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Chester News 1917 The heC ster News

10-23-1917 The hesC ter News October 23, 1917 W. W. Pegram

Stewart L. Cassels

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Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W. and Cassels, Stewart L., "The heC ster News October 23, 1917" (1917). Chester News 1917. 83.

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. W*. tragedy of the "sea, tho first Ja which *h: American *6$ engaged in war duty has'bctn lost, u the first* of its magnituri* u» bring home to .the pe^uf the.United St*« the f~or* •* war in etfiiih the'y have • e ngii gedin si Germany.' It carries th«- lurvvst caiiualiy list of jhe war so f-r j>f,American llvc.« ami marks the first

f hi* men would "not find U'.-hodt-wIthoiibdirect ob- the General commanding .nrtfllcry contingent re-


v cidsnHy Shot hf HU Brolh.r - OVbiU Duck Hunting. Milwaukee,' Wis., Oct. .21—United State* Senator Paul 0. Hasting of Wisconsin died at a°rarm house near Rusk Lake. WU.,.bte Wnlght as'the result of - svi}nds accidentally in- flicted upon him with a shotgun by his "brother. Gustave. while hunting ducks todAy. Senator Husting recently returned to his home at Mayville, after the It is one of d^e plans of the Fbod close of the extra session of congress, Administration t\stimulaU< the es: where he was one of the leading sup- tablishment of municipal bread sta- tions throughout the countr/ If the retail dealers fail to co-operatf. With hla brother he had gone on.a 'hunting expedition to Rueh when the accident occurred . He had sighted a ovtt a period of 20 yejsfs. It iain- ad- Nock of duclce' and. called fpr' his dition Jo . compensations which.' will 'brother to. fire, and at th« discharge be paid to widows, children and'de- of the shotjn*n ht rose slightly, "re- pendent 'mothers*' of the rnSh., A coiving the full charge of the gun in widow, for exampWr.winhe paid $25 his back. fleiwas the farm in«unince' and $25 compensation, a house where »H efforts to save his total, of $50. -While the' $25 insur- life, were unavailing." ' ance is a fixed maximum ;in*'cajea where no application for insurance waa made, the aAj^lonal compensa- tion varies from $20 for' a mother-, leas dependent child to a maximum of $75 Mr all .dependents. 'The inwrsnce of $2S a month Win La Polktt* P»si«« Sssdisf Out Car- be paid Jinder the section of the Uw tain Spssckea Hs sunU is Con- providing' for automatic insurance of all American soldiers; sailers and 'marines, wKhout application, ft»r 120 . Washington, Oct 21—Senator La Uays after the-publication, of Fegu- KoIIette issued a sutemerrt tonight lation providing for the insurance denying and denouncing as "libelous of policies! These/regulations, were and mendacious" charges that he has publish^d4 e^rly ift* October and the bee* attempting to obatruet the same limit prescribed by/law wilt- Liberty bond sale b? circulating cer- 'not expire till February 12, qext. tain apeehee made by. him in the Approximately, 70 persons went senate during the war revenue, bin down with the Antiles. What • per- dehUe.'Thr senator.asserted that-he centage Of this uxsl js affected by had'circuljted only three pamphlets, the law at present is unknowd; but printed aChis own eXpertke, stain- Will be determined upon receipt cf ing portions of what he sajd during advices establishing the "identity of -the d©bat»,. for the'.sole reason-thai thofte who perished. The number of he believed it would -aid in,«*$aken- ing a public interest and in orgatfi£ soldiers has been established defi- Ing a public opinh>n which would in- nitely at 16, but the sUtus'of nuiny dues coogTMB at the next session to of the remaining dead as yet ij un- more adequate end justly, - tax war known by^ofllciiU here. How many Jvofits.and Juipliu inebmea.'\ , of the remainder are sailors in the These pamphlets, lis said,, includ- naval sefviee yjt has to. -fee dster- ed id part of a spe«h 1" which • he referred to the influence which the jniped. . ' • refused of congress to properly tax •Not onjy will .the families of the wealth might' have, .upon th'e A,next bond sale. This reference, he added; wvuld have repowid In l,hsrmle« se- Icurity" in ^nw-CoiiCtesaiqnal ReconT If otwepepers representing war p*>f- ,1* bed not brought it out with dielr «fcsu«* tbathe was franking ji out Jtjp ChfBtrr NftUB D.mth o: Mr. W. W. CoogUr. Published Tuesday and Friday It Vaa sad newt to the many friends of M- W. \V. ^oogltr to .at Chester, S.'C.- • learn of hi* denth'whieh occurred at his home on Saluda afreet, Sunday at 3 5 Cen t Package Owners Sad Publii noon, after a short Illness of about a Arm & Hammer W. W.,PEGRAM Metropolitan -5 ho* week. The ir.termeftt was made in STEWART L. CAS3F.L3 •Inter* Evergreen cemetery ;jfe*terday aft-' • Soda 10c •er 'services. "at tns First Baptist church" by the ;pa«t6r,' Rev." H;. A. Subscription Rat«s ia' Bftgby* a D.y at whleh" i lance con- One YeaiT ...... bourne Of friend* were, present. 'Sii MohtJ...... •Mr. Coogler was a native of Col- Thra Months 1 -- un\bia, having been born in that city October iM6* He hua.befn a res I-. doht'of Chester for the- past. forty-

