V-8 News Southern Ontario Regional Group #149 Early Ford V-8 Club

Volume 18 –Issue 2 – 1932-54 FORD, METEOR, , , LINCOLN –FLATHEAD V8 FEBUARY 2014

………………John Magill’s latest “New Car” 1935 Ford fordor Deluxe………………

Club Executive President Mike McLean 705-437-1760 Directors: Glenn Broad 416-281-6780 [email protected] Vice President John Narraway 905-831-5747 Ray Cook 905-473-5104 Secretary Paul Denter 416-509-8154 Vern Kipp 416-266-1628 Treasurer Lloyd Harris 905-683-4296 Ernie Sheriff 416-787-7272 Past Pres. Barry Moore 416-698-4378 Sid Stevens 905-683-4316 Doug Torrell 905-478-8121 [email protected] Membership Stan Walker 705-721-1448 s.walker [email protected] Chairperson Ian Hackett 905-723-4386 Club Mailing Address – Southern Ontario RG #149 Editor / Publisher PO Box 21104, 314 Harwood Ave. S. Lloyd Harris Coming905-683-4296 Events or [email protected] , On, L1S 7H2

Coming Events Feb 18. Club Meeting - Tech night, distributors will be discussed. Mike and Vern will provide examples.

Feb 9 Paris Spring Automotive Flea Market @ Paris Fairgrounds

March 18 Meeting – Video presentation on early automotive advertising followed a technical session on rear ends by Barry Moore

April Lincoln & Continental Owner’s Club will hold a run we are invited to join–details to follow

May 10 Safety Meet at Houston Ford, Stouffville followed by lunch and a tour that afternoon- details to follow

May 20 Meeting – Video presentation by Glenn Broad on the Safety Meet and tour

June 17th Meeting – Outdoors - bring your vehicles and a trunk full of parts to sell – technical talk

June 21 Fords in the Park, Country Heritage Park, Milton, all Ford show- executive will arrange for a location for our club cars. You can also park with your vintage your option.

June 23 Eastern National Meet at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania – Stan Walker will coordinate for those who plan on driving their flathead to the meet- contact Stan regarding time, etc. The booking of rooms should be done in February.

July 6 Picnic at Goodwood- arrive at 10 a.m. bring out your vehicles and a trunk full of parts to sell.

July 15 Meeting – Outdoors - bring your vehicles and a trunk full of parts to sell – technical talk

August 19 Meeting - discussion on suspensions and tires lead by Mike, Barry and Vern

September 16 Meeting – Discussion of alignment and steering boxes - Paul Varty

October 4/5 Overnight tour to be planned by Kem Jones and Barry Moore. More to follow. At the January 10th, 2014 meeting the planning for 2012 activities for the Regional Group 149 Southern Ontario V8 club, it was decided that Stan Walker and Glenn Broad would compile the activities of 2014 and present them at the January 2015 meeting.

Notice Stan has offered to collect any and all activities pictures that members may take and create the presentation for the January 2015 meeting. Only send to him by email please along with details to Stan at [email protected] Please be sure to insert the period after the S in his email. We look forward to the 2014 activities and the presentation for those who may not be able to make all of the activities. It is also purposed that CDs would be available for a minimal cost to all club member Fellow Members A notice will be attached to your newsletter that indicates we have not received payment and ask that you submit your dues. If payment is not received by the time we release the next issue then you will not receive a V8 News. Please ignore our notice if you have sent in your dues. Thank you Ian Hackett, Membership Chairperson NEXT MEETING DATE AND LOCATION

Date: January 21, 2014

Day: Tuesday

Time: 7:30 p.m.

Location: 59 Lawson Road, West Hill at the Tony Stacey Building, Royal Canadian Legion

