Eighteenth-Century Naval Officers, War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850, 224 INDEX
INDEX A Améen, Carl Ulrik, 145 Åberg, Henrik, 134, 137, 147 American navy, 216 Åberg, Jonas, 135 American War of Independence Åberg, Zackarias, 134 (1775–82) Able seaman rating, British navy, 22 Danish naval officers in, 179–180 Académie de Marine, 62 Dutch participation in, 113 Adelsvärd, Carl Gustaf, 145 French naval officers in, 55 Adler, Sebastian Magnus, 143, French role in, 48, 49, 60 146–147 impact on French navy, 65–66 Admiraal De Ruijter, 114 qualifying for lieutenant’s exam Admiral during, 27 Danish reservation for Spanish officers in, 85 social elite, 171 Spanish role in, 77, 85 as gerontocracy in French navy, 59 Amiral de France, 56 Admiralty College (Admiralteiskaia Andrew Doria, 113 kollegiia), Russia, 187, 193, 201, Angerstein, Johan Reinholt, 142 204–205 Anglo-French Alliance (1716–31), 49 Age of liberty, Sweden, 128 Anglo-Spanish War (1727–29), 75 Aggression, of British naval Anjala conspiracy of 1788, 132 officers, 32–37 Ankarloo, Fredrik Magnus, 149 Aire, John, 20, 29 Anna Ioannovna, Empress Algeciras, Battle of (1801), 35 of Russia, 192–198 Algiers, 102, 108 Anna Leopoldovna, Grand Duchess Allotment system, Swedish navy, 131 of Russia, 198 Ambulodi Montalvo, Antonio, 83 Anne, Queen of Great Britain, 21 © The Author(s) 2019 223 E. Wilson et al. (eds.), Eighteenth-Century Naval Officers, War, Culture and Society, 1750–1850, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-25700-2 224 INDEX Anson, Capt. George, 18, 24 Russian renewal of Apprentice seamen (aventureros), relations with, 198 Spanish navy, 78 British naval officers, 11–38 Apraksin, Adm. F. M., 187, 188 aggression, 32–37 Archipelago Expedition background and education, 19–23 (1769–74), 207 effectiveness vs.
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