LJ.S.interfaith leadersdeal staggeringhlow to race bias


Interfaitlt cooperation rockccl ltrcial ltlcjutlice on its heels at the National Conlerence on Religion antl lkcc. Christians, black and rvhite, nnd Jeu.s matlc histoly iu '''tlrc a meeting in Chicago that took tlte offcnsivc agaiust unfinished busincss of the Emancipation l)rocluruntion." Some 650 voting delegates*Protcstnnts, L-atholics arrrl Jcws-heard outstanding speakels anrl took ltult in rtork- groups and forurns of the four-day confet'ettce, the first sitlc." hc sairl, ,,rve hrve accorn. national meeting to be con- plishadnothing lirl ccrtlin." vened by the major" faitlr sroupsiri tlrcl"t.s. .,,iil'1[:,:-Itl[,t;'":il.il_llll rvas rlernorrstlatctl on thc sccontl tlay (Jan. l5) of thc nrccting in a spccch givt'n ll1'l)r. l'r'arrklirr II. [.,itlcll. plofcssul of chulclr Iti.s{oly at Ohicailo'l'hcological Scnrinar'5.

Callirrg lbr' a I'r'otcstnnt-Catlro- lic clfolt trgainst

What do thev seek?

nies thnt C.E.lr, is nn cxtlenrlst by cconotttir: ttleatts tvltat thrt Stt- tlependent sehools aftcr reading r parents, ,,olec- sh-e said, coukl tient sclrool chiltlren as rvell gl'rlup. pleure Coult has plohil;iter.l." as bishop's statement that Iack ol trify the wolltl,' irv lli,ing t|.i, puhlic school IIe dcsct'ibcs avcl'agc titelttbcts childlen," he atltlerl. funds rvould lcatl all'ottt support to C.E'FI pro- r\lthough he is as ntidtllc.clitss Atrct'icans rvith lt would rctually be cheaper to thc elimina. becoming in- 'i,i"o,l:lll,;tturcd to opposition, one an allove-avtt'age nttnrbcl of chil- ro,u*g,,,r", i; ;;;. forrn of "li'tw i".',1'1lli.ill',1,3,."$ii:"',li?} rcsis{lucc secnrerl to th'cn. :rtc u'cll-to.tkl," lte ::.:Ia.'J:il"li",:*i:liii! .li'; f: :r ir.r.itate the "Flut -.r,*r..'-ir,. i:l:i,. ,jil,,",il",,ll!Cl.E.F, sccrctilf.v more says, lhcy alc rlcrlicatcd ::::"'ijn.;',,11,:0,..S"""i:rl'i. iliti:, .;".;;"'; than any ki;.ie: 1,,*;"J;i:* l:l.,"lli:,,,,1,l,.*t:;r'"lit:"1',1 othtr'. This is thc failulc pcriple u'ho nrc capaltlc of lre. i:::,.'i",:iiJ'*";;1"",:'",;.c.E.F.officirr maint'inJi. i:ii:i^ir:i"".iiiil1,,'ifi;;'J:t:,,;'Ti..":;l;l'iil:.,,1:x,'i0.1 ;,;:i of so- ;l-.j;i."llJl; cnllcd intcllcctuals to sulrport llre corning vcrl' attgt]'," 1'hc llttcr sols who shalcd her concern, she 6em." (:.lt.l,'. nlol,onrcnt in tlre beliet attribute sonrt'tir.ucs Icatls C.ll.t'. sai<|. Out of these sinrple begin- "stolrn thn[ ilre ob.icctives of the organ- nlclnl)('fs to thc erlitor' nings C.Il,F. rvas boru in Septetu- ization coultl llt' allainerl mor.e rtithout realizing thal lte rvorr't bcr, 1959. rcatlilv l;l1' ureans of have changc

By THOMAS E. KISSLING rrrrpositrl of all thc ilt'rrolrilra- llrr,r't'is one platforrrr on rr'lrillr " 't'he tiottal cottglt'sst,s. "Irtrliu \uliottal (ionfct'r'ucc orr rr.t' rlI stan(l unile(I, lt is thtr rro'srllosL L'nrrr pit,r r fteligion attd il rrcc lrcLl of chalit.v, of hurnanitl' .jrrsl CATHOLIC palticipation in rhu 1ll:rtforrrr ABOUTTHE OYSTERSWE (Jttn. l4-17) itt ('lrit:nqo rurrlcr'lhc arttl of llcncvolencc. Oul bk'ssetl I Pianos & Organs sERVE . . Ittstot'ir: \\'ur'ltl's l'arlitrrrrotrt of artspiccs ol {lrc tlrlt'c rulrjor' Ilcrlcernct canrc llpon lhis caltlr o Band lnstrumenfs Itttliltiotts ( St'11t. 1l'27 ) rras llrtr firitlts letalls anothcr rlr'oill reli- lo brcali tlotlrt thc \r'all of llilr'- o Music School t'csttltol acliorr lalir'rr b1'thc U,li. giorrs gallrt:r'ittg tltclc 7(J.\'oat'sil(o tit itrrr tlrlt scparltctl t'acc florrr l!i:lrops ll il ntoi'ting hr'ltl in Nctr O Sheet Music --lhe' 111rlkl's ['alliarrtcnl of lic. nrct- anrl pcople ft'orrr pcoplt' lrrrl Yot'k. Novcrrrlrcl 12, 181)2. r\ctinLg O Piano Turring & Service ligiutts. tlilrc It'ont tt'ibc, atttl Ilils nllr(lrr rrs tuprrn Iho lcrlrt'st of Alclrbislrolr O Tape Recorders* Radio oll(1 l)Otrl)l('.otle f:ttttill. l'L'('o'-.ltli./. llelrl in collnccl r(,n \i'ill) tlrc .lrrlttt lt't,larrtl of S{. [':rul, I]islrrp ittg (iorl its (lul' ('unnltrrn l,irtltt.t', O Stereo & TV \\'olld (loltttnbilu l,)-rltositiorr ul I(r.'llrl(l s{.'llt l lt'ttcI lo thc bishups atttl Jcstts Christ as orrl llrotlrcr'." Iu9ii, it. bl'rlught toqctlrel for tlre cxplainirrg lhc prrr'post' lnrl scollr: 'l'hc I'I:ARS0I\ tll( SIC C0. lifst tilDc itt ,\trtt:tit::ur hislr)r'J' of fhr: pallianront. llishops Ioading rclrt't,srntrliucs of all lhc lesolvcrl llrrrt C'llrlirral J:rnrt,s t'cligions itlltl t'rrt:t,sof llrc rt'rrr'ltl, (iilrlrons, r\rr:hbirlurlr ol llallr- The Indianapolir Restaurant It lltcst,tttctl ar(i()unls ol ilrrr sllit'- lnr)l'r'. shotrltl n.rgrcst, ltislurp With a Nafional Reputation ittrll atrrl ollrcr t'lfccts oI r'eli- [(r'rtttt' lo rtutlic srtitlblti itrtilugr]. gion ttyrott rlornc.;tit' attrl socinl r)r(,llls lirr' lravirrll 20 (latlurlic guvernrncnl., (lllltolic ruffiyffi' lifc, ronrrnelcr,, aft spr.lrlicrs {'\l)oun(l tkrc- a;sLffiAluotl anrl litq'aturc. tlirre at llre nrce{int{s. "to {t sor.ght rliscovcr florrr cornptil.crrt rnctt ri'lurt light rcli- giott has to Ilrlo*'on tlrc gt't'lrl, ;[Ji?ffff, problerrrs of Ilrc agc, cspcerally tltc irrrpr-rt'tan[ (ju(]stions cotrnrct- @ ed rvitlt labot', edtrcatiotr. [eur- pcrance, rvealtlt altl povelty autl racial injustice." llonney antl Car

"Ac 0 you see, We ore still 0 CO'I'ONOU. Dahoney-Sylvan. well," Pope John told r gen" tus Olyrnpio. I'residr,n[ of Togo, "Rumorr erul rudience here. rvlro wns assassinated in his rprced that lhe Pope rYas capital of Lourc {Jan. 13), was "We gravcly ill," he said. are lrurierl ncar the Togo border fol- always ready when Our Lord lorving a Catholic funer.al attend- will summon Us. Bul es you ed by the heatls of tlre Fliar. 'l'ogo rec, We rre still well and you archies of and f)ahomcl' cen feel the lhrobbing ol Our and the rvholc Cabinet oI Da- hearl lor you." lronte y.

