Bonded Shingles Fine-Car of Mrs
Margaret William; Cahcy, of Co- Alumnae Of Southern Meet ronda. Calif. Mrs. College Scott Cun- Winner Gets $5 For Slogan Mark School9s 100th ningham, of Richmond. Anniversary Miss Eva Eppes. of Stony _ For Powhatan Crew 24—A Emergency AMELIA, May group of The luncheon concluded with Creek. Mrs. Leslie Henshew women who attended POWHATAN, May 21—Charles Southern songs by Mrs. Katherine Pinner Hinkel of ly all of the candy has been sold Chevy Chase, Mcl., W. Female College 'later Southern Barbee and the general singing Seldom, Jr., of Richmond, in the present candy project of Mrs. Mary Armstrong was declared College, junior) between the of the alma mater song. Jefferson, the winner of the the auxiliary, and they would slogan contest years 1907 ard 1915 met for of Amelia, Mr. and Mrs. Tho- and a check for like to express their thanks and The meeting was arranged by five dollars luncheon in Hotel Petersburg. mas Jett, of Reedville; Mrs. was sent to him, at appreciation to all an out-of-town committee headed people of the William Kevan. of the Sunday, May 13, to recall old Petersburg; monthly meeting of the lad- county who helped to make this by Mi. ses Mary and Julia Arnes, ies times and mark the 100th an- Mrs. Richard Lewis, of Dinwid- auxiliary to the Powhatan sate such of Portsmouth. a success. niversary of the founding of the dle, Mrs. Peggy Walson logon. Emergency Crew on Monday, Following the business session, school at 214 S. Sycamore St., In addition to the guests, those Mrs.
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