
Transports ; Direction générale de l'aviation civile ; Institut des transports aériens (1970-1985)

Répertoire (19910257/1-19910257/432)

Archives nationales (France) Pierrefitte-sur-Seine 1991


https://www.siv.archives-nationales.culture.gouv.fr/siv/IR/FRAN_IR_008171 Cet instrument de recherche a été encodé en 2011 par l'entreprise diadeis dans le cadre du chantier de dématérialisation des instruments de recherche des Archives Nationales sur la base d'une DTD conforme à la DTD EAD (encoded archival description) et créée par le service de dématérialisation des instruments de recherche des Archives Nationales

2 Archives nationales (France)


Référence 19910257/1-19910257/432

Niveau de description fonds

Intitulé Transports ; Direction générale de l'aviation civile ; Institut des transports aériens

Date(s) extrême(s) 1970-1985

Nom du producteur • Institut du transport aérien

Localisation physique Pierrefitte


Présentation du contenu Sommaire Art 1-433 : Notices de l’institut des transports aériens, 1970-1985


transport aérien; étude; documentation; étude; documentation

3 Archives nationales (France) Répertoire (19910257/1-19910257/432)


NOT. 8000 US supersonic transport. Economic feasibility report (FAA)

NOT. 8001 Inclusive tour market-Review and forecast (Boeing)

NOT. 8002 Evolution des transports à courte distance-Fascicule I : conclusions générales (USIAS)

NOT. 8003 Evolution des transports à courte distance-Fascicule II : évolution du transport aérien à courte distance

NOT. 8004 Evolution des transports à courte distance-Fascicule III : analyse de la répartition du trafic sur la liaison Paris-Lyonn

NOT. 8005 Evolution des transports à courte distance-FasciculeIV : comparaison du système aérien et du projet turbotrain dans le cas Sud-Est

NOT. 8006 Système du transport aérien court courrier STOL (USIAS)

NOT. 8007 American Airlines (aviuons STOL) (American Airlines/USIAS)

NOT. 8008 New Yorks Transatlantic Air Passenger Market (PNYA)

NOT. 8009 Note de travail sur la coordination inter-secteurs dans les CCR à grand trafic (SGAC)

NOT. 8010 Le digitation (SGAC/CENA)

NOT. 8011 Länderberichte (Kohlhammer)


NOT. 8013

4 Archives nationales (France)

Traffic flows characteristics - 7 reports (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8014 Factors trends and guidelines related to trip length (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8015 Bibliographie. Etudes de recherche de tourisme (Candain Government Bureau)

NOT. 8016 Mathematical models for airplane economic analysis (Boeing)

NOT. 8017 Future subsonic and supersonic fare structure development (Boeing)

NOT. 8018 Deamnd analysis for air travel by supersonic transport (Institute for Defense Analysis)

NOT. 8019 SST Economic Study-Preliminary draft report (CAB/Economic Research Staff)

NOT. 8020 FAA Economics report (Boeing)

NOT. 8021 Le commerce extérieur de la région Provence C^ote d'Azur et Corse en 1969 (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 8022 Proposition en vue de la simplification des procédures établissement de conventions (IATA)

NOT. 8023 Composantes de la fonction urbaine-Essai de typologie des villes. Schéma général d'aménagement de la France

NOT. 8024 Les activitésmaritimes du Royaume Uni de Grande Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord

NOT. 8025 L'économie de la région Poitou Charentes (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8026 The dynamic growth of containerization (Distribution Manager Magazine)

NOT. 8027 Global containerizationsystem emerging with P.N.Y.A. (P.N.Y.A.)

NOT. 8028 A port looks ahead (P.N.Y.A.)

5 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8029 Modal views of intermodal container transport (P.N.Y.A.)

NOT. 8030 Civil aviation in the 1970's Symposium (Aviation Civile/ISra¨el)


NOT. 8031 Un modèle intégré et d'affectation du trafic sur un réseau (IRT)

NOT. 8032 Radar observations of bird movement near Calgary, Alberta Field Note n°59 (Associate Committee on Bird Hazards to Aircraft)

NOT. 8033 A further attempt to forecast bird migration over Cold Lake, Alberta -Field Note n°54 (idem)

NOT. 8034 Serives aéreins commerciaux intl. de frètement. Prescriptions de vol de frètement pour le transport de groupes de personnes, sans participation ou avec participation, à destination ou en provenace du Canada (règle 1969-A-1) (Commission Canadienne des Transports)

NOT. 8035 Règle 1969-A-3-Règle modifiant la règle 1969-A-1 Règle 1969-A-4- régissant les voyages tout compris effectués à bord d'aéronefs affrétés (Commission Canadienne des Transports)

NOT. 8036 Die franz¨osichen Vekehrsfluhafen & landpl¨atze (ADV)

NOT. 8037 Guidelines for airlines (Conservative Political Centre)

NOT. 8038 The big picture 1969-1970 (American Society of Travel Agents)

NOT. 8039 Les moteurs d'avions : leur progrès, leur r^ole dans la conception des matériels nouveaux-point de vue des constructeurs et commentaires (ITA)

NOT. 8040 Nantes-SaintNazaire, schéma d'aménagement de l'aire métroolitaine - rapport général de présentation (OREAM Nantes)

NOT. 8041

6 Archives nationales (France)

Aiport terminals reference manual (5th editon) (IATA)

NOT. 8042 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Malaysia) (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8043 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Frankreich) (idem)

NOT. 8044 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Marokko) (idem)

NOT. 8045 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Tunesien) (idem)

NOT. 8046 Les projets de relations rapides intervielles de la SNCF (SNCF)

NOT. 8047 Projet d'accord européen relatif au travail des équipages des véhicules effectuant des transports intl. par route (C.E.E.)

NOT. 8048 Rapport sur la situation des entreprises françaises en matière de tourisme routier intl. -etude de prix de reveint CETRI (CETRI)

NOT. 8049 Verkehrsbericht 1970 (Bundesminister fur Verkehr)


NOT. 8050 Etude des transports terrestres à grande vitesse sur l'axe Paris-Sud (Commissariat Général du Plan)

NOT. 8051 Desserte du Sud-Est de la France par la voie aérienne en 1980 (Air INter)

NOT. 8052 Note prospective sur la desserte aérienne métropolitaine en 1985 (Air Inter)

NOT. 8053 Dossier Air Inter sur la desserte aérienne du Sud-Est (Air Inter)

NOT. 8054 Livre blanc pour le schéma directeur d'aménagement et d'urbanisme (Agence d'Urbanisme pour la Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux)

NOT. 8055

7 Archives nationales (France)

The fares of Algeria - transport (Ministère d'Etat chargé des transports/Algérie)

NOT. 8056 L'infrastructure aéronautique française (SGAC)

NOT. 8057 1970 Air Safety Forum Proceedings (Airline Pilot Association)

NOT. 8058 Liaison entre Paris et le nord de la France (SERC)

NOT. 8059 Inter-city transport study - working paper 7 (University of Southampton)


NOT. 8060 Volume et principaux courants des IT par affrètement dans la région Europe-Meditérranée 1965-1969 (ITA) Etude ITA n°1/1971

NOT. 8061 Climatology of Amsterdam Airport (Schiphol) -Report 87 (Kroninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Intitut

NOT. 8062 Proceedings of a Symposium on the compatibility of transport systems (vol.I) (Loughborough University of Technology)

NOT. 8063 Proceedings of a Symposium on the compatibility of transport systems (vol.II) (idem)

NOT. 8064 Airport Design standards - airports served by air carriers (FAA)

NOT. 8065 Les comportements de loisirs des français (les vacances d'été en 1969) - données sur l'environnement de l'habitat en France) (INSEE)

NOT. 8066 Liaison rapides intervilles-Groupe de travail, rapport n°1 (U.I.C.)

NOT. 8067 US international Air Cargo Markets (CAB)

NOT. 8068 La République arabe lybienne (n°3740-3741) (La Documentation Française)

8 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8069 Dossier sur les projets de transport urbains en France (Volume I et volume II) (Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France)

NOT. 8070 La réunion de la Convention de Varsovie et la responsabilité du transporteur aérien (Revue Française de Droit Aérien n°4, 1970)

NOT. 8071 Symposium on Air Accident Investigation and Litigation (Journal of Air Law and Commerce Summer 1970)

NOT. 8072 L'aéroport international de Bâle-Mulhouse (Revue du SGAC n°140, 1.12.1970)

NOT. 8073 Le statut de l'aéroglisseur (Revue Générale de l'Air, n°2, 1970)


NOT. 8074 Impact des possibilités de transports terrestres à grande vitesse sur la demande de transport (CEMT 8ème Table Ronde)

NOT. 8075 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Sowetunion)

NOT. 8076 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Sud r-odesien)

NOT. 8077 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Nepal)

NOT. 8078 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Iran)

NOT. 8079 Colloque sur les prévisions touristiques (Commission Européenne du Tourisme)

NOT. 8080 SAAB Technical Note 67- An exact method of two dimensional airfoil

NOT. 8081 23rd Annual International Air Safety Seminar (Flight Safety Foundation)

NOT. 8082 Rapport du Groupe de travail Paris-Nord- Travaux et Recherches de Prospective n°8 (La Documentation Française)

9 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8083 Les échanges extérieurs des USA (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8084 L'Economie de la ville etat de Berlin Ouest (La Documentation Française)


NOT. 8085 Projet de livre blanc du bassin parisien (travaux et recherches de prospectives) (Délégation à l'Aménagement du Territoire et à l'action régionale) (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8086 Projet de schéma directeur des aéroports-Note de présentation (Commissariat Général du Plan d'Equipement et de la Productivité)

NOT. 8087 On the drain of capital from african countries (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

NOT. 8088 Agriculture as a possible source of accumulation in African Developing countries-problems of implementation (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

NOT. 8089 Growth, promoting growth-retarding factors in Indian Economy (Hungar ian Academy of Sciences)

NOT. 8090 The dimensions of air transportation- public service, economic viability, growth (National Air Carrier Association)

NOT. 8091 Les transports dans le Languedoc Roussillon (Ecole Supérieure des Transports)

NOT. 8092 Airline Industry Data-All cargo carriers - supplemental carriers (McDonnell Douglas)

NOT. 8093 La migration algérienne - etudes n° 116 (Hommes et Migrations)

NOT. 8094 Les problèmes actuels des aéroports français (Conseil Economique et Social)


NOT. 8095 Airline Industry Data- regional carriers (Mc Donnell Douglas)

10 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8096 Synthèse de l'étude intitutlée "les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté comparées à celles de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats Unis (CEE)

NOT. 8097 1970 International Aerospace specification tables (Aviation Week & Space Technology)

NOT. 8098 Les aéroports d'aujourd'hui (Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France)

NOT. 8099 Assemblée Nationale - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971

NOT. 8100 Assemblée Nationale - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°1395)

NOT. 8101 Assemblée Nationale - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°1395)

NOT. 8102 Assemblée Nationale - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°1395)

NOT. 8103 Assemblée Nationale - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971

NOT. 8104 Assemblée Nationale - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971

NOT. 8105 Assemblée Nationale - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°1395)

NOT. 8106 idem

NOT. 8107 idem

NOT. 8108 idem

NOT. 8109 Sénat- Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°56)

NOT. 8110 Sénat- Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°54)

11 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8111 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°54)

NOT. 8112 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°56)

NOT. 8113 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°54)

NOT. 8114 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°54)

NOT. 8115 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°54)

NOT. 8116 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°56)


NOT. 8117 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°56)

NOT. 8118 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n56)

NOT. 8119 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°56)

NOT. 8120 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 19871 (n°56)

NOT. 8121 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°54)

NOT. 8122 Sénat - Projet de loi de Finances pour 1971 (n°56)

NOT. 8123 Les redevances d'usage des infrastructures (CEMT)

NOT. 8124 Planning the Metropolitan Airport System (FAA)

NOT. 8125 Summary of availability (Shell Aviation Service)

12 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8126 Fly by Wire - Flight Control Systems (Conference Proceedings n°58) (AGARD)

NOT. 8127 The importance of traffic forecasting in airline

NOT. 8128 The airlines of East Asia - a tourism opportunity (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8129 Cost factors in the operation of subsonic and supersonic airplanes (Boeing)

NOT. 8130 Aircraft noise reduction - status report (Boeing)

NOT. 8131 Boeing RPM Forecast Methodology (Boeing)

NOT. 8132 Domestic Air Passenger Data 1963-1967 (Boeing)

NOT. 8133 A Survey of travel intentions (Boeing)

NOT. 8134 A survey of travelers and their trips (Boeing)

NOT. 8135 Business trends - Including a forecast for 1970.4. to 1972.3

NOT. 8136 Elements pour un schéma directeur de l'informatique (DATAR)


NOT. 8137 Scenario d'aménagement du territoire (travaux et propsectives n°12) (DATAR)

NOT. 8138 Air transport facts and figures 1969 (ATA)

NOT. 8139 Airline Industry data - US airline industry summary (McDonnell Douglas)

NOT. 8140 Airline Industry Data - US trunkline carries and Pan American (McDonnell Douglas)

13 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8141 Access to airports (ASCE)

NOT. 8142 Concept for evaluating centre city transportation program and project (study 3-353)

NOT. 8143 Air pollution from future giant jetports (MIT)

NOT. 8144 Le rôle du transitaire dans les pays en voie de développement (Centre de Commerce International)

NOT. 8145 2° rapport sur les orientations souhaitables en matière de tarification de l'usage des infrastructures aéroportuaires (Comité d'Etude du coût des Infrastructures Aéroportuaires)

NOT. 8146 Participation financière du transport aérien commercial intérieur aux charges d'infrastructure aéronautique (Comité d'Etude du Coût des Infrastructures Aéroportuaires)

NOT. 8147 Prévisions marketing 1970-Passagers, coefficient de remplissage recettes brutes

NOT. 8148 Les perspectives et les conditions de développement d'un complexe industriel (OREAM Lyon/St Etienne)

NOT. 8149 N° Spécial le tourisme (Revue Liaison Rhône Alpes)

NOT. 8150 Liaisons Rhone Alpes, octobre 1968 (Revue Liaison Rhone Alpes)

NOT. 8151 Le grand delta - région d'équilibre de l'Europe - les grands aménagements régionaux (Revue les Grands Aménagements Régionaux)

NOT. 8152 Les sports d'hiver et le trafic aérien dans la région des Alpes (HECJF)

NOT. 8153 Etude economique sur les perspectives de développement de l'aéroport de Beauvais Tille (Institut de Formation d'Animateurs Conseilers d'Entreprises)

NOT. 8154 Aerodrome de Dole-Tavaux (études prélimainaires) (SGAC)

NOT. 8155

14 Archives nationales (France)

Industries et Travaux d'Outre-Mer (n° spécial les chemins de fer malgaches) (Industries et Travaux d'Outre Mer)

NOT. 8156 Envionmental compatibility planning of commercial aircraft (Boeing)

NOT. 8157 Future generation of aircraft (Boeing)

NOT. 8158 Air Cargo transportation - the intraurban subsystems (Boeing)


NOT. 8159 Approach airspace and runway capacity- parametric sensitivity analysis (report DG 24282) (Boeing)

NOT. 8160 Airport capacity analysis (report DG23415) (Boeing)

NOT. 8161 The airport baggage handling system - an evaluation method Report D6 19562) (Boeing)

NOT. 8162 Air France, Air Inter, UTA communique de presse relatif à la grève du personnel navigant technique (Air France-Service des Relations Extérieures)

NOT. 8163 Methodology of transport statistics (York University)

NOT. 8164 Conjoncture Economique n°1090-70 (Conseil Economique et Social)

NOT. 8165 Pan Am urges steps to revitalize airline industry (P.A.A)

NOT. 8166 Market reserch and forecasting for the airport market (P.N.Y.A.)

NOT. 8167 1969 Consumer complaint-survey report (CAB)

NOT. 8168 Some aspects of aviation policy applied to non-scheduled transport - trends and prespects (document 1971/2) (ITA)

NOT. 8169

15 Archives nationales (France)

Rapport d'exécution du plan. Vol. I année 1965 Vol. II année 1968

NOT. 8170 Rapport sur le budget economique de l'année 1970

NOT. 8171 ASECNA - 10ème anniversaire (ASECNA)


NOT. 8172 Le transport aérien de marchandises-perspectives de trafic des grands aéroports de province (SGAC)

NOT. 8173 Etude de la sécurité des aéronefs en utilisation (Service Technique Aéronautique, Section Etude Générale)

NOT. 8174 Allgemeine Statistik des AUslandes (Länderberichte) Afghanistan (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8175 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Länderberichte) Gambia

NOT. 8176 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Länderberichte) Chile

NOT. 8177 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Landerberichte) Albanien

NOT. 8178 La circulation routière - faits et chiffres (URF)

NOT. 8179 Special Report on Comores (N° Special ATW 8.2.71)

NOT. 8180 Mathematical model of optimization for multi-objective transportation systems

NOT. 8181 Arrival of 1st Aerlingus-Irish Boeing 747-El Asi St Comeille (Aer Lingus Press Office)

NOT. 8182

16 Archives nationales (France)

Le commerce extérieur de la République Populaire de Chine (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8183 Problèmes chinois (6 fascicules n°6 à 11 (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8184 Europe centrale et occidentale (La Documentation française)


NOT. 8185 Report of proceedings of the NTSB into the mid-air collision problem-November 4 through to 10, 1969 (NTSB)

NOT. 8186 Procès verbal de la 16ème réunion pour les recherches et sauvetages en Mediterranée occidentale (SGAC)

NOT. 8187 Redevances aéronautiques Decret n°326 (Ministère des Travaux Publics et des Communications)

NOT. 8188 Loi n°70-30 portant sur la création de l'Office des Ports aériens de Tunisie (J.O. Tunisie)

NOT. 8189 Measuring price and productivity change in the aircraft industry (report 5805-PR) (The Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8190 An introduction to equipement cost estimating (report n°6103 PR) (The Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8191 Soviet Cybernetics Review (Report n°6200/2-PR) ((The Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8192 Soviet Cybernetics Review (Report 6200/3-PR) (The Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8193 Economic Cooperation of the European KSSU Airlines Group (Conférence AAFRAA)

NOT. 8194 Transports et Developpement Economique en Bulgarie (Revue de Géographie de Lyon)

NOT. 8195 Cours de transports - les transports aériens (SNCF)

NOT. 8196 Goupe d'expert sur l'exploitation des avions supersoniques de transport (1ere réunion 1968) (OACI)

17 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8197 La sécurité dans le travail aérien 1ère partie - les opérations agricoles (OACI)

NOT. 8198 Maintien de la compétence (équipage de conduite) (OACI)

NOT. 8199 Receuil d'accidents d'aviation n°17-3 Volumes (OACI)

NOT. 8200 Plan de navigation aérienne Région Europe Mediterranée (OACI)

NOT. 8201 Plan de navigation aérienne Région Atlantique Nord Amerique du Nord et Pacifique

NOT. 8202 Manuel de planification générale d'aéroport (OACI)

NOT. 8203 Plan de navigation aérienne Rgion Caraïbes et Amérique du Sud

NOT. 8204 Incidence des pentes de piste varaibles sur la longueur de piste necessaire au décollage des avions de transport (OACI)

NOT. 8205 Tourbillons de sillage (OACI)

NOT. 8206 Developpements des voyages aériens internationaux (Moyen Orient) (OACI)

NOT. 8207 Plan de navigation aérienne Région Afrique Océan Indien (OACI)

NOT. 8208 Méthode acceptable de conformité provisoire. Essai des altimètres barométriques (OACI)

NOT. 8209 Maintien de l'état de navigabilité des aéronefs en service-méthodes suivies pour traiter les directives de navigabilité (OACI)

NOT. 8210 Mesures adoptées par le Conseil et autres dispositions prises par l'OACI au sujet de l'intervention illicite dans l'aviation civile internationale et ses services et installations (OACI)

NOT. 8211

18 Archives nationales (France)

Report on the special meeting on aircraft noise in the vicinity of aerodromes (OACI)

NOT. 8212 Plan de navigation aérienne- régions Atlantique Nord Amérique du Nord et Pacifique (OACI)

NOT. 8213 Aircraft Accident Digest n°18, vol.I (OACI)

NOT. 8214 Fret aérien- région Europe Mediterranée (OACI)

NOT. 8215 Technical panel on supersonic transport operations (2nd meeting 1970 (OACI)

NOT. 8216 Plan de navigation aérienne région Europe Mediterranée (OACI)

NOT. 8217 Plan de navigation aérienne- région Caraïbes et Amérique du Sud

NOT. 8218 Groupe d'Experts des Etudes Economiques des installations et services de navigation aérienne de route (OACI)

NOT. 8219 Traité relatif aux transports aériens en Afrique-création de la société Air Afrique (Yaoundé (1961)

NOT. 8220 Accord du Consortium SAS et accords connexes

NOT. 8221 Rapport sur l'East African AIrways Corporation (OACI)

NOT. 8222 Examen général de la situation économique des installations et services en route (OACI)

NOT. 8223 Fret aérien et poste aérienne - Afrique (OACI)

NOT. 8224 Manual of aircraft accident investigation (OACI)

NOT. 8225 Signes internationaux à l'usage des passagers aux aéroports (OACI)

NOT. 8226 Plan de navigation aérienne - régions Moyen Orient et Asie du Sud Est (OACI)

19 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8227 Evaluation statistique du transport aérien commercial non régulier effectué au moyen d'avions de gros tonnage pour l'année 1968 (OACI)

NOT. 8228 Eurocontrol - 10 ans de coopération internationale 1960-1970 (Eurocontrol)

NOT. 8229 Forecast of trafic demand in the London Area (BAA)

NOT. 8230 Draft copy of air pollution at Heathrow Airport London (Departement of Trade and Industry)

NOT. 8231 Containerization Acier (Office Technique pour l'utilisation de l'acier)

NOT. 8232 Some publications received from Dr. V.E. Jacoby Moscow (Associate Committee on Bird Hazrds to Aircraft)


NOT. 8233 4th National Development Plan 1968-1972 (Ministère du Plan Iran)

NOT. 8234 Inauguration de l'aérogare Orly Ouest 26 février 1971 (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 8235 Pollution atmosphérique (congrès scientifique n°10)

NOT. 8236 L'urbanisme en Suède (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8237 Politique brésilienne - mise en valeur de l'URUGUAY (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8238 Couts d'infrastructure des divers modes de transport (Deutsche Bundesbahn)

NOT. 8239 Summary of market price indications (Shell Aviation Serivce)

NOT. 8240 Modification de la Convention de Varsovie (amendement de Guatemala) (SGAC)

20 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8241 Note d'information - résultat de la Conférence de Guatemala (SGAC)

NOT. 8242 Developpement des recettes d'aéroports provenant des sources extra-aéronautiques (concessions, locations d'emplacement et zones franches (OACI)

NOT. 8243 Les vacances (L'express)

NOT. 8244 Commuter Air Carrier, traffic year ending June 30 1970 (CAB)

NOT. 8245 Rapport sur la formation professionnelle dans les transports (Commissariat Général au Plan et Productivité)

NOT. 8246 Commission des Transports-Projet de rapport sur les problèmes du secteur européen des transports aériens (Parlement Européen)

NOT. 8247 Projet de loi relatif au territoire des terres australes et antarticques françaises (Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8248 Projet de loi relatif à certains personnels de l'aviation civile (Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8249 The importance of civil Air Transport to the United Kingdom Economy - Summary report (IATA)

NOT. 8250 L'organisation de la sécurité aériens dans quelques pays européens et aux Etats Unis (Etude ITA 71/3) (ITA)


NOT. 8251 The 2nd five year economic development plan (Corée Gouvernement)

NOT. 8252 The 2nd five year plan for development of science and technology 1967-1971 (Corée Gouvernement)

NOT. 8253 A market potential index (US Dept of Commerce)

NOT. 8254 Bibliographie des travaux juriques relatifs à l'aviation - fascicule I : livres et thèses (SGAC)

21 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8255 L'évolution du transport aérien dans la décennie 1970 (SNIAS)

NOT. 8256 Decomposing a traffic control problem (Boeing)

NOT. 8257 Concorde et l'environnement (Aérospatiale)

NOT. 8258 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Zenta&rikanische Republik (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8259 Allgemeine Statistik des AUslandes - Swaziland (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8260 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Zypern (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8261 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Mauritius (Kohlahammer)

NOT. 8262 High speed report access feasibility study of a demonstration project in (US Dept of Transportation)


NOT. 8263 Problèmes posés par le financement des investissements dans une compagnie aérienne (DAFSA)

NOT. 8264 Rapport des Commissions 6ème Plan 1971-1975 (tourisme) (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8265 Bevolkerungsstruktur und Wirstcschaftskraft der Bundeslander (Kahlhammer)

NOT. 8266 The reorganization of Central Governement (Cmnd 4506) (HMSO)

NOT. 8267 Points de repère pour une alphabétisation fonctionnelle des travailleurs étrangers- Un bidonville est-il un domicile ? (Hommes et migrations)

NOT. 8268 Planquadriennal 1970-1973 (Algérie Gouvernement)

22 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8269 Algérie et Développement (Algérie et Développement)

NOT. 8270 Algérie - le plan est-il réalisable ? n°477 (Jeune Afrique)

NOT. 8271 Application of theoretical acoustics to jet engine noise reduction (Pratt && Whitney)

NOT. 8272 Multiple pure tone noise generated by fans at spersonic tip speeds (Pratt & Whitney)

NOT. 8273 Forecast of scheduled domestic air cargo for the 50 states 1971-1975 (CAB)

NOT. 8274 A queuing model for a runway (MIT)

NOT. 8275 A summary of the results obtained from a study of the ground mouvement system at Heathrow Airport Summer 1969 (Board of Trade)

NOT. 8276 New developments in transportation analysis : evaluation of mixes of modes in alternative regional environments (P.4425) (Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8277 An extended concept of "model" (Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8278 The possibilities of developping an effective national transport system in the 1970's

NOT. 8279 Analysis of inter-city transport improvements : forecasting demand and evaluating user benefits (Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8280 Annual containerization issue, n° July August 1969 (Defense Transportation Review)

NOT. 8281 Bibliographie touristique - tome 6 (Université d'Aix en Provence)

NOT. 8282 Eisenbahn und Inlands-Luftverkehr - Folgerungen aus Entwicklung und Planung der Deutschen Bundesbahn... (Deustche Lufthansa)

NOT. 8283

23 Archives nationales (France)

An act to amend the public health law and the executive law, in relation to noise pollution and the hypersonic transport (1971-72) (State of )

NOT. 8284 Noise exposure forecast contours for aircraft noise tradeoff studies at 3 major airports (contract FAA68WA-1900) (FAA)


NOT. 8285 Noise exposure forecast contours for 1967, 1970 and 1975 operations at selected airports (contract FA68WA-1900) (FAA)

NOT. 8286 The effects of temporal and spectral considerations on the judged noisiness of aircraft sounds (contract FAA68WA 1978) (FAA

NOT. 8287 A study on the magnitude of transportation noise generation and potential abatement. vol.II Measurement criterion (FAA)

NOT. 8288 L'assistenza al volo in Italia- analisi e proposte (ANACNA)

NOT. 8289 Regional transport planning in theory and practice (Institute of transport and maritime affairs)

NOT. 8290 Air transportation - the airport and the community (Univerity of Tennessee)

NOT. 8291 Choix du moyen de transport - motivation psychologique approche économétrique (CEMT)

NOT. 8292 Analysis for the design of baggage handling systems at airports (MIT)


NOT. 8293 IATA - Teheran Symposium (IATA)

NOT. 8294 Origin destination survey of airline passenger traffic domestic (4th quarter 1969 (CAB)

NOT. 8295 Elements du comportement d'hommes du transport aux USA (n° spécial 6) (Productivité Transport Revue)

24 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8296 Main d'oeuvre et conditions de travail en Grande-Bretagne (Central Office of Information)

NOT. 8297 Airline Industry Data - US Trunklike carriers and Pan American (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8298 Airline Industry Data - regional carriers (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8299 Financial outlook 1970-1971-1972 US scheduled airlines (ATA)

NOT. 8300 Commission for London 3rd airport - 2 volumes (HMSO)

NOT. 8301 L'avenir du Port Aérien de Marseille Marignane (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 8302 Long range Iowa airport facilities planning study (SRI)

NOT. 8303 Airport Frankfurt/Main Planning Department, vol.I (Aéroport de Francfort)

NOT. 8304 The supersonic transport (report HE 9901 71-78 SP) (Congressional Research Service)

NOT. 8305 The benefits of civil aviation to the Australian Economy - summary report (IATA)

NOT. 8306 Airport accessibility and urban travel - the linkage between air travel and urban transportation problems (American Automobile Association)

NOT. 8307 Repartition des passagers Air INter dans la région parisienne (Air Inter)


NOT. 8308 Noise standards and their influence on aircraft performance and transportation costs (Boeing)

NOT. 8309 The economic impact on domestic air traffic projections for a 1971 recovery (Boeing)

NOT. 8310

25 Archives nationales (France)

Macro airline traffic forecast presentation (Boeing)

NOT. 8311 Statewide Master plan of aviation - State of California Interim Progress Report (State of California)

NOT. 8312 L'industrie aéronautique et spatiale française (La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8313 Le développement dans les transports maritimes par conteneurs et ses problèmes 1970 (OCDE)

NOT. 8314 Aquitaine - le plan de développement régional et d'aménagement (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 8315 A report to the secretary on investigation of charter aircraft issues services (US Dept of Transportation)

NOT. 8316 The AIr Forwarder - his role in the total system (FIATA)

NOT. 8317 Le transport aérien commercial de 1960 à 1970- Perspectives pour la nouvelle décennie (étude 1970/4) (ITA)


NOT. 8318 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Neuseeland (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8319 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Lesotho (Kohlhemmer)

NOT. 8320 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Dänemark (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8321 Allgemeine Statistik des AUslandes - Dominikanische Republik (Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8322 A review of the economic situation of air transport 1960-1970 (OACI)

NOT. 8323 Reprtory guide to the Convention on International ivil Aviation (OACI)

NOT. 8324 Protocole portant modification de la Convention pour l'unification de certaines règles relatives au transport aérien international signé à Varsovie le 12 octobre 1929 amendée par le Protocole de la Haye le 28 septembre 1955 Guatemala le 8 mars 1971 (OACI)

26 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8325 Air passenger traffic in short haul markets (CAB)

NOT. 8326 IATA and the smaller airlines (IATA)

NOT. 8327 The importance of civil air transport in the UK economy September 1969 -revised February 1970 (EIEU)

NOT. 8328 Dossier sur les liaisons ville aéroport-aéroports régionaux Paris - desserte terrestre (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 8329 Colloqium on investment planning for ports and airports Monograph series n°4 (University of British Columbia)

NOT. 8330 On dynamic stability testing of unconventional configurations (AIAA)

NOT. 8331 Container, pallets and other unitized methods for the intermodal movement of freight- application to developping countries (United Nations Sales Section,N.Y.)

NOT. 8332 Travel factors and travel models. 6 reports (n°283) (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8333 Nature and control of aircraft engine exhaust emissions (Northern Research and Engineering Corp.)

NOT. 8334 Air pollution around J.F. Kennedy Intl. Airport (US Dept of Health Education and Welfare)

NOT. 8335 Civil Aviation Bill (Bill 128) - Civil Aviation Act 1971- Civil Aviation Act 1971, chap. 75- Air Navigation Order 1970 (HMSO)


NOT. 8336 Airline Industry Data - US airline industry summary (Mc Donnell Douglas

NOT. 8337 Airline industry data - all cargo carriers - supplemental carriers (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8338 How the airlines are reducing jet pollution (ATA)

27 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8339 Projet de loi de finances pour 1971 (DATAR)

NOT. 8340 Projet de loi de finances pour 1971 - annexe tome 1 : les principaux éléments de la politique suivie pour l'aménagement du territoire et l'action régionale (DATAR)

NOT. 8341 Projet de loi de finances pour 1971. Annexe. Tome II. Les équipements collectifs et la régionalisation du budget. (DATAR)

NOT. 8342 La zone franc en 1969. (Comite Monétaire de la Zone Franc)

NOT. 8343 Bibliography of Federal Aviation noise reports. (Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8344 An initial look at management and design considerations for commercial STOL. Propulsion system (SAE. American Airlines. G.P. Sallee)

NOT. 8345 The design of the URSS for low community noise. N°200808 (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8346 National Transportation Planning Manual (1970-1990) Manual A : General Instructions. PB 194-964 (NTIS. Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8347 Travaux à long terme en matière de transport Revue Objectif N° Juin 1970 (Ministère de l'Equipement)

NOT. 8348 Hawaii. Crossoads of the Pacific. Analysis of Hawaiian Tourism ;and Inter-Island. Air Traffic 1970-1975 (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8349 Meteorological summaries of observations data of the airports Genève-Cointrin and Zurich Kloten. Years 1949-1958 (Swiss Meteorological Office)


NOT. 8350 Mechanization of air cargo handling. (ADV)

NOT. 8351 West Germany. Switzerland and Austrian civil registers. (Air Britain)

28 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8352 Plan de navigation aérienne. région Afrique. Océan Indien (OACI)

NOT. 8353 Flight crew fatigue and flight time limitations (OACI)

NOT. 8354 Aide à la navigation par calculateur. Congrès de Rome mai 1970 (European Institutes of Navigation)

NOT. 8355 Computeurs for the operation of merchant ships Congrès. Rome mai 1970 (J. Vickers. European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8356 La navigation de surface et les moyens de présentation correspondants. Congrès. Rome 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Lufthansa)

NOT. 8357 Experience with a computer on oceanography research at sea Congrès. Rome 1970. (National Institute of Navigation. National Institute of Oceanography)

NOT. 8358 The new research in navigation at sea. Congrès. Rome 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Port of London)

NOT. 8359 Détection des turbulences en ciel clair par radiométrie infra rouge. Congrès. Rome 1970. (European Institute of Navigation. THOMSON CSF)

NOT. 8360 Betriebsanforderungen und enwicklungstendenzen von Funksichercheitssystemen fur die schiffahrt. Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8361 Recalage de la navigation aérienne par radar Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Thomson CSF)

NOT. 8362 Traitement optoélectronique pour la réception de signaux dans le cadre d'un système de navigation à partir de satellites gèostationnaires au-dessus de l'Atlantique Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Thomson CSF)

NOT. 8363 Influence des technologies modernes sur les matériels et les techniques de radionavigation Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

29 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8364 Some aspects of the solution of the main problems of inertial navigation Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. URSS Academy of Sciences)

NOT. 8365 Particular navigational curves Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Istituto Universario Navale)

NOT. 8366 Genesi, Scopi, Funzioni, tecnologia e impiego di un faro per cabotaggio aereo il ninfa Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Istituto Italiano di Navigazione)

NOT. 8367 Considerazioni sulla scelta delle techniche di modulazione e di accesso multiplo per un servizio de telecommunicazioni via satellite per aerei e navi. Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Telespazio Spa)

NOT. 8368 Earth satellite systems for marine and transoceanic air navigation and traffic control. Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Institute of Navigation USA)

NOT. 8369 Statistical coordinate conversion for omega navigation Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Lear Siegler)

NOT. 8370 Nuovi oriatamenti della strumentazione per l'aviazione generale Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Filotecnica Salmoiraghi Spa)

NOT. 8371 La navigation horizontale du "Concorde" Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. SAGEM)

NOT. 8372 La recherche de la Minerve, illustration de l'usage fait par l'hydrographe d'un système de radiolocalisation Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8373 Une conception du freinage des navires Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8374 "Assistance météorologique et routes optimales" Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8375

30 Archives nationales (France)

Simulateur tridimensionnel pour la manoeuvre des bateaux de surface Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8376 Les techniques temps-fréquence leurs applications possibles aux mouvements du trafic aérien Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8377 L'application des techniques de corrélation à l'IHS et au contrôle du trafic aérien dans les régions terminales Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8378 Noise influence on optical hearings Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8379 Modern techniques of azimuth measurement. Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Northrop Corporation)

NOT. 8380 Navigation intégrèe par la méthode des moindres carres Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8381 Evaluation en vol de systèmes radar à inertie Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Naviagion. NASA)

NOT. 8382 Evaluation des indications d'attitude inertielle dans un système directement assujetti au ve-icule (Strap down inertial attitude indication evaluation) Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. MIT)

NOT. 8383 Perfectionnements dans la conception des systèmes de navigation inertielle assistée (Software advances in aided inertial navigation system) Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8384 The application of the vertical system in the field of air navigation Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Alitalia)

NOT. 8385 The selection of the optimal route as a derision under conditions of risk Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8386

31 Archives nationales (France)

Radiophases spatiaux pour la navigation aérienne Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation. Fiat Aviation)

NOT. 8387 Résultats d'expériences de localisation par mesures de distances de satellite ATS-3 Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8388 Le projet "Dioscures". Présentation générale du système Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8389 Utilisation du satellite Eole A pour la localisation. Rome. Congrès 1970. (European Institute of Navigation. Institut Français de Navigation)

NOT. 8390 Point instanté par satellite artificiel Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8391 L'autocollision, réalisations et perspectives vues au travers des exigenges techniques Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8392 NAVSTAR. Un nouveau principe de navigation Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8393 Operational research and cost benefit analysis on navigation with particular reference to marine accidents Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8394 Méthodes d'intégration classiques et d'analyses de systèmes dans la construction du compas gyroscopique de repère verticale "Anschutz standard VIII" et du compas gyroscopique de repère verticale "Plath PL 41" Rome. Congrès 1970 (European Institute of Navigation)

NOT. 8395 Amérique 1969. La construction aéronautique civile. Rapport de mission. Réservé (SGAC)

NOT. 8396 New economic and social development plan. 1970-1975 (Japanese Government)

NOT. 8397 Le rôle des moyens de communications N° Novembre-Décembre (Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur)

32 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 8398 International aerospace specification tables 1971 (Aviation Week and Space Technology)

NOT. 8399 Upper Gulf Coast regional air transportation study. VOL. 1. PB 194339. Pour vol. II voir NOT. 8500 (National Technical Information Service. South Alabama Regional Planning Commission. Dixon Speas)

NOT. 8400 Inter city Utah studies (UK). Business traffic and potential sites VOL. 1 : Business Traffic (University of Southampton. Ministry of Technology)

NOT. 8401 Inter city Utah studies (UK). Business traffic and potential sites. VOL. 2 : Potential sites University of Southampton. Ministry of Technology)

NOT. 8402 The whitering aircraft industry. Is there any way to run an airline (Fortune)

NOT. 8403 Camping. Brochure N°1189 (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 8404 PATA. Some facts that may give you some ideas (PATA. Japan Airlines)

NOT. 8405 VI° plan de développement économique et social. 1971-1975. VOL.1 : Les objectifs généraux et les actions prioritaires du VI° plan. VOL.2 : Les choix du VI° plan VOL. 3 : Les actions prioritaires. VOL.4 : Programmes d'actions détaillées. (Commissariat Général au Plan)

NOT. 8406 Protocole portant amendement à la convention relative à l'Aviation Civile. Article 50A. Signée à New York le 12 mars 1971

NOT. 8407 Convention pour l'unification de certaines règles relatives au transport aérien international

NOT. 8408 Proceedings of the 6th International Aerospace Instrumentation Symposium (Royal Aeronautical Society. Cranfield Institute of Technology. Instrument Society of America)

33 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 8409 A digest ans assessment of air travel forecasting techniques (University of California. R.A. Calderone)

NOT. 8410 Colloque sur la météorologie aéronautique (Société Météorologique de France)

NOT. 8411 Proposition de loi tendant à doter le territoire de la Polynésie Française d'un nouveau statut. Document parlementaire 1462 (Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8412 XX° session de l'AICCF. Progrès dans les transports ferroviaires de marchandises par charge complète, compte tenu d'une large utilisation des containers de grande capacité. N° mars (Rail International)

NOT. 8413 L'industrie Aérospatiale Britannique. Le Bourget 1971 (Society of British Aerospace Companies)

NOT. 8414 Allegemeine statistik desauslandes. Landerkurzberichte Malawi (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8415 Allegemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Costa Rica (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiebaden)

NOT. 8416 Allegemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Pilippinen (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8417 Allegemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Peru (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8418 Finance for airports. Schiphol 70. First international airport construct and equipment conference. 2 vol. 1° vol. (en supplément : conference de Doganis : a reappraisal of the present structure of airport charges) (Shiphol Airport Authority. Interavia)

NOT. 8419 A critique of turbine engine development policy. Report RM-6100/I PR (Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8420 Le tourisme en Italie. N° 3771-3772 (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8421 Fos. Europort du Sud. N° 3769 (la Documentation Française)

34 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 8422 Aperçu sur les investissements américains en France N°3770 (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8423 Projet de 3° programme de politique économique à moyen terme Rapport COM (70) 1200 (CEE)

NOT. 8424 Aircraft hijacking. Hearings before the committee on Foreign Affairs. House of Representative. 2nd session on resolution refered to the committee on Foreign Affairs concerning aircraft hijacking and related matters. Doc. 50-963. (Committee on Foreign Affairs. US House of Representatives)

NOT. 8425 Origine et destination des passagers aériens 1969 Traffic Canada. Etats-Unis. Ref. 51-205 (Bominion Bureau of Statistics)

NOT. 8426 Origine et destination des passagers aériens 1969 Rapport sur le trafic intérieur. Ref. 51-204 (Bominion Bureau of tatistics)

NOT. 8427 On dynamic stability testing of unconventional configurations. AIAA papers 71-276 (AIAA. National Aeronautical Establisment Canada)

NOT. 8428 Eléménts d'analyse numérique. 2 tomes (ENAC. C. Scouarnec)


NOT. 8429 The character and volume of the US Travel Agency Market (Louis Harris and Associates)

NOT. 8430 Publications on aircraft noise held at CAL. A bibliography with abstracts. Bibliography report CAL N°5 (Commonwealth Acoustic Laboratory)

NOT. 8431 Air cargo growth study. 1968) 1985. Report CNRS 99 (Lockheed)

NOT. 8432 User determined attributes of ideal transportation PB 173-420 (G.A. Brunner. Maryland University. NTIS)

NOT. 8433

35 Archives nationales (France)

Intra-Pacific, portion-Pacific. Visitors survey. Part I and part II (PATA)

NOT. 8434 North American Travel Agency. Industry study (PATA)

NOT. 8435 Canadian Pacific. Pacific visitors survey Part I. and part II (PATA)

NOT. 8436 The fundamentals of travel research. Hong Kong Seminar (PATA)

NOT. 8437 European market potential for travel to the Pacific area (PATA. Curtis Greensted Associated)

NOT. 8438 Air fares and their applications for Pacific Travel (PATA. Curtis Greensted Associates)

NOT. 8439 Situation de l'Industrie Aérospatiale. Débat parlementaire N° 185 (Journal Officiel. Sénat. M. Debré)

NOT. 8440 Jamaica Bay and Kennedy Airport. A multidisciplinary environmental study. Vol. I et II (National Academy of Sciences. USA)


NOT. 8441 The investors guide. A survey of tourism in Israel and the policy on the encouragement of investment in the industry. Voir Not. 7575. Ed. française (Ministère du Tourisme Israel)

NOT. 8442 Solid state multiplexed lectrical power distribution system. N° 700-301 (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8443 Aircraft electrical system multiplexing. N° 700-303 (SAE. SCI Electronics)

NOT. 8444 Basic principles of digital interior communication systems. N° 700-302 (SAE. North American. Rockwell)

NOT. 8445 Legislative factors of noise. Meeting the occupational naise regulations of the US Department of Labor. N° 700-714 (SAE. US Department of Labor)

NOT. 8446 Noise and efficiency of axial-floco fans. N° 700-702 (SAE. University of Maryland. University of Illinois)

36 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8447 New developemnts of fluidics for aircraft high pressure hydraulic system applications. N° 700-784 (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8448 A fluidically augmented artificial feel system for high performance aircraft. N° 700-785 (SAE. Naval Air Development Center)

NOT. 8449 Afluidically controlled aircraft fuel transfer system N° 700-786 (SAE. LTV Aerospace Corporation)

NOT. 8450 Experimental investigation of a high pressure hydraulic fluide vortex rate sensor. N° 700-788 (SAE. Singer General Precision)

NOT. 8451 Planning the evolution of V/STOL powerplants. N°700-809 (SAE. Rolls Royce)

NOT. 8452 Aninitial look at management and design considerations for commercial STOL propulsion systems. N° 700-810 (DAE. American Airlines)

NOT. 8453 Concorde thrust management. N° 700-817 (SAE. Rolls Royce

NOT. 8454 Control systme requirements and considerations for high temperature Engines. N°700-823 (SAE. General Motors)

NOT. 8455 Propulsion control integration for power management N°700-818 (SAE. United Aircraft)

NOT. 8456 Engines control concepts for the augmented turbofan N°700-826 (SAE. General Electric)

NOT. 8457 Advanced titanium alloys. N°700-856 (SAE. Colt Industries)

NOT. 8458 747 flight test certification. N°700-828 (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8459 New laboratory requirements for the DC 10. N°700-828 (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8460 DC 10 test program effectiveners. N°700-830 (SAE. Mc Donnell Douglas)

37 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8461 Noise considerations in the design of advanced subsonic transport turbofan ingines. N°700-807 (SAE. General Electric)

NOT. 8462 The application of multivariate robit analysis to economic Survey data. Paper N°1 (Cowles Foundation. J. Tobin)

NOT. 8463 Le Brésil en 1970 : un nouvel âge des transports ? Etude 1971/5. (ITA. G. Desmas)

NOT. 8464 Law concerning prevention, etc. of disturbance caused by aircraft noise in the vicinity of aerodromes for public use (Ministry of Transport Japan)

NOT. 8465 Forecast by simulation of peak hour traffic at New Tokyo International Airport. Summary. Final report data (New Tokyo International Airport Corporation)

NOT. 8466 Origin - destination survey of airline passenger traffic domestic. Vol. II. 4.1 Tables 1.8. (CAB. ATA of America)

NOT. 8467 Ten years in the development of world air traffic. NV 22 (Fokker)

NOT. 8468 Air Afrique. Petit jubile 26 juin 1961-71 (Air Afrique)

NOT. 8469 Coûts et avantages des mesures de sécurité routière 9° table ronde (CEMT)

NOT. 8470 Revue française du marketing. 4° trimestre Revue française du marketing)

NOT. 8471 Australia's aviation industry. A review ot the 1960 and some projections for the seventies (Aviation Civile Australie)

NOT. 8472 The Tunisian market. N°1256. Spécial issue (Marchés tropicaux de mediterranée )

NOT. 8473 Government organization for defence procurement and civil aerospace Cmnd 4641 (HMSO)

NOT. 8474

38 Archives nationales (France)

The growth and spread of multinational companies Special N°5 (the Economist Intelligence Unit)


NOT. 8475 Air transport access to urban areas Insérés dans 1ex. français : - list of documents of transportation section - list of participants - selected bibliography on air transport access to urban areas - étude d'évaluation technologiques "accès des transports aériens aux zones urbaines" (OCDE)

NOT. 8476 Market research. Opportunity in the Europe. US charter travel market. Report N°C1. 804-2018 A (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8477 The Japan of today Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Japon)

NOT. 8478 Journées d'étude des problèmes posés par l'aviation commerciale supersonique. 1971 (Centre de Perfectionnement Technique)


NOT. 8479 Orly Ouest (Travaux Revue)

NOT. 8480 Land use planning relating to aircraft noise (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8481 Shéma d'aménagement de la métropole Lyon Saint-Etienne. Grenoble (Ministère de l'Equipement et du Logement)

NOT. 8482 Les activités maritimes du Japon. NED 3778-3779 La Documentation Française)

NOT. 8483 Untersuchungen zur bestimmung des nutzwertes von der landebahnbeschaumung. (Examen de détermination de la valeur utilitaire du procédé d'épandage de nousse sur les pistes d'aéroport) (Université de Berlin)

NOT. 8484 Losung von transportaufgaben mit hilfe von containern Nr. 2166 (Université de Berlin. C. Schmidt)

39 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8485 Flugschtsimulation mit bildspeichern hoher -nformationsdichte D-83 (Université de Berlin. J. Wernicke)

NOT. 8486 US international air cargo markets, 1970 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 8487 Airport and airways developments acts of 1970 Public Law 91-258-May 21, 1970 (F.A.A.)

NOT. 8488 Airline industry data. US trunk line carriers an Pan American (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8489 Conférence de presse du 5 février 1971 (J.P. Neu. CNEIA)

NOT. 8490 Dulles international airport access. PB 194-094 (NTIS. University of Georges Washington)

NOT. 8491 Impact of transportation noise on urban residential property values with special reference to aircraft noise PB 194-101 (NTIS. University of Georges Washington)

NOT. 8492 Physiologically tolerable decompression profiles for supersonic transport type certification. AD 713-055 (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8493 Anticollission lights for the supersonic transport (SST) AD 713-488) (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8494 CAFAC. 1° session plénière. Rapport approuvé par commission AFAC/1 (CAFAC)

NOT. 8495 Flying annual and pilot's guide. 1971 (Flying Annual Pilot's Guide Review)

NOT. 8496 I Trasporti in Italia. 1950-1967 (F. La Saponara. Istituto di Economica dei Trasporti)


NOT. 8497 Air fares and charter service hearings before the subcommittee on transportation and aeronautics of the committee on interstate and foreign commerce. House of Representative Serial N° 91-80 (US House of Representative. CAB. Subcommittee on transportation and Aeronautics)

40 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8498 Choix entre transports individuels et transports publics. Thème I. 40 symposium international sur la théorie et la pratique dans l'économie des transports) (CEMT)

NOT. 8499 Concorde for the airlines. 3 documents. Full story of the Western world's supersonic airliner (Flight International Review)

NOT. 8500 Upper Gulf Coast regional air stransportation study. Volume II. PB 194-340. (Vol.I voir Not. 8399) (NTIS)

NOT. 8501 Cours de l'ENAC. 1° Dossier. - Electronicien de la sécurité aérienne - Divers cycles d'études carrières préparées. Condition et admission. - Corps des ingénieurs des travaux de la navigation aérienne - Officiers controleurs de la circulation aérienne (ENAC)

NOT. 8502 Aviation forecasts fiscal years 1981-1982 (FAA)

NOT. 8503 Marine Marchande (Journal de la Marine Marchande)

NOT. 8504 A financial analysis of arab air carriers Research document 1-1971 (A.A. Sharif. Arab Air Carriers Organization)

NOT. 8505 The feasability of technical co-operation among the Arab Air Carriers Research Document 2-1971 (A.A. Sharif. Arab Air Carriers Organization)

NOT. 8506 La planification des transports urbains Edition bilingue FR+ANGL. (OCDE)


NOT. 8507 Containers. Guide documentaire (UIC. AICCF)

NOT. 8508 Community values as affected by transportation reports Record 2 publication 1065 (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8509

41 Archives nationales (France)

Socioeconomic considerations in transportation planning 17 reports. Record N° 305 (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8510 Driver characteristics and behavior studies Bulletin 172 publication 532 (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8511 The price of air travel Paper 53 (voir aussi not. 11001 m chose) (M.H. Cooper. the Institute of Economic Affairs A.K. Maynard)

NOT. 8512 Multiple classification analysis (Institute for Social Research. University of Michigan F. Andrews. J. Morgan. J. Sonquist)

NOT. 8513 The detection of interaction effect Monograph N°35 (Institute for Social Research. University of Michigan J. Sonquist. J. Morgan)

NOT. 8514 Section 801 of the Federal Aviation Act. The president and the award of international air routes to domestic carriers. A proposal for change. Extrait de la revue. May 1970. Volume 45. N°3 (New York University Law Review)

NOT. 8515 Development plan. 1970-1974 (Kenya Government)

NOT. 8516 Projeccion quinquenal de la publicion 1965-2000 (Instituto Nacional de Estadistica y Censos)

NOT. 8517 A multinomial extension of the linear logit model Report N° 6631 (H. Theil. University of )


NOT. 8518 Le tourisme en Afrique du Centre. Avant projet E/CN.14/7.RANS/41 (Nations Unies. Conseil Economique et Social)

NOT. 8519 Tourism in Eastern Africa E/CN/.14/TRS/33 Nations Unies. Conseil Economique et Social)

NOT. 8520 Tourism in North African contries E/CN.14/TRANS/32 (Nations Unies. Conseil Economique et Social)

42 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8521 Allegeneine statistik des auslandes Landerkurzberichte. Kolumbien (Statistisches bundesamt wiesbaden)

NOT. 8522 Allemeine statistik des auslandes Landerkurzberichte. Grossbritannien und nordiland (W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8523 Allemeine statistik des auslandes Landerkurzberichte. Portugal (W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8524 Allemeine statistik des auslandes Landerkurzberichte. Algerien (W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 8525 5th international forum for air cargo. 2° partie séparée : supplément to proceedings. Francfort 09/1970 (SAE. AIAA. American Society for Mechanical Engineers)

NOT. 8526 Park and recreational facilities (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8527 Critères économiques pour le maintien, la modification ou la création des services de transports publics non rentables. Thème II. 4° symposiu international sur la théorie et la pratique dans l'économie des transports. (voir aussi not. 9705) (CEMT)

NOT. 8528 Flight crew training. A total concept. N°710474 (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8529 Airlines pilots view of 747 training. N°710479 (SAE. Delta Airlines)

NOT. 8530 The future of STOL. N°710464 (SAE. National Aeronautics and Space Council)

NOT. 8531 Boeing 747 training developments and implementation N°710473 (SAE. TWA)

NOT. 8532 FAA appraisal of aircraft design for maintainability N°710431 (SAE. FAA)

NOT. 8533 JT 9 development for airline operation N°710434 (SAE. Pratt and Whitney)

43 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8534 Jet aircraft emission and air quality in the vicinity of the international airport N°710429 (SAE)

NOT. 8535 Study of visible exhaust smoke from aircraft jet engines N° 710428 (SAE. ITT Research Institute)

NOT. 8536 The economics of subsonic transport airplane design evaluation and operation. N°710423 (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8537 Development progress of CF6 engines. N°710421 (SAE. General Electric)

NOT. 8538 Olympus 593 for Concorde updating of development position (SAE. Rolls Royce

NOT. 8539 Development progress new transport engines JT9D. (SAE. Pratt and Whitney)

NOT. 8540 Expansibility and economy of terminal structures. (Aéroport de Damas. SAE)

NOT. 8541 Airport certification (SAE. FAA)

NOT. 8542 ATA airline industry survey of airports (SAE. ATA)

NOT. 8543 Signage and directional guidance for aircraft passengers. A total concept. N° 710415 (SAE. Smith Hinchman & Grylls Associates)

NOT. 8544 Concorde (Aérospatiale)

NOT. 8545 The trip to work. A submodule of a general metropolitan regional area main-machine simulation PB 194099 (NTIS. Iniversity of Georgetown)

NOT. 8546 Etudes spéciales. Méthodes de mesure des effets de la politique budgétaire. La balance des paiements suisse dans les années 1960 (OCDE)

NOT. 8547 VI° plan de développement économique et social. Rapport général. Les objectifs généraux et les actions prioritaires du VI° plan. J.O. du 16 juillet 1971 (Journal Officiel)

44 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 8548 SRDS program. Goals. Achievements. Trends (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8549 Analysis of bird strike against aircraft. Field note N°55 (Jacoby)

NOT. 8550 Airline industry data. Regional carriers (Md Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8551 Crash safety in general aviation aircraft (J.Bruce. J. Draper. N. Group)

NOT. 8552 Tourisme et transport aérien. 4° colloque ITA (ITA)

NOT. 8553 Comparison of air pollution from aircraft and automobiles (Projet Eagle) (NTIS. University of Rutgers)

NOT. 8554 Soviet civil air transport : an appraisal AD 713 415 (NTIS. G.E. Jones)

NOT. 8555 Travel analysis. 17 reports number 322 (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8556 National development plan 1968-1973 (Botswana Government)

NOT. 8557 Echos des communications. le transport belge en 1970. Aperçu des modifications introduites dans la législation belge en matière de transport en 1970 Changement de structure dans la navigation maritime et leur rapport avec le trafic portuaire 1950-1969 Quelques commentaires relatifs à l'évolution des transports urbains à bruxelles entre 1960-1969 (Echos des Communications (Revue)

NOT. 8558 Subsonic and supersonic operations in the years ahead (the Royal Aeronautical Journal. the Aeronautical Society)

NOT. 8559 Minimum needs for airport fire fighting and rescue services. AD 720512 (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8560

45 Archives nationales (France)

Situation et perspectives du tourisme dans les iles du Pacifique Sud Etude ITA 1971/6 (ITA. A. Peladan. E. Hudson)

NOT. 8561 Will US domestic air traffic recover ? Doc CTR 1368 (Lockheed)

NOT. 8562 Long term effects of air pollution. A survey PB 193801 (NTIS. Center for the environment and plan Inc.)

NOT. 8563 Department of transportation national plan for navigation AD 706965 (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8564 Test and evacuation of an advanced integrated system for all weather landing. AD 714442 (NTIS. FAA. National Aviation Facilities Experimental Center)


NOT. 8565 5th international symposium on the theory of traffic flow and transportation. Volume I : 1) On vehicule longitudinal dynamics. Ohio State University 2) Urban density models. University of Adelaide 3) A study of the travel patterns in a corridor with reference to the assignment principles of wardrop. University of Waterloo 4) Theory of traffic assignment to road network. Japan Highway Public Corporation 5) Some properties of the fundamental relationship of traffic flow. Enfield college of technology 6) Sensitivity of delay at a fixed time traffic signal to small errors in the observations used for calculating the signal settings. University College London 7) Astragic model for urban transport planning. Road Research Laboratory London (University of California)

NOT. 8566 5ht international symposium on the theory of traffic flow and transportation. Volume II 8) Public transportation line positions and headways for minimum cost. University of 9) Probability aspect of traffic assignment. University of Stuttgart 10) Equilibrium and marginal cost pricing on a road network with several traffic flow types. IRT 11) Synchronization of traffic signals ...offsets Kyoto University 12) Investigation of sorting and formation schemes for a railroad hump yard. SRI 14) Estimating of person trip pattern through markov chain Kyoto University (University of California)

NOT. 8567 5th international symposium on the theory of traffic flow and transportation. Volume III 15) Decentralisation. A mathematical model and explanation. Iniversity of Adeliade 16) Minimum cost paths cohen the cost per unit lenth depends on location and direction. University College London 17) Modal choice in urban areas. Cranfield Institute of Technology

46 Archives nationales (France)

18) One line feedback control of offsets for area control of traffic. Tokyo University 19) Network flow model of the Australia. Europe container service. University of Adelaide 20) Optimal synchronization of traffic signal network by dynamic programming. Israel Institute of Technology 21) Car following and spectral analysis. Flinders University of South Australia (University of California)


NOT. 8568 5th international symposium on the theory of traffic flow and transportation 22) A theorical study of and car travel in central London. Road Research Laboratory London 23) On the metaphysical foundations of traffic theory : entropy revisited. General Motors Research Laboratory 24) 9 estimators fo Gap acceptance parameters. University of Melbourne 25) Economic segregation through transit system changes A goal programming approach. Virginia State University 26) Study of a collective taxi system. IRT (University of California)

NOT. 8569 5th international symposium on the theory of traffic flow and transportation. Volume V 27) the Starting characteristics of automobile platoons General Motors Research Laboratory 28) Optimal form of a class of collection distribution network. University of Toronto 29) Theorical lysis of expressonary range merge controls as single server and tandem queues. J. Hopkins University 30) A new look at the traffic assignment problem. University of California (University of California)

NOT. 8570 Technical maintenance of aircraft. AD 720366 (NTIS. A.I. Pugachev)

NOT. 8571 The national air pollution potential forecast program (NTIS. US Department of Commerce)

NOT. 8572 Aviation safety and aircraft piracy. Hearings before the committee on interstate and foreign commerce house of representative and the Subcommittee on Transportation and Aeronautics. 91st congress Serial N° 91-85 (US House of Representative.)

NOT. 8573 National rail passenger service survey PB 197-916 (NTIS. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8574 Northwest corridor transportationproject report PB 190929 (NTIS. Northwest Corridor Transportation Project)

NOT. 8575 Economies of air and water pollution. Bulletin 26 PB 195 424 (NTIS.)

47 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 8576 Le transport français dans la vie internationale N°58-59 (Equipement Logement Transport Revue)

NOT. 8577 L. 1011-1 market potential for european inclusive tour airlines CMP N° 1403 (Lockheed)

NOT. 8578 Evaluation of high speed ground access between Los Angeles international airport and the San Fernando Valley. (NTIS. Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8579 Practical use of the Fast Fourrier Transform Algorithm in the time series analysis. AD 713-166 (NTIS. Univeristy of Texas)

NOT. 8580 The US commuter airline industry. Its current status and future outlook. (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8581 Problems and projects of cooperation among the Arab Carriers (A.A. Sharif. AACO)

NOT. 8582 Le crime de "Maîtrise illicite d'aéronef". Vol.I La piraterie de l'air. Vol. II Le crime de maîtrise illicite d'aéronef (extrait de recueil de Droit pénal N° 175/1971) Vol.III (Recueil de Droit Pénal. revue. G. Jaquemin)

NOT. 8583 Airline industry data all cargo carriers. Supplemental carriers (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8584 Passenger reservations and ticketing (NTIS. Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8585 Baggage handling (NTIS. Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8586 Part 302. Rules of practice in economie proceedings. Proceedings et amendements. 2vol. (CAB)

NOT. 8587 A proposed standard method for estimating airline indirect operating expense. Report N° LW 70-500 R (Lockheed. Logistic Distribution)

48 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8588 Axe du Piedmont Pyréen. Etude de reconnaissance (OREAM Midi Pyrénées)


NOT. 8589 Allegemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Uganda (Statistiches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8590 Allgmeine statistiches auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Tanzania (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8591 Allgmeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Belgien (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8592 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Volksrepublik China (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8593 How to land an airport in your community. Dossier I) the economic importance of airports and general aviation II) airport palnning and financing III) building community support for an airport IV) how to lan an airport (General Aviation Manufacturers Association)

NOT. 8594 A report to the secretary of transportation PB 195-134 (NTIS. Citizen's Advisory Committee on Transportation Quality)

NOT. 8595 Budget voté de 1971. Transports I) services communs et transports terrestres II) aviation civile III) marine marchande (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 8596 L'aménagement de la Côte Aquitaine (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8597 Schéma d'aménagement de la France. Une image de la France en l'an 2000. Scénario de l'inacceptable Recherche et prospective (DATAR)

NOT. 8598 Rapport des comités de 6° plan 1971-1975 Industrie aéronautique et spatiale (Commissariat Général du Plan (France)

49 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8599 Einzelheiten und ergebnisse einer befragung zum thema : der frankfurt Flughafen Rhein-main in der meinung der bevolkerung der mancbarschaft (Aéroport de Francfort)

NOT. 8600 Local service air carrier's unit cost. (CAB)

NOT. 8601 Airport activity statistics of certificated route air carriers. 12 months ended June 30, 1970 (CAB. FAA)


NOT. 8602 Symposium on cargo security crisis I) conference freight forwarders institute II) Conference association of American railroad III) national asscoiation of motor bus owners IV) air transport association of america V) American Importers Association VI) US Departmrnt of Justice VII) Aerican Institute of Marine Underwriters VIII) American Trunking Assciation IX) American Institute of Merchant Shipping X) National Industrial Traffic League XI) J.J. Pickle (congressman) XII) American Retail Foundation (US Department of Transportation. Transportation Association of America)

NOT. 8603 Rapport des commissions du 6° plan. 1971-1975 Aménagement du territoire (Commissariat Général du Plan)

NOT. 8604 Effects of jet airports on parket value of vieinage real estate (the Appraisal Journal. H.O. Walter)

NOT. 8605 Noise evaluation and control of source, path and receiver (FAA. W.C. Sperry)

NOT. 8606 Conference on STOL transport aircraft noise certification Report FAA N° 69.1. Technical report 550-003-03/H (FAA)

NOT. 8607 The Federal Aviation Administration aircraft noise Abatement program. FY 1971/72 (FAA. W.C. Sperry)

50 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8608 Foreign Trade I) US General Imports. Scheduled a commodity groupings world area, country and method of transportation FT-150 II) US General Exports. Schedule B commodity groupings world area, country and method of transportation. FT 450 (US Department of Commerce)


NOT. 8609 Foreign Trade I) US general imports. World area, country, schedule a commodity groupings and method of transportation FT 155 II) US exports. World area, country schedule B commodity groupings, and method of transportation. FT 455 (US Department of Commerce)

NOT. 8610 I) US Foreign Trade. Exports world area by commodity groupings. FT 455-70 Annual 1970. World area and country schedule B groupings method of transportation II) US Foreign Trade. General imports. World area by commodity groupings. FT 155-70. Annual 1970 world area and country schedule a groupings, method of transportation (US Departement of Commerce)


NOT. 8611 I) US Foreign Trade. General imports. Commodity by world area. FT 150-70. Annual 1970 schedule a groupings world area and country, method of transportation II) US Foreign Trade. Exports community groupings by world area. FT 450-70 Annual 1970. Schedule B groupings world area and country, method of transportation (US Department of Commerce)

NOT. 8612 Les tarifs des transports aériens et les organisations internationales en matière d'aviation civile internationale Thèse pour le doctorat en droit soutenue les 17/18 juin 1971 (J.J.Rie. SAS)

NOT. 8613 Perspective into the air carrier profitability crisis. The futility of linking financial ... to the growth to the supplemental industry (NACA. S.S. Colker and Associates)

NOT. 8614 Competitive aspects of schedule and supplemental carrier operations (NACA. Systems Analysis and Research Corporation)

NOT. 8615 Analysis of the new fare proposals for the Honolulu conference, 1970 : a presentation to the civil aeronautic Board (NACA. Transportation Analysis)

51 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 8616 Rapports des comités du 6° plan 1971-1975 (Commisariat du Plan)

NOT. 8617 Air University Review. July - august 1970. Direct aircraft maintenance costs. Military and commercial (Air University Review)

NOT. 8618 Les grandes villes d'Afrique et de Madagascar. Casablanca (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8619 L'ile Maurice et ses dépendances. N°3794 (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8620 Rationalisation du choix des investissements des transports.RCB 4. (M. Barbier. la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8621 Cycles des conférences sur les transports. Organisé par l'Institut de Recherche des Transports et le Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers. Tome I et II (CNAM. IRT)

NOT. 8622 Allemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Norwegen (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8623 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Kenya (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8624 Allgmeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Polen (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8625 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Laos (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8626 Rand symposium on pilot training and the pilot career : final report : R.615-PR (Rand Corporation. W.A. Stewart)

NOT. 8627 R. and D in Soviet aviation (Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8628 Modal split. Documentation of nine methods for estimating transit usage (M.J. Fertal. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8629

52 Archives nationales (France)

Solutions to noise control problems constructions of houses apartments, models and hotels. (Owens Corning Fiberglas Corporation)


NOT. 8630 Aeronautical research, United States and Canada agreement Treaties and other international acts series 6982 (US Department of State)

NOT. 8631 Aeronautical statutes and related material (CAB)

NOT. 8632 Aeronautics and Space report of the President. Transmitted to the congress. 1/71 (National Aeronautics and Space Council)

NOT. 8633 Aircraft and parts manufacturers (Dominion Bureau of Statistics Canada)

NOT. 8634 Perspective de la recherche urbaine (le Progrès Scientifique (Revue)

NOT. 8635 Aménagement du territoire N°1339 (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 8636 Integer linear programming as and aid in solving the airline crew schedule planning problem (D.A. Isleb. Northwestern University)

NOT. 8637 Guam 1970. An economy in transition (E.L. Carey. Departement of Commerce Gvt. of Guam)

NOT. 8638 Container and roll-on port statistics. Traffic by type of unit, service and overseas country (1971) (National Ports Council (G.B.)

NOT. 8639 Business and Commercial aviation Planning and purchassing handbook 1971 (Business and Commercial Aviation)

NOT. 8640 La liaison des villes/aéroports. 39° Congrès international UITP. Rome 1971 (UITP. W. Ronan)

NOT. 8641 Estimatingon relationships for limited dependant variables (James Tobin)

NOT. 8642

53 Archives nationales (France)

Some problems for linear discrimination (Journal of Farm Economics)


NOT. 8643 Structural and socio-economic factors of commuting (Georgia Institute of Technology)

NOT. 8644 Highway research record 330. Public transportation to airports. 7 reports. (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 8645 Lightning strikes to plastic components of light aircraft. (SAE. Lightning and transients Research Institute)

NOT. 8646 Systems aspects of area navigation (SAE. King Radio Corporation)

NOT. 8647 Airline traffic forecast (Boeing)

NOT. 8648 A computerized static and dynamic aircraft structural analysis system (SAE)

NOT. 8649 Application of computer graphics in aircraft design (SAE. Lockheed. R.Q. Boyles)

NOT. 8650 Aerodynamic improvment for agricultural aircraft (SAE. Mississipi State University)

NOT. 8651 Human factors evaluation of aircraft engine instrument displays (SAE. Cessna)

NOT. 8652 Anti-icing today's business jets (SAE. Lear Jet Inc.)

NOT. 8653 A review of operational experience and pilot considerations for aircraft ground operations (SAE. Pan American World Airways)

NOT. 8654 Commuter air carriers. Concepts, problems and potential (SAE. Golden West Airlines Inc.)

NOT. 8655 Flight control systems for the smaller business aircraft (SAE. Bendix Corporation)

NOT. 8656 Evolution of the air cushion (SAE. Aerojet General Corporation)

54 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8657 Human factors in aircraft interior design (SAE. Aerosonic Corporation)

NOT. 8658 The response of small business aircraft to continuous atmospheric turbulence (SAE. )

NOT. 8659 An assessment of performance, stability, and control improvments for general aviation aircraft (SAE. University of Kansas)

NOT. 8660 A general aviation operator views this equipment (SAE. Ohio State University)

NOT. 8661 Propulsion system impact on military/Commercial STOL transport commonality (SAE. North American Rockwell Corporation)

NOT. 8662 Air freight. An engineering challenge (SAE. American Airlines Inc.)

NOT. 8663 Advanced cargo handling systems (SAE. Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8664 Simplified fuel systems for light aircraft (SAE. Ted Smith Aircraft Co.

NOT. 8665 Control concepts for a high by pass aircraft turbofan engine (SAE)

NOT. 8666 Altitude testing of high by pass ratio fan engines (SAE. Rolls Royce)

NOT. 8667 Engine performance for the business jets (SAE. Lear Jet Industries Inc.

NOT. 8668 Development of the Rolls Royce RB-211 turbofan for airline operation (SAE. Rolls Royce Limited)

NOT. 8669 An approach for evaluating the suitability of transportation design concepts to meet the needs of a major activity (SAE)

NOT. 8670 New York State's .. in meeting total transportation needs (SAE. J.B. Mc Morran)

NOT. 8671

55 Archives nationales (France)

Projects for new intercity ground modes (SAE. TRW Systems Group)

NOT. 8672 High-speed railway transportation. Today and tomorrow (SAE. United Aircraft)

NOT. 8673 Proven ways to reduce congestion (SAE. City of )

NOT. 8674 Getting along at the major terminals. General aviation and the airlines (SAE)

NOT. 8675 Design of general aviation airports and heliports (FAA. SAE)

NOT. 8676 A review of the status of the technology of the air cushion vehicule (SAE. University of Toronto)

NOT. 8677 Performance standards for intra-airport people moving systems (SAE. Battelle Memorial Institute)

NOT. 8678 Airport problems : access and air trafic congestion. Selected leadings NTIS. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8679 Air passenger origin and destination 1970. Domestic report (Dominion Bureau of Statistics)

NOT. 8680 Sector and project planning in transportation (H. Adler. BIRD)

NOT. 8681 Aircraft types and prices (Lloyd's Aviation Department)

NOT. 8682 Civil supersonic aircraft development (SST) Hearings before a subcommittee on appropriations. House of Representatives. 92° congress (US House of Representatives)


NOT. 8683 Survey of commercial pilots. General Aviation Studies (Aviation Civile Australie)

NOT. 8684 Commerce in the skies. An introduction to the airline industry forfilipinos (Philippine Airlines. E.B. Santos)

56 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8685 Commercial aircraft exports. A survey of national benefits (AIA)

NOT. 8686 Conférences de l'ATA sur le fret aérien (ATA)

NOT. 8687 The legal regulation of aerospace transport (ATA)

NOT. 8688 Airport lease costs. Airline viewpoint (ATA)

NOT. 8689 Integrating the airport into the community plan (ATA)

NOT. 8690 The mystique of airline load factors (ATA)

NOT. 8691 4 conférences de l'ATA sur l'encombrement aérien et les délais au sol. (ATA)

NOT. 8692 5 conférences de l'ATA relatives au tourisme (ATA)

NOT. 8693 Etude prospective du transport aérien. 10 conférences (ATA)

NOT. 8694 Building a better aviation system. A program of the us scheduled airlines for the immediate improvements of the nation's airways and airports. (voir NOT. 6976) (ATA)

NOT. 8695 Air transport 1971 (ATA)

NOT. 8696 Preserving scheduled air service (ATA)

NOT. 8697 Union postale universelle (Journal Officiel. Ministère des Affaires Etrangères)

NOT. 8698 International air traffic forecast. TSR 1093 revised (Boeing. J.B. Moore)

NOT. 8699 Enquête sur Concorde auprès des entreprises françaises (Aérospatiale)

57 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8700 Transportation requirements 1970-1980 impout-output approach to projections (NTIS.)

NOT. 8701 airport plan. Volume I. (NTIS)

NOT. 8702 Simulation study of two sites for a third Chicago metropolitan airport (NTIS)

NOT. 8703 Aircraft noise and airport neighours : a study of Logan airport international (NTIS)

NOT. 8704 Le commerce extérieur des régions Provence Côte d'Azur et Corse en 1970 (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 8705 Dossier de la FAA (FAA)

NOT. 8706 Productivity and employment cost in system operations of the trunk airlines and Pan American, from 1957 through 1970 (CAB)


NOT. 8707 Les banques de données dans l'administration publique Etude de l'informatique N°1 (OCDE. U. Thomas)

NOT. 8708 Aéroport d'Orly. Compte rendu des opérations d'attenation des brouillards froids. Hiver 1970-1971 (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 8709 1970 US civil Airmen statistics (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8710 US Tourist Travel to 1975 (the Economist Intelligence Unit)

NOT. 8711 Aviation fuel safety. CRC Project N° CA.37-64 (Coordinating Research Council)

NOT. 8712 Technical symposium, november 1969 Challenge of the 70's (BALPA)

NOT. 8713 National land use policy act. 91st congress. 2nd session Senate. Calendar N°1446 (US Library of Congress. US Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs)

58 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8714 Statistiques du trafic non réguljer enregistré dans les Etats de la CEAC. Année se terminant le 31.10.70 (CEAC)

NOT. 8715 Regional airport planning. A systematic model, occasional Paper N°1 (NTIS. University of Washington)

NOT. 8716 La piraterie aérienne. Thèse pour le doctorat en droit (D. Manfield)

NOT. 8717 Air traffic and airport congestions. Selected references (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8718 Rapport des comités du 6° plan 1971-1975 Transports Aériens. (Commissariat Général du Plan)


NOT. 8719 Projections économiques pour 1975 associées au VI° plan (Commissariat Général du Plan)

NOT. 8720 17° rapport annuel et résolutions du Conseil des Ministres (CEMT)

NOT. 8721 Assessment of new training systems as substitutes for Airbone training (FAA. SAE)

NOT. 8722 From automatic landing to category III (SAE. AIA)

NOT. 8723 Development testing of the L.1011 independent landing monitor monitor (SAE. Lockheed)

NOT. 8724 Development of the Lockheed L.1011 flying stabilizer (SAE. Lockheed)

NOT. 8725 Engine nacelle noise prediction and tracles (SAE. Boeing)

NOT. 8726 US general aviation safety record (SAE. NTSB)

NOT. 8727 Area navigation in the ATC environment (SAE. Eastern Airlines)

59 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8728 Noise in engineering and transportation and its effects on the community (SAE. University of Southampton)

NOT. 8729 Report on the impact of proposed non-affinity charters on scheduled service (ATA. National Economic Research Associates)

NOT. 8730 The market for wide aircraft 1970/80 (Lockheed)

NOT. 8731 Charterstatistik (Aviation Civile Suède)

NOT. 8732 The Arab Air Carriers. A progress profile 1965-1969 (Arab Air Carrier Organization)

NOT. 8733 Une méthode d'estimation prévisionnelle des taux de croissance régionaux de trafic aérien (ITA. G. Desmas)

NOT. 8734 Les industries Aéronautiques et Spatiales de la Communauté, comparées à celles de la Grande Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. Tome I. L'activité de recherche et développement dans le domaine aéronautique et spatiale (CEE. SORIS)

NOT. 8735 Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté. TomeII. L'industrie aéronautique et spatiale (CEE. SORIS)


NOT. 8736 Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté. Tome III. L'activité spatiale (CEE. SORIS)

NOT. 8737 Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté. Tome IV. Le marché aéronautique (CEE. SORIS)

NOT. 8738 Les industries aéronautiques et spatiales de la Communauté comparées à celles de la Grande Bretagne et les Etats-Unis. Tome V. Les balances de paiements technologiques. Le role de l'industrie aérospatiale dans l'économie. Synthèse critique des résultats de l'étude (CEE. SORIS)

NOT. 8739 Washington national and dulles international airport forecasts. FY 1971/82 (US Department of Transportation. FAA)

60 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8740 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Brasilian (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8741 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8742 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Rumanien (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8743 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Jugoslawien (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8744 The four date work week and transportation (ASCE. V. Desimane)

NOT. 8745 Policy Delphi a regional planning application (ASCE. J.B. Schneider)

NOT. 8746 Communications substitutes for intra-urban travel (ASCE. R.C. Harkners)

NOT. 8747 Technological forecasting and morphological analysis (ASCE. S.R. Fields)

NOT. 8748 Behavioral models in transportation planning (ASCE. F.E. Horton)

NOT. 8749 Systematic analysis of airport congestion as a constraint on air travel (ASCE. G.B. Bower. J.R. Bennett)

NOT. 8750 Markov renewal model of linked travel behavior (ASCE. G. Gorman)

NOT. 8751 Noise environments in public transportation (ASCE. Don E. Bray)

NOT. 8752 Examining the costs and benefits of delay reduction with STOL (ASCE. 1.B. Barriage)

NOT. 8753 Operational planning of airport facilities (ASCE. J.J. Brown)

NOT. 8754 Air traffic simulation, 1 - 2 runway airport (ASCE. S. Hall)

61 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8755 The super airport (ASCE. Lloyd S. Laity)

NOT. 8756 Unified baggage handling systems at Seattle. Tacoma (ASCE. C. Davies)

NOT. 8757 Analysis of bart impacts on Bay area land use (ASCE. D.B. Lee)

NOT. 8758 Measurement of community values in transportation network evaluation (ASCE. D.G. Haney)

NOT. 8759 The remote airport (ASCE. D.R. Miller)

NOT. 8760 Household weekly, travel pattern : a potential measure of expressway impact (ASCE. A.M. Lacey)

NOT. 8761 Predicting urban transportation controversy (ASCE. F.C. Colcord)

NOT. 8762 Le transportaaérien à la demande : les charters (Institut Catholique des Hautes Etudes Commerciales)

NOT. 8763 Measures of social psychological attitudes (J. P. Robinson. P.R. Shaver etc.)

NOT. 8764 2nd survey of aircraft noise annoyance around London (Heathrow) Airport (HMSO. Department of Tradeand Industry)


NOT. 8765 Expertise de véhicules relative aux défauts à l'origine d'accidents (SAE. W. Rosig)

NOT. 8766 Commuter air carrier operators as of september 1970 (US Department of Transportation. FAA)

NOT. 8767 Analyse des méthodes prévisionnelles appliquées au transport aérien de passagers. Mémoire présenté pour l'obtention du diplome d'études supérieures es sciences économiques (P. Meyer. Université de Poitiers)

NOT. 8768 The cost of noise (Metra Consulting Group. S. Plowden)

62 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8769 An assessment of STOL technology (University of Toronto. Commission Canadienne des Transports)

NOT. 8770 Forecast of scheduled international air traffic of US flag carriers (CAB)

NOT. 8771 Recent growth of air traffic, intra-european compared to US domestic (CAB)

NOT. 8772 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Mali (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8773 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Mexiko (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8774 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Mauritanien Statistisches Bundessamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8775 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Luxembourg (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8776 Hotels, relais et motels de tourisme. Normes de classement (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 8777 Faits et chiffres de la circulation routière. Bilan d'une décennie 1960/70. Espoirs et craintes pour le 6° plan (Union Routière de France)

NOT. 8778 Federal policy and planning on the aircraft environment (FAA. J.O. Powers)

NOT. 8779 Flughafen Koln/Bonn fur die zunkunft gebant (Cologne/Bonn airport. Built for the future) (Aéroport de Cologne/Bonne)

NOT. 8780 Stabiliseirung und lenkung von fahrzeugen mit hilfr der voranzeige (D. Dey. G. Johannsen)

NOT. 8781 Décret relatif au classement des aérodromes français (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 8782

63 Archives nationales (France)

La Ley de bases espanola para la redaccion de un codigo del aire. Comentario a la Ley del 27 de diciembre 1947 (Aviation Civile Argentine)

NOT. 8783 Arrété n° 341 en date du 9 novembre 1938, portant promulgation d'un nouveau règlement A en annexe à l'ordannce sur la navigation aérienne du 11/09/1920 (Aviation Civile Danemark)

NOT. 8784 Ley de navigaccion aerea. (Aviation Civile Espagne)

NOT. 8785 Loi N°64-166 du 8 juin 1964 relative aux services aériens (Journal Officiel de la République Algérienne)

NOT. 8786 Ordonnance N°62005 relative à l'immatriculation à la nationalité et la propriété des aéronefs. 2 tomes (Aviation Civile Madagascar)

NOT. 8787 Decret N° 78 PM/TP portant code l'aviation civile (Aviation Civile. Tchad)

NOT. 8788 Code de l'aviation civile et commerciale (Aviation Civile. Dahomey)


NOT. 8789 Loi N° 6212 AN-RN relative à l'aviation civile et commerciale (Aviation Civile. Mali)

NOT. 8790 Loi relative à l'aviation civile et commerciale (Aviation Civile. Côte d'Ivoire)

NOT. 8791 Codice dela navigazione 1942 (Aviation Civile. Italie)

NOT. 8792 Décret N°67.333 du 30 mars 1967 portant révision de code de l'aviation civile et commerciale (Ministère de l'Intérieur. France)

NOT. 8793 Loi fédérale N°63-35 du 5 novembre 1963 portant sur le code l'aviation civile (Aviation Civile. Cameroun)

NOT. 8794 Décret n° 64-089 déterminant les règlements d'application de la loi n°62-137 du 3 juillet 1962 portant sur le code de l'aviation civile (Journal Officiel de la République Islamique de Mauritanie)

NOT. 8795

64 Archives nationales (France)

Loi n°62-13 du 17 juillet 1962 portant sur le code l'aviation civile (Aviation Civile. Niger)

NOT. 8796 Federal Aviation Act of 1958. Public Law 85-726 (US Senate)

NOT. 8797 1945 1970 : 25 anni di aviazione civile in Italia Rapporto 1970/71 sullo stato dell'aviazione in Italia (Air Press. A. A Crocco)

NOT. 8798 Droit aérien. Doc NL. 3.15.21 (H. Beaubois. Air France)

NOT. 8799 Organisations nationales et internationales du transport aérien (Air France)

NOT. 8800 L'économie de la Bavière (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8801 US international air charter passenger movments 1968/70 (CAB)

NOT. 8802 Perspectives de développement du trafic de passagers de l'aéroport de Lille-Lesquin. Description des enquêtes et analyse des trafics actuels (Aéroport de Paris. SETEC)


NOT. 8803 Perspectives de développement du trafic de passagers de l'aéroport de Lille-Lesquin. 2 rapport de synthèse (Aéroport de Paris. SETEC)

NOT. 8804 V/STOL propulsion. Present and future J. D. Eastham. Garrett Corp.)