Enter front door and use the password #1976. Turn left and go to elevator and take it to the floor one down. Do not use the stairs. page 2 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE - January, 2014 Well I'm back again as president, we had our executive meeting & it looks like it's going to be a great year. We've set up & made some changes this year to save some money & to help things run better. At this time I hope everyone has paid their dues for this year, if not please do so soon. Due to some funding loss this year we're asking those with an email address to receive the newsletter by email on your computer to save money with the cost of mailing the newsletter, let us know if you can. Contact Lloyd to be set up for email delivery. We've made changes to our auctions this year by dropping the spring auction & going with just the fall one in October. We've also made some changes with the way we run it, all the items for auction will be laid out for viewing so you know what you want to bid on & there will not be a disruption of the piece when it comes to the auctioneer, it will just be sold, this is to move the auction along to save time. Also we would like to try a west end meeting in June on a Saturday & I would like it to be indoors so if anyone knows of a spot let me know & also if you would come out to it to see how we run our meetings. Our club charity is The Children's Wish Foundation. So far over the years we have donated $5,352.25 & wish to continue to donate again. Due to the short coming of funds this year we are asking members to maybe donate some case cars or other gifts etc. & we are going to sell tickets for all the prizes in one draw with the money going to the Children's Wish, I know we all have that one piece sitting on the shelf that we really don't need any more so put it to a good cause & help us help the Kids. As always if you need help with your car call us, maybe we can help with a problem or just help it come together & if there is a good show you like let us know maybe we can come out as a club. We have had our first meeting & all is on track. I would like to thank Barry Moore for the presentation, it was a good one. Last thing on our fall tour a Motometer went missing at the Camden Garage, I'm sure that no one from our club would have taken it, but if you know of or seen anyone touching it please send a note to Don at Camden Garage 4210 Fly Rd, Camden, On. L0R 1G0... Let's get this cleared up or there may not be many more tours... Our loss. See you on the road Mike MEMBERSHIP MEETING Minutes: January 21st, 2014 Paul Denter, Recording Secretary Attendance: 24 Guests: 0 The Chairman, Mike McLean, called the meeting to order at 7:35pm. Treasurer: Lloyd reports, “We have money”. Membership Report: Ian reports that we have 91 paid members. Lloyd gave synopsis of the 2013 Financial Report and distributed copies of same. There were no questions posed. MOTION 1: That the 2013 Financial Report be accepted as presented. Moved by Tom Watson, seconded by _____. Passed. Newsletter: Lloyd sent out a second query to members asking who would be willing to receive the newsletter via email. He has sent a draft email copy to members to show the quality of the newsletter sent in this manner. The Chair asks that members seriously consider receiving the newsletter via email to save the Region money. Executive Meeting: The Board has set the 2014 schedule which sees a varied program as noted under Coming Events. Auction Night: the auction will be streamline so that it may move along more quickly. West Meeting: The Board is investigating moving the June meeting to a location west of Toronto on a Saturday. Children’s’ Wish Foundation: It was noted that with the loss of the income from the Richmond Green Flea Market the Club will be gathering donated items for a raffle in support of the Foundation. Members are invited to donate items to this raffle prize pool. To date the Club has donated a total of $5,352.25 to the Foundation. Clothing Report: Glenn reports that he has a supply of Club hats and that he may place a jacket/shirt order in the spring if there is interest. Recruiting Cards: The Club has a supply of business size cards bearing contact numbers for the Region. These cards may be left on cars/trucks or given directly to the owners of eligible cars/trucks. Members were invited to take a supply. Collectible Automobile magazine: Vern Kipp brought to the meeting’s attention that this superb magazine may no longer be subscribed to from Canada. He brought, and offered for sale, several issues with Ford articles. Mechanical Problems? Mike asked if anyone had any, there were none. PRESENTATION: Barry Moore narrated a slide presentation of cars and trucks in the Jackson, Minaker and Elliott salvage yards. Technical assistance courtesy of Stan Walker. 50/50 Draw: first prize - $41.00 Paul Varty 2nd, 3rd, 4th prizes – Dennis Carpenter calendars - Glenn Broad, Vern Kipp, Tom Watson. 5th prize – Dennis Carpenter catalogue – Barry Moore. Adjourned at: 9:15 pm Next Meeting: Scheduled for February 18th, 2014

