Council beginsunity probe; secondsession is postponed PopeJohrt tnteruenes irt reuekttiort hussle

1"n1'Iit:l' the t'ottttcil tli'lillet'l- ti,rrrs Iact'd the tht't'at of lrtttlging tlon'n itt a tlt'llitlc ott lhc soul-ccs of luvt'latiorr, lrtrt thtt Itollc ltlct't' Ihe rluestion, rlue to tha prcrtorit. inrntll'cltlcrll,eonrpositiou of thc VOL. lll, NQ. I INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, NOVEMBER illllllltlilllllllllllllllllllillillliltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 30. 196l coutr<:il nrnnrlrt'rs, rvlrose healtl EULLETIN tuight su[fcl in Ilonrc's sLltunlcl' MAKING READY FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON-The past several weeks have been busy qrres for Mrs. Al Crilerion press time Itcat. Crrlos Pedrrrrr, rbove, r menrbar of Holy Angels parish, Indianrpolis. An rmrleur erlisl. she has Thursday trrortritrg, His Holi' ,d VICTORY been relouching lhe ouldoor Niiiyily figures for her parish al the requesl of lire pasfor, Father Joseph ness Pope John XXlll wn5 [or.the so-callctl Funeral Mass "grcally is offered Grolhrus. Prinlr rnd new brsel lor lhe ligures were donafed by Willirm Guylon and Carlin Snrith, reporled irnProved" l)lrltlf(!ssi\'c gf0up ilt thc courrttil after being confined lo bed for wns sr\(rlt irt thc l)opc's intelt'cn- the past lwo daYs with what liort in thc rlclltte on llrc sourccs Vatican officials described as "ralher of L'lrlis{ian rc\'('lalion. slrong rnetnia" crused by a gasiric disordcr. His Per' llcatl at tlru opt'ning of thc for Monsignor Herrnarln son.rl physiclan, Prof. Anlonio corrncil's 2.ltlr gcrrclal c()ngr'('gl. Gasberrini, plattned to keeP lhe 8l'ycar-old Psrrtiff in bed fpr at liorr llr',\r't,lrhislrrrI l,'r'lici rvirs lrrr r\ Solcrurr Funcral Nlass leasl anollrt'r diry, press t eporls annouocr.lllollt lllat i{ rlls tlrt' \\'ils ol'lcrttl last il[otttlirv What is behind [eftist irrdicaled, Because of hir ill. I)opc's tvish th.rl tlrc'ct bc ness, he was forced lo cancel t'cvit's'ctl bf l spcciltl c()rlrnissirrn n-l{)r'nilr[l in SS. l)t'tcI antl lris regular general audience on lrt'fortt tlrrt cotrrtcil t eslrnrcrl il s Paul ('ltlrtrtllal I'or tltc lligltl" I Wedrresrlay {or tlte firsl tirne cxatuituttion of it. Iicr'. Ilt.rrr'1'Ilcrnrlnn. trcl-

Etlitorial, Page 4 Irorrsrrrll. llthrrrr;1h lllc I'rosi(lolrt r;airl ht, lrarl rlilr,ctt,rl upploplillc -- l"tt' {'rrllrolil tt:irclirrtr lo 1..\\\'lil';\('l:lit li(i, ltttl. ['t'esttlltrt lictlcttl agrnt'ics lo lrs{.' tlrlrr' licrrrtt'r15"-sr.rtricl hrtn'in;1 rlisr:r'inr- "11ortrl ttt.t'itl st't r it'r's lirr tllt' \'01')' llo\ . ofliccs lrr prorrrrrtc untl r,rr. inalion ttr l"t'tlt-t'all1,' aitlcd lrotrs. "IitlI;ttt llclntatt ,l. liitspt't. \'.1".. pitstot' c{}rulj.lo the :rb:rttrkrttnrcttl ol rlis. ll nott'rl lhnt llto cott' in:1 nrrnlllt'tl pf:rtst' fot' thl ot'rill rt'itnirtatorl, itt conrtt,t'. ol Sl. I.;rrlr.t'n(,(' ltt.t'c tntl ,.rrlh 1rt;rtlicrs" t't'1rt ol li{e u'hiclr is so u'irlt'- l)ill'isll ctrritiotti llr;rt il rkrrs nrrl tiort rvitlt exislitrg housitrg. splonrl itt ottr litttt's ltns tls tk,lrtt rrf lhc l.ltrr.tcttcrlrrtIll l)r.irtr, iolrr tlrt: 1rt'olllt:tttol segt'c;alr:rl orirlin in ttt t'tttt't'titin- lIousrltij. THE ORDER (lo(,s llr)[ ap1rl5'lrr 11r't'lt Irtt'l ('r'l . \\ or'(' lr,'ltl itt tht' pat'islt (ilrrtli nlonl, llt,ttco llto ttt'r'tl {ot' lltt' Irousing firrrrrr.etl lll' cortvctrlion:rl t.xplt'ssetl le,:r'r'1 tltirl tltu \\'r'tlttt'srlit1. Ntrr'. ilfl. llc (lltlurlic clrrtlt'lt otrlot :rpputr.'rllt rlor.s rrol llltt'1. r'lt't'l{.1atttl lattl' lo ittsti' lrr;rns lly' banks ;rtttl savings lrrrrl ('()tlllt)' lkrsltilitl "ltrlrrtr'i;rl lltlo scltrrols f()r lltt' ('ltt'isliatt rlrctl irt l)t';tllxrl'tt Irr;rti assuciirliot'rs. lrrrl on!1' llrr, lrolicrr,:;of t'rttpit'r,s trr rtrr \ort'rltltt't ll.l litlhr*'in1l a Ittitt't llral irvitrl lltlrttst'lrt's ol l,'trrlot'.tl lirlrrrnl iorr of rlit't,r'tot's ntttl those gttaLarttccrl b.y Vr\ antl l;'llA " itclols. ittl itt'li. t)roglilr)rs. In l${il. I,'llA atrrl \IA {lcltntttcnlitil: 0tt IltIsc Iitttors, tlt,glosil ulsiltiul{,(! l}follt,rtns"--- Itottsing nrarlr: ltp allorrl ()n(r. I)ettnis L'lirt'h, t.xot:ut ilt' st't'tctar'5' llrrl is, llrr,lrtrrrlis triltl s;rvirrlis llis lrorlt \vits tl':lllsf(lrt'ct[ to Sirealit'rs also ottrpltlsirt'd thtt 'l't'r'r't' rttrtl loltr lssrrci;rtiotrs. lirr lltrlilll itr thc *r* irrtpot'lnrtcc ol t:ottttttttttientitttts illrrlt' *** ('cntt'' "llrrl "r\1. plicsts' ctlck' rrt' ('itlvat'.t' il's star'{," trrcrliit in tttissirrtt atttits rvltt'ttl 'l'lrly u he arklcrl, (.atlr. rtf ler)'. r\ [ttttt't':tl Ilitss l'lts offct't'tl trlso strcssr'rl llrtrt llsl tltc I,'e

going .,l.irrlies rl'c wc to havo frrse Jackie antl she pouts little "Who a Choice"?" t say: do you and goes lrack to tha dance. s.ant to dance rvitlr?" Cirnditlly "With one says: Tony; brrt lrc I- NOTICT: lhut ltllv anrl Hank tvon't ask nte, s0 maybc I can I are rlancing ovel'on thc otlrer ;rsk lrirrr." t klrrk itt Ihcrn scli. I sirlc of ilrc lloor, Htly is a "l)o I-pl'u. ously uttl sty: l'ou wilnt luLr Shc cnn tlnrrce the fcet lo go ovrtr irntl make hiur

Wlttt's Wlro o[ Clcrgy, Religious

alr(l Laity - Convents - Schools Clurlelrcs ^- Organizatiols 3 (onvenient Only 92.00 ffi Locations Mail Coupon Below IRVINGTONNORTHSIDE LAWRENCE 53{2 E. Wuhinsfon 3447Collese Avr. 8051E, {6th St. Thetriferion, 124 W. Georgia St., lndlrnrpollc 6, Ind, rlcase scn(t .. copics of 1969 Directory rt lluyers FL 7-t159 wA 6-60s6 Lr 7-st40 Guide to: Name Address lVloore,Kirk tk tishcr FUNERALHOMES lT lS AMAZTNGto hear ntlults talk aboutlcen-rlge dauces. Soure THE CRITERION, NOVEMBER 30, 1962 PAGE'THREE = - = Premier in cr,udienca Bus tiff settt he rdded lhot religlon should nrillion. The counlry's illiter. The Vatican "kepl be in lhe churches.,, acy rrle is 19.4 per cenl, one of fhe lowest in Lalin America. O IIONI14 - Apploximatcly ?0 t) CAlti\CAS. -- bishops flonr r\sin lnct \vith top \/en0zu(:lil Rc- sults of :r niltioll:rl fact-finding olficials of llrc tJnitctl Nations' survc)' oll fanrill'llalish rclation- Ifoo