NOT. 8805 Instruments de bord. 1ere Ed. (ENAC. G. Brenière)

NOT. 8806 Infrastructure. Tome I. Texte. Tome II. Figures (ENAC. M. Pascal)

NOT. 8807 Aspects of spin-off (Center for the Study of Industrial Innovation)

NOT. 8808 FAA symposium on turbulence (FAA)

65 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8809 Aéroports de Paris. Aéroports en France. Technique et architecture (Technique et Architecture. Revue)

NOT. 8810 A hydrofoil transportation system (Kentron Hawaii Ltd)

NOT. 8811 Bilan de l'activité des services de recherche et sauvetage. Année 1969/1970 (SGAC)


NOT. 8812 Le bruit dû à la circulation urbaine. Une stratégie pour amélioration de l'environnement (HMSO)

NOT. 8813 Aircraft noise. Flight routeing near airports (Noise Advisory Council. HMSO)

NOT. 8814 L'aéronef en viticulture (Centre International d'Aviation Agricole)

NOT. 8815 New technology and transportation. 1970/90 (Eurofinance)

NOT. 8816 La grève causée par le bruit autour des aéroports. Rapport de fin d'études (Centre Scientifique et technique du bâtiment)

NOT. 8817 AGIFORS Proceedings X (AGIFORS)


NOT. 8818 Association. Régime Général (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 8819 Metodologie di programmazione dei sistemi di trasporto terrestre (Congrès de Gènes)

NOT. 8820 L'Assegnazione delle in un'impressa di trasporti ferroviari (Gongrès de Gènes. M. Mercatanti)

NOT. 8821 Programmazione dei trasporti col metodo di "turni" Aspetti teorici e organiztativi del problema (Congrès de Gènes. B. Rindi)

NOT. 8822 Rapport des comités du 6° plan. 1971/1975 Construction navale

66 Archives nationales (France)

Commissariat Général du Plan)

NOT. 8823 Rapports des comités du 6° plan. 1971/1975 Electronique, informatique, télécommunications (Commissariat Général du plan)

NOT. 8824 Rapport des comités du 6° plan Loisirs (Commissariat Général du Plan)

NOT. 8825 Nouva structuttura tarrifaria "sistema servizi nazionali" (Alitalia )

NOT. 8826 A new approach to network generation and map representation the linear case of the location allocation problem (University of Toronto York)

NOT. 8827 Projet de loi de finances pour 1972. Annexe. Services votés. Mesures nouvelles. Transports (Projet de Loi de Finances)

NOT. 8828 Les entreprises publiques en Grande Bretagne (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8829 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Avis. Marine Marchande (Projet de loi de finances. Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8830 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Rapport. Marine Marchande (C. Bonnet ; projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8831 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances pour 1972 Avis. Tourisme (M. Valleix. Projet de loi de finances. Ass. Nationale)

NOT. 8832 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances pour 1972 Rapport. Tourisme (L. Sallée. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8833 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances pour 1972 Avis. DOM) (M. Renouard. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8834 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances pour 1972. Projet de loi de finances pour 1972

67 Archives nationales (France)

Rapport. DOM (Projet de loi de finances ; Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8835 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Avis. TOM (M. Renouard. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8836 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Rapport. Annexe 30. TOM M. Ruais. Projet de loi de finances)


NOT. 8837 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Annexe 15. Equipement (Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8838 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances. Avis. Tome 9. Equipement (Projet de loi de finances. Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8839 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Avis. Tome 13. Aménagement du territoire (M. Duval. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8840 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Rapport. Annexe 26. Plan et aménagement du territoire (V. Ausquer. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8841 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972. Avis Tome 17. Transport terrestres (Projet de loi de finances. Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8842 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Rapport. Annexes 31. Transports (M. Ruais. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8843 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Avis. Tome XIV. Protection de la nature et de l'environnement (M. Becam. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8844 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Rapport. Annexe 27. Protection de la nature et de l'environnement (V. Ansquer. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8845 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972

68 Archives nationales (France)

Rapport. Tome XVIII. Aviation Civile (M. Labbé. Projet de loi de finances. Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8846 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Rapport. Annexe 32. Aviation Civile (M. Baudis. Projet de loi de finances)

NOT. 8847 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Syrien (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8848 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Niger (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8849 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Tschecoslowakei (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8850 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Island (Statisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden) NTO. 8851 Conference on aircraft and the environment. SAE. DOT conference proceedings. (SAE. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8852 Conference on aircraft and the environment SAE. DOT conference proceedings (SAE. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8853 L'évolution du trafic aérien intérieur de passagers dans 15 pays du monde. 1951/69 (ITA)

NOT. 8854 Collegamenti con la Sardegna (ATI)

NOT. 8855 Study of aviation facilities and user taxes and their cost allocation. 2nd user conference. Summary report (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8856 Air traffic control. Part I. Part voir not. 8978 (Sperry Rand Engineering Review)

NOT. 8857 Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires étrangères sur le projet de loi autorisant la ratification du protocole additionnel à la convention internationale de coopération pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne "Eurocontrol" du 13.10.1960, adopté à Bruxelles le 20.08.70 (Assemblée Nationale. M. Pinta. Eurocontrol)

NOT. 8858 L'année économique 1970. Chronologie économique internationale (la Documentation Française)

69 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8859 An analysis of the United States Aerospace and air transport industries. (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8860 Hotellerie (Air France)

NOT. 8861 Les tarifs (Air France)


NOT. 8862 Rapport des commissions du 6° plan. 1971/75 Transports. Tome I (Commissariat Général du Plan)

NOT. 8863 Rapports des commissions du 6° plan. 1971/75 Transports. Tome II (Commissariat Général du Plan)

NOT. 8864 Verkehrstecnik in der sackgasse ? (Dornier)

NOT. 8865 The use of variable Markov process as a partial basis for the determination and analysis of market segments (University Microfilm)

NOT. 8866 United Kingdom and Eire civil registers (Air Britain)

NOT. 8867 Trip generation. Régression analysis, procedural manual (NTIS)

NOT. 8868 Essai méthodologique pour la prévision du trafic et son application à la planification des aéroports commerciaux à moyen et faible trafic (Région Aéronautique Nord. SGAC)

NOT. 8869 Prévisions marketing de 1969/73 (Air Inter)

NOT. 8870 Too many flights ? (ATA)

NOT. 8871 Après l'adoption par le comité interministériel d'aménagement du territoire de son "livre blanc", la Champagne Nord devient le 4° secteur privilegié de développement dans le bassin parisien (OREAM Champagne)

70 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8872 Le système de transport. V/STOL Vol. I et II Etude 1971/7 et 1971/8 (ITA. J. Plaignaud)

NOT. 8873 Air transport demand estimates for UK domestic and internatioanl routes. Part : I demand models Part : II estimates (A.P. Ellison. Q. Mary Colloge)


NOT. 8874 Transportation facilitation education program. Part I et II Part III : not. 9049 (NTIS. University of Oregon ; us Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8875 Aids available for compatible land use planning around airports (NTIS. Transportation Consultants, Inc. FAA)

NOT. 8876 Environmental problems in south Florida. Part II pour part I voir Not. 8983 (NTIS. National Academy of Sciences)

NOT. 8877 Les transports maritimes. 1970 et bilan des années 60 (OCDE)

NOT. 8878 Measuring the seventies outlook for the passenger air transport market 1971-1980. Market research report (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8879 Aerospace and the US economy. Its role contributions and critical problems (FAA)

NOT. 8880 Assemblée Nationale. Projet de loi de finances 1972 Document parlementaire. 3 tomes. Tome I/ Rapport général Tome II/ examen de la première partie du projet de loi Tome III/ examen de la deuxième partie du projet de loi (Projet de loi de finances. Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 8881 Conférences sur les charters (SNECMA. IACA. Boeing. Jet Aviation)


NOT. 8882 Air freight 1955/85 (Lockheed. G.B. Hernan)

71 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8883 Les accords de pool entre les entreprises de transport aériens (J. Naveau)

NOT. 8884 Medical and psychological aspects of mass air transportation (FAA. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8885 A cost approach to airport charges (G.F. Thompson)

NOT. 8886 Fiata forum on air freight. The present situation of air freight (FIATA)

NOT. 8887 Plan de navigation aérienne. Régions caraibes et amérique du sud (OACI)

NOT. 8888 Mouvements de capitaux dans l'ensemble de la zone OCDE Etudes spéciales (OCDE)

NOT. 8889 Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires économiques et du plan sur le projet de loi adopté par l'assemblée nationale, autorisant la ratification du protocole additionnel à la convention international de la coopération pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne " "Eurocontrol" du 13/12/1970, signée à Bruxelles le 6/7/70 (Sénat. M. Kieffer. Eurocontrol)

NOT. 8890 Traffic circulation study. National Airport. Report n°3 immediate action improvments. Baltimore. Washington Airport access study (Peat Marwick Mitchell and co.)

NOT. 8891 Airport access signing. Report on immediate action improvments (Peat Marwick Mitchell and co.)

NOT. 8892 National intercity travel : development and implementation of a demand forecasting framework (Peat Marwick Mitchell and co.)

NOT. 8893 Airport access in the Baltimore. Washington region : immediate action improvment program and planning guide (Peat Marwick Mitchell and co.)

NOT. 8894 Airline industry financial review and outlook 1971/73 (ATA)

NOT. 8895 Nantes. St Nazaire. Annexe au schéma d'aménagement. Démographie, emploi (OREAM Nantes. St Nazaire)

72 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8896 Nantes St Nazaire. Annexe au schéma d'aménagements Industrie et développement économique (OREAM Nantes)

NOT. 8897 Plan de navigation aérienne. Régions Moyen Orient et Asie du Sud Est (OACI)

NOT. 8898 Plan de navigation aérienne région Europe Méditerranée (OACI)

NOT. 8899 Congestion tolls for regulated common carriers (NTIS. Rand Corporation)

NOT. 8900 An analytic investigation of air traffic in the vicinity of terminal areas (NTIS. MIT)

NOT. 8901 A linear programming approach to airport congestion (NTIS. D.W. Kiefer)

NOT. 8902 The theory of air carrier demand for slots (NTIS. Office of Secretary of Transportation)

NOT. 8903 Quelques réflexions sur les problèmes actuels du transport aérien (Air France)

NOT. 8904 Transports collectifs de voyageurs à moyenne et longue distance. Journée d'études (Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France)


NOT. 8905 Aircraft operating cost and performance report. For calendar years 1969/70 (CAB)

NOT. 8906 The scandinavian market. 1971 (Banque Nationale de Paris)

NOT. 8907 Local service air carreirs units costs (CAB)

NOT. 8908 Analysis of community and airport relationship/noise abatment. Volume III. Development of aircraft noise compatibility criteria for carried land uses (NTIS)

NOT. 8909 The european tourist markets

73 Archives nationales (France)

Tourism Planning and Research Ltd.)

NOT. 8910 Aviation systems planning. Seminar (Planning Traffic and Research)

NOT. 8911 La prévention des dommages aux marchandises transportées (Union Internationale d'Assurance Transport)

NOT. 8912 Final report : a study of the 1975 commuter railroad system in the southeastern Pennsylvania. Metropolitan region (NTIS)

NOT. 8913 community reaction to airport noise. Volume II Volume I : voir not. 9023 (NTIS. NASA Tracor)

NOT. 8914 An analysis of airport snow removal and ice control (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8915 An airspace utilization model for V/STOL terminal operations (NTIS. MIT)

NOT. 8916 L'emballage, l'unité de charge et le transport dans le cadre de la distribution physique. Congrès (Hinterland (revue)


NOT. 8917 Aircraft highjacking convention Hearings before the committee on foreign relations. US Senate. 92nd congress on the convention for the suppression of unlawful structure of aircaft, signed at the Hague, 16/12/70 (US Committee on Foreign Relations)

NOT. 8918 Projet de loi de finances autorisant la ratification du protocole additionnel à la convention internationale de coopération pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne (Eurocontrol) du 13/12/60, adoptée à Bruxelles le 20/8/70 (Assemblée Nationale ; Eurocontrol)

NOT. 8919 Projet de loi adopté par l'Assemblée Nationale autorisant la ratification du protocole additionnel à la convention internationals de coopération pour la sécurité de la navigation aérienne "Eurocontrol" du 13/12/60, signé à Bruxelles le 6/7/70 (Sénat. Eurocontrol)

NOT. 8920 Operational analysis of modal hierarchives in network systems (Université de Toronto-York)

74 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8921 STOL. A key to airport access. Stolport design and operating considerations (AIAA. de Havilland Aircraft)

NOT. 8922 Airport planning and design. The airline executive's viewpoint (AIAA. American Airlines)

NOT. 8923 Airport access. 1980, a VTOL approach (AIAA. Boeing co.)

NOT. 8924 Crash resistant fuel systems demonstrations and evaluation (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8925 An approach to the establishment of practical air traffic control safety goals (NTIS. FAA)

NOT. 8926 L'industrialisation des etats de l'union douanière et et économique de l'Afrique Centrale (UDEAC) Documentation Française)

NOT. 8927 L'économie Philippine (Documentation Française)

NOT. 8928 Census of US civil aircraft as of 31/12/69 (FAA)

NOT. 8929 Future electronic alternatives to travel (SAE. RCA Corp. J. Hillier)

NOT. 8930 Le cadre d'intervention et les actions de la Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Marseille (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 8931 Economic outlook for the airline industry (American Airlines. D.J. Lloyd Jones)

NOT. 8932 Hijacking. Selected readings. Bibliographic list n°5 (NTIS. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8933 Noise exposure forecasts : evolution, evaluation extensions and land use interpretations (NTIS. FAA. W.J. Galoway)

NOT. 8943 General Aviation structures directelly responsible for trauma in crash decelarations (FAA)

NOT. 8935

75 Archives nationales (France)

Recommendations for Northweast corridor transportation Volume I : summary report. Final report volume II et III : voir not : 9046 et 9047 (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8936 Genaral aviation Safety (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8937 The importance of traffic forecasting on airline marketing (Mc Donnell Douglas)

NOT. 8938 Allgmeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Nord-Korea (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8939 Allmeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Südafrika (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8940 Allmeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Argentinien (Statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8941 Allgmeine statistik des auslandes. Landerkurzberichte Elfenbeinkuste (statistisches Bundesamt Wiesbaden)

NOT. 8942 Les économies régionales. L'économie de la Haute-Normandie (la Documentation Française)

NOT. 8943 Sénat. Projet de loi de finances pour 1972. Avis Doc. parlementaire N°29 Tome XII Transport II : aviation civile (G. Pams. Projet de loi de finances)


NOT. 8944 Application des méthodes modernes (notamment des méthodes de la rationalisation du choix budgétaire) à la sélection des investissements dans les transports. Rapport de la 10° table ronde d'économie des transports (CEMT)

NOT. 8945 Critères économiques pour la détermination de la capacité a) du parc des transports de marchandises par route b) de la flotte de la navigation intérieure en vue d'atteindre l'équilibre optimum entre l'offre et la demande. Rapport des 11° et 12° tables rondes d'économie des transports (CEMT)

NOT. 8946 Local air services to small communities

76 Archives nationales (France)

Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the communitie of Commerce. United States Senate 91st congress. 2nd session. The adequavy of scheduled air service of the nation's small communities (US Senate. US Subcommittee on Aviation)

NOT. 8947 Recommendations for air freight data study (MIT. US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 8948 La politique des investissements dans l'infrastructure des transports. Le point de vue des administrations ferroviaires des pays membres de la Communauté (UIC)

NOT. 8949 Métiers et carrières de l'aviation (SGAC)

NOT. 8950 737 development. A turbo-phase program utilizing direct lift engines (Boeing Co.)

NOT. 8951 MBB 201. STOL ariliner. Technical description (Hamburger Flugzenghan)

NOT. 8952 Improving short haul transportation. The problem, the solution, the vehicule (BAC)


NOT. 8953 A Boeing view of commercial STOL (Boeing)

NOT. 8954 Study of aircraft in short haul transportation systems for 1985 (Boeing. AIAA)

NOT. 8955 Design and economy suitability of present and future conventional aircraft in to Washington service (Boeing. AIAA)

NOT. 8956 Study of aircraft in short haul transportation systems Final report. Volume I (Boeing)

NOT. 8957 Study of aircraft in short haul transportation systems Final report. Volume II (Boeing)

NOT. 8958 Einsatzanalytische... Flughfen (VFW Fokker)

NOT. 8959 Moglichkeiten des ... im regionalluftverkehr (VFW Fokker)

77 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 8960 Les zones d'activité liées aux aérodromes. 1° partie (IAURP. BEPET)

NOT. 8961 Les zones d'activités liées aux aérodromes. 2° partie (IAURP. BEPET)

NOT. 8962 Les zones d'activités liées aux aérodromes (IAURP. BEPET)

NOT. 8963 Transpacific air cargo forecasts (Boeing)


NOT. 8964 US Europe air cargo. Market analysis and forecast (Boeing)

NOT. 8965 North Atlantic MACRO air passenger and cargo forecast : an econometric approach to measure future demand levels (Boeing)

NOT. 8966 Summary. Noise reduction research and development Beoing)

NOT. 8967 Cargo ground service considerations for 747 passenger airplane (Boeing)

NOT. 8968 747 main deck baggage. (Beoing)

NOT. 8969 Effects of aircraft operation on community noise (Boeing)

NOT. 8970 Japan, United States, air trade. Measure of commodity potential (Boeing)

NOT. 8971 Airline actual and projected 747 maintenance costs (Boeing)

NOT. 8972 Aerospace profits versus risks. An analysis of impact on industry viability (AIA)

NOT. 8973 Federal procurement principles. A proposal in the national interest (AIA)

NOT. 8974

78 Archives nationales (France)

National technology support. A study of research and development trends and their implications (AIA)

NOT. 8975 The value of time in air travel : theory and evidence (NTIS. Institute of Naval Studies. De Vany)

NOT. 8976 A future plan for Britain's Aerospace industry (SBAC)

NOT. 8977 Détournement d'aéronefs (E. de Pontavice)

NOT. 8978 Air traffic control. Part II Part I : not. 8856 (Sperry Rand Engineering Review)

NOT. 8979 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics. Year ended 30, june 1971 (CAB)

NOT. 8980 Disturbance of human sleep by subsonic jet aircraft noise and simulated sonic booms (NASA. NTIS. SRI)

NOT. 8981 Congressional air transportation congestion study (NTIS. US DOT)

NOT. 8982 Estimated trends of unit cost of government programs in support of air and highway travel (NTIS. FAA. National Bureau of Standards)

NOT. 8983 Institutions of effective management of the environment Part I (NTIS. National Academy of Sciences)

NOT. 8984 Travel market survey in Europe (Japan National Tourist Organization)

NOT. 8985 An approach to Japan's future in international tourism (Japan National Tourist Organization)


NOT. 8986 North Atlantic scheduled passenger traffic forecast for total IATA and Air France (Boeing)

NOT. 8987 Boeing air travler survey 1967 (Boeing)

NOT. 8988

79 Archives nationales (France)

Air carrier operations in Canada 1970 (Eastern Pronvincial Airlines)

NOT. 8989 FAA sponsored symposium on area navigation. Opening remarks (FAA)

NOT. 8990 FAA symposiu on area navigatio. Presentation by secretary J.A. Volpe (FAA. US DOT)

NOT. 8991 FAA symposium on area navigation. RNAV in the 4th generation (FAA. US DOT)

NOT. 8992 FAA area navigation symposium. Panel on operational applications and requirements (FAA. US DOT)

NOT. 8993 FAA area navigation symposium. Safety aspects (FAA. )

NOT. 8994 FAA area symposium on area navigation. American Airlines experience with area navigation (FAA. American Airlines)

NOT. 8995 FAA symposium on area navigation. VOR signal proceesing for area navigation (FAA)

NOT. 8996 FAA symposium on area navigation. Computer generated map display (FAA. Boeing)

NOT. 8997 FAA navigation on area symposium. Remarks by J.H. Shaffer (FAA)

NOT. 8998 FAA area navigation symposium. Presentation by F.W. Ungry (FAA.)

NOT. 8999 FAA area navigation symposium. The price performance trade-off in R-NAV

NOT. 9000 FAA symposium on area navigation. Remarks by the US Air Force (FAA. US Air Force)

NOT. 9001 FAA symposium on area navigation. R/NAV applications to stol operations (FAA Eastern Airlines)

NOT. 9002 FAA symposium on area navigation. RNAV cost e-fectiveness (FAA)

NOT. 9003 FAA symposium on area navigation. Preliminary result on two segment noise abatment studies (NASA. FAA)

80 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9004 FAA area navigation symposium R/NAV concepts and precepts including the 3rd dimension (FAA Flight Standards Services)

NOT. 9005 FAA area navigation symposium. Statement to be used as the basis for the Wilcox presentation (FAA. Wilcox co.)

NOT. 9006 Airline proposed applications of area navigation in the ATC system (FAA)

NOT. 9007 FAA area navigation symposium. Remarks by W.M Flener (FAA)

NOT. 9008 FAA symposium area navigation. Safete potential interest with R/NAV (FAA. NTSB)

NOT. 9009 FAA symposium on area navigation. Area navigation for civil air transportation (FAA. Litton Industries)

NOT. 9010 FAA symposium area navigation. Path and instrumentation requirements for terminal corridor routing (FAA)

NOT. 9011 FAA symposium area navigation. An advanced airborne implementation of an area navigation system (FAA)

NOT. 9012 FAA symposium on area navigation. The potential of VLF/omega in area navigation RNAV applications (FAA)

NOT. 9013 FAA symposium on area navigation. Aeronautical technology today (FAA. TWA)

NOT. 9014 FAA symposium area navigation. The potential for area navigation in Europe (FAA. Eurocontrol)

NOT. 9015 FAA navigation symposium on area. Area navigation in the Chicago-New York complex (FAA. TWA)

NOT. 9016 Journées d'étude "problèmes juridiques de la navigation aérienne internationale" Schweizerischen fur Luft und Raumrecht)

NOT. 9017

81 Archives nationales (France)

Aviation forecasts fiscal years 1972-1983 Advanced copy. Voir aussi not. 9106 (FAA)

NOT. 9018 L'industrie électronique française en 1971 (Fédération Nationale des Industries Electroniques)

NOT. 9019 The economy at midyear 1971 with industry projections for 1972 (US Department of Commerce)

NOT. 9020 Origine et destination des passagers aériens. Rapport sur le trafic aérien Canada. Etats-Unis (Dominion Bureau Statistics)

NOT. 9021 Transportation pricing. Highway Research Record. N°296 (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 9022 The Northeast corridor intercity travel survey air auto and bus modes (NTIS.)

NOT. 9023 Community reaction to airport noise. Vol. I (NTIS)


NOT. 9024 Turbine engined fleets of the world's airlines (Esso Air World)

NOT. 9025 Prévisions de trafic dans les transports par chemin de fer Théorie et pratique (Rail International.)

NOT. 9026 Congressional airport congestion study. PartII Part I : voir not. 8981 (NTIS. CAB)

NOT. 9027 Intercity transportation effectiveness model. Final report (NTIS)

NOT. 9028 A study of air traffic control system capacity (NTIS)

NOT. 9029 Civil supersonic aircraft development. Senate hearings be fore the committee on appropriations (US Senate)

NOT. 9030 Les transports collectifs urbains. Conclusions du colloque de Tours. Livre blanc. CF not. 7546 (Ministère des Transports (France).

82 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9031 IFALPA NEWNAV symposium. Vol. I et II (IFALPA)

NOT. 9032 Airport impact Ontario international airport (NTIS. West Valley Planning Agency)

NOT. 9033 Experimentelle und theoretische untersuchungen uber den einsatz von lasern ... navigatiostechnik (W. Holzapfel)


NOT. 9034 Der einflug einer voranzeige aus das menschliche ... adaptiven analog piloten (D.Dey)

NOT. 9035 Der quasi sichtflug ein neues konzept der flugfhrung Université Technique de Berlin)

NOT. 9036 Ein neuartives digitales positionsstellglied fur die prozestechnick (Université Technique de Berlin)

NOT. 9037 Recreatieverkeer in Nederland in 1980, 1900 en 2000 (Universitat van Amsterdam)

NOT. 9038 Verfahren und ausrustung konventionneller flugzeuge fur anflug und landung (M. Frike. Université de Berlin)

NOT. 9039 Subsidy for Unites States certificated air carriers (CAB)

NOT. 9040 Trends in all cargo service. June 30, 1963 to 12/31/1969 (CAB)

NOT. 9041 A methodology for evaluating the capacity of air traffic control systems (NTIS. Stanford Research Institute)

NOT. 9042 Groupe de travail pour l'aménagement du territoire et les problèmes régionaux. (Conseil de l'Europe)

NOT. 9043 L'oeuvre de l'OACI dans la lutte contre les actes d'intervention illicite Etude ITA 1972/1 (F et E) (ITA. H. Beaubois)

NOT. 9044

83 Archives nationales (France)

Supplemental appropriation. Hearings before subcommittee on appropriations. House of Representatives 92° congress. 1st session

NOT. 9045 International research and development trends and policies An analysis of implications for the US (AIA)


NOT. 9046 Recommandations for Northeast corridor transportation Volume II : main report. Final report Volume I : noir not. 8935

NOT. 9047 Recommandation for Northeast corridor transportation Volume III : appendix. Final report (US Department of Transportation)

NOT. 9048 Aerospace aspects of the Federal budget. FY 1973 (AIA)

NOT. 9049 Transportation facilitation education program. Part 3 Part 1 et 2 : not. 8874 (NTIS. University of Oregon)

NOT. 9050 The probability that landing accident will be fatal (ARB)

NOT. 9051 An investigation of the possible effects on accident rate of providing aeroplanes with vertical take-off and landing capability (ARB)

NOT. 9052 The hourly prbability of death for a "standard population" compared with that for the occupants of an aeroplane on commercial transport operations

NOT. 9053 Transport aircraft stalling accident rates Technical notes (ARB)

NOT. 9054 A review of accidents caused by failures of flying control systems from 1947 to 1968 inclusive - Technical Note 102 (Air Registration Board)

NOT. 9055 A study of Mexican Travel Habits and Patterns - COM 21-00583 (National Technical Information Service

NOT. 9056

84 Archives nationales (France)

Elément pour un schéma directeur de l'Equipement aéronautique - Travaux et Recherche de prospective N° 25 (D.A.T.A.R.)

NOT. 9057 A European Aerospace Industry - a German Viero (Menserschmitt-Boltiow - Public Relations Manager)

NOT. 9058 Ortung and Navigation - Mensch and Technikin ortung and Navigation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für - Ortung and Navigation e.v.)


NOT. 9059 L'aménagement du Rhône NED 3842-43 (La documentation française)

NOT. 9060 The origin and development of Chicago-O'Hare - International Airport N° 71-9048 (University Microfilms Etats-Unis)

NOT. 9061 An Empirical study of the relationship between the intercity passenger transportation system and the social state of metropolitan areas in the Northeast Corridor (University Microfilms)

NOT. 9062 Review of Passanger Traffic Domestic Operations of the Domestic Trunk Carriers Scheduled Service (Civil Aeronautics Board - Publications Divis ;)

NOT. 9063 Estimated Annual operating Costs of Terminal Air Navigation Facilities and Air Traffic Control Services (Federal Aviation Administration)


NOT. 9064 Plan Directeur de Transports Aériens et d'Infrastructure aéronautique (volume 1) Enquête sur le trafic des passagers pour les principaux aéroports d'Algérie (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9065 Plan Dir. de T.A. et d'I.A. Volume II - Prévisions de trafic aérien pour la période 1971-1985) (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9066 Plan Dir. de T.A.I.A. - Volume III - Evolution de la structure et du potentiel des compagnies aériennes algériennes (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9067 P. Dir. de T.A.I.A. - Volume IV - Equipement aéroportuaires pour la période 1971-1985

85 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9068 P. Dir. de T.A.I.A. - Volume V - Equip. des services de la navigation aérienne et de la météo. (1971-1985) Formation des personnels (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9069 P. Dir. de T.A.I.A. Note de synthèse (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9081 Proynosen über die Entwicklung des Tourismes (Deutsche Airbus OmbH)

NOT. 9082 London-Gatwick AIRPORT - An environmental study (Surrey Country Council) R.I.

NOT. 9083 Proceedings of the ninth annual tymposium (S.A.F.E.) USA

NOT. 9084 An evaluation of Direct operating costs 747-100 - DC8-63 707-320B (Boeing company)

NOT. 9085 The Scenic Routes of East Asia C1-8042632 (Mc Douglas Donnell)

NOT. 9086 Volume et principaux courants des I.T. par affrètement dans la région Europe-Méditer. 1965-1970 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9087 Hijacking Doc 7111 Gen/15 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 9088 Air France - E..N.T. Aériens NED 3849-50 (La documentation française)

NOT. 9089 Les très grandes vitesses ferroviaires sur Infrastructure nouvelles (Dunod) No special

NOT. 9090 Rapports des commissions de 6° plan 1971-1975 - Transports collectifs urbains (la documentation française)

NOT. 9091 Les grandes villes du Monde - Paris - Le problème des transports (idem) 3517-18

NOT. 9092 Aircraft position and anticollision light measurements AC No 2074 (US Department of transportation F.E.A.)

NOT. 9093

86 Archives nationales (France)

A statement on National Transportation policy (Idem)

NOT. 9094 2ème conference démographique européenne - volume I (Librairie Gale de Droit et de Jurisprudence)


NOT. 9095 2ème conférence démographique européenne - documents officiels de la conférence - volume II (Idem)

NOT. 9096 1970 - Motivations to travel and vacation trends (Research office Canadian Government Travel Bureau)

NOT. 9097 Marine 72 (n° hors série) (Science et vie)

NOT. 9098 Les transports Etude Sectorielle (Banque mondiale) (janvier 72)

NOT. 9099 The Douglas DC-6 and DC-7 Series - 2nd édition (Air Britain)

NOT. 9100 The Douglas Commercial Story (Idem) G.B. 2 ex.

NOT. 9101 Analysis of Certificated carrier and commuter air carrier service and Traffic between Major Hubs and Points within 200 Miles - Year ended June 30,1970 (C.A.D.) USA

NOT. 9102 Statistiques et indicateurs des règions françaises. Projet de loi de Finances 1972 2ex. (D.A.T.A.R.)

NOT. 9103 Influence of terrain on design and costs of ground based fog dispersal systems at U.S. Airports - Report FAA-RD-7116 - AD 723726 (N.T.I.S.) USA


NOT. 9104 Two day convention : Aviation's place in Transport (1 à 15) Doc 1972 (Royal Aeronautical Society)

NOT. 9105 Airport Security Seminar (1 à 16) - Introduction to final summary and closing of seminar (British airport authority G.B.)

NOT. 9106

87 Archives nationales (France)

Aviation forecasts FY. 1972/1983 - Voir aussi note 9017 (FAA USA)

NOT. 9107 Report of the working party on traffic and capacity at Heathrow CAP 349 (H.M.S.O. G.B.)

NOT. 9108 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes (Länder Hurzberichte Aquatorialguinea) (Verlag W. Kohlhammer) RFA

NOT. 9109 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes (Länder Kurtberichte Thaïland) Idem

NOT. 9110 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes Landerkurtzberichte senegal (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9111 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes bolivien (Idem)

NOT. 9112 Die Verkehrsentwicklung, die Ausbauplanung und der Investitionsbedarf der ADV - Verkehrslandeplätze (A.D.V. (Publications Division)

NOT. 9113 Local Service Air Carriers' Unit Costs - Year ended sept. 30, 1971 (Civil Aeronautics Board)


NOT. 9114 Essai de définition de système d'atterrissage futur (S.T.N.A. S.G.A.C.)

NOT. 9115 Aeronautics and the Constitution. Transportation Reprint n° 4 (University of Toranto)

NOT. 9116 1980 Metropolitan Area Airport Capacity Analysis. Location - Atlanta, Georgia. Staft study (Depart. of transportation F.A.A.) Washington

NOT. 9117 Airport Master Plans AC/150/5070-6 (Idem)

NOT. 9118 Rolls Royce Ltd and the RB 211 Aero Engine (H.M.S.O.) Grande Bretagne

NOT. 9119 The Tokyo-Osaka Air Corridor - Research Report N° C1-8042311 (Mc Donnell Douglas USA)

NOT. 9120

88 Archives nationales (France)

How Transportation affects real estate values (The american Institute of Real Estate Affraisers of the National Associat. of Real Estate Boards (Chicago)

NOT. 9121 Third Conference on sonic Boom Research NASA SP-255 (NASA Washington)

NOT. 9122 Journée technique de la circulation aérienne. Régulation du traffic aérien. I° partie (APCA.) Orly

NOT. 9123 Minutes du colloque A.P.C.A. du 23.2.1972 II° partie. Les facteurs humains dans le contrôle (A.P.C.A.)

NOT. 9124 A point to point Model of the Demand for Air Transportation (Massachusetts Institute of Technology USA)


NOT. 9125 The Whaton Econometric Forecasting Model (University of Pennsylvania USA)

NOT. 9126 Desserte ferroviaire des agglomérations urbaines très importantes - Amélioration des dessertes des agglomérations métropolitaines Journée d'études du 24.2.72 ; (Sté des Ingénieurs civils de France)

NOT. 9127 Desserte ferroviaire des agglomér. urbaines très import. SNCF Les grands projets d'extension des infrastructures et leur réalisation (STE des Ingénieurs c. de France)

NOT. 9128 Technique ferroviaires et transports urbains. 24.2.72 (Idem)

NOT. 9129 Projet de réseau express urbains et suburbains pour les agglomér. de Francfort sur le Main, Munich et Stuttgart 1° volume : textes 2° 3° 4° volumes : cartes (Idem)

NOT. 9130 Desserte fer. des agglom. urbaines - la banlieue de Paris Etudes en cours et projet d'avenir SNCF Vol. Bis (Idem) Liste des participants à la journée d'études.

NOT. 9131 Amélioration de la capacité des lignes et automatisation de la circulation (Sté des Ingénieurs civils de France)

NOT. 9132 Le matériel roulant de banlieue - Problèmes - Réalisations - Perspectives (2 volumes) (Idem)

89 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9133 Desserte ferroviaire du coeur de Bruxelles. La jonction Nord-Midi (Idem)

NOT. 9134 2° conférence démographique européenne - Doc. officiels de la conférence - Volumes III et IV (séparés) (Librairie gale de Droit et de Jurisprudence)

NOT. 9135 Civil Aviation Policy Guidance Cmnd 4899 (4ex.) H.M.S.O. Grande Bretagne

NOT. 9136 Metroliner Updating Program PB 202.034 (National Technical Informatin Svc USA)

NOT. 9137 Comparaison des coûts totaux d'exploitation pour les avions de 3° niveau (S.G.A.C. S.E.E.P/D.T.A)

NOT. 9138 Air France - Cie Nat. concurrentielle (Air France 15°)

NOT. 9139 Les modèles d'entreprise : une application à la cie nat. Air France Doc. ITA 72/B-F § E (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9140 L'Aéroport de Paris - Ingénieur Conseil (2 fasc. intérieurs) (Aéroport de Paris)


NOT. 9141 Traveler Service study Phase 1 (PB 193-300 (Officy of the Secretary of Transportation) USA

NOT. 9142 Consideration of application of currently available transport-Category Aerodynamic Techno. in the optimization of gal aviation propeller-driven twin design (720337) (S.A.E.) Etats-Unis

NOT. 9143 Inventaire des dossiers relatifs aux transports en Afrique (Ministère de l'Equip./Log. St Germain) Svc Coopéra. Tec.

NOT. 9144 Le tourisme balnéaire en Languedoc-Roussillon (La Doc. française)

NOT. 9145 France in the 705 : a new investment climate (D.A.T.A.R.)

NOT. 9146 La situation économique par région à fin avril 71 (Banque de France)

90 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9147 Organisation d'études d'aménagement de l'aire métropolitaine Nantes-St Nazaire (bilan + perspec) (Doc. française)

NOT. 9148 Organ. d'études etc. de l'aire métropolitaine marseillaise Persp. d'aménagement (Doc. française)

NOT. 9149 Aménagement du territoire - Loi de finances pour 71 (D.A.T.A.R.)

NOT. 9150 Commerce extérieur du Languedoc-Roussillon en 1970 (C.C.I. du Languedoc-Roussillon)

NOT. 9151 Commerce extérieur du Languedoc-Roussillon-Espagne en 70 (C.C.I. Idem)

NOT. 9152 Le commerce extérieur de l'Alsace en 69 et pendant le 1er sem. de 70 (Direct. Gale des Douanes et Droits indirects)

NOT. 9153 Les perspectives du Commerce Extérieur en Alsace (CCI Alsace)

NOT. 9154 Les exportations de la région Rhône Alpes en 70 (CCI Lyon)

NOT. 9155 Commerce extérieur - Limousin 1970 (CCI Limousin)

NOT. 9156 Commerce extérieur Poitou-Charentes 69-70 (CCI POITOU)


NOT. 9157 Symposium on General Aviation Issue Summer 1971 (Journal of Airlaw § Commerce Dallas)

NOT. 9158 Observations of the spring migration of lesser snow and blue geese through southern Manitoba (Associate Committee on Bird Hazards to Aircraft Canada) (Field Note 56)

NOT. 9159 Temporal Variations in the Ability of individual radars in detecting birds (Field Note 61) (Idem)

NOT. 9160 Progress report on operation bird track 1964 through 69 (Field note 59) (Idem)

91 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9161 Bird behavior and Man made objects (Field note 57) (idem)

NOT. 9162 Tracking Radar studies of bird migration in or near cloud loyers (N° 58) (idem)

NOT. 9163 Whishting swans near wallaceburg, ontario, Spring 71 (N° 60) (idem)

NOT. 9164 Doctoral Dissertations on Transportation. A Bibliography. (Transportation center Library Illinois USA)

NOT. 9165 Institutional factors in Civil Aviation PB 198799 (DOT TST-10-1 ; NASA CB 1807) N.T.I.S. USA

NOT. 9166 A forecast of Air Travel Demand and Airport and aireway use in 1980 (AD 720 732) (Idem)

NOT. 9167 A study of the optimum use of land exposed to Aircraft landing and take off Noise. N 66-21093 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9168 Observations on the Costs Present and anticipated, Associated with high speed rail transportation PB 202-573 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9169 Legal Impediments to Intermodal Transportation : Selected Problems, Options, and recommended solutions AD 726 797 (idem)

NOT. 9170 An economic analysis of future short-Haul transportation N 71-20114 (idem)

NOT. 9171 Report on the DGLR Symposium on Future Commercial Flight Technique, held in Hamburg on January 29, 1970 N 71-22186-197 (idem)

NOT. 9172 Airport Zoning and Its future. Vol. 50 N° 4 (American Bar Association Chicago)

NOT. 9173 Regional Airline Organizations AACO-AAFRA-EARB-OAA (Research Doc. N° 2-72 (Arab Air Carrier Organization Liban)


NOT. 9174

92 Archives nationales (France)

La convention de la HAYE du 16.12.70 pour la pression de la capture illicite d'aéronefs N° 4/71 (Librairie Sirey)

NOT. 9175 Plan de navigation aérienne - Région Afrique - ocean indien (O.A.C.I. Canada)

NOT. 9176 Plan de navig. aérienne - Régions Atlantique Nord - Amérique du Nord et Pacifique - Idem ;

NOT. 9177 Bibliographie d'économie des transports 1960-71 (C.N.R.S.)

NOT. 9178 Les chemins de fer en l'an 2000 - Causerie (Librairie Dunod)

NOT. 9179 Airport and Airway Trust Fund. Hearings before subcommittee on Transp. and Aeronautics of the committee on Interstate and foreign commerce. House of representatives. 92nd congress HR7072 - Serial N° 92-95 (Senatre office of Publications USA)

NOT. 9180 Manpower Planning in the Air Transport of Travel Industry An introduction (A.T.T.I.T.B.) Grande. B.

NOT. 9181 A study of the organizationnal structure of airport admin. (Robert L Zralek Chicago)

NOT. 9182 Motion de clôture - XV° Assemblée plénière (Chambre de commerce française et italienne Grenoble)

NOT. 9183 Chaskerstatistik 1971 (Department of civil aviation Suède)

NOT. 9184 Aviat. Cost Allocation study - Aviation safety regulation cost allocation study - working paper N°T 9184bis) - US Assistant Program Director - Office of the sec. Transportation

NOT. 9185 Aviation Cost Allocation study - FAA Airport and Airway System cost elements - (idem) U.S.

NOT. 9186 Human factors methodology in the design of the driver's workspace in trucks SP 367 (S.A.E. New-York US)

NOT. 9187 Holiday Survey 1970 (Central bureau of statistics) Norvège

NOT. 9188

93 Archives nationales (France)

Studay of Lessons to be learned from Accidents attributed to turbulence (N.T.S.B.) National Transport. safety board.

NOT. 9189 Bibliographie des travaux juridiques relatifs à l'aviation Fas. II : ARTICLES de revues 1900-1970 (IGACEM)


NOT. 9190 Assemblée consultative - Rapport sur les incidences écon. de la mise en service des avions civils supersoniques (Conseil de l'Europe Strasbourg)

NOT. 9191 Singapore Airport Passenger Terminal building extension and renovation - Opening ceremony by Mr Yong Nyuk Lin, Minister of communications (Civil Aviat. Depart. Singapore)

NOT. 9192 Problèmes concernant la gestion dans le domaine de l'air et études techniques y afférentes (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 9193 A program of prefessional airline - oriented flights training for your flight news by professional airline instructors at United Airlines flight training center (United Air Lines Chicago)

NOT. 9194 Atlas and KSSU - Horo airline cooperation is working in Europe (Airline Management New-York US)

NOT. 9195 Cinquante six compagnies complémentaires françaises au 31.3.72 (Air et Cosmos)

NOT. 9196 The common market and Austratias external aviation policy (the royal aeronautical society) London

NOT. 9197 L'évolution régionale dans la communauté - bilan analytique (communauté économique européenne)

NOT. 9198 Bibliographie - Etudes de recherches de Tourisme - Canadian government Travel Bureau)

NOT. 9199 Service to small communities (Part I) Local svc carrier costs and subsidy need requirements to sewe marginal routes (Civil Aeronautics Board US)

NOT. 9200 Svc to small communities - Part II (Small Aircraft and small communities.) (Civil Aeronautics Board US)

NOT. 9201

94 Archives nationales (France)

Svc to small communities Part III (Policy alternatives and recommendation) (idem)

NOT. 9202 Aviation and Astronautics in the U.S.S.R. (N° 71-25024 (N.T.I.S. US)


NOT. 9203 Requirements, Performance and integration of modern navigation aids N° 710456 (S.A.E. US)

NOT. 9204 A new generation of integrated avionic synthesiters (S.A.E. (idem))

NOT. 9205 Noise certification of business Jet aircraft 710384 (idem)

NOT. 9206 Agifors proceedings XI (1 à 27) - AGIFORS NEW-YORK US

NOT. 9207 Transportation engineering 1972 (advance copy) (1 à 14) (The Institution of Civil Engineers London)

NOT. 9208 Airline transportation for the handicapped and disabled (National Easter Seal Society US)

NOT. 9209 Nobody loves an Airport - Supplemental Air Carriers (southern California Law Review Los Angeles)

NOT. 9210 Planning Grant Program - order N° 5900.1 (FAA US)

NOT. 9211 Japanese Tourist Market and Singapore (Financial Officer Singapore Tourist Promotion BOARD)

NOT. 9212 Electrospace planning and engineering for the Air Traffic Environment (Report FAA-RD-7071) (Government Printing Office) USA

NOT. 9213 A summary of responses from Airlines to questionnaires concerning new developments in Equipment and Logistics methods (The University of Michigan US)

NOT. 9214 Transportation demand analysis in a regional corridor Draft report - not for publication (University of Toronto Canada)

NOT. 9215

95 Archives nationales (France)

Aperçu des problèmes psés par la concurrence entre les cies charters et les cies régulières (Dossier diplôme d'études sup. de sciences éco. (Université de Paris 5°)


NOT. 9216 The transatlantic Air Market - Where increased charters will expand public benefits. World Airways - Office of the President Public Relations and Advertising US)

NOT. 9217 Décret relatif au classement en cat. C d'aérodromes destinés à la Circ. Aérien. publique, réservée à l'usage d'Adminis. d'Etat ou agréé à l'usage restreint (Journal Off.)

NOT. 9218 Décret N° 70-121 portant modif. des articles D.222.1 et D.222.2 du code de l'A.C. et classement d'aérodromes de catég. A, B,C,D. et E destingés à circ. Aér. pub ... (J.O.)

NOT. 9219 Frankfurt Rhein Main Airport - 5 discours prononcés lors de l'inauguration du Terminal Mitte 14.3.72 - Flughafen Frankfurt Main AG (RFA)

NOT. 9220 La desserte des aérodromes - Revue gale de l'Air 6°

NOT. 9221 L'airbus européen (idem)

NOT. 9222 Catalogue des documents et Etudes publiés dans le cadre des travaux du conseil de l'Europe dans le domaine des structures locales, des problèmes régionaux etc ... (Conseil de l'Europe Service des Publications) Strasbourg

NOT. 9223 Services médicaux d'AIR FRANCE - A.F. 15°

NOT. 9224 U.S. Airborne Made 1967-1971 (Lockheed Georgia Co. Market Development US)

NOT. 9225 Inflammabilité des matériaux d'aménagements des cabines d'avion - 1er colloque (Centre d'essais aéron. de Toulouse)

NOT. 9226 Ports maritimes de France (Dir. des Ports Maritimes et des voies navigables St Germain)

NOT. 9227 Circulaire N° 72-05 du 5.1.72 relative aux règles de coordination et d'harmonisation des transports ferroviaires et routiers (C.S. 1096) (Conseil supérieur des transports)

96 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9228 Madrid Les Grandes Villes du Monde NED 3854-55 (la doc. française)

NOT. 9229 L'Europe des Communautées (idem)

NOT. 9230 Routes vers les pays du soleil à travers les alpes Centrales TOME LIX-2 (Revue de géographie Alpine Grenoble)

NOT. 9231 Attentats contre la Navigation aérienne (Revue de droit pénal et de criminologie) Bruxelles


NOT. 9232 Rapport des comités du 6° Plan 1971-1975 - Transports intérieurs - vol. I (la doc. française)

NOT. 9233 Rapport des comités du 6° plan 1971-75 - Transports intérieurs - Vol. II (idem)

NOT. 9234 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Landerkürzberichte Sambia (Verlag W. Kohlhammer) RFA

NOT. 9235 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Landerkurtberichte Paraguay (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9236 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - " Osterreich (idem)

NOT. 9237 Allgemaine statistik des auslandes - " Iran (idem)

NOT. 9238 Projet de plan directeur de l'aéroport de Bordeaux - C.C.I. de Bordeaux

NOT. 9239 Modeling of a satellite airport system for large metropolitan areas - a systems analysis - Technical report N° 71-1 (Stanford University US)

NOT. 9240 Final report of the 5th annual technical conference (civil aviation safety center Liban) - (2 à 13)

NOT. 9241 Major Commercial Airport Location - a methodology for the Evaluztion of Potential Sities (Northwestern University)

97 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9242 Transportation and Environment : Synthesis for Action - Impact of National Environmental policy Act. of 69 on the Department of Transport. (National Technical Information Svc US) - Vol. I summary PB 201-832

NOT. 9243 Models of intervity travel demand. Part I : Theoretical Aspects (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9244 Aircraft Types and Prices (Lloyd's Aviation Depart. G.B.)

NOT. 9245 World Air Travel Demand 1950-1980 CTR 1481 (Commercial Market Engineering and Research US)

NOT. 9246 Special study - Carburetor Ice in General Aviation NTSB.AAS.721 (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 9247 The central American Common Market - An example of integration between developing countries (Center of Afro-Asian Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hongrie)


NOT. 9248 I.F.A.T.C.A. 11TH annual conference - (2 à 9) March 72 (International Federation Air Traffic Controllers Association G.B.)

NOT. 9249 A literature survey of thise pollution AD 724 344 (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 9250 Air Hijacking - An international perspective (Taplinger publishing Co. US)

NOT. 9251 Airports - Key to the Air Transportation System (1 à 19) (American Society of Civil Engineers US)

NOT. 9252 Rassegna Economica - L'apporto dell'Aviazione Civile alla Bilancia dei Pagament : Italiana 1960-70 (Emilia Amore Chiavarelli via Radiohelegrafirti, 4

NOT. 9253 The 70's - Challenging years for the world air transport system - 27th Brancker memorial lecture (Institute of transport G.B.)

NOT. 9254 Choice of Travel Mode and considerations in travel forecasting - 19 reports - H.R.R. Number 369 (Highway Research Board US)

98 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9255 Costs and Benefits of transportation planning 12 reports HRR N° 314 (idem)

NOT. 9256 Planning and evaluation of transportation systems - Reports HRR 348 (Highway Research Board)

NOT. 9257 Social economic and environmental factors of transport. 20 reports HRR N° 356 (Idem)


NOT. 9258 Bibliography - Tourism research studies (CANADIAN GOVERNMENT TRAVEL BUREAU)

NOT. 9259 The Urban Transportation Planning process - In search of improved strategy - Report of a panel of experts - O.C.D.E.

NOT. 9260 La malaisie - Un pays asiatique avantageux pour vous - F.I.D.A. Malaisie

NOT. 9261 Long terme Forecasting in Europe - Vol I - Vol. II - (conseil de l'Europe Strasbourg)

NOT. 9262 The Importance of Civil Air Transport to the Economy of the Lebanon (The Economist Intelligence Unit G.V.)

NOT. 9263 Méthodes mathématiques concernant le problème de la séparation verticale (O.A.C.I.)

NOT. 9264 Pacific Area Travel Ferecast CTR 1424 (Commercial Market Engineering Research)

NOT. 9265 European Airbus (6.4.72) (I.P.C. Business Press London)

NOT. 9266 Third Level Airlines 17.2.72 (idem)

NOT. 9267 Manuel de prévision du Trafic aérien (OACI)

NOT. 9268 Honolulu IATA Symposium - The scheduled Airlines and the changing market (I.A.T.A. Suisse)

99 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9269 Aviation Cost allocation study - summary report, third user conference (US Dept of Transportation)


NOT. 9270 Nantes St Nazaire - Annexes I II III (OREAM Nantes - ST Nazaire)

NOT. 9271 Ourdoor Life 1970 - ISBN 82 537 01160 (Statistik Sentral-byra - Oslo)

NOT. 9272 Landing fees and the Airport Congestion Problem (Journal of Lawaud US)

NOT. 9273 A synposium on Hijacking (Journal of Air Laws and Commerce) USA

NOT. 9274 Les vacances des français en 1969 (I.N.S.E.E.) Série M6

NOT. 9275 The Test Facility's Role in the Effective Development of Aerospace Systems (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 9276 L'économie de la Basse-Normandie (La documentation Franc.)

NOT. 9277 L'entrée du Royaume-Uni dans le marché commun PPS 114 (idem)

NOT. 9278 Equipement touristique de la France - Avis 1736/SG/158 (Conseil économique et social)

NOT. 9279 L'équipement touristique de la France - Rapport Tome I 1736/SG/158 (idem)


NOT. 9280 L'équipement touristique de la France - Rapport Tome II (idem)

NOT. 9281 L'équipement touristique de la France - Rapport tome III (idem)

NOT. 9282 L'équipement touristique de la France - Annexes au rapport (Conseil économique et social)

NOT. 9283

100 Archives nationales (France)

Kombinierter Verkehr im Luftfrachtdienst (Studiengenllschaft für den RFA)

NOT. 9284 Domestic yets tiends - Rurbojet/Turtofam aircraft operating cost and performance trends ; Domestic operations of trunk and local svc caniers - calendar 59 - Fiscal 1921 (CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD)

NOT. 9285 Maintaining competition between Northeastern and southern (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9286 Aviation Civile (rapport d'exécution de V plan 66-70) S.E.E.P.

NOT. 9287 National Plan for developement of the Minowave landing system (N.T.I.S. US)


NOT. 9288 Final report - FAA - Symposium on Area Navigation 24.25/01/72 (Depart. of Transportation US)

NOT. 9289 Aviation Cost Allocation study - AN airport and Airway system cost base : FAA, DOD, DOS, NASA and DOT-OST Office of the secretary of transportation.

NOT. 9290 Proceedings of the fourteanth Israel Annual Conference on Aviation and Astronautics - Annual conference on Aviation and Astronautics (ISRAEL)

NOT. 9291 Liaisons combinées - chemin de fer/aviation (Union Int'l des chemins de fer)

NOT. 9292 Freight Traffic Models - Symposium proceedings (Planning and Transport Research and Computation LTD G.B.)

NOT. 9293 Aviation Civile - rapport d'exécution du V° plan - 66-70 (S.E.E.P.)

NOT. 9294 Excess capacity, service quality and the structure of Airline Fores (L. 1675) Transport. Research forum Chicago.

NOT. 9295 Methods for evaluating - Transportation investissment - Montreal Airport study - Ste scholastique (idem)

101 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9296 Economic Impact of Airport Development (idem)

NOT. 9297 Regional Development Impact of Major Transportation Investment - Ste Scholastique (idem)

NOT. 9298 Is delly cargo profitable ? (Titre à part L 1675) (idem)

NOT. 9299 The national Aviation System Plan - Ten Year Plan 72-81 (Government Priating Office US)

NOT. 9300 Nouveaux automatismes à bord des aéronefs Etude 1972/4. (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9301 Articles sur le Turbotrain (4) - DUNOD 6° PARIS

NOT. 9302 Airline operational data from unusual events recording systems in 707, 727 and 737 aircraft. (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9303 Dulles Airport Rapid Transit svc - Feasibility study - PB 201-619 (idem)


NOT. 9304 Analytical tools for the study of airport congestion - (report FAA RD 71.55) (idem)

NOT. 9305 Determination of STOL Air Terminal Traffic Capacity through use of computer Simulation (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9306 The United Kingdom and the European Communities (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 9307 Proceedings of the first omega Symposium (11.11.71) (FAA Institute of Navigation (US))

NOT. 9308 Estudios Turisticos N° 29 (Ministerio de Informacion y Turismo Madrid)

NOT. 9309 An Airports system for United Kingdom air services (2ex) (The Aeronautical Journal London)

NOT. 9310 The Civil Aviation (Air Travel Organisers Licensing) Regulations 1972 - Statutory Instrument 72 N° 223 (H.M.S.O.) G.B.

102 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9311 Liaisons combinées Chemin de fer - Aviation - Exemple de la desserte à grande vitesse du SUD-EST de la France - Annexe au rapport N° 2 (U.I.C. Commission Recherche Prosp.)

NOT. 9312 La Zone Franc en 1970 (Secrétariat Comité Monétaire de la Zone Franc Paris 1er)

NOT. 9313 1972 International Aerospace Specification Tables (Aviation Week Mc Graw Hill Building US)

NOT. 9314 Executive Branch Criteria for Domestic Airline Merger Proposals (US Department of transportation)

NOT. 9315 Chicago Urban Noise study - I. Noise in the Urban Environment BBN Report N° 1411 (voir aussi NOT 9538 pour étude complète) (Bolt, Beranek and Newman US)

NOT. 9316 Air Traffic Control facilities and Equipment Requirements to meet the Needs of the 1970's - Fifth report by the Committee on government operations - Union calendor N° 372 - House report N° 92-757 (US House of Representatives)

NOT. 9317 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Länderkurzberichte Haïti (Verlag W. Kohlhammer RFA)

NOT. 9318 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - " (Libanon - idem)

NOT. 9319 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - " Tschad (idem)

NOT. 9320 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - " Vereinigte Staten (idem)


NOT. 9321 Le commissariat de Roissy en France (SERVAIR Paris 8e)

NOT. 9322 Tourism Bibliography R.S.70 (British Tourist Authority G.B.)

NOT. 9323

103 Archives nationales (France)

Some Travel and Transport demand analysis underbaken in Norway during the last years (Instit. of transport Economy Norvège)

NOT. 9324 Le problème de l'harmonisation de la structure tarifaire du voyage aérien international (thèse mémoire) Université des sciences sociales de Grenoble)

NOT. 9325 Development of International Air Passenger Travel - East, and South Asia and Pacific (O.A.C.I. Ontario)

NOT. 9326 Flughafen Frankfurt Air Consult Report 72 - " " " " RFA

NOT. 9327 Colloque international sur le partage des connaissances ferroviaires dans le monde (U.I.C. Paris 15e)

NOT. 9328 The Port of New York foreign Trade 71 (US Port of New York Authority)

NOT. 9329 Planning of Air Traffic Services for SST Aircraft (OACI Canada)

NOT. 9330 Eurospace - L'Europe et l'espace - Bilan et perspectives 61-71 (Eurospace Paris 7e)

NOT. 9331 The British on holiday - A summary of regular surveys on the taking of holidays of four nights or more by British adults (51-71) British Tourist Authority GB)

NOT. 9332 Groupe informatique Doc. 0672 GTI/03 - 12° congr-s - Genève (I.C.A.A. Orly) (en annexes : programme gal)

NOT. 9333 Bâtiments et services techniques et annexes Doc 0872 GTC/08 12° congrès Genève (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 9334 Gestion et formation du personnel (Doc 0272/18 - 12° congrès Genève (idem))

NOT. 9335 Gares de fret Doc 1272 GTB/14 12° congrès Geneve - (idem)

NOT. 9336 Aérogares passagers - Doc 1372 GTA/14 12° congrès Genève - (idem)

NOT. 9337 Groupe économique DC 0472 GTE/13 12° congrès Genève - (idem)

104 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9338 Présentation du Programme Safran - Analyse financière et rentabilité d'un grand projet d'investissement. Doc 0472 GTE/IB WP/2 12e congrès Genève (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 9339 Aviation in the Land of Soviets AD 734-069 (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 9340 Stages de perfectionnement 72-73 (Ecole Nat. Supérieure de l'Aéronaut. et de l'Espace et E.N.S. de techniques avancées) Bd Victor

NOT. 9341 Special study - Emergency landing techniques in small fixed-wing aircraft - Report N° NTSB.AAS.72-3 (N.T.S.B. Etats-Unis)

NOT. 9342 Comparison of the reports of "stichting voor Economisch onderzoek der Universiteit van Amsterdam" and of N.V. v/h Nederlandse stichting voor statistiek on the desired total accomodation in 1975 (Netherlands Tourist office Pays-Bas)

NOT. 9343 Les charters - Air France Square Max Hymans Dir. Relations extérieures - Svc d'information

NOT. 9344 Tourism statistics on Netherlands Residents - Netherlands Tourist Office Pays-Bas)

NOT. 9345 Les grandes villes du monde New-York NED 3872-3874 (la Documentation française)

NOT. 9346 Les économies régionales - L'économie de la région centre (la Doc. française)


NOT. 9347 La population de la France en 1968 (2ex) (idem)

NOT. 9348 Implications on Tourism of the Boeing 747 (European Travel Commission British Travel Association London)

NOT. 9349 Guidelines for Tourism Statistics TD/B/C.B/86 (O.N.U.US)

NOT. 9350 Collection of Tourism Statistics in Africa - E/CN 14/TRANS/47 - Economic Commission for Africa (idem)

105 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9351 Work of the Council of Mutual Economic assistance on Statistics of Tourism (GE.72.1249) (idem)

NOT. 9352 Quiet Short Field Aircraft - Infrastructure Aspects - SAAB.MBB.BAC Joint study group (B.A.C. London)

NOT. 9353 Europlane QSTOL - The short - Haul Transportation solution (B.A.C. Weybridge Surrey G.B.)

NOT. 9354 Liaisons combinées Chemin de fer/Aviation (rapport) (U.I.C. Commission Recherche Prospective 15° Paris)

NOT. 9355 Un système, pourquoi faire ? 12° congrès de l'I.C.A.A. (Air France Relations Publiques)

NOT. 9356 Charter Tourist Survey (Ceylon Tourist Board Ceylan)

NOT. 9357 Multidimensional Scating of sociometric data N° 02891 (Publications Depart. Institute for Social Research University of Michigan US)

NOT. 9358 Uses and Adresses of Guttman Sealing (N° 22780) (idem)

NOT. 9359 Interfreight 71 conference - Tomorrows Problems - (Maclean Hunter Ltd London)

NOT. 9360 Passenger survival in Turbojet ditchings (a critical case review)3 ex. (N.T.S.Board US)

NOT. 9361 Turbine fuel forecast 1972-81 (Air Transport Association of America US)

NOT. 9362 Economic Report of the President transmitted to the congress Feb. 1971 (Council of Economic Advisers US)

NOT. 9363 A general model for nonmetric multidimensional scating (University of Michigan Depart. J US)

NOT. 9364 Governments and Airlines (Reprint) International organization on University of Michigan US)

NOT. 9365

106 Archives nationales (France)

Forud arrangerede ferie - og selskabsrejser (Danmarks Statistik) (reclassé le 4.12.74 à Tourisme/Danemark année 71)

NOT. 9366 Recueil des textes relatifs au bruit - J.O. Rue Desaix

NOT. 9367 Plan comptable professionnel des industries aéronautiques et spatiales (arrêté du 8 mai 72) (J.O.)


NOT. 9368 The impact of air traffic on urban development west of London - Greater London council (Alan Stratford and Associates - Maindenhead G.B.)

NOT. 9369 Greater London Council - Helicopter Operations and Heliports S12/222 (Greater London Council London)

NOT. 9370 Helicopter noise in Central London (Alan Stratford and Asso. (idem))

NOT. 9371 Exploitatie Noord-Atlantische Passagiers-Lijndiensten - (K.L.M. Pays-Bas)

NOT. 9372 Atmospheric Effects of SUPERSONIC aircraft (Australian Academy of Science (Australie))

NOT. 9373 The feaseabilité of establishing Bangar International Airport as a major int'l Gateway (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9374 Airport congestion. The Economics of Rationing limited capacity (George Washington University US)

NOT. 9375 The Outward Urge : Japanese Investment World Wide (Economist Intelligence Unit G.B.)

NOT. 9376 Applications made in 1965 for variations of Domestic Tariffs with effects from 1st April 1966 Decisions and Reasons (Air Transport Licensing Board)


NOT. 9377 Reform of corporation Tax Cmnd 4630 - Value-added tax-Cmnd 4621 - British system of taxation - Pamphlet 10 (H.M.S.O. G.B.)

107 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9378 Airworthiness certification (Air Registration Board)

NOT. 9379 British Civil Airworthiness Requirements - Section A General information and procedure (A.R.B.)

NOT. 9380 Development and organization of British European Airways 1949 to 1960 - Paper N° 267 Seminar on Problems in Industrial administrat. (London school of Economics and Political Science)

NOT. 9381 Le commerce extérieur des régions Provence - Côte d'Azur et Corse en 1971 (C.C.I. Marseille)

NOT. 9382 Etude des transports rapides sur l'axe Paris-Sud-Est (la doc. française)

NOT. 9383 Economic report of the President (White house Publications div. US)

NOT. 9384 Dic Kosten im Luftverkehr (Dr J.L. Kneifel - Int'l Institute of Management Allemagne)

NOT. 9385 L'aviation civile en République populaire de Chine - (extrait revue N° 9/71) (J.L. KNEIFEL Revue gale de l'Air)

NOT. 9386 Wide Bodied jet aircraft operating cost and performance report - US Certificated Route Air Carriers 70- 72 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9387 Airport and airway development and revenue acts amendments of 1971 - Hearings - 92nd congress-1st session on S. 1437 Serial N° 92.19 (U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce US)

NOT. 9388 Activities of the US Travel Svc and Int'l Tourism - Hearing - 92nd congress, Serial N° 92.10 (U.S. Senate)

NOT. 9389 An econometric model of Cargo lon : a method for evaluating cargo lon reduction programs (DOT P 5200.3) (US Depart. of Transportation US)

NOT. 9390 Guidelones for the physical security of cargo (DOT P 5200.2) (idem)

NOT. 9391 Increased profits through freight claim reduction (DOT P 5200.4) - idem

108 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9392 Le fret à AIR FRANCE - (A.F. Paris 15ème)

NOT. 9393 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Länderkurzberichte Mongolei (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9394 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Burundi (idem)

NOT. 9395 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Länderkurzberichte Schweden (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9396 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Kuba (idem)

NOT. 9397 Rapport omtrent mogelijke vestigingsplaatsen voor een tweede nationale luchthaven in Nederland (Ministerie van Verkeer en Waterstaat Pays.B.)

NOT. 9398 Les transports maritimes 1971 (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 9399 Conférences ALTA prononcées lors de leur dernière assemblée (A.L.T.A. US)

NOT. 9400 Fleet Operators 1972 (Air Britain (Historians)) G.B.

NOT. 9401 Opportunities for cost reduction in the design of transport facilities for developing regions PB 207 520 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 9402 Aéroport de Paris n° 271 (La docum. française)

NOT. 9403 OCDE Etudes économiques Japon Juin 1972 (O.C.D.E. Paris 16ème)

NOT. 9404 Notes et études documentaires. Les grandes villes du monde - Budapest N° 3886-3887 (la doc. française)

NOT. 9405 Notes et édudes documentaires - L'Europe de l'Est en 71 N° 3878-3879-3880-3881 (la doc. française)

109 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9406 Evaluation of Traveler Svc - Problems Part I - DOT-OS-10212 - A PB210644 Part II PB 210645 (US D.O.T.)

NOT. 9407 Assises de Nice - Communications - Pré-rapport (Assemblée permanente C.C.I. Paris)

NOT. 9408 The Economic Situation of Developing Countries in 71 - Center for Afro-Asian Research Budapest)

NOT. 9409 Economic Impact of Airport Development (M.I.T. Cambridge)

NOT. 9410 Community Opposition to Airport Development R72.1 (idem)

NOT. 9411 Use of decision analysis in Airport development for Mexico City (idem)

NOT. 9412 Airport Access - Cost - Effective - Analysis - idem -

NOT. 9413 Optimal use of vehicular systems in the design of Airport Terminals - (idem)

NOT. 9414 Etude méthodologique pour l'établissement à l'échelle nationale et régionale de plans d'ensemble pour les transports - 15e table ronde (C.E.M.T.)

NOT. 9415 Aviation cost allocation study - Measures of use - Working paper N° 5 - U.S. DOT

NOT. 9416 Aviation cost allocation study - Excise Tax on Aviation Tires and Tubes - W.P. N° 6 (idem)

NOT. 9417 European Port Seminar - Transport in information - (C.C.I. Pays Bas Junior Chambers Rotterdam)

NOT. 9418 Air transport 1972 (A.T.A. Washington)


NOT. 9419 Regulation of International Air Fares (Hearings before subcomit. on Transp. and aeronautics of the committee on Interstate and foreign commerce - 92nd congress, 1st session on H.R. 11416 and H.R. 11825 N° 92-52 (US DOT)

110 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9420 Echos des communications N° 1/2 sur les transports en Belgique (Minist. des commun. et des PTT Belgique)

NOT. 9421 Summary of market price indications (Shell aviation svc London)

NOT. 9422 Summary of Availability (idem)

NOT. 9423 Le département de la Seine St Denis (la Doc. française)

NOT. 9424 Fusions et concentrations d'entreprises au Benelux - (idem)

NOT. 9425 L'environnement humain - Rapports de la France à l'ONU Stockholm - idem -

NOT. 9426 Relationships between general aviation aircraft and population (FAA US)

NOT. 9427 Part 239 - Reporting data pertaining to freight loss and damage claims by certain Air Carriers and Foereing route air carriers (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9428 No special 4 - Planification (P.C.M. Bulletin)

NOT. 9429 Simulation of terminal control corridor (Boston, Massachussetts) Final report FAA AT 71.1 (FAA US)

NOT. 9430 Changing vacation habits of americans - Past and future behavior (R.H. Bruskin Ass. US)

NOT. 9431 A first Approximation Satellite Terminal System Evaluation Model (FAA US)

NOT. 9432 The Brazilian Experiment in the Creation of an Aircraft Industry (Journal of Air Law and Commerce Dallas)

NOT. 9433 Note d'info. sur le bruit - Livre blanc - Memento - (AP.S.A.O. Villeneuve le Roi)

NOT. 9434

111 Archives nationales (France)

A brief history of the republic of Haiti for Foreigners Les cahiers du CHISS (O.N. du Tourisme et Relat. P. Haiti)

NOT. 9435 Summary of Noise Programs in the Federal Government (US Environmental Protection Agency)

NOT. 9436 National Transportation statistics - Summary report - US Depart. of Transportation

NOT. 9437 Tourism and value-added Tax - British Tourist Authority - London

NOT. 9438 Tourism and the environment - idem -

NOT. 9439 Airborne VHF Communications Transceiver system - ARINC Characteristics N° 546 (Aeronautical Radio, Inc US)

NOT. 9440 Airborne VHF Communications Transceiver and Mark I VHF SATCOM System - ARINC Charac. N° 566 (idem)


NOT. 9441 Un Simulatore RC d : cavo coassiale XIX° Congrès de Gènes (Instituto Int'l delle Comunication italie)

NOT. 9442 Considerazion relative ai trasferimenti di orbita piani XIX° Congrès de Gènes (idem)

NOT. 9443 Ricerca operativa e programmazione dei transporti marittimi di minerali e carboni per la siderurgia XIX° congrès (idem)

NOT. 9444 Il contributo ai perfezionamenti della modulazione a delta del gruppo CNR dell'Universta di Genova XIX° congrès (idem)

NOT. 9445 Packing : main reason of damages to the goods XIX° Congrès (idem)

NOT. 9446 Esperimento di un sistema informativo per il controllo della circolatione delle linee a intenso traffico (idem)

NOT. 9447

112 Archives nationales (France)

I primi passi della terminologia della comunicazione nella preistoria (idem)

NOT. 9448 il messaggio psicologico delle assicucazion (idem)

NOT. 9449 Modelo matematico sullo suiluppo dei grandi porti petroliferi in Italia (idem)

NOT. 9450 On the reminder of the C1 summation of the samples orthogonal series (idem)

NOT. 9451 Le déséquilibre des programmes d'études dans le domaine des télécommunications (idem)

NOT. 9452 La programmation dei servizi di informazione (idem)

NOT. 9453 Sul Veliuolo C/Sioh multimissione (idem)

NOT. 9454 Il "sistema" dei trasporti aerei : moderni indirizzi di programmazione e nuove esigente di ricerca (idem)

NOT. 9455 Integration of a data compression - erro correcting coding communication system - (idem)

NOT. 9456 Proposta di un sistema propulsivo ottimizzato per la acquisizione dell'orbita grostazionaria ed il controllo d'assetto di un veicolo spatiale (idem)

NOT. 9457 Antenne ariflettore ad alto rapporto avanti-indietro esperienze sumodelli (idem)

NOT. 9458 Digital filtering processing in communication systems (idem)

NOT. 9459 Sulle possibilita'del rientro dei una "space shuttle" in regime supersonico (idem)

NOT. 9460 Some experiments on convolutional coded transmissions through a communication salellite link (idem)

NOT. 9461 Some burst error correcting codes comparisons and experimental results (idem)

NOT. 9462 A digital vocoder based on spectral analysis with non uniform resolution, some preliminary results (idem)

113 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9463 Possibilita'di impiego degli aerei per il trasporto (idem)

NOT. 9464 Validita' di un modello matematico di programmazione generale degli investimenti nei trasporti (idem)

NOT. 9465 Il problema del bilanciamento nei satelliti per telecomunication ni stabilizzati aspin (idem)

NOT. 9466 Ampliamenti dei porti mercantili e implicante urbanistiche (idem)

NOT. 9467 Applicazione della teoria dei controlli al modulatorre delta (idem)

NOT. 9468 Tecnica di diffusione dell'informazione fondata su un modello matematico (idem)

NOT. 9469 Modello del canale di comunicazione nell' appercezione (idem)

NOT. 9470 Le fibre ottiche come mezzo di transmissione per sistemi di telecomunicazioni a grandissima capacita'e lunga distanza (idem)

NOT. 9471 Prediction of ionospheric scintillations for satellite signals in communications and navigation (idem)

NOT. 9472 Des chiffres pour al programmation des activités spatiales européennes d'application (idem)

NOT. 9473 Ricerche sulla formulazione di una metodologia interdisciplinare nell'analisi dei sistemi di trasporto terrestre (idem)

NOT. 9474 Propettive e problemi della commutazione dati (idem)

NOT. 9475 Il problema della comunicazioni nei sistemi di elaborazione dati a distanza (idem)

NOT. 9476 Esperimento di gestione di un parco di locomotive amezzo di un elaboratore electronico (idem)

NOT. 9477 Zntrale stenerung integrierter seetransport systeme unter besonderer berücksichtigung des containerverkehrs (idem)

114 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9478 L'attivita degt. organismi international : preposti al coordinamento tecnico delle telecomunication XIX° Congrès (idem)

NOT. 9479 Il piano quinquennale FS per le elaborzion : elettroniche (idem)

NOT. 9480 La programmazione dei trasport : col metods dei "turn" Aspetti taorici e organizzativi del problema (idem)

NOT. 9481 Prestozioni ottenibili da un modulatore a delta asemplice integrazione a 2n livelli (idem)

NOT. 9482 Breve rassegna di massima dei costi unitar : dei traffici publici tenestri in Italia (idem)

NOT. 9483 Equipments Multiplex Delta P.A. 60 (Istituto Internazionale delle Comunicazioni)

NOT. 9484 Dynamic calculation of continuous bars used in construction of a single rail (idem)

NOT. 9485 Stability under the action of impulses, of twin walled bars used in the construction of aircraft, ships and bridges (idem)

NOT. 9486 A digital curve follower for pattern recognition purposes (idem)

NOT. 9487 Analisi spettrale di signal : modulati delta (idem)

NOT. 9488 "Comunicazione" e "Comunicazioni" (idem)

NOT. 9489 L'impiego degli elaboratori elettronici per l'archiviazione, da gestione, la diffusione delle informazion (idem)

NOT. 9490 Elementi per l'impostazione del controllo semi-automatico di fenovie suburbane (idem)

NOT. 9491 Maritime Satellite Navigation (idem)

115 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9492 Teoria dell'informazione e linguaggio (idem)

NOT. 9493 Updating and rearrangement facilities in a computer procedure for the optimal design of a large telephone network (idem)

NOT. 9494 Rigidly connected tug. Barges in modern ocean transportation (idem)

NOT. 9495 La modulazione a delta come processo di Markov (idem)

NOT. 9496 Programmation de flottes et prévisions de trafic - Le point de vue d'un économiste (idem)

NOT. 9497 NASA Post. Apollo Programs XIX° Congrès - idem -

NOT. 9498 Informazione, diffusione e comunicazione delle Assicurazioni (idem)

NOT. 9499 Fuel supplies to road retail outlets : planning of tanklorry trips by computer (idem)


NOT. 9500 Il sistema ATCAS Italiano (idem)

NOT. 9501 Tourisme - Etude sectorielle (Banque mondiale - Svc de l'information

NOT. 9502 Bill S.2549 - Bill S.3513 - Bill S.2548 (US Senate) (Committee on Commerce.)

NOT. 9503 The Airlines of Japan Serving urban growth - Research report CI.804.2310 (Mc Donnel Douglas US)

NOT. 9504 The Airlines of the Caribbean and Central America - (idem)

NOT. 9505 U T O L. A european study - volume I : the study areas. (Depart. of Trade and Industry G.B.)

NOT. 9506 U.T.O.L. A european study - volume II : potential sites - idem -

116 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9507 U.T.O.L. A european " - volume III : business travel - idem -

NOT. 9508 Fréquentation touristique de la Corse - Rapport 1 : méthodologie et résultats statistiques bruts - O.T.A.M.

NOT. 9509 Fréquentation touristique de la Corse - Rapport 2 - Présentation des principaux résultats (idem)

NOT. 9510 Régulation of Rates and Practices of Air Carriers and foreign Air Carriers - Hearings before the subcommittee on Aviat. of the committee on Commerce (US Senate Washington)

NOT. 9511 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Länderkurtberichte Israel (Verlag W. Kohlhommer)

NOT. 9512 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - " Irak (idem)

NOT. 9513 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - " Sudan (idem)

NOT. 9514 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - " Observolta (idem)


NOT. 9515 Aviation cost allocation study - Ferecasto of user tax aevenue contributions to the airport and airway trust fund (W.P. N° 7 - U.S. D.O.T.)

NOT. 9516 Aviation cost Allocation study - Design Nationale for a general aviation national airspace system - US DOT

NOT. 9517 First annual report on the implementation of the statement on national transportation policy (US DOT)

NOT. 9518 Japanese Domestic traffic forecasts and aircraft requirements (Mc Douglas Aircraft CO US)

NOT. 9519 Monographs on the North Atlantic - The largest identifiable air transport market place in the world (part I) FAA US

117 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9520 Monographs on the North Atlantic - Part II A look at some (idem)

NOT. 9521 Monographs on " " " - Part III (FAA US)

NOT. 9522 Monographs " " " " - Part IV (idem)

NOT. 9523 Monographs " " " " - Part V : A look at flights (idem)


NOT. 9524 Dossier sur l'aide des Etats aux industries hotelières (U.I.O.O.T.)

NOT. 9525 Turbine - Engined fleets of the world's airlines (Esso AIr World Courbevoie)

NOT. 9526 Transports - No special - X° anniversaire de l'indépendance de l'Algérie ; Juillet 62 - Juillet 72 (DACMN) algérie

NOT. 9527 Le budget de 1972 (la Documentation française)

NOT. 9528 Schéma directeur Buenos Aires - cahiers volume 26 (I.A.U.R.P. Paris)

NOT. 9529 Choix entre transports publics et transports individuels en région parisienne - Cahiers vol. 26 (idem)

NOT. 9530 Les techniques nouvelles de transport (volume 26) (idem)


NOT. 9531 Localisation et aménagement de terrains industriels - Tome I - Expériences dans les pays de la communauté européenne en G.B. et aux USA (J.O. Publications de la C.E.E.)

NOT. 9532 Localisation et aménagement de terrains industriels - tome 2 : complexes indust. planifiés aux USA (idem)

NOT. 9533

118 Archives nationales (France)

Communautés urbaines - Brochure N° 1318 - J.O.

NOT. 9534 1972 National transportation report - Present status - Future alternatives - Executive summary - U.S. DOT

NOT. 9535 Western samoa - Develop. of the visitor industry 72-76 (O.N.U. Depart. of economic development Samoa Occidentales)

NOT. 9536 Problèmes d'économie de l'environnement - O.C.D.E.

NOT. 9537 L'évolution de la dépense dans les pays de l'OCDE (OCDE)

NOT. 9538 Chicago Urban Noise study - 1- Noise in the urban environ. 2-Noise control by lax 3- Noise control - Technology etc... (Bolt Beranek and Newman US)

NOT. 9539 A first approximation satellite terminal evaluation model - N.T.I.S.

NOT. 9540 Survival in Emergency Escape from passenger aircraft - N.T.I.S.

NOT. 9541 Maplin Airport - Choice of sites for Munways (depart. of the environment G.B.)


NOT. 9542 Business Jets International - Air Britain G.B.)

NOT. 9543 A study of US Air Carrier Accidents 64-69 (N.T.S.B. US)

NOT. 9544 Prévisions de transport aérien au canada - Statistics Canada Ottawa

NOT. 9545 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Länderkurzberichte Algerien (Verlag W. Hohlhommer)

NOT. 9546 Allegemeine statistik des auslandes - " Honduras (idem)

119 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9547 Allgemeine statistik des " - " Nicaragua (idem)

NOT. 9548 Allgemeine statistik des " - " Madagaskar (idem)

NOT. 9549 Britain's aircraft industry and european co-operation (Flifht intern. London)

NOT. 9550 Les modèles et leur méthodologie - applications à l'étude des flux et des moyens dans le transport aérien (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9551 Factors influencing capacity and efficiency in Air Traffic Control (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9552 Airports and the Community COM 72.50072 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9553 Study of aircraft in intraurban transportation systems volume I (idem)

NOT. 9554 Study of aircraft in Intraurban transp. systems (Volume 4) (idem)

NOT. 9555 Systems in Aviation 1971 - Technical symposium (B.A.L.P.A.)

NOT. 9556 Proceedings of the ION Nal Air Meeting. Theme : "Navigation for general aviation and navig. training" (Institute of navigation US)

NOT. 9557 SAE - AIAA - ASME Conference Proceedings - P.HO 6th int'l forum air cargo (Society of automotive Engineers US)

NOT. 9558 SAE - AIAA - ASME - conf. proceedings - Air Transportation conference - (idem)

NOT. 9559 10° rapport de la commission des comptes des transports de la nation (les collections de l'INSEE 16 C. comptes et planification) (INSEE)

NOT. 9560 Plan de navigation aérienne - Régions caraïbes et Amérique du sud - (OACI)

120 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9561 Pilotage error in area navigation - performance of invest. Pilots Using Symbolic Display (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 9562 Fundamental limitations on U/STOL terminal juidance due to aircraft characteristics (NASA )

NOT. 9563 Head up dislay study AD 738591 (N.T.I.S. Virginia)

NOT. 9564 Display and related system requirements for IFR speed approach (NTIS)

NOT. 9565 Vacances et tourisme - Enquete auprès d'un échantillon de ménages de la zone métropolitaine de Montréal - (Presses universitaires de l'Université de Quebec)

NOT. 9566 An analysis of vertical/short make off and landing aircraft on short -to- medium haul routes (S.L. Katten § Ass. US)

NOT. 9567 Feasibility of an all -freighten airport at Waco-Texas (SARC Washington, NT.I.S. US)

NOT. 9568 A study of british travel habits and patterns vol I (US Department of Commerce US travel svc - NT.I.S. US)

NOT. 9569 Collision avoidance system analysis - vol I (NTIS)

NOT. 9570 A policy paper - Guidelines for national aviation system planning and R § D Policy (NTIS)


NOT. 9571 Engineering and program development goals achievements trends (NTIS)

NOT. 9572 Economic utilization of gal aviation airport unways (idem)

NOT. 9573 Les actions de politique industrielle et technologique de la communauté à entreprendre dans le secteur aéronautique - communication etc.. (C.E.E.)

NOT. 9574

121 Archives nationales (France)

Sixtte report from the expenditure committee - session 71-72 - Public money in the privati secgor vol I (HMSO)

NOT. 9575 Meeting the competition for the world tourism dollar in the 70's 15th program report Janua. Dec. 1970 (Government PRINTING OFFICE Washington)

NOT. 9576 Plan de navigation aérienne - Région afrique - océan indien (Oaci)

NOT. 9577 State airport system - Airline passenger ticket survey - sup. N° 2 to technical paper N°17 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9578 State airport system - Airline passenger ticket survey - idem -

NOT. 9579 European and US Aircraft development strategies P. 4748 (Rand Corporation Report Department Santa Monica)

NOT. 9580 Special study - Jet Blast Hazards - NTSB US

NOT. 9581 State héliport system feasibility study (connecticut department of transportation USA)

NOT. 9582 Comprehensive Hydroport Study (The Commisioner of Marine § Aviation New-York)

NOT. 9583 Supersonic Dynamic stability Experiments on theSpace Shuttle (A.I.A.A. Canada National Research Council of Canada)

NOT. 9584 Charterstatistik 1.1 30.6.72 (Depart of civil aviation Suède)

NOT. 9585 747 - Story of the Boeing Super Jet (Aero Publishers US)

NOT. 9586 Proceedings of the 1972 National Cargo Security Conference (US DOT)

NOT. 9587 Multivariate Model Building - The validation of a Search Strategy (I.S.R. University of Michigan US)


122 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9588 Les lités du tourisme canadien 72 (Direction de l'Industrie touristique Ottawa)

NOT. 9589 Le tourisme et le transport aérien dans les Iles Caraibes (Georges François Dormoy)

NOT. 9590 Interim Wisconsin Airport System Plan (State of Wiscousin D.O.T. US)

NOT. 9591 Inn Keeping : a new role for the airlines (reprint) (H.E. Lane Room 431 Michigan state Univers. US)

NOT. 9592 Le transport aérien en proie au vertige (Usine nouvelle Paris 9°)

NOT. 9593 British Airport Authority Airports - Terms and conditions of use (B.A.A. Grande Bretagne)

NOT. 9594 XX° Congrès int'l de Médecine Aéronautique et spatiale (Air France - Svc des relations extérieures)

NOT. 9595 Marine Marchande 1972 (Journal de la marine marchande Paris 8°)

NOT. 9596 A review of the status of Air Cushion Technology including suggestions for the organization of a Canadian Research Develop. Program. (N.T.I.S. USA)

NOT. 9597 Study of Aircraft in intraurban transportation systems Final report - Vol. 2 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9598 Study of Aircraft in intraurban transportation - Final report vol. 3 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9599 Fog Dissipation techniques for Emergency Use (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9600 AGARD Bulletin N° 721 (idem) AD 739338


NOT. 9601 Loi N° 72-619 du 5.07.72 portant création et organisation des régions (7 fasc. intérieurs) (J.O.)

NOT. 9602

123 Archives nationales (France)

Desserte de Roissy en France (Air Inter Dir. Commerciale Svc Etude et Prévisions Paris 1er)

NOT. 9603 Northeast Corridor VTOL Investigation - Final submittal of written information of Mc Donnell Douglas Corporation (Mc Donnell Douglas Corp. Missouri)

NOT. 9604 Marktgerechte Flugzengauste - dung (U.F.W.)