0 Pope .Iohn tlcclalctl tlre lrum- ble llonrnn plicst Vinccnt I'allotti a saint in heavtn and hailcrl lrinr ''vcly as thc arclretypt' of pious priests for rvhom no official vcn- I ,i llRUSAl,llr\l - lslacl's ltin. eration has trccn declcccl." Cnn- ist0r' fol Religious .\ffair.s has tlc. PROVIDENCE STUDENTS HONORED-Five were outsfanding Providence High School sludenls in- onization ritcs krl thc nerv St. norrncerl tlre nsc of i.iolence llv 'l'lre rultll-Oltlrorlos ducted recenfly as new members into lhe Nalionel Honor Sociely, in recognilion of acrdemic achievc. Vinccnt (Jan. 20) wefc .lttendcd a i\lIDDLE'I'OWN. Conn. - Jr'rvish .vorr{h.s ment. They are, seafed, from leff, Marilyn Kennedy, Ann Trouy, Kothy Bowman and Carolyn Shellon; by 8,000 {orcign pilglirns fronr a lcgal drive by the Planned Par- agairrst Chr.istians carl1, in Janu. nn "", rlozcn nations in addition lo thou- cnthoorl l-eaguc of Connecticut to :rt1'. but nrarle it clcar. tlrat hc is gct againsl nrission 1:"'" llnilll l*:11,_yi::1_I"I,.-al"^'::I 1'1.*" :t' ___ sands oI Ilonrans. 1'hcy .iamnred thc .statc's anti.birth contlol activitl'. Zerah the lintited spacc available in St, larv bcforc thc tJ.S. Srrprenre \Var'lraftig. l urenrbcr of tlrc Na- 'iwDDICAL liorral Pcter's basilir:a bccausc lhtl Coult took anotlrer step torvarrt Religious plrtI.. sairl her.c CtrilTIQ(JE' 'fhe llral "not cntire navc is blockcd off by the tltat goal hcle. Appcllate he rlocs consitlcl vio- lence glandstands of tlrc palticipants I)ivision of the state Circuit Cour.t the l)l.oper wav to colltl)nt B0(;O'li\, (iolonrtria*A .l.hc in the Second Vatican (iouncil. tuplrekl tlrc conviction of trvo top 0 rrtri(lc nusslonary actir,ities.'' illin- lirl officinls of the leaguc rvho rvclc thrr cnc()ru.il!{01)loltlrlf vocl- istr'1' has pr.epalerl lcgislative l ions chalgctl rvith tlispcnsing ath'ice to the pr.icsthootl. llr.irreing lrloposals stating that all activi- t()gethcr (lhristian Fears orr tlre usc of contraceptives. The {hc lcconr rrrcntlat iuns ol' lics of iustitutions anrl effects the Chrrlclr's physical cxpcr.ts. u'ill srrolr clclgl,nrctr nrrrst tl4-year'-old ltrv, atlopted by an be t.cstr.ictcd on ovclrvheluringl.v I)r'otestant. legis- Ite its rvat' to itll tlre rlioccsc.s .itlrli' i,, Chiisiians. 0f Lfltin lattrrr' lI a tirntr whcn Plotcsttnt Antelica. Il lirns ll irr, 0 ALGIERS, Algerir*The rnorality gcnerally hckl ar'lificial ct'casing Ihc pr.r'scnl nunrbu.ol eco. nomic and social

l)rescnt rvith tlre celeblnnt of tlre dcvolopmcni You muslccmc ond ror hr yourrolf thil romorloblc now l\lass in thc council hc af hot wolcr hall, ;h"t ;;;ii;; i*-ro tt"'o tho cloonlinorr ond comfort burincrr' Nor you asscltcrl. h"or in ony loo. of yout homc. o{fico or ploca oI -- thot .on ,ot*'lour h.ciing problcm ln fhol hotd'lo'hoot loon fhot borcmant ot ;JJ-; r""; you'vc bc-en'plonning, or hovc built; oPollmanl EoBi' ttc' Couples to help oltic room, og rcll oc cold officar, mololt, qon your Yocolion cotloga IiYing. duting Nor you tvon cxlcnd ,crirp In - slryihg oboul hootln9 Plug without ProDlcmt lust nonthr oulumn ond rpring

giv-ct rhc Llnd of HEALTHIEST . . ' Circuloting hot wolo you fo-r.fhoir own hom'r' coitrollodoll.ovcr wolmih nony doclor: choorc ond *iillli-*" ati parchod oir thot othor ncthodr of hooting 9ivc, rithout durl or dirt blo:ing oround, vct thc hcotcr ti lhout lh' ln our DivincWord Seminorierin Indio,Philippiner SA F EST . Plocc yout f i lmicrt dropc.r r.r9h I o ond polr con'l bc burnad' ondJopon, wc hoves numberof sfudenbprcporing iiighr"Jti;;;;;'t;rr importont, chilirorr rotnth,cvcn whcn curtcnl ECONOMICAL . you EGt bolonccd, tlcody clomonl, circuloting for thepriesthood. MANY ARE VERY POOR ond need ir tu,nod off. Afrir th-ormortot turnr off alactric wornlh' finonciqlhelp io conlinuelheir rtudiel. hot roltt continuc! lo circulolc hcot for comfcrtoblc

------IEAROrr -----

Dcor tqlhcn

Enclosed find $_-- for sponsoring a student priesthood to lhe for - dlyr. I NA$t (phor prinf).--.,,,,.,,,.,.,,,., Goldeniubilarians honored NEW YORK*l\[ole thrn 3:]0 couplcs $'lro u'ill mark theit' goklan rvedding anniverslry (luring 10(i;] werc honored in ceremonies at St, I)atrick's Cathedral. FARREII-ARGASTScntl totlal' {ot' frec lrrochttt'e E568 for fttll details no...... '.". ELECTRICCO, I.?;jiL:. Pltrtttc atld rcss TWO lND]ANAPOLISLOCATIONS MAlL TO FARRELL.ARGAST ELECTRIC CO. 5-6321 Ind' flttP}|lil I0 RtACllllls 00At 102 S. Meridian Si. ME 102 5, Meridirn 5t, Indioncpolir, 6839 E. 32nd St. Ll 7'9517 liiuulililliiiitl PAGE FOUR

giiliiiliiiilmiiiliiiliiiiiiifiiifiiiiiiliillillllllllllllllllllllllllllllnlinililiilliiii The original announcement warned Czar Alexander *especially I to for reference rrr r€dction to Soviet in{luence llfonroei lloctrine forget any ideas about Russian sovereignty from Alaska in the Americas, as translated into a Cuban military threat. = Comrnerrt to Oregon. = But when and where no rocket. bases stand and no cxpressed in fhosa cdlloricl columnr rop. Culiously, when it was first presented, = Thc cpinionr the Monroe Russian ships loom on the horizon, we cannot allow jinsoist vlewpoinl-nol ncccsmrily THE Crthollc Doctrine was only a part of James- Monroe's annual mes- rniluence.and = resenl r Calhollc emphilsis on the lllonroe Doctrine to iisiract sage to Congress on December 2, 1823. Monroe hirnself = vlewpolnl, They are efforr of thc cdllorr lo rcrvo publlc us trom tess dramatic (but no less vital) obligations.-liriiiril The did not compose the entire statement, Althoush this Monroe Doctrine alone wilt not keep a nuiSirn opinion wifhin fho Church rnd wifhin lhc Nation. popularly = declaration was destined to rank and tradi-tionallv tural advisor out of a Latin republii. rvith the Constitution, it rvas nCver ratified by Monroeis ,,crisis" Congress or-any other; it was never When there is no military ('law formally-established in Latin America. as a of the land." we still face the great.problem of solidifying tiie n-eiica'i Sl,orrn lvarningf agalnsl Uommunlsm through the aid pl.ograms necessarv-----'' Norv, 140 years away from Monroe's message. we are to help solve their economic and social p-.onf"mi. 'l'he globally neu'spaper strike in New York City htrs focuserl comrrlitted in our foreign relations. America of 1823-pledged itself against intervention See-n-as one,-.oul' aid programs attention on tho abuscs ol collcctivc bitt'gaining. Or, per- in European affairs, . can become another but history has forced lype or ruonl.oe Doctrine_against haps rrrorc acculatel;', what can ltappen rvhcn reasonable us long ago to venture bevoncl thii -Such ure influence and con_ provision trol of poverty and. rlisease. ,,rloctrine;, collcctivc balgzritriug is t'ejcctctl by both parties, There is less-knorvn and the limitations of anothef century. a miv iveif recewe greater lvelcome and appreciation than ,,im- lto latv oll the llooks that covel's tlte cmergency nor to clate lVe think lVlonroe thd the Doctrine can still serve well today penallsm" assoclated with has anyortc colne up with a soun(l solutiou for situations another age. of this kind. O QUESTIONBOX O (,JNTROVERSY Onc very likely t'esult of public rctlction to it rvill be rencwe(l agitation irr Llongress for tlre erlactlnent of legis. 'Total Intion giviug the Irrcsitlcul tnorc flexible rvays of dealing How can paPers rvith the problem. separation' 'l'his typc o[ tvork-stopp:tgc cloes not dil'cctly affcct the health ancl security of the nation. Ilut it tloes give a body print such stuff? not dogrna blou' to the nolural olrler th:rt shoultl prevail in industrial of Faith By MSGR. J. D. CONWAY rilililil1ili1iuii1iiiiiii111111i11i1i1i11iiii11imi1iiiiii1i1iiii1iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit1 By MSGR. cEoRGE W. CASEY pilot) 'l'ltis { ln the Bostop Erlitot' to lterxltrls; gue:stetliLorial uas uriLLenby ltatlter llilliunr, ,/, Srrtill. S.J. It secnrs to nre that instead of anglill.

