The Role of Syriac in India Before the Portuguese Period
ARAM, 21 (2009) 289-321. doi: 10.2143/ARAM.21.0.2047097 CLASSICAL SYRIAC AS A MODERN LINGUA FRANCA IN SOUTH INDIA BETWEEN 1600 AND 20061 Dr. ISTVÁN PERCZEL (University of Tübingen & Central European University, Budapest) I. INTRODUCTION: THE ROLE OF SYRIAC IN INDIA BEFORE THE PORTUGUESE PERIOD In South India there lives one of the most ancient Christian communities of the world. According to its own founding traditions it consists of two ele- ments: a majority descending from autochthonous Indian populations, among whom the first members were converted – according to tradition – by the Apostle Saint Thomas, and a minority descending from Syrian colonists who – once again according to the local tradition – arrived in India through the sea routes from Persia using the monsoon winds. These two communities are called the Northists (Vadakkumbhagar), that is, the autochthonous Indians, and 1 In whatever new material is presented in this study, the author has no personal merit. This material is the fruit of the joint efforts of a team, which, recently, has founded an Indian Asso- ciation for the Preservation of the Saint Thomas Christian Heritage. Unfortunately, each and every one of those who are working in the folds of and for this Association cannot be remem- bered by name. To mention only a few among many, particular gratitude is due on the part of the author to the following: to Mar Aprem, Honorary President of the Association, to whom he owes all his knowledge on the Chaldean Syrian Church in Thrissur and its antecedents, as well as on its documents; to His Beatitude, Baselios Thomas I, the Catholicos of the Malankara Jacobite Syrian Orthodox Church of India, who gave him access to Syrian Orthodox collections and inscrip- tions and who graciously allowed their publication; to Cardinal Joseph Varkey Vittayatthil and Bishop Thomas Chakiath, who gave him access to the Syro-Malabar collections; to the Prior and the Librarian of Saint Joseph’s Monastery Mannanam, Frs.
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