Year 7 History Workbook 1 w/c 1st June What were the two sides in the Civil War? A war between two sides in the same country Any questions, please contact Miss Gunn via
[email protected]. Where work has to be submitted, please email it to your class teacher: • Ms Gunn –
[email protected] • Mrs Reeve-McKew
[email protected] • Mrs Tunstall –
[email protected] There were two men fighting against each other in the Civil War…… King Charles 1 Oliver Cromwell Royalist/Cavalier Parliament/Roundhead Versus The Two Sides in the Civil War The map shows whose side the various parts of the country were on but it wasn’t that simple. Look at the table below . Some of the hard words explained; Gentry = rich people MP = Member of Parliament Ports = where ships carrying goods go in and out of the country. • Using the map and the table on the previous page/slide, explain who you think had the strongest side and why? Was it King Charles 1 (royalist) or Oliver Cromwell (parliament)? There is no right or wrong, it’s what you think that counts! • Clues . think about the areas of land held by each side, the ports, London, the gentry. • If you are working in the workbook, use the page below. If you are working online, you can use your exercise book. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________