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THE PENSACOLA JOURNAL, THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 16, 1922 FIVE STUPENDOUS SETS USED IN IE "LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY" womem and remits Safe Milk Phone 38 between 10 a. m. and 6 p. m. For Infants & Invalids CALENDAR OF SOCIAL EVENTS MO COOKING The "Food-Drin- k" for All Ages. Pajrent-Teacher- Lunch at OfBce.and THURSDAY, MARCH 16 s' association A. V. Quick Home, Meeting Xew City Thimble club, Clubbs school. Program 2:15 p. m., Fountains. Atk for HORUCICS. followed hostess, Miss Nell Burrow, East by mothers' meeting. 1ST Avoid Imitations & Substitute Gadsden street, 2:30 p. m., mem- Bazaar given by pupils of J. S. bers unabla to attend please noti- Lockey school, In school auditor- fy hostess. ium, 7:30 p. m. Public Invited to PREACHER IN THE MIRE miscellaneous com- come. Delightful program given. Lovely shower, Teachers' plimenting Miss Bessie Jones; Monthly meeting Primary MARRIED THIS COUPLE hostesses, Misses Vlstera Jones association, Eliza Jane Wilson and Louisa 8 p. m. school, 1 p. m. Married by a preacher stuck in a Jameson, 19 asso- SUNDAY, MARCH swamp! Basket ball same, P. Q. A. Bennett school 8 m. Elizabeth Sunday been thousands of meth- ciation, Armory Hall, p. Gadsden Street Methodist There have of and Profes- class, ods of wedlock in various Benefit Business church to have special service and displayed sional "Woman club. A. motion pictures but local playgoers are study, "A Girl and Her Religion," ar- MARCH 17 promised a new sort when "Tillie" FRIDAY. by Margaret Slatjtery. AH young rives at the Isis theatre tomorrow. Regular meeting, Business and Pro- girls of the city are cordially in- If & Womemi's Slices fessional Woman's club. Chamber vited to come, 9:45 a, m class The little Mennonite girl and her $5.00 of Commerce, 1:30 p. m. room, school building. 3. lover have just been reunited after a Sunday series of dramatic scenes Old fashion spelling match, hostess Open house Epworth league. First involving have "come back" strong Methodist church, 6:30 p. m. to stern members of the little Dutch Dorcas society, Knox presbyterlan Iff And then church, 7:30 p. m. 6:30 p. m. Followed by devotional 3 l Pennsylvania community. to exercises, 6:30 p. m. to 7:30 t. comes the unusual marriage scene to at Meyer's this St. Patrick's dance be given by p.'m. and a Spring Carnival Keyser All young1 people, come! relieve the tension, give laugh the association, at the proper auditorium, 8:80. p. m. Special Regular devotional services Epworth right point. music and features. league Gadsden Street Methodist " r But there was no laughing for the Not a Sale, but a fixed determination to Ab- to mud-caug- ht - silver tea; hostesses. church; leader, Miss Hazel poor chap picked be the Social ad ever-increasi- ng Elizabeth Bennett Sunday school bott: subject, "Foolish Excuses," Mennonite elder. For a whole day he give Power to your Dollars. to in when it class, given at the home of Miss 6:30 p. m. 'SCENE PROMv MARY stood his waist mud, and Bel- MARCH 22 PICICPORDS came to haul him the mud So, Five Dollar Shoes have become a Hazel Williams, Alcanlz and WEDNESDAY, : time out, again 8 Miss Anna noted . lolRO EA.o:riiiiiiE.a.OY had dried eo that he had to be mont streets, p. m. , Fltziu, operatic little' pried fixed institution at - Circle meetings: star, will appear at the Pensacola out with a two by four, at the expen- Meyer's. school A Mary Pickford has probably never done they are from the vivid colorful descrip diture of much skin and Circle N'o. 2, Woman's Auxiliary high auditorium. real a photoplay In which so little location tions of Mrs. Burnett, author of this profanity! treat to "mud-carriag- e" to of the First Presbyterian church musical for the public work was- required as in her current perennially popular tale. The variety The is said be New Tan and Brown Calf Oxfords will meet .at the home of Mrs. D. enjoy. United Artists offering, "Little Lord manifested in these sets forms the basis and II. Hendrlck, 5 East DeSotol Mrs. XV. A. Zelius will entertain the Fauntleroy." to be featured at the Isis upon which is built the Strap-pump- s with welted soles. or street, at 8:80 o'clock. members of the 42 club on Theatre beginning Monday. drama, pathos, and uproarious comedy of Wing Circle No. 8; hostess, Mrs. Sam Wednesday afternoon, March 22, With the exception of a trip to Bur-lingam- e, the story. tips. Medium or low walking heels McLaughlin, 309 West Cervantes at her home, near Bay View. Cal., where the castle exteriors Those who have learned to love the straight