j',-. . ' ' r i ■ ' .'^-*[-- ': i ■ ' ■ J '■'- ■r' '''^ ‘ ■ 5¥5P''''o/,* ■ ;; .' '.t:.* */l .V* : ' J •' i- J I './ ],,. , '-i.,\' = % ' f- I ■l. ■t. I- r ' * ' i :k . . . ' . . t ' ■' ) * • ■ ' C 7. V , : . , ; j \ , ’ / ' / ■ ■ ■ i ? ^ 5griya''. -■ -f. • f - ihK' k : ■ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 I ■ > :■ X , ,'^T**®*® .Daily Net Press Run v w the Wook Boded Febmnry lA IIM ♦ . ' . -I ', ^ '■ '-.A • i ' ;■ * ■' * -A. ' T ” ■ . '■ 11^112 , Member of the AiMit I S O P E N % ' "vronn of €lniiloUoho ■ V. Pair, MBir ^anchestei •A C iiy o f ViUamm Charm . ’ n i g h t s . , t i l 8 :3 0 __ ' \ ratoatoigirS iS S ^ i S A T U R b A Y I A . M . t » 6 P . M . yO L .L X X Iir,N O .ilB (CInnolfiod AivovtMag oa Vngn Bf) -7. A N D NOTE PLEA SE. . . (THIRTY-^O PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) 'M G i'i C H ^ ALL DAY M ONDAY, FE l 22 WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY 8 V i g U E n d s m >4 •State W hile in this new mmULM' issue o f B etter L iv- iOD F o r c e Dark Lino, E sther K im m el toils..you oil ab ou t b oaits^ .. all tim a U . With Dust S. favoritas, 'sho -, Winsted, Feb. 19 (ff)--ThIa « ity has become the first in Amarillo, Tax., Feb. 19 (It) calls tham »>w a w an t —Choking black clouds of dust ^ “?®9 t|cut to terminate, its to- toR you. Defense program “be- ttngulfed sections oT Te: o n l y 2 o r . : . , lack « f public in- pidahom]^ New Moxico, IU m- \ > .n sas and Colorado today. Visi- \ | fact that Defense Director bility was cut to zero in the -T, Shurfino- B o s fi Wilham Heskefh said''today Fanhandla and street .ligats had ta be turned on. T T icy P r efe r M erite^^>>j]>em crited^^^^P^ stylo bakod boons YOU ALWAYS-FUnr TOP VALUES ALL OF THE TIME that under the law,, Winsted The turbulrace accompanied a hava just boon ro* must have CD. western cold front that moved d u e o t f t o 25c - c a n . Mayor P. FroncU Hick* oaid across the states. Tornado alerts m at the Board of Selectmen were issued for eections of Texas, N ot a sm all can but AT o f te s Se lf S ^ E and MEAT DEPARTMEHT .voted, to dUband the entire pro- '0. Oklahoma and Arkansas. [ a t a l l 2B -ox^ ca n {u si- m ------caty, SJgbto. Vaeieoe'-.- wlEt fe^bRrdV.RcUon took placi In the Texas Panhandle, city E llad w ith d eliciou s GRADIA LAIIGi y KOSHBBDIU a t on executive oeMlon Monday mi Wight. stoeet lights cast wan gleams I b oon s w ith p ork an d through the black pall that shut MEAT DEPARTMENT Mayor Slope Back out the sun. and buses nosed I s a u c a . EGGS PICKLES At the lame time, the mayor cauUoiuly along Mreets and high­ P®*** •aainJ Yap, la of a higlMr whokeale laarket, two M pped back at State q p oglclaU ~ Comdea, K. Feb. !• (/f)-. ways, headligbU stabbing feebly Doz. L g . Size toyoritM rotani at a pioMiag prico: Wter learning that under state WIWoM Tarior. ••, (obovo) into the dust. Airplanes were b By THE As s OCTATED PRESS / U l A M B u t t law,. Wineted like other towns and stands dejectedly In the entrance Try Shurfina C atsu p ot grounded. denounced today the Big Pour agree- bonus Bli cities "Is authorised and directed bis konso boMIng n ptetore of Meanwhile, thunderstorms rat­ S.ii( Nu'a .it iir Chi'i kout Countors w ith th orn ... p ricad to establish a local organiaation bio aon Dick. A, S-day dream tled In North Texas. A® !i? B®»c® Conference at Geneva, Switxer- FRESH tor Civil Defense in accordance tiint bis 00Idler son might still lan^ April 26. As the Big Four ministers headed home after a t 2 b o t t l o s 45c . I t ' s bo oUvo woo ended todny. The dust swirled into the Texas , MVB T bo' enag* PiaalHinC caab tagtottr tapM and g*t aliab* PORK With State CD program.” I g o o d valu e to o . saves you ^2 "I don’t care what the sUte law Btebrnd irartar. Si, n primto Panhandle from Colorado and teldbr fn * 1