six.years. For n number. o{tye4rs he* was engaged -in the' mercnatile busi- ness in" Chester hut for. the past fcW vears he fias been dealing in lumber- • and real Satate..Mr, .Cpogler was. Spot Caah still buys you a dependable Siiit or Overcoat. A dressy first married to Miss'wah Cather- ine-Albright, of this city, who died Tan pair of Shoes for $4.50. Why pay more? Spot cash will save TUESDAY. in .1906. On. October 19th.^.l9«9 he ! married Miss Catherine Carswell,' of : you from $1.00 to. $1.50 on your $HOES and more on every Suit or •flephzibaJv. Ga.. who survives him. He' ji a)«o survived *by a son, . Mr. Overcoat and still more on each And every. Ladies Coat and Coat Suit. Paul L. Cd^jtler.'by thj ffrs.t. mar» Why not investigate? Get pur pri<}e$r' riare.. and a" brother,' Mr John T. C^offler^'AOOlta, 'Ga.*V>- Mr. Coogler wrved. during 'nhe la'tter.Tart of .the .vaj between-. the slate* ani/was a gallhnt soldier. He was also prominent in '.the buaineac J. T. Collins Department Store eirtlcs of Chester being one-of the va 1 ue'd'directors of/theSpratt Build- 'nz.& Loap Awyiation hieing among *t» founder*., He ha# fcl>o been .a di' ONE CENT) .A WORD -rctcrr "in the* Exchange BnpU. and • " COLUMN the People# Bank. For a'nufnber of reaw he has been a deacon and trus-

