Journal of Herpetology, Vol. 34 No. 1 pp 67-74, 2000 Copyright 2000 Society for the Study of Amphibians and

Evidence of Lingual-luring by an Aquatic


Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service, 1700 Bayview Dr., Arcata, California 95521, USA. E-mail: hwelsh/[email protected]

ABSTRACT.-We describe and quantify the components of an unusual snake behavior used to attract fish prey: lingual-luring. Our earlier research on the foraging behavior of the Pacific Coast aquatic (Thamnophis atratus) indicated that adults are active foragers, feeding primarily on aquatic Pacific giant salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) in streambed substrates. Juvenile , however, use primarily ambush tactics to capture larval anurans and juvenile salmonids along stream margins, behaviors that include the lingual-luring described here. We found that lingual-luring differed from typical chemosensory tongue-flicking by the position of the snake, contact of the tongue with the water surface, and the length of time the tongue was extended. Luring snakes are in ambush position and extend and hold their tongues out rigid, with the tongue-tips quivering on the water surface, apparently mimicking in order to draw young fish within striking range. This behavior is a novel adaptation of the tongue-vomeronasal system by a visually-oriented predator.

The luring of prey by snakes has been asso- luring function (Mushinsky, 1987; Ford and ciated primarily with the use of the tail, a be- Burghardt, 1993). However, Lillywhite and Hen- havior termed (e.g., Neill, 1960; derson (1993) noted the occurrence of a pro- Greene and Campbell, 1972; Heatwole and Dav- longed extension of the tongue observed in vine ison, 1976; Jackson and Martin, 1980; Schuett et snakes (e.g., Kennedy, 1965; Henderson and al., 1984; Chizar et al., 1990). Greene and Camp- Binder, 1980), a behavior which is described in bell (1972) noted that caudal luring was a form detail by Gove (1979). Lillywhite and Hender- of , which Schuett et al. (1984) called son (1993) listed prey luring as one of several feeding mimicry. Lingual-luring behavior, anal- possible hypotheses to explain this phenomenon ogous to that which we described here, has been (but see Keiser, 1975). We know of one other described in the alligator snapping turtle (Ma- reference to a similar behavior in a laboratory croclemys temminckii) (Drummond and Gordon, setting (Czaplicki and Porter, 1974). Here we de- 1979) and the snowy egret (Egretta thula) (Buck- scribe and quantify field observations of lingual- ley and Buckley, 1968). luring by a snake for the first time. Most research on ophidian tongue use has fo- We have studied the natural history, behavior, cused on the chemosensory function of the and population dynamics of the Pacific Coast tongue. In fact two reviews of the behavioral aquatic garter snake (Thamnophis atratus) along ecology of snakes make no mention of a lingual- an approximately 5 km section of Hurdygurdy 68 H. H. WELSH AND A. J. LIND

TABLE 1. Timed field observations of durations (in seconds) of lingual-luring behavior in the Pacific Coast aquatic garter snake (Thamnophis atratus) at Hurdygurdy Creek, Del Norte County, California. Each line rep- resents a different individual. SVL = snout to vent (cloaca) length. Total obs. # of x length of Date Gender SVL (mm) time (min:sec) tongue-flicks tongue-flicks Min-max