page 3 Ford 1935 Over the years we have owned many Flat Head Fords including a 1932 Pickup, 1938 Pickup, 1940 Standard , 1948 Conv., 1950 Monarch coupe, 1954 Meteor 2 Dr, 1951 Mercury 4 Dr, so I thought it was time to purchase a 1935 flat head because I was born that year. So I kept watching Old Autos and in late Oct. this year I spoke to the owner of a 4 door sedan advertised in OA. The next day Mary and I were off to Niagara Falls to see the car. A very pleasant couple owned the 35 and he had done quite a bit of work to it including- new valves and lifters, water pumps, brakes, tires, carburetor, plus. We drove the 35 and it started and ran along very nicely, so you guessed it we bought the car. I made arrangements to have it flat bedded home to Midland so we could get it home before the snow flies. The 35 has one interesting set up under the hood as it has 4 water pumps, two in block along with the motor mounts and two in the head and of course one fan belt that drives all four. The man from whom we purchased the 35 suggested that the four water pumps were used by Ford in hot climates but he had no solid evidence to support this claim. I decided to phone the Tech Advisor for 1935 Fords at the National Early Ford Club. He is one Dan Driskell of Nashville, Tennessee and he was very pleasant and ready to answer my question. Now you have to know in advance that I was not well versed on a 1935 flat head or on what I was looking at under the hood of our 1935. So-- Dan got quite excited when I told him my reason for calling him as he had not seen such a set up as in our 35. After a lot of speculation I said I would e-mail him photos and let him see the actual set up. When I called him back he stated the old adage that a picture is worth a thousand words!!however our pictures were worth 10 thousand words. What the photos revealed was a 1937 block with likely 1935 heads so the mystery was solved. I asked Dan if the had ever built a flat head with four water pumps that would have been available to the public. Dan said that to the best of his knowledge Ford had never built such a flat head. I thanked Dan for all his knowledge and set off to maybe find out who had assembled our engine. I had, by the way, been assured by the seller that the 35 ran very well on warm days as the former owner and his wife had some fairly long successful runs in the 35 Ford as it was set up. Now, you all are aware of the Used Vehicle Information Package that we get here in Ontario when we purchase a used vehicle and the list of former owners. First on the list were the people from whom we bought the car and next was Romance Products Ltd. of Niagara on the Lake. Some of you will be aware of Trisha Romance’s art work which I am told is one of the largest in the country. They sell paintings, prints, posters of idyllic country scenes and pleasant landscapes, etc. and our new 1935 Ford 4 Door Sedan is in a very pleasant presentation of the Prince of Wales Hotel in Niagara on the Lake. If you go on their Web Site and click on posters you will see the 35 beside the hotel. It does not make the 35 run any better but it is fun to see. The name also on the list with the same date as Patricia Romance is the Fawcett Motor Carriage (1981). So I called Fawcett to see what records were available but was told that all records of that date were no longer around. The next name on the list was a fellow I knew from years back as I had sold him a 48 Ford but he was unfortunately dead. He had owned the 35 in 1976. The list had one more name from 1973 and the man was from Barrie and I also knew him. A very pleasant fellow who was quite involved in the setting up the early Barrie Automotive Flea Market. He too was unfortunately dead and there the names of my list come to an end. I did however speak with his wife, she was very pleasant and gave me some leads but her husband had had quite a few cars and all the information was gone. She was, however, well aware of Trisha Romance Art as she had two pieces of their art work on her wall. I made many calls to people that may have had knowledge for me, one friend had a supply of old car club rosters which he checked out but no 1935 Black Deluxe Ford Four Doors . I did do one other follow up call to George “Skip” Haney of Punta Gorda, Florida as he had rebuilt the “head” water pumps for the couple we bought the car from. Some of you may know the name Skip Haney as he advertises in the V/8 Times. He was fun to talk with as it was snowing heavily here and he was warm in the sunshine in Florida. When asked about the four water pumps Skip said that to the best of his knowledge Ford had never put four water pumps on the flat head. Skip did say that he also had four water pumps on his 1937 Ford Pick Up. Wow, I said, how come? His laughing reply was I rebuild water pumps for a living—that’s how I advertise. – good response.!! As I sit writing this article on our 1935 Ford and looking out the window there is snow everywhere. The snow plow has come past and now the snow banks along the roadside are almost four feet high. The 35 sits snuggly in our shop and with just a low setting on thermostat the old gal is probably as comfortable as she has ever been. I still have to get bumper guards to finish the exterior and a set of headers to bolt on the flat head to get the exhaust gasses out more efficiently. Later on I’ll replace the carpet and the interior will all look pretty respectable. All that is left to do is sit tight till a warm spring day comes along and then Mary & I will go for a pleasant tour in our new 1935 Ford. Page 4

Early Ford V-8 Club of America “Southern Ontario Regional Group #149” P.O. Box 21104 314 Harwood Avenue South Ajax, Ontario L1S 7H2