Brent-Gouldi- ! street. Meeting, ng Woman's were taken, the entire picture was made little Lord Fauntleroy the author pic and wear, yes ladies, real wear Mrs. Sam Mrs. Jack in Los Angeles at the headquarters for tured, as well as the atmosphere In which Circle No. 4; hostess, club; hostess, Roberts, the Pickford force. will Miss 1008 Reus street.; 2:30 p. m. he lived, view Pickford's cine Pasco, North This has not meant, however, that matization of this wonderful novel with "Little Lord Fauntleroy" is an econom- a genuine delight. The faithfulness and The Shoe Co. r THE WOODLAND PATH PROGRAM TO BE ical picture. On the contrary, It is by-fa- fidtity with which she has reproduced Meyer RENDERED THIS EVENING. the most expensive cinema under- the romantic locale in which the story Just a narrow path through a leafy 13 The pupils of the Allle Yniestra taking Little Mary has ever attempted. steeped Is truly a credit to the genius dell, school are all ar- The cost of the sets alone runs into fig- of the one and only Mary. Where the crocus blooms and the making necessary ures that sound like a statement of Amer- To Insure correctness of detail, es for pro-gra- tn robins rangements the very pretty ica's war debt. In addition to the larg- dwell, to bo rendered school au- peclally in connection with everything top- at the est interior set ever sev- fit. And the echoed songs from the - built, there are pertaining, to the English portion of the most trees ditorium this evening, .beginning at eral exteriors that were gigantic in size Miss Pickford employed a "pe- 7:30 o'clock. There will be a picture, Are gently borne on the perfumed good and Stupendous in cost. Despite the fact riod expert" who had spent practically many of the smaller pupils, who pos- that every effort was exercised to bring all his life in the service of the British breeze, sess sane And the brook lulls the spirit dramatical talent and who will expenditures, the nature of these nobility. Foot Demonstrator laughing carry Interesting parts of the enter- Bettings necessitated a tremendous out- ThA man tthn AASin-nA- th Kt tmtrftd Comfort wild of in order that England while and ha Till the scornful man Is a trusting tainment: lay money they miijht studying abroad, 77 jT o . Song: Some Little Drops of Water be Interesting, realistic and artistic. has expressed in his work the result of J. child; 4-- the are bound to of wow A Among settings that several years study and observation uar stare moss-grow- n Is seldom girls. ii Just a path that provoke much favorable comment are the of English castle architecture. .,-- r v trod "Freckles" Joe Roberts. Interiors of Dorincourt the These and it 1-- A Castle, N.v many other Interesting This is But It leads to peace and the works of Little Grandmo'.her Drill and York street scenes, the Dorincourt Lodge features contribute to make "Little Lord your opportunity to Ood! 2-- B girls. and the peasant home of Mrs. Higgins. Fauntleroy" the most stupendous Pick- come to our store and learn Just a flowery path through a wooded Recitation: My Daily Bread Bessie The widest extremes possible are repre- ford picture, and one cf the greatest films Wilson. sented in these built as ever flashed on screen. but one of the many Interesting scenes how thousands suffer- vale reproductions, any which to make the ofpeople Kid Days Emily McMillan go up strong photo- Where no aordld things of the world Song: play which Alice Eyton adapted from ing from corns, callouses, bun- prevail-Wh- ere and Thelma Arrlngton. ; BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL GOOD FOR THAT COUGH 2-- A "FLU" the Helen R. Martin novel and play by the heart Is soothed by the The Elves and Shoemaker and WOMEN INSTALL OFFICERS. For quick relief from the wearing Frank Howe, Jr. The part of "Tillie" ions, tired, hurting painful sparkling rills, boys and girls. Is to one most Wind Katie Cobb. Members of the Business and Pro- coughs that "hang on" after the grippe said be of the appealing feet have been benefited And the silence awes and the freedom The or in all Miss Minter's career. Frank by thrill. Play: A Dose of His Own Medi- fessional Woman's club held an in- influenza, take Foley's Honey and Tar. Mrs. K. D. Drake, Childs, Md, Urson directed the picture which was the use of And the irystlc spell of the solitude cine Characters Johnnie Howse, teresting meeting on Tuesday, at Elmer Harris. Allen Lawrence Alice Antone, which officers for the writes: "After an attack of the flu that supervised by Fills. the swelling breast with a hope Byrd, ensuing year left me with a severe Davey had charge of tho photography.