1950-09-21, [P ]
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Thursday, September 21, 1950 EAST CLEVELAND LEADER Page Nine I AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1940 FORD tudor, radio, heater, spot- 1948 OLDS ”98** convertible; radio, 1939 PLYMOUTH, deluxe coupe, good 1*557^ Mercury UiQtor» $300. IV. heater; extras: black, white side Your Northeast condition. REd. 1-4671. HSMALL BUSINESS” ji tAKnj walls; $1850. 1122 East 176th after 1949 FORD, 6 cylinder, tudor sedan, STEARNS MOTORS . A name X&47 CHEVROLET, four door sedan; 7 p. m. very good condition. One owner. By C. WILSON HARDtt you will hear often whenever, Willys Overland Dealer K Elim qrel-8855._________________ DE SOTO radio, healer, many extras; A-l con* 1940 CHEVROLET dump truck. 20740 the purchase of a reliable; Vl’i^O?® taX’ *4312 D°Ver aVe< Naumann ave. Sale* Service Parts 1935 CHEVIE truck, pick-up, U ton, PLYMOUTH 1941 NASH, clufe coupe; good condi OPEN EVENINGS good tires, good shape, running con- Used Car is discussed. dition, S85._ K Enmore 1 -1420.______ North and South, Republican They shudder and hope much 1946 PACKARD, 4 door; not an ordi tion; overhauled motor: radio, heater. 1947~ PACKARD’ No reasonable offer nary used car, in marvelous condi Best offer over $200. Wickliffe 3-1273. and Democrat, have been suc will never be published in news tion; low mileage; loaded with extras; HENRY AUTO refused. MUlberry 1-8525. _____ cessful in getting passed in the papers read by tax-conscious private; must sell. LI. 1-2340. 1948 JEEP panel delivery; good condi Sales and Service, Inc, f6rd~1936, good body and running tion; reasonable. Call IV. 1-0622._ condition. Phone REdwood 1-4319. Senate what is known as the constituents. WALTER H. STEARNS MOTORS, INC. 1939 DE SOTO; excellent condition; 15QC0 Asp.uwail I'O. 1-1870 1947 CHEVROLET 5 passenger coupe; DODGE, 1936, two-door, good tires Wherry amendment. That, as Direct Factory De Soto-Plymouth Dealer radio, heater, overdrive, spotlight; radio, heater; original owner; A-l and new paint, $145. KEnmore part of the Defense Production For example, the current re low mileage. LI. 1-2705. condition. UL. l-0722_or EV. 1-8624. 1938 NASH 4 door, radio, heater; very lease from the Office of Informa 13805 EUCLID AVENUE AT EDDY ROAD 1941 MERCURY. 4 door sedan; new clean, $280. GL. 1-7478 after 6;15 _ 1 -4810._____________________________ Act, should result in a fair dis 1940 PONTIAC 2 door sedan; heater, 1939 PLYMOUTH coupe, good condi- tribution of available civilian tion, Economic Cooperation Ad inotor; good paint: excellent condi- radio; very good running condition. p. m.______________________ _ OjMN £vomngs Until 9 U 1-9000 SitarSayt Unfit 0 Lon; no tax. 82l_East 143rd st.__ 1946 DODGE, 4 door sedam custom tion. 1489 East 252nd st. goods. ministration, commonly known GL. 1-8316. 1940 BUJCK, Super Sedan. 1948 motor, as the Marshall Plan, tells how 1934 CHEVROLET coune; radio and 1946 FORD, 4 door sedan, 16102 Park built; heater, radio, spotlight; A-l heater. Call RE. 1-2090. inside and out; low mileage; no tax. excellent tires, perfect body, radio And as Senators Wherry (R., American tax dollars are being grove ave. Call between 4-5:30 p. m. UL. 1-1729. ______________________ _and heater^UL.^L-SOOT. Good 1935 Dodge sedan; heater; 1947 CROSLEY $145. good“body; new Neb.) and Sparkman (D., Ala.) used to modernize hotels in Eu priced for quick sale. KE. 1-4222. 1937 CHEVROLET coupe, good tires; 1941 CHEVROLET 2-door Sedan, radio pushed for passage, they were rope, including such nations as inotor: GL. 1-9118 or LI. 1-5708. good running condition, $75. 24049 and heater, good tires, perfect body. Euclid ave. UL. 1-5097.________________________ supported by organized inde Portugal, Ireland, Luxemberg, HILLMAN, 1949, 4-door sedan, one pendent business ... inspired Sweden, Turkey, etc. ; LOWIST PRICES - : J--— owner, excellent condition, leather silently by the reproachful ghosts 1936 Oldsmobile upholstery, heater, 38 miles to gal of 5.15,000 small businesses that With brash pride ECA Release lon. GL. 1-7466, 8 to 430, GL. 1-0622 No. 1660 tells how Marshall Plan after 4:30. _ needlessly perished in World EVERY DAY. 4 Door; Fair Condition. War II. dollars have installed more bath BRAKES— 1938 CHEVROLET, radio and heater; A-l body and motor, exceptional rooms. changed rooms from dou With Electric Brahe Tester $65.00 buy. MU. 1-0383 after 6, This new bill will require that ble beds to twin beds, air-condi tioned ballrooms, made other IQEO F°r<i Crestliner 2-door; I Lincoln custom club rmme PLYMOUTH 4-door special deluxe, small independent businesses dis Front £nd Specialist fully equipped; 1100 ac I .oaded with » I 13911 Woodworth M. U. 1-5177 A-l running condition, 1941, REd. tributing civilian goods be given changes in these hotels. Thus tual miles; must be seen extras. V ■«***> 1-1179. a fair share of the available sup American dollars voted to stop 1939 STt’bfcBAKfiil 4 door sedan; new 1946 OLDSMOBILE, 76 two-door, ra ply, based on a representative starvation are used to create to be appreciated. Save. tires; new carburator; 84,000 original dio. heater, A-l condition, $1025. KE. 1-5240, 8:30-5 p. m. period before June 24. 