Exteacts from the Peesbytbry Eecords of Dalkeith, Relating to the Parish of Newbattle, During the In- Cumbency of Mr Robert Leig
IV. EXTEACTS FROM THE PEESBYTBRY EECORDS OF DALKEITH, RELATING TO THE PARISH OF NEWBATTLE, DURING THE IN- CUMBENC ROBERR M F YO T LEIGHTON, 1641-1663. COMMUNICATED BY THE REV. THOMAS GORDON, MINISTEE OF NEWBATTLE. WITH SOME INTRODUCTORY REMARKS BY DAVID LAING, ESQ., V.P. y attempAn o discovet t factw ne rs regardin a persoe liff th o ge n o wels l o justlknows d ynan admire s ARCHBISHOa d P LEIOHTON, might seem to be hopeless. Yet the earlier part of his history remains very obscure, and, in particular, his connexion with the Presbyterian Church durin e Covenane timegth th f o s almoss ha t t been wholly overlookeds a , perhaps s admirersomhi f eo s could wish t shouli . Anythingdbe , how- ever, tendin illustrato gt e characteeth cannon f suco ma r ha e t b fai o t l interesting. For this purpose I had intended to form a small collection of Leighton's unpublished letters, writte t variouna s period lifes t finhi bu d, f sthao I t have been forestalled, partly by some communications which have lately appeared in " Notes and Queries," from the Eev. C. F. Secretan, Besborough Gardens, Westminster, who has brought together fifteen such unpublished letters, chiefly from the Lauderdale Correspondence, now Britise inth h Museum. The extracts from the presbytery books of Dalkeith, which I have now befory t ola e Society th e , were obligingly communicate e Eevth .y b d THOMAS GORDON, minister of Newbattle. They furnish a number of minute notices regarding the period of Leighton's career, not much knowEngliss hi o t nh biographers e ministeth s , whef thawa o r e th n paris thed h an ;y server GordoM s remarkes a , nha s lettehi n dri accom- panying the extracts, to correct various mistakes into which Bishop Burnet falles misleha d nan d later writers followine Th .
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