sturly ol " "C(}NTINUOUS'' tlrc ST.JOSEPH SUNI)AYMISSAL i:f.*::,f"hih-*is Netr Nlissal with N0 ExlrilF-lg*t{*F";tr=rfrl.[gi$ ij, {it}!-il *JI'::'::j::: CR0SS RttLRINCES-N0 turning bach anti lorth. 50 full color itlus . i:.l.l"*l*'iii*:ni''iilti'iil','li:i*"*.]*]l* larre type. ColfraternityVcrsion. -> he- had re- gen. sage but snid that 0 llr.()t(lslalll I'astor. IIal'e Ilo1,g. Cloth, $3.i5 leather, gold edges f8.50 respectful reply Edition with totin Rerponses ceived a very nt'r lras silirl his c,loction to ilic Premier. Cloth, $3.95 Leathcr. gcn, gold ctlgcs lrom lhe lndian l'r'o.clr r\calenry *'ith tlre bnck. -iUlronv 99.00 t:i:Jl'lli,,(lllll'!; r t'l'r' r't'rrtI rvrsrr.t s<:ht'rlrrlctl '-"',,;:;i tn IY I'olc .rolrtt lr<'lli,ll,:li]ll.i. nrt'rrrlrt'r.s';.'.:.':"::":;:..1:."i.:: :.{..:t'^ ..-!fj-rz< sArNTios[t]r Nrssnr i,,,";. \\'ils a rcc()it1itipl of f.. --\ "regular" lrl.oilrlcust lr spct:iul tilosslrAr' Ir('rt' ;;,.. :: ::'j"'rru'rI .t't ,,<'--- lvlostbeautiful Sunday[lissal v;ith i *il;lli,i"l"',i;: extrallrge lypc, cillenders. Rosary in lullcolor, trastor. rlocgncr. I ntrv \jatit.air tr*,ti,, traiisn,itiirur ll:':i-l,lr,i,r 8t- tFr.--:1$,.,.i1,',,,*3rqj i Latin-inglish0rtlinly. ConfratcrnityVersiorr. rsi il,Ilii,,:ili,llll;;iilllt,,ll,,,l Jcil,r'ot(t!]l;'Tii',ij-"lillli, oI ilro l)r,ote,s Santa llar.iir .fi cl,iii.,:i,i. ,Drcsitlout *il: j 0loth, $2.75 Leather,gcn. gold edges 94.i0 of It'ancc' i- Ct6; rroal llonrc. intorrrlctltirtl btolttl ::l':1,.]-.:tl:'' was lot',,ntcrttbot"sltip"iu clsls to occania atttl tltc l"itt' i'il:.t]::l::::':l' the sAtNTJosipn pociii mrssll -+ Ncy,rc0ilJrlete liliss,il for Sunditysrnd tlolyd,rys trith over 100 beautilul, full color illustr,rtiols. Latge, easy-to-rearltype. ConfratcrnatyV0rsr0rr. ,itlilt Cloth, $2.50 leather, gen. gold etlges$4.50 ------ll'111'l- *'11'l,t:1:t"iiit)li:"i" -*i\litil 0rtlcls Prontptly Irillcd -* rtlt': ttt ,ttA,\ ilDI'; i;i; illiii]J"i"1"1:llili"l'l,i;,:"llia|id da|l|ase slJils Open All Day Saturday I*{::jll::lijrjl;i" iri ""llJilill* ^ .t - i,r!*t l;! i!'r;:r,r,.+ iii: il:i;1,'iT, l*T,,xt 9'J"li.:1r11','JT,li,i.* INDIANA(HURCH SUPPI.Y f-\ r FormerlyWm. F. Kries & $ons Louncilbyplay likened ffiffii$ Ci'|IIOI,IC SUPPLY IIOUIiL: $*ti*u;:ffifiil:tiffi ME 7-8797 107 S, Pennsylvania lrrdpls. ro congress?parliamenr It0tY 'l'llll nIll,:-,t,rt;ul_fiini'il'i,':;ffifr}tr ,;#1il{l:ijl*, IDAITISilDS TI^INK 'l''illi i,,,lfi*iir";:i,i:;i"s$.i;"r$;i*ri!:{,"t n r[],ri[:1l,';f:.ll'ii[risnr i:$nimri'.rri;-.;l..$i;*tili1isf:'H$.+; fu.Aun.ea{,'a& llT lli:.f,r$t", ilil.:iiii"' {!xam;ne(riD rhc scconii{.d. rrrssin'h.cotrD.i,'-,";* :'"i111,.:lfi[l1.ili""i],"i *orn*.-'.'" CATHOLICHIGH SCHOOLS CAMPAIGN .,'lfl'"j[ iit'"{lii;;;lil"ll"iijilllli "\lillijiii,','i"iiii;,il"l,hl:iri TUNDREPORT

rt'orltl' 'l'lte qivc lhrr l,'atlrers thair lilst ltlack iln(l thlcos. Asof November10,1962 I ll{r gati,'t'alel lllt't'll}}tlsn)c{'lin(s (}}{)l llt('llr(' 'l'he.1,5e llt'}r('l {}l,it t,rrsSiot}ttttsltioll c'trsci.ttsnoss.c0ttsciottsnoss. Ii CHICAGO*lllirroisLt|ILA(i(,*llllllols isls nerr.netr. louncil lrt'gin at 1l:1r{tshar'[t r'r'r't]' THE COIINCIL also ltas ing a d*cisicn on wheihqr it lrrll rlost.r. .l s'eakcLs- is nt, 'l'ltc!t* r\t hottt' lltr: lrisit' clo;tkt oottt itritl cof lctt lortnllt'. ntorntng. thal c'r'lrlctcrl. should use f ax funrls lo supply {)ps tin(l lhcir assignetl pllrct:s ltttl ltttttlsPcitkt't' itt thr coflt't' roonr publie Cw' .nt4'?,^-'r' women on relief wifh **r^ffrdr&*&, WHATPERCENTAGE OFTHE atlcntl f Ias-s. The cardinals, urually aboui tlti;.lltt stttd 20 (lf 30 bislrulls '['lttr birlh control services, includ. \la's. rltllt rlhich r';rch six of them, lerd ofl the speech- scttt't'1itttI bat'k to lltt'tr srats to ing r con]roversial conlrrcep, rla5"s rlrrt'k [rt,sins. is in u rlif' es. Then ?he rrchbishops, bish" ltt' itt pl:tct' fot' a ballol th;rt is live pill. Decenrber l0 is ihe AIIIOUNTP!.EDGED HAS YOUR fctctrl llrto alrnoil ovor'5' tlar'. ops and ruperiors general of altuttt to tako place. deadline for a vole ol lhe 10. 'l'hc attcit'nt t(inrucs lllrrvirlc a religious societies lollow, in no i\ll6orrgh lrp cguucrl ptrllrot.s member lllinois Public Aid lhirl parlicular uJj/t rlailr'' crlrtcation in tltt'fir<:t all order of rank or dig- lrarc 5ct,n tr) r.(,ll.ili1 Commission, Cafholic groups PARISHPAID iilI? ls nol rv<'slt'rn ;rntl Lalin in tht: nily. Ir.onr rrpr.t'ssing llrcir'{tt,lrngs lrt, arrd individuals led opposifion e ,o F (iathtlic ('htttclt. "nrrrlierri'c fot .r l0oo loss be- r.eaclion," n ,1ruri- lo lhe proposrl. To be up-lo-dale, and allowing .. aplul.i:t]l.l)', 4rl,rs'r,rlrrr, ottll' tltc, c:tt't.lirt:tls rftc' thr lra.s is .v.r'. rrrc rant'orrs r.c a . r i rr ' srr cause of deafhs and removols from lhe city. a p.rlislr should have paid 86.58of lhe amounl its people pleelgrcd. How close fo this figure does your parish eomc? Tlrc j,i"i, ',i avernge for all parilhes is 60.37o^. iilrir:irJ xl;:t[t ;,:1lrul}lt- $iil:il|'ii llif,lii::l,ii[r;;,m;]Furnace Service *lL;ll,.;i,i1l,;'*:l[+ f"'*'i;i;;;;-i;;i;'*-'*'! Parishes whose payments are ABOVE '','';,*;l;ln.;.]liiirlii; OILo,, or GAS 24 Hour lril*;ti-l;rilil,ti ;irxirr,i,l,,,;i:rt;,;,,r,il*llliir';'r;r;l'^;';1",riiit-it[f o.oo, 24Hour i fhe average of 60.37% CHRYSLERAIRTEMP | ) St. .fohn 77.840; ? ! sr. Luke /1.609.; pii;[iisi:fiiifijiplCall,5iffi1'*1i:l:ig''Anytime F[ 9-9571 3) lmmaculafe Heart of Mary . /0.02oo ni;p'l$lil,ilriri,:$ 69.8?0'o [li'flili*u;,*lt{,Hffi|flnW, 4) Sl. Thornas Aquinas Oil Filters * Humidifiers * Parls I 5) st. Matthew 68.171; ttl"la|l|"ir\.iil.llll}:"l't|s|i|n'nuni.ri;;.i.1ii;;ii';li..Ji;;l:ii.|iil:l'l]l|''l|l]'l]l 6) St, James, lhe Grealer 68.0loo 71 55. Pefer and Paul (Cathedral) . . 67.079; j:i:;lf,,nj"i;:1,,1;#i*{llili,,'lhill'ilillb"l'l,i'b,"lliilll CHATN g) 5t. Joan of Arc 65.6790 _j,jjl"iill,:;l*l;l,ll,Hl,"x .Pou.LAN SAW 9) Sl, Mory 55.23".o ,il sr. t,.rnri lnsrk,i,vhr([. oDth.&'nsvoi(,. at'rfls0rrk(ilt lnrlri:krir. lL"-'\-- fi . l0) St. Roch 64'80'i) .x(fll ftn the qnitld h r crrrnil'il hhrl Lils. il:,#::ii";til"r-'s r4rc' (qtrr.d rutrt. roh(r rnil ['::::.:i::""il:':: r, ilJiiiiilliliil',1'i;'ll.i"ilil:],"';,ii;:|I -tFil ll) Our Lady of Lourdes 64.610" led emong l0 cardinals, i u'rr,r*, r,,,,',.r,,'lll,|"1;1":l,jill"il troubtefree s;rw 12) sacred Heart ' 64'1994 riveone. A member","::;: I Trr, \ff 13) St. Thercso ( Liltle Flower) 63.96o'i, qdv g".o ' 'vr" vYsr sdlrr I ssn' pitst,r [ilti$**:*-*F&S$I4 ) St. Andrew 6l .I Kittg. "f ',lll:.,1.1::llJ,l]"f.111,: rrl moeling. 15 ys'11.of expcri*'te $."...,''lT, sponi,r,.prcrarc Nazllcnt. in t,'inlc1,villc, rvas I ffiili'+lirt# I iJdi,;; 'l'hcrc f;;t.,1*itilil$ilflfrI.'OLT.KAM. IjLtiCTRIC StjRVICll fllltll ] t'hirr'{e t'ir' payments are BELOW is absolrrtc flccrlonr of i:fl:ill::,1 ll:, .ol, I sr. l,ouis 3.n.Mo.. fvnnsvlto. rnd.. ldn.rnrrn ,l Parishes whose nl0rc[rcgucntcounci[Sru*xl*.l$tmy;,l"ll,iillllil'lhll$ii*li:*[;% the average of 6037% '| Jfcrtrndtrilrs{trs$Itnr. ltclhr 1"1""" il^vriltrl- l5) Holy TrinilY |i()l|li._l,)ctrntenicillcotttteilsl\lassatSt'|r,c'sc|tttt.chhet.eonoft|rc'clirtri|sisn 16) chrisl,lhe Kins':::::.:::'::::'.::'..',. ,n0ilrllEAT l7) Sf, Chrislopher .. ft|tllfetotttakcsttt.etlratthcant||lrcntrrt|[.sonlethitrglikc: BUDGET PAYMENT PLAN l8) Assumplion Clrulch kctps pace g'itlr turtr, Patcr', surl ttttlptrs rl'lllch he ltatl betltt tllt'nt'tltl. llrr: "IFCHNOLOGY .iattt has struck I9) Sl. JosePh t'nrltl's p.ugi'ots. an ttntlet'strt't't'- thc elapsttttt est" ( llxr:tlsc tttt,'. I,'a- r r . "0rrr i,1;nn Oil II<:ut,Ctttt't Bc Beci" ',. lar"v of l}. Seconrl Vatiean (j,rr'. rvolld wilh all its. accornpanying flrer. bu1 tirnc is 1p) o1, AbfOaCl 20) Sf. Catherino . cil tras sajrl. forcc and fascination lrnrl rvith ils pertintrl arl I.crn" (.l,liat ftns lgth- ?l ) St. Philip Nori . Alchbishop (jasinrilo gor.cillg illttsions. uf easy rvcll-bcing," the ing to

