Lunch Menu August /2021 – British College of Brazil

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 16/08 17/08 18/08 19/08 20/08

Main Course Chicken in Curry Pork Chops Meat Stroganoff Breaded Chicken in Oat Grilled Fish Shimeji with Braised Cauliflower Balls in Vegetables with Vegetarian Dish Soy Protein in Curry Soy Protein Stroganoff String Beans Tomato Sauce Soy Protein

Braised Purple Side Dish I Corn in Sliced Garlic Mashed Carrot Sautéed Manioc Cabbage Rustic Potato in Pesto Pasta with and Tomato Side Dish II Braised Spinach Rosemary Braised Pumpkin Dried Tomato Risotto

- Lettuce with Rocket - Alface com Crótons - Lettuce with Rocket Mixed Leaves - Iceberg Lettuce Salad - Grated Carrot - Quail Egg - Grated Carrot - Grated Beetroot -Cucumber with Yogurt -Cherry tomato - Tabbouleh - Chayote with Parsley - Tomato& Olives - Courgette

Fruit Salad with Grape Jelly with Fruit Dessert Tangerine Jelly Fruit Salad with Yogurt “Canjica” Yogurt Pieces Cherry with Juice Lime with mint Guava Passion fruit chlorophyll Strawberry White White White White White Rice Whole Grain Whole Grain Whole Grain Whole Grain Whole Grain Beans Carioca Black Carioca Carioca Carioca *Cardápio sujeito a alterações

Lunch Menu August /2021 – British College of Brazil

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 23/08 24/08 25/08 26/08 27/08 “Evento Britânico” Stuffed Baked Main Course Chicken Stroganoff Grilled Steak Grilled Chicken Fillet Breaded fish Kibbeh

Bubble and Squeak Heart of Palm Stuffed Tomato with Courgette Lasagne Vegetarian Dish Baked Lentil Kibbeh (cooked potatoes and Stroganoff Soy Protein with Soy Protein cabbage)

Side Dish I Broccoli in Garlic Sautéed Potato Aligot Creamed Corn Broccoli in Garlic

Braised Kale with Onion Side Dish II Sautéed Carrot Steamed Pumpkin Sautéed Carrot Chips Potatoes and Garlic - Chard - Lettuce - Iceberg Lettuce - Lettuce - Lettuce with Croutons Salad - Grated turnip -Tomato with Oregano - Pesto Tomato - Tomato with Basil - Cucumber with peaches - Steamed Beetroot - Cauliflower - Greek Salad - Moroccan Couscous -Carrot Stick

Fruit Salad with Mango Jelly with Fruit Passion Fruit Jelly Dessert Fruit Salad with Yogurt Trifle Yogurt Pieces with Syrup

Orange, Betroot and English Garden Juice Peach Mango Grape Carrot (Apple and Lime) White White White White White Rice Whole Grain Whole Grain Whole Grain Whole Grain Whole Grain Beans Carioca Carioca Carioca Black Carioca *Cardápio sujeito a alterações

Lunch Menu August /2021 – British College of Brazil

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 30/08 31/08

Main Course Grilled Thigh Fillet Cooked Meat

Broccoli Omelette Vegetarian Dish Chickpea Burger with Tomato

Side Dish I Creamed Spinach “Farofa Rica”

Chayote with Side Dish II Braised Endive courgette - Chard - Lettuce - Okra -Tomatoes Salad - Tomato with - Onions Onion - Cucumber Fruit Salad with Dessert Strawberry Jelly Yogurt

Juice Orange with Acerola Cajá fruit

White White Rice Whole Grain Whole Grain Beans Carioca Carioca