tee of' the' First Ba^ist ehuWh; artd • Farm Loans—Lonfc term lopii* ne- That a • number or Ches- wa'sKjne qf Jts most valued members, gotiated ort'farm lands* at exception- ter county are violating, the quart-a- flways* taking an' active-.part-in ally low rate' interest. No expense to month law is believed Wy the gfltfTral church affairs. . •be paid in.advance,by hdrroVer, and ptrtdlV. Whe*awr not this, fact ran no inspector's fee. M. C. Fudge, be eauiblutivd i* a «matter~bf sp^cn-- SOLDIER KILLS SELF Loan correspondent, Chester, S. 'C." lation. "However, thrf facS-will «\e\er AT GREENVILLE CAMP be' rstablished unlea* an effort if . Noticn—I_haxe. a . new. Grist* SliU 'made toward that end. ... . at my; shop near.the City.Hull and abiding, eitixeita. believe .that will thank theJ>eoplt> for\their pat- 'wh^n a law is plaerd on the books ronage and. will serve .them \the best .that/Itw should be enforced and if ^o. ic—ii of my'sbilfty.-R. A. Jimith, Chester, it is not' going U» he enforced It Greenville,. Oct.. 22—Rufus' Kear- n S.C. 3L / • shouhl be repealed. . ey, Compalfy'sF,'O c Hundred and .No. 1C—i: . The .law atates tKat a person must Nineteenth Infantry, whose home is ifile an affidavit to the effect" that the n Djllorf, committed suicide^ihis' . For SaU—115 acres'of land /our norning at Camp §evler by cutting miifs of Chester, ono mile of gb.od ,J:qty»r wanted is for medicinal pvir- >hn E. Woodbui |)os«'*.'"We^^-notr beliave- that half ,'ls throat with * raror. school, located on 'public, road. Im- provement, one. room dwelling, two the whiskey now coming'i/ito Ches- Kcaraey appeared 'at -r«^I call this tjfnnQt houses, out bOilditjKS.' fine7 ter is .for medicinal purpoae's^JCjs-e Turning. anrtj»lso at mru. though he *'*ed that he was siefc and-did not irehard' In one of tho besrcnmmunl- ;!es in the county. Price $2,500. See mu»t be admitted" that Che9??rr*WMw \i anything. He was found About LOWRANCE BROS ty-I'S one of«t unhealthy-lo- en minutes (after meu in a dying "51ms &' Carter, and R. ,R. Hafrier." • fondition. He enlisted in the^ Na- the'world.. ' , ( .133 Gadsden St. Found—On the Richburg 'Road ional Guards July' 2!L his age ati t> Effective, in*' Engraml, November hat time beijittgiVeri'as 2ft. H{Snaar.- v "PimVs says thai although the im.-, ^11109. * "p*"*'*. Sarah G. Kearmey. whos/home la in 'ty- ' -' '.•« DHloq^Menul deraB**ment is given cc«*4^Jn'the,Gulf of Riga have been A few people in this country ar« as the ca«e of the 'act. Keariey hav- greatly exaggerated, the' Russian po- ng been unier /»bsertatii»n. oil this ik. for .Overland beginning' to- winder 'it'th< Same utian growa ateadily' ^rsi' and th'ifv ' Lowrance and step.' is goiqg to be taken . by'oux there is a growing fear that the^e goVerame'nt. There ia a strong proba-' is "need for revision of our finan- billty that within a. f*w months you RUSSIANS POSITlONs^HAKY. will i7of be allowed to-Uke-out that .^ London. Oct. Si—ThV.pSftami cial a Ad -otttr eommitmenu. to . our. Foi- S»'U—lou acres, of Jand^ one c automobile for a Joy-Hde. Thr ur>-_ onr,p6ndtnt .°f Th* SuSih .eastern 'ally." ofxffnest improved farms in Chester, government of the United States hsr county. Located at railroad station,! • already twice called-; t^e. .attention four mileiu of Chester • Good com-: of-'the public, to' jhe mitter«bf joy- munity. Will make bale.of cotton per riding: .Gasoline is -not- as plentifu'. qcr.e. -acres in cultivation. All as'it was some ytars ago, and'then. improvements and 8 tenant houses. 4t /«.absolutely. nece^-«jr>* that* \h< M See Sims ^ Carter'4 R. R.JIafner. It war cfepaitinehtrhave a large' sbpphj of thia.fifel.for'vanbus1 purjfoliea ^"•pecmUy* for th^ Airplanes • S> Buy Your NotWft>»tn'ndinjr the fact.--that* ths goVfrnme'nt* hnn filled "a&t^mobiW TU« U « prwcrip'ioo pmxred OM4 owners attehtlon to joy-ridlntt, tKfr« br MALARIA or. CHILLS A. FEVI B», at tit dm .111 hick .!. cue. i are' t>6 surface imfidtions-that then J ukea Ifaea u • Ionic U>« P^.r «|U E. E. CLOUD has been ^kny -lot- up in the pleasure Furniture worn. . Il ia m I ho ll.» belter U •riding. Every fellow appeal's to "-be Calomel aad does cot gripe nt.ddwa. waiting for tlie- othfcr fellow ,ti» be-

,.At the prAten't ime thKgo'vem- From W. R. Nails Racket Furni- mfnt'ia issuing wa riinpi and unless' we "obey • the*e Wi •nrngs^ within s niture Store fow moaths we "ar going to be do-» lever dreamed of ' Bedsteads, "Bureaus. Washstands. The Qualiin Goes\ Clear TKr, Mattresses '-Sideboards," Springs^ Safes,. Iron . Beds, • Tables,Chairs. Our Lowr Pric^jviil'appeal to . you. Don't Fail^to see our large stock of 5-lO-K^ntfat)out $1.00 limit goods.. W. R. NAIL 4 ' Near H*V ,

^ie mastqriy pcrfortadiuie of the Dort * " Sieved ot-yflbst so Wit to WANTED didoiS1 comp^" ""d®r any con- Ct ha bcA V ea, A Ma^i of Ability 'pctetive ^t , tests—asf t°, \\>cll, as by7 every-day. "fa™ For Petsnanent Money-Making Eu>inea> in-servicc records. \ .- . JortTopa'ari'y ;s lorfeeiy to t6;s • s^^-^'thout-tvasfa nn< and to the fleiihH- ~A half.million doll.r (trpmlion. Il Isoking for on. M two '""'.y l smooth, quiet-runnina i «.« I a IWfmnt lb,- m iku t.rrllorj. ( , ;qrgs capable, inotor. ' " v"^-—— Tfc.^l nol Ml ..iMm.n, but fc. mint K.v. ,uffici«al Wducitlon and .Wlily tm wrj!» lo limm iK. kl,kl, and mod^n rr-

