LJ.S.interfaith leadersdeal staggeringhlow to race bias By CARL A, SALCERAK * Interfaitlt cooperation rockccl ltrcial ltlcjutlice on its heels at the National Conlerence on Religion antl lkcc. Christians, black and rvhite, nnd Jeu.s matlc histoly iu '''tlrc a meeting in Chicago that took tlte offcnsivc agaiust unfinished busincss of the Emancipation l)rocluruntion." Some 650 voting delegates*Protcstnnts, L-atholics arrrl Jcws-heard outstanding speakels anrl took ltult in rtork- groups and forurns of the four-day confet'ettce, the first sitlc." hc sairl, ,,rve hrve accorn. national meeting to be con- plishadnothing lirl ccrtlin." vened by the major" faitlr sroupsiri tlrcl"t.s. .,,iil'1[:,:-Itl[,t;'":il.il_llll rvas rlernorrstlatctl on thc sccontl tlay (Jan. l5) of thc nrccting in a spccch givt'n ll1'l)r. l'r'arrklirr II. [.,itlcll. plofcssul of chulclr Iti.s{oly at Ohicailo'l'hcological Scnrinar'5. Callirrg lbr' a I'r'otcstnnt-Catlro- lic clfolt trgainst <lisr.r'irtrinatiorr, "'l'he he staterl: C'atholi(: coul- ta' '-"'^-^ ntttniol is plairrll a trnivt'r.sal - 1]?: ]6-------- -11?.11^t"t't' 5.re53 ilmililililililuililil1ililililililililililililililil111ililil1 eltut'ch. an<l Icllorvship rvilh Rahlcd rlory on Prso ? Callrolics*-s ltich has ;lainctl suclr 'I'asind gl'tlilt ilup('lus untlcr tlrt' lcatlcr'. Li t urgica [ slrip oI I'opr .lohn .\Xlll-,can rrur sr:hools Itelp I'rotestarrls to aloirl sirrking back irrlo lacial anrl tliltal lcli- (AN EDITORIAL) gir-rrr." Str-rclvDav riit)' thiug.srrre going JJ. .'l'lrt: irr lurlinnir, lt u'ort'l ltc lottI t)cl()r'clax uicmllt . instilrrti,ns ir ill bc lobll.fing iol the lll'rVrt('gc ol laxes. "Equrlily l)il-\'illg ar r rcligious com. mrndmant meanr pcrsonrl in. is schcclulccl . llost pcoplc. inclurling.sl:rtc scnator.s,tlon't sceur to volvcmenl, lellowship, muluel linou' rt. lttrt u t' ('utholics ar.e. pa.r.ing tirxcs on "l,ilulg) ottf sup_ rcYGroncc and concern," said lrttl tht' (-'orrtrcil" u ill posctlly lirx cxr:nrpt sclrools r.ight norr', Rabbl Abraham J. Heschcl of Ite tltr llrr,rne ol'tlre tlriltl annull thc Jcwlrh Thcologlcrl Semin- Litut'girral Strrrlv I)a1' fol l'ricsts It's nol callctl u rry of Amcricr. lrr. l)car:t (lolps I)ilcrrlol ll. Sar.. Io ltrrltl al St..1lt'inllrl i\r'r:h- s(!\\'0f sc|t'iccs. []trt abbcl' .lanrr;rr'1' ?7-Ztt. ln thc evcning ol thtr t:onfer'- genl Shrivct', the barrrlrrct spcali- orre too. 'Appeal ence's olrr:rring da5', Cnldirral r\l- cr', blortglrt the <ronlclcttr:r. tlou'tt 'l'ulic ber[ nleycr said: [o llrc glirssloots lcvt'l b)'srrg- ltll irrstiruce rvhzrt hapllens to a par.ish like,St. g()sting 'l'houras to Cons(:ience' tlrat t:onl{r't't{ations chalt .,\tluiuas irr Irrrliarrallotis.-l,ast .