Winthrop University Digital Commons @ Winthrop University Chester News 1917 The heC ster News 10-23-1917 The hesC ter News October 23, 1917 W. W. Pegram Stewart L. Cassels Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Journalism Studies Commons, and the Social History Commons Recommended Citation Pegram, W. W. and Cassels, Stewart L., "The heC ster News October 23, 1917" (1917). Chester News 1917. 83. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The heC ster News at Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Chester News 1917 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Winthrop University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CHESTER. IVedrif*- front . W*. tragedy of the "sea, tho first Ja which *h: American *6$ engaged in war duty has'bctn lost, u the first* of its magnituri* u» bring home to .the pe^uf the.United St*« the f~or* •* war in etfiiih the'y have • e ngii gedin si Germany.' It carries th«- lurvvst caiiualiy list of jhe war so f-r j>f,American llvc.« ami marks the first <juece*i of .(iermnn submarine- attack* on,*merican transports. .That the lo*s of Jife was not greater i*ilm/to the ««dff««jjar4» with •A'hich tho navy has -urr.undc"] the' transport Service and the quick res- cue .worlT'uf. the convoying .war-. f hi* men would "not find U'.-hodt-wIthoiibdirect ob- the General commanding .nrtfllcry contingent re- SENATOR HUSTINC FATALLY WOUNDED v cidsnHy Shot hf HU Brolh.r - OVbiU Duck Hunting. Milwaukee,' Wis., Oct. .21—United State* Senator Paul 0. Hasting of Wisconsin died at a°rarm house near Rusk Lake. WU.,.bte Wnlght as'the result of - svi}nds accidentally in- flicted upon him with a shotgun by his "brother. Gustave. while hunting ducks todAy. Senator Husting recently returned to his home at Mayville, after the It is one of d^e plans of the Fbod close of the extra session of congress, Administration t\stimulaU< the es: where he was one of the leading sup- tablishment of municipal bread sta- tions throughout the countr/ If the retail dealers fail to co-operatf. With hla brother he had gone on.a 'hunting expedition to Rueh when the accident occurred . He had sighted a ovtt a period of 20 yejsfs. It iain- ad- Nock of duclce' and. called fpr' his dition Jo . compensations which.' will 'brother to. fire, and at th« discharge be paid to widows, children and'de- of the shotjn*n ht rose slightly, "re- pendent 'mothers*' of the rnSh., A coiving the full charge of the gun in widow, for exampWr.winhe paid $25 his back. fleiwas the farm in«unince' and $25 compensation, a house where »H efforts to save his total, of $50. -While the' $25 insur- life, were unavailing." ' ance is a fixed maximum ;in*'cajea where no application for insurance waa made, the aAj^lonal compensa- tion varies from $20 for' a mother-, leas dependent child to a maximum of $75 Mr all .dependents. 'The inwrsnce of $2S a month Win La Polktt* P»si«« Sssdisf Out Car- be paid Jinder the section of the Uw tain Spssckea Hs sunU is Con- providing' for automatic insurance of all American soldiers; sailers and 'marines, wKhout application, ft»r 120 . Washington, Oct 21—Senator La Uays after the-publication, of Fegu- KoIIette issued a sutemerrt tonight lation providing for the insurance denying and denouncing as "libelous of policies! These/regulations, were and mendacious" charges that he has publish^d4 e^rly ift* October and the bee* attempting to obatruet the same limit prescribed by/law wilt- Liberty bond sale b? circulating cer- 'not expire till February 12, qext. tain apeehee made by. him in the Approximately, 70 persons went senate during the war revenue, bin down with the Antiles. What • per- dehUe.'Thr senator.asserted that-he centage Of this uxsl js affected by had'circuljted only three pamphlets, the law at present is unknowd; but printed aChis own eXpertke, stain- Will be determined upon receipt cf ing portions of what he sajd during advices establishing the "identity of -the d©bat»,. for the'.sole reason-thai thofte who perished. The number of he believed it would -aid in,«*$aken- ing a public interest and in orgatfi£ soldiers has been established defi- Ing a public opinh>n which would in- nitely at 16, but the sUtus'of nuiny dues coogTMB at the next session to of the remaining dead as yet ij un- more adequate end justly, - tax war known by^ofllciiU here. How many Jvofits.and Juipliu inebmea.'