"lundanrentally By MSGR. cEORGE HICC|NS ,sibility" and shoulrl not be ex- subvelsive doc- pectetl to worry about the pttblic trine"-subversive, that is, of intcrcst. cconomic ft'cedom, o l\{r. Jack Ilarbash. an extrcnre" ly compctent labor economist, spcnking at an industlial lelations confclence sholtly aflcr Pro{es- sol Friedtrart's book rvns pub- Iishcd gavc cqually sholt shli[t "social to the doctrine of le- sponsibility."

lIr. Ilarbash conrplairted ihat tnions arc too ofttn jutlgcd by a r-T doulrle standard. T'hey arc asked, urges rnore practicc sennons Ite said, to sclf-dcnial, rvhet'eas nranagcment is cxpectetl "dynamic," to bc The public, hc continucd, talks lbout the lunions' rcsporrsibility to thc pub- on socictlproblems lic llrt not about tho public's re- Some ol our acadeurieians hava sponsibility 1o the union. CLI|VEL,,\ND - pr.iest.soci- becn saying substantially thc a A the nrajor concern in preaching, Up to this poitrt, IIr. Barbaslr, A stockholtler. s'ho rvas indii- sanre thiug for a loug time in ologist advocatcd here that iIsgr. Carncy said. it seenrs to me, rvas tnaking a lerent to the rights of ltte rvorkcr, scholarll' trooks, rnonographs, ar" pleachcrs dcvote more point. serntons "Qur valid Ilut during ihe dis- and *'hose only intercst rvorrltl be vision in mocl inrhnccs ticlcs and speechcs. to cussion pcriod follovring his prc- CarclirtalBea trying to gct sonlc rctrtrtt ort his toda]''s social problems rvith a to dorr poirtts nol comprchend a tho rlnr of pared atldrcss he tvcnl thc way of invested nloncyr coultl easJiy ttke viervpoint. of a Catholic solution. rociefy, ,l{re In l nerv book whieh has re- plc- positiort nor relrllon bc. $lr. lrricdrnan--cven though, the that thc railrolrls llsgr'. I'r'ancis W, Carnr.y, di- ceivcd rnrrre than its shato of sumabll', he rvoulrl tlisaglce witlr hl rln,r obligation to cnrphrl'ecs lween privete cnd poblic mor. "Lavc" t'ectol of St. John's Collt'ge social ('ntion rclicn's irt lhe conscrva- llr, It'r'icduran's prcnrisr,,s, rvhiclr no lotrgor necdtrrl, lltrt l'cle froc eliiy." he rddcd. Nc{lll cott\ press, pfo- clturch cducatiou institute, toltl the Catho- tir,'e llilton I,'r'iedrlan, unity oduances arc those of okl-fashioncd classi- to tlist:hlre(' thent as s(.)on itli He enrphasized fessor of eqononrics at tlte l-ini- cal ccononrics. nrcchanicll irnproveruents or auto. lic llomiletic Society thnt as a that colleges, glotrp unirersities and versity of {,15;."tu, flatly asserts past ha's rt'it' nration nrakc their jobs unnct'cs. clerg;"nt(rll al'e not abreast seurinarics onlv linhed lo r:ourtcil "social ,,r,m ,rc. I'ear that to talk nbout the re- realry asrinsr a ,..:lllti.-.Ilte "eygr'clttickcniltg of the scientific knorvlcdgc recently have begun teachinS ,, ltcsslrl lttt ttrltt'clt snIy. avail- sponrible union,, SrrUrth foiJ Catholic soeiul doctrine spol-sibility'! of labol atrd rl:tn. ' A slrotrg uitionisi, n'lrtl rlas in- :tlllo todll' on socill ploblenrs, effeetivc- 0f hir dictinguished rudience of t'vtltts ilt tltc citltt;tt0f ftllth0f" ly. IIe ulged n rvider agcnrtttt in the conlcxl of colkrc. diffclont lrr thc good of tho rail. Sorne ?l-r prie.sts flonr tlre' U.,S. readin! pl'ogr!ur Iivc balgaining is so nruch non- induclrial relalions experlr. irrg Ohristian unit1, Cartlinal ,\rt- anrl Llanada attcntlcrl for priests. "An roads tht'rnselves, coultl t.ake the thr' society,s irrosponrible scnse. union is whol tustirr JJr:a saitl here. position rrrcrtrug rlhich ft'attrr.ctl tliscus- "OUR thal. hc rvoul

r\part ft'onr tlris draft tlccrce, "all ['arrlinirl Ilcir sairl, the otlrcr' rvot'k of the corrtrcil rvas r:rrricd Says: orri rvith fln alnrost rruiversal Goossens il\\'ar'(!nr)ss of tht: ccturterrir:lrl ttrsk ol' the (.llrrrrt'1r." As an exarnplc, he citcrl tlrt: fact that the council "rcpcntcdly I"atlrt'r's rrlro spoke Pope John lvanls every adult Catholic to belong to r:rrllerl trpon the cotrncil to leavc all rloors opcrt rvlrcre thcrrl tvas n t:hn11c1'of nraking contlct rvitlr the Sociely for the Propagation of the Failh. To reach Exper:t foorl nee(l notr.Catlrolic Llhristians." of lndianapolis, we need to rlouble hv '80 every adult in the Archdiocese

ROIIE - who want lo work for God and the Church The Uniictl llations 2313W. WASH.ST. ME.2-e352 hundreds of men and women [ootl and Agriculture Or.ganiza- tion in a srrr.r't'1. of present antl Tell the of your ra' frrtrrre foorl noctls estintatctl ilrat in their own parish, Men and women! President fronr one.third to onc.half {he peoplc of the rvor.ld totlal' suffer parish societies that you want lo work for God as a promolcr fronr hunger or nralnutrition or spective both. USHER Bascd on the L'.N. foiecnsl of in the coming campaign for memberships in the Society for the Propa- rvorkl population grorrilr by tlrc ]'car 2rX,0, tlrt. ncr,,' sur.r-c!, esti- ntates f!rnt food suplrlies rvill havc FIont gation of lhe Faith! to bc rloublcd bl. lttirj antl triplerl fuarEst0lissions6IIANOS CAIO|NAI 3?:U,.tAlt, ?reddort l lly tlre turn of ths century to Irt. yit "a Jo..tl t. fi.q t .t I achieve ltucl of nutrition rea- t.a d .a..rlc.ilae sonal;ly atleqrrate to the ner:ds of l:^' hl :':-':' : ^::,:, CATITOLIC'!?[E,TI,"MISSIONS ^^_cAlltouc NtAt EAlr tvEtrAtt eisocrenor all tlre rlorLl's peoplos." t-trrittrrl 480 lrxington Aw. al46rh tr. Nrt ior{lt,li. V. Natiotrs {r\l}rrts e}incft llrL' ?or[(l POSTOFFICE BOX 302 INDIANAPOLIS6, INDIANA population to rlorrble by 2rXr0. It uory stands at ebout three billion.

I PAGE 9IX THE CRITERION,JANUAFIV 25;196{ ready COLLEGIANSASSIST Plans are Youngsters learn French at Woods for Style Show

Edited by the Cleric Seminarlans of Wesl Beden Collegr lletp! IIeQtl :'i"';i'iJ"ii'--1',t*'l$J.?i,n'lix J'our English class, It tvould give to say what y-ott wc rrcr.rl holp. Ycs, rve y,9,t],Jh"-ih',"ce loul 'ro..rir"irniy] it corrnt for rhc etlir'r's of t'or *o-,I"u" somelli^rll class :,19 work' ically u'lnt attrl ncerl y,;i;-;;iir: Wc uant lo linntv *ltat yott're tN Tt{E pasT arc thinking, attend the Style Show. Admis- thinliirrr-. i[ 1'ou MARIAN STARTER - Pelo Da- *'o ttecd to knorv tvhat yott sion for adults and Junior r\rrrl CYO lillo, of Madison, will sfort at at'rt tltinlting. members is 50 cents per person, one of lhe forward spols for lhe rcact Io u'hrt appenrs l)(l ]'ou .Iunior CYO'crs withor-rt pair-up Marian College Knighfs when in tltis colttntn? If do, rvltal. 1'ott mernbership cards, however, will they meet city rival lndiana is t'ear.'tittrt? l\trtl rvhy tlo 1'ortt' bc assessed $1.00 cach, the CYO Ceniral al the Marian gym lo- fcat't this soy? I)o yotl rcad 'I'he 1'rru Office said. acltnission eost night ( Friday) at I p.m, Datillo rrhal sr.slll' Wlrat tlo yott tltink covers both tlte Style Shorv an{ is averrging aboul l5 poinls a of itl' Wo $'ant [o kttorv. Wc'r'e the tlance, whiclt is cxpected to game. A former Scecina High gol lo ktrorr'. get undcrlay shortly after g p.m, School slar, Tom Moran, will be llirl'lrr' 1'ou'd lilic to hcar rvhat Ir"I1'l "r- - bt " th:*! d othr.r' tot'tt;rget's irt'c sayingl) Or .- ll'_ $t ! -.ryI I *'' i":*c-111:l l: : :1 ." Inalbo vort tl lilic to ask thcnt or us s()r),a qttostiotts or find ottt rr'h:rl lhr,.v rrlc thinking about? leac[ TWO cROUPS begin their hour. ,r\rrrl Ilron, trtuvbo 3'ou'tl likc to scc St. Iohn's, Loyola long peliods rvith trvcnty nrinutes 1'oulsclf in pttttt? of olal vocabulary stutly, Sister, SO WRITE arrrl lcll us tvhat you rvho ha.s tlorrc cxtensivc' traveling INTROOUCTION-"Je m'apelle Monsieur David,,, informs the yorr'

