Read Ebook {PDF EPUB} When the Heart Lies by Christina North 7 Things That Make Up a Christian Heart. Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” This verse is saying that you must have honesty within your heart. Be true to yourself and those around you – and you’ll discover that your heart will guide you when you’re feeling left astray or at bay from everything that’s near and dear to you. Always listen to your heart because it will help to cultivate your decisions between right and wrong. Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding,” This verse is conveying the desperate need for faith within your heart. There will be challenging times that cause you to question your faith and your overall belief system; however, it’s important to have faith within your heart. When you find yourself in doubt, look to your heart to guide you into the right direction. If you have these seven elements within your heart, you’ll find that your life is much fuller – full of happiness, love and the Lord. Everyone’s heart has many other qualities and attributes that furnish their individuality however, these seven elements are the core to a Christian heart. obituary: the woman at the heart of the . There were many victims of the Profumo affair, the sex and spying scandal that dominated the headlines in 1963, contributed to the resignation of the then prime minister, , soon afterwards, and still looms disproportionately large in the history of modern Britain. High on any list of those who suffered, and arguably at the very top, was Christine Keeler, who has died aged 75. She was the showgirl – she preferred to call herself a model, while others labelled her a prostitute – whose simultaneous sexual liaisons in July 1961 with the British secretary for war, , and the Soviet attaché , lay at the heart of the scandal. A photograph taken at the time, of a young, alluring, but vulnerable Keeler, posing naked on a back-to-front Arne Jacobsen chair, has become one of the enduring symbols of the era. The key players in the Profumo scandal. Christine Keeler. A former model who was introduced to society figures by the osteopath . In June 1961, when Keeler was 19, Ward introduced Keeler to John Profumo at a party at the Buckinghamshire stately home, . Stephen Ward. In 1963, Ward was tried for living off “immoral earnings” after claims that he introduced women including Mandy Rice-Davies and Keeler to rich clients. The case ended with Ward’s suicide. Mandy Rice-Davies. The British model made a headline-grabbing appearance at Ward’s trial, claiming that her lovers included Viscount “Bill” Astor, the owner of Cliveden. Told that her alleged former lover denied her allegations, she answered: “Well, he would, wouldn’t he?” Rice-Davies died of cancer aged 70 in 2014. Yevgeny Ivanov. The Soviet naval attaché had an affair with Keeler at the same time as Profumo. The romantic triangle led to Profumo, then secretary of state for war, resigning. John Profumo. The affair nearly destroyed Harold Macmillan’s government. Profumo spent the rest of his life volunteering at Toynbee Hall, a charity in east . He died in 2006, aged 91. Written by Holly Watt. She spent much of the rest of her life after 1963 bemoaning – in countless interviews and several volumes of autobiography, each more lurid than the last – her inability to escape the shadow of the affair. “It’s been a misery for me, living with Christine Keeler,” she said when her “definitive account” was published in 2001 (the volume was revised in 2012, with the claim, “Now Profumo is dead I can finally reveal the truth”). Yet she never appeared to really want to put it behind her. She would approach journalists and publishers repeatedly, offering to sell them another new angle on the story. The 2001 book, for example, contained new allegations that she had been pregnant with Profumo’s child but had been pushed into having an abortion. These were dismissed by those close to the disgraced minister who, in contrast to Keeler, sought rehabilitation by public silence and good works in the East End of London before his death in 2006. He was, of course, a wealthy man who could afford such a stance. Keeler was habitually short of cash and could not manage the luxury of just lying low. She made a second major claim in the 2001 book. Stephen Ward, the osteopath who introduced her and other girls from the wrong side of the tracks to aristocrats and leading figures in the late 1950s and early 60s, had been, she revealed, a Soviet agent who had tried to murder her. “I don’t know,” she said, “if he was the fourth man, or the fifth … but he was certainly in the top 10.” Christine Keeler in 1963. Photograph: Popperfoto/Getty Images. By then only the keenest conspiracy theorist paid her any attention. Most had long since concluded that Keeler was simply making it up to produce a good headline. A kinder assessment might have been that she was struggling – and failing – to sort out in her own mind the sequence of events that overwhelmed her between 1961 and 1963. Her continuing interest in the limelight could leave her in apparently contradictory situations. In 1989, she attended the premiere of the film Scandal, which purported to be an accurate picture of the whole affair. Her presence was taken as her endorsement, but later she said she turned up only because she needed the £5,000 attendance fee and said the script had misrepresented and abused her. Keeler was born in Uxbridge, Middlesex; her father had been based at RAF Uxbridge. He disappeared from her life early and she moved with her mother, Julie, and her mother’s new partner, Ted Huish, to live in a converted railway carriage near a gravel pit at Wraysbury in Berkshire. She said afterwards that she was always frightened to be left alone with Huish, though no sexual abuse took place. She was pregnant at 17, but the father of her child, an American serviceman, returned to the US. Her mother made Christine conceal the pregnancy and she gave birth at home and virtually unaided. Her son, whom she called Peter, died after six days. The experience made her all the more determined to escape home and, through a friend, Maureen O’Connor, and her own striking looks, she was introduced to the seedy life of Soho, London, in the late 50s. She got a job at Murray’s Cabaret Club, a favoured venue for wealthy and aristocratic middle-aged men who wanted to meet topless showgirls. Among those she befriended at Murray’s was , the property racketeer, and his then girlfriend, Mandy Rice-Davies. The two women became close and spent increasing amounts of time together in the company of Ward at his mews house in Mayfair. Keeler said that her relationship with Ward was never sexual. He was well-connected and had the use of a cottage on the Cliveden estate of his patient, Lord (Bill) Astor. Keeler and Rice-Davies would go there with Ward, but Ward was banned from Cliveden itself by Astor’s wife, the former model Bronwen Pugh. On the weekend of 8-9 July 1961, Keeler and Ward were using the Cliveden swimming pool when the Astors brought over their guests, who included Profumo and his wife, the actor Valerie Hobson. Keeler had “lost” her swimming costume and caught Profumo’s eye. An affair between them followed, though she was also seeing Ivanov. It was later suggested that she had been extracting and passing military secrets in her pillow talk, though her chronic inability to stick to any set of facts for long makes the claim today look ludicrous. Christine Keeler in 2005. Photograph: ITV/REX/Shutterstock. It was other ill-judged attachments of Keeler’s that eventually transformed the scandal from rumours in the corridors of power to front-page news. Her links with a jazz singer, , and a petty criminal called led to shots being fired outside Ward’s house in December 1962. The police were called and, in an attempt to extricate herself from the threat of prosecution as an accomplice to a crime, Keeler began talking about the Cliveden weekend and her affairs with Profumo and Ivanov. At the end of 1963 she was sentenced to nine months in prison for perjury in the case brought against Gordon, and served six months in Holloway. Her fears led her then to try to sell her story to the papers, precipitating the public revelation of the scandal. Profumo resigned from parliament, but not before he had lied to the house in his attempts to stifle the scandal; Ward was tried for living off immoral earnings, but killed himself before a verdict was reached; and Astor was ostracised from society and died in 1966. Keeler felt that the official inquiry into the affair, conducted by Lord Denning, was a cover-up. She repeatedly accused Denning of betraying her by ignoring her account of the wider ramifications of events. When questioned about why she constantly altered her version of events, she said that for many years she had lived in fear of her life and therefore had kept the most controversial parts to herself. It was, however, mainly her own ghosts that were stalking her. She married twice, both times briefly and unsuccessfully. Her son, Jimmy, from the first marriage, to Jimmy Levermore, a builder, was brought up by Keeler’s mother. Seymour, the child of her second marriage, in 1971, to Anthony Platt, the director of a metal factory, remained close to her, even when family and friends had abandoned her. She also had a granddaughter. Her face marked by her sufferings, she worked variously in later years as a dinner lady, telesales agent and in a dry cleaner’s shop, but claimed that as soon as employers discovered her real identity – she took to using the surname Sloane in an attempt to cover her tracks – they sacked her. It was all, she said, part of a conspiracy to keep her quiet. If such a thing existed, it failed. Both marriages ended in divorce. Christine Keeler, model, born 22 February 1942; died 4 December 2017. This