The THE MISS LI DIM X. WEST. CO., ILLMAN'S EVIL POWEa philanthrnpiHt v Is is his philan-- timi at the start am! thus avoid trouble Hawaiian & 11 Star. DIRECTORY 1 1 OFFICIAL BISHOP ropy, iw pin r inr Mr inrre iru still hold their fore- ami reipure arbi- ELITE ICE CREAM PARLORS . Kstablished in 185H. Agent to Tate AtinowltfgttHcnts at I'lillnmn; tlnre to bfftlg OtTlWl un) of tration Post. chaon; ( PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON Candj Factory. Cake Bakery. to onriIiat Mi dlMUfatM An come it Ofliet' riiiI Residence Punch BANKERS. MAOMATB'l the facts to light is made ' corner Of tiik mtakt w ( -- BXCEPT SUNDAY iHARTaCO.l workmen, if that ere it.l. to in. plain that Mr. Pullman Id bowl 381-llt- n Honolilu, Hawaiian Islands. LtlTB. 000 have BY THE HAWAIIAN STAR NEWSPA-PE- r' and Btrttaol. atrt'eta. !' vesicate thoir grievanren (MTHorntlly: to this strike, with its attendant OF THE REPUBLIC IOE ORE AM8, k OOFFEE, Ht?e ASSOCIATION, Ltd. DRAW KXl'HANtlE ON that the conditiotis f Ufa theft, consequences, without the sacrifb e of CAKES, CANDIES f TEA, CHOCOUTE CONSOI.IDrvTED which IHE BUNK OF C1LIF0RNI1, SIN FRANCISCO. over he hohl alMu)ut' control, or 1UTI1UK .KHINSTONK, - - - EDITOR. of either dignity dollars. He claims ISLAND fCURIOS. SODA WATEK AVDUKS onimnitN of the I nltcit - Tre were inljuMted M llmtmt n OOVM MM OF HAWAII. AND THF1R AOKNTH IN that his books would show that even at Our Eitabliihment la the Fineit Resort in the Failed to do Hin MM I'ull- - under Sir in SUIlSCIlll'TION UAl'tiM. New Boston, ParU, llnty them. QtOfgl imt the the reduced wages he was manufactur 11 p. COMI'ANY, LTD. York, Chicago, City. Call and see us. Open till in. of thih. 111 - - - .00 Company' llnlakt. type nohleman that Ktntt nmnti v. Pel Year Advance, - tIESSRS. N, ROTHCHILO SONS, LONDON, ing ears at a loss. If this tie true arbi- I''sihiuatlp, corner Allen and Fort streets. lioatoti f ont. Per Month In Advance, - .75 I i trator would have utiquest ionably have FRANK KO RT- - ( ) N - T H B-- A I N , frnrelKn, per Year In .Vlvnncc, - - 12.00 HOLLISTER & CO.. Agents. Wo mistake the temper of the Afnri-OA- ili'eided in his be at leant bad Council. The OonUMrofad Bunking Co. of Hydney, faor. So Executive CASTLE & COOKE, Hi V. people Mr, 21 S. Qeofga M. Pnllnmn, WbOM ililTin'nrcfl and their love for bOOOMbli nothihg to bee by the arbitration pro- of Republic of I'. U. Box Telephone Tha Bunk of New nod ADVEurislNII HATB8: H. Dole, President the Zealand. Aurklantl. with Ii in employees .1, ftbowl tha dealings ami piny if - LIFE AND FIRE ChrisUMiurcli, Dunenlin fair the PnllmM posed by the men New York World. Kiilcs and rcKtilnr advertising Hawaii. . its l.ranches in Ih'hn boycott Btrtkc-- , Bl yearn nld. lor transient LKWIS & CO. ami Wclliiigtoii. ami Company eer again pgyi per cent. In view of nil that ha taken p ... n can ho nlil il at Hie publication offloo. K. M. BatOB, MiuMsrof Foreign Affaire. Hi; wan born in Bruotottf Cbknteoqun Thi' Hank of Britioh Columhin, Victoria, and In M itOOli nil 1. King, Minister of the Interior, IMI'ORTKHS. ton 00 which has DOM and of the awful possibility of the future 1'ijMrurf ir Insertion advertise- A. its lirnni-heN- Nanainui, Wcst-tii- i OOUnty, X. Y., and like most eouniry ments rnUHi he ilelivei.Ml at Ihe HuRlnoHS i. M. Damon, Minister of Finance. Insurance Apnts. Naval Supplies. Wholesale and Uetmi nister, B. C.aiid Pftrtlaml. Oregon. hoys Attended ohool mure or leu rewular-l- watereil four times over. We mistake that no man mny fore-e- c, Mr. Pullman's 'Mice hefnru II in. W. O. Smith, Attorney-Oenera- l. Dealers in Urooeriea, Provisioua, etc. Tin- nre and Mndoira Islnnds. till he was tbout 14 old. Then he the temper of the American people if afragafil policy cannot ! commended. Fort St.. Honolulu, H. I. st'M kholm, Hweden. went to work In a eonntry JonenU store Ill they ever again pay Ihe salary of Pull Something more than the mere word of rOBBlCM HAIL SKItVlCE, AovisoltY Couiuiu Tht' tlmrtereil Bank of , Australia and Bt a salary of $ M a year. lie staid t t man i 'hum. three yrar. and it in of reeortl that he employes in the form of tips, and his subordinate required to prove nrrive from The Hongkong nnd Shanghai, C hina; and Steamships will leave for and FOR II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. mriHHl his moiiev. we bo!!? the railroads will be obliged that "there is nothing to arbitrate." Han r'nmciseo on the following dates, ti the W. C. Wilder. Chairman of the Advisory MM! Yokohama, Hiogo nnd Nagasaki, Japan. BusineBM. Hfl had already mm to iboW that lie as a matter of to w of IHIM : And traiiHact a (fenfral Banking inaugur- These five ord" have already st close Council of Ihe Republic of Hawaii ptrswsM4"l the Ki'iiiiirt of aeeunutlaillon, for HONOLULU fOR K. D. tmW KfQLAltD MVTVAL ate their own sleeping car system and Chicag' and the country of AK1UVK AT EvS'LOLDLBAVI Cecil Urown, lenuey. IMPOBTEBS AND COMMISSION Wbon ht left llie eonntry ttin' he bM I millions H Ban Kkanciscooh C. let Mr. raou San "uihco John Nott, Holle, MKRCHANTS. capital of $.iO, wlik-- had b8BU savi d out Pttllman take bis cum to Ital dollars and tliev may cost it manv mil- - or Vancouvkh Vancouver. F. Allen, Co,, John Kna. W. Liife Co. mm ltd of his monger wairw. With this he wml and donate I hem to his sovereign. King lions more before order is c mpletely On or Anotif Morgan, Henry Waterhouae, Insurance Fort Street, Honolulu, i On or .Ifwil Jamea F. i Alhlon, X. V., lilrt a to where hmt heriunl iiumnert.- - Mutut.s r. IWWJfSJtL .1 21 Young. Ihs l.tmu 5oW York Recorder. Warri 11100. .July Ja Australia. uly J. A. McUandlesH, A. OK BOSTON. OnMfWt tbop. For this hrothrr the hoy vu if 2 .July 26 Aiaincila .1. p. Ilin lion. D. I). Smith, SI., Bauolnm, H. I., to though an While all citizen deprecate and We wish to lie ierfectly fair in this ..Aug It Arawa .July ALFRED MACJOON. tin work, not exactly an gd 18 Finineluth. J. in- Arawa .Aug M Australia, Aug John employee, for his little saving were denounce the incendiary assault of the matter, and while we hold the laborers .Aug .SO Ilelglu Aug 21 C. T. Rodgora, secretary Kvecutlve and vented In a In t he Alameda.. ATTORNEY and COUNSEI.OR-AT-I.A- AG H NTS FOR partnership Interest Dnhfl reViilutioriit upon theconstituted guilty of a v grave offense lie- - China ...... Sept 4 Mariposa. .Aug a Councils. shop. vei and 8 ..Sept : JETHA iiirge learned the trade quickly, Australia . Bepl WuiTiinoo Ofllce, 4'j Merchunt Street, BkWailM OnumPH MtuOrltlei of hoth Slate an.l nalinii, leive they are committing a serious Warriinou. .topi a Australia .8ept u Arioultiir8l 00., and tin two did very well, so well Indeed Mariposa.. .sent 27 Mnlmwal .Dept W Hupkehb HiiKar Co. HiiiKimii Hiipir Co., Wni-luk- that when a few yearn latT an npportu there is uiii vernal OOBtMipl for the blunder, we tliftt all tliip cuillil I Court. H. ...Oft '2 Arawa Oct FIRE Honolulu, I. Co., Co., Oceanic... 8 8ni;ur Wnlhe Sugar nlty for a man of Ingenuity ami enterprise uutoi ral whose ohslinate raiuJMt Kavfl Immo kvartcd if Ur. bad Australia. ..Oct 0 Australia ..Oct A. F. Judd, Chief Justice. rnllnu 2a ...Oct 'J lion. Mnkee Snnr Co., Haleakala Rarch to make money came up the younger of Araws ..Oct City of Pekln. Associate Jnstlce. to urhilrate the (lifferemeH hetm en his Ii 111 Uh a HlllUB nnd MON a Ito&owel ..Oct Alauieila ..Oct 18 Hon. R. F. Hiekertou, First INSURANCE CO. Co.. Kapapala Itanch. the two was equal to the emergency. Ills tt a 1 J. M. MONSARRAT. Auhi ralia.. Nov .1 v tirrtuioo ..Nov Hon. W. B, Frear, Hecond Associate Justice. Planters' Line Han PhMOlNO Tackeld. chance wan furnished hy Ihfl widening of company anil his employes was the patriot. There are alw lyn two siile to ...Nov ID .Nov 10 China... Australia Clerk. CONN C'han. & Boston wage-earne- 22 Nov in Henry smith. Chief OF HARTFORD, Hri'wcr Co.'n Line of the Eric canal. This made it MOOMnfJf to primary rnuse of the troiihle. ami who a .ii'Hljoii. iiiel If the are Alameda. ...Nov .Mariposa Deputy Clerk. Warrlnioo. ...Nov SI Peru Nov ID Oeorge Lucas, First ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY Packets. from hix safe retreat at the Beashore hi dt Mr. rullin in i. rrrlainly the llei I Dec 1 0. F. Peterson, Second Deputy Clerk. Agents Boflton Boanl of Underwriters lieu 8 continue to ilefy public i ainl OttMT. New York Telegram. AiiM aim .A Australia. Jones, stenographer. PUBLIC. AgentB Hliilailelpliia Boanl of Under niimcnt Mariposa lJec ai Monowal. Dec 11 J. Walter ;ii Iiioi-- at the distress oi At Arawa. Iec China Dm This Space Cnrtwright Block, Merchant St., Honolulu. writers. the ..iniry. ,. ,.u nU)lu f ym.atliy for Dec 29 18115. Aualralitt CIRCUIT JUPfiES. : the lirst symptom of ilunnei .ike.l M. PnllCMU. dellgfattel IKDil. Warrlmoo ..Jul List of Officers Dm His 22 Keb ill out of the city like a in I he . China 'an Ilaellc First Circuit : II. E. Cooper, W. A. Whiting, M. II. P. C. Jones .President thief nieht Ira list,, irlat inn mnrfallnna km Feb IB Peru ..MarW is L0HEIDE, tleeanic 28 Geo. H. Koukktson Manager leaving it a prey to violence, w hich China .April 2 luetic..-- . ..Apr Oman, he lKeii a severe tax iisjii tlie travelling jnnn.i rurenii Mnni. A. X. Kcuolkai. SIGN and ORNAMENTAL PAINTF.R, E. K. Bishop Treaw. and Kei'y. Blight Col. W. K. Auditor have pnvratad aritboot pMOl-- 1 publk, augmenleil uml made douhly Third and Fourth Circuits: Hawaii S.L. Austin. BELL TILBPHONI 1CT. Allen MKTBUBOLOOIOAX, BttOOUDt Reserved C. M. Cooke i ary lessor sacrilice of ronal diunity. (:rievoii- - hy Ihe eXMtiODI ..f oiniiivorouii Circuit : Kauai. J. llnrdv. to. Pinx-Uir- s Fifth C9AII Orders Promptly Attended H. Watkbhouse. . Minneapolis Times. and Court-roo- in Judiciary 6Xtf C. L. ) porter tkMMilllg ir.nii "tips" that fall II the tloveriinicnt Survey, unices Carter I Sitting in Honolulu: w Building, King Street. for ' Had QaotKe M. Pullman acceded to upon the jus ami unjust ith a cold, Kvery Monday, Monday in February, May. August and the M. & CO. First PHILLIPS the reaxonnhle requsatof his employ, h nieiallic clink that makes one . ry November. .AUO.M. TIIK a Wholesale ImiMirters and Jobbers of to arbitrate diflaMnoa n nenroua. The public ! not ff IS 3 EpitaMe Life Assurance Societj tha batwaa tbain lighting hi - ii S A the trouble would Inve ended then 'battle, tut its own. Nebraska State l! DEPARTMENT OV FoitKION PEA IRS. AMERICAN k EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, WILDER & CO. and there. ( Ten though Bndlnga I Journal. Building, King Street tha of the ' ft B Office In Klecutive Corner Fort and OttMO SIh.. Honolulu. I of United States. arbitrator! had i against 1.1 Francis y. Hatoh, Minister of Foreign Affairs tk 87tf (Bttabltatod in 1873.) the men ii,.,r(r,. M. Pullman is liaely to 0OBM M 3 sun. 10.11 10 07 71 Kl 0 n Oeo. C. Potter, Chief Clerk. and in favor of the maatar. Hut thalnittnf iKa nnw.nl ih :M 68 Kl O.U: 112 a hnhk nai Mon I'.ll J0.W G, C, I III NK W. Lionel Bart, Clerks. Estate S, WILDER - WILDER. baughty raaponaa of Ur. Tue OU it, si 0 J. Olrvln, . Pullman then tin. roughly deapiaad "f American citi- 111 & Wii J'.li :W.oi 81 Bl BRUCE A, J, CARTWRIGHT, M.S. GlilN'BAUM CO. was, nnd it has aince been cooly repeat- '1 .10.11 SO.On 4 zens. Allihe leading Chicago papeis. Tloi THE INTEHIOH. .1 M tl.UU es t NR DEPARTMENT or Limited. Fri :to.oi' II' s:i ill OMNWI M. I'l l. I.MAN. ed from "Uaatla liest, PullmAn ale," thoae which are the most vigorous op- Sat'-- kolOM MS 72 SI 60 I m: ! I J Building, King street HONOLULU, H. I. Office in Executive Genera Managers the Hawaiian I M 1'OKTRRH AND DhALBRS IN move many hulldlnfw hack from the edge amid the summer breeze of the St. ponents of Debs, OOndemn bemperatara for the present Barometer corrected lor J. A. King, Minister of the Interior. Comm.HH.on Merchants and Importers of the artificial waterway In order that Law rence: "There is nothing to arbi- elevation bill nut lor lat ilude. Haasinger. COUrae of Pullman. Perhaps Pullman tlhlef Clerk, John A. Islands. the necennary additional excavations could trate, nothing to discuss, Clerks, James II. Boyd, M. K. of Oentral Merchaniie. made. nothing to and Debs may yet be driven to seek Titles, ISnii ami Moon. Assistant Keohokalole, Hue Hose, Stephen Malia Bun P'riincisco Office, 215 Fmnt St. Lumber and Coal When young Pullman had finished mov- Oonaidar but unconditional suriender." each other when they are ii. need of ulu, tieorge C. Ross, Kdward S. Boyd. ing huildlDK along the canal, he had a New York Herald. company Milwaukee Journal. 51 Si Si capital of $000 or 10.000. A ObtOttgo ' - Times Mean Close Prices to C. B. ' Hard RIPLEY. lady, who waa visiting in Albion told him Mr. Pullman ha- - shown a cowardice, While the American people are ex- Day. -- mii or BcHKAra, Depaiitmknt or : .Z a Building Materials that the stnvt levolof the big western moral ami pressing their of 1? v-- l.NTEKIUIt. Hoiiseteepers, ARTHUR REYNOLDS, perversity pighaadjdneM condemnation the h city was ftboUi to he raised, and thai there which entitle him to public censure. pillage and carnage, the riots and V. I). Alexander. OZpOXi SurvejoMieneral, SUCH AS had btOn a kmkI deal of trouble RoWftU. No blunders of rash labor leaders ur riolenoethal naveaweg. over Chicago, a.m. p. in. a.m. pan- Opt, Public Works, W. E. If you are iu need of any New or Architects. enced in liftiittrthe heavy hulldlugn. This 6 Mon ... ! SQ n 1.11 o at, Sunt. WuU-- (irk Andrew Hrown. Ol'FlCE -- New Saff Deposit Building. wan Into in the fifths, and Pullman bt) triumph gained by the exhauationol they will noi be sparing of their censure KM 6.851 II- 9 Second-Hati- Tues... .0. u 8 - Liglits. John Cassidy. d FURNITURE, RUGS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, took himself at mice to Chicago. 11.10 II III ! I" - I I, I lubiiuctor Electric Honolulu, II. I. poverty or the force oi authority can re- when contemplating the conduct of a Wed ... O. then) pan. a.m. HeKiHtrar of Conveyances, T. Thrum. STOVES, SEWING MACHINES, Etc. nil success was great, hut In move the stigma of preverted man who had it in his power to avert a u 20 II- 0 - 0 7 .V U. W. Plans, Specifications and Superintendence ISliU, obstiuaci 0.1 Deputy HeKlstrar of Conveyances, given for every description of Building. the work of elevation having a. 111. call at the he from Pullman. The ignorant wretch calamity to the rnnntry'a hnalnaaa. lail 9- - I 5 if? 0 :m Andrews Old HulldltigK successfully reiitodeled and practically accomplished, sighed for Frl- - ... 