t, lallrlrjrnl 7/, lloly Irirrily .16; Inrnrlculrlc FL 9-9277 I endor ls lhc Nithl, tlerrl 2, St. IlrliI Neri 0 (fofferl); C0lhc(lrdl nrrouqh a 0lJss Darllv. iilll"-ll:if',1;"i'fTh,',iJl'rrtrr'trcnt holir: col l('g(.s l0? tn.t Srlo 63;5t. Ritr 92, lmrnrc. Iov/n Witllout Pitv lwo !l]1c llo,r| 44. Brothers of Holy Cross lor lho Sco!dw. a ial, Io Kill n BASKETBALL--'flre lnrlianap- ilr sl)itc(r TIAGUE STAIIOINGS l)r()gl'ttlll C.def tc.9ue lYolt Ldtsen. V/ho's Got olis I)eancly Jrrnior.Scniol C\\) lhe Trulh Diyi5i0n l: lloly Irinity B.l; St, ainrk 0 1, ,dIc. lrasketblll t{)rtlney will operr play ('it{ltrt- '['hc WASlllN(i'l()N---'l'lrloo lloly flarn| /-2, 0ur Lndy ol lourrles 5.,1; orr 51. l|tilrp lieri ii-,1; lioly Spirif 1;-,1; Sl. Srrnrlay, Jtn. 27, torrr.rtcy pulr' -r 'f lir: rrnivcrsilics arc ilttlotlg tl? Mirhacl ,1 5; Iilllc ilorvr - Sl. Idwrence o. rvinds up orr ucstlay, Ir<:ll, 5, I Jol\rs :].6; Sl. nrr(lrcw Bt Sl. J!rnil of Arc O-9. I pl'ivatt: ittslittttiotls of rvith lhc Iirral (anrcs n{. Scecina lic an

l\{oore,Kirk & Usher The sports-mintltrrl (jardinal also took par'I in lhc ehapllrins' tahle tennis conrpetition. IIis final standirrg itt llttr contt-st was FUNERAL HOMES THE CRITERION, JANUARY 25, 1963 PAGE SEVEN O FAIITILY CLINTC THIS IS CATIIOLrcISM THF FRANCISCANsrSTERS Answer to dati*g of THEATONEMENT Superstitior]eal iluery t idolatry

By REV. JoHN WALSH, 5.J. blcm he is invoking assistance tFn^ from thc true Source of all bles- Is il tr sirr [,o carry good..Ittclc 16.. Q. sings. has mother disturbed clrcrrr.s, or kt uuoitl badlucl; o?,!cns, rultett we do srch thirrgs Q. Is it possible to use religious oul rrritftott seriolsly By JOHN L. THOMAS, S.J. thc inrnrcrliate problcur thst had but tvarnerl tltcrn of all tltc .^ot'ial, lor ltr.rt be. slrblerrrs stperst.itiotsly? lieuirtg irt tlrcnt? to he treated. psychological, antl rnolal prob- Ycs. If a person, for instance. Your io lhe two No, such acts not recenl advice If I read your lctter cou'cctly, lcnrs involvctl in such lcngthy are sin{ul, bclieves that a religious emblem college freshmen who fell f hey your objcction [o nly article is coultships. lf the palcnts finrl ,g by itself averts calamity or brings were whal ), in love was my success, iusl trvo-folrl. f irst. I slroulot. In an car'lit'r.ctrlrrrnrr, I tt.ied to ntent of thc alrovc rlt'rturnrls. ?r(:nl .sef.oul [t'ont Olhcr. [,krrr.rrtlotions follorucrl in rupkl rvhiclt rlirl trot arlrllr,ss ilsr,lf to nate rrrrstakc on the palt of thc 'l'ha elllairr just rvltv it is that rve' call Sincc stcady silccc.s.sroil. l,ulxtl

t PAGE EIGHT THE CRITERION, JANUARY 25, I96i 'IIIIPACT' I}UT NO DEPTH' 'Longest Day' tells story of Normandy invasion

By JAMES W. ARNoLD movies emerged from tltc nickel' frrntlers, il glott,srlue giullr) in arrd dc{uclred. Anrcriearr rungcrs 0(leolls. *hich rlinning is lhc only cloar scale a cliff at Poirtt du llr-rc with 1\';rr. aftcr lovc, is lttatt's ttlost, 'l'he objectivc. aurlience should rrrrlir'rrt st'crrlrrt occttpation, atttl Throc finc dlruclorr - Bril. Iteavl' 4n511*11ics,ottly to fiutl t'e "Qurrlrl") * eep, brti it is onll- nrrrrrhcrl. rlrllltrrirtll tir" rsscltcrl of it ili:lrt rin'r Ken ("Trlor" grtns thcy rvcrc sent to dt.stroy Look hr'r'c, llrc lilnr shorrl

'l'irc on excellence lr:sult is. in parr, a$'r1soutc,llltl ?1,_tli?]tftllbent i.ti c;l cral lianre[o rveatherex. lll el'cry lranle' rlotthtlcss tltt: qtrality Z:tttttclt pcrt,s to a bcach pillboi to tlre liopr,3 11111:;cll ottough adtancerl- llrrt irr achieving nragnificenceo l,'rench trIaquis to Cierman gen" pt'ile lit'kr'ls afrrtlttrl tlltr uorld Zanrrck lras let de'tlr inri rrrean- erals playing cards. B't in these lr.r snatclr 2llllr-(-'('lltttl')'I't'.r frottt irrg ilip throrrgh 1is fingars, Af, bits a1d scraps the 'iewer ncvcr tlrt,chiliinrl fittatt<:ial (rlttlrrnce rtf tr:r thrce hours of tunrult, tlre gets to know any of the actors or "(-'lcoptrlt'r." aurlience has lcarned a ferv inter- beconte atta<:hed to thenr; he is i fir:trorr [ilrn l[rs nc\'er so tvell esting historical facts (especirlly lucky if, by' thc fatleout, he cal] rlt.rr:ril;e rl llrc scope, cornplcxity abottt qrtite hrrman brrnglirrg ott tcll one ironr anothcr. itrl(l ('iilltfrrsion of nrorlern ruar. hoth sides) and had the thrill of rtctors on all sides die pro- iril,l .)1Lr.ce(l1cl1('(.)(tlre [,'rcnch ohserving, without personal ftrsely,thoughnotashorriblyas lontrn:rltilo irsslul{ on Ouestle- danger, thal odd mixture of real-life soldit:rs. Ilttl all the dy" Ir;rrrr) rrliil *r.,ll lic. llrt'nrost bcau' l.reauty and terror in combat. ing i.s unretlttetned: it seeln.s only ltjrrlil'st;rIcrl, grhr.rloglaphed ant[ Ilut this docsn't seerrt trtouglt. part of a larlle, sltapele:;s chess ':tlll::'l ''l-:Ll'11 ."]'llil':.1"'119 :ly:.-.:1:.-:t.:.i:,ij'-:::ll-hl' ',*:" !11""'*:'tt"k::'^i:r-': O I|OOK'SOP'TIIE ITOTIR :['heproblem ,f truth

"problont dilncnsiorrs trf thr of the rvorltl in thti liglrt ol irutlr. "'I'r'rrth tnrtb" in tlre uroderrr *'orll. 1'o r\ liual chirptcr on antl rulrtt trrtrsl retrrlrr ttl llre optninll begin n'ith, llrc grorlth of tlrtr chapters of thc llible to olrtain a ;cicntific spirit. ll'ltouglr this Irroper *orltlvictr'. l'herc hc .*ill tlcrs not Ineart that the present" find hunrarritl"s cha r+,er lor rlt:- tlay scieutist {as contparcd witl-r lelopitrg thc rlorld, utilizirrg and irnpl6t'i11g its rr-sources, explor, his I 9th r:entury Jrrcdcccssori in11 its tcrrestrial .sccrcts. lIc will lccls lhal hc knov,'s evcrything, leartt about tlrr bontl of nrarr to It tiocs rrreart thal. hc reirtses tcr nrln i"it is nol good lor ltali [ri br,lir:r'r: lhtrt ortc r:art knorv an1" '['he b*: alotttr" ). thing. qrrouil doglnatisrn ol lhe seir,rrtists of I)lrryin's ngc lras giyen rray to an ngnosticisnt and an in:;istenqe on relativisrrt ratlrt'r thlrr on absolrrtcs.