article was amended on 7 December 2017. Lucky Gordon was a jazz singer when he met Christine Keeler, rather than a cafe owner, as originally stated. What is the heart? The heart is mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. But what exactly is our heart, spiritually speaking? What is the significance and importance? What is “the heart” in the Bible? We read a lot about the heart in the Bible, because in Biblical times it was thought that our decisions, feelings and thought processes came from the heart. The heart in the Bible was thought to be a sort of “control center” from which all of our decisions were made. So when we read about the heart in the Bible, it is about the place where you have your will, your attitude and intentions, and which is the source of your thoughts, actions and words. This heart is the core of who you are as a person. Your heart is, essentially, you . With your heart you choose between good and evil. Your conscience sends out a message of whether something is right or wrong, and your heart is what drives you to choose. The heart that is in connection with God is able to choose the good every time. The heart that opens itself to other, impure influences becomes blind and confused when it comes to discerning between good and evil. “How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your word.” Psalm 119:9. Pure or impure hearts. We are all born with clean, pure heart s. Your heart becomes impure when you willfully sin, again and again. For example, when you keep going back and doing something you know to be wrong, repeatedly, without repenting. It can be things like dishonesty, envy, watching impure things, holding a grudge. It happens when you don’t want to stop doing it, even though you are aware it is evil. But when you decide to give up your own will and ways and give your life to God, He cleanses and purifies your heart. “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10. In this way a new “you” is born. This means that you get a new attitude, a new will – which is a desire to always choose the good and do God’s will. This renewed heart is clean and pure from the start. Then, you don’t have to fight to repeatedly purify your heart. But you do have to fight to keep it pure. Your heart doesn’t become impure because you are tempted. It becomes impure when you allow that temptation into your heart. That is, when you repeatedly, willfully sin without repentance . That causes your heart to become blemished and hardened. Sometimes you fall in sin, but a fall in itself doesn’t mean that your heart becomes impure. Your reaction to your fall proves what is in your heart. If you fall and you regret it, you sorrow and repent, then you have a pure heart that is open to God, and He immediately forgives you. But if you shrug it off, if you don’t care, and there is no repentance, then you are hardening your heart – your heart becomes impure. Your heart closes itself to God. Guard your heart. It is written in Proverbs 4:23: “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” In other words, do your utmost to keep your heart pure, because you are your heart – all of your life comes from your heart. The issues of life are your decisions, your actions and reactions, the way you feel, think and reason about things, your words. These can be pure or impure, depending on the condition of your heart, and the decisions you’ve made there. They affect your relationship with God. If your heart is pure, then everything stemming from your life is pure. If your heart is impure, then everything stemming from your life is impure. Your actions are a result of what is in your heart. Jesus says this very clearly in Matthew 12:34-35: “A good man out of the treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.” We could also say that not only does his mouth speak, but his mind thinks, and his body acts. That’s why it says it so strongly in Proverbs: “Keep your heart with all diligence.” Because what is in your heart becomes your life. 12 Bible Verses about Deceitful Hearts. “Have I covered my transgressions like Adam, By hiding my iniquity in my bosom, Because I feared the great multitude, And the contempt of families terrified me, And kept silent and did not go out of doors? There is nothing reliable in what they say; Their inward part is destruction itself. Their throat is an open grave; They flatter with their tongue. Do not drag me away with the wicked And with those who work iniquity, Who speak peace with their neighbors, While evil is in their hearts. They have counseled only to thrust him down from his high position; They delight in falsehood; They bless with their mouth, But inwardly they curse. Selah. Who with perversity in his heart continually devises evil, Who spreads strife. For as he thinks within himself, so he is. He says to you, “Eat and drink!” But his heart is not with you. If you say, “See, we did not know this,” Does He not consider it