Last Name: ______First Name:______Partner:______

Street: ______City: ______

Province: ______Postal Code: ______Country:______

Email: ______

Telephone: Res ______Cell______Vehicle(s) Owned Year Make Model Engine installed




Please list other vehicles on reverse MEMBERSHIP DUES ARE AS FOLLOWS; 1. To join the Southern Ontario Regional Group #149: The annual membership fees are Canadian $35.00 per annum, due and payable on joining and renewals in December of each year. However if you do subscribe to the V8 Times as well then your annual dues are $30.00 per annum. A Non-subscribing Member (when you do not subscribe to the V8 Times) pays $35 or an additional $5.00 which provides for insurance coverage for an event(s) such as a Show & Shine, picnic etc. that our club participates in.. Your cheque or money order is to be made payable to the “Early Ford V-8 Club of America #149” and can be given to the Membership Chairperson or mailed to the above address. We ask that you send us Canadian Dollars only.

2. If you subscribe to the V8 Times, then you are a member of the National Early Ford V-8 Club, reducing your fee to only $30.00 to join our Regional Group. To subscribe to the National Club and receive the bi-monthly V8 Times magazine, their membership dues are as follows: Annual 3 Years Regular Member US $55.00 US $150.00

TO JOIN THE NATIONAL CLUB, YOU MUST APPLY DIRECTLY TO: The Early Ford V-8 Club of America, c/o Cornerstone Registration LTD., P.O. Box 1715, Maple Grove, MN 55311-6715 Payable by US Money Order. Or Join On-line @ The Early Ford V-8 Web site (www.earlyfordv8.org).

Are you now a member of the National Early Ford V-8 Club of America i.e. subscribing to V8 Times? Yes______No______National Member Number ______Amount of Membership Fee Enclosed: National member $30.00___ not a National member $35.00 ___ Renewal member ____


Page 5 WHOOPS WE FORGOT Sometimes things just never work out the way you want them to. Normally we acknowledge our 10 and 15 year members in June/July annually. This year we completely forgot and we apologize to those members listed below. Hopefully we will do a better job this year…. 10 Year Members Doug Coggan Pat Harris Jim Fisher Terry Irish Dick Patterson Clint Ryan Bill Wybenga

15 Year Members Ray Cook Curtis Driedger Lloyd Harris John Kitchen Larry Lethby Al Rowcliffe

Congratulations to all and we will be in touch with you to arrange delivery of your pin.

ARE WE GROSS POLLUTERS? Many people believe that old cars are gross polluters and energy hogs. This is definitely not the case according to John McMahon who recently wrote a letter to Auto Restorer magazine. He claims that he and a friend have tabulated the following figures from personal experience over fifty years. According to John, many of our older vehicles get surprisingly good gas mileage. While his figures don’t include the Ford flathead V/8 I think his point is well taken. The current perception that older vehicles are gross polluters is definitely wrong. The following are a few of his examples. He doesn’t say how he compiled this data but I suspect that he is spot on. All gas mileage figures are in miles per imperial gallon.

- 1940 Packard Super Eight (356 C.ID) 12 mpg overall 13 hwy - 1949 Chrysler (251 CID std.) 19 mpg overall 24 hwy - 1948 Nash 600 (173 CID, O/D) 26 mpg overall 36 hwy - 1959 Rebel V/8 (250 CID Auto) 22 mpg overall 26 hwy - 1960 Chrysler Windsor (383 CID - 4 bbl. auto. 19 mpg overall 25 hwy (80 mph) - 1962 Buick Invite (401 CID auto) 19 mpg overall 26 hwy (85 mph) - 1964 Buick Riviera (425 CID auto) 14 mpg overall 18 hwy - 1965 Chrysler Newport (383 CID 2 bbl. auto) 16 mpg overall 20 hwy - 1965 Mustang (289 CID Auto) 20 mpg overall 24 hwy - 1964 Buick Riviera (401 CID auto.) 16 mpg overall 18 hwy - 1965 Buick Riviera (425 CID 2 x 4 bbl. auto) 10 mpg overall 16 hwy - 1966 Mustang (289 CID auto) 22 mpg overall 25 hwy - 1966 Mustang (289 CID std.) 24 mpg overall 26 hwy - 1966 Mustang 6 (200 CID std.) 29 mpg overall 35 hwy - 1967 Barracuda (273 CID auto) 18 mpg overall 19 hwy - 1973 Buick Century (350 auto) 18 mpg overall 20 hwy

The above figures depend a great deal on how aggressively the vehicle is driven and on the gear ratios that are in play. John also got similar results when a few of his cars needed a California emissions test when he bought them. The 1965 Mustang 289 passed the smog requirements for new 1994 cars for all three pollutants (CO, hydrocarbons & NOX) The 1964 Dodge Polara 500 383 passed the smog requirements for new 1994 cars for two of the three pollutants (CO, & Hydrocarbons and was only about 15% over the standard NOX) Each car had about 100,000 miles (160,000 KM) no smog devises, engines never been rebuilt and with a fresh factory spec tune-up. Go figure! Submitted by Barry Moore P.S. Ford Flathead V/8 engines are clean engines and will surprise the emissions testing people. The reason I am told it is because the exhaust gases are unusually hot.