9/13/90 F 209 - - - 5-11 9/27/94 F 212 15:00 11 8.6 2-17 5/24/95 M 288 - 2 5 5 5/25/95 F 230 - 12 8.3 2-16

Creek in the Smith River drainage of north- der field conditions has been difficult. Previous- western California since 1986. Our study area ly, we manually timed the durations of extended and the common behaviors of this have tongues for a total of only four undisturbed been described elsewhere (Lind and Welsh, snakes (Table 1). However, in this study, using 1994). However, it is important to provide a video equipment (Sony Hi 8 Camcorder with an brief description of Hurdygurdy Creek to pro- 8X zoom lens) we were able to film 24 snakes vide the appropriate context for the new behav- in the field. for later analysis. Videotaping oc- ior we describe. Hurdygurdy Creek is a medi- curred over five days each August in 1994, 1995, um-sized (4th to 5th order; Strahler [1957]), fast- and 1996. All taping occurred under clear skies, flowing, mountain stream that drains 78 km2 of between 1000 and 1600 h (Pacific Daylight rugged Douglas-fir forest in the Siskiyou Moun- Time) when full sun was on the creek and the tains. Annual rainfall in this basin is approxi- snakes were most active. Our videographer was mately 2500 mm and stream discharge is sub- dressed in camouflaged clothing and used bin- stantial, ranging from about 1.0 cubic meters oculars to locate snakes before creeping slowly per second (cms) in the summer to over 100 cms from the downwind direction to within filming in the winter (McCain, 1994). Mean daily water distance (2 to 5 m). Only video sequences from temperatures range from 5 C in winter to 21 C undisturbed snakes were used in our analysis. in summer (McCain, 1994). Hurdygurdy Creek From field observations and initial analysis of supports several species of anadromous fishes, the videotapes, there appeared to be three as- including chinook and colic, salmon, and steel- pects of snake behavior that differed between head trout, as well as resident cutthroat trout typical chemosensory tongue-flicking and lin- (McCain, 1994). gual-luring: the behavior and related body po- Our earlier research on the foraging behavior sition, the relationship of the tongue-tip to the of the Pacific Coast aquatic garter snake (Tham- water surface, and the duration of the tongue- nophis atratus) indicated that adults are active flick. We conducted a frame-by-frame analysis foragers, feeding primarily on aquatic Pacific gi- of all taped behaviors where we could observe ant salamanders (Dicamptodon tenebrosus) in an individual snake use its tongue in any way. streambed substrates. Juvenile snakes, however, When analyzing the video tapes we used verbal use primarily ambush tactics to capture detri- cues from the videographer (i.e., "new snake") tus-feeding larval anurans (foothill yellow-leg- and visual cues from the surroundings (i.e., ged frog, Rana boylii) and juvenile salmonids changes in substrates and aquatic habitats) to along stream margins, tactics that include the identify individuals. Each instance of tongue luring behavior described here. We first ob- use by a snake constituted a datum, defined served this unusual behavior in the summer of here as a tongue-flick after Gove (1979): ". . . the 1987, and have subsequently observed it on nu- movement of the tongue from its appearance merous occasions during snake censuses that outside the mouth until its complete withdraw- we conduct at our field site three to five times al. This corresponds to the 'tongue-flick cluster' each year. This behavior, which we identify as of Ulinski (1972)." We timed the duration of lingual-luring, appears to involve a unique com- each tongue-flick (i.e., the number of video bination of body position, tongue position, and frames for which the tongue was visible [30 duration of the tongue extended with the distal frames = one second]). Of the 812 tongue-flicks portion quivering (see Gove [1979] for a defi- on the videotapes, 39 were removed, leaving 773 nition of the tongue quiver). for analysis. In these 39 tongue-flicks, snakes were submerged and engaged in underwater MATERIALS AND METHODS substrate crawling (Lind and Welsh, 1994). While we have observed luring behavior fre- These tongue-flicks were all of short duration, quently in the field, quantifying the duration of and the extended tongue was always in the wa- lingual-luring bouts of undisturbed snakes un-