THE CR|TERION, NOVEMSER 30, l96t PAGE FIVE Says c:ornnrunismnot sole O WT{AT'OF ?'ITEDAY sonrce of s0ciaI evi ls t'lf \\'ASIII-\(;'tON-'lhc westenl go, we lra moking r Profossor fYehru hcnrisplterc rvi'll not clrt'os€ corl- caloslrophic mirlake, to be prid lor by generalionr yet to nrunisnr, but this tlocision tlocs tomcr" he seid. By REV, JOHN DORAN ,r'ou so" after his rlcparting soul. Iot'cc to mect forcc s'ould have prclcllt uot idcntical evils *'ltich \Ve sirnply rvish tlrat he hnrl heltl C:hina back. It is u straullely ilonic th.irrg 'l'his rlerelop *'hen (iorl is disurissed leartterl itr atr t'asirlr tlay, is lrot l ver)' optinristic thttI Ncltt'tt, rrho has of ttrtr lcc- {ronr socinl philosopltl'. a vit:rv of things, I'll adnrit. It is, trtrerl tlrc L.nitctl Nutions (ln No rnan o{ anf intcglitl' errjoys ho*evcr, the orre g'hich Professor ll'his rlas lhe thr'nre of -l\lsgr. rteutralisrtr. ,shoultl ilt' thc ont trr lratlinl; thc ncu's of the Chirresc Nelrlrr lrus perforcc given givc these sanrc nations the to us .lolrrt S. lrettttedl', a piui^rittettt trtat- iuv:rsiun of lnrlil. \\'ar blood est lt'ssort oll l-r5 tlrc flilure of tris t!er1ry1__ (latholic ctlitor nrd autltor. n lto spilt au1'*lrele in tlrc rrorltl stirins _ tlte e xat't 0l)' tltc ltautls of t'ach of us. \Vherr sprrke at tlte atrrtttal I!att.Attrct't. of his ltttsitc thc rlat' bells toll rr'e rlon't have can llass celeirraterl here oll thcsis. llis rtrvrr "lrot' trr ask nltonr tlre bolls toll" lltanksgiviug Day. Itist.or'1' has bet:arrse nc lirrorv thcy toll for. gilt'n llrc lir: to l{sgr. Ktnnetll', editor ol the hrrrrran bcinlis evcryuhclr. Itis tcaclrinll. THE t'atholic'lTansr:t'ipt of IIariforrl. \1'e citn ouly hopc that thosc ["or lnill.tJ' t'otrtr., alti t'et't6r' of St. Josrlllt's n'ho follolctl Nchm tlol n tlrt' Nr:hrrr has ('atltcdral tlrtlr:, spoke at the 1-ears tlustS' roltl of appcirscnrcnt u'ill bcctt lhc ,llass offct'etl b1-\lsgr. Jolttr Ii.. lllett sto rtutv thc tlurknc"^s ton'arcl u.iPollCllt 0f a 't'he LIFETIME t.'artrvright. \'icar (it'neral of the rvlticlt thcl' n lllitrtl. ri-lout- lValtingtort arclttlioccse. munis[ rt orltl is a ri lt'kl coll]- GIFT tttittttl to lgglession s'lrt:rrevet MSGR, KENNEDY, alr :ttltirol' self up as tha ltt'atl of the nou' and sltcrctcr possihle. It carr be attd book rr'\'i.rlcr, satd tltat liarl eonrnrittetl trltiotts. llcliclt' llte tttt:t ottll' b1' tlrc t'xistcnce of tlre 1larx usetl to jc-st th:rt crllltclllp()r' THE TRADITIONAL llass is go alottg s'itlt tlttnt eornnrunists, positivc tlctcn'ent rrf proter,tive (artmal$ptlturarrs of ltis rtltt, rttoih-tl froltt ltis offered for tlre r\rneticutr lk'prtb- lltcttt itr alies rvt't'1' tinrt' ] otl catl, .iuirt f ot'r't'. uas oliginated in ltlt)9 outright atlteistn rlitl itr Irici lie. lt to tIeir t'g1tItrrtrlrtiptrs trl llrt, ittr- "ttrakr: thnnk Llorl fol the Arncrican lle- a [ior! it kirlrl uf etru:titrt' pe|illist rorrntlies. r$t'illi1,lrc u,rrr' public. Ilrrrl Iilrliil bee' irr r positioti tnottareh treated s'ith dis- It u'as origiuatetl in .1909 (-nclc lltr'.ltt'it- tiottal of Slur atrtl ts'ist lo itscll. to thnnk Gotl for tlt" lll()tcct it l.orrltl rt.t uorr. lant, {orntal t'esJrcct, l.rttt rigor' THAT g5^000 Heart carl islt Iion' tlil, call l'ot' tltc,lrrltttis' t,,,..{.....,-,1,.- rl.i.. l.^,..i.,,. lrllLE-sacred central High school sophomores Busarl and Nancy Enright, pl.(,tr}ct bt'stor,;ctl on tltis ltetrtispltercl]lt-T':i{;" attd larltt to ilsolf, fr;r it r'oultl ottsly r:xr:ltttlt'rl frottr eterl dal' Students'.Mission. siott ol' llt'tl ehirrl itttrl thl I ttitcrl l,r"-',['r,.:'iril';,*t;;il';;; il; school'sCotholic Clu;ad3.yni!.1resenled.a 15.000check recently rrrrt u,*'irc i.r.aricrl. No a.rou't lilc and the t:i.trtrnttitritl' roliutrtls 1ee1esent11s.,lhe Natirrus, say trothittg * lrcn tltt' lo Rev. Molher Aurelia Mary Fahey, C,S.J,, provincirl of ihe Sisters of St. Joseph, who rtotf the . .f tlu*cirrg to ,rc .o'rnurnist of nren," (lonrnrttni-'ts itrt'uli tltc tlotttit' lndirnapolis high school, The sludenls raised the money by sellins 915,000 worth of candy durins o re- tttttt, ltirs lrl)llrtils(:(l r'lti'a attrl "lJ{,cs I)iJrlo'r;.ts, go'r,,.r'ert .fliciali; testitrg trttcc. ltttl st't't';ittt,'ttllr'tt not titts critiuistrr lthvc cenl driYe. rviolher Aurelia Mary, one.time principal af Sacred Herrf, said lhe donrtion would go 'l'ltt'st' *rirtlc it f'r.rialrle to its spra*l- nrrrl itle' atrenrlerl lrr: lt tLrls. irt'r' lll(' l('\ col)('tete irllplicatiort ilI 0ur i)$ir ,\tttefit loward consh'uclion of a new refiremenl honre in St. Louis for aged and infirm Sislers. The provin. ittr' itttrl sr\(rlllili{lt tlcfcllscicss case?" .\lsgr. Kt:nttetly askctl, sop pl11s rrf l'r'rrlt,ss,r' i,,5r'rr . u.c ltat.r, ,', trlt'.ltlt,rl ltt'utltt't' ttlliott ot' ltttlilr. t-ttrll' "Are nlicli '- nc nut, as nc strivc for ""'--*" tht'ong11 lltr .tcars lt tlrc l, rrrtr'tl preclttditrg a bettcr luture, re:rll1 lot'ls [o cut'tt,ei social rvils, } at iutts. it b1' that sc catl t'tt- ('laver^ assrrrrrirrg :r .lt'suit. spt,ttt 44 1'r.:rrs c lfIIIr] t'AltDS?'lCK o rif lnan tt hile hanr:e the dignitt' itt tlre ricslrrt'ti lretrrisllhct't'. aftcr N0u' lhcir' 1pl11p rl;111tls 1rIr,rt ignoring iltt: dignit;- of Gorl. of hc r;11111;in 1(iltl ft'orrr ltis nativt: bcftn'e tltc n'orltl, atuI theil'I't()- *'hich the f trLurrr is l,rut thc (tr'l Spairt hintst'lf to larc ol' fessor faeus ltis orrtr ultitrtr rrltit'tt Sa1ly, iurage. or that lc can achicve hu- .s.larcs carlictl ottt 'rf .\frit':r. Iris tlclics halc lrt'lLl.r r'tl. I lrs ntittr hfothrrltt,,rrl s[rile pftscirrri= "ll fliunrls of (lunuitrttrisliu {'liinu. slavery has disopperred illef "tl::!":9; lro plrutlod, Dccs srmpteanswer' rihrrsc carrst'lttr su oftr'tr l"ll:1. l,l':'1._t f rom our hemisphe re," Msgr. To be frank and earnestr "equivaleni lLe portrittg llcr()ss lllo t'oltl Kennedy said. in. l)ol'(lr.l'li inlrt ltttliit. liltt'ttst'ltt'r', iuslice has not. ,lsks ulorc inlense rvhour Nt'ht'tt so ottctt ('()ult(,(1, we love lfiedemannfs ! "lL pr.rsists in rnatr.r fornts, in Itas as of this xt'iting tlottt' uotlt 'l'rr rnarry dc{r'ct's.'l'hcre :rrc rnil- inI to hclp hitu. tltt: I rtilt'tl i\cgnr itlxrslolrrlc tu needs llritliu, lle iil .S. Strtes :ln(l \\h()nl lions tJ Chut'clr ttlto tl(r ttot lla\.(r cr'()n a Srank and Srnest frrtg,uI srtfficietrcl of tlrc goorls oftctt :rfft'ottlctl. trtttst ctrtttt' tlris -A JliRSttY t I1'\', \,.1. paur. u ith u hich cornrnun (:lln-stllll oru' rt'of lrl 8y REV. ANDREW GREELEY :rcltit,nrrcalll lrtrt rre lirttrrr rrr.rt to Itfc, {lre liit slrorrltl .\postole ol' Cotrttttttrti.l irlrr[)(':rsc phlei rrrgirrg irrcrc:r.t,rl spiriturl hls br:t,tt lar-ishl1' blr.'-tst,rl. rylro rrotlting ;rlrorrt tlrc nrliitious cf lrlrlli lilie ill thc nletr(rl)()lis. \lh't Ir;s1ll1 u'ork atrrung Negrot's ltas bcrtt .\n1 altcrnpl lo list t'r'tl;rirrotrl- utttttt fur ltclp lte srr 11i'1'11.. toil uitrl ss-cat for t'ntrnlrs inirrle fct:ts o[ ('ittltolir: erlttca{iol.---nt rrrrlllrl citizcrrslrill to 1;11'1111it, 11t,' '['hosu tlistrilruted 1o :rll thc prit sts of sl;inritrr,l rlectis rrl- lltu r\rrrcfir'lin trI tts tt'lttr lllrlr, lof \'('irfs rltrate frrt lrrrnrarr srrsteuirrrr:e &lrrl. Ir'nrt nrrtlrinl{ irr thr: *a1'oI s]s- big cilr".' \\'lrlt rlocs lhc ('lurrch lltr \clrlrlk arclrtlioeese L1' ot'dt'r ( lrtrt'r'lt olt\ iuttsi.r intplit.s llrirt ;rftlt' it bittell-v trccessitous lr' tt'rrrltizt'rl irtl ornral ion. Irirvr to strl'lrlrottt tlrtl crritrrltl spoiicn ortt trrg;rin"t lit'ltt'tt ltr,l liolantl. tf Atchbislrolr f'ltr'nt:rs A. istrrrtr, l;rll exharrsteri intt llrr: llrr.r'r'rilt' llrirr;. t,,hiclr orrglrt l,r ()f 't'ltis Sttt'el,r'rrt'1'Il(lrl 1{}hii\c tr ntttcl} rlt,r'r'loprncnl Ilrr, citl':' his tatiic" :lt'r' llo( sittiit11 lr;111' panrplrk't ',ras prt'parr.ti l,r' iltrlilot,'ii. I li'n t't lf. trt sin' 1'lre b-r gra1 e. \ itst lf('il ot srrt'i;rl philo.ollhl is "'l'lterc clt.rrl't,t of etat:tlv nh:rt nu stllirliitt;1 nrI$', \\'t. rI o Ilil lrr,l' .i1s!ir. l,rr{r,rrt' .f. llt'illr'. trlrrrini.- irrr, otlit'r rnilliott-< rilto. :rltttosl totull.r unoxplrtrcd. rr'rffi"'i alr. act rttrrlllishitr{ $ itlrotrt sclrluls lilie pcoplt' u stallri rri'lnl(l lrator of {'lrtist tht: IijrrI t\eRr',rr i,| n01 suhjt,r-'t t0 r:('r)tt{}lttit' tlc- lll"1,.1ll':l;1,- 11 lto "'i as rtt' crrrbirrli otr st'vcral tlt'r'rt