1.20 t 40 w ho 0 li 5 in Hunervlsor, Honolulu, V. H. enlarged. new fields. When thu civil war broke out, who la driven by misery and resentment refused to exercise thnt power. Hal .... U Koad DphIkiih Builders' Hardware, I. 0 1. .1 10 1. j 117 ll.ifc 2.1:1 for Interior Decorations. husiuesn pro. poets looked had, nnd hear- Hun.... Mapsor Mechanical Drawing, TracliiK and into disorder is a better citizen than the Baltimore Herald. Knineer Fire Dept., J. H. Hunt. ftlueprintintf. ing that gold had been at w Kir-- t of Ihe lnnun August T.at Uli Chief until of ealth and power who permit Duke refuaal to mmrUT Dr. Ueo. Herbert. "Drawings for Newspaper Illus- Paints, Oil, Glass. Pike's peak lie went thither, where he Pullman's submit to alr!.M;.,'A;it.tU( Supi. Insane Asylum. Blrnn ut 11.. 28m.. 8tw. ii.m. of tration remalnttl till some time in 1MU. Then he seltlsh arrogance to blind him to moral either arbitration or iinoajry ca.-t- s almost Millllt; ItS 1..I1 Ulfll 18 illL Ulli.. j iv 111 n. .1 to Chicago and set alMiut tadld-In- ibligatiou public A and Bt. 011 AOUICDI-TURB- . rrnlfare. as much suspicion the justice of Ins la. HUHEAU Or FURNITURE & COMMISSION HOUSE PAPER, his first itnplng car: He wan Nliwii ,t of distance of the ob WALL ETC. I.ouJ reduction of wage as ht 8 per cent (from the Custom rlousefl allow one president J. A. Klnn, Minister wltli the notion that wtmo time Jte would server i dividend on $30,000,000 and Ids $im.ixki,-Ot- neuonu for tiiiumission m suuuu.ui u of the Interior. Old Kona Coiiee do this one night, which he passed In one It the duly of Oeorge M. Pullman, stot-ut- Hide. surplus. St. I.ouis to a A. Her- - of the old Woodruff fdocpiug ears, just as a citizen ot Ihe State, as a citizen of Members: V. tl. Irwin, Jaeicer, A. FOR SALK AT hert and John Ena. he left Alhion. The hunk in which the United Slates, to go to Chicago ami Cudau ajwwera. Cor, Fort and Queen he lay was so uncomfortable that he did officio Streets, ay M. Pelli. r ha put a frog shower on rec- OAHU RAILWAY & LAND CO. Commissioner of Agriculture and ex J. T. WATERHOUSE'S not Bleep all, hut his active mind de that he is willing to act justly. Ii Joseph PACIFIC at ord as having happaoad within hi own a Secretary of the Board: Marsdeu. vised a plan for a sleeping ear w hich bp he is in tha right, then is he thrice pericm V. He speaks of seeing I tit) Queen Street Stores HONOLULU, Hi I. now set ahout Into concrete form fnKM putting armed; if he is in the wrong, then lei fall on the roots oi l lie mmse and relKiund Department ok Finance. This car was a shed huilt In Itim admit It man. His atayin thence on to the pavement Ih'Iow. A Chicago and Alton Hallway com- liken mud of Finance, S. M. Damon. to the shower occurred airing Ihe Union Minibter pany. Pullman personally supervised In away from Chicago forces the Oonelu Padho Auditor-Genera- l, H. Laws. railway at I Inaga on the 4th of April The construction, and hefuro It waft finished ion, Which In c. ones stronger every day. Registrar of Accounts, VV. O. Ashley. rain, we are assured, commenced earlv la had Upended flti.UOO upon it. It was that he knows he is Coilector-Uener- of Customs, J. B. Castle. in the wrong. Will thu day, and soon the hunt h and sidea wider and higher than other cars, and eat TABLE. AsseHsor, Oahu, Jonathan tihaw. lie hy continuing to remain away fron of all Ihe houses were aovored with yellow TIME Tax COMMERCIAL railroad managers laughed at his SpOOMV Deputy Assessor, YV. Ua Weedon. ihe clay. I mm and After June 1st. Mi. ns that ft could Ik; successfully run. trouble he has created admit to the I'oslmafiter-Uenera- l, Al, A Union Pacific train which ran through J. Oat. Then; way, they hy world he is in the wrong. TUAlNt was no said, which it that Peoria the storm had its windows covered, and could lie passed over their roads but hy Herald. TO EWA MILL. the headlight was so completely plastered CUHTOMli BmiKAr. moving ha' k the platforms of tin- stations u. a. A. D. that the light graeehut in, and the ran HONOLULU SOAP HOUSE! and nilslng the bridges. The car had not How did the poor man Pullman pili train P.M. Ht. iu darkness Into Kossville, where the mud A.M. I'M. P.H. Office, Custom House, Ksilta Fort been finished long when President Lincoln up one of most colossal the fortunes in be off. To-k- a Leave Honolulu :45 1:15 1:35 6:10 Collector-Ocnera- l, J. B. Castle. had to scraped As far enst as was assassinated, and it was pniposed that the world in exchange for the slim al Leave l'earl City U:3U 2:30 5:10 6:56 r, F. B. McStocker. the windows showed that the edge of it hr used In the funeral train fnn Chi the mndatorm had tar. Arrive Ewa Mill B:57 2:57 6:3 6:22 ht h... Master, Captain A. Fuller. managers of the lowance of a hot berth ill a human extended this it is cago to Sprlnglleld. The said to have even 5Uruilea TO HONOLULU. Port Surveyor, M. N. Sanders. ADVERTISER. sardiue-ho- ? Who really the beea more severe Alton road, who had more faith In the furnished north west. C. D. B. A. Storekeeper, Ueo. C. Stratemeyer. other ratlnutd new car than had most money that huilt the model town ami ltlood nun and black rain are only varie A.M. A.M. P.M. P.M. of managers, made thu ncccssury changes In Sells the very best quality Soap at stocked it with One of ties of t his phenomenon. Of the latter we 6:31 10:13 3:13 6:12 DEl'AltrUENT or their bridges and platforms, and It was Leave F.wa Mill good w hear nothing worth speaking f nowadays, UiO 6:10 run over the line. wuu afterwanl put the things which ill come out ol Leave Pearl City MI till Building, Mug St, lbs., of It hut an almost historic shower of this sort Otflce in Executive per hundred and Is-- Arrive Honolulu 7:30 1MB Ml 0:15 $4.50 17 bars, on regularly and found to drawing the Pandora box of Pullman, after the Attorney-Genera- l, O. fell al Montreal in the earlier part of thin W. Smith. 76 cents Per Month. ennl. Orders for mon ears came in quite breaking wave of the strike have ceased Attorney-Genera- l, BBUtUryaOd enveloped the then youthful Daily Baturday'a excepted Deputy G. K. Wilder. honest for rapidlv as Pullman wanted to build weight, German Blue as to foam, is an aroused public rOCOgol city in a black pall, which must have I., en Clerk, J. M. Kea. $1.25. them, and In mt7 Ihe business hail grown K. G. turn of public right worse than a prime Loudon fog, seeluKthat ROBT. LHIVI'.I C. M. COOKB. F. J. LOWHI1V Marshal. illtchcock. Quarter. st) necessary to organize and an insistent $2 Per manufactured by that It was found it gave the inhabitant the idea Ihe Clerk to Marshal, Ii. ii. Dow. Castile Soap, Grans a fttoek company. Ionian. for their enforcement. Boaton that Deputy Marshal, Arthur M. Brown. last day had come, or waa at lemit on tha LEWERS & COOKE, The gniwth of the Pullman company Traveler. point of coming. Jailor Oahu 1'i ison, James A. Low. Bros, Mannheim, Germany, at ever Its lOcperlb. has been constant and rapid since. Hints! rain is caused hy the presenoe of L'rison I'hysician, Dr. C. B. Coopsr. capitalization, some of It is now Pullman, or his company, have uuuli LUMBER) Builders' Hardware, wuler. ililliutelv little alal hs. animacules. or min $8u,uun,u4HJ. It waa not until 1870 that mistake in their stubborn refusal t. ' . DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, Subscriptions Toilet Soaps, retail at wholesale prices. Soft eriils ill tin l'IoI.i lies In mi nt ;i in i.t m BOAHU or IHMIOUAIION. the U.filH) acn-- of land on which the town listen loany appeals. They have exaete.l fell Payable or shower that at Hristul and iu the PAINTS, GLASS, of Pullman waa built a year two later the tetter of law Bristol channel, tha analytical oils, Ofllce. Department of Interior, Judiciary in tins of 42lbs., everything wa- the and the power of examiuae Strictly Soap, $1.25. wits punhased. When tio" showed thai lb ml color waa to WALL PAPER, MATTING, Building, King Street. tho erection of t ho town proceeded the State for their protection, and t he due . ivy lierry seeds. Ii. inediawal times bhsl President, J.A.King. In factories, Umiitiful business , CORRUGATED IRON, rapidlv, immense of the country will not forcet. m, waea prodigy. In the east it wasoeav Members of the Board of immigration: Stearic "Wax mining Candles, manu dwellings, churches and other public Advance, They should have done something tu panted ITith tha bstief that mail was pro-hav- LIME, CEMENT, ETC. J. B. Atherton, Jas. B. Caaile, A. 8. buildings rising as If summoned by I ' IiIoihI Cleghorn, James G. Spencer, Mark allowed the commerce of the duced from that fell from heaven. i. factured by the Emery Candle works, of Cin of an eastern magician from the C'hamliers Jniiri.al. Robinson. Co. flat, half Isig prairie. Inside of months country to go on. The reliifal to doany-thin- Secretary, Wray Taylor. Hawaiian Gazette after tho ground was bniken haa Htriped the corporation of the CbSbsrlnn ii af iiui. BISMARK cinnati, Uhio, 1 candles tor XOO. substantial build Once ut an ofhciul dinner t atberine II of only handsome and Hymiwthy ju.-- t men may have left, and lugs, but bnuid, well paved Streets, psf Rustsii. had an animated diM with a Boahii or Health. lobt it the good opinion of thohe who feet snWOff system, waterworks and gns foreign embufidt'r w ho had ilUpleaed FEED and LIVERY STABLES, Ofllce in grounds of Judiciary Building pilafi, and In city those employed by have Buffered. Kamtaa City .Journal. tii i "poke w iih more anger than dig- gueen Wood, $10 per cord; this corner of Mililani and streets. Kiawe Fire BKpsOtod the miiUt of her ' tde she tho Pullman company were to Now let CongreM paHH an "interHtat nity. In WAILUKU. MAUI. Members: Dr. Day, Dr. Wood, Dr. Andrews, nslde. No one could buy a home, however, her secretary, t hrapowicki, any iu an in in Mr. I'ull-- J. T. Waterhouse, Jr., John Eua,Th6udure WM. DAVIES same cut blocks 12 inches long, any and ull must oliserve the Pullman rules ideeping car law," comjrelling j umbrume; WILLIAM COODNESS, Prop. V, Laifcing and Attoriiey-Geuera- l Smith. Thesr thing- - no doubt contributed to the man to charge leahouable raten for In "It a pity for the little mother to lots President, Hon. W. O. Smith. quantity, trom $1.00 up, delivered tree ol dla&atUfaollon, which became serious whi-- to make the upper half the pun her temper thin wy." Secretary, Una. Wilcox. Mm- abruptly, and during the CTi f if.l'luJlLlI'1 every steamer at Rigger, of the lower berth and I tqilftl"ing ujipei !;! Kxecutive Officer, C. B. Reynolds. of the dinner Kraciou and NlaaTaeTrTt- - charge to any part of the city. 'dohed w hen an- not KSHO Kaliului and Agent Board of Health, J. D. McVeUh. Stevedore ut there merry. Horses lor Haleakala or any part inspector and Manager of Garbage Service, gera to oc upy lhni. He ihonkfl alb Ah fche left the table, however, aha Went it, L. La i'ierre. Ii compelled to pa bin porteis Sr0S, fctraignl to the impert incut iuteirupter and of the island, at reasonable prices. Inspector, ti. W'. C. Jones, Wrecker. at a sack. aaid, "How dure you criticise my word In Kiawe Charcoal 40c imitead of making tin in levy blackmail Port Physician, Dr. R. P. Myers. pubticr" W. GOOUNKSS, ESTIMATES AND CONTRACTS ON on the public to we. tire iheir living Proprietor. Dispensary, Dr, Heurv W. Howard. Her voice trembled with unger, and hi-- 376tf Leper Settlement, Dr, R. Jv Oliver. ALL K1ND8 OK WORK. Richmond, Ya., Cedar Wood Poi Pails iiit him on the po k i'.k. and ha him hand shook so that the nearly dropjMii a w 1 1 cup of coffee which she ax hold Sba r 1 . 1 1 11 hard. He ih a beggar on hortebuck. in Boahu or Education. urass noops, 8t. l'aul (ilobe. Mt down the cotlee uutasiel and told the nnisneu wim small size 50c, ui. ' uiiate Hecretary to go. REMOVAL omce. tudlciary Building, King Street. UfctfT. opiiiitMi ( lilrthgn und through- The t telle Veil himself ex- 8. S. WA1MANALO will re- ill Public in mail ruined and W. K. The run large size It H Presidem, Castle. 75c. vs.tgi s were reduced early thU year. Mr. out the country heartily i omit iiimi Mr pected to hfiit to hitierla next day, gularly between thin port and Wsialua, wan no MMiner Clerk, J. F. Scott. Pullman's idea In nuJUUM the city Pulluutn'i stttbnorn nsfmnl to en r hatl reached hii home, however, Inspector of Schools, A. T. Atkinson. Waianae, Kawailiapui, Mokuleia, Kea-wen- not ut ull philanthropic. It WW UJ build than a messenger came to summon Lim to w betht-- HUSTACE & CO and Kuiki on the Inland of Oahu. Empty vinegar and wine barrels, as un a huhlnes.s prliK iplc mil an imjuiry uh to theie I the eiupresa. Boahu oe Crown Land Commibbionkh. Mr. Imllman dtet not MmntU UfS In babiti for aibitratiori in ni dispute w it) He fottud the i mnrev-- still ungry and ex Lave moved to For freight, etc., apuly to the Captain. - receivers, at $1.00. Pullmun. He ban a hundsome rsslllHM Ida workmen. Whil lieataudb out fui cilwd sl' repriau-ln-- him bitterly for n- J. A. King, Minister of the Interior; W. O. water of uvenue mid KtKht uu m e hus ut the corner l'ruirle w lurnmg impert lor trie kinunes Attorney-uener- hat he cull a principle the country u Morgan's Auction Rooms Smith, and C. P. laukea. tenth htnvt, Chica'i, which U Mild to had sbowu him lie threw himself oil his Office in Judiciary Building. in have coht 600s OOQl He Iwlh u w an ly Un hourly in.- million. Action to knee before her. Kitchen Salt sacks of ioolbs 50c; home on one of tta in of "Tuke ithe awiiil, handing him a for u lhart time. U'u ore Mill Helling Inquire at Oilice of J. Walker, over inatfiillUvnt SUntWN the btrike the demand the moment ibis," aino 00s4 a w "Keep Thouhuud laliBoV. This WBJP A i Im en anuffltox set ith diamonds. it. and District Court. 385-l- tT that baa ullendeil to lb Spreekelu' Hank. Salt given away. aum of money. It i cjtlletl Castle Rust, w henever uu have any umre observatioiia Table (H'ople w ill di bale Mr. Police Station Building, Merchant Htreat. uml w lien It wiis built w lis lletlicuted to Pulluiuu'b "pri(i to make iu public upon w hat I say or do Departure Bay Coa', " A. G. M. Robertson, Magistrate. CHA8. HUSTACE, hU toother. HU wife win. Harriet Sanger Otuk witii him ur, loug is he likt-- hold our tongue uud tuke a pinch of snuff. James Thompson, Clerk. Highest price paid for Hides, Skins fjefom murriage, her father Ix ingJ.Y Buffalo Time. aSuch advice might be good for me." CHARCOAL, Lincoln Block, King Stkkkt, Sanger of Ottawa, 111. They have two , Vouth'a C'oiuputiou. Ur- Id have consented PogTomc Bitrjcau. Between Fort and HU. daught. m and two sons. "u ALGEROI3A and Alakea and Tallow. to Hm bs4d m arbitration. great company i lie 4'loilre af a Mar. Postmaster General. J. Mort Oat. DEALER IN PHkHK iiiiiuKNTs. the owralive in the hollow .,1 - hand. you usked the girl in the KINDLING WOOD Secretary, W. O. Atwater. Uni ano .'' Groceries and Provisions. had DOWOT daily hat, th on Sup't Pontal Savings Bank, E. H. Wodebouse Wid e the iaaue waa hot Sir It absolute oei then auilor "that ive isnnted iar lb nny iuuntiiy. ' r Money Order Deiwrtmeut, K. B. Oat. nmuaed himelf in the surf at Iong life; there waa 110 e.juahl.v in Hie daily '! Both TtlephonM 414. 854tl Fresh California Roll Butter and Island VVasbingtoii u.un.il i.. uiupt a six poiuled General Delivery, h. T. Kenake. or ill the cim(1 of hi relations U'tween inem ami only by . ... - Butter on IlilHtf Mutual Telephone BETUEL HALL. Branch or t itvl.tM n i.,,! ga IWu- Rutcistry Department, G. L. Desha. always hand. - iw cabtle the ThoiiHand Inlands, impartial arbitration coslld the ussni- RSStds m- -i Aiuericau Hag, soon Ik i.. i.i un Hie B. 0 amid irbo tin , st Clerks: J. D. Holt, R. A. Dexter, 8. L. Kekn THIS PAPER DAKh'S Advortifciiitf Fresh Goods received by every Steamer Thia i not the American iileal of an ain e of juntic- Ite had. The bume on bow Uioad hliu i Unl a Ova pointed uu oould I K. B. Angus, J. H. Nut, Henry Kaia Afeuc , 61 uiitl )u Men hill, H '.kl iH inano, hs BMsn iswvefaieaU " New York , from Han Francisco. w Inch i mi rinlnl-Ml- ill MUBl-t- t CUUirMrCU luf ativuf- - John Hiram. K. Narita. J 1. Figuereda. employer of labor who known hi duty. Hideralious ahould tiae om (UliilC ctiD be in ui. fur it, W BaTIST ACTION QUAKANTUD. thl It certainly is not the conduct of a iwlled Mr. Pullman to accept urbitra IKI HAWAIIAN M AR. SATURDAY l (.1 sr it, tip

