snow (AND, to interact with climate change to create (CWT), whose northern expansion is HBR, NWT). Precipitation has increased compound, synergistic, or antagonistic limited by minimum winter temperatures steadily over 45-100 years at several sites “multiple stressors” on water supplies. For (HFR), may either mitigate or exacerbate (HBR, HFR, KNZ, SEV, SGS), but has example, many western, snowmelt-depen- climate change effects on water supplies. not changed at others (AND, ARC, CWT, dent regions where population has been Disturbances, including deforestation, NWT), and has reportedly decreased at one increasing, especially in urban areas, may desertification, vegetation conversion, ur- banization/suburbanization, fire-induced landscape changes, invasive species, and sea-level rise all potentially interact and contribute to changes in soil water, evapo- transpiration, streamflow, and water qual- ity, with likely implications for ecosystem resilience to these combined stressors. High-elevation snow pack at H.J. Andrews Workshop organizers agreed that re- Forest: Snowpacks cords and analyses at a subset of LTER have important sites would benefit from a continued, influences on water more focused effort to study this topic. resources and are affected by land use By Julia Jones (AND), Cliff Dahm (SEV), as well as climate Nancy Grimm (CAP), Mark Williams (NWT) change. (Photo: Al Levno).

19 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 ASM Reports Integrating science, society, and education for sustainability ne of the highlights of the ability science community, including many of Bares, Sarah Hobbie, and Steve Polasky, all All Scientists Meeting was the LTER scientists who authored the Inte- from CDR), Arizona State University (Arnim OBill Clark’s plenary talk en- grative Science for Society and Environment Wiek and Nancy Grimm, CAP), Harvard (ISSE) framework. The workshop included University (Bill Clark & Steve Wofsy, HFR), titled “Integrating Science and So- practitioners, educators, and students; natu- Florida International University (Jim Heffer- ciety.” Clark emphasized the great ral and social scientists from all corners of nan, FCE), Princeton, and the Universidad urgency, but also the tremendous the LTER network; and international partici- Autonoma de Mexico (Patty Balvanera, IL- opportunity that we now have to pants from countries as far away as Scotland TER). bring science into the arenas of po- and Finland, who are working to bring sus- A summary of the seminar (as well as litical and social action, which can tainability science into public consciousness the opportunity to participate in the dia- and the policy arena. Highlights included a lead to both attention and action log by leaving comments) can be seen in a lively debate about the core concepts of the newly-established sustainability science blog, on global environmental problems. ISSE, and general agreement that the ISSE Throughout the planet, environmental conceptual framework integrates social and ability_science/. ecological research frameworks. changes are moving rapidly, with environ- By David Bael, mental tipping points potentially just around Several other discussion themes echoed Graduate Student Fellow, CDR the corner. According to Clark, the grow- Clark’s plenary talk. One was the need for ing public awareness of the urgency of these co-production of knowledge by scientists changes and the political opportunity provid- and users (not scientists bestowing the pre- IMC holds ed by the new administration in Washington scriptions on the users), or between research gives science a chance to exert influence on and problem solving. Some saw the ISSE annual meeting policy, but only if scientists skillfully frame as research framework that needed a direct the issues and identify measurable goals. pathway that links research and problem at ASM Clark identified three essential criteria for solving. Thus, stakeholders need to drive the science to effectively influence the beliefs process of asking questions and investigat- he Information Management and behavior of social and policy actors: ing their answers as much as researchers (al- Committee (IMC) conducted credibility, salience, and legitimacy. He laid though it was acknowledged that researches Tits annual meeting on Septem- out a road map toward making science, and are stakeholders). Participants debated whether LTER should act as a boundary ber 13, 2009, during the Annual Scien- particularly sustainability science, more use- tists Meeting at Estes Park, CO. The ful and impactful. His talk energized those spanning institution – an organization that of us who see the value and urgency for sus- operates at the interface between science committee chair’s position rotates tainability science and set the stage for the and policy, influencing both the generation every three years, and so the cur- subsequent workshop. of new knowledge and the application of rent co-chairs Corinna Gries (CAP) that knowledge. Immediately after the talk, Clark and over and Nicole Kaplan (SGS) handed 60 members of his audience convened in inally, the group acknowledged that leadership to Margaret O’Brien a workshop to further discuss the integra- since the core of sustainability is the (SBC) and Don Henshaw (AND), couplingF of social and ecological systems, tion of science, society, and education for whose terms will expire in 2012. sustainability. The workshop was organized social scientists must be part of the sustain- and led by Nancy Grimm (CAP), assisted by ability conversation and seated at the table The membership of Information Manag- Jeannine Cavender-Bares (CDR), Ted Grag- from the beginning when questions that ers executive subcommittee (IM-Exec) also son (CWT), Scott Collins (SEV), Morgan require investigation are formulated, not ap- changed, with two members, John Camp- Grove (BES), Charles Redman (CAP), and pended onto the process after the questions bell (HBR) and Todd Ackerman (NWT), Chris Boone (BES, CAP). The workshop’s have been posed. rotating off. That subcommittee is charged goals were to 1) compare and contrast the In discussing the next steps, participants with planning and implementing LTER Ex- Integrative Science for Society and Envi- stressed the key element of sustainability ed- ecutive Board and National Science Foun- ronment (ISSE) and existing sustainability ucation from elementary to graduate school. dation decisions among the IMC. The science frameworks, and 2) develop a state- To this end, the workshop launched a multi- current membership of IM-Exec is Emery ment of how the objectives of sustainability institution sustainability science seminar se- Boose (HFR, 2012), Suzanne Remillard science and education can be met using the ries as a concrete first step. This interactive (AND, 2011), Corinna Gries (NTL, 2011), power of long-term research and the LTER series, the first of which took place via we- Sven Bohm (KBS, 2010), Hap Garritt (PIE, network. bcast in late October, involves a number of 2010). Gries also serves as our liaison to the LTER Executive Board. Participants included many of the key indi- LTER scientists and students from the Uni- viduals at the heart of the burgeoning sustain- versity of Minnesota (Jeannine Cavender- See “IMC”, p. 21

