Sumaq Kausay and Ayllu: Quechua values and worldviews for conservation and sustainable development in the Chalakuy Maize Park, Lares, Peru Case study for the project ‘Indigenous biocultural heritage for sustainable development’ Alejandro Argumedo, Tammy Stenner, and Krystyna Swiderska August 2021 QUECHUA VALUES AND WORLDVIEWS IN THE CHALAKUY MAIZE PARK, PERU, 2021 About the authors the licence will be displayed alongside. IIED is happy Alejandro Argumedo is President of the board of to discuss any aspect of further usage. Get more directors and Tammy Stenner is managing director, information via both at Asociación ANDES, Peru; Krystyna Swiderska is principal researcher at IIED. IIED is a charity registered in England, Charity Corresponding authors:
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[email protected] No.SC039864 and a company limited by guarantee registered in England No.2188452. More on this case study This report is one of a set of four case studies from Acknowledgements the project ‘Indigenous biocultural heritage for The authors wish to acknowledge the important sustainable development’. Other case studies in the contributions that Asociación ANDES’ personnel, the series include: ‘tecnicos locales’ (ie community researchers) and participants in the Farmer Field Schools of the Indigenous Naxi-Moso cultural values and Chalakuy Maize Park made to this research. Special worldviews for sustainable development: Four thanks to Valentina Avilés Tapara, María Chasin Village Biocultural Heritage Coalition, Yunnan, China Zúñiga, Cornelio Hancco Landa, Cass Madden, Juan Safeguarding Lepcha and Limbu cultural values and Victor Oblitas Chasin, Ricardo Pacco Chipa, worldviews for conservation and sustainable Petronila, Quispe, Oscar Ramos, Sonia Ttito Quispe, development in the Eastern Himalayas, India and Sofia Villafuerte for sharing their insights, and for Towards a Biocultural Heritage Territory in Rabai facilitating and documenting the research processes.