ter, and thus contact with water was not inde- associated with head swaying, apparently to pendent of the behavior. gain additional parallax (Lillywhite and Hen- We analyzed the videotape data in two ways: derson, 1993), which may help them locate fish (1) descriptive statistics of a frequency distri- below the water surface in the near vicinity. bution of tongue-flick duration; and (2) analysis During this positioning, typical, short-duration, of variance (ANOVA) of duration of tongue-flick tongue-flicking (sensu Burghardt, 1980) is often among behavior and tongue-position types. Be- observed. Luring behavior appears to be initi- cause we hypothesized that ambush position ated only when one or more fish enters the (i.e., body out of water with the head oriented snake's field of view once it has assumed the toward water, and within a few cm of the sur- ambush position. Snakes then typically orient face [Lind and Welsh, 1994]) was a primary toward the prey, with the actual onset of luring component of lingual-luring, we lumped all oth- made apparent by a dramatic change in the er behaviors (Lind and Welsh, 1994) into an length of time the tongue is held extended. "other behaviors" category for analysis. For the Snakes then hold their tongues fully extended frequency analysis, we split the data into two with the tips quivering at the water surface for subsets at a natural break point based on a vi- varying lengths of time. The duration of indi- sual examination of a frequency histogram of vidual episodes of lingual-luring appears to be the untransformed duration data. We then de- modulated in response to behavioral changes on scribed the associated behaviors for the two re- the part of the fish prey. sulting subsets. We used ANOVA to examine While we have yet to observe an entire suc- the contribution of behavior (ambush or other), cessful prey capture sequence, we have ob- tongue position (tips in contact with water or served all of the component parts such that we not) (="factors"), and their interaction, toward can reconstruct the entire sequence from mul- explaining variation in tongue-flick duration. tiple partial observations. For example, one of The data for this analysis consisted of tongue- our video sequences documents a snake luring flick durations by factor combination, with in- in and then striking at a clearly visible fish, but dividual snakes (N = 24) treated as blocks. Thus in this instance missing. In another instance, in an individual snake could only contribute once the field, we observed a snake lingual-luring for to any combination of behavior and tongue po- several minutes, then we moved momentarily to sition, accounting for potential biases resulting record observations on a second snake nearby. from multiple observations on a single individ- We returned to see the first snake, still in exactly ual (i.e., lack of independence of observations). the same position, but now with its head held Since each individual usually exhibited some up away from the water, with a newly captured, but not all of the possible combinations, our fi- and struggling, juvenile steelhead. It appears nal data matrix consisted of 41 observations. from our field observations, that once initiated Tongue-flick durations were natural log trans- lingual-luring behavior is repeated until the formed prior to analysis to improve normality snake tires, the fish retreats, or the fish is drawn and reduce the heterogeneity of variances (as- within capture range. When the latter occurs, sumptions of ANOVA). the snake strikes in an attempt to capture the fish. RESULTS Videotape Analyses.-Typical chemosensory tongue-flicking involves rapid movement of the Description of the Behavior.-We have observed tongue in and out of the mouth, sampling for lingual-luring behavior only in neonate and ju- molecules from the air and transferring these venile snakes (see Lind and Welsh, 1994 for age "captured" molecules, by way of the vomero- class definitions) of both sexes foraging in rel- nasal ducts, to the vomeronasal organ in the atively shallow stream margins inhabited by roof of the mouth (Halpern and Kubie, 1980). A young-of-the-year anadromous salmonid fishes typical chemosensory tongue-flick (non-luring (e.g., Table 1). These fishes are primarily steel- behavior/tongue positions) in our study snakes head trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and occasion- had an average duration of 0.43 sec (from vid- ally chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha). Despite eotapes: N = 684, SD = 0.86). The average du- numerous observations, we have not seen this ration of a luring tongue flick was 4.71 sec (from behavior associated with adult snakes or any videotapes: N = 89, SD = 5.07), apparently de- other prey species. Prior to lingual-luring, pending on the response of the fish prey. young snakes approach the water slowly, crawl- We found snake body position, tongue posi- ing around and over streamside rocks until they tion, and duration of tongue-flicks were closely position themselves on rocks at the stream mar- linked. Both descriptive analysis of frequency gin with their heads oriented toward the water data and quantitative assessments of tongue- and 1-2 cm from its surface (Fig. 1) (see also flick duration, demonstrated that the use of the ambush position, Fig. 1 in Lind and Welsh ambush position in combination with the [1994]). This slow, careful positioning is often 70 H. H. WELSH AND A. J. LIND

FIG. 1. Juvenile Pacific Coast aquatic garter snake (Thamnophis atratus) in ambush position using lingual- luring (photo by A. Lind). tongue extended and the tongue-tips quivering with the tips quivering on the water surface, and on the water was different from the other be- is associated with the stalking of aquatic prey, havior/tongue-flick combinations. Specifically, usually salmonids. These results support our the two subsets of tongue-flick durations that hypothesis that lingual-luring is in fact a unique we derived by separating the untransformed new foraging behavior. While we have not quan- frequency distribution of 773 tongue-flicks at a tified prey response to lingual-luring, we have natural break point (Fig. 2: <1.77 sec and ≥1.77 observed positive responses by fish on numer- sec) showed pronounced differences in behavior ous occasions in the field. These observations, and tongue position frequencies. In the long du- coupled with an extensive videotaped sequence ration tongue-flick group (≥1.77 sec), 82% of the where a fish is clearly drawn in by a luring bouts were ambush with tongue-tips quivering snake, constitute evidence that lingual-luring at- on the water and 18% were all other behavior/ tracts fish. tongue position combinations (Fig. 2, lower in- DISCUSSION set). Only 6% of the bouts in the short duration group (<1.77 sec) were ambush with tongue- Previous observations of apparent lingual-lur-ing tips on the water and 94% were other behavior/ in snakes were made during laboratory ex- tongue position combinations (Fig. 2, upper in- periments with two species of water snake (Ner- set). Comparison of mean tongue-flick durations odia rhombifer and N. sipedon) (Czaplicki and Por- among behavior and tongue-position categories ter, 1974). Czaplicki and Porter (1974) described using ANOVA showed a significant interaction lingual-luring (which they called flycasting), in between behavior and the tongue-position. which neonate snakes tongue-flicked the water Snakes flicked their tongues the longest when in surface near potential prey items while floating ambush position with their tongue-tips on the the front 1 / 5th of their bodies on the surface of surface of the water (behavior X tongue posi- 5 cm deep pans of water containing goldfish. tion, F1,14 = 8.07, P = 0.013) (Fig. 3). We consider They emphasized that the tongue-flicks barely these results strong evidence of lingual-luring, broke the surface of the water (much as a small which is exhibited specifically in the ambush might) which attracted the goldfish and position, involves long-duration tongue-flicks resulted in successful captures. This behavior LINGUAL-LURING BY AN AQUATIC SNAKE 71

