1902-07-02, [P ]
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•".T'JJfWfT.'"- '•",'S? T.W' — >Vfai".il|.'t,l^iytrr«i.--.' '1WW" nn fwp« Upwep VISE^'* f «f % —rtO'v >, 4%""fvs' ^ 1 «? r j&.'v > I 1 •:.P&vi^!5riS^feSt5 >-."' , s * " J ( ec«S?J* ft * « • t!fw s,4W^' <£*£> ss • J**-*"1 •• ' 'fc "> *vft£* Li'v V s v » * 5i ^ *1 (•/*<,* vft. ^4t 1v> "!>• " Wedding bells in the near future. Davenport last week. milk and occasional venison. Deer Singling Bros. Circus. If you want one of the best times Several attended the "Old Settlers'' were plentiful and all night their whis Into the water below. Might? el^udt B, C. R. & V. Excursions. County Correspondence. you have ever had, you must celebrate picnic at Manchester Thursday. tling was often heard. The nearest of Btcnm arose, and as the vapor con Waterloo, IOWB, July 18—For tie Please note below a list of prominent the fourth at Masonville. There will above occasion the I.'C. R. R. will sell in^elii>|ie which will be held during tt e E. 11. Blanchard has traded his farm doctor was at Delhi 15 miles away. The densed It fell upon us ns warm caln. tickets to Waterloo and return at a rate be BportB galore and "something doing" Htiinmt-r mouths, forwhlcn special raHs at Oneida for one near Manchester. trading points for the community were This' is "why 1 grew so well and why of one and one-third tare for the P UIMI "•'•I lie authorized by the B. C. R. & U. GREELEY. John iieatty is walking with the as all day long. Ball Game, foot races, Mrs, Orange Harris, of Manchester, Dubuque, Delhi and Quasqueton. The the vegetation around tue was so rank- trip. Tickets good to return until .1 ui\ Ry. bicycle races and many other amuse ly luxuriant 19, 27w3 11. G. l'l i'.I.CK, Agent. L, Matt/hews WBB tip from the count; sistance of a cane, as the result of a is visiting her sister MrB. Herrick. latter place at that time was considered J* nver, Colo. June 20-July 2 Tri ments. A patriotic address by Rev. M. Mrs. George White entertained a com Many years after the land began to ennial Convention International Sunday seat on Saturday. kick on the knee, received from a horse a better trading point than Delhi. Man School Association. Cooney, of Waterloo, at 11 o'clock a. m. pany of little girls at her home on sink. Slow!? It went down: slowly Lee's Lice and Mite Killer is a liquid Claude Farwell nas been visiting here ast Sunday morning. —Monitor. chester did not exist until later. Mr. the water closcd over our heads until coal tar product, heavily charged with Denver, Colo., July 15-22. Biennial Bowery dance in the afternoon and a for a few dajB. Tuesday aftornoon. Dainty refresh Lendrnm had to walk to ForeBtville to all the mighty forests were deep under gases which kills Insects without hav- Meeting, Ancient Order of HlUrnlans grand ball at night. Music by the in America. Mrs. Sr. Lindsay and daughter visit EDGEWOOD. ments were served. pay for his land and when he arrived the sea. Thus we stopped for count ng to touch them. It is used by Phippfn'B Orchestra, of Maynard, and Mr. and MrB. J. W, Swinburne and sprinkling on roosts for poultry, on Denver, Colo., August 20-30. Nation ed here Tuesday. I Too late for last woek.l there he was unable to get a meal and less years, and a heavy bed of sand ac al t raten.nl Congress. also the Masonville Cornet Band. A llarry bad business in Manchester bedding for bogs. It is vastly superior Mrs. Louise Gorell is visiting her son Mr. and MrB. F. L. Weyant are visit was forced to walk back to the Grove cumulated above us. Then. Just as to the weak, inert, diluted imitations Denver, Colo, September 1 0.- An grand display of llreworks In the even Thursday. sJow]y. we arose until we formed a In Aurora. ing friends and relatives near Columbus. to get Bupper and lodging. In conclud often offered as a substitute at a few nual convention, National Association ing. