Sri Krishna Kathamrita
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Sri Krishna Kathamrita Tav k QaaMa*Ta& TaáJaqvNaMa( tava kathāmta tapta-jīvanam BBBiiinnndududu Issue No. 133 Fortnightly email mini-magazine from Gopal Jiu Publications 5 August 2006 Śrī Pavitrāropaī Ekādaśī, 25 Śrīdhara, 520 Gaurābda Circulation 1,759 • THE DUST OF KRISHNA’S FEET His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada • MAHAPRABHU’S DANCING ON JANMASTAMI Adapted from Srila Narahari Chakravati Thakur’s Śrī Bhakti-ratnākara • CONTROLLED BY RADHA’S LOVE Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja • KRISHNA WANTS MILK Highlights Highlights Srila Bilvamangala Thakur’s Ka-karāmta PAGE ONE TOP COLLUMN TWO THE DUST OF KRISHNA’S FEET are worshiped by all the demigods and other great personalities throughout the three His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta worlds. Upon seeing the footprints of Krishna, Swami Prabhupada Akrura immediately jumped down from the Why is Vrindavan Dham wor- chariot out of respect. He became over- shiped? Because Vrindavan Dham whelmed with all the symptoms of ecstasy; he is not different from Krishna. wept, and his body trembled. Out of extreme When you take a little dust of jubilation upon seeing the dust touched by the Vrindavan Dham that means you lotus feet of Krishna, Akrura fell flat on his face are taking the dust of Krishna’s lotus feet. and began to roll on the ground. Vrindavan Dham is so important. (Śrīmad Akrura’s journey to Vrindavan is exemplary. Bhāgavatam Lecture in Vrindavan, 17 Septem- One who intends to visit Vrindavan should fol- ber 1975.) low the ideal footsteps of Akrura and always While you were walking you saw a devotee think of the pastimes and activities of the Lord. taking the dust of Raman Reti and putting it on As soon as one reaches the boundary of his head. This is Vrindavan — the dust. Vrindavan, he should immediately smear the Vrindavan dust is also Krishna. (Śrīmad dust of Vrindavan over his body without think- ing of his material position and prestige. Srila Bhāgavatam lecture in Vrindavan, 3 April 1976.) Narottama Das Thakur has sung in a celebrated [The gopīs speaking amongst themselves song [Prārthanā 1.1.3], viaya chā iyā kabe about Krishna:] When he plays on His flute śuddha habe mana: “When my mind will be pu- and calls the cows with Balaram, the river rified after leaving the contamination of mate- Yamuna stops flowing and waits for the air rial sense enjoyment, I shall be able to visit to carry dust from His lotus feet. (Krishna Book, Vrindavan.” Actually, one cannot go to chapter 35.) Vrindavan by purchasing a ticket. The process When Akrura reached Vrindavan, the sun of going to Vrindavan is shown by Akrura. was setting. As soon as he entered the bound- (Krishna Book, chapter 38.) ary of Vrindavan he saw the hoof prints of the [The nāgapatnīs speaking to Krishna about their cows and Lord Krishna’s footprints, impressed husband Kaliya:] “O dear Lord, we are simply with the signs of His soles — the flag, trident, astonished to see that he is so fortunate as to have thunderbolt and lotus flower. These symbols on the dust of your lotus feet on his head. This is a the soles of the Lord’s transcendental lotus feet fortune sought after by great saintly persons. next column ! ! Issue One hundred thirty-three, Page — 2 é[q k* Z<ak QaaMa*Ta ibNdu top left 2 Top right 2 Even the goddess of fortune underwent severe also decorated himself as a fresh young cowherd austerities just to have the blessing of the dust of boy. Seeing Lord Gaurahari in that dress, no one your lotus feet, so how is it that Kaliya is so eas- could keep their patience. Ramai, ily getting this dust on his head? We have heard Sundarananda, Gauridas and others also deco- from authoritative sources that those who are rated themselves as cowherd boys, with no limit blessed with the dust of your lotus feet do not to their beauty. They all took earthen pots full of care even for the highest post within the uni- yogurt and butter, tied strings around the necks verse, namely the post of Lord Brahma, or the of the pots, and then tied the pots on both ends kingship of the heavenly planets, or the sover- of a stick. Placing those sticks on their shoulders, eignty of this planet. (Krishna Book, chapter 16.) they entered into the compound of Srivas. Ab- [The gopīs speaking amongst themselves af- sorbed in the mood of the cowherd boys, Srivas ter Krishna left the rāsa-līlā:] Dear friends, just and Adwaita scattered curd and turmeric in the imagine how the dust of this place is transcen- compound. Full of joyous dancing, singing, mu- dentally glorious. The dust of the lotus feet of sic, and joking, the home of Srivas was trans- Krishna is