•I ElMlrle -U|lilln( Jor.tka k«M nn4 InrkJ ' . Tfc. Compear Be Ifcoroo.kl, >.uUlaM and »•. .mplo^. o^r" oou.d p^rM.B)allTM,'.varj ... el wkom d.rl™. . r,,, fl— m* froiq, hU worlc' . . • , ; , ' A. H. Wherry Jr. riry me. f" • .hooeu.i. Iriljni I. "PrU and Ik. e..^- DEALER •ff.r. .oi.M..IIT (l„ o,porln.ll| for U» ri,ki m,„. I. WI- • \l CHESfER.S.C./'" livo-fulh^tWUuUn about 7»uri«lf au»d TO«r'fin»Bc«t mnna,! tfOME LIGHT AND POWER CO. DIsflllBUTORl OF OSLCaUCHT PRODUCTS ' ; CHARLOTTE, ff. q.; • CIVJL CASES FOR COURT. THOMAS-JONES - Beta* will be found a'.llst of the One of tha^prettissto»'ed cornetLof ac)T'of the^e Rluttz Department Store wearing tulle • •••iIs and' carrying «heperdfwt crooks with bows of piijjf ft 0. Ry. Co., ft S. A. L:*Ry. Go: Gal- tulle an«C pink carnations. They wVro lon ft Hamilton for- plaintiff; S. E. tfie first to enter Vind opened .the ^McFadden', Glenn ft GIftrth for* de- fates through which th« others fendants. ... passed, the other brdiesmaids,-Misses . No. 8-20. . The Ingle, System Co. Nettie Ellis and. Dorothy Beery, of yi Geo. W. .Byaas, W.. H. Newbold -Wilmingto.n. LS. C.; ."eou*ln* of the The S. M. Jones Company for'plaintiff; Gaston ft Hamilto*n for, r bride,- ^r^^co.tum;, of^pinfc * defendants. • . - • >>lle and tulle v^Hs amL carried* the ' ficperdm^crooks with 'he pink tfillr snd piffle "carnations then entered famptoiyfiarriaon vs fo'JoWed'by the >rroom*rtcn. Will A.- I)o"Bgla/ ft DoUglas, Latimer, of Cheater, ind Harry King, >n"Xoe plaintiff j Hemp- of Portsmouth, Va. Then came Mary Ellen Davis,'a damty little* tot " in -

THE MARVELOUS TAYLOR'S World's Renowned 1 rapese artists. Ojie of the three free acts, twice d.'uly, in front of the grand stand at THE BIG CHESTER CQtilVfTY >FAIR. High Cl^ss Entertainer^—- . , n» Positively their first appearance in this Section. JF YOU WERE LOOKING FOR A HOME Would you look for orte that needed .Painlin5?-Wel! f giiess^not. Vou -wt>uld look for one tiintnad been painted nntT vjas looking "SJ»fck and Span," and up to ihe minute. Then why not Have your reiirKorne paTnted? ; . See lu during our Thirty Day Write i Special Offerings • Your Own On Jo a. wltK Specifications BUILT,IN covering the ideal farm engine ji4Mrs -.\ oris r for your use—make them as exact-., JARM MACHINERY in^ V'UI !;now how—covereverythmg V PHbNE . $>\ ,. !h®RighlV — then see the Fairbanks- Morse Type' "Z" and. youH Txiy it It will meet your requirements—and HARDWARE: COMPANY QUALITY' "FIRST" We haVe one on,exhibrt and will gladly demon KlgdMgSjft, strate it Iw^MI Wanted Mor. (fcw Halod row* ••»•••

Fpor girls to_, make pies at the Catawba ^$EtF FtLLIjylC PEN THE PEN THAT MAKES WRITING A PLEASURE Steam Bakery. Good pay while learning. Chester ftpcMne & Luinber Go. PERFORMS STUDENTS H. K. HQUGH . /^Tbe of QUSIHT"; BUSIN^HAHS Phone 18; " ' ; , -V *. S. C. PEW • ... tzisw» Bigger and Better Than Ever - Worth Going MilesTo See TUESDAY NOVEMBER 6 Thursday / AGRICULTURE DAY xFarmefs Congress with Dr. D. W. November .8 Daniel of GJemson College and other Merchants and good speaker^. Manufacturers Day

'.WEDNESDAY A FRIDAY ^NOVEM^E^/th NOVEMBER 9 LIVESTOCK DAY Educational Day 1 First Face for purse of $100 00 School Children ofthis section guests of Fair

r^lor Fletcher's SEABOARD Air Line'Railway Company

"The Progressive Railway of the South" .

