IOWA CITY, IOWA We Get up on "The Wrong Side of the Jim SUUI Bed" in the Morning, the World Some Appearan: Publllhir
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, .... If' , , High Winds, ge Heavy Rain Re nts Instruct .. Hit Iowa City A severe thunderstorm and 62·mile·an· Schools to Study I hour winds buffeted Iowa City Thursday night, resultlng In fallen tree limbs and several power outages - including one that shut lights off in the city police • station for a time. Cars were damaged and streets block· ngs ed by the fallen limbs. Possible Savi Pollee barricaded the aUey behind the Post Office, 28 S. Linn St., after a 4160· By LOWELL FORTE University Pre. Howard R. Bowen to the board thaI be had senl to UNl power line was blown down. The three state universities "ere re opposed an enrollment decrease, stating faculty and staff askln for economy Also, an electric pole outside the Fire quested by the Board of Regents Thurs it would not be a genuine cut or sav· IUggesUons. He d Ihal the respo Station located in the Civic Center, was day to begin detailed reviews of their ings, but merely would be "shifting stu were infonn8tive. struck by lightening, A power company operations to flOd areas in which ec0- dents from one Institution to another." Board member ed Perrin. of MapJe. truck in route to repair It became en· nomies can be made . University Pres.-select Willard Boyd ton sald " the universities should study tangled in live wire dangling from the The request resulted from discussing told the board that the University Is allematN that tend to reduce costs pole. However, no injury or damage to ways thai would enable the regents to looking for economies, "but It would be and decide 'hich ones would be least the truck was reported. reduce the surcharge, the label lor part a mistake to tell you or the public that detrimental. " EIKtrlcity went out .t the Police St.· of the 60 per cent tuition increase. we are going to willy nilly dismantle He sald the univrr"lilies must decide tlon .t ':41 p.m. and the station was still At the board's last meeting. May 27, the University. on their prlorltl . on .uxili.ry power and w.lki.·t.lkie ''Tht Unlvenity tncI Itt ........ m. Apparently after considering cuta In communicationl when The Daily low.n the tuition increase was approved . In opening Thursd.y'l discussion, betn ur.fuUy built up over the enrollmenta and educational programs, w.nt 10 prl". bOird chalrm,n St.nlly Redeker, of YUrt. W. will do our be.. .. IChIevt Redeker Slid, "The major functIon of Oakdale Sanitarium was without power .conomles, but would not wa'" to ... y the universities Is educating the youth from 7:40 to 8:40 p,m., and Veterans Boone, $lid th.1 I'lt board lhould sl.rt of Ihe tate, plus performing research remedi.. .ction th.1 mlghl eventually w. c.n • number of tfoll.n." Hospital reported "flickering lights." and rvices to the ale. We should re lelld to • surch.1'9' reduction. He Slid University of Northern Iowa (UNl) However none of the other hospitals ex· Pres. J. W. Maucker said, "I don 't u view II much IS posslb lhe rvice perienced power failure. · reductions hopefully wOllIel k Impll. funcUon. We should eliminate servle mentH by the 1970·71 school year. peet much to happen to enrollment, cur College Street and Butler Bridge on to the state rather than educat OIIal p~ Highway 218 were blocked by fallen Redeker said limiting enrollment at riculum or staff. Savinp wlIl have to be made in such areas as telephone and. grams." trees, and a tree and electric wire were the three state Institutions and elimin· member WIIII.m Qui""" CecI. travel expense. The savings won't be IeInI ating some major programs were p0s ... Rapids, ..lei Ifudtnt .Id..... the sible economies. huge, but maybe appreciable." I... 111_ he wI",1Id to _ cuts mtdt, In referring to the possibility 01 the More Storms Iowa State University (ISUl Pres. W. but adcItcI that he w.nttcI It bow ''hew board elirninatlng educational programs, Robert Parks said It would be "silly" much frem tultitn Is ge"" Partly cloudy to cloudy today with oc· to meet money problems by such ac· Boyd Was ked about the legality of ,nit clllon.1 Ihowen or thunder storms. terminating a proCessor's tenurt. Boyd ..........IeI." tions. He said limiting enrollment would Board member MI'I. Joseph Ro n· P.rtly cloudy lonight end S.turdey. Lit· be a "oneshol deal and it makes no said it would be legal If there WIS a fi· tie in ..mper.ture . High todIy field , Des MOines, said that the nut University Pres.