r,"' ' " MM 111 I I I II I MU I III I rutm Hawaiian ,l,ti ' SAVE I"-- c.wu'.ri PDritn or ntlir ''o. i. 71; iii gay vhen inenstsl Star II Till. SABBATH. '' ' i Mt) t WM ..I.... Mix I IniMii r cMmIij I II ( I ft ml l ibf and county th ban) an etdhitnl Tlmt Is lh. N il m'trcti- I ig'iinti mil' li r i w Virk, any lni rlmle. it u f. d nil. n U i the hUl of 00,001 Am- f CASTLE & I ALMA A SUU-JEC- COOKE, Mi fltV. UH. tit. OHOOMtH dr. (Tpvra, hntlsts pl.iv. t Mln of tin ' I'UBLISMEO KVKMY AF IkHNOON i ntilmm if ii t ttcWd i Mmh faree, in tllptt ths bind Ii Nsw Vhki. .ViitiU- -l 1. A Tn il- or iim log, ctl men an- resjent, PT SUNDAY l- OF WIDE INTEREST. i:ro oilier or iny and umnioned to kXtt .i ' Pi ii i I ( so ai u uie u t of the stage i ny When yon make wnr npan any Nirt imti (rum Man iii IMH taNMt'i or of Honolulu. August , M NKWUPA Mm ( (MM iSyj, HAWAIIAN SIAR tin Iii in i.' h NMM wi r put p Pi ori piirt tin n ip, or any i Sjaslllan. IohI dm, y n upon n--v ill! -r nuike war the i iiiiiii-iini- li.in- Mnrti'il lot basss II. i nlla nr I lio hM I1 PfcR ASSOCIAt ION Ltd. (ilrl. HM I :i milllU I' of nte. Ii ' or dta rl ii .c " im or any Mielatlons. nnd the I MR, ( lu mut iftf tln-- (JSTOMBH mi tlir whii'h nml I'lilplt In In I tofonftr Iff of jumrh s)effobats bunMM I lrl" n nml mafttfcvM r tr wtn llrvfmntl Ut prrf'inimnre r, orfnge of the d n tute, and the churrh of KMUWfOMHj l.l'i 11'.; rluirtrri'ii ind Irvle'hted mill arm- - and nanrlng." the living toil, which lithe p n.,r and the ' Hm .1 pan On DKAR Sir Mlltn apluri'"l ly '. tl.r Was ih to v rnplrilm retuicttni-n- gniiiod of Ihe trill h. iiniiniiiiitiini. Out llnril. Ih in ATr,H. itiorniiiK of tin Doth Mm faMMt that" W ho made (hi law? You who at U Off on siiiisrmrriiin ft There i. nil iiiii'ntitlnnt'il rumor flint rnllllial lnt llutloun. Iii tu vours of i . Itli.Mit.l.VN, the ballot Imixcs derided who should go to I am opposed to the of rtph IVt Vmr In Ailvuncc. -- o n iiKtiitiNt rJnflc For tnilny Itrv Invasion the Snb. tin Ninirnguun-- ntttirkiil tin MVsfsSl Albany nml sit h , you l,i fli It I n sr. Mttl tilt. Wt would thai i -- betW-itf- ' Imm wt in the idnlun hmstus lav vr . M SIiiuik Yen ihmtnl r TnfaMigi ettaeM BtuUJeol wmiti I'm Month in Ailvntn-e- Mlurllrl'U and were repulsed with henvv Who In any n stem exeix-- t .. (hi right ol in Ions "SVC all (f(M)dS you k 111' ifMn Internal m tut When theHahhnth mnodowii , the lor. , Mid QmMI MM iMN tin' thmoof hleioenon rage. I hey . ... - . , loii.lgii, I"'1 Year tn AilvAnri-- lOSS, OeaSfal 0a4hMHM V7M ml' made th iaw ior you ami lie- n pui he goes down, Men who an not n - wniunled. fhrOUgll 1n pP'J Viz, tint liei'i-nit- of .,. in iikim iii me Btei tne pi iiL'lM MtWfM tin .lapaiir-t-:m- l t'liitn'-i- i'T your nun iiuw i nay thai a ay wiIMinr to ob. v Cod's law In regit nl to ei M vou f - iv ii. August :. Tin' Hint fUBftllnc the ChtiAtlM tebbnth nnlimt man who at tempt to t law In quote lire our regular price, MiVKHTI-lIN- IIATKM: raanlUtig in R00 JftpAiMM, n, fnrt nverrld' hat Sabbnlh observance nn not fit to govern the Umm llriti-- li Mini-tc- Invneloni elm m itr dMtrnotloa, The Stilts you nod HM and ry e bat OK nf it occurred. i r QusllBg him Ireen e. man who themsehes. Sabbath lueaim d li snini' the items our Knim linn Mi mtlUlllUMll rt'Hirtci tu liuvr It the i Ighl "r ,1 tt'W wlccted wiu Bsodnn bsxI, IB, "Veftl of siiiTrage. solui nt M, dlMOintanoSB - . in ntitiillli',1 HI III.' pill "nv, to pri'fiiik' ovrr tin' oolifiTi'iu'i' to and in. oinpiii prices are lower than you man-- I. opinion of tin- legation ofAcen bete my Salihath- - ye I Ii iidv.-rll- thi itudl keep.' A or Ijrti Iblc wl self government. They want-ti- J UMSMlOB nil i Invnulon. use 'lire prompt unite ;ln" OmIM) Aini'riimi NM.tMhM The eHudom Of Inn fmni HOD and Wt shall iii course irive ut tin' MMM the rvMtrtf from OhlMW MMNM eeat hnnl In Mill lorthar, I raotatt ngnlnst the Invn n hu in r ranee. ftluT awnile Hiey iimnt mini bt tNtnM ionki',1 nn mm Any if t In f upon rignMeMi of Raglsiid'. hot mil leron IseJuHiel mil M got n bOl you the benefit ol the IMce ill. nimorf of the defeat the slon of the Sabbath lieentise fs a foreign republic. one day Napoleon 111, reduced tr,rt li eeknovriedgco The eoeM eej With his cavalry, Bt Y.ftftlMI pfobAldy m-- s dttlft to interfere in nffnirs that nffeel war Now. If yon heard at this moment rode through the Htni't, rales. Ml f nitiii mit tliel li onn no In SATURDAY, AUGUST 11. 1W the StnleB HMieora tho iHMiming of a gun hi the harlw.r. or If and down went the under the We sell iMgnretkNMi tiiniitfii no dnpAtohei re I'niteil ilireetly. even (lay- r Bfl l?i nIx, nml that tliu :,j a sbeti bmrn some (iip' i,rM frigate shoold rlnttertiiLT They have a republic Razors and Strops she in mdMbMUy uoimittliuj U.gila deyH tie1 t t ferritin to u lltflit ut the latter place Imvi' ir yer domtad n tirv in nd drop Into yonrstreet, would you keep your thorn again, but Frnneo nee rwlll lmwa we arc ir:u you have decided PAINTS, dltlon Mther then n rabtMot Inn. IMM rct eivnl. iiintrol of the eftnnl iliviiling the MM nts in ahOtehf You would want t fs penminent republic until she quits her to try our new "scl blade" razors, hnvi- ii mad' In nil part it ring Sabbathf LEADS, BnAHoiiAt B told American rniitinpiitfl. Sucpieionn that l' the f .e, and every gun that could be mnn and devoirs ana day and August The Ion mt'iitH. Tin Uml ('astlinni'h In every week patent twing sirups, as in nnimiTAi mmc (tre-hui- u Sgl d sroaM be brought Into use, and every to the ion of Cod K'hemleil at Tien-Tnl- n for deaei tlon inny arhitration on the thooghrho oonkl work hln the r iu i in uruu bniln B6t deyi sh that could Is brought out of Ihe navy and Seen d Instil Ut ions. AentMh the Sab- country ever man has to do oils mi in qitMtlOB Monroe doctfttHI in n!"t-- pleeded. In extenuation of their offertM nml that the in the yc.tr. imt ewhllo hroke deem yard iVOtfM swing from her anchornpe, bath, and you abolish your privl his own ihaving and as ihaving UMILIlinL I u Ud, VARNISHES. liLi ' nd nomtnltted mil leg Lei lumber nml MtBAMtkm, Hefore they "' rpipttiiteu to me aipMBMMJP the ami VUUrforce nnd the dvestton vradtd ho deutflod. Yotj I. too Pad work go on, and you becomes a pleasure with these IBM him: "IVKtr OlMtloroAhl Thll I have' the commune, " and you have ntripH-,- l rp looked f prohnlily pM 'r do not want a foreign war, nnd yet note ''the The rainv season will soot) were IHMUd they MN P"l IM if the nottbMTVniieo of the revolution, ' and you have the sun of na "toolt" We know you will hate a set WA BejtteMkt'' to tell yon that this invasion of God's holy ut their iniil'orniK nml their dny is a foreign w o tiomil prosperity going nown In dackness large demand for them. In re- in and then PAINTING will he A TOtobfeted ere em off. The exam- - mrrchnnt ihi'lnntl, among own net-te- p and brand. that Mdga of terror may pigtail. LATtMT 'I Ai our bora puia gard out of question to-da- y JAPAN SINKS SHIPS, nuvs itkmii i. ihonld heee tievn n maniac kmg ego the Qod of psaOS deliver Us. in Lawn Sprinklers the it is pie bM ti'rrilieil hut i ion t heie are tera idaseai the good ami the nriny. Ihe Snlihnth." nerves, Si ill I we will we lor The the the bad SS It is wil h I he people who further, am opposed to this Inva say that have sent a one to be considered. An Bdtef Iiiim forth th.it the army Chile has uinneMteil the ItalmaeeiliMtv. hones, phynlu-al- . I - fone the the entire come from other shores there arc the sion of the Sabbath van so n is unfair, very simple one. which cannot .lur-- InteltflCttlft John Masnrv i"v Son's will receive iloulile pay heneef.irth j cholera in t nml moral tint ore ery out lav- abiding nnd the lawless. The f rmer and it is iartiul. While secular amuse wear out or eoluis i... initUm Hfhll t i gel out of order, the ,i lor he Hobbet ie n si lint is rue of man nn nts in different cities are allowed to he arc iiu the war with .lapi, ami a large cia. nr Welcome bete. The more of them the price you see is without equal thev last Is for the ntoftt part true of tin1 hrute WO Lot let h Open on the Sabbath day, dry goods cstab low, and they Chinese Iinliu.-- h.lf been oncreil In ntln-er- eoln- - better like it. not the law H longer and Troops rruvose. Bismarck is reajoread to be TntYcteM have found out lliat they coine come fMnn other shorn s expect lng to break UahmentO must Ik closed, and plumbing will do good work. look batter, rhine-- e i.nval jK'tenl to navigate quite ill. to their places of desttnailon eoonet when downoor Baobath nnd Knetltots in the and tho butcher's, and the We have let ImrseH We send their regular line, and tNUMporti . they their rel hy the way on plaOO of It u roreign Snhbalh. baker's, and the and tho Pocket KniTeS So far 120.IXX1 people died of l also Repulsed. have the the Snh'iath. What Ihe mutter with How do you m I, ye w ho have been batdwaio stores. Now, tell me hy what what you order in this line their READY MIXED HINKSI: TIIK.ITI TOUTS. plague in ( 'autoti. hose forlorn enquires harneKHed to soini brought up amid the hills of New Bna biw of joetloo you compel a man to shut and will say that we have lately LIQUID of the city Why do they etMBtblvend tlu door of his Store while you keep open HOUSB COLORS i tar! land, about giving up tin Amerloan Bab-- fine South - : need the as received a assortment so can Hi. will lie Kept Optm By h of Ktaiirrt r and fcUlF It. h for tho of th Imth; ye who spent your childhood undei Ihe door of your worldly establishment. and GRANITE FLOOR on ;l;i HfibbaitU) May it please your lurnish anything in line from Ureal Pmilf. sessments Pullman. per cent. ieet tho shadow of the Adirondaoftaor the Oats honors, judges of tho this PAINTS. of the Powers In ot henl-me- u SepTBUM court, If you give Anyone can use these Decision Warner Miller prophesies a Republic- her words, when thn kills; ye who wen- horn on the luniks oi to 15 cents lo S4.00 each. Yes, we w.isiiiNuTiiN, Aiigunt it Praaident dioee their eheep and cattle from thetnr places the right to he open on the Sabbath goods as walk-ove- the Savannah or Ohio or how do they require no prepa- an r in New- Y'ork next fall. have the Cleveland ha. piaetieally devidad to west down to the eoaboardi it was found yon feel about giving Up Ihe American day. you have to give, at the same time, Clauss Knives, ration whatever all neces-asr- y on Treaty Ports. unite with jlien Britain, Germany and The Senate Committee has agreed to out hy experiment that thou befdwnien Sabbath'- on say: We shall not give it tin right to all oomtnerclal establishments have sold them lor a year, either that is and drovete who halted over eeventli to bo open and to all meohantoal establish in is Italy to preaarvc, toreihly, the neutral report favorably the House Anti-opti- the up. We mean toot tend It as long as there sets or single bread knives. to buy a STEP LADDER. dny tot down siMtiier to the seahoard than Is Hu nts to In- opan, If it is right in the one what bill. left any strength in our arm or blood of We have ity of are known as the treaty thpao who pMeed on without thoobeerv- In our heart! Do not bring your Spanish case, it is right in alt the cases. Our stock Butcher and them all sizes and prices CONFERENCE, TARIFF BILL IN ports of China Juring the warbatwean Admiral Walker reports favorably on anee of the holy Sahhath. The llshcrnn n Sabbath hen-- Do not bl ing yotTT.lialian ltenicmlM-- Hie lebbBfl he Hunting Knit es is also com- and a BRUSH, then oil' the coast of Newfoundland (h it you can do that empire ami Japan. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, as a coaling declare Sabbath here. Do not bring your French But we are told that they must get plete. til - men during the year oatoh the most li hero, money on ttaOOatn nights In to pay the work yourself. Tin- l'hfn.se GrOTernment has heen Rrttitin. Babbal Do not bring your foreign order n . ... flrdi who stop during the Lord's day. Sabbath her.-- It shall be lor us and our Mo in in 1- f the other nights of tlu As vou did not say fully Informed of the Intention ol the OOap Touch up that carriage you Minister Willis' Dispatch t Provisional President Guitcrroz and Need of Ihe Lord! lny. children foi r a pure, Chris week. Now, in answer to that I soy that hove miuitt hart tinn ufiatna- - inil,' p.nvei'B throiiKli its Minister at Washing- i If men cannot manage their amusements J . . can do it just as well General Riva. in Salvador have settled when i atfked the iiocky mountain en- tian, Araorld Sabbath." 100 ids., we arc sciHlmtr one case yourself if Cleveland. ton, nml it is undafitood that the Em- gineer why he changed locomotives when Coiii rasto. without breaking the Lord's day they you use their disputes. had go cacn 00 NEAL'S READY will it seemed to be a itralght too to, he said. I Will make a comparison between (he better all into bankruptcy together and 70 bars to peror na without protest to We M I It New-Yor- let of will never surnnder our Christian 100 lbs. a IX E D CARR I their forcible locupetioti of his principal seems to he settled that the "We have to the locomotive Btop and American Sabbath, as some you have We carry heavy stock AGE PA NTS. ciiol off or tha maehlnety would soon break known It, and tho Parisian Sabbath I Sabbath for the purpose of helping there ItojrellM ComnslMtan Arrive, at Wasl Democrats will reuouunate Gov pay oi this article and, as you will VARNISH is ports, heeause he knows ii would be down. " Men who made large quant 11 peak from observation. On a Babbath violators to their expenses. Above all, another thing, , I my OonfldencO is good notice, it is a first Laun- Intftnll- - SlSSt. Wttn Ni Surreal 4 useless to do otherwise. er.eir of salt, were told thai If they allowed tin it morning was aroused in Eerls byn great in the hand of Cod grade we carry the best that has been over our cities since their BRANDS The plan is for the Government, Congreisinan W. J. Bryan of Nebras- kctth'H to OOO over Sunday they would bond in he street. J said, What Is this!'" dry Soap, and we have put it in 1'itr Latent Sewn Aliunt Sugar them-I'lv- ' foundation. 