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, q rHE DAILV I'AJ.LADIUM u "lIl1.l6ll&O .nawn-. ~ .. ........ SIZER ., NORTHROP .ft..t .. ID£.LI?lll llunJJING," Oo)r'net' of Chapel and UU 00 ~te U e &a.ilwa,. Sb.tiou.---.t ~oo 1)01 a.u1Wm-S~ijO !or ... I,IIiOll!ha. THE TlU-W}:EKLY PALLADfUl\1 '8 ''''.1.(lIII"&0 ~UT . OMDAY. WEDNUDAV .ud FIUOAY .A.f'TEJUiiOOS .t .3,00 pOl' ~e.r TIJ}~ WEEKLV PAJ.LADIUl\1 ------- '!'EIU1S $5 A YEAR. NEW HAVEN, CONN., FRIDAY. NOVEMBE - --- ----~I1$U1t~ ~inctory. • I ~~~~_rll\t_t_Itt~'$ _tli_U_tl_lt_. __ I _---=~:...O_st_oll.__:;6\:....d_Ut_rti_S_t_m_tnt_$_._ THE ONEA'! AMERICAN REMJIDIBS -~~~-~-.....-....-... ............... --~ Kno\\11 :.s "B£L»BOLDS" OAT I} E"i~~=cstlc 186.!. 1862. HAMILTON PARK. AMERICAN AND~IEIGN PATENTS OLUWIATE AND COMM&RCIAL IN .~euuJne "·repa.I'R"o~, •• :t: D n G ~u.. NQ ol49 ClJ.lI.l'el arcet.. srlTUTfo: :\e~v Haven Steamboat Line for N aud after 1 OESDA), June HUI, UI6 B. H EDDW, O IIE{aBOLD S EXTRA{,'T BUCHU FROM WEDNESDAY'S SECOND EDIIIO •• Ne-,,,, Yot:k. WfLI lA~[ II RUSSELL, AM . - oUJIJEN It. CO • Dry Good" and CoOlJUJl£IOD O ne ili'II. dSJ)lendld UU.LIARD nOOMSaul BOWI,.. SOLIOTOR 0 .. PATENTS R&LIlBOLD S EXTRACT 8AKS4P~ • PARE ONE DO LLAR I~t.i ALLKV8 0ll If n i1k>11 Park ",in be ope ~ t to t be Pnllcllw. IWd instnlcwr 11 the I!.' I&lltlh a l I Latin lI f>reh alI~.!(I t44~C~"!!!poI~="',=-_..,.-_ _ --:-::,---:- II bl1Co €b.) aDd eYfllllllg,J-be )eart"OUlld, (Sunday. IIHl:pt- Late Ai:ent J;l( t be U S. Pateot'Oflloe.. (under IlEL)(BOLD S IYPRO\ ED ROB WASIL A Rel>el Ge.eral'. Speech. ~ 111e P C\\: Steamer CON l'INENT iU~~ Ili.!t<:>ry Etl K:S, aml Mental Sc ellC6 &lId ed ) aJ:d l btl l'f'OlwlewJ1I aseurc their I uuoeruWl P:l.tro_ tho Aet or lfl31 ) rn, ANDERSON &: 00 • Lumber Coal deal NEW UJUt, ~_~_iOiI:=:=&; A 1., Capt.. J M. L I':\ IS. will lea-rc Ne" U;4t tUey v.;m UQ all 11 ej can to m:l.kc It one J;l( tl e m OISt N'e. 16 SlalCllittee&, OP.... te Iby _'reet, Y Nov 2&, ] 862 e.!&, HO&ton. ~ r...t WdeT at... and 111 .... 151 Vaion Ill. AUC.. USTINI" HART, AM, ihveu c\el") n1gb~ 8m dayll eXeeJ ~ at U 0 elock., ani p1eNiant Jon I att..""II.CtrT" pl..aceA 0< re&art o utside (of the c ity BOSTON ~ Ill~ S CVl ~ bme lnatllA Tescl c.r 1U Engllsl L:l! S IIb'e RI.!ltvry Oeogr.J.pb)' &nd Geo Pemberton', speech 00 asauDlwg the J J ATWA'l'EK, llerch .... T&il .... No i at (irk n (or of tJUI I ll lb..:lell)bu, vf New Haveu.. B '" A. HlLL8, PI'OpnetonJ HELMBOLD'8 n 1l1 ..1 fthcr and ., no ttaill"OClod>l Jtt:ll.Inu IS lea"" Ne \l; )(j l Gd~'~"'~ _____________ Ph ogr:.