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 20 ASM Reports the best of luck in their new endeavors. Furthermore, the recent infusion of stim- IMC (cont. from p. 20) The IMC is taking on new challenges in ulus funds into the LTER Network Office The IMC also experienced some turnover the coming years that will enhance data means that we can now proceed with plans in the last year. Most notable was Barbara use and interoperability, both within and to integrate databases at our central office Benson, who retired as the information beyond LTER. Our “units dictionary” will and deliver content to sites for their indi- manager at NTL and was replaced by Gries launch its web services early in 2010, and vidual needs. Overall, the IMC continues (who moved over from CAP). Other new parts of our “controlled vocabulary” are al- to be a very active group within LTER, in members of the IMC include John Cham- ready in place for dynamic searches of the their local scientific domains, and in the in- blee (CWT), Hope Humphries (NWT) and network data catalog. A new dataset quality formatics community at large. Sue Welch (MCM), who replaced Barrie group has been formed to establish metrics By Margaret O’Brien (SBC) & Don Henshaw Collins, Todd Ackerman, and Chris Gard- and guidelines for use of data described by (AND), co-Chairs ner, respectively. We welcome our new col- Ecological Metadata Language. laborators, and wish our outgoing members EcoTrends update he EcoTrends project has been busy for the past several months reach- Ting out to the scientific, technical, and education communities, supporting new science initiatives, and completing the products envisioned at the outset of the project. Fig. 1: A In late April and early May, 2009, five screen- science-driven working groups, each led shot of the or co-led by different people from across EcoTrends website the network, formed to explore cross-site trends in disturbance (Deb Peters, JRN), state change (Brandon Bestelmeyer, JRN), for faculty from minority-serving under- policy). The website includes more than primary productivity and species richness graduate institutions to explore how ex- 15,000 datasets from 50 sites, aggregated (Scott Collins, SEV, and Alan Knapp, ), isting continental-scale data from services to a monthly or yearly timestep, that can biogeochemistry (Peter Groffman, HBR like EcoTrends could be used in classroom be discovered, viewed, and downloaded. and Charles Driscoll, HBR), and animal exercises to address four key ecological Contributing researchers are taking ad- populations (Michael Willig, LUQ, Paul challenges (biodiversity, biogeochemistry, vantage of the next few months to check Stapp, SGS, and Robert Waide, LNO), us- climate change, and ecohydrology); dis- their data and make updates or correc- ing data available in EcoTrends. cover and discuss educational needs and tions. In addition, the EcoTrends book, “Long-term Trends in Ecological Sys- All of the groups met again in Septem- obstacles to teaching about continental- tems” (edited by Deb Peters, in prep.), is ber at the 2009 ASM in Estes Park, CO, scale ecology; and generate recommen- nearly complete and will be submitted to picking up more scientists and polishing dations to inform the development of the USDA ARS publications office in No- ideas for papers (at least one per group). NEON’s physical and cyber infrastructure vember 2009. Publication is expected by Researchers were able to access a lot of from the point of view of education. Each Fall 2010, with each site receiving several data very quickly, but also found gaps workshop involved 1-2 webinars and 1-2 copies free of charge and copies available where they knew that data existed, but days of meeting. for free download from the USDA ARS were not yet incorporated into EcoTrends. n total, approximately 30 faculty publications website. They also provided valuable feedback on members from across the United better ways to allow users to explore, vi- StatesI participated. They explored the [Fig. 1: A screenshot of the EcoTrends sualize, and download the data from the EcoTrends website, developed outlines of website home page ( website for future synthesis projects. several potential classroom assignments, and an example of downloadable data in a table and plot] In October of 2008 (Washington, DC) and provided valuable feedback on how and August of 2009 (Albuquerque, NM), best to facilitate educators and students For more information about EcoTrends, EcoTrends participated in two faculty de- to discover and explore data from the please visit or contact velopment workshops hosted by the Eco- EcoTrends website in the future. project leader Debra Peters (debpeter@ logical Society of America (ESA) and the EcoTrends has recently passed a mile- or coordinator Christine Laney National Ecological Observatory Network stone: the website at is ([email protected]). (NEON), entitled, “Using Continental- freely available to the public after a one- By Christine Laney, JRN, scale Data to Teach Undergraduate Ecolo- time registration (during which the user is Project Coordinator, EcoTrends gy.” The all-day workshops were designed required to agree to abide by the data use