\l t, ltrr'li :rrt\' lrrrl t lre uru,.l "I'lro sttlrt,t'iiliitl lrtrrlct's1111111i1y-,1111,,, ltistori:ru uf tltc c(lntrcil r)lusl also iirr.irrrlc t.r'li'r.r'rrt.t'tollrc lrtitls, tttctltrxls, lrttrl of (.cil'[{.'ili(:;rl lrrohlt,lrrs il|l[){)l.tall(.r,of llu.t:0ffr'e bilr.instil!rr.rl lirr.illl lnf ornati"n tlr(: ufl)iln Anrcric:rrr \lt lurlislr. of Ilur cotrrtcil. ft selvt's nol onl], to Lcl'r't'sh rtr, lrrrl also ls il ,nr]ltls hirlc onlv lrr,;1rtrtltr scurtch llre ovoi/o6/e upon reguesl ol tnor)lintl. irt n wl.v otht'rwisc iurpossiblc, lrislrolts f rrrnr ull or el srrLIlrt'c itt orrt slurlics of lltslor.irl lltc rvulltl." litttt';ty urrtl pasl.olal sociolo;ly irrtrl tttttil \r,r, lrirlc ttt;rrle jlr('atcl' l)l'or_{t'('ssin lltcsc ficlrls ililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililililt1 tltc rnost rlcrlir,ir{r'tlautl cnlirllrtt'rr- .. ctl lxrstol il; goirr1.1lo lru rvor.liirrg ttntlcl' scvclc lxrnrlir:itps. o Wory FreeApartment living Jili'[icicucy, 1. ;rut] 2 bcdrrtotrt apart- MonsignorGoossens Says: tttt'rrls itt SS. lrrtf,cr'unrl Lritttl Pitrish. Also close to Catholic Church in olhcr nlr'ls of lltrr cilv. lJtrrrlnl r:rtcs to srtit, vorrt' utrcclr;. Siop irr for listings irt ll50 N. l)enn., or cilll Itllrllrosc .l-555ir :ruy rlay, iucluding Suucla.y. TheCriterion 0llu:inl Ncro.slraprrr oJ lftrr rllclrdiocesu ttf Intlio,rmpolis

