Council Begins Unity Probe
Council beginsunity probe; secondsession is postponed PopeJohrt tnteruenes irt reuekttiort hussle 1"n1'Iit:l' the t'ottttcil tli'lillet'l- ti,rrrs Iact'd the tht't'at of lrtttlging tlon'n itt a tlt'llitlc ott lhc soul-ccs of luvt'latiorr, lrtrt thtt Itollc ltlct't' Ihe rluestion, rlue to tha prcrtorit. inrntll'cltlcrll,eonrpositiou of thc VOL. lll, NQ. I INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, NOVEMBER illllllltlilllllllllllllllllllillillliltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 30. 196l coutr<:il nrnnrlrt'rs, rvlrose healtl EULLETIN tuight su[fcl in Ilonrc's sLltunlcl' MAKING READY FOR CHRISTMAS SEASON-The past several weeks have been busy qrres for Mrs. Al Crilerion press time Itcat. Crrlos Pedrrrrr, rbove, r menrbar of Holy Angels parish, Indianrpolis. An rmrleur erlisl. she has Thursday trrortritrg, His Holi' ,d VICTORY been relouching lhe ouldoor Niiiyily figures for her parish al the requesl of lire pasfor, Father Joseph ness Pope John XXlll wn5 [or.the so-callctl Funeral Mass "grcally is offered Grolhrus. Prinlr rnd new brsel lor lhe ligures were donafed by Willirm Guylon and Carlin Snrith, reporled irnProved" l)lrltlf(!ssi\'c gf0up ilt thc courrttil after being confined lo bed for wns sr\(rlt irt thc l)opc's intelt'cn- the past lwo daYs with what liort in thc rlclltte on llrc sourccs Vatican officials described as "ralher of L'lrlis{ian rc\'('lalion. slrong rnetnia" crused by a gasiric disordcr. His Per' llcatl at tlru opt'ning of thc for Monsignor Herrnarln son.rl physiclan, Prof. Anlonio corrncil's 2.ltlr gcrrclal c()ngr'('gl. Gasberrini, plattned to keeP lhe 8l'ycar-old Psrrtiff in bed fpr at liorr llr',\r't,lrhislrrrI l,'r'lici rvirs lrrr r\ Solcrurr Funcral Nlass leasl anollrt'r diry, press t eporls annouocr.lllollt lllat i{ rlls tlrt' \\'ils ol'lcrttl last il[otttlirv What is behind [eftist irrdicaled, Because of hir ill.
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