The Indian Christians of St. Thomas
THE INDIAN CHRISTIANS OF ST THOMAS A SANCTUARY IN THE MIDST OF THE HEATHEN BY W. J. RICHARDS D. D. (Qatnell Hntnersitg %Iibtacg Jtlfata, UStta Inrb BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND THE GIFT OF HENRY W. SAGE 1891 Cornell University Library DA 163 .RSI Ind an Christians of St. Thomas : otherw 3 1924 029 361 379 olln The original of tliis book is in tlie Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. The Indian Christians of St. Thomas Thk Most Rkv. Mar Thomas Athanasius. The Second Reforming Metrnn or Metropolitan. Succeeded 1877. Died 1893. THE INDIAN CHRISTIANS OF ST. THOMAS OTHERWISE CALLED The Syrian Christians of Malabar A Sketch of their History, and an Account of their Present Condition, as well as a Discussion of the Legend of St. Thomas BY The Rev. W. J. RICHARDS, D.D. Thirty-Jive years CMS. Missionary to the Hindus in Trtwancore etiui Cochin Hon. Chaplain to tJie Bishop With a Preface by EUGENE STOCK, Esq. Author of TJu History of the Church Missionary Society ^ LONDON BEMROSE & SONS LIMITED, 4 SNOW HILL, E.G. AND DERBY 1908 — This little book is dedicated to HIS GRACE THE RIGHT HONOURABLE AND MOST REVEREND RANDALL THOMAS DAVIDSON, D.D., Lord Archbishop of CEinterbmy, Primate of All England—the friend of the Assyrian Christians as a token of humble respect ; and to the RIGHT REVEREND NOEL HODGES, D.D., Rector of St. Cuthbert's, Bedford, Assistant Bishop of Ely and Honorary Canon of the Cathedral, during fifteen years Bishop of Travancore and Cochin — the constant friend of the Jacobite and the Reformed Syrians of Malabar (partly of the same stock as the Assyrians) — in acknowledgment of the greatest possible kindness received from his lordship by the Authoi PREFACE AT the request of my friend, the author of this book, I write these few lines to introduce him and his work.
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