who weighs the hearts? And does He not know it who keeps your soul? And will He not render to man according to his work? Like an earthen vessel overlaid with silver dross Are burning lips and a wicked heart. He who hates disguises it with his lips, But he lays up deceit in his heart. When he speaks graciously, do not believe him, For there are seven abominations in his heart. Chapter 24 – Where The Heart Lies. The plaza is packed with a surprising amount of people, considering the time. I stick out like a sore thumb, being one of the few young people here and not in school. I scan the crowd as best as I can, all in the belief that I’ll know who I’m looking for when I see him. I know I will. He’s how this all started. It’s only during my distraction that I fail to notice someone else heading my direction. We collide into one another. I’ve survived so many fights, yet this has probably spiked my heart rate higher than anything that has come before. To run into someone… I’m not going to get away from hours upon hours of paperwork. And that’s if they don’t sue. I immediately start to apologize but a voice cuts me off. “Sorry about that. I was looking for someone and-“ The owner of the voice stops. I stop. The world stops. The people around us keep going yet everything is frozen in an infinite world. Because there’s an arm around my hip, gently supporting me from our collision. It moves up into a chest, obviously. But that chest is connected to a head. Yes, of course. What else would be there? No, I don’t want to know, after having seen that monster from before. But I’m rambling. I’m rambling because my brain is unable to process what’s happening before me. The owner of the voice, the person I crashed into… Grandpa was right… it took this moment for me to truly realize what I wanted in life. But this not-chance meeting has forced all bricks into place. “Rei…” My voice comes out in a dreamy whisper. “Well, I’ll be. You know me? Have we met before?” Her voice lacks the edge I’ve come to know. “I-I-I-” I stutter relentlessly like a child in front of a crowd. This earns a small laugh from her- and her arm is still around me. When she notices me looking, she still doesn’t move her arm. Instead, she simply raises one eyebrow. “My, you are a pretty little thing aren’t you? Now let ask you a strange question. If it doesn’t make sense to you, just write it off as the ramblings of a madwoman.” She tightens her arm around me, pulling me closer. My heart thumps in my chest at the contact. I can’t help but stare dumbly at her. She seems to take my silence as refutation and, with a “Sorry,” she goes to remove her arm. I refuse to lose this warmth, and grab her hand holding on my waist. She gives me another cocked eyebrow and in return, I give a pathetic little nod. “So, you are Eve then?” I give a nod. “Can’t talk?” She asks. “I-I’m sorry. You don’t know how much I’m, um, going through right now.” “I’d imagine I could give you a run from your money. But I never thought I’d meet you. Jamie really did explain you to a tee. Though I’d say she didn’t do you justice.” Rei gives me a charming smile and, more importantly, she’s flirting with me. “Um. I’m confused. So you’re who I was supposed to meet?” “What? That doesn’t answer-” My lips are sealed in a kiss, instantly halting everything within me. I’m pretty sure my heart isn’t even beating right now. I can hear the people around us gasp or otherwise cry out in disgust at our actions. After all, if you’re not allowed to touch, imagine what this must look like. But I don’t care. I swing my arms up and around her neck, pulling her closer to our kiss. Her tongue darts into my mouth, and with it, she marks me. Yet it’s over well before I’m ready for it to be. “I think I’m in love with you Eve.” “I… “ my head is cloudy from the kiss, my emotions are a wreck. “You’re so much different from before. More alive.” Her beautiful face twists. “Before?” “When-” Rei holds up a hand. “My life hasn’t been easy. Maybe it can’t hold a candle to yours, but your suffering doesn’t lessen mine. I didn’t exist before, you see. Even now, I can’t be sure that I do.” She takes in a deep breath and continues, “Then Jamie found me and told me about you; and the moment she mentioned you, it was as if my world came to life. Colors became more vibrant, my tongue stung with a prickly electric feeling.” That… doesn’t sound right. This world doesn’t have magik. She picks up on my mood and pushes her fingers through my hair. We may be standing in a crowd, but to me, there is no one else in this world besides Rei and I. “I… why are you here?” “It’s strange, don’t you know. I was given a message from a man with a bald head- a massive man.” What? Just, what? How? There’s no way. It’s official. Grandpa knew, or knows. There’s no other explanation. But how could that be possible? “The Moderator declares as thus: The path is clear. Silence will fall, Knight will break, Temper will falter, and