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Wm. DaviB, of Straw- vast elevated land. Then camo other centB less in price. It B endorsed by of Letter Carriers. Geo. Neiman, of Earlville, was a bus Ohio. ing Mr. Lendrum Bays; "We bad many I The dance at James Maguire's was a berry'Point are visiting their daughter, forests—trees whose limbs were tnn- all experienced poultry and hog raisers. Dea Moines, la., May 20-22. Annuel iness visitor here on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hubbeli left for hard experiences in the early days. We state G. A. R. Encampment. grand Buccess and thoBe from town who Mrs. II. H. Porter. gled with euoruious festoons and gar The genuine is Bold by all druggists. Mr. and Mrs. H. ti. Millen were the Harvard, Illinois, where they expect to fought poverty and ague. We missed lands of strange climbing plants. Ter 27wl Minneapolis, Minn,, July 7-11. An attended returned home in the wee A.J. Young leaves the flret of the guests of friends in this city on Sun remain two or three weekB visiting rela many privileges but we were happy and rible thunderstorms alone broke the si nual meeting, National Educational small bourt>. week for Boulder, Colorado. Association. day. tives. no later settlers have had any happier lence of these wooded solitudes save Mother Always Keeps lt Bandy. Father Murtaugh, of Boon,>nd Fath Mrs. Geo. White aod Mrs. S M. Omaha, Neb., Oct. lfi-23. National Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Farwell were the The Edgewood band has decided to times than did we in the pioneer days." when come mighty fern crashed to the "My mother suffered a long time convention, Christian Church. er O'Mera, of Manchester, were gueBls Chase were shopping in Manchester guests of friends here Sunday. give an open air concert in the streets Geo. Hickox read a paper written by ground or when the wind tore down from distressing palms and general 111 Salt Lake City, Utah, August 12 14. of Bev. Thos. Murtaugh Monday. Thursday. young branches nud burled them Into health due primarily to indigestion," Annual meeting, Grand Lodge Benevo L. A: Schneider and John Ocker and every Saturday night. G. W, Arbegust of Lamont. Mr. Arbe- B Mrs. H, N. May has been entertain the 3wainps. "«^ L. W. Spalding, Verona, Mo., lent and Protective Order of Elks. their wives were in JDubuque. Friday The Loyal Temperance Legion gave gust came to Ead's Grove Sept. 22, 1845. "Two years ago I got her to try Kodol. ing her brother, Mr. Brightbaugh, of HOPKINTOfl. So all went on anew, as of old, and San FranciBco, Cal., August 11-22. Bi attending carnival. a fine program at the Congregational At this time the only family living be She grew better at once and now, at ennial meeting, Knights of Pythias. Cascade, this week. the contlncut sank once more below the age of seventy-six, eats anything D. Thomas and family spent Sunday church Sunday afternoon, June 21. Mrs. F. E. Richardson and children tween Ead's Grove and Baiiev'B Ford Seattle, Wash. Very low rates, JameB Towner is having hlB house re the waters of the ocean, tnklng with it she wants, remarking that she fears no at the home of their daughter, Mrs. M. of Manchester visited over Sunday at was the l'addlefords, who lived near the beds of burled verdure. Yet again Tacoma, Waab., July 23 27. National G. B. Howell, of Marlon, spent sever modeled and is making quite an im bad effects as she haB her bottle of Ko meeting, i\ P. C. U. of tho United Fitzpatrlck. dayB the-home of A. Ri 'hardson. Fred came where Jones lower mill how BtBnds. In. It rose, and again it Bank. So layer dol handy." Don't waste time doctor al with his cousin, W. Humphrey. provement. Presbyterian Church. Monday evening about thirty of the Otley Beyer, who haB been attending down Monday to accompany them Coffin's Grove there were four families, upon layer of plants and of sand were ing symptoms. Go after the cause. Call on any representative of thiB com youngsters of this neighborhood assem home. Cofiln, Baker, Sullivan and Minkler, and formed—vast layers, which took ages If your stomach Is sound your health pany for full information or address Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, has re : 4?' FORESTVILLK. will be good- Kodol rects the stomach bled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Prof. W. B. Guthrie returned home no one west between them and Inde unthinkable to form—until there was a JNO. G. FARMER, turned borne for his summer vacation. Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Sherwin of depth of 10.000 feet of hard baked wood and Btrengthens the body by digesting Walters and helped tbeir son Charles last Friday morning from liia foreign pendence except a house or two at Pine G. P. & T. A., B„ C. R. & N. R'y. Mrs. Mary Coolidge attended the Strawberry Point visited friends and and sand, of coal and dirt. Look at pour food. It Is nature's own tonic.— 18-wll Cedar Kapids, Iowa. to celebrate his 12th birthday. A very visit, and this week is in attendance at Creek. The nearest mill for grinding Smith BroB. commencement exercises of the U. I.