Duration (Seconds + 1, Natural Log Transformed)

FIG. 2. Durations (in seconds +1 log transformed) of 773 tongue-flicking bouts from 24 individual snakes derived from a frame by frame analysis of videotapes. Untransformed data were divided at 1.77 sec duration, where a natural break in the distribution of data occurred. Inset graphs describe the frequency of observations on either side of the divide that were associated with each of the behavior and tongue-flick categories analyzed (see text). occurred in an artificial setting with prey not Ford and Burghardt, 1993), with the possible ex- natural to these snakes, and Czaplicki and Por- ception of arboreal vine snakes (e.g., genera Ox- ter (1974) did not distinguish these luring ybelis, Ahaetulla, Thelotornis, and Uromacer), and tongue-flicks from those typically exhibited by rough green. snakes (Opheodrys aestivus) (see snakes stalking prey in other situations (e.g., Gove, 1979; Lillywhite and Henderson, 1993; they made no mention of extended tongue-flick and references therein). Several authors have de- durations). Consequently, it is not possible to scribed prolonged extension of a rigid tongue in determine whether these putative luring events vine snakes which they associated with defen- differed quantitatively (i.e., in duration) from sive situations, and that may also occur during typical chemosensory tongue-flicks, and there- prey-stalking (Kennedy, 1965; Keiser, 1975; fore whether they were intentional (true feeding Gove, 1979; Henderson and Binder, 1980). Lil- mimicry) or fortuitous (accidental feeding mim- lywhite and Henderson (1993) noted prey-luring icry). was one of several possible hypotheses pro- We have now observed the lingual-luring be- posed to explain this behavior but Keiser (1975), havior described in this paper repeatedly in the for example, argued that a luring hypothesis field. It appears to differ from other long du- was not supported, favoring one of . ration tongue-flicking that has previously been Gove and Burghardt (1983) described a spe- described (see Gove, 1979; Mushinsky, 1987; cialized tongue-flick they observed in three fam- 72 H. H. WELSH AND A. J. LIND