\ , of the remainder are sailors in the These pamphlets, lis said,, includ- naval sefviee yjt has to. -fee dster- ed id part of a spe«h 1" which • he referred to the influence which the jniped. ' • refused of congress to properly tax •Not onjy will .the families of the wealth might' have, .upon th'e A,next bond sale. This reference, he added; wvuld have repowid In l,hsrmle« se- Icurity" in ^nw-CoiiCtesaiqnal ReconT If otwepepers representing war p*>f- ,1* bed not brought it out with dielr «fcsu«* tbathe was franking ji out Jtjp ChfBtrr NftUB D.mth o: Mr. W. W. CoogUr. Published Tuesday and Friday It Vaa sad newt to the many friends of M- W. \V. ^oogltr to .at Chester, S.'C.- • learn of hi* denth'whieh occurred at his home on Saluda afreet, Sunday at 3 5 Cen t Package Owners Sad Publii noon, after a short Illness of about a Arm & Hammer W. W.,PEGRAM Metropolitan -5 ho* week. The ir.termeftt was made in STEWART L. CAS3F.L3 •Inter* Evergreen cemetery ;jfe*terday aft-' • Soda 10c •er 'services. "at tns First Baptist church" by the ;pa«t6r,' Rev." H;. A. Subscription Rat«s ia' Bftgby* a D.y at whleh" i lance con- One YeaiT ... ... bourne Of friend* were, present. 'Sii MohtJ.. ... •Mr. Coogler was a native of Col- Thra Months 1 -- un\bia, having been born in that city October iM6* He hua.befn a res I-. doht'of Chester for the- past. forty- six.years. For n number. o{tye4rs he* was engaged -in the' mercnatile busi- ness in" Chester hut for. the past fcW vears he fias been dealing in lumber- • and real Satate..Mr, .Cpogler was. Spot Caah still buys you a dependable Siiit or Overcoat. A dressy first married to Miss'wah Cather- ine-Albright, of this city, who died Tan pair of Shoes for $4.50. Why pay more? Spot cash will save TUESDAY. in .1906. On. October 19th.^.l9«9 he ! married Miss Catherine Carswell,' of : you from $1.00 to. $1.50 on your $HOES and more on every Suit or •flephzibaJv. Ga.. who survives him. He' ji a)«o survived *by a son, . Mr. Overcoat and still more on each And every. Ladies Coat and Coat Suit. Paul L. Cd^jtler.'by thj ffrs.t. mar» Why not investigate? Get pur pri<}e$r' riare.. and a" brother,' Mr John T. C^offler^'AOOlta, 'Ga.*V>- Mr. Coogler wrved. during 'nhe la'tter.Tart of .the .vaj between-. the slate* ani/was a gallhnt soldier. He was also prominent in '.the buaineac J. T. Collins Department Store eirtlcs of Chester being one-of the va 1 ue'd'directors of/theSpratt Build- 'nz.& Loap Awyiation hieing among *t» founder*., He ha# fcl>o been .a di' ONE CENT) .A WORD -rctcrr "in the* Exchange BnpU. and • " COLUMN the People# Bank. For a'nufnber of reaw he has been a deacon and trus- tee of' the' First Ba^ist ehuWh; artd • Farm Loans—Lonfc term lopii* ne- That a • number or Ches- wa'sKjne qf Jts most valued members, gotiated ort'farm lands* at exception- ter county are violating, the quart-a- flways* taking an' active-.part-in ally low rate' interest. No expense to month law is believed Wy the gfltfTral church affairs. •be paid in.advance,by hdrroVer, and ptrtdlV. Whe*awr not this, fact ran no inspector's fee. M. C. Fudge, be eauiblutivd i* a «matter~bf sp^cn-- SOLDIER KILLS SELF Loan correspondent, Chester, S. 'C." lation. "However, thrf facS-will «\e\er AT GREENVILLE CAMP be' rstablished unlea* an effort if . Noticn—I_haxe. a . new. Grist* SliU 'made toward that end. ... at my; shop near.the City.Hull and abiding, eitixeita. believe .that will thank theJ>eoplt> for\their pat- 'wh^n a law is plaerd on the books ronage and. will serve .them \the best .that/Itw should be enforced and if ^o. ic—ii of my'sbilfty.-R. A. Jimith, Chester, it is not' going U» he enforced It Greenville,. Oct.. 22—Rufus' Kear- n S.C. 3L / • shouhl be repealed. ey, Compalfy'sF,'O c Hundred and .No. 1C—i: . The .law atates tKat a person must Nineteenth Infantry, whose home is ifile an affidavit to the effect" that the n Djllorf, committed suicide^ihis' . For SaU—115 acres'of land /our norning at Camp §evler by cutting miifs of Chester, ono mile of gb.od ,J:qty»r wanted is for medicinal pvir- >hn E. Woodbui |)os«'*.'"We^^-notr beliave- that half ,'ls throat with * raror. school, located on 'public, road. Im- provement, one. room dwelling, two the whiskey now coming'i/ito Ches- Kcaraey appeared 'at -r«^I call this tjfnnQt houses, out bOilditjKS.' fine7 ter is .for medicinal purpoae's^JCjs-e Turning.
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