worshiped even by Lord Brahma and formed into the abode of Nanda Maharaja. Lord Shiva and the goddess of fortune, Lakshmi. [Narahari Chakravati has composed the follow- (Krishna Book, chapter 30.) ing song about this pastime:] [Balaram speaking to the leaders of the Kuru (sung in kāmoda rāga) dynasty at the time he went to recover Samba:] gorā mora gokulera śaśī The dust of Krishna’s lotus feet is worshiped by kera janama āji kahe hāsi hāsi all the great demigods. The Ganges water in- My Lord Gauranga is the moon of Gokul. undates the whole world, and since it emanates Laughing again and again, he says that to- from His lotus feet its banks have turned into day is the birthday of Krishna. great places of pilgrimage. The principal dei- ties of all planets engage in His service and con- se āveśe thira haite nāre dhari gopaveśa nāce ullāsa antare sider themselves most fortunate to take the dust of the lotus feet of Krishna on their helmets. In an introspective mood, he has adopted (Krishna Book, chapter 68.) the dress of a cowherd boy and is dancing in a way that delights the heart. MAHAPRABHU’S DANCING nitāi gopera veśa dhari hāte laiyā lagu a nācaye bha gi kari ON ANMASTAMI J Nitai has also accepted the dress of a cow- Adapted from herd boy. Carrying a stick in his hand he Srila Narahari Chakravati Thakur’s dances in various ways. Śrī Bhakti-ratnākara 12.3148-3168 gaurīdāsa rāmāi sundara nāce gopa-veśe kāndhe bhāra manohara One day while sitting in the house of Srivas, Mahaprabhu laughed and told the devotees, Gauridas Pandit and beautiful Ramai [the “Tomorrow is the birthday of Krishna.” Know- younger brother of Srivas Pandit] look enchant- ing the mind of Prabhu, Srivas and others at ing as they dance in the dress of cowherd boys, once understood that tomorrow Vishwambar carrying clay pots on their shoulders. would dance in the dress of a cowherd boy. śrīvāsa advaita gopa-veśe With supreme happiness, Srivas and the other cha āya haladī dadhi manera ullāse devotees began preparing the necessary items. In the dress of cowherd boys, Srivas and That day, the house of Srivas was filled with Adwaita joyfully throw turmeric and yogurt. joy as the auspicious abhieka, or bathing cer- keha keha nānā vādya vāya emony of Lord Krishna was performed. After mukunda mādhava ye janama-līlā gāya the abhieka they spent the entire night absorbed While different persons played varieties of in the pleasures of sa kīrtana. music, Mukunda Das and Madhava Das sang At the end of the night, Lord Gaurachandra about the birth pastimes of Krishna. thoughtfully adopted the dress of a cowherd boy. kare suma gala nārīgaa Nityananda Prabhu, who is expert in this dress, śrīvāsa ālaya yena nandera bhavana ! ! TopSri leftKr 3ishna-kathamrita Bindu topIssue right 3One hundred thirty-three, Page — 3 The ladies made many auspicious sounds, as if Gauranga Mahaprabhu, and he cried as Srivas’ house was the palace of Nanda Maharaja. Radharani is crying for Krishna. Mahaprabhu jaya-dhvani kari bāre bāre said: (Cc. antya 19.35) kva nanda-kula-candramā dhāya loka dhairaja dharite keu nāre — “Where is that Krishna, the son of Nanda Again and again the devotees shouted, “All Maharaja?” kva mandra-muralī-rava — “Where glories! All glories!” No one could keep their is he who plays very sweetly with his flute?” patience. Mahaprabhu said, (Cc. madhya 2.15) kāhā karo kāhā pā vrajendra-nandana — kata sādhe dekhe ā khi bhari’ “Where śobhāya bhuvana bhule bhae narahari shall I go? Where shall I find Vrajendranandan, the son of Nanda Maharaja?” Mahaprabhu is Eagerly gazing on these pastimes, so many Krishna, but he has assumed the mood and people felt complete satisfaction of their eyes. complexion of Radharani — he thinks he is Narahari says that the whole world is en- Radha. So Radharani is greater than Krishna. chanted by that beauty. Caitanya-caritāmta (ādi 6.100) says, kera — Translated from the Gaudiya Mission edition. Bagbazar, samatā haite ba a bhakta-pada — The position of Calcutta. 1987. being a devotee is higher than that of equality CONTROLLED BY RADHA’S LOVE with Lord Krishna. The brahmavādīs or Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Maharaja māyāvādīs want to become the Supreme Lord, or become one with him. They are ignorant fools. Krishna is controlled by Radharani’s love. Why do they want to do that? It is better to Jayadev Goswami has written in the Gita become Krishna’s bhakta, devotee, because a Govinda, dehi pāda pallavam udhāram␣— “O devotee can become greater than Krishna. If Radharani, I ask for your lotus feet. Please give you become a very dear intimate devotee of them to me.” In the Caitanya-caritāmta (ādi Krishna, Krishna will make you greater than 4.82) we find, govindānandinī rādhā, govinda- him.