1950. luxury abroad. Wheels Aligned end Balanced miles: A-l. $350, Private, IV. 1-8366. • 1 DA Q Chevrolet club coupe, IP1? DODGE. 4-door deluxe, radio, 1 thSSl Plymouth Club Coupe, A-l 1949 PLYMOUTH, special deluxe club Tf the House passes this meas As everyone knows, a lot of 1 DtI V condition, low | ■ A-l condition, J coupe; like new; low mileage; full heater, fog lights, body and motor milenqe. ’V “ Lv'a of extras. PO. 1-4000. good, $165 down. KE. 1-0439. ure, it will correct one of the improvements are needed in Clutches Spring Shocks 1941 OLDSMOBILE, two door sedan, glaring oversights of tbe past American hotels. first $200 takes it. MU. 1-6724, 676 when monopoly owned or con Overhauled Service Replaced | 0 A Dodge Custom deluxe club i Ford Statesman converti- _East 160th up. BECAUSE trolled outlets received the avail But after taxes American ho 1 W‘*1V coupe, radio, heater ble, radio, heater, electric 1039 OLDSMOBILE, good condition: tels don’t have the funds. And 1 I deluxe sedan; radio, heater; best IVo Need able supplies, and independent windows, a business was left on a limb. while Europe’s hotels get free SI 089 f flOfi offer takes. UL. 1-2631. American dollars, American bargain. 1 UOU 1940 PLYMOUTH sedan7“good condi Evans Brake Service tion, solid body, radio, heater, reas- This one victory has far-reach owners often can’t get low cost onable, 934 Nathaniel rd. PO. 1-1166. USED CARS ing reverberations. Prior to this, loans. Phone: GLenville 1-9115 1931 FORD, Victoria, club coupe, ex the talk was entirely of volun 13628 St. Clair Ave. 1132 Hayden Ave. cellent condition $100. IV. 1-3295 We Hre Paying' Things like this are worrying UNIVERSAL • 13705 EUCLID tary allocations, tied in with sus Congressmen. Serving N. E. Cleveland For 18 Years 1946 MERCURY, four door, radio, heat pension of anti-trust laws. In er, S850.IV 1-3255.________________ TOP DOLLAR other words, Congressmen were They feel this type of informa : CORNER EUCLID and EDDY . Ulster 1-3660 1940 OLDSMOBILE sedan, good condi FOB ANY MAKE — ANY MODEL tion. solid body, radio, heater, reas told “the situation can be handled tion, if read by tax-ridden vot onable. 934 Nathaniel rd., PO. 1-1166. TAKE ADVANTAGE by ‘gentlemen’s agreements’.” ers, will be reflected in Novem OF OUR ber voting. There may be some But Senators privately say grounds for their fears. 1950 they are becoming wary of these CARS PAINTEDj 2S VEARS “gentlemen’s agreements” • • • Many Washingtonians are quot Of SQUARE DEALING would like to be sure of what ing Nicolai Lenin, founder of the BUICK ' BRING YOUR TITLE TO “gentlemen” are involved in Soviet Union. Special Dynailow such agreements. Many feel that AT USED CARS JACK'S MOTOR they, like little Red Riding Hood, He wrote: “Germany will arm Sedanefte found out just in the nick, of lime itself out of existence.” fHas We Have A Large Selection of Clean, Late Model Beautiful Olympic Blue Finish; radio, MART, IHC. that grandma was a wolf. happened, they say.) “Bri.ain will expand itself out of exist heater, other extras; traded in on a Your Neighborhood Dealer Your Choice Used Cars — PRICED RITE! 800 EAST 185th STREET Congressmen, eyeing Novem ence.” (Has happened, they larger model. Driven 6620 miles. say.) “America will spend itself KE. 1-4550 ber elections, are aghast at some An opportunity to buy a practically press releases sent out by gov out of existence.” (Is it happen Of ernment-hired press agents. ing, they ask.) 1949 Ford Tudor 1949 Chevrolet new car at a great saving. ©National Federation of Independent Busi less orro COLORS Super deluxe, radio, heater, equip Deluxe Aero Sedan. This one Is S20S5 faiktu ped with overdrive. really clean and lots of extra*. Friendship Club Monday, October 23th. ■Candidates did medical and nursing attention $1395 $1395 for various offices at the Novem they accorded my wife during her INFRA - RED Opens Year With ber election will be presented. recent stay at this grand institu RALPH STEWART Those who attend will be assured tion. OVEN • BAKED $57.00 1948 Chevrolet 1947 Mercury of hearing both sides of every ques I also am deeply appreciative of Same As Original Factory Finish Budget If Desired Stub Coupe.