1 known. It is Kiibmit H tonpr. at deal of dam- Oh," they saie, this is Sunday." An Hut call this day upon all a economy to buy named Great Britain, Germany, Italy ka proposes to wage a bitter fight those Who befriend at very low figure. Tele.l-nlit- ut World, Kte. age. The experiment WM made, home eh unusual rattle of vehicles of all sorts. Thi Christian principle, and the BEST, for tb. Cleveland. li ve We they have stood ami the United States to seize anil against wr lng the Sabbafh and euine not obnerv voices seemed more boisterous than on those who our political freedom, who regret that you got "nip- m stand in solid phalanx In this Thormopylai ped" the test of years. KSCUpy hy their naval lleets the harbors Nut stuce the war have Western Re luif the Snhh.ith. Xhoae v.ho allowed tli other days. People running to end fro. on that bargain" in Urea to go down and thoitettlei to cool wit-- baskets or bundles, to gel fcb the rati of our American history, for I believe as Call i 'ii July Japanese Admiral oi ol Aiiuiy, Canton. Nittgpo, Chin Klang, p.lMieiltl Colivellti- IIN neeu no 1.. e. I and note and get one of the Tram- the onoo n week wen compolled to spend only beatns or gardens. It seemad as if all the certainly as stand hero that the triumph Fence Wire that Tien- or of de- in the cruiser Matsushima Kan, with two Foo Ohoo, Bhanghal, Hankow and harmonious and enthusiastic. a few pennlefl In the way of repairs, while vehicles In Purl;-- , of whatever sort, had overthrow American Institutions luture you will come to us way Time Tables, they are a pends Upon this Sabbatic contest. oilier men ar in his command, tsin, to prevent their blockade by Jap- Three thousand insurgent troops are in the 0D0M where no Sabbath WM ol;crv- turned out for the holiday. The ( humps and get a "first class article. We useful thing and many for re- Blyseos one seek Bring your voices, your pens, your print are presented sighted the Kow Bhung, which was car anese or any other Interference with marching upon Port Allegre, of id dollam were demanded great mob of ploasure thought when you told us of capital pairs. log people Balloons living. Pasrotaohat ing pri BSCS .'ml your pulpits into tho Lonl's your with our compliments. S600 for Corea, i heir foreign commerce And to protect "buy" rying Chinese traopi the State of Rio Grande do 8ul, BfasU, in other words, Intelligent man, dumb taring, rootballs rolling, Peddlers bawk- - artillery oorps for the defcnM of our holy that before it had been up off of day. Today in your families and in your Covean waters, forty miles Chemul the persons and properly foreigner, icast. and dead machinery cry out for in ing their kniokkoaclcs through the long you would sec you had a cS: Nearly 2lin0 Chinese perished in the Sabbath schools CASTLE COOKE. pO, He signaled the Kow Sluing t, residing in those cities. The local Lord'n day. But while the attempt to stietds. Punch and .Imly shows in a scnni recite, ''Remember the "sell." oaal engagement between the squad- pia- w Babbath day to keep it holy." l)ecne where you are. or take the Chinese officials will be permitted to kill the Sabbath by the stroke of ai and of cs, each otic ith a shooting audi In "slop ron, of the Japanese and Chinese last Hail and yardstick has boautUully failed coco. Hand organs, cymbals ami every before high heaven that this war 011 your closing let us say that we continue in the exercise of their lawful week. it U prop:. in our day to drown Ihe kind of rackt t, musical and unmusical. religious' rights and the cradles of your have a larg-f- and varied stock , children shall bring After the passage of several interroga-tives- authority, but foreigners will assist Babbath hy Qondlng It When the evening oeme down, all the ignominious defeat to ol Hardware, Ship Chandlery, Lord ami Lady Randolph Churchill They would bury very deorat (heaters were tn full blaze of music and the enemies of (iod and the public weal. by signal, the Japanese cruisei them when necessary in the preservation it For Faints oils, and leather, left Montreal Saturday for Vancouver, ly under the w rear li oi the company full blase of light. The wine siores and those who die In the contest battling and Nanaiwa steamed up quickly and lined of order and the protection of property. larft for the right we shall chisel tho when B. C. They are on a trip round the and to the mi ie i if all btaaen Instrumunta. saloons wen thronged with an QUUSUal epitaph, filling your orders will up broadside mi at a distance of about The archives of the Japanese Legation 1 ''These are they who came out of great world. There are today in the different cities number of customers. Ai eventide always charge the lowest prices. 21X1 meters from the Kow Sluing ami it Poking have already been delivered lo.oon hand and lO.onopens husy In at- stood and watched the excursionists coin- tribulation ami had their robes washed The Ca ladlan Govt rnnient has ruised tempting ont out the heart of onrChris- ing home, fagged out men, women and and made white in the blood of the Lamb." Trul v Yours immediately discharged a torieilo at io Mr. Dei. by, and the archives of the Hut Babbal h Meed skele-- . children, a gulf si ream fatigue, irrita- for that one who shall prove In this following the tax on fishing in Cai.anian waters tinn and leaeo It a log of her, this with two broadsides Chinese Legation at Tokio have been ton of what. It once Is bility and wretchedness, moral crisis recreant to Cod and the church from to 8, c infilled, of course, to was. The effort or fori should think w ith all her guns, comprising two ol delivered to Mr. Dunn. The consular ganized and tremendous, and unless the it would take three or four days to je; then shall be no honorable epitaph. Ho American fishermen. shall not Im worthy even of a burial place Iweiity-tiv- e tons and four of ten tons. records of either country will he trans- friends of t 'hrist and the lovers of good over that miserable way of Sundnyin;r. li in all this five land, but tho appropriate The excitement aboard the KowShuns ferred to the consular office of the Dr. Cornelius Herz, the Panama lob- order shall r aise up right speedily their Boomed more like an American of pfOtOStN he duly a Interment for such a one would be to E. 0. & byist, was charged Hcrinoiis and will Uttered after than Christian Sabbath. Hall Son, was awful. The troops bail begun fit I'mted States as opportunity offers. It formally at Paris the eastle Is taken. There are cities in Now, In contrast, I present one of the carry out his and drop them into ting up a number of snail mountet lias also been mutually agreed that any last week with extorting 10.00u.000f from the laud when the Sabbath has almost Sabbaths In one of our best American the sea, when the lawless winds which keep no Sabbath may gallop over tho grave guns when the N'aniiva Ken threw tin oinmiinications which either of the the late Baron Reinaoh-- perished, and It li becoming B practical cities. Holy silcr.ee coming down with Limited, question whether we who received u pure the day dawn Business men more delib- of him who lived and died a traitor to torpedo, The missile struck a coal belligerents may have to make to tin The Florence. Col., have miners at Babbath from the hands of our fathers erately looking Into the Caot of their chil- ibid, the churrh and tho free Inst.tutlons bunker and one of the boilers burst, tl other daring the progress of hostilities, agreed to return to work. This action shall have piety and pluck enough to give dren and talking to them about their pres- of America. Long live the Christian Sab explosion being terrific, bul not sutii shall be transmitted through the repre- affects the miners ill New Mexico and to our children the same blessed Inherit ent and future Welfare, Men sit longer at hath! Perish forever allatteiupts to over THE HAWAIIAN anoe, ua, tho table In the morning throw it! i lent to sink the ves el. Tile Chines, sentatives of the United States. Wyoming as well as Colorado. Theoternal God helping weerttll because tlu stares nr- not to is- opened, aad the dm troops fired on tin Xnniwa with rule-- aftinttay TiMMiters. Au Accomplished Clerk. Sale Deposit SV04.B. Reports all over the country east of ahanlcal tools nn- not to be taken up. A t TBB MBIDVU, I pnitst against this Invasion of the do you 1 id suuill guns and exhibited the great the hymn is sung. There are congratuhitiom-an- "What think did this morning?' hmm Rocky Mountains are that the holy Babbath in the tlrst plnco lKiause it Is one girl asked another in a , good Cheer all thrOOgh cable car on bravery. I he I'llliiialiiiii if Senators, lattest Pri weather is terrible hut and vegetation is a war on divine ennctment. God says in the house. way The Mreet silent until 1U o'clock, when their home from a shopping jauot. COMl'ANY. The Naniw-- continued to fire her ten Ailvif-es- Isaiah, tUOU turn nway thy foot irorn vate suffering greatly in consequence. "If tin n is a regolai orderly tramp church- "Goodness knows!" ejaculated the other. HAS tooners and soon had the KowShunt doliy,' thy pleasure on my holy day, thou "You are always doing the unexpected." Washington, August 3. The under" The value of foreign imports at New shalt walk upon the hiirh places." What ward. Houses of fiod, vocal with thanks in a badly disabled condition. Many oi giving for merclet received with "Well," continued the first girl, "1 had standing among the tariff OOUfereet Y'ork the fiscal wit Ii did he mean hy ' doing thy pleasnref" prayer? for year ending lh for c. lufort, two things on my mind that I dared uot MONEY the Chinese, soldiers jumped overboard, a wllli charities for the p Mir. vhen they adj uirmd this afternoon June, 1898, was fl87,H)(J,IHIO and for the referred sooular and worldly amuse-ment- Rest forget a hook I wanted very much and on these A for the body. Rest for the soul. Tin and the Naniwa rained bullett Aiis that the session should man told me he was now r so the purchase of a silk waist. So what did TO last fiscal year it was 1811,500,000. much (tightened as in the mldit of an Dcrvcs quieted, the templef the from her deadly machine guns. Tin bring about either an agreement on tin mind cleared, the soul sbsittgthened and Idohutwulk into a book store, go up to The Pope is about to convoke an earthquake, when the hensls of the field the first man i LOAN Kow SJiung gradually began to sint, our entire population out on Mon- clerk saw and ask, 'Do you uigar schedule or a decision to report a bi llowed in fear and even the harnynrd turned know how much silk fifteen assembly of Cardinals and Eastern day morning 10 years youngur, licttcr pre- it takes to make a on and after discharges from the liaagreement. To day was devoted by fowls screamed In terror. Well, It was " good real (State security. Also two Patriarchs for the purpose of discussing pared for the duties of this life, better pre shirt waist?' cruiser's big guns she went down in when the earth was shaking and I he sky very he conference to a discussion on il-- pared for the life that Is to come. "Ohl" gasped the other girl. "Whatdid desirable HOUSEfl 1'OR SAUO eight fathoms of water. The troops who the question of the reunion of the Ens'! Was all full of lire that tied made the he BOyf" lUgar question. ' A Wrong tit deploy- rs. tilKin easy terms. ern great announcement, ' Remember the Sab--J the funny part of sur- remained aboard kept up the fire to tin churches. Which do you like best the Amcricnn "That's it. He This schedule in detail provides for a hath day to keep it holy." veyed me with tne utmost serinusnesj and Apply for particulars very last, some of their shots 411 The Keuinant of Coxey's army in Babbath or the Parisian Do you beini luty of percent ad valorem on sugai Go through ihe streets where the then-- ! Baobath' answered promptly, you big THE Kn iv m w hat boat the Sabluith came 'If waut HAWAIIAN SAKE DEPOSIT aimed at their own people who wen Hi camp near Baltimore ij gradually being ters nro open on n Sabbath night) go Up sleeves, will five yards un- below Dutch standard and 40 pel across the seas and landed? on our shonpaf it take that is, AND INVESTMENT swimming away, they being They are being out. (on the steps; enter the boxes of those less the silk im wide.' 0O. determined cent on sugar above this grade, the duti scattered. starved It was in (he Mayllower. Do you know Places of entertainment, and tell me If "Of course I was completely M mined, 408 that all should die together. The vessel Coxey and his son left for home the in what boat (he Sabbath will leave ns il Fort Street, Honolulu. in the relined sugar to be collected on that Is keeping the Sabbath holy. lOhe" for had dawned on me what I was doiog, auk stern first, flying the red ensign of last week In July. it ever goes? It will he in the ark thai it lSMf the basis of the saccharine strength of says some one, "'(iod won't be displeased hut 1 made a great effort and said grate- IS WORTH the Chinese. One heavily armed boat with a grand sacred gentle Qoats over a deluge of national destruo the raw sugar used in it with of a Antone Elcta, brother of the conceit." a Hon. fully: 'Thank you very much very much. was low ered from tin Naniwa. and fron man who was present at a ltgrand sacred Now, will you please show me Mrs. Blank's cent differential on the refined, and n of Salvador, says he has heard Still further, 1 protest aga;-s- t the inva FOLLOWING concert" one Sabbath night In one of th? last novel!" Then 1 bought the hook UP this a fire was directed upon the troo s from S and Govern- on of the Lord's day because it wrongs and ttoriminating duty equal to the export the United ales the theaters of OUT gn at cities said that dur- retired in good order. There would have We have an idea that there ia .till in the water. There was no attempt t p vosl multitude of employees ot their rest. levied will not him to the ing he exercises there wen comic and mind-edns- considerable artistic duty by such sugar producing ment surrender The been no sense in exposing my feeble taste lying to save life. It was evident that nc sontrs, interspersed with coarse play actors and actresses can have to dormant in our midst, which oniy countries as pay a bounty on sugar pi. -- new Salvadorean rulers. that clerk, hut I'd give a good jokes, and there WON dances, and a farce, their rest between their engagements, but requires bringing quarter was to be given; all were to be tluotions, how deal to know how he keeps so well posted out Among the hills introduced in the and tight rope walking, and n trapee per- about the sceno shifters, the ballot on dry goods." massacred. t he Chicago Tribune. This schedule was submitted to tin Senate was one