\'L.ar'thocltalgc fol arr irttcllacial .iustict' ploilr'tnr. se\\'Lrl urjc \\'tis $(i60.00. illost ol this rvas for ilrc scliool. Ik'suirl srrr'lrl plogllrn cuultl 'l'lris "l is alr L.xolbilaltt [oo. r\ llrsiness tttcltt<k' pledg0 t0 rkrublt' llro fir.m ou Nolllr :\r'r'hlrislrolr trlclirliun St. rvith it sc\\'cr rrsc almosI tttuttbcl'ol Nt,glo llnrilit's in llrtt Schultt' rvill be the 'l'houras errual to that on thc conilfcqation rr'lrcrc Nt'gLot's norv eclt'bltrrt. lfatht'r' lliclralrl llut'1. St. pl'opr-'rt), pairl $.1700.()0pr.oper:tv taxt:s last veur. rtton(1"; cstlrblishrrrcnt ol irrlt'r'- k r'. Jrastor of Oru [,lr[1' of thc r\bout onc pct' crnt ol' tlris. or' $.17.00x'c'nt to thc sarit:rr.r' \Vc rellcut our l'ailru'es irrlrl ask tlrr: for'- (it't,cttl'oorl palish. (ilcertrvoorl, 'l'hc raci:rl councils rvhcrc n()no r))iists i boitrtl fot'se\\'L!r usc. lxrsincss lirnt irr a hirth tax zone (iorl. "Ncglocs rvill setvc ils rlle conlll)('nlltof. 'l'homas givcucs.s ot \\:c lsli erlso thc [olgivc- attrl thc inllorhrctiort tll pairl. $47.00; St. p;rrislr pairl .${iti0.t)0t'or the sirnrtr to clct'1' sor:inl anrl t.orrttlrtnilv set'\'lc0s. ncs.sol oul' l)l'olhols. \rl)(.)scrigltls tlc hnve SPEAKERS rr,ill inclurlt. l,'allrq'r' cvcnt rvlticlr lht. clrrtlch sl)ols{)t's iy.lnolcrl :tnrl u'hr.rscrlignrt.l' we ha\/0 oflcnrl- Sltitutr (1. Slrt,clrirrr. S.'l'.1).. .=\t. ot' palticiyratcs irt.'' \\'e (-alholir,s, \\lto -silvc thc t:rxpirl'r.r.sol lntliana tnot.e c(|. \l'c call for a lcncu'crl leligious colt- .loltrts Sr' rl i rta ll. lifi{lltr}ll. thnn 30 lnillioll tlollars cvet'\' \'caf b.v fiuanciug our' scicnce on this lrnsic:rllv luor:rl cvil. REV. MARTIN Lutlrt'r' liinrl, ,\litss.; lfathct' Allxrt't :\ilruic, o\\'n .Ir'., oliginalol of lhc sit.irr taetic S.'1. t,.. cltailrnart of tltc i\r'ch- sclrools, lrnve llttlnc lhis sen'rrr tax mrekl5' so f:ri.. l_lut our. il J. lrwin Millcr, prasidcnt of atiainst sogfogati()n. rrri{ctl at lhe tlittcesalt ('onrtuis.siou for lltc patiurcc is not infinitc. Il rlill bletrk for sul'e if sontething fhc Nrlional Council of Church' Iittitl confcf (!nco lrrnchcrltr {htrt. Litttt't{ical .{ptt.*tolitlc; alul Ifutltet' is uol rlonc iurmerliatcll' to tu,o ltrsptr-.trtd .statc scna- " llling Oul apllcal to thc i\urelicarn l)oople is cs, lrrorled lhal rcligiour inrli. cltttlch anrl s)'n;rtl()grio rnake it [)ortakl \Vllptrle, O.S.lj., lactrlly "minirler tols to lhcrr scnses. lhis: lulionr murt alro l. r,,;rlnltlllv r:ktirl llral 5r'1lt'r'rI;ttiolr tttctnlrct' rrf Sl. illcittla<l Srruitll.r';1, 'rs wllh lovc rnd undershnding" io trrolalll' wlong nnrl .rinful," nnrl "Scrratt-rlC. \\'crrtir-.lii\ltrrtilr allrl Sicllirtor Itobert l,ec fhorc who guilly proiu" "Lcnrolt' lfnthcl Slrt'chlrn. an in.stltrt:tor rro of ns a fir'st stt'p ilrr: 1'oktt Rlokcnllurr hitve intlotlu(:e(l il of pastolitl thcokrgl', is a pnst bill irrto lhe Strrttr assellblv I dicc. ol st'11'cilatiorr" fLonr Ilrcir oryrr pt'csirlcrtt of thc Nalional Litulgi- lhat u'ottlrl arlllllv thc sLr\\'olt:,rx tcchnirlu0 to otllL'f serliccs "Unlcss botlics. Itacisur ir.;oul'nrost s0t'ious doutostic \\,c af(! ablt: to ryin t'lt[ (irtl,t't'ent't'. lltr