12{ W. Georgia, P.O. Box 17{ lndianapolis 6, lnd. MElrore 5.4531 For ihe Conversion of Moslems _- ilomltcr Arrdit /;^\ l.ltrrr:au oll (lllil;) Cilt:ulatious \lf$ iltcnrber Catholic USI.IER I)r.ess Association Funeral Seruicc n'the Finest Possi,ble At Loue.sf Prrssible Cost illD(fsilllllSlII ID l)tr PIIitYDfI Price ! yerr. 14.00 3l East ohio Street . o Indianapolio6, Ind' PublishedWeekly Ercepl pr.,onL.;;tnrli," Lrrt Wcek in Decembcr. USHERfTIIORIUARY +tr$1." 2313W, WashingtonSl. MElrore 2-9352 BuyHoly Childhood Christmas Seals From The Children Now!


The Lilurgical lVeek

By REV. ROBERTW. HOVDA The fall from a great height tPriesl of thg PittsburghOralory) =: By rolrN J. VALSH, S."/. il||Iilil|ilililililililililm lVho were the rncn orrd lorvcrrQ\r'tr forttrsrorllls oftlr life,llle' pursue Q. fir-st CntholicisntUittnollclslll antlan0 hene may scientific in" u'ith certainty \rhether Gorl fash. t{ronlc?l otl Llrc eet[lt? rcst\r\'('s jurlgnrcnt. vestigations along that line. ionetl unlil morc cvi- -the hirntan borly {irecly The first nran antl womall \rcro tlctrcc has becn anrassed. At thc Indeed, Catholicism positivelv out of non-living mat[tr or iri. Adam and Eve, atltl all rucn rvitlt- ;rrtscttt stxgo of inquiry, therc. encourages such inveitigations tlireetly lltrough l gratlual, eyolu. out exception tlesccnd lrortt this lore, a Cttholit: lrray regnrd the and desiies free rliscussion-intong tionary proccss. 'Ihertfore, first.cottple. rve arc all avoltttioury tlevclopnrcnt . o f cornpetant scholars on tlis proli mittr's botly frottr irrrver organ- lem in the hope that sonieday wiriill''',ii,.iln't"Ji,,f,fllhi$l.;-;; s t."lt"Ji,re\"i"j'di'i*1,iI.,i."li"i:iLrij,lnr"i: isnts .r:ts ir plausible hypothesis. man will be able to determin'edctermino lcar.rcar. PublirhrdPubri,hrdiv-0oubledrybv 0oubredrvi"i'toriierrii,rnd coiiprni, =,l,--,]-t: -1_f]j:,*1,]:_lrytl:T:_-:1l:\l!lle O FAJTIII,Y CT,INIC D*plores lack of shame A. Does tlrc tlescripliott ol Adutn's creation cliffer Jrottl tltc: ridcorfirt ol tlrc <:reution of ol,hcr fcrrrrrs oJ lile. on the eart,h? Ycs, is a rtotable tliffcr'. 'lltis there S'l'. I.'R'\\(llS XAVIlilt. CONFl':SSOR. Word encc. According to Gt'ucsis, Gotl in teen-ageyoungsters u'lrrr corttcs to lllcll, eolltes now lo us tltrough rvortls sintply comnrandctl tltc cartlt to 'l'his (first lcalling anrl Gospcl), is rvhy tlte l'athcl'.- bring forth plants lnrl aninuls (Gn. By JOHN L, THOMAS, s.J. klt'itls-a "sharuclcss" o{ the Corrncil rvct't'yrlacitte so trtttclt erllpltasis in 1:24). llut irt ihc case of pt'r.son is nlan, Go(l is rlcscribetl as persol)- onc rvho acknon,lctlgcs no tlreir earlier rlist:ttssittns ort thc liturgy as cotttlttltui' valttcs ally shaping ru;rrt's borly rttrl or i(leals woltlr eation. 'l'hcv breatltirtg into it llis ostr bleatlt. If NIslr a rc cottcoLnt'd lhal today antl e t'ery tlay ]'ou I'our childlen to dcvelop a rrseful scnsc of shlmt- at llass the Illstery (the Son's ltttlttlttl nattttc, vicloly ovcr tleatlt, Q. ilrlrst lr'e J'(,{/(r}'(ltle l}ibltr's in llte nrt'as nrentioned, l'ou nlust promise ol etcrnal lifc) sacrarnonially 1l'tscnt shortltl Lrc prcsent also rlesct'iptiol of Arlorn'.s crcttl iott tts 'fhis tnrphasize thc posititc lspccts oi oul' done c .stricf.l17 litoal. .st:iertli.ficrrlly to orlr senscs. shoulrl bc impressed on scnses, can lle sex, for onlS' if thel' untlclstlntl o(:corurt oJ llir' ori(tirr of The sense of shamc in ils lly otrr hearinq woLtls wc unrlttlslantl atrtl secittg itctions (&s \v(rll as In the aineyarcl Ttrecise and pcr',sonal funclions of wcrning, prolect. estt'ern as itlt'als tlr<: Jil'sI lran.? partieipating in {henr.! which ltave nteaning f;rt' tt.';. l'HH SOCIE?'Y OI"J'HL'IlIylNO (S.y.D.) . tltu aclricvcurent of llrc llositive lRU . . ir)tr^ /oantlcd (iorl ing, and concerllng, hrs been No. liirr otre tltirts, ltas tto value5 Inhs11'ut in itl llttllond itr ,1875 ltg u zeulous Arttokl Jrttts.serr, ortrl lc.s closely rrsocialed with 3.x, thcir.stxull lrriest, blenthl (ienesis $ils not


AROUNO THE ARCHDTOCESE - Niuc lrrtlilnapolis tlatholic schools have becn sul)l)ljc(l n'ith llL',\ {clevision lecr-.ivers by Asso- ciatcd Di.stribulors of inrlianapolis antl J'he \\:lrlJII SIations to par- t@"l'rnucyols "l,a tit'ipate in a rlaill' telccoulse irr Spanish. L'lasc' tte Bsplnol" is I ol !'rrrc r\lcnls', I 'l'c:rclring Beech geared for cighth glark: ptrpils fire rla.r's a rvcck al 1l).t)1. I Grove, lndiane I llte conversatiolral litngrragc is ,lolrn Acevctlo, a folrnel instltrc- I nroa,tc,till-,1'F11,,"". ,'". I tor at both Intliarra anrl I'rrnlue ['nivorsitit's. ['altit,ipating ('irtholic Fish l-rics I I schools rre: St. Andrew, 5t. Luke, St, Matthew, St, Simon, St. Michael. 'l'hc Holy €rors, Hoty Spirit, Hoty Trinity and Nativity. . Sislers of - thr Good Shepherd rr-ill lrolrl a ('r'rlrnic Sale at Marydafe School, lll 'l'he lV. Raytnond St.. on the lorrr Satrrldal's bcforc ('hristnras. ccr'- -Z r\ t.L-\b amie studio rvill lrtr opr,n Ironl I to l:lll) l).n1. atrrl by sltecial aplxritt{- I mcnt on Srtnrla.vs fr'orrr ll lo.l:li{} p.nt. \'isilors to }lar'1'rlalc anrl t \\\ tt7 festivnls held tlrclc in lt'<'cnt It'als har('gf{!lrtlt' thc lalgc sclection of lan',ps. Natrrll)'st'ts autl talrkr tlt'colatitlns uratk b1' Y(Jl llarydale sturlclts urrr[.r lho rlrlet'lion of Sisler Mrrie Slanislaus. R.G.S.... Wolkrrttn afr. crltl'rpl{.lingtlrc tnstallation oi hleaehels at Cherlrrnd High School, Intltan:rlirrlrs. accortling to tlrc principal. Rev. Robart Kitchin. Clparill is ?.?iX). . . llcnrlx'r's of tha 5f. Chrislopher tff .,\,ltar &rcietl'and larlit's of lhc palislt u'ill blinil gifls for nrental patients anrl thc Little Sisters of the Poor at lhe prrlislr (lhristnras tlH dinner partl'. [)r'ccnr]rel i. \\'ht.n tllo l,illlc Sislcls n'clc asketl h1' t+* co-ehairnren Mrs. Roberl J. Alerl nnd Mrs. Philip Sherrier *hal tht'y'