Paddy is at it again... Paddy went to trial for armed robbery. The jury foreman came out and announced to the judge, “Not guilty.” That’s grand shouts Paddy to the Judge. “Does it mean I can now spend the money?”

An American lawyer asked, “Paddy, why is it whenever you ask an Irishman a question, he answers back with a question?” “Who told you that?” Asked Paddy.

Page 6 Tech Tips - Brake Conversions While going through some old Cars & Parts magazines I came across a letter to the Editor regarding converting a ‘ 34 Plymouth to front disk brakes and I thought that it was very much in keeping with what some members are doing or thinking of doing with their early Ford V/8s. The letter was written by Bob Adler of Adler’s Antique Autos Stephentown, New York.

Concerning the disk brake conversion, it was disconcerting to see so much ink wasted on such a foolish endeavour as installing disc brakes on a ‘34 Plymouth. Did the stock wheels fit over the calipers? Did you do stopping distance comparisons before and after the swap? Do you spin out when stopping on a curve? If you habitually overheat drum brakes to fading, you need some driving lessons and/or linings with a better hot coefficient of friction. Check the friction code on the lining edge, and learn how to read them. Any restorer can easily purchase high friction brake linings to fit his original shoes and drums, and place these linings all around, maintaining the factory bias in front- to- back proportioning. If you want to increase deceleration rates, how about installing a slightly smaller bore master cylinder, which will increase available pressure at the cost of longer pedal travel. Comparative master cylinder charts are frequently in the back of brake component catalogues. One of the companies that sleeves brake cylinders could be helpful here for customizing the bore. Alternatively, slightly larger bore wheel cylinders would also give more pounds pressure on brake shoes. I have been recommending installation of period correct Hydro vac boosters for large trucks and disabled drivers. Disc brakes, in general are much less forgiving of prolonged storage as compared to drums. Drum brakes are not the culprit; driving past the safe limits of an antique vehicle are, - then expecting to compensate by stopping on a dime. Your discs won’t work because the back wheels may spin out. Young readers, learn about brake engineering before throwing away the OEM system. You have much more elegant options to safe and rapid deceleration than converting to discs. Bob Adler - Adler’s Antiques - Stephentown, New York

P.S. In addition to above - It is my understanding that it is no longer recommended that both disc and drum brakes be used on the same vehicle because the action of discs tends to be linear with foot pressure applied while drum brakes tend to be exponential. It may be best to stick with your OEM brakes or go to discs all around. - Barry Moore

- Emergency Repair In another letter to the editor of Cars and Parts, a long time hobbyist (S.C. Davenport) writes that a product that has saved his “bacon” is a sealant called Seal-All that comes in a yellow tube with red lettering. He went on to say — “One repair that I used Seal-All was a rock induced hole in the gas tank. With the gas pouring out and in the middle of nowhere, I took some Seal-All on a finger, stuffed it in the hole (1/4 inch Diameter) and it stopped the leak. I looked at it later and decided that I would see how long it lasted. Never had a problem as long as I owned the vehicle.” “There was also a crack in the thermostat gooseneck that radiator sealant didn’t help, but Seal-All applied to the inside of the clean part cured the ailment” This is one of the few products that will cure in gasoline but will not adhere to paper, cardboard and styrofoam. - Submitted by Barry Moore

LETTER TO THE EDITOR Gasoline is a hot topic today with people who collect older vehicles. I would like to add a couple of comments related to Barry Moore’s article “ May Contain Ethanol” It is my understanding based on conversations with small engine repair people that gasoline of any grade will deteriorate quickly. Premium gasoline will usually stay viable for a longer period than regular gasoline but if a vehicle is going to be stored for 60 days or more, a stabilizer is strongly recommended. With late model vehicles you should be careful to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations. John Magill

WHATS THE FUNNIEST THING YOUR KIDS HAVE EVER SAID? When my daughter was 2+ years old, one day we went grocery shopping. We were in our typical daily post-work-daycare-pickup mad scramble to grab a few things for dinner and get home. I plunked her in the grocery cart seat and made our way down the aisles. At one point, I turned to her and said “Okay, so what do we need?” She shouted “You need your wine, Mom!” Several people within ear shot, myself included, laughed out loud.

