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khairia M. Youssef

Professor of Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry



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Countries/Governorates Skip Navigation Links. Expand Egypt Egypt

Expand Assiut Assiut

Abo tege al badare Expand Dairout Dairout

DairoutElsherif Masara

Sahel sleem Sadfa Manfloot

Aswan Luxur Expand Alex Alex

Raml Agami Asafra Montazah Mansheya Sidi Bishr Sidi Gaber Kabary Muharram Bek

Expand Ismailia Ismailia

Ismailia third al taal alkbeer

Expand Red Sea Red Sea

Hurghada al qosear Ras Gharib

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Expand Behara Behara

Kafr El-Dawar

Expand El El Giza

6th October Imbaba Osim Abu Alnmrs Badrasheen Hawamdia El Dokki Safe Agouza Al omranya Expand Ayat Ayat


Mohandsen El haram Warraq Bulaq Dakrur Faisal


Sanblawin Manzalah Mansoura Dekerness Monia Alnasr

Expand Suez


Expand El sharkya El sharkya

Abuhamad abo kbar Zagazieg Tenth of Ramadan Belbais Derb Najm

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Fakous Mstol alsoaa Maniy Qamh Hiaai

Expand Al Gharbia Al Gharbia

Alsenth Mahala El kobra Samanoud Kafr El-Zayat

Expand Fayoum Fayoum

abshway atsa sanhores Senoras tamya

Expand Cairo

Azbakia Al amerya Al bsateen Al Gammalia Al Khanka Expand al klefa al klefa

Al mokatem

Aldarb alahmer Al zawya Al zawya elhamra Al zaytone alsahel Alsayeda zenab Al shrabya Al zaher Al Abbasid Al Matrya el maadi Al moske

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al nozha Al waylee Bab al kalke Bab Alsharya Polaa Hadayea alkoba helwan Rode alfarag shobra Abdeen Expand ain shams ain shams

Azbet alnakle

Expand Kasr el nile Kasr el nile

Al Zamalek

madenet alsalam nasr city1 Nasr City 2 Helliopolies Anciant misr Maneyal al roda

Expand Qaliubiya Qaliubiya

Abu Zaabal al marg mazalat Banha Shubra al khema first Shubra al khema Thani Shebeen Qanater Tokh Qaliub Kafr Shukr

Expand El-mnofya El-mnofya

Ashmun el shohdaa berket alsba tala Shebin el kom Quisna

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Expand Al-Minia Al-Minia

Abukerkas al adwe Deir Mawas Malwa

Expand al wade algded al wade algded

al kharga al Dakhla

bane swafe Expand port saed port saed

el zhoor el sharaa el dwahe al arab Port Fouad

Expand South Sinai South Sinai

Sharm El Sheikh

Expand Damietta


Expand Sohage Sohage

Balyana Alasirat al monshaa Bella Gerga Juhayna Dar es Salaam Saqlth Tama toaa sharaa

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Expand shamal Sinai shamal Sinai


Expand Kena Kena

Armant el wakfe deshna

Expand Kafr El-Sheikh Kafr El-Sheikh


Marsa Matrouh

Countries/Governorates Skip Navigation Links. Expand Egypt Egypt

Expand Cairo Cairo

nasr city1 el maadi al nozha Expand ain shams ain shams

Azbet alnakle

helwan Nasr City 2 Anciant misr Azbakia Al Gammalia Al Khanka Abdeen Al Matrya Bab Alsharya Al amerya Polaa Hadayea alkoba Al waylee Expand al klefa al klefa

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Al mokatem

Expand Kasr el nile Kasr el nile

Al Zamalek

Al moske Bab al kalke shobra alsahel Rode alfarag Al zawya Al shrabya Al zaytone Al zaher Al bsateen Al zawya elhamra Alsayeda zenab Aldarb alahmer madenet alsalam Maneyal al roda Al Abbasid Helliopolies

Expand Assiut Assiut

al badare Expand Dairout Dairout

DairoutElsherif Masara

Sadfa Abo tege Manfloot Sahel sleem

Expand Al-Minia Al-Minia

Deir Mawas al adwe Malwa Maghagha Abukerkas Samalut


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Expand Sohage Sohage

Balyana al monshaa Alasirat toaa sharaa Bella Saqlth Juhayna Dar es Salaam Tama Gerga Tahta

Expand Kena Kena

Nag Hammadi deshna Armant el wakfe Esna Qus

Expand El sharkya El sharkya

Zagazieg Fakous Belbais Tenth of Ramadan Derb Najm Hiaai Mstol alsoaa abo kbar Maniy Qamh Abuhamad

