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Established June, 1893 LOWELL. MICH., THURSDAY. MARCH 13. 1958 Number 47 Justice Rlttenger Reports Lowell's Bid For City Fails by 21 Votes; Violations For February Juniors to Present 'Cheaper By the Dozen' March 21 - 22 Lowell Observes National Library Week As our pan in the national ol>- is endorsed by the National Educa- Hownid Rittonger. lowoll Jus- servance of Library Week, Lowell' tion Association, the Junior Cham- Will Vote Again on Different Boundaries tice, .eports that there were a to- Library inaugurates a pre-sehool; bers of Commerce and the General tal of 38 violations brought before story hour on Wednesday. March. Federation of Women's Clubs, In a record turnout of 640 voters change. Newly elected William his court in February: 25 town- 19. at II a. m. This is in addition' among other national organiza- from the village and 123 from the Jones Tuesday revealed that the ship. 8 village and 5 warrants. fc c proposition would he resubmitted to the regular school-age story I tions. proposed annexed portions of Low- They were as follows: hour offered every Saturday at Ihe with different InHindaries at an Drove onto sidewalk in front of The introduction of children to oil and Vergennes township, the early date. library at 11 a. m. the pleasures of reading is only restauranV 1; Failure to stop in city proposition was turned down Awakening Americans to the re- j one of the resiionsibilities of the VOTE O.N CITV INCORPORATION assured clear distance ahead, 1; by vote of 393 to 372. The majority wards of reading, whether for' library. Of equal importance is the Speeding, 9; Reckless driving, 2; of R8 votes for the city in Lowell l»wel| Village Yes No pleasure or profit, is the aim of I supply of research material and Non stop for traffic light and stop Village indicates that the majority Precintt 1 180 149 'he first National Library Week. sign, 5; Interfering with traffic, 4; information to teachers and schol- of the town residents want the Precinct 2 184 127 March 16-22. This drive for a "het- ars. and Ihe ready availability of Improper passing. 1; Highway De- Lou ell Township ter-read. better-informed America" partment for overload of weight. the latest literary output for adults. Precinct 1 0 24 is led by ihe American Library COMING EVENTS 2; No operator's license. 4; Im- The most recent addition to the Precinct 2 5 49 Association and ihe National Book collection is the novel, "They Came proper left turn. 1; Defective Vergennes 3 44 Committee. Inc., a non-profit or- to Cordura" by Glendon Swarth- Open bowling at American Le- equipment, 3; Warrants for having ganlxntion devoted to wider and out. formerly of Lowell. gion lanes, Saturdays 5 to 10; Sun- in possession stolen property, 2; Total 372 393 wiser use of hooks. The program Among the many readers in Lo- days, 2 to 9. To reserve alleys be- Warrant for driving under the in- New founcll Membern fluence accident. 1; Warrant for well who use Ihe library, Mrs. tween these hours telephone TW 7- Anna Mae Roth is one of the most The only contest In the regular disorderly and interfering with an 7566. c33 tf regular patrons. At the request of village election Monday was for officer. 1; Bench warrant for dis- Gurney Hahn the librarian. Mrs. Hugh Vander- Regular meeting of Cyclamen village trustee. Winners of the regard stop sign and sent to Ihe Veen. she conlrlbtited some notes Chapter No. 94. Order of the East- four-way race were: George E. County Jail for 10 days, 1. on three new novels available to em Star, .March 14 at 8 p. m. at Dey, sr.. 416; Ronald C. Fish. 408; Total of fines and costs New Head of the public now: the Masonic Temple. 46-47 Charles R. Doyle. 338. Louis Klng- for County 5168.90 Rook Reviews sley was the losing candidate with Total of fines and costs Mrs. Nick Kloosterman will be "No Blade of Grass" by John 299 votes. For other offices unop- for Village 239.00 Board of Trade hostess to the Perry group of the Christopher. "This is a chilling posed: William Jones, jr., village v Congregational Women's Fellow- At ihe annual meeting last Thurs- novel of the all Um) possible future. president, 452; Laura Shepard. Total $707.90 ship which will meet at the church I day of the Lowell Hoard of Trade. clerk. 