AROUND THE ARCHDIOCESE Suburbia :l!rillllulilililtilllililmilt|ilmt||ill= FARMER'S VIEW Tcrrc Hatrte parish sets = By DANA C. JENNINGS

\Ve have l:cen rvatching rvith and bazaar iutcrest the rapiil multiplication antl grorvth of cornnrorciitl fccrl. lots.'l'hcsc, as you nray krrtrrv, lrc vast conglonrerations of pens, allcl's, chutcs, feerlers anrl as. sorted faeilities, nreat factorics capablc ol finishing 50 thousantl irth anri {)lrro -{ls. Scrvittq ltt'gins 'l to 100 thousand hcatl of catilc a .t at :li{} yr.rn. it kt'ls al'c 5t)c. ycar. 'lllrt'Le lkrotlts lrr lic {eatttrcrl a{ lhe are tlrree principlc typcs. lra;ra:tr ittclttrlt' Iltnc1' rvork, llar- ONU, tlrlt opcrated by a {arnr cr'l [)r)sl. rr lttlr' clcphant nnd fatttil), usually a lathcr tnd ouc 'l'ltr' catttll. prrlrlie is inliletl. rlr tu'o sons or*' Ior rvlticlr tha family supplies nrost SEYMOUR o[ thc capital, nrost of the lallor'. 'l'lro WHILE THE sulurr'han utalc is 5r'r'nrottl' hnit:hls of Colrrrtt' t.lrc secn to skiurp on his comnrunity lnrl all nurnlgorucrrt, fccrling hrts (lottncrl s.ill lroltl tltcit'attntral livcstock n'hich obligations at both entl.s o[ his- they thcnrsclvcs Ilt'trtrrt ial s('rtlctl oll Tttc-stlay, "nrillions courrnuting olbit, ol buy antl scll. Nor'. ?i, bc:rnning at I P,lll' 'fWO, $,ii,Ii\\ii}i w()nlcll flre ll{)\\, cxpelicncing the coopcrativc fcetllrrl. is l'ltcrc R ICHMOND rurolhcrhoor[ u'ithoui ihc tlatli- a ntrnrlter of larmcls go Sr,Nsti\ritSNtti\s\rrN '['ltc rortt:{ ptrtlrlt- of IIoll' l''ant' tional ltitls--sueh as glanrluroth- togcthtrr antl cstablish far:ilities crs tntl runts-rvlriclr huve fos- fol putting thc bloour orr thcir. ilI' Ierish rrill st'trt' a splrgltltti Golden Guernsey Milk tct'etl that ol'n pLorltrctort, anrl rncltlrall rlirtncr itl thc cltttt't-h inst itul ion. ln lhtt "Cour suburlran leou! 0cnendlble llonre ntatlillehics. )oung TIIRIID, the comntcrcinl lot DelrvCrv,. mothcLs uttcrlucntcrl fol palent- fcctls anrl finishcs at so uruch trcr SPRING VALLEY DAIRY Itootl lt'e ullattrlont.rl to lhc arlvice Itc:ul pcl tlal'. or so nruclr irt'r I.t.o. I Phonc 8/d.n pIan ol'tlttr ruass rut'rlia. rrthor incx- p0rrnrl gruin, I-a1'rnissionary of frrr arrf ilrul ull pcl'i(,n('(,(l lrorrsrrvivCs. atrrt thc ()\\'llcrs oI cattle. It is ihis thirtl (kiot'-to-tlotlt salcsntctt.'' t]'pc, thc corrrnrcrcial fcctllot. r'lrit'h t'uncerns The Dearborn Gravel ()pinion suf\'o.\'s lf(' slrol int rrs hcfc. lt is uri to aid l'uraI schnols cxaurple of horv organizo

\VliS'l' li.\l)1.,\ Sl'lilN(;S. Irrrl. -:.lesuit thco- In CONTRIBUTORS ltklitiou io car.r'f ing oul lrr cxpll.lrtiorr arrrl ('olh.qc lo{t;rn scrcnltsls f trrttt Wcsl Iltrrlr,rt nfo colr- lllE CRlItRl0N. will ntapping prof{flnl of tlre rarry r list ol parish HE SAID THIS u'as pat'lictt- unrlclqr.ourul r.han- rnd orgnnirili0n.l Ittittinq lltt'it' t'.rpkrt'itlion of tlttr trntL:t'tlt'ottnrl livel rorrclpondenls and ithers in edrrcatioltul cffolls wh0 h.rrc reporlcd ncws for ths currtnl i5tue. larl.v lnro ncls, nlgtrtlrols of rar.ious cxpcrlitions sclk blinrl "tlan1' .\.\slr,nr in ()r'un!r' ('ottttt1. ltrrlilrn:r. lhe following submiilcd it.ns for thir ht'cattse parislt schools in !errons '1'1,,' \tc0k. lrt'r'au-sc'1111qitlltittrt fish, cr,t1'[ish, iltl(l ins0(,ls tlrlt llrr.ive irr llrt, r'ulal arels ncctl lcrcltt't's, l.ost llivt't. l;ttttrrus lo11o lhc and becattst- oI Iltl' lack oI lttttrls llr'\\' t llr-{)llgh llr,r lnrrcslonp ca\'('l'lts that rrnrlor.ttrirtc tlaurll. dark, trntlclgr.ountl plrssn(r.s rr'lrost, orrl,r. light g'itlr thesr tcachel's must be |olttn- tlrr s,rrrtlrun Irrrliana corrntllsirlt'. is lxr-stlinll is blought. b1' tlre explolcls' flashlitlhls " lrrrl Ianlt,r.rrr. l) ior:t'sc lo sll rt \f) sels s{'nlinirr 'l'ltc .l'h,rrrrus I ecrs. .lr':ttit slttt;tlltl'iltns l'lto l

ft:lir:iIateItopc Rod Top - Old Dutch -- Folstoff ond Corlings Red Cop Alo notrtl Ho3lilN3 Orncrul llonagcr

TELL CITY FISCHER'S NATIONAL BANK Furnifure and Appliancer " l"rig itluit't' uttr[. l[uyltr11 "Drivc.ln Ernklng Scrvico" '' J)isl. ri f) lr l.or Oil Company FREE PARKINC Hargo 910 Main St. Kl 7-2351 (.'ltrcrterl lrillclerl,

"Yorlr Vrtltrrr Ccilk)t'" FUEL OIL Western Aulo Dauby's Dept. Store Associate Store 3 Blockr Off Me in " l)rtrytltitt,t Irrr lltr: rltr/0" in Tell Cif y Ace Heating Co. And 3ervlil All 0lh.rr BERGAMO, llnly-A bronrc Iell 0iUFederal slelue ot Hlr Holinocr popc CALL US ANYTIME Patronize WH 42931 or WH 56796 John XXlll has bcen crec?ed et S,& L,Assn, lhe shrine of Our Lady of thc East 8ih and Culberlron Woods, where thc Popo prayed 6O2 frtcln ?h, Kl. t-363t the Advertisers as r boy and ar c ccrdinrl, The rlalue wrr commirslonrd Shrade,r' F'uneru I llomt: by the Crtholic Acf ion youfh organirafion of lhc Lombardy Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home fs,ablisftcd IEJO arer of ltrly cnd war dediceled on lhe lourth cnnivcrrrry ol - Ambulance Service '-' Pope John'r clecllon to fhc P0prcy, KI 7-25II TELL CITY, IND. THE CR|TER|ON, NOVEMBER 30, t962 PAGE ELEVEN

t Parish slates Rement,ber them $tagfishfry 1-r ^3, ,*rr*'lro'ilff:tLl, ss. perersrd (ttlr.rlral, P!ul NgV. ?4. Hoiy (rojs Cenle- fcty. Survivors: brOllt.t, MlClldul Sweenevr n-ephew, Msgr, Cotnplius Swfeley, chancellb'r 0l lh. IndianaDolis Arclrrlioccse^

t lAlAfl f. SllIIllAN, 71, St. rltiltD Nert (lrur(h, - Nov. ?6. Holy (ros: Cenretery. "ii"iiJirtTii;rl"lb.rrr, rureprr, wilt idn, dnd iij

t .qrrD ^MAiloNry.)lfii.,.,r Bearr churcrr, . N_9y,?9. Sl. JosephCerrretery. 5urvrvqri Drothtt.Jeit.. t .' Ia chaper' nov' .tl^i,:t't,tlll't.f,ii Jl l'

t .fAMtS Y. ffllfO, fl, Xolv Rosiry flrurctl. . N0v. 2/. St. Juseplr Cernelery. Sur!ivorsi diu9l)fefs, Mrs. Jolrn 0. Irtriler, /\1rs, InUrpltd fti. .Hlody, A1rs. August (iito; l,1rs. \!ilbur 8oahle,. Mrs. Howifd Snlitlt, A1ls. Xdrrrrth R. Erooks-rnd Alr3. cilbilt Ai{rlin} son\, Vin. (!nl J.. Silyilora rnd t'asquale.

lydid Eduer t .rDwaRD. c. lrixxair, 7s, sr. Jchn,t rnd Mrs. Bertha eor, bolh of Lilurch, Nov. ?7. l{olv (rosr cenrelrrv. Sl. l''1!inrd,l,. brollr.r, Joltn Sortiftr, of tvcni. Survlvoru: wifa, [1ary R.i ttoughlerr, Rose- vrlle), si\lers, pn.; l,1fs. Citller;ila Ccnrpbrll, of n-llrY. intt Ailgelc 8faIt]ail, 6ilrl A1tS. Iilccn ". ril(rrrlis rrna Bontfrr,or t{rrrold} ililtJi'lJl IndianapolisParish Shoppirg List s0rr, Cat)1. frlv;drd BreIniil lr., USAF. perer t loltrr .w. erlrir,l, so, ss. dnrr AUXORA /rut O O .. talrtdrit, Nov. 27, Sutvivorr wif!, i Wll,l,lAMSlott,80, lilrnracul.treonifF_ Alarqdrrl A, tion Clrurch.

