Our Comic Section
WHITE BLUFFS, WASHINGTON, SPOKESMAN 7 labor hard to extract a plain yes or no from him. ‘“Was the apple crop Man’s Brief Span Normandy Dons large this year?” You ask. His clas- sic reply is: *“Well, for a good apple on Mother Earth Festival Attire year, it is not too good; but for a bad apple year, it.is not too bad!” COMIC SECTION 24 hours stand as rep- OUR day of The to avail himself of Let a tendency 2,000,000,- Greets Spring With Quaint Age- subtle distinctions may account for the resentative of the possible Norman's reputation as a somewhat 000 years of this planet's history, Jeans, British scl- Old Ceremonies. grasping character, and his fondness says Sir James entist, and man's presence on this Geographic Soclety, for legal forms and lawsuits has Prepared by National globe (estmating his tenure at 400,- Washington, D. C.—WNU Service. earned for him and his fellows the in the Lives Little Men represents 17 seconds ORMANDY is planning for ap- title of “the lawyers of France.” Events of 000 years) but ple blossom time. Like Win- For all that, the Norman has his of that cosmic day. And only within last man had chester, in the Valley of Vir- own traditions of fun and good fel- 1-80 of the second has the ginia, and other great apple- lowship. Remember, he likes his ci- any supportable outlook upon growing regions of America, Nor- der! And never Norman more so than universe at all! amaz- mandy fares forth in festival attire one Oliver Basselin, he of the red nose, One's first reaction to this when the buds of its famous apple who sang songs in praise of hard ci- Ing disparity between the age of the trees burst in the spring.
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