N T Stop in the Synagogue De Ate Is the Zoning Board

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N T Stop in the Synagogue De Ate Is the Zoning Board ... ' ~· I .. Covenant House answers c ll for housing ... PAGE s ... .-..... > •, - Commun Newspaper Company 44 Pages ii 3 Sections 75¢ Aday atthe races by Andrew Kosow CORRESPONDENI "Without a doubt, the best place to watch the Boston Marathon is at the bottom of the hill in Cleveland Circle," a police officer told Sylvia Heiliger, who came down from British Columbia to see her daugh­ ter, Barbara. Heiliger, 45, run the I 06th Boston Marathon this past Monday. "She is really looking forward to 'the haunted mi le,"' said tieiliger. "The haunted mile" runs from Lak Street to Cleveland Circle and it is where marathoners' dreams go to die. Famed Boston Marathon two-lime champion John Kelley (the Elder) coined the phrase after losing his lead six times on the stretch of road that runs along Ever­ green Cemetery in Brighton. Mork Hamilton, a WBCN-FM disc jockey who claims to know mor about the Boston Marathon's history in Brighton than anyone, was E1t the Ground Round in Cleve­ land Circle, hosting a radio talk show on the day of the race. "Sammy Melor was leading by a mile in 1903 until he started walk­ ing on the haunted mi1e and he couldn't start up again and lost. Sam • thing happened to Qly~c uslenel ofKenyai das~s through Cleveland Circle during Monday's 1.-06th running of the Boston Marathon. Buslenei flhlshed 13th overall In the 26.2-mlle race, MARATHON, page 6 Sho er N t stop in the synagogue and wider de ate is the zoning board Waterw rks proposal "Such a large building here means take the easy way out," said Joel calls for less height a lot of people and cars: My main Auerbach, Windsor Road resident Many Br kline and Brighton res­ concern is [the development] will who is a member of the 74 Corey ident<; are . ti II up in arms over the make the street very busy," said Road Community Task Force. Sephardic ornmunity of Greater Fania Maiants. "We are not against Two zoning board hearings regard­ Area reside ts rejoiced about a re­ Boston's p posal to tear down the the synagogue but this big building ing the development have been de­ cent decrea<;e n height regarding the existing syn gogue on Corey Road to doesn't suit the area. This is a place of ferred and the third is tentatively proposed dev lopment at the Chest­ build anoth rover twice its size. And old homes for people to live in, not scheduled for I p.m. next Tuesday at nut Hill Wat rworks pipeyard site. more have ently joined their ilk. for gatherings. Parking will also be­ City Hall. In view of the Landmark However, ma y people believe that The Ru an community that lives come a big problem." Commission's recent go-ahead on this is a token move and much more in the area i also busy collecting sig­ Residents of the area also wc5rry demolition, residents are hoping that needs to be ddressed to mai11tain natures op sing the project. Long­ that the city is not concerned about the zoning board will support their their quality f life and the tranquil time re.<>ide ts, many living in senior what happens in these neighbor­ demands for a smaller facility. housing ap ents on Washington hoods. "I want the City of Boston to exer­ Street in B ·ghton, mirror the con­ "Boston politicians have not been cise their power and keep control of cerns of oth r Corey Road residents. particularly responsive and want to SYNAGOGUE, page 8 WiJS !!l ... t Domoqr&Ulhlot ...Patriei~ A Cgveriaot Wltite .& Qf Nctlghborhoocl lojeu • b' §ldQ. t q;' 11pon1• \)' • • I · it" t~ tho l)ropo§tfJ ' iJJ '.l' eltp~n§!Qn gf ·~M · A. ·f! \ . Willi§tanM· • J t~§ Stpharfilo . .. ht;,~ •g •• . 9n Oommuntiv ()f • ~~ SOSTC»f H'":RAi.ll PHOTI) BY KE\ N 'WISNIEWSKI .. 1 Qr~atu ll@ston Cardinal Law sits during a recent Sunday Mass at the Cathedral of the ... i• Holy Cross. With most Catholics wishing he would resign, the Cardinal ... ($CGB) C}t is on the hot seat. 1.l 7'* (i(}r«ty Rt:U\~, ..... g~I Kl Oppotod On the hot seat ~§f!