J FfID C. lYf!lR, !t, 5t. (atlrerile (rrurrh. .fov. .28r Sl. Joseth (enrelery. 5urvivorsi wilf, Hildr [.; dauqlrlers, 5irtcr lielcne Assumption St. Catherine *i* St. Monica Ihcrrs!, S.P., lois ltrrrrislrlcger; sorr. Johrr J. -t- sflrttYY I u.r t JOSlPll l. to!I'lIItD, 55, St, VinFnr,r {612 Irrl irnth Ilrt|r . Soufhlown Vacuum Sales I SANDERSBROTHERS n..i'Ii''ii,l1ll;,t1'r..:"'iiJ;i' il. t{39? i :";'/'11:;,ll,lli) : and Service I 5islffs,. A,1rs,l,,ldflha Knuipp. o1 Erlaria, 0lrioj WANTED! AUTOSUPPLIES Alrs.,_ Aldrv (rasncr, ol Prllslrur(tlt. Ir.; A{rr. i lurgontrtoHoov{n itRvtcr i AIuliil (inD(0. of Inriidndl)oliji JIil (Liii,J dnd LEON'S TV i Retlir All Mrktr Yrcuum i 6016N. MichisanRd. ftrnra Rorcnlclrl, o{ Slrelbvvrllr i O Pick-up and t)elivery a : MEN To Train To Become Ltdt Nor'nn0 i 14{ t. Ioulherr tL.2409 I 6UArAt{latD itrYlct NtIT ATIANY i fiAfl!0A ALttll, //. Ho{r I,iilit1l,rr(tr, N0v. , :.{. fllurrll _Ccrretet). Sur!r\it\: r0ri-(, J6ril€r R., of 5d[ 8runo, (alil.; Ray, (rt HEAVYEQUIPMENT RADERS log Anarles. OPERATORS jAYM0N0 t. (IARX, DELBODRUGS I - s.{, I'cri r,ir,,ry SERVICE Clrur1l1, 11uu. ;'1,. 5ur\iro'i: ,,,,t., l52l N. Emerron '::- U,rrli ANDFIELD MECHANICS FL 9-8265 PRESIRI P t IONS For Crawler, Tractor, Scraper {ceur! FillaJ l"tNNlil,Tl)N Motor Grader, Crane, Shovel, etc. Cathedral SNYDER'S CONSTRUCTIONIS BOOMING. . . GOVERNMENT DRUG STORE SPENDINGBlLLIONS . . . GET tNTO EARL F. SNYDER,Prop. HIGH PAYINGCONSTRUCTION INOUSTRY NOWI Ph. Kl. 7.281 | Connehon lift:i"',-i"I,if-u.i,lill'liliil,.i['inlul]u'i'li'ili,n,l,,itl,,,t ,l"ii{,F,i *lt,Ttt. ii,..,l|,l)tt,ii,\1i,{'ll,':I^ti, li,}-),,1',.,"ii\,,!,tulj^:,.f'jr..r^mit; MULHERN'SSTANDARD .\\',\I l,A ltL l,;. i ,orruauousor,r;;-l ;ruX l#fi;ANr-.;;;;;;; i A -. i::::' Rloorrring!ton i ,"j,r:.'1f,.:.-,1 il.:..i:li:'," standard service !*rrr .l- -s-:RYl-cj hI Drlir$y - Ctrrroni3ii.J.,'1"r.'titn, (ut Hr.t$- | ..FA,f.0USrUF: "."- ptrsltitts', i ry- j rrr/r igtAIt.,R i Ot.,p (all-lndpls. -2241 t *,,1i' tt *,, t:o^,tl-oo lvtrY DAY * {cctrs0srt$ o rrFts . cArrlFrtr i ST.7 ,]frtL :20X'oo'Al'tlusqnlas' S. Audubon Rd, rrFL Z-05ti I ^ !,,DwuptntDrvrAr.{ea'rl jx.r"nnlr,.a*alrtlln;t;ltifl. BloomingtonShoe ,r,,!.ir,,i.,:.:,!rr,arr,r,' i rt,u.,t,o,, an.i 11,:'.r! 5:rv!!f i -=-.--.-,-*--.-- , -.,.-.,..-.-i , , Repair& Shoes or MuncieAT. 2-5953 ---- Acrocs From Indiana Theatre "lNTERSTATE,, I rnr FtttFtt lt\rtt ; or Write jota "While x Holyne'v AngelsAnserr *l*ix EnD ruDtcrlrA( e. tothsr. FL. 6.43s6i You Wail or Shop" 353Johnson Bldg,, Muncie, lnd, i ;bhFORilRriiiiaiCHRIST|VIAS j*,1,,:;l*1,,1^';,",,I*',f;lllfiffiiilij,,l,,,i,: jlll,,io'. ,", ,;,.:';,,",ff! open lil C lvrrv fiig]rt [ri;;ot srrn. . , i ! l, ,,,*ititnlnrfl iffii ,'r"'i:*};;:*i*i:l@ .""' ',66-).:!!r"f n'o gasr '-*tescriptions- i trasl Side)lde Biketttke store)tore l:i iI ;.,-,;^ i, !paT,qr /AT'S COlN.OpadlN-np LAUNDRY Iat i, ._ .. ._.,.=..,.._.! tcawlNNBrcYtLEt .nd oRY CLEANING * Holy Spirif * I I JlcK,s aurcxen sxop , ^ r5 r. rrilr.a An Inexpentive Want Ad i SHER,oANoaRAcE ""^""."i1*i,*r*",";, ,::"":.;",1X.*r Ooes a Big Job I .." "."":!iiiili: ,,. l"r;Lr;,;rru;i.,!iif"iH"tr"l lSffi * lltvl(t CAlrt * CALL ME 5.453I .**1Ti'#:,j',"".H];';"'l';ij}i:'l".::il',.lii'i.lll;|-,**',i'i;;;.;;,';;-',,'.'.|all'.i{,.j*t;,'l,;:ll.:';,u;\sk for an ;\d-'fakcr r.rniffifl* 5r.Bernrde*c *j. il *o";[;'1i* ,,r."., "l *,'.'*:,_f,;,"*f:",fr!::,*, Flowerg cnd Pet I- Shopr '"'''' se*vtce l TEXACO":,i,il#''*i*:'' FUEL OIL 'ili-#l.; Markels-Hirdw6rc l@ "i:*:.*:,,::^r*****{$ffinn""^,** .on, Llquor and Drug Storer f$ irA l;:;li'.'#l Coin Laundrier %*'ryli ; Drive.l ns-Trailer Coqrlr R .i @ "urr$rfren,s Taverns-Reslaurenls ,r,',;r,y tltlrfr * lmmaculaleHearrJl'*t'"1,'#iltu)"Ts1,,1...:.r.',,i1''n*'l;-;;-o o*uo ,ToRE +ilshll\irfil brJi[naiit*. - No Listing Fec rJrrr businr'sr is $allin! buslnc.t, oAvrscRocERY co. I yncxMArHEws & soN | .n,,',q,pij[ilil];,iihi-'iiii,l,,. lcur ':'{"ij':'Stn.rtii:,','.t3t ";;;.,,'';,;;,r," 'Jr:1. r it..l.v, flA.olo,.tll.fl r sllxio llrvlct YFl?r'LrDr!,Fl?r.btr, r,'io''i.;y;^'i;;'tti,li',j,r"ili'1? * | 'trlt!!l tourh'Itlftrlouthilrtrrn avr rr. FrFt 6"'e7l r-/ : ;;l'i;i,'' Della-Penna& Hudson | i 'oriiircxro - rustNtt$ t0{{ lotb ;eol (orfrct ct. t.?t$? .t raoro i Nro[tts, t. * I ft 6.r?51 tu t'.rJ3t 'l 0't490 ' ''iii'j'r'ir'r'lirrrllIA. r F' ^ 'r '-111.1 lo'tf ,, ....r,, lt St. Caf herine * ,r , l! ----.-t ,.0,,,,,j HtMt'lEt's i 64g1' PURE OlL i nnr srAN,s INW' FOODHANDTTRS AND SATES \Uf,T SHELL SERVICE I{ \{)u {h}lfr) l"t'1,1,'flllli r}ln})l(}trn(-rrr! ur'ur thi: rrt'i.r.lhhtrrhood 'llAX[,llAxl. itlt^'liitl'A'li a|i!-t'E- irt rvlriclt lr\r.. tltt'r't: uur,r'l)o iltr ol)r'rtilrrt itt lt llor-tk llrtt-e , .:]: )r)u ii1r,,!illJ,[,1,0' "Tl,:,fii.,u'.ll--,,llll;l'rllllJ., Stol(] nL.ilr' .urn lrrlltc. Apply nt tlra stolt- tt'ltt'rc ltttt tvould like sEprNo-ixEtu .:, :::'iru',or,:i tt.r rlolk anrl orr l'rll bc inlof vir'\\'e(l Itfr.\'i{rlls t'xpr-'t'icnce not I wiltl NAtAxcr l nr'ctlisll'J'. \'ort nrrrst lr0 clclrr, $'cll g|onntctl :rttil ltn\'c r sin" SE RVIC E HAvt uPlottttlt wotr i churehmrn I rrvhf nd trcrtl rlosilt lo rvolk. trlutrI''cllr.rrI flirrgc lrcnt'[its^ ..r?!r *orrcs B/,tiz ,. liri,licltl $lrd .l8.t5 i PATRON|ZE THE Sales 11.55 Founteln ,tt t.Io?l A. E B. UPHOLSTERTNG 'li 't,, j ',ri'1,;,,,1','''t" rurnilhtd tur. I ADVERTISERS ,i rr, " ..firolfrtlrl!t ,.oooo HOOKDRUGS, INC. Apply to lhe Manrger, ( HURCII . SCHOOT . HOIIIE . IiJIAI J{TENANCE Contraciors - Suppliers - Electricians- Carpenters Plumbers - Plaster Painfers - Fencing . . el'trin!,i*lioli,lt,":1.1ltrvlrins All REALESTATE tp'wrt , JOS. G. CHARpIE | furr!(?:tof tmtrtt.lton i TV SERVICE , MELLOW AIR Furnace & I ',ouarrryirRvrrr,, Nativity to',*l'l:;ol2e54 rvrrd -- - ' --'.-r rrv. n, ..rottrg ,r, c"ii"}:''' tdi ,-r,oo i,,,li:,:i#jlioninsi flt t.lll4 | - BEECHCRTST i cooL;,Cl";;a-A4t.;;c".-l--1. l. L;k"; and sons' I,ltr il'hc