NOT. 9605 Guam 1971 - The Pacific's Growth Leader (Depart. of Commerce Guam US)

NOT. 9606 Proceedings of Singapore Tourism Seminar - Tourist Promotion Board Singapour

NOT. 9607 The influence of future operational and technical requirements on the design of short field aircraft (Hawker Siddeley)

NOT. 9608 VSTOL ist Norwendig ! (U.F.W.)

NOT. 9609 Einflussgrössen aufdie Direkten Betribskasten eines U/STOL Passagierfligzenges (D.G.L.R.)

NOT. 9610 Limitations on Airport Expansion - Hearing before the subcommittee on transportat. and Aeronautics of the committ. on Interstate and foreign commerce - House of representatives -

NOT. 9611 Northeast Corridor VTOL Investigation (Docket 19028) Direct Exhibit of Sikorsky Aircraft US)


NOT. 9612 Response to Eastern Engineering report E-482 (Sikorsky Aircraft) idem - Volume 1 : General description

NOT. 9613 Response to Eastern Engineering report N° E-482 - Volume II : Performance report (idem) Sikorsky aircraft.

NOT. 9614 Response to Eastern Engineering report n° E-482 - volume III - technical requirements (idem)

NOT. 9615 Response to Eastern Engineering report E-482 - volume IV Power Plant (idem) Stratford, Connecticut.

124 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9616 Response to EASTERN Engineering report E-482 - volume V Reliability and Maintainability (idem)

NOT. 9617 Response to Eastern Engineering Report E-482 - volume VI V-Port Interface (idem)

NOT. 9618 Response to Eastern Engineering Report E-482 - volume VII Economics - Parts I and II (idem)

NOT. 9619 Response to Eastern Engineering Report E-482 - volume VIII Regulations and standards (idem)

NOT. 9620 Response to Eastern Engineering Report E-482 - volume IX Passenger compartment, baggage and freight (idem)

NOT. 9621 Response to Eastern Engineering Report X : Flight Deck Configuration (idem)

NOT. 9622 Response to Eastern Engineering Report XI : Flyng Characteristics (idem)

NOT. 9623 Response to Eastern Engineering Report E-482 - volume XII Community Noise and Air Pollution characteristics (idem)


NOT. 9624 The introduction of VTOL Systems into Commercial Short. Haul Air Transportation. (idem) Sikorsky Aircraft

NOT. 9625 Model 751C/STOL Airplane System Integration D6-23559 (Boeing Commercial Aircraft Division USA)

NOT. 9626 Model 751C/STOL Operational Flexibility of a Subsonic Jet D6.23558 (idem)

NOT. 9627 Model 751C/STOL General Description D6.23557 (idem)

NOT. 9628 Special study - Midair Collisions in U.S. Civil Aviation 69-70 (N.T.S.B. USA)

NOT. 9629 Trends in Units Costs - Int'l/Territorial Operations of the Passenger/Cargo Carriers 1st edition (Statistical Division Bureau of Accounts and statistics Washington)

125 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9630 First report on organisation paper N° 386 (H.M.S.O. G.B.)

NOT. 9631 Some preliminary studies of factors influencing airport capacity including curved final approach Paths (Royal Aircraft Establishment G.B.)

NOT. 9632 Dispense Riassuntive di diritto della navigazione aerea per : corsi di istruzione agli assistenti di bordo (A.T.D. Napoli)

NOT. 9633 Reaties in force (Government Printing office - Superintendent of document USA)

NOT. 9634 An all Turbofan UTUL or STOH intercity transport (AIAA Paper N° 69-1039 (A.I.A.A.)

NOT. 9635 A promising Concept for the joint development of military intra-Theater and commercial inter-urban UTOL transports Paper N° 203 (American Helicopter Society USA)

NOT. 9636 Air Inter - Projet d'étude Thèmes d'étude - Air Inter 15°

NOT. 9637 Extraits enquête Pax 1971 (Air Inter idem)

NOT. 9638 Le marché charter (idem)

NOT. 9639 Communication de la commission au conseil concernant les actions de politique industrielle et technologique de la communauté à entreprendre dans le secteur aéronaut. Vol. 1 Vol II et vol II (Textes d'applic., Annexes) (C.E.E.)

NOT. 9640 Projet de décision (CEE) du conseil relatif aux premiers éléments d'une action commune en matière de transport aér. (COM 72 695 final) (idem)

NOT. 9641 Trends in the Hotel-Motel Business (Harris Kerr, Forster a Compagny USA)

NOT. 9642 International Aviation Snow Symposium (très peu de renseignements) American Assoc. of Airport Executives US)

126 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9643 L'analyse hiérarchique (SEMA Paris 16°)

NOT. 9644 Projet de loi de Finances pour 1970 - Annexe - Svc notés, mesures nouvelles - Transports (I II III IV) Imprimerie nationale

NOT. 9645 Entreprises touristiques et transport aérien international Une politique géographique - Centre d'études du tourisme à Aix.


NOT. 9646 First report from the select committee on Nationalised industries together with minutes of proceedings of the Committee, minutes of evidence, appendices and index (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 9647 Transportation facilitation Forum on Improvement of Svc for People Who Travel (de 1 à 10) (US Depart. of Transp.)

NOT. 9648 The impact of aircraft Emissions Upon Air quality (S.A.E.)

NOT. 9649 Monitoring and Modeling of Airport Air Pollution (S.A.E.)

NOT. 9650 Estimation of Engine Emissions at Altitude through ground testing (idem)

NOT. 9651 Nouvelles informations de pilotage et de conduite de l'avion (mémoire) (ENAC)

NOT. 9652 Analyse d'un concept de capacité pour un système de circulation aérienne (mémoire) (ENAC)

NOT. 9653 Programme d'enseignement - Vol I : ingénieurs de l'A.C. Vol II, III, IV : élèves pilotes de ligne (ENAC)

NOT. 9654 Airport Noise Pollution : the problem and the regulatory response (York University Transport Center Canada)

NOT. 9655 L'horaire variable ou litre (la documentation française)


127 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9656 L'étalement des vacances (Belgique, G. Bretagne, Italie Pays Bas, R.F.A., Suède) (idem)

NOT. 9657 Le tourisme en Afrique du NOrd (idem)

NOT. 9658 Les activités maritimes de la communauté économique européenne (la documentation française)

NOT. 9659 L'espace Nord-Champenois - Travaux et recherches de prospective N° 24 (idem)

NOT. 9660 Classes de neige, classes de mer et de nature (idem)

NOT. 9661 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Landerkurzberichte Singapour (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9662 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Sud-Vietnam (idem)

NOT. 9663 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Fidschi (idem)

NOT. 9664 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Rumanien (idem)

NOT. 9665 Les aéroports modernes et leurs accès - Aéroport de Paris

NOT. 9666 La circulation routière - Faits et chiffres (Union routière de France)

NOT. 9667 Airport Ground Equipment Recent Development (C.A.T.C. GB)

NOT. 9668 Intégration verticale et horizontale dans le tourisme (U.I.O.O.T. Suisse)

NOT. 9669 European Travel Market Study (E.T.C. Irelande)


NOT. 9670 The Budget of the United States - F.Y. 1973 - 92nd congress, 2nd session (US Senate Appropriations Committee USA)

128 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9671 Local Service Air Carrier's Unit Costs - Yeard ended March 31, 1972 5C.A.B. USA)


NOT. 9672 Handbook of Airline Statistiks - 1971 édition (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9673 Commuter Air Carrier Traffic Statistics - 31 December 71 (idem)

NOT. 9674 Subsidy for U.S. Certificated Air Carriers (idem)

NOT. 9675 Air Travel Projections. Canadian Domestic and Transborder 71-81 - Research Publication 29. Canadian Transport Commis.

NOT. 9676 Plan 1971-1975 - Les secteurs de production - Transport et communications - Ministère des affaires économiques Belgique

NOT. 9677 Incidence de l'évolution du régime monétaire sur certains programmes aéronautiques en coopération (C.N.E.I.A.)

NOT. 9678 Les méthodes d'entreprise : une application à la cie nationale AIR FRANCE (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9679 Estimation et possibilités d'accroissement de la capacité des pistes (idem)

NOT. 9680 L'aéroport - Accès aériens et terrestres. Les problèmes à résoudre. 5° colloque internat. (idem)

NOT. 9681 C. Rendu du 12° congrès de I.C.A.A. Doc 7206 - Systèmes planning of air transport etc... (I.C.A.A. Orly)

NOT. 9682 Le Transport Aérien, Catalyseur du Tourisme mondial - Doc AGM 28/13 et AGM 28/12 (I.A.T.A. Suisse)

NOT. 9683 Localisation - Aéroport unique ou non. 5° colloque int'l (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9684 L'aéroport dans son conteste urbain et régional - 5° colloque int'l (idem)

129 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9685 L'encombrement de l'espace aérien - 5° colloque int'l (Idem)

NOT. 9686 European Airport Growth - Interavia S.A. Suisse

NOT. 9687 Aspects of Beograd Airport Economic and Traffic Develop. (documents remis à M. Lombardi lors de son voyage en Yougoslavie)


NOT. 9688 Intercity Passenger Transport Study (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 9689 Aerospace and the environment in the '70's. Proceedings. (Abbotsford Intil Air Show Society)

NOT. 9690 5th Annual Int'l - Directory of helicopter - Operators and Equipement (Rotor § Wing US)

NOT. 9691 A proposed criteria for aircraft flight in turbulence (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 9692 Evaluating the noises of transportation proceedings of a Symposium on acceptability criteria for transportation Noise (idem)

NOT. 9693 The Times 1000 - Leading world industrial and financial compagnies 72/73 (Times Newspaper London)

NOT. 9694 Statistiques du trafic non régulier enregistré dans les Etats de la CEAC - 1971 (C.E.A.C. Neuilly sur Seine)

NOT. 9695 An analysis of Preferences for system characteristics to cause a mode shift. (University of British Columbia Canada)

NOT. 9696 A study of the intervals between successive aircraft on final approach at Heathrow airport, London (Depart. of Trade and Industry - Scientific Advisers Div.)

NOT. 9697 The DIgital computer simulation model of Airport ground Movement systems (idem)

NOT. 9698

130 Archives nationales (France)

Effects of B. 747 on arrival runway capacity at Heathrow (idem)

NOT. 9699 Distribution statistique de trafic horaires sur les aéroports (S.G.A.C. - S.E.E.P.)

NOT. 9700 Runway capacity model - DORA Com. 7106 (Depart. of Trade and Industry - Civil aviation London)

NOT. 9701 Aéroport de Paris - C.R. des missions effectuées aux Etats-Unis en Juin 71 et Juin 72 (2 fas.) (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 9702 Tourism and the Balance of Payements (U.S. Depart. of Commerce US Travel Svc)

NOT. 9703 Accidents survenus entre le 20.12.40 et le 30.12.49 - Archives 1 (S.G.A.C. - IGACEM - BEA)


NOT. 9704 17th annual corporate aircraft safety - seminar. (Flight safety Foundation USA)

NOT. 9705 4ème Symposium Int'l sur la théorie et la pratique dans l'économie des transports - Thèmes 1, 2, 3) (C.E.M.T.)

NOT. 9706 Données sur la Pologne - Esquisse de l'industrie polonaise - la Pologne - Partenaire commercial - le socialisme - le dével. nat. etC (édition Interpress)

NOT. 9707 Fundamental Limitations on V/STOL - Terminal Guidance due to aircraft characteristics - (N.A.S.A.)

NOT. 9708 Workbook - National aviation concept plan for the federal aviation Administration (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9709 Estimated instantaneous airborne traffic in the Pacific Technical Note (FAA USA)

NOT. 9710 Illustrative Applications of AIr Traffic Control System capacity study methodology interim report (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9711 Contribution à une psycho-sociologie des comportements urbains. Choix de moyen de transport - Rapport introductif à une table ronde d'économie du Transp. de la CEMT (Ministère de l'Equipement et

131 Archives nationales (France)

du Log. St Germain)

NOT. 9712 Productivity and Employment costs of the local svc airlines from 57 through 71, with recent data for 72 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9713 Effect of stage length on local svc operations, F.Y. 71 (idem)


NOT. 9714 Analyse synoptique des conditions atmosphériques associés à deux cas de turbulence stratosphérique (Météo Av. Rapp)

NOT. 9715 Airline view of STOL System Requirements (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9716 Rail Passenger statistics in the Norheast Corridor 71 (idem)

NOT. 9717 Methods of evaluation of the effects of transportation systems on community values (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9718 New York airport feasibility study (idem)

NOT. 9719 Design study of general aviation collision avoidance system (idem)

NOT. 9720 Airport environs - Land Use Controls (idem)

NOT. 9721 I.R.U. XIII° Congrès - Discours et résolutions (Union Int'l des transports routiers Suisse)

NOT. 9722 A bibliography of the domestic intercity travel market (College of commerce § industrie - University of Wyoming)

NOT. 9723 New transportation systems and technology treports (Highway research Board USA)

NOT. 9724 Transportation Costs - 5 reports (idem)

NOT. 9725

132 Archives nationales (France)

Transportation Demand and analysis techniques - 18 reports (idem)

NOT. 9726 Aviation Cost Allocation Study - Benefits - W.Paper N° 9 (US D.O.T.)

NOT. 9727 Aviation Cost Allocation Study - Nat. Transportation Safety Board (W.P. N° 12) (idem)

NOT. 9728 Aviation Cost Allocation Study - Nat. Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration - W.P. N° 13 (idem)


NOT. 9729 Aircraft operating cost and performance report for calndar years 70. § 71 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9730 Dossier sur le tourisme (Ministère d'Etat chargé du Tourisme Cote d'Ivoire)

NOT. 9731 New York and 's $ 7 Billion Bonanza (A.T.A. of America)

NOT. 9732 The economic impact of tourism in the mid-western tourism region (Aer Rianta Irlande)

NOT. 9733 Les grandes liaisons routières - histoire d'un schéma (D.A.T.A.R. Doc française)

NOT. 9734 Technologie et aménagement du territoire - Premières réflexions. (idem)

NOT. 9735 Un outil de gestion et de décision à AIR FRANCE. "Satisfaction - Qualité - Coût" (idem)

NOT. 9736 Rapport du directeur - Assemblée à Stockholm (A.I.C.M.A.)

NOT. 9737 Report on Aviation's Environmental Action (US DOT)


NOT. 9738 Aviation cost allocation study - W.P. N° 10 - Allocations of airport and airway system costs (US DOT)

NOT. 9739 Aviation cost allocation study - WP N° 14 - United states coast guard (US DOT)

133 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9740 Contournement autoroutier de Lyon (C.E.T.E. Bron)

NOT. 9741 Etude des déplacements engendrés par les sports d'hiver (2 volumes (idem)

NOT. 9742 Introduction à la recherche opérationnelle (Institut de Recherche des Transports Arcueil)

NOT. 9743 THe national geo-coding conference proceedings (US DOT)

NOT. 9744 The role of transportation in regional economic develop. (Charles River Associates USA)


NOT. 9745 Cartes des zones de peuplement industriel ou urbain (I.N.S.E.E.) 6 cartes

NOT. 9746 Projections démographiques poru al France Série D-6 (I.N.S.E.E.)

NOT. 9747 Neuer Verkehrsflughafen Münhen - Projektbeschreibung - Standort Erding-Nord/Freising (Flughafen MUNCHEN-RIEM G.M.B.H.)

NOT. 9748 Vertical integration in the travel and leisure industry (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9749 Accord conclu entre les adminis. de l'aviation civile du Danemark, Norvège, des Pays Bas, de la Suède et Suisse au sujet des accords de coopération technique entre KLM, SAS et SWISSAIR (OACI)

NOT. 9750 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - Landerkurzberichte Irland (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9751 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - " Libyen (idem)

NOT. 9752 Allgemeine Statistik des Auslandes - " Mexico (idem)

NOT. 9753 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - " Nigeria (idem)

134 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9754 A survey of tourism and hotels in south africa - Statsinform (Pty) Ptd.

NOT. 9755 A domestic multi-modal goods distribution model with emphasis on air cargo (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9756 Methods of evaluation of the effects of transp. systems on community values (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 9757 Institution building for transport development in developing countries (United Nations Publications Office)

NOT. 9758 IFR aircraft Landled - forecast by air route control center F.Y. 1972-83 (FAA USA)

NOT. 9759 Aviation technical assistance (1ex franc. 1 ex. anglais) (idem)

NOT. 9760 The magnitude of the supplemental Air Carrier Operations (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9761 8th annual FAA Int'l Aviation Maintenance Symposium (FAA USA)

NOT. 9762 61st memorial lecture. The future of Air Commerce (ROyal Aeronautical Society London)

NOT. 9763 Marine marchande 1972 (Journal Marine Marchande)

NOT. 9764 Les transports en Afrique (Industries et Travaux d'Outre-Mer)

NOT. 9765 First annual report on financial condition of aircraft and airway trust fund - 92nd congress - 2nd session (U.S. Ambassade de France aux Etats Unis)

NOT. 9766 High Speed ground transportation extension - 92nd congress 2nd session (idem)

NOT. 9767 Le projet Paris-Lyon - Bulletin d'infor. des cadres) N° 52 (S.N.C.F.)

NOT. 9768

135 Archives nationales (France)

The spatial demand for air travel and airport systems planning (University of Sheffield)

NOT. 9769 Etude du marché potentiel de liaisons aériennes au départ de Roanne (A.U.R.O.C.) Puteaux

NOT. 9770 Aspects of Structural safety in general aviation airplanes (Society of Automotive Engineer US)

NOT. 9771 FAA participation in airport construction (idem)

NOT. 9772 SECANT. A solution to the problem of mid-air collisions (idem)

NOT. 9773 The NASA advanced transport technology program (idem)

NOT. 9774 New concepts in developing flight airworthiness requirem. (idem)

NOT. 9775 Commercial applications of quiet aircraft technology (idem)

NOT. 9776 Inspectability criteria for airframes designed to fatigue/Fail-Safe requirements (Society of Automative Engineers (US))

NOT. 9777 Reactions of pilots to warning systems for visual collision avoidance (idem)

NOT. 9778 Developement of the JT 15D-1 Turbofan engine (idem)

NOT. 9779 Methods of crashworthiness testing for aircraft design (idem)

NOT. 9780 Aircraft fire protection technology applications (idem)

NOT. 9781 A look at U/STOL for business aircraft (S.A.E. USA)

NOT. 9782 Future trends in aircraft design (idem)

NOT. 9783 The airworthiness certification of Concorde (idem)

136 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9784 A progress report ont he development of an augmentor wing jet STOL research aircraft (idem)

NOT. 9785 Installation and integration of transonic transport propulsion systems (idem)

NOT. 9786 Olympus 593 powerplant in Concorde (idem)No 710775


NOT. 9787 A review of air traffic control (N.T.I.S. US) No 72-20577

NOT. 9788 Les résidences secondaires en France dans le cadre de l'habitat de loisirs NED 3939-40 (documentation française)

NOT. 9789 Problèmes d'Amérique Latine - Caraibes NED 3935-36 (idem)

NOT. 9790 Schéma général d'aménagement de la France. Une image de la France en l'Air 2000 - Doc. - Méthodes de travail - Recherches de prospecus N° 30 (idem)

NOT. 9791 Air Taxi Safety Study NTSB-AAS-72.9 (N.T.S.B. US)

NOT. 9792 Special study - General aviation stall/spin accidents 67-69 NTSB AAS 72.8 (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 9793 Forecast of scheduled domestic air travel for the 50 stats 1972-1981 (3 ex + 1) (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9794 Seasonally adjusted traffic for individual Airlines-Scheduled domestic operations-domestic trunkairlines (idem) C.A.B.

NOT. 9795 Restoring competition in the - N. York, Chicago - Cleveland Detroit - Philadelphie and Cleveland, Philadelphie airline markets (idem)

NOT. 9796 Air Travel in the Seventies. The economic potential (idem)

NOT. 9797

137 Archives nationales (France)

The demand for air travel - a regression study of time-series and non-sectional data in the U.S. Domestic market (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9798 Le développment des hébergements de moyenne catégorie en région parisienne (C.C.I. Paris)


NOT. 9799 Runway distribution study (selected countries) AD 742 093 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9800 Forecast of passenger travel in Canada's domestic longhaul air market Report 44 (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 9801 The overseas travel market of Japan (Marketing § Sales Adminis. Depart. Japan Air Lines Japon)

NOT. 9802 Une politique de l'aéronautique civile et militaire pour l'Europe. Doc 592 18° session ordinaire (Union de l'Europe occidentale)

NOT. 9803 Il transporto aereo come sistema integrato in un contesto di situazioni obiettivamente difficit (S.E.A. El directore Gale Milano)

NOT. 9804 A economia brasileira 1972 (Frank brandenburge Associados Brésil)

NOT. 9805 The politics of airport noise (Duxbury Press USA)

NOT. 9806 Le Marketing, facteur d'évolution du tourisme (U.I.O.O.T. Suisse)

NOT. 9807 High speed ground transportation documentation of preliminary engineering, Los Angeles Intil airport (N.T.I.S.) PB 211833

NOT. 9808 Study of noise in air traffic control center, flight center svc station air traffic control tower and remote facilities report FAA.RD72.47 AD 743095 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9809 High altitude equipment for civil aviation aircraft JPRS 55454 (Idem)

138 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 9810 Rapport fait au nom de la commission des transports sur la proposition de la Com. des Communautés européennes au Conseil (Doc 134/72) conc. une décision relative aux premiers éléments d'une action commune en matière de T.Aérien Doc 195/72 (Parlement européen Luxembourg)

NOT. 9811 Rapport de la 16° Table ronde d'écnomie des transports Etude des facteurs qui déterminent la dem. de transports de marchandises (C.E.M.T.)

NOT. 9812 Rapport de la 17° table ronde d'économie des transports Influence des infrast. existantes de transp. sur le choix de techn. propres à assurer des liaisons modernes urbaines et interurbaines (idem)

NOT. 9813 Rapport de la 18° table ronde d'écon. des Transp. Etude des coûts sociaux des transp. routiers urbains (idem)

NOT. 9814 Transports tchecoslovaques (Ambassade de France en Tchécoslovaquie)

NOT. 9815 Measuring elasticities of air travel from new cross sectional data (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9816 New Jersey - New York airport - Commission compact - Hearings before subcommittee N° 3 of the commit. on the Judiciary House of Representatives 92nd congress on H.J. Res. 375, 404, 433, 1305 etc.. Judiciary Com. House US)

NOT. 9817 Notwendigkeit, Methoden und kriterien der förderung des kurzstraken. Linienluftverkehrs mit öffentlichen Mitteln (Technische Universitact Berlin RFA) N° 2238

NOT. 9818 Aviation Cost Allocation Study. Socio economic approach to benefits of the airport and airway system (US DOT)

NOT. 9819 Aviation cost allocation study. The price elasticity of demand for general aviation WP N° 18 (idem)


NOT. 9820 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Avis N° 2590 Tome XVIII Aviation civile (J.O.)

139 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9821 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loid e finances pour 73 - Rapport N° 2585 Annexe 35 Aviation civile (idem)

NOT. 9822 Senat - Projet de loid e finances pour 73 - Rapport gal N° 66 Tome III Annexe N° 30 III. Aviat. civile (J.O.)

NOT. 9823 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Rapport N° 2585 Annexe 34 Transports (J.O.)

NOT. 9824 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loi de finances 73 - Avis N° 2590 Tome XIVV Transports terrestres (J.O.

NOT. 9825 Senat - Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Rapport gal N° 66 Tome III Annexe 29 - transports I et II section commune et transports terrestres (idem)

NOT. 9826 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Rapport N° 2585 Annexe 36 Marine marchande (J.O.)

NOT. 9827 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Avis N° 2590 Tome XIX Marine marchande (idem)

NOT. 9828 Senat - Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Rapport gal N° 66 Tome III Annex. 31 Transports IV : Marine Marchande (idem)

NOT. 9829 ASS. NAT. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - rapport annexe 33 - N° 2585 -TERRITOIRES d'Outre Mer (J.O.)

NOT. 9830 Ass. Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Avis N° 2590 Tome XVI Territ. d'Outre Mer (idem)

NOT. 9831 Senat - Projet de loid e finances pour 73 N° 66 Tome III Annexe 28 VII Territoires d'Outre Mer (idem)

NOT. 9832 Ass. Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - avis - N° 2590 Tome III Départ. Outre Mer (idem)

NOT. 9833 Ass. Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - rapport N° 2585 Annex. 32 VII Départ. Outre Mer (idem)

NOT. 9834 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Rapport gal N° 66 Tome III Annex. 27 VII Départ. Outre mer (J.O.)

140 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9835 Ass. Nationale - Projet de loid e finances pour 73 - Rapport. N° 2585.- Annexe 8 Aménag. du territoire (J.O.)

NOT. 9836 Ass. Nat. Projet de loi pour 73 - Avis - N° 2590 - Tome XIII (J.O.) Amènagement du territoire

NOT. 9837 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loid e finances pour 73 - Avis N° 2586 Tome XV Jeunesse, Sports et Loisirs (idem)

NOT. 9838 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Rapport NO 2585 - Annex. 30 - Jeunesse, Sports et Loisirs (idem)

NOT. 9839 Ass. Nat. Projet de loi de financ. pour 73 - avis - N° 2590 Tome XII Tourisme (j.O.)

NOT. 9840 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 73 - Rapport - N° 2585 Annexe 12 - Tourisme

NOT. 9841 SENAT - Projet loi finances pour 73 - Avis - N° 68 - tome IX - Tourisme (idem)


NOT. 9842 Statistiques et indicateurs des régions françaises - edition 1972 (INSEE)

NOT. 9843 Liste des organismes à caractère privé ayant effectué au cours de l'année 71 pour le compte de l'adm. des études de quelques nature que ce soit (Imprimerie Nationale)

NOT. 9844 Projet de loi de finances pour 73 - Transports - Sections I - II - III - IV. Doc. annexe donnant la répartition des crédits par chapitre et par art. (fas. jaune) (Imprimerie Nationale)

NOT. 9845 Projet loi de finances pour 73 - Annexe - Régionalisation du budget d'équip. pour 73 et aménagement du territoire. Tome I et tome II. (Principaux éléments de la politique et équip. collectifs et la régionalisation du budget (I.N.)

NOT. 9846 Int'l Air Traffic Studies - Methodology Report 22 (Canadian Transport Commission Research Branch)

NOT. 9847

141 Archives nationales (France)

Urban Access in the Canadian Corridor (Report 32) (idem)

NOT. 9848 Evaluation of new technology for intercity travel (research report 31) (idem)

NOT. 9849 The financial position of the major airlines of canada (idem)

NOT. 9850 Northern AIr Transport Study volume 2 : System ANalysis (idem)

NOT. 9851 Intercity Passenger Transport Study - Operating Costs for Conventional and STOL Aircraft - Report 08 (idem)

NOT. 9852 Crash survival of 16 Agricultural aircraft accidents (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9853 The "Eyes" of an Airport (JPRS 56463) (idem)

NOT. 9854 High Speed Ground Access study PB 212 023 (idem)

NOT. 9855 Comment élaborer votre politique commerciale (CELSE éditeur)

NOT. 9856 La force de vente (CELSE Editeur)


NOT. 9857 Study and concept formulation of a fourth-Generation Air Traffic Control System Vol I Study Rep. (N.T.I.S. USA)

NOT. 9858 Study and concept formulation of a fourth-generation Air Traffic Control System - Vol II Technological alternatives (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9859 Study and concept formulation of a fourth-generation Air traffic control system - vol III Demand and trade study (idem)

NOT. 9860 Study and Concept formulation of a fourth-generation Air Traffic Control System - vol IV - system selection (idem)

142 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9861 Study and concept formulation of a fourth-generation Air Traffic C. S. Vol. V - Recommended Research and develop. (idem)


NOT. 9862 Région Nord - Pas de Calais : schéma d'équipement aéro. (O.R.E.A.M. Nord)

NOT. 9863 Modèle de choix d'investissements d'une Cie aérienne Etude ITA 73/1 F.E. (I.T.A.)

NOT. 9864 How we reduce bird hazards to aircraft - Canadian Wildlife Svc Ontario)

NOT. 9865 Birdstirikes to Canadian forces aircraft. report 69,70 § 1971 (idem)

NOT. 9866 Studies of bird hazards to aircraft Report Series N° 14 (idem)

NOT. 9867 Cours de transports - les transports aériens - Session 72-73 (S.N.C.F.)

NOT. 9868 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Süd Korea (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9869 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Bahrain, Katar (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9870 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Malta (idem)

NOT. 9871 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Peru (idem)

NOT. 9872 Tests conducted to determine safe methods of dumping fuel from airplanes in flight. Tec. Devel/13 (FAA USA)

NOT. 9873 L'aéroport de Roiisy en France (Revue gale des Routes § Aérodromes DUNOD)

NOT. 9874 The Devel. of air services at Tees-side airport (Tees-side Airport Authority G.B.)

143 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9875 Local svc air carriers' unit costs. Vol. I Vol. II. (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 9876 Supplemental carrier jet trends 1st edition (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9877 Summary of national transportation statistics (US DOT)

NOT. 9878 Strasbourg (documentation française)

NOT. 9879 Industrie et régions - Aménag. industriel de la France (idem)

NOT. 9880 Le plan roumain 71-75 : un pari. (Courrier pays de l'Est N° 156) (doc. française)

NOT. 9881 Le dévelop. économique de la Roumanie NED 394344 (idem)

NOT. 9882 Les villes moyennes - Dossier d'étude - Aménag. du territ. J.O. Séances des 29.30/05/73 (docum. française)


NOT. 9883 Citel - Dossier (Citel Neuilly sur Seine)

NOT. 9884 ATC Surveillance/Communication analysis and planning (AD 742144 FAA.RD.72.26 (N.T.I.S. USA)

NOT. 9885 A simulation model for estimating airport terminal area through puts and delays AD 745513 (idem)

NOT. 9886 The calculation of aircraft collision probabilities AD 744722 (idem)

NOT. 9887 A survey to determine flight plan data and flight scheduling accuracy (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 9888 Continuing studies of air traffic control systems capacity summary report 70-71 (idem)

NOT. 9889 A summary on altitude displays with an annotated bibliography (idem)

144 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9890 Test and evaluation of category III ILS ground guidance equipment "STNA-37 localizer tests at NAFEC on R/W.4" (idem) AD 745 476 RD 72.50

NOT. 9891 Continued analysis of a capacity concept for runway and final approach apth airspace (idem)

NOT. 9892 Extension of a capacity concept to dual use runways and multi runway configurations (idem)

NOT. 9893 Evaluation of aircraft ground firefighting agents and techniques (idem)

NOT. 9894 Statistical analysis of meteo. parameters during fog at 45 US airports (N.T.I.S. USA)


NOT. 9895 Social impacts of civil aviation and implications for R § D policy (idem)

NOT. 9896 Tunis-Carthage airport terminal data - Feasibility study of Tunis-Cart. international airport (idem)

NOT. 9897 The civil aircraft sonic boom regulation (idem)

NOT. 9898 Proceedings of : symposium on advanced aircraft electric systems, held at Naval Air Develop. Center (Pas.) on 20, 21 and 22 April 71 (idem)

NOT. 9899 Aircraft accidents. The medical aspects (William G. Eckert M.D. editor - Laboratory USA)

NOT. 9900 Aerosporti 71 - Come prima, peggio di prima (Air Press Agenzia Stampa Aeronautica)

NOT. 9901 Canadian Travel survey 71 - Highlights. Bull. N° 1 (Office of Tourism Canada)

NOT. 9902 Schéma d'aménagement de la Corse - Travaux et recherches de prospective N° 32 (documentation française)

NOT. 9903 The long range needs of aviation - report of the A.A.C. Advance copy (US Aviation Advisory Commission)

145 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 9904 Accès aux aéroports métropolitains (AIR INTER Rivoli)

NOT. 9905 Adresses japonaises en France (Office franco-japonais)

NOT. 9906 A deterministic model of sonic boom propagation trhough a turbulent atmosphere - Report LR 566 (N.R.C. of canada)

NOT. 9907 Capital stock measures for transportation Vol II PB 21.308 Vol I. PB 212.307 (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 9908 Measurement and analysis of noise from seventeen aircraft in level flight (military, business jet and general aviation) (N.T.I.S. idem)

NOT. 9909 Report to the congress of the U.S. on urban transportation policies and activities PB 211475 (idem)

NOT. 9910 Airline economic impact computer model Vol II - Appendix detailed data tables Vol I - detailed discussion (idem)

NOT. 9911 Repair of synthetic airport coatings (idem)

NOT. 9912 Collision avoidance - An annotated bibliography - sept. 68 - April 1972 (Idem)


NOT. 9913 Third level airlines (Flight int'l - IPC Business Puss) London SE1 92U

NOT. 9914 AIrport access in Canada (Transp. Develop. Agency Canada)

NOT. 9915 Les activités tertiaires dans l'aménagement du territoire (la documentation française)

NOT. 9916 Les perspectives économiques de l'Asie du Sud-Est 79-90 ND 3951-52 (idem)

146 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9917 Agreeing fares and rates - A survey of the methods and procedures used by the member airlines of the I.A.T.A. (I.A.T.A. Suisse)

NOT. 9918 Let's be realistic about training in industrial relations (A.T.T.I.T.B. Grande Bretagne)

NOT. 9919 Journée des grandes écoles (U.S.I.A.S. Paris)

NOT. 9920 Aviation de 3° niveau en Languedoc-Roussillon (CCI SVC des Etudes écon. Montpellier)

NOT. 9921 Flight report of the high speed ground transportation act of 65 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 9922 Cost estimates for national airpace system facilities (idem)

NOT. 9923 Aeronautical telecommunications in Southeast Asia (idem)

NOT. 9924 Patterns of service established before and after the lake Central - Allegheny Rerger (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9925 Air freight loss and damage claims for the quarter ended June 30, 72 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9926 Tweede nationale luchthaven (Int'l Port and Harbour Construction (Pays-Bas)

NOT. 9927 STOL Bibliography update - CTC report 23 - UTIAS report N° 176 (University of TOronto Canada)

NOT. 9928 General aviation, naval aviat. and congestion with an example from southern california Research contribution 154 (Center of Naval analysis US)

NOT. 9929 A simulation and guening model for the study of en route air traffic systems - research contribution 169 (idem)

NOT. 9930 Schéma général d'aménagement de la France - Les firmes multinationales - Recher. de prospective N°34 (Doc. franc.)

147 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9931 "Projet de décision (CEE) du conseil relatif aux premiers éléments d'une action commune en matière de transport aér." Avant-proj. de rapport de la section des transports et communications R/CES/75/73 mha (C.E.E. Bruxelles)

NOT. 9932 Catalogo del Centro de Documentacion tecnica de turiano (Bibliotecologo Corporacion de Turiano de Venezuela)

NOT. 9933 Speculations on air safety and the airport (flight Safety Foundation)

NOT. 9934 Holiday House Survey 70 (Central Bureau of Statistics Oslo)


NOT. 9935 La politique française en matière de vols non réguliers (Air § Cosmos Paris)

NOT. 9936 Standortwahl für grase verkehrsflughäfen in verkehrswirt-schaftlicher, raumwirtschaftlicher und schutzpolitisher Sicht (Université Munich)

NOT. 9937 Transpacific Trunk air routes report C1.804.2920 (Mc Douglas Co Market-Research US)

NOT. 9938 Today - Improvement of service for people who travel (U.S. DOT)

NOT. 9939 Aviation cost allocation study - Analysis of user taxes imposed by the airport and airway revenue act of 70 Work. paper 11 (US DOT)

NOT. 9940 Aviation cost allocation study - Civil Aeron. Board W.P. 17 (idem)

NOT. 9941 Local service airline subsidies. How ligh is up ? (Prof. David Miller US)

NOT. 9942 A book review of analysis of behavioral systems. P. 4827 (RAND Corporation US)

NOT. 9943 L'aéronatique - Défi aéron. européen ? (Ecole polytech.)

148 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9944 Japan - A major tourist market (Tourism planning and research G.B.)

NOT. 9945 The benefits of Civil Aviation to the Jordanian economy (Alia Royal Jordanian Airlines)

NOT. 9946 Special study - Accident involving engine failure/bralfunction - US general aviat. 65-69 (N.T.S.B. US)

NOT. 9947 Ce marketing appliqué au tourisme - colloque (A.C.L.T. Espace-Tourisme Loisirs ENvironnement)

NOT. 9948 AAllgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Landerkurzberichte Italien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 9949 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Uruguay (idem)

NOT. 9950 Allgemeine statistik des Auslandes - Brasilien (idem)

NOT. 9951 Allgemeine " " " - Tunesien (idem)

NOT. 9952 An air travel demand model for a single market - Thesis MS in transportation (Gerard Damay Lille)


NOT. 9953 Les pays anglophones de la Caraîbe - Les antilles britanniques - Belize-Guyana-Le bloc andin - Structures et perspectives. Problèmes d'Amérique latine ND 394950 (la documentation française)

NOT. 9954 A review of models of the air traffic control systems report N° 5 (University of Toronto Canada)

NOT. 9955 Intertially augmented automatic landing system : Autopilot performance with imperfect ILS beams (NT.I.S.)

NOT. 9956 The world demand for civil aircraft (Queen Mary College G.B. University of London)

NOT. 9957 Rapport complémentaire fail au nom de la commission sur la proposit. de la CEE au conseil con. une décision relat. aux premiers éléments d'une action comm. en matière de transport aérien (Parlement européen) Doc 382/72

149 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9958 Rising employment costs in dir transport : a concern for all (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 9959 Aviation and the ecnomy - How to measure the impact of aviation on the local economy (idem)

NOT. 9960 The Channel Tunnel Project - Livre vert - Cmnd 5256 (H.M.S.O. G.B.)

NOT. 9961 Soixante sept compagnies complémentaires (N° 477) (Air § Cosmos)

NOT. 9962 Aspects écono., sociaux et politiques du phénomène touristique - Le cas d'Israel Thèse N° 221 (Secrét. Faculté des Sciences économiques et sociales Suisse)

NOT. 9963 An economic methodology for airport planning - Project summary (University of Cambridge Depart. of land economy)

NOT. 9964 Clement Marot 1973 - Ministère des Armées - Svc des relations publiques § d'information des Armées

NOT. 9965 THe Mc Donnel DOuglas DC 8 (Air Britain G. Bretagne)

NOT. 9966 The Boeing 707 and 720 (idem)

NOT. 9967 Entwicklung un Bedentung des Luftfrachverkehrs in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Band 25 (Duncker § Humbbt RFA)

NOT. 9968 Measurements of the statistical properties of atmospheric turbulence at altitudes below 1000 feet L.R. 567 (N.R. Council Canada)

NOT. 9969 Associate Committee on bird hazards to aircraft (idem) Bulletin N° 7

NOT. 9970 Review of the economic development of the airlines of ECAC member states - ECAC N° 12 (C.E.A.C. Neuilly)

NOT. 9971 Le littoral français - Rapport de première phase (Doc. franc.)

150 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9972 Dershienenschnellverkehr aus der sicht der luftfahrt (Verkehrsflughafen München Public Relations Officer)


NOT. 9973 Binnenländischer Luftverkehr in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (Bundesministerium für Verkehr RFA)

NOT. 9974 Domestic passenger fare investigation - phase 9 - Fare Structure - Docket 21866-9 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 9975 Organization of the tourist industry in Commonwealth countries as at dec. 1971 (Commonwealth Secretariat London)

NOT. 9976 Proceedings of the 10th annual symposium (S.A.F.E. US)

NOT. 9977 The values of travel research, planning techniques, applications. 3rd annual conf. proceedings (Travel Research Association US)

NOT. 9978 Cost minimization in new urban transportation systems 720542 (S.A.E. US)

NOT. 9979 Aircraft noise as a continuing national problem 720622 (S.A.E. US)

NOT. 9980 Aircraft noise and the airlines 720621 (idem)

NOT. 9981 COnstruction noise a citizen's viewpoint 720625 (idem)

NOT. 9982 Noise abatement - A balanced approach 720626 (idem)

NOT. 9983 High speed train noise control 720639 (idem)

NOT. 9984 Future transportation and air quality - D.O.T. programs 720643 (idem)

NOT. 9985

151 Archives nationales (France)

Air Quality implications of future transportation systems 720645 (idem)

NOT. 9986 How vill new engines contribute to letter air transportation 720599 (idem)

NOT. 9987 Engineering Know-how in engine design Part 20 S.P. 369 (idem)

NOT. 9988 U.S. Foreign Trade - Annual 1971 - Vol I General imports F.T 155 Vol II. Gal imports F.T 150 Vol III Exports F.T450 (Government Printing office US)


NOT. 9989 The O'Harexpress - an employment access demonstration project PB 21.677 (NT. I.S. US)

NOT. 9990 Supersonic jet exhaust noise AD 747774 - idem

NOT. 9991 Transportation Systems technology - a 20 year sutlook - PB 213012 (idem)

NOT. 9992 Landing weather minimums investigation AD 747654 (idem)

NOT. 9993 Airports and congestion - a problem of misplaced subsidies (American Enterprise R.D. Eckert Washington)

NOT. 9994 Turbine design and application Vol 1 NASA SP 290 (Govern. Printing office US)

NOT. 9995 Effectiveness of fog dispersal techniques at Seatlle-Tacoma and Spokane Intil-airports AD 752931 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 9996 Aircraft hangars 1972 N° 409 (Nat. Fire Protection Associations US)

NOT. 9997 Aircraft fuel system maintenance - 72 - N° 410C (idem)

NOT. 9998 Aircraft fuel servicing 72 N° 407 (idem)

152 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 9999 Third federal aircraft noise abatement plan FY 71.72 (US DOT)

NOT. 10000 The incidence of air travel amony the general public (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 10001 Avant projet de rapport révisé de la section des transports § commun. sur le "projet de décision (CEE) du conseil relatif aux 1er éléments d'une action com. en matière de T.A. Vol I avant-projet Vol II Corrigendum r/CES 75/73 rev. mha (J.M. de Grave CEE)

NOT. 10002 Résultats et perspectives de l'aménage. de la région parisienne (CCI Paris)

NOT. 10003 Les fouilles de passagers dans les aéroports et la légalité (Gazette du Palais)

NOT. 10004 Charterstatistik 72 (Board of Civil Aviation Suède)

NOT. 10005 Liaison Bruxelles-Paris Sondage Vertol (Sabena Belgique)

NOT. 10006 Colloque de coopération et de promotion industrielles sur les équipements d'aéroports Vol I Vol II (A.C.T.I.M.)

NOT. 10007 Colloque de coopération... La production et la distribution des fluides sur les aéroports (idem)

NOT. 10008 Colloque de coopération ... Manutention des bagaes. (idem)

NOT. 10009 Colloque de coopération.. Personal rapid transit systems (idem)

NOT. 10010 Colloque de coopération .. Les transports horizontaux et verticaux des passagers dans les aéroports (idem)

NOT. 10011 Colloque de coopération .. L'équip. des pistes pour l'atterrissage de précision (idem)

NOT. 10012 Colloque de coopération.. Exploitation des feux de balisages encastrés dans les pistes (idem)

153 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10013 Colloque de coopération.. Les aides lumineuses à l'atterrissage dans les aéroports modernes à l'ère des jets et supersoniques (A.C.T.I.M.)

NOT. 10014 Colloque de coopération et de promotion industrielle sur les équipements d'aéroports. Conf. sur la mesure de visibilité (idem)

NOT. 10015 Colloque de coopération.. le procédé turboclair (idem)

NOT. 10016 Colloque de coopération.. Les problèmes de production et de distribution de l'énergie électrique (idem)

NOT. 10017 Colloque de coopération.. Distribution et mise à bord des carburants aviation (idem)

NOT. 10018 Colloque de coopération.. Développement du fret aérien (idem)

NOT. 10019 Naval airspace usage - a survey of navy and marine corps flight activity R.C.160 (Carter for naval Analysis - Management information office US)

NOT. 10020 An analysis of naval airspace usage (Projet Blue Air) Study 34 (Center for Naval Analysis)


NOT. 10021 Cost/Benefit analysis for all weather landing system (A.W.L.S.) category II and III (FAA US)

NOT. 10022 Comparative assessment of new forms of inter-city transport. (Areport by the interdepartmental working party on inter-city transport) Vol 1 (A.M.S.O.)

NOT. 10023 Comparative assessment of new forms of inter-city transport. Vol 2 Appendices (idem)

NOT. 10024 Comparative assessment of new forms of intercity transport TBRL Report SR3 Vol III (final report) - (A.M.S.O)

NOT. 10025 ATCA 17th annual meeting and technical program. "Future air traffic control - Renovation or innovation". (A.T.C.A. US)

154 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10026 Community values in the planning and evaluation of airport develoP. projects. (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10027 Intercity passenger transport : a systems design optimization model (idem)

NOT. 10028 Citizen participation and community values (5reports) (Highway Research Board US)

NOT. 10029 Transportation systems planning process (idem) (4 reports)

NOT. 10030 Statewide transportation planning needs and requirepem. NC HRP N° 15 (H.R.B.)

NOT. 10031 1974 Nat. Transportation Study - Manual 1 - Gal Infor. OMB. 04.S.72004 + Manual 2 - vol 1 et 2 Revised sheets (US DOT)

NOT. 10032 United Kingdom § Eire Civil Registers (Air Britain)

NOT. 10033 Southern Europe and the Mediterranean civil aircraft registers (idem)

NOT. 10034 The prospective role of competition in civil aviat. Memorandum for Aviat. Advisory Commission (P.W. Cherington / Temple, Barker § Sloane US)

NOT. 10035 Government Organisation for civil aviation - memorandum for avia. advisory comm. (M.W. Cherington - Temple Barker § SLoane)


NOT. 10036 USRR Aeronautical Instruments JPRS 56624 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10037 Demands for air transport 80-90 (I.A.T.A. Suisse)

NOT. 10038 Aviation cost allocation study - WP N° 16 Views of the users (US DOT)

NOT. 10039 Commission écon. pour l'Europe - Comité des T. intérieurs Vols I - II - III (C.E.E. Paris)

155 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10040 Summary of market price indications (Shell Aviat. Svc) Paris 8°

NOT. 10041 Summary of availability (Shell française Svc Aviation)

NOT. 10042 Rapport conc. le problème d'un aérodrome bernois Dirc. des transports Bern - Aéroport de Berne - Projet

NOT. 10043 In the matter of warsaw convention fiability limitation as expressed in US dollar (Docket 24521 order) (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10044 L'aviation de A à Z (A.C.A.N. Paris)

NOT. 10045 Survey of Butles airport int'l passengers - year ended april 72 (FAA US)

NOT. 10046 La crise du transport aérien et l'évolution du trafic à la demande. Mémoire de fin d'étude (Ecole S. des Transports)

NOT. 10047 Transport aérien non régulier - Special digest of statistics N° 175 (OACI Neuilly)

NOT. 10048 Adress by K. Hammarsjkold to the conference on the economics of route air navigation facilities and airport (I.A.T.A. Suisse)

NOT. 10049 Monopsony - A fundamental problem in government procurement (A.I.A. of America)

NOT. 10050 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Japan (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10051 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Griechenland (idem)

NOT. 10052 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Kamerun (idem)

NOT. 10053 " " " " - Marokko (idem)

NOT. 10054

156 Archives nationales (France)

Mexico- Les grandes villes du monde NED 3963-64 (la doc. française)


NOT. 10055 Transportation - Advance Planning Study - Vietnam PB 212 787 (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 10056 Helicopter noise symposium AD 748 876 (idem)

NOT. 10057 Instrument landing system improvement program 3rd interim report (idem)

NOT. 10058 Multidisciplinary accident investigation Final rep. III (idem)

NOT. 10059 Lateral separation vol I study results AD 749290 (idem)


NOT. 10060 Lateral separation vol II study approach AD749279 (idem)

NOT. 10061 Prediction and evaluation of flying qualities in turbulence AD 749480 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10062 Study of low density air transportation concepts N72 33028 (idem)

NOT. 10063 Aircraft tire behavior during high speed operations in soil (idem)

NOT. 10064 The air traffic controller's contribution to ATC system capacity in manual and automated environments VOLS I II III (N.T.I.S. US)

NOT. 10065 Aviation 73 - N° Special (2 ex.) (Sience et Vie)

NOT. 10066 Le trafic aérien non régulier dans la région EUMED et vers le reste du monde 1971 Etude 73/2 (I.T.A)

NOT. 10067 Le tourisme - Caractéristiques principales (A.I.E.S.T.)

NOT. 10068

157 Archives nationales (France)

Le Sec. Gal. à l'Aviation civile N° 147 (SGAC Lecourbe)

NOT. 10069 Contribution à un plan global de transport de la région parisienne (CCI PARIS)

NOT. 10070 The problems of financing transport systems (71) 9 photocopies (Royal Aeron. study G.B.)


NOT. 10071 Engineering § Develop. program plan - Concepts, design and description for the upgrated 3rd generation air traffic control system (DOT FAA US)

NOT. 10072 Gal aviation and its relationship to industry and the community (FAA US)

NOT. 10073 Compagnies régulières et compagnies charters en mai 73 (AIR FRANCE)

NOT. 10074 The National Aviation System Policy summary - Appendix 1 § Appendix 1 change 1 (FAA US)

NOT. 10075 The national aviation system plan - Ten year plan 73.82 (idem)

NOT. 10076 Aviation forecasts FY. 1973/1984 2 ex. (FAA US)

NOT. 10077 Analyse et prévisions (S.E.D.E.I.S. Paris)


NOT. 10078 Tourism and the economy. An examination of methods for evaluating the contribution and effects of tourism in the economy (Dr G. Richards - Univ. of Surrey G.B.)

NOT. 10079 Aéroport Nice - Côte d'Azur (CCI Nice)

NOT. 10080 L'aide européenne au développement (Commission des communautés européennes (Dir. Gale Presse et Infor. Paris)

NOT. 10081 Assemblée Générale I.C.A.A. 13 Doc 7317 "Planif. construction et exploitation économiques des aéroports à moyen trafic" congrès (I.C.A.A. Orly)

158 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10082 Proposition de la F.A.G. ICAA 13° congrès Doc 7314 GEN / 21 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10083 Conception construction et équipement d'aéroports à moyen trafic. 13° congrès ICAA Doc 7312/TEC 27 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10084 L'aéroport - Missions structures et organigrammes - 13° congrès ICAA Doc 7304.ADM/08 (idem)

NOT. 10085 Evaluation d'un site aeroportuaire (13 congrès IC.A.A. Doc 7313/TEC 26 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10086 Conception des aérogares 13 congrès I.C.A.A. Doc 7313/TEC 28 (idem)

NOT. 10087 Aérogares décentralisés - 13° congrès ICAA " concentrés - DOC 7307. TEC/24 (idem)

NOT. 10088 L'agent d'aéroport - Accueil - Fonctions - Formation - 13° congrès Doc. 7304/ADM.08 (idem)

NOT. 10089 Méthodes de gestion et rentabilité. 13° Congrès - DOC 7302 - ECO/06 (idem)

NOT. 10090 Etude la capacité du doublet des pistes - 13° Cong. Doc 7311.GEN/20 (idem)

NOT. 10091 Méthodologie des prévisions de trafic - 13° Congrès Doc 7310.GEN/19 (idem)

NOT. 10092 Méthodes de gestion et rentabilité. 13° congrès - Doc 7306 ECO/07 (idem)

NOT. 10093 Méthodes d'exploitation des aéroports - Formation du personnel - 13° congrès - Doc 7316. ECO/09 (idem)

NOT. 10094 Besoins particuliers et financement des travaux des aérodromes à faible trafic dans les pays en voie de dévelop. 13° Congrès. Doc 0473 X/37 (idem)

NOT. 10095 L'expérience tunisienne en matière de formation aéronautique. 13° Congrès (idem)

159 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10096 Méthodes de financement des investissements. 13° congrès - ICAA ECO/08 Doc 7315 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10097 Mise en oeuvre et exploitation à l'échelon régional ou national du traitement électronqieu des informations 13° Cong. Doc 7305 TEC/23 (idem)

NOT. 10098 Note sur la réalisation des aéroports de Jerba et Monastir - 13° Cong. Doc 7308 TEC/25 (idem)

NOT. 10099 Projet d'extension de l'aérodrome de Monastir - Skanes (13° Congrès ICAA ) (I.C.A.A.)


NOT. 10100 Paris Projet - La voie express rive gauche - N° 9 (" " Paris 4°)

NOT. 10101 Sabena 50 - 1923-1973 (Sabena Air Terminus Belgique)

NOT. 10102 52° réunion du conseil d'adminis. de l'A.I.H. Rap. du secrétaire gal (Assoc. Int'l et de l'Hotellerie)

NOT. 10103 Travailleurs migrants et industrie hotelière N. 7701 (idem)

NOT. 10104 Airline industry financial review and outlook 72-75 (Air Transport Associat. of America)

NOT. 10105 Airline inflation/productivity 1960/1980 (proceedings of a technical seminar sponsored by ATA (A.T.A.)

NOT. 10106 Concorde - Ten years and a billion pounds later - the anti Concorde projects (Pluto Press Unit to Spencer court - London)

NOT. 10107 La zone franc en 1971 (Comité monétaire de la Zone Franc /Secrétariat Paris 1°)

NOT. 10108 Toronto II site evaluation Methodologie (University of Toronto)

NOT. 10109 Toronto international airport - Malton Development Planning (idem)

NOT. 10110

160 Archives nationales (France)

Off. shore airport concepts (idem)

NOT. 10111 Financial implications of the new Toronto Airport (idem)

NOT. 10112 Forecasting and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10113 Passenger and cargo forecasts including methodology (idem)

NOT. 10114 Aircraft movement forecasts and the new Toronto Airport (idem)

NOT. 10115 The economic impact of the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10116 Impact of STOL on the Toronto area airports system (idem)

NOT. 10117 General aviation in Toronto and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10118 Advanced ground transport. technology and the new Toronto airport (voir note 9848) (idem)

NOT. 10119 Ground transportation to the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10120 Land use and the new Toronto airport (University of Toronto York Canada)

NOT. 10121 People, Malton and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10122 People and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10123 Aircraft noise and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10124 Birds and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10125 Ecology and the new Toronto airport (idem)

161 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10126 Air quality and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10127 Weather and the new Toronto airport (idem)

NOT. 10128 New Toronto airport project (VOLUMES 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6 (idem)


NOT. 10129 Trends in airline unit costs - Domestic operations of the domestic trunk carriers, domestic operations of the local svc carriers and int'l/territ. operations of the passenger/cargo carriers (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 10130 Studie über ein Schnellverkehrs system Kürsberichte Systemanalyse und Ergebnisse Heft 42 ( Chriftenreiche des Bundesministerium fü Verkeur)

NOT. 10131 Special study - In flight safety of passengers and flight attendants aboard air carrier aircraft NTSB. AAS.73. 1 (N.T.S.B. US)

NOT. 10132 Rotable pool allowance forecasting AD 749693 (N.T.I.S)

NOT. 10133 ILS, flight and ground data from unusual events recording system in a commercial 737 aircraft. Report FAA. RD. 72. 113 (idem)

NOT. 10134 Indiana airport system plan PB 212667 (idem)

NOT. 10135 En route air traffic flow simulation (idem)

NOT. 10136 AGARD lecture series N° 50 on flight test instrumentation AGARD .LS.50 (idem)

NOT. 10137 Operational demonstration of the NAVSAT/OMEGA hybrid aircraft navigation system AD 749666 (idem)

NOT. 10138 Test and evaluation of categorie III ILS ground guidance equipment "STAN-38 glide slope tests at NAFEC on runway 4". FAA RD.72.105 (N.T.I.S.)

162 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10139 Experimental lateral landing computer with inertial stabilization (idem)

NOT. 10140 Les flottes d'hélicoptères civils dans quelques pays d'Europe occidentale 68-72 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 10141 Etude du marché du transport supersonique par la méthode Delphi - Rapport (Mathematica Snecma)

NOT. 10142 Air Canada et l'environnement (Air Canada - Svc des relations publiques)

NOT. 10143 Programme régional de dévelop. et d'équipement - région Poitou-Charentes (CCI Poitou-Char.)

NOT. 10144 La Charente demain (CCI Poitou-Charentes)

NOT. 10145 Poitou-Charentes N° 9 (CCI Poitou-Charentes)


NOT. 10146 Zones industrielles de l'Ouest Atlantique Poitou-Charentes (idem)

NOT. 10147 Chiffres dès Poitou-Charentes-Limousin (Vol 1 - Vol 2 - Vol 3 (Ed. 72-71.70) (idem)

NOT. 10148 Propositions pour une politique départementale du Tourisme VI° plan (CCI Poitou..)

NOT. 10149 Etudes sur le tourisme-Littoral Atlantique - Charente Maritime (Université de Poitiers)

NOT. 10150 Recherches sur les zones d'attraction. II. Haute Vienne (Université de Poitiers)

NOT. 10151 Connaissance de l'Ouest Economie (Association pour le dévelop. Industriel de l'Ouest Atlantique)


NOT. 10152 CCI Limoges - Rapport annuel 1971 - SItuation écon. dans le départ. de la Haute Vienne (CCI Limoges)

NOT. 10153

163 Archives nationales (France)

Programme de modernisation et d'équip. de l'agglomération de Limoges (Rapport de synt. (Commissariat gal du Plan)

NOT. 10154 Prévisions de trafic pour le plan 1975-1979 Doc PRT/261/DP (Aéroport de Paris

NOT. 10155 Plan de accion para el proyecto de desarollo turist de la costa atlantica y san adres. (2) Leyes y decretos sobre el turismo en Colombia (Ministerio de Desarollo Economico /Corp. nacional Turismo Colombie)

NOT. 10156 The economics of British airports (Polytechnic of central London - Depart of Civil Engineering)

NOT. 10157 Marine Marchande 1973 (Journal de la marine marchande)

NOT. 10158 Environment de l'aérodrome de Roissy en France et d'Orly (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 10159 Design evaluation criteria for commercial STOL Transports (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10160 Human engineering analysis for airport lightning control panels and a proposal for a new design (idem)

NOT. 10161 Air Traffic control service for area navigation equipped aircraft operating in the US national airspace system (FAA US)

NOT. 10162 Flight test and evaluation of heliport lighting for IFR (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10163 Systems simulation for an airport trailing vortex warning system (idem)


NOT. 10164 Channel tunnel - vehicular movements in proposed fer ry PB 214191 (idem)

NOT. 10165 Channel tunnel : pedestrians movements in proposed ferry trains PB 214192 (idem)

NOT. 10166 Allweather landing operations bibliography (idem)

NOT. 10167

164 Archives nationales (France)

Engineering and develop. program plan - Allweather landing AD 754264 (idem)

NOT. 10168 Aircraft systems design studies employing advanced transport technologies (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10169 Forecasts of air traffic and capacity at airports in the London Area (CA.A. Grande B.)

NOT. 10170 The economics of federal subsidy programs - Part 2 Part 3 Part 1 (Govern. Printing Office US)

NOT. 10171 The multinational corporation studies on US foreign invesments. Vol 1. (US Dept of Commerce US)

NOT. 10172 Unitization program (I.A.T.A. Suisse)

NOT. 10173 Ag. fors. Proceedings XII (Agifors American Airlines)

NOT. 10174 Int'l RPM forecast US Carriers (Market Research Unit Boeing US)

NOT. 10175 747 direct maintenance cost - Quarterly report - Operational Economics Staff - Sales Technology


NOT. 10176 Commercial jet transport direct maintenance cost history 1959-1971 (Operational Economics Staff idem)

NOT. 10177 Domestic RPM forecast trunks, PAA, and local svc carriers (idem)

NOT. 10178 Boeing jetfoil (idem)

NOT. 10179 Summary of market price indications (Shell Aviation Svc London)

NOT. 10180 Les villes françaises - Toulon N° 3976-77 (Doc franc)

NOT. 10181 Survols de l'Europe - Prospective N° 37 (docum. française)

NOT. 10182

165 Archives nationales (France)

Les transports fluviaux dans la CEE N° 179 (Ed. Techet économiques)

NOT. 10183 1st International conférence on offshore airport technology (A.I.A.A. USA)

NOT. 10184 A prototype strategy for aircraft development (Rand Corp. Santo Monica)

NOT. 10185 Airframe structural Materials for Drone applications (idem)

NOT. 10186 The effect of fuel price increases on energy intensiveness of freight transport (idem)

NOT. 10187 External impacts of an intraurban air transportation system in the San Francisco bay area (summary report (idem)) NASA

NOT. 10188 Effects of a V/STOL commuter transportation system on road congestion in the San Francisco bay area (idem)

NOT. 10189 Distribution of primary benefits and costs of intraurban air transport. in the San Francisco bay area (idem)

NOT. 10190 Long run effects of an intraurban air transp. system on residential location and commuting in the San- Francisco bay area (NASA idem)

NOT. 10191 Int'l Aerospace specification tables (Reprint Depart. Aviation Week A.W. § S.T. US)

NOT. 10192 Measuring technological change : aircraft turbine engine (Rand Corp. Santa Monica)

NOT. 10193 Technological forecasts 1975-2000 a descriptive outlook and method for quantitative prediction (N.T.I.S. USA)

NOT. 10194 Opportunities for cost reduction in the design of transport facilities for developing regions - vol 1 (idem)


NOT. 10195 State five year plan for the develop. of the USSR National economy for the period 71.75 Vol 2 (idem)

166 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10196 Ground effect for V/STOL aircraft configurations and its simulation in the wind tunnel Part I - II (idem)

NOT. 10197 Bibliografia visibilita 1958-1970 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10198 Public benefits provided by the local airline industry (ASSOC. of local Transport Airlines US)

NOT. 10199 Memento d'analyse statistique 1° edition (ENAC)

NOT. 10200 Initiation à l'informatique 2° Edition (ENAC)

NOT. 10201 Opérations aériennes - Tomes 1 et 2 (idem)

NOT. 10202 Aircraft landings - A DDC bibliography (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10203 L'espace dans les années 85 (U.S.I.A.S.)

NOT. 10204 L'équipement de Paris - Inertie ou innovation (U.A.T.)

NOT. 10205 Travaux de la Commission de Géographie des transports 1969-1972 (Ed. Tech. et économiques)

NOT. 10206 Les liaisons aériennes de la Corse (extraits de la revue méditerranée N° 9.3) (J.M. Spill- Inst. Géograp.)

NOT. 10207 List of national developpement plans 3rd éd. (B.I.R.D.)

NOT. 10208 Engineering control forms for medium sized carriers (A.A.C.O. LIBAN)


NOT. 10209 Die Zivilluftfahrt der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik (Dr J.L. Kneifel (Allemagne))

NOT. 10210 The demand for abstract transp. modes : a choice theroetic formulation (Rand Corp. US)

167 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10211 The very high speed transit system (idem)

NOT. 10212 Clement Marot 1973 (Air Actualities Antenne AIR du SIRPA)

NOT. 10213 Bientôt un complexe industriel et tertiaire à Roissy (Conjoncture Immobilière)

NOT. 10214 USA-USSR Trade : Prospects, Procedures and Practical suggestions (Mr James Moore Boeing Co.)

NOT. 10215 Le régime international des redevances de route (Revue gale de l'Air § de l'Espace)

NOT. 10216 Choix des investissements du point de vue de l'économie d'entreprise et du point de vue de la collectivité (Institut Techniq. des Transports Suisse)

NOT. 10217 Elements of tourism policy in developing countries (United Nations Public. Division US)

NOT. 10218 Improvement of services for people who travel" - A transportation facilitation forum (US DOT)

NOT. 10219 Aerotrain Lyon-Grenoble (CETA - Lyon)

NOT. 10220 Environnement - Livre blanc du Bassin Seine Normandie (Doc. française)


NOT. 10221 Etudes bernoises de tourisme (Herbertlang et CO)

NOT. 10222 L'hélicoptère est inconnu ou Philosophie de la giraviation (Giravia Bruxelles)

NOT. 10223 Selling the USA 16th Propam Report Jan. Dec. 1971 (US Dep. of Commerce)

NOT. 10224 Worldwide jeopophical location codes (General Services Administration - Off. of finance USA)

NOT. 10225

168 Archives nationales (France)

Heathrow passenger and bagage survey vol I (Metra Consulting Group G.B.)

NOT. 10226 Heathrow passenger and baggage survey vol II (idem)

NOT. 10227 Heathrow " " " " vol III (idem)

NOT. 10228 Domestic and Int'l transportation of U.S. foreign Trade 1970 (Super intendant of Documents Washington)

NOT. 10229 Evaluation of the FAA advanced flow control procedures (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10230 Réglementation du trafic de nuit sur les aéroports européens (I.C.A.A.)


NOT. 10231 Développement des voyages aériens internationaux Europe (O.A.C.I.)

NOT. 10232 Compte rendu de la 13e assemblée gale de l'ICAA Tunis Mai 73 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10233 Human factors in relation to the development of pressurized cabins (Aerospace Medecine)

NOT. 10234 Man in rarefred atmosphere (Technology Review)

NOT. 10235 Les transports maritimes 1972 (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 10236 Développement des voyages internationaux (O.A.C.I.)

NOT. 10237 Définition d'un système d'information - Réalisation de fichiers statistiques automatisés - Application à la fonction commerciale d'un constructeur d'avions civiles (Aimé l'Escop - Dir. de l'Ad. Commerciale et des Ventes)


NOT. 10238 The logistics and transportation review volume N° 1 (Logistics and Transportation Review)

169 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10239 Commuter air carrier operators as of Sept. 71 (FAA US)

NOT. 10240 A.A.C.C. policy aircraft noise (I.C.A.A. )

NOT. 10241 Le port autonome de Strasbourg - Son organisation, ses installations - Son trafic - ses usagers (Revue de la navigation)

NOT. 10242 La mesure des fluctuations cycliques intérieures - Etudes spéciales (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 10243 Pressions et vents moyens en surface au Zaïre (Svc Météo)

NOT. 10244 Airport planing - an approach ona national basis (C.A.A.G.B.)

NOT. 10245 Are we running out of gas ? (US DOT)

NOT. 10246 Local service air carriers unit costs - Year ended Mars 73 - Vol I et vol II (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10247 Comparaison of the growth of US and Canadian domestic air travel (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 10248 Handling the air traffic of the long term future - 19th technical conference - Dublin Oct. 23.28 1972 (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10249 The effect of discount fares and charter operations on yields and operating revenues in Transatlantic operations (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10250 Probability of a bird strike on an aircraft (Associate Committee on Bird Hazards to aircraft)

NOT. 10251 Summary report on vacation trends by canadian (Govern. Travel Bureau)

NOT. 10252 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Pakistan (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10253

170 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Agypten (idem)

NOT. 10254 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Bulgarien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10255 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Finnland (idem)

NOT. 10256 Allgemeine " " " - Barbados (idem)

NOT. 10257 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Kolumbien (idem)

NOT. 10258 A policy model for multimodal transportation system planning (University of British Columbie Canada)


NOT. 10259 China, Japan and the pacific Northwest : a symposium on new opportunities for trade transport and investment (Seattle Chamber of Commerce)

NOT. 10260 Air France Cargo Roissy (Direction Fret)

NOT. 10261 Trends in developing countries (Banque MOndiale)

NOT. 10262 Rhode Islande Summary report - State airport system plan 1970-1990 (Rhode Islande Statewide Planning)

NOT. 10263 Etude effectuée par le bureau d'information et de prévisions économiques en collaboration avec l'I.T.A. dans le cadre des travaux de la commission permanente de l'électronique du plan (COPEP) (I.T.A.)

NOT. 10264 Enquête à l'aéroport d'Orly sur l'opinion des visiteurs étrangers à l'issue de leur séjour en France (AIR FRANCE)

NOT. 10265 Bilan de l'activité des services de recherche et sauvetage 71-72 (S.G.A.C.)

NOT. 10266 Tourism development in Iceland (Institute of Transport, Tourism and Regional Science Danemark)

171 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10267 A forecast for tourist development in Reykjavik up to 1980 (Iceland Tourist Council (Islande))

NOT. 10268 Cour des Comptes Rapport 73 (Journal officiel)

NOT. 10269 Compte rendu de la 17° réunion internationale S.A.R. pour la Méditerranée occidentale (S.G.A.C.)

NOT. 10270 Bird density and the plan position indicator (Associate Committee on Bird Hazards to aircraft Ottawa)

NOT. 10271 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Afghanistan (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10272 Summary of civil transport aircraft accidents involving ditching, collision with water and lost at sea (unknown) January 1950 - Oct. 62) (FAA USA)

NOT. 10273 Activity of US air carrier water accidents - July 1954 June 1964 (idem)

NOT. 10274 The economic situation of international airports - 1970 (results of an ad hoc survey) (OACI)

NOT. 10275 Birds and aircraft (Canadian Wildlife Service)

NOT. 10276 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Saudi-Arabien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10277 Le commerce extérieur des régions Provence-Côte d'Azur et Corse en 1972 (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 10278 Summary of availability (Shell aviation Service GB)

NOT. 10279 The Canadian air transport région (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 10280 Air Transport 1973 (A.T.A. USA)


NOT. 10281 Commission africaine de l'aviation civile - 2° session plénière - Rapport AFCAC/2 et /1 (C.A.F.A.C.)

172 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10282 Trends in airline cost elements - 1st edition (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 10283 Bank lending for aviation projets (B.I.R.D. US)

NOT. 10284 Le transport aérien et la région (Librairie A. Colin)

NOT. 10285 Transports continus de produits à grandes distances - Journée d'étude (de 1 à 6) Sté des ingénieurs civils de France

NOT. 10286 Short haul air transportation study - Final report - Vol 1 - vol 2 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10287 Instrument landing système scattering - Findl report - (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10288 A community/airport economic development model - Volumes 1, 2, 3 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 10289 Restrictive practices used by foreign countries to favor their national air carriers (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 10290 Décret N° 73.193 du 13.2.73 instituant une taxe parafiscale en vue d'atténuer les nuisances subies par les riverains des aérodromes d'Orly et Roissy (J. Officiel)

NOT. 10291 Convention Eurocontrol - Accord multilatéral relatif à la perception des redevances de routes fait à Bruxelles le 8.9.70 - Accord bilatéral relatif à la percep. des redevances etc.. (Ministère des Affaires étrangères, du Commerce ext. et de la Coopération au Développement)

NOT. 10292 Conférences sur les redevances d'aéroports et d'installat. des services de navig. aérienne de route (AIR FRANCE)

NOT. 10293 Rapport du Président de la délégation franc. sur la conférence rel. aux redevances d'aéroport et d'installat. et Svc de navig. aérienne de route (S.G.A.C.)

NOT. 10294 Conférences sur les redevances d'aéroports - Tenue à Montréal Novembre 1956 (S.G.A.C.)

173 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10295 OACI Conférences sur les redevances d'aéroport Montréal 1) C.R. 2) Exposé de M. L'Emaillet (aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 10296 Etude concernant les conditions d'institution de redev. pour l'usage des aides à la Nav. aérien. ( ? )

NOT. 10297 Policy perspectives for int'l trade and economic relations (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 10298 Etude économique de l'instal. d'un système de dénébulisation turboclair à Roissy (S.G.A.C. S.E.E.P)

NOT. 10299 Conséquences des vols stratos-phériques COVOS (séminaire franco-britannique - C.O.V.O.S.)

NOT. 10300 Outlook on safety - 1972 Technical Symposium (B.A.L.P.A.)

NOT. 10301 Flight recorders - 1st edition (O.A.C.I.)

NOT. 10302 Proposiciones antre la declinacion de la Convencion de Varsovia -La Haya (Instituto de Derecho aeronautico y Espacial)

NOT. 10303 Directive concernant un colloque sur la formulation d'une politique de l'aéron- civile et militaire pour l'Europe (U.E.O.)

NOT. 10304 Les nouvelles frontières de l'aéronautique civile A.A.A.F. 11° congrès int'l aéro. (Assoc. Aéro. et Astronautique de France)

NOT. 10305 Les essais de mesure d'adhérence des pistes et les problèmes de freinage dans la réglem. sur les distances d'atterrissage (AAAF)

NOT. 10306 Détermination des statistiques de la turbulence en ciel clair (AAAF)

NOT. 10307 Contribution des moteus aéro. Turbomeca à l'amélioration de la sécurité, la suppression des nuisances et leurs applications au transport de surface (A.A.A.F.)

NOT. 10308

174 Archives nationales (France)

Reflexions sur la réglementation du bruit des avions - 11° congrès int'l (AAAF)

NOT. 10309 Les nouvelles contraintes de l'aéronautique militaire 11° congrès (AAAF)

NOT. 10310 Some air traffic control problems and trends in their resolution (AAAF)

NOT. 10311 Problèmes liésà la mise en service d'un système data-link air-sol (AAAF)

NOT. 10312 L'intégration des systèmes avionique de demain (11° congrès) (AAAF)

NOT. 10313 Aerodynamic/Structural interactions in the design of the Concorde nacelle (AAAF)

NOT. 10314 L'approche automatique des hélicop. et des avions ADAC (A.A.A.F.)

NOT. 10315 Nécessité et tendances en matière d'anticollision (AAAF)

NOT. 10316 Application des techniques aérospatiales à la propulsion de l'aérotrain (A.A.A.F.)


NOT. 10317 Aspect énergétique des turbotrains à grande vitesse (idem)

NOT. 10318 Applications en construction aerospatiale et retombées des techniques thermochimiques (idem)

NOT. 10319 La recherche structurale en vue d'adapter l'architecture aux matériaux (idem)

NOT. 10320 Fibres et matériaux composites à hautes caractéristiques spécifiques (idem)

NOT. 10321 Utilisation de la protection anodique chromique (procédé BF4) pour la révélation des anomalies métallurgiques dans les alliages légers (idem)

NOT. 10322 Influence of garbage dumps near airports on the bird Hazard to aircraft problem (Canadian Wildlife Svc)

175 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10322 Influence of garbage dumps near airports on the bird Hazard to aircraft problem (Canad. Wildlife Svc)

NOT. 10323 Choices of the future : an industry viewpoint on prototyping (S.A.E.)

NOT. 10324 Why another light twin jet : the SN601 -Corvette (idem)

NOT. 10325 Develop. status of the L. 1011 Tristar (idem)

NOT. 10326 FAA Certification and the grouth model 747 B airplane (idem)

NOT. 10327 Design comparison of quiet M = 0.80 STOL transport (idem)

NOT. 10328 Advanced technology for STOL transports (idem)

NOT. 10329 An improved stall warning system for general aviation aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10330 Flight evaluations of the effect of advanced control systems and displays on the handling qualities of a general aviation airplane (idem)

NOT. 10331 Un pressurized Navajo air conditioning system (idem)

NOT. 10332 The crystal ball focuses on the next generation of transport aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10333 Aviation and the environment in the 1970's (idem)

NOT. 10334 Contemporary approach to commercial powerplant develop. (idem)

NOT. 10335 A new approach to flight new training (S.A.E.)

NOT. 10336 How much motion is really needed in flight simulators (idem)

NOT. 10337

176 Archives nationales (France)

Area navigation systems and displays (idem)

NOT. 10338 The National Airport System Plan - Its history and its potential (idem)

NOT. 10339 Occupant impact injury tolerances for aircraft crashworthiness design (idem)

NOT. 10340 Prop - fan. A high thrust, low noise propulsor (idem)

NOT. 10341 Propulsion testing from the aircraft manufacturer's point of view (idem)

NOT. 10342 A discussion and comparison of jet engine overhaul costs (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10343 Response of aircraft to three dimensional landom turbulence (idem)

NOT. 10344 Aircraft trailing vortices : a survey of the problem (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10345 Intercity transportation effectiveness model, documentation vol. II - subprogram design and coding spec. and computer operator's manual, book 20f5, sections 19.27 (idem)

NOT. 10346 Summary data for selected new urban transportation systems (idem)

NOT. 10347 Evaluation of auxiliary agents and systems for aircraft ground fire suppression - Phase 1 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10348 Soviet built hydrofoil ships (excerpts) (idem)

NOT. 10349 Evaluation fo the operational design and support aspects of cartography for use in civil area navig. map displays vol 1 et Vol 2 (idem)


NOT. 10350 Emerging aerospace materials and fabrication techniques (idem)

NOT. 10351 A comprehensive airport communications sytem (CACS) feasibility study (idem)

177 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10352 Statistical methods for measuring aeron. activity at non towered airports (idem)

NOT. 10353 Cost effectiveness study of prefabricated airplane landing mats (idem)

NOT. 10354 Research and develop. of prefabricated airfield and load surfacing membrane (idem)

NOT. 10355 A strochastic network to model air cargo terminals (idem)

NOT. 10356 Simulation of helicopter containership loading (idem)

NOT. 10357 Conflict prediction : demonstration version (idem)

NOT. 10358 Experimental test of fog clearing by ground based heating Visibility temperature, and fog microphysis (idem)

NOT. 10359 Engineering and development program plan - Weather (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10360 Thermal fog dispersal manual (idem)

NOT. 10361 Aeromedical review - Aeromedical factors in cnidair collisions (idem)

NOT. 10362 Pilotage error in area navigation : effects of symbolic display variables (idem)

NOT. 10363 Altimetry display study Part 1 - Summary report (idem)

NOT. 10364 TRANSIS - Transportation safety information system (idem)

NOT. 10365 Impact of Business jets on community noise exposure (idem)


NOT. 10366

178 Archives nationales (France)

Aircraft noise analyses for the existing air carrier system (idem)

NOT. 10367 727 noise retrofit feasibility - vol 1 : lower goal design, fabrication, ground § flight testing (idem) Vol 2 : upper goal design, fab. and ground testing (idem)

NOT. 10368 A study of the existing aviation system and its extension Part A. Summary. (idem)

NOT. 10369 A study of the existing aviation system and its extension Part B. The air vehicle element (idem)

NOT. 10370 A study of the existing aviation system and its extension Part C. The airport element (idem)

NOT. 10371 A study of the existing aviation system and its extensions - Part D : The airspace element (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10372 A study of the exist. aviat. system and its extensions Part E : Ground access elements (idem)

NOT. 10373 A study of the exist. aviat. system and its extensions Part F : Diversionary ground modes (idem)

NOT. 10374 An overview of the FA.A.A. engineering and develop. programs, FY. 1973 et 1974 (idem)

NOT. 10375 Role of air transportation insparsely developed areas (idem)

NOT. 10376 Terminal area guidance algorithms for automated air traffic control (idem)

NOT. 10377 Aircraft transition algorithm for conflict prediction with specific ref. to the North Atlantic air traffic control system (idem)


NOT. 10378 The role of an airborne traffic and situation display in the evolving ATC environment (idem)

NOT. 10379 Status of categorie III in Europe (idem)

NOT. 10380 An evaluation of the ARTS III level of automation (Third lot procurement) (idem)

179 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10381 Microwave landing system signal requirements for conventional aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10382 Head up display warning requirements research (N.T.I.S.

NOT. 10383 Controller productivity study (idem)

NOT. 10384 ATC Surveillance/Communication analysis and planning Project report (idem)

NOT. 10385 Computer aided traffic/Airway/VORTAC network methodologies - Part I - II (idem)

NOT. 10386 ILS improvement program gradient dearance monitor (idem

NOT. 10387 A functional description of air traffic control (idem)


NOT. 10388 Investigation of microwave landing system conventional and doppler scanning beam techniques (idem)

NOT. 10389 Aviation needs 1972-2000 - Preliminary future concepts. (idem)

NOT. 10390 State five year plan for the development of USSR nat. economy for the period 71-75 - Part I (idem)

NOT. 10391 Transoceanic cargo study : vol II. Distribution costs and productivities of transoceanic transp. technologies (idem)

NOT. 10392 Thaïland transportation coordination study vol i (idem)

NOT. 10393 Cost estimates for removal of residential and related land uses near selected airports (idem)

NOT. 10394 Forecast of air traffic demand and activity levels to the year 2000 (idem)

NOT. 10395

180 Archives nationales (France)

Interagency symposium on university research in transportation noise - Proceed. Vol. 1 (Stanford Univ.)


NOT. 10396 Interagency symposium on university research in transportation noise proceed. Vol II (idem)

NOT. 10397 Cost benefit analysis and public expenditure Paper 8 (I.E.A.)

NOT. 10398 Guide to foreign trade statistics 1972 (Government Printing Office)

NOT. 10399 Comment la structure socio-économique déformée peut-elle entraver l'évolution des investissements (Hungarian academy of sciences Hongrie)

NOT. 10400 Role of management science in economic growth of developing countries (idem)

NOT. 10401 On optimal assistance with special ref. to the second Kenyan and Tanzanian five year plan (idem)

NOT. 10402 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes (indien) - Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10403 Radiolocalisation (Supelec Malakoff)

NOT. 10404 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - Year ended June 30, 72 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10405 Trnasport aerospace industry contributions to modern problem solutions (Mr JG Moore Market Research Boeing)

NOT. 10406 The Boeing 747 summary (idem)

NOT. 10407 The B.747 general description (Boeing)

NOT. 10408 North Atlantic macro air passenger forecast : an econometric approach to measure future demand levels (idem)

NOT. 10409

181 Archives nationales (France)

Dimensions of airline growth (idem)


NOT. 10410 Transpacific air freight forecasts - 72-80 (idem)

NOT. 10411 US Europe econometric forecasts of trade and air feigh to 1980 (idem)

NOT. 10412 Air Transport and tourism develop. considerations - Mexico (idem)

NOT. 10413 Holidays of selected countries : central America, south America, Africa § Mideast (idem)

NOT. 10414 Summary of Market price indications (Shell Aviation Service)

NOT. 10415 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Uganda (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10416 Uniform system of accounts and reports for certificated air carriers in accordance with section 407 of the Federal Aviation Act (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10417 Der Mensch hat Vorhat. Ein Kontept des Bundes - ministers für verkehr (Bundesministerium für Verkehr)

NOT. 10418 Die wirtschaftliche Bedentring von Regionalflughäfen (Technischen Universtüt Berlin)

NOT. 10419 Airport planning projects up to 50 percent in F.Y. 1973 (FAA US)

NOT. 10420 Planification informatique - Guide pour l'établissem. d'un schéma directeur (documentation française)

NOT. 10421 L'Europe de l'Est en 72 (idem)

NOT. 10422 Aircraft Loan Guarantees - Hearing before the subcommittee on Transp. and Aeronautic of the Committee on Interstate and foreign commerce - House of Represent. 92nd congress - Library of Congress USA

182 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10423 Supplement to MDC 10.10 - Maintenance review board report dated Aug. 1971 (FAA USA)

NOT. 10424 Ordinateurs et telecommunications (OCDE Paris)


NOT. 10425 Supersonic age (B.A.C. G.B.)

NOT. 10426 Nouvelle forme de coopération en vue du développement (Aungarian Academy of Sciences Hongrie)

NOT. 10427 Interpretations sociologiques du sous développement (idem)

NOT. 10428 Les critères et les aspects internationaux du sous-développement (idem)

NOT. 10429 Régions - Organisation - Décrets du 5.09.73 (J. Officiel)

NOT. 10430 Activités et exploitations du 3° niveau (I.T.A.)

NOT. 10431 C. Rendu du 13° congrès de l'ICAA - Tunis (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10432 L'économie de la république de Panama - Etude écon. N° 4 (Sudameris Paris)

NOT. 10433 Outlook for Energie in the United States to 85 (Those Manhattan US)

NOT. 10434 Enseignement supérieur de transport 1° partie - (Av. du Gal Malleret-Joinville)

NOT. 10435 Regard prospectif sur le bassin méditerranéen - (Doc. française)

NOT. 10436 Catalogue des zones d'activité industrielles en région parisienne 2e Ed. (I.A.U.R.P.)