21 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 International News Alpine ecology workshop in Switzerland In late 2008, Niwot Ridge (NWT) LTER graduate students and scientists attended a workshop in Lau- sanne Switzerland organized by a research group headed by Antoine Guisan at the University of Lau- sanne. Funded by the International Program of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the objectives of the workshop were threefold: 1) to combine European and American expertise to evaluate the threat of climate change to plant diversity at high-elevations (alpine and subalpine ecosystems); 2) to train American graduate students in the use of state-of-the-art species distribution models; and 3) to estab- lish better collaboration between European and American scientists working in high-elevation ecosystems.

raduate student Anthony Dar- might be combined to make better projec- explicit layers that can be used in statistical rouzet-Nardi blogged the work- tions of species distributions and ecosys- modeling. This type of approach had not, Gshop at http://anthony.darrouzet-nardi. tem processes. The advantage of using to our knowledge, been used for ecosystem net/scienceblog/. The following account is Niwot Ridge’s process-based approach is modeling before. In subsequent discus- excerpted from his blog. that mechanistic knowledge improves our sions, we delved further into how the two At the Niwot Ridge, a lot of the research power to make predictions. The disad- approaches complemented each other and is focused on understanding ecological vantage is that, in order to focus on these how they could be used together to make processes such as biogeochemical cycles mechanisms, we typically ignore spatial better projections of species distributions and the biotic interactions of plants, which heterogeneity, which reduces our predic- and ecosystem processes in a changing the workshop dubbed a “process-based” tive power. In contrast, the spatial statistical climate. modeling does a good job of incorporating approach. In contrast, the group in Lau- The collaborations initiated at this work- differences over large areas, but does not sanne uses a statistical modeling approach shop are continuing. In particular, Chris have the mechanistic basis of the process- that measures species distribution in the Randin received a post-doc from the based models. field and then attempts to back out (ex- Swiss equivalent of NSF to test his novel trapolate?) the conditions under which they We discussed how we could combine the approach with the NWT LTER team in occur in order to make predictions about two approaches, and it was a brain twister. Boulder Colorado, and was in residence other places or times. This might be called a However, a post-doc working with An- from January-June 2009. “statistical modeling” approach. toine Gusian and the intellectual lead of By Mark W. Williams (NWT), Bill Bowman the workshop, Chris Randin, put forward During discussions at the meeting, we (NWT), & Antoine Guisan (University of an idea that we could use process-based talked about how these two approaches Lausanne, Switzerland) complement each other and how they models (like CENTURY) to create spatially

Participants in the joint Swiss-U.S. alpine plant modeling workshop below the Diablerets massif (hidden by the thick fog), near Lake Geneva, Switzerland, October 2008. (Photo courtesy of Antoine Guisan program).