Ser:ottrlly. r lov,' valrte iras cornc to bc attacherl to man'.r rvord, rl)L'lllllg SClltt)llCe anrl, b3'extension to the \Yord of ',ill,ill. I tlrink.tlrink, rnakttrnakc {iod also; only scierrtific dcnrorr- arlr:r l.if. ttlt arttl strati0n has value. I,'r. Ilaniclorr lilactical tn ilp. here adntits, by tlrr: *'ay, that lirornirir.' tn tltr: nrrrch icasurr has bcen in rl,h." tir. iJaniclou 11iven the nrorlern u'orkl*-one think:r of thc Hitler techrrique of tlrtr "Ilig Lie"--f

Irr. l.)aniclott theil grlps rrn trl nnaiyzc sucli nrorler.n phr:notncna "'I'lrc as II1'th of L'nlrappiness", tvith ernlrllrsis on thtt t:xistcntiH- lisl- r'icr!' of the'.vorlrl (Satare, ]lprle;itt.Ponl!', elc.): the rclcr.a- iion 1;s1,*'..u poetry and trutlr,

anrl thc ncccssity tlrat the iurli. Mond.y thru lrldry *1_-*1.:11: ttlJ t,ta,-R'.\atl llaur .....,,.,,,,'A'lRt .:'.'I _ll.':_:l'l'_:':1:L rnyrr.tvil | r ltrl l.dio_ludd.y 'Child ,t:Ji t.rr,-5frcr.o fle0rr .,.,,,,,".,.y/lill! is Waitini4' IVAX3YII.II ATTA -. Surdry frhvislol I j::lU C.1,.-L']1.tft.i,trc,...,,.,,,.,,,.U)

,rlufdrf wins [-,cgion 'ari, 1rrais{i D.H.*(r1,to ..,...:,.,,.,,,,,.,.{ll) lrdlo ?rogrrnr 5 undrr N!:W Y0nK-*'l'lrc lrational Le" dr?0 i.:1.--t!r lAuit tti,n ..,",,.,,-,fJp$ ';\' gurn u:.r.) &,o).*H!u' r'llssifit:nliurrs of l)cuency r:haractcr.izerl .(af :tl, tlBrri ,.,,,.!f..rA .,A t:Jr, fr,fn.-LEll\CliL l{t,jt,,,,.,,,,,,'llGEl the L nited Artists' ntolic Chikl ls 11'aiting,', rvhich dcirli; 5:c{r s.111.-. 10,01 fl,t';iitr,rn.,..,...,,vcBr gir r.n ntaj()t'il)' with t'urc of retarrletl clrilrlren. as flAo|loxanr^ "irrspirirrg nrlio-tuhdry an . tlibute to ilrc trrio:- ,/frJ q,t,l.lli'jf|l Sl,Ft rlij .,,",..,1ttnX less tliglritl'of a huutan of rrrorir.s ilt 1.9(i2 Iifc;' antl NortH vttxot{ ltra rcconrrnt,nrlod it to ilre patronage r r,rc,,.n,.-eoriiilll';l,Tj'1, oi arlults alrl y611ng people. .,, ., ., .r,or,, I rJUp,n1...,5t(rr',1 ltftri , ., \t;\\' 1'{)lili...'J'lrc National [,c" ,,. ,,,.,.\t0(J1 tilw AtrarY lrrA iti,,il of l)r'{.{'n(,.v put At ihe sarrie time thc kgion ir} l{tt;2 lnt}sl_ "'['lrc - Irlrvirion_juniry placcd r.:tlr rrl tl11',\111r'f iq ln lrllrrs rt t't'r'icryctl I)evil's Wnnton,'; irn t t l\.-.r,rrf.:lct"fr1,.,.,...,,..1,fA,,,1; ",\" carly filrn lr r)rrpr,l ttt; lhllt, elassificit. nrlifierrtiotr-r. and senl lo Sprin. On reprcre6. t.n.-A!. |.,.r ts.. r I iuu t f',- :1. ..^,i cl y,,. ti€,Jril ( )f the ti{t fo|ciqil f ilms re. lcllon ol lfic Clncdlrn goycrn" .,,.,.f1I1 rr:rJ r.rfi,-t1a:rOt 51.trr...i! ...,.,WIT2 r rt,u t,rl, tlre legiun condctunod lS. mcnl, lhc Ccrlro govcrnmcnl r,r: r.n,.-r*r?L'l;:;l::l nr,\{'ll !nolc tlran in lt}61 and ilre rrid r mirhkc hrd bcon mrda ....,,,.,A.rirl Ittrt xAUrt tttA lri:'lrpsl trrlll frrl util' ,since rnd tho rcvcn Crnadian! wGr. 5r'ar - tunfu7_trlrritien ilrr' lcrtion hc!lan Ialirrll in rsked fo rclvrn rf ffir crpcnra Yrrut r.-t1 :i IJJ;-j l-;,c.,,,,,,#fil!,fV 1f.):Jti, y:1f, riltlrs govcrnmcnt, I.r'.-!i::i'U':o f,ryit:t .,,.,.,{t0) It t'titotl ll) forrrigrr as of lhc Crrlro Fivt lrdir-lu ('lilss did rolurn. nftv A-l; l,l as :\-ll; t5 as r\-IIIl ?r,15r.r.-irli1 :, .....,.-,,....,,.'AIl!t .t3 rs [] :rrrrl 3 as scpa|utc, trll*0rllr trd5 r.i1.-(lii;:rc l,::r .r.r.,r,.,.'AIHI