My three year old son uses the elevator every day, counts backwards like this: “Four, three, two, lobby.”

Many years ago when my daughter then 3 years old and I were out running errands, she turned to me and said very seriously “Mama, I know you’re the best driver in the world, because you’re always yelling at all the other drivers.” Page 7 WANTED 1946-48 Ford/Mercury 59A builder engine. Prefer complete runner or one that turns over & has not been bored very much. Set of 1940-41 Lincoln Zephyr transmission gears to fit ’39 transmission –Bill 519-442-1143 [email protected]

1933/34 Ford complete steering column including and ignition lock Vern 416-266-1628

Information wanted on Schramm Air Compressors run by a flathead V8 engine-parts-pictures-designs would be appreciated. George Christianson 905-852-7584

1926-27 Model T Ford front fenders in good condition - Mike 705-437-1760

World Class T5 Ford transmission Tom 416-449-3990

1935 Ford bumper guards 4 required John Magill 705-526-3296

1951 Mercury M-3 pickup cab dome light and one or more M-3 hubcaps- Barry 416-698-4378

Rear brake drums for 1940 Ford, 5x5 ½ pattern & 2 piece distributor cap for 49-54 Mallory dual point distributor Doug 904-478-8121

1949 Mercury –need both bumpers, good used fine, passenger side rear fender chrome, window vent glass, name of glass installer who can install a front windshield, radio, rear brake drums (same as rear for 1948-52 Ford pickup - 11 inch) steering box, 2 parking light bezels and lens. Lloyd 905-683-4296 [email protected]

1953 Ford or Mercury or Monarch 2 door passenger in reasonable shape Lloyd 905-683-4296 [email protected]

1935 Ford pickup preferably in running/roadworthy condition Ray 604-576-7476 or 604-805-8684 [email protected]

PARTS FOR SALE 1950 Ford/Meteor NOS trunk lid hinges $50 & good used pair $25.; 1949-50 Ford/Meteor tie rod ends $20 each; tie rod links $35 each & sleeves $10 each; 1949-54 Meteor, 1949-53 Mercury/Monarch NOS upper rad hose still fresh only $15. Each; 1936-48 Ford/Merc ignition points $8 per set Vern 416-266-1628

Tires- four (4) 800x14 BF Goodrich Silverstone bias ply wide white wall –tubeless $175.; Rad fits 1953-55 Ford/Mercury pickup for flathead V8 -$90.00; Engine stand $95. (to rebuild engine on); Engine 1946-48 flathead for rebuilding $400. Wayne 519-376-6787 [email protected]

1941 Ford engine $500. OBO Don 705-324-9921

1949-54 car rad like new condition $450; brake drums off F1 pickup front/rear $30 each; Ford C tranny for mid 60’s Ford $75 Dave 705-322-9637

1948-50 Ford pickup cab-front inner & outer fenders, running boards-decent shape $500. Lawrence 705-324-9876

1956 2 dr htp – all chrome trim for $600 or sell individually; Pair of blue dot taillight lens for 1952-54 Ford $20.00 - Lavern 705-324-4092

Rear window tail lite 3 yrs. new, fits Ford/Meteor ‘52/54, some blemish’s, no cracks or chips $100. Stan 705-733-4883

Ford 1931 model A parts-tailgate $150; splash aprons $100; running boards $150; motor $350; tranny $150; front & rear ends $125 each Ron 705-322-3967 [email protected]

1982 Ford 302 motor & tranny, both complete $500; 1960 metal lathe complete with stand/spare gear set, extra chuck $500; John 905-831-5747

Sun visor fits 1940-50-60’s - $50. Russ 289-200-3710 page 8 PARTS FOR SALE Continued

1950-51 Monarch re-chromed trunk lid ornament $200; hood ornament $300; 49-51 leaping lion ornament good original $300;’51 Ford/Merc headlight bezels $50 each; ’50 complete Monarch grill $300 - Keith 519-638-0599