BUYfNGor SELLING Ilesl. CAPITOLGTASS SPIVEY Rcel Esfrlc In o Rmhr lrrllt CALL Altlc. HaLL COMPANY,INC. o od. Outt.t|- 0rder JOS€PH n. St.Mark ARGUS I Iousing It T"T::Ii, O Slore Fronlr a {)rrrI?a. Inquirc I I llonat Dort O Furniiure Tops rboul our ll P.tnctt homc h'sdc. I t o arr! Window Glars Your plrn. iat! ln U 6alaa ol O Mirrorr tr nt, AMERICAN BEEffiCREST rl I a!r, O Alsynite Fibre Glass E'l'. A. IIUBER'I' (opy ESTATESCO. o Bailey Glar Sliding Soutirern Ave. ;l Plbg. & i{c.}ng Con|r.clor ,f20 N. Collcgc CL 1.9402 r ll5 E. Southcrn Avo, Doorr sI 6.3083 O al Thermopane * Str J,rd;- * 1963 S. Sherman Dr. Sl. Jude - Chartrand $AVEAI $UIHERTAND LEADED GLASS St. Michael Directory - 114's Q' Fir, each ,40 Area Plcrlerboard,r,l" STAINED GLASS 4xB Sheoi, ...:.:.:....:.::...... tt.S8 l] Insulslion, Pouring Wool, saek .. . ., .: . .:.., . . . j . ,., ,' .gt Iland.Fainttrd Sprlt:irl Desii1s15 Safeway Quality Foodr I lndianapolis sT.4-4660 ufiriry rabre r"e';:'i,lil:"1)J#''ir.,iit'''. :l :ll .::i'. trlarlc l,'or Clturcrh Wintlorvs I rrorsAYl. .r lAtArrnrtD. . .. .310.s0 (From AluminurnComb. Slorm.Screen Door w/hdwe ' "frtth $14,500to 120,000) ,, eech...... Sl2,gs Church \\tintlos's Iicpailcrl Choicr Cul" tlrll: SloltedCorn Cribbing, 4'x50', roll . ...'...... :..iiO.lO Archdiocese Home 8ldg. Corp. f32 S. Mircouri ME 5.1301 SUTHERLANDLUMBER CO. I ndionopolir Call Bob Cook-ST 7-0953 I5OO KENTUCKYAVE. ME 9.23{5 0nly or M. e W. Sales- OpenMondry thru-Fridry I A,M, to g p,M.; $2o0 'I'TIE Safurday 8 A.M, to 5 p.M. sT 6-0475 ADVERTISBRS 't962 PAGE TWELVE THE CR|TER|ON, NOVEMBER 30,

,rlsks fftoI'ctl consensus Ctrtholic erlitors oIl yORK irrg. NlrW _ I,,oul. Cat'olic rr:rs. ol.t.r,r.r,rliu St. ,loselrh\ to lessen lertsiolts ('il{ llc(ll'itl ctlitors rr.ill rcvit'r\' nrilitrr r.r,lig. lrt'r't'. Archbishop Sivint (llt'tl..ol itll ill)l)ilrcnt \\'r\SIIIN(i'l'()I. l).C.-A ploDr. iotts trels storics of thc ptrst ycirr ltcart attack a lilllt' tttoi o uran orr a nationl'irre tefcviiiori irr:o. . th.;c ii;;i:- inerr{ Calholic crlilot' ttrgt'tl }tere lrcforc. gfnm Dceenrller 2. his BBr.rl llililrrliiy, rvhich thc tlt'r'c!opttrlttt ol alt r\ttrcrtcan 'l'hc "l)ircctiops '(il]: $'ottltl progrant, havc boen ott t-lec.'rnbcr tS. "trtot'al c()llscnsus" as a tlteiltts A Cntholic Pcrspectivc," *,ill btr of lt'sscnin{ tt'nsions ltclg't:cn telccast frorn 2 to 2:30 lltS't') over the Arncricnn IJlnirdcasting roligirrus gl'()ups. Corrtpln5' tolcr,ision nettvork. r\ curle ol nl{}l.lll princrplos THE SPEAKER pointe

,1. lly lrrol):ll'irtg orrrslh'cs lurrl orrl lr,lkrrv palirlriortols [ot' tlrc Itttttt'r' lrl ltt crlrtcitliottlrl pt')'.]{}v$ clrititt. pt't'-sottal ct'uri. /_L/-Jz ${x} Irs, sl t ong t'osur'1'. St, sPnt'klttttl tositt') . tttis. oF coMlNoEvENls tN ('lrlrsloplrr.r JA},IESII. DItIiW cilr stittu- snl. lir'1 r'ltititt, lrtat't'- t'tlc, Ilooks. lct, []ooks, lrttoks. ANNUAL MISSION SOCTALand F|SH FRy Corporntiorr Sf. Mary's Cafeieria and Auditorium 420Earf Vermont Friday, Nov. 30 * 5 p.m. - l0 p.m. Itls NOTtoo late

DINNER * St. Bridget,s Cafeteria EXPERTTNSTALIAT|ON 815N. Wert Street EVARDffi * Safurday, Dec. * Ist Beginning al I2 Noon t'lAllUtACIURlll0 ltlYttlR 'l'lic * EASY TERM5 Kni;1lrlsanrl l,arliesof St. I) ( ourrcilsanrl (irui.ts.$? all(l l()t) n'1,i'i1; I'rrblicinvitcrl. * i,:l,lli.lT,:l*^lII DIIMONDS ,,ALICE OPEN MON. IN SEWINGLAND" AND THURS.EVES, 25%Discount onAll 'r L !) P.M. 'fil Diamonds& Watches Balance of week 5130

Lorge l-rdies' Diamond Ring iril.'''*'i'lrlh No* 96z5.00 CAI,L: ond o rarcsmcn wirr bring romprcr to your Large Ladies' Diamond Ring l,'1, 7-l lli.l your home ot convenience. iu,l';'l?,(|,ihN"* g45o.oo Mail Orders Promptly Filled "\\'c Gem Diamond Ring SllccializcIu Sct'vice" ii;1"1";i;,,nNo* $l 12.50

Lrdies' Dirmond Vralch, sct Knluc Bnos, EsrabtishedI 892 \\'illl I ct. Uf ili:ll'':ill;lii,,,N.* $375.00 Cutholic Suppl.y,I:lctuse fnc. Olher Diarnond (tzr Block Souih of Ayrcr) W:l;n;;u.*, Now$67.50 ME 8.3416 g2e.75 MCRIOIANAT '9Ih SlREEI H:ilJT.$,jli", up indianapolit ME 8-3417