Restoration of the Olympia Oyster, Ostrea Lurida, in Fidalgo Bay and Cypress Island
Restoration of the Olympia Oyster, Ostrea lurida, in Fidalgo Bay and Cypress Island Year Sixteen Report Skagit County Marine Resources Committee Prepared by Paul Dinnel December 2018 Acknowledgments The Skagit County Marine Resources Committee thanks the following for their invaluable assistance with our Olympia oyster restoration project in Fidalgo Bay: Project Management: Paul Dinnel, Skagit MRC Olympia oyster lead; Tracy Alker, Skagit County Public Works; staff of the Northwest Straits Foundation, and Sasha Horst and Lucas Hart, Northwest Straits Commission. Project Technical Support: Brady Blake, WDFW, David Way, WDNR and Brian Allen, Betsy Peabody, Ryan Crim and other staff of Puget Sound Restoration Fund. Permission to Plant Seed at the Trestle, Cap Sante Marina, and Cypress Island sites: City of Anacortes, Port of Anacortes and the Washington Department of Natural Resources. Oyster Shell Donation and Funding: Paul, Steve and Scott Blau, Blau Oyster Company, Samish Island for their periodic donations of cultch bag shell and the Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment for funding the 2018 addition of shell substrate in Fidalgo Bay. Volunteers: Paul Dinnel, Erica Pickett, Pete Haase, Erik Dinnel, Dixon Elder, Chris Brown, Hal Lee, Jack Middleton, Sarah Tchang, Vicki McNeil, Brian Walker, Caden Walker, Lynn Lichtenberg, Nate Biletnikoff, Robert Lord, Candice Trusty, Kirsten Boesen, Don Klopfer, Darla Smith, Annie Thomas, Gina Johnson, Wayne Huseby, and Jennifer Selvig. Report Reviewer: Vicki McNeil and Tracy Alker Partner Organizations: Northwest Straits Commission, Northwest Straits Foundation, Puget Sound Restoration Fund, Samish Tribe, Swinomish Tribe, Coastal Volunteer Program at Padilla Bay, Salish Sea Stewards, Skagit County Public Works, Shell and Andeavor (now Marathon) Refineries, Blau Oyster Company, Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment, WDFW, WDNR, NOAA, Shannon Point Marine Center, Western Washington University, City of Anacortes and Port of Anacortes.
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