John Carroll University Carroll Collected The aC rroll News Student 2-13-1970 The aC rroll News- Vol. 52, No. 10 John Carroll University Follow this and additional works at: http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews Recommended Citation John Carroll University, "The aC rroll News- Vol. 52, No. 10" (1970). The Carroll News. 423. http://collected.jcu.edu/carrollnews/423 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student at Carroll Collected. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aC rroll News by an authorized administrator of Carroll Collected. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Open Grapplers Beat NO The f;arroll News Visitation Repruenting }ohll CarroU Uni~:er•ity Page 6 PageS OffiO'S BEST BI-WEEKLY COLLEGE NEWSPAPER Feb. 13, 1970 Volume Lll, No. 10 UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS, OHIO Union Treasurer BULLETIN CAlC Heat! Greg )larlier, ('nion presi­ dential cand1date who lost in 1he primarieR in the Union Frank Chenette in Race S<'nate last Tuesday, an­ nounced toda} that he will Chris Streifender Runs continue his campaign as a For Union Presidency ''rite-in candidate. Volin~ Cor student Union For Union Executive Post By BII.I, C..\1~ E Pre!;ident and Chief Justice In his acceptance speech last Tuesda~', Frnnk Chenette, will be held next :'\londay and By RICK KAPLAR . Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 current Student Union treal-'urcr and nominee for the onice p.m. in front of Kulas \adi­ "The restoration of student confidence in ihe Umon lS of president. proposed nn expansion and an improvement of torium. All :.tudents who the most important lask facing the next Uniou president. our present institutions. and the ha\e an J.D. card are eligible and I believe that it can best be done by a person wbo has inno\'ation of several n<'W pro· proposes u srmestcr long orienta­ tion progrnm for freshmen. Tutor­ to vote, including evening not been indoctrinated for three grnms. I ing by sludents would also he of­ school, part-time, and senior vears in the w:ws of the past." f'or the Ra.thsk('ller, Frank pro­ class students. \vith these words, Chris :\I. Sn·ei· posed nights open to Uni\'. De- fered in conjunction with this pro­ gram. fender accepted the Student Cnion For the Scheduling of concerts, presidPntial nomination at last Frank prnpo!'e!' n Union presiden­ Tuesdn~·'s meeting. tial committee. m:lCle up of four Crabill Streifender empha:;ized that :;er­ senator;: and four n1embers of the vice. rather than profit. should l:ni,·ersit\' Club. Union funds for chal'acterize the Union. Of pri­ concet1 s ~~ould then be addect, al­ mary importance, he said, is the lowing for an improve<] quality of Seeks recognition <Jf the fact that stu­ profP-~1'ionnl talent plus money dent govPrnment must be a ser,ice from the University. provided at cost, not a profit-mak­ In tm·ms of APR':>, Frank pro­ Judiciary ing. Profits should be plowe<l di­ rectlv back to the students when· l.lOfles th!!il' nboliflhm!'nt for sopho· By MARGE STRAND mores, juniors and seniors. Coun­ ever· possible, he said. seling hy faculty ad\·isors would ::\like Crabill, a junior psy­ The candidate divided the areas still he nvailabiP, but students chology major from South of pre:;idential concern into three would he responsible for familiar­ Bend, Indiana, is the candidate a1·eas: administrative. social, and izing themselves wilh the catalogue for Chief Justice. Jf )tike assumrs academi<'. t:nder administrative af­ and cul'l'iculum requirements. fairs, Strei fender proposed a Chris Streifender .-\ Clcvt'!land Career Week would strengthening of existing commit­ be proposed to b1·ing members tees, and annual audit of Union minuses, and the implementation of the business, political, social, and Rathskeller books, and the of pass-fail courses in non-major Frank Chenette and l!{lucntional community into chartf·ring of an intra-frntemity subject!i were urgt>d by tht> past partmf"nts, an mct·eaSf' in the va· contact with C:~rroll Student~. This Council. nalional president of Junior Ach· riety of foods offerect to include week woultl be of b!'nefit to both "Thn creation of such an intra­ ievement. pizin, more happr hours, and the in that. Clevelnnclers would be fraternit~· Council would decrease Discu.;sing student membership budgeting of pr.oftts for greater anti made aware of talent at JCU, and the size· of the Senate and force more effectiv!.' u,;e by all students. :.tudents would be made aware of on the Buar,l of Trustees he said, member' of the class boards to "A more effecth·e way to influence In tt>nns of student rt•presenta• local employment opportunities. handle mort> respon.