1954 Ford Victoria both doors, hood, trunk, both windshield, seats, door panels, inside & outside trim, hood hinge box, dash board etc., NOS right front fender, 2 tudor (one NOS) - all for $700. John Morana 647-707-2362

1946-47 Ford/Merc 1 ton -2 drums with backing for one ton in reasonable shape $20.00 Doug 705-438-3952

1949-53 Mercury engines; complete turning with all accessories-need freshening- not sure if mild bore or hone necessary-heads can be removed to assess-asking $750; Have stuck engine complete minus accessories $500; Also stuck block with crank, rods, pistons, cam, values only. Block probably too weathered to be used $400. Transmissions- number of Ford flathead floor shift and side shift open drive units for sale $125-$400 each. Bill Halpenny 519-442-1143 or [email protected]

Set of 4 -1935 wire wheels $175 obo Paul 416-690-2697

1955-57 T-bird porthole hardtop made by Shea $650 & ’50 Mercury 3 spd tranny $100 John 905-892-3059

NOS parts -1942-48 Ford panel seal #21a8104-r $8.00; 1938-40 Ford/Lincoln/Zephyr door lock springs$7.00 each; 32-48 Ford ignition resister $7.00; pair 1946-48 headlight bucket grommets $6.; Ford regulator 6V $20; 1942-48 Mercury exterior door handle $45.; Car/Truck Ford V-8 Service Bulletins 1941-48 hard cover book $40. Starto-Jet Car starter in original box $20; distributor cap & conduit for all V8 Ford trucks $8; 1946/47 Ford truck clutch release shaft bushing $5.00; 32-37 Ford bearings #48-C6211E $15 pair; 1930’s Ford connecting rod bearing set $5.00 per set; 49/53 Ford/Merc rear main bearing flange std. $15.00 Lloyd 905-683-4296 or [email protected]

V-8 TIMES 2013 –all 6 issues for just $25.00 or individual issues $5. each. Have some 2012 issues $2.00 each. Hurd binder covering car/truck locks for 1932-51 Ford, Mercury, Lincoln, Chrysler & Studebaker $5.00; Lloyd 905-683-4296

VEHICLES FOR SALE 1951 Meteor Custom fordor – frame & running gear painted, flathead rebuilt, body off frame and disassembled, needs minimal work $4,900. Norm 705-657-8714

1953 Ford Customline tudor-automatic--back up lights-factory exterior sun visor-Coronado cover- good motor & rad- maroon colour $8500. Firm Wayne 905-665-8830 or 905-431-2810

1930 Model A Touring rust free, painted once, new tires, L-B interior $30,000 obo; ‘41 Ford pickup –complete except on grill, needs body work, $6000 obo; ’46 GMC pu fully restored, low miles, $25,000 Don 905-243-3663

1931 Ford Roadster D –side mounts, body off restoration, low miles on restored motor -$15000; Walter Milne 905-683-5069

1951 Meteor Deluxe tudor -black exterior, dual exhaust, overdrive, new rubber, 50,000 miles, good original solid car never painted, asking $10,500 Bob 905-722-4506

1951 Ford Victoria black with burgundy top, good running car-$14,000 obo; ’51 Ford Convertible Canadian car, disassembled for restoration, many replacement parts $6500; ’51 Meteor Victoria, scarce Canadian car, no motor or tranny, body good but many dents $900. Dave McLaren 613-561-5232

1964 Comet convertible- California car, 6 cyl. Auto, rust free, $7500; 1977 –California car $3000; Kem 416-873-6674

1937 Ford tudor coach, original, fresh motor, fenders & hood repaired and painted, new rubber on running boards, dash, door & window trims refinished, body cleaned up & buffed, new “kingpins, brakes linings & cables”, tires good, needs upholstery, runs great $12,500 Joe Beckett 613-268-2443 or [email protected]

1940 Ford Deluxe Business Coupe, scarce original unmolested survivor, strong engine, as new tires, rebuilt engine, $27,000.; 1949 Mercury fordor Sports Sedan western car, all new- “glass, chrome, paint, rebuilt engine, excellent tranny, clutch”, restored gas tank $19,500 Vern 416-266-1628 page 9

John Magill’s 1935 Ford fordor Custom

Art Deco lines were the style in 1935 brakes need to be tuned up?

Deluxe had the chrome grill and dual horns/side mirrors like new interior

Engine is very clean Deluxe had dual taillights. Poppy red rims & trim top it off!

Page 10