FIG. 3. Mean durations (+one standard error and the range) of tongue-flicks by behavior and tongue po- sition categories. Since each of the 24 individuals exhibited some but not all of the possible combinations our final sample size was 41. Lines show the interaction between ambush position, tongue-tips on the water, and extended durations of tongue-flicking (=lingual-luring). ilies of snakes that ". . . involves slow oscillations from the long-duration tongue-flicks described and long extensions . . .", which they noted ap- by Gove and Burghardt (1983) in that only the pears ". . . when snakes are disturbed or threat- tongue-tips move, and the movements are rapid ened, and seem to serve as ritualized warning and applied to a small area at the water surface displays." Their description of this tongue-flick (matching Gove's [1979] description of a "distal behavior, while superficially similar to the lin- quiver'): Furthermore, this behavior is exhibited gual-luring we describe here, emphasized slow during focused ambush stalking of underwater oscillations in association with maximum exten- prey, and not in the presence of a potential mate, sion, and an associated defensive context (Gove rival or predator. . and Burghardt, 1983) (for more detailed analy- The high variation in duration we observed sis see Gove [1979]). They interpreted these with these lingual-luring tongue-flicks (Fig. 2) long-duration tongue-flicks as serving ". . . ei- may be an expression of the range of possible ther to scan the environment or to concentrate responses between predator and prey. For ex- low-level odorants," and place them in either a ample, luring duration may be longer when social or defensive context (Gove and Burg- prey is in close visual proximity to the snake hardt, 1983). Specifically, Gove (1979) argued and appears to be responding, and shorter that slow-motion tongue-flicks in Nerodia sipe- when the prey is further away and do not ap- don, with its brightly contrasting red tongue and pear to be responding. Given, however, that lin- black tips, "serve as warning devices" when gual-luring does attract fish, we believe that it these snakes are disturbed (Gove, 1979). Pacific follows that this behavior has the capacity to in- coast aquatic garter snakes have a red tongue crease foraging success and thereby enhance fit- with black tips similar to that described for Ner- ness. odia sipedon (Gove, 1979). We have observed Although it is not possible for us to defini- slow-motion tongue-flicks in T. atratus when tively say that the lingual-luring behavior we they are disturbed or handled, which match observe by these snakes has no intentional or closely the description of Gove (1979), and we incidental chemosensory role, we believe that believe are likely warning displays. However, there are contextual aspects associated with this these "displays" are distinct from lingual-lur- behavior that would negate or severly limit such ing. While the bicolored tongue may act as a a role. For example, the lingual-luring in our signal in warning displays, we believe that this snakes is associated with flowing waters, and it brightly-contrasting color scheme also may is often directed at fish that are not only under- serve as a visual cue to attract fish during lin- water and some distance away (upwards of 0.5 gual-luring. The lingual-luring we described m), but that are positioned downstream of the here, while of long-duration, differs markedly ambushing snakes. Consequently, while a che- LINGUAL-LURING BY AN AQUATIC SNAKE 73 mosensory explanation for this behavior may be prey-lurers or stalkers. The tongue-luring be- conceivable, we believe the abiotic factors asso- havior we describe here, and that also may oc- ciated with ambush foraging adjacent to a cold, cur in vine snakes and rough green snakes fast-flowing stream make such an explanation (Gove, 1979; Lillywhite and Henderson, 1993), highly unlikely. can be considered a novel application of the Drummond (1979) challenged the strictly che- tongue-vomeronasal system by visually-orient- moreceptive paradigm of snake foraging estab- ed snake predators. This unique use of what is lished by Burghardt (1968) (see also Burghardt typically a chemoreceptive organ in snakes, ap- and Pruitt, 1975) by demonstrating the impor- pears to fit the definition of a behavioral exap- tance of visual cues for amphibious foraging tation (Gould and Vrba, 1982). snakes (see also Drummond, 1985). In fact, Although we have observed lingual-luring Drummond (1983) noted that T. couchii (=T. behavior from May through September (the pe- atratus; see Rossman and Stewart, 1987 for tax- riod of greatest snake activity), it may be less onomic changes) was able to detect prey under- frequent during that part of the season when water at greater distances than three other spe- the more easily captured larvae of the foothill cies of garter snakes he tested. Furthermore, yellow-legged frog (Rana boylii) are abundant Schaeffel and deQueiroz (1990) reported that T. (unpubl. data). Consequently, we suspect the couchii (=T. atratus) had an unusual adaptation use of lingual-luring may vary considerably to enhance underwater visual acuity that in- with changes in the relative densities of tad- volved constricting the pupils. It is probable that poles and juvenile salmonids. While it is well the role of the vomeronasal system is of second- established that particular species of snakes can ary importance for many aquatic foraging snake show considerable geographic variation in for- species, especially those using lotic waters, such aging behavior (e.g., Arnold, 1977, 1981a, b, c; as the T. atratus population at our study site, Drummond and Burghardt, 1983) and other life where chemoreception can be compromised or history attributes (e.g., Shine, 1987), it is less prevented altogether by strong water currents well documented that both seasonal, and indi- and low water temperatures. Lillywhite and vidual, variation in traits such as prey choice Henderson (1993) indicated that many arboreal and associated foraging behavior can exist with- snakes that are diurnal ambush predators de- in single populations of snakes (H. Welsh, pers. pend heavily on vision for orientation to objects, obs.; H. Greene, pers. comm.). and often exhibit associated behavior such as Given the fact that we have observed lingual- head swaying to gain additional parallax. luring in neonate snakes at Hurdygurdy Creek, The garter snakes at our study site show a we suspect it may be innate in this population. diet-related ontogenetic shift from predominate- However, we cannot eliminate the possibility ly sit and wait predators as neonates and juve- that the behavior is learned. Therefore we hope niles to active foragers as adults (Lind and to test this hypothesis by rearing and observing Welsh, 1994). In addition to this shift in preda- naive offspring for evidence of lingual-luring. tory mode (Huey and Pianka, 1981), our obser- vations suggest that these snakes are also able Acknowledgments.-We thank Doug Welsh for to shift between, or integrate, visual and che- his patience and expertise with a video camera, mosensory modalities, depending on the micro- and Mike McCain and the Six Rivers National habitat they are foraging in (e.g., in, under, or Forest for their continued support of our field adjacent to the water), and the type of prey they studies. We thank N. Karraker for her help with are pursuing (i.e., fish, frogs, or salamanders). the analysis and figures. We thank H. Greene, Similarly, Lillywhite and Henderson (1993) not- B. Harvey, C. Zabel, N. 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