by Allen to provide for formance. I suppose it was n holy dance dancers, callboys, the innumerable With this in view we have im Tibx-Tbi- n, July HI. A naval batth onferenee as and a consecrated tight rope. This is what ai U'udants and supernumeraries of the A Simple Putomeler. ported some very instructive little the ultimatum of the oon-- the issue of fill,000, 000 in Treasury notes American theater!' Where is Sunday Books was fought yesterday between the Chi- they call a ''grand sacred concert.' their A iiotometer uf the utuiunt simplicity bas Hand on ART. such us . ervative Senators, coming through to he distributed pro rata among the to come from!" They are paid small sal- Blowing nese and Japanese fleets. The We hoar n great deal of talk about ''the basn davissd by Dr. SimonotT for rletcrmin-iu- Japanese senator Smith of New Jersey, and aries at the bee;, Alas for them! They The of from tin States for the relief of the worthy poor. rights of the people" to have just such how 'well liulitecl a room maybe and lit Sketching Nature, sank the Chinese warship Chen Yuen. House conferees were on appear on the M ago in tinsel and tassel, given to under Mr. Gladstone, in a to 1,200 amusements Sunday as they want to for incidentally serving as u tent of vision. Two large Bruiser., supposed ves- letlter Hh halberd or in gauze, whirling in The Art of in to be land that the schedule was have. I wonder if the Lord has any rights. Tho 84 pages uf a book are colored in grad- Landscape Painting Water Colors, the nearest Americans who ha 1 invited him to -t- ures, i: d they iuigi)t lie mistaken sels built fur China by Armstrong, were to You rule your family; the governor rules uated tints, tlio Unit being a clear gray and Your tpproach the requirements that the for fairies or queens, but after vj o'clock The Art of Flower 0 tptured or destroyed. come to America, aaya he cannot pos- the state; the president rules the whole the last nearly black. On every pagea few Painting, enate could make with any assurance I at 'it you may soe them sibly come, he being incapacitated from land. wonder if the Lord has a right trudging phrases are printed in black letters of dif- Tokio, August l. The Japanese Gov- l li the streets in faded dresse-.- , shlv- - System of that the bill would pass in the Senate. to rule the nations and make the enact ferent Bine. The amoiiut of light is esti- Water Color Painting, ernment has Informed the representa- tioh travel. ' 4 srlng and tired, 0 bundle under their arms, Some of the House conferees are bient, Remember the Babbath day to mated by perusing the contents of each " their homes In the garrets cel- Marine Painting in Oils, Own of has keep holy, if and tive, foreign powers here that a Stat C favorably inclined the Secretary Herbert finally accepted It and there is any appeal page of the book until a selected line of let- toward schedule, U (hat lars of the city. Now, you propose to take 01 war exists between Japan China. the ;IOO tons oi barbette armor Intended a higher court from decision, and ters cau no longer be read at u distance of and but they believe it defines exactly the If tin? men who are warring from thousands of these employees and man)' others on battle-hi- p against that about a foot from the eyea. In a well different This is regarded as equivalent to a d& for the Oregon, represented thr ij honl topics. extra duty to be paid on refined sugars enactment are not guilty of high treason this oouotfy, not only alt op lighted apartment the characters should There is no better edu- of by the Carnegie Harveyizcl pon unity of moral cull ore, all opportn b. cator than a close lanttion war. a id is free from the objection urged against he Maker of heavon and earth. hut clearly made out to the twentieth or even study of nu. Horn pity of physteal ffot hriveiTs sake, ture, and in SuaniiHai, August 2. All official tele- the steel plates, which have been tried at They have In our cities put God on trial. ret the twenty fourth page, but with poorer order to enable the against Senate schedule: that owing been lei he cruohlng juggernaut stop least beginner to in Hen-Tai- It has the theaters and the opera at light the difficulty of deciphering start the riirht iii. gram from n says that in tin to the wording of the Indian Head. one day In seven. tho print in is a waste of wind. schedule it was houses, plaintiffs, versus the Lard Ai may commence at the tenth, twelfth or rection his efforts to repro- The public battle, fought July 27th and ai A syndicate, a capi- A duce he Mth impossible to tell beyond Ihe one eighth with mighty, defendant. The suit has been be- Wur on SplrUaitl Welfmre. even fifteenth page. In order that this test what sees in nature, don't want it; they won't gun, we suggest a believe Yashan the Japanese were repulsed with if a cent different) d what Ihe duty tal of iir,,000,000, has made overt res to and who shall come out ahead you Agaiu, I oppose this modern invasion of may be even more reliable, the power of perusal of these you. It is 2UU0 know. Whether ii I"' popular or unpopu- the vision little treatise. . . . not what we, but what the loss of over men. would be on the refined article. Thai secure the services of the striking l'lill- - Christian Sabbath because it is a war of the person making It ahould first lar, 1 now announce it as my opinion that :u the spiritual welfare of the people. You he compared with that of a second person, others say, that tells The NortA China --Vetrn confirms the of the m -- mechanics, ami the negotia- the sloiy. are opinion t.ial the duty in the an car the people have no rights save those w hich ha a body! Yes. You nave mindf and for that purpose the of fighting a book itself fur- A prominent physician rejuirt at Yashan. It sayi schedule presented to day will be con- tion, mai' end iii the depopulation of ths groat Jehovah gives them, lb; him Yi You baTO a SOUlf Yes. Which of nishes all the essentials.-S- t. Louis Ulobi. writes: cne-liu- never given the man the "I have , thg Japanese broughl up for the attack fined to 'i if a cent differential. the "model town'' of Illinois. right to to break his secular halls on tin- Sabbath day will Democrat. KING BROS. found your, drugs of ,ial holy Sabbath, and as long as his Ihrono glvg that soul any excellence with those Ji.pplied every available man, almost denuding It is understood, that while The Wellman culture! Kow, admit Men, and Men, by other nownvir, Arctic expedition has atandl he never will give that right. 'mg that a man has a spiritual and im Honolulu in,, Seoul of troops. The successful defense ineli.led to accept Tho great sinner against society is theni figure, as the lost itB vessel, but, nothing undaunted, a sfeaa Thing-- mortal nature, which one the plat-so- the HOTEL by oi cynic, the scoffer, the dlsballnar, From a country merchant: made the Chinese was directed bj laast they can get, and while considering Welhnaii set out on foot to reach the Tho prophet umuaemoni will cgJture it;- Which one ol the man asks a question which I can In whose spirit negation aiu i,n. i Your Kuropeau officers. in t he Hnblnth will remind Jamaica Ginger is excellent. that this they secure an advantage pole. Six of the parly that were on the answer, 'Will a man rob Qodf" "We ars saved by hope," IS 1 t The man who STREET. It the best have h id here UmUUM, August H. A dispatch from a over the Senate schedule, Yes. They roblied him last Sunday night ion of the fact that unless they are born awakens hope, aspiration, may Vou they indicated vessel that was broken up hy the ice again they see confidence lu expect my future orders." Tien-Tai- tho theaters and the opera cannot the kingdom ol German otticial source at n says : a de-ir- e to at houses, and the spirit of men, contributes something consider the question Over have reached Tromsoe, Norway. (Iod? Will the '(Jrand - I charge upon them the Infamous and music of the Duch- to the social welfare. He These are voluntary testimonials. The German gunboat litis witnessed the night, and that it was on cism" help people at last to sing the song is n builder this account Predilcnt Debs of the A. It. U. said in high handed larceny. I hold the samu rather than a destroyer. Ho helps For They for of Kow up'r-io- of the tu save speak themselves; sinking the Sluing, it is added that ths decision, which it was hoped n as a sailor I have heard of. Tin one. hundred and forty and four we can a speech at Chicago that he did every- s, iuw, Bssauaa aa awakens In men the dis- crew of 1. crew had lnen dlacnarged thousand! licshh If you iiicn of give you many that the the litis rescued would reached post-fsui- trom the vessel positions and the spiritual others. I. will be thing in li is power to prevent Pull- thosoculnr iutve energies by SALE We expect struggling in the because tin y would not work while they entertainment six days which their lives are enriched to Chinese the water. until 111 tho week w and made do business riirht in Honnlnli, man strike. Hereafter he proposes to went in port on the lord's day. The cap In hich to xerelse your al usi i It iui uieiiiselves anil others. Metho Tlie dispatch confirm, the report Ciai Hepresentative island gi-- beneficial InflUeneOj you twenty-fiv- e has Introduced fight out the battles of the organization tain went out to get sailors. He found ought not Uist Recorder. Or for years. We expect the Chinese were victorious over the a resolution instructing the Committee one man, and be said to him, wni you o allow Christian institutions to have 94 of which he is President along political servo hountf Is It unreasouabls to that to have most of the drug Japanese in the recent battle at Yan-bm- on Ways and Mean, to moon the SnbbalhV 4'Xo. " "Whv doiuaud American Tut. In Architecture. LEASE business, reiiort a bill lines. "Well," replied the if you have six days for the body and in too, as Cores. placing all not'' old sailor, "a Our domestic architecture Is In a sad our increased sales clearly sugars on the free list and for The man who will rob God Almighty hU lelleet WO should have one day at least for we suaar ships are crowding into of state when look at il from the staud-oolu- t show London. Aug. 8. A dispatch to tin raising 100,000,000 revenue hy Sabbath Would rob me of my wages nr Immortal soul!1 Or, to put it in that the public are an port in hot has e to tscape appre- if he of external appearance; when peo- sensible of tHmuiard aays; It - n orted that got a chance," shape, do you not really think that ple The Residence tlere tax. Itlaiid says concerning the could borrow niouey tu add all sorts of the presence of a live, cut-rat- e hended duty on the r .v material id Suppose you were poor, ur impartsuabiosou is worth m least on lias been a fresh collision between Chi I and you came in excreseuces in the shape of resolution "I have not consulted Mr. a much as our wild looking Lately drug store. in the new tariff bill, iipl never before dry good merchant and asked him for eventh perishable Uslyf purchesuud extravagant dormers, occupied by nese and Japanese troops in Corea. Il Wilson nor any one else, An artist has three gems a obtrusive but have acted in the history of P.iiladelplua was the cloth for garments, nml he should cornelian, gables and lowers, that have heeu Our later 11 built for announcements seems that after their recent defeat tin on my own judgment in submitting Uie pa, I give you six yards," und un amethyst and a diamond, lh hits to will be so cargoes Walls tne most part tu designs show ing the ex- - hair-raiser- Japanese aaaeiuble all harbor with if this off tin ut loom a ad to set them. Which one is of their avail reeolution. My purpose is to press it if trom counter binding up the treme of coarseness. So lt la that lu the Mr. A. J. Cartwright, character. you go io moat peytloular about? Now, the cor strength look tix yaitls should the conn streets of many of our veil-- able and the offensive, there indication that general ol towns we have j NEWMAN the Representative Cauiinetti has intro- tor end steal one Ian is the body, the amethyst Is (he In . & CO,, auhieviiig a deoid d victory over the ' additional yard. That tble architectural delirium., each builder Situated on lanff bill will fail." duced u hill U what ever) man does when be bieaki " licet, the diamoml is the SOUL Kor the undertaking to outdo Corner of Lunalilo and authorizing the Secretary wo the others lu extreme Chinese. Sam Kkam -- the Lord's gives US former yon propose tlx days of ppoor ibco, August 4 Private of t'u- - Interior to change the Habhath. esl six days and exaggerated effects. These designs In Keeauiuoku Streets, Makiki. 13rtiuUlMtis. Tien-T.i- boundaries unity while y,, ,r.T opportunity - A dispatch from aays all out of Hevui. reserving one for himself , M outline, molding and dispatch. Since writing aliout tariff it of Yoseinile li general detail the National Park when it and if you fur thf last, whii h is in value as 11. 394 the deserters from the troops inarching is will ma let bun have lt It roe and prolix as nussihle and whan it tf reported the Senate schedule has base is shown 1 I rod with lie mlu rs liks $100,1 00, 000, Out For to T ,k w.ll be hnhotuiail I,. ,l that the oms in re suitable i lean ueyotm all computation, comes to their painting they scream. further particulars apply to adopted with ihe saving Arrttln, 1 i one farthing, lv. idi s you must nut fur The " " ' ' " ' ' am opposed to this dataseatlon Bkuck W AsIIINliTON". Al,r .1 Mliri.t! ' '" --r,'t Caktwkight - no " V i f the Sabbath by sooular eotottabuoeots thai ulna Stallu ayst uuoly ulnaos iiouni reiers to sugar poses are included in it and are not i i . V' f n Milrodths of all Trustee. a ii .Irii in t .. It ON the ChristlMt eHort, On. Wy. eaLlofl ol bi.tl - tine a Wr the statutes of Dioat o., iino- oy or w i i ' c nn- out cm Mamms-He- re, Old I I lune-- e ' ejuireu ine puiuie llileiesls. in M stales The law in New ilita iiintry forth ths Uurd'. MQ shuae are 344 tf Kona an laud foices f i York sia'e all wore Coffee in Imri t ',di..H Mate.-- . . il. It isi. also t !ie nun- - ill Htuid.iy la the day un which tha t out again. Do you think you ' I i111""" comprises lerritoriJ located lor could possibly ore Veil li l tie .1 mi iit.su I inn l.i m- ... .. Urn keep your tout, POR .' "IKjrieii mat tlie uya,isl Commission mg uur noses the estahlisluuent of It Shall not hu lawful toexhlblt on the lumsniid buKUiud. aud liritutM rim oft the ground two weekst SALE AT ! -- I THIS night from the foreign office at Tokio. bus first any of the week, call, d visited by Cbrwttaa waa. Tb i the tho Albert Ves, mamma, dear, if I ouly PAPER nothing. J ihe I'ark. eijin1Uuy had SI J- - Sunday. u I ho public, wlusi thil youth o uiir gel limit a safety Harper's Young T. in aaW builUiaif. l'eoplt;, F, ,l ,, n.T iTT oiill.e, u WATERHOUSE'S "'jM jrllyis lnfonuRtiiiti lu ftondaj "' Queen Street Stores.


