Mapping Augustan Rome
MAPPING AUGUSTAN ROME directed by Lothar Haselberger in collaboration with David Gilman Romano edited by Elisha Ann Duroser with contributions by D. Borbonus, E. A. Dumser, A. B. Gallia, O. Harman~ah, L. Haselberger, E. J. Kondratieff, C. F. Norefla, G. Petruccioli, D. G. Romano, N. L. Stapp, A. G. Thein, G. Varinlioglu, and others Computer map creation: A. B. Gallia, D. G. Romano, and N. L. Stapp Artistic map design: M. Davison Portsmouth, Rhode Island 2002 JOURNAL OF ROMAN ARCHAEOLOGY AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL MAPS (one sheet in front pocket, one sheet in back pocket) Mark Davison, Andrew B. Gallia, David Gilman Romano, and Nicholas L. Stapp, based on the work of all contributing authors Preface and Acknowledgements 7 Lothar Haselberger Mapping Augustan Rome: introduction to an experiment 9 Lothar Haselberger Urbs Roma: bibliography, models, and projects 27 Making the map David Gilman Romano, Nicholas L. Stapp, and Andrew B. Gallia Appendix A: Computer and software resources Appendix B:Map resources Dorian Borbonus, Elisha Ann Dumser, Andrew B. Gallia, Omiir Harman§ah, Lothar Haselberger, Eric J. Kondratieff, Thomas J. Morton, Carlos F. Norefia, Todd W. Parment, Guido Petruccioli, A. G. Thein, Kevin Tracy, & Gunder Varinlioglu Bibliographic abbreviations Elisha Ann Dumser Catalogue of entries Entries are arranged in alphabetical order, and each entry's index number is indicated at the end of the title line, if applicable. Items without an index number are either labeled on the map itself, such as area entries or regional roads, or cannot be visualized due to the item's overarching nature or its unknown location.
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