NOT. 10437

183 Archives nationales (France)

Etude global de transport de la région parisienne (1 à 4) (idem)

NOT. 10438 A method estimating the spatial demand for Air Travel : a new England Cose study (Depart. of Tour. and Regional Planning Faculty of Melin tectural studies University of Sheffield)

NOT. 10439 The spatial demand for Air Travel and Airpott Systems Planning TRP1 (idem)

NOT. 10440 La république de Côte d'Ivoire (Doc franc. Quai Voltaire)

NOT. 10441 La république du Niger (idem)

NOT. 10442 La caisse des dépôts et consignations (idem)

NOT. 10443 Concorde and the US businessman (Two Greenwich Plaza USA)

NOT. 10444 The potential for Concorde Air Travel from the Honolulu and West Coost Markets (European Aerospace Corporation)

NOT. 10445 The potential for Concorde Air Travel (idem)

NOT. 10446 ICAA "ADC" Commission report on the trip to USA and Canada (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10447 Einfluss von Lufttüchtigkeits vorschriffen and die start und Landeleistungen von STOL Flugzenge (Messerschmitt. Bölkow Blohm GmBH RFA)

NOT. 10448 Airport develop. acceleration act of 73 - 93rd congress first session (Library of Congress US)

NOT. 10449 Roissy en France (Aéroport de Paris) (et dossier "Inauguration" comprend 3 fas. intérieurs)

NOT. 10450 Repport of the committee on flight time limitations (C.A.A. GB)

NOT. 10451 Study of airline baggage identification and handling (A.D. Little Acorn Park US)

184 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 10452 The future of short-haul air transport within western Europe (C/O Nat. Aerospace Laboraty NLR Amsterdam)

NOT. 10453 Proposed Depart. of Defense policy on air installations compatible use zones (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10454 A north Atlantic air traffic analysis program (idem)

NOT. 10455 NASA lift fan V/STOL transport technology status (S.A.E.US)

NOT. 10456 The evolution and development status of the ALF 502 Turbofan engine (idem)

NOT. 10457 Evolution of small turboshaft engines (idem)

NOT. 10458 New turbofan engines flol and TF 34 (idem)

NOT. 10459 "Quiet" aspects of the Pratt § Whitney aircraft JT 15 D Turbofan (idem)

NOT. 10460 Progress in the devel. of optimally quiet turboprop engines and installations (idem)

NOT. 10461 Noise legislation audits implication to industry (idem)

NOT. 10462 Status of international noise certification standards for business aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10463 Wake turbulence and its elimination (S.A.E. US)

NOT. 10464 Aircraft wortex penetration 730296 (idem)

NOT. 10465 Some aspects of STOL aircraft aerodynamics (idem)

NOT. 10466 Fatigue and fracture of advanced composite materials (idem)

185 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10467 An inexpensive, full scale aircraft fatigue test system (idem)

NOT. 10468 Automated prediction of light aircraft performance and riding and handling qualities (idem)

NOT. 10469 Feasibilité and optimization of variable geometry wing for jet amphibian business aircraft (S.E.A.)

NOT. 10470 Plan directeur du chemin de fer européen de l'avenir 2 fascicules (U.I.C.)

NOT. 10471 Etudes prospectives d'axes ferroviaires (idem) (1 à 5 points)

NOT. 10472 Trends in airline compensation (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10473 Un outil de gestion économique à Air France (Doc. française)

NOT. 10474 Aspekte der Verkehrpolitischen Entwicklung Demokratischen Republik (Bibliotek Hochschule fur Verkehrswesen "Friedrichhist"

NOT. 10475 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes Birma (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10476 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. Ghana (idem)

NOT. 10477 Turbine engined fleets of the world's airlines (Esso Air World)

NOT. 10478 Projet de loi de finances pour 1974 - Annexes - Svc Votes - Nouvelles mesures (Imprimerie Nat.)

NOT. 10479 Spécifications tech. pour le dévelop. d'un modèle explicatif destiné à l'établis. de prévisions à long terme de la demande potentiel. par axe du trafic aérien (Eurocontrol)


NOT. 10480 L'avenir de la Basse Seine (OREAM)

186 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10481 Actes de l'Union Postale Universelle - Constitution, Convention, Arrangements (Ministère PTT)

NOT. 10482 Rapport de la section des transports et comm. sur le projet de décision (CEE) du Cons. relatif aux 1er éléments d'une action com. en matière de transport aérien (C.E.E. Belgique)

NOT. 10483 La république centrafricaine (Doc. française)

NOT. 10484 La république de Haute Volta (idem)

NOT. 10485 Plan quinquennal commercial 70-74 (Air France)2 tomes

NOT. 10486 Exhaust emissions from stationary powerplant (Solar)

NOT. 10487 The US Soviet Civil Air agreement from inception to inauguration - a case study (Rand Corp. US)

NOT. 10488 An expression of public opinion on current aircraft (Boeing US)

NOT. 10489 The modern jet transport in local and regional applications (idem)

NOT. 10490 An expression of public opinion on current aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10491 Boeing 747 and DC 10-30 maintenance cost comparison (idem)

NOT. 10492 Intra-Europe passenger traffic forecast (idem)


NOT. 10493 Les cinquante ans de SABENA (Belgique)

NOT. 10494 Low cost urban transportation alternatives : a study of ways to increase the effectiveness of existing transp. facilities (2 vol. 1 - Vol 2) US DOT

NOT. 10495

187 Archives nationales (France)

Aktuelle Fragen des internationales luftverkehrsrechls (Redaktion M.P.I. fur Volkerrechit)

NOT. 10496 Entführte Flugzenge auf tendem staatsgebict und die analogue Anwendung humanitärer Grundsätze im Völkerrecht (idem)

NOT. 10497 Airport and airway cost allocation study - Part I (US DOT)

NOT. 10498 Charterstatistik (Luftfartsverket)

NOT. 10499 Aircraft operating cost and performance report - for calendar years 1971 and 1972 (C.A.D.)

NOT. 10500 Radars - Tomes 1 et 2 (E.N.S.T.A.)

NOT. 10501 The flying Tiger Corporation - Presentation of Wayne M. Hoffman before the New-York Society of security analysts (F.T.C. US)

NOT. 10502 Aircraft maintenance landbook - Standard operations specifications (FAA US)


NOT. 10503 Fleet operators 1970 (Air Britain GB)

NOT. 10504 Noise measurements obtained during visual approach monitor evaluation in 747 aircraft (Hydrospace challenger US)

NOT. 10505 Transport in Europe (European League British section London)

NOT. 10506 De Antwerpse Luchthavenbehoeften 70-80 (Economisch en Sociaal Belgique)

NOT. 10507 Analyse régionale et planification nationale : le projet de modèle "régina" (INSEE)

NOT. 10508 Directory of transport. libraries in the United states and Canada (Special Libraries Association US)

NOT. 10509

188 Archives nationales (France)

Industrie aerospatiale française 1963-73-83 (Air et Cosmos)

NOT. 10510 The assessment of an air supported and propelled urban transport system (Cranfield institute of Techn.)

NOT. 10511 Anti-hijacking act of 1973 (Library of congress US)

NOT. 10512 A pilot survey of some effects of aircraft noise in residential communities near London (Heathrow) airport (Loughborough Univers. of Technology GB)

NOT. 10513 Une politique pour la route (Ministère de l'aménagement du territoire de l'Equipe., du Logement)

NOT. 10514 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes (Togo) Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10515 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes (Australien) (idem)

NOT. 10516 71 - US Visitors survey - regional analysis (Canadian Govern. Travel Bureau)

NOT. 10517 The seventh Dr Albert Plesman Memorial lecture (Delft Univers. of Technology Pays-Bas)


NOT. 10518 Civil Aviation R § D policy (CARD) implementation plan (US DOT)

NOT. 10519 Colloque - Une politique de l'aéron. civile et militaire pour l'Europe (1 à 5) (Union de l'Europe Occidentale)

NOT. 10520 Aviation civile - rapport d'exécution du VI° plan (SGAC - SEEP)

NOT. 10521 Transportation noise and its control (US DOT)

NOT. 10522 Résultats d'exploitation des cies locales des Etats-Unis - Evolut. 62 à 71 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 10523 Projet de loi de finances pour 74 - Minist. de l'aménagement du territ. de l'Equip., du Log. et du Tourisme

189 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10524 Aviation psychological research (Western European Assoc. for Aviation Psychology Belgique)

NOT. 10525 A survey of student travel habits at loughborough University of Technology and colleges (G.B.)

NOT. 10526 Collecte et analyse des données sur les opérations de sauvetage et de lutte contre l'incendie des aéronefs (SGAC STNA)


NOT. 10527 Etude de l'influence des conditions atmosphér. sur l'efficacité des svc de sauvet. et de lutte contre l'incendie sur les aérodromes (idem)

NOT. 10528 Utilisation et efficacité comparées des véhicules incendie lourds et légers (STNA)

NOT. 10529 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Ecuador - Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10530 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Sowjetunion (idem)

NOT. 10531 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Gabun (idem)

NOT. 10532 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Nord-Vietnam (idem)

NOT. 10533 Domestic passenger market demand forecast 73-2000 (A.T.A.)

NOT. 10534 Electronic data processing task catalogue (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10535 Review of engine maintenance concepts applied to wide body jets (S.A.E.)

NOT. 10536 747 developments (S.A.E.)

NOT. 10537 Key factors in developing a future wide bodied twinjet transport (idem)

190 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10538 Airtransit - The canadian demonstration interurban STOL Service (idem)

NOT. 10539 STOL in low density operations (idem)

NOT. 10540 Second generation SST (idem)

NOT. 10541 Airtrans : intra-airport transportation system (idem)

NOT. 10542 Transport cargo - aircraft concepts (S.A.E.)

NOT. 10543 An airline view of the future of auxiliary power system (idem)

NOT. 10544 General aviation pilot operations (idem)

NOT. 10545 VLF radio navigation (idem)

NOT. 10546 New low-pressure radio fans for quiet business aircraft propulsion (idem)

NOT. 10547 ENgine cycle considerations for future transport aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10548 Fundamental aspects of noise reduction from powered lift devices (idem)

NOT. 10549 Profitable transport engines for the environment of the eighties (idem)

NOT. 10550 The Channel Tunnel (H.M.S.O. GB)

NOT. 10551 Bordeaux - Ville oceane, métropole régionale (Docu. française)

NOT. 10552 Les villes nouvelles (Documentation française)

NOT. 10553 Economie et planification - calcul économique et planification (idem)

191 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10554 Les terres australes et antarctiques françaises (idem)

NOT. 10555 Rolls Royce Ltd - Investigation under section 165(a) (i) of the companies act 1948 (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 10556 An air pollution impact methodology for airport Phase 1 (Argonne Nat. Laboratory US)


NOT. 10557 Second report from the select committee of the house of lords on sport and leisure (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 10558 Airline statisticla annual - Complete data on 72 operations of all USA airlines (Ziff Davis Pub. Public Transport. and Travel Div. USA)

NOT. 10559 Growth rates within the transportation sector (Rand Corp. Pub. Division US)

NOT. 10560 The changing US population and future demand for air travel (idem)

NOT. 10561 Methods for estimating the volume and energy demand of freight transport (idem)

NOT. 10562 Trasporti - Esercizio - Economia - Compendio delle principali question : economiche e di esercizio dei vari modi di trasporto (Editrice Queriniana Italie)

NOT. 10563 Informations sur les tarifs et conditions d'application du système de redevances de route (Eurocontrol)

NOT. 10564 Le coût de la vie pour le touriste (I.T.A.)

NOT. 10565 Foreign trade during 72 at the Port of New York, New Jersey (P.N.Y.A. US)

NOT. 10566 Initiation à la logique de la programmation (doc. française)

NOT. 10567 Maintenabilité des équipements électroniques (idem)

192 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10568 Hotel tariff study of great Britain - First half 73 (Cornwell Greene, Bertram § Smith Ltd)

NOT. 10569 La localisation des aéroports (Aéroport de Paris)


NOT. 10570 Statistiques du trafic non régulier enregistré dans les états de la CEAC 72 (C.E.A.C. Neuilly)

NOT. 10571 User charges manuel (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10572 La circulation routière - Faits et chiffres (Union routière de France)

NOT. 10573 Commercial aircraft market outlook to 75 (M.D.C. US)

NOT. 10574 Calyx of tourism growth (Boeing)

NOT. 10575 The tourism gap : can its be bridged ? (Laventhol, Krekstein, Horwarth § Horwarth US)

NOT. 10576 Allgemeine statistik des auslandes - Spanien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10577 Analyse de quelques méthodes prévisionnelles appliquées au transport aérien de passagers (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10578 Le facteur travail dans l'industrie de Tourisme en France (Thèse pour le Doctorat de 3° cycle) (D.G. Rousseau Anould)

NOT. 10579 Summary of duties and taxes (Shell Aviation Svc GB)

NOT. 10580 The effect of speed on automobile conscemption rates (US DOT)


NOT. 10581 A national plan for airports (Chamber of Commerce Publications)

193 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10582 Projet de loi de finances pour 74 - Senat - N° 41 Avis - Tome XIII - Aviat. civile (M. Gaston Pams)

NOT. 10583 Image et son au service des relations publiques de l'aéronautique (Benoît Pineau Valencienne)

NOT. 10584 Impact of the new large jets on the US air transport system 70-75 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10585 Air freight forwarding - The decade 63-72 (idem)

NOT. 10586 Rapport sur les comptes de la Nation 72 Serie C23 (INSEE)

NOT. 10587 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tschechoslowakei (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10588 Enquête population d'aéroport d'Orly (Aéroport de Paris)


NOT. 10589 Bundesverkehrswegeplan (Stufe) (Der Bundesminister fur Verkehr RFA)

NOT. 10590 L'aménagement du temps de travail (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 10591 Auckland 73 - Papers presented to a special session of the 29th annual general meeting (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10592 Projet Loi de finances 74 - Assemblée Nat. Rapport. Doc. Parlementaire 681 - Annexe 32 - A.Civile (Assemblée Nat.)

NOT. 10593 Projet de loi de finances 74 - Assemb. Nat. Avis Doc. Parlementaire 686 tome XXI (idem)

NOT. 10594 Projet de loi de finances 74 - Sénat - Rapport gal - Doc. Parlementaire 39 Tome III Annex. 28 III - Aviation civile (idem)

NOT. 10595 Projet de loi de finances 74 - Assemblée Nat. Rapport Doc. parl. 681 - Annex. 31 - Transports (idem)

NOT. 10596

194 Archives nationales (France)

Projet de loi de finan. pour 74 - Assemblée Nat. Doc. Parl. 681 - Rapport - annexe 33 Marine marchande (ide

NOT. 10597 Projet de loi de finan. pour 74 - Assemb. Nat. Doc. parl. 686 Avis tome XXII Marine Marc. (idem)

NOT. 10598 Projet de loi de financ. pour 74 - Assemb. Nat. Doc. parl. 686 Avis tome XX transports terr. (idem)

NOT. 10599 Projet de loi de finan. pour 74 - Assemb. Nat. Doc. parl. 686 Avis tome XIV Urbanisme (idem)

NOT. 10600 Projet de loi de finan. pour 74 - A.N. Doc. parl. 681 Annexe 7 2 ex. (Urbanisme) (idem)

NOT. 10601 Projet de loi de finances pour 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. parl. 686 - Avis tome XII (équipement) (Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 10602 Projet de loi de finances pour 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. parl. 681 - Rapport - Annexe 6 (équipement) (idem)

NOT. 10603 Projet de loi de finances pour 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. parl. 686 - avis - tome XII (équipement) (idem)

NOT. 10604 Projet de loi de finances pour 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. parl. 681 - rapport - annexe 23 - Protection de la nature et environnement (idem)

NOT. 10605 Projet de loi de finances pour 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc parl. 686 - avis - tome XVII (environnement) (idem)

NOT. 10606 Projet de loi finances 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. Parl. 682 Avis - tome IX - protection de la nature et environnement (idem)

NOT. 10607 Projet de loi finances 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. Parl. 681 Annexe 5 (aménag. du territoire) (idem)

NOT. 10608 Projet de loi finances 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. parl. 686 Tome XV - avis (tourisme) (idem)

NOT. 10609 Projet de loi finances 74 - Ass. Nat. Doc. Parl. 681 Rapport - Annexe 9 (tourisme) (idem)

NOT. 10610 Projet de loi finances 74 - Sénat - avis - tome IX (tourisme) (idem)

195 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10611 Projet de loi finances 74 - Sénat - rapport gal - tome III - annexe 9 (tourisme) (idem)

NOT. 10612 Projet de loi de finances 74 - ASS. NAT. Rapport - DOc. parl. 681 - Annexe 30 - territoires d'outre-mer (ASSEMBLEE NATIONALE)

NOT. 10613 Projet de loi de finances 74 - Ass. Nat. Avis - Doc. parl. 686 tome XIX - territoires d'outre-mer (idem)

NOT. 10614 Projet de loi de finances 74 - Ass. Nat. Avis - Doc. parl. 686 - tome IV (départ. d'Outre-Mer) (idem)

NOT. 10615 Projet de loi de finances 74 - Ass. Nat. Rapport - Doc. parl. 681 - Annexe 13 (départ. d'Outre-Mer) (idem)


NOT. 10616 Aircraft types and prices (Llyod's aviation depart.)

NOT. 10617 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes Guatemala (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10618 Energy outlook for aviation - Oct. 24.25/1973 (FAA US)

NOT. 10619 The use of hydrogen for aircraft propulsion in view of the fuel crisis (Simat, Helliesen Eichner US)

NOT. 10620 1° congrès de l'Assoc. Int'l des avocats, juristes et experts en droit aérien (Assoc. Int'l des Avocats, Juristes et experts en droit aérien Italie)

NOT. 10621 Conférence int'l sur la recherche en matière de transports (Collège of Europe Belgique)

NOT. 10622 Associate committee on bird hazards to aircraft (A.C. Bird Hazards to aircraft)

NOT. 10623 Associate Com. on Bird Hazards to aircraft (Useful ref. from NRC files relating to the bird hazards to aircraft) Canada

NOT. 10624 Die Struktur des Fluggastan/Kommens auf den verkehrs flughäfen Nordrhein - West falens (Flughafen Koln/Bonn)

196 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10625 Assemblée de l'U.E.O. Conférence "Formulation d'une politique aéro. civile et militaire pour l'Europe" (Interavia C. Aerien)

NOT. 10626 Groupe de travail - Desserte des aéroports - Aéroports de province (Commissariat Gal du plan d'Equip. et de la Productivité Comité des T. Aériens)

NOT. 10627 Groupe de travail - Desserte des aéroports - Aéroports parisiens (idem)

NOT. 10628 Mongolflot - Cie aérienne de Mongolie (Dr J.L. Kneifel)

NOT. 10629 Dével. de la navig. aérienne civile en Rép. populaire de Chine. (idem)

NOT. 10630 La Cie aérienne - Loftleidir-Cie non IATA (idem)

NOT. 10631 Les négociations relatives au transp. aérien entre la R.F.A. et l'URSS (idem)

NOT. 10632 Le problème du transp. aér. à Berlin et les possibilités d'une nouvelle réglementation (Dr J.L. Kneifel RFA)

NOT. 10633 The seagoing commerce of the german democratic republic (idem)

NOT. 10634 Accidents causés par les volées d'oiseaux (Dr J.L. Kneifel)

NOT. 10635 L'énergie (Minist : du Dévelop. Industriel et Scientifique France)


NOT. 10636 Colloque sur l'énergie (idem)

NOT. 10637 Depart. of transp. and related agencies appropriations for 74 - Hearings before subcommittee of the committee on appropriations house of representatives 92nd congress of the U.S. House of representatives - Part III - DOT, CAB, etc.

197 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10638 4th federal aircraft noise abatement program FY. 1972-73 (U.S. DOT)

NOT. 10639 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tansania (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10640 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Jordanien (idem)

NOT. 10641 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Bolivien (idem)

19910257/170 NOT. 10642 Offshore terminal concepts Parts 2, 3, 1 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 10643 Energy research needs (Part I - II) (idem)

NOT. 10644 Report on existing aviation policies (idem)

NOT. 10645 Evaluation of aircraft hazards at the boardman nuclear plant size (idem)

NOT. 10646 The specification of navigational capability in relation to North Atlantic separation standards (idem)

NOT. 10647 Economics and terminal area environmental impact of STOL transportation (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10648 Forecasting the demand potential for STOL air transport. (idem)

NOT. 10649 9 STOL air transportation terminal area scenarios and ATC implications (idem)

NOT. 10650 Quiet short haul air transp. system ATC requirements - airport scenarios (idem)


NOT. 10651 A computer program for calculatin flight profiles of Concorde (idem)

198 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10652 Aircraft performance - Prediction methods and optimization (idem)

NOT. 10653 In flight simulation of minimum longitudinal stability for large delta wing transports in landing approach and touchdown (idem)

NOT. 10654 A flight investigation of the trailing vortices generated by a jumbo jet transport (idem)

NOT. 10655 High speed ground transportation alternatives study (idem)

NOT. 10656 Airport and air service access (idem)

NOT. 10657 San Francisco airport access project (idem) PB 213411

NOT. 10658 San Francisco airport access project (idem) PB 212456

NOT. 10659 Land use control strategies for airport impacted areas (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10660 New York offshore airport feasibilité study (idem)


NOT. 10661 Regional airport systems study final plan (idem)

NOT. 10662 Analytical studies of the lift and Roll stability of a ram air cushion vehide (idem)

NOT. 10663 Disposition of comments on the draft environmental impact statement sonic boom rule (FAA US)

NOT. 10664 Aircraft noise impact planning guidelines for local agencies (idem)

NOT. 10665 Compte rendu du 12° congrès d'ICAA France (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10666 Air travel and charter flight handbook (Travel Info. Bureau)

199 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10667 List of national development plans (Banque mondiale)

NOT. 10668 Les communications entre le grand Delta et l'extérieur (exposé sur les communic. aériennes) S.G.A.C.

NOT. 10669 Transoceanic cargo study vol 1 - vol 3 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 10670 Automative fuel systems for LNG, Hydrogen (Beech aircraft corp. US)

NOT. 10671 Major domestic air carrier passenger markets for washington - Baltimore area airpots (1) (2) (FAA US)

NOT. 10672 Washington New York air and rail passenger traffic 1972 (FAA US)

NOT. 10673 Air passenger trip travel times ground and air 1968 and 1972 (idem)

NOT. 10674 Italian civil aviation prospects and problems (Banco di Roma - Ufficio studi)

NOT. 10675 Third level air carriers operations - A review of issues (Canadian transport Commission)

NOT. 10676 Le tourisme tropical balnéaire : le modèle Caraïbes et ses extensions (Université d'Aix-Marseille)

NOT. 10677 Transport-Expo-Colloque - Thèse 5 : organisation des transports conçus comme une chaîne (Transport Expo)

NOT. 10678 Routes grants in US international air transport (A.T.A.)

NOT. 10679 Air transport - A public svc in transition - Comments by a new scheduled operator on the North Atlantic (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10680 Fuel - A review of current problems regarding price and availability (I.A.T.A.)

200 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10681 A critical look at airline profitability (idem)

NOT. 10682 Cargo development (idem)

NOT. 10683 Aeronautics and space report of the President (1972 activities) G.P.O. Washington)

NOT. 10684 Supersonic transport - Hearings before subcommittee on priorities and economy in government of the Joint Economic Committee congress of the US - 92nd congress 2nd session (idem)


NOT. 10685 Landing approach automatïc flight control system design via reduced order optimal control law (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10686 Energy consumption for transportation in the US (idem)

NOT. 10687 Growing demand for energy (idem)

NOT. 10688 Facts, questions and answer about San Francisco Int'l airport (Public Relations Officer US)

NOT. 10689 The value of commercial air transport. to the US - to its people, to its economy (A.T.A. SU)

NOT. 10690 General aviation today (G.A.M.A. US)

NOT. 10691 Un véritable réseau de communications s'avère indispensable pour le dévelopement européen (AGIR Revue Paris)

NOT. 10692 Report on the through air passenger survey March 70 - Feb. 71 (Singapore Tourist Promotion Board)

NOT. 10693 Roissy en France (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 10694 Aéroport de Paris (Les travaux publics Paris)

201 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10695 Acceptable methods, techniques and practices - Aircraft inspection and repair (G. Printing office US)

NOT. 10696 Proceedings of the 73 national cargo security conference "Cargo security a report on local actions" (US DOT)

NOT. 10697 Air traffic contol systems - AD 760164 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10698 1972 National airport system plan Volume AAS Narrative and Nat. Summaries (FAA US) G.P.O.

NOT. 10699 1972 Nat. airport system plan Vol AAL Alaskan region (idem)

NOT. 10700 1972 Nat. aviation system plan Vol ACE Central Region (G.P.O. US)


NOT. 10701 1972 Nat. aviation system plan Vol AEA Eastern Region (idem)

NOT. 10702 1972 Nat. Airport system plan - vol AGL Great Lakes region (idem)

NOT. 10703 1972 Nat. Airport system plan - volume ANE - New England region (idem)

NOT. 10704 1972 Nat. airport system plan - vol. ANW - Norhwest region (Government Printing office)

NOT. 10705 1972 Nat. airport system plan - volume APC Pacific region (idem)

NOT. 10706 1972 National airport system plan - volume ARM - Rocky Mountain region (idem)

NOT. 10707 1972 National airport system plan - volume ASO - Southern region (idem)

NOT. 10708 1972 National airport system plan - volume ASW - Southwest Region (idem)

NOT. 10709 1972 National airport system plan - vol. AWE Western region (G.P.O. US)

202 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10710 Transportation of hazardous materials. Dec 71 - June 28, 1972 (idem)


NOT. 10711 The economics of Federal Subsidy Programs - Straff study (Subcommittee on Priorities § Economy US)

NOT. 10712 Future capital financing in the airline industry - second study by IATA financial (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10713 Biological impacts of increased intensities of solar ultraviolet radiation (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10714 Les transports aériens à Madagascar et l'assistance technique française (Marc Bernardin)

NOT. 10715 La cie multinationale Air Afrique (Abidjan)

NOT. 10716 Air Afrique et les cies locales africaines (idem)

NOT. 10717 Air Afrique Sa flotte, son réseau (idem)

NOT. 10718 La formation du personnel à Air Afrique (idem)

NOT. 10719 Air Afrique, avant tout un moyen de coopération au service du développement (idem)

NOT. 10720 Air Afrique. Le Fret aérien (idem)

NOT. 10721 Air Afrique. Personnel et africanisation (idem)

NOT. 10722 Le tourisme Air Afrique - (idem).

NOT. 10723 Runway visual range observing and reporting practices (1080 University Street Quebec) OACI

NOT. 10724 Usage des états en matière de délivrance des licences (OACI)

203 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10725 Aéronautiques étrangères (U.S.I.A.S.)


NOT. 10726 9th annual FAA International Aviation Maintenance Symposium (FAA US)

NOT. 10727 Develop. of a discrete address beacon system (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10728 Engineering and development program plan - Concepts, design and description for the upgraded third generation air traffic control system (idem)

NOT. 10729 Engineering and develop. program plan airport surface traffic control (idem)

NOT. 10730 A preliminary requirements analysis for airport surface traffic control (idem)

NOT. 10731 Texas airport system plan - air cargo analysis and forecasts (idem)

NOT. 10732 The long range needs of aviation - Technical annex - Vol. 1 (idem)


NOT. 10733 The long range needs of aviation - Technical annex - Vol. 2 (idem)

NOT. 10734 System selection study - Systems evaluation tack (task 360) (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10735 The effects ol local meteorological factors upon aircraft noise measurements (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10736 Quiet short haul air transp. system requirements ATC/airports (idem)

NOT. 10737 A Plan for the improvement of short-haul air transportation (idem)

NOT. 10738 A program definition sutdy for the improvement of short haul air transportation (idem)

204 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10739 Dual lane runway study (idem)

NOT. 10740 Reduction of parallel runway requirements (idem)

NOT. 10741 Models for runway capacity analysis (idem)


NOT. 19742 Aircraft landling qualities data (idem)

NOT. 10743 Inflatable ustraint concept for general aviation aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10744 General aviation (idem)

NOT. 10745 Physical techniques for controlling birds to reduce aircraft strike hazards (idem)

NOT. 10746 Solar energy in developing countries (idem)

NOT. 10747 Survey of nuclear power supply prospects (idem)

NOT. 10748 Arctic logistics support technology (idem)

NOT. 10749 The role of the London airports in meeting the business and social needs of the consumer (London C.C.I.)

NOT. 10750 The airport and its environment Annual conference (Aérodrome Owners Association G.B.)

NOT. 10751 Grundwertre der Reisezeiten für Fernreisen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschalnd mit Flugzenge, Eisenbahn und Personen Kraftwagen (Universte Stuttgart)

NOT. 10752 Methodik zur Ermittlung der Wirtschaftlichkeit des Regionalluftverkehrs (Université Stuttgart)

205 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10753 A simplified fuel control approach for low cost aircraft gas turbines (S.A.E. US)


NOT. 10754 Air carrier Comparative statements (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 10755 Investigation of site coverage and associated problems at the O'Hae airport, Chicago, Illinois, enroute radar beacon test site (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10756 Engineering and develop. program plan - Performance assurance (idem)

NOT. 10757 Airport information retrieval system (AIRS) - System design (idem)

NOT. 10758 Determination of landing visibility at airports (idem)

NOT. 10759 An extension of the throughput runway capacity methodology to include multiple glide path lenghts angles (idem)

NOT. 10760 Investment strategies for developing areas - Models of transport (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10761 En route air traffic control scenarios for the quiet short haul air transportation system (idem)

NOT. 10762 GPSS/360 computer models to simulate aircraft passenger emergency evacuation (idem)

NOT. 10763 A theory of aircraft collision - avoidance system design and evaluation (idem)

NOT. 10764 The generation and radiation of supersonic jet noise - Vol. 1 Summary of supersonic yet noise studies (idem)

NOT. 10765 Functional error analysis and modeling for ATC system concepts evaluation (idem)

NOT. 10766 Aircraft environmental factors for design consideration (S.A.E.)

206 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10767 Aircraft cabin illumination (idem)

NOT. 10768 Aircraft anticollision light systems using flashtubes (idem)

NOT. 10769 Comparison of ground unup and flyover noise levels (idem)

NOT. 10770 Aircraft noise research needs (idem)

NOT. 10771 Airborne monitoring of commercial transport aircraft fluid system and equipment performance (idem)


NOT. 10772 Guide to national petroleum council report on US energy outlook (Nat. Petroleum Council US)

NOT. 10773 Commuter airlines - State of the industry (Nat. Air Transp. Conferences US)

NOT. 10774 Aérodrome Manual - Part 8 : land use in the vicinty of aerodromes (OACI)

NOT. 10775 General oultine of leisure activities and Tourism in Japan (European Sty et Corporate and Strategic Planners)

NOT. 10776 Les complexes aeroportuaires - Analyse et localisation dans les écon. industrielles avancées (Univ. de Paris I)

NOT. 10777 Domestic RPM forecast Trunk, PAA § Local service carriers (BOEING)

NOT. 10778 Avions Marcel Dassault § Breguet Aviation (Vaucresson)

NOT. 10779 Subjective time savings in interurban travel, an empirical study (Depart. of Geography Israël)

NOT. 10780 Spatial characteristics of short haul air traffic, the case of the Tel-Aviv-Elat route (idem)

NOT. 10781

207 Archives nationales (France)

FAA Communications system description 1973 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 10782 A program definition study of the improvement of short - haul air transportation Vol I Recommended program plan (idem)

NOT. 10783 Community reaction to aircraft noise around small city airports (idem)

NOT. 10784 Airport activity statistics of cutfied route air carriers 12 months ended June 30, 1971 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10785 Current Aircraft Prices Interavia Data (Interavia Suisse)

NOT. 10786 The organization of civil aviation in France (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 10787 SAS Yearbook 1973-1974 (S.A.S.)

NOT. 10788 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Guyana (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10789 Guadeloupe - Infrastructure routière - Urbanisme - Hotellerie - Infrastructure aéronautique (Les travaux publics)

NOT. 10790 La naissance des lignes africaines (ICARE Orly)

NOT. 10791 Airports (Architectural Record New York)

NOT. 10792 Trans Arian trunk air routes (Douglas Aircraft Co California)

NOT. 10793 S § A ALITALIA (Line aeree italienne) (Ricerche e Stude Milano)

NOT. 10794 Le problème de la dénébalisation des pistes d'aéroports (Revue gale des routes et aérodromes)

NOT. 10795 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kenia (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

208 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10796 Les transports en france 1971-1972 - Evolution - Comptes - Charges des collectivités publiques charges des usagers - 11° rapport de la commission des comptes de transport de la nation (INSEE)

NOT. 10797 Projet de loi de finances - Aviation civile - Discussion J.O. Débats parlementaires (N° 589 - 29.11.73 Sénat)

NOT. 10798 Une politique de l'aéronautique pour l'Europe - Principes dégagés à la suite du colloque des 17 et 18 Sept 73 Doc. 618 - 19° session ordinaire (Union de l'Europe occid.)

NOT. 10799 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. Jamaika (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10800 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. Volksrepublik China (idem)

NOT. 10801 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. El Salvador (idem)

NOT. 10802 Allgemeine stat. " ausl. Sierra Leone (idem)

NOT. 10803 Tourism § the Energy Crisis (Tourism int'l Grande-Bretagne) (Extraits de "tourism int'l" - US Travel Svc)


NOT. 10804 Das problem des Zusammenwirkens von FlugzengfUhrer und Regler in der Flugführung (Technische Universitüt Berlin)

NOT. 10805 Dirigeables d'hier et aéronefs allégés de demain au service du transport aérien commercial (I.T.A.)

NOT. 10806 Upgrading the ATC system - Proceedings of the 73 annual assembly meeting (Radio technical Commission for Aeronautics)

NOT. 10807 Technology sharing (US DOT)

NOT. 10808 Consolidation for urban goods movements : air cargo on the ground as a case study (M.I.T. US)

209 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10809 Planning for satellite airport (M.I.T.)

NOT. 10810 Design of air transportation networks (idem)

NOT. 10811 Les transformations récentes de Paray-Vieille-Poste (Université de Paris)

NOT. 10812 General imports - Commidity by World Area (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 10813 11th annual sysmposium (S.A.F.E.)

NOT. 10814 Symposium on the environment and transport technology (Depart. of Transp. Technology)


NOT. 10815 Les archives administratives - Conseils pratiques (SGAC)

NOT. 10816 Tourisme et dévelop. écnomique en Espage (Doc. française)

NOT. 10817 Les villes françaises - ST Etienne et son agglomération (idem)

NOT. 10818 L'avenir de la Basse Normandie Livre blanc - Schéma gal d'aménagement de la France (idem)

NOT. 10819 The fuel situation - The airline viewpoint (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10820 Le transport aérien en Afrique noire francophone et à Madagascar (Marchés tropicaux et méditerranéens)

NOT. 10821 Une politique de l'aéronautique pour l'Europe (U.E.O.)

NOT. 10822 A methodologie for estimating tourist spending in Ontario COuntries (R.D. Krentzwiser)

NOT. 10823 Desserte aérienne des stations de sport d'hiver (SGAC - STBA)

210 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10824 Caractéristiques techniques des altiports (rapport) Groupe de travail - desserte aéro. des stations de montagne (S.G.A.C. idem)


NOT. 10825 Status of implementation ICAO regional air navigation plan Asia/Pacific area (FAA US)

NOT. 10826 Status of implementation ICAO regional air navigation plan Africa/Indian ocean region (idem)

NOT. 10827 Special study - report on approach and landing accident prevention forum (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 10828 Transportation projection 1970-80 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10829 Procedures for determination of airport capacity (idem)

NOT. 10830 Procedures for determination of airport capacity - Appendices (idem)

NOT. 10831 The economies of air transport (NASA technical translation "Transport 71 - N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 10832 Applicationnof fracture prevention principales to aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10833 The economic efficiency of raising the flying life and reliability of gas-turbine engines (idem)

NOT. 10834 An investigation of ATC procedures for IFR approaches to triple parallel runways (idem)

NOT. 10835 Instrument landing error correction system (idem)

NOT. 10836 Curved approach path study (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10837 A method for the study of category III airborne procedure reliability (idem)

211 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10838 The 1972 seminar on operational problems of the air traffic control radar beacon system (idem)

NOT. 10839 Feasibility analysis of an air traffic control radar beacon system (ATCRBS) based surface trilateration surveillance system (idem)

NOT. 10840 Arts III augmented tracking study (idem)


NOT. 10841 Rapport d'information fait au nom de la commission des Affaires économiques et du Plan à la suite de la mission effectuée au Brésil, du 18 Août au 6 Sept. 73, concernant l'énergie et les transports (J.Officiel)

NOT. 10842 Caractéristiques de performance recommandées pour les équip. de navigation et de télécommunications des aéronefs (CEAC)

NOT. 10843 Terminal area forecast 75-85 (FAA US)

NOT. 10844 Summary of Nat. transportation statistics (US DOT)

NOT. 10845 INformation on reconstruction and modernization of the "Aerodrom Zagreb" (Yougoslavie)

NOT. 10846 A roissy, le plus grand aéroport d'Europe (Aviation Magazine)

NOT. 10847 The use of economic evaluation models in AUstralian Transp. Planning (Int'l Conference on Transport. Research Bruges)

NOT. 10848 Time differences and int'l interaction (Oslo University)

NOT. 10849 The growing value of air freight. A pilot study of eight major corporations (Golightly § Co Int'l)

NOT. 10850 le troisième niveau au Canada (I.C.A..A)

NOT. 10851

212 Archives nationales (France)

British Airways - Segmental seat scheduling (British Airways)

NOT. 10852 US Int'l charter movements 1968-1972 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10853 Summary of availability (Shell Aviation Svc)

NOT. 10854 How IATA airlines have met the increasing demand for low cost travel (12th IATA)

NOT. 10855 10ème colloque d'aérodynamique appliquée (A.A.AF.)

NOT. 10856 Mesures de rafales sur Concorde - 10° colloque A.A.A.F. d'aérodynamique appliquée (idem)


NOT. 10857 A.A.A.F. 10° colloque d'aérodynamique appliquée 1973 - (1) Etude expérimentale et théorique de l'écoulement transonique jusqu'à (20) Influence des phénomènes transitoires.

NOT. 10858 Economics of air safety and long range safety research and development (F.S.F.)

NOT. 10859 L'économie de la république démocratie allemande (Doc. français)

NOT. 10860 Nancy et son agglomération - les villes françaises (doc. française)

NOT. 10861 Optimal pricing policies for air transport networks (M.I.T.)


NOT. 10862 The container studyin summary (Canadian T. Commission)

NOT. 10863 Situation et perspectives de l'équipement hotelier à Paris (Préfecture Paris)

NOT. 10864 Air transport Int'l Régulation (Jal of Transport Economics and Policy)

NOT. 10865

213 Archives nationales (France)

Rentabilité économique des investissements aéroportuaires (SGAC - STBA)

NOT. 10866 General outline of leisure activities and tourism in Japan (Nomura Research Institute

NOT. 10867 Energy demand in the future reducing the growth rate (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 10868 Transport improvements, commuting costs and residential location (idem)

NOT. 10869 Energy in the transportation sector (idem)

NOT. 10870 Technological change through product improvement in aircraft turbine engine (idem)

NOT. 10871 Analysis of aircraft development (idem)

NOT. 10872 Controversy in Soviet R § D. The airship case study (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 10873 US Foreign Trade (Imports) TSUSA Commodity by Country - Annual 72 (Governement Printing Office)

NOT. 10874 Confortable travel on "country routes" (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10875 The calculation of aircraft collision probabilities (idem)


NOT. 10876 Human factors approach to aircraft accident analysis (idem)

NOT. 10877 Lateral distribution of aircraft traffic (idem)

NOT. 10878 Studies in low speed flight (idem)

NOT. 10879 Civil aircraft sonic boom regulation (idem)

NOT. 10880

214 Archives nationales (France)

Effectiveness evaluation of STOL transport operations final report (idem)


NOT. 10881 Quiet turbofan STOL aircraft for short-haul transportation Vol 2 - Vol 1 (idem)

NOT. 10882 A comparison of general aviation occupant restraint systems (idem)

NOT. 10883 Classification of airport environs by airport/community land use compatibility (idem)

NOT. 10884 Airport access study (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10885 US Microwave Landing system (MLS) development program symposium (idem)

NOT. 10886 Human factors experiment for data link (idem)

NOT. 10887 Air to air visual detection data (idem)

NOT. 10888 US Int'l air cargo markets 1972 (C.A.B.)


NOT. 10889 A look ahead - Worl air cargo - conference delivered at the IATA annual general meeting (Flying Tiger US)

NOT. 10890 Statistiques et indicateurs des régions françaises Projet loi de finances pour 74 (INSEE)

NOT. 10891 La réforme régionale (Documentation française)

NOT. 10892 Wide - bodied jet report - aircraft operating cost and peformance report. US certificated route air carriers 1970/73 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10893 La lutte contre la piraterie aérienne (Doc. française)

215 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10894 American - Frontier route exchange agreement - Draft statement of environmental assessment (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10895 12th annual conference - Reykjavik (2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 12) (I.F.A.T.C.A.)

NOT. 10896 Analysis of automatic aircraft altitude reporting using the Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10897 An evaluation study of the airport development aid program FY.1971-1972 (idem)

NOT. 10898 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Elfenbeinküste (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 10899 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Malaisie (idem)


NOT. 10900 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Sri Lanka (idem)

NOT. 10901 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Malaysia (idem)

NOT. 10902 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Süd Korea (idem)

NOT. 10903 Pour vos wide body jets - KSSU (U.T.A.)

NOT. 10904 The benefits of civil aviation to the economy of JOrdan (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10905 US industrial outlook 1974 with projections to 1980 (U.S. G.P.O.)

NOT. 10906 US foreign trade - general imports - World area by commodity groupings - annual 72 (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 10907 Moscou en l'an 2000 - Le plan directeur et l'aménagement des transports (Doc. française)

NOT. 10908 Transport regional et complémentaire en France - 68 Cies complémentaires France - DOM et TOM - Résultats de 1973 (AIR § COSMOS)

216 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10909 International flight information manual (FAA US)

NOT. 10910 Energy requirements for passenger ground transportation system (A.S.M.E.)

NOT. 10911 Le rôle du R.A.E. dans la collaboration européenne - XXVII journée franco-britannique Louis Blériot - 5.4.74 (R.A.E.)

NOT. 10912 Les réactions du consommateur devant le prix (CCI Paris)

NOT. 10913 L'insertion de l'aéroport en milieu urbanisé : l'exemple de Marseille-Marignane et de Nice Côte d'Azur (Université Air Marseille)

NOT. 10914 Understanding the airlines' role in the total travel business (Public Trans Travel Division Ziff Davis US)


NOT. 10915 International tourisme and the economy of developping countries (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 10916 F.I.A.T.A. forum on air freight (F.I.A.T.A. Suisse)

NOT. 10917 Standard for measuring community isolation narrative (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10918 Equipement et développement écono. et social de la Corse : mesures prises par le comité interministériel d'aménagement du territoire en juillet 73 (DATAR)

NOT. 10919 Potential conflict prediction and associated functions for oceanic air traffic control automation (FAA US)

NOT. 10920 A market for aircraft (paper 57) (I.E.A.)

NOT. 10921 AIrcraft sound description system - Background and application (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10922 Local service air carriers' unit costs (vol I et II) (C.A.B.)

217 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10923 The region's airports revisited (Regional Plan Association)

NOT. 10924 Organisation de l'espace aérien dans la région parisienne (Philippe de Maistre D.E.A.)

NOT. 10925 Le trafic aérien non régulier dans la région "EU-MED" et vers le reste du monde 1972 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 10926 Air transport in the Scottish Highlands and Islands (CAA G.B.)


NOT. 10927 Symposium on "air transport in Europe" Royal Aeronautical Study G.B.)

NOT. 10928 CEAC - Sixième session intermédiaire (spéciale) (OACI)

NOT. 10929 Présentation to the CAB by the ASTA (A.S.T.A. US)

NOT. 10930 Charterstatistik 1973 (Luftfartsverket Suède)

NOT. 10931 13th anglo american aeronautical conference proceedings (Royal A. Society London)

NOT. 10932 Cours de transports - Les transports aériens - Ecole du Louvres - Session de formation gale 1973/74 (SNCF)

NOT. 10933 DABS industry briefing (FAA US)

NOT. 10934 The service world international "100". An analysis of power in the global hotel, catering industry (Service World Int'l US)

NOT. 10935 Twelfth IATA public relations conference - Mexico (IATA)

NOT. 10936 Prognosen fuer den Luftverkehr auf dem flughafen Zuerich bis zum Jahre 1985 (Amt Fûr Luftverkehr Suisse)

218 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 10937 Domestic passenger fare investigation Phase 4 et Phase 9 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 10938 L'aviation du 3° niveau en R.F.A. (C.F.C.E. Paris)

NOT. 10939 La coopération technique des compagnies aériennes européennes - "le groupe ATLAS" (Mr J. Belotti Cdt de Bord) Tome 1 et tome 2.

NOT. 10940 Enquête population aéroport du Bourget (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 10941 The big picture - Travel - Official annual report - world travel trends and market 72-73 (A.S.T.A.)

NOT. 10942 Arrivals of western europeans in selected destination countries outside Europe 1973 (T.T.T. G.B.)

NOT. 10943 1973 Nepal Trade mission (Thai International (U.S.A.)

NOT. 10944 1974 Thailand trade mission (Thai Int'l San Francisco)

NOT. 10945 Preliminary study of turbojets with rotary flow inductors for a low noise supersonic transport (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10946 Supersonic Transport (idem)

NOT. 10947 Statistical Summary of the 1982 Los Angeles Basin Standard traffic model (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10948 I.A.C.A. 1974 (Suisse)


NOT. 10949 Red china builds an airline (Rand Corp. US)

NOT. 10950 Benefits of advanced propulsion technology for the advanced supersonic transport (S.A.E.)

219 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10951 Propulsion technology advances needed for a quiet supersonic transpor (idem)

NOT. 10952 Advanced structural materials application for ligh subsonic speed transports (S.A.E.)

NOT. 10953 Introduction to advanced systems monitor (idem)

NOT. 10954 A.S.T. a fifth engine for environmental consideration (idem)

NOT. 10955 Maintainability concepts used in the design and operation of Douglas Commercial jet aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10956 Evaluation of U/STOL research aircraft designs (S.A.E.)

NOT. 10957 Potentials for advanced civil transport aircraft (idem)

NOT. 10958 Metrication and planing to meet its demands in aerospace engineering and manufacturing (idem)

NOT. 10959 Climatic impact assessment program - Proceedings of the survey conference (US DOT)

NOT. 10960 Proceedings of the second conference on the climatic assessment program (idem)

NOT. 10961 AIr traffic controlled by the United Kingdom air traffic control centers - An analysis of the week 23.29 July 73 (CAA GB)

NOT. 10962 Avis du Comité Economique et Social sur la "Communication de la Commission au Conseil relative au développement de la politique commune des transports" (CEE)

NOT. 10963 Development of a disuete address beacon system (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10964 Airport travel survey manual (idem)

NOT. 10965 Study of optical illusions during visual approaches (idem)

220 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 10966 50 Jahre Eidgenössisches - Luftamt 1920-1070 (Office Federal de l'Air Suisse)

NOT. 10967 Rolls Royce today an address by sir Kenneth Keith, chairman of Rolls Royce Ltd. to the British Institute of Management (Norfolk House St Jame's Square GB)

NOT. 10968 Herbs Hagung 1973 - Automation - Umwelt Wachstum (Office Federal de l'Air)

NOT. 10969 The sources of benefit from civil aviation activities Report presented to A.T.A. (Simat, Helliesen § Eichner)

NOT. 10970 Estudio sobre la tipologia, caracteristicas y medios de estimulo de los mercados emisores de turismo hacia los paises de la Asamblea IV asamblea hispano, luso americano - filipina de turismo (Ministerio de Informacion y Turismo Espagne)

NOT. 10971 Turismo - Solucion inmediata - S.I.T.C.A. Guatemala

NOT. 10972 Nigeria exports : problems prospects and implications for economic growth (I.E.Mondiale - Académie des Sciences de Hongrie)

NOT. 10973 THe present stage of the non capitalist development in Asia § Africa (idem)

NOT. 10974 Détournement d'aéronefs (M. H. Beaubois Juris-Classeur)

NOT. 10975 Setling investment priorities in transport - Seminar held in Melbourne (Chartered Institute of Transport Australia)

NOT. 10976 Domestic passenger market demand forecast 1973-2000 Trunk § Regional carriers 2° vol. (A.T.A.)

NOT. 10977 Rapport sur les limites de la croissance Doc 3233 - (Conseil de l'Europe)

NOT. 10978 Treaties and other international acts series - Certificates of airworthiness for imported aircraft N° 7611 - N° 7675 - N° 7728 (OACI)

221 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 10979 Les grands problèmes actuels du transport aérien int'l (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10980 Les retombées techniques et économiques du COncorde (Aérospatiale)

NOT. 10981 A fuel conservation study for transport aircraft utilizing advanced technology and hydrogen fuel (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10982 Civil aviation midair collisions analysis (Jan. 64 - December 1971 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 10983 Airport handling manual 1st Ed. (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 10984 The apon terminal complex - Analysis of concepts for evaluation of terminal buildings (FAA US)


NOT. 10985 Study of oceanic airspace and ground network configurations in satellite systems (idem)

NOT. 10986 Interrelationship of FAA.DOT NASA Programs relating to aircraft cabin materials fire (idem)

NOT. 10987 Meteorological information for vertical and short take off and landing (US TOL) operations in built up urban areas - An analysis (idem)

NOT. 10988 An evaluation of psychoacoustic procedures for determining human response to aircraft noise (VOLS 1 - 2) (idem)

NOT. 10989 Aeroport du Raizet (C.C.I. Guadeloupe)

NOT. 10990 A position paper on independent research and development and bid and proposal efforts (A.I.A. of America)

NOT. 10991 Careers in Civil Aviation (Aviation civile east african community Kenya)

NOT. 10992

222 Archives nationales (France)

Tourism plan 1974-1977 - A four year working document for the Irish Tourist Industry (Janvier 73 - mise à jour feb. 74) (Baggot Street Bridge irlande)

NOT. 10993 Extrait Marketing Seminar Bermudes (Dept of Tourism Bermudes)

NOT. 10994 Compte rendu du séminaire préparatoire au 14° congrès de l'ICAA Orly.

NOT. 10995 Multivariate analysis applied to aircraft optimisation - some effects of research advances on the design of future subsonic transport aircraft (R.A.E. GB)

NOT. 10996 1973-1974 Canadian Aviation Report. Toronto.

NOT. 10997 Profiles of agencies around world : Billings, income, new accounts (Advertising age)

NOT. 10998 Ansätze, Materialen und Bausteine für erklärungs - und Prognosemodelle des Personennahverkehrs (Université tech. de Berlin)

NOT. 10999 Ein model zur ermittlung des verkehrsbedarf für zukünftige flugzenge im interhationalen langstrekenverkehr (Berlin idem)

NOT. 11000 Transport for passengers - 2ned (Institute of economic affairs (G.B.)


NOT. 11001 The price of air travel paper 53 (idem)

NOT. 11002 Macroeconomic thinking and the market economy (I.E.A.)

NOT. 11003 The year ahead 1975 - National aviation system plans for 75 (FAA US)

NOT. 11004 Airports - Challenges of the future (A.S.C.E.)

NOT. 11005 Problèmes et perspectives du transport aérien en Europe continentale (AIR FRANCE)

223 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11006 US Transportation - Some energy and environmental considerations (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11007 Lightning effects on general aviation aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11008 Engineering and development program plan - Navigation (idem)

NOT. 11009 Tupolev - Its "moustaches" were too long and fragile (idem)

NOT. 11010 Study of quiet turbofan STOL aircraft for short haul transportation (idem)

NOT. 11011 Analysis and design of a transportation information center (idem)

NOT. 11012 Aircraft movements and passenger traffic forecasts Working paper 32 (A.D.U. RFA)

NOT. 11013 Air cargo traffic forecasting methodology (A.D.U.)

NOT. 11014 Progress report on Copenhaguen airport, Salthom - The impact of political factors on basic design parameters (A.D.U.)

NOT. 11015 The need for alternate runway directions - An approach by operations analyses to rational evaluation (idem)

NOT. 11016 Aircraft surface traffic system for Schiphol airport (idem)

NOT. 11017 Frankfurt airport railway connection - first year of operation (diem)

NOT. 11018 German experience with timetable coordination on behalf of the airport (idem)

NOT. 11019 Anti aircraft noise regulations in the Federal Republic of Germany (idem)

NOT. 11020 Redevances Bruit (idem=

224 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11021 Runways for category II operations at European airports (idem)

NOT. 11022 Le transport aérien non régulier dans les travaux prévisionnels (I.T.A.)

NOT. 11023 A look at the Commuter airline industry - 1980 (Shorts aircraft US)

NOT. 11024 Mise en oeuvre des aérodromes d'aviation générale - Rapport du groupe de travail "aviation gale" (SGAC DNA 2° bureau)

NOT. 11025 Report on aircraft - airport noise - Report of the administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency - to the Committee on Public works - US Senate 93nd congress (G.P.O.)

NOT. 11026 US foreign trade - Exports world area by commodity groupings Annual 72 - FT 455-72 (G.P.O.)


NOT. 11027 Optimal dispatching of an infinite capacity shuttle : control at a single terminal (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 11028 Cost comparisons of advanced air traffic management systems (idem)

NOT. 11029 The technology and economics of commercial airplane design (Boeing US)

NOT. 11030 Commercial air transport development considerations (idem)

NOT. 11031 Transport for the 80's (idem)

NOT. 11032 Dimensions for airline growth - Revised A2260 (idem)

NOT. 11033 B.747 MRS/SRM program (idem)

NOT. 11034 Hawaïi - The visitor growth market of the 1970's (idem)

NOT. 11035

225 Archives nationales (France)

AUstralian domestic passenger traffic forecast (idem)

NOT. 11036 Europe to Far East and Australasia passenger traffic forecast (idem)

NOT. 11037 Japanese domestic passenger traffic forecast (Boeing)

NOT. 11038 Commercial jet transport - direct maintenance cost history - 1959-1972 (idem)

NOT. 11039 Airborne - intermodel pallets and containers (idem)

NOT. 11040 Aero Memo - 2° édition (Aerospatiale)

NOT. 11041 Organismes internationaux de l'aviation civile (Canada) (SGAC Revue)

NOT. 11042 Subsidy for United States certificated air carriers (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11043 Noise source abatement technology and cost analysis including utrofitting (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 11044 Aircraft noise source and contour estimation (idem)

NOT. 11045 A status report on jet noise suppression as seen by an aircraft manufacturer (idem)

NOT. 11046 727 noise retrofit feasibility Vol III (idem)

NOT. 11047 Studies in short haul air transportation in the California corridor : effects of design runway leugth, community acceptance, impact of return on investment and fuel cost increases (idem)

NOT. 11048 Small V/STOL aircraft analysis - Vol II - I (idem)

NOT. 11049 Airport access /egress study Vol II (idem)

226 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11050 Automated selection of VOR. ILS and TACAN/DME frequencies (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11051 System analysis of TACAN and DME for addition of navigation digital data broadcast (idem)

NOT. 11052 Nuclear instrument landing system (idem)

NOT. 11053 Study of oceanic airspace and ground network configurations in satellite systems (idem)


NOT. 11054 Voir NOT. 10985 (idem)

NOT. 11056 Interrelationship of DOT FAA. NASA programs relating to aircraft cabin materials fire (idem)

NOT. 11055 Voir NOT. 10986 (idem)

NOT. 11057 Systems evaluation of low density air transportation concepts (idem)

NOT. 11058 International tourism and Latin American development University of Texas at Austin)

NOT. 11059 Local service carrier passengers emplanements (C.A.B.) F.Y. 72 § 73

NOT. 11060 Trunkline carrier domestic passenger emplacements (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11061 Special study : US general aviation accidents involving fuel starvation 1970-72 (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 11062 Projet de plan de developpement économique et social 1973-1977 Maroc (Ministère du Tourisme)

NOT. 11063 Projet de loi autorisant l'approbation de l'échange de lettres entre le gouvernement de la République française et le gouv. des Etats-Unis d'Amérique sur l'implantation à la Réunion d'une station d'aide à la navigation du système "Omega" signé à Paris le 7.6.73 (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 11064

227 Archives nationales (France)

The contemporary relevance of air cargo for our modern society (General Manager Cargo and Airmail Lufthansa)

NOT. 11065 Disclosure of corporate ownership - 93nd congress - 2nd session (G.P.O.)

NOT. 11066 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Thailande (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11067 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Frankreich (idem)

NOT. 11068 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Portugal (idem)

NOT. 11069 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Grossbritannien und Nordirland (idem)

NOT. 11070 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Niger (idem)

NOT. 11071 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Athiopien (idem)

NOT. 11072 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Nigeria (idem)

NOT. 11073 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Zaire (idem)

NOT. 11074 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Guinea (idem)

NOT. 11075 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Panama (idem)

NOT. 11076 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Argentinien (idem)

NOT. 11077 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Peru (idem)

NOT. 11078 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Venezuela (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11079 A collection of papers presented by the chairman during 1973 (Canadian Wildlife Service)

228 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11080 La zone franc en 1972 (Comité monétaire de la zone franc)


NOT. 11081 Les D.O.M. - La martinique (Documentation française)

NOT. 11082 Rapport de stage - Europe Falcon Service (Bernard Vulliez)

NOT. 11083 L'aviation d'affaires (mémoire DECS) (idem)

NOT. 11084 Tourism § Energy (extrait de "Summary § Analysis of Int'l Travel to the US) (US TRAVEL SERVICE)

NOT. 11085 Impact of the energy crisis on the US economy (BOEING)

NOT. 11086 Seventh report on the high speed ground transportation act of 1965 and the rairoad technology program (US DOT)

NOT. 11087 THe use of helicopters for the linking of Scottish community centres (A.B. Naylor)

NOT. 11088 Aménagement des aérodromes secondaires destinés à l'aviation générale et aux lignes commerciales de 3° niveau (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 11089 Datos actuales de aeropuertos en los cuales ha intervenido la Direccion general de aeropuertos de la Senetaria de OBras Publicas (Mexico)

NOT. 11090 Summary report on vacation trends by Canadians 66-73 (Canadian Govern. office of tourism)

NOT. 11091 Conference on Transport and the regions (regional Studies Association GB)

NOT. 11092 Charterstatistik 1973 2 ex (Luftfartsverket Suède)

NOT. 11093 Energy, resources and the environment (N.T.I.S.)

229 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11094 Calculation of the wakes of three transport aircraft in holding, take off, and landing configurations and comparison with experimental measurements (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11095 Fatigue evaluation of wing and associated structure on small airplanes (idem)

NOT. 11096 Test and evaluation of a system for precise time - dissemination using DME (VORTAC) synchronization (idem)

NOT. 11097 Radar microwave link (RML) antenna pattern measurements (idem)

NOT. 11098 Development of visual aids to alleviate spatial disonentation during take off and landing (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11099 Engineering and development program plan - air traffic control technology (idem)


NOT. 11100 Règles uniformes pour un document de transport combiné (CCI Paris)

NOT. 11101 The accuracy of air traffic forecasting in the past - Experience from forecasting in Europe (R.I.T. SWEDEN)

NOT. 11102 Value of time in inter-city travel (Royal Inst. of Techno Sweden)

NOT. 11103 Les voyages aériens en Provence - Côte d'Azur (INST. de GEOGRAPHIE)

NOT. 11104 Le réseau aérien complémentaire en France (idem)

NOT. 11105 Concorde appraisol (British Airways Public Rela.)

NOT. 11106 The common sense of Concorde (idem)

NOT. 11107 US Airline industry costs and productivity 1967-73 (A.T.A.)

230 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11108 Information on levels of environmental noise reprisite to proteer public health and welfare with an adequate margin of safety (US environmental Protection Agency)

NOT. 11109 Britain's civil aviation authority (CAA G.B.)

NOT. 11110 Report of the BAA/AOC - Air cargo working group (B.A.A. London)

NOT. 11111 Leasing - Qu'elle est la place de Bail Equipment dans ce secteur ? (Entreprise)

NOT. 11112 National aviation planning concepts for the Department of Transp. Federal Aviation Administration (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11113 Evaluation of ATCRDS performance in an interference environment (idem)

NOT. 11114 Alternative multimodel passenger transportation systems - Comparative economic analysis (H.R.B. US)

NOT. 11115 Travel behavior - 6 reports (idem)

NOT. 11116 Traffic flow characteristics and models - 7 reports (idem)


NOT. 11117 Transportation planning improvement priorities - 5 reports (idem)

NOT. 11118 Land use and transportation planning - 5 reports (idem)

NOT. 11119 Valuation of airspace (idem)

NOT. 11120 A market for aircraft (I.E.A. G.B.)

NOT. 11121 Terminal guidance system (US Patent)

231 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11122 Budget voté de 1974 - Fas. vert - TransP. Aviation civile (Imprimerie nationale)

NOT. 11123 L'avenir de l'Industrie aéronautique spatiale (1, 2, 3) (Conseil économique § social Paris)

NOT. 11124 Sésame Année 5 - Prospective N° 50 (Doc. française)

NOT. 11125 Scénarios européens (idem)

NOT. 11126 Investissements étrangers et aménagement du territoire (Livre Blanc) (idem)

NOT. 11127 747 - 4 year in service review (Boeing)

NOT. 11128 Authropotechnik (Université Technique de Berlin)

NOT. 11129 Le tiers monde ne miettes (CCI française Belgique)

NOT. 11130 Les éléments de la politique du tourisme dans les pays en voie de développement (Editions Pedone)

NOT. 11131 28th WEEAC conference - Airport planning aspects for the Copenhagen region - Development plan for kastrup and future airport Saltholm (Mr O' Grady Int'l Affairs Manager Irlande)

NOT. 11132 28th WEAAC conference - Proposed restrictions on sale of duty free products in duty free shops (idem)

NOT. 11133 28th WEAA conference - report of WEAA study group "Traffic forecasts" (idem)

NOT. 11134 28th WEAA conference - Implementation of utroft programmes (idem)

NOT. 11135 Current official noise zoning regulations in Switzerland (idem)

NOT. 11136 28th WEAA conference - Report on activities of AACC (idem)


232 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11137 28th WEAA conference - Visual taxi aids to dock positions (idem)

NOT. 11138 28th WEAA conference - Report on the activities of WEAA working group "operational problems" (INt'l affairs manager) (Air Rianta Dublin)

NOT. 11139 28th WEAA conference - Report on the 8th ICAO ANc meeting (Int'l affairs manager - Air Rianta Dublin)

NOT. 11139 28th WEAA conference - Report on the 8th ICAO ANc meeting (idem)

NOT. 11140 28th WEAA conference - German ATC "go-slow" 1970 - Repercussions on European major airports (idem)

NOT. 11141 28th WEAA conference - Container maindeck loading with B.747 and DC.10 (idem)

NOT. 11142 28th WEAA conference - Development of STOL and RTOL aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11143 28th WEAA conference - Experience with new CTOL aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11144 28th WEAA conference - Annex 17 to the Chicago - Convention concerning security (idem)

NOT. 11145 28th WEAA conference - Report on the recent fire at Orly airport (idem)

NOT. 11146 WEAA 28th conference - Winter conditions at airports (idem)

NOT. 11147 28th WEAA conference - Developments in airport security programmes (idem)

NOT. 11148 28th WEAA conference - "Handling" on a cooperative basis at the first pax terminal of Charles de Gaulle airport (idem)

NOT. 11149 28th WEAA conference - Setting up of transit agents and forwarders at Charles de Gaulle airport (Air Rantia Dublin)

233 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11150 28th WEAA conference - Environment and energy conservation (idem)

NOT. 11151 28th WEAA conference - OECD resolutions on the problem of airport and environment (idem)

NOT. 11152 28th WEAA conference - Internal transportation within airports (idem)

NOT. 11153 28th WEAA conference - Report on the activities of the working group "airport economics" (idem)

NOT. 11154 28th WEAA conference - Heating of tarmac area fingudock postiow (idem)

NOT. 11155 El turismo - factor determinate del desarollo en Venezuela ? (Centro de Documentacion "Conahotn"

NOT. 11156 Possibilités de sous-traitance dans l'industrie aéronautique en Allemagne Federale (C.N.C.E.)

NOT. 11157 Etude du marché de l'équipement hotelier en Grêce (idem)

NOT. 11158 A numerical analysis of some practical aspects of airborne urea seeding for warm fog dispersal at airports (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11159 A potential design window for supersonic overflight basedon the perceived level (PLdB) and glass damage probability of sonic booms (idem)

NOT. 11160 Systems research and development service technical program document, fiscal year 1974 engineering and development programs (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11161 Le tourisme en Afrique (Scolarité des sciences économiques)


NOT. 11162 Indices for evaluating ATC terminal area operations and their role in cost/benefit analyses (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11163 An evaluation of the relative hazards of jet A and jet B for commercial flight (idem)

234 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11164 Legal and institutional analysis of aircraft and airport noise and apportionment of authority between federal, state, and local governments (idem)

NOT. 11165 Fog simulator system modification (idem)

NOT. 11166 General aviation cost impact study, volume I : executive summary (idem)

NOT. 11167 Aircraft noise reduction technology (idem)

NOT. 11168 North Atlantic (NAT) aided intertial navigation system simulation Volume II : computer program natuav user's manual (idem)

NOT. 11169 Airline industry financial analysis with respect to aircraft noise retrofit programs (idem)

NOT. 11170 Parametric study of a column supported floating airfield (idem)

NOT. 11171 Der flughafen Düsseldorf als sozial geographischer umweltfaktor (Dusseldorf Airport)


NOT. 11172 A geographically oriented marketing model of automodle tourist flows from the UNited state to Canada (Canada)

NOT. 11173 Turbine fuel forecast 1973-1982 (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 11174 Aiport and airway cost allocation study (part I - Report technical supplement - Development of cost base and application of cost allocation procedures) (US DOT)

NOT. 11175 Introduction of trip distribution models with application to the central business district of vancower (University of British Columbia Canada)

NOT. 11176 The correlation of socioeconomic factors with corridor travel demand (idem)

235 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11177 Tourism trends to 1980 (D.T.A. G.B.)

NOT. 11178 Protection of aircraft act 1973 (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 11179 Material requirements in the UNited states and abroad in the year 2000 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11180 Energy conservation through effective utilization (idem)

NOT. 11181 Fire and explosion manual for aircraft accident investigators (idem)

NOT. 11182 Symposium on current trends and general aviation (School of Law - Southern Methodist University Texas)

NOT. 11183 L'ouverture de la chine au trafic aérien international (I.T.A.)

NOT. 11184 Perspectives de trafic à moyen et long termes pour le plan 1976-1980 (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 11185 The third five year economic development plan pour 1972-1976 (Government of the Republic of Korea)

NOT. 11186 Chronology of hijackings of US registered aircraft Domestic and foreign aircraft hijackings (FAA US)


NOT. 11187 Problems in air stripment of domestic animals - 13th report by the committee on government operations (US Committee on gover. operations US)

NOT. 11188 Inclusive tour charters - Report of the Senate Committee on commerce on S 1739 (US Senate C. on C.)

NOT. 11189 Transporation of hazardous materials by air - Hearings before a subcommittee of the Committee on Govern/operations - House of representative US.

NOT. 11190 Analysis of the INt'l Travel Market of selected countries The French case study of French Travel habits § Patterns Vol I (US Travel Service)

236 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11191 Aviation forecasts - FY. 1974-1985 (FAA US)

NOT. 11192 Air transport 1974 (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 11193 AN air cargo strategy - Speech to the Transportation dus of (Airborne Freight Corporation Seattle)

NOT. 11194 Transport et aménagement du Territoire - Conference européenne des Ministres responsables de l'Aménagement du territoire (Conseil de l'Europe)

NOT. 11195 Principales conclusions du rapport du groupe de travail chargé de mettre à pour l'étude des transports terrestres à grande vitesse sur l'axe Paris - Sud-Est (Revue gale des Chemins de Fer)

NOT. 11196 Amélioration de la desserte du Sud-Est de la France (Construction d'une ligne nouvelle à grande vitesse) (SNCF)

NOT. 11197 The environmental and financial aspect of helicopter operations in Scotland - Symposium on "helicopters as an aid to developing Scotland" (British Airways)

NOT. 11198 Concorde structural testing (Aerospatiale)

NOT. 11199 The japanese air travel market - Current travel environment (Boeing)

NOT. 11200 The japanese air travel market - Economic and airline fare outlook (idem)

NOT. 11201 The Japanese air travel market - Passenger traffic forecasts (idem)


NOT. 11202 Les chemins de fer africains et malgaches (Industries et travaux d'Outre-Mer)

NOT. 11203 Transport and communications Bulletin - Far East § Asia (Librairie Pedone)

237 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11204 La crise du transport aérien (U.T.A.)

NOT. 11205 Draft environmental impact statement (Capacity reduction agreements case (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11206 Les transports maritimes 1973 (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 11207 C'était un contrôleur en 1910 (Eucontrol Luxembourg)

NOT. 11208 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Urgarn (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11209 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Jemen, Arab. Rep. Jemen, Dem. Ur. (Süd) (idem)

NOT. 11210 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Nepal (idem)

NOT. 11211 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Philippinen (idem)

NOT. 11212 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kuwait (idem)

NOT. 11213 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mexiko (idem)

NOT. 11214 Rail passenger statistics in the Northeast Corridor 1972 (US DOT)

NOT. 11215 Proposals for improving nations transportation - A bill to amend the Interstate commerce act... to facilitate the abandonment of uneconomic rail lines - anaysis of the need for the bill etc.. (US Congress)

NOT. 11216 The 1973 Federal aid highway act. an analysis (US DOT)

NOT. 11217 1970 Nat. highway needs report with supplement - Part 1 of the 72 nat. highway needs report - Part 2 of the 72 nat. highway needs report Doc.92266 (US G.P.O.)


NOT. 11218

238 Archives nationales (France)

Metropolitan expressway public corporation - 1973 (Tokyo)

NOT. 11219 New Tokyo International airport - Narita (Japon)

NOT. 11220 Le commerce extérieur des régions Provence - Côte d'Azur et Corse en 1973 (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 11221 Les transports en 1973 - 2° séminaire d'actualisation des connaissances du transport 26.28 Mars 74 (Comité de liaison des transports et de la manutention)

NOT. 11222 Les transports en 1973 - 2° séminaire d'actualisation des connaissances du transport 26.28 Mars 74 (Politique soc. l'emploi dans les transports - doctrine et jurisprudence (idem))

NOT. 11223 Les transports en 73 - 2° séminaire - Politique commerciale et tarifaire - Grands équipements (idem)

NOT. 11224 Agard conference proceedings N° 131 - on noise mechanisms


NOT. 11225 L'Europe de l'Est en 1973 - Doc. française

NOT. 11226 Problems d'Amérique Latine - Brésil - Argentine (idem)

NOT. 11227 Le Mali (idem)

NOT. 11228 Die Bedentung von technischen kooperationen für luftverkehrsgesells chaften innerhalb Europas unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Technischen Kooperation ATLAS (Université de Braunschweig)

NOT. 11229 Les vacances des italiens - Une enquête de l'Istat (Vie Italienne - Presidenza del consiglio dei Ministri)

NOT. 11230 Eurpean Travel - Commission - 25 years of cooperative achievement in TOurism (Irlande)

NOT. 11231 EUropean charter carriers + amendements Juillet 74 (Interavia Data Suisse)

NOT. 11232

239 Archives nationales (France)

Study of travel agents in the U.K. (extraits de "summary § Analysis of Int'l travel to the US" (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 11233 Guide professionnel des voyages et du tourisme (ICOTOUR)

NOT. 11234 Passengers decried confirmed space (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11235 Estudio para el formento del turismo interno de la republica de Panama en Los cuatro de priovidad de desarollo turistico (Organization of American States)

NOT. 11236 L'avenir de l'industrie aéronautique et spatiale (J.O. Conseil économique)

NOT. 11237 Cargo Potential in combination aircraft (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11238 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - Year ended June 30, 1973 (C.A.B.)


NOT. 11239 Miami - Los ANgeles - Competitve non stop case - Draft statement of environmental assessment (idem)

NOT. 11240 Transatlantic route proceedings - Draft statement of environmental assessment vol I - vol II (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11241 Modèles d'analyse et de prévisions des flux dans les transports aériens (Université de Paris X)


NOT. 11242 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - OMAN (Verlag. W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11243 A.S.A. LanderkunzberichteSOMALIA (idem)

NOT. 11244 A.S.A. " Ruanda (idem)

NOT. 11245 A.S.A. " Konjo Brazzaville (idem)

240 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11246 A.S.A. " Albanien (idem)

NOT. 11247 A.S.A. " Türkei (idem)

NOT. 11248 A.S.A. " Costa Rica (idem)

NOT. 11249 A.S.A. " Iran (idem)

NOT. 11250 A.S.A. " Zurtralapikanische republik (idem)

NOT. 11251 The potential for energy conservation in commercial air transport (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 11252 Environmental factors in the production and use of energy (idem)

NOT. 11253 Some user benefits achievable from an advanced air traffic management system (idem)

NOT. 11254 Nationalisation of the aircraft industry (Labour Party Grande Bretagne)

NOT. 11255 The airship a technical history (Lecture delivered at a point meeting at the INstitution of Mechanical ENgineers (I.M.E. G.B.)

NOT. 11156 Upgraded third generation information flow requirements analysis Vol 1 Summary Vol II Analysis Vol III appendices (FAA US)

NOT. 11257 Angel clutter and the ASR air traffic control radar - vol I et II (idem)


NOT. 11258 Improved methods for construction and maintenance of runway pavement surfaces (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11259 Amphibian STOL and its facilities (idem)

NOT. 11260

241 Archives nationales (France)

Design and development of Montreal and Ottawa STOL ports (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11261 The paradox of airport capacity (idem)

NOT. 11262 Stabilization policies : government expenditures on transport in Canada and some lessons from european experience (University of Toronto)

NOT. 11263 A case study of decision making within the canadian transport commission : the application of northwest territorial airways (idem)

NOT. 11264 Development of a discrete address beacon system (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11265 Empirical assessment of ATCRBS (idem)

NOT. 11266 Must we travel : the potential of communication as a substitute for urban travel (NTIS)

NOT. 11267 New technologies and propizability of helicopters (idem)

NOT. 11268 Reduction of aircraft noise in the vicinity of Airports (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11269 Airline industry finanisal analysis with respect to aircraft noise retrojet programs 1972-1978 (idem)

NOT. 11270 Airport travel survey manual (idem)

NOT. 11271 A cargo data management demonstration system (idem)

NOT. 11272 FAA report on airport capacity vol I Nat. summary (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11273 FAA report on " " vol II 8 airports survey (idem)

NOT. 11274 Forecast of transpacific air travel 1980-1985 (idem)

NOT. 11275

242 Archives nationales (France)

The seventh aviation needo and public concerns Dr Plesmans Memorial Lecture.


NOT. 11276 The gaz oline and fuel oil shortaje (US Government Printing office)

NOT. 11277 Proceedings of the sixtrenth Israël annual conference on Aviation and Astronautics (Israel)

NOT. 11278 Application of Monte-Carlo - Methods of estimation of collision resks associated with ATC separation standards (N.T.I.S. - R.A.E. Farnbozough Hauts G.B.)

NOT. 11279 What impacts ATC ? ATCA 18th annual meeting and technical program (A.T.C.A.)

NOT. 11280 1972 - US Civil Airmen statistics (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11281 A study to determine the applicability of noise abatement approach procedures to Mc Donnell Douglas Aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11282 Design to price from the perspective of the US France and USS R. (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 11283 Behavioural Aspects of Aircraft accidents (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11284 The roles of government in transportation planning (Rand Corporation California)

NOT. 11285 Airport surface traffic control system deployment analysis (FAA DOT US)

NOT. 11286 A Dassault Dossier : aircraft acquisition in France (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 11287 Fuel from organic matters (idem)

NOT. 11288 A methodology for hypersonic transport technology planning (NASA)

NOT. 11289 International economic - report of the President transmitted to Congress (US Govern. Printing office)

243 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11290 Analysis of the international travel market of selected countries - Analysis of the impact of the energy crisis on Canadian Travel to the U.S. (US Travel Service)

NOT. 11291 Tourism - Four year development plan 1974 to 1977 (Depart. of Tourism Philippines)


NOT. 11292 Planification touristique - Vol. 0 : Introduction et résumé (Commissariat gal au Tourisme Cameroun)

NOT. 11293 Planification touristique - Vol. 1 : Inventaire touristique (idem)

NOT. 11294 Planification touristique - Vol. 2 : analyse de la demande touristique (idem)

NOT. 11295 Planification touristique - Vol. 3 : analyse des principaux pays concurrentiels du Cameroun : Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Cote d'Ivoire, Ghana, Togo, Dahomey, Nigeria, Gabon, Kenya (idem)

NOT. 11296 Planification touristique - vol. 4 : plan de développement touristique (idem)

NOT. 11297 Planification touristique - vol. 5.1. Projet d'Hôtel - Douala (idem)

NOT. 11298 Planification touristique - vol. 5.2. Projet d'Hôtel - Londji (idem)

NOT. 11299 Planification touristique - vol. 5.3. Projet " Marona (idem)

NOT. 11300 Planification touristique - vol. 5.4. Projet " Waza (idem)

NOT. 11301 Etude du vacancier américain - Résumé d'une étude segmentaire du potentiel de villégiature américain pour le Canada (Office du Tourisme Canada)


NOT. 11302 VII Réunion ordinaria de la C.R.T.A. Rio de Janeiro (19 fascicules) (U.I.O.O.O.T. Suisse)

244 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11303 C.O.T.A.L. XVII congress - Buenos Aires (Argentine)

NOT. 11304 An economic assessment of STOL aircraft potential including terminal area environmental considerations vol II (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11305 Summary of availability (Shell Aviat. SVC)

NOT. 11306 Certificates of airworthiness for imported glider aircraft and aircraft appliances (I.C.A.O.)

NOT. 11307 Aviation - Preclearance for entry into the UNited states - Agreement between the USA § Bermuda (idem)

NOT. 11308 La demande de transport interurbain de voyageurs pour le motif tourisme (I.R.T. Arcueil)


NOT. 11309 20° rapport annuel et résolutions du Conseil des Ministres Année 1972 (C.E.M.T.)

NOT. 11310 Productivity trends in the Canadian railways 1956-72 (Canadian Transp. Commission)

NOT. 11311 Evolution de l'organisation financière du monde (Banque Royale du Canada)

NOT. 11312 Marine marchande 1974 (Journal de la marine marchande)

NOT. 11313 E.W. Stimpson's speech before the New-York society of security analysts (G.A.M.A. US)

NOT. 11314 Snecma (de 1 à 10 points traités) Paris

NOT. 11315 Enquête sur la structure des entreprises de transport routier en 1972 (Ministère de l'Equipement)

NOT. 11316 Turbine engined fleets of the world's airlines 74 (Exxon Int'l Company US)

NOT. 11317 Le transitaire - Architecte du Transport (F.I.A.T.A. Suisse)

245 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11318 Aspects techniques et économiques de l'atterrissage tout temps (I.T.A.)


NOT. 11319 Short haul aviation will energy limit its future ? (Transportation Research GB)

NOT. 11320 Social, political and economic constraints on airline fuel optimization (idem)

NOT. 11321 Energy use and conservation alternatives for airplanes (idem)

NOT. 11322 Direct and indirect energy use for commercial aviation (idem)

NOT. 11323 AN analysis of the impact of energy shortage on business logistics system and its implication for freight transport (idem)

NOT. 11324 Rodal split considerations on long distance passenger traffic : effects of different relative increase in transportation costs, caused by higher energy prices (idem)

NOT. 11325 Some aspects of the aircraft scheduling problem (idem)

NOT. 11326 Dynamic programming model for optimal location of runway exits (Transportation Research)

NOT. 11327 Developments in airport capacity analysis (idem)

NOT. 11328 The allocation of airport capacity with emphasis on environmental quality (idem)

NOT. 11329 Application of human factors data to estimating air traffic control conflicts (idem)

NOT. 11330 A nested queue model for the analysis of air traffic control sectors (idem)

NOT. 11331 A model for estimating the demand for general aviation (idem)

246 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11332 The development of current organisation of retail distribution systems in the marketing of air inclusive tours in the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany (Cyprus Hotel Keepers Association Chypre)

NOT. 11333 Government policy in the development of tourism (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 11334 Le transport aérien français Air France, Air Inter, U.TA. (C.T.A.F.)

NOT. 11335 Clefs pour le transport aérien français 1974 (idem)


NOT. 11336 Rapport fait au nom de la commission de la politique région des transports sur les principes de la politique commune des transports et sur la comm. de la commission des communautés européennes au conseil (doc. 226/73) relative au développement de la politique commune des transports (CEE PARIS)

NOT. 11337 Overview on the UMTA dual mode system development program (US Urban Mass Transp. Administration US)

NOT. 11338 The Channel Tunnel - A united Kiugdom transport cost benefit study (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 11339 Civil aircraft registers of France (Air Britain Stone Cottage GB)

NOT. 11340 Civil aircraft registers of west germany (Air Britain)

NOT. 11341 Fleet operators (idem)

NOT. 11342 United Kingdom § Eire civil registers (idem)

NOT. 11343 Third report on organisation (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 11344 Maplin - Review of airport project (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 11345

247 Archives nationales (France)

The Aramis PRT system (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11346 The Aerocar "Flying Automobile" (idem)

NOT. 11347 Amphibian aircraft design (idem)

NOT. 11348 The background to propeller (idem)

NOT. 11349 Evaluation of aircraft internal noise (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11350 Using hydrogen fuel cells for urban transportation (idem)

NOT. 11351 A systems Engineering evaluation of passive restraint systems for crash-impact attenuation in air transport aircraft (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11352 Crash resistant fuel tanks for helicopters and general aviation aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11353 A quiet propeller for communter and general aviation aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11354 4th annual report of the secretary of transportation on hasardous materials control - Harzardous materials transportation control act of 70 (US DOT)

NOT. 11355 NASA general aviation research overview (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11356 The National Microwave landing system (MLS)

NOT. 11357 Visual and manual workload of the helicopter pilot (American Helicopter STY US)

NOT. 11358 Controls and displays for helicopter IFR operation - Pilot factor considerations (idem)

NOT. 11359 Pilot workload during instrument flight (idem)

NOT. 11360

248 Archives nationales (France)

Hybrid aircraft for heavy lift (idem)

NOT. 11361 Up Up and away - Political implications of vertical take-off passenger aircraft (Dow Group)

NOT. 11362 Action against aircraft noise (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 11363 Conférences des journées de Royaumont 25.26 Juin 74 (Evolution des systèmes de contrôle de la circulation aérienne - L'industrie de l'A.G. et son avenir dans le monde et en Europe - L'aviation au 3° niveau etc. (I.T.A)


NOT. 11364 Local service air carrier's unit costs Vol I et II (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11365 Local service air carrier passenger enplanements - Calendar years 73 and 72 (idem)

NOT. 11366 Airport certification - Aviation bulletin 390 (N.F.P.A.)

NOT. 11367 New concepts in crash fin flighting (idem)

NOT. 11368 Improvement of fire safety in commercial aircraft (Aviat. Bulletin 388) (idem)

NOT. 11369 S.O.P aircraft rescue and fire fighting 73 (idem)

NOT. 11370 Aircraft fin protection systems 1973 (idem)

NOT. 11371 Aircraft rescue and fire fighting services at airports 1974 (idem)

NOT. 11372 Digital communication system between pilots and traffic controller WEDCOM (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11373 The acquisition and use of meteorological data in an automated oceanic air traffic control system (idem)

NOT. 11374 Smoke emission from burning cabin materials and the effect on visibility in wide-body jet transports (idem)

249 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11375 Study of alternative beacon based surveillance and data liuk systems - vol I (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11376 International microwave landing system (MLS) symposium held at Washington DC Nov. 30 through Dec. 4, 1973 (idem)

NOT. 11377 Stol noise prediction and attenuation model in support of regulatory effort (IDEM)


NOT. 11378 Conflict prediction (idem)

NOT. 11379 Airport access/egress systems study (vol I text) (idem)

NOT. 11380 Projet de loi de finances pour 1975 (doc bleu) Annexes Services votés - I II III IV (Imprimerie Nationale)

NOT. 11381 Projet de loi de finances pour 1975 - Annexe - Services votés - mesures nouvelles - Qualité de la vie III Tourisme (idem)

NOT. 11382 Perspectives de la demande d'énergie primaire dans la Communauté 1975-80-85 (CEE Paris)

NOT. 11383 La mise de l'énergie et la consommation energétique du transport de marchandises par la route (I.R.U.)

NOT. 11384 Handbook of airline statistics - 73 éd. Data for individual carriers 64-72 and carrier groups 1926-72 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11385 Compte rendu de la mission d'inspection effectuée auprès des cies de transport aérien antillaises du 5 au 15.6.73 (SGAC - D.T.A.)

NOT. 11386 Reflexions sur une fonction d'intégration de l'industrie du voyage à son environnement (Université Aix Marseille)

NOT. 11387 Charterstatistik 1.1 (30.6.74) Aviation Civile Suède

250 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11388 Forecasting airline passenger traffic (First Manhattan Co.)