Expand El Giza El Giza

Faisal El haram Al omranya Bulaq Dakrur Warraq El Dokki Agouza Imbaba Mohandsen

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Safe 6th October Hawamdia Badrasheen Osim Expand Ayat Ayat


Abu Alnmrs

Expand Alex Alex

Sidi Gaber Muharram Bek Mansheya Kabary Agami Asafra Sidi Bishr Montazah Raml

Expand Red Sea Red Sea

Hurghada al qosear Safaga Ras Gharib

Expand Ismailia Ismailia

al taal alkbeer Ismailia third


Mansoura Manzalah Sanblawin Monia Alnasr Dekerness

Expand El-mnofya El-mnofya

Shebin el kom berket alsba

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Quisna Ashmun el shohdaa tala

bane swafe Expand Qaliubiya Qaliubiya

Shebeen Qanater mazalat Shubra al khema first Shubra al khema Thani al marg Qaliub Tokh Qaha Banha Kafr Shukr Abu Zaabal

Expand port saed port saed

el sharaa el zhoor el dwahe al arab Port Fouad

Luxur Expand Damietta Damietta


Expand Suez Suez


Expand South Sinai South Sinai

Sharm El Sheikh

Expand Fayoum Fayoum

Senoras tamya atsa

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sanhores abshway

Expand Kafr El-Sheikh Kafr El-Sheikh


Expand Al Gharbia Al Gharbia

Tanta Desouk Kafr El-Zayat Mahala El kobra Zefta Mit Ghamr Alsenth Samanoud

Expand Behara Behara

Kafr El-Dawar

Marsa Matrouh Expand shamal Sinai shamal Sinai


Expand al wade algded al wade algded

al kharga al Dakhla

Expand Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia

Expand al Reyad al Reyad

Expand Alryad 1 Alryad 1


lebnan Expand Jordan Jordan


Expand Bahrien Bahrien

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Kuwait Expand Libya Libya


Expand Palestine Palestine


Afghanistan Albania Algeria Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Benin Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Botswana Brazil Brunei Darussalam Bulgaria Burkino Faso Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Centeral African republic Chad Chile Comoros Congo Brazzaville Congo Democratic Costa Rica Cote d'Ivoir Croatia Cuba

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Cyprus China Denmark Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Eritrea zimbabwe Zambia Yemen United States of America United Kingdom Expand United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates

El-sharka Dubai

Uganda Turkey Tunisia Trinidad and tobago Togo Thailand Tanzania Tajikistan Taiwan Syria Switzerland Suriname Sudan Spain South Africa Somalia Sierra Lione Seychelles Islands Senegal Rwanda Russia Romania Qatar Portugal Poland Philippines Palestine Oman Nigeria

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Structural Engineering Department Petroleum Engineering Department

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Pharmaceutical analytical Chemistry Pharmaceutical Organic Chemistry Medicinal Chemistry

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Governorate Address Current Egypt - El Giza 97 Alamen Street,El Sahafeyen,El Mohandesen,Giza

Countries/Governorates Skip Navigation Links. Collapse Egypt Egypt

Collapse Assiut Assiut

Abo tege al badare Collapse Dairout Dairout

DairoutElsherif Masara

Sahel sleem Sadfa Manfloot

Aswan Luxur Collapse Alex Alex

Raml Agami Asafra

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Montazah Mansheya Sidi Bishr Sidi Gaber Kabary Muharram Bek

Collapse Ismailia Ismailia

Ismailia third al taal alkbeer

Collapse Red Sea Red Sea

Hurghada al qosear Ras Gharib Safaga

Collapse Behara Behara

Kafr El-Dawar

Collapse El Giza El Giza

6th October Imbaba Osim Abu Alnmrs Badrasheen Hawamdia El Dokki Safe Agouza Al omranya Collapse Ayat Ayat


Mohandsen El haram Warraq Bulaq Dakrur Faisal


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Sanblawin Manzalah Mansoura Dekerness Monia Alnasr

Collapse Suez Suez


Collapse El sharkya El sharkya

Abuhamad abo kbar Zagazieg Tenth of Ramadan Belbais Derb Najm Fakous Mstol alsoaa Maniy Qamh Hiaai

Collapse Al Gharbia Al Gharbia

Alsenth Mahala El kobra Desouk Zefta Samanoud Tanta Kafr El-Zayat Mit Ghamr

Collapse Fayoum Fayoum

abshway atsa sanhores Senoras tamya

Collapse Cairo Cairo

Azbakia Al amerya Al bsateen

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Al Gammalia Al Khanka Collapse al klefa al klefa