>ibility." he ou­ lntel1l!ll cnmmunir:~til'n would t~O Jn(-r.\b:Or.. is to uring small Linn !<'rnnk prop<>sed to Rit stu­ senPd. groups of students into infonnal rl<'nts on the Bonrd of Ttust<'es, the G<'t'! such innovations :such as a Scx:ially, open dorms received the contact with the Board." Rank, Tenure and Salary Commit­ ''Dial-a-C:llendar" infonnation ser­ candidate's endorsement. "The most tee, and a rcstructurmg of the ,;ce, bi-wet>klr colft'!e hours in pt·essing concern of the l'nion is Streifcnder, cul'l'ent president of l'ni\', l>b•ciplinnry Committee. He the snack ba1· and met>tings in the not better concerts, but the ach· the Clevdand Area Tnt ercollcgiate would :mppot·t the est:.'l.blishment of dorms. n full page of Union busi­ ievemcnt of open dorms for the Council. concluded by saying. "The a student liaison between the Stu­ ness to he ad,·ertised in the Car­ resident students." plan~ r ha\'P ju~t presentNI are dent Union and the City of tini­ l'oll Xews. Academically, Streifender called those whit·h can h· rPalistically ac­ versity Heights. HI.' would further Frank also proposed a "free uni­ for reform in the grading system; complishe•l with'n the one-year support g1·enter Student Union in­ versity" offering ~·ourses on cur­ thl' incorporation of pluses an1l term of a Uni(ln p ·t•:;ident." ,·olvement in the problems of the rent isSU!'l', such as 1-ace and war, Clevelnnd area. and on any subjcd of student in­ thl' job, he \\;11 chair the sP\en By way of inno,·::~tions, Frank tert'!!'ti.\ to be begun next year. member Judicial Board or the Stu­ There comes a time in lh<' histon of student govem­ dent UniAm. lnent ''hen tltat goYernment reaches an apt>'\, That time " 'J'he board's function is to :re· 1111'1\' has come for John Carroll's Student Union. f!.'llow ~tudents, view all cases brought before it On the brink (\( the 1970's, a new decade res before us. During the past ) t>ar, '"' hnve accompli,hcd much to· concerning chartet; · oolations and Facing John Carroll's Student L'nion s a challenge: to gethE-r. \\'c ,hare in the pride for our new l~alllf;kellcr, f matters of gcner:f, S1scipline. ;.tep dow11 into a course of shattered ide.alism and f~nci.e s, Gamcroom and Radio Station. We ha'e all atlt•nded the 1 Mikt> does not have a set plat- or to I>rostress into a course of respoMtveneSI;, dedtcahon man) eH'llts sponf'ored by ou1· Student l'nion. such as beer form due to the nature of the job. and c;ervice to Carroll student"' . mixt>r~. Sunday night mo' it>'l. J)ugan'~t :\lt>n. the Tom Rush Hc indicated that the position it­ During my four years at Carroll l have been m a po:;:­ Conc<'rt, and the Dick GrPgor)· lecture. self pr.ohlbits it. He added that he tion to observe ~our Student UU.:on at work. At the same .\s !ltudents we have as:.umed a morc re~;poll'-tble role hopes to keep "everything open- lime 1 h'l''e heen able to compare it to other student go,·- in thc administering of thh~ Unh·er~<ity. We now have five ~ minded." ernments. student!! in the ,\endemic Senate, the lt>gislativc body for "The old adage that. things were Canoll'q Student t;nion has auomplished much m ~r- Hll academic policy. and two students on the Universit) l at their best when nothing came ' ice to its ~>I udents. Yet these achievements, beneficial as Council. thc highc'<t eommitt('(• in tht• University dir~t!y -~ to you, is no long•!r the case," ~like they arc, are bul pa!>t history, foundations of a passed responsible fo Fr. Schell ..\nd Finally, we now watt m stated. He continued saying that decade. · f t•atrer anticiJ>ation for membership on the !Ward of Trus­ "because of the way the Court. and Whnt ,..hould be the duties of your Student l!mon or tt•c:-. Judicial system is presently set up the future, :md most im))('ratively for the coming year? not all the things that are actual­ \II th~·"t' thin~ ha'e ix'cn accomplishE-d because wc t You1• Student Cnion should know the needs, J>roblems, haYc work~·d to~tt•tltcr- you and I - to makt> John Car· 1 ly wrong will eYe1· come up." nnd desil'es of all Its s tudents. ~t should. eome to you. not roll n bt•llt•r place for all. Wc haw done much: but there )[ike approaches the job with onlv with an open ear, but al<;o w'lth defimte and determmed is st II morc to do.
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