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WASHINGTON's BIRTHDAY YOU ALWAYS-Funr TOP VALUES ALL j',-. ' ' r i ■ ' .'^-*[-- ': i ■ ' ■ J '■'- ■r' '''^ ‘ ■ 5¥5P''''o/,* ■ ;; .' '.t:.* */l .V* : ' J •' i- J I './ ],,. , '-i.,\' = % ' f- I ■l. ■t. I- r ' * ' i :k . ' . t ' ■' ) * • ■ ' C 7. V , : . , ; j \ , ’ / ' / ■ ■ ■ i ? ^ 5griya''. -■ -f. • f - ihK' k : ■ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 18 I ■ > :■ X , ,'^T**®*® .Daily Net Press Run v w the Wook Boded Febmnry lA IIM ♦ . ' . -I ', ^ '■ '-.A • i ' ;■ * ■' * -A. ' T ” ■ . '■ 11^112 , Member of the AiMit I S O P E N % ' "vronn of €lniiloUoho ■ V. Pair, MBir ^anchestei •A C iiy o f ViUamm Charm . ratoatoigirS iS S ^ ’ n i g h t s . , t i l 8 :3 0 __ ' \ i S A T U R b A Y I A . M . t » 6 P . M . yO L .L X X Iir,N O .ilB (CInnolfiod AivovtMag oa Vngn Bf) -7. A N D NOTE PLEA SE. (THIRTY-^O PAGES IN TWO SECTIONS) 'M G i'i C H ^ ALL DAY M ONDAY, FE l 22 WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY 8 V i g U E n d s m >4 •State W hile in this new mmULM' issue o f B etter L iv- iOD F o r c e Dark Lino, E sther K im m el toils..you oil ab ou t b oaits^ .. all tim a U . With Dust S. favoritas, 'sho -, Winsted, Feb. 19 (ff)--ThIa « ity has become the first in Amarillo, Tax., Feb. 19 (It) calls tham »>w a w an t —Choking black clouds of dust ^ “?®9 t|cut to terminate, its to- toR you. Defense program “be- ttngulfed sections oT Te: o n l y 2 o r . : . , lack « f public in- pidahom]^ New Moxico, IU m- \ > .n sas and Colorado today. Visi- \ | fact that Defense Director bility was cut to zero in the -T, Shurfino- B o s fi Wilham Heskefh said''today Fanhandla and street .ligats had ta be turned on. T T icy P r efe r M erite^^>>j]>em crited^^^^P^ stylo bakod boons YOU ALWAYS-FUnr TOP VALUES ALL OF THE TIME that under the law,, Winsted The turbulrace accompanied a hava just boon ro* must have CD. western cold front that moved d u e o t f t o 25c - c a n . Mayor P. FroncU Hick* oaid across the states. Tornado alerts m at the Board of Selectmen were issued for eections of Texas, N ot a sm all can but AT o f te s Se lf S ^ E and MEAT DEPARTMEHT .voted, to dUband the entire pro- '0. Oklahoma and Arkansas. [ a t a l l 2B -ox^ ca n {u si- m ------ caty, SJgbto. Vaeieoe'-.- wlEt fe^bRrdV.RcUon took placi In the Texas Panhandle, city E llad w ith d eliciou s GRADIA LAIIGi y KOSHBBDIU a t on executive oeMlon Monday mi Wight. stoeet lights cast wan gleams I b oon s w ith p ork an d through the black pall that shut MEAT DEPARTMENT Mayor Slope Back out the sun. Cars and buses nosed I s a u c a . EGGS PICKLES At the lame time, the mayor cauUoiuly along Mreets and high­ P®*** •aainJ Yap, la of a higlMr whokeale laarket, two M pped back at State q p oglclaU ~ Comdea, K. Feb. !• (/f)-. ways, headligbU stabbing feebly Doz. L g . Size toyoritM rotani at a pioMiag prico: Wter learning that under state WIWoM Tarior. ••, (obovo) into the dust. Airplanes were b By THE As s OCTATED PRESS / U l A M B u t t law,. Wineted like other towns and stands dejectedly In the entrance Try Shurfina C atsu p ot grounded. denounced today the Big Pour agree- bonus Bli cities "Is authorised and directed bis konso boMIng n ptetore of Meanwhile, thunderstorms rat­ S.ii( Nu'a .it iir Chi'i kout Countors w ith th orn ... p ricad to