Al mokatem

Aldarb alahmer Al zawya Al zawya elhamra Al zaytone alsahel Alsayeda zenab Al shrabya Al zaher Al Abbasid Al Matrya el maadi Al moske al nozha Al waylee Bab al kalke Bab Alsharya Polaa Hadayea alkoba helwan Rode alfarag shobra Abdeen Collapse ain shams ain shams

Azbet alnakle

Collapse Kasr el nile Kasr el nile

Al Zamalek

madenet alsalam nasr city1 Nasr City 2 Helliopolies Anciant misr Maneyal al roda

Collapse Qaliubiya Qaliubiya

Abu Zaabal al marg

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mazalat Banha Shubra al khema first Shubra al khema Thani Shebeen Qanater Tokh Qaliub Qaha Kafr Shukr

Collapse El-mnofya El-mnofya

Ashmun el shohdaa berket alsba tala Shebin el kom Quisna Menouf

Collapse Al-Minia Al-Minia

Abukerkas al adwe Deir Mawas Samalut Maghagha Malwa

Collapse al wade algded al wade algded

al kharga al Dakhla

bane swafe Collapse port saed port saed

el zhoor el sharaa el dwahe al arab Port Fouad

Collapse South Sinai South Sinai

Sharm El Sheikh

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Collapse Damietta Damietta


Collapse Sohage Sohage

Balyana Alasirat al monshaa Bella Gerga Juhayna Dar es Salaam Saqlth Tama Tahta toaa sharaa

Collapse shamal Sinai shamal Sinai


Collapse Kena Kena

Armant Esna el wakfe deshna Qus Nag Hammadi

Collapse Kafr El-Sheikh Kafr El-Sheikh


Marsa Matrouh

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ResearchesAwardsPublicationsWebSite DataPrevious PositionCertifications Please Fill In All Info In English Name * Place * Content Research Magazines Date * Invalid Date Documnet

English Name Publish Place Date Content Delete Edit Curcumin Analogs with anticipated anticancer activity FUE Journal 2014 Six novel curcumin analogs were designed, synthesized with 3,5-dibenzylidenepiperidin-4- one core moiety and three of them were evaluated for their antitumor activities in 5 different cell lines; [ovarian cancer (A2780), renal adenocarcinoma (ACHN), prostate cancer (PC-3), colorectal cancer (Hct-116) and a leukemic monocyte lymphoma (U937-GTB)]. Also in silico molecular docking was performed on the six curcumin analogs to predict their binding affinity to tubulin enzyme and their ability to destabilize microtubules through interaction energy docking scores compared to that of podophyllotoxin. Three of newly synthesized compounds were tested in vitro for their effect on tubulin polymerization. Design and synthesis of potential Ribonucleotide reductase enzyme (RNR) inhibitors as antileukemic and/or antiviral 2'-Deoxymethylene Nucleosides FUE Journal 2014 In order to improve the antitumor and/or antiviral activities of existing

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nucleoside analogs, eight new compounds (9a,b, 14a,b, 15a,b and 16a,b) were designed and synthesized. Halogen atom were incorporated at the 2-position of the purine base to render the amino group at the 6-position less susceptible to metabolism by adenosine deaminase. A methylene group was introduced at the 2'- position following the lead of nucleoside antibiotics angustmycin A and neplanocin A. The two key intermediates 9a and 9b were prepared from guanosine after protection of the 3' and 5' hydroxyl groups and oxidation of the 2' hydroxyl group to the corresponding carbonyl group using swern method. The conversion of the carbonyl group to the methylene function was carried out by applying wittig reaction conditions. The final compounds 14 a,b, 15 a,b, 16 a,b were prepared by means of nonaqueous diazotization of 9a and 9b. The prepared compounds were subjected to in vitro antileukemic and antiviral activity upon a new L1210 cell line that is doubly resistant to both hydroxyurea and deoxyadenosine which was grown and characterized. The new compounds showed potent antileukemic activity. Chemopreventive Effects of Curcumin Analogs in DMH-Induced Colon Cancer in Albino Rats Model. FUE Journal 2014 Synthesis and preclinical safety evaluation in mice and rats of Curcumin (1) and curcumin analogs (2, 3) were done. Besides, the chemopreventive effects in DMH-induced colon cancer in albino rats model were performed. Sections of mammary gland, heart, kidney, liver, spleen, and colon were done. Administration of the prophylactic treatment for four weeks before the induction of cancer by DMH, showed that compound 3 is the most active one. Chemopreventive treatment with different forms of curcumin extracts for 2 and 4 weeks caused a reduction in the number of aberrant crypt foci (ACF) especially compound 3. Chemopreventive treatment with different forms of curcumin extracts for 2 and 4 weeks caused a reduction in the number of tumor cells. QSAR of Novel Hydroxyphenylureas as Antioxidant Agents QSAR& Combinatorial Sciences 2008 A set of descriptors consisting of quantum, chemical, and topological descriptors has been used for modeling the activity of novel hydroxyphenylureas to scavenge Free Radicals (FRs) produced by Peripheral Multinuclear Neutrophil Cells (PMNs) expressed as the rate of change per unit added volume of FR (Kapp min1). Simple as well as multiple regressions have indicated that PW2 (Path\Walk-2-Randic Shape Index) is the most dominating parameter to be used in modeling Kapp. Excellent results are obtained in multiparametric regressions. The results are critically discussed using a variety of statistical parameters. The models are validated using Leave-One-Out (LOO) and Leave- Group-Out (LGO) crossvalidation, external test set, and chance correlation. 1 Introduction Active oxygen species and Free Radicals (FRs) have been recognized to play an important role in the initiation and/ or progression of various diseases such as ischemia-reperfusion injury, atherosclerosis, and inflammatory injury [1]. Antioxidants are expected to be promising drugs for the treatment of these diseases by removing oxidative stresses.