Till; II A W III H M IHINI Mills, :pout, verily. lllllilo WE LA RKPUBLIQU Till: Ml W III II BY AUTHORITY. HAWAIIAN STAB, Vov Ailverllvellleiite, iite Neaahen awtaea im morning aii II. I ..inllllonnl HSSegllltlea hy llnler The Kaala arm ed in port lat night Sugar stuck Suit, BeMajhlee1 the Trip. Willi from Kahiiku. Tory for PLAftatlli' WOIIK INTO wiiii MiriiK mi PMOMPTtl WMIl Sale of Loaso of Covcrnmcnt Lot nrsiNKss in ria Tl xoumori parlv Hint accumpntiicil Washington. July IIO. The President I apt am Davis brought his Waiiua-Ka- l No. 16 with two Stor, Wooden Tin ,iimi. Ti:tl TO OOMMM. ok Hnani.ci.c The Hawaiian Safe Deposit Invest- Mr. FVnnk I.. Hongs to the voh-nn- sent Congress another install into pnrt last night Building. Fort Street, Espla- ment i' panv lime a few than .f this morning hv the Kinau, nil IHaM of the Hawaiian correspondence, 1h usual number of coasters will keep Itep.ot rmn.- I M.lll i'.if rilllmlrll'lllli lull I. I, clu.n i, i Will Arrive On nade, Honolulu, Oahu. Hawaiian sogai ompany Mock .Mak- - delighted with the trip. They report the most important feature of which is thing- - to- busy along the water front - aj n HOWARD lilTCHi iji K l HUim . till cil In rulunrl the Next NiPMtnrr AfaarteaMi well) for sale. the volcano as heing in a very active Minister Willis' recognition of the new morrow morning. JOll Mel. Hli. i mood. On last Wednesday there were are Happy. Republic. He wrote: "I hereby, as far On Tuesday SepP mli.-- II. ISM, at 12 The loss of the Miowera, Stott coin- - o'clock noon at of AH IbTS MATH RIALS. For Sale, live cave-in- s at dilTrent points, hnt as I have a right to do. extend the Re- the front entrance the Blander, will give a local "investigating AHK ac- F.xecutive Building will be sold at Poli- PAUtPIC HAIlliW CO. From nil win'ii notwithstanding this the outer wall is public of Hawaii the recognition tot inn '2ft icoounto, the Philadeb To day United Stales Minister Albert enniinitiee' of three something to think tic Kurt st former 'malum to feci IImiisu ohser-ratto- n Auction the lease of Government - t'np-tui- still leOUfet and safe points of corded ils pfadeoeasor, the Provisional iihiu ready leave Iliii purl the n S. Willis received nn important commu- about. tell HNilii, iMfh riHitfi hitl Hint Wsnjffi. I.ot No. 15 on Fort street, F.splanade. ATtOKNfeY S Al LAW , will Mil limt live or nix men iiuw in are quite common. Whether the nication from Washington. Unlet Ban elll do this in the belief to. btftDM fift'l f firnattt' Ikhi-- etc. A Tlie well MM Ih w ill I dispatch from Christiana of the Honolulu, Oahu, containing an area of ('ECU. HHUWN hironinls are tmt rtilt find bfi llnc-kl- lake remain active much longer is that represent the President of the iirriHiitt-nta- l . the luirrack liirnril over to (he The dispatch acknow ledges receipt of 214 M' tr- MOO feet, inliiiiil St t as it seems to he to- the - ,Blsl. nil., states that the Miowera, Square together with the two ror nii()i dIhih. - A li tlifs tflli iii'l- -r Which thflV will ! Nevercly iiiestion, sinking the Minister's letter and papers, inform- United Slates, to whom, aa execii- W. Captain Stott, la aground on the Nor- - story wooden building on HsM Int. C m If poiiithtd lor dtMTtioQ. wards the howels of the earth. It pre ing the (iovernment of tiveehief of the Government, my action '' Kruthuiiinnuu St. the United - n - S ' oasi, i WWi c in n n mi Term ! Lease for 5 years. i ' it baa brand dimwJt tonh- - scnts I marvelous sight, however, and States of tile eslahhshment of a Kepuh will he promptly submitted for lieCeS- WtUAAM stkk bitn quite is In To Let. in aa aa ia sary latfeets that the vessel a complete lit il St tnin ini annul ion apotl the Piibjeet, tint one that fascinating it lie in Hawaii, and closes hy saying the approval." Upset price. MM, 00 per annum paya- - awful. The royalist Commission Wreck. ble if tin- statement (if MMty ofHoeN of tin' untiltcatiou and official document! were llawnlian in advance. HAKHtKS ConutOdMMM cottage A w adjninlug the Volcano limine stock will soon he now on its way Washington will he German steamer loaded ith K Philadelphia rnn he credited Oeptein transmitted to Congress hy the Presi- Pi anil J. A. KING. J. ashwi IRTH Afnng residence on Niiiianu avenue. onsidered guilt edged if hiisiness con- compelled to depend upon ils own consigned to the Nicaraguan Govern- Marker w ill leave few, if nny, of his- men dent on August Bd for its action, Minister of the Interior. Apply to tinues to keep up. The hotel has heen to Secure an audience with the ment which left Coliui a few days ago, in Honolulu when Mm ihlp depftrtSi The opinion expressed in local diplo- Interior Ofllee, CAKKlAUb MANUFACTUKKkS MlWs. I AFDMi, full for some weeks. There is a great Officers Of this Government. No assist is o rtcd wrecked off the Costa Rica Tlie Mtotouairtl in hand make it ftp matic and naval circles is that complete August II, IHU4. W. V. WRIUU tf Wsikiki. deal of local from nod anna in will be given by The wreck is believed to be the Fort npimsite iuli lis. pear that for the pant nix or eight travel llilo other recognition of the Heputdic of Hawaii that direction uo-- ai St.. Soil. places khe officers Of of He work "i enemies of Nicaragua, as the month" men limn the Philadelphia in the island of Hawaii. People will promptly follow and thai the next the legation the ride for sixty or eighty miles feel public here, who point out that would arm- - ave disappeared from the veseoli UKbSSMAKtKS. .Yoticr. have, from time to time, deserted and and steamer will bring such intelligence. it BOARD OF EXAMINERS. m well repaid for making the (J be manifestly improper for" thera to in S. S, C. Miss m. KITCHHLL w trip. ratification is hy Ameri- The Australia, II. Holldlette -, no clown to their hereahontn eould he expressed Fort nn. hcr. uitiin St. During the als-e- e ( Mi- Kenner, Among the passengers from the vol- can Naval officers Hie Presi- ttroode in behalf of any one who is op- commander, left San Francisco August found. here that The Boaid of Kaaminefl of applicants Miss It OIUtKM WELL, Miss O. II. (ireeiiwi ll has taken ch. rge cano this morning were Judge Frear posed to the existing Government. 4. 1894, at 2 p, with 27 cabin SO ,'il-- t They would rnnie ashore and dent has taken up the matter so in., and for special rights of citizenship Fnrt St of the llressiuakiiic D. of 2. Ha- under psrltnent J. J. and wife, Qeorge 0. l'otter, and W. K. Washington, August The steerage passengers 5a hags of I drop out of sight. Drmwd in promptly. and mail. Article 17 of the constituiion will hold Kgan, II Fort Sr. tMMI - lc. Mrs. Castle did not return. (She waiian Roalist Commission has not ac- Kxperienoed Hue FlfNIlUKt AND UI'HOLb ILKhKb. clothes their own comrades would weather throughout their llrst meeting on 10, w IT IS NOW 1)11" Friday. July ill remain at the YolcaW) House for "Hit. Jl complished much in the interest Of the the voyage, w ith light northerly winds iiltliWAY , POUTER fail to gniz them in some cases, ancl 1HI1I, in the Judicial v Ituilding in the Rota Horses Soli Re? era! weeks longer as the hraeing air DBonarChiats since coming to Washing- tie- firal two days and then light trades si for it seems that they have managed to The MuM Justice Twice ll.niiir.il In room adjoining the Constituiionnl Con- .1. HOPPA CO .it that point is giving her ton. So far as is know n the en deceive others. renewed America. minis int port. Arrived at Honolulu August vent ion Hull. King St. Strength Her sons will prohahlj leave sioneis have not yet seen President II at M a. The police hot any one else thought of This morning Judge A. F. Judd re- in. Morning session tl o'clock to The celebrated trolling horse ( aptaitl on the next Kinau to join her. The Cleveland. HOKSKSHOtKS. Jack. looking in t in- baietnaut ol tbe Sxeou- - ceived his diploma from the Yale col- o'clock. Aftcrnopn session 1 o'clock to .1. w Volcano read is about completed to Samuel Parker called at the Navy PASHMNOKBl. MCDONALD, gray saddle mare also broken the j tl Slnii!.- to tivc bttihiltlg for the runaways, ami the lege corporation making him a d o'clock. Kurt St., i'pmsite door of the house and now the prisonein Department to day ami held a pleasant harness. military otiicers of the (iovernment took Uoctor-o- Laws. AltKIVIII. EDWARD T0WSB. I bay saddle mare. are employed in huilding a new stretch interview with Secretary Herbert, in IN.SURANCs:. KIRfc. AND MAKINfc. I them in. ever irjftpectlrlg they were en- The Judge also received notice that From Haul and Hawaii, per stinr CAUL BU8CHJA8T. heavy drav horse. Applv to of mad to connect with the old Kau whom he bore a letter of introduction, Kinau, August 11. Volcano: Pot-- ! F. 1. CUTTFIR, HISIKIP Eil. A. Williams, imfl listing 1'i.cle soldiers. men he had been made a OC III and till Kiiu- si. Sain'" The member of the Dis H I I) W K Foremen's pOndoB ' road. presumably Iroin Admiral Walker. ler, O Williams, I.eteher, 403-- tf Funil, and lOtitf changed their Bame ho the story goes, trict of Columbia branch of the Sons of Hellbron, (i Wallln, V Clifford, Secretary Herbert subsequently said the Miss. CASTLE A i'iuiKI'.. ami iinele stutenicii'a to the oflieers HOW TIIKY Wll.l. Fl.V. the American Revolution. This honor is Lithe Love, Mrs vV li lioogs, F L Hoogs. New call was purely social and had no polite IRKIOATION NOTICK. Aetna, Allituiis'. KukIiohI Mutual K s K whieli prevented snspieion. derived through .lodge Judd's great- A W Orockstt, W L Whitnev, Tlieo Btajrete Karen cal signiHcauce whatever. Riehardl, Master C Sinith, W B Castle. SMOOTH A few at Kaplotaal Park This grandfather on Ida Colo- Holders of water privileges, or those JtWliLKKS. in lart(t or Siinilays past one of the soldiers mother's side, ,1 n I! w A llSI'UUOBi FOilndell, Mahonar. Judge t at the harrneks was out riding with his nel Samuel Williams of a Connecticut wife, l)r M and paying water rates, are hereby untitled J. K. QOME8 rilll.AIIKI.rill.t WILL GO. I'rear and J Whitney I0ti Fm t This is "bicycle day." At Kapiolani .1 T that the hours for irrigation purposes si. best girl ami, at Waikiki. came face to regiment. wife, Mrs Lewis ami daughter. Miss CAYENNE qiianti Park this 2:30 Rice, Miss Whitney. Way Porta: Mrs J are from 7 to 8 o'clock a. ami 5 to ft face wit!: several of the men from the afternoon, beginning at It will be remembered that the orga- AdSalfal Wnlker Arts 0poa Ills Own ni. PHYSICIANS AND SUR0fc0N3 o'clock, eight ruces will take place. siemson and 8 children, It It Hind and o'clock p. ra. ship. They at onee reOOf tilled the man nization referred to is very particular Tadcaiaatt wile, Miss M K Hind, .las M Hind, L Mclennan gold and I A. BROWN, 181 Port PINEAPPLE us living one Connelly who lutil dBlurted Three six silver medals will he in he selection of its members, only The Philadelphia is ready to leave ami Aseu, wife and II children, Mrs ,1 Nhaw st given us prizes to the successful compet- lineal is and child, Mrs Neal, Miss Julia Qulntli Sopt. Honolulu Water Works. timlh from the Philadelphia several monthi descendants of soldiers of the scheduled to depart for San Francisco RtS I A U RANT'S. The Miss Miiiina Kane. Miss IJ Haind, Miss. Approved: KING. ago. To his friends of the war vessel itors. follow ing ure the entries in American Revolution heing admitted (Sunday) morning at H J. A. SUCKERS M Dice. Chai Lake, Win Berlowlta, I'HAS. I.1.N1I Suck e rs the races : o'clock, Minister of the Interior. Niiiiatiu SI the deaeirter told all about his employ, Admiral Walker said s (1 Wilder, and on M deck. are grown in Florida and produce the 1. KKPOKT nUKUUCMi Ofllee Honolulu ment at th Government Building and One mile, open standing start, that the Charleston should have h it Water Works. Oneat fruit in world. rroin San r ranclSOO, per steamer Honolulu. May 25, 181)4. SALOONS. the Correspond- gold medal; A. I.. Atkinson, Uenry .Mare 10 named six or eight other hluejaekets KlicoiiritR-ill- KeWS HOOelfOd From the Island two or three days ago. Australia, .August A J Campbell, 357-t- f ence solicited, V. ES, MERCHANTS Qiloe, A. Chapman, H. Wulkcr. Nothing, Miss Kuima I'ameron, Miss lVarl Came- .1. who wen1 aleo in the ranks. Of course ICuyHt Commission. however, is curtain about the s. Shaw, Proprietor ORLANDO GRAPE FRUIT CO,, Half-mil- ron, Miss Hannah Baatuan, w M ft all the flagship. 2. novice, Hying start, departure of prohahlv John the matter went through The following has been certified to the latler or her son, Miss Alice II M Kc worth, PACIFIC Bin medal; George H. Angus, F. Xnapp, REGISTRATION NOTICE. I. F. Wnllcrs, Manager irlando, Florida. Then some of the sailors made it u silver the Cocoanut Club as u copy of an auto- arrival here. The Australia left the Msss Bertha W. Kimball, it a Knight. of Mitauoka, W. Nott, Harry Wilder, N. i H McVeigh Miss The Hoard appointed for the registra- - SMPIRR point to apprise the deserters the fact graph wire message brought in the Charleston on the dry dock. and wile. Dora K N. Heipm, Manager. Pulhjn, Mrs ami son John tion of voters on of Oahu w ill that they had been located hy the Cap- Halstead, Henry Hnpai. Australia's mail. SpHftliing of the departure of the Pitts Summer the Island ROYAL e, and Mr Mrs Saxtnti. Mrs Wray would be :i. Quarter-mil- open flying start, Philadelphia wite. and attendance at the old Legislative tl. Hawkins, Manager, tain and returned to the Phila Washinoton, D. O.i Aug. 4, 1WI4. Admiral Walker Rated Taylor and child, Mrs W M Thirds, ; Hall, in Hono-- , before ship leaves. silver medal A. L. C. Atkinson, R. A. that he had received no orders what- Mrs in the Judiciary Building, COMMERCIAL delphia the Xp the Kahuna Nui and all the faith- Uhaa Williams, Mrs 0 I. Wright, II. Kleninie, Manager. la made J'exter. Henry ones, .1. Kahuiiunuole, soever leave, acting solely Mrs ( Warner, L C Warner and wife, lulu, from 9 to 10:110 a. in. and from 4 to Tim statement further thai ful : Jo but wai PANTHEON H. E. Walker. upon his The 0 M Walton. 8 p. m., on F'riday, July 90th, 18H4. and Arrived the man Weal who deserted Wednesday Very successful so far. Send more own judgment. Phila- Jim Undd. Prop Just belongs on the Philadelphia; that he! 4. Half-mil- hoys' nice, Hying start : delphia received comparatively no DKPABTBD. every weekday thereafter until further money. 