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^ t ;;:v -fr" " " y- . - '. "" ; : M '' -: - .-V ... _ •••-^ : US - <?il' Vv;. : ^ '•: 4 -' ^'F^/i^s5^;-^;;'^' r: .&&&?; i • ESTABLISHED 1880. THOMPSONVILLE, CONK., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1897. YOL. XVII. NO. 40. BILLY, HE'S IN TROUBLE. Banking and Financial. THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. NOVEL ENTERTAINMENT. BARMAIDS IN Zbc Gbompsonville press. i've got a letter, parson, from my son away out Published Every Thursday, by 5 ROBT. PENCER. It Was Provided by a St. Louis Man For R. D. SPENCER. E. S West, Cashier. His Wife's Feminine Friends. Manager. LESSON VI, FIRST QUARTER, INTER- SOME VERY RESPECTABLE GIRLS Tlio Faxsoaas Co., It is the * vn' my ol' heart is heavy as an anvil in my A wealthy St. Louisan living in the NATIONAL SERIES, FEB. 7. CHOOSE THIS VOCATION. - breast, Thompsonville, • - Conn. -T=m.-nVc±nEc House vicinity of Lafayette park provided a To think the boy whose futur'I had once so novel form of entertainment for his proudly planned OF Text of the the Lesson, Acts iv, 32, to v, wife's guests one evening, says the St. One of Them, a Beautiful Irish £asv Ex Should wander from the path o' right an' come THE PRESS is an eight column folio plains Why Many of Them Do So—They weekly, filled with interesting reading- Poorest 11—Memory Verses, 33, 33—Golden Text, tosichaneud! Lonis Republic. New England, local and general news, The R, D, & ROBT, E, SPENCER CO,, I Sam. xvi, 7—Commentary by the Rev. The hostess was extremely anxious to Are Looking For Good Matrimonial t told him when he left us only three short years ago, and well-seleeted miscellany. D. M. Stearns. provide something original for.the edi Catches—Titles Wanted Usually. .Ilk, Thompsonville, Conn. He'd find himself a-plowin' in a mighty crooked -TERMS: $1.50 a year in advance;" six fication of a score of guests whom she Under tbe title "Feminine Types ^n row— months, 75 cents; three rqprtths, 40 cents. 33. "And tho multitude of them that j intended to call together for an informal & Kind of Oa-pital* $25,000. believed were of ono heart and of one soul." London" Jesse Francis Sheppard gives ie'd miss his father's counsels, an'his mother's Postage prepaid by the publishers. It was a whole hearted surrender to Christ ', evening. Her husband promised to pro- in Le Nouvelle Revue an account of prayers, too, Papers are forwarded until an explicit of all they were and all they had; a full vide such novelty and took a boon com- But he said the farm was hateful, an' he guessed order is received by the publishers for The "burtiiess of the house is the transaction the London barmaids. 'I their discontinuance and until payment of *f a general banking ^USLNEP. Deposit acMiwts recognition that "they were not their own, ' panion into his confidence to that end, "They are recruited," he sap, he'd have to go. <*or»pivpcl mihtsct to clisck at sight, s-nu iiH6re©L but bought with a prico to be a special They had not exchanged ideas SO oon- all arrearages is made, as required by law. allowed on deposits. We have money to loan on "among the bourgeoise as well as amo^g know thar's big temptation for a younerster in Economy. people unto the Lord (I Cor. vi, 19, 20; Advertising rates made known on ap •^hompsonviile real estate. seontive seconds before they kit upon Titus ii, 14). This was as truly the work the lower classes. Some of the most in the West, plication. We are desirous o£ being of service to those the device of converting the elegant teresting types can be found in the bajrs 3ut I believed our Billy had the courage to re Births, Marriages, and Deaths inserted jrihatmay have had, and now niaj be having:, of the Holy Spirit as was the boldness of parlors into a gambling house pro tern. irfl-ouble and anxiety in the matter of theirinyest Peter and John beforothe council, or their or publio houses of tbe west end, close sist, free. Resolutions of condolence, 5 cents Especially at tliis season of jments. Possibly we can suggest some way out boldness in verse 81. Imagine the finan A faro bank, a roulette wheel and po to the fashionable theaters. Among in' when he left I warned him 0' the ever- a line. the year, and just now when "*f the difficulty. ker and keno lay outs were easily pro waitin' snares THE PRESS will be for sale at John We are in a position to give