establish a local organiaation bio aon Dick. A, S-day dream tled In North Texas. A® !i? B®»c® Conference at Geneva, Switxer- FRESH tor Civil Defense in accordance tiint bis 00Idler son might still lan^ April 26. As the Big Four ministers headed home after a t 2 b o t t l o s 45c . I t ' s bo oUvo woo ended todny. The dust swirled into the Texas , MVB T bo' enag* PiaalHinC caab tagtottr tapM and g*t aliab* PORK With State CD program.” I g o o d valu e to o . saves you ^2 "I don’t care what the sUte law Btebrnd irartar. Si, n primto Panhandle from Colorado and teldbr fn * 1<B pU m m m n g or stataitM stool IWowsro. Addl* SHOULDERS or any fedwal law has to aay in the Anny, wno reported to Kansas, where businessmen at wUl Inriude Red China, "funda­ tiMOl ooto asay W pimiliiood for f i J t for ooch 9 piooo aotting. tevo boea Idlled la netloa In Gyden City, Kan., ahoveled dirt mentally incompatible with the Ko­ \, ROAST About Clvn Defense. We’re spend­ off their sidewalks like they do TUo tern oiror now in it's tth wook wUl eonttarae tor 1 wooka. ing about IA200 a year for Ovll Korea. A sonlod coffin o M rean Armistice Agreement.” Theta A nothor B oon w hich Dieli'o petwennl pepers nnrhred In heavy snow. was no assertion, however, . that Red Anger . t U N I U P I Defense and If we're not getUng Oamden but aMmner. \ Tbe black duster headed south South Kotos would refuse to at­ ■AVB bjr redeoraing your ooiipona . bring in your aoap, flour, is b odom in g a favor- u n r s any results With our monsy, why Sonrleeo OkndnetM at a 35 miie-an-hour clip and was tend the Geneve talks. ito is S & W Rod m m S O - . •pend it^” Fnaeral oervtceo ' were coa- mpMted to reach tbe Mexican _ Although the top problems of e r i ^ cako, osln^ or any of tho doaona of coupona now around "They csk quote to me aU the and Mvo whan ^ pgrcbaao thaao itoma. K idnoy B afn s...solls dnetad after War Bepartmept border by tonight or Saturday Germany, Austria and European At Marine eORNEDBEEF lERRIES U. laws they want but the Selectmen eonfirmntf an that the casket morning. security weta left unsolved, the for- a t 22c * f o r a 303 x . have the say ao over oiu* expndi- coataincd the roaMdao it. the Gusts up to 68 miles an hour eign ministers did agree that ques-: SAVE by purchasing cigarettes at Pinehurst by the car­ tures,” declared Hlcka. deed setilor. ourked its southward sweep. oL wdlng the ,7-year-old Indo­ can . T his is th o 12 Os. Tin Ooa bo boaed for otuaiag if do- The vote at the secret session as Told Court ton. 12.06 a carton for most popular cigs . , with a However, T a rta r oonceded 'Ybe dust storm also blacked out chinese War would be discussed at boon you uso for •trod. "Brightwodd" anaUty, recorded in the minute~ was as oariy today that bo boo been tbo .""Kqv. Dumas, Perryton, Claren- the Geneva meeting. They also few of the *‘longies” ashing at |2.08 and 12.16. follows; "That so far as the town vicMm of a vleioao boax wbicb .lAibbock. and ..PUUnvlew in l^m ised to “hold an exchange of! • Washington, Feb. 19 (ff)— 'm ak in g .ch ili a.oj|-v is concerned; that all tavii Defense led bim -to believe mat iis irnii Texas, '■ views” on world disarmameftf."""