NOT. 11389 Forecasting air freight (idem)

NOT. 11390 747 Cargo marketing meeting report (Boeing)

NOT. 11391 Aérospace - Why nationalise (S.B.A.C. London)

NOT. 11392 Survey to determine the percent of passenger aircraft departures carrying hazardous materials (FAA)

NOT. 11393 Agreeing fares and rates - Revised (IATA)

NOT. 11394 Advantages of aircraft system maturity (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11395 Development of requirements for, and evaluation of, manufactured advanced design aircraft (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11396 Avionics design for maintainability - Are we gaining or losing ? (idem)

NOT. 11397 The DABS in the air traffic control environment (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11398 Jet noise suppression systems for high-speed aircraft (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11399 L. 1011 Upkeep (idem)

NOT. 11400 Wing fuselage structural/Concept study for a subsonic transport aircraft (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11401 Data acquisition, Processing, and Control for advanced aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11402 The influence of engine technology advancements on aircraft economics (idem)

251 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11403 Energy uses in transportation - What does the future hold ? (idem)

NOT. 11404 Examples of aircraft scheduled - Maintenance analysis problems (Rand Publications Div. US)

NOT. 11405 Transportation energy use in the United States : a statisticla history 1955-71 (idem)

NOT. 11406 The potential for energy conservation in commercial air transport (idem)

NOT. 11407 An overview of the FAA engineering and development programs with highlights of Fiscal Years 1974-75 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11408 ATC Surveillance/Communication analysis and Planning (idem)


NOT. 11409 General aviation cost impact study vol III - Planning guide (idem)

NOT. 11410 Return to lighter-than-air transportation for military and civilian application (idem)

NOT. 11411 Investissements étrangers et aménagement du territoire - Livre blanc (Doc. française)

NOT. 11412 Eléments pour une politique des quartiers généraux d'entreprises multinationales en France (Doc. française)

NOT. 11413 The regeneration of British Industry (H.M.S ;o ;)

NOT. 11414 The U.S. budget in brief - F.Y. 1975 (G.P.O.)

NOT. 11415 Emploi des ordinateurs - Introduction en Software (Dunod)

NOT. 11416 Effect of fuel crisis on tourism in India (Ministry of Tourisme and Civil Aviation Inde)

NOT. 11417

252 Archives nationales (France)

A survey of foreign tourists in India 1972-73 and 1973/74 (Indian Institute of Public Opinion)

NOT. 11418 Aviation du 3° niveau et aviation gale (essai de définition) Aéroport de Paris.

NOT. 11419 Aérodromes de voyage - Investissements 1971/86 (idem)


NOT. 11420 Rapport des Commissions du 6° plan - 71-75 (Doc. française)

NOT. 11421 Regards sur l'actualité - Le pari nucléaire français (doc. française)

NOT. 11422 Rapport de la Commission consultative pour la production d'électricité d'origine nucléaire (Ministère du dévelop. industriel et scientifique)

NOT. 11423 Les infrastructures aéroportuaires (Revue gale des routes et aérodromes)

NOT. 11424 Mission et importance des aéroports - WP 12 - Congrès ICAA Kenya (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 11425 L'aéroport et ses activités d'intérêt général - idem. WP 14 Kenya

NOT. 11426 Le rôle d'entreprise commerciale d'un aéroport (WP 13) (idem)

NOT. 11427 Equilibre financier des aéroports - WP 15 (idem)

NOT. 11428 Rapport sur la question N° 1 WP 16 (idem)

NOT. 11429 La mission des aéroports - WP 17 (idem)

NOT. 11430 La mission des aéroports - WP 19 (idem)

NOT. 11431 L'avenir des aéroports WP 22 (idem)

253 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11432 L'avenir des aéroports en fonction de l'évolution de la technologie et des transports aériens - Les exigences du client et de l'environnement vues par un avionneur - (idem)

NOT. 11433 Le point de vue d'une compagnie aérienne sur l'environnement VP 24 (idem)

NOT. 11434 The future of airports following developments and technology in air transport - The requirements of customers and environment WP 25 (idem)

NOT. 11435 L'avenir des aéroports WP 26 (idem)

NOT. 11436 L'avenir de l'aéroport et la lutte pour réaliser un équilibre entre le client et le défenseur de l'environ. WP 27 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 11437 Mise en oeuvre de programmes d'adaptation aux niveaux de bruit homologué WP 31 (idem)

NOT. 11438 Moyens et méthodes pour la lutte contre les conséquences négatives par le trafic aérien pour les riverains des aéroports (idem)

NOT. 11439 Le bruit des avions de transport VP 35 (idem)

NOT. 11440 Problems facing air transport. a consequence of the world energy crisis WP 33 (idem)

NOT. 11441 Les effets de la crise mondiale du pétrole sur l'aviation - Le point de vue de l'aéroport WP 34 (idem)


NOT. 11442 Standing commission on personnel management and training - Doc 7431 ADM/15 (idem)

NOT. 11443 Commission - Personnel management and training - Formation et gestion du personnel - Catalogue of proposed courses - Catalogue des stages proposés - (idem)

NOT. 11444 Commission permanente - Traitement des données aéroportuaires - Rapport annual 73/74 (idem)

NOT. 11445

254 Archives nationales (France)

Commission permanente - Traitement des données aéroportuaires - Présentation gale - Doc 7433 ADM/17 (idem)

NOT. 11446 Commission permanente - Traitement des données aéroportuaires - rapport 73 Doc 7436 ADM/20(idem)

NOT. 11447 Assurances - Doc 7434 adm. 18 - Congrès KENYA (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 11448 Rapport A.A.C.C. sur la 8° conference de la navigation aérienne de l'OACI (idem)

NOT. 11449 Establishing airport costs and revenue fonctions (Royal Aeronautical Society)

NOT. 11450 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Khmer Republik (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11451 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Afghanistan (idem)

NOT. 11452 Allgemeine " " " - Brasilien (idem)

NOT. 11453 Allgemeine " " " - Kanada (idem)

NOT. 11454 L'europe des communautés Edition 74 (Doc. française)

NOT. 11455 Les sociétés de service et conseil en informatique. Enquête économique 1974 (idem)

NOT. 11456 Les économies régionales - l'économie de la région des pays de la Loire (idem)

NOT. 11457 Les équipements d'hébergement touristique (idem)


NOT. 11458 Dossiers villes (idem)

NOT. 11459 Le transport aérien en l'an 2000 (AIR FRANCE) Journées aéronautiques de Genève.

255 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11460 Discours de Mr A. Spinelli - CEE à l'Assemblée Générale de l'AECMA (Paris)

NOT. 11461 Tourism - A progress report (Dept of Tourism India)

NOT. 11462 Technical development plan for a D.A.B.S. - final report (FAA US)

NOT. 11463 La fonction commerciale dans l'industrie (Ministère du Développment INdustriel et Commercial France)

NOT. 11464 I.H.C. Standards (I.H.C.)

NOT. 11465 Manpower productivity control system (I.H.C.)

NOT. 11466 Manual for production and performance control system - Hilton international.

NOT. 11467 Resultat de la qualité du service - ANnée 1971 (Air France)

NOT. 11468 Quality of Service manual - idem.

NOT. 11469 Reseaux - Mai - Décembre 72 (idem)

NOT. 11470 Qualité de service Mai - Juillet 72 (idem)

NOT. 11471 Qualité de service 4° trimestre et année 1972 (idem)

NOT. 11472 Contrôle de la qualité - Service du passager en vol (idem)

NOT. 11473 Traffic and sales - Measure of Reservations sales effectiveness (Reservation and licket offices activity and manning projection guide (P.A.A. US)

NOT. 11474 Report of the working group on air cargo (ministry of foreign trade Inde)

256 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11475 Study of Trend Travel habits and patterns vol. 2 ( US Travel Service)

NOT. 11476 DC 9 noise retrofit feasibility - vol 1 : low goal noise, performance and cost evaluation - vol 2 : upper goal noise, performance and cost evaluation (Douglas aircraft Co)

NOT. 11477 Airline frequency planning (Mauri Pollack US)

NOT. 11478 Possible consquences of fuel allocation program on aircraft program on aircraft noise (E.P.A.)

NOT. 11479 The view of the airline customer (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 11480 Le développement de l'électricité d'origine nucléaire en France (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 11481 Concorde (F.A. Laker G.B.)

NOT. 11482 A study of french travel habits and patterns (vol. 1) (US Travel Service)

NOT. 11483 Assemblée Nat. Projet de loi de fiannces pour 75 - Avis - Aviation civile - Doc parlementaire N° 1235 Tome XIX

NOT. 11484 Ass. Nat. Projet de loi de finances pour 75 - Rapport - Aviation civile Doc Parl. 1230 Annexe 37 (Ass. Nationale)

NOT. 11485 Ass. Nat. Projet loi de finances pour 75 - Rapport - Marine marchande - Doc. parl. N° 1230 Annexe 38 (idem)

NOT. 11486 Ass. Nat. projet de loi pour 75 - avis - Marine marchande - Doc Parl. 1235 Tome XX (idem)

NOT. 11487 Ass. Nat. projet de loi pour 75 - rapport - Transports - Doc Parl. 1230 - Annex 36 (idem)


NOT. 11488 Projet de loi pour 75 - Ass. Nat. avis - transports terrestres - doc parl. N° 1235 Tome XVIII (idem)

257 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11489 Ass. Nat. Projet loi de finances 75 - rapport - aménagement du territoire doc parl. 1230 annexe 23 (idem)

NOT. 11490 Ass ; Nat. Projet loi de finances pour 75 - Avis - Environnement - Doc parl 1235 tome XV (idem)

NOT. 11491 Ass. Nat. Projet loi de finances 75 - Avis - Qualité de la vie environnement - doc parl 1231 tome XI (idem)

NOT. 11492 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - Rapport - Environnement Doc. parl 1230 - annexe 26 (idem)

NOT. 11493 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - avis - tourisme - Doc. parl 1235 Tome XIV (idem)

NOT. 11494 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - Rapport - tourisme - doc. parl 1230 annexe 28 (idem)

NOT. 11495 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - Avis - D.O.M. - Doc. parl 1235 - tome XXII (idem)

NOT. 11496 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - Avis - D.O.M. - Doc. parl. 1234 - tome IV (Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 11497 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - Avis - T.O.M. - Doc. parl. 1234 - Tome V (idem)

NOT. 11498 Ass. Nat. Projet loi de finances 75 - Rapport T.O.M. Doc. Parl. 1230 - annexe 35 (questure idem)

NOT. 11499 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - Avis - T.O.M. Doc. parl. 1235 - tome XXIII -(idem)

NOT. 11500 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 75 - Rapport -D.O.M. Doc. parl. 1230 annexe 10 (idem)

NOT. 11501 Air transportation in Europe (A.E.A. Belgique)

NOT. 11502 Union routière de France (Paris)

NOT. 11503 Worlds charter airlines (Flight International London)

NOT. 11504

258 Archives nationales (France)

Le bruit des moteurs d'avions (ENSAE Toulouse)

NOT. 11505 Nigeria - Dossier d'informations de base - Commerce et investissements (C.F.C.E. Paris)

NOT. 11506 Enquête sur les voyages des Canadiens 1971 - mise à jour - cat. 81001 (Canadian Gover. office of tourism)

NOT. 11507 The US vacation trip market segmentation study and its application to the 1974 programs of the canadian govern. office of tourism (B.M. Rusk Marketing Research Canada)

NOT. 11508 Les effets du tourisme dans les pays en voie de dével. Implications économiques, financières et sociales (Centre d'Etudes du Tourisme Aix)

NOT. 11509 Les méthodes de prévision de la demande touristique et récréative (idem)

NOT. 11510 Evaluation du chiffre d'affaires 71 des agences de voyage françaises (idem)

NOT. 11511 Investir dans la petite hotellerie (Préfecture de la Martinique)

NOT. 11512 Eléments d'information sur le développement touristique en Martinique etc... (idem)


NOT. 11513 Politique sociale dans les D.O.M. - La solidarité nat. et son bilan (Sec. d'Etat auprès du 1er ministre chargé des DOM TOM)

NOT. 11514 Evolution générale de l'économie des D.O.M. (idem)

NOT. 11515 Bilan 1973 de l'économie des D.O.M. (idem)

NOT. 11516 Perspectives de l'économie des D.O.M. (idem)

NOT. 11517 Transporte aereo hacia America latina (Instituto de Estudios Turisticos Madrid)

NOT. 11518

259 Archives nationales (France)

The air freight forwarder and airline operation (Boeing)

NOT. 11519 Boeing / GMC/ airlines market development (idem)

NOT. 11520 Remarks before the world Aerospace conference (Pratt § Whitney US)

NOT. 11521 La mise en place du réseau aérien régional en France - Le cas Air Alpes (Vincent Servera - Univers. Grenoble)

NOT. 11522 De ontwikkeling van de vraag haar hotelaccomodatie in Nederland tot 1975 (Netherlands Nat. Tourist Office Pays-Bas)

NOT. 11523 Transporteurs aériens de service local (Commission canadienne des transports)

NOT. 11524 Highlights of New Zealand aviation in the south pacific - 30th british commonwealth lecture (Air New Zealand)

NOT. 11525 30° Assemblée générale de IATA (ICAA)


NOT. 11526 Proceedings of the 1974 national cargo security conference Joining forces in cargo security (T.A.A. US DOT)

NOT. 11527 Part charter - Panacea or peril ? Presentation made by an IACA delegation to ECAC (IACA Suisse)

NOT. 11528 Changing characteristics of US Airline traffic in 1974 - Aviation daily perspective (Aviation daily US)

NOT. 11529 World air traffic forecast 1974 (Al Ersin Lockheed)

NOT. 11530 Travel research technology - Innovations and applications - (idem)

NOT. 11531 Conference summary report - Aviation review conference - FAA US

260 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11532 Project report - DABS : a system description - (Lincoln Lebratory M.I.T. US)

NOT. 11533 AIrcraft operating cost § performance report - CY 1972 § 1973 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11534 Nécessité et limites du marketing des avions de transport civil : vers une coopération européenne accrue (Université Paris IX Dauphine)

NOT. 11535 International congress of aviation § Space Medicine - XXII° congress (M.E.A. Liban)

NOT. 11536 Enseignement supérieur de transport - 2° partie (I.R.T.)


NOT. 11537 Offshore Rig Location report (puits de pétrole actuels et prévisionnels Offshore) (Offs. Rig data services US)

NOT. 11538 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Polen - Verlag W. Kohlhoammer

NOT. 11539 Allgemeine stat. " auslandes - Norwegen (idem)

NOT. 11540 Allgemeine stat. " auslandes - Israel (idem)

NOT. 11541 Allgemeine stat. " auslandes - Libyen (idem)

NOT. 11542 Allgemeine stat. " auslandes - Senegal (idem)

NOT. 11543 Allgemeine stat. " auslandes - Sudan (idem)

NOT. 11544 Allgemeine stat. " auslandes - Sudan (idem)

NOT. 11545 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Burundi (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11546

261 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kolumbien (idem)

NOT. 11547 Rapport fait au nom de la commission des affaires économiques et du plan sur le projet de loi portant création de l'établissement public national Tunnel sous la Manche (Sénat)

NOT. 11548 Rapport fait au nom ... autorisant la ratification du traité entre le gouvern. de la République F. et le gouvern. du Royaume UNi et d'Irlande du Nord concernant la construction et l'exploitation d'un tunnel ferroviaire sous la manche, signé à Chequers le 17.11.73 (idem)

NOT. 11549 Desarrollo turistico de costa rica - Lineamientos para el plan nacional de Desarrollo turistico (O.E.A. US)

NOT. 11550 Desarrollo turistico de Guatemala (idem)

NOT. 11551 Comite directivo permanente de los congressos interamericanos de turismo (idem)

NOT. 11552 Permanent executive committee of the inter-american travel congresses 13th meeting - Buenos Aires (idem)

NOT. 11553 Memoria de la IV Asamblea hispano-Luso Americano - Filipine de Turismo (Ministerio de informacion y turismo Espagne)

NOT. 11554 Incidence de la crise énergétique sur le tourisme au Canada (Canadian Gover. Office of Tourism)


NOT. 11555 Turismul Ramura a economici nationale (Ministère du Tourisme Roumanie)

NOT. 11556 Analysis of the int'l travel market of selected countries - Highlights of "a study of the market for international travel from west germany (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 11557 The Chicago Midway airport study (FAA US) Executive summary.

NOT. 11558 The Chicago Midway airport study vol. 1 (idem)

NOT. 11559

262 Archives nationales (France)

The Chicago Midway airport study vol. 2 : methodologie § Supporting data (idem)

NOT. 11560 Conception et dimensionnement des réseaux de drainage d'aérodromes (SGAC - STBA)

NOT. 11561 Statistiques du trafic non régulier enregistré dans les états de la CEAC. Année se terminant le 31.10.73 (NEUILLY)

NOT. 11562 Strukturanalyse und Entwicklungsprognose der Allgemeine Luftfahrt in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Minister Düsseldorf)

NOT. 11563 Projet loi de finances pour 75 - Sénat - Rapport - Transports aviation civile - Doc parl. 99 annexe 29 (Sénat)

NOT. 11564 Sénat - Projet loi finances 75 - Avis - Transport - Aviation civile - Doc parl 101 tome XIII (Sénat)


NOT. 11565 Sénat - Projet loi finances 75 - rapport - Transports - Section commune et transports terrestres Doc parl. 99 Tome III annexe 28 (idem)

NOT. 11566 Sénat - Projet loi finances 75 - Avis - Trans. Transports terrestres - Doc parl. 101 tome XII (idem)

NOT. 11567 Sénat - Projet loi finances 75 - Avis - Trans. Marine Mar. et pèches maritimes - Doc par. 101 - Tome XIV (idem)

NOT. 11568 Sénat - Projet loi finances 75 - Rapport - Transports : Marine marchande - Doc parl. 99 Tome III Annex 30 (Sénat)

NOT. 11569 Marine marchande et ports maritimes dans la Communauté Economique européenne (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 11570 Rapport fait au nom de la commission de la politique régionale et des trans. sur les problèmes de la navigation maritime dans le cadre de la communauté (CEE Luxembourg)

NOT. 11571 Foreign trade during 73 at the Port of New-York - New Jersey (P.N.Y.A. US)

263 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11572 Aircraft community noise - summary (Boeing)

NOT. 11573 Problems and challenges - A path to the future (idem)

NOT. 11574 Commercial aircraft marketing : a manufacturer's view (idem)

NOT. 11575 A market for commercial aeroplanes (idem)

NOT. 11576 Résumé des conférences prononcées lors d'un congrès organisé par Aviation Daily-etc. (Z.H. Davis US)

NOT. 11577 A proposed princing procedure for domestic passenger airlines (Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln US)


NOT. 11578 The role of an international airline in the service of a small country (EL AL Lod AIrport Israel)

NOT. 11579 Le développement du fret aerien (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 11580 Le ciel reste libre - Fret aerien et distribution (Aéroport Paris)

NOT. 11581 Aéroport de Paris - Des moyens pour votre distribution internationale (idem)

NOT. 11582 Les transports en mutation (Les Echos Paris)

NOT. 11583 Proceedings of the 3rd conference on the climatic impact assessment program Feb. 26 - March 1, 1974 (US DOT)

NOT. 11584 Les comptes de la nation 1973 (Doc. française)

NOT. 11585 Aix-en-Provence (idem)

NOT. 11586 L'horaire libre en 1974 (Doc. française)

264 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 11587 Mise en place d'un budget de programme dans le secteur des transports (idem)

NOT. 11588 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Sambia (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11589 Allgemeine " " auslandes - China (idem)

NOT. 11590 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Bahamas (idem)

NOT. 11591 Tourisme et loisirs d'un littoral et de son arrière pays : la côte d'Opale et le Montrenillois (Univ. Aix Marseille)

NOT. 11592 Bibliographie touristique - Tome II (idem)

NOT. 11593 A study of French travel habits and patterns - Vol. 2 (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 11594 Productivity and cost employment - System trunks - C.Y. 1972 et 1973 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11595 Evolution of public response to the energy crisis (University of Chicago)

NOT. 11596 Analysis of aviation gas turbine fuels (FAA US)

NOT. 11597 An evaluation of passive deicing, mechanical deicing and in detection (idem)

NOT. 11598 Fluggastbefragung auf dem Flughafen - Müchen in der zeit vom 1 - 28.10.71 (Marplan)

NOT. 11599 Aircraft hangars and airports facilities - Aviation bulletin N° 408 (Nat. Fire Protection Association US)

NOT. 11600 Crashworthy fuel systems - Aviat. bulletin N° 412 (idem)

NOT. 11601

265 Archives nationales (France)

Standard on construction and protection of aircraft loading walkways (idem) Aviat. Bulletin 410

NOT. 11602 Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee on Aviation Aviat. Bul. 411 (idem)

NOT. 11603 Aircraft resure and fire fighting Aviat. Bul 409 (idem)

NOT. 11604 Special study - Safety aspects of emergency evacuations from air carrier aircraft (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 11605 Commission permanente - gestion et formation du personnel. Rapport annuel (I.C.A.A. Orly)

NOT. 11606 Commission permanente - gestion et format. du personnel. Doc 7440 ADM/24 (idem)

NOT. 11607 Standing commission - Airport data processing - 14° congress annual (ICAA) Nairobi

NOT. 11608 Assemblée générale - Minutes - 14° congress annuel Nairobi (idem)

NOT. 11609 Responsiveness program - Standards manual (Eastern Airlines)

NOT. 116010 Corporate industrial engineering standards manual (T.W.A.)

NOT. 11611 Enquête sur la structure des entreprises de transport routier en 72 (Transp. Voyageurs) (Ministère de l'Equip. S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 11612 FAA JT9D quiet nacelle retroft feasibility program - Vol. 1.1 - Vol ; 1.2 (J.E. Mayer Boeing)

NOT. 11613 Plane mate - An economic study (The mobile lounge) (S.C.A.T. London)

NOT. 11614 Airline passengers Association 1973 Survey results (Airline Pax Association US)

NOT. 11615 Passenger evaluation of D/FW airport (idem)

NOT. 11616 Chemins de fer 1975 (Science et Vie)

266 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 11617 Airports of the future - Symposium (B.A.M.A. Israel)

NOT. 11618 UFTAA Congress - Decisions of final board meeting - Opening speech by President of UFTAA (Belgique)

NOT. 11619 UFTAA Congress - The impact of inflation on the travel market (idem)

NOT. 11620 UFTAA Congress - The world hotel trade and universal inflation (idem)

NOT. 11621 UFTAA Congress - National Tourist Offices and the future of tourism (idem)

NOT. 11622 UFTAA Congress - Inflation and the tourist industry - Travel agents and the problem of inflation 1st working -session (idem)

NOT. 11623 UFTAA Congress - Inflation and tourism - idem.

NOT. 11624 UFTAA Congress - How inflation effects the airlines (idem)

NOT. 11625 UFTAA Congress - Vertical integration of airlane companies 2nd working session (doc 555) (idem)

NOT. 11626 UFTAA Congress - Relations between tour organizers and retailers - 3rd work. session Doc 561 (idem)

NOT. 11627 UFTAA Congress - Relations between tour organizers and retailers Doc 564 (idem)

NOT. 11628 UFTAA Congress - Open forum - Speech of Mr E. Chassy - Doc 548 et 565 (idem)

NOT. 11629 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tunesien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11630 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Dahome (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11631

267 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tschad (idem)

NOT. 11632 Fail safe aircraft structures - Proceedings - Vol 1 et 2 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11633 In flight simulation of minimum longtudinal stability for large delta wing transports in landing approach and touchdown (idem)


NOT. 11634 Aircraft requirements for low/medium densty markets (idem)

NOT. 11635 DABS timing - clocks, synchronization and restart (US DOT)

NOT. 11636 Operational evaluation of an airborne omega navigation system vol 1 et 2 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11637 ATC/Collision avoidance system interface simulation phase 1 (idem)

NOT. 11638 An automated FAA frequency assignment system (idem)

NOT. 11639 A bibliography of methods of atmospheric relevant to air traffic control and related subjects (idem)

NOT. 11640 Landing rates for mixed STOL and CTOL traffic (idem)

NOT. 11641 Effectiveness evaluation of STOL transport aircraft operations - Phase 2 (idem)

NOT. 11642 A study to determine the feasibility of a low sonic boom supersonic transport (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11643 Engineering and development program plan - aircraft noise and sonic boom (idem)


NOT. 11644 Effect of advanced aircraft noise reduction technology on the 1990 projected noise environment around Patrick Henry airport (idem)

268 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11645 A description of the intermittent positive control concept (idem)

NOT. 11646 Windshield bird strike structure design criteria (idem)

NOT. 11647 A study of the decompostion products of polyurethane foam related to aircraft cabin flash fires (idem)

NOT. 11648 Physio - chemical study of smoke emission by aircraft interior materials Part I - Physiological and toxicological aspects of smoke during fire exposure (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11649 An emergency life-saving instant exit system for cargo, cargo-transport and passenger aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11650 Human factors experiments for data link (idem)

NOT. 11651 Automated reliability assessment program (idem)

NOT. 11652 Analysis of dual lane runways (idem)

NOT. 11653 Guidelines for lightning protection of general aviation aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11654 The general aviation story (G.A.M.A. US)

NOT. 11655 2nd progress report on the US DOT cargo liability study (US DOT)

NOT. 11656 General development of air transport in Europe - 1963/72 (A.E.A. Belgique)

NOT. 11657 Transportation planning techniques : problems and prospects progress report (York Univers. Transpors Center Canada)

NOT. 11658 14° congres annuel - Kenya (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 11659 Cérémonie d'ouverture - Documents WP 42 Kenya (idem)

269 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11660 Effets de la crise de l'énergie sur le trafic aérien WP 36 - 14° congrès Kenya (idem)

NOT. 11661 Allocution de Mr Roy - WP 37 - 14° Congrès - Kenya (idem)

NOT. 11662 Potential for motor vehicle fuel economy improvement - Report to the Congress (US DOT)

NOT. 11663 The impact of the Common market on Tourism (Pannell Kerr, Forster and Co. Lee House London Wall)

NOT. 11664 Marketing research on how Canada is promoted by the US. Travel trade (CANADIAN Govern. Office of Tourism)


NOT. 11665 Organizaciones internacionales de Turismo (Ministerio de Informacion y Turismo)

NOT. 11666 1st biennial airworthiness review - 1974-75 - Agenda (FAA US)

NOT. 11667 1st biennial airworthiness review - 74/75 - Proposals not in Agenda (idem)

NOT. 11668 1st biennial airworthiness review - 74/75 - Committe I - Procedures and special subjects (idem)

NOT. 11669 1st biennial airworthiness review - 74/75 - Committee II - Flight (idem)

NOT. 11670 1st biennial airworthiness review - 74/75 - Committee III Airframe small aircraft § rotorcraft (idem)


NOT. 11671 1st biennial airworthiness review - 74/75 - Committee III Airframe Large Airplanes (idem)

NOT. 11672 1st biennial airworthiness review - 74/75 - " IV - Powerplant (idem)

NOT. 11673 1st biennial airworthiness review - 74/75 - " V - Equipment (idem)

270 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 11674 Desserte aéronautique de la Lorraine - Vol 1 Texte - Vol 2 Plan (Sofreavia)

NOT. 11675 Israel's air cargo potential for charter flights (Economics and Planning Services Overseas)

NOT. 11676 Aircraft resure and fire fighting - Minutes of the meeting - Aviat. Bulletin N° 414 (N.F.P.A.)

NOT. 11677 Summary of duties of taxes (Shell Aviat. Svc GB)

NOT. 11678 Une nouvelle dimension pour l'aviation régionale avec "l'ouverture" des frontières européennes (Comité Nat. pour l'aménagement du territoire français)

NOT. 11679 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - Year ended Dec 31, 1973 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11680 US International passenger movements on charter flights 68/73 (2nd printing) (idem)

NOT. 11681 Citizen and alien participation in US International air travel 1964/73 and 1st half of 74 (idem)

NOT. 11682 Aviation forecasts FY 75/86 (FAA US)

NOT. 11683 Passenger traffic forecast US and Canada to the Caribbean (Boeing)


NOT. 11684 US to Mexico - A growth air market for the 1970's (idem)

NOT. 11685 Trans - Asian Trunk Air Routes - Breaking the time barrier between two worlds (Douglas US)

NOT. 11686 Preliminary aircraft design - Lecture series N° 65 (ONERA Chatillon/Bagneux)

NOT. 11687 Aircraft design integration and optimization - AGARD Conf. proceedings (idem)

271 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11688 Enquête sur les habitudes de vacances de la population (Serv. d'information touristique Budapest)

NOT. 11689 Civil aviation (route charges for navigation services) Regulations 73 (et 71 inclus) Statutory Instruments (H.M.S.O. GB)

NOT. 11690 Etude sur la politique aéronautique des chambres de commerce et d'industrie (Minist. de l'Industrie et de la Recherche Paris)

NOT. 11691 Jordan development plan 73/75 (Ministry of Tourism § Antiquities Jordanie)

NOT. 11692 Middle East and North Africa - Intra-Region Air traffic forecast (Boeing)

NOT. 11693 Medical Handbook for pilots (FAA US)

NOT. 11694 Economic planning in the developing countries of Africa (Hungarian Academy of Sciences US)

NOT. 11695 Stratégie des transports sur les pays en voie de dévelop. sans littoral (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 11696 Pays insulaires en voie de développement (idem)

NOT. 11697 Les véhicules à coussin d'air dans les pays en voie de développement (idem)

NOT. 11698 Official travel agents marketing handbook (Travel Marketing Consultant Svc US)

NOT. 11699 The travel agent and the law - The liability of travel counselors (Institute of Certified Travel Agents US)


NOT. 11700 Aircraft types and prices (Lloyds Aviation Depart. GB)

NOT. 11701 Cost benefit analysis and other economic analysis of transportation (T.R. Board US)

NOT. 11702

272 Archives nationales (France)

Transportation forecasting - 9 reports (Transporation Research Board)

NOT. 11703 Airline statistical annual - Complete data on 1973 operation of all US airlines (Ziff Davis Aviation Daily US)

NOT. 11704 Convention for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of Civil aviation (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 11705 Balloons around the world - A register of hot air § gas balloons (Alec Jenkinson London)

NOT. 11706 Flow study of Pacific Area International Travel - Market site, traffic patterns and forecasts (P.A.T.A.)

NOT. 11707 De Gewenste hotel capaciteit in Amsterdam en overing West-Nederland - Ecn prognose voor 1975 (Netherlands Nal Tourist Office)

NOT. 11708 Report on export expansion through transportation (US DOT)

NOT. 11709 Etude sur les transports dans le corridor de circulation terre neuvien (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 11710 Etude sur les transports dans le corridor terre neuvien Volume C : Trans. Canada Highway (idem)

NOT. 11711 Etude sur les transports dans le couloir de circulation terre neuvien Volume F : passenger transportation demand characteristics and user opinion (idem)


NOT. 11712 Etude sur les transports dans le couloir de circulation terre neuvien Volume D : Rail freight and passenger svc (idem)

NOT. 11713 Etude sur les transports dans le couloir de circulation terre neuvien - volume G : freight trans. demand characteristics and user opinion (Commission canadienne des transports)

NOT. 11714 Etude sur les transports dans le couloir de circulation terre neuvien - volume H : Community access (idem)

NOT. 11715

273 Archives nationales (France)

Etude sur les transports dans le couloir de circulation terre neuvien - volume I : air transport (idem)


NOT. 11716 Etude sur les transports dans le couloir de circulation terre neuvien - volume J : corridor trans system present performance and prospective impovements (idem)

NOT. 11717 Quelques réflexions sur les communications : les relations entre les transports et les télécommunications et leurs perspectives (S.A.E.I. Paris)


NOT. 11718 L'affrètement aérien - Thèse pour le doctorat en droit, présentée et soutenue le 25 Janvier Tomes I et II (Jean-Pierre Tosi)

NOT. 11719 The near future of air charter regulation : the urgent need for adequate public policies (Univ. of Indiana US)

NOT. 11720 Loi instituant des mesures d'encouragement aux investissements touristiques (Ministère du Tourisme etc.. maroc)

NOT. 11721 Interpol - Assemblée gale - 43° session - Cannes

NOT. 11722 L'avenir de l'industrie aérospatiale européenne - 1975 (A.E.C.M.A.)

NOT. 11723 Basic program für die deutsche luft-und Raumfahrtindustrie 1974 bis 1978 (Verlag Dr Hans Heger)

NOT. 11724 1st biennial airworthiness review 74/75 (conference summary) (FAA US)

NOT. 11725 Colloque Aerall : Technologie et utilisations des aéronefs allégés (Paris)


NOT. 11726 Evolution démographique de 70 à 85 dans les pays membres de l'OCDE (Paris)

NOT. 11727

274 Archives nationales (France)

Air Europe - La politique de coopération entre les cies aériennes de l'Europe des 6 (Ed. de l'Université de Bruxelles)

NOT. 11728 Area navigation - Results and prospects (I.T.A.)

NOT. 11729 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Algerien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11730 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. - Südafrika (idem)

NOT. 11731 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. - Sowjetunion (idem)

NOT. 11732 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. - Bolivien (idem)

NOT. 11733 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. - Ecuador (idem)

NOT. 11734 Where is UK civil aviation going ? Advance copy - 32nd Brancker Memorial lecture (London).

NOT. 11735 The flight from the feedom of choice (address to Int'l Aviation Club) (Swissair)

NOT. 11736 Perspectives énergétiques jusqu'en 1985 - 2 volumes (O.C.D.E.)


NOT. 11737 Guide de l'investisseur touristique au Sénégal (Délégation gale du Tourisme)

NOT. 11738 Le sud de la Picardie et l'Aéroport Charles de Gaulle - (O.R.E.A.P. Amiens) Les aéro. et leur environ. (CCI)

NOT. 11739 Le sud de la Picardie et l'aéro. Charles de Gaulle - Le cas du sud de la Picardie (CCI Picardie)

NOT. 11740 Le sud de la Picardie et l'aéroport CDG - Les raisons du schéma d'aménagement du sud de la Picardie (OREAM Picardie)

NOT. 11741

275 Archives nationales (France)

The future role of regional airports - Two days confer. (Business § Industrial Training GB)

NOT. 11742 Lessons of Maplin - Is the machinery for govern. decision making at fault ? (I.E.A. G.B.)

NOT. 11743 Planning the state airport system (Govern. Printing Off.)


NOT. 11744 New design and operating techniques for improved terminal area compatibility (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11745 Externally blown flap noise research (idem)

NOT. 11746 Propulsion system sizing for powered lift and mechanical flap quiet aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11747 Advanced controls for commercial transport aircraft (idem)

NOT. 11748 Seventh int'l forum for air cargo (idem)

NOT. 11749 A reference guide to air transportatin and economic deve. in developing nations with an emphasis on Africa (Northwestern Univ.US)

NOT. 11750 Solar energy as a national energy resource - NSF/NASA Solar energy panel (Gover P.O. US)

NOT. 11751 A profile of airline service in the 48 contignous states Mai ! 73 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11752 Commuter carrier - certificated carrier competition June 30, 1973 (idem)

NOT. 11753 The domestic route system : analysis and policy recommendations (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11754 Transatlantic route proceeding - Final statement of environmental assessment (idem)

NOT. 11755 Int'l air transportation competition - US Congress

276 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11756 Transportation and telecommunications : a study of substitution, stimulation and their implications (Canadian Trans Commission)


NOT. 11757 Allocution ENSAE (Ministère de la défense Antenne SIRPA)

NOT. 11758 ICAO informal regional coorkshop on airport and route facility economics (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 11759 Aérodrome fire and resure services (aéroport on the regulations for aerodrome fire ... (CAA GB)

NOT. 11760 A study of high temperature fuels and lubricants on supersonic aircraft/engine system performance (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11761 Petroleum analysis and forecast information (Boeing)

NOT. 11762 La crise des carburants (rapport de stage) H.E.C.J.F.

NOT. 11763 Summary of availability (Shell Centre G.B.)

NOT. 11764 Concept for a satellite based advanced air traffic management system - vol I (US DOT)

NOT. 11765 Concept for a satellite based advanced " " " system - Vol II (system functional description and system specification) (US DOT)

NOT. 11766 Concept for a satellite based advanced air traffic manag. system - vol III / subsystem funct. descrip. (US DOT)

NOT. 11767 Concept for a satellite based advanced air traffic manag. system - vol IV : operational descrip. and qualitative assessment (idem)


NOT. 11768 Concept for a sat. based advanc. air traffic manag. system Vol V : system performance (idem)

277 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11769 Concept for a sat. based advanc. air traffic " " vol VI : Dev. and transition plans (idem)

NOT. 11770 Concept for a sat. based advanc. air traffic " " vol VII : system cost (idem)

NOT. 11771 Concept for a sat. based advanc. air traffic " " vol VIII : Operat. logic flow diagrams for a generic advanced air traffic manag. system (idem)

NOT. 11772 Concept for a satellite based advanc. air traffic manag. system - vol IX : system and subsyst. perfor. models (US DOT)

NOT. 11773 Concept for a sat. based advanc. air traffic manag. sys. Volume X : subsystem perfor. requirements (idem)

NOT. 11774 Systems for transporting aircraft on the ground - Feasibility study and concept study (FAA US)

NOT. 11775 Design principles for decentralized passenger terminals (A.D.V. RFA)

NOT. 11776 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. Kamerun (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11777 " " " " Ghana (idem)

NOT. 11778 Allgemeine " " ausl. Madagascar (idem)

NOT. 11779 Allgemeine " " ausl. Dänemark (idem)

NOT. 11780 The united states flay system in int'l air commerce - An analysis of public policy implications (I.E.P.A. US)


NOT. 11781 Local svc air carriers' unit costs - vol I et II (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11782

278 Archives nationales (France)

Concorde - the questions answered (B.A.C. GB)

NOT. 11783 The replacement of travel by telecommunications (J. Garwood)

NOT. 11784 Die Ziviluchtlichen verhälnisse beim Betrick eines Reisebüros (Fed. Suisse des Agences de voyage)

NOT. 11785 Enquête sur l'utilisation des véhicules de transport routier de marchandises en 73 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 11786 Science et technologie pour l'énergie (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 11787 An airline industry point of view (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 11788 Les habitudes de voyage des canadiens et leur attitude à l'égard des lieux touristiques du Canada et des USA (Office du TOurisme du Canada)

NOT. 11789 Passengers denied confirmed space FY 1974 § 1973 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11790 Trunkline carrier domestic passenger enplanements CY 73/72 (idem)

NOT. 11791 Jet airlines of the world (Air Britain)

NOT. 11792 Biz-jet 1975 (Airline Publications § Sales GB)

NOT. 11793 An analysis of aircraft L. Band Beacon antenna patterns (US DOT)


NOT. 11794 Inter-city and the advanced passenger train (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11795 European community transport and transport policy development (CEE)

NOT. 11796 General aviation activity survey 72 (FAA US)

279 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11797 Weight and balance - An important safety consideration for the general aviation pilot (N.TS.B.)

NOT. 11798 A study of general aviation in the south east of ENgland (CAA GB)

NOT. 11799 London helicopter operations an interim report (CAA GB)

NOT. 11800 La planification et l'exécution des plans dans les pays en voie de développement (Académie des Sciences Hongrie)

NOT. 11801 The necessity of economic groupings and their main fratures (idem)

NOT. 11802 Engineering and develop. program plan - Area navigation - US DOT

NOT. 11803 Evolution du trafic de voyageurs et de marchandises en 1974 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 11804 Multilateral agreement on commercial rights of non scheduled air services among the Association of SOuth East Asian Nations Signed in Manila on March 13, 71 (I.C.A.O.)

NOT. 11805 .. the need to achieve a greater unification of the standards and procedures adopted by each of the states for the provision of search and resure services (idem)

NOT. 11806 Rapport de conjoncture 73-74 - Problèmes et évolution de l'économie des pays sud-américains TOme I (Sudameris)

NOT. 11807 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tansania (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11808 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Uganda (Verlag W. kohlhammer)

NOT. 11809 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mongolei (idem)

NOT. 11810 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Japan (idem)

NOT. 11811

280 Archives nationales (France)

Le transport aérien face à l'évolution du coût des carburants (I.T.A.)

NOT. 11812 By the application of power (R.A.S. GB)

NOT. 11813 Methodology in air traffic forecasting (Royal Institute of Technology Suède)

NOT. 11814 Program för studier av. utbudet au languäga godstransporter : Sverige och dess paverkan pa transportefterfragan (Instizutionen for kommunikations teknik Kögskolan Suède)

NOT. 11815 Recommandations finales (I.A.T.A.)


NOT. 11816 Project turnaround (P.A.A. Pilots Public Affairs Commit.)

NOT. 11817 DABS Channel Management (FAA US)

NOT. 11818 Lyon et le département du Rhône - Carrefour européen (Comité pour l'amé. et l'Expansion économique du départ. du Rhône)

NOT. 11819 Le trafic aérien non régulier dans la région EU-MED et vers le reste du monde 1973 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 11820 St Louis aviation forecast study (US DOT)

NOT. 11821 THe airport passenger head tax - Analysis of its potential impact (2 ex) (FAA US)

NOT. 11822 Bibliographie d'économie des transports - tome IV - C.N.R.S. Paris

NOT. 11823 Compagnies complémentaires françaises : résultats 1974 (Air § Cosmos)


NOT. 11824 Proceedings of the inter agency workshop on lighter than Air Vehicles (M.I.T. US)

281 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11825 Application of hydrogen to commercial transports (S.A.E.)

NOT. 11826 Energy and Synthetic fuels for transportation : a summary (idem)

NOT. 11827 Ultrasonic applications in the aerospace industry - idem

NOT. 11828 Research § Development of the FJR 710 turbofan engine (idem)

NOT. 11829 Stations touristiques de montagne - Eléments pour une politique de planification (Ecole polytechnique de Lausanne)

NOT. 11830 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Argentinien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11831 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Chile (idem)

NOT. 11832 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Niederlande (Verlag. W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11833 Caribbean Tourism Conf. Summary conclusions § Recommandations (C.T.R.C.)

NOT. 11834 Le moniteur du tourisme africain (Ed. 1974) Ste africaine d'édition.

NOT. 11835 L'économie africaine 1974 (idem)

NOT. 11836 Marketing of ligh speed ground transport (C.T.C. Canada)

NOT. 11837 Theoretische und experimentelle Untersuchungen zur aerothermodynamischen Uberwachung von Luftfahrt - Université Berlin


NOT. 11838 New directions for forecasting air travel passenger demand (M .I.T. USA)

NOT. 11839

282 Archives nationales (France)

Final report - Assessment of the application of advanced technologies to subsonic CTOL transport aircraft (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11840 Conceptual design studies of a V/STOL Civil Lift Fan Transport Including Effect of size and F an pressure ratio (idem)

NOT. 11841 Analysis of Vortex wake encounter upsets (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11842 Omega : facts, Hopes, and dreams (Office of Naval Research US) (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11843 Engineering and development Program Plan - Program struct. and objectives (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11844 V/STOL Lift Fan Commercial short-haul transports - Continuing conceptual design study (idem)

NOT. 11845 Physio-chemical study of Smoke - Emission by Aircraft Interior Materials - Part II : Rigid - and flexible - (idem)

NOT. 11846 Book of CAB airline route maps and airport - to airport unileages (CAB Mr C.C. Squire US)

NOT. 11847 An analysis of the Civil Airwiss Situation in the United Kingdom and its relation to collision risk (CAA GB)

NOT. 11848 Concept for a satellite - Based advanced Air Traffic Management system - vol I (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 11849 Proceedings of the thirteenth Agifors symposium (American Airlines Inc. USA)

NOT. 11850 Role of tourism on socio - economic transformation of developing countries (Jafar Jafari University of Wisconsin USA)

NOT. 11851 Personality aspects of Pilot - Error Accident Involvment - (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11852 An advanced Air traffic management concept based on extensions of the upgraded third generation met system : summary report (idem)

283 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11853 Feasibility model of landing performance monitor (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11854 A study of Air Traffic data requirements and sources for FAA analysis (N.T.I.S. - Nat. Bureau of standards US)

NOT. 11855 Schéma général d'aménagement de la France - Scénarios pour les villes moyennes (La doc. française)

NOT. 11856 L'organisation des pays exportateurs de pétrole - (idem)

NOT. 11857 La banque asiatique en développement (idem)

NOT. 11858 L'agglomération ROUEN Elbeuf (idem)

NOT. 11859 Côtes du Nord (Bretagne) Nos 4125-4126-4127-4128 Notes et études documentaires (idem)


NOT. 11860 Littoral français - Perspectives pour l'aménagement Rapport au gouvernement (idem)

NOT. 11861 La montagne - éléments pour une politique - Aménage. du territoire - envir. - dével. rural - tourisme (idem)

NOT. 11862 Les départements d'Outre-Mer (La Guadeloupe) (idem)

NOT. 11863 System program office - Configuration management directive - Arts III System description (FAA US)

NOT. 11864 En route - National airspace - System operational equip. En route stage A - Radar data processing model 3 (idem)

NOT. 11865 IATA submission to International Aviation Policy Review (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 11866 Quaterly technical summary - Devlop. of a discrete address beacon system (US DOT - N.T.I.S.)

284 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11867 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Indien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11868 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Zaire (idem)

NOT. 11869 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Peru (idem)

NOT. 11870 Etude de développement touristique de l'archipel des Comores - Rap. principal (Ministère de l'Education Nationale Sedes)

NOT. 11871 Réunion sous régionale Afrique de l'Ouest sur la coopération et l'intégration des cies aériennes (CAFAC Sénégal)

NOT. 11872 Réunion sous région. Afrique du NOrd sur la coopération et l'intégration des cies aériennes (C.A.F.A.C.)

NOT. 11873 Synchronization station location study trade off phase (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11874 Vidicon scan convertes and super bright radar display system (FAA US)

NOT. 11875 Aircraft operating cost and performance report (CAB US)

NOT. 11876 Etudes de simulation du transport supersonique dans les systèmes futurs de contrôle de la circulation aérienne (N.A.S.A.)

NOT. 11877 Journées techniques industrielles sur les transports de surface - Transport Expo.

NOT. 11878 Canadian general aviation (Universit. of British Columbia Canada)

NOT. 11879 A study of Japanese travel Habits and Patterns - VoL 1 (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 11880 Concorde landing requirement - Evaluation tests (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11881

285 Archives nationales (France)

Plan de développement à long terme du transport aérien civil au Maroc - vol I Les prévisions du trafic à l'horizon 1985 (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 11882 Plan de dével. à long terme du transport aér. civil au Maroc - vol. II (idem)

NOT. 11883 Plan de dével. à long terme du transport aér. civil au Maroc - vol. III (idem)

NOT. 11884 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Finland - Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11885 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Libanon - idem

NOT. 11886 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Uruguay 1975 (idem)

NOT. 11887 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Elfenbeinküste (idem)

NOT. 11888 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Angola (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11889 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Thailand (idem)

NOT. 11890 State policy and plans for air service to small communities (T. Research Forum US)

NOT. 11891 Air Svc to small communities - The past, the present, the future (idem)

NOT. 11892 Low density air transportation in developing countries (idem)

NOT. 11893 Perspectives on federal government policy toward air carrier service to small communities (idem)

NOT. 11894 Air svc to small communities - Market issues and aircraft technology implications (idem)

NOT. 11895 Commuter airlines can improve air service to small communities (idem)

NOT. 11896 A theory for domestic airline economics (Transportation research Forum M.I.T. US)

286 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11897 A descriptive economic model for rationalizing airline route structures (idem)

NOT. 11898 Modeling aircraft flow in air traffic control systems (idem)

NOT. 11899 Structural flexibility in the air fare as a means to more prudent regulation (idem)

NOT. 11900 Gains de temps et économies d'énergie dans les transports de voyageurs à grande vitesse (Transp. Research Forum US)

NOT. 11901 Special study - Turbine engine rotor disk failures (N.T.S.B. USA)

NOT. 11902 Relating technology to acquisition costs : aircraft turbine engines (Rand Corp.)


NOT. 11903 Installation and operation of a dynamic preferential runway system, JFK Int'l airport, Jamaica New-York (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11904 A comparison of the experimental dynamic preferential runway system with the manual preferential system at JFK Int'l airport (idem)

NOT. 11905 Current aviation statistics - airports, air carrier fleet, air traffic activity, aircraft industry, air men and appropriations (idem)

NOT. 11906 Computers in the 1980s - trends in harware technology (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 11907 O balanço de fontes e aplicaçoes de fundes aplicado as empesas de transporte aereo comercial brasileiro 64/72 (Univ. de Rio de Janeiro)

NOT. 11908 1972 national travel expenditure study (US Travel Data Center)

NOT. 11909 The supply of hotel accommodation in H. Kong 1970/77 (Hong Kong Tourist Association)

287 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11910 Visitor arrivals to Hong Kong actual and forecast 1960/80 (H. Kong Tourist Association)

NOT. 11911 Image of Hong Kong and other major Asian destinations in Japon (idem)

NOT. 11912 A survey of the characteristics of advanced booking charter passengers from the U. Kingdom to the US (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 11913 Aircraft utilization and propulsion reliability report (US DOT)

NOT. 11914 Oil Company Profitability - Committee on finance - United states Senate (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 11915 Cahiers économiques de Bruxelles - Analyse du transport terrestre de marchandises en Belgique et prévisions pour 76 et 80 (Editions du Dulbea - Univ. Libre de Bruxelles)

NOT. 11916 Project report - Technical assessment of satellites for CONUS Air Traffic Control - Vol. I coordinated aircraft to satellite techniques (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11917 Project report - Tech. Assess. of Satellites for CONUS Air Traf. Control vol. II : Random Access aircraft to satellite écon. (idem)

NOT. 11918 Project report - Tech. Assess. of Satellites for CONUS Air Traf. Control vol. III Satellite - to aircraft tech. (idem)

NOT. 11919 Projectreport - Tech. Asses. of satellites for CONUS Air Traffic Control - Executive summary (idem)

NOT. 11920 Influence of Meteorological factors on the wortex make of a light twin-engine aircraft (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11921 The response of aircraft encountering aircraft make turbulence (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11922 Federal Aviation Regulations Part 107 Airport security (US G.P.O.)


NOT. 11923

288 Archives nationales (France)

TCA/ERS Effectiveness study (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 11924 Energy statistics - A supplement to the summary of nat. transportation statistics (US DOT)

NOT. 11925 The measurement of the Mc Donnel Douglas DC 9 trailing vortex system using the tower fly by technique (NTIS)

NOT. 11926 Analysis of the 1972 performance of the dynamic preferential runway system at John F. Kennedy Int'l Airport (NTIS)

NOT. 11927 Civil aviation in the USSR (the fiftinth anniversary of its formation) (idem)

NOT. 11928 Automation applications in an advanced air traffic management system - vol I (idem)

NOT. 11929 Airport activity statistics of certificated route air carriers (12 months ended Dec 31, 1973 (US G.P.O.)


NOT. 11930 Destination U.S.A. vol. 1 Summary report (G.P.O.)

NOT. 11931 Destination U.S.A. vol. 2 Domestic tourism (idem)

NOT. 11932 Destination U.S.A. vol. 3 Int'l visitors (G.P.O.)

NOT. 11933 Highlights of a study of Mexican travel habits and patterns volumes 1 et 2 (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 11934 Some aspects of North Atlantic air transportation - A european view (A.E.A. Belgique)

NOT. 11935 Remarks at the Int'l Aviation Club, Washington (A.E.A.)

NOT. 11936 Summary of civil aviation law and related rules and regulations of the Republic of Chine (Aviation Civile Rep. de Chine)

NOT. 11937

289 Archives nationales (France)

Les transports en France 72/73 - Evolution comptes, charges des collectivités publiques, charges des usagers (Commission des Comp. des transports de la Nation)

NOT. 11938 Recommendation for the Chicago area freight system for 1995 (C.A.T.S. US)

NOT. 11939 La zone Franc en 73 (Comité monétaire de la zone franc)

NOT. 11940 L'importance des exportations invisibles pour l'équilibre de notre balance des paiements (J.O.)

NOT. 11941 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Portugal (Verl. W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11942 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Syrien (idem)

NOT. 11943 Allgemeine " " " - Venezuela (idem)

NOT. 11944 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Paraguay (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)


NOT. 11945 A study of alternative policies and their consequences Vol. I U.S. international aviation policy at the crossroads (Harbridge House US)

NOT. 11946 US Int'l Aviation policy at the crossroads - vol. II A study of altern. policies and their consequences (idem)

NOT. 11947 Air afrique - histoire d'une compagnie (Air Afrique)

NOT. 11948 Le transport aérien (Afrique Industrie Infrastructures)

NOT. 11949 Standard definitions and classifications for travel surveys. Definitions et classifications normalisées pour les enquêtes sur les voyages (T.R.P.C. Tourism Canada)

NOT. 11950 The regulation of non scheduled air services in the U.K. 60/72 (Univ. of Surrey - A.J. Burkart)

290 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11951 An approach to an integrated forecasting system for a national tourism office (Canad. Govern. office of tourism)

NOT. 11952 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Griechenland (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11953 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Obervolta (idem)

NOT. 11954 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Botsuana - Lesotho-Swasiland (idem)

NOT. 11955 Predictions of the 74 spring snow goose migration at Winnipeg int'l airport (N.R.C. Canada)


NOT. 11956 An analysis on international air charters undertaken at the request of the european civil aviation conference (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 11957 L'industrie aéronautique belge dans une prospective européenne (S.A.B.C.A.)

NOT. 11958 First biennal operations review - 1975-76 (FAA US)

NOT. 11959 Etude sur la situation économique de l'Europe en 1973 (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 11960 Transports et communications entre la France et le Royaume Uni - Conclusions d'une enquête réalisée par la CC Franc. de Grande B. et la British Chamber of Commerce (CCI. GB)

NOT. 11961 Répertoire des périodiques reçus par le CEDOCAR et certaines bibliothèques associés (C.E.D.O.C.A.R. Paris)

NOT. 11962 Document de synthèse sur les incidences des problèmes énergétiques sur les transports (CCI Paris)

NOT. 11963 Aviation products liability catastrophe scheme - govern./industry conference (A.E.C.M.A.)

NOT. 11964 Precision ranging experiments 75 (Directorate of civil aviation Danemark)

291 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11965 L'impegio del "marketing" per il potenziamento del mercato turistico (Ministère du Tourisme Rome)


NOT. 11966 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Liberia - Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11967 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Guinea (idem)

NOT. 11968 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Irak (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 11969 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Kuba (idem)

NOT. 11970 Summary of consumer complaints - C.Y. 1974 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11971 Destination U.S.A. volume 4 Federal Role (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 11972 Destination U.S.A. " 5 Special studies (idem)

NOT. 11973 Destination U.S.A. " 6 Appendix (idem)

NOT. 11974 Perspectives à long terme de l'industrie de l'énergie électrique en Europe 70/85 (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 11975 Local Svc Carrier passenger enplanements fiscal years 74 and 73 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 11976 Deregulation and "back door nationalization" (A.T.A.)

NOT. 11977 Comments of the A.T.A. on the international aviation policy review (idem)

NOT. 11978 Plan programme de développement touristique à Madagascar Analyse des données Fas. 1 (S.E.D.E.S.)

NOT. 11979 Plan programme de développement tourist. à Madagascar Fas. 2 (idem)

292 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 11980 Plan programme de développement tourist. à " Fas. 1 (idem)

NOT. 11981 Plan programme de développement " " " fas. 2 (idem)

NOT. 11982 Plan programme de développement tourist. à Madagascar - Fas. 3 (S.E.D.E.S.)

NOT. 11983 Plan programme de développement tourist. à " Fas. 4 (idem)

NOT. 11984 Etude de l'aide de l'état au secteur touristique - Rap. préliminaire (Mr F. Mitchell - O.N.T.T. Tunisie)

NOT. 11985 Etude de l'aide de l'état au secteur tourist. Rapport n° 2 Synthèse et recommendations (idem)

NOT. 11986 Etude de l'aide de l'état au secteur tourist. Rap. n° 4 Analyse financière de l'hotellerie en Tunisie (S.E.T.E.C.)

NOT. 11987 Enquête touristique Mai - Août 71 (COFITOUR)

NOT. 11988 Préparation du IV ° plan - Commission sectorielle du tourisme et du thermalisme - rapport de synthèse (O.N.T.T.)

NOT. 11989 The sali project - tome 1 - tome 2 - Study report and plans for developing a tourist industry in Senegal, Africa (Boeing)

NOT. 11990 Bilan d'une politique touristique - l'exemple du Maroc (Université Mohammed V)

NOT. 11991 Implantation de 7000 lits hoteliers dans le Souss-Lahouar (idem)

NOT. 11992 Développement touristique de la baie d'Agadir (B.C.E.O.M.)

NOT. 11993 Masterplan touristique du Maroc - La demande (Steigenberger Consulting RFA)

NOT. 11994

293 Archives nationales (France)

Etude sur les conséquences du tourisme sur l'économie nationale (Méthodologie compte touristique) (Maroc Development Maroc)

NOT. 11995 Etude des conséquences du tourisme sur l'économie nationale (enquête des touristes) (idem)

NOT. 11996 Les investissements touristiques au Maroc (Ministère du Tourisme)


NOT. 11997 Etude sur les possibilités de dévelop. touristique dans la république du Sénégal (Bureau pour l'encouragement des investissements dans les E.A.M.A. à la C.E.E.)

NOT. 11998 Ste Nationale de Promotion touristique (S.N.P.T.)

NOT. 11999 Enquête sur la structure de la demande touristique et les préférences déclarées des touristes visitant le Sénégal (Primature Délégation gale au Tourisme)

NOT. 12000 Réajustement du IV° plan de dévelop. économique et social 73/77 (Délégation gale au tourisme)

NOT. 12001 Conseil interministériel sur le tourisme - Séance du 17 Juin 1974 (idem)

NOT. 12002 Etude du dévelop. touristique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, occidentale et centrale (Hotafric)

NOT. 12003 Planning for the development of air transport - Direction gale de l'aviation civile Liban

NOT. 12004 Reports and proceedings - 30th annual gal meeting - Montréal (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12005 Origins and destinations of passengers at U.K. airports (CAA GB)

NOT. 12006 New-York offshore airport feasibility study - volume I Introduction, summary and conclusions (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 12007 New-York offshore airport feasibility study - volume II Air traffic projections, Air Side opérations, site selection, ground access, structural concepts (idem)

294 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12008 1975 Spring convention - The customer and the surface phase of air transport (R.A.S. GB)

NOT. 12009 IFR aircraft handled - forecast by air route traffic control center fiscal years 75/76 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12010 Develop. of a non survey method estimating traffic at non-towered airports (idem)

NOT. 12011 Dimensionnement des chaussées d'aérodromes (Recyclage formation permanente) (Revue gale)

NOT. 12012 Construction des chaussées aéroportuaires (idem)

NOT. 12013 L'aéroport et son environnement (idem)

NOT. 12014 Notre image de marque (Air France)

NOT. 12015 Aircraft and shipbuilding industries Bill (Ambassade de Grande-Bretagne)

NOT. 12016 Some factors affecting the use of lighter than air systems (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12017 3 conferences de ALTA prononcées à Orlando (A.L.T.A. US)

NOT. 12018 Commercial aviation and energy (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12019 Govern. owership, subsidy and economic assistance in international commercial aviation (C.A.B.)


NOT. 12020 Forecast of U.S. airborne trade 1965 through 1980 (Boeing)

NOT. 12021 Agreements adopted by the traffic conferences of the I.A.T.A. relating to passenger fare and cargo rate matters (US DOT)

NOT. 12022

295 Archives nationales (France)

FAA Lightning protection study - Lightning protection devices (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12023 FAA Lightning protection study - Lightning simulation tests of communications cables (idem)

NOT. 12024 General aviation aircraft study (idem)

NOT. 12025 The measurement of the B. 747 trailing vortex system using the tower fly-by technique (idem)

NOT. 12026 Flight test evaluation of SECANT UECAS collision avoidance system (NTIS)

NOT. 12027 Congrès "la Technique face aux problèmes économiques du transport aérien" (S.I.R.P.E.)

NOT. 12028 Highlights of the market for international congresses (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12029 The big picture travel 75 - World travel trends and markets 73/74 (A.S.T.A. US)

NOT. 12030 Vacation travel by Canadians in 73 in the United STATES volumes 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12031 Evaluation of the secretary of transportations rail svc report (G.P.O.)


NOT. 12032 Special transports terrestres (Equipement Logement, Transport Paris)

NOT. 12033 Rapport de conjoncture 73/74 - Problèmes et évolution de l'économie des pays sud-américains Tome II (SUDAMERIS)

NOT. 12034 L'Europe médiane - Prospective N° 53 (Doc française)

NOT. 12035 Orléans et son agglomération (idem)

NOT. 12036 Amiens (Doc Française)

296 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12037 L'agglomération de Bruxelles (idem)

NOT. 12038 La Rhodésie - Evolution politique et constitution (idem)

NOT. 12039 ENquête sur la structure des entreprises de transport routier en 72 (résultats régionaux) (Minist. Equipement)

NOT. 12040 ICAO Civil aviation forecasting workshop 12.15 Nov. 74 Paris (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 12041 La concurrence internationale dans l'industrie aérospatiale (Marc Giget)

NOT. 12042 Travel industry develop. planning papers N° 4 - Seminar March 19.22, 1974 (Canadian Gover. Office et Tourism)

NOT. 12043 Development of a DABS - Quarterly Technical bulletin (FAA US)


NOT. 12044 Concorde (Aérospatiale)

NOT. 12045 Concorde - Status report - Second quarter 75 (idem)

NOT. 12046 The German Aerospace industry 74 (B.D.L.I. RFA)

NOT. 12047 Pilote professionnel de 1° classe (SGAC ENAC)

NOT. 12048 Les carrières civiles de pilote d'avion (SFAC S.F.A.)

NOT. 12049 Compagnies complémentaires françaises (Air § Cosmos)

NOT. 12050 Terminal area forecast 76/86 (FAA US)

297 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12051 Air transport 1975 - an anniversary approaches (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 12052 Problèmes économiques et financiers (C.S.T. Conseil Supérieur du Tourisme)

NOT. 12053 L'aviation générale de voyage en région parisienne - Définition d'une stratégie (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 12054 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Osterreich (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12055 L'économie du transport aérien - Thèse de doctorat (J. Belotti Cdt de bord)


NOT. 12056 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Neuseeland (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12057 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Birma (idem)

NOT. 12058 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Iran (idem)

NOT. 12059 World Aerospace and air defence industries - Speaker's papers (Air § Cosmos)

NOT. 12060 The federal action plan for improved profitability in international air carrier operations (US DOT)

NOT. 12061 Evaluation of economic behavior and other consequences of civil aviation system operating with limited or no regulatory constraints (CAB US)

NOT. 12062 Multiple queues of aircraft under time dependant conditions : policy options for Toronto International airport (York University Transp Centre Canada)

NOT. 12063 Community attitudes to ward airports (Texas Aeronautics Commission US)

NOT. 12064 Conference on aircraft noise delivered at FAA aviation review conference, Washington (A.O.C.I.)

NOT. 12065

298 Archives nationales (France)

L'avenir du transport aérien (1) (2) - S.G.A.C. S.E.E.P.

NOT. 12066 Le développement du Tchad Possibilités et limites (Chad : devel. potential and constraints) (Banque mondiale)

NOT. 12067 Les attitudes et habitudes des vacances 73 (Canadian gover. Travel Bureau)


NOT. 12068 Rapport intérimaire au sujet des voyages de vacances des Canadiens en 1974 (idem)

NOT. 12069 Tourisme au Mali (Ministère des Transports, des Téléc. et du Tourisme Bamako)

NOT. 12070 Sociétés aéronautiques et spatiales - Cahiers des clauses comptables (Arrêtés des 9 et 27 Sept 74 (J.O.)

NOT. 12071 Airport land releases - Hearing before the subcommittee on Transportation and Aeronautics of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce House of representatives 93nd Congress - second session on H.R 783, 5815, 8022, 11131 and S. 1116

NOT. 12072 L'avenir de l'industrie aéronautique et spatiale - Annexe au P.V. de la séance du jeudi 6 Déc.. (C.E.S.)

NOT. 12073 Rapport sur l'orientation préliminaire du VII° plan (J.O.)

NOT. 12074 Les transports - Clef du développement au Nigeria (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12075 La crise du transport aérien - 1° phase : le diagnostic 1° 2° 3° parties - 2° phase : les remèdes 1° 2° parties (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 12076 Major airports and their effects on regional planning (US D.H. Urban Develop.)

NOT. 12077 Michigan state airport system plan thru 1990 - final report (US Michigan Depart. of State Highways and Transp.)

NOT. 12078 Michigan state airport system plan - Technical report (idem)

299 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12079 Analysis of operational requirements for medium density air transportation - vol I - summary (N.A.S.A. US)

NOT. 12080 Analysis of operational requirements for medium density air transportation - vol II (idem)


NOT. 12081 Trade of African developing countries up to 1970 and prognosis to 1980 (Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hongrie)

NOT. 12082 The Arab air carriers : cooperation and external relations. Agenda item N° 12 (A.A.C.O.)

NOT. 12083 Investigation of the bylaws of the air traffic conference of America (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 12084 Employment outlook for aircrafts, missile and spacecraft manufacturing (US Dept of Labor)

NOT. 12085 Impact économique de l'aéroport - Flux d'argent - emplois créés (SGAC - STBA)

NOT. 12086 Plan d'équipement aéronautique de la région Champagne - Ardenne (1) Dossier d'approbation (2) dossier justificat. annexe (idem)

NOT. 12087 Future airport development in the Northern Region (CAA GB)

NOT. 12088 Airport development in the Central England area (CAA Royaume Uni)

NOT. 12089 International conference on tourism and air transport (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12090 Advanced aeronautical concepts - Hearing before the Committee on aeronautical and space sciences US Senate - 93rd Congress - 2nd session

NOT. 12091 Rapport de la commission - Inégalités sociales - Préparation de l'orientation préliminaire du 7° plan (Doc. franc.)

300 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12092 Le commerce extérieur des régions Provence, Côte d'Azur, et Corse en 74 (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 12093 Les départements français - Rhône (Doc. française)

NOT. 12094 L'aménagement de la région Fos-Etang de Berre (idem)


NOT. 12095 Survey of american vacation trip intentions (Intentions to travel related to energy and economic situation in US (Canadian G. Office of Tourism)

NOT. 12096 Travel intentions of Canadians and how their perception of economic conditions influence their vacation trip plans (idem)

NOT. 12097 Local svc air carriers' unit costs - vol I - Year ended Marc 31, 1975 (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 12098 Airline statistical annual - Complete data on 73 operation of all US airlines (Ziff Davis Aviation Daily US)

NOT. 12099 FAA historical fact book - A chronology 1926-1971 (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 12100 1975 international aerospace specification tables (Aviation week § Space Technology)

NOT. 12101 Pacific travel to morrow (Boeing)

NOT. 12102 Southeast Asia - Geographical and Economic background information (idem)

NOT. 12103 Southeast Asia - Forecast passenger traffic potential (idem)

NOT. 12104 1975 International air transportation (A.S.C.E. US)

NOT. 12105 Infrastruktur-Erfordernisse für einen STOL - Luftverkehr in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (A.D.V. RFA)

301 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12106 A la croisée des chemins - Une contribution à la révision de la politique aéron. internationale des USA (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12107 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - June 30, 74 (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 12108 Cargo liability study - final report (US DOT)

NOT. 12109 Union list of Air and Space law literature (University of London)


NOT. 12110 L'industrie aéronautique européenne et l'aviation civile - Assemblée de U.E.O. 21° session ordinaire - 1° partie (Union de l'Europe occidentale)

NOT. 12111 Indagine conoscitiva - sulla situazione dell' aviazione civile (S.E.A. Italie)

NOT. 12112 Report of the 14th IFATCA Conference : Melbourne (I.F.A. T.C.A. Ecosse)

NOT. 12113 Special study - flight data recorder readout experience in aircraft accident investigations (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 12114 The 1975 Service World Int'l 100 - US Revue

NOT. 12115 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Liechtenstein (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12116 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Spanien (idem)

NOT. 12117 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Schweiz (idem)

NOT. 12118 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Mosambik (idem)

NOT. 12119 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Nigeria (idem)

NOT. 12120

302 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine " s auslandes - Jordanien (idem)

NOT. 12121 Méthodes d'études de l'appareil commercial d'une agglomération - Valeur et limites - Analyse comparative (C.E.C.O.D. Paris)

NOT. 12122 Cour des comptes - Rapport au Président de la République suivi des réponses des administrations (J.O.)

NOT. 12123 A european view of North Atlantic air transportation (S.A.S. Suède)

NOT. 12124 Regulatory reform - report of the CAB special staff - C.A.B. US

NOT. 12125 Foreign trade 1974 - Port of New-York and New Jersey (P.N.Y.A. US)


NOT. 12126 A study of a ground access system for O'Hare Int'l airport - vol one - Evaluation of CBD - O'Hare alternatives (Alan M. Voorhees § Associates US)

NOT. 12127 A study of a ground access system for O'Hare INt'l airport - Vol 2 - Recommended access system plan (idem)

NOT. 12128 Considérations sur le développement touristique au Mali (mémoire) (Agence de Coopération culturelle et tech.)

NOT. 12129 Essai d'une politique de dévelop. touristique en République Unie du Cameroun (idem)

NOT. 12130 Promotion et commercialisation du tourisme au Tchad (idem)

NOT. 12131 Réflexion sur le développement du tourisme au Rwanda (idem)

NOT. 12132 Politique de promotion et de commercialisation touristique en République Centrafircaine (idem)

NOT. 12133 Proposition d'une politique de développement à l'Ile Maurice (idem)

303 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12134 Aperçu sur le développement touristique en Haiti (idem)


NOT. 12135 Etude sur les perspectives de politiques touristiques et des programmes de dévelop. touristiques communs (U.I.O.O.T.)

NOT. 12136 La planification touristique (U.I.O.O.T)

NOT. 12137 Etude des tendances de l'évolution des moyens d'hébergement (idem)

NOT. 12138 Les sources de financement dans le secteur privé (idem)

NOT. 12139 Les systèmes de l'aide de l'état aux industries hotelières et touristiques (idem)

NOT. 12140 Commission permanente - " Gestion et formation de personnel " Rapport annuel 74/75 Bruxelles - 15th annual congress (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 12141 Commission permanente - traitement des données aeroportuaires - (idem)

NOT. 12142 Groupe de travail " assurances " - Bruxelles - 15th annual congress (idem)

NOT. 12143 Séminaire " relations publiques " Bruxelles - 15th annual congress (idem)

NOT. 12144 National interest aspects of the private int'l air carrier system of the United States (US Dept of Commerce)

NOT. 12145 Subventions pour l'achat de matériel aéron. d'instruction (J.O.)

NOT. 12146 Le fret aérien - Thèse pour le Doctorat en Droit (J.L. Magdelenat Paris)


NOT. 12147

304 Archives nationales (France)

Les associations de tourisme agréées - Commissariat gal au Tourisme

NOT. 12148 Equipements informatiques actuels et futurs dans le transp-routier en Europe (I.R.U.)

NOT. 12149 Nomenclatures d'activités et de produits 1973 (J.O.)

NOT. 12150 Civil aviation studies and interagency coordinating organizations - vol I (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12151 Fuel conservation capability and effort by commercial air carriers (idem)

NOT. 12152 Air transportation : good and bas uses (Idem)

NOT. 12153 The airline minimum fleet problem (idem)

NOT. 12154 An analysis of pilot error - related aircraft accidents (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12155 Lockheed aircraft corporation - Case studies in management (idem)

NOT. 12156 The Chicago - midway - Airport study vol I : Urban systems research and engineering, incorporated (idem)

NOT. 12157 Airport noise reduction forecast - vol I : Summary report for 23 airports (idem)

NOT. 12158 Aircraft noise reduction forecast - vol II : Nef computer program description and user's manual (idem)


NOT. 12159 Civil aviation studies and interagency coordinating organizations vol II : Appendices (idem)

NOT. 12160 The airport/urban interface (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12161 Development of a scientific basis for analysis of aircraft seating systems final report (idem)

305 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12162 Investment cost for CAS alternatives (A preliminary analysis) (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12163 Commercial aviation in the arab world (Bardaxil § Co) (Aviat. depart. Liban)

NOT. 12164 Quelques problèmes posés par la circulation des aéronefs au sol - Solutions adoptées ou envisagées (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12165 The development of the U.K. airport system (CAA GB)

NOT. 12166 Feasibility of real time simulation of airport-airside operations (FAA US)

NOT. 12167 Bureau d'aménagement du nouvel aéroport int'l de Montréal - (B.A.N.A.I.M.)

NOT. 12168 CAFAC - 3° session plénière - Kampala (CAFAC)

NOT. 12169 Fleet opérators 1975 (Air Britain)

NOT. 12170 United Kingdom and Eire civil registers (75) - Current to G. BCXR and El-BAM (idem)


NOT. 12171 Civil aircraft registers of France (idem)

NOT. 12172 Aviation review conference - summary - report 75 (FAA US)

NOT. 12173 Lockheed aircraft corporation - Case studies (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12174 Legal aspect of aircraft finance in Europe (Vol.9) Journal of World Trade Law GB

NOT. 12175 Specialist meeting on fretting in aircraft systems (ONERA)

NOT. 12176 Doctoral dissertations on transportation (Northwestern University)

306 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12177 Bilan de l'activité des services de recherche et de sauvetage (SGAC - Sect. d'études et de coordination S.A.R.)

NOT. 12178 Projet de loi de finances pour 76 - Annexe, services votés Mesures nouvelles - Transports I - II - III - IV (Imprimerie nationale)

NOT. 12179 Budget voté de 75 - Transp. aviation civile (idem)

NOT. 12180 Country marketing plan review of the market for the U.K. germany and France (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12181 Review of the Market for Japan (idem)


NOT. 12182 Population projections for Canada and the provinces 72/2001 Cat. N° 91.514 (Statistics Canada)

NOT. 12183 Statistiques des revenus et des dépenses des ménages 60/72 NO 2 Afrique - Amérique latine - Asie (B.I.T. Suisse)

NOT. 12184 Projetctions de la main-d'oeuvre - résumé - V : Monde 65/85 (B.I.T. Suisse)

NOT. 12185 Oceanborne foreign trade : lifeblood of the port - (P.N.Y.A.)

NOT. 12186 The contribution of civil aviation to the develop. of the National Economy (tourism, freight, agriculture, aircraft industry) (BAMA) Israel

NOT. 12187 Die internationalen flughafen der USA und ihre Einzugs-und Wirkungsberiche - Thèse préparée par Helmut Theurer Univers. Cologne

NOT. 12188 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Baugladesh (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12189 The economic basis for transport subsidies (CCT Canada)

307 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12190 Productivity and cost of employment system trunks - Calendar years 73 and 74 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12191 Unaccommodated passengers by carrier and market (idem)

NOT. 12192 Financial results - United Kingdom airlines 1968-1974 CAA GB)


NOT. 12193 Central england airport study (Metra consulting GB)

NOT. 12194 Airport development in south wales and the south west region of england (CAA GB)

NOT. 12195 Problems in avionics life - cycle analysis (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 12196 Air traffic demand estimates for 1995 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12197 Three and four dimensional area navigation study (idem)

NOT. 12198 Règles et procédures de circulation aérienne (ENAC)

NOT. 12199 Special study of fatal, weather-involved, gal aviation accidents (N.T.S.B. US)

NOT. 12200 European tariff study 1975 (Cornwell, greene, bertram, smith § Co GB)

NOT. 12201 Tourism in Gwynedd - an economic study (Wales Tourist Board - Welcome House GB)

NOT. 12202 Tourism management - Tourism Int'l Press London

NOT. 12203 Elements of state policy on tourism - With special emphasis on developing countries (idem)

NOT. 12204 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Irland (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

308 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12205 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Pakistan (idem)

NOT. 12206 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Togo (idem)


NOT. 12207 Le rôle des chemins de ferdans le développement économique de la Tunisie (Univ. de Paris)

NOT. 12208 3° conference des Nations Unies sur le droit de la mer Documents officiels - Vol III - Doc Conference - 1° session : N.York Déc 73 - 2° session : Caracas Août 74 (Lib. pedone)

NOT. 12209 The world economy and the air transport function today and tomorrow (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12210 Report to the Deputy Secretary of the task force on hazardous materials in air commerce (US DOT)

NOT. 12211 Attitudes toward latin American and Caribbean travel - a survey of United states travel agents (Organization of American States US)

NOT. 12212 Planification et développement de l'industrie touristique dans la région CEE (Nations Unies - Commission économique pour l'Europe)

NOT. 12213 Planification et développment de l'industrie touristique dans la région de la CEE (idem)

NOT. 12214 Planification et dével. Thème A - Aménag. du territoire dans le sens du dével. de l'industrie touristique - (1) Planification des ressources naturelles (idem)

NOT. 12215 Planification et devel. Thème B - Incidences nésologiques de la planif. du dével. de l'industrie touristique (idem)


NOT. 12216 Planification et devel. ... Thème C - Incidences sociales de la planif. du dével. de l'industrie touristique (idem)

NOT. 12217

309 Archives nationales (France)

Planification et dével. .. Thème D - Incidences écono. de la planif. du dével. de l'industrie tourist. (idem)

NOT. 12218 Planification et dévelop. de l'industrie tourist. dans la région de la C.E.E. - Thème E : Méthodes à suivre en vue d'une planification intégrée du dével. de l'industrie touristique du point de vue social (CEE Genève)

NOT. 12219 Planification et dével. .. Thème F : Stratégies et mesures gales à adopter pour la mise en oeuvre de plans de dével. tourist. (idem)

NOT. 12220 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Zypern (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12221 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Australien (idem)

NOT. 12222 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Sri Lanka (idem)

NOT. 12223 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Athiopien (idem)

NOT. 12224 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Sambia (idem)

NOT. 12225 Civil aviation in the Republic in the Republic of Zaire (US DOT)

NOT. 12226 Biz jet 1975 (Air Britain)

NOT. 12227 Airlines § Airliners N° 10 DC 10 (idem)

NOT. 12228 Airlines § Airliners N° 11 L.1011 tristar (idem)

NOT. 12229 Airlines and airliners N° 12 - H.S. 748 (idem)

NOT. 12230 Airlines and airliners - N° 13 - B.747 p. 2 (idem)

NOT. 12231 Civil aircraft registers of west germany 74 (idem)

310 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12232 Balloons around the world (Air Britain)

NOT. 12233 Aeronautics and space report of the president - 73 activities (G.P.O. US)

NOT. 12234 The market for airlines - The european view (Airbus Industrie)

NOT. 12235 Airport activity statistics of certificated route air carriers - 12 months ended June 30, 74 (G.P.O.)

NOT. 12236 World charter airlines (Flight Int'l IPC Business Press GB)

NOT. 12237 The passenger air transport market 1975-1990 (Branch Manager Market Research US)


NOT. 12238 International air transportation fair competitive practices act of 74 (US Senate - US Subcommittee on Aviation)

NOT. 12239 Objectifs nationaux et evaluation des projets dans les pays en voie de developpement (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 12240 Les transports maritimes 1974 (idem)

NOT. 12241 Les perspectives de vente de l'industrie aérospatiale civile et militaire (Aérospatiale)

NOT. 12242 The european aerospace industry - Position and figures (CCE Belgique)

NOT. 12243 Productivity and cost of employment - Local service carriers - CY 73 et 74 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12244 Résultats enquête passagers 74/75 (AIR INTER)

NOT. 12245 Charterstatistik 1974 (Aviation civile Suède)

NOT. 12246 Engineering and develop. program plan - AEROSAT (N.T.I.S.)

311 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12247 An overview and assessment of plans and programs for the develop. of the upgraded third generation air traffic control system (idem)

NOT. 12248 An overview of FAA engineering and develop. programs with highlights of F.Y. 75/76 (idem)

NOT. 12249 San Francisco floating STOL port study (idem)

NOT. 12250 Lake Eric international jetport model feasibility investigation (idem)


NOT. 12251 Interactions of technology and society - IMpacts of improved ari transport - a study of airprots at the gressroots (idem)

NOT. 12252 Air travel and aviation facilities planning (idem)

NOT. 12253 New transportation systems PB 241.149 (idem)

NOT. 12254 Lockheed aircraft corporation - a series of case studies (idem)

NOT. 12255 An approach for the design of an air traffic control system (idem)

NOT. 12256 Feasibility of adapting a thin film permeable membrane to jet transport fuel tank inerting system (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12257 8th intermediate station (C.E.A.C.)

NOT. 12258 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - les transports urbains et routiers de voyageurs (Svc des Affaires Econ. et Intern. depart. des statistiques des transports)

NOT. 12259 Vingt et unième rapport annuel et résolutions du conseil des Ministres - Vienne (CEMT)


312 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12260 Les premiers résultats du recensement - Comment a grandi la France de 68 à 75 (CONATEF)

NOT. 12261 Pour devenir une entité urbaine la région de Fas-Berre devra accueillir 6 nouveaux habitants pour un emploi autonome créé (idem)

NOT. 12262 Statistiques de tourisme - Destinations les plus fréquentées par les résidents de 30 pays membres au cours des années 72.73. et 74 (U.I.O.O.T. Centre Int'l Suisse)

NOT. 12263 Travel trends in the United states and Canada (University of Colorado)

NOT. 12264 Charterstatistik 1-1 jusqu'au 30.6.75 (Aviat. civile Suède)

NOT. 12265 Plan for flight testing intermittent positive control (US DOT FAA)

NOT. 12266 Determination of the contributions which air transport can make to the economics of African states (17th annual meeting) (African studies Association)

NOT. 12267 Some critical issues in air transport development in Nigeria (African studies Association US) 17th annual meeting -

NOT. 12268 Tourism in Ethiopia - a case study - 17th annual meeting (idem)

NOT. 12269 Air transport patterns § prospects in the East African Community (idem)

NOT. 12270 Ride quality evaluation - Questionnaire studies in airline passenger comfort (University of Virginia US)

NOT. 12271 Commuter airlines - Report N° 3 (Commuter Airline Associat.)

NOT. 12272 Report on the work of the working group on ecology item 6.1. 29th WEAAC conf. Copenhague (Leo Mortensen CAA)

NOT. 12273 Management of the traffic peaking - item 5.3 (idem)

313 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12274 Progress report on large airport projects - Saltholm - item 5.2.1. (idem)

NOT. 12275 Progress report concerning Kastrup - (idem)

NOT. 12276 Computer applications to airline fleet planning (Douglas Co Manager Commercial operations research US)

NOT. 12277 Aircraft emergency procedures over water (G.P.O.)

NOT. 12278 Boeing air freight market development (Boeing)

NOT. 12279 Nice Côte d'Azur - L'aérogare (CCI Nice)

NOT. 12280 Etude de trafic aérien de la région Aquitaine Nord et capacité de l'infrastructure de Bordeaux-Mérignac (SOFREAVIA)


NOT. 12281 Initial exploration of the financial status of the US airline industry (FAA US)

NOT. 12282 Consequences of deregulation of the scheduled air transport industry (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 12283 Intercity passenger transportation data - vol 1 et vol 2 (Boeing)

NOT. 12284 1975 ATA Engineering and maintenance forum (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 12285 A study of French travel habits § Patterns (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12286 Review of the market for Mexico (US Travel Service)

NOT. 12287 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Vereinigte Arabische Emirate (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

314 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12288 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kenia (idem)


NOT. 12289 Sénégal - Tradition, Diversification et développement économique (Banque mondiale)

NOT. 12290 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Auxilliaires des transports maritimes 73 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12291 Le coût direct de l'entretien (Airbus Industrie)

NOT. 12292 The Channel Tunnel and alternative cross Channel services (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 12293 Manpower in air transport and travel 74/77 (AITTIB GB)

NOT. 12294 Management svc in a British airline (idem)

NOT. 12295 Das Uberschallflugzeng im Kommerziellen Luftverkehr (Institut fur Fremdenverkehr und Verkehrwirtschaft an der Hochshule St Gallen Suisse)


NOT. 12296 Direction de la Navigation aérienne (SGAC D.N.A.)

NOT. 12297 Programme d'action pour l'aéronautique européenne (CEE Belgique)

NOT. 12298 50 anos de la aviacion comercial espanola (Iberia)

NOT. 12299 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Volksrepublik China - Verlag W. Kohlhammer.

NOT. 12300 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mexiko (idem)

NOT. 12301 Compte rendu de la 15° assemblée gale de ICAA - 15th annual congress - Brussels Doc 75 (I.C.A.A.)