ltas l)r'on ac- sut)l)[ie(lbv tax supptrltctl agcncies to tax cxcnrpt propcrt.r'. cvil. Wc urusI clatlicatc it uitlr arllrliligcnct: ot,t'r tlte lu:alts arr<l rlin<ls ,rf He also said that non.violent littt itt tltc (hn[rlettce sirtce 19.1,'r, 'l'hc "lhe ('itr' ('orrnt:il, and spec(I. lfrlr this purl)osc we appcal to j'th"j resistance is mosl polent llt: ltlsrr st'ttr,rl as it pirstot'ol a bill citlls Ior the Inrlianalrolis lor in- _!:T:, t:1'_.:Ttll-:l:_trt- pirlrslt t'at's, sfancc, to esttrblislr rr litttr.i('he(hllc for tlrrsh collection. tlte conscicncos of thc Arnelicau ;lcoplc. inslrumerrl lhe Negro commu- lloslon [ot' sevt tt 1 nily can use lo gain fotrl 'l'ltc stlcct lilllrting an(l p()lice iuxl filc plottetiou li]f tax cseutpt 'l'his llrrrtrlirv rrrotnin{ sr,ssiott ei,il lr;rs rlcep roots; it u'ill not bc emancipation in Americr." ()ff;icierl rt.ill lt'n{rr|c a pattrl (lls('ussr()n l)l'01)cl't)'. casily ct'adicirtctl. \\'hilc thc J)eclaratiorr 'l'ltc "('ou{rctlational "tlrat rlclt,gttcs got lht' clrarrco ()ll Sin(rnit." ol' Iurlcpcnclcnce dirl tlcclarc all nrerr ll' thc ratc is cortrpalablc u'itlr tlurt clnrrgrtl ftl' scrrcr' SIilIII{ a re igll r-r{' lovr: irt u hir:h the lrr ait' Ihr,rr vit,us rrt rt'ot'k-11trrttp l"nthcl' Rolrt,r't \\'alpolc, l)lslor' ('atholic rrrcr ct'cirtctl ctlttll" aurtl "ur<: e trrlorvccl b.v sor'\'iccs il. u'ill soon lle chcal)cl' fol our l)ilrishes ru'ortrrtlsof past iu.jrrsticcs u'ill rrot bcr rrserl soiisiolrs itntl r:ittttc ttll $.itlr st:rtl't's tuf Sacretl llcalt pali-slr.,lcllt'r'- lhcit' (lrr:trtor rvith cL'l'tailt inulicualllc to pav lcgulal taxes. els cxcusos lot' nctV 0ncs: r';rciirl ll;rrt'icls ol sttlli.lcstirrrts<lt'si{rterl to l)il\'(: sortville, rtill scllc its clr;rilnrlrt, t'igltts." slitt'ct')' ttits llct'tlrittetl 19t' altrt'st thc u'ny tirr irttc;llntiort. ls lhis w'hlt{ thc ttvo .setrrttrtt'siu'e r'eilllv itllt'r"l \\'tr rlo will ltc clintinatctl ; Ilrc stlangcr rvill lltr OURING A gr.ttt'r'll nlr'{,lin( il ceutuly. Iiverr after the lilrrrurrcipatiorr (l()ul)t sottght flllrl u'clcourcrl ; an)/ In'lll u'ill be llottrlrtl trol tlrirrk so. t'()r'\ro th:,rttlrc.r'huvc itul iticit oi'ltorv I'r'oclarnation, corlrlxrlsot'y t':lcial scgl'cgi.l- '\ lit", ottt'. sttbrttillcrl itt variotrs flllc|iloon. l.'alll('r [)()n- rcceived as lllotlter'-- his lights, .1'ottrt'igltts; lirnrs hl scvt.r'aI tlclt't{atcs, clllctl alrl, rli|ector oi lhe r\lrlrt'1',\r't lllriusl llrt' st'u'ct' tlx is. tiotr ztutl ils tlcglirrling batlqc ol't'aciill Itis paitr, ;,our'pairr; his plisorr, \/()ru' lirr' llro tir|ilr:rliorr of inlt'r'r't)liIir)ils Strrrlios itt St. ll{,inlil(1. s'ill spt'ali r'et:civctl l)r'i.ion. "Alt l,cttcls h'onr tirc r'o:ltltrs rlt"l'lrr' ('r'itt't'iou t)light ilxittce inerltralit.r' .iurlicial sirrrction until lirsli [ort:cs, conrposctI oI s]iillctl {)n arrtl \\'orshin." I'allrr'L tlteir hill.
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