AROUNDTHE ARCHDIOCESE FAR"il There is enough uranium and Religion thorium in a ton of granite-one InYorationno easymatter ,*r""t":rg::":r, Tllu*rrrrrrrrrrrrrrmrrrtrrrr*of the most common rocks-to Richmond Deanery men =u*u"*urrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yield the energy of 50 tons of speakerskers and along *ttnwith Bishop = = one of the major By DANA CTIICAGO-The incident happened at sessions participatcd ,l:Pl c. JENNING3 redueed to using the oregs to- coal. As Dr, H. S, Brown. of Cal Keane in inquiry "Let's of the National Conference on Religion and iiace here. Tech, said recently: not sesslons, Authe easy.to.f arm rand 'f.:ilt"1iil;1i:jhi:ifl:t ilsgr. George G. Higgins, director of the Social Action Depart- "Christianity .is^now:lLf set meeting Ianuary 29 antl the Negro All the.easv'to'get ;il*;;ui";iiitil::Ti'ii"^iii: Conference and columnist in The .Lt:F^-tuTld' 'l\rcsrla-v, ment, National Catholic Welfare Ind. - The Rich- Jan.29 aI the'fcrue RICHIIOND. Criterion and other diocesan papers, was scheduled to give the an,,Re'ision an,,the mond District Cottncil of Catholic llautc Ilousc, Ncgro" rvas a topic of+:::::l several l,{i:?",ilff:t!:i11.lil, ilxt1*i*:;iT1$'r,..1"ffii".,,:,,ll invocation, but ccruld not do so because of laryngitis. problems have been solved. !ir;No; ilten will nrect Tuesday, Jan. 29, lto ,o U" so riehly blessed with all Irather Raytnond l:, Bosler, papcrs. Rcv. J. R, Slattery of it's harder and-costs m-ore to keep !'. iood things of nature. The for- at the Coffee I'ot restaurant in pnstor lle entrusted the assignment to Father John Cronin, S.S., ourslcves r"-p^{i:9--yr_tl_-our-needs editor of llhc Critelion and st. Joseph's seminary, Baltimorc, !rts, Canrbridge City. Dinner will be 'I'homas of the Social Action Department. Explaining the 4,e s?r, ir,l-*it"., it" uut- of St. Aquinas Chttreh, assistanl tlirectoi' "The and to develop new resources. p.m, presented a paper on catho- ialo and the passenger pigeons scrved at 6:30 Ileservations gucst incident, I'ather Cronin noted that the director harl lost his voice, "inexhaustibte." Inrlinnapolis, s,ill be thc ,,Re- *r! doing were all may be sent to Dan Iliggins of tic Church antl the Negro,,, . .I a little eatpenter Some the high' the assistant director had trouble hearing, and I'ather James L. spcakcr. IIe rvill tliscuss up a lx6 that had 8re gone and others going. Richmond, The district includcs ligion and Labor" was presented lights of lris trip to ftonte where Yizzard, S.J., direckrr of the Washington Office of the National l:?.andlicked Rushville, Connersville, Nerv Cas- hc attcnded lhe Ecrrmenical Cottn' Catholic Rural l,ife Conference who also works in social action, had in a paperbv Rcv. r:,:li;.T tle, Knightstown, Cambridgc City, ff;L#:'j,i"':iif:iexl"i3.JXl program will be "Interna- i"il";thT;l'".",'l'l,u,f,i"ll"X,l.'l; cil. Also on the alr cye infcction. crearv of r\Iinneaporis. clear wood-ang Liberty and Richmond parishcs, o'ver-poputat"d and pretty thc Schulte lligh School Glec Clttb tional Arbitration" was the sub- lltr^ l"^r--t^::: soon "Equal as full of knots as a cowpony's The program thcme is runder of trIr. Avon Dr. Franklin H. Littell, profcssor of church history at the Chi- ject i,e,ll all starve to death, and thc tlircction presented by Prof. Thomas tail is full of cuckleburrs in 0c- ;i Rights for Children." A filnr-talk cago Theological Seminary, commented that this rcminded him of 'lese farmers Produe:^qburden" Gillcspic, J.,l SemmesS..mnrpc ofnf Louisiana [.nrrisirnr StateStrto tober. lnhor A A graybeared *-r,[.^^r^,r friend, .-:^-r some surpluses of food deaiing with governmcnt aid to the three nlonkeys-"See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil"' are bleed- Lttnchcon rcsct'vations can be University. watching, commented disparag- education will be presentcd. Jos- "In ing us white besides. Fortunately sent to l\lls, Joseph L,anS, ?24 N. ingly, my time we'd have eph Niersbach is council presi- we have, some of us, awakened l3th St., Crawford 3.188, or 1\{rs. thrown that board away." dent, to our danger. I'rank Jlylnc, 2010 Sottth Center "l#iii, St., Cr':rwfolrl 5495, until Sttnday, t ,.,'Ji$l"-lf,'o Tfle's:[ jy Clarence r**"ir"u, reccntly Jan. 27. "f,1l,filf i" #['1#':t "il; installed as president of St. An- Fr. Walsh n jJ''"Jlf: j ["iiii,iJ r,i"dti.Jrv .iiiit},li. drew's Holy Name Society. Also Itemember them $,J;H #,l;li,olto; (Continued from 7) installed were John (iaydosh, Page pictures statues. What, hol' vice president; Walter Witte, ,Ir., and in your pra,yers treasurer; and llichael Dutlas, cver. rvottltl be the Point ef suP' Card party set PAIISETT Sr. pressing eitlter tYPe? thevrolelSales Q. Does not tIrc torbkl at St. Catherine tlrc fash,iortittg of grauen' inwges? "A fRIENDI.Y PTACETO The Bible forbids the making Alfrcri tt'. lrnrrigan, ['lr. D,, fRADE" of gravcn-that is, engraved or prcsidt'nt oI Bcllalnrinc College, "Int- but the tclcphonc RO 3.a2t! Ioouisville, rvill speak on sculptured-images, Pro' plession oI thc Sccond Vatican tribition must be interpreted cor' " lflorrlslown, Indiono Corrncil. rectly. Otherwise one would be compelled to maintain that thc making of all statues, bas'reliefs, coins, metlals, dolls, pttppets' fig' TERRE HAUTE rurines, statuettes, toy soldiers, et The third quarterly board mcct- cctera, tvas denottnced in the ing of the I'erre Ilauto Deanery (:ouncil Bible-rvhich is obviottslY non' of Catholic Wnmen is Young-souPepsi Ploose What thc Biblc absoltttelY scheduled at l0 a.m. Tuc.sday, sense. Inrurc and Bc Surc Irltittlc ,Ian,29, aL the Terre flaute prohibits is thc slraping of images IIouse, io be worshipcd and a

ltilY AltaNr t tu8Y.ooHMANll, sr. Mdry,s church, Jrn. 18.--Clturch (En FIRST FEDERAL _. Cenrelcry. Survivors: dau!lht0., Mfs. Heletr Arrn Sn)ool, of Iouisvitlc; iitter. Mrs. Helen forsler, also ol L0uisvill?. DRUG STORE Savings& Loan Assn. Josrplt t ry. t,rf tt,'tr. Mory,s church, Sr. lilsina, O.S.li'., (lrurch Main & JolfersonSts. Ph. 888 --tan. 17. Cenretery. Survivors: wile, 22{ E. Mrin 5t. Phonr 76 Mify; soili,.Edgdr ol New Albdily; Johil, oI Mrs.Mdry Asrres rlaytor, Slt,liJJllf;,,i".."'n'.r, rlics ilt age oI 76 "SAI.'&',SOUND arrd SURD" Patrcnize OLD.llNllUItG. lnd. - li'uncral scrviccs rvcre held ilt lhe Convcnl Our Church of the lnrnraculate Con- McCauleyInsurance ceplion hole (.lan. l4) t'tlr Sistcr: Aduertisers Illsina Ubenleck, 0,S.1,'., wlro ll0 Mvlbcrry St. Phonr 5{'6 rlictl in Nargaret illaly Ilospital, Bntesville, ,lanrrary .ll. Shc rvas KBLTY ?ti and harl bccn a membcr of lhc Si.stcrs of St, L'rancis corn- CHEVROI,ET rnunity since l$02. Greenwood, Ind, TU I-9311 A nativc of St. Louis. Sistt'r Elsina sct'verl as principal of St. THEIndiana Croup l,ouis School, llatasvillc, Irorn It]48 to l$5,t, She tlso taught in BUTTZ.HIGGINS Nnv Albany, Cirrcinnati antl St. MUSICCENTER SAVE TIIIE SAFELY UNITEDHoME OFCATHOI.IC WEEKLY NEWSPAPERS l,ouis. If|orn 1$,14 to t950 Sister' l{lsiua rvas onc of thc conlulunitv Wilgro ShoppingCcntcr (Jun(tion Dial8Utlel caMBntocf (ltY cortnscllols, lord3 {itl r tl) 3-6688 FURNISHINGCO. (Combined t I tt, e3, sr, Itirdbcrh,s Phone TU l-2975 Circulation in Excess o/ I4S,0A0) Jffi,T, rItilHNAPf Sun'ivor,s inclurlt a blothcl and "Fanrous lrvo sistcr',s. ll00 TAXI, Inc. Brands Indianapolis-Evansville-FortWayne & SouthBend-Gary-Lafayette 135 W. Courl Avc. Fr. VlcGloin Jcffersonvillc, lnd. of Furniture & Over 30 Years Continuous (Contintrr:d from pagc ?) Service Applianees" s0 (h)ing, thcy lravc done glcat harnr to lhcir oryn-antl sonieonc Scrving clse's*-rational hunran natur.c. ScoHrburg Sellcrsburg Soles .4nrl thcy lravc contributcd REftlODEL Unlimited! tlrcir. Pharmacy, Inc. Hayes localBldg. Supply Joffersonville little bit to halming the lurman * Plumbing * M.ronry raco. lNc. Aileeu E. Kopp, Prcsidcnt Gene Iluycs ,lollrr Thonros * Roofing t Peinting when Is thcre anything rrnreasonallle I,'rctl lbuts * Larry Albertson an adveriiser introduces hi$ producls and services "Prescriplion * * ahorrl a tcnrpcratc kiss Specialisis" Full Line Bldg. Materials Sidina Wiring or crn- " blace, a good.niglrt kiss, for in- Renndelittgl Otr Specirtll,y" * Carpcnlry * Flooring The Clork County Merlinsville Mooresville lo this expanding sales markel . . . high.volume purchar. stance? Celtainly not*.if it's Ph. Dl 2-66J4 Bonk tlone out of genuine alfection anrl Frederick Lumber Co. Stote ,,rcwarrl," not as some kinrl "Yorrr of or St. BU t.6{83 Hontc Omcd llank' ing by larger.ihan.average Catholic families irriluenced by just "kicks." 160l Sprine for Antl, o{ coursc, Jcffcrson'rilb both parties have to be alllc to Wilhite& Son PhelpsDrug Store 'Funeral "\'orrr lheir own Catholic Press. kcep it rvhcre it llclongs*in tho I'rdscripl,iott.Slot'r.:" rcrlnr of Home" rcal affection--instcarl No. Side of Squerc of going grarlually further into ?16 E. Pike St, Dl 2.3348 Dl 2-3321 the natural prclinrinaries of sex- I(}(}(}AVERAGE FAMITIES - 35(l(} CONSUMERS rual rrnion. A kiss or an enrbrace .is a sacred sign of nraturc love. just anrl I rlon't dig tlursc who 1000AVERAGE - consirler it a plaything, or sort CATHOLICFAMIIIES 4800 CONSUITIERS "clrtc,t! {lf or a kirl's gamc,