315 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12302 Approche à forte inclinaison en deux segments (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 12303 La dissipation des brouillards sur les aéroports par le procédé Turboclair WP 12 (idem)

NOT. 12304 Note sur l'implantation de deux systèmes de mesure de buit avec identification automatique des avions WP 13 (idem)

NOT. 12305 Rôle de la FAA en Europe, en Afrique et au Moyen Orient WP 14 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 12306 Accroître la capacité dans l'espace aérien et sur l'aéroport WP 15 (idem)

NOT. 12307 Technique d'approche à faible puissance de bruit WP 17 (idem)

NOT. 12308 Traitement des aéronefs et normes d'espacement pendant la phase "en route" coordination entre organismes ATC problèmes et solutions (idem)

NOT. 12309 Planification du trafic et des vols - Etudes Euro-control de l'organisation des courants de trafic en Europe occidentale WP 22 (idem)

NOT. 12310 Progrès dans les techniques de décollage et d'atterrissage (idem)

NOT. 12311 Dével. des systèmes ATC, MADAP et KARLDAP grâce à l'automatisation du traitement des données (idem)

NOT. 12312 Productions et mise en oeuvre du logiciel destiné aux systèmes de contrôle de la circula. aérienne (idem)

NOT. 12313 Utilisation de la visualisation radar synthétique dans le contrôle de la circ. aérienne WP 25 (idem)

NOT. 12314 La navigation de zone et l'organisation de l'espace aérien WP 26 (idem)

NOT. 12315 Régulation du trafic et coordinat. des horaires (idem)

NOT. 12316

316 Archives nationales (France)

Régulation du trafic - Méthode de calcul de l'impact des différents paramètres WP 28 (I.C.A.A)

NOT. 12317 Priorité en faveur de certains avions ? WP 29 (idem)

NOT. 12318 Systèmes de contrôle et de guidage des mouvements au sol WP 31 (idem)

NOT. 12319 Note sur l'équipement radar de surface de l'aérop. Charles de Gaulle WP 32 (idem)

NOT. 12320 Guidage des avions entre les pistes et les aires de trafic et sur les aires de stationnement WP 33 (idem)

NOT. 12321 Le déneigement et le dégivrage WP 34 (idem)

NOT. 12322 Les problèmes du contrôleur de circulation aér. associés au contrôles des mouvements au sol WP 35 (idem)

NOT. 12323 Véhicules d'intervention rapide (idem)

NOT. 12324 Plan de secours des aéroports de la région parisienne en cas d'accident d'avion WP 42 (idem)

NOT. 12325 Tâches du S.M.A. en fonction du service du secours son introduction dans le "système de secours" (de la ville) (idem)

NOT. 12326 La sécurité dans le domaine des transports aérien les équipements et leurs limites WP 44 (idem)

NOT. 12327 Mesures de sûreté sur les aéroports WP 45 (idem)

NOT. 12328 Mesures de sûreté pour le prévention des actes illicites WP 46 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 12329 La sécurité dans les aéroports - La responsabilité de la direction de l'aéroport (idem)

NOT. 12330 Mesures de sécurité sur les aéroports - Point de vue d'un agent de la sécurité d'une cie aérienne britannique (idem)

317 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12331 Aviation review conference (D.O.T. F.A.A. US)

NOT. 12332 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Südrhodesien - Verlag W. Kohlhammer

NOT. 12333 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Nicaragua (idem)

NOT. 12334 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Saudi Arabien (idem)


NOT. 12335 Le développement touristique en Inde (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12336 Méthodologie des prévisions de clientèle - Une contribution de l'I.T.A. 6° colloque. "la clientèle du transport aér. en 80"

NOT. 12337 Les catégories d'usagers du transport aérien et leurs caractéristiques en 80 (idem)

NOT. 12338 Concorde et la clientèle du transport aérien de demain (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12339 Le voyageur de 80 vu par un usager d'aujourd'hui 6° colloque (idem)

NOT. 12340 Les organisateurs de voyages et leur rôle en 1980 6° colloque (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12341 Les transitaires et leur rôle en matière de fret aérien en 80 (idem)

NOT. 12342 The international air passenger market in 1980 The North American region (idem)

NOT. 12343 Les voyages en provenance et à destination des pays européens en 1980 (idem)

NOT. 12344 La clientèle du transport aérien int'l en Asie en 1980 (idem)

NOT. 12345 Réflexions sur les facteurs d'évolution dans la région Afrique (idem)

318 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12346 La région du Moyen Orient (idem)

NOT. 12347 Les constructeurs d'avions face aux exigences des années 80 (idem)

NOT. 12348 Les aéroports face à l'évolution de leur clientèle (idem)

NOT. 12349 Comment adapter les services réguliers à la clientèle de 80 ? (idem)

NOT. 12350 Rôle et place du charter en 80 (idem)

NOT. 12351 Allocution de Mr Cavaillé au 6° colloque I.T.A.

NOT. 12352 Evolution de la clientèle féminine du transport aérien en 1980 - 6° colloque (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12353 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviat. civile peut apporter au dével. des écon. nationales d'états africains (O.A.C.I.)

NOT. 12354 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation can make to the develop. of the nat. economics of African states (idem)

NOT. 12355 Projet loi de finances pour 76 - Avis - Ass. Aviation civile Tome XIX (Assemblée Nat.)

NOT. 12356 Ass. Nationale - Projet loi finances pour 76 - rapport - aviation civile Annex. 38 (idem)

NOT. 12357 Projet loi finances pur 76 - Assemblée Nationale Marine marchande - Tome XX (idem)

NOT. 12358 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 76 - rapport Marine marchande Annexe 39 (idem)

NOT. 12359 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 76 - Avis - Transports terrestres Tome XVIII (idem)

NOT. 12360 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 76 - rapport - Transports - Annexe 37 (idem)

319 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12361 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 76 - Avis - Tourisme - Tome XIV (idem)

NOT. 12362 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 76 - Rapport Tourisme (idem) Annexe 28

NOT. 12363 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 76 - Avis T.O.M. - Tome XXIII (Assemblée Nationale)

NOT. 12364 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances pour 76 - avis T.O.M. - Tome V (idem)

NOT. 12365 Ass. Nat. Rapport - T.O.M. - Annexe 36 (idem)

NOT. 12366 Ass. Nat. avis - D.O.M. - Tome XXII (idem)

NOT. 12367 Ass. Nat. D.O.M. - avis - Tome IV (idem)

NOT. 12368 Ass. Nat. Rapport - D.O.M. - Annexe 10 (idem)

NOT. 12369 Ass. Nat. Avis - Aménagement du territoire - Tome XVI (idem)

NOT. 12370 Ass. Nat. Rapport - Aménagement du territoire - Annexe 23 (idem)


NOT. 12371 6 Januar 1926 - Deutsche Lufthansa A.G. (RFA)

NOT. 12372 A study of Japanese travel habits and patterns Volume 2 (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12373 A study of Mexican travel habits and patterns Volume I (idem)

NOT. 12374 The importance of tourism to the US economy (idem)

NOT. 12375 Travel demand forecasting (T.R.B. US)

320 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12376 Iservizi aerei in Africa avec supplement 3 cartes (P. le Clodio 14 Italie)

NOT. 12377 L'Iran et les pétrodollars (Doc française)

NOT. 12378 Les déplacements français - la Drôme (idem)

NOT. 12379 La méthode des scénarios - Une réflexion sur la démarche et la théorie de la prospective (idem)

NOT. 12380 IATA 19th technical conference - Dublin (IATA)

NOT. 12381 Special regulations - Part 378 a - one stop inclusive tour charters - Technical amendments - (C.A.B. US)


NOT. 12382 Etude pilote sur les prévisions à long terme (U.I.O.O.T.)

NOT. 12383 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au dévelop. des économies nationales d'états africaines TOGO (OACI)

NOT. 12384 Air France - Plan quinquennal commercial 70/74 Tome I - II (Air france)

NOT. 12385 Air France - Recettes commerciales 69 - Marchés et réseaux. (idem)

NOT. 12386 Air France - Résultats commerciaux par zones de ventes - Juillet 70 (idem)

NOT. 12387 Int'l coopération in aerospace projects : coopé. between European industries and between Europe § the United states (A.I.A.A. US)

NOT. 12388 Kosten - baten analyse - tweede nat. luchthaven hoofdrapport (Staatsuitgeverij Pays-Bas)

NOT. 12389 Report of a working party on general aviation facilities in south east Hamshire and West Sussex (CAA GB)

321 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12390 Int'l air freight services - A consultative document (idem)

NOT. 12391 Report on Concorde noise Oct. 20, 1975 (County Hall London - Greater London Council)

NOT. 12392 The future of the airship - a technical appraisal (R.A.S. GB)

NOT. 12393 Sénat - Projet loi de finances pour 76 - avis - Aviation civile - Tome XIV - III (Sénat)

NOT. 12394 Sénat - Projet loi 76 - Rapport gal - A.C. Tome III Annexe 31 - III (idem)


NOT. 12395 Sénat - loi 76 - avis - Marine marchande et pèches maritimes N° 64 Tome XV - IV (idem)

NOT. 12396 Sénat - loi 76 - Rap. gal - Marine marchande - N° 62 - Tome III - An. 32 IV (idem)

NOT. 12397 Sénat - Loi 76 - Avis - Transports terrestres - N° 64 tome XIII - II (idem)

NOT. 12398 Sénat - Loi 76 - rapport - Section commune et transports terrest. N° 62 Tome III Annexe 30 I et II (idem)

NOT. 12399 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances pour 76 - Avis - Tourisme - N° 64 - Tome XI (Sénat)

NOT. 12400 Sénat - loi 76 - Rapport gal Tourisme - N° 62 Tome III - annexe 21 (idem)

NOT. 12401 Sénat - loi 76 - Rapport gal T.O.M. - N° 62 - Tome III Annexe 29 (idem)

NOT. 12402 Sénat - loi 76 - Rapport gal D.O.M. - N° 62 - Tome III Annexe 7 (idem)

NOT. 12403 Economic commission for Africa - Annual report 24.02.74 / 28.02.75 (Economic Commission for Africa - Ethiopie)

NOT. 12404

322 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mauretanien - (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12405 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Turkei (idem)

NOT. 12406 Allgemeine " des auslandes - Papua-Neuguinea (idem)

NOT. 12407 Le "pouvoir de contrôle" écon., commercial et technique au départ des villes de province et les transports (Transconsult St Cloud)

NOT. 12408 The Finnair story 73/1923 (Finnair Finlande)

NOT. 12409 Local svc carrier passenger enplanements (CAB US)

NOT. 12410 Analysis of gal aviation airports developed with and without federal financial assistance (N.T.I.S)

NOT. 12411 Analysis of gal aviation airports developed with and without federal financ. assist. Task II - (idem)

NOT. 12412 Analysis of gal aviation airports devel. etc.. Task III (idem)

NOT. 12413 Analysis of gal aviation airports devel. etc... (idem)

NOT. 12414 Flight test evaluation of avoid / Collision avoidance system (idem)


NOT. 12415 SRDS - technical program document - FY 1975 Engineering and develop. approved programs (idem)

NOT. 12416 Enquête sur la structure des entreprises de transport routier en 72 - Trans. de marchandises ent. Spécialisées (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12417 New-York offshore airport feasibility study - Volume III (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12418 Problems of transportation in Japan 1 - Instit. of Transportation Economics Japon.

323 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12419 Transportation economics guide to publications (idem)

NOT. 12420 Use of falcon - Shaped model aircraft to disperse birds (A.C.B.H.A. - N.R.C. Canada)

NOT. 12421 Supplement to aviation review conference - Summary report 75 (FAA US)

NOT. 12422 Aircraft operating cost and performance report for calendar years 73 and 74 (C.A.B. US)

NOT. 12423 Proceedings of the 17th Israel annual conference on aviation and astronautics (Israël Journal of Technology)

NOT. 12424 Aircraft noise generation emission and reduction (ONERA AGARD)

NOT. 12425 Aéroport Nice - Côte d'Azur - CCI Nice

NOT. 12426 Données sur les DOM et les TOM (Secrétariat d'Etat au Tourisme)

NOT. 12427 Enquête sur les voyages 1974 Canadian Government Office of Tourism.

NOT. 12428 Système d'information sur les transports de marchandises - SITRAM (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12429 Importance de l'autocar dans le marché touristique (I.R.U. Suisse)

NOT. 12430 DABS test plan for FY 1976 (D.O.T. F.A.A. US)

19910257/298 NOT. 12431 Concorde Supersonic transport aircraft - final environmental impact - vol I - II - III (FAA US)


NOT. 12432 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au dével. des économies nat. d'états africains (O.A.C.I.)

324 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12433 Etudes visant à déterminer la cotribution ... Dahomey (O.A.C.I.)

NOT. 12434 L'industrie aéro. et spatiale dans le monde (D.A.F.S.A.)

NOT. 12435 Pour une nouvelle dynamique de l'aménagement du territoire - XXIV° congrès des économies régionales (Cahiers de l'expansion régionale - N° Special Paris)

NOT. 12436 Concise report on the world population situation in 70/75 and its long range implications (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 12437 Carte internationale du monde au millionième Rapport pour 73 (idem)

NOT. 12438 A survey of modern air traffic control (AGARD) Vol I.

NOT. 12439 A survey of modern air traffic control vol II (idem)

NOT. 12440 Report of the CAB - Advisory Committee on procedural reform (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12441 Airport activity statistics of certificated route air carriers - 12 Months 31.12.74 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12442 Review of aviation forecasts and forecasting methodology (idem)

NOT. 12443 Operational considerations of large rigid airships in military applications (A.I.A.A.)

NOT. 12444 Airship support systems (A.I.A.A.)

NOT. 12445 Mooring and ground handling future large airship (idem)

NOT. 12446 Wing trip winglet propulsion for aerocrane-type hybrid lift vehicles (idem)


325 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12447 U.S. Trunk airline profitability and managerial ability in controlling operating costs (Univ. Microfilms Ltd US)

NOT. 12448 A multivariate statistical model to predetermine preferable aircraft assignments - a feasibility study (idem)

NOT. 12449 Seminar on European regulatory policy (C.E.A.C.)

NOT. 12450 Banque de données sur le Transport aérien 1st Ed. (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12451 The Channel Tunnel - What now ? (Annales suisses d'économie des Transports)

NOT. 12452 Short report on the develop. of german airports 29th WEAAC Congrès - A.D.V. RFA

NOT. 12453 The problem of public acceptance for additional runways - Frankfurt traffic growing despite stoppage of runway extension Copenhague (idem)

NOT. 12454 Cérémonie d'ouverture - 9° congrès des agences de voyages, FUAAV

NOT. 12455 La rémunération des Agences de voyages pour les transporteurs aériens 9° congrès (F.U.A.AV.) N° 16

NOT. 12456 La rémunération des Agences de voyages pour les transp. aériens - Doc N° 26 (idem)

NOT. 12457 La rémunération des agences de voyages pour les transp. aériens - Doc N° 45 (idem)

NOT. 12458 La rémunération des agences de voyages pour les transp. aériens - Doc N° 52 (idem)

NOT. 12459 Les risques du crédit et la garantie des svc (idem) N° 1

NOT. 12460 Les risques " crédit et la " des services N° 10 (idem)

NOT. 12461 Les risques du crédit et la garantie des svc N° 42 (idem)

326 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12462 Problème des conditions contractuelles entre Tours operators, agents de voyages, cies de charter et hoteliers (idem)

NOT. 12463 Rapport sommaire - Doc N° 7 (idem)

NOT. 12464 Exposé - Doc N° 36 (idem)

NOT. 12465 Les transports publics routiers de voyageurs de 1968 à 73 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12466 Enquête sur l'utilisation des véhicules de transp. routier de marchandises en 73 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12467 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Indien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12468 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kolumbien (idem)

NOT. 12469 The measurement of tourism - B.T.A. GB

NOT. 12470 Market analysis : Brazil (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12471 Fuel conservation (Boeing)

NOT. 12472 Dossier cartographique sur la population - recensement 75 (C.A.E.S.)

NOT. 12473 Aviation act of 75 (US DOT)

NOT. 12474 Etude sur le programme des investissements des aéroports de la WEAA N° 4.6. (R.V.A. Belgique)

NOT. 12475 The Tampa and Seattle - Tacoma airport transit systems (S.A.E.)

NOT. 12476 Airport ground access : an overview of current modes (idem)

327 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12477 Air transit's first 6 months of operating the Canadian STOL demonstration service (idem)

NOT. 12478 Short Haul transportation - The helicopter's time is now (idem)

NOT. 12479 The perceived needs of the short-haul air carrier (idem)

NOT. 12480 An overview of low medium density short haul air transportation policy implementation (S.A.E.)

NOT. 12481 Supersonic transport development considerations (idem)

NOT. 12482 Advanced supersonic transport - idem

NOT. 12483 Future hydrogen fueled commercial transports (idem)

NOT. 12484 NASA General Aviation - Research overview 75 (idem)

NOT. 12485 A study of german travel habits § patterns volume 2 (G.P.O.)


NOT. 12486 Lyon et son agglomération (Doc. française)

NOT. 12487 Les micro-états européens - Monaco - Saint-Marin Liechtenstein (idem)

NOT. 12488 Projet loi de finances 76 - Annexe (Régionalisation du budget d'équip. pour 75 et aménagement du territoire - tome I (idem)

NOT. 12489 L'année économique et sociale 1975 : la crise (Le monde)

NOT. 12490 Les conditions d'emploi et de service des contrôleurs de la circ. aérienne (B.I.T.)

NOT. 12491 Citizen participation in airport planning (FAA US)

328 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12492 Shiphol - Amsterdam - Stationsgebonwcomplex (N.V. Luchthaven Schiphol Aerop. Amsterdam)

NOT. 12493 An historical review of direct transport subsidies in Canada (C.T.C.)

NOT. 12494 Assemblée de l'Union de l'Europe Occidentale - Textes adoptés et compte rendu (U.E.O.)

NOT. 12495 L'industrie française (Minist. de l'Industrie et de la Recherche)

NOT. 12496 Les investissements touristiques au Maroc (Minis. du Tourisme)

NOT. 12497 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Uganda (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12498 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Brasilien (idem)

NOT. 12499 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Vereinigte Staaten (idem)

NOT. 12500 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Rumänien (idem)

NOT. 12501 General survey of the organization May 69 - March 71 (K.L.M. P.B.)

NOT. 12502 Lufthansa - Arbeitsweise der Unternehmensplanung.

NOT. 12503 Un marché aéronautique unique pour l'Europe ? Colloque Touloue (Lufthansa)

NOT. 12504 The Secretary's decision on Concorde supersonic transport (D.O.T. - FAA US)


NOT. 12505 Concorde supersonic transport aircraft - final environmental impact statement - vol I (FAA US)

NOT. 12506 Implementation of the nat. environ. policy act, including the preparation of environmental impact statements (CAB)

329 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12507 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics (idem)

NOT. 12508 CTOL transport aircraft - Characteristics, trends and growth projections (A.I.A.A.)

NOT. 12509 Statistiques et indicateurs des régions françaises (série R-19/20) (doc. française)

NOT. 12510 Urlaubreisen 74 - Einige Ergebnisse der Reiseanalyse 74 (Studienkreis für Tourismus RFA)

NOT. 12511 Aircraft and shipbuilding Industries Bill (H.M.S.O)

NOT. 12512 Airport strategy for great Britain - Part I : The London area - a consultation document (idem)

NOT. 12513 British travel agents and tour operators (Somerset House - King Steet Lane G.B.)


NOT. 12514 Impacts of potential 1980's aviation technology on the capacity of an existing airport (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12515 Airport surface traffic control systems devel. analysis expanded (idem)

NOT. 12516 Lake Erie int'l jetport model feasibility investigation report I (idem)

NOT. 12517 Etude de la pénétration du transport aérien en France en 1974 (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 12518 Methods for evaluating airport capacities - Item 5.4. (airport planning) 29th WEAAC congress Copenhagen (idem)

NOT. 12519 Energy management item 8.6. (technical matters) (idem)

NOT. 12520 Astronautics - source of develop. of commercial aviation (Iberia)

NOT. 12521

330 Archives nationales (France)

Les excès de l'intervention de l'Etat dans le transport aérien (Air Inter)

NOT. 12522 Air Inter - Plan 1976/81 (Air Inter)

NOT. 12523 L'OCDE et les migrations internationales (OCDE)

NOT. 12524 Les aéroport et l'environnement (idem)

NOT. 12525 Plans généraux de transport - Méthodes, lacunes et perspectives (idem)

NOT. 12526 Coopération pour le développement - Examen 75 (idem)

NOT. 12527 Air Transport patterns and prospects in the East African Community (Univ. Microfilms Michigan)

NOT. 12528 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Marokko (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12529 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Bolivien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12530 L'industrie aéronautique européenne - Doc 691 21° session ordinaire - U.E.O.

NOT. 12531 La coopération entre les Etats-Unis et l'Europe dans le domaine des techniques de pointe (idem)


NOT. 12532 L'assemblée de l'U.E.O. Sa contribution à la défense et à la construction de l'Europe depuis 1955 (idem)

NOT. 12533 U.E.O. - 8 ans au service de la défense de l'Europe (idem)

NOT. 12534 Politiques de formation des spécialistes et des utilisateurs de l'informatique (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 12535 World air traffic forecast 1976 (Lockheed Comm. market Engineering § Research US)

NOT. 12536

331 Archives nationales (France)

Future civil aviation policy (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 12537 Feasibility study - Lagos international airport (N.A.C.O. Pays Bas)

NOT. 12538 Feasibility study - Fourteen airports - part I - (idem)

NOT. 12539 Addendum to the feasibility studies - airport programme (idem)


NOT. 12540 L'année de la qualité de la vie (Secrétariat aux transports)

NOT. 12541 Rapport d'exercice 1975 (C.T.A.R.)

NOT. 12542 Rapport d'exercice 1975 (S.N.T.A.)

NOT. 12543 Local service air carriers - nuit costs - vol I vol II (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12544 Airline delay trends 197261973 - stuy of bloktime delays ground and airborne for scheduled air carrier vol I (FAA US)

NOT. 12545 Comparison of cost impact study predictions with observed response to recent fuel cost increases (idem)

NOT. 12546 Preliminary evaluation of air cargo economic and operating efficiencies (C.T.C. Canada)

NOT. 12547 Transport demand elasticities (idem)

NOT. 12548 Transport policy - Theory and practice (idem)

NOT. 12549 Consumer involvement in rule making (US DOT)

NOT. 12550 La situation économique du Venezuela (SUDAMERIS)

332 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12551 Commuter carrier - certificated carrier competition - June 30, 1974 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12552 Report of the C.A.B. advisory committee on procedural reform (idem)

NOT. 12553 Evaluation of a limited market experimen in deregulation of air transport (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12554 La situation du transport aérien de marchandises en France (Thèse)

NOT. 12555 Horair - pow la promotion du transport aérien en Lorraine (Transconsult)

NOT. 12556 AIr Inclusive tour marketing - The retail distribution channels in the U.K. and west germany (E.I.U Economist Intelligence Unit GB)


NOT. 12557 1976 - INternational travel outlook (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12558 A summary of the 3rd five yeard development plan 73/77 (Prime Minister Turquie)

NOT. 12559 Der Eigenwirtschaftlichkeitsgrad der schweizerischen Flughafen (Annales suisses)

NOT. 12560 Airport total system - final report (Loughborough Univ. of Technology GB)

NOT. 12561 Handbook for the review of airport environmental impact statements (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12562 Noise measurement of Concorde 02 approach and takoff at Dallas-Fort Worth and Dulles international airports (idem)

NOT. 12563 Conceptual engineering design studies of 1985 - era commercial VTOL and STOL transports that utilize rotors (idem)

NOT. 12564 Trunkline carrier domestic passenger enplanements C.Y. 74 et 73 (C.A.B.)

333 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12565 Commuter air carrier operators as of September 1974 (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 12566 The Benelux, Swiss and Austrian civil registers 1975 (Air Britain)

NOT. 12567 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Agypten (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12568 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Haiti (idem)

NOT. 12569 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Gabun (idem)

NOT. 12570 Airline/government interdependance 13 th IATA public relations conference (Pan American)

NOT. 12571 Une politique aéronautique européenne - Colloque Toulouse 2 et 3 Février 76 (U.E.O.)

NOT. 12572 Aviation - Football of politicians § regulators. Address to the wings dub, N.York (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12573 Attitude segmentation of the American market for pleasure travel to Europe (E.T.C. Irlande)

NOT. 12574 Dimensions of airline growth - 1962/74 commercial traffic with forecasts to 85 (Boeing)

NOT. 12575 South and Mid-Atlantic Trunk air routes-M.D.D. USA

NOT. 12576 Official record - Air Travel organisers' licensing - Series 3 Part 1 - 2 (CAA GB)

NOT. 12577 Commercial jet transport direct maintenance cost history 59/73 - .. 74 addendum (Boeing)

NOT. 12578 Local air service carriers policy exploration of policy options (C.T.C. Canada)

NOT. 12579 Les flux mondiaux du trafic aérien de passagers en 72 (I.T.A.)

334 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12580 1st report from the select committee on nationalised industries - report, together with minutes of proceedings of the commit., minutes of evidence and appendices Session 75/76 (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 12581 Incidence des transferts route - rail sur les balances commerciales européennes (transport de marchandises) (I.R.U. Suisse)

NOT. 12582 Demand analysis for North Atlantic air travel - I.T.T.E. US

NOT. 12583 La fréquentation touristique des stations du littoral en période de pointe (74) (Secrétariat d'Etat au Tourisme)

NOT. 12584 The future roles for tracked levitated vehicle systems (US DOT)

NOT. 12585 Air transp. in the economic develop. of the less developed countries - The proposed Kumasi-Navrongo railway extension project (Northwestern Univeristy)

NOT. 12586 Business aviation in Europe (Philips Nederland)

NOT. 12587 Airport strategy and planning (Oxford Univers. Press GB)

NOT. 12588 The European tourist markets - 1975 édition - (T.P.R. Ltd GB)


NOT. 12589 Dimensions of airline growth - Report Y 4499 62/75 Commercial airline traffic with forecasts to 85 (Boeing)

NOT. 12590 Aircraft fire safety - Conf. Proceedings N° 166 (AGARD)

NOT. 12591 Problèmes économiques de pointes de trafic (OCDE)

NOT. 12592 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Indonesien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12593

335 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Hongkong (idem)

NOT. 12594 Aviation forecasts F.Y. 1976-87 (US DOT)

NOT. 12595 Large and medium hub aviation activity forecast air carrier airports 1967/1983 (idem)

NOT. 12596 IFR aircraft landled - forecast by air route traffic control center F.Y.s 76/87 - FAA US

NOT. 12597 Concorde supersonic transport aircraft - final environmental impact statement vol II (idem)

NOT. 12598 SST and the Japanese businessman (Aerospatiale)

NOT. 12599 L'aéroport et la vie économique local - Série E.G (S.G.A.C. S.T.B.A.)


NOT. 12600 Impact des aéroports sur l'environnement - Analyse des phénomènes élémentaires (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 12601 Organisation et gestion des aéroports (idem)

NOT. 12602 Coûts d'investissement, fonctionnement et d'entretien des aérodromes de voyage et court-courrier (idem)

NOT. 12603 Les altiports (idem)

NOT. 12604 Hélicoptères et helistrations (idem)

NOT. 12605 La tarification aéroportuaire - Cours ENAC - Section Economie (idem)

NOT. 12606 Utilizzazione del container per l'ottimizzazzione del trasporto in particolari condizioni operative (F.I.A.T.)

NOT. 12607 Projet de loi modifiant les dispositions du code de l'aviation civile relatives à la compétence des tribunaux français pour connaître des actes accomplis à bord des aéronefs ou à l'encontre de ceux-ci

336 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 12608 Projet de loi relatif à la responsabilité du transporteur de personnes en transport aérien intérieur (idem)

NOT. 12609 Loi N° 75-627 fixant les conditions d'exercice des activités relatives à l'organisation de voyages ou de séjours (Sénat)

NOT. 12610 Aspects nouveaux de la responsabilité des aéroclubs (Univ. Aix Marseille)

NOT. 12611 A summary of DABS Antenna studies (US DOT)

NOT. 12612 Charterstatistik - 1975 (Aviation Civile SUEDE)

NOT. 12613 Aviation hidden subsidy (Traffic quarterly - Eno foundation for transportation USA)

NOT. 12614 Situation économique du Pérou en 1974 et au cours des premiers mois de 75 (SUDAMERIS)


NOT. 12615 Second national development plan 70/74 (Federal Ministry of Information Nigeria)

NOT. 12616 Third national development plan 75-80 - vol I vol II (idem)

NOT. 12617 Methodologie des previsions de clientèle - Une contribution de l'ITA (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12618 Catalogue des aérodromes (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 12619 Rapport de la commission des Transports et des Communications (VII° plan) (C.G.P.)

NOT. 12620 Réflexions sur les rapports entre transport aérien et tourisme en Tunisie et leurs conséquences spatiales et économiques (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 12621 L'évolution de la répartition du trafic intercontinental de marchandises entre modes aérien et maritime (S.T.B.A.)

337 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12622 Summary of duties and taxes (Shell Aviat. Svc GB)


NOT. 12623 The economic impact of energy shortages on commercial air transp. and aviation manufacture - vol I (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12624 The economic impact of energy shortages .... vol 2 : aviation industries profiles and energy usage characteristics (idem)

NOT. 12625 The general aviation industry - an overview (idem)

NOT. 12626 Aircraft noise definition phase I : analysis of existing data forth DC.8, DC.9 and DC.10 aircraft (idem)

NOT. 12627 Wide-bodied jet report U.S. certificated air carriers 1970-75 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12628 Ground transportation system for Bradley int'l airport (S.A.E.)

NOT. 12629 Aircraft safety - the missing link - Passenger education (idem)

NOT. 12630 NASA aircraft operations and safety research of potential application to general aviation (idem)

NOT. 12631 Engine design considerations for 2nd generation supersonic transports (idem)

NOT. 12632 Supersonic transport development considerations (S.A.E.)

NOT. 12633 10 years of STOL - The twin otter's first decade (idem)

NOT. 12634 Public acceptance of the STOL demonstration (idem)

NOT. 12635 Boeing jet foil (idem)

338 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12636 Improving performance retention of high bypass engines (idem)

NOT. 12637 Turbine engine parts life improvement through thrust management (idem)

NOT. 12638 Commercial development in airborne VLF navigation (idem)

NOT. 12639 Challenges of short-haul air transportation (idem)

NOT. 12640 The perceived needs of the short-haul air carrier (idem)

NOT. 12641 Design of short haul aircraft for fuel conservation (idem)

NOT. 12642 Survey of projected grouwth and problems facing air transportation, 1975-1985 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12643 Aviation forecast FY 76/87 - Summary and briefing conference (US DOT)

NOT. 12644 Bird strike allocation technique - vol I - Technical discussion (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12645 Aircraft noise definition - phase II - Analysis of flyover-noise data for the DC.8 61 aircraft (US DOT)

NOT. 12646 Effect of temperature and humidity on aircraft noise propagation (US DOT)


NOT. 12647 Mail by air - new concepts (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12648 The impact of tourism - 6th annual conf. proceedings (San Diego) (Travel Research Association)

NOT. 12649 Rapport sur l'aménagement du temps (Doc. franc.)

NOT. 12650 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes -Thailand - Verlag W. Kohlhammer.

339 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12651 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Ghana (idem)

NOT. 12652 The economic significance of tourism within the European community (B.T.A.)

NOT. 12653 Trends in Italian visitors to destinations outside Europe.

NOT. 12654 Trends in French visitors to destinations outside Europe.

NOT. 12655 "Tourism and the US Balance of payments".

NOT. 12656 The first 500 - A production history of the Irlander Trislander and Defender (B.N. Historians)

NOT. 12657 The British Civil aircraft registers (Air Britain)

NOT. 12658 Vickers Viscount 800 - Airlines § Airliners N° 14 (idem)

NOT. 12659 Douglas - jet airliners (Production list DC 8 - DC 9 and DC 10) - idem

NOT. 12660 Boeing - jet airlines - B.707 - B.727 - B.737 - and 747 (idem)

NOT. 12661 Civil aircraft registers of Africa (idem)

NOT. 12662 Biz jet 1976 (idem)


NOT. 12663 Avionics and aviation support equipment (G.P.O.)

NOT. 12664 Establishing certification/design criteria for advanced supersonic aircraft utilizing acceptance, interference, and annoyance response to simulated sonic booms by persons in their homes (FAA US)

NOT. 12665 Survey of sonic boom phenomena for the non-specialist (idem)

340 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12666 The mandatory occurence reporting sheme - Information and guidance (CAA GB)

NOT. 12667 Minutes of the special meeting on aircraft resure and fire fighting vehicle mobility problems (N.F.P.A.)

NOT. 12668 Project report - Airport survey for MLS multipath issues (FAA US)

NOT. 12669 Summary of availability (Shell Aviat. Svc)

NOT. 12670 Agifors proceedings XIV - Switzerland (US)

NOT. 12671 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - June 30, 75 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12672 The impact of commuter airlines in short-haul major hub markets (idem)

NOT. 12673 BEACON CAS - an integrated air/ground collision avoidance system (FAA US)

NOT. 12674 Development of a DABS (idem)


NOT. 12675 Air passenger traffic analysis and forecasting (Lockheed Co. US)

NOT. 12676 The incidence of air travel among the general public 74 - A.T.A.

NOT. 12677 Rapport sur les attitudes et les habitudes des Canadiens en matière de vacances en 74 (Office du Tourisme Canada)

NOT. 12678 Tourism supply in the caribbean region (World Bank - Tourism Projects Depart. US)

NOT. 12679 1975 Travel industry year and report (US T.D.C.)

NOT. 12680

341 Archives nationales (France)

1976 Travel outlook forum proceedings (idem)

NOT. 12681 A study of german travel habits § patterns Vol I - G.P.O.

NOT. 12682 US Air cargo industry - Past, present and future (Lockheed US)

NOT. 12683 US airborne trade 1967 - 1975 (idem)

NOT. 12684 Address to the Chairman's Management conference (United airlines)

NOT. 12685 IATA public relations conference - vancouver - (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12686 U.K. overseas air fars (Crayston Travel R.)

NOT. 12687 Les liaisons interrégionales de la France (Editions techniques économiques)

NOT. 12688 Le trafic aérien non régulier dans la région EU-MED et vers le reste du monde - 1974 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12689 Public expenditure to 79/80 (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 12690 Airbus A.300 market analysis (Airbus Industrie)

NOT. 12691 Décret N° 76.294 du 24 mars 76 portant publication de l'accord relatif à l'organisation internationale de télécom. par satellites avec 3 annexes... (J.O.)


NOT. 12692 Rapport d'information fait au nom de la Commission des Affaires écon. et du plan à la suite d'une mission effec. par une délégation de cette comm. chargée d'étudier les transports en U.R.S.S. Sénat

NOT. 12693 Importance relative de l'Amérique Latine dans le monde - Situation économique du Chili (Sudameris)

NOT. 12694 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Guatemala - Verlag W. Kohlhammer.

342 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12695 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. - Afghanistan (idem)

NOT. 12696 Brésil - Population et peuplement, politique industrielle, problèmes du Nordeste (Doc. fran.)

NOT. 12697 La Lorraine - Région accueillante et privilégiée pour l'industrie (D.A.T.A.R.)

NOT. 12698 Recherche et informatique - Aides au développement régional (idem)

NOT. 12699 L'aménagement du territoire - Une politique et ses moyens (idem)

NOT. 12700 Aménagement du territoire - La politique d'aménagement du territoire (idem)

NOT. 12701 The U.S. budget in brief - FY 1977 (G.P.O.)

NOT. 12702 La navigation intérieure - étude sur l'année 72 - (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12703 Instruction interministérielle relative aux règles et procédures de détresse d'urgence et d'assist. (D.G.A.C. Sect. d'études et de Coordin. S.A.R.)

NOT. 12704 Studio previzionale delle evoluzione del traffico aereo nelle regione triveneta 75/80 (Centro Sviluppo trasporti Merei Roma)

NOT. 12705 A.G. La situation financière des aéroports et leurs perspectives à moyen terme (U.C.C.E.G.A.)

NOT. 12706 Aircraft operating cost § performance report 75 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12707 Air transport 1975 - An anniversary approaches - (A.T.A.)

NOT. 12708 A statement of national transportation policy by the secretary of transportation (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 12709 Round table II "Latin America and the World Travel Market Air Fares" - Aviation : chosen instrument for tourism devel. of Latin America (Organisation of American States)

343 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12710 A study of Mexican travel habits § patterns vol. 2 (US G.P.O.)

NOT. 12711 Effet de la productivité et du progrès technique sur la main -d'oeuvre dans les transports (OCDE)


NOT. 12712 Plan 1973-1977 - volume I - Plan stratégique (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 12713 Plan 1973-1977 - volume II : programmes horizontaux (idem)

NOT. 12714 Plan 1973-1977 - volume III - Programmes opérationnels par fonction (idem)

NOT. 12715 Etude des possibilités de desserte aérienne des régions de Bourgogne § Franche Conté (Air Inter)

NOT. 12716 Western - Pacific trunk air routes - Traffic explosion in the Orient (Douglas Market Research)

NOT. 12717 Turbine - engineed flect of the world's airlines 1975 (Esso)

NOT. 12718 Report ou transport demand forecasting program : phase one (C.T.C.)

NOT. 12719 Automatic radar equipment to determine bird strike probability (Part I : Night time passerine migration (N.R.C. Canada)

NOT. 12720 Handling aeroportuale - S.E.A. Italie

NOT. 12721 Can culture survive tourism ? (American Express Co.)

NOT. 12722 La zone franc en 1974 (Comité Monétaire de la zone franc)

NOT. 12723 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Gambia (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12724

344 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Honduras (idem)

NOT. 12725 Public benefits provided by the local airline industry (A.L.T.A. US)

NOT. 12726 L'organisation de l'Aviation civile internationale (OACI) et les états du Tiers Monde (Air France)


NOT. 12727 Supplement to the handbook of airline statistics - covering calendar years 73 and 74 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12728 Le transport de 1975 vers 1990 (Commissariat Gal du Plan)

NOT. 12729 Satolas - aéroport int'l - Etude du fret aérien régional (Oréam Rhône-Alpes)

NOT. 12730 Satolas, aéroport int'l - Etude du commerce extérieur régional - Méthodologie - Annexes (idem)

NOT. 12731 Satolas - Aéroport Int'l - Conditions de dével. du fret aérien régional Rapport II (idem)

NOT. 12732 Satolas - Aéroport Int'l - Conditions de dével. du fret aérien rég. Rapport II Annexes (idem)

NOT. 12733 Study of the effects of increased cost on corponate and business flying - vol I (FAA US)

NOT. 12734 Study of the effects of increased costs on corporate and busin. flying - vol II (idem)

NOT. 12735 Study of the effects of increased ... Vol III - Planning guide (idem)

NOT. 12736 Study of the effects of increased ... Vol IV : data base (idem)

NOT. 12737 DABS - Modulation and coding design - A summary - (idem)

NOT. 12738 Rolls-Royce and its future. Speech delivered at the British Institute of Management (Grande-B.)

NOT. 12739

345 Archives nationales (France)

No special sports d'hiver (P.C.M. Bulletin)

NOT. 12740 Les français et les vacances à l'étranger - Evolution des départs, typologie des motivations (Svc des relations extérieures IFOP/ETMAR)


NOT. 12741 La bilancia dei pagamenti e l'andamento del turismo nel 1973 (Ministero del Turismo Italie)

NOT. 12742 Increased energy economy and efficiency in the ECE region (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 12743 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Portugal (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12744 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Bulgarien (idem)

NOT. 12745 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Niger (idem)

NOT. 12746 Quantification of the comfort variable (Transport. Research GB)

NOT. 12747 Transport planning and the policy - modelling interface (Transp. Elsevier Publishing Co. Pays-Bas)

NOT. 12748 Some estimation results of a simultaneous model of auto ownership and mode choice to work (idem)

NOT. 12749 A simultanéous destination and mode choice model for shopping trips (idem)

NOT. 12750 Disaggregate simultaneous urban travel demand models a brief introduction (idem)

NOT. 12751 Towards the analysis of attitudinal § behavioral responses to transp. system characteristics (idem)

NOT. 12752 DABS Sensor interactions with ATC facilities - (F.A.A. US DOT)

NOT. 12753 Recherche du niveau de trafic justifiant l'installation d'un radar d'aérodrome (S.T.N.A.)

346 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12754 Desserte aérienne régionale - Rapport du groupe de travail (Région de l'Aviat. civ. Nord)

NOT. 12755 Airlines - now what ? (Goldman, Sachs § Co)

NOT. 12756 Presentation of the CAB before the US house of representatives, committee on public works § transport. subcommittee on Aviation (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12757 Subsidy for US Certificated air carriers (idem)

NOT. 12758 Charter trips and advance booking charters - Economic regulations... (idem)

NOT. 12759 Jersey Tourism seminar 1973 (States of Jersey Tourism Committee)

NOT. 12760 Approche méthodologique du phenomenon int'l touristikon (Univ. de Paris I)

NOT. 12761 Feasibility study of modern airship - phase I Vol. I : summary § mission analysis (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 12762 Feasibility study of modern airships - Phase I Vol II Parametric analysis (idem)

NOT. 12763 Feasibility study of modern airships - phase I Vol III Historical overview (idem)

NOT. 12764 Feasibility study of modern airships - Phase I Vol. IV : Appendices (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12765 Aircraft noise certification rule for supersonic civil aircraft (idem)

NOT. 12766 Systems integration studies for supersonic cruise aircraft (idem)

NOT. 12767

347 Archives nationales (France)

Information of FAA certification of aircraft (idem)

NOT. 12768 Assessment of the environ. impact of the FAA proposed rule making affecting the conditions of transport of radioactive materials on aircraft (idem)

NOT. 12769 Economic impact of area navigation - Vol I - Main text (idem)

NOT. 12770 Economic impact of area navigation - vol II - Appendices (idem)

NOT. 12771 A method for the study of human factors in aircraft operations (idem)

NOT. 12772 The application of simulation methods to intra-airport landside problems (idem)

NOT. 12773 Airfields for general aviation in south east England (Standind conf. on London § South East Regional Planning)

NOT. 12774 Heathrow airport - London master devel. plan report (B.A.A. London)


NOT. 12775 A model for the prediction of noise levels arising from typical airport operations (Loughborough Univ. of Technology G.B.)

NOT. 12776 Construction of a dynamic airport system (idem)

NOT. 12777 Airport terminal design (idem)

NOT. 12778 Stochastic modeling of airport processing (idem)

NOT. 12779 A study of survivable aircraft accidents involving post impact fire (Cranfield Institute of Technology G.B.)

NOT. 12780 Northeast corridor high speed rail passenger svc improvement project - Task 4B - System simulation of scenario 14 (N.T.I.S.)

348 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12781 5th World airport conference - The challenging future - Sessions I-III (Instit. of Civil Engineers - The Conf. Editor London)

NOT. 12782 8th World Airports conference - The challenging future - session III (I.C.E. idem)

NOT. 12783 5th World airports conference - The challenging future - session IV - VI (idem)

NOT. 12784 5th World airports conference - The future - idem.

NOT. 12785 U.S. General aviation takeoff accidents - The role of preflight preparation (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 12786 Chemically generated supplemental oxygen systems in DC-10 and L-1011 aircraft (idem)

NOT. 12787 A long term European aerospace policy (S.B.A.C. London)

NOT. 12788 Les effets du tourisme sur les valeurs socio-culturelles (UNESCO)

NOT. 12789 Bali - Tourism, culture, environment (idem)

NOT. 12790 Les standards de contrôle de la qualité du service dans les cies aériennes et l'hôtellerie (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12791 Elementi per la commercializzazione dell' industria alberghiera italiana (E.N.I.T.)

NOT. 12792 Il costo della vacanza organizzata nell'area mediterranea (idem)

NOT. 12793 Struttura tendenza e segmentazione del mercato turistico internazionale - sintesi del program. 1976 (idem)


NOT. 12794 Une industrie aéronautique indépendante : un luxe pour l'Europe de demain ? (Ed. techniques et économiques)

349 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12795 The impact of high inflation rates on the demand for air passenger transportation (M.I.T.)

NOT. 12796 Agricultural aviation group symposium - Air-craft for use in specialised operations worldwide (R.A.S. London)

NOT. 12797 Civil aviation law of the Republic of China and its enforcement rules (Aviation Civile rep. de Chine)

NOT. 12798 IPC design validation and flight testing - (US DOT FAA)

NOT. 12799 Air transport 1976 (A.T.A.)

NOT. 12800 IATA regional passenger traffic forecasts 1975-1981 - Scheduled int'l svc (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12801 The foreign trade burnover of Latin America till 1970, and its prospective devel. up to 1980 (Institute for World Economics Hongrie)

NOT. 12802 Developing countries - internal regional disproportions in growing economics (idem)

NOT. 12803 VII° plan de développement écon. et social (J.O.)

NOT. 12804 Planning § developpment of the tourist industry in the ECE region (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 12805 Quelques données sur les voyages organisés (Commissariat gal au Tourisme)

NOT. 12806 IATA/UF TAA agency survey (idem)

NOT. 12807 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Israel (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12808 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Malaysia (idem)

NOT. 12809 Allgemeine " " auslandes - El Salvador(idem)

350 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12810 Origine et destination des passagers aériens - Rap. sur le trafic intérieur 75 (Statistique Canada - Div des Transp. et des Communications)

NOT. 12811 Food hygiene in air transport - Recommended code of practice (IATA)

NOT. 12812 Proceedings of the Seminar series on transport. 1974-1975 (Univ. of Manitoba Canada)


NOT. 12813 Northeast corridor high speed rail passenger svc improvement project - task 11 N - vol I (NTIS)

NOT. 12814 Study of short-haul aircraft operating economics vol I (idem)

NOT. 12815 Community noise exposure resulting from aircraft operations : acquisition and analysis of air. noise performance data (idem)

NOT. 12816 Aircraft ground fire suppression and rescue simulation model (idem)

NOT. 12817 The apron and terminal building planning manual (idem)

NOT. 12818 Visual ground aids survey J.F. Kennedy int'l airport (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12819 An overview of Airport surface traffic control present and future (idem)

NOT. 12820 Le transport aérien (Documentaion française)

NOT. 12821 Le Fret Aérien - les cies aériennes face à son développement (Ecole des affaires)

NOT. 12822 Rapport du groupe sectoriel d'analyse et de prévision sur l'industrie aérospatiale pendant le 7° plan (Délégation minist. pour l'armement)


351 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12823 Principles of aircraft loading (IATA)

NOT. 12824 Les charters en Méditerranée (Librairie Armand Colin)

NOT. 12825 IFATCA - 15th annual conference (Royaume Uni)

NOT. 12826 Air Transportation - Comparative assessment of its public benefits (A.I.A.)

NOT. 12827 Aerospace capital formation (Impact of inflation and depreciation) (idem)

NOT. 12828 Master plan - Logan Int'l Airport (M.P.A.)

NOT. 12829 Runway capacity criteria - For airport planning purposes - Report N° 118 5th ed. (A.T.A.)

NOT. 12830 The national aviation system challenges of the decade a head 1977-1986 (FAA US)

NOT. 12831 Symposium - Aerospace and the Netherlands (S.A.T.)

NOT. 12832 Development of a descrete address beacon system (D.O.T. FAA US)

NOT. 12833 Formation et perfectionnement du personnel aeroportuaire (I.C.A.A.)


NOT. 12834 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Madagascar (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12835 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Jamaika (idem)

NOT. 12836 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Malta (idem)

NOT. 12837 Journée d'étude sur les liaisons aériennes interrégionales - Inauguration des nouvelles instal. de l'aéroport Metz-Frescaty (CCI Moselle)

352 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12838 1975 Survey on airport workers - Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted (B.A.A. London)

NOT. 12839 Site selection analysis - 2nd nat. airport in the Netherlands (Aviat. civile Pays-Bas)

NOT. 12840 Revised forecast of air traffic to and from the Netherlands 1975-2000 (idem)

NOT. 12841 Overbooking (CAP 381) (CAA G.B.)

NOT. 12842 1975 Agifors proceedings (American airlines)

NOT. 12843 Cies complémentaires françaises (Air § Cosmos)

NOT. 12844 Budget vote de 1976 - Transports III : aviation civile (Imprimerie Nat.)

NOT. 12845 Les structures industrielles françaises 1973 (INSEE)

NOT. 12846 A bill to direct the Administrator of the FAA to promulgate noise standards for certain aircraft in order to reduce noise emissions... US House of Representatives.

NOT. 12847 Seeds for success in civil aircraft design in the next two decades (RAS G.B.)


NOT. 12848 EPA noise control program (E.P.A. US)

NOT. 12849 Carrières de l'hôtellerie et du tourisme (B.I.T. Suisse)

NOT. 12850 Les actes de l'Union Postale Universelle - Révisés à Lausanne 1974 et annotés par le bureau int'l

NOT. 12851 Rapport de la commission dévelop. Préparation du 7° plan (doc. française)

NOT. 12852

353 Archives nationales (France)

Premier rapport d'activités concernant le fonds européen de dével. régional 1975 (CEE)

NOT. 12853 Panorama économique des Alpes maritimes (CCI Nice)

NOT. 12854 Australian int'l travel market in 1975 - (US Travel Service)

NOT. 12855 Hechos y cifras de turismo (Corporacion de Turismo de Venezuela)

NOT. 12856 Les transports en 1975 - 4° séminaire d'actualisation des connaissances du transport - 6 au 8 avril 1976 (Assoc. pour le dével. de la Formation Prof. dans les Transports)

NOT. 12857 L'industrie aérospatiale européenne - Situation et chiffres (CEE)

NOT. 12858 The structure of the US economy in 1980 and 85 (US Dept. of Labor)


NOT. 12859 Situation économique du Mexique et de la Colombie (Sudameris)

NOT. 12860 Situation économique du Brésil (idem)

NOT. 12861 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics (CAB)

NOT. 12862 A concept and plan for the development of a weather support subsystem for air traffic control (US DOT)

NOT. 12863 13° assemblée générale - Amsterdam (O.E.E.E. de l'Aviation Civile)

NOT. 12864 THe airlines of Eastern Europe (R.E.G. Davies Manager Market Research M.D. Douglas US)

NOT. 12865 SITRAM - Résultats généraux trafic intérieur et international 1974 (S.A.E.I. )

NOT. 12866 Etudes spéciales : la répartition des revenus dans les pays de l'OCDE ; soldes budgétaires du secteur public (O.C.D.E.)

354 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12867 Intercity passenger transport in Canada (A review of the existing intercity passenger transport systems) (C.C.T. Canada)

NOT. 12868 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Peru (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12869 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mali (idem)

NOT. 12870 Third semi-annual report to congress on the effectiveness of the civil aviat. security program July - Dec 1975 (US DOT)

NOT. 12871 Task force report on service to small communities Docket 29278 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12872 The F.A.A. five year environmental plan 76/80

NOT. 12873 Methode, Prämissen und Determinanten der Verkehrsprognose 1976-1985 für den Flughafen Frankfurt, stand April 76 (aéroport Francfort)

NOT. 12874 The port of New York and New Jersey foreign trade 1975 (P.N.Y.A. US)

NOT. 12875 Concorde (Laker Airways Public Relat. Officer GB)

NOT. 12876 L'occupation des résidences permanentes et secondaires du littoral par les vancanciers - Eté 74 (Secrét. d'Etat au Tourisme)

NOT. 12877 Allgemeine stat. des ausl. - Pakistan (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12878 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kolumbien (idem)

NOT. 12879 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Senegal (idem)

NOT. 12880 Report of pesticide study group subcommittee (Nat. Research Council Canada)

355 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12881 Proceedings - Symposium on operational safety § Environmental safety (idem)

NOT. 12882 An analysis of aircraft accidents involving fires (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12883 Air svc to small communities PB 251498 (idem)


NOT. 12884 Airport surface traffic control concept formulation study volume I Executive summary (idem)

NOT. 12885 Airport surface traffic control concept... Volume II - Operations analysis of O'Hare airport Part I (idem)

NOT. 12886 Airport surface traffic control concept.. vol III operations analysis of O'Hare airport - Part II (idem)

NOT. 12887 Airport surface traffic control concept formulation study - vol. IV Estimation of requirements (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12888 Passenger comfort during terminal area flight maneuvers (idem)

NOT. 12889 Trends in Travel by West Europeans to destinations outside Europe (Tourism Planning § Research)

NOT. 12890 The future of Washington's airports (Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments US)

NOT. 12891 Airport vicinity air pollution study - The impact of modified aircraft taxi procedures on airport air quality (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12892 Report of Tourism travel to the Caribean for 74 (C.T.A. US)

NOT. 12893 The airline skier - A pilot study of Nonresident Skiers using commercial air transp. early march (B.R.D. Univ. of Colorado)


NOT. 12894 Supplement to the handbook of airline statistics - Covering calendar years 73 and 74 PB-250519 (NTIS)

356 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12895 An on thook for cargo aircraft of the future N76-13038 (idem)

NOT. 12896 Special analysis of community annoyance with aircraft noise reported by residents in the vicinity of TFK airport - 72 (idem)

NOT. 12897 Research needs in aircraft noise prediction (NTIS)

NOT. 12898 General Aviation and Community development (idem)

NOT. 12899 An analysis of aviation safety information (idem)

NOT. 12900 Annual report on the world's lov largest hotel organizations, the diversified airline interests, etc. (Svc World Int'l)

NOT. 12901 Tourism, a leading invisible export (B.T.A. GB)

NOT. 12902 XIX Congreso C.O.T.A.L. Argentine.

NOT. 12903 Tourists' use and evaluation of travel information sources (Univ. Microfilms)

NOT. 12904 Pleasure/Vacation visitors from Germany to Singapore with special reference to visitors on tour group (S.T.P.B. Singapour) 1972-1974

NOT. 12905 Pleasure/vacation visitors from the U.K. to Singapore 72/74 ... 75 tables (idem)

NOT. 12906 Pleasure /vacation visitors from Japan to Singapore ... 72/74 (idem)

NOT. 12907 Pleasure/vacation visitors from Australia to Singapore .. 72/74 (idem)

NOT. 12908 Motivation and opinion survey of visitors to Singapore (idem)

NOT. 12909

357 Archives nationales (France)

NASA outlook for aeronautics - 1980/2000 (NTIS)

NOT. 12910 NASA outlook for aeronautics 1980/2000 - Appendix B (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12911 NASA outlook for aeronautics 1980/2000 - " C (idem)

NOT. 12912 An analysis of short-haul airline operating costs (idem)

NOT. 12913 Studies in the demand for short-haul air transportation (idem)

NOT. 12914 Study of short-haul aircraft operating economics Appendix - vol II (idem)


NOT. 12915 A method for the determination of potentially profitable service patterns for commuter air carriers (idem)

NOT. 12916 Report to congress on energy conservation policies and practices by the FAA (idem)

NOT. 12917 Passenger comfort response times as a function of aircraft motion (idem)

NOT. 12918 1975 Ride quality symposium (idem)

NOT. 12919 Summary of national transportation statistics (G.P.O.)

NOT. 12920 US industrial outlook 1976 with projections to 85 (idem)


NOT. 12921 A review and analysis of the Honeywell collision avoidance system - Phases 1 - 2 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12922 Analysis, flight test and evaluation of Honeywell MDD § RCA airborne collision avoidance systems (idem)

358 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12923 A review and anal. of the Mc Donnell Douglas collision avoidance system (idem)

NOT. 12924 Time/frequency collision avoidance system equip. phase 1 (idem)

NOT. 12925 A review and analysis of the RCA collision avoidance system - phase II (idem)

NOT. 12926 Study on the conditions of int'l air transport in the Nordic countries (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 12927 The benefits of civil aviation to the economy of India (idem)

NOT. 12928 Proceedings of the 1976 nat. cargo security conf. (T.A.A. US)

NOT. 12929 Review of studies investigating human response to commercial aircraft noise (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12930 Software for an experimented air ground data link Vol 1 et Vol II (idem)


NOT. 12931 Report of the 15th IFATCA conference Lyon (Ecosse)

NOT. 12932 Special air safety adivsory group report to the Federal Aviation Administration (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12933 Investigation of aircraft fuel tank explosions and nitrogen inerting requirements during ground fires (idem)

NOT. 12934 Air svc to small communities - Directions for the future (M.I.T. US)

NOT. 12935 Marketing and policy study of commuter airline service in South Carolina (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12936 An evaluation of strategies for airport air pollution control (idem)

NOT. 12937 Heating systems for airport pavement snow, slush and ice control (idem)

359 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12938 Validation of the DELCAP airport simulation model (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 12939 Profiles of scheduled air carrier operations by state length - FAA's regions' top 100 U.S. airports - Nov. 1, 74 (idem)

NOT. 12940 Wind and turbulence information for vertical and short tacke-off and landing (V/STOL) operations in build-up urban areas - results of meteo. survey (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 12941 Terminal area effectiveness for future aircraft (idem)

NOT. 12942 The design of the passenger processing system for airport terminals (Univ. of Technology G.B.)

NOT. 12943 No special base aerienne (Ed. Science et Industrie

NOT. 12944 Control of earthworm populations at Windsor int'l airport through the application of the fungicide benomyl (N.R.C. of Canada)

NOT. 12945 Un exemple de liaison aérienne centre-ville à centre-ville : le svc expériemental par ADAC d'Airtransit Canada entre Ottawa et Montreal (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12946 Les cies aériennes de 3° niveau en France (St Martin aux Chartrans - Inst. d'études politiques)


NOT. 12947 Le tourisme japonais en France (C.E.S.T.)

NOT. 12948 Investissement international et entreprises multinationales (OCDE)

NOT. 12949 Financial analysis - a programmed approach (Reston Publishing Co US)

NOT. 12950 La circulation routière faits et chiffres (Union Routière de France)

360 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12951 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Les transports urbains et routiers de voyageurs 74 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12952 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Auxiliaires des transports terrestres (idem)

NOT. 12953 Environmental regulations and their impact on airport development (S.A.E.)

NOT. 12954 STOL and the residential community (idem)

NOT. 12955 Construction and verification of a model of passenger response to STOL aircraft characteristics (idem)

NOT. 12956 Passenger acceptance of STOL - The Airtransit view (idem)

NOT. 12957 Managing service deficiencies - A pilot perspective (idem)

NOT. 12958 Improved maintenance practices - The airlines'contribution to lower ownership costs (S.A.E.)

NOT. 12959 An aircraft manufacturer's view of service problems and their correction (idem)

NOT. 12960 Economic benefits of digital electronic propulsion controls for advanced commercial aircraft (S.A.E.)

NOT. 12961 Energy § Transportation 1975 (idem)

NOT. 12962 Local service air carriers' unit costs vol I (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12963 Int'l air transportation policy of the Unided states (US DOT)

NOT. 12964 Luftverkehr in Africa - Beiträge zur Luftverkehrs geographie (Dr Michael Tschanz - Univ. Zurich)

NOT. 12965 Les transports en France 1974 - Série C47 - 13° rapport de la Commission des Comptes des transp. de la Nation (S.A.E.I.)

361 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12966 Int'l Tourism development - forecasts to 1985 (E.I.U. G.B.)

NOT. 12967 1974 National travel survey full year report (T.D.C. US)

NOT. 12968 La décentralisation qualitative N° 15 (J.O.)

NOT. 12969 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Jugoslawien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12970 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tansania (idem)


NOT. 12971 A study of the U.S. air traveler - American Express

NOT. 12972 Analysis : Evaluation of the ABTA Miami Beach Convention (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 12973 Canadian vacation travel to the US in 1975 (idem)

NOT. 12974 Les voyages de vacances des Canadiens en 1975 (Office du Tourisme du Canada)

NOT. 12975 A bill to amend the Interstate Commerce Act, as amended, to increase efficiency and competition and to reduce costs in the motor carrier indust. by allowing easier entry .. 94th congress (US House of Representatives)

NOT. 12976 Airline efficiency - an insight of the comparat. efficiency of European airlines (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12977 The role of the helicopter in transportation(NTIS)

NOT. 12978 General aviation technology assessment (idem)

NOT. 12979 Non fatal, weather involved general aviation accidents (idem)

NOT. 12980

362 Archives nationales (France)

Aircraft pilot warning instrument (APWI) study (idem)

NOT. 12981 Les transports publics routiers interurbains de voyageurs de 70 à 74 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 12982 Revenue passenger-mile forecast for 1976 - sheduled domestic operations - Domestic trunks (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12983 Economic regulation - Part 221 with amendments (idem)

NOT. 12984 Advance booking charters - special regulation SPR 110 - Part 371 - Docket 28852 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 12985 Air transport regulation - special issue (School of Law - Southern Methodist University US)


NOT. 12986 Aircraft operating cost and performance report - for C.Y. 1974 § 1975 (idem)

NOT. 12987 La clientèle du transport aérien en 1980 - Exposés et discussion (I.T.A.)

NOT. 12988 Airport profiles - Arab airports - The arabian peninsule § the Maghreb countries (Manfred Nomberger RFA)

NOT. 12989 Les problèmes et les politiques de dével. regional dans les pays de l'OCDE - vol I (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 12990 Valeur du temps - table ronde 30 (idem)

NOT. 12991 Les transports maritimes 1975 (idem)

NOT. 12992 Enquête sur l'utilisation des véhicules de transport routier de marchandises en 1974 (idem)

NOT. 12993 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Zaïre (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 12994 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Algerien (idem)

363 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 12995 L'influence économique du tourisme int'l dans les pays en voie de développement (l'ex. de la Côte d'Ivoire (Univ. de Droit d'économie et des sciences Aix)

NOT. 12996 L'espace touristique africain - Essai méthodologique (idem)

NOT. 12997 Le tiers monde vue par les publicités tourist. : une image géographique mystifiante (idem)

NOT. 12998 Le multiplicateur touristique : critiques (idem)

NOT. 12999 Un modèle décisionnel appliqué au tourisme (idem)


NOT. 13000 Le tourisme en France (C.E.C.O.D.)

NOT. 13001 Statistiques du trafic non régulier enregistré dans les états de la CEAC - Année se terminant le 31 Octobre 1974 (CEAC)

NOT. 13002 Special study - general aviation accidents involving aerobatics 72-74 (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 13003 Le modèle Fifi - vol 1 - vol 2 - Observatoire économique de Paris (Paris)

NOT. 13004 Atlaseco 1976 - No Hors Serie (Le nouvel observateur)

NOT. 13005 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Sambia - Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13006 Allegemeine stat. des auslandes - Iran (idem)

NOT. 13007 World aerospace speakers'papers (Financial times)

NOT. 13008 Airport strategy for great Britain - Part 2 - (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 13009

364 Archives nationales (France)

Projet loi de finances pour 1977 - Transports - (imprimerie nationale)


NOT. 13010 Projet loi de finances pour 1977 - Défense - (idem)

NOT. 13011 Discussion sur les coûts - bénéfices dans le tourisme - Essai de pont entre la théorie et la pratique (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 13012 Charterstatistik - non-scheduled passenger stat. 1.1 au 30.6.76 (Luftfartsverket Suède)

NOT. 13013 Dépouillement des questionnaires passagers - 21 Juillet 75 (Transconsult)

NOT. 13014 Airport and airway development act amendments of 1976 (US Senate)

NOT. 13015 Conferences des journées de Royaumont (2.3./6/76) (I.T.A.)

NOT. 13016 Aircraft pre-departure control systems guide - I.C.A.A.

NOT. 13017 Pricing and subsidy of air and rail passenger transport C.T.C. (Canada)

NOT. 13018 La demande de transports de voyageurs (Prof. Dr H. R. Meyer - Annales Suisses d'économie)

NOT. 13019 The role of V/STOL and CTOL in the future of short haul air transport in Western Europe (Mr Pieter van Vollenhoven)

NOT. 13020 A unique chance - Address to the National Aviat. Club-Washington (I.A.T.A)

NOT. 13021 La mutation industrielle de la France - du traité de Rome à la crise pétrolière (INSEE O.E.P.)


NOT. 13022 Fresque historique du système productif (INSEE)

365 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13023 Dossier statistique annexé à la fresque historique du système productif (idem)

NOT. 13024 Transports et communications - rapport commission Préparation du 7° plan (Doc. française)

NOT. 13025 Les relations commerciales de la France avec les pays de l'Europe de l'Est à commerce d'état (Journal Officiel)

NOT. 13026 1976 international aerospace specification tables (Aviat. Week § Space Technology)

NOT. 13027 Federal aviation act of 1958 - Acts 1958 à 75 - (G.P.O.)

NOT. 13028 La flotte française d'aviation générale (STBA)

NOT. 13029 Classification des aérodromes permettant de déterminer les moyens de sauvetage et de lutte contre les incendies d'aéronefs 75 - Tomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Mr F. Ansart S.T.N.A.)

NOT. 13030 Gendarmerie des transports aériens (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 13031 Déséquilibre et pointes de trafic dans les transprots - séminaire (M. J. Bézert C.O.E.S.T.)


NOT. 13032 La sergeräte und optoelektronische systeme in der Flugführung und Satell item technik (Univ. Technique de Berlin)

NOT. 13033 Le chemin de fer et la balance des paiements français (Transports - Ed. tech. et économiques)

NOT. 13034 Les banques de données dans le domaine scientifique et technique (Doc. française)

NOT. 13035 Aviation et Météorologie - N° Special (Sté Météorologique de France)

NOT. 13036 Phase II program on ground test of rennad JT8D turbofan engines and nacelles for the 727 airplane (Boeing)

366 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13037 U.S. Int'l air freight traffic 1970-1974 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13038 Summary of int'l air rights - Foreign points certificated to § operated by U.S. air carriers and U.S. points granted to and operated by foreign air carriers - as of January 1st, 76 (idem)

NOT. 13039 Unacommodated passengers by carrier and market FY 1975 (idem)

NOT. 13040 Air travellers' fly-rights 3rd edition (idem)

NOT. 13041 The benefits of civil aviation to the economy of lebanon (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13042 Résumé - Assembly of Presidents of AEA in Paris - Oct. 14, 1976 (A.E.A)

NOT. 13043 Transport regulation : review of selected foreign approaches (C.T.C. Canada)

NOT. 13044 Ass. Nationale - Projet loi de finances pour 77 - Avis, Aviation civile - doc parlementaire N° 2534 Tome XIX (Ass. Nationale)

NOT. 13045 Ass. Nat. Projet loi finances 77 - rapport - Aviat. civile Doc. parl. 2525 annexe 20 (idem)

NOT. 13046 Ass. Nat. projet loi finances 77 - avis - transports terrestres - Doc. parl. 2534 - tome XVIII (idem)

NOT. 13047 Ass. Nat. - projet loi de finances 77 - rap Transports I : section commune - II : transports terrestres - Doc. parlementaire 2525 annexe 19 (Ass. Nat.)

NOT. 13048 Ass. Nat. - projet loi finances 77 - avis - Marine marchande - Doc. parlementaire N° 2534 tome XX (idem)

NOT. 13049 Ass. Nat - Projet loi finances 77 - rapport - Marine marchande - Doc. parlementaire N° 2525 - Annexe 21 (idem)

NOT. 13050 Ass. Nat - Projet loi finances 77 - avis - Tourisme - Doc parl. 2534 Tome XIV (idem)

367 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13051 Ass. Nat. - Projet loi finances 77 - Rapport - Tourisme - Doc parl. N° 2525 - annexe 32 (idem)


NOT. 13052 Engineering and development program plan (FAA US)

NOT. 13053 Les transports et la situation économique - 6° symposium int'l sur la pratique dans l'économie des transports (OCDE)

NOT. 13054 Traffic replanning in three cities - A comparison (Institutions för Trafik planering Suède)

NOT. 13055 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Italien (V. W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13056 Faits et chiffres 1976 - Le nouvel observateur

NOT. 13057 Productivity analysis of the Canadian Airline industry (C.T.C. Canada)

NOT. 13058 Special study - Flightcrew coordination procedures in air carrier instrument landing system approach accidents (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 13059 Ass. Nat. - Projet de loi de finances pour 77 - Débats parlementaires : transp. et aviation civile (C.R. intégral 28 Séance 28.10.76 (J. Officiel)

NOT. 13060 Statistical Astract on the Middle East and Eastern African area 74/75 - Air transport (OACI)

NOT. 13061 Le modèle simulation des politiques de transports (Doc. française)

NOT. 13062 Panorama des transports en Chine - Courrier des Pays de l'Est N° 195 (idem)

NOT. 13063 Radar detection of thunderstorm hazards for air traffic control - vol I et II (US DOT)

NOT. 13064 FAA's airport certification program : has it resulted in safe airports ? US G.A. Office

368 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13065 Effects of interrupted light on birds (N.R.C. Canada)

NOT. 13066 Asessment of small prammal and raptor populations on Toronto Int'l airport and recommendation for reduction and control of these populations (idem)


NOT. 13067 Managing safety - 28th international air safety seminar (Flight Safety Foundation US)

NOT. 13068 Enseignement supérieur de transport - vol 2 (I.R.T.)

NOT. 13069 Holidays - The social need (English Tourist Board)

NOT. 13070 Les emplois et les formations dans le tourisme en France (Doc française)

NOT. 13071 Les intentions des américains en matière de voyages en 1976 (Canadian Governement Office of Tourism)

NOT. 13072 Les intentions des Canadiens en matière de voyage en 1976 (idem)

NOT. 13073 Enquête sur les prix de détail et taux d'équivalence de pouvoir d'achat à la consommation 75 (CEE Luxembourg)

NOT. 13074 Les prix à la consommation - Automne 1975 (idem)

NOT. 13075 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mexiko (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13076 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Grossbritannien und Nordirland (idem)

NOT. 13077 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Elfenbeinküste (idem)

NOT. 13078 United Republic of Cameroun (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hongrie)

369 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13079 Le Sud-Ouest - Les atouts du retard ? Doc photographique N° 6022 (Doc française)

NOT. 13080 Perspectives sectorielles de l'industrie - Préparation du 7° plan (idem)

NOT. 13081 SITRAM : application, comment évaluer la part du trafic maritime né de notre commerce extérieur qui échappe aux ports français (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 13082 An optimization approach to routing aircraft (O.R.S.A. US)

NOT. 13083 Military and civilian aircraft discharging fuel in flight (G.A.O. US)

NOT. 13084 Turbine - engined fleets of the world's airlines 1976 Exxon Int'l Company US

NOT. 13085 Brouillard sur la flotte d'Air France (Syndicat des Ingénieurs § Cadres d'Air France UGICT - CGT)

NOT. 13086 Nationalization and the independent airlines in the U.K. 1945-1951 (CAA G.B.)

NOT. 13089 The regulation of non-scheduled air services in the United Kingdom 1960 to 1972 : a note (idem)

NOT. 13090 Towards a new defence policy (Conservative Political Centre G.B.)


NOT. 13091 The North Atlantic "APEX" Traveller - A joint study (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13092 The development of short-haul air transportation - A dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Business Adminis. (Rocky Mountain Institute US)

NOT. 13093 Aviation review conference - US DOT

NOT. 13094 Insurance and liability systems in int'l multimodal transportation (C.C.T. Canada)

NOT. 13095

370 Archives nationales (France)

COVOS - Rapport N° 1 : la mesure des constituants gazeux minoritaires dans la stratosphère naturelle - Rapport N° 5 et Rapport N° 6A (ONERA)

NOT. 13096 Procès-verbal de la réunion technique S.A.R. int'l de Méditerranée (SAR/MED/OC) (DGAC Sect. d'études et de coordination SAR)

NOT. 13097 Fret aérien - Les priorités pour les cies, les chargeurs et les transitaires (CCI Paris)

NOT. 13098 Euroscene - Air transport in Europe (A.E.A. Belgique)

NOT. 13099 Statistiques du trafic non régulier enregistré dans les états de la CEAC (Neuilly)


NOT. 13100 The commercial air transport market 76 - 1991 (M.D.D. US)

NOT. 13101 Le touriste et l'hôtel - Enquête réalisée auprès des touristes séjournant en France (C.H.I.C.)

NOT. 13102 7° plan de développement économique et social 1976/1980 (Doc française)

NOT. 13103 Préparation du 7° plan - Rapport du comité Emploi et Travail (idem)

NOT. 13104 Préparation du 7° plan - Indicateurs sociaux et économiques (idem)

NOT. 13105 L'Europe de l'Est en 1975 (idem)

NOT. 13106 Les villes nouvelles françaises (idem)

NOT. 13107 L'aménagement de la Côte Aquitaine (M.I.A.C.A. Le Taillan-Medoc) Où en est-on ?

NOT. 13108 Arrêté du 12 Août 1976 relatif à l'enrichissement du vocabulaire en usage au Ministère de la Défense (J.O.)

NOT. 13109

371 Archives nationales (France)

Etude sur la place de l'aviation légère dans la nation(VOL 1 - VOL 2) (S.G.A.C. IGACEM)


NOT. 13110 The North Atlantic - a report (2) Appendices only - Vol 1 : report - confidential (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13111 Tourisme et transport aérien - les îles de l'ocean indien (C.E.S.T.) Promotion 76

NOT. 13112 Aménagement du territoire et du cadre de vie - rapport de la commission (doc. française)

NOT. 13113 Situation économique de l'Argentine (Sudameris) Revue N° 7

NOT. 13114 Projet de loi de finances pour 1977 - 5° législature - Ass. Nationale N° 2524 (Imprimerie Nat.)

NOT. 13115 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances pour 1977 - avis - tome XIV - III : aviation civile (doc parl N° 67) (idem)

NOT. 13116 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances pour 1977 - rapport gal aviation civ. et météo. doc parl N° 65 tome III - annexe 31 III (idem)

NOT. 13117 Sénat - Projet loi finances pour 77 - Avis - Marine marchande (doc parl N° 67 - Tome XV - IV) (idem)

NOT. 13118 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances 77 - Rapport gal - Marine marchande - Doc parl N° 65 tome III - IV (idem)

NOT. 13119 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances pour 77 - Avis - Transports terrestres - doc parl N° 67 tome XIII - II (Imprimerie nationale)

NOT. 13120 Sénat - Projet de loi finances pour 77 - Rap. gal - Section commune et transports terrestres - doc parl N° 65 - Tome III Annexe 30 - I et II (idem)

NOT. 13121 Sénat - Projet loi finances pour 77 - Avis - Tourisme - Doc parl N° 67 - tome XI (idem)

NOT. 13122 Cour des comptes - rapport 1976 (Journal officiel)

372 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13123 Le droit maritime français (D.M.F.)

NOT. 13124 Commercial jet transport direct maintenance cost history 1959-1975 (Boeing)

NOT. 13125 Le aziende ed il mercato del trasporto aereo charter in Italia (A.N.P.A.C.)

NOT. 13126 A new take off for international air transport (IATA)

NOT. 13127 Nationwide, regional and statewide estimates for general aviation (GA) activity at nontowered airports during CY 1972 (revised) and CY 1974 (FAA US)


NOT. 13128 General aviation forecasts 75 - 87 - State, regional and national operations (FAA US)

NOT. 13129 THe military balance 1976/1977 (Int'l Institute for Strategic Studies G.B.)

NOT. 13130 - Ordonnance sur la navigation aérienne 14.11.73 - Loi fédérale sur la nav. aérienne Etat au 1.01.74 (O.F.A.)

NOT. 13131 Airport profiles - Arab airports. A background study of an expansive aviation market (Manfred Momberger RFA)

NOT. 13132 De behocfte aan ruimte van het bedrijfsleven, gevestigel en rondom de luchthaven Schiphol (CCI Harlem Pays-Bas) (Aéroport Schiphol)

NOT. 13133 Dangers introduits par l'usage des matériaux plastiques dans la conception et les aménagements intérieurs des aéronefs de transport civil (SNOMAC)

NOT. 13134 9° session triennale - Doc ECAC/9 - Strasbourg (OACI)

NOT. 13135 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tunesien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13136

373 Archives nationales (France)

Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kenia (idem)

NOT. 13137 Competition and air fare policy for scheduled and charteer air carriers in the U.S. and Canada (University of British Columbia Canada)

NOT. 13138 Productivity and Cost of Employment - System Trunks Calendar years 1974 and 1975 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13139 The sixty billion dollar question - Airline capital investment in the 1980's

NOT. 13140 Rapport sur le 29° seminaire annuel international de la Flight Safety Foundation (Inspection gale B.E.A.)

NOT. 13141 Les tarifs aériens de passagers - analyse et tendances en 1976 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 13142 La piste de Monastir - Skanes (Office des Ports Aériens de Tunisie)

NOT. 13143 Capacité du système aéroportuaire - Capacité horaire - pistes (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 13144 The market for Brazilian travel to Canada (C.G.O.T.)


NOT. 13145 The market for travel to Canada from Venezuela (idem)

NOT. 13146 The European tourism market and its travel press (Travel Made Gazette London)

NOT. 13147 The big picture - Travel 76 (A.S.T.A. US)

NOT. 13148 The impact of interior cabin noise on passenger acceptance (S.A.E.)

NOT. 13149 NASA Study of an automated pilot advisory system (idem)

NOT. 13150 Effective management of in service deficiencies (idem)

374 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13151 Management of svc deficiencies - a component manufacturer's view (idem)

NOT. 13152 Maintenance - an investment process (idem)

NOT. 13153 Aircraft propulsion - a key to fuel conservation - An aircraft manufacturer's view (idem)

NOT. 13154 A simulation analysis of U.S. energy demand, supply and prices (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 13155 Parametric equations for estimating aricraft airframe costs (idem)

NOT. 13156 A computer model for estimating development and procurement costs of aircraft (idem)

NOT. 13157 Performance/schedule/cost - tradeoffs and risk analysis for the acquisition of aircraft turbine engines : applications of R-1288-PR methodology (idem)

NOT. 13158 Air taxi charter and rental directory of North America (A.C.T.I.O.N.)

NOT. 13159 U.S. Postal svc airport mail facility - JF Kennedy - int'l airport - New York (US Postal Service)

NOT. 13160 Rapport sur l'aviation cviiel en Europe (Conseil de l'Europe)

NOT. 13161 Domestic common fares investigation - Docket 27330 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13162 I containers per aerei (A.N.P.A.C. Italie)

NOT. 13163 Auditorium Alitalia - 1 giugno 76/ 2 agosto 76 (Alitalia)


NOT. 13164 Préparation du 7° plan - Industrie aérospatiale (Doc. française)

NOT. 13165 Préparation du 7° plan - Industrie (idem)

375 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13166 Future capital financing in the airline industry (Air France)

NOT. 13167 Economic Situation of the airline industry (Air France)

NOT. 13168 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Problèmes d'exploitation des aérogares et des aires de stationnement (1 à 4 points traités) (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13169 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadalajara - Activité du fret des aéroports de Milan dans son contexte économique régional (idem)

NOT. 13170 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajora - L'art du bon voisinage (idem) Point 2. 1. de l'ordre du jour.

NOT. 13171 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Point 2.2 de l'ordre du jour - "Desiderata de l'homme d'affaires voyageant par avion" (idem)

NOT. 13172 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Point 2.3 de l'ordre du jour - "la facilitation et les services publics dans l'exploitation des aérogares" (idem)

NOT. 13173 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Point 2.4. Ordre du jour - Les aérogares et leurs usagers - besoin des cies aériennes - (idem)

NOT. 13174 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Point du jour 2.5. "Utilisation de l'informatique dans l'exploitation d'un aéroport" (idem)

NOT. 13175 16° congrès - Guadalajara - Point du jour 3.1. - "la diversification des activités commerciales - promotion et recherche de nouvelles activités" (idem)

NOT. 13176 16° congrès - Guadalajara - Point du jour 3.1. "Activités commerciales dans les aéroports" (idem)

NOT. 13177 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Point du jour 3.2 - "Base d'estimation financière et méthodes d'imposition des redevances de concession dans les aéroports" (ICAA)

NOT. 13178 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadala. - Point du jour 3.2. - "Concessions commerciales des aéroports" (idem)

376 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13179 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadala. - Point 3.3. ordre du jour "Boutiques hors-taxes - le point de vue de l'administration des aéroports" (idem)

NOT. 13180 16° congrès I.C.A.A Guada. Point du jour 3.3. - "les boutiques hors-taxes sur les aéroports de Milan" (idem)

NOT. 13181 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guada. Point du jour 3.3. "Boutiques hors-taxes des aéroports - Point de vue d'un concessionnaire "le fin du fin est hors taxes" (idem)

NOT. 13182 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadala. Point du jour 3.4 - les hôtels d'aéroports (idem)

NOT. 13183 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadala. Point du jour 3.5 - Publicité sur les aéroports (idem)

NOT. 13184 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadala. Point du jour 3.5. - "la publicité sur les aéroports" (idem)

NOT. 13185 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadala. Point du jour 4.1. - "Aérogares privatives ou aérogares banalisées avantages et désavantages" (idem)

NOT. 13186 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadala. Point du jour 4.1. - "Aérogare privative ou aéro. banalisée, avantages et désavantages" (idem)

NOT. 13187 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Point du jour 4.1. "Des aéroports pour le tiers-monde et les pays en voie de développement" (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13188 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guada. - Point du jour 4.1. - Aérogare privative - avantages et désavantages (idem)

NOT. 13189 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guada. Point du jour 4.1. - Avant. et désavantages de l'administration autonome et de l'administration banalisée pour les aéroports (idem)

NOT. 13190 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guada. - Point 4.1. de l'ordre du jour "Pan American's "worldport" terminal" (idem)

NOT. 13191 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guada. Point du jour 4.2. "Système d'assistance et de contrôle aéroportuaires pour utilisateurs multiples (idem)

377 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13193 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guada. Point 4.2. - Services d'assistance au sol - organisation coûts et fonctionnement - Assistance au terminal et sur l'aire de trafic (idem)

NOT. 13194 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadal. Point 4.2. "Services d'assistance aéroportuaire - Perspectives actuelles" (idem)

NOT. 13195 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadal. Point 4.3. "Commissariat Aéroportuaire" (idem)

NOT. 13196 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadal. Point 4.4. "Commission permanente : gestion et formation du personnel rapport annuel 1975/76 (idem)


NOT. 13197 16° congrès I.C.A.A. Guadal. Point 4.4. "Commission permanente - informatique - rapport annuel 75/76" (idem)

NOT. 13192 16° congrès - Assistance aéroportuaire non gouver. à Vienne Tâches et organisation (idem)

NOT. 13198 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadalajara - Point 4.4. de l'ordre du jour "Groupe de travail Assurances - rapport annuel 1975/76 (idem)

NOT. 13199 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guadal. - Point 4.4. de l'ordre du jour "Rapport des commissions permanentes : des aspects psychologiques des relations humaines dans la perspective de la formation des cadres" (idem)

NOT. 13200 16° congrès I.C.A.A. - Guada. Point 4.4. du jour - Rap. des commissions permanentes - Relations publiques - rapport annuel 75/76 (idem)

NOT. 13201 16° congrès ICAA - Guada. Point du jour 4.4 - Rapport des commissions permanentes : gestion et formation du personnel d'aéroports - Cat. de stages de formation 76/77 (idem)

NOT. 13202 16° congrès ICAA - Guada. Point 8 de l'ordre du jour - Programme d'activité et de dével. de l'ICAA.

NOT. 13203 16° congrès ICAA - Guada. Point ç de l'ordre du jour - La réorganisation des associations d'aéroports (idem)

378 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13204 Le marketing dans une compagnie de transport aérien (Biblio. Universitaire de Bordeaux)

NOT. 13205 Air transport conf. - Policy concerning int'l non-scheduled air transport (Appendix A - B - C - D) (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13206 Le statut juridique int'l du commandant d'aéronef (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 13207 Concept study : feasibility of charasterizing airfield fire hasards and of developing assignment criteria for fire suppression resources (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13208 Aircraft ground fire suppression and resure systems characteristics of kinematic jet fuel fires cascading and rod fuel geometries (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13209 Report to congress by the FAA on proposed programs for aviation energy savings (idem)

NOT. 13210 Baseline energy forecasts and analysis of alternative strategies for airline fuel conservation (idem)

NOT. 13211 Report of St louis aiport investigation - phase II - (idem)


NOT. 13212 Forecast of landside airport access traffic at major US Airport to 1990 - vol I (idem)

NOT. 13213 The airport network flow simulator (idem)

NOT. 13214 Buy now - fly later : land banking for airport devel. (idem)

NOT. 13215 The airport performance model (idem)

NOT. 13216 Airport noise monitoring systems (idem)

NOT. 13217 Passenger ride quality within a noise and vibration environment (idem)

379 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13218 Aircraft motion and passenger comfort date from scheduled commercial airline flights (idem)

NOT. 13219 Cost analysis of airborne collision avoidance systems (CAS) concepts (N.T.I.S.)