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The antioxidant chemopreventive activities of o-methoxyphenols of the curcumin [1,7-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)- 1,6-heptadien-3,5-dione] attract remarkable current interest because of its importance in biological systems [2±6]. Recent work by our laboratory identified that modification of groups on the terminal aromatic rings of curcumin reveals that electron-donating groups increase antioxidant activity [7, 8]. It was reported that uric acid scavenges radical species and the resultant urate radical is stabilized by delocalization of the unpaired electron in the p electron system containing urea substructures [9]. In addition, there are number of examples in which substituted phenols display Molecular docking and in silico ADME study of Novel N9-substituted Purines targeting CK1 and abl-tyrosine kinase Bangkok 2014 Novel N9-substitiuted purines were designed with anticipated anticancer activity based on the idea presented by recent publications were new compounds were synthesized combining the purine system in their structure in order to explore possible interactions with the different regions of the ATP binding site in several disease-related protein kinases especially cancer [1]. The study was supported by an in silico molecular docking study against both casein kinase-1 (CK1) and Bcr-abl-tyrosine kinase together with an in silico ADME study to assure the bioavailability of these compounds. 1 2 3

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Award Name Award Date Reason Award Place Delete Edit AZAZI FUE Award for Outstanding Research 2013 Each year, FUE will recognize one full time professor for outstanding research and scholarship. The winner will be announced at the graduation ceremonies. An individual may nominate himself/herself or be nominated by another person. The emphasis of the award is on research achievement at FUE. Evaluation criteria will include research merit and its impact on the field; attainment of national and international recognition for superior scholarship through peer-reviewed publications; continued creativity over a sustained period; professional activities including editorial activity and academic awards; and the professional status of individuals providing supporting letters. Future University in Egypt D. Walid Bin Amin El-Kayaly For Scintific Research award- Saudy Pharmaceutical Syndicate, for the research titled: Synthesis, dihydrofolate reductase inhibition, antitumor testing, and molecular modeling study of some new 4(3H)-quinazolinone

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analogs. 2010 For the research titled: Synthesis, dihydrofolate reductase inhibition, antitumor testing, and molecular modeling study of some new 4(3H)-quinazolinone analogs. El-Kayaly For Scintific Research award- Saudy Pharmaceutical Syndicate, Saudi Arabia the silver award from King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology for the exclusive research 2008 the silver award from King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology for the exclusive research ³Novel Modified Estrogens: Synthesis, Binding Affinity to Estrogen Receptor, Biological and Antitumor Activities of various Novel Modified Estrogen´which had been granted by King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology, Project No. AR 24-4. King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology, Saudi Arabia A certificate from The Marquis Who's who Publications Board as a subject of biographical record in Who's who in Science and Engineering 2008-2009. 2009 Inclusion in which is limited to those individuals who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in their own fields of endeavor and who have, thereby, contributed significantly to the betterment of contemporary society. Who's who in Science and Engineering, USA the Bronze award from King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology for the exclusive research ³Synthesis of Curcumin Analogues as Potential Antioxidant, Cancer Chemopreventive Agents´which had been granted by King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology, Project No. AR 19-39. 2010 For the exclusive research ³Synthesis of Curcumin Analogues as Potential Antioxidant, Cancer Chemopreventive Agents´which had been granted by King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology, Project No. AR 19-39. King Abdul Aziz city for science and technology

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- 2012, January


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