The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which his been Steel Equipment. - In mo for'ow over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has (Ken made under hlXjer- Observation-parlor-cafe cart sonal supervision' since Its infancy. ' Allow no one to deceive yoojiJthla. Thru Coaches and Sleepers All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-aa-good»\M but Experiments that trifle with -and endanger the health oi To principal 'points NortlT, South, East and .West Infant* and Children—BMerience_against Experiment What is CASTOR!A For rates, schedules or'other information, call pn near- Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Taregoric, est Seaboard Ticket Axeiit or wri/e^ * Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is-pleasant It cohtain* C. S. COMPTON, FRED GEISSLER,. neither Opium, Uorphine nor, other narcotic substance. Its age is ia '£n«antee. For more than thirty yesj? it his Traveling Pass'r jfgent, . Asst. Ga'l Pass'r Agent. • Ejeu Id constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, .wind Colic and JHarfhoea; aHaylng Feverishnesa arising S. A. 4 Rwy, Atlanta, Ga. S. A. L,' Rwy, Atlanta.-Ga. therefrom, and by regnlatiflfc the.gtomach and BowffiTsBa - the assimilation of Food; tiring -healthJr and natural sleep. , Ihe Children's Panacea—Thd Mutter's Frfcsi • ithelr pu| lo. excuse or justjfy tfdmonish all and *in(fOl«r "the . kin- b-efusala :h a conclusion and dred and creditors of the said Jostph CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J- Williams, deceased, that they be ^ y^Bcara the Signature of TiTpLpeople wHavauntthis kind of and. appear before me, inffioj C^urt •"fafcapsa" ' forfcetVtharwhile* ther^ of Probajc^to beheld at Chester. S. may b« two side*/to.every case, of C., 15th,- 1917 most tyke* im£>fde'i« the better of. next after publication'hereof,.at 11 the pair, anjTthat for those whom a o'oloclfin the fo|pnoon7Th show cause, given .case decerns it ia ndJtore a if vy-they/hiv^Twhy she said Ad- duty to give each party a Imrhexf-. ministration should pot pe granted. in^ than It i*. after the hearing has Given uder my h£nd, this 28 day be^ given, to render a verdict and of September A. D. 1917.... * - tj/atand \f'y it. That is what Judge* • A. WISE, You Have'Ah »# Bought "Ho—that is their buginesi-r-and they Judge of Probate. ./ do not go on -endlessly listening to Published on the 28' day pt Sep- repetitions. presentations of the tember. 1917 in The Semi-Weekly "two sides." Ijwte'ad, they render a News. ^ " verdict and the-defeated litigant'of tlye con\Melfid defendant pays the • penally. Vbatevcr^it may be, of his

' Tjhe News <. Ypu cSnhot afford to -do without a newi- that the-6* /counter Vill P«P«r j." time® Jike. thiv^hen there i» so much you Want to KntiwJ We give,you th* most important news of the war: and other, current event*, and keep you well posted on what is happening jn Chester county. +

. NOTICE DRAWING JURORS: . beginning November T2,.^9l? . WC/FtfDtoE.' Auditor/ - In" complianc^~wit}>arT of the v IF YOU . - General" Assembly 'of .the . State /*f- Treasurer. On K—piug. Ilb^u- StUl ppai. Sotfth tarolirta',: approved on - the 'troubled with dandrufT, Itching C.ORJfWELL, •' There f» still to be heardAa<)d not lp, and your hair doming out»ywe pf Fehrflaryrl902,- w'^_the . / C.C. C.PW Jury. C,ommis»!ontrs r- fo»tunate -pc^iseaadn. ^ * J>.t judicial mln«h are not only willing, office, of the of Cpuif: o£ Com-' By X WOTe; Esquire. PMbitC N but want. «o give evrjbody a chance Judge. mon Pleas and General Sessions at HAIR TONIC to present argument and ejldenrt Whe««a$ Wt C«TBeIU H." WIJ- Chester C. w* wllf draw the fol: Ipwtnp Jurora to *lt:. • in his own behalf. The t^quMfcvwltl llama made suft io'lttVW Braijt her these - assertions. is. not (fat.theft Art <30) .Petit JuroKk *10 •letters, of A4minlstfaUtfRrot^ & false, or that the policy they fortnu-^ Jate of and effeeU of J&Ufih frm* serrik during. Ihe third • wfeli of .Cir- late is^a bad ,«5ne..but that, as used cuit cowl «t'.tlji Fall term t&eref in current . dbcusaion . of the war.