MAN lS supposctl to bc cui(le(l USB...ALLITIV$PAPDNS by his rcason and by the rca. sonablcness, nol the childishncss. Plumbing Huesman's Garage of his aclions. Hoosier to cover the entire Indiana Caiholic Market Antl nowhcre has man madc morc of an infant (antl & Heating Co. GENERALAUTO sontetimes an animal) of hinrse lf \Votcr Syslctrts REPAIRING than here. h.uch of thc blanre Phone WH 4-2285 I' hLntb irrg Inslallollorts Ph. llrw Albrny. SAYB! goes to propaganrla. and to lhc Blue Ridse Rd. EX. 8.f212 Slale end Main Slroalr unscrrrpulotrs profitccrs rvho are hd. . by 138 E. Jrckson Ph. EX, 2.2616 bY APPolnftncnl . . using2 or morepapers ro earn LIBERAL GROUP DlscouNTs willing to Oion tvcningr nrake a buck on anv- BU.2t39f thing, howevcr sacred. Control is nover eonrplcl.ely C(lAL SCHEDULE OF DTSCOUNTS easy. Nor is gcnuine clraractei. Patronize formation, Nor is maturrnq. Since1893 HalgoOil Company I PAPER You havc grow RegularRare to up. So grorv Our up as a rearonable httntan being. Hilfigoss fi Son, Inc. Cleaned Filtered 2 PAPERS.,...... i"-Uf"ed'Ratesless2o/o ilIalrrrc. l)on't just vcgctatc. An1, Aduertisers 231 !. Wcrh. ll. th. :X. &atll 3PAPERS... .,CombinedRatesless4% squash can do that. FUEL OIt 4PAPERS... ..CombinedRaresless6% Population stucly llo,lf;.rllffi 5PAPERS... ..CombinedRateslessS% grant announce(l PLUS THESEFEATURES . . . NEW YORK*Thc !'ord Foun- Ace Heating Co. order through only oNE source, receive datiorr has grante(l a t.rul.r lll Off.d oNE statemeni, pay with oNE check major Cath- fhe EgerSludio Lutgring Bros., fnc. lna olic universitSr 91b0,000 to launch CALL US ANYTIME "Portroits a center dealing with population .----lVcdrlirtos" WH a2t3l or IYH 56796 Stonr-E rcrvlting For Complete Details & Schedule proble ms. Crurhcd 739 Mein St. Errt 8lh rnd Culbrrfron The foundation said the ccnter Phonc Kl 74881 Agriculfuru Limr of Reasonable Rates, Contact will bc at Goorgeto\rn llniversitl', Washington, D.C. It u,ill carry orrt research and training in the l,io. PauI V. Shrader fr'unerel llome logical and sociological (riterion aspects of 1840 Ihe population problems. Zoercher-GillickFunerol Home Esicblirhed "The university u,ill direet its Oryt.i lqrtP;rnl lrro'WoY Rodlo 124 W. GeorgiaSt., MEfrose5-4531 - Ambulencc Strvict - first studies toward the possible AA4IUIANCSsEcvlct improvement of the rhylhm metlr. Mr. James T, Brady, Adv. Mgr. TELL CITY, IND. tttt orl $. od of family planning," said thc KI '.25II found'tion in r statcment. t THE CRITERION. JANUARY 25, 1963 PAGE ELEVEN Council rnandate I WI9II T COULD RIMEMBIR THOU SHALT told WIIAT T}IAT SEVENT}I NOT STEAL ! t'1-FMtl,.\lil) - l,ay per'.sons C,OMMANDMf,NT I5I we rc ur';qct[ [u rt arll. thcnrst'lves to as".'Ot thc tlr:rllcnge rvltjclr rvill be hnrrtlctl thcrrr at llro end of ihe Secon

H IS HOL IN E SS l)ope .lohn X,\llI hts set. a tRl'gct d:rte' o{ Cirlistnras, l{)03,lirr tlu: enrl of the councll, WORK POINTEO out ihat thls O lndianapolisParish Shoppirg List O

."J;";;;;- ffii';rfi:il,;-,1i, "'l=--i ]ffiiffiI*,.'-i;!'-i,'.,i,l,i,*+*i'i"it"irr",',"ui*.i"r,,:','i*,!';',ml:ll il irr'0il ll ,r",:'."'n.&scNlSi-Hlifi"E. t- :l *:flri"iy1',fi,t,:'"",:";j (A.) *'r, a.rro,l putrottisc i t^(x'5 uPHotsItRI._T RTPATR :._ : " . our il:,,t_ ",,, "^...-.^.ly_lNrIURr rGfa I=E=E!g i::=_:. SEEr ''''l".'...'"'"t",ji..j'Pi,'".",,'.*.-;}',D'iwALTER,sPHARMAcYi-i^1lteft.!]|'IT-: GordonWrgoner HOOK DRUGS,INC. Mcrkrl rnd Crlifornir Slrecls

'iiiili:'r.'l;ti,i' SI{ERIDANGARAGE irro.orr, .r.,i-64er-l "ElDEl.tRElCH

,dD tiAr'r'0' rrr"tl'""";,,, hliiiri"nnt*n"iio tl /.39?1 t{d.th -,,d*, HlMlvlEL'sHrMrvrEL's | ;;:";ii? l-:?,r'Tl:fXt,l-:?,,'Tl:fit, ,r,. ooollj"Jou'onr'owetso,,l*lJl"ffi"irliiiii o,r.r.r, .,:',::,'"'',']]:':o.,^':',(siPffiil;i,,,*llii:l'i"",'L'ri,.r.:,?,.,ikI ,;';,,n,,.i i m-U;fr I fi O REALESTATE O -'^,,o,,1o",,iioT;l,.|1r-fr',,,,-u,-'--iMcKEANDDRUGsToREi_ i]'-1l.j-.l1.1ll*ll..13,jl,,Y0Ur1,nristlsl]ooo|||!c4rll']l1WoodcroflPharmacy|w-;;;,,,,*?"j,il'";;;;- irr'"rz-irLrus. BUYINGor SELL|NG ,rAvr up''r.srrnyw'r{x | 'ltli,'ll'ir1'oii'"siir | ,,u,,^di'#f#:ll,;l];l.i,t*,,,,,,ro, "ili$i--i:1111]:l.ili.e*r, lt: |: {i135.:ryil[tiiii;lil^ilnf;',i'iti,',^.. soulheiiltr' av!' !t {t'tt7l i srkcr trornl.rrr5r frbri.! I o QUALtfy DRITGS Rerl Eslalc r=r A.A' & a B.t)' UPHOLSTERING vFnvLrr ENrNt' :I . CALL lfi,rrctlt-rrraftttr sl ,,rrrrrxr' JOSEPH R. W,,,nofi,ul'illlrc,lurrrir|rml,]*.*ooiI'EIrcnil|!Er.fIf,nKl--i.1:"lr'qrvvvl-iMERlotANMEATMARKET re ARGUS Inquirc I ERWIN BAUMEISTER rr.rs.fiu,i,iid,,!r. il'.r.y200 DAVIS GROCERY CO. ,;-.-., ., .. . I i ebout orrr ]''|'.|'}|'|l'|'l|':r''|'l./F',5|4h|F.m.",,,;;',lilii'''".,|tvtARKET|'.',.i]::tl:l,'l,jf..,'*.li1|ll,'ill?ii'.., home fr.rde. ,a!pr:irrrl' in plrn. :;:.,_. \\.,.1""''..220!f lTTrl I LEoN's rv 1.'",,j'',ji:lilf'j;i1,,,,r':,,,,,.,,;11,1';"''n'l- ',1:elch ""-. d's$ Ilob S'4.1's: ={_-:.7"uaiiii*r,iti"itiv'el|".','..l,|lj],,.;*.:',lJ,]l;',,.;,,.:i:]iil;l'|,|X''i:lIITA ii;*,,i,i";'ilJu,.o in"""l,ilil,)',!-,:',ll'll;',,.'i,,]':;:lirr;r'oxr:i:i1,,.,,,,.,rJ;f,i1.,f1fy,."1]1;;tJ,fiollu,,u,.,,"' ,,,'"'". ,, @-,'.---"-':.:-"--,,..'.,'..l;*-isafewayQuali|yFoods1I i^ j SafewavrdrEwcy eualilvYvsrrry r(,es! Foods I11 - i dIIh rr^r,,. I T)II,'E RSI T,'ICAI|I 0 I\T 0 tr' oE LBo i S I AN's I nsss'I:l:i;,:i,'1'i:Jfi,TAvt. i' I'AfAYtttttD DIRK'S MARKEI _DRUcs Sil#A (ur,,i,,reari l 152t N. EmersonT"Y:": i \nUyfZZ SHELL SERVICE i crrorcr,',i/.rh i y:,,-,li.iilfl:l oL'R /J['SZ\h'.SS ',lrll M ,-rr'J::;v,cEI " "l"llil t-;:;,"';;,J;-::;":"'lr',:' FL 9-826526s rortraltno|;irorrleARoo;i ,l;,r,1, I ffi .,,n,ro,o*,r0r0* ,rrr.u,,,,nr.ur, ,,ru'r,5r,vrcr. I PRE5ctlPtl0rrsl0rir GrxtRnl.nrt'iorTffilflGfxtRnlonGflltRiroR Indrnd SfARTIRSTARIIR*'no'*RETATF ut r'rr,to rL 6.?746 IIELITS l'O[.'!" *,. '.rttju 1i?4r I BargainBarqain Tile centerCenler llI '.rrr' i, ^:it:f'Tilt';lii:,Fllt.rt j(hurchmrnei"v,i'o'a.,-.,....."'l,{'0040|l6l0l?|'.|iyctlend,x"".*fl[l!l33|'-r wHttil. EAIANCI 1...". Pltg.litt 'l'hc ll'e Arc Buikiittrr f'or i"uttrlc.' I ,,,#i:l.1ii,i*ii1e.i{'!lillir.#ft#lr,,rnl'itiktJt.iqi @ ll? llllltftrll]a1r, ll ll-- o North Earlwood Shopping Center CHURC}I-SC}IOOT.HOIUIE.II,IAINTENANCETim o Aparlment Unitr (Port Rd. Area) in 1963 - ractors- Suppliers- Electricians- Carpenters O Ncw Housing Dcvelopments in Indianapolir li ,o*aRs BR.THERS Arca - South Ecrfwood - Norlh Eastwood Plumbers-_ Plaslerers- - (complele Painters Fencing l' AUro suppLtEs community) *^1'r;orco' 6016 N. Michigan Rd. o Alro in Allanla, Ga. and sPlvEY l15j'"'':', :':" A_.. 'fou sr' Want An R.V.Welch Assoc., Int. rilrlwf;rtfql :o ^/ ^li;:l".i"llx^{.ii'ffl-lii;,,iJ.-, IIEEIEEEI 6.ffit ' l i Brick Home lJdr'1rf0ps1.s& Iitriklers i ,:,;;,/t I .li.i.jjlii.li-&p |^".-,;''' ."..,,,l-- *-,* ll. -' ;*ril,H LU '-I ; / ll'"';';il.'; 8939E. 38rh Sr., Indhnrpolir -9\r .t I tl !on?r t){,n Llbrrty l.5f9l 'tirieilrrion .r*i$l:ii,l'ifl..l?lr ( q.,+"lil"r'.,.".itl , 0i1,.$rl furrircr'tor I I .,.8d CL l..t5l9 gni tlLa4:'Y l"*":lr;:,,'x+:'il,"ii:,n":",-ll,'"0, "llilisJirii llll diiiliiw r \rf,; : MELLOW AtR Furrrace & ll .'f,:ltililii: roor. :I tal& ?tn w ; 1 Alftt "i',?, -!- ST. JUOE AREA A. J. L.rkerand sons I ttvtpentnL EcoN.o.WASHli BTECHCREST r00K NEW"SOUTH GROVE" BITUMINOUS L a l,'or .Iteoltle 1000 S. 9fh Avo., Bmch Grovc North Eeod Orlvc 1.1 ?.1 PavrNc tal Modclr lmmcdiately Available o lV'ho l)tnutnd 5 ^G- For Occupcncy (-rj| ExcAvATloNs CAPITOLGLASS Fl . ll'he. Ilrsl, Our COMPANY.INC, Cftcck Tltese t'rolurcs = P RoAD otLtNG All New O Store Fronis In ll'hoir t F. S. GRADY ,,REGIS" Convenlional Conslruclion o Furnilure Tops A. }IUBETI'I' & SONS,Inc. 1\c,rollonte O8Roomr O4Bcdrooms O Window Glass ldeal 915 S, Somersei CH 4.3343 o 20'x26'Paneled Family Room (P.O. Box 21004, W.l. Stalionl O Mirrors For o 2000 Sq.Ft. Living Area o Carpefing o Alsynite Fibre Glass Large Wafl-to-Wall o Out Part Down Pcymenl o Bailey Glass Sliding Work Family Doors BEECHCRESI O Thermopane Southern Ave. All for at $16,950 995 Pcr Mo., lncfsding Principal and Inforerl LEADEDGLASS S. Sherman Dr. STAINEDGLASS