&phy command. of tho rebel army tn the Soulb WeJiJt p fillt..Office Block Chapol ct.. York ever) aU\emovu, .. 1. J~ 0) clock. FRaNKLIN B D&,\:lER, ~ B. n:t.v liNE. HAlIID.ION PARK OIlLlIiIBUS. IS prlll~1 u. the New Or1~ papers. AUtiUn & GOOD) EAR, hoot and 81'00 The Sk:alner TRA.VELP.K, t:alt 10_ &14"'11 'lll'di Teacl e l n Greek HE 81lbecriber \\ 111, on and GENUINE PREPARATION. H tt sa}:J he IS a NortbCnl maD by birth, and Dukra. N... T Euha'IL'e Bul1dh14,... I(.I:lVlr; lIi ew Ito. (,.'11 c''''r) won m,::: _t.,l OockM.-k, b Il.l:!y CH ~ ilLES I' OTIS, A II eXile) ted .. rnVing at :-';(,.'\0; York In tiM rnr tlu ~ften u( U .rter T UESDA. Y Juno 11 156" nm "IDGBLY CONCENTRA.TED" 18 oostceet scavenger hke Gcn Lo.. ell In t'8- is BAJiCOCli., Bookedlor a.ud SLa1.loucr No Il] I omu b III betv; dI tJ II Ita. lroad De Te:u.:uerl I L.1t nand M3tl t'tll!\t ~ I Nil II. lLcturll.llli:". It:ive New Y"r.. every w gl t a t 11 t:M (;iuq.el iltrooi odoe.k ;II pot a d lll&.lU) ltoi P3.rk lUll.' ng c\"ery gartl to the question or IIltcrfdrenee h) Europe, IlQur l>etl!oeen"c.e1no.:k )) m ;IndIO JAME S B CflASE 1< , Ii W lllCbt'1UJl<lI &. 00 , Coal dea.ier8, cor AND ('lock I I the e~n~. caclt 'III' [l\," f ho ruUto " 1\ be rom Tc Ie ler In &blilematiea. t~Il'IDID nUlB I \\ 0 want 110 IllterfCtenC6 lit our pn\"tlto quarrel I EITlAtT Rim tl e IJ l,c t Ihm gb CI arcl s t. Wcat. "reet I \\ hall y POI o)f Water and K re'(lll"ery IftL MARK BAILE>, AM, [Great applause " re mu~t .. ltl.... the question '" eu e '11 ro 19 l p;",!/(Inge~ w n be chargod lO ("'Cntt;. amI A POSITtn AND SPECD'IC RDlEnT J E UENJA~ dealer III \ VawhC5i, JC\H.:If), \\ ay p'I.'~i!e llG'erl 5 CoeufM. r eao::bel m E lo..:l to! u OlU"SC!\,CS or iul e ntirely *JclOdt( h No '"24 ClwJlol Kt.nx.-t. \\ rLLrAM C MINOJI, l' o rD~~ot ti e 'lho momeut England luterferes she Will find l eO(:\ cr I JOUN E. B.A..5:sCl ] & CO. lIUPOIUrs of BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSI us a mllted people md sho will Jl4L .. e to meet .... Jt;>lln,'IJ in 11.\U1J. .... ud CUU~ N .. 1:Kl C~ ocl lOt. GEOl1Gl 11 L \RNRD, CAL SWELLINGS UIO 'nmes of the South as " ell :us of tbo Nortb \ "" .... 1.;1 tTe.('l~ r il:\SSt'1'1"l' & BAllNEl'T, Bit lo;etlclI> LIlG Tl g m .. I Ino I ere:l._ tl c power vr DI~U(on llnd f'X AI. uk BuQk Ji.. lIl . floC;!U.n'lno; N.... llL C1ald "'-"-:_ ,---,-_ c tC!!:l I ho) at1l!