Mother will wither, lest Queen returns.” Surprise after surprise. “How could possibly know those names?” I ask. My nerves burn and I take a half step away from Rei, much to her disapproval. “That’s what the man told me. Then he said: ‘Null equates to Zero. The Void comes. Ye who search, she is waiting.’” “No.” I cry out. “No. No, no, no. Not now.” I start to have a panic attack. Rei grabs my shoulders. “I don’t know what’s going on but you have to pull yourself together Eve.” “No. This isn’t fair. You’re here now. I don’t even know where or who He is. I don’t even know if he was real anymore. But I have you now. Why can’t I just be happy?” Rei gives me a strange look. “He? You have a boyfriend?” “ No . I mean, no. It didn’t get that far. About… six months ago I was going to meet Him here. But then everything happened.” I blabber on about what is tantamount to nonsense to Rei. “Wait. What? Is that why you’re here? You came to meet a guy?” Her face tells me she’s hurt. “No. I mean, yes. I mean…” I’m so confused as to what it is I want. What I’ve been trying to accomplish this entire time. “You know. About six months ago I actually did see you. It was an incredibly brief interaction. Then you just sort of disappeared. I figured the crowd ate you up. I called out to you, but to no luck.” I stumble further backward, lightheaded. “What are you saying?” The area around us starts to take on a slight shimmer. No. No no. “I refuse to go back. Not now. None of this makes sense.” I try to plead with literally anything that will listen. But the look on Rei’s face isn’t a what it should be. Instead of confusion, she looks at the shimmer in familiarity. “Rei do you… know what this is?” She seems to falter herself now. “I see. It makes sense now.” “What? What makes sense?” She’s making me nervous. Please don’t tell me anything more. I don’t want to hear it. But she isn’t so kind to me. “You have to go Eve.” “No. I change my mind. I’ll stay here with you.” I try to take a step toward her but, she takes a step back. “If you do this, If you stay… you can’t imagine what will happen.” “I can’t imagine what will happen if I do go.” “But that is how things have to be.” Rei looks forlorn as she sentences me. “But can you really stand by and let people get hurt? I don’t really get everything , but it seems you know, right? That I’m not the one who you love, Eve.” I almost do a double-take. The air around us starts to form cracks, yet no one else takes notice. “What could that possibly mean? I love…” “My, I’ve never known myself to be the jealous type.” Rei gives a small laugh. But that’s wrong. It has to be. I love… I struggle to think of who it is I have feelings for. So many people pass through my mind. Nina, Rose, Charlie, Kay, Mimi and… Rei. But the one I love is… “I…” My words continue to fail me. She gives a shrug. “My name is Reimiel. And until now, I have never met you.” “No. That doesn’t make sense.” I shake my head violently. The cracks grow larger around us, and I can hear the sound of metal striking metal. “Maybe it’s not meant to?” Rei says with far too much casualness. “But… this is cruel. You’re telling me to give you up, to go back to that world. To suffer as someone I am not, all for some vague premonition that could end up meaning nothing. I don’t care if you’re not exactly who I met before. I could stay here with you. That’s still an option.” “Is it though? Really?” She steps to the side to avoid a tear opening in the space next to her. The sound of battle blares through. Now this, catches Rei off guard. With a worried look, she slides up next to me, and wraps an arm around my waist. “Ultimately, the choice is yours. But all in all, I’ll always be with you. So you wouldn’t exactly be without me.” Her sincerity catches me off guard, and I choke up. Even if she isn’t exactly the same as before, whatever the hell that means, she’s still spouting the same nonsense. “What happens if I lose this fight, and I become another?” I can’t help but ask, giving into the distant nostalgia. “Deep down, you are always you, Eve. That is what I believe. So I will always support you.” “I can’t win against you, can I?” She looks over at me and tries to ask, “What does that-” but she doesn’t get a chance to finish her question. I’ve moved in front of her, and plant my lips on her’s. Regardless of who she is, she’s still my guardian Raven. I owe her this much; And my motives might have just a touch of selfishness to them as well. Her lips are soft, and warm. My tears drop to the concrete below us as the shimmering light reaches its apex and separates the space behind me. Rei has no hesitation in returning my kiss, and runs her hands through my hair to get a stronger hold. Then with the gentlest of touches, she pushes me backward. But this is my will, my choice. I’m no longer going to run, because I have people I love, that I have to help. If I am to live with pride, then my own happiness is meaningless.