11 notice. VI. KINAU SUKObONS. became frightened at the reports thai al"1 eoond pilv medals; John mail, it heing held at Mare Island for For Maoi and Hawaii, per stinr W per bkt'n Irmgard, p- Pamuei. Sakkkii. Hall. Aug 10 Volcano: W W Noll, C.T. BODGER8, A. H. ROWAT, 11 v. 8. officers of the Philadelphia B,,ul - B Bilveata, W. Vida, the arrival of the flagship there. the Vt H. A. Narhowman, Miss Florence Nott. Way ports; Miss ANTONIO PF.HRY, Infirmary M King St. had located him; and that he left here J- - 8- - Martin Jr., Goro Xacayamu. Admiral Walker stated that he C Ureenwell, Mrs H N Oreeuwell, II II "' Half-mil- John A. Going. DAVID KELIIPIO. in a small open hoat to hang around the open Hying start, gold did give Samuel 1'arker the letter of Kahnulelio, K Okkots. tirau, C II WATCHMAKKHS. ( 11 f Dex-whe- n Dickey, N Onisl d. S liilhiigworth. bland until the flagship bad departed medal ; A. L. C. Atkinson, H. A. The ,1. A. Cummins arrived this morn- Introduction to Secretary Herbert men- V. .1. Kltl tlER, Aheen and hoy, 0 B Wells (from Fnrt St., Merchant, AY he woOld return to the city, ter. Henry Giles, H. E. Walker. ing. tioned in a Washington dispatch. The Maalaea). WATER NOTICE. ciiriier iH & West having returned this evening, G. One mile, three-minut- e cIubs, Admiral says that he gave Judge Choice Nl'.CKKIl WHOLKSALK LIQUOKS. however, a shade of doubt on this standing start, silver medal; J. Kalania-naol- e, ISLAND. Widemahn and Sir. Parker letters, to AllltlVAI.S. Owing to thcdroiight and scarcity of puis W. S. LICE, (GRAIN I he yarn. Y. A. Chapman, Henry Hapai. several friends in Washington, hut was water, the residents above Judd street part of Why an Attempt to Take PonhckhIoii of FRIDAY Aug 111. i(l! Merelianl SI F. Mitauoka. particular in seeing they have absolute- are requested to collect what water they Colonel Fisher, when seen this morn- It Failed. Stmr Wsimaualo. Davis, from circuit or 7. Three-fourth- s mile, open Hying ly no political w eight. may require for household purposes ing said titui there might be two MelbouiiNE, July 28. Robert Reid, of Oahu. start, gold medal; A. L. C. Atkinson, Wai-ana- e 8 o'clock a. 111. three deserters at the barracks, but be Minister of Defense denies the charge The Wailnanalo will leave at noon Stinr Kaala. Thompson, from R. A. Dexter, II. E. Walker, Henry and Kahiiku. ANDREW BROWN. CALIFORNIA had no idea there were as many as that has heen made against him that he Monday for West Oahu. seven or eight. The question put to Giles. Saturday, Aug 10. Supt. Honolulu Water Works. COTTAGES revealed the British intentions in re- 8. One mile, novice, standing start, HBWa IN A M ISIIKI.I,. Mokolii, McGregor, Molo- Honolulu, H. I., July 20, 1894. applicants were numerous and very gard to taking possession of Necker Stmr from FEED pointed, but it was poMlble for u silver medal; Hurry Wilder, Henry kai ami fianaii 404-t- f Island. Ha states that Sanford Fleming The latest quotation on raw sugar O & () Australia. Iloudlette, from San deserter dressed in citizen's clothes to Hapai, (I. 11. Angus, N. Halstead. sent a man to charter a steamer at Hon- wasS.121,.. Francisco. For COMPANT get by deliberate falsehood. Rent in THE MA1I1KONA KIKK. olulu for the purpose of seizing Necker Stmr Waiahnle, Smythe, from II The Australia brought twenty-seve- n II. (Cor. Qneen and tfunatra He said that tho .Govern Island, trusting that Great Britain and km st.) ment hud in its employ any men from Mpmitiiiieiiiis Ooaabnstfoa Ih Sitlil to be cabin passengers. or ring up 121. would recognize the seizure. The Gov- DKPA n 1. telephones No the Philadelphia, they would be re- th' CaiiMe nf the llluze. ernment of Hawaii, learning of this TheSehntaan Club adopted a set of t flagship us soon us such FatDAT, Aug l'mmpt Dallvargri' turned t the The fire that destroyed the store of proposed movement, took steps to pre by-la- last night. II. in- fucts were made known. He was Wilder iSc Company at Mahukona in sup- vent its being carried out. Stmr W G Hall. Sinierson, lor Maui The Kinau brought twenty faur pas- -' clined to discredit the report that such posed to have started among the stork anil Hawaii. . . hud ever enlisted, but admitted the sengers from the volcano. Pearl of paints and oils. It was discovered Will Try Fur Aiiierlru's Cup. FBMHfno IIKI'AKTIItKS. poeslbiHly of such an H occurrence and about o'clock, in the evening of July New York, August 2. The Uemhl'n Heat Kapiolani Park at 2:30 sharp theea-- with which could Sch S N for San also such pass Sllt but nothing eould be done to ex-- i (ttasgow correspondent this afternOOn it you wish to see the Castle. Francisco Castle & Cooke, cables: "I hear Aug 15 undetected. tingttith the flames as no lire . . . they have a yacht is being built on the Clyde to bicycle races. Hk Albert for San Francisco Aug IH. City apparatus at that point. The night was challenge for The CVLLIKGS I hum THK COCBT. Ameriea'scup yacht is with IHX1 - It resrted that a steamer .i iiii nut mm in n in u ;i- niinv illy, is being built, according to my informa- . . t I s IMPORTERS, Japanese laborer! is due here within the IMIMIUTs AMI Api ! Found Qullty fn the Charge of otherwise the whole place would have tion, for head of a syndicate; at the next few days. Malicious lnjii'). heen wiped The loss will he i ill ly IMPORTS. Peninsula Hardware out. vrhioh is Ixird Provest Bell of Glasgow."' S, r,00- A royal- Ex Waiuleale 409 baa sugar, head The l tin- - Kfiiulilic- of - private letter slates that the ObM Hawaii Surrounded. cattle. 10 Islls hides. and Apii malioloUaj injury, occupied The huilding was erected in 1881 and ist commission to Washington bus ac- vb. the !1 New York, August The HtraUtt cot-tu- attention of the Circuit Court, JinlVe was usi'd as an olliee and v.; vhnuse for complished nothing. An opportunity to rent di nimble 'n Commission corresponuent in aiparaiso says: at VSTV FfMOimbls It in u AVliitiiijr, nil Friday forenoon. Ttoe jury Wilder & Co. It also con.... ncd he Post ttoru rate. comes from Rio Grande do Bui, Brazil, The "personally conducted" volcano Clifford. BlacUman pfileet health resort, with a RlSgnifl-cen- t returoed h verdict f guilty, Office and Custom House ouarters anil view, and only 45 minuter from Merchants, the "overniueiit troops have sur- - parly returned this morning, brown hut The Ofaii bighbindere, Aii Hong( railroad waiting room. When the lire"1"" A Boston Boy'8 Eyoslght Honolulu. rounded the rebel General Saraiva 111 a delighted with the trip. i ( Pak Chew Pak Fuo mnl Pun Ubft, fur Bnished its work, everything was de- Something New Savod Perhaps His Life The following cottar1" on 'oral ave light near Solado, and that bis situation IllQSi facing the tradr winds an offered: General Merchandise, asuaultii' a Chinete police ofQoef, were stroyed hut three safes, one of w hich Mr. .1. L. Buehee, who left hereby the is desperate. Ity Hood'i Sarampartll Blood PoW Uncle Sain's Villa, Sievcn'r Villa. exainined iy Jmic Boberteon Friday contained the olliee hooks. These were Warrimoo, is said to have left John Every Day Wiitri house VlllS. Sweei Home, Dimond REtorning. itk Chew was found guilty recovered hut were vvry much damaged. PJMttOMAIt. Nott's liooks in a tangle. oned by Canker. Villa and Aloha Villa. Agricultural Read the following from a grateful Thev arc OOOVSnioUtlff arraimed with and ittntencpd to one montb'l iuiirirton-meu- t Work will soon lie commenced on a new The Year. mother. R. It is learned y that residents on In My little boy had Scarlot Ferer when 4 yean hath room, etc., and are partly furnished Implements and to pay Coot, H.'-i- The structure. W. Castle has returned from Ha- sooth slope of Punchbowl have not had old, and It loft him Tery weak and with blood inOIUaiDg Mtove, Kiicuen uiensiiH, rrocK-er- otheiH were dfaohgrgejd. waii. poiioord will, HU eyes became ware, etc. and THK rill.YNKSl AN'S HI II WATCH. caaker. Henry Mossman returned from water since last Sunday. ao Inflamed that his tuff erlngs were Intense, and Also unfurnished cottages in different Plantation m for seven weeks he loofttioiiH on the Peninsula, viz.: Dole How iln Ited Fish and Ihe I hnrlestuii School. The luafl for the coast hy the U. S. V. Supplies. We have now ready a rilla, Waterloo Tlace, Oleander Place, Scare KanakMH. C. M. Walton was a passenger bv the S. Philadelphia will close at H o'clock Could Not Open His Eyes. and others. ti8tf CBMTBAIi DHIOM OBUHOB. ' 1 him to Eye catchy and novel line of took twice during that time the Very Hpeciul for transportation The superstitious Kanakas along the Australia. (Sunday) morning. Infirmary on Charles street, their ratn Sunday, Aug. 19, Mornlngl "The Souvenirs that are sure to and Ear but will be made hy the Railroad Company strand are terri'oly wrought up over the A. J. Campbell from remedies failed to do him the faintest shadow Oospel of Punishment." livening: "Jhe returned the One musician for the band, one be prize winners. to occupantH. presence of swarms of Alalawa, or red Coast of good. I commenced giving him Hood's For terms, particulars, etc., apply to Gospel of Gladness." printer and one newspaper 1'cporler Rarsaparllla and it soon cured him. I have lish, in the harbor. Added to this ter of rever doubted hie aisjlif, even Help Wantedl! C. R. to- The issue that it envrd All are cordially invited to attend. McVeigh and wife arrived by came down 011 the Australia. tes- rible "sign" is the fact that the Charles- H not him w, tj life. You may use tins W. W. DIMOND, Sunday S hool nt 9:45 A. 51. day's Australia. timonial In any way you choose. I am always ton, a ship whose very mention now Messrs Castle & Cooke, ready to sound tho praise of T. W'ntel house's Hardware Strangers cordially invited to all ser- B. A. Knight of are importeis SURCHARGED at J. and p ill to is Oakland arrived in Crockery Store, Queen Htleet. vices. irtends the Kanaka's mind, of plantation supplies, and general $25 per day. The red fish the city this morning. Hood's Sarsaparilla ST. AMiitiAVs" OATHKDBAL. daily expected. have merchandize see advertisement. STAMPS because of tlie wonderful good It did my son." bay for Major G. C. Potter returned from the - 1'he services of the C.ilhedral Congre- been swarming into the aboot soon be a A it it r F. Blackmam, 23B8 Washington St, I once- had a wheel Volcano this The loan Vaudeville Company will thing of gation of St. Andrews' Cathedral for ten days, and they say that when the morning. Amat Boston, Mass. Oct HOOD'S. Some sucker stole it which played here on the evening of the past, the few remaining in col- - are as follows: (l::!U A. M., iharlestnn arrives some prominent Health Agent Reynolds retorned this HOOD'S PlLLS hand mkMle, and ftre pes I want it back again; will pay July 5ih is war hound in Ynknl auia. lections will steadily grow in value. feet in oom position, proportion muI appsMaace. Holy ComniUllioni II A.M., Holy Com- member of the family will morning from Molokai. I25.00 nwtrd for information lead- surely die. To preserve a number in a useful Hobron Newman Co TELEPHONES munion and sartnoni lutO e. m., even- Mrs. J. T Lewis and daughti r return- Twenty consisting of ( 'hinese, ing to its recovery pereonl, way, we conceived the idea of con-- 1 Whi.taHale Agentfl. e song and aarmon. 11, ed from Hawaii keep your eye open alleei-iat- ('ariiot'M AhsmmsIii S. n. 11I Japanese and natives, were arrested verting them into articles of jewel- and IBOONO a IMOSgOATIOMi ar- the sufl'erings of a Lyons, Aug. 8. At the conclusion of Misses Pearl and Fliuiua Cameron F'riday morning for of ry, the first lot of BELL fellow nf Secnlld f.'ollgre-gatiim'- and cyder The services the Ihe trial of Caserio, the murderer of rived from the Coast taxes. A New Departure ,Sl. Andrew's i .ithcdral to Walking is pretty tough this hot President Carnot, in the assize court here MrB. W. Taylor and child returned Abe Fernandez has gone to Molokui, MUTUAL wiU he aa follows: CUFF weather. My .1 morraw (Sunday) v pet wheel was j. , Ihe prisoner wus sentenced to he this uicrniog, and rsy is happy, it is said, to consult the "old The Hawaiian M. , tune' Messenge 71 No.JB 9:4.i A. nini ning praj er a ith seromn; Rambler, Conner rims. (;. A executed hy the guillotine. In spite of L. C. Warner, wife and Mrs O. kahunas regarding the political VeuitVi Etajea in F Te Deutp. Miuun in W. BUTTONS J. tires, foot brake, 68 gear, ihe prisoner's defiant attitude, his habit- - er returned to the Islands atmosphere. weight Men. Italli-hil- l ns pos- did us, in G; hymns dal smile his just finished, convinces that Service. j.S lbs., all on including tools and f disappear from lace The,.. - 2i:l 1110; aatltaaa, "I will lift up Vrofessor Richards of Kameha- The hest weekly newspaper published sibilities in that line are great. bag. ad wiien lue seuieiice in iciiin wan pro- ...a... u,.i,,..,i , 1... .1.,. tr:. mine ek's," bj hiiliehl: (I: :SU p. 111., in the Republic is the Hawaiian Btab. They are without a doubt nounced. M. do llreuil, the irisoner's L M. JOHNSON, Manaukk. Consolidated HONOLULU CYCLERY, i M.tgnifiiHt, day. your (rtendl the we Bveusong with armom counsel, gave notice of appeal, ami in Kicp abroad posted. Sand prettiest thing have Mutual Ti'lephonu Mftf. Hell Telephone MU in A: Nunc l.iuiiilis, Ilei thoveu in Mrs. Charles Williams returned them a copy. made for some time, and are Olliee in .Mum. nn Building. Soda Water Works 107 King street. Hlrd so doing asked that the presiding The Reinbler Agency. Utlal; hy 1111 MlandtSS. Rev. Alex after a severul weeks visit in the "home- already selling at a lively rate. judge's charge to the jury at the Open1 At last night's 111 etidg of the Schut-ci- i Co., Ltd. 4IH - KaeklMoabi pastor. All are cordially land.'' We to furuidh ing of the session be entered 011 the Club a resolution was passed en We will toon luivn u vmifty of iirti-cl- are prepared invited. recoids, Judge Frear and wife and Dr. Whitney dorsing the Eiumelulh bill now before retuly, many Of tin U- -t Uniformed Messengers Mill I'llltlSTIAN MISSION. and family returned hy the Kinau this anil nitmt valuable Itompt; and that the the Councils. at all hours. You ring uh up and Criterion Saloon Nil Hum II, ,11 liemuri'l will la grMti K'"H without Meetings at liariuniiy Hall, on King Call Muile. morning. we do the rent. Piomptnew and Mr. Simpson, late manager of Sans The pfioe will lie ho low everyone streit. between Fort and Alakea streets. A rumor was circulated Friday that W. M. Johntsone, a farmer from will want Otnelhing in the lot. Look aaUHfaclion uuaiani w BoUOftt has accepted a position at tiie Hourly (timunce T. D. Ossein, Evangelist, ill preach Itc v. Stephen H. L. l'eiirose had declined California, reached the island in our upper window, when patittiuK. rates isaosstSi " iuu JOHN WIELAND Southern nee Mckst'nKrrs Mt. Jsf-t- f 111 Commercial Saloon ami is now mixing al 9:15 a. and 7:20 p. in. Morning 10 accept a call to the pulpit of Central paradise by the Australia. and not" tlie pretty d.Hpluy. theme: ''The Mcisiiie of Human Re- Union church. Mr. F. C. Jones in- U. P. 8. to the taste of the elite. EXTRA PAtE UGER BEER Misses Hertha W. Kimball and Han- HONOLULU IRON sponsibility." levelling theme: "The forms the Si ah that 110 call has been Mich WlCHMAN, WORKS. nah Eastman, two school teachers of in material, rare in model, rao) H. F. Sower, the Soil and the Seed." submitted to the liev. Mr. Penrose, and, in speed is the Kauibler, always 011 draught. California, arrived 32311 FORT STKKKT. V. H, 0. A. SKKVILE8. ciu.seipieiitly the rumor referred to is latail "atrial News. Km.im-.k- Si i. All Mil l.a, BoiMEHM, without foundation. Mr. Jones stales Miss Alice Kuapp of Denvvr returned Mi ill Smuhiy, II a. M., at Oahu Jail; 1:19 For the Sale! 2 aiiseuce, Inquiry at Executive Huilding this further that he does not think Mr. Pen- after several years' and ClHILKIlH, IHIIN, UHABH AND I.KAI1 e - For 25 Cents. p, n ai ihe Biurraoka; ItlQ v. K,, Bible morning elicited rose is in a position to accept a call here will assume the priucipaUhip of the the information that study al Y M. 0. A.; li::IU p. M., Gospel the Minister of Foreign Affairs received Kauiblera rarely require ri'iuir. C'AHTINUH. 