* 1 M e s h DRESSED r o a s t in g ctlvity be terminated as of A former Mtow war prifkjfiSr ' ca rn a , l^ th a r K . ta ils ^ was sttU aUve. SchqpU v^ere closed a t Stratford,. Didles Exmeesea Itogret j of Mari^ CW. Frank •AWB Sy Iwyiaii ptopiif^ tri—noA d wdoo twaUty moata at Ptaw- larch 1, IWM and that alt appoint­ Tbwiatmn ‘I ocetred g tdegram ^cretsry of State John Foster Itoinomber it i* tkS Bumbor of taodar aorringa you gat out ill. C hin tl to o hot_ tments heretofore made and all sal? 07 miles north of Amarillo. SchwaWe testified today he last Bataxday with tbo wordo Amarillo reporter said: ‘ta larga measure, of «f a pound that counts . Whan UM prito la right, Piaohurat for m a.^^ahff T Ilka' pries now being paid cease on that "B ello Popi WUl be bonM oa ^gret St the failure of the con­ MW Commonist interrogator! ARiqitAitot date.” Thursday. Dtek." It was seat Ware in a rainplete blackout Street lights Are on, and c a r s are ference to reach agreement on jump up and down ill fury, aposial chelco Rib Itoaat Baof aaoms tfs bo a favorito . thoso S A W Rad ' The board took the action for from New Yark City. NgBL o t the Cathedral Cboir School of S t Sobs the Divine Hew'^ pressing European problems. He Babo A Cbin7fio two reasons, Hicks said. One was bmiy creeping, it’s like mid­ shouting threats, when they K idnoys ju st h oatod With sniy a father's bepe, the night" J - * : *■"»*• f* McCoUocb, W. holding paddle. teUe Wm Im sIm elh « ^ * A **** Impasse resulted from a This Week We Offer For An Oven Roast. HORMa CHICKENS because of the lack of public inter­ elder Tartar waited np past mid­ dldn * mind podMng at eebML -We prefer pnddUng to demerits," Dennis said. He u d other m dUs idamental difference of 'views be- questioned Schwable.
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    ■/} V-' ■■ A ': / ■ Y' ’ THURSDAY) DECEMBER «, 195« P A G E TWENTY-FOUB JKani*b?0t(r lEtt^nina^ IS^ralb Open for Christmas Shoppers Tonight Until 9 o^Clock Royal Black Preceptory, Star of ' St. John’s Church teenagers Fellows.hall Tuesday evening. Her ■East, No. 13. will meet tomorrow will hold a singing, rehearsal to­ Garden Gliib Sets associate officers also elected are Emblem Members About Town night at 7:45 in Orange Hall. Of- morrow evening at 6:30. and the as follOwg: ^ fieers for 1957 will be. installed. senior choir will rehearse at 7:30. Christinas Sale Mrs. Meric Lkuro, past presi­ Hold Jewel-Parly Average I^ily NeiT^reas Run The Weather Mrs. Thomas Freebum. Ular ^oth groups are, under the direc­ 35 Refrteshments will tie served. dent; Mrs. M ae’ Rowe, vice presi­ Forecaat' of O. 8. W w tlM r BufWUi 8t.' and Mrs. Elmer J. Johnson, 42 tion of Organist Walter Grzyb. ’ For the Week Knae«( The Manchester Gardei Club dent; Mrs. Hazel Fahey, record­ • Manchester Emblem Club, No. Dec. 1, 1656 Holl St.,, received minor Injurle.s ing secretary; Mrs. Julia Raw- Members of Anderson Shea Aux­ will hold Its annual sale of (Christ­ 251. held a siicces-SfuI Jewelry Toggy, ahowera occaalonany yesterday whexi they were thrown' iliary. No.' 2046, VFW. are re­ Trinity College will present a son, financial secretary; Mrs. moderate tonight, mild. Low m full length Spanish film. “ D o n a mas decorations and anangemen'ts l^aily following its meeting last from the car in which they were minded of the annual banquet of Grace Howland, chaplain and wel­ the upper 40a.
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