487; Esther M. Fahmi. Friday afternoon, March 14, at two Gurney Hahn was elected presi- treasurer, 400 and Theo Bailey, o'clock. PTA Open House dents of the business organization assessor, 427. for the coming year. Mrs. Marian The Legion Auxiliary will meet Count Vote for CommlsHloners To Be March 17 Avery was elected to the hoard, ^ f at the I/eglon Hall, Monday, Mar. On advice by Kent County Legal being the first woman to hold that 17 at 8 p. m. The Parent-Teacher's Association Advisor, George R. Cook, the The l/owell High School junior rlat* present* Arehart, Terry Shepard and Jim William*. Third position in the organization's 52 Public Card Party, IOOF Hall, win present their annual open votes for the charter commis- the oast of their ploy, "Cheaper By the Dozen," row; Frank Myera, Frank i'nlsul, (harleH Ryder, years of existence. Others elected Friday. Mar. 14 at 1:30 p. m. p47 house at the Lowell Schools on sioners were counted. Although which will be given on Friday and Saturday, to the board were Clark Fletcher March 17, beginning at 7 p. m. Kay Snow and .'Marsha Verspoor. Second row: the commissioners have no duties March 21 and 22 In the Runcitnan Elementary Lloyd Norwood, Sandra Curran, Martha Stiff, Ray and Lucian Gamble. Wilbur Wlt- WRC Card Party, March 19. p47 All rooms of the high school and o Vto Building. The production is directed by Mrs. tenhach was elected vice president: since the proposition to become a elementary buildings will display Jones and Ke\ Dow 11 OR. In front are Sharon Story. St. Rita's Circle of the St. city was defeated, it might be of Patricia Mullen. In the back row. from left to C. A. Bradshaw, the fourth mem- the work that the students have Martha Wlttenhach and Sylvia Dykhulien. Mary's Church will hold a Rum- Interest. Here Is the vote: right, are Betsy McPherHon, Rogi * Kowbnd, John ber. was elected foi ti four-year been doing. Teachers will be in term last year. mage Sale at the City Hall on 1. Herbert Elzlnga 504 On March 21 and 22 at 8 p. m. successful man, who is proud of their rooms and all parents are un or The secretary and treasurer's Mar. 27th. 28th and 29th. c47 2. Orval McKay 432 C t* \ Ifk •i ' class of l-owell High his family and proud of his busi- urged to attend. This meeting will report shows the organization par- 3. William Jones, jr. 412 .School will present Ihe play ness accomplishments. In order to Morse Lake and McCords Farm give parents a chance not only to hPOrtU? uOUlf ftff MTI0NAL LIBRARY WEEK 4. David Coons 399 GoulWlMf , W69 f, ' Cheaper by the Dozen" which is keep his household in smooth run- ticipated in a four-montn business see their children's work but also Mirch 16-22,1958 Buieau will meet Friday evening, 5. R. E. Reagan 370 ' based on the popular book by promotion last summer, assisted they will have the opportunity of ning order, he runs it as though it March 14 at Morse Lake School at 6. Wesley Roth 343 | Frank B. Gilbreth, jr.. and Er- were a factory, and Mr. Gilbreth various groups during the p a s t What if science fails to check a meeting the teachers. Dies Suddenly 8 p. m. Carl Cleveland will speak 7. Richard L. 336 nestine Gilbreth Carey. year, sponsored a Christmas Par- virus attacking all grains? What Zuon The PTA Is planning a bake salp believes in saving time wherever on the topic of "ClvU Defense". 8. Peter Speerstra 309 The plot Is the lively story of possible. Me even buttons his vest ade and promotion. The Commun- happens to decent people in the in the All-Purpose room during the Mildred Andrews and Zona Post- 9. Walter Gumser 295 Mr. and Mrs. Gilbreth and their from bottom to top to save four ity Development Corporation, a race for survival?" Open House and refreshments will In Tucson, Arizona ma are on the coffee committee. 10. Gould Rivette 278 twelve children. seconds. non-profit off-shoot of the Board "The Awakened" by Zoe Olden- be served here also. 11. George Dey. sr. 269 Word was received in Lowell As the house lights dim, the Father worries quite a hit about of Trade, report showed that It bourg. "A massive historical novel Ihe South Boston Extension club 12. Charles Doyle 269 Tuesday that George Goul, 69, audience will find itself in the his daughter, Anne. (Sylvia Dyk- has nearly completed payment for in the continental style with the will meet with Mrs. Ray Rlttenger 13. Earl Evans 250 passed away suddenly Tuesday Gilbreth living roorri in the early huizen) who is leading the other the west side parking lot and has emphasis on intellectual Ideas and Wednesday, March 19tn. Potluck Jr. Band Receives 14. Edward Ward 236 while shopping In Tucson. Arizona, 1920's. There they'll find Mr. Gil- two older girls, Ernestine 'Mar- some funds available to try to at- loyalties in a clash between per- at noon.