NOT. 13220 Cost benefit study of an automated maintenance system vol. II (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13221 A study of the financial history of the US scheduled airlines of the US scheduled airlines and the improvement of airline profitability through technology (idem)

NOT. 13222 Advanced supersonic technology concept AST-100 characteristics developed in a baseline update study (idem)

NOT. 13223 Statistical model of sonic boom structural damage (idem)

NOT. 13224 Integrated national airspace communication system (INACS) for the support of air traffic control operations in the 1980's and 1990's (FAA US)

NOT. 13225 General aviation forecasts 1975-1987 - states, regional and national operations (NTIS)

NOT. 13226 A study of attrition in the domestic general aviation fleet (idem)

NOT. 13227 Technology assessment of future intercity passenger transportation systems (vol 1) (idem)

NOT. 13228 Technology assessment of fut. intercity passenger transp. systems - vol 2 (idem)


NOT. 13229 Technology assessment of Fut. intercity passenger transp. systems - vol 3 (idem)

NOT. 13230 Technology assessment of fut. intercity passenger transp. systems - vol 4 (idem)

380 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13231 Technology assessment of fut. intercity passenger transp. systems - vol 5 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13232 Technology assessment of fut. intercity passenger transp. systems - vol 6 (idem)

NOT. 13233 Technology assessment of fut. intercity passenger transp. systems - vol 7 (idem)

NOT. 13234 Integrierte Langsfristprognose für die Verkehrsnachfrage im güter -und Personenverkehr in der Bundesrepublic deutschland bis zum Jahre 1990 (SNCF)

NOT. 13235 Möglichkeiten und grenzen des Wettbewerbs zwischen Eisenbahn und flugzeng im innerdeutschen und grenzüber-Schreitenden Verkehr (idem)

NOT. 13236 Rationale for improving the protection against mid-air collisions - vol II (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13237 Evaluation of materials and concepts for aircraft fire protection (idem)

NOT. 13238 Selected documents for aviation planning in the terminal area (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13239 The avoidance of excessive fatigue in aircrew (CAA G.B.)

NOT. 13240 Bird control on aerodromes CAP 384 (idem)

NOT. 13241 A handbook for the estimation of airside delays at major airports (European Space Agency Paris)

NOT. 13242 Application of advanced technology to future long-range aircraft (E.S.A.)

NOT. 13243 No sur Concorde (Industries § Techniques (revue))

NOT. 13244 Le concept de capacité à l'épreuve de sa pratique en transport aérien international (I.T.A.)

NOT. 13245 Productivity and cost of employment - local service carriers - CY 74 et 75 (C.A.B.)

381 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13246 Demand for freight transport in CANADA (C.T.C.)

NOT. 13247 8th Int'l forum for air cargo - conference proceedings (S.A.E.)

NOT. 13248 Prix et salaires dans le monde - Comparaison int'l du pouvoir d'achat (Union de Banques suisses)


NOT. 13249 Enquête en vol - Résultats 1976 (Office du développement du Tourisme Polynésie F.)

NOT. 13250 Catalogue - supplément 1976 (S.E.T.)

NOT. 13251 Lille et sa communauté urbaine (Doc française)

NOT. 13252 L'année économique et sociale 1976 : l'espoir déçu (le Monde)

NOT. 13253 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Frankreich (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13254 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Bangladesch (idem)

NOT. 13255 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Indien (idem)

NOT. 13256 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Brunei (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13257 Allgemeine " " auslandes - Surinam (idem)

NOT. 13258 Réglementation de la capacité des services de transport aérien int'l - Docu. de base relative au point 3 de l'ordre du jour (OACI)

NOT. 13259 Near midair collisions between military and eivilian aircraft (House of Representatives US)

NOT. 13260 Near midair collisions between military and civilian aircraft 22nd report by the committee on government operations (idem)

382 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13261 Europe's special interest travel market - A segmentation study on potential travel opportunities to the Pacific/Asia region (P.A.T.A. US)

NOT. 13262 Models for estimating the number of conflicts perceived by air traffic controllers (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13263 Operational factors of air service to small communities (idem)

NOT. 13264 Introducing the ASMR (advanced short medium range aircraft) Exec. summary (M.D.D. US)

NOT. 13265 Introducing the ASMR - Operational and economic data (idem)

NOT. 13266 Introducing the ASMR - Presentations of Douglas Aircraft compagny (idem)


NOT. 13267 Introducing the ASMR - Design features (M.D.D. US)

NOT. 13268 Introducing the ASMR - Detail type specification (idem)

NOT. 13269 Introducing the ASMR - Fleet planning analysis (idem)

NOT. 13270 Introducing the ASMR - Performance report (idem)

NOT. 13271 Introducing " ASMR - Equipment list questionnaire (idem)

NOT. 13272 Introducing " ASMR - CFM 56 Engine program (idem)

NOT. 13273 Introducing " ASMR - Acoustics (idem)

NOT. 13274 Transportation accident risks in the nuclear power industry 1975-2020 (The Vice President Nuclear Power SYSTEMS Holmes § Narver US)

383 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13275 Air France et Lufthansa - Analyse économique comparée (Perspectives Paris)

NOT. 13276 Atti del convegno di studio sul collegamento dell'aeroporto di Fiumicino con la citta di Roma (C.I.F.I. Italie)

NOT. 13277 United Kingdon air cargo (Nat. Economic Development Office London)

NOT. 13278 Plan nacional de desarrollo Turistico (Servicio Nacional de Turismo Santiago de Chile)


NOT. 13279 Source materials for Pacific tourism (C.S.P.S. US)

NOT. 13280 Le tourisme en France en 1975 (Sec. d'Etat au Tourisme)

NOT. 13281 Pleasure/vacation visitors from France to Singapore with special reference to visitors on group tours (S.T.P.B.)

NOT. 13282 Pleasure/vacation visitors from Newzealand to Singapore (idem)

NOT. 13283 Pleasure/vacation visitors from Hong Kong to Singapore (idem)

NOT. 13284 Pleasure/vacation visitors from Indonesia to Singapore (idem)

NOT. 13285 Pleasure/vacation visitors from the USA to Singapore (idem)

NOT. 13286 Japanese international travel market en 1975 (US Travel Service)

NOT. 13287 Coût du voyage d'affaires - Comparaison entre Paris et quelques métropoles (CCI Paris)

NOT. 13288 Le tourisme en France en 1976 (1° Ministre - Svc d'information et de diffusion)

NOT. 13289

384 Archives nationales (France)

The importance of the Caribbean Tourism Research center to Caribbean development (C.T.R.C. Antilles Néerlandaises)

NOT. 13290 Caribbean tourism - Profits and performance through 1980 (idem)

NOT. 13291 A view of air freight developments in the next decade (Boeing)

NOT. 13292 US domestic air freight - An econometric forecast - (Boeing)

NOT. 13293 The future of aviation - Hearings before the subcommittee on Aviation and Transp. R § D of the Committee on Science § Technology - US House of Representatives 94th congress


NOT. 13294 Terminal area forecast 1977-1987 (FAA US)

NOT. 13295 Forecast of landside airport access traffic at major US airports to 1990 vol II (idem)

NOT. 13296 THe importance of Chicago - land airport - A report on its role in the regional airport system (C.A.T.S. US)

NOT. 13297 The hélicopter air service passenger program - a retrospect (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13298 Commuter air carrier operators as of September 1975 (FAA US)

NOT. 13299 Time for commuters - Commuter airlines annual report N° 4 (C.A.A. of America)

NOT. 13300 British independant airlines since 1946 - vol 1 - 2 - 3 - Merseyside Aviation Ltd Liverpool.

NOT. 13301 Lufthansa - L'histoire (D. Lufthansa RFA)

NOT. 13102 Lufthansa - Logbook (idem)

NOT. 13303

385 Archives nationales (France)

Lufthansa - The quiet fight against noise (idem)

NOT. 13304 Convex 1976 - Technical papers (Guild for Air Traffic Control Officers G.B.)

NOT. 13305 Illustrated transport economy of Japan 1974 (rapport annuel - 1° edition en anglais) (Japan Transport Economics Research Center)

NOT. 13306 Preliminary study of a very large catamaran freighter as a derivative of a current wide body aircraft (E.S.A.)

NOT. 13307 The promise of air cargo - system aspects and vehicle design (idem)

NOT. 13308 Regulatory review program - Conference agenda and compilation of proposals - part 25 (FAA US)

NOT. 13309 Répertoire de la législation et de la réglementation aériennes (Auxidroit)


NOT. 13310 An analysis for the intrastate air carrier regulatory forum (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 13311 Airport terminals reference manual - 6th edition (IATA)

NOT. 13312 Uberarbeitete ADV-Fluggast-prognose bis 1985 (A.D.V. RFA)

NOT. 13313 Remarks by C.C. Tillinghast before National press club (T.W.A. US)

NOT. 13314 Israel tourism master plan aims for 1985 (Ministry of Tourism)

NOT. 13315 Development plan for Malta 1973-1980 (Malta Gunt Tourist Board Malte)

NOT. 13316 L'étalement des vacances (C.S.T. Paris)

NOT. 13317 Preliminary standards, classification and designation of lines of class 1 railroads in the US - Volumes 1, 2, 3 (US DOT)

386 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13318 22ème rapport annuel et résolutions du conseil des Ministres (C.E.M.T.)


NOT. 13319 Un train pour demain - La nouvelle ligne Paris - Sud-Est (SNCF)

NOT. 13320 Local service carrier - passenger enplanements FY 75 and 1974 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13321 Passengers denied confirmed space (idem)

NOT. 13322 Trunkline passenger enplanements FY 75 and 74 (idem)

NOT. 13323 The airfreight market and its relation to the economy (Flying Tiger Line US)

NOT. 13324 Survey on the holiday habits of the Hungarian population (H.N.C.T. Hongrie)

NOT. 13325 European travel to the US - Current analysis and forecast to 1980 (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 13326 Airport activity statistics of certificated route air carriers 12months ended Dec 31, 75 (The chief financial and traffic data section - Bur. of Accounts § Statistics US)

NOT. 13327 European air fares - A report by the Airline Users committee to the CAA G.B.

NOT. 13328 Les groupements d'intérêt économique (J.O.)

NOT. 13329 Pan Emerican World Airways Inc, T.W.A., Inc ; route agreement - Docket 27114 et al. (J.O.)

NOT. 13330 Transatlantic route proceeding - supplemental route proceeding (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13331 State of the nation's air transportation system (Nat. Academy of Engineering Publishing Office US)

NOT. 13332

387 Archives nationales (France)

Effects of aircraft technology improvements on intercity energy use - Final report (Group Director Transp. Programs Energy § Transp. Division US)

NOT. 13333 A crashworthiness analysis with emphasis on the fire hazards - US and selected foreign turbine aricraft accidents 1964-74 (FAA US)

NOT. 13334 Présence de l'Infraero au Brésil (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 13335 La structure du trafic aérien de la Belgique (Sté Géographique de Liège)

NOT. 13336 Marketing travel and tourism - 7th annual conference proceedings (Travel Research Association US)


NOT. 13337 Les routes en Afrique - 3° conférence routière africaine (Industries et Travaux d'Outre-Mer)

NOT. 13338 India - Foreign market study (Ontario Department of Trade and Development Canada)

NOT. 13339 Etude sur la situation économique de l'Europe en 74 - 2° partie : évolution démographique de l'Europe depuis la guerre et les perspectives jusqu'en l'an 2000 (Librairie Pedone)

NOT. 13340 Bulgarie - 2° ed. - Collection "un marché" 31 (C.F.C.E.)

NOT. 13341 Madagascar - Collection "un marché" 7 (idem)

NOT. 13342 Philippines - Collection "un marché" 61 (idem)

NOT. 13343 Charters - yesterday, today and tomorrow (I.A.C.A. Suisse)

NOT. 13344 Remarks at the Houston Chamber of Commerce - Emory gose Aviation Achievement Awards (P.A.A. US)

NOT. 13345 Future developments in int'l air cargo transportation (T.R.F. US Grant C. Vietsch)

NOT. 13346

388 Archives nationales (France)

The impact of route network rationalization on the airline and the passenger (idem)

NOT. 13347 Air transport capital requirements of the Air Transportation Administration (idem)

NOT. 13348 The impact of commuter air carrier certification (idem)

NOT. 13349 Indonesian air transport policies and tourism on Bali (idem)

NOT. 13350 The next twenty years - one opinion of the capital requirements of the canadian air transport industry (idem)

NOT. 13351 Transport subsidies and regional redistribution policies (Commission Canad. des Transports)

NOT. 13352 Schéma directeur de l'équipement aéronautique - Travaux et recherches de prospectives NO 35 (Doc. franc.)

NOT. 13353 Tourism plan 75/78 et 76/79 (Irish Tourist Board Irlande)


NOT. 13354 Le financement public et parapublic du tourisme tome 3 (S.E.T. Svc Statistiques et enquêtes)

NOT. 13355 10th congress records - Colombo (Fed. Universelle des Associations d'Agences de Voyage Belgique)

NOT. 13356 Desarrollo Turistico (I.S.T. Instituto Salvadoreno de Turismo)

NOT. 13357 Plan d'équipement touristique 1976/80 (Office Nat. du Tourisme Burundi)

NOT. 13358 Proceedings - 1977 travel outlook forum (Travel Research Association US)

NOT. 13359 Computer technology forecast study for general aviation (Honeywell, Inc. Avionics Division)

NOT. 13360 Delay task force study - Chicago O'Hare Int'l airport vol. 1 (FAA US)

389 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13361 Delay task force study - Chicago " Int'l airport vol. 2 technical report (idem)

NOT. 13362 O'Hare delay task force study - Chicago O'Hare int'l airport - vol 3 tech. appendices (idem)

NOT. 13363 Présentation de la comptabilité nationale française 6° Ed. (INSEE)


NOT. 13364 Tourisme et loisirs - Préparation du 7° plan (Doc Franc.)

NOT. 13365 Demand forecasting in tourism N° 9 (University college of North Wales Bango - Univ. of Wales Press G.B.)

NOT. 13366 A guide to economic multipliers in theory and practice (English Tourist Board)

NOT. 13367 The environmental evaluation of transport plans - research report 8 (Dept of the Environ. G.B.)

NOT. 13368 Air transport group "Third level and regional air transport" (R.A.S. London)

NOT. 13369 The financial position of British airports in 74/75 Discussion Paper N° 5 (Polytechnic of Central London)

NOT. 13370 Les unités de chargement dans le transport aérien (I.T.A.)

NOT. 13371 Advertising (Prentice Hall US)

NOT. 13372 Airline equipment needs and financing through 1985 (CAB)

NOT. 13373 An analysis of the effects of route restriction removal and discretionary authority : the transition to a less - regulated environment vol 1 (US DOT)

NOT. 13374 An analysis of the effects of route restriction removal and discretionary authority : the transition to a less-regulated environ. Vol II (idem)

390 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 13375 An analysis of the effects ... Vol. III : local service carrier profiles (idem)

NOT. 13376 Airline competition : a theoretical and empirical analysis (Univ. of California US)

NOT. 13377 Transportation - Facts § Trends (1) 1975 annual 36 p. July 76 (2) Source data (Transportation Associat. of America)

NOT. 13375 Canadian deep sea shipping policy and the merchant marine issue (Univ. Toronto/York Canada)

NOT. 13379 Aircraft crashworthiness : a blight or panacea and Mr Engineer, are you responsible ? (S.A.E.)

NOT. 13380 Aircraft kerosine US wide-cut fuel - safety considerations (idem)

NOT. 13381 Fuel conservative propulsion concepts for future air transports (idem)

NOT. 13382 Airport jet fuel handling and quality control (idem)

NOT. 13383 Passengers at major airports in Scotland and Central England (CAA G.B.)

NOT. 13384 Caribbean tourism - The economic impact of tourism (C.T.R.C. Antilles Néerlandaises)

NOT. 13385 Development prospects and options in the Commonwealth Caribbean (idem)

NOT. 13386 Etude de l'implantation de l'aéroport de Nantes (STBA)

NOT. 13387 Capacité du système aéroportuaire - Dispersion des attentes (STBA)

NOT. 13388 Aménagement des aérodromes secondaires destinés à l'aviation gale et aux lignes commerciales de 3° niveau (STBA)

391 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13389 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - Year ended June 30, 76 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13390 Address by K. Hammarskjold to corporate travel Association (New York) I.A.T.A. Suisse

NOT. 13391 Proceedings of the 1976 RTCA Assembly (Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics)


NOT. 13392 Rapport final sur l'étude de l'OCDE sur les besoins de transports de voyageurs entre grandes agglomérations européennes (Mme Coquand C.E.M.T.)

NOT. 13393 Evaluer la politique des transports (Presses Universitaires de Lyon)

NOT. 13394 La zone franc 1975 (Sec. Comité monétaire de la zone franc)


NOT. 13395 Airline corporate planning - A systematic approach towards an integrated model - part I (Univ. of London) (Imperial College of Science and Technology)

NOT. 13396 Airline corporate planning - A systematic approach towards... part 2 : towards a computeri .. (idem)

NOT. 13397 Aircraft configuration noise reduction - vol 1 - 2 - 3 (US DOT FAA)


NOT. 13398 Charterstatistik 1976 (Board of civil Aviation Financial Dept Suède)

NOT. 13399 1975 General aviation activity survey (US DOT FAA)

NOT. 13400 Mathematical approaches to evaluating aircraft vertical separation standards (FAA US)

NOT. 13401 Consultative planning conference on aircraft separation assurance : presentations (idem)

392 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13402 Les perspectives d'évolution du tourisme dans les pays membres de l'OCDE - avec réf. particulière aux pays méditerranéens (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 13403 Les perspectives de dévelop. du tourisme international dans les pays de l'OCDE 1975/1985

NOT. 13404 Entwicklung des internationalen Reiseverkehrs bis 1985 (Osterreichischen Instituts für Wirtschaftsforschung Austrian)

NOT. 13405 Development of holiday taking in Western European Countries travel yesterday and today - Holiday taking for every one or not ? (B.T.A. London)

NOT. 13406 Reisemarkt schweiz 1974/75 (Inst. für Remdenverkehr an der Hochschule St Gallen Suisse)

NOT. 13407 Auswertungs - bericht zur zweigs tellen - Fragebogen - Aktion 1973 (Osterreichische Fremdenverkehr Swerbung)

NOT. 13408 Reisegewohneiten der Osterreicher im Jahre 1975 (idem)

NOT. 13409 Ferie - Underskelsen 1974 (holiday survey 74) (Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway )

NOT. 13410 Canadian attitudes to Britain as a vacation destination - (B.T.A.)


NOT. 13411 On Japanese overseas air travelers - 10th survey 76 (Mainichi Shimbun Tokyo)

NOT. 13412 Interim statement on air passenger international transport policy in relation to tourism (E.T.C. Irlande)

NOT. 13413 Fritid 1975 (Danish Nat. Institute of Social Research Danemark)

NOT. 13414 Holiday survey 1970/76 (Central Bureau of Statistics Pays-Bas)

NOT. 13415 Urlanbreisen 1975 - Einige Ergebnisse der Reiseanalyse 75 (S.F.T. RFA)

393 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13416 Urlaubs - und Erholungsreisen 1972 - Reihe 8 - Reiseverkehr III - Fach serie F (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13417 Estudio del mercado turistico internacional en los paises donde se concentra la demanda hacia Espana y hacia su entorno competitor (Ministerio de Informacion y Turismo Espagne)

NOT. 13418 N° 9 - Boletin - Turismo interior en Espana (I.O.P.)

NOT. 13419 N° 10 - Boletin - A vueltas con las vacaciones (idem)

NOT. 13420 Boletin N° 11 - Los gastos de las vacaciones (idem)

NOT. 13421 Ferias dos Portugueses em 1976 (Ministerio do Comercio Externo)

NOT. 13422 Techniques for determining airport airside capacity and delay (W.E. Parsons M.D.D. US)

NOT. 13423 Technical report on airport capacity and delay studies (FAA US)

NOT. 13424 Le contrôle de gestion dans le cadre de la théorie des systèmes (Mohammed Kada Alger)

NOT. 13425 Les méthodologies de prévisions de trafic aérien de passagers (idem)

NOT. 13426 Localisation optimale des aéroports en Belgique (Editions du DULBEA Belgique)

NOT. 13427 Southern Europe § the Middle East Civil aircraft registers 1976 (Air Britain)

NOT. 13428 Biz jet 1977 (A.P.S. G.B.)

NOT. 13429 Télécommunications substizutability for travel : an energy conservation potential (G.P.O.)

NOT. 13430 Aircraft operating cost and performance report- FY 76 (C.A.B.)

394 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13431 Interim statement on Air Passenger Int'l Transp. Policy in relatio to tourism (Déclaration provisoire sur une politique des T.A. de personnes ...) (E.T.C. Irlande)

NOT. 13432 L'évolution du trafic aérien intérieur de passagers dans 15 pays du monde de 1955 à 1975 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 13433 Local Service Air Carriers' Unit Costs - volume I (CAB)


NOT. 13434 Local Service Air Carriers' Unit Costs - vol II (idem)

NOT. 13435 Reason in the Air - Towards a balance of international aviation needs (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13436 Testimony of Mr Harding § Laurrence, Chairman § President Braniff Airways Inc. (Braniff US)

NOT. 13437 Chiang Mai - A program for expanding the airport - P.A.T.A. US

NOT. 13438 Pacific Marketing Development Seminars - May - December 1973 (P.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13439 An Introduction to Marketing § its application to tourism (idem)

NOT. 13440 SAEI - Mission de la Recherche - A.T.P. Socio-économie des transports - Le dével. de l'aviation gale (Centre de Recherches et d'Etudes sociol. appliquées à la Loire)

NOT. 13441 War air svc program resource report CY 1977 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13442 Commission d'enquête sur l'utilisation des fonds publics alloués aux entreprises privées ou publiques de construction aéronautique (Ass. nationale)


NOT. 13443 Proposed local svc air carrier's unit costs for estimating total servicing expense and return on investment and tax allowance (C.A.B.)

395 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13444 Airline personnel productivity - a comparative study (Mc Kinsey § Company Pays Bas)

NOT. 13445 Aircraft types and prices (Lloyd's London Aviat. dept)

NOT. 13446 A basic guide to exporting (US Dpt of Commerce )

NOT. 13447 CTDC market view (C.T.D.C. Japon)

NOT. 13448 THe develop. of the intra-european charter market and its relevance in projecting trends in other world markets (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13449 Wind shear and turbulence around airports (A.R.A. of Princeton US)

NOT. 13450 Le voyage d'affaires (Librairie du Commerce Int'l)

NOT. 13451 Covos - rapport final - sté Météo de France

NOT. 13452 Un tourisme pour la Corse (mission interministérielle d'aménage. de la Corse)

NOT. 13453 Le dévelop. technologique de l'Algérie (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 13454 Les systèmes de financement des crédits à l'exportation dans les pays membres de l'OACI (OCDE)

NOT. 13455 Military aviation forecasts fiscal years 77/88 (FAA US)

NOT. 13456 Aviation forecast FY 77/88 (idem)

NOT. 13457 US air carrier accidents involving fire - 1965 through 1974 and factors affecting the statistics (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 13458 The ABC of travel (Travel Weekly US)

NOT. 13459

396 Archives nationales (France)

Ilyushin IL-18 - Airliners N° 14 (Airline Publications § Sales G.B.)

NOT. 13460 Chronology of hijackings of U.S. registered aircraft and current legal status of hijackers - as of Jan. 1, 1977 (FAA US)

NOT. 13461 Comments on the study "consequences of deregulation of the scheduled air transportation industry" (G.A.O. US)

NOT. 13462 Aviation economics - Joint hearings before the subcomit. on investigations and review and the subcomitte on Aviation of the Committee on Public works and transp. House of Representatives US


NOT. 13463 The airline fleet planning process - A thesis for the degree master of science in transportation (Northwestern University Illinois)

NOT. 13464 Concurrence et qualité de service - Analyse N° 17 (DGAC)

NOT. 13465 Airport landside capacity (special report N° 159) (T.R.B. Nat Academy of Sciences US)

NOT. 13466 Night disturbance from aircraft noise at Heathrow and Gatwick (Dept of Trade CAP - HMSO London)

NOT. 13467 1975 patterns of foreign travel in the US (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 13468 L'immigration en France en 1975 (doc française)

NOT. 13469 Industrie française (tome II) (Documentation française)

NOT. 13470 Electricité de France - Entreprise nationale, industrielle et commerciale (idem)

NOT. 13471 Les villes françaises : Nancy et son agglomération (idem)

NOT. 13472 Les villes françaises : Perpignan (idem)

397 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13473 L'horaire variable - rapport de la mission d'étude en Allemagne et en Suisse (idem)

NOT. 13474 L'horaire variable au Québec - rapport d'enquête (idem)


NOT. 13475 Domestic industry passenger demand forecast 1974-2000 Trunk § Regional carriers (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 13476 International air travel - Industry passenger demand forecast - US/related traffic 1976-2000 (idem)

NOT. 13477 Probability of bird aircraft collisions based on radar data (Nat. Research Council Canada)

NOT. 13478 Automatic Radar Equipment to determine bird strilec probability - Part II (Nal Res. idem)

NOT. 13479 Gyrophane Pilot - Written fest guide - Private § Commercial (FAA US)

NOT. 13480 Tourism policy in Britain - The case for a radical reappraisal (Economist Intelligence Unit G.B.)

NOT. 13481 Sudameris - Etudes économiques N° 3 - situation écon. du Pérou

NOT. 13482 Sudameris - Etudes économiques N° 4 (sup. Avril 1977) Situation économique de la Bolivie (idem)

NOT. 13483 Aviation futures to the year 2000 (FAA US)

NOT. 13484 U.S. Airborne Trade 1967-1976 (Lockheed Market Research Associate US)

NOT. 13485 Demand forecasting in tourism (Institute of Economic Research Bangor)

NOT. 13486 Informations sur les tarifs et conditions d'application du système de redevances de route Ed. 1..4.77 - 1.11.75 1.1.74 (Eurocontrol)

NOT. 13487 The European charter airlines (M.D.D. US)

398 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13488 Information circular on the Civil Aviation Council of Arab States (CACAS)

NOT. 13489 Memorandum d'accord/statuts § Association et règlement intérieur avec autres documents statutaires conformément aux modifications à la 6° assemblée générale annuelle à Conakry (Guinée) (AFRAA)

NOT. 13490 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au dével. de l'économie nationale des Etats africains (OACI)


NOT. 13491 CAFAC - 4° session plénière extraordinaire (CAFAC)

NOT. 13492 Trafic aérien int'l non régulier de passagers - Afrique 1973-1974 (idem)

NOT. 13493 Réunion sous régionale Afrique centrale sur la coopération et l'intégration des cies aériennes (CAFAC)

NOT. 13494 World air traffic forecast 1977 (Lockheed - Market Res. § Planning US)

NOT. 13495 A review of short haul passenger transportation (Nat. Academy of Sciences US)

NOT. 13496 Australia, New Zealand and the SW Pacific Islands Civil aircraft registers 1977 (Air Britain)

NOT. 13497 Tourisme et environnement - Séminaire de Tunis (B.I.T.S.)

NOT. 13498 The Danish Tourists Market and travel trade (Scandinavian Media Danemark)

NOT. 13499 A conceptual basis for the national tourism policy study - Hearings - 94th congress, 2nd session (G.P.O.)

NOT. 13500 Discount fare policy - Statements of general policy - Federal register - Tuesday, May 24, 77 Part VII (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13501 1977 Charter flight directory - How to fly for less (T.I.B. Travel Infor. Bureau US)

399 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13502 Air Taxi - The official handbook of the (ATOA) Air Taxi operators association 76/77 (A.T.O.A. G.B.)

NOT. 13503 Etude de l'infrastructure aéroportuaire de Belgique - Rapport de synthèse - Min. des Communications Belgique.

NOT. 13504 Noise data from the first Eight months of scheduled concorde operations at Heathrow airport - London (CAA)

NOT. 13505 Concorde - the story of the world's most advanced passenger aircraft (Phoelous Publ. Co G.B.)

NOT. 13506 Considerazion : sulla progettazione degli aeroporti fuori costa (Automobile Club d'Italie)

NOT. 13507 Future commercial aircraft and the airport city environment (A.O.C.I.)

NOT. 13508 New commercial aircraft development (A.O.C.I.)

NOT. 13509 A statistical study of mid-air collisions involving public transport and executive jet aircraft 1946-1975 worldwide (CAA G.B.)

NOT. 13510 An aircraft manufacturer's operational safety program (M.D.D. US)

NOT. 13511 35th annual maritime review and yearbook issue (Marine Engineering Log revue US)

NOT. 13512 International air transport - yesterday's concepts... to morrow's crises (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13513 Airline delay trends 1973-1974 - A study of block time delays ground and airborne for shceduled air carriers (US DOT)


NOT. 13514 Passengers denied confirmed space FY 76 § 75 (CAB US)

NOT. 13515

400 Archives nationales (France)

Trakline carrier domestic passenger emplanements (idem)

NOT. 13516 Air transport 1977 (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 13517 Air carrier cabin safety - a survey (FAA US)

NOT. 13518 Airport visibility measuring systems elements of deployment cost analysis (US DOT)

NOT. 13519 Criteria and procedures for making route and svc decisions by Amtrak (US Congress Senate)

NOT. 13520 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Panama (Vergal W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13521 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Ecuador (idem)

NOT. 13522 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Bolivien (idem)

NOT. 13523 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Brasilien (idem)

NOT. 13524 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Birma (idem)

NOT. 13525 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Thailand (idem)

NOT. 13526 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Sri Lanka (idem)

NOT. 13527 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Indonesien (idem)

NOT. 13528 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Turkei (idem)

NOT. 13529 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Griechenland (idem)

NOT. 13530 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Polen (idem)

401 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13531 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Sierra Leone (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13532 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Ghana (idem)

NOT. 13533 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Angola (idem)

NOT. 13534 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Gabun (idem)

NOT. 13535 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Uganda (idem)

NOT. 13536 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Marokko (idem)

NOT. 13537 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Athiopien (idem)

NOT. 13538 Ethiopia on the road of non - Capitalist development (Ungarian Academy of Sciences US)

NOT. 13539 Comment économiser l'énergie dans les transports - Etude interministérielle de rationalisation des choix budgétaires vol 1 2 3 (S.A.E.I.)


NOT. 13540 Pour le plein emploi et la stabilité des prix (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 13541 Situation économique de l'Argentine (Sudameris)

NOT. 13542 Toward new heights (C.B.I. Paris)

NOT. 13543 IATA regional passenger traffic forecasts 1976-1982 Scheduled international services (Suisse)

NOT. 13544 World airline fleets handbook 1977 (Air Britain)

NOT. 13545 THe Boeing 727 (idem)

402 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13546 US register review 1977 (idem)

NOT. 13547 Civil aircraft registers of Scandinavia (1976) (idem)

NOT. 13548 Comment bien utiliser le transport aérien régional - Un guide pratique pour les usagers - 67 villes desservies. (CONATEF)

NOT. 13549 Aérospatiale (Dossier le Bourget 1977)

NOT. 13550 Aviation 1977 - N° hors série (Excelsior Publications) (Sciences et Vie)

NOT. 13551 Annual survey - R and D spending for 600 compagnies (Mc Graw Hill Building US)

NOT. 13552 Les transports - Tendances et questions particulières - (C.C.T. Canada)


NOT. 13553 Bilan du transport aérien régional en 1976 (C.T.A.R.)

NOT. 13554 Le tourisme néerlandais en France - Mémoire de maîtrise de spécialité Session 76 (Marielle Villard)

NOT. 13555 Signification du tourisme international - Fait et acte social (C.N.R.S.)

NOT. 13556 Le commerce extérieur des régions Provence-Alpes - Côte d'Azur et Corse 1976 (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 13557 Forecast of the general aviation air traffic control environment for the 1980's (C.B.I. Paris)

NOT. 13558 Technologiesfor the air transport of tomorrow (idem)

NOT. 13559 Lower airline costs per passenger are possible in the United states and could result in lower fares (G.A.O. US)

403 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13560 Profiles of scheduled air carrier operations by stage lenght for FAA regions and top 100 US airports (FAA US)

NOT. 13561 Technical and economic assessment of span-loaded aircraft concepts (C.B.I. )

NOT. 13562 Advanced productivity analysis methods for air traffic control operations (US DOT)


NOT. 13563 Concorde noise levels - Report by a working group of the Council (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 13564 Prévisions du trafic aérien des aéroports d'Europe occidentale - volume II Paris (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 13565 International air travel - Industry passenger demand forecast - US related traffic 76-2000 (A.T.A.)

NOT. 13566 Domestic industry passenger demand forecast 1974-2000 Trunk § regional carriers - Techn. report (idem)

NOT. 13567 Forecasts of worldwide aviation activity (FAA US)

NOT. 13568 Part 139 - FAA regulations - Certification and operations land airport serving CAB - certificated air carriers (idem)

NOT. 13569 1975 national travel expenditure study (US Travel Data Center)

NOT. 13570 The impact of travel on state economies 1975 (idem)

NOT. 13571 Trafic marchandises entre l'Italie et les autres pays d'Europe - Années 1972 à 1975 (U.I.C.)

NOT. 13572 Statistiques du trafic international de voyageurs - Trafic TEE - Résultats par relation (rel. importantes) Années 74 et 75 (idem)

NOT. 13573 Statistiques du trafic international de voyageurs - Trafic TEE - Analyse des résultats des enquêtes - Semaine octobre 75 (idem)

404 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13574 Statistiques du trafic inter. des voyageurs - Trafic ferroviaire ville-ville - année 74 à 75 (idem)

NOT. 13575 Statistiques du trafic inter. des voyageurs - Détail du trafic ferroviaire par réseau de départ - total tous itinéraires 75 (idem)

NOT. 13576 Statistiques du trafic inter. des voyageurs - Détail du trafic ferroviaire par réseau de départ - année 75 (idem)

NOT. 13577 Statistiques du trafic inter. des voyageurs - Trafic aérien (régulier et non régulier) - Por relation de pays à pays et de ville à ville - Année 1960, 65, 1970 à 75 (idem)

NOT. 13578 British Independant Airlines since 1946 - vol 4 (Merseyside Aviation Liverpool Airport)

NOT. 13579 Le nouvel Economiste N° hors série 1976 - classement des premières stés françaises et européennes (Paris)

NOT. 13580 Cour des comptes - rapport au Président de la République 1977 (J.O.)

NOT. 13581 The world's telephones as of January 1st, 1976 (AT § T. Long Lines US)

NOT. 13582 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kamerun (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13583 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kuba (idem)

NOT. 13584 Statistiques du trafic inter. des voyageurs - Trafic ferroviaire de réseau à réseau 1962 à 75 (U.I.C.)

NOT. 13585 Temps de parcours à destination de Paris - Bordeaux - Lyon Marseille etc... note technique explicative - 12 cartes par réseau (Centre d'Etudes Tech. de l'Equipement)

NOT. 13586 Pour une politique régionale de l'amélioration du transport collectif - Rapport d'orientation ... (OREAM Nord)

NOT. 13587

405 Archives nationales (France)

Une politique des transports dans un pays européen : l'exemple de la Finlande (I.T.A.)


NOT. 13588 Classification des aérodromes permettant de déterminer les moyens de sauvetage et de lutte contre les incendies d'aéronefs 76 Tomes de 1/5 à 5/5) (S.T.N.A)

NOT. 13589 Pipe airport system (Alitalia)

NOT. 13590 Les nouvelles formes de tourisme int'l à longue distance (Université Strasbourg)

NOT. 13591 America's freight system in the 80's and 90's but how to get there ? US DOT

NOT. 13592 World aerospace in 1977 - Financial times forum (G.B.)

NOT. 13593 World aerospace in 1977 - Financial " forum (conference M. Cavaillé) (idem)

NOT. 13594 The effect of uncontrollable circumstances on airline costs (idem)

NOT. 13595 Air France et l'évolution du transport aérien international (idem)

NOT. 13596 World aerospace in 77 - Financial times forum - Exposé Mr Adnan N. Bseisu (idem)

NOT. 13597 World aerospace in 77 - Exposé Mr Enver Jamall (idem)

NOT. 13598 World aerospace in 77 - Financial times forum - exposé Mr R.A.Smith (idem)

NOT. 13599 WOrld aerospace in 77 - Financial times forum - exposé de Mr L. Hewitt (idem)

NOT. 13600 Small airliners into the eighties - World aerospace conference financial times (idem)

NOT. 13601 A banker's view of the world airline and aerospace industry - a decade of challenge (idem)

406 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13602 World aerospace in 77 - Financial times forum - Exposé Mr Yard ley (idem)

NOT. 13603 World aerospace in 1977 - Financial times forum - Exposé Mr Tobias (Financial times Bracken House G.B.)

NOT. 13604 Great potential for increased air travel by Americans seen in coming decade - World aerospace forum in 77 - Financial times (idem)

NOT. 13605 World aerospace in 1977 - Exposé Mr Kitchen (idem)

NOT. 13606 World aerospace in 1977 - Financial times forum - Exposé Mr Beswick (idem)

NOT. 13607 Where is the world aerospace industry leading for the rest of the decade ? Conf. world aerospace (idem)

NOT. 13608 World aerospace in 1977 - Financial times forum - conf. Mr Buley (idem)

NOT. 13609 The better way - World aerospace in 77 - Conference Mr Mc Donnel (idem)

NOT. 13610 CFM international - a model for international aerospace cooperation - World aerospace 77 (idem)

NOT. 13611 World aerospace 77 - Exposé Mr Robins (idem)

NOT. 13612 World aerospace 77 - Financial times forum - exposé Mr Torell (idem)

NOT. 13613 As an engine man sees it. World aerospace in 77 - conf. Mr Worsham (idem)

NOT. 13614 World aerospace in 77 - Financial times forum - exposé Mr Boileau (Financial times)

NOT. 13615 Pilot workload and fatigue : a critical survey of concepts and assessment techniques (C.B.I.)

NOT. 13616 Forecasting models for air freight demand and projection of cargo activity at US air hubs (US DOT)

407 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 13617 IATA regional freight traffic forecasts 1976-1981 scheduled int'l services (IATA)

NOT. 13618 Middle East Aviation (Flight Int'l G.B.)

NOT. 13619 European airports survey - revision (Interiavia Data)

NOT. 13620 Etude des attitudes du public à l'égard de la compagnie Air Inter

NOT. 13621 Etude motivationnelle sur la clientèle actuelle et future d'Air INter - rapport final

NOT. 13622 Statistiques du trafic int'l des voyageurs - Trafic "automobiles accompagnées" (U.I.C.)

NOT. 13623 SITRAM - Système d'information sur les transports de marchandises - Résultats généraux trafic int'l et intérieur 1975 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 13624 La circulation routière - Faits et chiffres 1976 (U.R.F.)

NOT. 13625 Allgmeine stat. des auslandes - Malawi (Verlag W. kolhammer)

NOT. 13626 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Niger (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13627 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Jemen, Arab Rep. (idem)

NOT. 13628 Allgemeine stat. " auslandes - Ungarn (idem)

NOT. 13629 Les voies et moyens d'expansion économique des territoires d'Outre Mer et Pacifique (J.O.)

NOT. 13630 Summary findings - Vacation travel by Canadians in 1976 US Travel Svc.

NOT. 13631 Airports quotas and peak hour pricing : theory and practice (FAA US)

408 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13632 Airports quotas and peak hour pricing - analysis of airport network impacts (idem)

NOT. 13633 Estimation of UG3RD delay reduction - final report - (idem)

NOT. 13634 Summary of national transportation statistics - US DOT

NOT. 13635 Energy statistics - A supplement to the summary of nat. transportation statistics - Annual report (idem)

NOT. 13636 Le transitaire (Librairie du Commerce INt'l)

NOT. 13637 Les compagnies aériennes multinationales (A Tempesta) Avocat à la Cour Rome

NOT. 13638 Glossary of air transportation terms - 1st edition - C.A.B.


NOT. 13639 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - Dec 31, 1976 (idem)

NOT. 13640 Les transports face à la crise (Editions techniques et économiques)

NOT. 13641 L'implantation des principales cies aériennes à Roissy Conséquences sur les coûts d'exploitation et perspectives d'évolution (Gérard Charrier Univ. Paris Nord)

NOT. 13642 Demands and needs of future transporation - Part I - Air Transportation - C.B.I.

NOT. 13643 European travel commission - Transatlantic Research seminar - London (B.T.A.)

NOT. 13644 Les activités réalisées par l'Office National du Tourisme Burundi

NOT. 13645 The Swi "loo" (S.W.I. Svc World International US)

NOT. 13646

409 Archives nationales (France)

Dimensions for airline growth 1960-75 - commercial airline traffic with forecasts to 1991 (Boeing)

NOT. 13647 A profile of airline svc in the 48 contignous states, June 1st 1975 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13648 Foreign trade 1976 (P.N.Y.A. US)

NOT. 13649 The feasibility, practicability and cost of the sound proofing of schools, hospitals and public health facilities located near airports - FAA US

NOT. 13650 Airport system planning - Airport inventories - SOutheast Michigan - Airport System Planner

NOT. 13651 Night disturbance from aircraft noise at Heathrow and Gatwick (B.A.A. GB)

NOT. 13652 Les départements français - Saône et Loire (Documentation française)

NOT. 13653 Les villes françaises Avignon (idem)

NOT. 13654 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mosambik (V. W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13655 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Argentinien (idem)

NOT. 13656 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Singapour (idem)

NOT. 13657 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Mongolei (idem)

NOT. 13658 Public benefits provided by the local svc industry (Ass. of local Transport Airlines US)

NOT. 13659 Local service air carrier's unit costs - March 31, 1977 (C.A.B. US)


NOT. 13660 Airports in great Britain : time for government to act. An ABCC response to the Dpt of Trade's two-part consultation document "an airport strategy for great Britain.

410 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13661 Aircraft operational experience and its impact on safety and survavibility - June 76 (ONERA)

NOT. 13662 Motifs psychologiques qui guident les usagers (OCDE)

NOT. 13663 Aménagement du temps au cours de l'existence (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 13664 Rapport sur les intentions des canadiens en matière de voyages en 1977 (bilingue - report on travel intentions..) (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 13665 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Transports fluviaux de marchandises pour compte d'autrui - 1974 (Ministère de l'Equipement)

NOT. 13666 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Auxiliaires des transports maritimes 1974 (idem)

NOT. 13667 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Transports routiers de marchandises 74 (idem)

NOT. 13668 Les entreprises de transport routier en 1969 - les réseaux urbains de transports en commun de 64 à 71 (INSEE)

NOT. 13669 Les comptes intermédiaires des entreprises - en 71 - 72 - 73 et 74 et 75 (idem)

NOT. 13670 Plan 1977 - 1981 (Aéroport Paris)

NOT. 13671 Passengers denied confirmed space CY 1976 and 1975 (CAB US)


NOT. 13672 Some problems of Canadian regional air carriers - Transp. seminar conference (Dept of Civil Engineering Canada)

NOT. 13673 Factors to be consided ed in airline scheduling (idem)

NOT. 13674

411 Archives nationales (France)

Le modèle nord-américain de production et de consommation des matériels aérospatiaux - Sa projection au niveau mondial par les partenaires américains, et ses conséquences sur l'organisation du marché mondial ... (Aérospatiale)

NOT. 13675 Le consommateur européen - Ses préoccupations, ses aspirations, son information (J.O.)

NOT. 13676 Communication - A reflection on the main themes discussed during the Frankfurt seminar (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13677 Formation et communication aeroportuaires - Compte rendu du séminaire (idem)

NOT. 13678 Les avantages de l'interaction université-industrie-rôle de la formation Point 3 de l'ordre du jour (idem)

NOT. 13679 Qu'entend-on par formation des personnels aéroportuaires ? Point 1 du jour (idem)

NOT. 13680 La rentabilité de la formation - Point 2 de l'ordre du jour (idem)

NOT. 13681 Adaptation optimale au trafic des différents systèmes de formation - Point 4 du jour (idem)

NOT. 13682 Philosophie de la communication dans les deux sens - Point 5 du jour (idem)

NOT. 13683 L'aéroport dans son environnement humain - Ordre du jour - A.G. compte rendu (idem)

NOT. 13684 Rapport sur la formation : gestion des ressources humaines et politique de formation 1° session de travail (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13685 Réflexions sur la politique et l'économie du transport 2° session de travail (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13686 Le "televator" - nouveau système de transport des passagers à l'intérieur des aéroports 2° session de travail (idem)

NOT. 13687 Aéroport de Mirabel - Concept de base sur l'utilisation de véhicules transbordeurs - 2° session (idem)

NOT. 13688 Nouveaux essais de JAL - Le transport au sol à grande vitesse - 2° session - 17° congrès annuel - VIenne (idem)

412 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13689 Equipements aéroportuaires futurs et incidences particulières sur les passagers et le personnel dans les pays en voie de dével. (idem)

NOT. 13690 Les besoins du contrôleur 2° session de travail (idem)

NOT. 13691 Gestion et formation du personnel - rapport annuel 76/77 2° session de travail (idem)

NOT. 13692 Gestion et formation du personnel - catalogue des stages de formation des personnels d'aéroport 77/78 (idem)

NOT. 13693 Commission permanente - informatique - rapport annuel 76/77 2° session (idem)

NOT. 13694 Commission permanente informatique - systèmes d'information opérationnelle pour les aéroports - idem

NOT. 13695 Commission permanente - relations publiques - rap. annuel 76/77 (idem)

NOT. 13696 Commission permanente : activités commerciales - rap. annuel 76/77 2° session de travail 17° congrès annuel Vienne (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13697 Groupe de travail - Assurance - Rapport annuel 76/77 - (idem)

NOT. 13698 Les différents systèmes de gestion des aéroports - Présentation gale - 3° Session de travail (idem)

NOT. 13699 Direction commune compagnie aérienne/Aéroport - 3° ses. (idem)

NOT. 13700 Aéroport desservant deux villes - 3° session (idem)

NOT. 13701 Aéroports des pays en voie de développement - 3° session de travail (idem)

NOT. 13702 Problèmes d'une industrie nationalisée (idem)

NOT. 13703

413 Archives nationales (France)

Problèmes d'un grand aéroport américain - idem

NOT. 13704 Problèmes des passagers handicapés physiques (idem)

NOT. 13705 Dialogue entre l'aéroport et les communautés environnantes 3° session (idem)

NOT. 13706 L'aéroport - Réalité humaine - L'expérience de Roissy/Charles de Gaulle 3° session (idem)

NOT. 13707 Relations avec les autorités locales (idem)

NOT. 13708 L'aéroport et son environnement - 3° session (idem)

NOT. 13709 Aéroport et relations humaines - l'expérience de l'IAAI - 3° session de travail - 17° congrès annuel - Vienne (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13710 L'aéroport et le problème du bruit (idem)

NOT. 13711 Relations entre aéroports et compagnies aériennes - 3° session de travail (idem)

NOT. 13712 Problèmes d'un grand aéroport international (idem)

NOT. 13713 Problèmes dans un pays en voie de dévelopment (idem)

NOT. 13714 Report on communication - 1° session de travail - idem

NOT. 13715 Airlines and disbled travellers (I.C.T.A.) Suède

NOT. 13716 Management planning models (Flight Transportation Associates US)

NOT. 13717 Flughafen Frankfurt MainAG airconsult 1977/78 (Aéroport Francfort)

NOT. 13718 Bristish airports - Consultancy services (B.A.A. GB)

414 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13719 Airport land b anking - Report of the secretary of Transportation to the United states congress pursuant to section 26 of the Airport and Airway Development Act Amendments of 76 (FAA US)


NOT. 13720 Establishment of new major public airports in the United states - Act amendments of 1976 (FAA US)

NOT. 13721 Satellite airports : analysis of development potential (FAA US)

NOT. 13722 Special air safety advisory group report - 94th congress March 24 and 25, 1976 US Congress.

NOT. 13723 Take off, approach and landing accident prevention - 29th annual int'l air safety seminar (F.S.F. US)

NOT. 13724 1976 Agifors proceedings - Vol XVI (Eastern Airlines Miami Int'l Airport)

NOT. 13725 De la sagesse dans l'air - vers un équilibre des besoins de l'aviation internationale (IATA)

NOT. 13726 Consumer perceptions regarding firs class and coach airline seating (University of Colorado US)

NOT. 13727 European communities - Session 75/76 - fifty-first report from the select Committee of the House of Lords (HMSO)

NOT. 13728 Coût 1977 de 19 aéroports étrangers et 12 aéroports français fréquentés par la compagnie (Air France)

NOT. 13729 Econometric estimates of the demand for air travel - Analysis of business travel over routes to the United Kingdom (Univ. of Birmingham)

NOT. 13730 Forecasts of commuter airlines activity (US DOT)


NOT. 13731 Selected statistics US General Aviation 1959-1975 (idem)

415 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13732 Intergrierte langfristprognose für die Verkehrsnachfrage im güter - und Personenverkehr in der Bundes republik Deutschland bis zum Jahre 1990 - Band II (DIFW RFA)

NOT. 13733 Evolution du parc automobile et prévisions pour 1980 dans 25 pays européens (Marketing Systems GmbH)

NOT. 13734 Snecma (Bd Victor)

NOT. 13735 Guide professionnel des voyages et du tourisme - 4° édition (Editions Icotecnica)

NOT. 13736 The impact of travel on state economics 1975 - Travel Data Center US

NOT. 13737 Interpreters and co-ordinators of tourism demand - A pilot study of new destination planning by a small cross-section of UK tour operators (I.T.A.)

NOT. 13738 Conseil des impôts - Rapport du Président de la République (J.O.)

NOT. 13739 Pour comprendre l'indice des prix (O.E.P.)

NOT. 13740 Statistiques et indicateurs des régions françaises - Annexe du projet de loi de finances pour 77 (idem)

NOT. 13741 Atlaseco 1977 (Le nouvel observateur)

NOT. 13742 Council urges noise charges to reduce airport noise (Executive Office of the President US)

NOT. 13743 Rapport du secrétaire général de l'OMT à la 2ème assemblée gale de l'organisation (O.M.T.)


NOT. 13744 Reform of the economic regulation of air carriers (US Congress)

NOT. 13745 Projet loi de finances pour 78 - Equipement et aménagement du territoire IV : Transports Aviation c. et météo (Journal officiel)

416 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13746 Commentaires de la CEAC sur l'étude conjointe CEE - CEMT - OCDE sur les transports interurbains en Europe faction 33 (CEAC)

NOT. 13747 Plan 1978-1982 (Aéroport de Paris)


NOT. 13748 Le programme du tourisme et l'OTC (Canadian Governement Office of Tourism)

NOT. 13749 L'industrie aérospatiale européenne - situations et chiffres (C.E.E.)

NOT. 13750 The voice of transportation consumer. A report to the secretary of transp. on nationwide consumer public heasings conducted by the office of consumer affairs 1971-1974 (C.B.I.)

NOT. 13751 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Pakistan 1977 (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13752 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Sambia 1977 (idem)

NOT. 13753 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Chile " (idem)

NOT. 13754 L'industrie française du pétrole répond : au rapport fait par M. Julien Schwarz, Député, au nom de la commission d'enquête parlementaire (Union des Chambres syndicales de l'Industrie du Pétrole)

NOT. 13755 The Viking, Valetta and Varsity (Air Britain)

NOT. 13756 The DH 104 dove and DH 114 Heson (idem)

NOT. 13757 The Bristol 170, Britannia, Canadair CL-28 and CL-44 (idem)

NOT. 13758 Development plan 1974-1978 - Republic of Kenya - Part I and part II (Govern. Printer)


417 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13759 Local service carrier passenger enplanements - FY 1976 § 1975 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13760 Promotion des zones aéroportuaires - Guide méthodologique pour l'aménagement des zones d'activités aéroportuaires (U.C.C.E.G.A.)

NOT. 13761 Stapleton international airport capacity improvement study. (US DOT)

NOT. 13762 Internationaler Tourismus Daten und Analysen (AMK RFA)

NOT. 13763 Tour development evaluation study - France (Dept of Commerce - US Travel Svc)

NOT. 13764 La contribution de la recherche économique aux décisions de politique des transports - 7° symposium int'l sur la théorie et la pratique dans l'économie des transports (C.E.M.T.) Thème 1 : évaluation de la demande transp. de voyageurs

NOT. 13765 La contribution ... idem Thème 1 : évaluation de la demande - transport de marchandises (idem)

NOT. 13766 La contribution de la recherche économique aux décisions de politique des transports - idem .. Thème 2 : optimisation de l'utilisation des réseaux (CEMT)

NOT. 13767 La contribution de la recherche économique ... Thème 2 : optimisation de l'utilisation des réseaux (idem)

NOT. 13768 La contribution de la recherche économique ... Thème 3 : choix des priorités d'investissement sous l'angle théorique (idem)

NOT. 13769 La contribution de la recherche économique ... Thème 3 : choix des priorités d'investis. sous l'angle pratique (idem)

NOT. 13770 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Jordanien (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13771 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kolumbien (idem)

NOT. 13772 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Zaïre (idem)

418 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13773 Desserte aérienne et aménagement du territoire (DATAR)

NOT. 13774 Enquête sur l'utilisation des véhicules de transport routier de marchandises 1975 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 13775 Travel characteristics in cities of developing and developed countries (Banque Mondiale)

NOT. 13776 Spatial structure of bird flocks (Nat. Research Council Canada)

NOT. 13777 1976 US Exports of civil aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts and accessories by country of destination (A.I.A. US)

NOT. 13778 Productivity and employment costs in system operations of the trunk airlines and Pan American from 1957 through 1976 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13779 Statistiques du trafic non régulier enregistré dans les états de la CEAC - Année se terminant le 31.10.76 (OACI)

NOT. 13780 Attitudes of upper income Americans toward vacationing in Guat Britain or Europe - Gallup Organization US)


NOT. 13781 Projets de voyages des américains (Canadian Gunt Office of Tourism)

NOT. 13782 A survey on cabin cruising holidays on the Shannon (Irish Tourist Board Ireland)

NOT. 13783 Hotel survey 1975 (idem)

NOT. 13784 Choisir ses loisirs - Rapport commission d'étude présidée par Jacques Blanu (Doc française)

NOT. 13785 A study of aircraft towing as proposed for Boston-Logan international airport (FAA US)

NOT. 13786

419 Archives nationales (France)

Gal aviation dynamics - Vol I et II (US DOT)

NOT. 13787 Project BILCOM - An assessment of the demand for the use of both official languges in Canadian domestic air/ground communications (CDT Canada)

NOT. 13788 Aircraft operating cost and performance report - for calendar year 75 and 76 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13789 Die situation des Luftverkehrs im vergleich zu den bodengebundenen verkehrsmitteln unter besonderer Berücksichtigung energetischer Probleme (Univ. Tec. Berlin)

NOT. 13790 Tarif des redevances - Aéroports Nice et Cannes (CCI de Nice et des Alpes Maritimes)

NOT. 13791 THéorie des graphes et analyse économétrique - application au tourisme dans les pays de la communauté éco. européenne (Univ. Aix)

NOT. 13792 Worl tourism overview 76/77 annual data - Travel § Leisure USA


NOT. 13793 Jahrbuch fur Fremdenverkehr 1975 (D.W.I.F. RFA)

NOT. 13794 Départs en voyages des résidents des pays membres (OMT Espagne)

NOT. 13795 Die stellung des Reiseverkehrs in der gesamwirtschaft (Osterreichisches ... Autriche)

NOT. 13796 Les vacances de la population belge en 1972 (Ministère des Affaires économiques Bruxelles)

NOT. 13797 Tourisme - leisure 1976 (TuristKonsult a Sundelin AB Suède)

NOT. 13798 International tourism and strategic planning (B.T.A. GB)

NOT. 13799 Survey of overseas motoring visitors to Britain - B.T.A.GB

NOT. 13800

420 Archives nationales (France)

An assessment of B.T.A. information services in Frankfurt (idem)

NOT. 13801 Reaktion des touristischen kon sumverhaltens auf veränderte wirtschaftliche determinanten (D.W.I.F. RFA)

NOT. 13802 Finnish holiday habits and foreign holidays (F.T.B. Finlande)

NOT. 13803 Tourist development programme 1975/85 completed (idem)

NOT. 13804 Die voranssichtliche Entwicklung der Nachfrage nach Personenverkehrsleistungen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland bis zum Jahre 1980 (I.F.O. RFA)

NOT. 13805 Voransschätzung der Bevölkerung für die Jahre 1966 bis 2000 (Wirtschaft und statistik revue)

NOT. 13806 Flugtourstik vor der krise ? (Handelsblatt (revue))

NOT. 13807 Tourismus der Deutschen 1968 - Jahrbuch für Fremdenverkehr (revue) (D.W.I.F.

NOT. 13808 Dansk turisme 1980/85 ? Danmarks turistrad

NOT. 13809 Danish tourism 1980-1985 - T.I.R. London

NOT. 13810 Superficies requises pour satisfaire les besoins de détente et de santé publique dans les pays du Marché Commun en 1980 (Univ. Aix)

NOT. 13811 Le tourisme dans le bassin méditerranéen - Evolution et prévisions (Univ. Aix)

NOT. 13812 Tourism and air transportation planning guide for the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan 1975/85 (Ministry of Tourism and Antiquités Jordanie)

NOT. 13813 The five year development plan 76/80 (idem)

NOT. 13814 Etablissement d'une brochure portant sur les lignes directrices de la méthodologie applicable pour la mise en pratique des prévisions conjoncturelles (O.M.T. Espagne)

421 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 13815 Méthodologie applicable pour la mise en pratique des prévisions conjoncturelles (idem)

NOT. 13816 Air traffic forecasts for Western Europe - Association des Aéroports de l'Europe de l'Ouest Belgique

NOT. 13817 Air traffic forecasts for Western Europe (idem)

NOT. 13818 What is the most probable impact of relaxation of charter restrictions on airline industry (Boeing)

NOT. 13819 The European I.T. Charter market (Lockheed USA)

NOT. 13820 Charterstatistik 1.1.77 au 1.6.77 (Board of Civil Aviation Suède)

NOT. 13821 Proposed local svc air carrier's unit costs for estimating total servicing expense and return on investment and tax allowance (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13822 Trunkline carrier domestic passenger emplanements (idem) 76 and 75

NOT. 13823 Facts and figures (A.E.A. Belgique)

NOT. 13824 Proceedings of the 4th intersociety conference on transportation (A.S.M.E. US)

NOT. 13825 NASA/GELAC LFC aircraft mission definition - NASA US


NOT. 13826 Draft ECAC comments on the joint EEC/ECMT/ OECD study on inter-city transport in Europe (CEAC)

NOT. 13827 Perspectives des transports terrestres rapides de voyageurs en Europe (I.R.T.)

NOT. 13828 Euroeconomics - int'l business monitor N° 5 (Eurofinance)

422 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13829 The home economy - interpreting the investment intentions data (N.I.E.R.)

NOT. 13830 Weltkonjunktur 75 - 76 (Institut für Weltwirschaft RFA)

NOT. 13831 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise transports fluviaux de marchandises pour compte d'autrui (Min. de l'Equipement)

NOT. 13832 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Auxiliaires des transports maritimes 1975 (idem)

NOT. 13833 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Les transports urbains et routiers de voyageurs 75 (idem)

NOT. 13834 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Auxiliaires des transports terrestres 75 (idem)

NOT. 13835 Europe 1990 - TOurism (idem)

NOT. 13836 Le transport aérien de marchandises - Perspectives de trafic des grands aéroports de province vol 1 et 2 (S.E.T.E.C.)

NOT. 13837 Taux de croissances économiques 74/85 (6 sources) pour 9 pays européens - Enquête I.T.A.

NOT. 13838 Enquête I.T.A. sur les prévisions de trafic air-fer 75/77/79/81/83/1985 auprès des organes nationaux pour 12 pays européens (idem)

NOT. 13839 Analyse du marché de voyage à forfait aérien et part d'ACI (S.E.P.P.R.A.C. Montreuil)

NOT. 13840 La clientèle potentielle des charters - Etude N° 2 Note de synthèse (COFREMCA)

NOT. 13841 Le marché des voyages aériens NOrd-Atlantiques (PNYA US)

NOT. 13842 Le marché français des voyages à l'étranger (Air France)

NOT. 13843

423 Archives nationales (France)

Réflexions sur la formation et le recrutement du personnel navigant technique (CTAF)

NOT. 13844 Emploi et rémunération du personnel navigant technique (idem)

NOT. 13845 Work measurement and standard costs-Seminar (BANK OF AMERICA)

NOT. 13846 Utilisation du transport aérien de fret par les milieux industriels (Aérop. de Paris)

NOT. 13847 Evaluation du trafic de fret qui échappe aux aéroports français (idem)

NOT. 13848 Raisons ayant conduit Peugeot à choisir la voie aérienne pour le transport des voitures en éléments détachés entre la France et le Nigéria (Aéroport de Paris) Forum fret 1977 - 4° séance.

NOT. 13849 Comparaison des coûts de distribution selon les modes de transport -Quelques exemples (idem)

NOT. 13850 Prise d'un créneau de marché nouveau à l'aide d'un produit conçu en fonction de son mode de transports : les stations de traitement d'eau potable Hydrex (idem)

NOT. 13851 Fret aérien et caractéristiques commerciales particulières d'un marché ; ex. la mode et le marché de la chaussure (idem)

NOT. 13852 Le fret aérien , élément de la politique marketing d'une firme (idem)

NOT. 13853 En quoi un transitaire groupeur peut-il aider une entreprise dans sa politique commerciale d'exportation ? (idem)

NOT. 13854 Place du transport aérien dans le décloisement économique de l'Afrique (idem)

NOT. 13855 Perspectives d'investissements de l'Arabie Saoudite selon les modes de transport : terre, air, mer (idem)


NOT. 13856 Rôle logistique d'un aéroport int'l pour une entreprise : réseau, stockage, manutention (idem)

424 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13857 Part du transport aérien selon les produits : comparaison Allemagne, Grande Bretagne, France (idem)

NOT. 13858 Pénétration d'un marché nouveau par la voie aérienne : comment faire face à une circonstance commerciale nouvelle (Aéroport Paris)

NOT. 13859 Vue sur l'évolution technologique prévisible du transport aérien de fret : ses conséquences sur la distribution physique des produits (résumé) (idem)

NOT. 13860 Le fret aérien à travers l'expérience d'une importante société d'électronique française (idem)

NOT. 13861 Airfreight services and tariffs facing the industrialist exported needs (idem)

NOT. 13862 Local svc carrier passenger enplanements FY 1976 and 1975 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 13863 Cargo aircraft requirements 1980-2000 (Lockheed US)

NOT. 13864 Air Transport demand 2000 through a glass darkly (British Airways)

NOT. 13865 Domestic and world trends (1980/2000) affecting the future of aviation (C.B.I.)

NOT. 13866 Constraints on air transport growth - Availability of capital as a possible constraint on air transport growth (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13867 Constraints on air transport growth - Government constrictions on airline devel. Agenda item N° 14 Doc N° 3 (idem)

NOT. 13868 Constraints on air transport growth - The availability of jet fuel over the next two decades (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 13869 Study of the cost/benefit tradeoffs for reducing the energy consumption of the commercial air transportation system (C.B.I.)

NOT. 13870 Contribution à l'étude des réseaux de services non-réguliers dans la région Europe-Méditerranée (I.T.A.)

425 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13871 Etude des facteurs ayant une influence sur la demande touristique et conduisant à la redistribution des flux touristiques (O.M.T. Espagne)

NOT. 13872 Statistiques du Tourisme - 1976 (idem)

NOT. 13873 Rapport sur les données statistiques concernant les recettes au titre du tourisme int'l et compte rendu des méthodes dans 63 pays (idem)

NOT. 13874 Propositions pour l'établissement des options futures du programme général de travail de l'organisation (idem)

NOT. 13875 Rapport du secrétaire général de l'OMT, M. Robert C. Lonati, à la 2ème AG de l'organisation (idem)


NOT. 13876 Role, function and future of the motorcoach in the tourist market in Czechoslovakia (I.R.U. Suisse)

NOT. 13877 The role, function and future of the motorcoach in the tourism market of Switzerland (idem)

NOT. 13878 Role, function and future of the motor coach on the tourist market in the Federal Republic of Germany (idem)

NOT. 13879 Role, function and future of the coach industry in the tourism market of great Britain (I.R.U. Suisse)

NOT. 13880 Hotel prospects to 1980 (N.A.D.O.)

NOT. 13881 Prontuario economico del turista - Spesia giornaliera del viaggiatore in 42 paesi (Centro per la statistica Aziendale Italie)

NOT. 13882 Airport traffic operations information system guide - (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13883 Les transports en France 1975 et 1976 - 14° rapport de la Commission des Comptes des Transports de la Nation (Min. de l'Equipement)

426 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13884 Résolutions du conseil des ministres des transports et rapports approuvés en 1976 vol II (CEMT)

NOT. 13885 Collective ratemaking in trucking - The public - interest rationale (Jesse J. Friedman US)

NOT. 13886 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Portugal (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13887 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tschechoslowakei (idem)

NOT. 13888 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Costa Rica (idem)

NOT. 13889 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tunesien (idem)

NOT. 13890 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Tansania (idem)

NOT. 13891 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Nepal (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 13892 Faits et chiffres 1977 (Le Nouvel Observateur)

NOT. 13893 France - Etudes économiques (OCDE)

NOT. 13894 Ass. Nationale - Projet de loi de finances pour 1978 Rapport : aviation civile - Doc parl. N° 3131 annexe 21 (Ass. Nationale)


NOT. 13895 Ass. Nat. projet loi finances 78 - avis - aviation civile - doc. parlementaire N° 3152 tome XXI (idem)

NOT. 13896 Ass. Nat. projet 78 - rapport - Transports terrestres - et section commune - Annexe 20 Doc parl 3131 (idem)

NOT. 13897 Ass. Nat. projet 78 - avis - Transports terrestres - Doc parl 3152 tome XX (idem)

NOT. 13898

427 Archives nationales (France)

Ass. Nat. projet 78 - rapport - marine marchande - doc parl N° 3131 annexe 22 (idem)

NOT. 13899 Ass. Nat. projet 78 - avis - marine marchande - doc parl N° 3152 Tome XXII (idem)

NOT. 13900 Ass. Nat. projet 78 - Aménagement du territoire - Doc parl. N° 3131 annexe 16 (idem)

NOT. 13901 Ass. Nat. projet 78 - Aménagement du territoire - Doc. Parl. N° 3152 Tome XVI (idem)

NOT. 13902 Ass. Nat. projet 78 - rapport - tourisme - Doc parl. N° 3131 annexe N° 11 (idem)

NOT. 13902 Ass. Nat - projet loi 78 - rapport - tourisme - Doc parl. N° 3131 annexe N° 11 (idem)

NOT. 13903 Ass. Nat - projet loi 78 - avis - tourisme - Doc parl. 3152 tome XV (idem)

NOT. 13904 Ass. Nat - projet loi 78 - rapport - D.O.M. Doc parl. N° 3131 annexe 27 (idem)

NOT. 13905 Ass. Nat. projet loi 78 - Avis - D.O.M. Doc par. 3152 tome IV (idem)

NOT. 13906 Ass. Nat. Projet loi 78 - Avis - D.O.M. Doc parlementaire 3151 tome IV (idem)

NOT. 13907 Ass. Nat. Rapport T.O.M. Doc parl 3131 annexe 28 (idem)

NOT. 13908 Ass. " avis - T.O.M. Doc. parl 3152 tome XIX (idem)

NOT. 13909 Ass. Nat. avis - T.O.M. Doc. parl 3151 tome V (idem)

NOT. 13910 Réunion pour le développement du mouvement touristique vers les Départements et Territoires d'Outre Mer (Sec. d'Etat aux DOM-TOM)

NOT. 13911 Voyager par la route - l'autocar apporte-t-il une solution ? (A.I.T.)

NOT. 13912 Réunion technique tripartite de l'aviation civile - Rapport I (B.I.T. Suisse)

428 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13913 Réunion technique tripartite de l'aviation civile - Rapport II : la sécurité et l'hygiène du travail dans l'aviation civile (idem)

NOT. 13914 Réunion technique tripartite ... Rapport III : la sécurité de l'emploi dans l'aviation civile (B.I.T.)


NOT. 13915 Turbine-engined fleets of the world's airlines (Exxon Intern. US)

NOT. 13916 Terminal area forecast 1978/88 (US DOT)

NOT. 13917 Master plan - Logan international airport (Massachusetts. Port Authority US)

NOT. 13918 Transcription of remarks at remarks at wing club, New York (Eastern Airlines US)

NOT. 13919 Génération et prévision des voyages d'affaires en France (1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 12. 13 points traités) (O.T.A.M.)

NOT. 13920 Transport aérien régional quasi monopole d'une compagnie (Paul Madier Chef du GEP - Bar le Duc)

NOT. 13921 Les transferts état-industrie en France et dans les pays occidentaux (Doc française)

NOT. 13922 Colloque sur le redéploiement industriel (Doc. française)

NOT. 13923 Le budget de 1977 - idem

NOT. 13924 Les départements français - La Sarthe (Doc. française)

NOT. 13925 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Madagaskar (Verlag W. kohlhammer)

NOT. 13926 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Peru (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

429 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13927 Implementation plan for an air transportation research information service - FAA US

NOT. 13928 Rationalization of the European air net (Univ. of California US)

NOT. 13929 Airport and air transport planning (Nat Academy of Sciences T.R.B. US)

NOT. 13930 Value of Travel time (idem)


NOT. 13931 Air freight policy (C.A.A. GB)

NOT. 13932 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au développement des économies nationales d'états africains (CACI)

NOT. 13933 L'occupation touristique d'une bande côtière et ses conséquences écologiques (Commissariat gal au Tourisme Belgique)

NOT. 13934 Méthode de prévision à court terme des flux touristiques (bilingue : methodology for short term forecasts of tourism flows (Office de Tourisme du Canada)

NOT. 13935 Les transports maritimes 1976 (OCDE)

NOT. 13936 Choix économiques liés aux migrations internationales de main d'oeuvre - le cas européen (idem)

NOT. 13937 Aircraft industry capacity study (C.B.I.)

NOT. 13938 Transporte aereo internacional (su coyuntura actual) (Instituto de Estudios Turisticos Argentine)

NOT. 13939 Dificultades practicas a que debe hacer frente el pronosticador (idem)

NOT. 13940 Five year tourism development plan 1976-1980 (Gal Board of Tourism and Fairs Libye)

430 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13941 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au dévelop. des économies nationales d'états africains (OACI) - Niger

NOT. 13942 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviat. c. peut apporter ... Mali (idem)

NOT. 13943 Etudes visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviat. C. peut apporter ... République Centrafricaine (idem)

NOT. 13944 This is Nigeria - A handbook for visitors (N.T.A. Nigeria)

NOT. 13945 Air fares in Europe - A study by AEA Belgique

NOT. 13946 9th intermediate session - 31 August - 2 Sept 77 (CEAC)


NOT. 13947 Renseignements techniques sur la conversion acoustique (idem)

NOT. 13948 Aircraft community noise impact studies (DOuglas aircraft)

NOT. 13949 Enquête sur le comportement des passagers - Aéroport Marseille Marignane (S.T.B.A)

NOT. 13950 Desserte aérienne de la Savoie - Enquête sur le comportement des passagers (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 13951 Zone d'influence d'un aérodrome d'aviation légère - enquête (idem)

NOT. 13952 Coûts d'exploitation des aéroports de province (idem)

NOT. 13953 les transports et l'activité de la conférence (CEMT OCDE) Vol 1 - Rap gal d'activité année 76

NOT. 13954 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances 1978 - Aviation civile - Rapport - Annexe 16 IV - Transports Aviat. civile et météo-Doc Parl. 88 (Sénat)

431 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 13955 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 1978 - Aviation civile - Avis - Doc parl N° 90 (idem)

NOT. 13956 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 1978 - Territoires d'outre mer - rapport annexe 31 Doc. parl n° 88 (idem)

NOT. 13957 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 1978 - Aménagement du territoire - avis - doc parl. n° 90 tome IX (idem)

NOT. 13958 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 1978 - Aménagement du territoire - rapport - annexe n° 24 - Doc parlementaire n° 88 (idem)

NOT. 13959 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 1978 - Transports terrestres - rapport - annexe 15 Doc parl 88 (idem)

NOT. 13960 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 1978 - Transports terrestres - avis - Doc parlementaire n° 90 Tome XVI (idem)

NOT. 13961 Sénat - Projet de loi de finances 78 - Routes et voies navigables - avis - Doc parlementaire N° 90 tome XI (idem)

NOT. 13962 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - Marine marchande Rapport - annexe 17 doc parl 88 (idem)

NOT. 13963 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - Marine " avis - doc parl 90 Tome XVIII (idem)

NOT. 13964 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - Ports - rapport annexe 14 Equip. et aménagement du territoire - I Equip. et logement Ports - Doc parl. 88 (idem)

NOT. 13965 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - Ports maritimes Avis doc parl. 90 tome XII (idem)

NOT. 13966 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - Défense section air - avis - doc parl. n° 91 tome VII (idem)

NOT. 13967 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - tourisme - rapport annexe n° 7 - doc parl. n° 88 tome III (idem)

432 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13968 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - Tourisme - avis doc parl. n° 90 tome XIV (idem)

NOT. 13969 Sénat - projet de loi de finances 78 - Départements d'outre mer - rapport annexe 8 doc parl. n° 88 (idem)

19910257/396 NOT. 13970 Concorde supersonic transport aircraft - Final environ. impact statement - vol I et vol II (US DOT)


NOT. 13971 ICAA Formation et communication aéroportuaire - Ordre du jour (ICAA Orly)

NOT. 13972 ICAA Comment la communauté aéroportuaire peut-elle tirer parti de l'information et de la formation diffusée par les aéroports ?

NOT. 13973 Information dans la communauté aéroportuaire compagnies, passagers, presse (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 13974 ICAA - l'aéroport communique avec son personnel (idem)

NOT. 13975 ICAA - Image de marque de la formation professionnelle (idem)

NOT. 13976 ICAA - La formation et la communication aéroportuaire (idem)

NOT. 13977 ICAA - The airport in communication with its own personnel - The problems of human nature.

NOT. 13978 ICAA - La formation professionnelle aéroportuaire, élément indispensable à la sécurité et à l'efficacité d'exploitation des compagnies aériennes (idem)

NOT. 13979 ICAA - La formation aux métiers aéroportuaires vue par les différents partenaires (idem)

NOT. 13980 Les besoins en matière de formation d'un organisme aéroportuaire (idem)

NOT. 13981 An operational evaluation of OMEGA for civil aviation oceanic navigation (FAA US)

433 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13982 Estimation of UG3RD costs (Dept of Transportation FAA US)

NOT. 13983 Airport facility quening model validation - US DOT

NOT. 13984 Airline delay trends 1974-1975 - A study of block time delays ground and airborne for scheduled air carriers (US DOT)

NOT. 13985 Profiles for international passengers at US airports 1976 (US DOT)

NOT. 13986 European air fares - A discussion document (CAA Royaume Uni)


NOT. 13987 Regimal air carriers study (Canadian Transp. Commission)

NOT. 13988 Isolated communities digest of transportation social and economic data (Cana. Transport Commission)

NOT. 13989 The future economic opportunity for air transport (Trans World Airlines USA)

NOT. 13990 Transportation energy conservation data book Edition 2 (U.S.D. of Energy USA)

NOT. 13991 Les villes françaises - Caen et son agglomération - (Doc française)

NOT. 13992 Notes et études documentaires - L'Europe de l'Est en 1976 (idem)


NOT. 13993 Le courrier des pays de l'Est - Le commerce de la France avec les pays de l'Est en 1970 - 76 (idem)

NOT. 13994 Les tarifs aériens de marchandises Analyse et tendances (1973-1976) I.T.A.

NOT. 13995 UK Imports - UK Exports (2 fascicules) H.M. Customs § Excise Statistical Office)

434 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 13996 Nouvelles possibilités de développement du tourisme (Conseil supérieur du Tourisme)

NOT. 13997 Le plan national du tourisme 1976-1980 (Corporacion de Turismo de Venezuela)

NOT. 13998 Résultats de l'étude de satisfaction des touristes américains 1976-1977 (Office de dével. du Tourisme de la Polynésie Française)

NOT. 13999 Estimates of capacity and delay for proposed runway systems : Schiphol Airport Amsterdam (M.I.T. Cambridge)

NOT. 14000 A computer simulation of Tampa International's Airport Lanside terminal and shuttles (idem)

NOT. 14001 An economic analysis of congestion tollo at commercial airports (idem)

NOT. 14002 An analytical study of advanced terminal area air traffic management and control (idem)

NOT. 14003 Wide body aircraft demand potential at metropolitan Washington airports (idem)

NOT. 14004 Travel '77/'78 - The big picture (ASTA Travel News)


NOT. 14005 The frequency of Airline services in large market competition or network effect ? (idem)

NOT. 14006 General Aviation dynamics - An extension of the cost impact study to include dynamic interactions in the forecasting of general aviation activity - vol II (FAA US)

NOT. 14007 General Aviation dynamics - vol IV Data Base (idem)

NOT. 14008 Tour Wholesaler industry study (American Express)

NOT. 14009 Voyages d'agréments des canadiens en 1976 (Canadian govern. Travel Bureau)

435 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14010 Northeastern Illinois 1995 - Airport system - Implementation study/ priority statement (Chicago Area)

NOT. 14011 Commission africaine de l'aviation civile - 5° session plénière (CAFAC Sénégal)

NOT. 14012 Current market outlook - November 1977 (Boeing Commercial Airplane Co)

NOT. 14013 L'automobile en l'an 2000 (Federation Internationale de l'Automobile)

NOT. 14014 Elaboration de spécifications de conception propres à réduire le risque d'incendie consécutif à un accident pour les aéronefs de toutes catégories (OACI)

NOT. 14015 Study to determine the application of aircraft - source control systems to future on my aircraft (CB 1)

NOT. 14016 Surface roughness measurements by using low resolution FM-CW radar altimeters (JAAB - SCANIA AB. Suède)

NOT. 14017 Some characteristics of frequency measuring FM-CW-radar altimeters operating above a rough ground surface (idem)

NOT. 14018 On the theroy of radar altimetry above rough surfaces (JAAB-SCANIA-AB Suède)

NOT. 14019 A computer generated image system for real time simulation (idem)


NOT. 14020 Financial aspects of UK Airports symposium papers (Polytechnic of Central London)

NOT. 14021 Intercity passenger transport in Canada - A review of existing intercity passenger transport systems (Commission canadienne des Transports)

NOT. 14022 Air Freight Charges (idem)

NOT. 14023 Air Cargo commodity classification (idem)

436 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14024 THe domestic air freight forwarding industry (idem)

NOT. 14025 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Fraiz Guayana (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14026 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Algerien (idem)

NOT. 14027 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Bangladesch (idem)

NOT. 14028 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Indien (idem)

NOT. 14029 Allgemeine stat. des auslandes - Kenia (idem)

NOT. 14030 Travel and tourism adverting expenditures in US measured media (Harris, Kerr Forster § Co US)

NOT. 14031 Market planning to increase travel agency projects (Michigan State University)

NOT. 14032 The economic significance of tourism within the European Community (B.T.A. London)

NOT. 14033 Tourism multipliers in Britain (English Tourism Board)

NOT. 14034 Eight report from the committee of public accounts Session 76-77 (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 14035 1977 a Time for Commuters - Annual report N° 5 (CAA of America)

NOT. 14036 General aviation dynamics - An extension of the cost impact study to include dynamic interaction in the forecasting of general aviation activity vol III (FAA US)

NOT. 14037 Projet de loi de finances pour 1978 - Ministère de l'Equipement et de l'aménagement du territoire - Présentation du budget sous forme de "Budget de Programmes (Imprimerie Nationale)


437 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14038 Projet de loi de finances pour 1977 - Ministère de l'Equipement et de l'aménagement du territoire etc..(idem)

NOT. 14039 Projet de loi de finances pour 1976 - Ministère de l'équipement et de l'aménag. du territoire etc.. (idem)

NOT. 14040 Résultats Enquête passagers - Annuelle 76/1977 (Air Inter)

NOT. 14041 Résultats Enquête passagers - Annuelle 1975/76 (idem)

NOT. 14042 The US Airline Industry from 1977 to 2000 (A7A Washington)

NOT. 14043 Multi-year programming of Airport grant funds (Transport. Research Board)

NOT. 14044 Air passenger distribution model for a multi-airport system, calibrated on inflight survey data (idem)

NOT. 14045 Helicopter airport access systems (Stanford University)

NOT. 14046 Quantitative methods for analyzing travel behaviour of individuals : some recent developments (University of California USA)

NOT. 14047 A model to estimate commuter airline demand in small cities (T.R.B. US)

NOT. 14048 Issues in Aviation demand forecasting - The aircraft manufacturers viewpoint (idem)

NOT. 14049 Distributing air cargo within the Baltimore-Washington Bi-Region (Johns Hopkins University)

NOT. 14050 A planning system for local air service (University of Pittsburg)

NOT. 14051 Tourism trends to 1980 (B.T.A. INF G.B.)

NOT. 14052 Board Failte - Marketing programme 1977 (Irish Tourist Board)

438 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14053 Tourism leisure 76 (Bergovägen 6 Suède)

NOT. 14054 Kontiv 76 - Untersuchung Uber Fernverkehr Endbericht (Sozialforschung Brög RFA)

NOT. 14055 Plan Nacional de Desarrollo Turismo (Subsecretaire de Planificacion Madrid)


NOT. 14056 Lector de Turismo - Plano 1977/80 - Relatorio Final (Ministerio do Comercio Externo Lisboa)

NOT. 14057 Essai d'évaluation des besoins hoteliers d'ici 1980 (Promotour)

NOT. 14058 L'Organisation du tourisme - séminaire int'l - Istambul XI 1975 (O.M.T. Madrid)

NOT. 14059 Economic review of world tourism 1976 Edition (idem)

NOT. 14060 Rapporto al Consiglio Nazimale dell'Economia e del Lavoro sull 'evoluzione congiunturale dell'economisa italiana nell'autunno del 1976 e nel primo semestre del 77 (Istituto Najionale per 10 studio della congiumtura)

NOT. 14061 SITRAM : résultats généraux trafic intérieur et international 1976 (S.A.E.I.)

NOT. 14062 Panel of expects on the machinery for the establisment of int'l fares and rates (OACI)

NOT. 14063 Preparing for 1984 (A.T.A. US)

NOT. 14064 The airline industry earnings in Perspective (idem)

NOT. 14065 General information Brazilian Aeronautical Industry 1977 (Embraer Brazil)

NOT. 14066 Budget voté de 1977 - Equipement - Transports III - Aviation civile et météo. (Imprimerie Nat.)

NOT. 14067

439 Archives nationales (France)

The airlines of Southan Asia (Douglas aircraft Co)

NOT. 14068 Crash survival design guide (C B 1)

NOT. 14069 Les comptes nationaux du tourisme - Etude méthodologique 1° partie : les dimensions économiques du phénomène touristique (SORADE)

NOT. 14070 Le transport maritime - Etudes et statistiques 1977 (CCAF) Comité Central des Amateurs de France.


NOT. 14071 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation can make to the devel. of the national economies of african states (OACI) Uganda

NOT. 14072 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviat... Tanzania (idem)

NOT. 14073 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviat... Tchad (idem)

NOT. 14074 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviat... Zaire (idem)

NOT. 14075 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviat... Sénégal (idem)

NOT. 14076 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviat... Madagascar (idem)

NOT. 14077 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation etc... Cameroun (idem)

NOT. 14078 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation can make to the devel. of the national economies of african states (Congo) (OACI)

NOT. 14079 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation etc... (Mauritius) (idem)

NOT. 14080 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation etc... Cap-Vert (idem)

NOT. 14081

440 Archives nationales (France)

Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation etc... Gabon (idem)

NOT. 14082 Studies to determine the contribution that civil aviation etc... Guinée (idem)

NOT. 14083 Manuel des recommendations de la CEAC relatives aux questions techniques (CEAC)

NOT. 14084 Les français et leurs vacances - Etude par sondage voyage conseil/SOFRES (Voyage Conseil)

NOT. 14085 Centre des hautes études touristiques Essai n° 12 - Bibliographie Tour operators, agences de voyage distribution des voyages (Université d'Aix)

NOT. 14086 Centre des hautes études touristiques Essai n° 14 - Biblio. - Tourisme d'affaires et tourisme de congrès (idem)

NOT. 14087 Highlights of vacation travel by Canadians in 75 in the United states (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 14088 The 80's its impact on travel and tourism marketing (T.T.R.A. Utah)

NOT. 14089 Eté 1978 - Comment réussir les départs en vacances ? (Minist. de l'Equipement et de l'Aménag. du Territoire)


NOT. 14090 Aéroport de Paris - III Redevances.

NOT. 14091 Aéroport de Paris - II Textes d'intérêt général.