llirnri-l,illtlr'rl \l'r'et:il I)dslt.lns lllrtlc l or' (-irtii Putronize r.lr \t'inrlorvs Our sT.4-4660 WETRADE Chuleh \\'rrrrlur'.s llrpaired (From llf,t0o ro t10,000) 132 S. Missouri ME 5.1301 Aduerl.iwrs SouthGroYe Builders I ndi enepol ir Home Bldg. Corp. Salar by MICHAEL TRAYNORCO' - ST {'9292 PAGE TWELVE THE CR|TER|ON,JANUARY 25,1953 ' ,AN I]NI}AI.ANC f,flaestrohonored by Pope Council interim bocty

SANl'A f'E, N.lI.-Igor Stravirrsky, 80, tnusic cornlroscl and image symphony orchcstra contltretor, Church authority has becn honored by IIis flolincss holds its meeting Pope John XXIII at the rerluesl. of Arclrbishop Edrvin \f. Ilyrne of first Santa F-c.

Stlnvinsky, rvho is not a Catholic, t'as nanrcrl a Krright (,'oru- rnandcr rvith Star of St. Sylvester, a Christian liniglrthootl in.stitutcd to unity in 18,11by I'ope Gregory XVI to ruvard mcu rvho have hindrance lul.thcrod seen tlre tvcll-being of thc Church and society. great 'I'he S'['. l);\t]1,. trlirrrt. .-'l'lte HE SAlD THE l"i|st vatican centlalization by ptttting a "tna. conrlloscr of a nurnber of rvorks on religiou.s tlrcmcs has "unbalant:ccl t'ouncil harl on its agcnda anlount of tlecision-ntaking porver, pictut'c ol ittt- been associated *,ith the Santa l'e Opcra sincc 1957. Ilis rvork. ('irtltolir: tclial that consi

BISHOP SUSWELL said most r\'ttetir:an (.jatlrolir:s t artt to cx. to ministcrs llnrl tlroir s1'nrprrtlry on srrch an tuti':rsirrrr, lltrt of te n attcndirrg a IIAL'l'I110Rll, il{tl.-ln an un- Irrrtcral tltrring rnorning r','orking prcccde nted ilppearilncc bcfor.e hoLrls involves a rcal lrardship. .100 I'rotestanl. Episcopal clcrgS'- tttett helc, Archbislrop Larvrcnce .1. Shehan of llaltinrole pr.edictctl tht'ec rer,olrrtionar.l. rcsults Ir.onr tltc rrnrk of thc Sc'contl Vatican fi curneni<:al Cotrncil, 'l'hcsc coUncil achievrrrtcnts, hc saitl, rvould be: O (llcater arrllurr.iil' for. bishops lltt'ough thc cstalllislrn)r)nt ol' r.{!- ()THER giottal or nati()llal cortnr:ils of AMONG causcs turtcrl l"rorn a I'cligiorrs vicu point, Itisltops. bl' llislrop \1'right lt;lf thc in- lir-slrrrp Err.u rrll suirl thc .shift in a Decisions crcascd itrfluencc of lcligion: r,rrrphasis lt'onr thc Irrnclal ,l\lass b.v nurst ol'tlrcsr: NNPET bishops'corrncils erd Io tlrc eletrirr;-1 ltrisar'.1'has becn to rrsc the I'er'. I l)opc I'ius ,\l's sctthnrcnt 'l'lre nacrrlar "ltornan Ir.-.lr'{,1I ill)l(' ll0.silr.v st'rvice in thc sar:ranrents anrl in of lhe so.callcrl rlucs- thc IIass, rs rrorr-litrrrgir.'lrl.anrl is not rccog. cxccl;t for. llrc Offeltor.r' liott" anrl tltc ('lnrlch's losrrltinu altrl ('arrott (t:ssr,ntial nizlrl in llrc lltrlial ritual of thc Jrar.lsol tlti {)scirlto l t'{)nt tlclitttct conl t{)\'(!t'- (lltrrrclr. lrt' sairl. i\lass ). "'l':llf.lll': "'l'lrr']lirss "A \t'ill bc rnor-crl frorn o I't'al eflirlt to rtivc Ilrc -:'i:'-ill1l!'. ilt" 1l:: llrr, rrrrlt'rtirrr.Jlt()ltfs t(, the t'r.crriny.i, laity a nrort: sisnifit:ant rolc to pla]' 'ulltlrultel' plrltrni spiritrral cnrllhasis s.herc in thc Chrrrch." brrl no IJlun RUE$ tl bcIrtt11s. ott tlre llass anrl ac- clrangc irr thc str.rrctrrr.c of ilre .TYLE r r'rrrpiirrJirr,.l .\bsolrrtion," hr_.sairl. Churclr itsell - 'l'lrr, Ily Iiishop sai\:2\) cotrnt:il, Arehbislrop Shclran en- tlru rvill stalt OF COMINGEVENI'S IN gagtrrl ir, an lrorl..long rlrrrstion- tttxt fall in a fr:rv classrtorns in CHURCHES, tlre l{)t}-clernrrntiu'-\' s(,llool SCHOOLSAND ORGANIZATIONS antl-;rnsryer sossion rvitlr the .il'stotn. (llericus, IIc ntatlc thc an or.glrniza{ion of llpis. annottnccnlcnt on copal clclgS'rnon. his rctrrln flonr a rrcck's strt