\ff : (100%) ·~ Cardinal Law is not getting any break • • .. I ..t. Oppo11d pie stars from protesters niarching outside his home n n th~" 100% s te into By Audit! Guha • lupport STAFF WRITER • ••• Fle tCenter · Pope John Paul II wants embattled Cardinal Bernard Law to stay in If ..._ his post, but that opinion i not hared by mo t people in Boston these •• ••''~w""' q, days. Law said he offered his resignation. but wa1, told by the Pope to A stay on the job. That new on Friday drew more protesters outside the PROTEST, page 9 • Briefs 26 This chart w compiled by the 74 Corey Road Community Task Force to show which residents are for and against the proposed co structlon of a larger synagogue In the area. COmmenta 11 MAEI , 4 .,_';:?~\~ V":~·1 ,0e, \ C• '~ ~ -i=- ·· ~ fu~~~~=!: CJllROPH .. \CTI(: ":i~'b> ,'!-'"" • ' • . 25 v<l'" I~ 'i0-;.~t0\ ' Vi ex.pericnce 3 ! Learn to dance ·Private and group lessons wtth or without '' Ent 15 ~~· . Sports partner • weekly dances • low rates ~21. ~ Auto Wedding preparation· specials Shawmut Properties FREE OllilU~®D'1'7 @00@!1 134 Tremont Street • Brightou. 5 Work Injuries A REAL CO MM U N ITY B ANK 617-566-7850 423 Wash ngton Street • Brighton DanceSport Academy Your Neighborhood Realtor® . ' Obttuades 23 556 Cambridge St., Brighton 17-783-3500 of New England www. ankatmercantile.com 384 Harvard St Brookline (617) 787-2121 (617) 787-8700 331 Washington St. (Brighton Center) t www.DanceSport·NewEngland.com Member FDIC People 24 ..~ --- . l N\ { www.townonline.com/allstonbrightmr - Page 2 Allston Brighton TAB Friday, Ap1il 19, 2002 . ·~ .-a.b. l Key contacts: THIS WEEK on townonline •com r: .• your.n111:r...... ~E~~ ~/Ir' . EdilOr . • Wa) e firaverma~ l781) 433-8365 The A/1st n-Brighton TAB is published online at www.townonhne.com/allstonbrighton and America Online Key­ • . • . • • • wbravennan@cnc.com the Allston-Brighton TAB! We are word: To n Online. Town Online features news from more than 45 local publications, profiles of more than 200 • Auditi Gulla (781) 433-8333 eager to as community. 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    ROMANCE NOTES YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY VOLUME XLVI, NUMBER 3SPRING, 2006 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY CONTENTS Specters of Naiveté and Nuance in Verlaine’s Poèmes Saturniens Matthew D. Anderson 265 “El amante liberal”: Cervantes’s Ironic Imitation of Heliodorus Sean McDaniel 277 Berceo’s “La casulla de San Ildefonso”: Thematic Transformation through Rhetoric Matthew A. Wyszynski 287 Jews in Voltaire’s Candide Arthur Scherr 297 Transatlantic Visions: Imagining Mexico in Juan Rejano’s La esfinge mestiza and Luis Buñuel’s Los olvidados Victoria Rivera-Cordero 309 João Cabral de Melo Neto and the Poetics of Bullfighting Robert Patrick Newcomb 319 Garnier’s La Troade between Homeric Fiction and French History: The Question of Moral Authority Marc Bizer 331 Reflections on Translating Nicolás Guillén’s Poetry into English Keith Ellis 341 Blurring Boundaries between Animal and Human: Animalhuman Rights in “Juan Darién” by Horacio Quiroga Bridgette W. Gunnels 349 Une réécriture de Constance Verrier chez George Sand: Malgrétout Dominique Laporte 359 Un voyage de l’oeil à l’autre ou Maldoror traverse le miroir. Quelques Remarques sur l’identité et le flou dans Les Chants de Malldoror Éloïse Sureau 367 Translating Tango: Sally Potter’s Lessons Carolyn Pinet 377 Las musas inquietantes de Cristina Peri Rossi. Problematización de la mirada masculina en las artes visuales Parizad Dejbord Sawan 387 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY Other publications of the Department: Estudios de Hispanófila, Hispanófila, North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures. Impreso en España Printed in Spain Artes Gráficas Soler, S. L. Valencia, 2007 Depósito Legal: V. 963 - 1962 YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY SPECTERS OF NAIVETÉ AND NUANCE IN VERLAINE’S POÈMES SATURNIENS MATTHEW D.
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