()rl", 1>1 mt" I e"ItIIY :I. t n b\ VI b\i'.b II It N.:v. \ OCK No\ 26, 1862 l ~ ICbcr .... r O\,lD 1\.,'1 kH \\ ter) r CAIc,,1 ~ '" !.eI)Oll. Iu s ud 1111 uu I: t n o",1 t'nlll.l'f!e U S ship Shepherd amved ~t----UU i:S iI ) ,', IJO;.~I l. 1 W )(kL dealer BENJAMIN SUtiENlIl l~tRR, Uleutll ,. "0 re.:1 cc I u.s dl:lll ~(l.m U) 1 II Ilamf\ti()n ant) ~ fhd KII.,\PP 1&'Jt 6 0al<:llll W ~I": .. ~d No '21. (.;1"1,<::1 >It ):"'.... f"r f ead er I (era I. mght trom SL l1eleua. Sound About ten days r iM l:i 1 H;U ~ U I{ -m L \ \II.. LIEHJJ; MEN \\ O ~!l:N OR C[lU DRP.N sUi ce au (':xpc: ~htl on compnsild of her boats tlrO'Oo tiw: rebela from '1 e ll\\> u::k!4 [::flan,1 up &liitto HI\ er HEM BOLn'S EX,) HAt: I' 8(1(;11 t l · Nc" \ urk .IUarkeb N ~ \\ \ ORK No.. 26, 186:'0 Mi v ~ .. iC~~ ~ -"..~ :tO 'or ~ ".~ <ii "';.. ~ .. v-":"iii'Y CA1SDJ E & JjOW~t). JLu-ti " Ire,, Z f lonr I('ss letl\ c sales 0,000 SIIp6 W eateru JI u.,&c. NQoI I'hal.dl~" M ~ .. t _ _ ____ J!.W YORK & NEW HA \leN HAlLllOAD It $5 1)5 a $5 60 F. drn Stalo~::> sa L;::;6 N~ " INTI'" AR!iAblG I!.A!I'::N'l' WWDll'CH. & SON, F ItnllWTC ElllpOnUlIl , C 1UID(.I.eulg Ike 1 1S6>l TREMONT BATIJJNG ROOllIS; 0 111 0 <liG 70:l. ~ 6 SO Soul! em 100Hr Ca ll:.ul a., Nn .. C pe .. J.t,d is Or. 19.~,::""=:::-:---:---:-:-_-:: ___ TitA t B } ROil Nt':W (fAVI!..N lo"'O R N~ W YO R !( '\000"'1010 &1' ) .. _ AI" 3(0 00 !I. Id 9 .. \i:6 11l :louoi 4. 30 I A!.L COMP L~E )!'Oft C;l:!lcr "hCLt hC:l\Y and It sales 35 &. (;0, WILLi \ It I 13U.AIJI E): GT » rs, Tid! 011 ... Land·:.J(:ll. lU i"Tatllllruo.:.l e»;l&Ol('l1gc .. ' u m J ADlfO~ \.NU (~F.Nf'l EllrEN, 000 Ch it 116a]2 )111 Club 12:),130 corn ISo 3'>" It,;\jSl'' I M _______________ t UM D OllWUry Ihl lmad <lot ~';j.]k WI BHOW1Ut BA.THS The? ~~ _ rn. 1'<1.0::1. ~j ..tIII ,lIoII!IIC:lS'C", :r on t ho lia If nl ra lull \ild droop'"::. sales SO 000 i\ll .x~ l 'Vest n.OBltl.H H llllAUI Ii:'k: & ('.0 AoTICUltlli<li Epnngf.eld, l,jM;nal ant:. Ne~ UJ d'lu Ra I~LII at New 'I dcel:! at Lbo 0 Ile ern 7'0 tor Shlpplllg lanl and beel tlull Wil lS Wlo ,,(10)1. '116 ;mJ l)o.»i St.< ra. Nn ~~ b\.J..e lit !la cu. and trO:::l ito Na.ugatlie;c Ult\:oad lOt £ Ida... o'l'30.ltf po" k,) linlle r sales 50u bbla VIM D BllY AN, Mercluwt larioT, No " 2:«0 ... n • P&Qeugoer Mail Tn;.[n, lI" ll la) II exuci t.xL IIn~A t'l ..'5 p l.(U ()<1ll"..oebJB ~ t.h~:lrllll:M'lt.A1H 'I '<>N'IlNE BArnS - m ~ ULL OPEllA tlon mce and clean DtPOTENCYI FATUITY EPI!.EP1'IC FITS, --- -.