Estimating Basin Effects Using M9 and Recent Research for Tall Building Design in Seattle
Estimating Basin Effects Using M9 and Recent Research for Tall Building Design in Seattle COSMOS Technical Session Susan Chang, Ph.D., P.E. I November 16, 2018 1 Seattle Basin Data courtesy of Richard Blakely 2 Tall Buildings in Seattle (100+ m, 328+ ft) Columbia Center Rainier Square Tower 1984, 933 ft 2020, 850 ft Russell Investments Center F5 Tower 2006, 598 ft 2017, 660 ft 1201 3rd Avenue 1988, 772 ft Smith Tower 1914, 462 ft Background Source: 31 buildings 31 buildings Figure from Doug Lindquist, Hart Crowser 3 March 4, 2013 Workshop Chang, S.W., Frankel., A.D., and Weaver, C.S., 2014, RePort on WorkshoP to IncorPorate Basin ResPonse in the Design of Tall Buildings in the Puget Sound Region, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey OPen-File RePort 20- 14-1196, 28 P., httPs:// • Basin amPlification factors from crustal ground motion models (amplification factors a function of Z2.5 and Z1.0) • ApPlied to MCER from PSHA for all EQ source tyPes Photo by Doug Lindquist, Hart Crowser 4 Recent Research Effect of DeeP Basins on Structural CollaPse During Large Subduction Earthquakes By Marafi, Eberhard, Berman, Wirth, and Frankel, Earthquake SPectra, August 2017 • Basin amPlification factors for sites with Z2.5 > 3 km Marafi et al. (2017) 5 Recent Research Observed amPlification of sPectral resPonse values for stiff sites in Seattle Basin referenced to Seward Park station – thin soil over firm rock 2003 under OlymPics, M4.8 outside of basin 2001 near SatsoP, M5.0 6 Recent Research Broadband Synthetic Seismograms for Magnitude 9 Earthquakes on the Cascadia Megathrust Based on 3D Simulations and Stochastic Synthetics (Part 1): Methodology and Overall Results By Frankel, Wirth, Marafi, Vidale, and StePhenson, submitted to BSSA January 2018, comPleted USGS internal review 7 USGS/SDCI March 22, 2018 Workshop Attendees Peer reviewers Geotechnical Consultants • C.B.
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