The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 22 International News “Frontier in Ecosystem Ecology of Northern Forests” in Japanese LTER sites An International Summer School

he GCOE-INeT international sum- mer school, a field training program Tfocused on “Frontier in Ecosystem Ecology of Northern Forests,” was held June 14-20, 2009 in the Hokkaido Univer- sity’s experimental forests. The experimen- tal forests are part of the Japan Long-Term Ecological Research Network (JaLTER) and GCOE-INeT is one of Hokkaido University’s educational programs funded by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (see for further information on the GCOE). Nineteen Ph.D students from eight coun- tries (Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines and UK) participated in the program. Analyses of ecosystem processes across various space and time scales are essen- tial to clarifying ecosystem functions and Above: GCOE-INeT Summer School 2009 participants at headquarter of- services as influenced by climatic changes, fice of North Hokkaido Experimental air pollution, land-use changes, and distur- Forests, JaLTER core-site, Nayoro, bances (both natural and anthropogenic). Hokkaido, Japan. Right: Field ses- The main aim of the program was to en- sion in Uryu Experimental Forest of courage participants to develop research Hokkaido University, Japan (JaLTER core-site) projects that include international per- spectives. The program included a field session, a poster session, lectures, review discussions, and training on proposal writ- and structure in landscapes,” and “Carbon All the students were very active and ing that apply to ecosystem ecology. cycling and forest management in forest showed positive attitudes during the entire program. Many interactive discussions, After welcoming remarks by Prof. Ya- catchment.” All field activities were held in communication, and information exchange suhiro Yamanaka (Hokkaido University), Hokkaido University’s experimental for- occurred among the participants. These who is leader of GCOE-IFES program, ests, which is a JaLTER core site. interactions took place not only during the the opening session saw Prof. Myron The field sessions were closely associ- formal program, but also during informal Mitchell (SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY) give ated with the proposal training session, social activities. a keynote lecture titled “Temperate Forest which taught participants how to develop Watersheds: Responses to Atmospheric research proposals on the specific research he organizing committee believes Pollutants and Climate Change.” Subse- themes introduced at each site during the Tthat the summer school experience quent lectures by Profs. Hideaki Shibata, field session. Based on observations and is an invaluable resource that can help the Toshiya Yoshida, and Kentato Takagi discussions during the field session, -par students further their current research and (Hokkaido University) during the field ticipants formed groups and each member facilitate future international communica- course focused on various topics related was asked to discuss and prepare a sum- tions and collaboration. Consequently, to ecosystem ecology. The field programs mary of possible research proposals, in- the summer school will be held once a included issues such as research site, ap- cluding the “research theme,” “research year through 2012 and will utilize the vari- proach, and instruments. Topics included questions,” “research hypothesis,” and ous JaLTER sites and research stations in “Community structure and functions in “approach.” Each group then provided Hokkaido University. Northern Forests,” “Soil process and bio- a brief summary of their discussion, fol- The program organizing commit- geochemistry in snow-dominated regions,” lowed by an active joint question and dis- tee, comprising Hideaki Shibata (Chair), “Spatial patterns of ecosystem function cussion period. See “ILTER”, p. 24

23 The LTER Network News Vol. 22 No. 2 Fall 2009 University of New Mexico The Network Newsletter Non-profit Organization LTER Network Office U.S. Postage Department of Biology, MSC03-2020 PAID 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque NM Albuquerque NM 87131-0001 Permit No. 39

Calendar Coming Events of Interest to the LTER Community ILTER (cont. from p.23) MARCH 2010 Takashi Kohyama (Vice Chair), Toshiya Yoshi- JANUARY 2010 da, Kentaro Takagi, Karibu Fukuzawa, Masa- January 14: CAP LTER Annual Poster March 4: LTER-NSF Mini-Symposium. hiro Nakaoka (Hokkaido University), Myron J. Symposium. Carson Ballroom, Old Main, National Science Foundation. George Mitchell (visiting professor, State University of Arizona State University, Phoenix, AZ. Garcia ([email protected]) at the LTER New York, College of Environmental Science Network Office for details. and Forestry, USA), would like to thank all the March 3 & 5: LTERExecutive Board staff of the GCOE unit, experimental forests, Meeting. National Science Foundation. and Field Science Center for Northern Bio- FEBRUARY 2010 George Garcia ([email protected]) at sphere of Hokkaido University for their sup- the LTER Network Office for details. port. The committee would also like to thank February 18-22: 176th annual meeging of the American Association for the the International and US-LTER Networks, as MAY 2010 well as the International Project Office of the Advancement of Science (AAAS), San Global Land Project, the International Geo- Diego Convention Center, CA. May 12-13: LTER Science Council sphere and Biosphere Program, and the In- meeting, Plum Island LTER. Contact ternational Human Dimension Program, for George Garcia ([email protected]) at identifying and recruiting the participants, and the LTER Network Office for details. for their helpful cooperation throughout these activities. STOP PRESS! By Hideaki Shibata, Hokkaido University, (JaLTER, Japan) Karibu Fukuzawa, Sally Koerner (SEV) has been elected LTER Hokkaido University (JaLTER, Japan) Graduate Student Co-Chair, replacing Amber & Myron J. Mitchell, SUNY-ESF, USA Hardison. Sally will be transitioning into her new position in January, 2010. Sally Koerner