1959-04-30, [P ]
PAGE TWO THE BLUFFTON NEWS, BLUFFTON, OHIO TH IRSDAY, APRIL 30, 1959 Larry Smucker, Keith Baker, THE FLORISTS of the United Test Your Observation The Bluffton News Mike Diller, Sandra Diller, Betty States have more than seven Stratton and Mr. Wilbur Howe, square miles of growing space MILTON I. EDWARDS, Editor a’dvisor to the group. under glass in their greenhouses, according to the World Book en CHARLES HILTY, Associate Editor So you think you know Bluff ton? cyclopedia. ABOUT t METHODIST BANQUET Published weekly at Bluffton, Ohio, by Bluffton News Publishing The Father-Child banquet of and Printing Co. the First Methodist church will THE NATIONAL FLOWER of be held Thursday at 6:15 p. m. Scotland is the thistle, according The speaker is Dr. Walter Dick- to the World Book encyclopedia, Subscription rates: Year, $3.00; six months, $2.00 anywhere in U. S TEENERS haut, pastor of Trinity Methodist because a ditch filled with this by Beverly Benrotb church, Lima. He will show tles once saved a Scottish Entered as second class matter at the post office at Bluffton, Ohio, slides of his recent trip to India. fortress from Danish invasion. under the Act of March 3, 1879. BETTY GAIFFE, Pam Miller, Karen Mumma and Nancy Swank have been chosen as Varsity cheerleaders for the 1959-60 ifliiiij.iiii school year. Also selected by the We Are Now students Monday afternoon as Country Flavor alternates are Sharon Steiner and AUTHORIZED Sandie Edie. Betty will serve as cheermaster. Sales and Service GOLDEN WING male flicker is a handy chap and The flicker does not believe in helps his mate with the incuba tion and feeding.
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