· select WIII.rd 80yd sense at all to send through a freshman nanclal problem , but stressed lhat II\lch sc.hool year wlU provlde WormaUon on In low.r 801. tells Ihe Bo.rd of Regent. Thursd • ., class 1,000 students short." a move would damage the "securlty of remaining and prospective faculty memo enrollment, student aid and operatinl Ihlt it would be a ",Istlk, t. t,1I them H. noted thlt If the bo.reI wlnted 10 expellJe5. down for a time at the corner of Gilbert or tM public Ihal Ihe .dministralion m.k. large .conomles .1 ISU It might bers." The board decided that the Ihree unI· Street and Iowa Avenue. would "willy nilly dismantle tM Unl· eUminal, Ih two·yur pregr,ms In en. M.ucker Slid .teff chi"... wevW veraiti should provide prelim mary reo A car parked in the 500-block of Col· Soycl Makes a Point hIVe to come by not lidding ,.. stiff verslty" in order to economlu. Th' re- gineerlng, .grleultunt .nd hom. eco· PON on economl b)I the October reo lege Street incurred major damage when genis, meeting It Ollkdale, hope to con· nomics. H. Itld thlt the .r•• c;ommu .nc! by not ntpllclng those who ...~, gen ts mcetlng. it was struck by a tree, and there were clud. their work toclay. nlty collegll could III "tooled·up to nttlnt or die. RMtktr Mid hi hoped the surcha .... numerous other reports of limbs and Maucker distributed a memorandum - Photo by Low.1I Forti elnt of ,tudtllt.," ~1eI be rtducM by the 1910·71 tchttl rubble falling on cars. --------------------------.-~---- --------------- -------........ _-- y,.... A tornado w.lch WIS In effect for thl Ir•• until 2 '.m. this morning. OM fun· Quarton said be hoped to a reduc· nel cloud w.s spotted by a policeman in tlon by the aecond scmest!!r of next southealt lowl City al 7:52 p.m. bul it year. However, th re was no dISC on did not touch down. Severll other per· or moUon on a urchar e reduction . sons informed luthoritl" that they hid In other action, the board approved a Iftn tunnel·shaped cloudl elsawhere but resoluUon calling upon Gov. Robert Ray none of theSt reports was confirmed. to add six members, mcludlng the tatt Only one traffic accident had been at Iowan director of planning and programming Serving the Un/err ity of Iowa and the People of Iowa City tributed to the storm at press time. That to th Coordinatinl Council for P I High accident occurred at about 9 p,m., when School Education two cars collided head-on on Interstate Established in 1868 10 cents a copy R",nt Melvin Wolf, who pr.sentlld the 80 near the Howard Johnson restaurant. resolution to the regents $lId the "m.lor Damage to the cars was said to be thrusl" of tM propol.1 would III 10 for.· major. but no injuries were reported. sl.1I furth,r leglll.tlve control of hlth· Power lines were put out of commis· .r t4uc.lion. 'Ion in parts of downtown Iowa City and Stores Owned by Rocky He referred to whnt he called thl' street lights at some intersections l;J I Asked to Stay " legislative environment" In lhe 19fi9 .topped working for a lime. Road signs G neral A sembly, during which 8 num· «tere also down in some residential ber of lel!islatorere critical of both areas. Bombed in Argentina Board of He nls . pending policic and Waler was reported to bI washing over behavior of me stud nts at th thr e Riverside Driye shortly blfore 11 p.m. BUENOS AIRES, Argentina 111'\ - Ter· From here he will Oy to Haiti, Out of Renewal state unlver Iii Sources in Argentina said that Rocke Redeker. however . aid the propo al • .nd clogged drainl at corners of Clln· rorists set off incendiary bombs Thurs· By TRAVIS WE5TLY lion," which he Slid woulel III consider day in 14 of 17 supermarkets owned by feller's stay in Argentina would be cut should be vi lied a a po llive approach ton Ind Dubuqu. Streets resulted in ed. to 36 hours, from its original planned The State Board of Regents Thur day to make the councll more effective, "minor flooding," bul neilher thorough. a Rockefeller·founded corporation here However , Bowen did not say when the duration of three days, because of vio denied a request from a group of local w.y was cut off from use. in protest against the visit next week of meeting would be held . The council now hIS 11 m.mberl, In· New York Gov . Nelson A. Rockefeller. lence associated with Thursday's bomb urban renewal opponents that the UnI· cluding eduulors worki"9 in both public There was no indication at press time versity be instructed to end its upport of Three members of the Board of Rt as to how much rain had fallen in the Seven of the large, modern supermar· ings.