our clients the cial condition of the churches and mission them are very many perfectly respecta serious colds, pneumonia and ary societies if all Christians would say, curable, as the conferees well knew, Chat lie like hidden sarpints in life's pathway Hunter's, and by news boys, every Thurs ft) »st service possible, and any business you maj ble girls, who have chosen tbe career 6f everywlieres. day evening. Copies folded ready for kindred complaints are so ittntruetto will be faithfully attended to. "Whatever tho Lord wants of me or mine and that part of the programme was a barmaid in order to make a living prevalent to wear shoes that •O-FI-ICK HOURS—9.30 to 12 a. m.: 1.30 to 3.30 p. m. He is welcome to, for all I am and have is soon settled. The friend suggested as a But Bill he promised faithful to be keerful, an' POWDER mailing can also be had at Hunter's or at and, especially if they are pretty, to surely His." pretty epilogue the introduction of a allowed Absolutely Pure. this office. At Hazardville, at the store don't keep your feet warm and S3. "And with great power gave the a chance to catch a rich husband. v He'd build a reputation that'd make us mighty of Wm. A. Smith. At Windsor Locks, dry. New shoes are too cheap Fiiysicians and Surgeons. pair of bulldogs, guaranteed to reduce "A publio house, situated at the angle proud; Celebrated for its great leavening strength apostles witness of the resurrection of the and healthfulness. Assures the food against at C. F. Cleveland's news room. now to take chances with the each other to mince meat in three of one of the principal thoroughfares, is But it seems as how my counsel sort 0'faded We have a complete outfit of news Lord Jesus and great grace was upon them rounds. This rather staggered the ambi alum and all forms of adulteration common to old ones any longer. We are r. PARSONS, M. D., all.'' The grace was the grace of God, and both a gilded palace and a mine of gold. from his mind, the cheap brands. paper and job tyoe, our presses are run E. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. the power was tho Spirit of God. "Not by tions host, but his friend is a ward poli It exeroises a strange fascination up^s An' now the boy's in trouble 0' the very wustest ROYAL BAKING POWDER Co.. New York, by steam power, and we have every selling a Residence and office No. 45 Pearl street, might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, tician, and with the eloquence he always kind! facility for doing ShompsonviUe, Conn. Office hours, 8.00 to 9.00 the poor country bumpkins who ha^e saith the Lord of Hosts" (Z«ch. iv, 6). keeps on draft soon convinced the other just enough to pay for a drink, but the His letters came so seldom that I somehow sort Ladies' Imitation-Hid a. m.; 2.00 to'3.00, and 6.00 to 7.30 p. m. Orders 34, 35. "Neither was there any among that the evening would be a failure in the village churchyard and, save by a JOB FEINTING OF ALL KINDS may be left at E. N. Smith's drug store. dude coming out of a theater, the coup* o' knowed few, these eyents are forgotten, them that lacked. Distribution was made without those bulldogs. That Lilly was a-trampin' on a mighty rocky in the latest style, at short notioe, and Button Shoe for $1,00,. to every man according as he had need." try greenhorn, the fashionable snob and Telling this story one day to Muddle at the lowest living prices. The evening arrived, and with it came the frequenter of the music halls are al road, It is the Lord's plan that those who are the guests. The ladies were prettily Swink, a friend of mine, who is a detec llSPWe defy honorable competition, J H. DARLING, M. D., His and serve Him should lack no good ways to be found there. It is amoiig But never once imagined he would bow my head Give us a call or drop us a line before This is a good looking, good PHYSICIAN- AXX) SURGEON. thing (Ps. lxxxiv, 11; Math, vi, 33; Phil, shocked at sight of the gambling para these that tbe barmaids hunt for a hus in shame, tive of some experience, I asked his placing your orders. wearing shoe. We have Ladies' phernalia, but became accustomed to it An' in the dust'd waller his ol' daddy's honored Residence, 24 Pleasant st., Thompsonville, Conn. iv, 19; Luko xii, 35). band. If there is one class of Londop opinion about it. Shoes in better grades, hut in an astonishingly short time and shar name.