NOT. 14092 Foreign direct investments in the United States 1976 Transactions - Allformes - 1974-1976 Acquisitions, .. and equity increases (US Dept of Commerce)

NOT. 14093 Aircraft operalisy costs and performance report Fiscal Year 1977 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14094 Trends in Market shares, revenues and yields scheduled services - Domestic trunks and local service carriers 1966-1976 (idem)

441 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14095 Problèmes des transports entre la CEE et les pays de l'Est Avis (CEE Bruxelles)

NOT. 14096 1977 Registers of Germany D - DM (Air Britain)

NOT. 14097 Lockheed L-188 electra and Orion (idem)

NOT. 14098 Registers of Guatemala and Belize (Air Britain)

NOT. 14099 FUAAV - Actes du 9e congrès Naples 10-14 Novembre 1975

NOT. 14100 FUAAV - Actes du 10° congrès Colombo 18-22 Octobre 1976

NOT. 14101 FUAAV - Actes du 11° congrès Miami 20-25 Nov. 1977.


NOT. 14102 Etude vis. à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au dével. des économies nationales des Etats africains (OACI) Guinée Bissan

NOT. 14103 Etude visant à déterminer la ocntribution que l'aviation civil.peut apporter au dével. des économies nationales des Etats africains - Sao Tomé et Principe (idem)

NOT. 14104 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile .... Liberia (idem)

NOT. 14105 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Rwanda (idem)

NOT. 14106 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile .... Nigeria (idem)

NOT. 14107 1977 Statistical Data (Gal Aviation Manufacturer Association US)

NOT. 14108 Emergency escape of Handicapped air travellers (FAA US)

442 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14109 Inhalation toxicology : I Design of a small animal test system - II : Determination of the relative toxic hazards of 75 aircraft cabin materials (idem)

NOT. 14110 The 1975 accident experience of civilian pilots with static physical defects (idem)

NOT. 14111 Vers l'établissement d'un nouvel ordre économique int'l Notes et édudes documentaires N° 4412-4413- 4414 (Doc. française)

NOT. 14112 Les DREAM et l'aménagement du territoire 1966-1976 (idem)

NOT. 14113 Les départements français : Haute Loire (Auvergne) Notes et édudes documentaires N° 4415-16-17 (Doc franc.)


NOT. 14114 Les redevances aéroportuaires - Etude ITA 77/6 (I.T.A.)

NOT. 14115 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au dével. des économies nationales des états africains (OACI) Mauritanie

NOT. 14116 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Botswana (idem)

NOT. 14117 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Gambia (idem)

NOT. 14118 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Lesotho (idem)

NOT. 14119 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Ethiopia (idem)

NOT. 14120 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile .... Mozambique (idem)

NOT. 14121 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Zambie (idem)

NOT. 14122 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Kenya (idem)

443 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14123 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Sierra Leone (idem)

NOT. 14124 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile peut apporter au dével. des économies nationales des états africains (OACI) - Somalia

NOT. 14125 Etude visant à déterminer la contribution que l'aviation civile ... Swaziland (idem)

NOT. 14126 Policy applications of research on the develo. and evaluation of air fares on the north atlantic (Tarifs - Politique du transport aérien) (University of California)

NOT. 14127 A study of commuter air service (NASA)

NOT. 14128 Commuter airline the digest (C.Airline Association of America)

NOT. 14129 Le transport aérien français Air France - Air Inter - U.T.A. (C.T.A.F.)

NOT. 14130 The development of tourism in the Netherlands Retrospection and Prospects (N.R.I.T.)

NOT. 14131 Air France sur le marché japonais des voyages à l'étranger (Air France)

NOT. 14132 Impact économique de l'aéroport, emplois nés, flux d'argent (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 14133 Les cahiers du tourisme (tourisme, dével. et aménagement l'exemple de Puerto-Rico) (Université d'Aix)

NOT. 14134 La zone franc en 1976 (Comité monétaire de la zone franc)

NOT. 14135 The int'l airfreight rating structure (CCI Paris)


NOT. 14136 Air Freight priorities for shippers airlines and forwarders (CCI Paris)

444 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14137 More public consultation on airport plans (Airport forum)

NOT. 14138 The future of european passenger transport. An analysis of the OECD study on European intercity passenger transport (A.E.A.)

NOT. 14139 Factors affecting the corporate division making process of air transport manufacturers (Battelle Columbus Lab.)

NOT. 14140 Report on modelling the demand for freight transport (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 14141 Transport and the capital markets (idem)

NOT. 14142 Economic relations of Africa with the socialist countries (Institute for World economies of the Hungarian Academy of Science (Hongrie)

NOT. 14143 Le dirigeable du transport et de travail aérien - programme de développement - Le dirigeable et les opérations de surveillance cotières (Trans Consult)

NOT. 14144 Essai de mesure du marché réel des vols moyens courriers à la demande ayant touché la France métropolitaire en 76 (Air France)

NOT. 14145 Le tourisme dans les départements et territoires d'Outre-Mer 1973-76 (Secrétariat d'état au tourisme)

NOT. 14146 Compositun and travel characteristics of airborne passagers on domestic services (Central PLanning Office Suva Fiji)

NOT. 14147 L'impact du transport aérien sur l'économie française (I.T.A.)

NOT. 14148 Zur Psychologie der Angebotsgestaltung in Fremdenverkehr (Studienkreiss RFA fur Tourismus)

NOT. 14149 Urlaubsreisen 76 Einige Ergebnisse der Reiseanalyse 76 (idem)

NOT. 14150 Bauwerksochwingung infolge nichtstationäzer Erregung (Mr P. Klippel - Technische Universität Berlin)

445 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14151 Untersuchung über grundlangen, Septemaule : gung und An wendbarkeit von Infrarot - Sichtsystemen für die zivile Luftfahrt (Olaf Peters - Technische Universität Berlin)


NOT. 14152 Le tecniche aeroportual moderne e il vigente regime organizzativo (Aigasa Italie)

NOT. 14153 Landerkurzbericht - Elfenbeinküste (Côte d'Ivoire) - Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14154 Bibliography - Airports october 1977 (FAA US)

NOT. 14155 Report of the seminar on tourism in Nepal August 5-6 1976 (Ministry of Tourism Nepal)

NOT. 14156 Development of Tourism in Pakistan 1975-83 (idem)

NOT. 14157 Wind shear modeling for aircraft hazards definitions (idem)

NOT. 14158 Devel. of a fire protective overgarment for use by air carrier flight attendants (idem)

NOT. 14159 Parlement européen documents de séance 1977-1978 de séance 1977-78 (CEE)

NOT. 14160 Bermuda 2 - A discussion of its implication (Aeronautical Journal Feb. 1978)

NOT. 14161 Monitoring airline performance - Aeronautical journal Feb. 78.

NOT. 14162 Competitive restraints on air travel : ground modes and telecommunications (idem)

NOT. 14163 The contribution of telecommunications to the conservation of energy resources (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14164 British Airways An analysis of efficiency and cost levels (US DOT)

446 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14165 The concorde results of a supersonic aircraft's entry into the U.S. (NTIS)

NOT. 14166 Effective fuel conservation program would save millions of gallous of aviation fuel (idem)

NOT. 14167 Analysis of flight equipment purchasing practices of representative air carriers (NASA)

NOT. 14168 Requirements for short medium range aircraft of the 1980's (A.E.A.)

NOT. 14169 Why the Federal Airline Subordy Program needs revision : civil aeronautics Board (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14170 Talk to the New York society of security analysts. New-York city feb. 2, 1978 (idem)


NOT. 14171 Part 241 of the economic regulations of the CAB uniforme systeme of accounts and reports (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14172 Special study emergency locator transmitters an overview (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 14173 Evaluation of materials and concepts for aircraft fire protection (Boeing commercial) Seattle..

NOT. 14174 1977 Survey Results Airline Passenger Association (A.P.A.)

NOT. 14175 Progrès en aéronautique - Bulletin OACI Février 88

NOT. 14176 Mexico a study of the international travel market (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 14177 Civil Aviation Bill etc... (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 14178 A thinking persons' guide to Entry/Exit deregulation in the airline industry (Transporation Law Journal)

NOT. 14179 Civil aviation - The civil aviation authority regulations 1972 (H.M.S.O.)

447 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14180 Airport profiles - Arab Aiports 1977/1978 (M. Momberger RFA)

NOT. 14181 Airport profiles - Middle East Airports (idem)

NOT. 14182 Short-haul Air Passenger Data Sources in the US (NASA)


NOT. 14183 Procedings - 1978 Travel Outlook Forum (T.T.R.A.)

NOT. 14184 Taxing travel and entertainement - The economic impact of the President's 1978 tax proposals on business travel and entertainment (US Travel Data center)

NOT. 14185 Establishing criteria for category II instrument landing system (ILS) (FAA US)

NOT. 14186 Etude sur la situation économique de l'Europe 1976 - 1ère partie : l'écon. européenne en 76 (ONU)

NOT. 14187 Etude sur la situation économique de l'Europe 1976 - 2ème partie (idem) Les plans quinquennaux pour 76-80 en Europe orientale et en Union soviétique.

NOT. 14188 The frequency of flying amony the general public (Gallup A.T.A.)

NOT. 14189 Venezuela - A study of the int'l travel market (US travel Service)

NOT. 14190 Les organisations de consommateurs et les pouvoirs publics (CEE)

NOT. 14191 Statistiques du travail - L'immigration en France en 76 (Minist. du Travail)

NOT. 14192 Europole - Section française - étude préliminaire - Association pour l'étude du projet Europole

NOT. 14193 Transports et aménagement du territoire - Doc. françaises

NOT. 14194

448 Archives nationales (France)

Organisation des transports régionaux de voyageurs (CEMT Table ronde n° 35)

NOT. 14195 Organization of regimal passenger transport (CEMT)

NOT. 14196 Australia - A Study of the international travel market (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14197 Comment economiser l'énergie dans les transports (Doc. française)

NOT. 14198 Potential for helicopter passenger service in major urban areas (Duke University Durham NOrth Caroline)


NOT. 14199 Integrierte Langfzist : prognose für die verkehrsnach ; frage im güter-und - Personenverkehr in der Bundesrepublik Dutschland bis Zum Jahre 1990 - Band II (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung Berlin - Dahlem)

NOT. 14200 Contraints unpred on tourism development (Congress Tourisme Transport Aérien)

NOT. 14201 Land utilization for tourism development (idem) URSS

NOT. 14202 Integration and development coordination (idem) Inde

NOT. 14203 Transport, airport, accomodation - an optimum size 2 (idem) Condor Flujdienst

NOT. 14204 Air transport as an energy uses and the flight against waste (idem) Aviation Civile Pays-Bas

NOT. 14205 The new consumer's attitude (idem) American Express

NOT. 14206 Specific needs of the developing countries (Mustapha fall - Depart. du Tourisme - Sénégal)

NOT. 14207 Information and reservation systems (OMT IATA J. Glories SITA)

449 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14208 The specific needs of developing countries (OMT - IATA Sir Harold Walker - Minist. du Tourisme Maurice)

NOT. 14209 Address by Dan A. Colussy Acting President (OMT IATA A Colussy PAA)

NOT. 14210 New concepts in tourism invertments (idem - Citybank)

NOT. 14211 Consumer research and the travel agent - Key elements in the marketing equation (H.B. Sarbin - Travel and Tourism idem)

NOT. 14212 The powth and saturation issues (Ministère du Tourisme Espagne)

NOT. 14213 The case of scheduled and supplemental air services (Off. Federal de l'Air Suisse)

NOT. 14214 Obstacles to the development of tourism (Minist. du TOurisme Venezuela)

NOT. 14215 Financial and economic environment of air transport (British Caledonian Airways)

NOT. 14216 The case of scheduled and supplemental air services (C.I. Taylor Air Canada)

NOT. 14217 The impact of air fares on the total tourism product (Cia Mexicana da Aviacion)

NOT. 14218 Opening message of Mi R.C. Lonati (C. Lonati)

NOT. 14219 Address by the secretary general of the World TOurism Organization Mr Robert C. Lonati.

NOT. 14220 Address by Mr Manuel de Prado President of IATA.


NOT. 14221 Statement to be made by the ICAO deserver at the 1st plenary meeting (OACI)

450 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14222 Tourism and Air Transport (K. Hammarskjold)

NOT. 14223 Address of Guillermo Rossell de la Lama - Secretary of Tourism of Mexico (Ministère du Tourisme Mexique)

NOT. 14224 Message from Mexico to the international conference on tourism and transport (Aeromexico)

NOT. 14225 Statement by European Travel Commission relating to the WTO/IATA int'l conference on tourism and air transport April 78 Mexico City.

NOT. 14226 Conference on tourism and air transport - Final resolution Grande-Bretagne.

NOT. 14227 Statement of the CAB presented by Alfred E Kahn chairman before the subcommittee on aviation of the House of Public works and Transportation Committee on etc... (CAB)

NOT. 14228 Stat. of the CAB presented by Alfred E. Kahn chairman before the sub. on aviation of the Senate Commerce Science and Transp. Comittee on United states int'l aviation negotations.

NOT. 14229 Paper presented by Alfred E Kahn chairman CAB at Northwertern University Evanston Illinois Nov. 6, 1977.

NOT. 14230 Presentation of the chairman of the CAB ... Fairmont Hotel New Orleans Nov 15, 77

NOT. 14231 Chairman's statement before the house appropriations subcommittee (A. Kahn CAB)

NOT. 14232 Statement of A. E. Kahn Chairman CAB before the aviation subcommittee of the House of Public Works and Transp. Committee on H/R 11145 March 6, 1978

NOT. 14233 Cargo aircraft requirements 1980-2000 (Lockheed Marietta Georgia)

NOT. 14234 Intermodal problems through bill of lading (D.O.T. Washington)

NOT. 14235 Int'l travel market reviews of selected major tourist generating countries Canada, Mexico, Japan, UK, etc... (US Department of Commerce)

451 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14236 Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the comit. on commerce USA - To revise the economic regulations of air transportation (C.A.B.)


NOT. 14237 Hearings before the sub. on aviation of the committee of commerce ... - To amend the federal aviation act of 1958 to bring about the ... (idem)

NOT. 14238 Hearings before the sub. on aviation of the committee of commerce ... - To amend the bring about the phared .. (idem)

NOT. 14239 Italy - A study of the international travel market (US Travel Service)

NOT. 14240 Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the committee on commerce US a Senate - To terminate the airlines mutual aid pact agreement (idem)

NOT. 14241 Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the committee on commerce USA Senate (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14242 Regulation of predatory behavior (idem)

NOT. 14243 Alternative reservation contracts (idem) NOY.14244 Five huths about subsidized small community air services comments of the staff of C.A.B. ...

NOT. 14245 The Kahn - Feldman correspondance on the "other revenue" amendment (idem)

NOT. 14246 The Kahn - Hydeman correspondance on automatic market entry (idem)

NOT. 14247 Rapport ... sur la promotion d'un contrôle efficace du trafic aérien Doc 49/78 (CEE)

NOT. 14248 Airports policy - Cu. nd 7084 (H.M.S.O.)

NOT. 14249 Le détournement d'aéronefs et les autres atteintes à la sécurité de l'aviation civile (revue franc. de droit aérien N° 1 1978).

452 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14250 Road rail and air competition for passengers in Europe Aeronautical journal April 78

NOT. 14251 Aviations' impact upon business part present and future Aero. Journal April 78

NOT. 14252 France - A study of the International Travel Market (US Travel Service)

NOT. 14253 Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the committee on Commerce Science etc... - to amend the Federal Aviation Act of 58 (C.A.B.)...


NOT. 14254 Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the committee on Commerce Science etc... - to amend the Federal Aviation Act of 58 (idem)... NOR.14255 Preliminary Limited surveillance radar (LSR) cost/benefit analysis (Rep FAA n° ASP 77-10)

NOT. 14256 Enquête sur l'utilisation des autobus et autocars de 73 à 1976 (S.A.E.I. )

NOT. 14257 Evaluation of Nasa : panond research on capital investment decision making in the Civil Aviation Industry (NASA)

NOT. 14258 United Kingdom ( A study on the international travel market) (US Travel Service)

NOT. 14259 Charterstatistik 1977 (Board of Civil Aviation Financial Depart. Stockholm)

NOT. 14260 Internationales Tourismus Daten Und Analysen (D/W Königin-Luise Shane 5 Berlin)

NOT. 14261 US International Air Freight Traffic 1972-1976 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14262 The development of a model for predicting passenger acceptance of short-haul air transport system (NASA°

NOT. 14263 The FAA's airport landside model - analytical approach to delay analysis (FAA US DOT)

453 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14264 Les aéroports Tome 1 - Administration, gestion, environnement (ENAC)

NOT. 14265 Les aéroports Tome II - Conception et construction (idem)

NOT. 14266 Polymenic materials in fires (Building Research Establishment Royaume Uni)

NOT. 14267 Toxic products of combustion of plastics (idem)

NOT. 14268 Fires in enclosures (idem)

NOT. 14269 Effects of fuel geometry in fires (idem)

NOT. 14270 The extinction of aircraft crash fires (idem)


NOT. 14271 Proceedings 1978 travel outlook forum (T.T.R.A. USA)

NOT. 14272 Mesures d'encouragement de l'état aux investissements privés (O.M.T. Madrid)

NOT. 14273 Les immatriculations des véhicules utilitaires en 1977 (Ministre de l'Equipement)

NOT. 14274 Life-cycle analysis of aircraft turbine engines : executive summary (The Rand Corporation)

NOT. 14275 An evaluation of very large airplanes and alternative fuels : executive summary (idem)

NOT. 14276 Supplement to the Handbook of Airline Statistics - Calendar year 75 and 75 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14277 Aérogare : l'aménagement et les filtres - Détermination du nombre de guichets - Capacité (S.T.B.A.)

NOT. 14278 Air Transport 1977 (A.T.A.)

454 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14279 1978 - US Industrial outlook - with 5 year projections for 200 industries (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14280 Résolutions du Conseil des Ministres des Transports - Rapports approuvés en 77 vol II (C.EM.T.)


NOT. 14281 Comité de l'Environnement - Réduire le bruit sur les aéroports (O.C.D.E.)

NOT. 14282 A research program to reduce interior noise in general aviation airplanes (The University of Kansas)

NOT. 14283 La restructuration de l'aviation commerciale européenne face à la concurrence internationale (Faculté de Grenoble)

NOT. 14284 Biz jets 78 (Airline Publications § Sales Ltd)

NOT. 14285 Social and economic aspects of Civil Aviation in Africa (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 14286 Air Transport 1978 (A.T.A.)

NOT. 14287 Avionics and Aviation support equipment Brazil (US Depart of Commerce)

NOT. 14288 Indian Market research report on avionics and aviation support equipment (idem)

NOT. 14289 The involvement of airlines in the Hotel industry (British Airways Associated companies)


NOT. 14290 Sludi di duitto aeronautico (Dott. A Giuffré Ed. Milan)

NOT. 14291 Diritto e pratica dell' aviazione civile (N° unico) (Avu. G. R. Baccelli - Roma)

NOT. 14292 L'activité des fabricants de voyage à forfait en 1977 (Secrétariat Gal au Tourisme)

455 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14293 Travel trends in the U.S. and Canada (Business Research Division Univer. of Colorado)

NOT. 14294 Péréquation tarifaire géographique et desserte aérienne régionale - Analyse 19 Avril 78 (J. Pavaux DGAC - SDEEP)

NOT. 14295 The government's white paper on future airport policy (Aeronautical journal)

NOT. 14296 Reality and value in air and space law (H.A. Wassenberg - Université de Leyde USA)

NOT. 14297 L'informatisation de la société (Doc. française)

NOT. 14298 Aéroport de Paris - Plan 1979 - 1983 Synthèse.

NOT. 14299 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - 12 months ended June 30, 77 (C.A.B.)


NOT. 14300 Exploitation et évolution de la compagnie aérienne U.T.A. La contribution au dével. économique des pays desservies (Josiane Fournel Verrière-le-Buisson)

NOT. 14301 Europe's new tourism a look at projects in the 1980's (seminar held in Zurich in Jan. 78 based on E.T.C. Study)

NOT. 14302 Noise from thrust reversal measured in kastrup 1977 (Acoustical Laboraty Danmark)

NOT. 14303 Studies of the flash potential of Aircraft cabin interior materials (FAA US)

NOT. 14304 Summary of Duties and Taxes payable on shell aviation turbine fuels, shell aviation gazolines, aeroshell engine oils (Shell Aviation Service London)

NOT. 14305 Prescribed local service air carriers' unit costs for estimating total servicing expense and return on investment and tax allowance 30 Sept. 77 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14306

456 Archives nationales (France)

Séminaire sur la recherche concernant le tourisme dans les pays en dével. - C.R. Succinct (O.C.D.E.)


NOT. 14307 Japan - A study of the international travel market (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14308 Sweden - A study of the int'l travel market (idem)

NOT. 14309 Passengers denied confirmed space - Calendar year 77 and 76 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14310 Local service air carrier unit costs Vol I (idem)

NOT. 14311 Establishment of new major public airports in the U.S. (US DOT°

NOT. 14312 L'organisation ATS - SAR en Polynésie française (Manureva Bulletin de liaison de l'aviation civile Polynésie F.)

NOT. 14313 Effects of ground crash fire on aircraft fuselage incepity (FAA US)

NOT. 14314 Fire testing of cabin materials used in commercial aircraft (C.P. Sarkos FAA US) (NAFEC)

NOT. 14315 Preliminary wide body (C-B3) cabin hazard measnements during port crash fuel fire (NAFEC FAA)

NOT. 14316 Transportation financial needs during the next decade 1978-1987 (A.T.A.C. US)

NOT. 14317 Agricultural Aviation Research (NASA)

NOT. 14318 International transfer passengers (O. Bennett)

NOT. 14319 Summary of airline delay trends 1972-1975 (FAA US)

NOT. 14320 L'alternance travail études - Le congé formation au niveau de... (O.C.D.E.)

457 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 14321 36ème - table ronde - analyse coût avantages (C.E.M.T.)

NOT. 14322 Toward 2000 : opportunities in transportation evolution (US DOT)

NOT. 14323 Subsidy for US certificated an carriers. Supplement to the report issued march 74 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14324 Subsidy for United Status certificated air carriers 2° supplement (idem)

NOT. 14325 Subsidy for US Certificated air carriers - 3° supplement (idem)

NOT. 14326 Aircraft ground fire suppression and rescue systems - Current technology review (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 14327 L'Aéroport de Paris (Vol I et II) Université de Lille.


NOT. 14328 High density stable collisionless air traffic computer simulations of traffic management in ITY System (Westland Helicopter)

NOT. 14329 Transport - Déséquilibres et jointes de trafic N° mars avril 78 (Revue Transports J.P. Leguet Air Inter)

NOT. 14330 Airports - An econometric survey (Journal of Transport economics § Policy May 78)

NOT. 14331 Airline demand functions in the North Atlantic and their pricing implications (University of Maryland)

NOT. 14332 Chronik der Luftfahrt 1953-1978 (A.D.V. Publications Division RFA)

NOT. 14333 Voyages, tourisme et loisirs de plein air (Statistiques Canada) 75-76

NOT. 14334 Interactions of technology and society - Impacts of improved an transport. A study of airports at the pass roats (California Univ. NASA)

458 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14335 Assistance d'aéroport de Paris pour l'enregistrement des passagers à Orly-Sud (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 14336 10th meeting bird shike Committee Europe (B.S.C.E.)


NOT. 14337 Bird strikes to transport aircraft jet engines (C.A.A.)

NOT. 14338 Analysis of Bird Strikes reported by European Airlines 72-75 (idem)

NOT. 14339 Fatal accident statistics for passenger air transport services 1960-1976 (C.A.A.)

NOT. 14340 Airline Users Committee Annual Report 76/77 (Airline Users Committee)

NOT. 14341 L'informatisation de la société - Annexe 1 - Nouvelle informatique et nouvelle croissance (Doc française)

NOT. 14342 L'informatisation de la société - Annexe 2 - Industrie et services informatiques (Idem)

NOT. 14343 L'informatisation de la société - Annexe 3 - la nouvelle informatique et ses utilisateurs (idem)

NOT. 14344 L'informatisation de la société - annexe 4 - documents contributifs (idem)


NOT. 14345 Union routière de France 1978 - faits et chiffres.

NOT. 14346 Technological assessment of telecommunication/transport. interaction - vol I (S.R.I.)

NOT. 14347 Aircraft pound fire suppression and rescue systems. Basic relationship in military fires Phase 1 et 2 (idem)

NOT. 14348 An economic analysis of a government sponsored commercial convertible aircraft (Air Force Institute of Technology)

459 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14349 Consumer know ledge, beliefs and preferences regarding air fares (American express)

NOT. 14350 Tourism as a tool for regional development leisure studies associat. Conference, Edimbourg 77 (University of Edinburgh)

NOT. 14351 Urlauboreisen 1977 Einige Ergebnisse der Reisennalyse 1977 (S.T.F.T.)

NOT. 14352 1978 Economic Survey of the Travel Industry (Travel Weekley)


NOT. 14353 World Tourism Overview (Travel and Leisure P. Patterson)

NOT. 14354 Semi annual report on the effectiveness of the civil aviation security program - July 1 - Dec. 31, 1977 (US DOT)

NOT. 14355 Reduction in the noise in vicinities of airports with the aid of the optimum methods of piloting jet aircraft with takeoff (NTIS)

NOT. 14356 Airport activity statistics of certificated route air carriers (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14357 Full -- cale dynamic crash test of a Douglas DC-7 aircraft technical report (FAA US)

NOT. 14358 Full -- cale dynamic crash test of a Lockheed constellation model 1649 aircraft (idem)

NOT. 14359 Advanced techniques in crash impact protection and emergency egress from air transport aircraft (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 14360 Lebruit des transports terrestres, prévision, prévention, production (Revue gale des routes et aérodromes)


NOT. 14361

460 Archives nationales (France)

US Transatlantic jaleway study (Lockheed California)

NOT. 14362 Enquête Passagers de sept. 1976 (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 14363 Shuttle ponts aériens et dessertes cadences (I.T.A.)

NOT. 14364 Summary of an address by Mr A. Thomson Chairman - The Association of European Airlines - At the Wing Club 22 NOV 77 (A.E.A. British Caledonian)

NOT. 14365 Recommendations of the executive committee on traffic conf. Procedures and objectives - Special gal meeting Montréal 30.6.1978 (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 14366 Forecasts on tourism to the Far East (résumés) (A.D.Little)

NOT. 14367 Communication de la Commission au Conseil en vue de la concertation sur les programmes aéronautiques civils prévue par la résolution du 4 mars 75 et par la déclaration du 14/3/77 (CEE)

NOT. 14368 Avionics and Aviation support Equipment West Germany (CB 1)

NOT. 14369 A survey of the market for avionics and aviation ground support equipment in the United Kingdom (CB1)

NOT. 14370 The critical role of government in International Air Transport (idem)

NOT. 14371 The market for airline aircraft, a study of process and performance (idem)

NOT. 14372 Aircraft fuels, lubricants and fire safety (AGARD)


NOT. 14373 A study of US air carriers involving fire 55-1964 (CAB)

NOT. 14374 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics Dec 31, 1977 (idem)

NOT. 14375

461 Archives nationales (France)

Assessing the future of Air Freight (US Depart of Commerce)

NOT. 14376 Relation between inflammables and ignition sources in aircraft environments (C.B.I.)

NOT. 14377 Appraisal of the hazards of friction - spark ignition of aircraft crash fires (idem)

NOT. 14378 Appraisal of hazards to human survival in airplane crash fires (idem)

NOT. 14379 Emergency evacuation tests of a crashed L. 1649 (idem)

NOT. 14380 Flaming and self-extinguishing characteristics of aircraft cabin interior materials (idem)

NOT. 14381 Titanium fuselage environmental conditions in post-crash fires (idem)

NOT. 14382 Bericht über begleitende untersuchungen bei der Erprobung des luftschiffes WDL 1 in Ghana und ubervolta (D.F.U.L.R. RFA)

NOT. 14383 Consultative planning conference - New engineering and devl. Initiatives. Policy and technology choices (FAA US)

NOT. 14384 Compagnies complémentaires françaises (Air § Cosmos)

NOT. 14385 Air transport and the Middle East - Special report - I.C. Magazines Ltd G.B.)

NOT. 14386 Enquête statistique comparative - 1976/77 (.C.E.T.O.)

NOT. 14387 Tunnel routier sous le Mont-Blanc (Sté Concessionnaire Française pour la construction et l'exploitation du Tunnel Routier dans le Mont Blanc)

NOT. 14388 Journée d'études "l'exportation de la formation" (GIFAS)

NOT. 14389 Main d'oeuvre et formation aviation civile Afrique (OACI)

462 Archives nationales (France)


NOT. 14390 FAA Aviation forecasts FY 1978/1989 (FAA US)

NOT. 14391 Voir NOT. 14586 (tout archivé dans cette note)

NOT. 14392 Report on intra-European air services - Doc 15 (CEAC)

NOT. 14393 Belgium - A study of the international travel market (US Travel Svc)

NOT. 14394 Netherlands - A study of the international travel market (idem)

NOT. 14395 West germany - A study of the int'l travel market (idem)


NOT. 14396 Vacation travel by canadians 1976 - vol 2 - some further analysis (Canadian Office of Tourism)

NOT. 14397 Tandem - Queue algorithm for airport user flows (A.S.C.E.)

NOT. 14398 An appraisal of the postcrash fire environment (C.B.I.)

NOT. 14399 Compromis of arbitration between the government of United states of America and the government of the French Republic (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 14400 Turbine - engineed fleets of the World's Airlines 1978 (Esso Air World)

NOT. 14401 L'industrie aérospatiale européenne situation et chiffres (CEE)

NOT. 14402 Air cargo transportation status (University of California)

NOT. 14403 The effect of aircraft cruise conditions on aircraft fuel cost, airline direct operating costs and on aircraft utilization (idem)

463 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14404 Deneigement et deverglacage sur les aéroports (ICAA)

NOT. 14405 Réunion technique tripartite de l'aviation civile (Note sur les travaux) (B.I.T.)

NOT. 14406 Report together with additional and minority views of the senate committee on commerce, science and transportation on S.2493 (US Governement Printing Office)

NOT. 14407 An act to amend the Federal Aviation of 1958 to encourage, develop. and attain an air transport. etc... S.2493 (idem)

NOT. 14408 The next commercial jet transport : the need, econmics, technology § financing (The Transportation Center USA)

NOT. 14409 7° colloque ITA - Bilan économique et social de l'aviation civile (I.T.A.)

NOT. 14410 7° colloque ITA - Déroulement du colloque - Articulation des théorties traitées par les conférenciers (idem)

NOT. 14411 7° colloque ITA - Aspects généraux du bilan de l'aviation civile (idem)

NOT. 14412 7° colloque ITA - Le transport aérien dans l'économie générale du monde (idem)

NOT. 14413 7° colloque ITA - Quels associés dans la vie économique pour le transport aérien ? (idem)

NOT. 14414 7° colloque ITA - Quels associés dans la vie économique pour le transport aérien (I.T.A.)

NOT. 14415 7° colloque ITA - Le rôle de l'aviation civile dans l'économie de l'URSS (idem)

NOT. 14416 7° colloque ITA - L'impact socio-économique du transport aérien au MOyen Orient (idem)

NOT. 14417 7° colloque ITA - Les aspects du bilan propres au pays et aux régions d'un pays économiquement moins développé (idem)

464 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14418 7° colloque ITA - Le rôle de l'aviation civile dans la recherche (idem)

NOT. 14419 7° colloque ITA - Les aspects industriels du bilan de l'aviation civile (idem)

NOT. 14420 7° colloque ITA - Quelle rentabilité et quelles aides pour l'aviation civile ? (idem)

NOT. 14421 7° colloque ITA - Les besoins en capital du transport aérien (idem)

NOT. 14422 7° colloque ITA - The place of air transport within the transportation field as a whole (idem)

NOT. 14423 World traffic forecasts - Passenger and Cargo Operations 1969-1993 (Mc Donnel Douglas)

NOT. 14424 A review of certificated airport crash fire rescure service criteria (FAA US)

NOT. 14425 Crash fire and rescure information for Boeing Jet Transport (BOEING)

NOT. 14426 Tourism and Travel outlook presentation to Pacific Rim Bankers (Boeing)

NOT. 14427 Le problème de la piraterie aérienne et l'évolution du droit international aérien (Etude des Hautes Etudies et Sciences Sociales)

NOT. 14428 People, motivation and productivity 17-18 May 78 (Royal Aeronautical Society)

NOT. 14429 Foreign Trade 1977 - The port of New-York New Jersey (PNYA)

NOT. 14430 Cost effectiveness of alternative methods of providing airport security at Hawaii state airports (University of Hawaii)

NOT. 14431 IATA int'l regional scheduled passenger traffic forecasts 78-83 (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 14432 IATA Int'l regional scheduled § no n scheduled freight traffic forecasts 78-83 (idem)

465 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14433 Projet de loi de finances pour 1979 - Transports - I - Section commune ... (Imprimerie Nationale)

NOT. 14434 Projet de loi de finances pour 1979 - Transports - II - Transports terrestres (idem)

NOT. 14435 Projet de loi de finances pour 1979 - Transports - III - Aviation civile et Météo. (idem)

NOT. 14436 Projet de loi de finances pour 1979 - Transports - IV - Marine Marchande - idem.

NOT. 14437 Projet de loi de finances pour 1979 - Transports - V - Routes Ports et Voies navigables (idem)

NOT. 14438 Avionic data for cost estimating (B.E. Armstong - Rand Corp)

NOT. 14439 Shrinking int'l airspace as a problem for future air movements a briefing (Rand Corp)

NOT. 14440 A critique of aircraft airframe cost models (JP Large idem)

NOT. 14441 A technical evaluation of initial trials of quieter approach procedures at London (Heathrow) airport (CAA)

NOT. 14442 A.F.R.A.A. Bulletin N° 10 - Anniversay special (AFRAA)

NOT. 14443 Airfield pavement load evaluation (Transportation Engineering Journal)

NOT. 14444 Statistiques de trafic non régulier non enregistré dans les états de la CEAC (année se terminant le 31.10.77)

NOT. 14445 CEAC dixième session intérimaire Paris 6-8 juin 78.

NOT. 14446 An ABC of Airports policy (A.B.C.C.)

NOT. 14447 Aviation 1978 l'industrie aéronautique et spatiale à la croisée des chemines (A.G.E.F.I.)

466 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14448 Guide to facilitations (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 14449 Profiles of travel to the United States from selected major tourism generating countries (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14450 Cabin fire safety R § D Program (NAFEC SRDS FAA US°


NOT. 14451 Research and develop. antimisting kerosene for reduction of the post-crash fire hazard (SRDS FAA US ?)

NOT. 14452 Les aéronefs du futur - Un séminaire organisé par la Chambre de Commerce Int'l (CCI PARIS)

NOT. 14453 The helicopter : its importance to commerce and to the public (Helicopter Association of America)

NOT. 14454 Future aspects of air transportation research forum (Transport. Research Forum)

NOT. 14455 Aviation issues - idem.

NOT. 14456 Airline route structure § load factor (idem)

NOT. 14457 Conseil de l'Europe - Assemblée parlementaire - rapport introductif sur l'amélioration du mécanisme int'l d'établissement des tarifs aériens... (CEE)

NOT. 14458 Le tourisme Troisième activité économique française - Rôle fonction, perspectives des Agences de voyage ... (les dossiers des parlementaires)

NOT. 14459 Congrès ICAA sur la gestion aéroportuaire - Turin 17-28 avril 1978 (ICAA)

NOT. 14460 The Blimp Book (Baron Wolman)

NOT. 14461 L'industrie aérospatiale européenne - Situation et chiffres (CEE)

467 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14462 Aircraft operating costs and performance report Vol VII July 78 (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14463 Eleventh Canadian symposium on air cushion technology Proceedings (Air Cushion Technology Section Canada)

NOT. 14464 A canadian symposium on energy conserving transport aircraft (N.R.C.Canada)

NOT. 14465 Schema directeur de l'informatique tome 1 presentation de la méthodologie racines (Doc. française)

NOT. 14466 Understanding more about the passenger (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 14467 A high performance DB/DC system (I.B.M.)

NOT. 14468 Airline Control Program - An Overview (I.B.M.)

NOT. 14469 IBM System/370 Control program simulator - Extended (CPSIM-E) (idem)

NOT. 14470 ACP System Concepts and Facilities (idem)

NOT. 14471 Bargain Basement (W.T. Seawell PAA)

NOT. 14472 The product in tourism and Turkey's tourism product (Gogazici Istambul)

NOT. 14473 Journal of Air Law § Commerce - Deregulation : the CAB audits culics (Journal of Air Law § Commerce)

NOT. 14474 Journal of Air Law § Commerce - British Airways versus Port Authority its impact on aircraft noise regulation.

NOT. 14475 Journal of Air Law § Commerce - Aircraft noise : Federal pre-curption of local control concorde § other recent cases.

NOT. 14476

468 Archives nationales (France)

Journal of Air Law § Commerce - Impact of Federal noise abatement policy on aircraft financing (Journal Of Air Law and Commerce)

NOT. 14477 National Airport System Plan 1978 - 1987 (FAA US)

NOT. 14478 Detail price comparison for international salarey determination - ONU.

NOT. 14479 Passengers denied confirmed space (12 months ended June 1978 § 1977) (C.A.B.)

NOT. 14480 Faits et chiffres 1978 (Le nouvel observateur)

NOT. 14481 A new method for estimating current and futur transport aircraft operating economics (NTIS)

NOT. 14482 Bibliography on aircraft fire hazard and safety vol II Safety (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 14483 Les voyages de vacances des Canadiens en 1977 (Analyse) (Canadian Office of Tourism)

NOT. 14484 Enquête annuelle d'entreprise - Auxiliaire des transports terrestres 76 (Svc d'analyse économique et financière Minist. des Transports)

NOT. 14485 EnQUETE annuelle d'entreprise - Auxiliaires des transports maritimes 1976 (idem)

NOT. 14486 Evaluation of seating and restraint systems and authropometric dummies conducted during fiscal year 76 (FAA US)

NOT. 14487 A productivity study of the Canadian Airline INdustry (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 14488 World airline fleets handboock 1978 (Air Britain)

NOT. 14489 Jet airlines of the world 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14490 Design, fabrication and testing of a fuel-scale breadboard introgen generation for fuel tank inerting application (FAA US)

469 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14491 Bibliography on aircraft fire hazards and safety vol I Hazards (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 14492 IATA traffic services (IATA)

NOT. 14493 Economic Data - avital tool (idem)

NOT. 14494 Airport Association Coordinating Council (IATA Suisse)

NOT. 14495 "Appreciation" by the International Hotel Association on Future Accomodation develop. in Western Europe in the Eighties (Int'l Hotel Association)

NOT. 14496 Colloque int'l sur la couverture des distances intermédiaires Thomes 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 (Relations et conjonctures)

NOT. 14497 How int'l airline passenger fares and cargo rates are negociated (IATA)

NOT. 14498 Projet de loi de finances 79 - Transports - Aviation civile - avis - Assemblée Nationale

NOT. 14499 Projet de loi de finances 79 - Service du 1er ministre Aménagement du territoire (idem)

NOT. 14500 Projet de loi de finances 79 - Transports - Transports terrestres - avis (idem)

NOT. 14501 Projet de loi de finances 1979 transports ports et voies navigables avis Assemblée nationale

NOT. 14502 Projet de loi de finances 1979 transports routes avis Assemblée nationale

NOT. 14503 Projet de loi de finances 1979 service du 1er trimestre aménagement du territoire rapport annexe 32 assemblée nationale

NOT. 14504 Idem - Transports - Sect. commune Rapport annexe

NOT. 14505

470 Archives nationales (France)

Projet de loi de finances 1979 transports marine marchande rapport annexe 40 Assemblée nationale

NOT. 14506 Projet de loi de finances 1979 transports routes ports et voies navigables rapport annexe 41 Assemblée nationale

NOT. 14507 Projet de loi de finances 1979 jeunesse sport loisirs tourisme rapport annexe 26 Assemblée nationale

NOT. 14508 CCI 26th congress Enterprise freedom and future thème 1 Economic growth

NOT. 14509 id thème 2 efficient production CCI 38 COURS Albert 10 Paris 8ème

NOT. 14510 Thème 3 International trade and investment id

NOT. 14511 Thème 4 Communication and freedom id

NOT. 14512 Economic survey of Europe in 1977 Part 1 EUropean Economy Librairie Pedone 17 rue Soufflot 75006 Paris

NOT. 14513 Le poids économique du tourisme en France (GH)

NOT. 14514 Schéma des transports en région Ile de France liaison RATP/SNCF Banlieue en 85 (CONATEF)

NOT. 14515 Le transport aérien dans l'économie nationale (DGAC JEEP)

NOT. 14516 The importance of civil air transport to the UK Economy (IATA)

NOT. 14517 Projet de loi de finances pour 79 Assemblée Nationale Rapport Aviation C. et Météo Annexe 39 Tome III

NOT. 14518 Preliminary assessment of the integrity of aircraft evacuation slide material when exposed to thermal radiation (N.T.S.B.)

NOT. 14519 18° congrès - Guadeloupe (A.G. Ordre du jour) (I.C.A.A.)

471 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14520 18° congrès - Guadeloupe - Commission permanente "gestion et formation du personnel" - rapport annuel 77/78 (ICAA)

NOT. 14521 18° congrès - Guadeloupe - Commission permanente "Informatique" 77/78 (idem)

NOT. 14522 18° congrès - Guadeloupe - Groupe de travail "Assurance" 77/78 (idem)

NOT. 14523 18° Congrès - Guadeloupe - Rapport du secrétaire général (idem)

NOT. 14524 18° Congrès - Guadeloupe - Rapport du comité exécutif (idem)

NOT. 14525 18° congrès - Guadeloupe - Commission permanente "Relations publiques" 77/78 (idem)

NOT. 14526 18° congrès - Guadeloupe - Commission permanente "Activités commerciales" - Rapport 77/78 (ICAA)

NOT. 14527 18° congrès - Guadeloupe - Le fret aérien et l'aéroport - ordre du jour (idem)

NOT. 14528 18° congrès - idem - 1° session de travail - Perspectives mondiales du fret aérien et la responsabilité des partenaires (idem)

NOT. 14529 18° congrès - idem - 1° session de travail - Fonctions et responsabilités d'une autorité aéroportuaire en ce qui concerne le fret aérien (idem) W.P. 1.2.1.

NOT. 14530 18° congrès - idem - 1° session de travail - idem - Fonctions et resp. d'une autorité aéroportuaire WP 1.2.2. (idem)

NOT. 14531 1° session de travail - idem - fonctions et responsabilités d'une adminis. douanière en ce qui concerne le fret aérien WP 1.4 (idem)

NOT. 14532 1° session de travail - idem - la coordination des activités des partenaires sur un aéroport (idem) WP 1.6

NOT. 14533 idem - Exposé d'introduction au sujet W.P. 1.1.1 (idem)

472 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14534 idem - Functions and responsibilities of an airline in the field or air freight WP 1.3 (idem)

NOT. 14535 2° session de travail - les facteurs physiques (idem)

NOT. 14536 idem - Conception et réalisation des aérogares fret WP 2.7.2. (ICAA)

NOT. 14537 2° session de travail - Interaction entre le dévelop. futur du fret aérien et celui de l'aéroport (TCAA) WP 2.2

NOT. 14538 idem - L'équipement au sol, y compris les containers et les plans d'un fabricant (idem)

NOT. 14539 idem - Le rôle de l'ordinateur WP 2.4.1. (idem)

NOT. 14540 idem - Le rôle de l'ordinateur WP 2.4.3. (idem)

NOT. 14541 idem - Traitement du fret aérien assuré par l'autorité aéroportuaire (WP 2.5.1) (idem)

NOT. 14542 idem - Traitement du fret aérien assuré par " aéroportuaire (WP 2.5.2) (idem)

NOT. 14543 idem - Le point de vue d'une autorité aéroportuaire sur les facteurs physiques (idem)

NOT. 14544 idem - Le point de vue d'une autorité " " les facteurs physiques WP 2.6.2 (idem)

NOT. 14545 idem - Le rôle de l'ordinateur WP 2.4.2 (idem)

NOT. 14546 idem - The role of the computer WP 2.4.4 (idem)

NOT. 14547 3° session de travail : les facteurs économiques (Concurrence et coopération entre les transports aériens et terrestres (idem)

NOT. 14548 idem - Concurrence et coopération ... Le point de vue d'une autorité portuaire (WP 3.6) (idem)

473 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14549 idem - Utilisation abusive des aéroports comme gare routière WP 3.3 (idem)

NOT. 14550 3° session de travail - Les aspects écono. d'un programme nationale de grande envergure pour le dévelp. du fret aérien WP 3.2 (I.C.A.A.)

NOT. 14551 idem - Tarifs du fret aérien WP 3.1.2. (idem)

NOT. 14552 idem - Tarifs du " " WP 3.1.1 (idem)

NOT. 14553 idem - Compétition and co-operation between air and surface transport : from the customer's point of view WP 3.4 (idem)

NOT. 14554 idem - Quatrième session de travail - L'intérêt du fret aérien (idem)

NOT. 14555 idem - Les apports du fret aérien à un pays en voie de développement WP 4.4.3 (idem)

NOT. 14556 idem - L'intérêt du fret aérien pour le commerce mondial WP 4.1 (idem)

NOT. 14557 idem - Les apports du fret aérien à un aéroport WP 4.2.2. (idem)

NOT. 14558 idem - Les apports " " " à un aéroport WP 4.2.3. (idem)

NOT. 14559 idem - Les apports " " " à une région d'un pays WP 4.3.1. (idem)

NOT. 14560 idem - Les apports du fret à une région d'un pays WP 4.3.2. (idem)

NOT. 14561 idem - Les apports du fret aérien à un pays en voie de développement (idem) WP 4.4.1.

NOT. 14562 4° session de travail - Les apports du fret aérien à un pays en voie de développement WP 4.4.2 (T.C.A.A.) NOY.14563 idem - Les apports du fret aérien à un pays en voie de dévelop. WP 4.4.4. (idem)

NOT. 14564

474 Archives nationales (France) idem - Un important programme national pour l'amélioration du fret aérien (idem)

NOT. 14565 idem - Catalogue des aides pédagogiques audio-visuelles classées par thème WP 5.1. bis (idem)

NOT. 14566 Proceedings of the 4th national conference : effects of energy constraints on transportation systems (Union College)

NOT. 14567 Policy impacts of ATC automation : human factors considerations (FAA US)

NOT. 14568 The FAA's airport landside model - Analytical approach to delay analysis (idem)

NOT. 14569 Metropolitan Washington airport policy analysis (idem)

NOT. 14570 Perspectives on airport environmental compatibility (A.O.C.I.)

NOT. 14571 Aménager le temps (Collection avenir 2000) N° 43 (Doc. française)

NOT. 14572 Haut-Rhin-Alsace - Les départements français (idem)

NOT. 14573 L'évolution des professions de l'information et de la documentation - Etude de la fonction documentaire (idem)

NOT. 14574 L'économie chinoise (idem)

NOT. 14575 L'URSS et l'Europe de l'Est en 77 - 1° partie (Doc. franç.)

NOT. 14576 Supplément méthodique aux statistiques du tourisme mondial (O.M.T.) Madrid

NOT. 14577 Répartition régionale des statistiques du tourisme mondial 72-76 (idem)

NOT. 14578 Inventaire des plans de développement touristique (idem)

NOT. 14579

475 Archives nationales (France)

Manuel sur la méthodologie des études de marché (idem)

NOT. 14580 Lignes directrices pour le rassemblement et la présentation des statistiques internat. du tourisme (idem)

NOT. 14581 Designing aiport terminals for transfer passengers (M.I.T.)

NOT. 14582 Role of Helicopter in Airport access (Stanford Univ.)

NOT. 14583 Air transport in latin America - The expanding role of the Latin American Civil Aviation Commission (Journal of Air Law § Commerce)

NOT. 14584 Government liability for certification of aircraft ? (idem)

NOT. 14585 The Travel Agent, the IATA Cartel and consumer welfare (idem)

NOT. 14586 Le transport aérien en Europe d'ici l'an 2000 (Aeronautical Journal)

NOT. 14587 National transportation statistics Annual report (D.O.T.)

NOT. 14588 Classement des premières sociétés françaises et européennes 1978 (Le nouvel économiste)

NOT. 14589 Noise data from the first year of scheduled concorde operations at Heathrow Airport London (CAA)

NOT. 14590 Aircraft delays and the Runway capacity at Gatwick (idem)

NOT. 14591 Engineering and development program plan advanced integrated flight systems (DOT FAA US)

NOT. 14592 The effects of wind shear on aircraft flight path and methods for remote sensing and reporting of wind shear at airports (Institute Aérospace studies)

NOT. 14593 Exporter en Extrême Orient (Air France)

NOT. 14594

476 Archives nationales (France)

Exporter en Israël (idem)

NOT. 14595 Exporter en Amérique du Sud (idem)

NOT. 14596 Exporter au Proche Orient (idem)

NOT. 14597 France - Exporter Importer (idem)

NOT. 14598 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Aviation C. et Météo. Sénat - rapport rapporteur M. Fortier Tome III Annexe 29

NOT. 14599 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Aviation C. Sénat - avis Tome XVIII (idem)

NOT. 14600 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Sénat - rapport - Tourisme Tome III Annexe 18 Rapporteur y Durand.

NOT. 14601 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Sénat - Avis - Tourisme Tome XV (idem)

NOT. 14602 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Sénat - rapport - ROutes et voies navigables Tome III Annexe 31 (Sénat)

NOT. 14603 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Sénat - avis - routes et voies navigables tome XI (idem)

NOT. 14604 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Sénat - rapport - aménagement du territoire tome III annexe 21 (idem)

NOT. 14605 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - sénat - avis - aménagement du territoire (idem)

NOT. 14606 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Sénat - rapport - Département d'Outre Mer tome III Annexe 9 (idem)

NOT. 14607 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - Sénat - avis - département d'Outre Mer (idem)

NOT. 14608 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - sénat - rapport - territoires d'outre mer - Tome III Annexe 27 (idem)

NOT. 14609 Projet de loi de finances 1979 - sénat - avis - territoires d'outre mer (idem)

477 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14610 Airline deregulation act 1978 - Public law 95-504 95th congres (US Congress)

NOT. 14611 Joint statement regarding signing of US - Federal Republic of Germany Aviation ... (US Depart. of State)

NOT. 14612 Landerkurzbericht - Tansania 1978 (Statistiches Bundesamt Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14613 idem - Zypern 1978 (Chypre) (idem)

NOT. 14614 Landerkurzbericht - Kolumbien 1978 (Statistiches Bundesamt Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14615 idem - Tschad 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14616 idem - Jugoslawien 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14617 idem - Ruanda 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14618 idem - Namibia (Sudwestafrica) (idem)

NOT. 14619 idem - Sowjietunion 78 (idem)

NOT. 14620 idem - Sénégal 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14621 idem - Philippinen 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14622 idem - Somalia 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14623 idem - Portugal 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14624 idem - Tunesien 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14625

478 Archives nationales (France) idem - Trinidad and Tobajo 78 (idem)

NOT. 14626 idem - Pakistan 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14627 idem - Sudan 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14628 idem - Dominikanische Republik 78 (idem)

NOT. 14629 idem - Venezuela 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14630 idem - Rumanien 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14631 Landerkurzbericht - Syrien 1978 (Statistiches Bundesamt Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14632 idem - Paraguay 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14633 idem - Liberia 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14634 idem - Uruguay 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14635 idem - Irak 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14636 idem - Libien 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14637 idem - Equador 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14638 idem - Nigeria 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14639 idem - Thailand 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14640 idem - Republik Korea (idem)

479 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14641 idem - Bolivien 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14642 idem - Turkei 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14643 idem - Ghana 78 (idem)

NOT. 14644 idem - Spanien 78 (idem)

NOT. 14645 idem - Brasilien 78 (idem)

NOT. 14646 idem - Marokko 78 (idem)

NOT. 14647 idem - Indonisien 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14648 Landerkurzbericht - Uganda 1978 (Statistiches Bundesamt Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14649 idem - Sri Lanka 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14650 idem - Albanien 1978 (idem)

NOT. 14651 idem - Benin 78 (idem)


NOT. 14652 Trans-Saharan Trunk Air Routes (Mc Donnel Douglas)

NOT. 14653 Using travel research for planning and profits (T.T.R.A.)

NOT. 14654 Airline Passengers : are their consumer rights protected ? (Gal Accounting Office USA)

NOT. 14655 Aviation safety - Hearings before the subcommittee on investigation and review of the commit. on public works and transportation US HOUSE of Representatives.

480 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14656 Analysis of occupancy times at major airports (DOT FAA)

NOT. 14657 Airline delay trends Report N° FAA 78.11 (idem)

NOT. 14658 Estimating Airline operating costs (NASA Langley Research Center)

NOT. 14659 Fuel conservation merits of advanced turboprop transport aircraft (NASA Lockheed)

NOT. 14660 Preliminary analysis of hub and spoke air freight distribution system (NASA)

NOT. 14661 Just front analytical study (DOT FAA)

NOT. 14662 Airport improvement park force delay study data collection, reduction and analysis (DOT FAA)

NOT. 14663 Parameters of future ATC systems relating to airport capacity/Delay (idem)

NOT. 14664 FAA BCAS Concept - VOL I - II - III - IV (idem)

NOT. 14665 La libéralisation du transport aérien aux USA : sa politique, son histoire, ses objectifs et ses conséquences prévisibles (R. Katz)

NOT. 14666 Dossier sur JAL (JAL's three year plan succeeds (1978)

NOT. 14667 United airlines - Equal employment opportunity commission versus United Airlines.

NOT. 14668 National airlines inc. "no fill" fares - Brief of delta airlines inc. (CAB)

NOT. 14669 Delta airlines inc. Justification for a domestic freight express rate and charge increases (Delta Airlines)

NOT. 14670 The railway labor act (US Depart. of Commerce)

481 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14671 Charterstatistik - Non scheduled Passenger statistics 1.1 - 30.6 (Aviation civile Suède)

NOT. 14672 Airport siting as a problem of policy and participation in technological societies : the case of Milano-Mal. (Harvard University SEA)

NOT. 14673 Light transport airplane airworthiness review (DOT FAA)

NOT. 14674 Price and subsidy intercity transportation and issues of benefits § costs (Transportation Research Board)

NOT. 14675 Proceedings of the 78 RTCA assembly (RTCA Washington)

NOT. 14676 Merjer policy in the airline industry - an overview (CAB)

NOT. 14677 Merjers in the United States - Airline industry marjer policy seminar (idem)

NOT. 14678 Potential gains and losses from airline murjers (idem)

NOT. 14679 Merjer policy and the conditions of entry in the air transport industry (idem)

NOT. 14680 Economics of scale and the question of "Natural monopoly" in the airline industry (CAB)

NOT. 14681 Trunk carrier size and the availability of capital (idem)

NOT. 14682 Remarks of Mr Lamar - Muse before the CAB in connection with the seminar on merjer policy in the airline industry (idem)

NOT. 14683 FAA Aviation forecasts fiscal years 79/90 (FAA US°

NOT. 14684 Air freight demand models an overview (Stanford Univ.)

NOT. 14685 Aviation protocols - Hearings before the committee of foreign relations US Senate.

482 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14686 El rol de la OACI con respecto a la seguridad de la aviacion civil international (OACI)

NOT. 14687 Landerkurzbericht - Agypten 78 (Kohlhammer - Statistiches Bundesamt)

NOT. 14688 idem - Birma 78 (idem)

NOT. 14689 idem - Peru 78 (idem)

NOT. 14690 Le monde - L'année économique et sociale 78 (Le Monde)

NOT. 14691 AN investigation of short-haul air transportation in the Southeastern United States (Univ. of California)

NOT. 14692 Union des chambres de commerce et établissements gestionnaires d'aéroports - Assemblée Gale - Aviation régionale (UCCEGA)

NOT. 14693 Vortex advisory system simulation of Chicago O'Hare Int'l AIrport Final Report (FAA US)

NOT. 14694 Cutain laws governing diffusive burning of liquids (FAA)

NOT. 14695 Future needs and opportunities in the an traffic control system (US House of Representatives)

NOT. 14696 CEMT 24° rapport annuel 1977 - Vol I : Les transports et l'activité de la conférence (CEMT)

NOT. 14697 The military balance 78/79 (Aerospace international)

NOT. 14698 List of US Air Carriers - September 78 (CAB)

NOT. 14699 Aircraft operating costs and performance report fiscal year 78 (idem)

NOT. 14700 Le concours médical - Conseils aux voyageurs (Air France)

NOT. 14701

483 Archives nationales (France)

Economic requirements analysis of Civil Air Navigation alternatives (FAA US)

NOT. 14702 Guide du passager supersonique (idem)

NOT. 14703 US Int'l air freight traffic 1973-1977 (CAB)

NOT. 14704 Le fret aérien et l'aéroport - compte rendu (ICAA)

NOT. 14705 Etude du marché des avions légers en France (DGAC)

NOT. 14706 Comision Latinoamericana de Aviacion Civil Tercera Asamblea ordinaria (CLAC)

NOT. 14707 Rapport ... sur l'état et le développement de la politique commune des transports (CEE) Document 512/78

NOT. 14708 Einige Batrachtungen zu Tariffragen im-Luftverkech ans schweizerischer Sicht (Revue suisse d'Economie des Transports)

NOT. 14709 Les apports de fret aérien à un aéroport (ICAA)

NOT. 14710 Application of large helicopter to commercial transportation (SAE)

NOT. 14711 Overview of small package air carrier industry a study of operations of Federal Express (idem)

NOT. 14712 Piloted aircraft simulation advantages, disadvantages and practical problems (idem)

NOT. 14713 The promise of advanced technology for air transport (idem)

NOT. 14714 The need and impact of long-term advances in aircraft technology the airlines'point of view (SAE)

NOT. 14715 Directions of developing an air cargo system planning model (idem)

NOT. 14716

484 Archives nationales (France)

A hub'operator's view of small aircraft operations (idem)

NOT. 14717 The JT/OD an engine for the '80's (idem)

NOT. 14718 Recent development in wake vortex minimization (idem)

NOT. 14719 Potential effects of curfews on scheduling and delays (idem)

NOT. 14720 The airport capacity increasing potential of angled runways exit designs (idem)

NOT. 14721 Planning passenger terminal (idem)

NOT. 14722 Large construction site design and organization in developing countries (idem)

NOT. 14723 Planning design and construction of the Queen Alice Internat Airport (idem)

NOT. 14724 Airport development in Micronesia (idem)

NOT. 14725 Commercial STOL - The airplane, the airport (idem)

NOT. 14726 Issues in the design and analysis of airport pound transport systems (idem)

NOT. 14727 Cascade - Queue model of airport useis (idem)

NOT. 14728 Americans an traveling more Census report shows (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14729 Landerkurzbericht - Algerien 1978 (Statistisches Bundesamt Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14730 idem - Elfenbeinküste 78 (Côte d'Ivoire) idem

NOT. 14731 idem - Bangladesch 78 (idem)

485 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14732 idem - Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea 78 (idem)

NOT. 14733 Aviation equipment Colombia (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14734 Summary of awards FY 78 - Programm of University research (US Depart. of Transportation)

NOT. 14735 Transports maritimes et conjoncture internationale (CCI Marseille)

NOT. 14736 Int'l Seminar on Aircraft rescue and fire fighting Ses. A.B. (National Fire Protection Association Int'l Boston)

NOT. 14737 International seminar on aircraft rescue and fire fighting - session C (idem)

NOT. 14738 Int'l seminar on aircraft rescue and fire fighting session D - Fas 3 (idem)

NOT. 14739 Int'l seminar on aircraft rescue and fire fighting - session E-G Fasc. 4 (idem)

NOT. 14740 Int'l seminar on aircraft rescue and fire fighting - session 4 Fasc. 5 (idem)

NOT. 14741 International seminar on aircraft rescue and fire fighting - session I-J - Fasc. 6 (National Fire Protection Association Int'l Boston)

NOT. 14742 Int'l seminar on aircraft rescue and fire fighting - session K-M-N Fasc. 7 (idem)

NOT. 14743 Int'l seminar on aircraft rescue and fire fighting - session O-P Fasc. 8 (idem)

NOT. 14744 Le secteur aerospatial (Centre d'Etudes de Politique étrangère Paris)


NOT. 14745 Rédurie le bruit dans les pays de l'OCDE (OCDE)

NOT. 14746

486 Archives nationales (France)

La zone franc en 1977 (Secrét. du Comité Monétaire de la zone Franc)

NOT. 14747 Domestic air services - A review of regulatory policy (CAA Royaume Uni)

NOT. 14748 Airline regulation and service to small communities (Purdue Univ. USA)

NOT. 14749 Personal travel and transportation expenditure in Canada (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 14750 Tourism in Britain - The Broad Perspectives (B.T.A. GB)

NOT. 14751 Tourism : a paper for discussion (Greater London Council)

NOT. 14752 Survey of air cargo forecasting techniques (C B1 University of Virginia)

NOT. 14753 The economic impact of Mc Carran International airport USA

NOT. 14754 Planning for the airport and its envirous - The sea - Tac success story (DOT Peat Marwick USA)

NOT. 14755 Bibliographie : apparition et développement du feu lié à l'accident (CEDOCAR Paris)

NOT. 14756 Cost effectivences analysis of the proposed revisions in the exhaust emission standards for new and in- use Gas turbine aircraft engines, based in EPA's indipendent estimates (US Environmental Protection Agency USA)

NOT. 14757 Technical report aircraft emissions at selected airports 1972-1985 (idem)

NOT. 14758 Le cameroun - Collection : Marchés nouveaux (Groupe J.A. Economia Paris)

NOT. 14759 Commuter air carrier traffic statistics - 12 months ended June 30, 78 (CAB)

NOT. 14760 Trends in airline cost elements - 2° edition july 77 1957-76 (idem)

NOT. 14761

487 Archives nationales (France)

Réunion régionale du type laboratoire sur l'économie des aéroports et des installations et services de navigation aérienne de route (ICAA)

NOT. 14762 Concorde in service (Aeronautical Journal)

NOT. 14763 Aircraft types and prices 1978 (Lloyd's Aviation Depart. London)

NOT. 14764 Trends in International aviation and government policies (I.A.T.A.)

NOT. 14765 Agenda for transport research and development in the age of reality (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 14766 US aircraft fleet protection and engine inventory to the year 2000 (E.P.A. USA)

NOT. 14767 Landerkurzbericht - Kenia 1978 (Kohlhammer GMBH - Stuttgartund Mainz)

NOT. 14768 Comision Latinoamericana de aviacion civil - Tercera asemblea ordinaria - Santiago de Chile 28 Nov. 1° Dec. 1978 (C.L.A.C.)

NOT. 14769 La rentabilité économique et sociale d'un aéroport régional (Université de Liège)

NOT. 14770 The special drawing right in liability conventions : an acceptable solution ? (A. Tobolewski Lawyer Montréal)

NOT. 14771 XXII° session de l'AICCF Congrès AICCF/UIC - Stockholm 7-12 mai 79 - Thème : les investissements facteur essentiel pour l'avenir des chemins de fer

NOT. 14772 Common european procedures for the autorization of Category II and III operations (CEAC)

NOT. 14773 British airways financial structure - Report of review group (Depart. of Trade US)

NOT. 14774 Predicting and measuring impact of transportation systems (Transp. Research Board)

NOT. 14775 Airport activity statistics of certified route air carriers 12 months ended dec. 31. 1977 (CAB FAA)

488 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14776 La structure des approvisionnements en pétrole (Shell)

NOT. 14777 La crise énergétique mythe ou réalité (Shell)

NOT. 14778 Les ménages et le transport - Dossier N° 6 (la mobilité à plus de 100 km (S.A.E.)

NOT. 14779 Les compagnies régionales européennes (Revue Interavia)

NOT. 14780 Nooping and the development of the british independant airlines (CAA London)

NOT. 14781 Convention d'Air Inter avec l'état (AIR INTER)

NOT. 14782 International air fare levels : an evaluation after thee decades of IATA Rate-Making (US Depart of Transportation)

NOT. 14783 Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the committee on public works § transportation House of Representatives 95th congress 1st session Sept 29 October 3 1987

NOT. 14784 Hearings before the subcommittee on aviation of the com. on commerce, science and transp. US Senate 1° session 29 Nov § Dec 1st 77

NOT. 14785 The Boeing new airplane family (AIAA 15th annual meeting)

NOT. 14786 ATC accomodation of fuel conservative turbojet operations (FAA US)

NOT. 14787 Forecast of air passenger and cargo transportation across the Atlantic to the year 2000 (Royal Institute of Technology Suède)

NOT. 14788 Estimates of potential air traffic flows (idem)

NOT. 14789 List of eligible points (as defined by the airline deregulation act of 78) (CAB)

489 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14790 Walk-on air travel - Int'l tourism quarterley N° 1-79 (Economist Intelligence Unit)

NOT. 14791 Engineering and development program plan - FAA US

NOT. 14792 The economic impact of revized gaseous emission regulations for commercial aircraft engines (L M I US)

NOT. 14793 National plan for develop. of the Microwave landing system (FAA NASA)

NOT. 14794 Perspectives on airport environmental compatibility - special conference Miami (AOCI)

NOT. 14795 La desserte ferroviaire des aéroports (WEAAC)

NOT. 14796 Problèms of transportation in Japan (Institute of Transp. Economics Tokio)

NOT. 14797 Plan d'équipement touristique TOGO (Minist. du TOurisme TOGO)

NOT. 14798 Use of discount airline fares and telelicheting would help save on government travel expenses (US Congress)

NOT. 14799 Manpower analysis in transportation safety (US Depart. of Transport)

NOT. 14800 Dimension of Airline growth - February 1979 (Boeing)

NOT. 14801 Conference int'l sur le tourisme et le transport aérien Mexico 17-21 avril 78 (IATA OMT)

NOT. 14802 Airport ground access study (US DOT)

NOT. 14803 Landerkurzbericht - Brasilien 1979 (Statistiches Bundesamt Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14804 Workshop in transportation economics - Mode choice in freight transportation (University of California)

NOT. 14805

490 Archives nationales (France)

Workshop in transp. economics - Pricing objectives of a public corporation : case of BART (idem)

NOT. 14806 Workshop in transp. economics - A note on aggregate models (idem)

NOT. 14807 A marriage of convenience : Arab capital and western expertise, the recent grouwth of Arab airlines (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 14808 The demise of the cross-subsidy concept in US domestic transportation reasons and implications (idem)

NOT. 14809 Liste des entreprises françaises de transport aérien (DGAC)

NOT. 14810 Final report of the think tank on a coordinated policy for int'l commercial aviation (Graduate Institute of Int'l Studies)

NOT. 14811 Location affretement et banalisation d'aéronefs - Travaux récents de l'OACI (G. Guillaume - Sté franc. de droit aérien et spatial)

NOT. 14812 Etude de la pénétration du transport aérien en France en 1977 (Aéroport de Paris)

NOT. 14813 Report to the congress - The fly america act should allow more agency discretion in authorizing use of foreign - flag air carriers to conduct business overseas (Gov. accounting office USA)

NOT. 14814 Airline needs and sources of capital Part I May 77 (IATA)

NOT. 14815 Air transport § Economic conditions - Reports N° 6, 7, 8, 9 (IATA)

NOT. 14816 Pétrole et développement au Moyen-Orient Note et E-D n° 4 481 (Doc Française)

NOT. 14817 L'URSS et l'Europe de l'Est en 1977 1° partie - Note E-D 4467-4468 (idem)

NOT. 14818 Informational and operational guide for group 1 transport systems planning and administration (Transp. Research Board)

NOT. 14819

491 Archives nationales (France)

Le TGV train à grande vitesse Paris Sud-Est (Comité Régional pour l'aménagement et l'expansion écon. de la région Rhône-Alpes)

NOT. 14820 Les équipements aéroportuaires dans la région Rhone-Alpes Une approche de la gestion de l'espace (CRESAL St Etienne)

NOT. 14821 Local service air carrier Unit Costs - Sept 30, 78 Vol I et Vol II (CAB)

NOT. 14822 Transport politik I diaka lander - En studie av de transport politiska medlen och deras tillampining I västeuropa och USA (Royal Institute... Stockholm)

NOT. 14823 Les vols "protocole" fonctionnement et bilan (AIR INTER)

NOT. 14824 Air terminal exempt zones and the intermodal movement of air cargo (Interstae Commerce Commission USA)

NOT. 14825 AIr transportation bibliography (FAA US)

NOT. 14826 Proceedings of the seminar series on transportation 77/78 (Univ. of Manitoba Canada)

NOT. 14827 Situation économique du Mexique (Banque Sudameris)

NOT. 14828 Travel 78/79 - The big picture (ASTA Travel News USA)

NOT. 14829 Proceedings : 1979 travel outlook forum (T.T.R.A. USA)

NOT. 14830 Subsidies, capital formation, and technological change local air transport (National Bureau of Standards USA)

NOT. 14831 Experimental BCAS Performance Results (FAA US)

NOT. 14832 Biz-Jet 1979 (Airlines Publications § Sales Ltd GB)

NOT. 14833

492 Archives nationales (France)

Landerkurzbericht - Indonesien 79 (Kohlhammer Stat. bund.)

NOT. 14834 idem - Uganda 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14835 idem - Marokko 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14836 idem - Ghana 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14837 idem - Sir Lanka 79 (idem)

NOT. 14838 Trafic charter de province (S.T.B.A. Paris)

NOT. 14839 1977 Vacation travel by Canadians in the US - vol I II et III (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14840 Implicatimo of Greater or Lesser competition in Int'l Civil Aviation on the economic develop. of LDC's (Kenya Airways)

NOT. 14841 The promise and prospects of greater competition in Civil Aviation - Symposium on int. civil. avia. Jamaïca (Univ. of Maryland)

NOT. 14842 The relative effects of multiple designation (voir Not. 16623 pour volume général)

NOT. 14843 History and recent experience with low fares policiers in domestic US Air Transp. and their relevance internationaly sympos... (voir NOT. 16623 pour volume général)

NOT. 14844 Experience on transatlantic routes with competitive fares § liberal charter rules (Voir NOT .16623 idem)

NOT. 14845 Regional aviation agreements : a desirable alternative to bilateralism (Voir NOT. 16623 idem)

NOT. 14846 Rethinking traditional distinction between scheduled § charter air services. Are new concepts needed (NOT. 16623 idem)

NOT. 14847

493 Archives nationales (France)

Do thin markets require more regulation than mature ones to remain viable (NOT. 16623 idem)

NOT. 14848 Address by K. Hammarskjold to US Depart. of State... (Voir NOT 16623 idem)

NOT. 14849 Financing aircraft purchases in the 1980's ... (Voir NOT. 16623 idem)

NOT. 14850 Symposium : partage des responsabilités sur un aéroport Sûreté - IFURTA

NOT. 14851 Symposium : idem - sécurité sauvetage (idem)

NOT. 14852 Symposium : idem - assurances (idem)

NOT. 14853 Symposium : idem - nuisances (idem)

NOT. 14854 FAA aviation forecast Dallas-Fort Worth (DOT FAA)

NOT. 14855 FAA aviation forecasts Miami - Ft Landerdale (idem)

NOT. 14856 FAA aviation forecasts Los Angeles (idem)

NOT. 14857 Commuter airline industry New Horizons - 1978 annual report (Commuter Airline Association of America USA)

NOT. 14858 Probability that the propagation of an undesected fatigue crack will not cause a structural failure (Rand Corp.)

NOT. 14859 Estimated costs of extended low-rate airframe production (idem)

NOT. 14860 Future sources of military jet fuel (idem)

NOT. 14861 Systems analysis techniques for planning programming budjeting (idem)

NOT. 14862

494 Archives nationales (France)

Central America and the Caribbean civil aircraft register (Air Britain)

NOT. 14863 The Benelux, Swiss and Austrian Civil Register 78 (idem)

NOT. 14864 United Kingdom § Ireland Civil Regester 1978 (Air Britain)

NOT. 14865 Civil Aircraft reperteis of France 1977 (idem)

NOT. 14866 Charterstatistik 1978 (Aviation Civile Suède)

NOT. 14867 A review of Research on Airport Congestion Delays WP N° 168 (Univ. of Michigan)

NOT. 14868 Report on Airport capacity large hub airports in the US FAA-AVP-77-26 (DOT FAA)

NOT. 14869 Regulation and regulatory reform - A survey of proposals of the 95th congress (American Entreprise Instit. )

NOT. 14870 The direct sale of Charter Air Transport (CAB)

NOT. 14871 A regional analysis of international travel to the US (US Depart. of Commerce)

NOT. 14872 The development of the Aerop. route system to Africa and its role in Soviet foreign policy (Jeorjetown Univ.)

NOT. 14873 L'industrie européenne des voyages aériens à forfait (5 volumes) F. Maurice

NOT. 14874 The act of cost benefit analysis AD AV 41526 (N.T.I.S.)

NOT. 14875 US Exports of Civil Aircraft, aircraft engines and aircraft parts and accessoires by country of destination - Années 77 à 1970 (A. I.A.A. US)

NOT. 14876 Résumé de l'étude de R.C.B. sur l'aménagement du temps (Commissariat au plan INSEE)

495 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14877 Large cargo aircraft : a technological assessment final report Vol I et Vol II (Gellman Research Ass.)

NOT. 14878 Le point de vue d'une cie européenne sur l'organisation du transport aérien int'l intervention de Pierre Giraudet Président d'Air France...

NOT. 14879 Future world airline cooperation adress by K. Hammarskjold IATA to int'l aviation conference LLoyd's of London Press New York 24/25 May 79

NOT. 14880 La prévision des collisions Bull OACI Mars 1979

NOT. 14881 Landerkurzbericht - Bolivien 1979 (Kohlhammer Statistisches Bundesamt)

NOT. 14882 idem - Vietnam 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14883 idem - Turkei 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14884 idem - Afghanistan 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14885 idem - Ecuador 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14886 idem - Athiopien 79 (idem)

NOT. 14887 idem - Togo 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14888 idem - Thaïland 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14889 Aviation regulatory reform hearings. (Subcommittee on aviation) House Of Represenatives.

NOT. 14890 Impact of interlining on commuter airlines (idem)

NOT. 14891 A staff study - Report on airline svc, fares, traffic load factor and market shares (CAB)

496 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14892 NTSB - special study - single engine fixed-wing general aviation accidents 72-1976 (NTSB)

NOT. 14893 La CEMT et les transports urbains - Bibliographie (CEMT)

NOT. 14894 Transportation facts and trends 14th edition (Transp. Association of America)

NOT. 14895 L'industrie aérospatiale européenne - situation et chiffres - (CEE)

NOT. 14896 Air terminal exempt zones and the intermodal movement of air cargo (Interstate Commerce Commission)

NOT. 14897 Commercial safety regulations are avoided by some large aircraft operators (G.A.O. Maryland)

NOT. 14898 AGIFORS Proceedings 1977 vol XVII.

NOT. 14899 Procedures of Air navigation services Aircraft operations Vol II construction of visual and instrument flight procedures 1st edition 79 (OACI)

NOT. 14900 Outlook for commercial aircraft 1979-1993 (Douglas aircraft Company)

NOT. 14901 World tourism overview 1977-1978-1979 (Travel § Leisure New York)

NOT. 14902 Sénat - avis sur le projet de loi adopté par l'Assemblée Nationale sur les principales options du VIII° plan (Sénat)

NOT. 14903 CEE - Parlement européen - Rapport ... sur la promotion d'une gestion et d'un contrôle efficace du transport aérien Doc. 106/79 2 mai 79 (CEE)

NOT. 14904 General aviation statistical data 79 edition (General Aviation Manufacturers Association US)

NOT. 14905 13° congres international aéronautique - Paris 2 et 3/06/77 Le point de vue d'un exploitant : comment réduire la consommation de carburant dans l'entretien aéronautique (Association aéronautique et Astronautique de France)

497 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14906 13° Congrès - idem - Adaptation pour l'économie ou adaptation pour l'économie d'énergie (idem)

NOT. 14907 13° congrès - idem - les économies d'énergie point de vue d'un avionneur - idem Dassault

NOT. 14908 Notes et études documentaires - La Guyane française - un bilan de 30 années (Documentation française)

NOT. 14909 Le courrier des pays de l'Est - Panorama de l'URSS (idem)

NOT. 14910 Schéma directeur de l'informatique - Tome 2 : guide méthodologique Racines (idem)

NOT. 14911 Statistiques et études financières - L'opération "variantes" Exercice de projection écon. exploratoire (idem)

NOT. 14912 Society of Automotive Engineers inc (Cabin safety by crash survival (SAE))

NOT. 14913 Society of Automotive Engineers inc - Technical paper - Helicopter Transport .... (idem)

NOT. 14914 Society of Automotive Engineers - Technical paper : Rotorcraft for transport use - European requirements (SAE)

NOT. 14915 Society of Automotive Eng. - Advanced supersonic transport propulsion systems (idem)

NOT. 14916 Society of Automotive Eng. - Concorde Aids - Powerplant Application (idem)

NOT. 14917 Society of Automotive Eng. - Modular engine maintenance concept considerations for aircraft turbine engines (idem)

NOT. 14918 Statistik des auslandes - Landerkurzbericht - Nigeria 79 (Statistisches Bundesamt Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14919 Statistik des auslandes - Chile 79 (idem)

NOT. 14920

498 Archives nationales (France)

Statistik des auslandes - Niger 79 (idem)

NOT. 14921 Center for transportation studies Massachussets Institute of Technology - The economics for airline Networks : a mathematical model (M.I.T. Cambridge)

NOT. 14922 Transportation Ride quality (T.R.B. US)

NOT. 14923 Airport Capacity and planning (idem)

NOT. 14924 Freight Movement and Demand (T.R.B. US)

NOT. 14925 Freight data - Requirements for Stadewide - Transportation systems planning (idem)

NOT. 14926 Freight data - Requirements for stadewide transportation systems planning research report (idem)

NOT. 14927 Energy effects, efficiencies, and prospects for various modes of transportation (T.R.B. USA)

NOT. 14928 The role of commuter airlines in the essential air service program (Commuter airline association of America)

NOT. 14929 Technological change and productivity growthin the Air Transport Industrie (NASA)

NOT. 14930 Boeing : Jet Airplane fleets of the world - Year end 1978 (BOEING)

NOT. 14931 Transportation engineering Journal - Vol 105 March 79 Access, Fares, Frequency : effects on Airport Traffic.

NOT. 14932 Rapport sur les principales options du VIIIe plan (Commissariat Général au Plan)

NOT. 14933 Workshop on aviation planning and program development (T.R.B. USA)

NOT. 14934 Information et conjoncture (N° special) Colloque int'l sur la couverture des distances intermédiaires (Information et Conjoncture Revue)

499 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14935 Cahiers de recherche : Railway Capacity Analysis and related Methodology (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 14936 Interfuturs - Rapport final : face aux futurs : pour une maîtrise du vraisemblable et une gestion de l'imprévisible. (OCDE)

NOT. 14937 Les transports en France en 1977 - Evolution, comptes, charges des collectivités publiques et des usagers, coût des transports (INSEE)

NOT. 14938 CTOL Transport Aircraft - Characteristics, trends and growth projections (AIAA)

NOT. 14939 Decennie des Nations Unies pour les transports et communications en Afrique 1978-1988 volume 1 (ONU)

NOT. 14940 Trabajos y conclusiones del primer congress Argentino de economia del transporte aero (Asociacion Aeronautica Argentina)

NOT. 14941 Les transports : tendances et questions particulières (Canadian Transport Commission)

NOT. 14942 Technology and procedures for better Air Transport fuel efficiency (ATA - K.F. Holtby - Boeing)

NOT. 14943 The impact of Low fares on the air transport industry Tourism : the government viewpoint (Aeronautical Jal)

NOT. 14944 Commission des Communautés européennes - La contribution des communautés européennes aux dével. des svc du transport aérien (CEE)

NOT. 14945 New engineering and devel. initiatives - Policy and technology choices 2 tomes (DOT FAA)

NOT. 14946 Journal of Air Law and Commerce (Souther Methodis Univ. Dallas)

NOT. 14947 A collection of technical papers (AIAA Royal Aeronautical Soc.)

500 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14948 Commuter air carrier traffic - Statistics 12 months ended Dec 31, 1978 (CAB)

NOT. 14949 International aviation symposium Kingston Jamaica (U.T.A.) (Voir NOT. 16623 pour volume général)

NOT. 14950 Airport vicinity air pollution model - Abbreviated version user's guide (FAA US)

NOT. 14951 Impact of area navigation on controller productivity and ATC system capacity (FAA US)

NOT. 14952 Full-scale fire modeling tests of a compact rapid response foam and dry chemical powder dispensing system (idem)

NOT. 14953 A perturbation theory of two-dimentional transonic windtunnel wall interface (Nat. Research Council Canada)

NOT. 14954 Pour une croissance économe en énergie (CEE)

NOT. 14955 3° rapport sur le programme communautaire d'économies d'énergie (idem)

NOT. 14956 Nouvelles actions communautaires dans le domaine des économies d'énergie (idem)

NOT. 14957 Union routière de France 1979 (Union routière de France)

NOT. 14958 Comision Latinoamericana de aviacion civil - Tercera Asamblea ordinaria - Informe aprobado por la asemblea (CLAC) Santiago de Chile 28.11/1.12.78

NOT. 14959 Middle east civil aviation conference - Amman - Jordan June 4-8 1979 (Ali Ghandom ALIA)

NOT. 14960 Symposium on the changing environment of int'l air commerce (University Georgetown)

NOT. 14961 Forecasts of freight system demand and related research needs (Nat. Research Council USA)

NOT. 14962 Le commerce extérieur des régions Provence - Alpes - Côte d'Azur et Corse 1978 (CCI Marseille)

501 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14963 Landerkurzbericht - Bulgarien 1979 (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14964 Landerkurzbericht - Birma (idem)

NOT. 14965 Landerkurzbericht - Malaysia 1979 (idem)

NOT. 14966 Projet du XVI° rapport de la commission des comptes des transports de la nation (INSEE)

NOT. 14967 Communauté des prescriptions relatives aux équipements embarqués de secours et de sécurité (CEAC)

NOT. 14968 Projet de loi de finances pour 79 - Transports III Aviation civile et météo. Annexe ... (Imprimerie Nat.)

NOT. 14969 Budget voté de 1978 et 1979 - Transports - III Aviation civile et météo. (idem)

NOT. 14970 10th triennal session (CEAC)

NOT. 14971 Air transport 1979 (A.T.A.)

NOT. 14972 Landerkurzberichte - Panama 79 (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14973 Landerkurzberichte - Kuba 79 (idem)

NOT. 14974 Landerkurzberichte - Burundi 79 (idem)

NOT. 14975 Planification d'une flotte d'avions (Université de Montréal)

NOT. 14976 International traffic assumptions and scenario presentation to IATA Traffic Forecasting Group (Boeing)

NOT. 14977 No Accidents d'avions (Science et Vie)

NOT. 14978

502 Archives nationales (France)

Migrations, croissance et développement (OCDE)

NOT. 14979 The aviation industry current prospectives § problems (Practicing Law Institute New York)

NOT. 14980 Aerodynamique et mécanique du vol (Eyrolles Ed.)

NOT. 14981 Rapport provisoire sur les tarifs aériens réguliers intra-européens (CEAC)

NOT. 14982 Energy efficient engine propulsion system - Aircraft Integration evaluation (Pratt § Withney)

NOT. 14983 Le département français Haute-Savoie - Rhône Alpes (Doc. française)

NOT. 14984 Schéma général d'aménagement de la France - Le grand Sud Ouest (idem)

NOT. 14985 Le massif central (idem)

NOT. 14986 Landerkurzbericht - Mauretanien 1979 (Verlag W. Kohlhammer)

NOT. 14987 Landerkurzbericht - Somalia 79 (idem)

NOT. 14988 Landerkurzbericht - Jamaika (idem)

NOT. 14989 Methodology in airport studies and guidance to decision makers (Depart. of Transport Australie)

NOT. 14990 Optimization in the transport sector : a much neglected objective (Australian Transport Research)

NOT. 14991 Is modal choice modelling becoming obsolate ? (idem)

NOT. 14992 Optimal airline fares, service quality and congestion (idem)

NOT. 14993 Arab travel in the 80's - Proceedings of the 1st internat. Arab Travel conference... (Int'l Communications London)

503 Archives nationales (France)

NOT. 14994 Freight transport policy : five myths - idem.

NOT. 14995 Operational initiatives in air transport - idem.

NOT. 14996 Aircraft Pressurization and Commuter Airline Operations A staff study (CAB)

NOT. 14997 Landerkurzbericht - Pakistan 1979 - Verlag. W. Kohlhammer

NOT. 14998 National transportation - Planning in developing countries A critical review of methodologies (B. Honel Berkeley Univ.)

NOT. 14999 Transport in intercity markets - An overview of the physical distribution system (M.I.T.)