40 IIIIIIM I'OWI U as In- is visiting the island on a leave of li.ns Preparatory at Kamehauieha Fine Wines ami UqMMfc Kreh fljttoH praise lervloe al 51. Q, a. School. no important news from Wash absence from his own church, his Another (tumuli in tlie recurde. li & J Machinery of Every Denoription Mxle by Kvcry bleanier, I'ock- - Tuesday, i :Si0 p. Ojetcr M., prayer meeting at w inglnn. The hulk of the despatch at Onler. l'artieular attention palil to Muj vacation expiring on September 1st. Arrival. tires did it. taiU a Specialty. Y. M. 0. A. The 8. 8. Gaelic brought to llollisler hand treats of Ihe tarilf matter, w Inch lllaekHinllbing. Jol. work executed at Hhoi t Ham. Ml Ijruvti. Engine and Boiler lath;i:-oa- svintb. & Co. a large shipment of Manila olaara is given elsewhere in this issue. The The HritiHh have leoded a force at ni.Mr. L. H. Dkk. Fropietor. There will be a private subscription frnni some of the most eelehrated fac- Minister of Foreign Affair stated thai itlueltelda, NicariiKua. Chief OtaWOOl IlenrganUed Churel, of Jesus Christ of tories of that place, w hich they are im llama at Keuiond tirove Monday even- though of li.. fortilied M. & CO. Latter Day Saints; Miiilani Hall, real of offering for sale, cither in bond or duty the matter recognition was the town. PHIIUPS For particulars Knquirc at ing, August Kith. A special train will receiving H. W. SCHMIDT & SONS. Opera liniiM.. Serv ices will tie held on paid, al their store, comer of Port and newspaper discussion, nothing The Chine colony in Montreal ia Vh"Utale linport'rM and J oh hers of leave ihe depot at 7 :I10 o'clock lor the Mei chant streets. .sir il ntlicial had been received by tlie weeotvAws Sunday us foiloWil 10 A. II.. liilde Kfowfam ao rspidl tint the antlioritiea iiiiki, acciinilnndatioll of guests. as yet. AMERICAN & EUROPEAN DRY GOODS, UfFOBTBSN ANU roMUlssioN class; 11:10 a. M. and TtW P. preach Watch the Copper Eiuimer next arc iliacuuuing ineann of Keeping the or lu U. f, II,LIN.II n. OSfttST Fort and tU'ttn HU. . Honolulu. MK1UHANT8. Ride a Kauibler and keep in front. titles will be (VleatialH away from that eiljr. 11 ing. there too :tf Foil Street, Honolulu,


Metropolitan Meat Co. ugyy T. B. MURRAY, B30 HONOLULU jg FINE T. 8TRS N. S. SACHS, 81 STREET, J. Waterhouse KING JEWELRY Carriage and Wagon EMPIRE Wholesale & Retail Butchers JOB WORK. MANUFACTURER. Saloon. Queen Street Stores, STORE, Repairing, i inner Hotel and Nimanii S(ieetn. AND DOS FORT STREET, FULL LINKS OP Painting, ( Ill 111 K OLD FAMILY NEW GOOPS anything thei Navy Contractors. Is prepawd t" manufacture -- OPFNFD- - in itH lini'. JUST fl I H'4I 1 I?W M imirer star's" electric Trimming, Hardware, Crockery, Saddlery PRINTING WORKS g ".Souvenir Spous a Specialty, Nrati.y Donk. Wines Brandies COTTON CRAPES, A New Assortment of MclNERNY BLOCK I tie Give me II.HACKTiai) , CO.! A Inn on hiiml a Kini' Stork of All work Korrantwil "f tiet. AND Figured and Solid Colors CHALLIES ...... Ikwalpt .vervtliini trial anil Sf DOBrifiOML M ...,-- v...... in WtpaNd to do all kinds of Oyster Cocktails a Specialty, AM Wool and Silk Striptd, in Light and ill tin' Intent (h'MKlis. Blttttk) Book, Job News- (1 and No. King Cotton and Linen Duck, Dark rounds. paper printing at fair prices. 44 Street. E. N. REQTJA, FANCY GOODS F'or Dresses in White and Cream An UUIIIIIII99IUH mvikiiania vt. ti. Mi. liml Telephone MS. 1". O. Hoi 4 wsmt Mh linger. Immense Assortment of i7. Kurt Striet. W. f of all descriptions. " isi.anp Obbum Promptly Attended tn. Fancy Figured Dimities WHITE DRESS GOODS 1 I Pactflc linn l, . And Mutdin and fl fT R 1 5 ' Hawaiian Wine Co., Figured Stripes Plaids. P ' Orlrii Mammoth ATLAS Fkank Brown, Moii. E. A. JACOBSON Posters COMPANY, New Jet and Silk PasSimenterie Trimmings. a ASSURANCE !H and HO Merchant St., Honolulu, H. I. Fort Street Store Queen St Honolulu, h. .. Specialty. KOUNDBl) lOW. MAY & CO. Tlie Republic. lieinK neruicd. we are h Capital, - - now prepared to sell at No. lO. BEAYER SALOON. Wholesale and Retail $6,000,000 Honks. Pamphlets, Len Papers, IN ADDITION TO THE LARGE AS- Fort St.eet. - Opposite Wilder & Co. Hand Bills, lodtfers, letter ami Assets, - - $9,000,000 Annexation Prices- - KRAJEWSKIS Hill Heads, BtUrineH and Visiting SORTMENT OP H. J. NOLTK. Prop'r. Cards, TicketH. Programs, eto. . . TIIK IIKST OF Havlnu been Hppointert HKnt8 of the abovi c 'in-- GROCERS FirMt - LttttdwB Mrvad wttfe fca. Coffaa PATENT Soda Wntel fJIfilSt Ale or Milk. Cnmpany Wi are now rMdy to etlect DRY AND FANCY GOODS Fori SI reel. ames at the lowt'Ht Mfteaol prenuniru Wines, QfSmokeri' Requisites a Specialty K, W. BOHM1DT Honh. Ales Mini 2 801110 MaSS 10111)07)1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED Both Telephones 2. P. O. Box 470 I Spilit, At wholesale. No goods sold CANE IRON WORKS. at retail. India Linen and Persian Lawns, CRUSHER - HONOLULU STEAM and GALVANIZED PIPE, EL- :jsh tf Embroidery, in II vard pieeea ROWS. T-- AYS O LORE-VALVE- Roman and Uuipure Embroidery, STEAM OOCtt, and all other Httings 'btkam Enoinks, Sugar Mills, Boilkrh, HE HONOLULU IKON WORKS COMPANY, PACIFIC HABDWARB CO. LTD. for pipe on hand. Club Stables Co. Oriental, Platte, and other lacea, in Coolkrs, Ikon, Hhaks and Lkao white, cream and black, having secured the Exclusive AGENCY for the Hawaii- Castinos. S. K. GRAHAM. Managfu.. an Islands lor the Krajewski Patent Sugar Cane Crush FORT Honolulu Steam Rice Chiffon Lace, all colore, 402. 404 STREET. 45-i- Lace Net, cream and black, , er, are now prepared to receive orders for the same, to be milled Kit e .01 Malt in 'jminlities tn suit Machinery of Every Description Made Liverv. Feefl and Sale Stables. HAVE JUST RECEIVED ffh Order. Particular attention paid to Ship Striped and Check Dimity, delivered in time (or the next crop. J. A. HOPPER, Prop'r. Rlacksmithing. Jol work executed at Shoi t Fort Street, Between Hotel Wide Japanese Crepe, white and colr'd, This machine, which has been invented but a lew years, has Port RtfffWt. Honolulu. refine. and Heretania. Picture Mouldings Cream and been adopted by a great number ol cane Both Tklhphonks No. White, Black Surah Silk, sugar manufacturers, Of the Latest Patterns. 477. in CONNECTED WITH HACK STAND White and Cream Silk Crepe, especially Cuba, where it was first put to trial and where it Bird Cages Cor. King and Hetliel StB. Navy and Cream Serge, became extremely popular. Nearly one-thir- d of the whole sugar H. E. MclNTYRE BRO., in For Canaries and Parrots a Large Assortment BOTH TELEPHONES NO. 113. Suez and Tennis Flannel. crop made Cuba is being made with the assistance of these The JennesB-Mille- r "Equipoise" waist crushers. These crushers have also proved a great success in' Vacuum Oilers lMTOKTEKS AND DHALF.KS IN Prima Donna and P. D. Corsets, other West Indian Islands, and Louisiana, as can be seen by testi For All Kinds of Machinery. Peed oil of Commercial Saloon. Indies' Black Hose. any density, automatically, by visible drops, rapidly HARRY Kl.EMMIi, Mgr. monials on hand. or slowly as may be required. Will teed from one Groceries, Provisions Feed. These crushers when attached to any cane mill will increase drop in ten to a steady of oil. Oiling and Corner NuuaDU and minutes stream llerotania Street, its capacity by from 50 to 100 per cent; will improve extraction; by hand wastes enough oil to pay for all necessary Honolulu. HYMAN BROS. The Only Sporting House in Town. will regulate feed of the mill. We have three of these machines oilers in a short time. Importers of and Wholpnale Dealers In East LoknER Fort and Kino STREETS. a in the way. For further particulars enquire at the O. I. JS. specialty DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. New Goods reodytftl by every Paekt t from the Eastern States find Europe CLOTHING, NOTIONS AND Fresh California Product! by every steamer. All orders faithfully attctded t LOHKXGKIX LAOBR BKKR. nnd goods delivered to nny part of the eity free of charge. always on FANCY GOODS. Island orders foru td. PatfatfacHon biihtpt teI. Tolephone No draught, OWne Mot Vn tot '45 two glasses for 25 cents. 58 Queen Street Honolulu. J. J. EGAN, A Perfect Nutriment Beat of Winen, UquoftattdGliari always ill California SI., San Francisco. Cal. for Growing Children, on hand. lootf DRY GOODS & MILLINERY. Give the Baby Convalescents, Consumptives, DYSPCPTIca, IS and the Asd, and JAS. F. MORGAN. FAT TURKEYS l .1 in Aeule IlltiPMnalitl " will com- H'lt1-- - v J. J. Egan, 514 Fort street, all Wnstlua DlHeaaes. No. 45 Queen Street, f'or Sale 1:1."' !! THE the Bound mence a Grand Clearance Sale Monday, Auctioneer and Stock Broker, Tear Mm will July 23, for a lew weeks only. It HENRY DAVIS & CO., Best Food Special attention given to the VIBBnUll aw IH'V handling of dur- Hand-fe- pay you to call and examine prices INFANTS felNVALIDS. for d Infants. MM FORT STHKKT Real will TBADrtOHATlABCJRAWABK. Om BOOK for thf Instruction Estate' Stocks, Bonds Both Telephon.., ,Ki ing the sale, as goods go at prices of mothers. "The I'are and Feed- ing urinOinf,''"111 11 mailedres that will suit the public. to any luMn-sa- , upon ivqueBt. DOLIBER-GOODAL- E CO Remember this well-selecte- d stock boston, Mass., U. 8. A. for the Best will be sold cheap, the greatest bargains BENSON, SMITH & CO., SUBSCRIBE Weekly News ever offered to the public of Honolulu. Hole A. tfonta tttf Hfiwnllnn lalnnda. Wrought Steel Ranges, Chilled paper ever published Witt in the Hawaiian Islands. Iron Cooking Stoves. V Try it for three months. It will cost you just a HOUSEKEEPING: GOODS: dollar. American money taken at par. Agate V are (White, Gray and Nickel-plated- , Pumps As the ladies of Water and Sou Pipes, Water Closets and Urinals, Rubber Hose, and Lawn Sprinklers, Bath Tubs and Steel Sinks, this city have a dollar you naturally expect to get a O. S. Guttcis ctnd Leaders, Shec Iron Copper, Zinc and Lead, Lean Pipe and Pipe Fittings. shown such FOR dollars worth. The Weekly Star a FortheVolcano Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron thorough appre- will give it to you. One Dollar lor three months. Nature's Grandest Wonder. Work. - lluc's,'on l'iat nQW agitates the public DIMOND BLOCK, - 75-- 7 ciation of our ex- f P j KING STREET mind of I HAtnoli hut to the exclusion the tariff and Hawaiian affairs is how to get ol ces on Soap and the worth your The Popular and Scenic Route money. One dollar invested in three month's sub- we Camelline, IS BY THE scription of the Weekly Star will be worth hun- km m dreds thrown away on other publications. war )iow add another v rmmm via article of real Wilfs Coiaiif arc " i merit to the list. Stall WEEKLY very well, but the N mm a . 1 Weekly Star is satisfied if you will pay once a tins is the Al STEAMER KINAU. quarter, in advauct, of course. A common, ordinary Fitted with Electric Lights and Bells. Courteous and Attentive Service U. S. or Hawaiian dollar, sometimes called a cart- : Lubin's Rice Powder VIA HILO wheel and sometimes the ''Almighty," will pay for at 51 box, price $1.25. No 50c former three month's subscription to the Weekly Star, chromos, but double value for your money s word by itself looks lone- - every time. The Kinau Leaves Honolulu Every 10 Days STAR. some So did the "Lone Star" Headquarters for Fine Goods at lowest prices. H0LLISTER DRUG CO. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, of Texas, but it got there all the same, and is now BMtf IM FORT STREET. a member ol the brightest constellation old Mother Like in I Arriving at Hilo Thursday and Sunday Mornings the cat the song Earth has ever known. The "Lone Star" of Hawaii MTWfi "WWII' WlViw will get there, and don't you forget it. There are From Hilo to the Volcano--3- o Miles two or three kinds of "Stars" but those we are THE BRAKE NOT Passengers are Conveyed in Carriages, looking out for are the "Annexation Star" and the Weekly Star. The former we are bound to have Over a SPLENDID MACADAMIZED Road, running most of the Exhibited by the Cheap and Doubtful way through a Dense Tropical torest a ride alone in time, and the latter costs just One Dollar lor three worth the trip. BUT months. Take them both. You will have to, sooner or later. Cutis ABSENT FROM HONOLULU 7 DAYS mi if Pure and Reliable at the California Midwin- & .TICKETS,. ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL, DRUGS, MEDICINES INCLUDING ALL EXPENSES, ter International Exposi- came PERFUMERY For the Round Trip, Fifty Dollars. PETER HIC.H, A. CO, Proprietors. tion, back by the Office and Mill cm Alakea and Richards, nenr Queen St., Honolulu Monowai, and is now for OUR SODA WATER LEADS. For Further Information. Call at the Oieice, Corner Fort and Queen Streets MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, sale. One hundred and BENSON, SMITH & CO S. SCREENS, FRAMES, TURNED AND SAWED WORK, ETC. Fifty is the figure. TB LBFHONK8 ; Prompt Attention to all Order. ggtff U0 d&w