Report on the Eel Stock and Fishery in France 2007
EIFAC/ICES WGEEL Report 2008 335 Report on the eel stock and fishery in France 2007 FR.A. Authors Cédric Briand, Institution dʹAménagement de la Vilaine, 56 130 La Roche Bernard, France Gérard Castelnaud, Cemagref, 50, avenue de Verdun, 33616 Cestas Cedex, France Laurent Beaulaton, ONEMA, Direction Scientifique et Technique, 16, avenue Louison Bobet, 94132 Fontenay sous bois Cedex, France Marie‐Noelle de Casamajor, CERECA/ADERA, Technopôle Izarbel, Maison du Parc 64210 Bidart, France Pascal Laffaille Reporting Period: This report was revised and completed in August 2008. FR.B. Introduction FR.B.1 Presentation of the eel fisheries in France The French eel fisheries occur mainly in inland waters (rivers, estuaries, ponds and lagoons) and also in coastal waters (see Figure FR. 1 and Table FR.a). The glass eel fisheries are more important in the Bay of Biscay region but they are also found in the Manche region. The yellow eel fisheries occur in the same areas and also concern the upper parts of the rivers of the Atlantic coast, the Rhine and tributaries. The Mediter‐ ranean lagoons produce the most part of yellow eels and bootlace eels are targeted for exportation towards Italy. Silver eel fisheries are limited to some rivers, mostly in the Loire basin. 336 EIFAC/ICES WGEEL Report 2008 CHANNEL Bay of Biscay Figure FR. 1 Inland waters in France (eel fisheries in red; tidal limits in green). The numbers cor‐ respond to the list of fishing zones in Table FR.a.
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